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'—',' - ' 45•-tt*:l7:l---- r •t",; "174, --+;V"''-'2•7::-::;-• ' ' 4 * -T ---1— ..'- .. , 5 , ...;&=,_-•1:-.:.'"" _ - IMME ,•: - .e.,!";1 : , ;:• - :- , : , . : :.•: : .,.: : ; , :7 , T.1,:•••: . „!. MG= • '''A.;7:A7.-4..''.15'0'.'"*" ~~.~. in .~:?'ii~ ~'rC~__.'. . ~~.~4. 1 , _ oth.),lnef va.oo. , ._fill, i !.:TlLMtfteioofaufajlft„srot that in . ready to be . ._ • _, , ' T Ala .110012.5. L I 1 _ Is one of Is eve and es elisiieest in selection that line es - - I ct beemexhiljted I finyone 0011,4:T11 ill this or silty ode {':: er city in the Bition. 1 Will - not undertnke to describe to I ~.;the reader the di ff erent assortments of articles ~' hick I I - now have to off W er ent; but will simply tell theta that if 1 - 'whey •roali , furor me with n call. I will lay before them • 175 ,-.... ,000 . diffemni . garments to make a choice ont of. coa :. siminigin part Of COLAS. from the richest in quality down ' . to the letw.estin Pride; Pantnloons and Vests, to the as ' • tonishirientbf the. beholder, with both mouth and eyes .. open, wondering in the most extravagant degree of stir ' . Pneeitove such vast COliCetiollof .11.E&VT 1111 DE CLOTHING :-. could possibly be collected together under the control of • . ,one intlivislual But such things will he. es long as per , severtutcq mid industry is the main-spring of trade.— Without any intention of boasting. on my part, I will say . at the same time. it is of such metal I am principally com posed, for nothing in the shape or form of difficulties, no matter what then magnitude may be, can deter me front accompliShing toy object, in providing for the fernier. the ctechanns, and the day laborer. My . whole attention is C, • (*CU up withthe greatest care for their welfare, ii. get ting op tashionable. and al the same time substantial gar meets: to meet their deinands; and as for Others, who fancy iheinselvessinevingin -a different :There, sod rile . • !miring an article 'of the rte phis viten kind, they have only to give mean outline of their wants, and they are mined ton word: ,, .!-.• • : - . ' . _ :-.,.• Now, let me saym word or.two to my country mereli -, ants iw4.l.te.tride: If you wish to save train of least 25 to ..-. 50 petr - Mmp in your wholesale purchases. call in at the "Three Big Doors," and if I don't meet your most sant , Fain, hotres in the way of getting cheap bargains, and iirwilrinsltonsble.goods., 1. will notin future attempt to Dir .- cr auriaduceinents of Labeller kind to a generous peo ple of-en noble n nature and close discernment JOIIN AI'eIiOSKTX. ' I - chilli - 1)i , ' • - No. 11l Liberty street. .*. ' .:`~` ~': Alt , -....: TO ARMS!. TO Anklet..—Threatenctlin casion of Western Penna. by Col Swift. with ilk** then.' totwilltstontlitig which. J. 14. N'Cltite will condone in "'ell -clothing cheaper .than any has beretolorthrett o ff ered in the ‘Cestern country. [rev ile thelargeslesiablishment in the city. fronting on Lib city. vet Sixth ate.. lie iS.llovv prepared to show to his i numeronsgitttrotpclhe greatest variety of cloths. cassi tneres,,festongs, mid elothiugoi all.deseriptions. suitable for timiapprOnelting season, that has ever been of in this nuirket.to , ieltich all can fiave 'the RiCht of Way.— Ol!streellbe-vonter-No. 167. Liberty and .....iitli ets. !Hatt! , -".1.. M. -WHITE, TAILon, Proprietor. , - 6 6 cra.LINT; orr LOW FOR CASll.'—Winter Clo. I - 3 fliint bf every AcseriptiOn. such as cloaks. over coats, superfine blanket. Beaver. Pilot and heavy broad cloths, superfine cloth. dreits. and frock coats; a large as sortment of tweed, sack and froclfeeals. Cloth. cassimere. and satinetl petit:tit:oils; also. a gen teal assornositt of vests: plain and fairey velvet. cloth, cassimere nod Hin ny - woolen. mid- plaid cash' :re , with a great variety asllperfilte Irish linen. trilnulltd shirts. .undershirts. stock, cravat-. mmithrtii mid all other arti cles in the - Clothinr . line. wide:liken! he sold low Mr Cash. t Purcheiers will hod it touch to their adentonet , to call soon,eit (9 Liberty. street. P. DEI.ANY N. B. A complete as-mullein of c00,1t. , , ' , unable for Customer work, always on hand, such as English. French and American cloths. and cassimeres; also a choice as sortment of seasonable vestings--all of which will be made to order in the latest styles, and on the most ac , COMIUMMtim; terms. )ant?-laws IMEIII • I\I 7 EIWI4.IOIIIt, , IVFIW GOODS.—Received at the Iron City.,Clothing Snare. a splendid assortment of Cloths, congaing of' flue French. F.nglialt and American Plain, black" 3~lnl'iaitey= Cassimeres, of the most modern styles; fine figttiell Cashmere Vestings, Silk' Velvet, Plain and Fngcy Satins—all of which we will make up at the most reaitinittllle'prices, in a durable and fashionable style. Ready made Clothing. of all descriptions: I.ady's Cloaks', of the, most fashionable patterns. Neck and Paired lltlkfa;, Suspenders. Bosoms. Shirt Collars, and every's - file - 1c 'ttsually kept in a Clothing Store. Country fiTerchtints, before purchasing elsewhere. will find it to their advintage to call at the Iran City Clothing Store, No.rlftLibetty strait. immediately opposite the mouth of ITiiriiet. • loctle-ttl C. NUCLOSKEY„ Minn - , lolothingl Clothing I S Clothing • Tice "Bi g ' Doors vs. The Western it orkl!!! • 150'000 NVF,J.L GARMENTS now made and ready to be offered on the most lale I , ct 'terms to my old customers and the public in ;... The Proprietor of this far-fumed and extensive establishment has now, after returning from the Eastern cities, at inueh trouble and expense, Just completed his fall and winternrrangcments to supply his thousands of eustOmens"With one of the most desirable stocks of Clo thiagjhatlilis ecer been offered 1., this or any other mar ' kef .Westof the mountains. For neatness in style and arcutrrianship,,,t OM:titled with the very low price which they-Wilthe solil for, Must certainly render the old anti -', valleilThrge Big I.I4MTA one of the _greatest attractions of • theWasfertkr:ouittry. is gratifying to toe to be able to antiottisne 10.111 f niimerintsfrtends ut home and abroad. • dial notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which I • lutiainiule,M meet the . inane calls in my line, it is with ditheidt - }il*Ma keep Iliac srith the constant lush that to made an. this establishment_ It is a well established fact, titattny are cigut or tea filar. , larger th an any other house in the trade. tool this being tie case on the amount:acid. L'oati affroil to tell at ontolt less profit than otitemeOulrl possibly think of doing it they wished to coyer conti n gent expenses. I intend in make a clew, sweep of ati my prewnit stock before the beginning of next year; coming to this conclusion. I will make it the inter est•Of every man. who wants a cheap winter suit, to call • land purchase at the Three Big Doors. osal-thkw JOIIN NITI.OSKEY. IBM =BE I 1141.NV.81, BEAT i—J. 31. White has just received at his large estalilislintem, fronting on Liberty and 6th streets,. a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a attpenor lot of French Satin VESTINGS. all of whiehte.ts ready to make tip in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the cothitt, N 0.107 Liberty and Sizth streets. P.1j14. J. NI. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor. , , ,r JiIWOII3LUSIIINtt • INIPCDENCE..—From a published 1,;) card of WCalmont & Ikid, of Philadelphia, the pantie would be led to believe that we have been claim ingisprivilege we had no right to. That " they have abandoned. some time since, dos' exclusive agency aye teta,"itnd that we have right lOtiffill3 exclusive privil ees with their tens.' I never pretended to sell the teas of this spurious Coned/11. I have been selling the teas of • :the New York Pekin Tea Company for the last two }}ears, as the ptillic are aware, and have been to New 7 York four times in that time. ant 'lover heard of this new eonccrn until lately but us Woof dealers. The tea business of NlT:annum' & Bond is about eight months onnand their as.suniption of the Pekin Tea Com pany's name is because a name is open for any man or firtzttorminue; but the •fact intended to imply thereby, that :,they have ;my connection with the so culled and well.known Pekin Tee Company of New York. is entire -1}• false, they having' been dented even ue azeney iat 1 hilati"lelia, for they New York Company. that Company having refused even thus for to confide in tints. I know not what kind of wool they keep. nor what kind of tens; I am only certain that they keep or obtain none of the Pekin Tea Company's of New York. Any person reeding this card will see the gross decep tion they wish to practice out the public, and to the injury of my business. :Weathered .L.Bonil are wool dealers in Philadelphia, and have sent all agent out here to pull wool over the eyes of some of our good citizens. Look out for the black sheep. tilovlnj ALES. JAYNES. UM=l TEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! The Convict. or the Hypocrite unmasked, by G. P. R. James. Esq.. ack Ashore, by I'. Howard, author of Ratlin the Reefer. the Star of the . Fallen. by Curtis,'author of Black Plumed Riflemen. - The Magic Figure Head. or the Iditly of the Green and Blne, in' Charles Curry. of the U. S. Navy. The Bandit's Bride. or the Maid of Saxony. by Sidney. Stanhope. anther of Striking I.tketie-,tes. - eta'. !moultla I,y ['more. and Mr. :old Mr- Wocaltirldgi• .by :Was Leib , . London quarterly Review- Union Magazine toe December. Life of Joseph T. Inrc—a large supply.' The Illanceuvering Mother. by the author of •• !balmy of a Flirt." The Wißai:less of Woman. by the same author. The Old Commodore, by E. Howard. Jenrette Alison. or the 'Young Strawberry Girl—a tale Of the Sea and Shore; by Ingraham. Knam. or Daylight: a prise tale:; by J. S. Robb. Sir Roseland Ashton, 3 vols ; by Lady C. Long. The Splendor of Versailles, and Court of Louis the XIV. • - • Flowers Personified. Nos. fl and 10. Rural Cemeterisi of America, part 9- Magazines, Newspapers. etc. Ltaidon Punch and Pictorial Times, per last steamers. _%-llfFbliiiii,liinathzui; Philadelphia Courier, and Yankee Doodli Pictorials. For sale by W. S. CALDWELL, deed 3d street, opposite the Post Office. . _ 'lreellArlio3cet of Nett, Boob for 1:44d. q/I h APMAN'S DRAWING novx. No. 2. - - Oliddon's Ancient Egypt, new edition. eNinetEctith Century. a new Quarterly. Chamber's :Miscellany, No. 11 ; fell setts on hand. Lives of the Queens of England, by Agnes Strickland, vol. XI. The Market Queen. or the IVifo's Stratagem. Muscatine, a tale of the Revolution. ,Songs ` for the People, N 0.2, superior to No. I. Jack rid. or lite on board nit Itidiaman. new supply. Eubank's Hydraulics. No. 3—full setts on hand. Flowers Personified. No. 14. do du; l'ictorial England, Nos. 36 & 37, do do; Ilaion.Ma;mzine, for February, do do; .. •Natiariel . 