The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 26, 1848, Image 2

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®f)iKlor«ino |Jost
' ; —J*: Jl^** 1 ': 11, l:1)ll '°K AND PEOPniETOR.
owfrfecf Co tht decision of- the Rational Convention.
4 ¥SdHp^M ,r *niii' U Th i *** < s? i ,he!r S<n-on bfjort
ear/ter hour would
sSffii'H#*' 1 S>M«* Newspnncr AgencT’
*fid 400 .v nr f>: \‘ ‘ corncr 01 Third and Jtock streets
W'Hinot once more*
W« certainly have not the disposition to engage
is * controversy with democrats, unless wo believe
that our duty to the Democratic party, requires such
a eourse on our part. The Democracy of Pennsyl
vania, onall great questions involving Consti
tutional right*, have presented an unbroken front—
they have nobly adhered to the constitution of their
country—they have vindicated that sacred magna
chajta Of our rights in i, B letter and spi,i, ; and
have, tattled sgatnai those who wish to sap ,he
. foundation of our political fabric, by contending for
constructions of that inotrument. We
i ? Democracy or the old .Keystone state are
W* °“* 11 the B«at questions which separate
r^^" r a ioftom U ’° Fcdara) party ; and everv
produce division in our ranks, whether U
eo S?*W>™ . open enemies or pretended friends, will
provopowerless, and will recoil upon the heads of
- those .who attempt such a thing. We believe that
'':*%*£&*.* th * nnl - v ma " •* Pennsylvania,
be * Democra ‘. who has had the hard
■ *^ ek *° de!,,rn J r the union and harmony of
tWWcratic party. The poor success he has met
lum .tuog him to the heart, and therefore,
finding himself shunned and despised by the Demo
, crate, and courted and flattered by the Federalists,
U was not to be wondered at that ho would be ira
impndeat and reckless enough to villify one of the
pwtnsenand soundest democrat* of the present
The iemlignant assault of David Wilmot on
nothi "* b “ »» attack on tho
Democratic party of Pennsylvania, who have, with
Wtth the most cordial unanimity, declared that Mr.
" *'****-" « their choice for the Presidency. That
•sssjtjt, instead of doing an injury to Mr. BucHatr.
h H the oppo,ite effect, so far as oufWr.
vabtra has gone. We find Democratic paper, in
!t hl ‘ “ prC “ e ' 1 "» preference, a,
r.^lT n candidates, manfolly coming
foHrard .a defence or tho Secretary of State, again*
tbe eowardly and ungeotlemanly attacks of that I
hrch-disorganiicr, David W.lmot. The no, to „ i
thc ,ounde « ablest Democratic j
I°?™*!.*'“ the country, contain, a long and power- '
fnldefence of Mr. Bochanas, from which we i
. s nade tbe following extract: -j
Wdmo°. U « i!""'. ‘‘J 101 , *° moch 10 dc al "'th David '
d '» J "Ith that fierce spirit ~r dc- 1
trtcUontliatis calculated to do .0 much mischief
£ fo^r. 0C - a,,C “«“• We deny the pa"ri«i,„ i
' Woi?* politicians who resort to it ; question their :
WdSiM B d cn l , r h“ t,,Clr j ud K lncn t.and q hesitate not,
lh S! r «««"* as suicidal to the Dtmo- I
cratlccause. Take the case in point. Here iia 1
Falronte son ol Pennsylvania sinorcd at, denounced
dM.r. n „°d , ;. Ced adla " cc - an impracticable can.
b > “m™ calling himself a demoerst and
Mr^Bu/hana!, 3 " ’ ''" Jp f , ” sc democrat. in favor of i
m.n VV i PUr ‘ UC lle «"*<■ course with regard '
tathemanWdmot prcirrs 1 What would be the !
; Tf union wi d ’ V' Kte “° uld ■* tbe P««bility i
ofumonr Where the chance of ..iceern I .No- 1
out upon soch a course : for it is la j d , ‘ !
m* into the hands or the Whigs. Out upon the W I
mo.Uof the part,. Hotter cut them at once for 1
i 1 ’ 011 U,e CM,S ’ The rev.lers df
ISv of !he n^'" ? " a "’ CaM > Wuodh “‘-y, Dallas, or
f„A .„ "‘atn-nen to whim the parts
■ oiMie f them on to Victory, are working for the ;
iwjSoMrtofo? “ IV bc . d1, 3 11ls cd that to win the field .
"' X< aS .“ n,t ,hc "bigs there must bo
riJSSf a, ! d " isc Political action. The
ejntMtwtH demand fr°m the hands of every ilcmo-
TnntjVnT* * ff £ rU ' >nd th * m “ 3t d
e-1-'™““'“"'“ nnenfice pnvate personalities, pre-
W.W. ad '?F‘ °. a tbe al:ar ° r th = public good ;
5 1 :J bereJ * do,bln 8 ,n the course or thc Wilmots
of the parts but dogged selfishness, and nothing can
come out of it hut political ruin. S
The lynchburgh Virginian, an old and influential
p*,er,laltea the following notree of Divid Wilmot'a
qaixotic epeech in the House :
Wl ' M ° l :.~ T !‘l* 6mo °"* " r rall,cr itfttmmu
dl * or ß an ' zcr > rendered himself ridiculous a few dare
JtaWiby.making a furious attack upon the venera
raS^nuL? 1 thc ' VaBl " n B ,un Vitim and the Secre
tary of State—m the course or which he made co
piona draft, upon the Federal .laup of the day, for
nf * mn * ,n S into disrepute the.e distio
puiAed patriots and slalemen. It all, however,
Without avail. He met with no sympathy whatever
fro,n a corporal’s guard of the Derao-
Iw?e‘l! em ?fi. ra ° r Con S re3 »’ and had to look into
n°. the en "' n r—where he properly belongs i
-jfe-wkjtcver or aid and comfort he.received.
S^St.T h T P .'° n , i ‘" d Brown > Pennsylvania, !
Sdtalfy sphcJ and triumphantly repelled his un- I
Sta Si. ,h.. M ? U,t - UPO,, . Mr ’ ® uc hanar.—showing
originated in the vilest ..I personal '
ftalmge springing rom disappointed ambition: And
• . .i° r . ° f ,he Vnton retorted in one or the seve
;»!y flayed e aMve? VOr ‘ T " e e ~‘»” *“ «
.i3w. m vi ,h ' Bk S?.“ on mUch cun.equence is j
attaohed to thi. man Wilrnou He is obviously seek
ing notoriety, regardless or its character—whether !
infamous or otherwise. Messrs. Ritchie and Bu
etanan arc above hi. reach. They have been too
longtn toe public service, and are too generally
kß.wnto beaojuriously effected by anything that
w? Sf..* 15 ’ oP *£ em - He has long since been shorn
ot influence he once possessed, and his
mpotent attacks upon greater and better men than
“ ,t ™ “‘her tendency than to expose
''l*?'*™'’ his nature, and rendor their author,
con t° n * ** be more in ,he e r e “ ortho
“ CcusC - viper—you bile at a Sic.”
■ C Tllc T ««‘r with Mexico.
