The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 24, 1848, Image 4

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i «£ttfeh. T6:A%SIg!-#hrestciicdi
uvusion of Western Penna. by Col swi A. with
■ 10.000 men, notwithstanding which, J. M.
White wH continue to sell clothing cheaper tlum alp
has heretofore been offered in tile Western country, hav
ing the largest establishment itt tile oily, fronting oh Üb
erjy and SiSth stH. lie is now pte'piife.d to show to his
numerous patron* the greatest variety of clothe cassi
mcreSf vcstitigs. ntul clothing of all descriptions, suitable
foe the,approaching season, that has ever been olfered in
this market, to wluch all Cain have the Right of Way.—
Observe the cornet. No. Id?. Liberty.and Sixth stg.
j tdarflJ J. M.’ WHITE. Tailor, Proprietor.
; : thing of every description, such as cloaks, over
* * coits/superfine blanket,Beaver. Pilot and heavy* broad
) > cloths, dress, and frock coats ; a large as
. •7sorim©ntoftwipU,Backuod frock coats,
■c. Cloth, cassinjere, and noimeii pantaloons; also, a gen
. * eral assortment of vests: plum and fancy velvet cfoth;
y .cassimere and fancy woolen, and plaid casrimere. with
' V * g«at. variety pf supetfinevirish linen, trimmed shins,
i ' > ander,-shirts., stock; cravats, comforts uud ail other arti
r clca in jlie Clotliing line, which’ will be sold low for Cash.
li, urcbaser* will fiml it umehio their advantage to call
; 5 soon,at4!>Liberty street. P. DELANY
• *.! coinprete, assortment of goods,. siiiialde for
’ Customer,work, always on hand, such as EuglUh. French.
.V"i’ aadAiacncan cfothsy and cassimcrcs; also a choice as
- -j* sorUngntof simsonabfo Ve*iiugs—all of which will ,he
> »: made to order iu the latest styles, and on the most ac
-7 i commodating toriUß. , V. jaul2-daw
;• .NEW: GOODS.'-r-iteecived at the Iron •
f 1" City’Clotliiiig .Store, a splendid assortment of Cloths. ’
. : a consiafonroffine French. English and American• Plain.
-/ black aim iruicv Cksfoaerr*, of the 'most modern styles:
‘ one figured Cashmere Vestingif “Silk Velvet, Plaiu and
J • Fapcy Sutin*-—ull of which we will make up at the most,
j! : reasouablc priccs.iii q durable ami fashioimblo style.
' * -,^ made Clothing, of nil descriptions; "Lady's
'! . Croaks -of the. most- fashionable patterns. 'Neck ami
*5 j Pocket Hdkfs., Suspender*. Bosoms, Shirt Collar*. > and
l * every- article usually kepi in a Clothing Store. Country
•i’ ; Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere* will find it to
t their advantage toeall at the Iron City Clothing Store,
iso. 132 Liberty street, immediately opposite the mouth
v oTMarket, • loetlB-tt] C, M^CLOSKKV.
;£ ' «. cl ® tlU, io l Clothingu Clothing1 11
V- ? _ P«. iVg Down va. Tho Wntem World!!!
* i lfVrt OCifi SF.LhXn*ED GARMENTS now
•t ( * rtade anil ready to be ottered on the
\ 7 *9P?I .*meraT tends, to rdy old customers and the public in
• geu6nl.. Tlte Proprietor of'this'far-famed and extensive
• ' .establishment has now, after returning from the Eastern
•j cities,-at much iTOUble und expense, just .completed hie
. j fall and.wiotpr arrangements to supply -his thousands of
. L With one of the most desirable stocks of Clo
fs >thing thnt has ever been olferrd in this or any other mar
; i of the rnountains. For nratness iu style and
J' .- combiucd with the very low price which
’ ' theV"WiU be sold for, must certaiuly render the old unri
- r vailed Three Dig Doors one of the greatest mtrncriohs of
; ;the western country. It is gratifying to mo to he able to
to my numerous friends at home and abroad.
■■ ■ } jroat notwithstanding the extraordinary etfortu which I
v made to meet the iiihuv calls in my line, it is \\ ith
I cun keep time with the ebustunt rush that is
i ;‘made on this establishment. It is a well estsblisiied
t. p 1 ? 1 ’ l J at my sales are eignt or ten times larger than any
f wher hoose in the trade, and this being the case on the
» tamount sold, I can ailrod to sell at much less profit than
¥ rotheta could possibly think of doing if they wished to
'Cover contingent expenses. I intend lo make n clean
•••• »weep of all my preseutstuck before the begiuntng of next
t; {Coming to this conclusion, 1 will make it the inter
• of every man; who wants a cheap winter suit, to call
aud purchase at the Three Big Doors.
° oat2l-d&w JOHN M'CLOSKKY.
' - ,
■5 BE BEAT! —.K J li. Whiu has just received at
U' his large establishment, fronting on Lihrrtv and dth
t fitreets, a splendid assortmem .of TtYHEDS for summer:
’:?• a superior lot of French Satin VRSTINHS, all o«
7 he is ready to make up in the latest fashion and
-.j tonlhe most reasonable terms as - usnal. Observe the
corner. No. 107 Liberty and Sixth streets.
-V • my!4. J. AL WHITE. Tailor, Proprietor.
,f ;IJ_card of- M’Cahnont & Bond, of Philadelphia, the.
;*■ ptunic .would be led to believe that we have been claim
*'t Sttgabrivilegc we had no richt to. That “they have
abandoned, some time since, ihc exrlustre agency sya~
' leiO, a and that we have right to claim “exclusive priril-
S' : yges with their teas.* 1 I never pretended to «01l the teas
this spurious couccrn. I have been selling thcuoas of
• New York Pekin - Tea Company for the last two
£ £p*r** aa,the public are aware, an’ft have been to New
■‘l- -fork four times in that time, and never heard of itii« new
i nntil lately bntns tr<W dealers.
; ' 'Hie tea business of M'Callmont- 3l Bond is-abom eight
' ; ttTOttths old, and tUcir assumption of foe Pekin Tea Coin
** feanyVtiome is because a name is open for any rtuin or
■ firm to .assume ;but the fact Intended to imply’tketcbv.
ymt 'thef have any connection with tiic so called and
Well known Pekin .Tea Company of New* York, is entire-
W falae, they having been dcnnsl.even an agency iu
; Philadelphia, for the NedL York Company, that Company
refused even dtusStar to confide in them.
7 1 know not what kind of wool they keep, nor-what kind
tjf teas; only certain that they.kcep or obtain none
tot the Pekin Tea Company's of New York,^
•, j* Ajit person reading Uiis can!' will see thVgToss dcccp*
. tioathey w-ish io practice on the public, and to the injury
tof M'Calhnout A. lioud arc wool dealers
: m Philadelphia, and hove sent an agent out here to pub
‘ wool over the eyes of some of our good ritixent!,. Ix>ok
i black sheep, (nbvlft) ALEX. JAYNI7S.
3 *C\ \ -
t - V ■ T ’ *
* r?- * K.
itfEW BOOK'f! NEW BOOKS,*!—The Convict, or
?: Xv .the Hj*pocrite unmasked, bv G. {*. IL James. Esq..;
; 4*jtkXsh°ro. by T. Howard, author of Ratlin the Keefor,
'i tsd Stkr of lift Fallen, by Curtis, author of Black. Plluned'
3 ‘KUtoen..
J t'The Magic Figure Hcad/or the Lady of the Green and
.: Blae,'by Charlcs Cnrcy, of the U S. Novv.
1 The uandifs Bride. or the Maid of Sajtouy, by Louisa
i Sidney.
■ Stanhope, timber of /‘.Striking ote.
? LeonilbtLynmore, aud Air. ainl Mrs. iVooilbridge; l.y
i 3|ifi.JLeslte. / ;
; -liwwon Quarterly Review. ’ 1 *■ •• •-i * t
l: IHionllagazme'for December.;
1 Jj«ife oCJasephT- ilare—a large suptdy. r
■ 4TngJnao<atfarnt^.'Mq'Jici,’ !by tho a\uhor'6f ‘-Hfsfory
:oplifttrt:" 1 "• *• 1 ■’
■\ ; ;Tba*.'VYillalii6sk of. Woman', by the same author.
.c 'The Old Commodore, by E. Howard.
■ -Jennette Alison, or tlty. Young Strawberry Girl—a ialc
-J. of. W!;ScsCfind"sslidfft; by. IcutraSam." :I'
v Kaam, or I>aylighi; a prize J.'S, Robb.,
] »Ry;Rqwiaod Ashton, 3 vols; by Lady C. Long!
j Conrt of Louis tho
•' It). ~ ' 1 -
i ‘BuifatCaiifotftriesof 'Ainfinca; ' r
iCidil<fottP^Veik;aiia‘PicfofialT s ‘ntcs t .,pcr Iqsi stcamerv
\_-DkolhexJbnathiia,PluladfitphlU'Courier, and - Yankee
by, W. S. r-ALDWLLI.,
ded3; ; 3CI siretet,opposite the Post Ollier.
titi&9fs''-‘WwhtY''Bfftfset’4tf'fteu* Rtwlex for I*4*.
\^M3Hrfdon , s Ancient Egypt,-needition.
Tfc* Nineteenth Century; a new Quarterly.
Chatnber's Miscellany; No. If lull setts on hand.
Lives/of ihe Q’ucetts Of Ertglaikl, J>y Agnes .Strickland,
Market Qnecu,' or the WileVwatagem
the Revolution;
gohcafirr.the Peoj>7e,;Nb. 2, superior to No. 1.
Jaek'ATiel.or life. on board an Inc Unman.. new supply.
E»tbank 1 s Hydraulics, No. 2 —lull setts on hand.
• N0.*14 , ;; do -do;
Pictorial England, ft 37, do -do; - -•
' Union Magazine, for February*) do do;.
Notional do. do do do;
Graham** do. do do do;
~ Godey’s Lady's Book for Feb'y, do do;
Little's luring Age, No lOtl. do do,
Cram up.
i Remarkable Evcuts in the llLtorv of America, b\■ J.
Frost, L. L. I*. ’ '
•"American* .Phrenological Journal tor January. Sub
scriptions received.
' ! Jane Eye, an. Autobiography, by Currcr Bel!.*
; Last of the Fairies.’a Christmas tale, lij Jumc*
' f Edinburgh Phrenological Journal and Magazine
' c Thc‘Conquest of California and New Mexico. by the
forces of the United Slates, in years 1840 and 1817, by Jus.
Madison Cults, with engravings, plans of battles, ftc.
A TOWr to the Hirer Saguenay in Lower Canada, by
Charles Lunman. author of i( A Summer in the WiMcr
hCTjp ;r '
‘•zTho Eclectic Magazine for 'January.. Furnished to sub
. »<*ribcrs by the year,or sold by the single number.
Jtfow and Then, bribe author of Ten rhousami a Year.
. B'Varerly Novels, cheap form, new supply.
jjPhe ftbovo works arc for sale Ity (jnJl] Si. P. MORSE.
TjSTiS NOW ADMITTED, by that no
jLori£tnaitemperaineut,'cb!nplcxion, constitution, or form
of body, confers complete immunity from hereditary dis
ease; that Sfroflila,"Consumption, and other affections,
baring a similarity 6f origin, occur in all, although obrfer
ration couviuccs.ui That ipxUyiduals and families, possCs
ject of thesc-raaladied-than diseases ate a
morbid condition of the whole sysumv ofsmtririon—their
products being but the effects of an aßcratfbu.pfajH».blood
and secretions—tlie hirers, abscesses,
.inflammation, ft tu being merely attendant phenomena-
UtO cause exists prior to the phenomena, and must be
destroyed botbre. perfect health can ho established. ‘This
nidybo done by using Dr. KpfXEJtS PANACEA, jlie
mostcerthin remedy tordiseascs arising -from art impure
state of the blood amt system of nutrition, ever presented
toiho.afflicted Price SI, pint bottles. Coil and get u
pamphlet. • • - , » •
’For sale by JOEL MOIILER. Druggist,
* jan27-lm . N. -W, Corner of Wood and Fifth sts. .