110. do do do; Graham's do. do do do; Godey's Lady's Book for Feb'). do do; Agej No. 193, do do; Woht 1.50 k ltetriarkable Events in the history of Ainerica, by J. trosf,.E.L.ll." ',American Phrenological Journal for January. Sub *tiptiens received.' -Jatte Eye, MI Autobingrophy, Currer Bell.: Last a ihe Fairies- a Chnstmus tale, by James. • , "::Edinburgh Phrenolop,ical Journal and-Magazine. , The Conaircht.of California and New Mexico,by the forties of the - United States,iti years 1546 , stud 1.44, by Jas. ?tradition Cutts, with engravings-plans of battles, &e. fl . -A Tour tethe River Saguenay In Lower Canada, by Charles ',unman, author of " A Summer in the Wilder _ The Eclectic; Magazine for January. Furnished to sub *Critters -by the year. or sold by the single number. ~,Now and Then, by the author of Ten Thousand a Year. ' AViVerly Novels, cheap form, new siipply. The above works are for sale by [rn3l] M. P. MORSE. ERE AA N -IMPORTANT BOOK.—The. Early - History of rit PennsylS•ani a and of the Wast,.and of West ern Expeditions and Campaigns: with an appendix. con `tattling copious extracts front linpOrtantlndian treaties, .xainutex,Jof conferences, journals, &c. Together with a 'topographical description of each county of Western Parmayleania.. one large volume, MS pages, by H. K. ptiong, • Por.sale by 11. S. 130SIVORTII h CO.. No. 43 31drket street. " half chests Young pyson; - *5l. ratty boxes `• 10 half chests Gunpou'der; 2 can . rboxes halt eliestr. Impeiialp ' ; 1 " . - rnueltoug; fbr sale by Stall>, . • JANIgS :t1 AS , niblEutirfllifiS2 9 sacks, in store and for sole. lir' Irtn27 L. S. WATER3TAN , ; 124: 4 L • . . ' a. * • ' a - 4.4„"„*Z4, • ;TV :e :1; - V't ME!EI • -- 7, orG-4 bbk. Cincinnati—stiperiot brand.' for , sale by idec2j & SINCLAIR. itransportation Eines. -- , Pittg.burgh Portable:Moat Line. ' r • - ,,r .-'. itik 3 , 10.5t5.h... - ' 7 ": ." '"' ..' lli k' i• L'' .„,.. 2 Is4 l / 4 S :Z.: : : - 1, 1 0/1 the trulisportution of freight betweelf , Tittsburgli and-the &amide - cities: avoiding tjtusbipineuth en the way. and the consequent risk 01 delay, damage. breakage mid separation of goods. PROPRIETORS: Brituninur: & CA st. 27`,4 Market st., Philadelphia. TA AFFE k 0 - Cmvson. tor. Penn and Wayne sts.. Pitts burgh AGENTs: 0:4:74,:cx0n az Co.. North street. , Baltimore. & .1. T."rAPSCL/TT. 75 South street. New York. Encouraged by inercused buSiness, the Proprietors have added to and extended their nrrangentents during the :Whiter, and are now prcpnred to tin - ward freight with re gularity nod dispatch. unsurpossed by city other, Line. Their long experience as Carriers: the pulpuble superior ity- of the Portable Boat system. anti the groat (-privity and convenience of the wilt-ebony , * nt each end of the .Line. are peculiarly calcultited to enable the -Proprietors to Mill their engagentenbi God accommodate their cus tomers. and confidently odering the past as ft . :guarantee for the future, they respectfially solicit a continuance of that patromme which they now gratefifily neknowledge. All co nsignments to ninth! and O'Connor will be re ceived and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid, and Bills of Lading transmitted free of nnyyliarge for Commission. a d vanc i ng or storage.. Baring no ;Merest directly or in directly. in Steamboals, the Interest of the Consignors must necessurily be their primary object in shipping west; and they pledge themselves to forward all Goods counign ed to them promptly, and on the most advantageous teens • to the oWIieTS. mart-ti_ Merchant. , rt Way Freight (FORAISALE CALLED llETAVorcril &.'co:a LINT.) • XCLUSIVELY for the iransPortation of way freigh between Pittsburgh. Blairsville, !Johnstown, daysliurgh. Water street. and all intermediate pineys. One boat will leave the warehouse of I. ACAntdi) & Co.. Canal Basin. Liberty street. Pittsburgh. every Jai. (Sundays excepted.) and shippers can &wt.') s helten ,l on having their goods iI.n•NN anted without delay. and at lair rates. This Line wns formed for the special accommodation of the tray btrsine,. The proprietors. thankful tor the t ern liberal patronage they have received during the lust two Years. realm...tiily inform their old cualontrra and the public generally. that they have extended their &e., during the past winter. mot are nu, better prepared to acerninuodttic au inerea,ecl PitOrnt It. IT. CANAN & Co. %W.:II.I4TITT. 11.6.STITT. JAMES A. LOBE. . 110111 N & :Mc DOWELL. AstEXTS— C. A.M'Asti.rx & Co., Pittsburgh; 11.11.CAN.vs• Johnalown: .101LN MILLA:II. 1 toUlday.4ltrfr.: 11osettet.1.& Myr [A.:Ett,Water et. Iltiniingdon eo.. REcEin - A - cr_a—Sntith & Sinclair: .1. Sr .1. MIN, itt; 11. Shoettberger. li. linhisun & I 'o.: 11.. Moore; Brmalt , Smith: John Par!.er. !whiner; J. Jordan & Soil. star) (Gazelle copy.) . Merchants' Trausporintion Line, 411. 1 • L - 41 1 . 1i t.,;‘,ToeLellicoalotloifirl lu Philadelphia and and l'rutlnee mfr care will he 101,Vilriled without delay. at OM lon est rates. Bills of Lading transmitted. and all lumina-lions promptly attended tn. tree front any extra charge for stor age or commission. C. A. - NI'ANI - 7,Ty & Proprietors. (anal 1311.,i11. Liberty 0..1'1114111Th. (6:1.,(•14,111111,...01 1 y.) GE El :NE & CO.'S E - NaQa. Increased Spred and Reduced Kates! wisTl:ll Artils!o.r..llf..NTS. rTllF.Bablie arc informed that the Philadelphia and I Baltimore Railroad Company have eotniumteed run ning their Cars at S r. at., from Philadelphia to Bann core. by which arranitement we are enabled Cu thrwil ft our Express goods from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh in the no- parallelled short time of ore daps. Goo sLeaving Phila delphia at 4. r. :a., will arrive at Pittsburgh in the evening Brownsville Roar of the Jeemid day. Ve have also re duced the rates On ...Mail package , Si per real on. 11, Cornier chorgo. Express starts every day. S•imbim erwidest. (IREI.I_N It. G. VICKERY. Agent. deelfl vt. Charles lintel. Comte El's Magical Pairs Extractors IT is now conceded by medical men that Cminell's Magical Pain Extractor. manufacturul by Cononock & Co.. 21 Courtland st.. New York. i. the ertnatest won {{r` qt tl,e. l tab century. Its effects are vita animetalotts. All pains are rcatureed from horn'. scalds. fie.. anti all external sores. in a few militates Stier its application: healing the same on the taunt delicate skin, leaving no scar. It is equally beneficial in all kinds tal jullsolitnatie ry diseases. ,such as sore Nipples and Eyes. Sprains. Rheumatism. White Swelling - and Ulcers. Bruises. Burns. Chillblains, Erysipelas. Biles. Tic lloloreaux. Le. We might add an proof to all we say. the names of Many en:- lineal physicians who use it in theirpractise. and hun dreds of clergy who praise it to their people. Kiwi parent ke7p it tonstantly On hand. In ease of accidents by fire life may be lost without. bid by its use all bairns an• subject to its control. unless the vitals are ,Issiro),•,l Con • lien—rente - mber and ask 1 . 01. Pain Ex tractor. manufactured by Cont.auck 4 Co.. W. V.. and take no oilier. SoatN, Ac.—The Cirnaint Nov' Linament. it an article more justly celebrated as a cure far the above than any or all Others. it, cures are atllaist Man slime; and it is only necessary to let those who katow the article and use it With such great success. dint II I- to be bad true and genuine ot Conamick & Co., 21 Court:anal sa.. Nr. Y.. sole proprietor. Sold only genuine in Pittsburgh. P11..1.1 . IV u. J SON. S 9 Liberty st... head of Wins' at.. also m Washinalon. Pa.. by A. Clark : in Brownsville by 14aucNt & Crocker also by our agent in every ill, ni u Peniasylvaaia. (Mao. Mil. and Virginia. tiovlu-d& who IT IS Nol.v ADNirrnED. liy P0nt10010,1.4, I! at no orbtinal 101140 . 1,11100i1. eOlOl,/e S 001. t . 01041 Inuon.of 10.03 of body. confer+ complete immunity front beredimry cane: that Sepftela, Consumption. and Other nifectiolo, having a similarity of origin. occur in all. although obser vation eotlVilleeS 115 that individuals soul 100011,:s1101Se/S -ring Cerolol characirri.u.,, arc „tore fo.micidly the nob jeel of these 110.10111., 110111 other. Il‘.•..•.ti..escs ate a morbid c o ndition of the whole s) stein 01 1110n1101,--thelt products being bin the elects oi an alteration or 'he blood arid . enlarged gland.. inflattomilMn, 'se., being Inertly attendant phenomena The cause cxi-1.4 prior to the p10m..00.11.1. rind taunt be destroyed before perfect health ran be esmblished This may be done lip using Dr KR4LI:I:S P INA(' E.I. the roost certain remedy 101 . -111Sensr, t1e00... 0010 au 011101 n. State of the blood awl nutrition ever preerate.l to the afflicted. Price :7!1. pint bottles. aml get a pamphlet. For sale by J 0 1 7.1. mom.r.a. Doorttki. tan 27-1111 N. W. corner of ‘{'man mid Firth 5..0. "It In the bent Cough Medlekne I ever Maw. READ the following proof cif ail: sll,,wricirity of Or. IFil lard's Oriental rang!: .11i.etnrr, from a puiTertable vii izett. who 4ai triad it: Mtia‘sas.ll ATs Si. BROCK R•A v:— ;ter laborite.; for ge v rra I weeks under the disadvantage. , of a liaraiiiiing cough and most thiareeiiing void, hail. - thui far. rr•t;ird rI feels of several oldie I was induced to par chase a bottle of your Oriental rote 411 Mixture. and gins it a fair trial. To my great ,topriiie. r only oar halt' of the bottle I omit If enure•} ell. - Pis Oa best mrdicior / sate.- True rop y. .101 IN Sold by 'HAN'S .' tl h Druggists, Conuner eim Liberty street. near Cunal. A A. MASON & CO.. I).y (:node Howe. Alarket .; . Street. between Third rtn'ti Fourth stoop. have just received a large supply of rich Fall rimels. comprising in part 17 cases various styles Prints awl Childs' of En glish. French and American mannfactitre: pee rich nod desirable patterns French (linglinins. wurrantaillit terior to nom, imported is %wk. quality and durability of color,. 4 eases splendid Pliddfloods car ladies dresses, comprising every style for Fun and AVinter wear; Ca. 411- ineres. M. de 4.:illiee. Satin mtpM Alitnr.ng V3Tiong , colors: 3-4 and 4-4. black Mal Mite block Silks. ho Man tillas; Fancy dress Silks: black and Mode colors: M. de I.nins. all ‘vcr?l: fifilmoils of every style and quality: Ca simeres. easAuvlts. Biond Clntlim and Veslings : [dem-h -eti and unbleached Muslim. from O} to Isle. per yard: Green, Yellow. 