We have .sen a great deal,in different newspapers,
with reference to thc late draft or a treaty, which
has been shapen into some form, and by some au
thority, forwarded from Mexico. 'We have no sat
isfactory information, on which to form an opinion
respecting this article, in any way j and are not,
therefore, disposed to say much about it. We may
observe, however, that the correspondents of the
Baltimore San, writing.from the City 0 r Washington
. on the subject, (and we musi say that they, in gene
ral, communicate very accurate information,) speak
of this draft as “a proposition growing oat of a
mere private intrigue—and made by and received by
: unauthorized and self-acting and self-constituted
Jt does gpt contain a proposition that an
•jjjy^fj^iQiHljden.stall he kept in Mexico by our
Country ; that it dees hot offer “ indemnity for the
.P“tvMil eecurity.for the future that it secures in
to rests of other countries in Mexico, which are pre
judicial to our own ; .that it grants an armistice, on
the signing Of it by (he commissioners, and the im
mgdiate withdrawal ir our troops upon its ratifica
-Such are said to be, briefly, its provisions.
If this, or any thing of a similar character, be the ro
sultof the unauthorized project, we are notwilling
even to think it possible that any Democrat could •
for amoment ontertain on idea of giving it his sanc
■V'ln Philadelphia, on the 22d iust., at a sale of
stsells, thirteen shares in the Merchant’s and Manu
facturer’s Sank of Ibis city, were sol*.at $4660 per
Cass hs. ssiured $, Ckssidy, of Jersey
City, that he never wrote the letter from Paris, in
commendation of Gen. Harrison, (after the death or
en - H.) which went thc rouacs of the American
press, name attached to it.
'-■? •*'
? V'-''t-
: Slr®3U£ssasw:
' Th ‘ *®nalacking in liberality and enterprise.
The raws, to aid which thi. entertainment wa, pro
boroh’ 'r 7 d : at,y ° ne * in Which the Pe °P‘ e ofPi,t »-
hurgh, feel a deep interest; fo, we „ n der,tand that
a »nbJ'? fiV ' hU ’ tdr ' d t,Cke “ ' Vere Bold > and the
pother of persons present at the festivities or the
evening, maj be fairly computed at one thousand.—
ever, (accord,ng to the statements ol’all with whom
we Conversed,, ha, there been so largos assembly
of person, at the Lafayette Rooms; and the Eagle
f h r\ bccn ohtaihed Tor the benefitoT
those who might not wish to join in the dance, was
also comfortably filled, but not with those who were
content with.a quiet promenade. Music resounded
«. every par, of the House, and the merry dance was
to be scon in almost every room.
The day had been, throughout, pleasant; and the
ev ng „a, clear and cold-thu. fevering the wish
entermi"" m P - C3 bec ” c « ited <•“' the
dance of‘t^ 1 ’ Th '* C,rcum,tanco favored the atten-
Lo "> latgo a company, in which Youth, and
Love, lnd Beauty-tho frost-crowned parent, the
budding maiden, the blooming youth, vigorous man
hood, and ripe womanhood,—all were there; and all
were pleased, and happy, and contented. Nor was
the company confined to a class. Wealthy property
owners and their families, as well as the industrious !
and tod mg operatives, might be seen there, upon
the same footing. “The quality of mercy i. not strain- ‘
ed ;■> and thus thi, Mercy Soiree proved a practical !
demonstration, that the work which all were aiminc
to promote, caerted a happifing influence upon all <
engaged in it. y .
t Too much cied.t cannot be awarded to the gentlo
r rr ho r' en th ° mu, ° in »«°®pii.h
-e , undertaking so well calculated to produce
on community, among all class
whfeh ' etr management, everything
. * d 0" e > to »-« entertainment a
grceable to all, was done ; and they can enjoy the
proud satisfaction of feeling, , h a, „„ city J our
Lnion, could so large an assembly have been con
cned, continued together during so many hours,
selv P T'?’ m ° re P errect ‘y satisfied with them
selve. and other,. No, a single occurrence, during
tho evening, was calculated to mar die happiness of
those present. 1 r
The room, were full by eight o’clock, an excel
len sod abundant supper was served up at half
past ten; and a large portion of the company en
joyed the dance until five o’clock in the morning.
We have been informed, by some of the Managers,
that the nett receipt, from the entertainment, for the
enefitof the Mercy Hospital Fund, will not rail
short of eight hundred dollar,-uu\j . „ 10 « „„ b lc
encoor.gcment for so meritorious an undertaking.
While on tins subject, wc maj as well mention,
| that the spirit influenced our own cl,sen,
, operated with a number of stranger. ,n our city
A case ,n point, (lnd „ „ , to|l(arJ wa ,
that or an elderly gentleman from, who
hearing the .ounds of music, a. he was pacing
down Wood .tree, enquired what w„ g„ lng ou , |
and, being told the character and design of the 1
wnmbly, he promptly replied-- Well, „ , a id in |
the good Hook, that 4 he that g.vch ,o the poor, I
ended, to the Lord,’ I will go up> and scefhow the !
lolk. are eojouug themselves. I vhiil! have a credit !
«f ?i»o dollars in Heaven, at an} rate ! " [
Long will those who participated in these fe.tivi- i
tie. reflect with pleasure on the night of the *<lh j
of f chruarv, ISIS ; and long will the oiigina.or, of ! 4
them, have reason feel proud of ihe part which i 1
they performed, ,n carrying forward so noble an ul- i j
durtaking a. the Mercy Hospital. 4 |
| Nomination or Gen. Taylor.
I „ Fr '’"’ tl "' currcspondencc of the Gasrti,, wc learn
I that the federal Convention of the State of Ken
lucky, winch met a few day. since, have lepodiated
rt,c - v havc "ppomted Delegates to the
federal National Convenuon in,in, led ,o support
the claims of Gen Taylor for the Piesidenev. We
have been impressed with the belief, f u ’ r , om e
months, that .11 the prctcndel demonstrations in
lavor of Clay, were only designed .. . mean, by
Winch to transfer the independent 44 Whig- vote,,
to a more aeaiiabt. candidate ; whose political prin
epic, were no, 44 f„, the publlc C)C „ Lctuih<;ar
no more from Federal orator, and ed.lor., .bout
Democrat. bc,ng tran.ferred from the .npport of
one man to anethe-, t„ , ui i , llc )irwl )cad .
er,. With Democrat,, men arc hut the .o.lrumenl,
hv which to work the triumph of their avowed poli
tical principles. Hu, Federal doctrine, have become
«o odious, tha, the man who ha, sustained thorn, 4
""•■I he ha. grown grey j„ Ihcir , u|lport> mil „ bc ,
putastjlc, and even made to become a wire-worker I
>" nosing the automatons, who are to pl„y
tune of no-party, no principles, or anv thing else
to secure the office, of the countrv. ‘
I „ *» Osuaosi ClrsamilsiiM,
j On the la„ , rip of llie tlcaraboa , N|agßri> from
: t-mcnnat, to this city,-a. is frequently done on
pending apre.idcnlial election,— a vote
was taken for President. Our reader, arc of cours
eware, that the maa. of tho.o who mko a cabin
paasago on steamboats, arc of the Whig” pa rtv .
and a. they aro always anxiou. te show the •< Whig”
Hrsngdi, they resort to the plan of taking a vote—
On the occasion referred to, such a prop„.i,i„ n was
made; and, on the vole being taken, il wa. found
that there were for Mr. C.av 42 , f„ r Gen. Cas. 35;
Gen. Taylor 6 ; Gen. Scott I vote. Had the genii'.
men gone below, and there counted, among
the stutdy and hardy voters, who earn their bread
by the sweat of their brew, .hoy w„„ ld have found
a much nearer approximation to uoanimity_p roba .
bly all Democrats. If , U ch indication, are present
cd among the cabin pasunger, on our steamboats,
Whiggcry will be compelled to look beyond this
coujtry for voters to elect any candidate of that
*' or 1“ Morning Post.