“It la the l>est Cough Medicine I ever Saw.*’
"OEAD the following proof of the superiority of Dr. Wifi
JOit lords Oriental Cough Mixture, from u respectable cit
izen, who has tried it:
Firrsacttou. Dec. 15, 1847.
Masses. ITats ft Brocxway:—After laboring for several
week* under the disadvantages of a harassing cough and
-most distressing cold, which had, thus far. resisted the cf
fectaWscvcrarof the “iftfulliblea.” I was induced to pur
chase a bottle of ybar*OrlentalUough Mixture, and give,
itafatrtriaL To rny great surprise, uftcr using only one
half of the bottle I foand myself entirely well.- ‘*/t u the
best medicine I ever sate.” - .; • *
Type copy. ; *.•;.: JOIfN niNDS.
»>ld by HAYS ft BROCKWAY, Druggists, Catnmer
-ctalHow. Liberty street, near Canal. . jhuB
—Dollow«Wore Costings.
..'"i'.TIffSRDHANTS visltin*g : our cily-for the purpose of
i»A*tatmng ditir Spriiig supplies of Hollow-ware
Costmgf, will ftml a very heavy stock, ami an
: ▼ariety of patterns and sizes in store by its.—
* en nl our warehouse, Commercial RoW<
WWatreet, next W. W. Wallace’s Marble works.
t : ’‘ .;IEK-TennB and prices favorablo. V.' >
: ft”, 3 — dl ' n QUIX.-MußHim-: Sc Co.
A I'WK.—Tmj. -Ivarly-. Ili-K»rv of
•ra Eiqiedition» amt Cnmpmgnii; with mtv npiHi.jdix, ro:i
from miportanlTmlUinrc.vicL'
taiDßUt'ot coo fere new, jounmtv 4a. Torath.r wifi?
WTOe T description of each roomy of Weiteni
,P«hMyl;ania.-Onc'larßo volume, 768 page., by 11. k.
SUoag, Esq. * Foraale by.
: 4 r:.r it. s. boswortii a co..
jantfl. . Market streoL t
lmlfciießls'Voung Hyson;'
v5l dntty botes “ • ' ; ' u ■’ '-.
lO half chests Gunpowder;
2caitv hox«s - ’ ; ; -
•*A •••■’ •'• halfchests Imperial? ■'■ *■
“ ■.''. '.MI-- I ''., 1 / Touchonff; forsftle.-by .v^ ; ' - .
jauLi t ,/ K VAJUESrftfAV,/-
'•' -vr j:; { « »vV-i •- <*• • v :•; : •
iNte's££ 4-s K
y -•»
y- :
( '
gransportaKon Sines.
Pittsburgh Portable Boat Lise.
1848. WlktiSk
the transportation of freight between Pittsburgh
. and ike Atlantic cities, avoiding transhipments on
tne way, and the consequent risk of delay, damage,
breakage and separation of poods.
BLUBRiDnE & Cash. *J7«s}\lorkci si.. Philadelphia.
Taaffk & O'Cox.nor. cor. Penn Ultil WfIVIIC SIK.. Pitlij
burgli. /
O'Coxxor A Co., North street, Baltimore.
W. A. J. T. Taiwott. 75 South street, New York.
Encouraged by increased business, the Proprietors have
added to and extended their arrangements during the
winter, and arc now prepared to forward freight with re
gularity and dispatch, unsurpassed by any other Line.
Their long experience, as Carriers, the palpable superior
ily of the Portable Boat system, and the great,capacity,
and convenience of the warehouses at euch etui of foe
Line, are peculiarly ealcnlated to enable the Proprietors
to fulfil their engagements and, accommodate foeir cus
tomers, and confidently ofi’ermg-lhe past as a guarantee
for the future, they respectfully solicit a continuance of
that patronage which they now gratefully acknowledge.
All consignments to Taulfe ami O'Connor will be re
ceived and lorwunlcd. Steamboat charge* paid, and Bills
of Lading transmitted free of auy charge forCoinmUsion,
advancing or storage. Having no interest, directly or in
directly. m Steamboats, the interest of the Consignors
must necessarily be their primary object in shipping west;
and they pledge themselves to forward all Goods cousigu
etl lo them promptly. ttml on the mo.lailvttulugraus terms
to,the owner?. , marl-lf*
Plckwortil’a Way Freight I.iue. *
EXCLUSIVELY for the transportation of Way Freight
between Pittsburgh, Blairsville. Johnstown, llolli
davsburg, Water Street, and ull intermediate, places.
One Boat leaves the warehouse of C. A. M'Anuhv &
Co., Pittsburgh, every tiny, (except Sundays.) and ship
pers caii always depend on having their goods forward
ed without delay, and ut fair rntrs.
This Line was formed for the special accommodation of
the way business, and the proprietors respectfully solicit
a liberal share of patronage.
JoitNiPicKWoßTii. John Miller, D. 11. Barnes. Robert
Woods? Wu. Fulty.
John Mii.lkr. Holltdaysburg; R. 11. Can an, Johnstown;
C. A. M’Antlty A Co.. Pittsburgh.
J. J. M-Deviu. John Parker, Robert Moore, Bagaley A
Smith. Pittsburgh. , - mor6
Independent Portable Boat Line,
(1 OODS consigned to our care will be forwarded with-
T out delay, at lhe lowest current rates. Bills of La
ding transmitted. and all instructions promptly attended
to. lice from anv extra charge for stnrugc or eoiutni«?iuu
Address, or apply to C. A. MANULTY A Co..
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa.
HAVING a very large and commodious .Warehouse,
we are prepared to receive, (in addition to freight for
shipment.) a Inrge amount of rrodur**. Ac.. on Storage at
low rates. - C. A. M ANULTY A Co.
Increased Speed and Reduced Rates!
•"'wrrar arra^oemetsts.
I «'i Pnhl,c .? r ? that the Philadelphia and
; -l- ’hdumore Railroad Compauv have. coimin»Mi*«*d run
ning their raw at 4r. from Philadelphia to Hatumore
t»>* winch arrangement wr are enabled to forward our
hxprexs goods troni Philadelphia to Phndmrph lh the nn
parullrllrd short time of tiro dat/x. flood* leaving Phila
dolpliin at 4. p. m- will arrive at Pittsburgh in the evening
Immimyille Boat 0 J the second tfrru. tV« have also re
uuccd the rates on email packages 25 per cent, on the
tonner charge.
Kxpret* starts every dav, Stntd<nji err nut
.OHKKN’K & (X).
It (». VIPKKRV. Agent.
St. Chfirles’llotel.
I Connell’* M&ffleat Pain Extractor.
r is now conceded by medical men that Connell'*
Magical FmtiTSxtractor.manufncturrd by Comstock
oc Co.. *-l Courtiaud st-, NVwYork. is the greatest won*
tier of the IPlh c/JUtnnr. It« effect* arc truly miraculous.
AJI pain* arc remqvcd irotn bums, scald*. ami ull
•external sores, in h f»nv minutes after it* npphrafon
hearing the *amo ou the most delicate *kin. leaving no
scar. It is equally beneficial in oil kind* of inflimtmW
ry diseases, such a* sore .Nipple* and Facs, Sprain*
Rheumnu* ,n Wlule Swelling and l/lcer*. I4rui-. IJurn*.
Uulihlains, hrystpcla*. Biles, Tic Dolorenux. Ac. W.*
might odd as prooi to nil wo nay, the names ol many nn
imnm physicians who use it in their pramcr.. and hun
dred* oj the chirpy who praise it to their people. Kind
parent L-rrp it conttantly on band, in ca»c ol (incidents by
fire life may be lost without, but by it* use all bums are
subject to u.s control, unless Utc viialsare dustroyed. Cau
turn—remember nnd ask for ConnrtT* Mn-tcaJ Pain Ej.
tractor, manufactured by Coimfoek Co- A V aj,vl lake
noother. v, Sonus, Ac.— The Genuine Hay*' Li name nt, U an
article more justly celebrated a* a cure for the above,
than any or all other*. It* cures arc almost immediate,
and it is only necessary to lot those who know the article
and use it with such great imcrc**. that it is to be had
true and genuine of Comstock &. to., ill Courtland si
N. \ sole proprietor.
Sold only genuine in Pittsburgh. Pa., by Wit Jacxson
so liberty «L, head of Wood st.. also in Washington, Po ’
by A. Clark} in Brownsville by Bennett A Crocker, also
hv our agent in every town id Pennsylvania. Ohio. Md.
and \ irginta. novlJt-d.V w»>m
Soldiers of the Mexican War.
r pHK snbscribcr having opened an oihcc in the City of
X Pittsburgh, in the Stale of Pennsylvania, for the pur
pose ol procuring I.and Warrants at the Seat of Ciovcru
ment. fur flic discharged Soldiers of the UcguJar Annv
as well as the Volunteers,who have served th-ir countfv
m the present War with Mexico: informs ihe livin«. and
the representatives of the dead, that by addrcssiit" an
application to him nt this 'City, giving the name-ami ad
dress of the soldier, and if dead, his representatives, it
will receive careful nnd prompt attention.
Instructions and Blanks will be immediately retunmd
per mail to the. applicant, to be rxcr U !«-d u .„j retururd to
me at this place. The Warrant, when received, will be
immediately bcui per mail to the proj M *r owner .orif he
chcuiM prefer receiving tnnjwy, 1 wil make sale nf his
Warrant to the best advantage for cu-h. ami make uo
cliargc for that service.
!n tlii’ cv*»n! of the death of the soldier. that must be
mentioned in die letter, and the wairant uiil issue ac
cording to the following rules: Fiu.t. to |,is wu.. and
children, (it behave any.) Second, to Jus i.ithrr; and
Third, to his mother.
Having a son in the Genera) Land Odict. at Washing
ton, and one in the Army undcrGcucral Scott, in Mexico,
the matterwoulri receive their prompt attention, should
any diflicultv arise respecting the necessary proof.
letters addressed to m« on the subject must be post
paid, and iuciose a Five Dollor Bank Note as njy com
pensation. , WAT. B FOSTER.
Hon. Hartnar T)emiy, |
Hon- Walter Forward, IPittsburgh
Col. Win. Uobjiihon, Jr , )
James Hall, K*q. \
Robert Buchanan, F.sq. Cincinnati
Irwin tc Foster. j
Major St. Clair Denny, Pavmnstcr C. S. A.. N O
Licm. Col. Sam'l \V. Black. i
Capt John Herron. • Vo}‘»
Cnpt. Robert Forter. j
Capt- P. N. Guthrie. Regular Ariuv, ,
W. B. F. may be found at the office of Win K Aus
tin, Esq., late Black & Liggett’*, Burke s Buildings, Iffi
street. jyf)
A a. MASON A ('<>.. Dry Hoods Hums*. *i*J Martin
l\ • Htrrr.t. b'tirrxn Third and Fourth Mr.- r tt. have jnut
received a large supply of rich Fall Good*. comprising in
Pp.'V \l cas r s VBnou< Prints and Chintic* of En
glish, I-rendi and American manufacture ; !W pes neh
and desirable patterns French Ginghams, warranted in
icnor To none imported in sivle. quality and durability of
colors ) 4 coses splendid Plaid good * for ladies dresses,
cdrnpjismg every style for Foil and Winter wear; Ciwh
mercs; M. de l.nmes. Satin stp’d Aipacc»« of various
colors; 3-4 and 4-4, black oj»d blue black Silks, for Man
tillas; Fancy dress Silks* black and Mode colors; M tie
trains, all wool; Shawls of every stvlc and quality
stmcrcs, Cnssinetts, Broad Cloths nml Vesting*; bleach
ed and unbleached Muslins from Of to t#|e. per yard*
Green, Yellow, lied and While'Flannels; Tickin'-’
Checks, Shirtings; bleached and brown Drillings’
etc. etc. AH of which are offered at wholesale and re
tail at the very lowest cash prices.