14,1 nod White Flannels; Tickiturs. Che.cks; stripM bleached and brown Drillings. etc. etc. All of Whirli are offered at wholesale and re lail.at the very lowest melt gepa A. A. MASON & CO. DAG121.3U11•:(11'1 . 19.: It( ).MIS. Fourth Srreel.—l for , ;11 & A NTltn , T. Ihignerreo typists from Ow Easterl cite s. a mdd V:111 Ilie Intention of the inhabitants of Pitt:hurt:h. and the orighboriiig towsis. to their Dagticrreotviie of citizens anti others. al rooms in the thirdntery- of-Iforke's building. 4th st. Persons .wishing pictures titlcAnt may rest that 110 pains shall sippreil pirt uric them in the highest perfection oft', art OurinstNfurnt. are Of the 1110 Si I.IIW- Crilli kind. etutliliteA us liceNt.1•1111! 11,1.111111A4C41 for high finish nod truilliolnes, to nature. The public :3, solicited to call and examine. .. . .. . Persons sitting Mr victlires an• n-ithet remiirred 0 r e x . ',cried to take them unless pc rust •:ni•titrtiun is given. N. 13. Operator, will [hid this a gm:4 depot (or s tork and chemicals. • frlns•ructions given in tic: art. containing the more recent Improvement,. . not; I°RDriESCNTS The i"."' I • liriinanssl • The Gin M Friendshipi Friendship's Offering; •••,,,. The Rose; The Snow Fluke: The Christine Keepsake: • The Hyacinth: Seenen in the lives of the Pairiuro, Illumiduted Genus of Sacred Poetry; Lays of Love and Faith. Ac.. by U. W. Amelia's Poems: Tappers' Proverbial Philosophy: Tr/Other with u large varioy of Misecilanumni. Moroi and Religious works for sale by LUKE LOOMIS. do. riIIO:FENISLES.--Every female should have a Laps of Dr. Ralph's Pills. They are perfectly adapted to 4., peculiarities of litchi constitution. acting :with gentle Hutt& ness and safety in ail dram...target,. Wherever introduc ed, their character has been rapidly ,eatnhlished among the ladies, with whom they are emphat i cally The c ocite. Very complete directions for use- in the various com plaints will be found in the dirt ..edam accompanying each box. For sale by Alga. by Wm. Cole. Allegheny Citv; J. G. Smith. Bir mingham: and John :WC:racket'. Filth Ward, Pitteburgh. 45 ' • Hollow-Ware Castings. . • IERCIIANTS. visiting our city for the purpose of 1 :OIL obtaining their ri Spng. supplies of Hollow ware and o th er Catnings. w ill find a very heavy stock. and an extensive variety of patterns and sizes in store by ns." Samples can be seen at our warehouse. Commercial Rovr , , Liberty street. next W. W. Walbaces . Marble works. irr Terms and prices favorable. feb 2—dlm QUIN, McBRIDE & Co. ~; ~~ . ~;~x MEE ,- - , =!== Taproott,a 6CILCZCI.-XmigratioliPince4t,.. R KMITTANCES rindTrifisage to and from Great Britain'and Ireland, by VT.: &South st. comer - of Maiden lame, N.Y., and,POlYaterS 100 Rood. Liverpool. The subscribers, having. accorded 'tile rtgincy of the above House. are flow prepare : ft to make - nrruageinents on the must liberal terms with liaise desiriiiti-ofpaying the passage of their friends frpin'thi Old'ertuntry: mid they nutter -themselves their clitt*lor bhdri on ., coupling in business Neill give ample asstkiar,pe that ail their ar rangements will be carried out faithfully. - --re. A r . & J. T. TUTIArOIt are 1011 g. and no:or:114 known airily, superior tines, pee:mune& non. mid qualities of their Packet Ships..7lie qu r EE:%; oF . TIIE NVI;;ST. SIIERIDAN. 6A 11.12111/i, 1110TIT.WIT. 12 . BOSCH'S. LIVERPOOL, Mill SiDIOSS. ton of ,itielt leave each port uunithly—front grsi YPck die • "" ririh. and from Liverpool the lit), 11,441. I lilt: in addition to which they have arrangements with the- *t.fleorge and radon Lines of Liverpool Packets. 1,.1 in Ise a departure fermi Liverpiwil every five days. being thus aletertaitu . d that their facilities shall keep pace 4.1113 inrr.'nriutz patronage: while Mr. W. 9 arfron's eonstant personal SUperilitelitlatiee of the business in Nverpool is nu fiddi Ilonal security that the eurnfort and arcPtllltua-lutim l the passettgers alll be particularly fittplisteit The subsrribers heilig. an nnunl. e,y44l.:ieelV engaged in the Triliwi ortation Businees beirce.irta PithaturFli and 'the Atlantie Cities. are thereby enabled tp take charge or I and forward roniellipt, innur di nta l t/JO their handing, Nrithoill a chance 01 disappoint/VW De delay; and are. therrfiarr, prepared to contract for pkssaFr trona nny 'era port in Great Britain or Ireland ig flits city. the nature of the business- they are engaged In giving them fa e llities for coming passengers -o tor inhibit not 011ierwiSei51 taittahlef and will. ii nreessary. forward passencers !fir th°, West by; the lt:,er ialoolt•pt conveyance. ‘vithotat tatty additional rhargeet for their trouble. Where per-offs sent for tb char. routing out. the ;danoulat paid for will be ruitititivd in till. . tiololeril/eri an, also prepared to . give ite.lllS rat eight fix Oily ninoioat, lila , . 1 the principal cities and towns tu Efiglaint. tfeethinfl and Wales: thus af fording a sufe and I'3 peditiollll 111.0 , of remitting fund. ettitittries. which persOltii requiring such tie:: will rind it lo their •reil to as nil ilientiietVe+ A pplieation fif I.y letter. post-1 ni I) will be protopll at tended to. 'PA & VCON NM?. Coro lulling and Commission Ilrrrhnni•. ma p9.7-fIS. o -1 .t iff o, Roche, Ilrothers, & Co. t o NEW YORK: EDEN C/rA‘. Lkmus ; 5C0T.1.0.1.) Motu.LIVEIIrOOL. JAMES 411. AK EI.Y. Agmo, OITICC 011 Pcun nt.. Coma Basin. rim:burh. Arran 7,000/0 I . ) BROS. A 1 : 0., Agents for . the lk 11.%1J. of la. erpool and New urt mke the lil,erty of 1111 l isteisw In ilimr old friend!. nod rt 1.1011 1 ,1, that their arrangemenh for ear being ". , mpleb , . Thee :if, urrimrell to n.it Line. from Liveti.ol to 4‘ . 1 . 441 k 141 • riory reser to tliesr former riptll- , mere r.• ,111/ 11::t the Lati,faelion will be remler,l ::,,rt mnorc. =gl= .. .. . . . Draft:, :or -al, I.ayahle. alt domool. ut tin) lhoilk to 1 r , hoot. • The looterAtmell hat ,rode cur:meet:lent:: to I.rilig out 1 ,,..,,,,,, to l'ill,l•orgli.,lnriasg 11, pre.ro: s rat. ii.1,.:-._.”.. , :t NO. JANIE.% IIf,AKII.V. Passage To and From g a . (;itrxr surrAlN St IR ELA NIL ( i 11,1 Rayq• & IC. No lit NV:itr•rloo Road, Li vervool t • & Rtrt• Oct.. No 5. Soot) , N V. '1'111: Solt,rtio-r.. In vitte ih,rpiril ihr A :cur/ :it lb. I . nt the ita .•ii k owv ti tr 1 4 • ,• t41.1.. or, prt.t.nr.-.1 totont,....ltt2rtgettv•stis for int.rt , ttfrr" , l o .'ottlt' tilt Irmo:lnv VII! Of Herat itrinun or Irt•lt , ttl• by the re ',mist 1.i,, 44 Ship, ichilinc from 11.ivt'rvool engs,igitig with u. mate tliPI Olen hji, t oi kind Iretttno•ot and prompt a— pairll at I 311 , 116011 04,1••6•41 .. l 0 - i their are cal j.t Otis r ntntrp. Apply to or adders‘ SANTVEI. 11"e1.1'10i. %N 14'2 I,iht-rty rt.. Pitlithor.h. N. 11.—P.a.,.ay.. ettt:rtvol her , innnltirr.rpooi to I'itte- Imrh di,rt. tool draft x tOr any rottootO rl/ ablr ;It tin 1 . 111 , 11 K . 1111Z•111111. i) . 204 y a ti .I.RNDEN 4t. CO.'S k r. Urn ‘f 7r: • I A "INDIA p, re) 1-01)thim• to brie; tint Pen...* from part yr 1:11glantl. Irdand, Scotland or Wale, 'I NN the tttn-ttTilteral term, n - ith their nontat Ntnettittlit3. and attentiott to the want, of enti^rattitt. Vrt 410 not ab: low mgr tube rnblont by the mwitittlittl enmity% that mtinn the ttea-Ntrts. at ne take eitarge °flints. tlitt mono,' tl o tv p9p,,,t110,00.100!. 31.1 Kee to their trt•ll-be ion! and ti-.patch them wlthend any tletettitnn be the fil.t \Ve 'I.. irnrk.s.ly wt. defy any to 'Ott' pattnontr, to .01010 that they were (1.2.1111;4 ion) -radii 10.11 Y •. 11.111 I averpool. svini•t thottvaivik 1 3.1111..1 months until titer etsuld lie Oen! 1011, old rrop. at a eltenp rale. which. too frognettit) proud :heti Pirrsm - nrol. Ike. 15.141: S. 1,. CUTHBERT. Smithfield 14 treet. near Third. a~ t ~ F f - :~ emigration Ants. %Ye intro.' to 111,11 . 01111 nnr I,3IItTIICIA whoa at ow at. :11111 wN DC' kV* WU. the 4,81.4 t int-1 0r..011 Stith ettlato p , •rGmn,-d not nt tall. or wilco it tio-tr rfkllVekliVlSCr. Itratti,. dra st•t; l'itt,fittr7ll 11,r any ptim front II 10 Cl MM. pt.) aide nt a.t V of the Pm,' itteittl Mink% in kr • lanai Dtginint, Sentinna and Wale:, j(ISIii:A KOITINSON. rlirnprtillMl Genersol Filth ,Itreet. one door beton - %Vood el hEMITTANCE. , rinr.tittliwrittnr, aro pmtnrett to loranrl ttttt 'try to nll I part. of Ettllnn.t. Srotlaatti and Wain,. with dr,i.aTra. aa.l at ❑t' loo••-t ratt, SA %WEI. 1 . 4,71.1 . 11 KEN ic CO 1421.ilierivOre'rf. FORX IG N European Agency, and Remittance.. to Ireland, England, tc. IA lit it , . mat .mall pant. at ruts at all TOUCH hr j mauled by night-dr:Os, or rrrlun.l rates, to all partn of England. Ireland. %Vales. are.. null Leg/odes. IN•lds. Knits. Chinn. nod Property In Europe rat, lm rollerted nod revosered 1hrr.1.301 lilt wlll4,iher. or during Ills oh s••arr Inito ert from tetoher :11ny. hi• 1,11111. It Ics Etirolur. Is) applicti aon J viers Av. Wn 'erect. I.lll.lough. 11. AN. Attorney null etnotodlor nt I.a . nisi i:Oropearl Pittsburgh. Pn. P S --1.1 II li.o.nutt has horn frequently trouble.ll La 111111i11 . 111 1111 l ..11.1111 Inners 011 110 . 101.0111,4 01 • • 11cAlkinn hor.on. - pos....onznr :noon, 111 York. he 1101 . 111% if nor 111:11 he l• 001 Kerlllllll ./1 that liron. uf l .l ha, p l over hurl all} 1 . 011111.5.1011 I.WI richer of Those persons. ort I Weed ern Near York College of Health 1.. , “; :11 STROM. 111,,A1.0. N. V. Dn. is. t• vilmr.‘i:LE Tic MISTAKE. 'IN DS esslchrated remedy IA constantly Myren:Mg it: 1 fame Iry the snaking all over Ow world, It lays now t . 1 .11811, Me only medicine for tinnily usr. and is monism tarty recommended Mr Dropsy: tall satyrs ui this r immediately relieved. nu master or how long stand (See plimpliiet for testissiont) Gravel. and all of the nrioary (Of these rhArrsslng coo:plaints it stands alone .; no Other at- I 1 4 .1.• ruy ;041 . ,:• : the cures testified to will eon s ins e the opst skeptwirt ;---tset pamphlet Liver eon, plaiut. 14. r e4...e5. ver aunt .\^,u•-.To the Great Wentally, And wherever these complaints prevail. chi- medieine I. offered. No mineral agent. no deleterious compound i. a part et this mixture.: Retires these, diseas es o 4,rtnitity and celerity, and does not leave the sys- Irm tnrl.id Pike Panild ,lo .l Piles, n complaint nt a most painful character, is oinge.liiirelF sclieved, nod a citrus fol. lows by a few tlaye, rt:r. ui this article. It Is tar beyond any other preparation for thin disease, or for any other, fli4ert.ir origiutatin^: from tumor., blood. (Sec litunplilet.) Debility of the System. 