Mr. hnito*:—Your selection of “legislative
Proceedings,” contains Senator Small’s patriotic
efforts .a behalf of the the children of the poor
debarring them from imprisonment in the factory
basules of thi, state, until they are twelvo yeara
J, and , th . cn “ ot *o he confined more than ten
hours each day, deserves, and I hope will receive
cra e ,rreader. a . Ck,lOWledßemeotS ° C ? our d «"°'
M f- Alde n’» project i. to bo under con
ideration in the New Court House, at 3 o’clock
preparatory to which, Hugh Kirtland, preacher is’
SllbriS Si."?!** 2 “’‘‘O'*- Whathis .X*
mg forth, I will not prognosticate but woniri
lbe| C interest 0 ' h oME
no interest 7n ,ra n hU ‘v n progrc,!,; and wh ° feel
descendant, S ,ran * n >'«'”g practical error to our
undmk Eft g°ov“„V T when
mission tS*iu ' C ° CrCed ' nt ° “ uk ‘
The democratic legislation of William P <
, C “ n^ ed w ' th Magehan’s attack. uXL work’
.mg men commends itipif ♦«, *u~ r.“ 0,6 wor *-
Immane of all partie? Hta 7 ,° nl,gctcn " i aad
“ Trades Unionim,” ta fS hfi?n “ »
marked, in hi."U;. ta^X f « , ..“tiS’" , "“ , J
democrat; and if his constituent, are now animated
by the spirit of- ’34, when they carried . d
hours” in Philadelphia, his honest and bold servi
ces, in attempting to extend the system, benefits to
■ all, who are now crushed under the drudgery of
m C ec7oftp'/ob^,o r „: Ce,Ve ff ° m ,h ° m >
„ A W'? D f A V —f he Hagerstown News states tha
Hezekiah Burhans, an old mao, who lately.died in
Baltimore, nos leu-all hie property, valued at 912 -
000, to a young lady, a schooi-mistresa of that town
who, when the old.gentlemnn visited Hagerstown a
year ago, treated lum with great kindness, when
others, viewing him a. beneath their notice, j n con
sequence of. his Shabby appearance, Ireated him
witu great coldness. The lady not only glive him
a «arm welcome, bul also iniroducod into her
school the “ Moriotontcal .Speller,»» a work of which
the deceased was the author. “Kind words cost
I beg Nave to tell Mr. Alden. Mr. Wed Mr V.
gehan, William*, (the elder:) Forward & Co., that |'
agroo with that eminent and .ejected jurist Jaw.
.ucce«fr h ° D "u U, *‘ *" itwlitutiom, to bg
•uccessf.l, must have the usittancc of the laboring
, G, r* thc arrangement. I have mcn
nM ifK ‘ ? l‘ c ,a ’ utut >°« in proper hand, j
all about what you pitiably call of Divinity and
you will confer a bench! upon your countrv^which
pctenty wiH remember-?you\il| ”“ n * name
which will live in thc good of the race, and a glory
ofThe Pe o o n plc Cnt Wi “ b ® emb ° diad iB h “PP'-‘-
thaT h heYad e L 0 .b thi ’.’ d n em ’ U d “° to himselfto any,
carHbf , . n0lhln ? *? do wi <i> the meeting. Ho i,
f. wron» i?r C f‘ ’ n bl * View * ° r ,h 0 Ifbc
he hf,nn.To f | hC h " mißr oP reße nted the movement—
he hope, to be corrected. He challenge, enquiry
and la free to conviction. STUDENS
vc manufacturing
«T2 P no ooo’ a h nd Tlnß “1 ”? Bre *? tc “pital *lock o*
week v w.™. f employing 12,630 hand., whom
Thffo ? ' P lc “ r °. f hoard,) amount to $30,440
There arc two inautution. for Saving.—the Lowell
and ‘. h ® Ctty—where their operatives deposited dur
hm»‘h ye i r Ind,l>B1 nd,l>B nl 30 > 1847, *836,305
000 f f 8 , 111 n«Bfegate capital of $OOO,-
’ • • M Mutual Insurance Company, which has
been mghly successful in it. operations. The per
lf.'il em , P f yed m Ule tevoral manufacturing estab
iiahmenu have access to a Library of7ooo volumes
f" ‘.u® C ' ,y \. A i oß P ita ‘ •'»« also been os’
tablished for the sick aud diseased. The various
vifi?. nc r P r “ duce weekly, an aggregate of 1,920,900
yrnd. of cotton and 27,831 of woollen fabric, in
which 683,000 pound, of the raw material are com
JJ 1 ? P rCBC ”' population ofLowell is 30,000.
828 it wa. only 3,632. —Journal of Commerce.
N .v Wr r. OU T DLAm) FfSHEHtES.—In a late Treatise
riff Newfoundland, by Patrick Mor
[“* r o „vi° hn ’ N - F > ll '« “lated that the French
have 2 °.9°o'men engaged in the Fisheries on the
Danks, with 600 large vessels, and that they cure a
million quintal, of fish a year j the Americans 2000
schooners of 30 to 120 tons, and 37,000 men. They
cure lon r“ d •“ h f' f ? f L 9 uin,a l»- The British
cure a million of quintals, like the French, have 25,-
000 fiishermen and sailors employed, 520 sealing
shipß Irom 100 to 180 tons, and 10,082 open boats. ?
Hpjrar Ciat kissed “Psyche,” one ofDr. Collv
model, artists” three times the otherday, f n
ttnuhmgtQii, on account of her beauty. He k'issed
her twice, f hen »aid he, “you have forgotten to
in ‘ Bt »«p p«™h
it,” slte rcpliejl; Hedideo. It was done. Pyßcho
is not an unhandsome “arrangement of fleah and
blood ! ” — Philadelphia Timet, ?
- '' >' i
: -- i' . .. t - J-*
3'; U V- **« . '<• U
.**;• ®“* rd ° r aeT ' n “' Comml«elon era.
The following genUdmeir, on* from each Judicial
Dutri:t, conatimte thin Board. ’ The State Treuo
irer ia ex-officio Preaident of the Board; Jons M
Forster is the Secretary:
1: Price.
Be ßeede“ rtha “ l “ on,ana Le,hi « h -Almond H.
' C.Ma”halu’ Venar,|fo a " d
1’ No'rthnmh on *Bonicry—Owen8 0nicr y—Owen Jones.
“sm i ?h d, LjCOmi '‘ g> " nd C°l““l'ia
-10 ‘ W U ”l er^ d *.f e^,- d JuniaOi—D. Shearer.
estmoreand, Indiana, Armatrong, and Cam •
.. k "»—Findley Patterson.
'• ,^ ne > P ,ke > Wyoming, and Susequchanna—
Vi rgil Gronnell.
12. Dauphin and Lebanon—John Krauso.
13. Bradford, Tioga, and Luzerne—Reuben Wilber
14. Fayette, Washington, and Greene—Maxwell
15. Cheater and Delaware—Jesac Young.
16. kranklin, Bedford, and Someraet— JohnCeaana
17. Beaver, Butler, and Mercer— Joaeph Pollock
,8 ’ P °K’fe. Jeffer, °- Elk > a " d
19. York and Adams—Robert J. Fisher.
20. Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Union-Gootge Schi.a
-2!. Schuylkill, Carbon, and Monroe—John Fatzin
A™ .n H * rbor Improvements.