, »ep3 * A. A.-MASON A CO.
U-\ mg*, Fourth strut. —Hoc on Sc. Anthony, Dagucrrco
typists froth the Eastern cities, would calf the attention of
the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,
to their pagucrreotVTie.of citizens and others, at rooms in
the thutl stiny of Burke’s bnilding, 4th st.
wishing pictures taken may rest assured that
no pains shall be Spared to produce them in the highest
Perfection °f *hc art. Our instrument* are of the mostpow-
S 1 r J n .enabling U s to execute pictures udsurnassed
for high finish and truthfiilncss to nature. The public ure
solicited to call nud examine.
»u*4 VAUllimt.
1 ersons sitting for pictures are neither requirred or cx
peetod to take them unless perfect satisfaction is given
u. Operators will find this a good depot for stock
and chemicals. • *
fUT’ltisTructions given in the art, containing the more
rocent Imprurcnienlft..
TT°I ; IDAY PRESENTS: Tlio Mirror of Life:
JLA Lhnstnias Bloxsomsi
Tlie Girt of Friendship;
Friendship 1 * Offering;
The Rose;
The Snow Flake;
Tlic Christian Keepsake;
The Hyacinth;
Scones tit the lives of ihe Patriarchs nnd Prophet*.
Illuminated Gems of Sacred Poetry;
Lays of Love ahdTaiili, fte., by G. W. Bethmnc;
' Amelia’s Poem*:
> puppets’ Proverbial Philosophy;
■ Tpcelber.-ivilli a large variety of Miscellaneous, Moral
anti Rehgious works for sale by
dogffl LUKE LOOMIS, Agt.
TO FEMALpS.—Every fomnle should have a box of
Ur. KblphVp Pills.’ They ore perfectly adapted to the
peculiarities constitution, acting with gentle mild
ness and all circumstances. Wherever iuiroduc
ft ’ t J*' ,T c}l ?Jr ctcr * ,as b cen rapidly establisltcd among
me ladies, wiUt whom they arc emphatically The Favorite
DlnL C 3 k fl f <ll r c ? l i“ ns l for ni *e »» the various com
each hdx lll ; llju dtrections accompanying
For .sale by S. L. CUTHBERT, 4
Alan \ iv w, n y \ . ';Smhldield street, -itenr Tltird.
F^sacks, ill store nnd for wile, bv
•*" i ;• l. s. waterman.
. . .;.Vi
•wr-'-'- Mr. ;.<?*s*>•' ft,*:-«•.•;*:•* V Vf":. ••-.• .
r -****.„,»% - F t . -
• * * ■ ** - “ \
-> v<*>? * * ' v
« y
».• fl- I ■ a\. T
* -
« \ *")_ t -i
V/.? .v>s^f^v^SfcS,>.;
PRO V R_fE T O R s
Army, Mrs'o.
» • 4 ’ * *
. f * V . • . '• ••
■ - ??.• y<-
V •
■ ■!&. -vVV c
..V;'-' J'V-
ZSmissvxtUm Mint#.
Roche, Bvothm, A Co*
Fulton NewTork-; Eden Qcay, : fcrcjKfV;
Dublin; Scotland Road. Liverpool.
JAMES BLAKELY,. Agent, Office onlfcnn ■C’Candji
Basin, Pittsburgh. . ■ ’ :
Arrangements for 1848.
T?°n,!??«p & f 99-> sole Agents for the BLACK;
Jih of Liverpool nntl Ncrv York Packets,
in^™« l ’. < t,^.. of:nn,l< ” 1 " ,Mng ,heir *5 friends nrio i
on ?ngenicnts fortlie year 184 s being:
rli h J “re prepared to.briog out passengers, by
and PidiiideFnhH^'^'n 1 " 6 ’ m Liverpool to New York'
do It' i ph / lic y ref er to their fonndr course of
l?eP^ni ? n !! asBntl! l,losc who entrust them with
ashcrclofore 1^111 B:lme will be rendered
rv/> . remittances to
Ireland *° r P a *’ a^c » ou demand, ux any Bank in
The undersigned has made arrnngemcnts lo bring out
pnssengera to Pittsburgh, during the present year.
tebs-2radaw* JAMES BLAKELY.
Tapscott’s General Bmigratton Office.
X/fiSJC' REMITTANCES and Passage to and -f-Rp.
JjyrlV from Great Britain and Ireland, by W• JMr’aV
J. T. Tapseolt, 75 South st-
of Maiden Lane, N. Y., and 9C Water- a
100 Rood, Liverpool.
The subscribers, having accepted the Agency of the
above House, are now prepared to make arrangements
on tho most liberal tenm with those desirous of paying
the pnssage of their friends from the Old Country: and
fhev Hatter ihemsclveß their character and long standing
in business will give ample assurance that all their nr
rangements will be carried out faithfully;
Messrs. W. k J. T. Thpscott arc long and favorably
known tor the superior class, accommodation, and sailing
q:>nlitics of thetr rocket Ships. The QUEEN OF Tilt**
CU?S t, MV , ERPO ?, I - a ; ,d ™uf \vl!i'ch
leave each port monthly—from New York the 21sl and
fr T tve n>ool the Oth and 11th: in addition to
nhich they have arrangements with the St. George and
tmou Lmes oi Liverpool Pnckeis, to insure a departure
•>,n,h l : V w rp °r.- oVc r > ‘ c da >'*> thns determined
. lf ,aci 2 l . t I IC8 ,r ia i,b P ace f hcir increasing
patronage: while Mr. Vt. Tapscott's constant personal
suporintemlance of the business in Liverpool is an addi
ttoual security that the <omfort and accommodation of
the passengers will be particularly attended to.
• ,i beitig, as usual, extensively engaged
in the rransportatjon Business between Pittsburgh ami
the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge o:
and toward passengers immediately on their lumling,
without a chance of disappointment or delay; and are,
therefore, prepared to contract for passage from any sea
port m Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature oi
the business they are engaged in giving them facilities
for carrying passengers so fur inland not otherwise at)
tumahlc; and will, if necessary, forward passengers fur
ther West bv the best mode of conveyance, without any
additional charges for their trouble' Where persons
scut for decline coming out, the nmimnt paiti for passage
will be refunded in full. ! ■ ° '
The subscribers are also prepared to gifre drafts at
sight for any amount, payable at the principal cities and
towns in England. Ireland. Scotland and \Vajjes; thus of
lording a safe and expeditious mode of remitting funds
to those countries, which persons rcqiiiring.*ucl» facili
ties will Had it to their interest to avail themselves of.
Application (u by letter, post-paid) will be promptly at
tended t». TAAFFK k O'CONNOR,
Forwarding and Commission Merchants.
ump2?-d&vv-ly • Philadelphia.
fjCjC- Pa«*agc To mid From
(iiaißOE Rutabd *. Sox. No.' 134 Waterloo Bond, I.i
CATIUSLE4 RtrrAKii. No. &r South si.. N. V.
I Sulwcribcra. haring accepted the Agency at thi«
X nty or the above welLknowhi ami respectable ilousrs,
nrr prepared to mnkc engagements for passenger* to come
out from anv pan of Great Bmain or IrHoml, by tbe re
irulnr Line of Packet Ships, sailing from Livrrjmol work,
ly. I croons engaging witli us may rest assured that their
tiieiius will meet with kind treatment and prompt
patrh tit Liverpool. a* well n« every attention necessary
on their nrrvnl i n this country, Applv m»r address
v Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
• v " engaged hefp from I>iver]»«ot to Pitts
burgh direct, and druit-* tor any amount forwarded, pay
able at •tight, throughout die I’nitcd Kingdom JyttMv'
JfifiaßC rA-SSKM-.CT AM» EEtirTTA ,\r*E *££*£
Office. j
CO. continue to tiring out person* from
any part ot Kngland, Ireland, Scotland or Wales.
u[Kjn thumosit liberal terms, with their muni punctuality,
and atterttrou to the wants of emigrants. We do not al
low our passengers to be robbed by the swindling scamp*
that tntest din sea-ports. as we take rhargo of them the
moment they report themselves, and see to their wc.H-bc
tng. and despateh them without any detention liv the first
ships. \\ c «ay this fearlessly, a* we defy miy of our
passengers to sAoip tliat thev were detained forty-eight
hours by us in Liverpool. whif*t thousand# of others were
detained uiouilir until they rould be sent in some ltd
traft. at a cheap rate, whieli. too iro.4uot.dy proved theif
coitius. *
Hc tnH'n.l jo perform our contracts honorably. r»M
ic/mr it mug. and pot act as was the case Inst *ra*ou with
other office*, who either performed not at all, or-when 11
stutcjt their convenience
I>raiu drawn at Pmslmrgh for any nun from £l t«
iU««>. payable ai any of «he IWiiu-inl Bank a in Ire
isntl, Ijiglami. Scollunu am! Wale*.
josiii a nom\*o\.
European ami (toucrai Ac**nt.
l iMh street, onr door below Wood “t
r PIIK Snhserihcrs urn prepared to forward money to p.M
1 pans of Unffland, Ireland. Scotland aiui Wat.% with
despatch, and at flic lowest r«ir-s.
~ lIS
European Agency, and Remittance* to
I Ireland, England, Ac.
AROE nnd small sums of inonny can m al! time* he
A remitted by sight-drnO*. at trduf<tt ra/cj, to all parts
Ol England. Ireland, Wale*. Ac. and legacies. Debt*.
Rejits. Claims, nnd Property in Europe con be mllected
and recovered (branch the subscriber. or during his nb
sence from this city from October until May, on bin annu
al tour* to Europe« by application to .!**>* Mkv Mer
chant. Water stmt. Pittsburgh.
H KKKNAV. Attorney
and Counsellor ol Law. and European Agent.
I n iSffstmrgh. |*a.
! * s —At 11. Keenan ha* been frequently troubled bv
applications and letter* on the business oi * Herdmnn A
; Keenan. 'passenger agents. of New York. h» deem« it
necessary to say that he i* not the Keenan of that firm,
am! ha* never bad any connexion with eiiher of those
I"’™"* __ _ oet 4
New York Callrge or Health.
'•A>7 Main strf.rt, B«-val*\ N. Y.
fJMIIS celebrated remedy is constantly increasing its
-L lame by die making nil over the world. It has now
heroine the only medicine for family use, and is particu
larly recommended for Dropsy : ail stage* of thii com
plaint immediately relic verb no matter of how long stand
tnsr. (See pamphlet for testimony^)
Gravel, and all diseases of the urinnry organs; for
ine-c distressing stunds olrnip; no otJier ar
ticle can relievo you; and the cures testified to will con
vince the most skeptical;—{see pamphlet.) Liver Com
plaint. Bilious Diseases, Fever and Ague. To the Great
*' rM especially, and wherever these complaints prevail,
this medicine is offered. No mineral agent, no deleterious
compound isn part of ibis mixture; it cures ihcsfl discas
ea with certainly nnd celerity, and docs not leave the *> s- !
tern mrptd. (See pamphlet.) j
painful diameter, n immediately relieved, nnd a cure fid- I
low* by a jew days use of this article. It in ft, r beyond
mi) other preparation for this disease, or for uny oilier
disease originating from impure blood. <Hee pamphlet.)
Debility ol the System, Weak Back, Weakness of the
Kulnevs. Ac., or Intiamaiion of the same, i* immediately
relieved by a few days use of this medicine, and n cure is
nhvav« the result of its use. It stand* a.s a certain reme
dy lor such complniiits, and also for derangements of the
female frame. Irregularities, Suppressions, painful men
struation*. No article, ha* ever been offered, except this,
which would touch this kind of derangements. It may l>e
jeliod a sure nml effective remedy; and, did we
fi-el permitted to do *o. could give a thousand names as
proof .of cures in this distressing class of complaint*
Sec pamphlet. AH broken down, debilitated constitu
tions. from the effect of mercury, will find the bracing
power of this article to uct immediately, and the poison
ous mineral cnidirutod from the system.