'l'erak Bark. Weakness of the Kidneys, &e.. or Indantution of the same. is initnediately relieved by it few use of thin medicine. and a cure is adayoy sllls Ft!,ii/t use 4.ritautis as a. certain crtlic ily for r , IIOIACUWPILdia, anti s sibus for deriimements of the female frame. Irregularities, i. 4 uppressions. pniniul then strtlatiols.. No it flit . Ir been ollerell. except tilt, whielu at °aid tonell Ibis him' of derangements. It may be relied upon as u sure and effective remedy; and, did we feel ',erudite.' to do so. cultist give a 111011.11111 names as prinof of cures in this ilisiresslng clans of complaints.— See pamphlet. All broken down. debilitated constitu tions, from die riled of mercury. will find the bkaring rower of this Auw.liwie to net immediately. and the 047.50ns oils mineral eradicated from the systeni. P.rtiptirc Diseases will find the alterative properties of thisarticle' mTattY Tit 6 MOM% and drive such diseases from the system. See rattitpli!el for lestiumny of cures in all cli.roses, which the limits of no advertisement will not Permit in lie ikaniell here: Agents give them away-; they coltioitt 32paCt.F. of certifietnes of high churaeter; and u 'trouper array of proof of the vi,rtun s of a ittedicine.tarty CT' pi,a red. II is rote of the peculiar features of th is ur' that it neve, tads to benefit in Oily case, and if Nino' and muscle ore len to Intikd upon, let tbu erunciatell mute 116 , 2 rim.; its, alit? tio,nox. well keep utiang lime Atedivitte as long its there is tilt improvement. The.prupeetror would rnutiun the !Millie imams? a immune of articles which rune , . out ender the heads 01 SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUP'S, Se.. as Car, for 1.4111. V. Gravel. &C. They ore good fur noth ing. and Cuartalcti to gull the tomtit:l: lot cti VIEW sof'. Their iiiveolurs never thought of coring such diseases till Ibis article had Ilona , it. A :parlieultte szudy of the pamph lets is rutrelestly solicited. Sprits, and all who sell the ar ticle. are glad to cireulute gratuitously. Put itp in Mt 04. bottles. at S 2: 12 tee. dre at r.+l et rte—plc larp2lllolllilig ti Os. loop Mir t , small taltiir . i. Look out •und too itemise. npun. Every bottle tuns - V1111,0111'.4 Vegeta ile Lid triptic • Mixture." blowit upon the glass. the written sinitature ui G. C. Vaughn" on the directives. tool •G. C. 'Vaughn, Dulfulo. - stamped on the cork. None Other are gellitiOC. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vatialiii. and sold at the Princi pal Office. 21C Maio sirrMT,ilnlialu. wholesale and retail. No monition gives to letters tailless post-paid--order Jinni regolurly authorized Aims cre,Pcd• Post-paid let ters. ur verbal cunutituticutions soliciting advice, pivitupt iy attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this ankle -1:12 Nassau ste N. V.; Essex St, Salem. Maas.: aiol 'lie principal Druggisiii throughout tha'United Slates and Lsittaila, as Agents. •-• RAYS & BROCKWAY .Agente, No: 2. bitterly sm.itcar Canal, Dalin., VrE,N rn nt.INDS.—.A. Westrrreit, and:oid and well V knowu Vezina,. Illindinaketi formerly of Seeniul and Fourth &ekes slag InealtXl to inform his . many friends of the fhott that Ids Factory is 110 W in fall opera tion on St. Clair rd., neer the old Allegheny Bridge, win" constant supply of Blinds of various c01,40 .. 0nd tlttrtli tmies, is constantly kept oti hand amid at all ppeec, tfotn twenty-cents tip to suit cusunuers. N. ft. If retpiired, Blinds will he pm up so. that in case of literally fire, or otherwise: they mar be • , rettioved withoutthe aid of a screw -driver, and with the same lacililiyibal : any other pieceof funnuire can belemevtd, and without,any ex‘ra expense. jettl-tikwy C ACTION TO TRH mthsonber. itty written - contract with_the TlE TEA Co., has the ex clusive right tosell their Teas in Pittsburgh and Alleght, ny cities. Any person tutempting to sell their Teas ex ceprproettrell through utei s ityptucticing a deception and a (mud upon the public-ind their statements arc not to relied on. [se23] • A. JAYNE% 79 4th et. OE= =ME 6nipauks L' COMING CO. MUTUAL INSCRANCE COMPANY. OIL IT ) -CELEIIRATED 11.:01e. N C NGEMAN MEDICINES TILE SUbseribei. hating beenipppointed tad duly scan- Are without a Direst for the Cure of the fulkoeing Diseases! tuissioned Agent of the Lycoituus County Mutual in- 1-F taken according to the directions they will cure any surplice Company, is now prepared to receive applica- 1 case. no matter whoior what else has failed. ... tionsior insurance tilt snid Company. This Company is. VEGETABLE RdIFXMATIC• P 11,113, perhaps. oneof the very. hest InsuXallee COMFUnitgitt the For the perniament cure of Rheumatism. Gout. Gan, 1 :Mite or Union, having a capital:of batmen one and two. greue. Hysteria. and 'severe net - time, affections. and are millions of dollars in premium hotes. and by the resole- highly recommen . ded for the Cure Of Dropsy, Iletnoral lions of the Company no risk exceeding Sildslo.will by la-. Asthma - Will Neuralgia. Patienhi using them, in mum ken 011 any one bloc): of headings. noun any one risk. sod cases. experience benefit soon alder the 'first dos, They no more 11,011' 8 . 2.500 Will be token on a Rolling Mill,. quiet the nervous system. which enables them to rest well Foundry or Furimee. Buildings in. which 5 MO% e-pipe during the night. They never (nil to effect a cure, when I' through the side svull Or roof. CUltoll Fileillrit , Or vaktill'iteettrding to directions. l'oosler 31ills. Matimileturies of Printing, Ink. and Die- No outward applicution can . peritinnently trainee rhett tillerii, will not lie insured on any consideration. what- nook pains from the system. Liniments semetimes act us ever and when the rate per cent. shall he .12 or 15 intilm is palliative fora short period. but there is always danger sire, 110 risk wilt be token. over SLOOP. (except Bridges, in their use. They,may cause ii,,, point to-leave onto hints„ rand Grist Mills.) ',f aor perhapsvitawhere l part. or else the pain mill be 'rhe operations of the Company have been such, that I inure eclat, n W I for th e last six years only one CO upon the dollar has been assed upon the premium notes of the stock holders. Application can be made to the subscriber. at his - office. in the nes,. Court Donee . • q. SPROUL. Agent. Pitt,thurglo. Allegheny Co., Pa jun23-1m Fire and lllarine inanrance. . I I oemnitice Crimmins - of North Ameriert, .Phila delphia. through its didy nuthorized Agent. the sub scriber. olli , rs to make permanent sod limited insurance on property. in this city and its vicinity, surd 9it shipments. by the can: dram), rivers. initneToßs: Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks. Alex. Henry. Charles Taylor. Saittitel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, l'Alsvtord tiwith. Ambrose White. John A. Brown. • Jneol. John White. Nett. 'MAMMA P. Cope. Ilishunt \AM. ‘Veldt. Item) D. tilterrurd. Fcev. This is tine oldest Insnrinice Company itt the Uttitcil States. having been chartered in 17114. Its charter is per petital. amt.:from its high shuttling. long emlerieitee. um pin means. and avoiding all risks of inn extra I:twat - dons eltnriteter. it rim be considered LA oltellillg :Mark . seettri ty to Illy public.' MUSES A lIAVOOD. At comiting Hoorn of Atwood. Jones& Wuter and motif Ms.. Pittsburgh The Frniiklita Fire Insurance Voiupriay Oir tont. A Ia:LOMA. f lIIARTIM PERPITITAI..—VOO3XX) paid in office ~,. _ , teal Chestnut at., north side. near Fifth. Take luso mance, either permanent or limited, against lorg, Or dam age Is) tire. on , properly' andel - feels of every description, in town or Country, on the Moil reasonable terms. Ap plication, made either personally or by letters, will be promptly attensted.44., C.N. BANCKER, Trcst. C. (:. BA NCEEn, Secretary. . DIRFACI . ORS. : • • el:rifles.. N. !Wacker. Jacob R. Sissith. . _ Thonms Ilan. George W. Richards, Theorps J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, T.,1 , .. Wogner, Adolplsi F. Voris!, Samuel Grsost. ltavid S.Brown.. P ITT s ti 1 - It t; It AG F: NC V • \V A nuirh M A nITN. Agent, at the Tarlsange fasces of Warrick Martin & Co.. corner of :k1 and Merkel sts. I't r• risks liken on buildings null their contents in rin,l , nrizb. Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine of inland navigation risks taken. a stg4-1 y ECM= KING & FINNE.T, {{.rots at rias4bar, , ,h, far M. Dantean' !Mun , / .t:efitt/ In err,anre Campan y tf Philadelphia. EMU: RISKS upon !Skidding' , and Merchanitiee of eve r ry .legeription. and 'Marine Rieks upOn Imlla or car -101.4 veoecln, taken upon the must favorable terms : Wire at the wurehom.c al King S lie! neN on Wider near Mn rliet street. Pittsburgh. IN IS. King & Finney - incite the confitlence oust patron age ot their ilietnt. and community at large to die Dela o n ;%I. S. Ineuratice Cmistntne, its an Institution among the lonia ftmitieliing . in Philadelphia—an having a lance raja w ,apical. which. It the operation of its. charter, 14 consialitt incrcaeing—tie ichhitF In each Vennn hunt ic.l. Li. dun .here of the profile o f the Company. without involving him i , I nuy tclortirittility whatever. lie}onil the premium LOCUM:IIi) paid to by him; and therefore as iwr .t`R•ilig the Mutual principle ilireeted of every' . olinpitous tentitre. and lm 111.1110 AI nmrht ilve form. WO I atl. oF,NVV 01"11II; FRANKLIN FIRE INSI'RANCE , COMPANY OF PITILADELPIA.—N. mn nrnj Third and W.,/ street, l'itrupurxh.—Tlke magvto. of the coutrnnv on the firnt of lummry. ISIS, in cuolurtnit3 4113 uct of the l'eutti)lvauia wr re ItotarlA nrnl Nl..rttruge• Real F,talc. m coet • Nlak Ina a iota! of tforiling certain 11,1 , 11TLII‘CC Thal all losses ut ill be promptly met. and airing entire security in all ?phis oh- Itiin pnlieirs from Rai Company. Midis taken at as low rams as am emrsistent with socurit, "et. WA 'Mirk MARTIN. Agent. Inpinrance Itgafaisi Fire. 'put: .lentrieun Fire 1"51lrel ner renkpany--Office. 7.l%Valtitat turret. luettrporated A. 1). I-11—Charter perpertual. I tutoreo Ilttiltling.t...Ettrulture.M•relututli4,..mulPrulu'r t7. cnternlly. timber tit the eit,t or romory. ugailist Ip-s or .I.3int:e by fire, perpetual or for lit - ultra periwig : cm layurt nLL I,IIIIA. I)lltr.cTotts Sergenltt. Samuel C. Morton, \t'ilhnm t.ynrh. Aliolpbtta Perks, 'rt...nenis Allibnne, Ck^orp• Abbot , ' John Weir Jr.. l'ntrick Job" T. I,wic S.sNll'El. C. 11411ITON, raaNCIS D. rm. Seerriury. ()Orr., for bilgurnlare by lb,. above . Company}Will be rer,iv,l and bunrattor, ritrcted by thy! underAigliecl, 3,1,1 for ( . 0(1111.% . 01'11.1111. 21; \N - ax. street. WE.-4T1112N tiFW YORK COLLEGE OF ILEA.LTU T .2‘17, \2Aiv t 4 iN.EZT. 01.1 , 1"ALO. N V%' \MT ii. I'. A'AVOIIN'S re;,-rtabie Lithnntriptir Aden , . 1 1 tweeze., nu 1'47. • I Cam... I Saw', I Conquered: ht must emphatically the case with this article. 