Among the appropriation, for various works of
Improvement, by the General Government, for the
fiscal year June 30th, 1847, we notice the
lollowtng.amounting to nearly $60,000; nearly all
or which ha. been expended in the West •
Removmg obstruction. in Choctawhoct
chie and Holmes Rivers, >i 742 c 0
Cape Ton River, bI? oo
Harbor of I Creek, Ohio, HO 70
Cleveland «« <« , « 7{> nn
“ O.weffo k “ N ° W Y ° rk ’ 2 > 873 9S
“ “ 2,000 00
<< c,‘ l u on L “ ke Eri '. 895 08
Sandusky « Ohio 221 nn
Preserialion and repairs of the Harbors
on the Lakes,
Harbor cf Duburke, lowa, g g 2 g g°
Genesee R,ver, New York, , ’ogn nn
Red River, removal ot a raft, gg
Lighthouse on Carusfort Reef, Florida, 3,000 00
h« i . nc * r "augeibance, Mich.. 2,000 00
C Surt< * of lto Northern ’
and Northwestern Lakes,
Surveys in reference to the Military De.
fences of the frontier, inland and atlan-
Light-house on Min.l’s Rock, Boston liar- 11,209 12
Ligln-house on Fairwcather. Island,
on Monroe, Michigan,
Amounting in all to $59,266 09
M. P Th ' AW '“ *^3ie‘ rm '
M*. Eoiroa—fsjr: I preaumc that no one in nnv
war connected with the broachroent of a public
measure, h»iog for it. oatcnaible purpose the nro
P ubl,c « ood cxhibitsuch narrow
cu..,on „n, ,,U p r ° f ““ d *" to condemn the dia
inuned P ubl,c measure should be cs
anuned i the vdlatnou. pretention. „l hynocn.v
should bn e.poaed ; and Truth ahonld atanTfor h
tr ' ,y njni ' i ' ureof -s
ro!,«“ PrWDl ’ 0n Saturday, at the ” I„„, „ r
Conn- meeting. The Committee, appoints bVai
former meeting, to consider the propriety and pric 1
tmobility Of the contemplated in.titution reported
through their Chairman, Mr. Atom,. To joTe fc !
The C' ’ mU,t " dd ’ “ ,u ’h« amiable- I
The Committee exprcaied their coincidence wit , i|„. !
p opo„ ,„„ of the projector. The, believed the
proposition magnificent, it is irno ; but praclicabie
and pertinent | haie 6 „ dou(l , , rc P nfl C '‘“^
by beat or motive. J have no doubt they do
think that the e.tabtiahment in question would boon
country ° d t*h ° r “ mc " t *° lti * community and thu
h3T ; been ,old thaa the Committee he.
, ‘ , h proftaaion of the law ; that they do
I no rational objection to them. The »*itm of ■
y*' “ P'f«« pervading, baa produced j
fe.„„„ ,he la, , , n d all all rejection, addrcl.' d
to them, a. individual., .t once evince the ignorance
and inconsistency or the Keformer-1 mean ,e j
flections of» defamslojy character * !
I »>H not oppoM Mr. Alden’a meavurc becau.e It 1
W ‘" "« « "opraebcahie i
or vi.ionarv , lon.ervatiim may do that. But I will 1
■ppo.e because I conceive that man, of Tea' |
jurea come counter to the plaincat teaching, of m !
hbra e rv”of I "'"L ,b ' w*»n.ol.Uon of .
library of law worka can be of lo the
»y ,nab,i„y j
from . erabl '“ ,,n e of legal lore, drawn
ed o„ fi ;*‘ or *" c ” t)l ' nght* of man, and found
to the hnma’T’ P r,a,:i P lc, "*>“'■ impart „g,, r
to the human mind, it a mystery to mv comnrohJn
■ion. Although it 1,., been .aid by Coke lhat\be
Law it the perfection of wisdom,” I have Ihe au
humbLr"- r\ tal ‘ ba ° lumbering old
Inmbiig, oi he wan, according to Carivle— to
S” nnmcT ~l 0n ’ thl ' “ njr bloclbcij may
uccomo a prime lawyer, attorney, counsellor or
Whatever yon may call him. un.eiior, or
Uill Mr. counsellor Alden, or Mr. elergvman ■
West, deny the palpable inferiorltv of the aiu'd* of I
law to the study ol philoaopby, of |e,Vc * „7 of!
nciencu J | hope they will anawer me. ' i
J hen the Coratmtleo wish a Divinity School to be i
appended to the inatition. What ku dof Theology I
UUR e'' U *' Catholic Theology, 1
I T. , Theology, begee Theology, Mahominel
dan Theology, or Mormon Theology / | ca ||
the people ol Pituburgh to .purn, w,t|, indignTtml! !
and contempt, thl. attempt—if it be »nch—to Tv,l.
die upon them an infamoua soctarian scheme 1
emis'n ii? P°P ulilr institution—we need a mi,- '
lammr where"'’ U “ • U, ° ““P*"",cadence of a
h„T or,r , " T e,1,,,!n > rilh n ’ P»»r. may I
have gratuitous accers—we need gratuitous lectures
“comTei‘” d , ! nten ‘ tia ll of informs
non, by competent lecturer*—we neod »Ji«riea of
curiosities, apparatus and the other a rfan«c In "nt. 1
requisite to the improvement and elevation of the
community. We want no apecial privilcgciT-nune
Mr. Mictiat l . Dab Maciiias perhaps thinks this'i
n°" d ., a dan ll cf ou> »nd degrading; bat Mr. Michai 1
Dan Magehan is a man of genius, and men of no
uueiitlv ‘T WC ' kno * n > imagine common sense lie
tlleTr opimo n*! Ca " ‘ -gnlation^r
’ ’ ’ / Afhrning Pcsl
, S A Inn.Tnu, Feb SSa7jB4B.
;V Dear Madam ;—The literary world will be much
iE y °* f ° r the J, P you^av^
them after reading my last letter: B
You do great injustice to your sex, when
siat that all who differ from you in opinion, are “rcZ
tlmcn tnskirti.” Most women could write much
better than you, if they would try I 1 ’ rattch
I have more title to the name of woman than von
for r have some small specimen, of human*? \Z\
are immortal, and von onlv hi,. ~„ •/*that
all'Tthc'c'haracters * i and jo 0 hLw
that vour hb.h™,? „ k * S , ome m ®“ Would think
when he left vmt h ®Pp ear ®d great disadvantage,
cord to b nd IZ wifi!"® t P anU,er - 10 B° ror ‘ ha
Panther and . Mobi mon hpld the
•£r e , r > and ??nd the woman for the cord.
transacted 0 ?~“ bm of a ? on>aa “ llcd Eve, who
ofher husband^» n !f o^f a,lt b “ BineB8 > in 'I IO absence
as she hdT 1 n aflerward persuaded:liirn, to do
verv deornited 10 ’’ s°” Uiat < ! aJ ' our sei "ere in a
was 7 «ee g n ?• d - condu,on - un < d the time that the Star,
Prom th?» ?‘ n ‘” B °\ er lhe Man B erin Bethlehem.—
ed fh« ,h k ‘ j” e i “ the seed of the woman has brtlis.