Eruptive Disuses will find the* alterative properties of
this article runiFYTitE blood. anddrivcsuclidiscusesfrotu
the system. See pamphlet for testimony of cures In nil
diseases, which the limits of an advertisement will not
permit to be named here: Agents give them away: Huy
contain 32 pages of .certificate* of high character; and n
stronger array of proof of the virtues of o medicine, nev
er appeared. It is one of the peculiar features of this nr*
Uric, thut it never fails to benefit in any case, ami if bone
iind muscle are left to bnild upon, let the emaciated and
lingering invalid noreox, and keep Inking the medicine
ns long us there is an improvement. Tlicnroprietorwoiihl
caution the nubile against u number of articles which
come out under the heads of S.iusAi’Atui.LAS, Syblts Ac
as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, Ac. They are good for noth
ing, and concocted to gull the unwarv : tocch them not
; Their inventors never thought of curing such disease* lili
this nrticle had done it. A particular sltuty of the peitnnfi
lets is rnrnrstlu solicited. Agents, and ull who sell flic ar
ticle, arc phul to circulate- gratuitously. I’m up iu :}u o/..
bottles, at :?2; 12 oz. do. at £1 each—the larger holding (i
oz. more than the two small bottles. Look out and not
get imposed upon. Every bottle has “ Vaughn’s Vegeta
hie Lulioniriptic Mixture.” blown upon the plays? the
wnu«*n signature of “G. C. Vaughn ” on the direction*,
nnd “G. C.,Vaughn, Buffalo," stamped oiuhecork. None
other are genuine. ♦ i
Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Princi- :
pul Oilice, 207 Main street, Buffalo, wholesale and retail
No attention given to loners unless post-paid— order
from regularly authorized Agents excepted. Post-paid let
ters, or vernal commtmidations soliciting advice, pTotimt
ly attended lo gratis. . •
. J? 2! ccs devoteit exclusively to the sale of this article—
-13*2 Nassau si., N. Y.; 295 Essex st., Salem, Mass.? uud
by the principal Druggists Uiroughout-tho United States
and Canada, as Ageuts,
No. 2, Liberty st., near Canal Busin.
YKNITIAN BLINDS, —-A. Wrstervelt, and old and well
known Vi-mtmn BUndmafccr, formerly, of Second
and t ourth-stK., lakes this method, to inform' hU jnnny
menus of the.fuct ihut his Factory* Ip, now in full opera*
hon on St. Clair st., near the old Allegheny Bridge, where
a constant supply of Blinds of colors uutl uubli
tties. is constuntfy kepi on hand and at all prices, from
iwoiitv-ccnt* up to sail custqraers.,
N. B. If required, Blinds will be put up so, iliat.iu case
ot alarm by lire, or otherwise, they nmy- he removed
without the aid of a screwdriver, and with lliC SRino
facilmy that any other piece of furniture cun he trmovbd
and without any extra expense. jcU-hd&Xvy
/-UUTION TO TIIK PUBLIC.—'The subscriber, by
\y written contract with the Pemx 'i* K a Co., Im- Ui** ex
clmdvo right to sell their Teas in PiitHbur«h mrt AJlrWu*-
ny citio- Any person atlcinpting 10 foil their Tens "ex"
cept pfoCured'through me. is practicing a deception uiul
u iiand upoii tfaepablic—and their statements nre not to
relied otri ,T [seltf] A. JAYNES. 73 4th st.
J '■ -
' ;'*■ -
•W* ‘ -' r -v •* C '
*- .1 ‘ *► "t
ifl-t! -rfV.v
fi **. j
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•i,'V v ;-<v
: * < w' ..
•? - ’
* <
■'* -''l ’■.* K'
: yl r ::■! “■
3 M'/\V VOIfK
DN-> vnr. M*i\ Street. New \»*if.
K (> (' \ Al-tillNS Vegetable Lirbunh tptie. J-.frrt
ou wnt for ■• l Cam**. I Saw. I Conuu-rtMl: "
> >-i mom emphatically the case with this aiiu ir. l>i*t*»i*e
h;ih wr r yielded to it* most marvellmi* m**dkiu;d power.
, *\ hcT’-yrr it hoH imm\ and South Am rum.
K t nnnda. und the United Stair* have provided Ho- trutu of
this *lniem-*nt. ih-'above quotation m n «.imni! and lutliv
I MMdmirt-. tell* the xvhoJr *tor\ Invalid*. tl>.* principle
upon which you arc runnl. may not be known to y»u.
Imt lit**’ result ol n trial i«* tutisinciory . juu on* re-stored;
• “' , ' l ,? 'V 4 ‘f' , ’ rrt °! d,v remain* with'the proprietor.—
I a.- .Mrdicmr is a compound ot t*2 distinct vegetable
njrriu i. s ; «■»i*h individual root ha*- its own |veeuliar. ex
rltiMw. nn-dicmal property, conflicting with no other
roiiijuunid—each root make* its own i-rjri —iuid as a per-
Irrt ruinlniiatum. when takm into the rvsmm. it do.** the
w,,r * waidi/UTcnc. when-her law* urn- fir*! ontuldish
A\J> IchsroftrcPthe brokekjlowii, d**!>iiuated commits
tiori l)Kor*\. tVnll it* will he completely
enuiieni.-d front A.*ysh*tn b S-e pamphlets ill
hand*, treat upon .alt
dn'tutJt. and hliow testimony CJhwel. nnd Id]
Complaint* oi llie uri/iorn arvnn.i n!*c» tin* euil*eoN
»(p tu suth-rmir. LrntoNTmrjiNims acquired
V U: * JI " lc r r,t > country, by the Sip** tl hast
made in tins diMre*s^(*«j s o! atllicitnu*. So tHmetlkß.l
l "‘ , ' ll,K : '* hxs thus ayrarted thiMitk
mem on.* oi rmr Me.heal publications.
be No.lSJd. oi ihe BulThlo Jturnal
view of Medical and Surgical sfc , ion?*.~w3L articW up
on calculous disease*, and ** soKents.Vthe witor after
noticing the fact
chased a sreret rdui>dy%iM aybJfc|icQar th<?ptu-oV*e
m Isiy. Ot u secret' remc.lvViiy the XeSrslature of yLy
>ork. tJui.s pnjK trilmm to iho fame of the Medicine. £-
4,0 »«t our Representatives in Semite amf As.sem*-
my convened enlighten and ‘dusolvc* the sintering
IhousancU ot tins country, by tin- purchase of Vaughn’*
Vegetable l.tihontripiic. which no solvent since* the
I dnv* nf Alchemy Im* possessed one half the
! Keiidei .mere u tt penoii.ical of hiffh stt.nUinp, ncktiow.
| tended throughout a larpe section of this comorv to’ he
i one ot the best conducted jourim!* of the kind in the V
pLaics, exehnmrinj? with the scientific work* of Kurooe
to onr certain Knowledge, edited by Austin Flint. M. fi
arul comnbntcd to by mou of the hijrlieht prnie»*ioimT
nlultty. thus steppinj» aside to uotice a ••*ecr**t rciucdy.”
> on will at once understand no unLnoten nml tvoriMrt.l
nrvilrttni. could thus extort a comment from hij»U a quur-'
trr— and eonscqiienll). unices it directly eoiitlicted with’
the practice of the thculiy, it must have been its urcat
'/hm* ■' which hu caused it to receive this passing nod.
Mover /Jttrftw, tcenknfv „f tfit Ottrl L nnd npinr. I
pantfulnnd tummutd Meustrnatio’t, Floor Atb\n\ ami
die entire comjdioutcd train ot evils which follow a di*.
orderinl system, are at once relieved l.y the medicine
Send tor pamphlets from AjrcnUt. timf you will find eyi-'
denee of the value ot the I.ithoutriptie tltcre put forth.**-'
As a remedy for the irretrulnritie* of the female system,
tt Jin* fn the compound a • roof which has been resorted
tom the north ol Kurope for centuries—as a sure cure for
tin* complaint, and a restorer of health of the entire *y*irm.
I.tviiK C«iMi*i.M.vr, Jacnoiob, Uilioc.s IJiskasrsi. are
tu.Htunlly relieved. People of the West will find it the
oiUu remedy m these comnluints, as well us Fever and
Aca;e. There is no remedy like it, and tto-ealumti or oui
mnr. torms uny purl of thU mixture. No iujurv will re
sult m its use, ami its active properties are manifested in
, £ i r i . u * e i‘ >l . a au oz. bottle. For Fever and Aznr l
bilious Disorders, lake no other Malinnt. RuKC>
Goer. will./ind rrlirj. Tltc action of tliis medicine upon
the lllikml, will change the disease—which oriffiimfes tx
the blood—and a healthy result will follow. Dvsmccst.v.
Imijoestion. Ac., yield m u few days u« K of this .Mcdi
emc, lulimmuation of Utu Lvxgs. Cmott, t%»vsi-HrTiox
also, ha* ever found relief. Scrofula, Kn f si V rlas . Piles,
Inflamed k.itr*— ull caused by impure blood—will find
. this article the remedy. The system, completely acted
upon by the twenty-two difloreut properties of the mix
tme. ts purthed and rostered—as a partial cure will not
foiluw. the train of common comtili.ints. Palpitation of
the Heart, hick Headache , Debilitu, sr„ arc all the result of
some denotement of (lie system, mid the Oukat Rnsro
reii will do its work, 'ilie promises set forth in the ,u\J
yertisnmciitj are based noon the proof of what it has done
in the past tour years. The written testimonv of 1000 1
Agents, in Canada, the United Slates, Unglaud'and South '
America, in the poascssmn ot the proprietor—am! can he
|fff u ! ! lt > le r««<ed—is a sufficrent demonstration Uiat’
!,V ~ Vi . 6 cicr- ro the IW/. Gel Urn '
pamphlet, mid study the principle as there laid down, of 1
the method of cure. JPut up ut 30 oz. bottles, at SJ; g ,
p/.. do. ut SI each— the largest holding (» oz. more than I
Fverv” bnnl° U r 8 ‘ ™ imposed upon.—'
Flytr) brute hus ‘'Vaughn’s Vegctublo lAihomrintic:
r'vnn d'r" UP ?k lh e w.rrEv signature of '
r» °, n tho dlrecl >o»«, uttd “G. C. Vmtffhn
r;uirald,’’staim) I Hlonthecork. None other are genuine
• ?' C ‘ V a, *gJj«i nnd sold ut the Principal .
Ollii.t, .07 Muiu street, Bufluio, at wholesale and retail- ,
No Mtcimon give, lo loiters, unless p„ s , ~fIS-o„lers
rcim regularly.coiisuiuicd Aycnu exeepiril: post pnhl ’
lellrrs, or. verbal -comutumcalious solieitinv atlviee i
promptly attended to noli* b “ 1
Offices devoted exclusively lo the sale of this article .
~, WUI «trecm, New York eit>-; *i£>3 Kssex slrent, '
, alcm. AlassncliusetU. and by the principal .Druggists
throughout the United Slates and’ Cambiums atlvcrtised i
in tho pni>ers. . '
Agents iri tlitH-city— ,
Hays As Rrockway, VVholcsale anil USmiLAgentm No.
li, Commeretul Row, Liberty street. riusßurtfK?; AWo, Hi <
Ti. Seller*. 57 Wo<hl street; John Mfirhi.TfpFciierul street. ]
Allegheny city; John Rare Jay, Beaver*; John Smith. 1
Bridgewater. ‘ jhiflQ-d & w l y
3B'AttRKI«S •Fronli Roll Uturer;
' fl Liinl; * .
n •• Dried IVaclicn; 1 )
(l Clover Seed; just received, imd for sale
W<»- 31 Market, and Front siroei,
■f V-'-"
Stffttnrattce ©ompnitf cs.