'Disease 101, ere, :114111eil to its 1 / 1 0141001 ,1 :1101111ineclieinal power. %Wherever it •hos colt, and South America. England. 'numb,. and the Untied Stairs hair provided the trittil of this •isictocat. the alms e limitation in it strong and pithy 4entenec. tells the whole story. the principle tipmi which you ate cured. may not be known to you. hot the resell of a trinl is satisfactory: yonarc restored; and the secret of the cure remains with the proprietor.— The Medicine is a pound of 22 distingt vegetable •eacies ; erigh individual root has }is own peculiar. ex , lost, e. madicinal property, rositheting with no oilier cool' d—rich root mattes its own cure—and as a per fect combination, when lake° into the system. it does the work which NA rt my- when her law, were first establish ed. intended tt should do—ITRIFIES.MTRENtanf::!iS, AND 4 Ca:TOMES she broken dpern, debilitated iq.yin,i;l4., non. limiest. in all its diameters, will be completely eradiested from the ~ystent I,) its use. See pamphlets in 0;11 . 004 . buns.. Her frec circulation—they treat upon all disea.rs. and show O,IIIIIOIIV of cure, GillrEL, anti all mcomplaints of the rwienry CrlZelll. , . Coral also the Canoe of eat %tittering. and Wit 0111.1 . 01.11,10XTRIeTle has aciptired no small celebrity over the country. hey the cores it lots turtle in flit.. distressing class of afflictions. So famed, it seem, is this medicine. MO it line thus unmet. , the no tier oh one of our Medicgl publications. In the Novena he No. Dbiti. of the JOltrnal and Monthly Re view of Medical and Surgical Science." in an article up on 4721(.111 , ms diseases, and solvents," the writer, after noticing the fact that the English goYeritment once put chaseda secret remedy, and also noticing the purchase in 1 0 .4r2. of a secret remedy. by the Legislature of New York, dins pays tribute to the fame of the Medicine :- - Why do not our Reptecentatices in Senate and Ammetn bly convened, enlighten and • dissolve' the mattering thousand's of this country. by the purchase of Vaughn's Vegetable Litliontriptic, than which no solvent since the days of Alchemy has possessed one half the (tune. - - Reader. here is a periodical ot high standing, acknow ledged throughout a large iteclion of this country to be one of the best conducted journals of the kind in the C. States, exchanging with the scientific; works of Europe to our c knowledge. edited by Austin Flint, ht. D. and contributed to by 111e11 of the highest professional ability, thus stepping aside to notice a "secret renielly” You will at One , understood no animate,. and tetwfbless uastruen, could thns extorts co,F,Olient iron; se Nigh a hpYar ter—and emisemientiv. italuas direatly sonntated with the practice of i r ks: toust have been it. great font,' 'chick has causell it to recei,tce this passing nod. d iseuses. weaknessnf the baek'Mel. spun& irregular. painful and suppre.ese4 lienstruarioa, Flour Mte, and die entire Complicated train oh evils which follow a dis ordered system. ors at price regc.:yed by the medicine.— Sion! for pamphlets Oran ktrelP.9. aatJyao w,;11 bud e vi defter of the value of the Lithontriptie there put ibrili.— 1 As a reined). for the irregularities of thin female system. I it has in the couip.outul a - root" wbieli lirts been resorted loin Mc north pl Euxwa, for centuries--us snare cure for this eompinint, and i restorer of health of the entire system. LIVET Jetticatcy.. Illt,taeft PitMASES.. are i instantly relieved. People of die AWeirt will bad it the only rehccily in these AA:plaints-On wall as Vet - en Am, Ant 'Mere is no remedy like ii. rind ap,catomelor tune. omits any part of this mixture. No injury will re stilt 111 its use, and its active properties tiro timmtbsted in the use, of a single lgl or, bottle. F. , hr . Few and AZue. Eitinas Disbrelers., take no *incr. .3feiDentr. 11. 1 110 , 111ATIStf. (leer, find relief The Orlion of this medicine upon Blom, will change the disease—which originates IN the blood—and a healthy result will follow. brsegrsts, 1 , 1 1 1011:01 0 N, &c.. yield in a few days use of this elite. Inflamnintion of the hews. 'Covent, CoNscstrrioN ; also. has ever found relief.. Nereynla, Erysipelas. Pam bollanns Eyes—all caused by impure blood—will Mill this article the remedy. The system, completely amed ; Upon by the twmity-two different properties of the mix tore. ix ',untied and restored—ns it partial cure will not follow train of common imettplaints Map/rearm& of the /bare. Niel,: Headache. 4.r.. are all tin' result of some der:mg:einem of the system. and the Gassr Iterro afta Wa.do its work. The priapism: set kWh in the ad ; VOrtialol,lll. are based upon the proof of.what it has dime in the past four tears. The written testimony of 1101 Agents, in Catintla. the. Moiled Stales: England and South America. in the possession of the proprietor—and can lie i seen hr all interestedis a static-kat deitiOnstration that it is the best Medicine reer al/feted to the World. (let the pamphlet, nod study the principle as there Intl down, of the,C method of Pnt up in ltt gt . z.; bottles, at ; 07- do. at SI aach,,,-the lamest inddyng no. more than ' two small hottlex. Leuk nut and nut gel imposed upon.— Every bottle has Vatighti's Vegetable.: athoutriptie Mistare" blown uicon the glans, the wirrax signature,of . -0. C. ?laugh. on the directions, and "0.7 e. Vaughn, Buttulp." stamped on the cork. None otherhtre genuine. Prepitied I.y Dr. G. C. Vettglin. and sold at ti.;;: Principal Office. gU7 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesale and retail. No ntlgution given' to letters, unless post paid—orders from regularly constituted Agents excepted; post paid, letter's, or verbal cortimmuentionit soliciting; advice. - promptly attended to gratis. °dices devoted exelusivelv to the male of this article —122 Nassau streets. New York city: LW Emmex street, Salem. Massaelinwtts, and by .the principal Druggists throughout the 'United ,States and Canada, as advertised in the papers. Agents in fhitieity Hays & Brockway. Wholesale nret Retail Agents. No. 2. CoMniercial Row, Liberty streeb;Pittslntryth. Also; IL 'E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; John Mitchell ; Federal street, Allegheny city; John-Barclay, - Beaver; ; John Smith, Bridgewater. 5 BARRELS Fresh Roll Butler; 8 " Lard; . " Dried Pen . Chi,* 2 Clover Seed; jtamt received, and for CalV L. S. AVATERIBAN. : No. 31 Market, and 62 I,ront For the permanent cure of Liver Complaints. Jaundice. Dyspepsia. Indigestioni Chronic Debility, Chronic Asth ma. Nervous Debility. Pulmonary Affections, (arising from the liver oratontach,) Diseases of the Kidneys. and all diseases arising from a disordered stomach. in both male and female s such as female weakness. (Easiness, fullness of blood to the bead. They strenghfen the sys tem. and 'remove all aridity of the stomach, and give it tone and action and aSsist digestion'. They can be taken by the most delicate stomach, and,,in every case will en tirelndestroy costiveness and renovate the whole sys tem, removing all impurities and remnants of .previous diseases, and giving a' healthy action to the whole frame. The symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness; and pain in the right side. and soreness upon tonal hninedinte ly under the inferior ribs; inability to lie on the lett side. orif lit all able. a dragging sensation produced. which se riously affects respiration. eausing very kitten a cough; together with these symptoms we perceive a routed tongue, acidity oldie stomach. defielency of per spiration. and sometinins a 7ymputhetie pain in the right shoulder. with a great disposition to sleep and depression of 'spirits, and sometimes sores in the month or throat. causing morns to rise in the nostrils. Jaundice Requiem ly accompanies it. mid a dropsy in the thee. These symp tom,. if permitted to continue. will eventually produce that 'Host bimetal disease. Consumption. In met, a Ma jority of such rases originate front the irritating causes above mentioned. Cathartir medicines must .in every instance. be tit aided in the treatment for it. The symptoms of Dyspepsia ore very various—chute of the MOM:tell :thole:, sure nausea.:lieart-tinin, loss of appetite. sometimes an excess of appetite. sense of full ; tiers or weitlit on the stomach. sinking or fluttering of dm pit of the siomacb.. fiend eructations- or sour arising from the stomach. &c. Dyspepsia. devoid of a funclual nature, is without dung,er; but, if arising from a disease of the stomach, it is dangerous. Nervous Debility generally accompanies Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint; it will also mire. A few doses will re move all the unpleasant effects, such as tottering at the heart, aching sensation when in lyingposition. dots or webs before the sight, fever MO dull pain in the head, constant imritliting,s of evil, pnd great depression of spir its. Outward signs are. a quirk and strong pulse, pale' and distressed erittlitellanee, he. Any case of the above disease eon be cured effectually by the use of the Bitters. as directed. SUDORIFIC. Au infallible rrlnedy .. forCunghsor Cold:, _or the Clar. Spitting of Blood. liifitis.irm, Wltripping Cough. Bron chitis, llemoral Asthma. or any disease of the Lungs or Throat. This is an invaluable family 'medicine. It soon relieves any Cough or Hoarseness. and prevents the Croup by be ing early mhninistered. No cough or cold is too light to pans neglected; for, neglected colds rink ihousutirts to the grave mutually, veld c - noSe ninny to grow up with a deli rate frame. yf would have been Aping and robust, if at filet properly Ircistml. SPIKENARD OINTMENT. For the effectual cure of the - Piles. Tetter, nod Rheum. Scald Head. Ring-worms. bitlanied Eyes or Frye-lids. Barber's Bell. Frosted Feet. Old Sores arising from fever or intro's blood; mid Will extract the tire from burns, on application. or rangier airy Cutaneous eruptions from the akin. Persons trembled with kinder Cue: should use it oiler sharing, it will. in a law momenta, remove all sore ness and molt the bleediter.: It eau always lie relied on. and is invaluable in nor tinnily. TAR OINTMENT. For the core of pains or weakness in the liver, bark or chest: it will entirely remove. ally deep seated pains.— These remedies have caused many to enjoy the ines timable blessings of invigorated health. and in a vurie ty of desperate and abandoned cases, a perfect anal radi cal cure. 