? d ,be h * ad of tße serpent;- and our condition
tdl-tecV a ", d Wlll cominne to improve,
ml the Lion shallhe. down with the Lamb.” Then
rlghuT nlhe,B WUI 011 b ° talne: * nd we will get our
There is another promise given us, or a state
where there is neither marrying nor giving in mar
riage; but you do not expect to go there yet
You must write your autobiography, aiid give the
m“.“ orl i *f. d the Panther story, with bnfhcllish
-s??** *v ad . all / our ot ker atlventurcs. They would
! ■« M?: z^; e v heothcr "t ua "- and
16,1 u“ 8 wore about that “ Noble
’ Jlr ‘ Eiddie;” all the women
???« B 1 get acquainted with him.' lie must be
i teTnterw. o^ 0 PC ; mit ' Uch a Panther tamer a? ,
r«»°k .if . office * 1 •oppose you havehim euite ,
mme by ,h„ tlme , will he pcrmi / you D strok r;- c , |
trJt h °of X j l li oW ~ J l U haU bcltor havoi ">« por-
Uc?„ a D 'r e n J “ dße , tJ , ken and that of Jennie
th ° n ’ bra '° nobiii^
thatwo y u?d U ."* e yo' , uf„ re teeT take abuut ' ll * E P aB ‘
burgh., would . K,lnaßCne - y aa Am-
DoaVs'/ud'refiiM ', h h ? pra " C bcs ‘»»ed ob Jennie
rai;. ,’ I.e lh f c ensure 1 But editors gone
from , the * hold “ different opinion
cho”,: 11 ?i r e C g ° o rr J POnden,a! ° r ’ ***7 matter,
wfen’r?*.* ‘-'Bled.wet. wc weave. S
"lieu hr«t .we practice to deceive." <
ctfpliolnous nnniVof^ 0 ' 8 W °“' d Bro,v
To .Mrs. Jane G. Swisahclm, Editor of the: Visiter
11,296 91
3,000 00
2,000 00
1,625 00
In.. i ” ' txw«Ti— r»f Exchange, —Thetwo
retained n.?n.° r th ° *“ De “ d üblt the import,
“itre R^ PU °“’ IS? ,i *° ome *tic expan.
a, we unltce Btate« in different year*. Ti c la.t
e”o«. e o 7d ,-: ear ,’ end ‘ nK ”* J«»«. IW, .2.-. «
r f , d 5 «porU over foreign import, re-
The I r " r c “°* unl P t " ) t> '» the .urn of sH,|o2 954
the* IZu remredV r U “ < &2S
$47 268 923 Thi ‘ °f conium P llwn m the .tun of
which la., are
o! embarkation. Since 30th of June l'«
port. inaj .omewlat have ercecdcd the doom- bTt
.hM‘z tgo, “ 8 r ‘ r i ,itr —ho,!'
ha. the pre.ent .hlpment of .pecie from ,h,k e, on
s;:pr::^r: r S
WU 11 T *£*•"»« wnmij «j C W.e™“: I
aic*ica» war. A» the former cau*c ban in a vrr&t !
«7"M3iV ue9i “ «'* -»»««•»>r w. I
, F'orrt^n
I hjtjtorrt Hr-r r- Xkrmrsttr
i-M 84wWj« ZZgrZZ itz u r u , a ;
jve. j 7- v« •* - 4U>? I 079
| -il **««
<-» wSttwi .tSiu StfL'i®
1-20 rttiJtf.; hVTf. 0 ," «w i |>|4.j <s
1*27 »,w«. -tTmi'al 5® *•**•'“» W.0.M.710
l-S* e-iio—a ?nvr};<~ ■’ MMIJ «9 SejOSUiM
{«*■>•'£ &555! sss
a sf SI IF 1 ««s
IS i£;S S ffi£
KiS 1 ll'.-y", 7 »., ‘jfi-JiTii*'l.lbL’
i*w smmmmcu ,V®*£K! : 10 M «>.<►*
i<s» T-mv/4?* , >4owh
l' JO Ih-JK/VjJ* l-ili’St OBJCKirtfl
177 ftiXnS? .r !s '^’ 7 lI3.JWUKH
>Ol9 iSmMW "5 l«-^9S
Me •l.Kfap 7 TI ' l " 4!l kyWWM
I'll :<H.ui,a3.-. nTf
ll* .Te# 7* . MuMUIK*
a ;s» sf .sfcs.
JWh lu y;l |k U t u iyMUi
»m .Uditl m the co»»wuffr**ial j-fur
I Chrnmcl/'^y. 1 Th** nE '~ TIIO Wc *' c,n Keserve
■' , r . }" c apprehend, aro aware of the evltnt to
» , cla ~ b u., increased in aLw \ t ' r
Ire Vn,nT* ‘° ,h * bo ° k * «* «!>* canal office we
ore enabled to state, the amount cleared for inar
let during the la.t aii year., vii: ■
!s«’ I 1S «- 2,995,378 Ibs.
s’ni?’ 177 “ I > s >®- 4,763,723 “
>844, 3,341,404 - I 1847, 6,569,170 «
' t , Wlll L" Ulc >»«"»« has been ' very
dm,gh l h S«" p' 1 " 11 .*- d ." ri " B " ,0 ,ca " on 6f lh ' c
lief fhaMS4S w.nV C “ lmd ‘? ,iun ‘ " lr ' a '>‘ *»«= be
cersor. r “ r ° ,!:88d an >’ onc wf its pfede-
Tho Albany Journal gives the following statement
of the amount of Cheese received at Albany a„d
Troy during the past twelve years: 7
lim’ IsSon tt, ‘ ,842 ' >9,004,000 ft,.
R3B’ a’nm’Lno " IS43 ’ 94,334,000 **
>839; «: }ss- 15-si-gg?
! 8 8 4 4i* K;“J::
>B4l, 14,170,000 « 1847, 40,514,000 «
amounts o h l,ll I fe ' V buyC ” for '"»e»Hnent. Small
n??»aB fero Cn *° dof ohin > ° r *B5O, »< 85i and
p r een.'? L SC ,°>, al ? 5 ‘- a " d of Maryland at 65
• A , lol,e f »om another source aayi
do fi_ C ? P addressed you, butliule ha. been
f„r pl A f" erlcan 'oourilies. There is a demand
oflbfin" r, y Vai ?‘ a and o,lio Statertocks, but no stocks
G3a64 i ’al. ni C 'e W 0 < > uo,e Pennsylvania bonds aJ
ana bond, ?2 ,n' :,Ma i. 84 ' ,85 > b "'*> «• d >v-i tndi
is doino- fit * * lnnt * 34 "^ a *l nominal, as nothing
friend *r ■ ls onc « raore so abundant that a
r ha r n ' y beeb able ,0 R ct »pw cent,
J ‘ * ed .? ! n * weekB notice, and six month’s-bills
are readily discounted at 4 percent.” <
° r Thn receipts into!the
treaiurvdurjng the year ending December I. 1847
.’IL®,-’ 334 ' 903 2 6 ‘ Tho duringlthe
“”® »1,194, 452, 87, for all or which pay
mentssatislactory vouchers were .proeuced. The
w^l7ll n /oo t^ a ‘V ?" the Ist ofDecemberlB47,
ZZi, ,49 l 46, wh,ch su,n w “ ‘object to charges
070 it en P ai< l, amounting in all to $lOl,.
, • Tho actual balance applicable to future'de
maeds on the Treasury was $227,220,31.