' AOENC Y. . ,j
a 1 HE Subscriber, having been appointed nnilriuly com
. missioned Agent of the Ly coming County Mutual Tn-‘
surtmee Company, is now prepared to receive. applicn
lionsjor insurance for said This Company is,
perhaps, one of the very-best Insurance Companies in the
State or Union, liuving a capital of between onc-and two
millions of dollars in premium botes, 'lin'd by the regula
tions of the Company tio'risk exceeding S5 3 000 will'be ta
ken on any one block of buildings, or on any one risk, arid
no more than will be taken on a Rolling mill.
Foundry or Furnace. Buihlings in which a stove-pipe
nnsscss through the sido wall or roof. Cotton Factories or
Powder Mills, Manufactories of Printing Ink, and Dis
tilleries, will not beinsnredon any consideration. What- -
ever, and when the rate per cent, shall be J 2 or 15 inclu
sive. no risk will be lakeu over $4,000, (except Bridges
and Grist Mills.) * .
The operations of the Company have'been eurh, that
for the hist six years only one cent upon the dollur.
nag been'assed,.upon the. premium notes of the stock
.Application can be made to the subscriber, at his
office,-iuthe new Court House.
. 11. SPROUL. Agent.
Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pa jan23-1m
Fire and Marino Insurance.
rpHE Insurance Company of North America, of Phiht-
X delphia, through its duly authorized Agent, ihc Ftib-
Fcribcr, offer* to make permanent and limited Insurance
on property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipinents
by the eanki and rivers.
Arthur G. Coflin, Fresh. Samuel Brook**..
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor. :
Samuel \V. Jones, Sntnuel \V. Smith,
Edwhrd Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,
John White. John R. Neff,
Thomas P. Cope. Kivhnrd D. Worn!.;,
Win. Welsh. Henry D. Shcrrnid. Sec'y.
'litis is the. oldest Insurance Company in the United:
States, having been chartered in l?o4. its charter is per
petual. and from its high standing, long, experience, tun
pic menus, and avoiding all risks of on extra hazardous'
eharocter. it may be considered aa offering ample securi
ty to tbc public. MOSES AHWOOO.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones k Co., Water and
Front *ts., Pittsburgh ocuSJ-y
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company
/CHARTER PERPETUAL.—S4OO,OOO paid, in office
V-' 105 J Ohestuut st., north sidiMicar Fitlli. Take Insu
rance. either permanent or limited, against loss or dam
age by lire, on property and effect* of every description,-:
in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Ap-i
plication, made either personally or by letters, will be
promptly attended to. C.N, BANCKER, Pres!.
C. t». Bax'ckek, Secretary.
Charles X. Banekcr, Jacob R. Smith.
Thomas Hart. George W. Richards,
Thomu* J. Wharton, Mordccni I). Lewis.
Tobins Wagner, Adolphi K Boric,
Samuel Grout. David S. Brown.
P ITT S II E R H If A G EM. 1 V .
Wannim Martin. Agent, pt the Exchange Office ulr
\\ nrrick Martin ic Co., corner of 3d find Market h|k.
Fire risks taken on buiUlmgß and their contents in
Pittsburgh. Allegheny and the surrounding country. No
marine of inland navigation fUks taken. ' übgl-ly
Agents nt PiUxhrrgh.for the /Mrirnfr Mutual Safety In
surance Company of Philadelphia.
RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandize of ev«*-
ry description, and Murine Risks upon hulls or car
goes of vessels, tukrn upon the most fuvurahle terms.
Office nt the warehouse of King k Holmes, on Water
st.. n»*«r Market street. Pittsburgh.
N. }J. King A: Finney tnvitdHhc confidence and patron
age of their friend* and community at large to the Dein-,
ware 51. S. Insurance Cnmpnnvf a* on tiiKtitution among
the most flourishing in Philadelphia—ns having n Inrire
paid in cnpital. which, by the operation nt 11* charter, i*
i-onsiamly iucrcusuig—aa yielding to each )>vi*ou imui
r*“tl. In* due share of ihe profits of the Company, without
involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the
premium nrtunliy paid in by him; and therefore u* po.«-
sr*<ing ch»- Mntuui principle divested of every olmoxibus
tenuire. and in its most attractive form. * nori-if
Thtnl and strrris. Pittsburgh.— The »-*ei* of the
company on the first of January. Ixls. «» juddi-bed in
conformity with an act of the Prims) Irani.** I.eglslmrire.
Bond* and .Mortgage*
Real cost-
temporary la>u;is. Stock* and Ca>li
Making a total of 9tHtP.(WI 42
Affording certain assurance that ail losses willhc
promptly met. and giving rufire security to nit who ob
mm.policie.s lii’m this Company. Risk** taken at as low
rates as are consistent with security
or> * WARRICK MARTIN. Agent.
lustti’aMf Agnlniit Fire.
I Anttrican losttrnnfr fVnipo*. if— Office. N‘>.
1 7g Walnut street.’Philadelphia; Incorporated A. i>.
l-IP—Charter Perprcffctl.
Insure* Buildings. Fifrjiitnre. find proper
ty generally, cither m the city or cowry, aguiust los- or
damage by fire, perpetual-or tor limited periods, on favor
able tcruiis.
John Sergeant. Samuel C Mo bum
Willmml.viirli. Adolphus IVrics,
ilumins AHilhoic. George Abbott.
John Welsh. Jr. Patrick Bnulv,
John T Lewis.
~ „ • OMORTON, President.
I RA.V'IS D. JIX'iVKR. S* erelurv.
f)rd« r« for limtrnnbe t>s the jii»ovv Company \\W be
received and inMiraiuc-% effected f,v jbe undersigned
ageni for Pdisburgh * fH;(T COCHRAN
janUhn 2*. Wood .slfect.
i ;;"V'.r: -...5' Sy-
I- taken according to the directions they. will cure anv
case, no matter who or what else has failed.
For the perrjtahCM care, of.Rhomimiiam. Goiit'<3an-
KF e »c> Hysteria, and -gfev'erc nervous'aflecijojia.'imd'arc
highly recommended for the cure of Dropsy, Hcmtiral
Asthma and Neuralgia. Patient? using them, in most
cases, experience benefit soon after the first dose. They
quiet the nervous system, which enables them torest well
during the night. They never fuil tocifecta cimu when
taken accordittg to directions.
No outward application cniiperiniihenily remove rheu
matic panis trom the system. Liniments sometimes act. as
a palliative foiva short period,, but there is always danger
m their use.. They may cause the pain to lea ye one place
Tor perhaps u Vital part, or else where the pain will be
more acute. 1-
. * OT «*? retmawen'l cure of Liver- Complaint*. JaumHce,
Dyspcpgia. Chronic Debility,' Chronic Asth-
SiS*?! 1 * Debility, ;Puhnonary Aflectinna, (arising
VJ* ],vcr O i Diseases of. the Kidneys, and
all (liscases ftHsmg from ,a disordered stomach, iu l/oth
r!!n ? - - f » r . rt^e i sU< ‘i | *** female weakness’,''dizziness,
lo ilie bend. They flirenghicn the svs
*£ “ n ? remove ail acidity of the stomach. and give it
tone umi action mid toumrt digestion., Theyean be taken
.;Lii. U .i ni^ sl tie^lca . !e sthmnciu and ui every ease will en-
C ' 08 !i v - ‘ je * iB renovate the* whole sys
»W.« n /*i ajl. nnpuride* and remnants of .previous
frarmf 6 ’ - :g,vn, b r a healthy action to the whole
-JJ?, of. Liver Complaint are uiicasiimsp and
* n ! e » an .d soreness upon toueli 'immediate
”, r t *W? or • r i bs > MtabUity. to lie on the left side;
or ti at all able,* a drugging sensation produced, which su
nousl> affects respiration, causing very often a trouble
some cough; together with these,symptoms we perceive a
coated tongue,] acidity of the stomach, deficiency of per
spiration, und -sometimes a sympatiictic pain in the right
shimmer, with k great disposition to sleep and depression
ot spirit*. mid]sometime* sores in the month or throat,
causing mocus to rise in the nostrils. Jaundice frequent
ly aocompmueg it, and a dmpsy iir-ihc face; These sytnn
toms, it pcmuitetl to continue, will eventually produce
Unit most handful disease. Consumption. - intact, a ma
jority oi such lenses originate from the
nbove mentioned. Cathartic medicines must; in every
instance, tie avdided in the treatment Tor it. •
I lie symptoms of Dyspepsin are very various—those af
tectiug the stomach ulone, are imusoa.2tcurt-burn, loss of
appetite, somefimos mi execs* of appetite, sense of full
ncsa oT weight on tho stomach, sinking or fluttering of the
pitot the stomach, ftpurt eructation*, or sour arising frofn
the stomach. &q. Dyspepsia, devoid of UTonrtuol nnturcV.
is wiUiout danger; but, it urisiug.from udisease of the?
stomach, it is dangerous. . ▼
i .^ er y® llB Debility generally nccompauies Dyspepsia or
, ' l '« r ?, in J? iai,lt; “ w,l! eurc. A few dc*c* will re
nun o nil the unpleasant effect*, such ns fluttering nt the
it-.*rt. aching seusution when in a lying portion, dots or
Ueh, betore the sight, fever and dull the head,
cousin,, u.mmnuigsof evil, and greai depression of spir
its Outward *»gna arc. a quick and strong pulse, pale
and distressed jjoiintciuuicc, &c. y
C M ' 5 ‘ ,- ? , , l ll c , I , l b^vc disease can he cured effectually
h) the use oftlia Hitter*, as directed. *
An iniailible remedy for Coughs or Colds, or the Chest,
"ii"' Wlicmpinp Cmiitli, Bran
; . 1 ternprat Asllima, or any tlisciisi; of the |,iin-« or
i. nrcxxY. in.
nil. I. an iTit alimhlc fomily medicine. It soon relieves
any Imicii or Ilonrsencsi, uml prevents tlie Croup by In-
MIC early admimstered. No ooncli or rolil i, too liehl to
p.iss iieglectcdj.'for, neglected colds sink thousand* to the*
grave annual I and cause many to grow up with a deli
cate irarne, whq would have been strung and robust, jf a t
hrst properly tresitrd. ’
. For » he effectual cure of the Piles, Tetter, and. Rheum.
» ft! , Rjug-wonus, Inflamed Eye* or Eye-lids,
I,ar o r a Deb, Frosted K» ei. Old Sores arising from fever
or mftuire blood; aad will exrraet-the fire from hums, on
apphcation. 05. remove any cutaneous eruptions from the
skill. 1 ersoua -troubled with lender faces should use it
oner shavmg; il will, in u few moments, remove all *orc *'op Pie bleeding: Jt emi always be relied on. 1
«nd w invaluable in any family. *
l or the cure ,dfpains or weakness in the liver, back or
j-hnpi: 11 will entirely remove any deep scaled pains.—
Hirse remedies. have caused many lo fcnjoy the ines
iiinal.U- t.lesHiius o! invigorated health. {in d in a varte
*> ui desperate Slid abandoned case*, a perfect and radi
cal cure.
Jbo innumerable impositions upon the public, uud tint
sMit-menis <.{ remarkable cure*, never made, yet certified
to by leiyocd nSmcs, or by person* wholly unacquainted
with what they hayo endorsed, renders it difficult to do
justice to public in offering *uir>ciuul inducement to
niawe u trial 0} ihu*c invalualde tncfticinc*. They nre en
lireh vegiMaldc*.! amt free from all injurious ingredients
:hhl claim your tfatromurc sotHv ujmn their merits. Even*
iauuly should hdve a pamphlet—they can he hud of ibe
nsent. gratis. ‘
■*?-fU)n.«>ir» •»:}
••HHblXt; 77
• -2U7.|yy 72
Principal Ihipot at tlieTjcrman store. 278 Race
rtreei. one di‘or-;ahove Philailclphia. Kor sale in
1 iu*lmßiii. by ; {jo«t7-dly] WM. TIIUUN. .
t.IULA’f REMEDY OF Till’ Aft El
Dr. Swayne’s Componml Syrap of Wild Cherry.