'rlie innumerable impositions upcin the public. and the statements of remurkalile enres never nitrite. yet certified to "Ay (Mooted names; or he persons wholly unnetputinted with wi n o they have endorsed, renders it difficult to do !water in the politic in offering startle:a inducement to mak rat trial of these invaluable medicines. They are en tirely vegemble. and free from all injurfons ingredients, nod elaitn your potronage solely upon their Merits, Every family should have a pamphlet—they can be bad of the agent. gratis. Prinripal Depot at the f lerinan Medicine. store. 2:s Rare street. one door above Eighth. Philadelphia. For ~nle in Pittsburgh. by baccl7.lllyl W3l. 'MORN. I 1.1:Nelf: Tlf AT nit EADVEI.COUVIf t—The Lungs 17 are in clanger; the Work of the desrro)er has been began, the Vougli of Consumption bath in it a sound of death. Atte roes Moines! Tony darling child, your idol and earthly joy. js now perhoios confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold—her pale cheeks. her thin shrunkei,. fingers. tell the lgold tliseacce has already omitted upon her —the sound pre t wr supulehral cough pierces your soul. TO , No when jest about to enter lint, dowase sheds a heart erushini; blight over the fair prospects of the fu ture—tour hectic cough and feeble limbs tell of your lass or hope, but you need not despair. .There is a balm which will heal the wounded lunes, it is :WAX) 61 " 113 • 111(1.911 11 MEM Shorman'a All-Ileallng Balsam. Mrs. „krirtf-g, the wife of Wm. 11. Alma. T' . .a4. watt given up by p F . figwall of %Yip Drs. Hoe aitd McClellan 91 Philadelphia- Dr. 800 and Dr. Mott of New York. Iler friends all thought she row die. She had CNrry appearance of being in consumption. and was so pronounced by her physicians--Slientian's Balsam was given and it cured her. Mrs. Ustutsaa.s.uz. of Bull's Ferry. was also eared of Tosiamption by Ibis Balsam when all other remedies tilled to give relief—site was reduced to a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle. Dentist, 28l Broadway, has witnessed its effects in several eases where no other medecine relief—but the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. also witttesred its wonderful effects in curing Asthma, which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood. alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by this Balsam. It heals Ma ruptured or woutided blood vessels, and makes the Inngs sound ngain. Rev. Ilexav Josses. lOd Eighth avenue. was cured of rough nitul catarrhal affection of 50 years standing. The first dose gave him more relief than all the other 'midi ein lie haul ever taken. Dr. .1. Beals. ID Delaney reel. gave it to a sinter-it-law who was laboring under ttttt 1111011, and to another sorely afflicted with the -Asthma. In both cases its sheets .were immediate, soon re-raring thrill to comfortable health. Mrs, I.I'CRRTIA starred from A-Anna I i year 6. Sliermait's Balsam relieved her at once. and she is rompargtivelv typp ! being enabled to subdue everyattack. by a titur.ig toe of this uirdirine. Thi4 immured i .el the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, spit ting Blood, Liver Complaints. and all the affections of the 09 , nt. and even Asthma and Consmaptiotb, Prier Z 5 rents and tit per bottle, Priticitial Office tOfi Naasnii street. New York. Likewise Dr. lilierintin's oelehrated Ppitglt, Worm attfil C.^0 1 . 6 a; I.pzvngpz .. . Pretniinu Tooth Paste and Pao: \l`.n ' .; Pl 3 ' l " SOld whole.-4:e and retail by WAI. JACKSON, at his Dont and Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse. yr Liberty street Pittsburgh. head of Wood street, and by fie following duly appointed Agents for Allegheny county : A. M. ?Marshall. .I:onathan_Ohrie, Mane.liester; J. 11. 11. Jacques, Birmingham; A. S. Getty. AVylte street; J. G. rtlnstin, cor. Webster st. and Elm; Dautel Negley, East Liberty; 11. L. Itlitcbell, Wilkins burgh; Thos. Aiken, Sharpsburgh; Saud. Springer, Clin ton; James .'NPKee, Stewartstown; John Black. Turtle Creek; C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland & Son. I% PKees port; ItlcEldownev, Bakerstown; Riley . APLaughlin, Plumb Township;Wm. J. StMth, Temperanceville; Jas. Fulton, Tarentuni; 0. ll. Starr. Sewickly.. inarg-ly M O vilre.Tv f .l' it ;L I T persuaded,-a of in'adyletatlyees been for some time, that ycinr Domestic Vegetable Pills are of great use to all those who may have oeeasion to us • Viern, and have administered teem to my patients." Fever and Ante, Dyspe t ifx,ia and Bilious Fever, are im mediately muck] by tlo'nse of Dr. Ralph's Pills. nice, 25 cents a box. Sold wholesale and retail by S. L. CUTHBERT, Smithfield street. near Third. A bo, by Wm. Cole. Allegheny city; J. C. Smith, Ifir w h ig h.,,,; and John WC:racket'. Filth Ward- febl =Z=3== 114. *( P t .Pil Y ai ' Par e : l a rc l).: 11m% iseyourlermte4, ;aae and Expectorant, in lily practice. for the last three years. rind have been exceedingly well pleased with thew. and foyer. as yet. to my recollection. failed of renli - tingmy f ullest expectation in their curative properties. Your other meilientes I cannot speak of front experience; btr judging from those I have used. I doubt not but that the claim. and are entitled to all the confidence reposed i them. by those who have used loom. I ass formed. very partial to Verinifitge. until I bccanienequaii tett with yours, which has inydecided prcterenc to am other now in use. Ressectfully, yours. &c.. CIUNC. M. D. , In For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store. Fourth st. 1045 ) A. PA BNB:Mg:ICS • COUCaI STRUF—This pre _ ). paration has proved itself to be of Very great eflicn 0. in the cure of obstinate Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Spit ting of Blood, whooping Cough. and other Pneumonic Affections; and the proprietors feel Warranted in recom mending it es a Ftli . ” and useful medicine. and are pre pared to show certificates of indisputable authority, in testimony of its value. It is pleasant to the taste. and is otTeredat SO low n price as to place it within the reneb of . .e.yrif 4,te,rs,on. There are. perhaps; but few Cough ptepurations that will pro duce snob decided clfects in such a short Mac. Pre pared and ,sold by ' 11. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., Corner of First and Wood; also, corner of Sixth end Wood streets. deel3 I)R. RALPirS CELEBRATED• VEaFiTAllla:Pa — . l.4 are for 6.ale, wholesale and retail. at the RENL ESTATE Orrice. No. 50. Smithfield et.. Also. liy Win. Cole, Allegheny city: .1. 0. Smilli, Bk. tuinehum: Jelin McCracken, Pena street. Fifth AVard. fel, ll TVIN.E.4 AND Licuorts--300 Whole, Baal ve s. Qatar tern and 'Eighths Pipes, Brandy, Wanes, Gins, ace., of Ow following celebrated brands,. rades,m4l,yintages namely : A Seignette Brandy. pale. •• dark, Oland Sazenue Ilawtca+y " dark pale, Pinet Castilian &Cu •' Imperial Eagle Gin, Black Morse " Swan - " Pine App . le Irish WlnAkcy Jainnica Spirit ,• St. Croix Runt, • Together witk-a large et Liguori In ikttlks: also, I fOr WO at imported. on pl forum! Liquor Store of feb7 come • • • 41t.. t r„, • • , AiCIAW IA 2p. 4 4 ^ • '11„,,A1,1 4*.t Pf` , attt"7-' • , • Wkld Cherry sontd - Siskissfsistillst. t A VERY IMPOR'rANT COMMUNICAT,IONt TO 'ALL PM:MS:IX:AU At Ad Tants: and- ENDER ALL CIRCE:SI:WANEEL 1F YOU ARE . SICK . get cured: if well. empioT Mea sures to continua f.o. Esc-y.individunl intliOes in habits tvhich must. to a. are.sterorleeser extento.lisa.r.. range the admirable and intricate combinations which form the system. and consequently ZVnIET INDIVIDUAL • -• should possess some mud. yet efficacious. simple And nc eredited agent for the preservation of the tuncuuni of the body in good order. DR. WCK)USI SARI•APADILLA AND WILD cumin's MITERS I, %ill achieve this result. and should be in every:family, and in the hands of every perann who. II by Mininer.l, profession. or general course pf life. is iiredirposetl to the very ninny little ailments that render life a eurseunitend of a blessing: and finally result, in their aggravated con dition, in the enure , „ OF DEATH. The Bitirrs here IT , ontmondett are compounded by a man of great skill and knowledge. from the simisles Nu ttier presents to thoec who rare to find them. antil which ar e the only reliable antidotes to the poisons of disease. The chief ingredients nre the universally liclotell &tem per/11a and the Bork if the Wild Cherry Trer.,,with which the red man of the forest epees nearly every Idisease of the internal °retina. These materials, though pow erful in their operation. ore. as common sense qenelies us ENTIRELY lIARMLF.SS; ," and, prepared as they are here.-one of the erea r terinudical optratires in the inhabitable globe. 13y taking tlitmte ters. the scrofulous may he restored •to beauty, awl avoid the sharp knife of the surgeon; for they not only eradi cate pimples and tumors. lint °reit-rano , • • • CANCER AND KING'S F.X112 Whoever. is subject to the horrors of ' rmairmption %)1011Id at once purchasethis sere remedy. In the train of Comb:floss follow dreadful lora!' congestions. oftentinses ittsmilry. very frequently mania or Ityporoadr*hriolent headaches. palpitations. and other :directions of OW. pearl. and rheumatic ewelling - s. Le. Wood's. Componadie one •or the most etbeient medicines in routing thette corn plaints.• and their fountain bead, that can pc4iibly be procured. From being con rooms. amt from'Fitkinte a email modietin exercise. istimeroes 'tenons are. daily made to deplore, a lets of , appetite, painful Itraaehr*- 'meekness of die meselett. languor. want of enee,..y eient to seek recreation. Are.. Tbeee persons nay for years, that they "don't P.c.) very well." 1133tey Jo tint employ a method by Which they ran feel 'Oldie well. they Must eventually' aukurideesa severe itelillners? . anti nye atolls 1110)1 Tttl aIEACC - only by a miracle; 'awl even then. the lancet- leeidt. blis ter, and calomel. beveled them mere scattered bulks: full of aches and morrows. and not only a pest to thentselves. bet a source of disgust and annoyance to all with whom they come in contact. - All these • •_ FEARFFL CONSF.QIMNCES may be avoided by an early application of the virtue, of these Bitters. For the tenth of this. o the proprietorpledgett Lis word and honor. and iu evidenee enn show. files of undoubted certificates writ+ he has received. unsolicit ed. from all quarter.. lie does not. however. ask the in valid to swallow his certificates. but his Bitterti t and is trilling, to stake all lie holds dear on earth in favor of the result. • TI IP. DYSPEPSIA. in either a modified or severe form. will dinanpea; before the min linen of Dr. Wood's preparation. and the core mat• be relied on an a permanent one. Did the , Bitters ponnenn no other recommendation, it would be one of the finest vegetable compounds medical science can invent: Hut, it in equal to the complete eradication of LIVER COMPLAINT. ' . . . in r yery pimp... and of every iffection, minor or gigantic. of the biliary aparatus. Individuals who are c'onstiat tionally bilious_ might regularly to take this mild. 