Sir The Whig politicians, both in and out ofCon
gresa declare the Mexican war to be “ unjust, un
righteous, and infamous,” and yet they are always
toremostm voting gold medals to the two or three
Whig officers who have taken part in prosecutlnz
that war, and many of them talk of making Taylor or
Scott President for it. Now, if they really belini Z
what they say of the war, consistency requires them
o denounce their Whig Generals d not resigning
their commands in preference to invadim?
wh d o ha» e h k to i Cl S Vat °- th ° PrCBi <lency ffiat wL’
Thev Z 1 ln c °? dcmnin S that invasiob !
P the war . “ r° n « of the greatest na
tional crimes on record, and yet boast that Whigs
(Taylor and Scott,) have been the most siiccessffii
prosecutors of that war, and seek in „ Ces lu
aSk'sh'trm- 01, honors! Consistency may
ask what is Whiggery—and Whiggery may ask what
,s consistency.— Baltimore lUpuMcd ' “** w f*
i°633^ffi 39 ' aDd g s
P».,d a a, i,„ , cmlob '
Sn" , oV hC f COD ’ Wa ' calc,,la,Bd ‘o cbstruciThF
Irc';rl'. n o f 0 b r c n, rc p 0 e n a?e<,:Tc. ,h ° P ”' >,e ’ aad “^t
pla^m nC am M^nmere h ra , nkktd f T hi ■ hi ? h
how rh. d act ' on, |! t “ a aource ofwonder to u,
STJhLETrfT ? h, «* WiU reconcil ° bis propol
ed scheme of direct lanation, with their assumed
b '? h ' a " ff principles. As the Coons have acknowl
edged him, they intend, of course, to adopt h a
S£ZTi£EX: freet " d ‘-‘«-.S,n h J!
Philadelphia, Feb. 23.—Hon. A*nold Pldjieh
lately elected State Treasurer, arrived in th“ c“v’
Smt«' Hole? o ''M?"p a " d “ n?W “ Uyinß at 11,8 United
state. Hotel. Mr. Pldmee » one of the ablest and
most influential of the. Western Democracy and ir
he accept the post of State Treasurer,'he* will mako
a most capable and efficient officer
itself til] it waa clean out of breath.” BJp
fnr&Xte?, U
sidious destroyer, Consumption! before it takes Ul *
e oXe C a e^fX di ct e ;L l,rcPared^ ■«***&&
te » t »nonv of thousands, who biive aeen - n p e A
p> the timely use 01 ifus medicine. OnebhiibvtJ .!Jp C ? r ®®
m many eases, to test i» curaUve^ii^Mn sol^
PiSburgh, pi WM - jAaao!, < Agent. 89 atreeh
6 ■'}.
1 *
*S . v: ;> H . V
"' v
l* l ™ or.^CoUAi. —yfe hope our ijeaderSt
workisgmen, neftlect to read
‘ n re, «ton to the London Inns
of Court; and the Pittsburgh Project, which we pub
lished yesterday. Such a conscise statement of
facts, would not fad to make a deep impression upon
the minds of intelligent people.
We, to day, give, another article from a corres
pondent, upon the same subject ; to which we direct
We now regret having said, that we would not
objeetto >the Inns of Court Project; provided, it
could be carried out with the aid o! private sub
scription,, alone. After thought upon the subject,
and hearing the whole mattS discussed in private
circles, amongTriends and Sties, wc have come to
he conclusion, that an institution fraught with so
much evil, Should be prohibited by a positive enact
rnent if poss.bU. We do not apprehend that there'
Ce r n / r,y , neCe “ 3ity f ° r “ a PP“>«»
ture for protection , but should such necessity arise,
we are requested to say, thit tl, o appeal ■wM tie
The meeting wili be held to-day at 3 o'clock, P.
M. We should like to see a general turn-out on the'
part of the men who have the most interest in this
matter- the wealth producers. .All who are jealous
of the slightest encroachments upon the shadowsot
Liberty and Equality that really now exist; should
not fail to bepresent; that: their voices may be
heard ; for thoyhavc yet a right to speak out loudly,
and uproariously, when occasion requires
The Report has not been published, as required
by a resolution of the meeting of last Saturday We
are net much surprised at this ; as it is a ddcumenf
that would suit the public mind very well, in the
presentstate of BuMtmayappeariasom,
Whig paper, this morning,—just in time to be too
Ite, notone half of those who should see it, will
nave an opportunity.
3»- There will be fun at the lon*of Court moet-
: D ndrSfr minly - And ‘ h -' v i»bephUo.ophy
In the first place, Mr. Joseph Barker, well known
ln ~ h “ Con ™ unil l' *i» te present; and devote a
speech to the Project and projectors, particularly the
author. He has been, during the week, hunting
items, as we are told—items that will not be agreea
ble to some folks. We all know what kind or a
■onguc.Joe has; not one that we admire, by any
mean.; yetit works good under some circumstances.
The present is an occurrence weli suited to it.
Then, there will be the Rev. KirUand, a distin
guished Divine from Butler—who floored John C.
Calhoun on the War question. Mr. Stevenson will
also give his views, should he find it convenient to
be present.
The Sr. Ciaia Townsum Arr.vm%_T|„. people
in the neighborhood are still investigating the mys
tery connected with the outrage perpetrated upon
an old woman a few weeks ago. A man named
Hahn call.d upon Aid. Steele, on Wednesday, to.
enquire whether any information bad been made
against him. He was informed that there was; and
was about to move off, and secrete himself, when
he was arrested on the spot, and Laid to bail in Hie
turn of $5OO.
The woman has not yet been heard off. There
are various and conflicting statements in regard to
her disappearance. We learn that her name was
tlua McGall. She said lliat she had been married
to a man namoJ Lewis.
JHTWc called yesterday to sec a very handsome
Banner, designed and painted by Mr. James Miller.
The design is the Queen of Shcb. before King Sol
uinon. .< And when the Queen of Sheba beard of
Solomon, concerning the name of the Lori, she
came to prove him with hard questions.- The dc.
sign and coloring „», „ nce rtnkin; , and bMntjfil|
and reflects great credit on Mr. Miller. Go and see
* *
Sir If nur “ Local Column” is deemed deficient,
we must attribute the blame to sickness. We arc
gctting.beltcr, and w,II pull „p alongside our con
temporaries, in a day or two.
O.veMoke.— Tho Vigilant Impendent Bail cornea
.off on the 3d of March. Tho .ales of tickets have
been extensive, on account of the struggle between
lhc conipaniet for the Priies. It will be a tremen
dou« affair.
fetr-Therc i, some talk ofgeibngvu,, a Taylor
Meeung ,n thin city. There ha, been none yct.
o,‘, e T"’, rr °, m Knr "“« k I’ hn * E' v< ’ n courage to the
u ilartl*Cider boy».’>
A noth ra. a Mr. Johnson is to lecture on Mag
nettam one of those evenings, and propose, to “ex
plode the idoh that the subject is under the control
ol the Mesmerixer’, will alone.”
What city editor was mean enough to attempt
io hook into the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Creek .up
per, in the Athcnanm, on the 22d. He should bo
marked ; and tho aborigines did well in kicking
him out. “*■ b
A fi " c Gold will be sold at
M Kekha’s Auction Rooms, this evening, at 7j o’-
clock, by order of Administrator,; and at the same
time, a large lot of new and .ccond hand Gold and
bilvcr Lever and other Watches.
larThe papers say that Prof. Loomis has been
successful in all his experiments, except the gram
m»F * °
&&' The remains of Lieut. Irons arrived at our
wharf yesterday morning, on board the Roscoe.