AHMSIIfID in 18A3, by an Jet Cyncrris —The
j //real H-mcdy for (Mc<njnpiion. Coughs, Colds. A*th
ma. Uromrimi*. Diver Cominqitit. Spitting Blqo<|. Ditlleultv
01 breathing. Pain in Side'■nud Brensl. Palpiuttiou of
the lUan, jnfluynza. Croup.-.lftjkon ConSiWions. Sore
I hrout, ,Nervo.u«pebt!iry. and ATI Throat
brerist. nml Dtmgsi are most effeettml ami speedy cure
ever known for nnv of the above «lisen«e* is HR
~ .... ' St. /*»«»>. tSr/»r. 7th.
t Dp E. 1-Asrr.Ki.T i Ctv— (Vrjls.—ll.ave been ntHictod
•or tilicnit three yrors with a pftlmonnty complaint, which
ha* bnnicjl the skill of several of the most eminent phy-
Memos 01 ont country. At times mv'cottgh was verv
severe, paiii in my side aml.bnnmt, anil great difficnlrv iit
; brcatlnng. In this way I roimnued to suffer, until’life
, . ecamc nltriost ajburdcn. At letigth I *nw your adver
l lis.»:uent oj DR. iS\VA\"NFrS Compound Synip of Wild
i nerrv, and ww perstmded by a friend of mine to make
u trial or 11, and » rmrcha«cd a bottle of vou. I am hap
py to mionu von; that one bottle ha* cflectcd a perfect
cure, and that I am now* in the enjoyment of good health.
1 make '-flu*, sfajement it* the form of .a certificate, that
otJi.*rs be atflictcil with sttch discnsWinat
know whereyo find a nmdiWrfb.. Yon iu>V
ttHs iu rommeudntiorirfif Dr. Swayne#s Com
pte.iml >ynip of Wild Cherry as\ou think-hrst.
\ ours.-i wttli rc*]«rct. \Ym. C.vtm>x
0/1/ troni of erwtipn.-- Since the introduction dWiiy
nrhcle iu the public, there Imvc a nuuihcr of unpiiiirijm-d
iiHbw-binls got up nostrums, which they nswn contain
'' 'bl ‘’berry ; Roiire iimcnltcd ** Balsam*.’ l “ Bitters.’* ami
- Syrup ot Wild rherrv,” hut mine is the original and
only genuine preparation ever tntrmiuced to the public,
Milieu rim l.e prov«?»U,>tho public records of the Com
iiionwcalih ol IVjuisyiVmia. The oiJdfcm'eriiafd against •
is that ench luittlev
Corner 01 Eighth and Race street*. l%ladclphia.
naiiM perhaps t*sn smng estimate for the wra?<j</i/iw
«*s. dreadful ti /sense in <1 .vnnifc vrar ; then add the fearful
off iwLinflitmution of the Lunas.
’ Asthma, bronchitis, and
I oW«T><!|ba*f.t of the Lithss
Sini'ihrHflwoulrlprnsomnu proof of the fo
*lJUif)(»Dt these two clones of disease*. But it in iinpor
laui ihtifneurly nil of this dread waaie of human
brten prevented bv a timelv tu.*? of Dlt
1 lit* medicine has now been before the public some
«MCht years, and ik thy original preparation from the Wild
*;' V '\ - lM ft -P ,, bHicm as a remedy for Coughs.
tobU, and Consumption of the Limes, based
entirely upon its iMrimnc merits. owes but Hub? to inllau-d
nmvspuper puffs:- Tliosu who give it n trial, being hene
iiUuil bv it. recommend hto their neighbors, mnl tints
gradually nud surely has it guined an enviable reputa
tion and worked its way into general use. Ono bottle
never tails to cure a recent Cough or Cold, while with
struM attujuiniiß to the directions that accompany cueh
bottle. its use in Pulmonary' diseases oflong- standing and
o« the utoMt alarming character, has always given relief,
uml in very many insluttcds lias effected complete nml
penimnrnt cures.;
Beware of the Worthless •• EaLnms." •• BiUrntf' »• ,S«-
rt*p.<." 4'f.. as they contain none of the virtues of the orig
tnul prepuniiion. ;
.. and only} genuine article is prepurrri by
Dr. S\\ NK corner ofKtghih mol Ru Phila
delphia, and lor stale by agents in all parts of the United
States, and some harts of Europe.
Prepared only by Dr. SW.VYNIv N. W. corner of *ih
and Race -treeis.' p|,iladelpiiia. and lor sale by re.pccta
hie Druggists m nearly all the principal towns tn the Uni
ted Mates. ;
l or sale Wholesale and Retail, bv W.M. THORN 5.1
iir? e i TvAU&W* I**' 1 **' UhlT, >* **rect; ami 00-I)LN
1)LN A SNOW Pl-Cv. comer of Wood ami -2d streets
sole Agents for Pittsburgh. Pa. - ivld
D„ t Jayne#* Family Medicines. 1
R. S. S. COOK. Pitpia, Ohio, writes. March. 1*411:
••I have tiseit your I f*urwo«f»ir JStUutm
amt Erptaornnt. m my practice, for tho last three years*
and have been exceedingly vfcll pleased with them/nmi
never, as yet. to thy-recollection, failed of realizing mv
tallest expectation tu their curative properties. S'our
other medicines I ennunl speak of frotu experience; hut
judging trom IhostJ l huve used. 1 doubt uot but that thev
chum, and are uniitled to all the confidence reposed in
them, by thosewho huvn used tuem, 1 was formerly
very partial Vermtluge, until I bccamencquniu
ted with yours, winch has my decided prefereue to anv
oilier now 111 use.' - - “
RcsscetfuJly. yours. Ac.. S. S COOK M D”
ID” For sale ill Pittsburgh at Hie Pekin Tea Store. 73
Fourth at. ‘t-liis
B a - F 5- ,l! li? T6uK .’? cpuGirsvKtfK^riTsrnre
• panmou Irtni proved itself to be of very great emea
cy in thn cure ofobslinnte Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Spit-’
MIX Of Blood. Whooping Cough, uin! other Pneumonic
Affections; and llip proprietors feci warranted in recom
inclining it us n , safe, and useful medicine, mid nre pre
to show cCrtificnlcs of indisuuinbic umlioritv in
lcsiiciouj- ofits rnlue. .
It is pleasant to tho tnste, nud is offered atso tow n prico
ns to place it within tho reach of every person. There
ure, porliaps, but few Cough preparations that wilt pro
duce such decided effects in such a short time Pre
pared and sold by .
Corner oi First and W imd; also, corner of Sixth nnd
*» ood streets. ’ declll
\iri,NTSASD't.IQL , OR
fV ter* nnd Eighths Pjj
of tile following cclcbratci
A Soignctie &audy, polo,
•—Agf** - ” f
“ ' pale,
PiticiCiislillon it Co l<
Wnck.lfoYsc “]
Swan** ":V . ‘“i
Fine Appln tS:
Irish Whiskrv u !
JniM:iica’f<pinl«. j
St. Croix Rum. ;
Together with u-large stock ;
Liquors in Rutiles/ also, Cltani
for sulo as imported, dhplCasiil
lar of . ...
feb7,_ r , j ;, coj-jujrof^
:''.' ~ "' if„~t:y~Y''
•* ;y\ •> "S' *
' v ?' :
... V H»
> . I
the Testimony.
• 00 Whole. Halves, Quar
drawly, Wines, Gins, Ac.
Ads, grades, and vintuges,
'/fomlon Market Wine
Rotten Fort
Trash t: -r
.Hunt <r '
Burgundy . , u
S. S. Madeira “ .
B.M. • « . “
Symiugiun “
Fayul, “
Pole Sherry 11
Brown «
Golden n
Tenrifle “ ‘f •
Lisbon “ *i
Cliiret i; ’-.»«•
Sweet & Dry Malaga “
of the above Wines tttid
tjjtigne and Clarbt TVines,
lg terins. at the Wine Cel
Mnithficld uud Frout star |
R • pale,
U ' It •
- r6 - ,, '^^W»tr«^^gJ;si^* , - , '- ,^"u "
TTvnrn * Dtrus*.an&
T r ß urc s to A <SntinnS^ ge T« TOr^V if . employ men
range tl,e admirable uud fmrieme
fonn the system, and consequently. UCil
Bho.iW possess Borne mild, yet efficacious, Simple ami ne
crcdited agent for llic preserrauouof the functions of the
body in good order. ••' -’ .r r - V* * uo
. Dn,;Ay6pD-s .
will Hchiove this result, arid - should be in every family
End m of ;evcry person who, by by business!
profes«on,WEencr»i course of life,, is predisposed to the
vcr>- nmny litue ; ailments that render life a-curse instead
*!> blessing, and finally result, in their aggravated con
dition, in the cause . : r - .
, The Enters here recommended arc compounded by a
man of grqat skill and knowledge, from the simples Np
tdre presents --for those who care lo.find them,and \tftieh
rm C Tellable antidotes to the poisons.ofdiscase;
The chief ingredients are the universally beloved Sana
partita mv\ the Btnktf. the irtld Cherry Tree. with .which
.the reil man of the forest curerf nearly'every disease
of the internal organs, ; .Thesc materials,,{]io<igh pow
crful hi their operation, tire, as Common sense teuchCs
«s. . , j ..
and, prepared asthey are here; one of the dealest medical
operatirts m the inhabitable globe. By taking these! Bit
ters. the scrofulous may be restored to beauty, and avoid
the sharp kiufc of the surgeon; tforthey not oiily eradi
cate pimples and tumors, fait overcome 1 ;
Whoever is subject to the .horrors of Cdtixumption
should at once purch#gethis*uire remedy: * lb the trem’of
f.osttveness follow dreadfuMoealJcongefftions. oftentimes
insanity, very frequently mania .or bypoepudtia, violent
headaches, palpmmons, and other affections of the heart,
sweHings. Hr. WTood’s Cotnpoiind ilbne
of the ihosf efficient medicines! ift? com
plamts.-and- iheir Touhlttiir lidad, that J caii s ttossibly be
procured. - ’ •
From being- confined fo small rqoms, and from taking a
smau modicum of eserciwv numerous persons are daily
made lo deplore a loss of appetite, painful headaches,
weakness of the muscles, languor, warn of enfeigy suffi
cient to seek recreation, These persons say
for years, that they “don’t feel ver>~ well,” * Jf they do
not employ a method by wliichtiiey can feel quite well,
tliev must eventually sink xmdorfa severe fit- of illness
amt are , • . ,j-< ; /
only by a imrnclc; ami even then, 1 the lancet. leech; blis
ter, and calomel, have left thenunereseattered hnlka, full
of aches and sorrmvs, and not only a pest to themselves,
but a source of disjmst and annoyance to all wiUtwhoin
they come in contact. All these i • i
may be avoided byan early application of the virtues of
'!" c Billers. For the trmh oftliis, the proprietor plcilffca
Ins word and honor, and m evidence can ahowiles of
n c ' r "i c,,,c ‘ ' vc ' <;ll he has received, nnsolicit
ed. from all quarters. lie does nol, howevcrr ask the iii
va id lo swallow his certificates, but his Bitters, nrtd is
the r'esuh B,! * kC * llo,d ’ || “T on < arlh in favor of
. the dyspepsia. ''
!!' C «,i e . r .- mo ?iM" r *?. vcrc foVni. will disappear before
tbe qualities of Dr. Wood s preparation, and the curcimay
oc relied on as a permanent one- Did the Hitter*
possess no other recorrtmondation. it would he otic of
die finest vegetable compound* medical scieueei can
invent: Bat, “ emdicatiiu of
.in every shape, and of every n flection, minor or "iganlie.
ft! , ‘n “ pur ? UW - >n«Hvidnala who ore ?on*titu
tionaliy bilious. ought regularly to take this mild, strreea
h^;i.h f l{l^ Xr i c ? ! TOMC A NI> AermirEvr. a* it will diffuse
health throughout every fibre of the frame, and send hap
pincss and love of luo the hqart Pamiues
Krerv tnedicijle-ehestoitbonrd ship should also be well
siiirkcd with cajmftl !
cannot afllictf those whotakcit, or lonp resist its vieor
?“ assaults. All impurities of the Blood vanish before
it. .uni the old relies of early lnipnnlenec invariably dis
apjwrjir, soon .-Tiler btintf Robraitldd to its action. Kve'rr
<*«miplainl of lhe Momach isr broken by it* The Hitters
>? cure JaL'vdice, Gesi-ra..