'ngyrea- He. and excellent TONIC AND AITERIENIViIs it will dilfuce health ThenakhsM l every night frame. and send hop pine.ss and love of lite thrilling to the heart. ritauxixs oraliT TO It Mr IT ON HAND. Every medicine-chest on board ship should also a Weil' snicked with this capital remedy. as • • , Cannot afflict. those who take it. or long resin its Tit:Mi nos assaults. All impurities of the Blood vanish before it. and the old relics of early imprudence invariably dis appear. soon after bring milanitted to its Whim'. Every complaint of the stoinaCli is broken by it., The Bitters Mire. in actin:a:nice. failed to cure JarxDtcc., GENEn/4. Deuttrrx. and every disorganization of • • Hy neglecting the little inroads made urou the latter, a cast pOl . llOll Of 01If fellow-beings are rendered extremely miserable—so miserable. indeed. that they wishbr, Every bottle of Dr. Wood's -Forimparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters' contains a modicum of joy and content for each of those ansions-and imprudent sufferers. Re member that an injudirions use of mercury is ivevitably productive of many evils which areAutt to flight by this glorious' and. nnsurpas,utble colnpound; . and that giflie ons nhich are • trr.nI.:DTTA Rl' • nay speedily mid safely he sliittiled off dinangh liY Pgell y. .A.F a medicine which must hettc4t. i EV ER YISCIDV, . . . . . tour Inc delicate to the so Vinci' and iltxpOrirtz rolid. no ettnal is to be found for it. It would lin %veil to bent in Mind that prevention is infinitely.more desirable than core, and that Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Sitter's ARV: Put up in bottles, three or four times larger than Eris tors or Sand's. for the same price,-81-rrr WY _ITT & • liEF.t2I(UM I I Fulton-31- N. Y., whole sale anent., Sold In Pittsburgh. nt P. R. SAWYER'S nnrier of Valnnhlu Nlerliciurs. Smithfield. between Third and Fourth eta., and at Wil.Ll.Ol TUORN'S Drog store, MoriLet st, se p2.4.lttin-wlt?ni lIAIR CREAM--.A nintellleff article far growth. beauty, and restoration of the Hair. This Cream, when once known, will saperreole all Other arti cles of the kind now in Mir: Wliere the hair is harsh, thin. unhealthy. nor taming grey. a few applica-, lions will make the hair sod and dark. and give it aliena tion!. lively appearance: and will also make it 'maintain immvelinesa and healthy color. twice as long as all the preparations that arc generally used. Where the hair is thin, or has fallen oil, it may be restored Pi? ping this Cream. Evert . lady and gentleman who is in the habit of usilig oils on their hair should at once minima a bottle of the Chinese Hair Cream. as jt is sogpnrposed that it will not injure the hair like the other preparations, but will beautify it, and give perfect satisfaction in every in stance. For testimony tp its very superior qualities, see the fol lowing letter from, the Rev. Mr. Caldwell to Means. lb-niter:bon h strcury, N4s4ville, general agents for the Southern States: Later .f the Rer. R. rildirell,PTstfo: of the Presbyterian MESFIL.. I Imcnntsmorr:GENTLEmm—l take pleasure in ow testimony in favor of the excellent preparation culled Dr. Parish's Chinar.e Hair ("tram; for. about two years ago toy hair was very dry. bristly. and disposed to come out; but having procured u bottle of the Cream, nod used it ncronline to the , prcscription.iit ix met elastic, soft. and firm to the head. Many balloons and oils were applied. each leaving my hair in a w s ,rse stare than before. This Cream, however, has met iny expec tations. . . AA au artiele for the toilet. lily wife gives it preference over all others. being delicately pernitned and nut dis posed to rancidity. The ladies, especially. will find the ridue.te Creane to . be a desideKanun in their preparations tOs the toilet. Respectfully, &c., R. CALDWF.I.L. Pulaski. January 7.1: 4 17. irrsoia wholesale and retail. in Pittsburgh!. hy Jola M. Townsend. 45 Market st., and Joel Molilet„eorner o Wood and Milli sts. 1e154&.w-ly LADZES arc cautioned against using Common Prepa red Chalk.: The y pre not aware how frightfully intu 7 rions it is to the skin !. bow coarse, how rough, how sallow-, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears otter using pre pared chalk! Besides it is injurious. coutaining a large quantity of lead! We have prepared a beauthul vege table article, which we call Jones' Spanish Lilly White. It is perfectly innocent, being.purifed ' of all deleterious qualities, and it imports to the skin a natty* healthy, alabaster, clear, lively white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, Making it sort and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massachu setts, says: "Alter analysing lones'Spanish fay IThite, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at the same tune innocent,, white I ever saw.; I; certainly can conscientiously recomMend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 25 rents ibex. :Directions —the best way pa. apply Lilly AN'itite, is with soft leather OT WOOl.--41C former is preferable.. A FINE SET or TEETH .roa 25 cm - 0.-I'9llle teeth, foul breath, healthy gums. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, atter being once or tyke ,ejermed with. Janes' .4.tuber Tooth Paste, have the appearance or the most beanlithl ivory. and, at the saute time it is so perfectly innoceat and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condi tion. giving thein a beautiful polish. and preventing a premature decay. Tho Sc. already decayed •it prevents front becoming worse—it also fastens such us is beet:Suing loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately wine, and Make the breath delitioutilY sweet. Price 25 or 37: cents a box. All the above are sold only at 82 Chatham st., sign of the American Eagle. NtAV Yorks and by the appointed Agents whose names riptMitr in the next column. WILL TOC AR', and gema rich husband, lady? "Your face is your fortune.n Let beamind, fair T Is it white ? If not. it can lie made se,even thoughlt beyel low. disfigured. sunburnt, tanned and freckled. Thous ands hare been made thus who have washed once or twice with Jones' Italian Chemicatttoup: The effect is Florious and magnificent." Put be sure you get the genu ine Jones' Soap, at the sign of the American , Lagle, 82 Chatham street. Rinw.wonn. nit-rheum. ticurvey, Erysipelas, Barber's !tell, are often cured by •Sones'italian Chemical Soap, when ecc,ry pf reipcdy has faded. Thai it cures ;grapier , . freckles. : and clears the skin. all knoW. Sold at the American Bagic..Ss Chatham street.. Mina ; fader, this seldom or never fails. _ _ . • C. INGLIS, Jr.. Potter/on. sold at JACKSON'S $9 Liberty st., head of Wood, Sign of of the Big Boot. MEJtICAN on.—'ruE GREAT REMEDY OF NA IL TURE.—Procurcd from a well iuglentueky, 185 feel below the earth's surince. This Oil will be foand vastly superior to Harlem., British, or any other formerly popu lar Oils. Its curative properties fur the follewmg .ali meats are truly wonderful: Inflamatory ,rheumunsm. whooping-cough, phthisic, coughs, colds. apishly., teller,, er y s ipelas, scald. head, croup, mtlatrunaiory.sore throat, liver complaint, intimumotion of the kidneys,llains in the breast. side and bock, diseases of the spine,..ptles, heart.: burn, diseases of the hip joint, inflamed sore eyes, deaf., ness. and Car ach, worms, tooth ache, sprains,. , Strains, burns, scalds, bnuses, cuts, ulcers, 'cancer, fever, Sores. &c. &c. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold wholesale and retail by Will. JACKSON, at his brim and shoe store, Kt Liberty . street, Pittsburgh: The am Doot sootstands in the door-way: Only place in Plusbutgh where the GEN. VINT. can be ob tained. order to be sure of obtaining 'die genuine, purchase only of the general agent for Western Petinsyl van*, Wm. Jackson, 88 Liberty - street, or through sub- Agents appointed by him for its sale, each of whim will have a show bill and general directions itipfunigot form containing the names and address of the Tidprie(of" and General Agent of Western Pennsylvania, na,:yollows: Dr. Hall &CO., proprietor; Kentucky- Wm. Jackson, General Agent for Westenyrennsylva nia. el) Liberty street; Pittsburgh, to wlt all orders must be addressed. London Market \Yinc Itonca Port Trash Hmti.• Burgundy ‘• S. S. Madeira Symington B ro wn e o " Golden Tenride " Lisbon - Claret Sweet Ss Dry Maltnnt " of,the above Wines and Inagua and. Claret Wines. g terms, at the Winetel- P. C. mairrni, mit - Wield and Front sts. thetturvz.—Flech bottle is enclosed in one of the abovit nnatetiPatupidets, and the name of William Jaektmll, (the general and only-wholesale agent thrWestent PulttlaYl c ania,) printed on .the outside of the oot•.8_ Etfifo =M=== MIM=!E - . ctleggiEgNigivn, • , S.COAR COATED VEGETABLE PURGATIVE PILLS, A RE universally ,admitted to:operate,. irmi esAy as an - ercitio/precentaw,but as a never fading Trendy, all diseases which can affect the human (*We. Head ache, Indigestion, Itheumatism , , Piles. - Sebriy; Dropsy, Small Pox. Cholera Morbus, crrms; Whooping Cough, 4.. Consumption, Jaundice, Quiusey, &salamis. Liver Com plaint. Apoplexy,' Canters: Measles, - Salt „Mento r :Fits. Heartburn. 01%111143*i Erysipelas; Deafness. Ilchingsett. the Skin,Colds,Gon4 Gravel. Pants in the Back; nvilud • Weak nesq Palpitation of the Henn, Risings in %tensest, Ast h ma , F eve r s of tall kinds, Female Complaints, Stitches ' in the side; Spitting of. Blood. Sore Eyes. Scrofula, gi.„ - 7 Anthony's Fire, I.owness of Spirits, Flooding, Fluor AI- • bus or Whites, - Gripes, King's 'Evil, Lockjaw, - Bile on the Stomach, and all bilious affections. ; - Swelled Feet and Legs, Swine l'os. White SWellings, „ Tremors, Tumors , Ulcers, Vomiting—and a hog' of o th ers lame successfully rind repeatedly been vanquished, They have been known to effect permanent cures when all other remedies had .provad unavailing, and iu the as stages of disease. They Litre in many eases superseded thepreseripmreshtU. of . the most eminent physicians, and received besides their S unqualified commendation. 