&£T We would invite the attention of Physician,
and other, to the sale of very valuable Book, by
catalogue, th.a evening, at Davis- Auction Rooms.
kifled rnd,c k ' , ,uFddTe l,C „V”hed r »y' an Thefl n T’
fittest for keeping when the respiration i. sfowLi’
and the temperature of the animal lowest. ’
i k!/
~g~ ,~~
Reported for the
Correspondence of the Morning Post.
: CiHciHirixi, Feb. 2s.
Mr. Crittenden accepts the nomination for Gov
ernor of Kentucky) but the Whig, in Congre.. are
opposed to bis filing any day to resign his seat in
the Senate.
The KentuckyLegislatnre wili adjonrn on Mon
day next. . . ' : ; ■ ■ ■■ ' .
i: Baltuiobe, Feb. 25,3 p. m
o’-ir There is no marked change from yesterday.
but the market is, if atiyj thing, ditilcr. I : hear ofmode
de* ° f 11 s hrands|;at 85,62; and of City mills at 80
y bbt. .• ... • •
I C fi r^ i,,—Tl, ° " mrket *s Prime for Wheat. hut not derive,
“downward tendency. Other grains arc
Bteadj , sales yellow at 40c. '
Provtsionsr-The market isdull for Pork and Beef—
Jheye is a specnlatuive ntaveincm in I.ard/und ihc mar
ket jms atuipward tendency... '
robucco—The marketi* uc litre. .
potion—The market continues quiet.- • , ~ ,
• F ur—Sa . ,M 10 u moderate eitcnt at Bt,tS* f bbl.
- t-Orn Meal—Sides oi S3, I2HF bid. -
4 ... PuttADEirnu, Fell. 25,1 p. m. "
‘ !, ° Ur of western hatids at 84751
v^etn— Sales of prime iycljow atS3c.j held at Sii- >OOO
qu. prime While were sold at Bt-K).
Cljtverseed-ades of 2* bushels a, 83,«. The mark*
drooping. | •
Prpvisions are without change, <
- W Uskoy—Sales at 25cL
nhw York .Markets.
V, „ , , Nnv Yoax, Feb. 25, 3p. m.
, I Idur—Sales of Ucnnc?sec at S6,2sC.3Vaiid of wes
tern Jtrands at
y™* t“ i,c Sic 4 ®, bad of prim fed
at stdto, prime white Corn is selling at 5S *>• bu
Pcivtstons-The market is heavy for Pork. Baltimore
rendered -Lard sells at market, active
•" Whhoat f ha^: markctweil.
Cotton— No change froth last qubiaiibhk. ' j.
Ftdhiid puhcmil
SMaTnocskwiß the name of M. B
l^..e!i I msb„F. ‘ O,i ;<a,nrd0 > « the New Court
JVJ The hour preceding the adjourned meeting., i
Sf*** “ Msiwea®
»®T <SP< '" ** »>h«WixWW.ioi to
“ fcbSO-dhr -
17 OR r
X* two
uatctf inj
m«*nt i*
jsw’i® ? ro P*«r:ta Allrghiny CiVTi
U<l I,ca " i,y lo ™ io ''- B'cn-^'an
fc* S l s"* ;"!V Brict House, well arrau-ed
titular die to “ I " ea * i "‘ i
rice low} ajjd icnus Jibera). a
S. (. l,i iiiBERT. Gen. Agent,
iFiT-wM 50 »wi*fcfie|d st. ,
, a.i i am determined to debts of h,-r J ;
i.l Ihm
tion; Ihi
lo inw i
glienv: ■ m ‘" ld for <■'* counly of Alle-‘
"m!n,: r ha,!, UrlSSr'h^ U i? Wy - -Thu.
txmmj willpray l^LV l,c 88 * n dory -
ss*t;;sEsfav"}SfT ß »'-'
ii>»»4«wJ AA Jv HARRIS’ Agcncv anti J
T7 t/ v ' Tfe . Commission Store, fcfth st .
fcbsMV- , •■ 4 •V?^ c rF ■-■:
QVGAIt-lolihds prime
® 2?F?i b s .__ fftwsi _ ■ sSlth 4 snclmr.
AI>PI ‘ ES F # bn sale by" '
t)“SS PEA «IE»-I«1 bllttheln, foTsale by ;
bjjl,.Ao| South M.ckorel;
8.“. ‘ 1
I • IOhf« . « 1 u
, • 10i»t*** u 2 . " .«
In More umi for sofa by
1., . 1. MILLER lc lUCKETSON.
‘' h 1 : -Ani.LKR Sc RrCKETSOV
/ 11-ARKr—s hiula Table claret;
1 5 “
,"••>'> hou ß c i room and co,'" ia, C c s n L'” h 7' Tl P">™led
no„ i? n rav p s ..dou.e^^f^^—a-
I G>flj|y, &n&r < jmSMiS?psSSekfcj! ir-
R r, u Tho ff as B “* ck >Robert WoodhonU"SlSS? 1 } £ orrest -
Hobeii Bradshaw, Jatnea DtmS.- . Micliml M^phy,
gheiiy: ’ unu lor ««c county of Alle-
Piusbur^h^bTthc^conmy aforeßaM r 'hn o ''! r |' h ’ £ vaW ' City of
yonr hath provided hbniiif mb - l^' I*ewc,l'i 1 * ewc,l 'i , A«
the accommodation of traveler*“£dmsU“ nm^ ri ats for
a ? d . ot ferBt dud that said lavernUrJES? tMm of tnwclew
John Fleck! Robert xrr^t/J 1 l 5^ e Js eBBQ ry.
Caf'r'u4r eph Harney, Michael' s''* 9,l }® niel Klemn *»,, M. Mortin, Jac &
— j fcb23-3td»
mv buSnmfs th*"^■9®“’ ®* Washinginn,
cams. , i y uusiness there, free of charge to applf
• -- '* " r - --• •: iebSS; .
Xv to the W
to receive a t
opening of C
and all interr
if* Mc&KUL TY Co. have removed
arebouscs on “Sloan’s vehiuf," upwr
LSP . v * l * re they are now fully prepared
arge araonnCof Produce, &ci’,to Bhipjottthe
inal navigation, to Philadelphia, Baltimore!
lediate places. /ebS5
vV ; r: •.. : ,-• •— -n
fk *
W R- •- i
>’! '»iS-
COMBI op WOOD aso TniM^£irr^ ROKEK - S
Pittsburgh Bank* pm
Philadelphia Banks- pat
German!oxen -pa;
Chester county -pa\
Delaware county- .... .. -p a}
Montgomery county - - - -»-pai
Northumberland county- -pas
Col. Bank <s* Bridge Co. - -pat
fading. i.pfa
Lancaster- , p<n
Doylestown ...........V -pai
Bucks c0unty ........ J.. .-at
PottstiUe .twit
f irtwAing/en ■ .........,^;i
Brownsville, .««!
rorir...i ,\ Xi
Chatnbcrsburgh- - ji
Gettysburg ■ ............ j 1
■Middletown. -■.... .11
Cnr/wfe.... jf
Harrishugh-•••-. /..... .. .ji
Jlonesdalc i-.jj
Lebanon.;} -- -.. . -.. .-.jj
Lnristdivit. - V.*.V; r;.
. ...
Erie- •• •. •. v* * ■«*>........ *u
West Branch j |
Suqitehannn county-
I Jshigh county-- ....
t t/. Ban*.Vi v.:....