UEBJLm. tljsorjrnmzation of
Uv tiif jinio inroad* made unou tlitr loiti-r, n
vast portion of our fellow-beings arc rendered extrcm.-Iy
mtserablr—so inferable. indeed j, (hat they wish to die.
rhJ?. b « l « C t}r ' '' ,kmlk ‘‘Sarsaparilla ami Wild
kvi ° Bmer» ’ contains a modicum of jov and content
tor each or those, anxious owl imprudent safTercrs. ! Re
member that ati injudicious use of mcrcurv is ivevitablv
productive of mnny-cviJs which arc pm to flight by thii
glonofiP aatl unsurpassable compound: and thdt aiflic
ous ujncli are * \ • Tj .
l hereditary - !
may spefpllly niiil safely he shuffled off through its ncen
cv. As a lutuhcine which must benefit ' * ;
iruin the simply delicate lo the confined and drspnirins in
ra/tt/ f no fcju.'il I*lo he foiuid fur ill It would be well lo
near m nunc! tliui! prevention laoredesii'ttble
ARE Bam’ I’** 1 ’** Sarsaparilla and Wild
Pat tip in bottles, three or four tiincs'larger Ilian Bris
per bottle. ; '
)' A 1 1 * KEECIIIJar, ldl PtUl6li-Bt;.2r."V-wliole
sale agents. Sold in Pittshafgh^a! ‘ .
v, .*?• sawyers miAi/m Depot if .valuable
Wetjfcitirs --iinithficlil. between ;Third and Fourth sis
TIlOR *'S Drug store, Jlarke it ’
sepd-dlim-wltha f e
IIII.YRsE HAIR CREAM—A jluutchlcss article for
growth, beauty, and restoration of the Hair. This
'r™i ’f'K". k'to'T.n, will supercede all other arti
eles of the kind now lu. use. Where tlie hair is dead"
harsh, thin, unhealthy, uor hinting grey, a few apnliea
l n s will make die huir soli and dark, and give it aiteau
t tul. lively appearance: and will also make it mniiltain
ts liveliness mid healthy color, tjvicc as long as al the
hit ”?"* ’J I ?, I ” rc used. Where the hair is.
p“"” r 5?" 'alien oir, u may bd restored by using litis
o<bo",;i *" I?' ”‘L y "'"tfa'lema, who isinthe haltit of
t sing ml. on their hair should nl mice purchase a bottle of
the l Iniiese Hair Cream, as it is so composed ihat it'will
riie iii'm'v r ?t ~i, a'r llk< ‘ Ibe other)preparations, butivrili
Ttm 1,l! " aj-d give perfect sabstacuon in every in-
to its very supcritT qualities, see tlj fol
lowtug hmjw from the Rev. Air. Caldwell to Meitrrs.
Hendersliott ft Stretch, Nashville, general agents tor the
•MMiintTii Mates: j
LttUr nf the Re r. R. CnUUcrfl. Pastor ef the Prtxbuleridn
Chttrek.Pulaski. ■ ■ 1
Mkssrj*. HEXDKnsi!orr& STitEmf: Gentlemen—l take
pleasure in adding my testimony itrfnvor of the excellent'
preparation called Dr. Parish's Chinee Hair Cream: 'far
two years ago my hair was ;very dry. bristly, End
msposeibto come out; but having procured si bottle of the
cream, uffil uswlit according to the-prescription, it is tiow
elastic, soft, ami firm to the head. Many balstmrs timf
mis were applied, each leaving nty hair to state before. Tilts Cream, however, Ims met my exuec*
tutions. ! * * * v
As an article for the toilet, my wife gives it preference
over all others, being delicately perfumed and not dis
posed to ranrnnty. The ladies, especially, will fiqA
Chinese ( ream to be a desideratum; in their preparations
for the toilet. - Respectfully, :
Pulaski. January 7.1847.
„!D-Sold wholesale ami retail, in PmEbnreli, braiihtr
1 o"-nwi;tl 43 Market at, and Joel Mohler, corner ol
Woodutnl hitlhste. '[ . jetS-d&w-lj-
LADIKNnrc cautiontHlagamst u«ijig-'Gommon Prcph
red Chalk : They ore uot aware howfrighlAiUy iniu
notiHitift to ( ! how coarse, how rough, howtaJlow
yeilu\y. and unhealthy the skin appears after using pre
pared chalk. Upsides it isiiijunoUs 7 Coiitainina: alan:o
ciiianuty.ot lead. W c have prepared a beaiuifubvcgc
tablc article, which we call Jones' Spanish Lilly White
innocent, being purified of all deleterious
qualities, and it imparts to the skin n natural, healthy;
alabaster, clear, lively white; at the same time aclhiir
as n cosmetic on the skin, making ifc soft abd smooth. [ '
Ur. James Anderson. Practical Chemist of MaisaclMii.;
hcUs. says: *• After anulysinp Jones! Spanish Lilly Wffiteo
J hud it possesses the most beautiful and iiaturaJ. aSd-ht
the smite tune. innocent, white L ever saw. •'1 ccrtaimV'*
can conscientiously recommend its use,to all whose skin
requires beautifying.” Pricfe2s ceulsabox. Directions’
—the best wav to apply Lilly White, is with soft leather'
or wool—the tormer is prclcrablc. ! i
A nn sct of Tttra fob 25 .teJihl'
loul hrealli, healthy gums. VcllowamUmhcalthy teeth,
alter hemg once or twice cleaned: with Jones'. Anther.
1 ootli l astc, have the appearance of the most beautiful
ivory? aud, lit tlie. saum tunc it is so pcrieclly innoctihi
ami cxqui-titely_fii}c,4hat its constant daily use :is highly,
advantageous, cvcpto those tcctli*tliiit arc in good comii
tion. giving thetn/u tmamiful polish, and preventing a
premature deqayr: Those already decayed toprovehts
Jroin becopiiug worse—it also fastens such aa is becoming
loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth
delicately white,-and make the.breath deliciously sweet.
Price 2o or 37$- cents a box. All tlie abovo arc aold ohiy
at 82 Chatham‘si., sign of the American Eagle, New York.
ninhhy.theuppointeu Agents appear iaUic'
riext-epiumn. • ... . > / ....
_ AYill you mauuv, and get a ricli hushand, lady ? u Your
faeeis your fortune” IsH beautiful, clear, fair? Is! it
white? If noLjt CAubcmade so.cveii be.yel
low, dishgured, sunburnt, tanned niul frcckFed. Thous
ands have been made thus who: have washed; once jor
twice with Joncs’Jlalina. Chemical Soap. The eiTcctlis
glorious and magnificent.. Bin lie stiro you get the gonu- -
me Jones’ Soup, at the. sign of the American, Eagle, s*s:
Chatham street. ,• -V ! .. "
Ring-worm, Salt-rheum, 'BnrbctV
Itch, n’rc often cured by joircaMiaUau. Chemical Soap,;
when every kind of remedy has failed. Tliat .it'cures
pimples, freckles, and clears die skin, all know.: 9bld4fU' :
tile American Eagle, 85 Chatham street:.' Mind, reader,
this seldom or - never fails. ' ‘ ‘ - •• j •
C. INCUS, Jr., Pattersqn.w'
SolcLat Jackson’s b 9 Liberty sty head of
of the Big Boot. /'/’ nov23;
J\. TURE. —Procured from nivclf in Kentucky. I£s feet
below the earth's suirface. This'Oilvrillbe found vastly
superior to Harlcmi British, or duy other formeriy popu
lar Oils, Its. curative, proiierttfrs for thd following ali
ments are trtiiy' wonderful; Inflamatory rheumatism,
whooping-cough, phthisic, coughs; colds, spasms, tetter,
.erysipelas* scald head, croup, iuilammatory sore threat,
liver complaint, inflammation of Ui6 kidneysfpalris in the
breast, side aiid backrdiseasesof die spine; piles;heart-'
burn, diseases of the- hip joiiit/mflaraed S ore eyes, deif
ness, undear nclie* worms, tooth übhej sprains; strains,
burns, scolds, bruises, cuts; ulcers, banceryfevery sores/
Ae.&c. • r-
Trice 60 cents per bottle. Sold wholesale and retail by
WM. JACKSON, at his boot and shoe store, 80 Liberty
street, Pittsburgh., Tho big boot stands in the door-wart
Only place in Pittsburgh where t|se genuink can beobL
tamed. : .... _ . . j,.
Caution— Jnorder tobejuircof obiaimugthegcnuiue, duly of tho general pgent for.Wu&teru Pennsyl
vania, Win. Jackson, 88 Liberty through *ub-
Ageut* appointed by him for its sale, each of whom.will
have a show bill and genonM directions in pamphletform
containing the names and address of the Proprietor and
General AgeiitoLWestern Pennsylvania, as follow*:
.Ur.HaU dc Co., proprietor,.Kentucky. • 1
•^ IT l:^r ,l ?^ Bou ’A* t! imrttlAgcnifor'\Vc»tci;u i Pcnnsylva-.
nut, ,«) ; Liborty.street* Pittsburgh, to whom .nil orders
must be addressed....^.... I '
Obskritj.—-Each bottle, is enclosed! in"one of the,above
named tbeuame of, William Jackson/ (the
general and-omy wholesale ageilL.fdr Western PontisyL
vanui,) printed .on the outside of the label.- ... ■. 0c128.r/{
f y. "• .- ?
4:•: - ,...:;,7:.:!j : 1,.:, : .-,1,,,- i 'i,; ? ;.1,
.. :,'~,.
.1 RE universally, admitted to operate, not ohly «| mi
tfectual preventive, bat a* i*frr a* falling remain; in
ail diseases which can offeet the hhruan. from* Head
ache, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Piles, Scurvy/Dronsy
Small PoXf CbpleraiM9TbuH,,>VoTO»,*\yhoopmg Coukli!
Consumption, Jaundice,. Quinsey. Scaslatlno, LW6r Com
plaint- Measles., Salt Rheum, Fits,
Heartburn, Gidifine&sj'Eiysjpclus, Deafness, Itching* of
the Skin, Colds, GoutrGruyel. Pams in tltc/Back, Inward
Weakness, Palpitation of jin? Heart, Riturigsiu the Throat.
Asthma, Fcyers of aU kinds, Female Complaints,Stitches •
in Blood, Sore Eyes. St.
Anihony’sKre, Lowness oFSpirits, Flooding, FlnoriAl- :
boa or whites, Gripes, King’s Evil, Lo^mw,,Hysteria,
Bile on the Stomach,.and .all bilious affections, Pleurisy, -
Swelled .Feet r and Legs, SwincVPox, White Swellings,
Tremors,Tumors, Ulcers, Vomiting-—-and a host of other*
hatie successfully and repeatedly been vanquished by *
heur all-powerful arm! -'
have been known to effectpefmnUbnt euros when
all other remedies hitd provod unavailing, and in the lost
staves of disease.' ■. ; t \ . ..
They have inmnny cases superseded thefmeriptittskiU
of uit tnost eminent and received besides their - •
unqualified commendation.
They have been frequently recommenecdiby men of.tho-r
tnost distinguished characters ihroaghoul-Utc land, and •
been sanctioned m Europe by Noblemen, Princes of
royal-blood/.- • •. >= ? ,i> .... . .