'they have been, frequently; recommenced by men of the • , mdst distinguished characters throughout the land, and ?been sanctioned in Europe by Noblemen, and Princes of , y have been introduced into the Hospitels ofEdin- • burgh. Paris, and Vienna, and through the disinterested, • .1 exertions of our Foreign Ambassaders, they have recei ved the favorable commendation of the Emperor of Rue, sin, and of his Celestial Majesty of the Chinese Empire. frr Scarcely a Packet vessel of any repute sails from the port of New York. without nn abundant supply ofthe ' . SICK MAN'S NEVER FAILING FILIVAD. fp- ' Agencies have been established in all the principel 1 :. Cities in the Union, and applications are constantly reach. - icyts frontant onunber numberless afoa: n eTrI 2ccountn l e.tinoniaisornelo. are pouring in from all quarters—and in such numbers Mat we have not time to read one half of. them. What_ „ _ stronger or more conclusive evidence than these. import- ant.facts can the must aceptical desirel• Is it possible, that." the many thousands who have tried CLICKENER'S.'" PILLS. can be deceived in their results? Iran) . impost.' tore orquuckery iXiened, would it not long agobave been held np r as it should be, to the scorn and derision of. justly offended rommnnity. . fp - Remember, Dr. C. V. CliCkener IS the original, its. retinae of. Sugar Coated Pills; and that 'nothing nit the sort ' was ever heard of. until he introduced them in Jane,lll43. ; „ Purchasers should, therefore. always ask for Clickenerhi Sonar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no other, or they will be made the .vietinis Of a fraud. PRICE. .S 5 CF,NTA'P"EIt 7 Box: • • Dr. Clickchcr'n .2.t.licipul office for thee - iale of pills, is CA Vesey st y New.lork; - ' 'WM. J.AcKsoN, 62 Liberty - Si.. head of Mrood st.,Pitta. burgh, 'Fa., General Agent:Westelmr.Peunsylvaitiat . Northern Ohio,.and the River Counties. of The following are Dr. Clickcner's duly app o inted gents for Allegheny co i l''. - WM. JACKSON, (prmcipal)B9 . l.iberly. street, bend of A. M. Marshall. Allegheny City. Jonathan Ghriest, Alarieheater. C. Townsend & Co.. " . Jim. IL H. Jacques, Birmingham.' Juo. 11. Cassel, Penn st. AndrewS. Getty. Wylie st. Robert Williams, Ariltureville. • - IL if. Hemingrey. South Ward. - Win: .1. Smith. Temperanceville. . • Jeremiah Fterain.., Lawrenceville. Daniel Negley. east Liberty.- - - • ' Edward Thcrmnsom Wilkinsburgh. - • .• 'Mamas Aikin Sliarpsburgh. G. 11. Starr. Sewickley, Samuel Springer, Guidon James M`Kce, Stercartstown.: John Black, Turtle Creek. . C. Diehl, Elizabeth. ' Riley liPLanghlin, Plumb Township. I.jones. Bakerstown.. Penny..M'Keesport. • t , aIT IS THE HEST COUGH MEDICINE. I EVEn.. , ,, USED:'—This was expressed in our hearinieyeti,, tertlay; by an intelligent gentleman, *lw hail uscinnit' about one half of a bottle of Di. Tritlairra'On'enral Canal Mixture,. before be was entirely cered. Conic and get a: bottle of it. and if the most obstinate cough or cedd,does , not disappear by its use, your money will be refunded. - ' Compounded as it is, of the most effective; twigh . tante , less and pleasant remedies, its use for years bus ? Ing:iiko deed carat. fail to gire entire satisfaction. • For sale, Wholesale and retail. by 8 BROCKWAY: Liberty street. near Canal- Resin; - WILLIAM FLEMLNG., Lawrenceville. nny Sold oleo by R. WILLARD'S- Oriental Cough LI wowas easy rr." -Those who hove nothad an op- portunity of trying this great remedy for the permanent cure of every affection of the longs.. should not fail to give it g ;Fiat. Certificati•s of its ciftetencf, from 011 T oWn' eft- Rens. which we are constantly receiving, padinotfail to _ . ; convince the skeptical. Head the following (rpm n lady of high standing in Allegheny: • • • • " At.r.wairess Cm, - Fob. 7, IRS& -.3les3ra..liays 4- Brockway: It affords me grcutplce. sure to be able to add my testimony in favor of Dr. lard's truly valuable cough medicine. Aboutihrec months ' since I wait attacked with a violent cold, and .was Meek distressed with the cough,. from which I could . getuo re- .• • lief. until I was a short time since ' inthieed to call at your store and purchase some of the Oriental Cough Mixture. lam happy to state that the use of the sect:aid bottle has ; entirely cured me; and, having great. confidence in it, I have, and shall continue to recommend it to my friends. •• Cauca FtEmn:lo." • Price, .1.5 cents a bottle. Sold by • • IiAYB. - 4 BROCKWAY No. 2, Com. Bow, Libetty st., near Canal. Also. by Ifebl6l 3. FIX:JON& lialkr•ncevill• 77, ROM the New York Gazette, Oct. 8, epal I: paper deservedly at the head of the daily presiltv this country. k Bristol's Extract of Earsaparilla.—lt were but courtesy _ to call the attention of our readers to thil invaluable prep, oration which will he found adiertisetlin anotheecolthn 31r. Bristol is a brother, and issues a highly Inteibiting , newspaper, every-now-and-then. onvor tnro-nninliennt which we have already uoticatLt and the medichte.itself. ' 1 has been eulogised by nearly all the press of the' weetern , . country, and. we doubt not, justly eulogised. - Ithas in its; favor, moreover, very flattering testimonials ftom the .1 most eminent practitioners in every part of the country ; where it' has been used. There is beauty" and taste enough iu the bottles, and in the engraved labels in which - - they are eilveloped, to induce a purchase, even if the preparation itself were not one of the sovereignest the world." ns every person must believe it is—that '3i: every one Must believe it is-- .: that is, every ono would not rcsint)atiass of doenmentary evidence condo sire, enough tmgonvert a Turk to Christianity." Buy one of the bottles, gentle reader, and see whether you do not agree with using, this point. ' . For sale hp B. A. FAIINB.c. feldh ccin qt: nntl Wood and 6th and Wood sts. 11EUMATIt.C11, GOUT, AND TIC DOLOREVX.— A respectable gentletuan:cisiled at onr othee, s tmlite, _ said. to inform us that he had been alliietctl for 15 years with Rheumatism or Gout, and occasionally nith..Tie Doloreux; that he had been frequently_ confined to his.. room formouths together, and.ollen suffered the nscratin-.... tense und excruciating pain, but that lately ho had been using Jaytte's Alterative. from which he found the most aim nal and unexpected relief. He says,lc-found the medi cine very pleasant and effective, and that he novr con siders himself perfectly cured.—Philadelphin North Amer- Iran. _ A FACT 'WORTH KNOITTXG.—A gescticlTlPll of Scrofulous habit, from indiscretion in his younger days, became af fected with Ulcerations in the Throat und Noscoind a disagreeable eruption of the Skin. Indeed,. his whole system bore thc marks of being saturated 'swill disease. One hand and wrist were so much affected that, he hadt lost the use of the hand, every part being covered -with' deep, painful, and offensive ulcers. and were as hollow • and porous as an honey-comb. It vras at this stage of his complaint, when death appeared inevitable 'frame loath .'. some disease, that he commenced .the use of inytte's.Al. terative, and having taken sixteen bottles, is now perfect ly cured. The Alterative operates- through the circulation; and putite; 31p Ylslwl,tiui'ykatlicates disease from the syst,exuf Wherever located, and the numerous cures it Ids pk. conned in diseases of the skin, cancer, serolida. gout,• liver complaint, dyspepsia •pnd other chronic'diseases, is truly astonishing.—Sperir if Me Times. • nor For to Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street. oNsumrrioN. couou, scyrrmo of-BL C ASTIIMA, he.—To Cossexerivra. Four-fifths of yen are really suffering from neglecteW Cobis, Pr on ,obriruction and consequent inflamation of the delicate lining of those, tubes through winch the air we breathe is distributed to the lungs.. This obstrocticiii produces pain and roreners, hoarseness, 'cough, difficulty, of breathing, hectic fever, and a spitting , of blood, matter, or phlegm. which finally exhausts the Wank& of tienand death ensues, JAYIVPS' E3:Pia • never fair to remove this obstruction, and produeeii most pleasing and happy results. It is certain its its eft. *ems, and cannot fail to relieve. - - - - . l'ur sale bi Pittsburgh at the PekinTtql Store,72Puurtic. a(.,-near Woad. , . itutB COUOII IN THE. Another evidence of the iatperioriq- of Dr. Wit?, lard's Cough Mixture, over all others. Reid the *Mowing; certificate froth it respectable citizen of the Fifth INArdr. Prrrsaracar, Nov. 3,1647. This certifies, that tar seine weeks past I was troublei with a yery serious Cough,' which was evidently becottf ins seated on the Ittags to such an extent as to resist thet.- effect of every medicate which I had been using. I was finally persuaded to' call at Hays - Brockwayls Drui store, and get a bottle of Dr. Willarers Oriental Cough Mixenc; whirl). to thy great malaise. relieved me very 161jeh; utter taking onlY tall or thryg r e..4ati ltaftlt4.l t , had u s ed one bottle. I was ediirely ca was so mut* 'dermal with us effects, that I have brought others to bay It. and shall continue to recommend it to my friends. as fi rmly believe it to be the bast rotegh Medicine itethe treed:. • ANDRRN• M'CATIIM" Try h—only 23 cents a Bottle. Sold byy• ' - HATS & BRocKway: No. 2, Liberiy street, near Canal Basin: Sold also by -J. FLEMING, ' novlo 'Lawreneevilte. DAUM OP fXILUAIBIA.—IIair Tonic-.To the,Bohl.and Grey.—lf you wish a rich, luxurious head of hair, free from daitdrntrand scurf. do not tail to procure the Fertoine Balsam of Coluinbia. - Ideates of baldness, it willmore than. exceed your expectations. Many who have hist their hair for twenty years :have hod it restored to its ( ghtal perfection bylhe use.of this Balsam. Age, state, or, • condition:appears tO be no Obstacle, whatever. It alto canoes the iluid to flow with the delicate hair take it filled, by - which means thousands, whose hair was grey as the Asiatic - %gib; have had their hair restored to Its' 'natural coley, )y _ the use Of this invaluable remedy. In; `all eases of ievi , f it will be found one of the most pleasant washes' that can be used. A few applicationt only are; neceisiryp keep the hair from falling out. It strengthens the' rootp, 1F never fails to impart a rich, gloity appenr., mice; and, as u perfume for the toilet, it is unequalled.' It holds three times as much as Other mhscalled /61rInstor: wives,. and is more effectual: The genuine ,llntillithk lured only by Comstotk & 2I couttlandt-etreeti New Sold 'only genuine' in Pittsinngh, in it.oowrixa.:ElA. Liberty street, heed of Wood; also, n .Washingto*.i, by ./1". 44•Onety'fr, .Son; in Cannonsburgh, by Dr4Vrlli inßiOwnsville, by Bennett dc.croker;' also; In every m, niPennsylvanitt, Ohio, Maryland and Virginia. ''-' • . • 41.1 regs No. I.Lard; .• 4 bbla. No:'1: do.; • r ' ' On consignment, and for sale by'• '•- • %:: .janl4 . :•• MILLER Ec . lIIORETRON. , T