[ Bclu/ Notts--'- ...14
City and County Scrip ----H
State Bank and branches- -11
■State Scrip. . ~jj
All Batiks- ............... 11
Eastern Banks 11
. Wheeling 1
: Branches'-. .jji
Bran eh at M6rgantoion.--'-3\
Baytmore city- i. ..... .p n
Country Banks
1 City Banks.,. ...Mr
Country Banks- ■ 11
Alt solvent banks
Plainfield-.......... .no sole
Sales ; bn 3attion.
South-East earner of Woodand EtfSsUeet,.
D^Mt S 2?S&i» C T 0 “ Monday morning, Fcbrnnr* }
MWtfM«gßB :
J P°2i«taSy^rgo^" u if. p *' , '' r ' quill8 ’
| ;;
Win. liarailton-.Vatci. b voS fSun!? . e,, *» v i>>S»i Sr .'.'
i «fwr. *» sources of the rive? NHIe A i “ 'l?** 1 *'° < ”•■
Sciences of Hindoosion wirh m,m° 4to P la * c *7 ‘
. iiip*,avol«4to;BratiN Pnrr» t,n, , c J°Ms« n grav.:
J fine colored plates; Biiclinium's KyroJ Architecture,
: 4.0 fineUlusS-nS “xS"o*Sv-rr"l? in Mysore. Ss-or,’
Breast; Meckel's Aiintoiriy’3 *>• °" tltcv 1
,m ""'T’ Carmichael on CMcerfwuel? ?%'
Cd n j '““■"Sin'on'mcSa^of'silc ' ViH bc a ™ S S : ; .
—~ J °H* T». DAVIS. Ann. :
theet, TmtEE Pomstt yuoai Fif4n .
US '
store of Robert Imflerty 7lh’»dms ,^V U *'? kold, at the..
camUhridge,his entirestock fe\v iloprs al>ove tlife ;:
! *'-Wtel/*cirMinJ t ha? IH I “h,S'w S ’ 5,0 t rcfix,urei ' ;
are tlietollowiug: Imperial ; omo "R the articles '
black l eos,aoCTrrsDKe«'fnS!.r^* :r ' yo^l VS h yson. and
Inrgo lot of queeney™ref \WKaiiv ml n,p aml a
grocery line; also, brass eonntcS V U cr , Bmclcs ~i t he* ’
scale, and bcam; fIoS IS C’“.' “ lr" fe,sh w ifloar
and pipe. Terms !, »all dra " crs .- “helving, 1., 0V e
wtratori for coshpar fundk 1 fm| lf’.i'?. ordcr ® y ailmiii. ,
hand gold patent lever watch, said to h! '“'"■ second-,
keeper: also, at the same time’ time*
second-hand gold and”ilvcr,,’ntentl?r,' r Tn,! y S‘ *'»¥ *
r 10 snndrj- owhfr , :mlcrir "n<l other,watch
■*** •iAMraja-HfesNA.-Anefc
D“Mon^SSMSj y §S‘j|J«-. *c.-o n
Ims, saun trostinirs, silki-ra-.-ai „„.i a . I H l,l "!nun.s, IUU*-
clolliji, fi oc llireaShtces. also a 10l or '“’S ll "’ 'able
and at 2 o'clock k m!; l"o °AoM r.S y ' m?d ' : >! 0-thlne
uU'nsils: uml at carle on s Ij.-t,. Hn mul. kitclten
second hand gold ami s iK.r^»Z,‘ : T e,u,, «’ ~ew and,
C ° !L^a ot ' ™s*T ?£ m?S.n CT
a* r^4s^ k OT-
brgc aM6r&Bl?| Ü bf hl-vr'illl I d' !, ' SWa^t s,tl ® s ' rani '
beU cords. iiiantiddOTkifw^iiS” 11 ' ■ 1' fcnii "
"padcs, &c **** V**#*.
mors «;s.webkW bodge,
SCENES AT WiSivo , iS? l i OR IM3 -
O elation. ~ ' MING TON, n „tor>- of the la«t'pm.
b ” r7 ’ or U »' , “ l F «t., R-
SinumO'* ° * he Cheva lier Bayard, by W. Gilmoro
The Cultivator ,i»
American Review dn ■ ’* >
•wnoaratic 'do j ■■
The Ilorticuliurist ■ do
of U,e
&!? c jClcirientj a Roi nan Catholic Storv*”
1 ■ •
Louncelot Widße| b j^Chiuj ts}1 * b J M r? -
o«Sh^ricoL V by for *“ >*■
j 1e1)25 M. P. MORSE, 85 Fourth *t r
TO Honorable the Judge* of the Court of Quarter
gneny 2 - 8810 ' 18 Peace, in and for the Connty-of Alle>
, The petition of Wm. B. Newell, of the 3d ward, city .'of
Allegheny, in the county aforesaid, hrnnbly. ahewelh,
1 hat your petitioner hath provided himself with
for the accommodation of travellers and others, at hia
dwelling house in the ward aforesaid, and prays tut your
Honors will be pleased to grant him a licenseto keep a
publie house of entertainment* And your petitioner, .an
tn duty bound, will pray. .. ;■ yf -g NEWELL. ‘ •
We, the subscribers, citizens _ of, the above ward'dO
certify, that the above^petitioneris of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house
room and conveniences for the accommodation of travel*
lets and others, and that said tavern is necessary s*
S. Mathews, Robert Skiles, Robert Brown, B. QuesL
Kicbard Anderson, Samuel .Wallace, J. Yalst T b Knl
ble, G. Muharriy, James Reed, J. Parker. ' ’ '*
• feb2s-daw3t’
-abbls< Lord; : ■ —» ■»
25 bushels Dried Peaches;
* Woolen Socks,
66 ibi. Beeswax;
On consignment, and for sale by >
jams . ■■■J. D. wn.r.KMa
N5S?Swc«» P »i , S, ar J- 1, ?! eb J r wtormedtha. the Of- y
-V, fclfo™ W f rt * ‘Snow established iatfio'
:< - v S' ' V
_ '• OHIO.
ondbranehes.. • 11
Cincinnati Hanks \*
%? Ut i Ue{ £ aw W
Columbus »
Xenia* I! ** i
Massillon ........
Geauga »• *•* ■ 'i
Nortedlk.• •*.... .y. \ 3 i
NewLitbon- «»♦
Marietta.* jV-. •. j. ,« ,
Cleveland '.i ;■
Set otd-........ i. |',
Haiieasier.. g*
Canton . „ on'"
Urbana.... k ',<n •-
Granville* .;..,. . .„vvi ■.s(£.'
.. . ' ILLINOIS.
fin. 1 ! Branches 50
Bank of 111in0i5.. ::... . ..yj
’v" ‘MjCHtGAm :s ,s.
i ««Pfr JZai/M,...
Oakland count In
St. C1atr......... ..... ni>3(l le^
State 8ank: ............... . jj,
Colttmore.. .. •••
‘OF TO/A's.
I GoW(pmn.).,...i .
i Old • •■'’-‘ .... ...5*
Giwiear—7 .‘.As nn
I .FttffmeJtforj,....... ..7 on.
JVn 'Wafej...,7 cn '
r 2Vn Gtrit0r*..........'0 ok'.
r LoutsSors 1., ........ 1 .4 55;:
Napoleons- >•••*...,,..3 gQ
GouMocm, Spanish...-16 00
I)0i Patriot*"...... *-.IQ sq.
Ducat5* .............. ; .o, jg
... w
‘ ,*,r. > ?V _ \
' kr.
'••viS,---' t-' ;,d'