‘They have-been introduced into the Hospitals of Edin- ‘
burgh. Paws,, and Vienna. an<T tlirouglrthc disinterested
exertions’of ourForeighl Ambassaders/tbc? Imvo recei
ved tlie'favojableCcmrnneuduUou of the Emperor of Rus- -
sin, and of his Celestial Majesty of the Chinese Empire
: £D» Scafceiya Packet vessel of rnfy repute* sails from '
the port of New York, without an abundant suddlv»-
Agencies have been established in all the principal ‘
Cities in the Union, and applications are constantly reach
ing us from.almost numberfeMwillapes in every section
oftlio country/ Testimonials of their marvellous effects
are pouring iii'froni alt-.mumers—and in suchmuinbcrs--
that ; we have iiiot time to read one half of them.; What
stronger or more conclusive evidence than these, import-? ••
nut facts can the most sceptical desire? Is it possible, that -
the; hiany . thousands who have .tried, CLICKENER’S •
PILLS, can;bo;deccived in their results? If any irapos---
lure of quackery existed, would it not Jong ago have been
held .up. as it should be, to thn scom oou derision of a ■
justly otfended community.-
: IC7" Remember, Dr. C. -V. Clickcneri&lhe original' in- ■
ventor of Sugar Coated'Pills: and that nothing of ihe.sort*
was ever heard of, Until hu-introduccd them iu. June,*lB43. ,
Purchasers should, therefore,.always ask for Clickener’s
Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no other, of they
will be made the victims of is fraud; • •'? •'
Dr. Clickeudr’s principal bffice for the sale of pills, is 6G
Vcsey st, '■ •
■\V2VI. JACKSON;B9 Liberty sU licndof-Wood *t., Pitts
burgh, Pa., General Agent for Western Pennsylvania,
Northern Ohio, and the River Counties of Virginia.
The following are Dr. CHckcncr**.' duly appointed ? Ar
gents for Allegheny co.. Pa.
WM. JACKSON, (principal) 80 Liberty street, head of
Wood. '
A. M. Marshall, Allegheny City.
Jonathan Gbrieet, Manchester..
C. Townsend & Co., •
Jno. R. H. Jncqnc3, Birmingham.
Jno. H. Casscl, Penn st.
Andrew S. Getty, Wylie at. -
Robert Williams, Arihursville.
R; H. Heraiucray, South Ward.
Wm. J: Smith,Tcnipcmhceville.
Jeremiah Fleming, LuwrenccviUe.
.Dauicl Neeley, East Liberty. .
Edward Thompson, Wilkinsbttrgh.'
„ Thomas Atkin Siiarpsburgh.
'G. fl. Starr, Scwicklcy. .
Samuel Springer, Clinton
James M ; Kce, Stewartstown.
John Black, Turtle Creek.
C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth..
Riley M’Laugblin, Plumb Township,
; . J. Jones, Bakcrstowu.
: Penny, McKeesport." my 17
X USED/ I —-This was expresscdin ourhenrihg'yds- '
terday, by nn intelligent gentleman, wholmd used bat
about one half of a bottle of Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough
Mixture, before he was entirely cercd. Cotne and get a;
nottl'e of it,' and if the most obstinate cough'or cold:does
not disappear by its use, your money will be refunded.
Compounded as it is, of the most cficclive, though httrni
less and pleasant remedies, its use for years has, -nor- in
deed can it, fail to give entire satisfaction.'
For sale, wholesale and retail, by -
Liberty street. near Canal Basin.
Lawrenccyille. .. r
Solti also by
- ocll
FayeUfccntntjf, Pa,
TIIR friends ofHydropailiy.—ulso, the public in gene
ral.—ore respectfully informed,, tliat: this establish
ment* built expressly for thc purpose, has now been in
successful oper.ari6rismce Angusi,l:?47 ' -
Thy 70 feet by 30, two stories high."and will
comfortably accommodate twenty-five patiamsr—evccy
roorn iswcll ventilated, and neatly famished Theslcen
tng T bathing, and dressing-rooms, furladies. areasentire-i
from those of the gentlemen, ;ris if iri differ- :
em bmldiugs; also, separate parlors. ' The bathihg-room*'
are fnrmshed with all ibeneccssarybaths for iniocrcoiue
a successful treatment. ':, • ;
JNnnieroiis pure soft-water springs surround the estab
lishment? pleasant and retired walks among the neigh-
Doting lulls ore abundant, and the exertion of reaching - '
the summit, ii limply repaid by the beautiful views over.*
a most picturesque country., . i • . ?
the. Proprietor, who resides in the "
ushment, ha* had, several years’ experience in this popu
lar mode ot practice; and. early,lit ihC custtingsummer,
expects to be joined by DR! MASON, Fellow of the
at College of Surgeons, London; who is now visiting the
oest esuiblislimeuta inKngland. : . • . -., . ... •;
The Establishment has been. so far, well patronized: -
umUuo.pains ~\viU .be, spared to make it as comfortable
and agreeable to invalids as the system wilFudmlt of. -
The terms are a* follows
•FoKpuiiettl#,' SO pcr weok,-io bo paid weekly. • -- ••
very feeble patients arc required to bring, their o\vn‘
nurses; board can be had for them, in Hie Establishment, 1 ,
at per week. . *•
patient is required to bring the followingarticles: '
Two-.hncn or, cot ton sheets, two woollen blankets, six-i'<
towels, either threexotnfortables or alight'feather ,
bed;-likewise, an old linen, and flannel sheet, for'baud
, nges; and one injectioirinstrument. -j '
The followingdiseaserAro successfully treated:
r ever*. Intermitting do„ orlAgue; Inflammation of.lhei
Lung«, Stomach. Bowels, Liver,.Spleen, and Kidneys; •
Dyspepsia; Asthma; Rheumatism,, acute and chronic:
Sctatich. and'Lumbago? Gonorrhma; Primary and Se- :
cohdiry Syphilis; Scrofalat Nervous Disensesi Partial
P aYal y si *i Neuralgia; Sick Headache: Fafpitation ofihe
jtlcart', Jlypocliondnnsts; Dropsy; Jautid'ice;'H<tbiitia( ;
Cosuvcneas; Delirium Tremens; Spasms of the Stomach '
and Bqwels; Spmnl Affcctious- Chronic JDvsonterv, or'
Diarrhoea; Tetter, Ringworm, Scald Head, Ac.
Fcraale;Discasos, as—Prolapsus Uteri, orbearingdown ’
iof m? womb. Excessive, painful, - and J obstructed men- r
suretipn:. i; r-r; •
Rheumatism,; gout,, and Tic doloruux—
A respectable gciulemon called at our office. as he *
nr . Us thar bo Jiad becn affficted: for -15 ■ v«nrs •
wtm luieurrmusm or Goat, amlocoanionally with: Tic
Dploreiix*; thnt he hod bcerr frequently couhnodlolua.
room tor months together,/and oAen mtflered the most in- -
tense ami excniciating pain* but that lately he had been
using Jaynes Alterative, front which he found theniostsig
nal and nnexpeeted relief. He; toys: hcfoumUhcmedi
ctne very pleosam and effective, and that he now con-•
fcan™ himSC ' cured.—PhUa*Ulphiu North AmtT-
i Iw. F i CT Ksmnxc,.—A gentleman' of Sordfulontf
SSjiV, f rom “ldiscretion in hw youiigor days, became af-i.
ui l Ulce ™ ,lOl > s m thc Throat and Nose, and a
C hymern of tho Skin. Indeed, his whole
b ? rc ', he mrirlis of being saturated with riiseasfc-
One hnml and wrist were to much afTectcd that ho had
tost the ltsc of the hand, ever}- part being covered with
P '"' a ."'l hllonstve ulcer*, and were ns hollow
™,»t a t*'* > lon ey-camb. It was at tills stage orbis
j whc iP l, ? ntl ‘ “PPeored inevitable from a loath. .
some drneaae, that hecommonccd the use ol Jayne's,-Ail
lyOuKii W toke " six,e,: >‘ bottles, is sow phrleoti -
t2£^l“sP iv ? op ? Ial0 ?. throimh the.circulaliou,: anil ■
pixnnes the blood and eradicates disease from (he system
Wherever:lotatcd.- aiid the. numerous cures it h&sner*
fanned* in diseases ofTthe akin, cancer, scrofula,' koui' •
liver coniplamt, dyspepsia pnd other chrome diseases,.is
truly astonishing.— of-the Timex. j .
T^^nrth r atireQt m PiltBbUr ® ll ’ atlllo TEASTORE,
fv4f AS^^l 5? A » &&*—?&' Coxscmmvw;.
r22&®S a S pt .’l w .aw, many. suffering .Trora neglected
11 ,o 1 -^ r , a ". °°3lracUon and consequeut.mflamaliou of
&T c . hI W of thoso tubes. tUfough'wluch die air
is-dtstnhated to .the,lungs- , Tbm obstruction
l rodnees path and soreness, hoaraeness, cough, difficulty
ot-breallnng, heou^fpvor r and-a. spitting of blood, matter
or phlegm, yvhich’&nally;exhausts the strength of the-oa’ 1 ’
never jat&io 'remove this amb produces the ’
most picasing/and happy results. It is certain in it* ef
fccts, and cannot fail 16 relieve. •
Kor oaloiin Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store; 79 Fourth
-ST., near Wood- jai,B
J_> AiioUier cvidence of tlic suporiorUv of Dr Wiu
Cough Mixture, over all oilier* -Read the-following.
certificate froraa respectablercitizeiiiof the Fink Ward*
' - : ‘ ; riT TSBt>aP.H-Nov.-3, 1547:
1 tins certifies that for some weeks past* was troubled
pith a vere senous Couglt, which was evidently becom
es? on the lungs to such an extent as to rcsistthe
clTectot every medicine.whichlbad been using- I was
. finally. persuadedrlcr-cal!. r aU Haya A Brockway g Dro?
Store, andiget.a.bottle:,of. l>r.> l Oriental r O JX
fixture / whtch, to my great surprise, relieved me verv
Uvo or.three doses,, and before I
haft used bne bottto. I was cdtirely,cured. Ttwos sojuuch
degMd» effects, thtitlhave brought othcrs to buv
bS’,continuetorecommeud it to my friends- jr
firinly.ieheve it l&bethe best Cotigh 'Ncd\ehte in the 1 cprld”
-ii. ... - ..“.AXdsxw M’CATPirr”
■ Try itr-only2scenlsa-Boulc. Sold by
_ HAYS A imoCKWAY, 7 ’
, No. 2, Liberty street, hear Canal Basin :
Sold also by ..Krj, FLEMING.
' novlO' ... _ . LaTOencevill>>y ;
BALM OF COLUMBL\.—-tfn/r X° n te—To the Bnl/f n-n
lieaaofhta? Qw
iromaandruirand scttr£do_not lni| to procure 'ftaPßMsSl
Bnlsnli of Cdrunibia. “ip chserof baltlifes,; it vrtfimife
Many Who hSvo tom
«l>°ktes<Sf. t 5«? have had it restored to iLori
gmtti periedtioa by tfit nso olthts Balsam. Ace ittw ™
condition; aw»«W to be no tobstttcle; whatever'
causes life Stud to Sow with which uie delicti nvVstL ?!?♦
is Bllodfby vrhlcltredansjh6nsandi,Jwhosl haww^i^f
as ; Oie ABi&lKf euglei have
naturat color; by the use of tills t’ ■
all cases of fever it Will be found one 6f“ he ln
washes'that can be used. A few nrmtsilT 1081 P* eaB ®nt
Ihei-rooti; li.tmyer .fails. 10 impart aemh.
cncoj.W,asuim , duma i ror:thetoii o Lit-£SMS, y «n I ? c, s*
holds three times as much as other nmeani2?t? B! J? d - £ ' ll
attyes, and. js more edectual? sHawJlssWr.
mred only by Comstock & Son.
byA..%epnpyS. W.^S?’. al AVashiilgton, Pa.,
bjr Dr-IVtJwell;
ttiPjattosSlrtliiisirVJirtcfPalw pJPjfri.also, ut rvery lown
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