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"*• V* .•k* 1 _ K ; >* 1 \* •'&r ‘Vv’y- Wm.-. <: ;■■ «}; t l /i" * E=M V t `7, " •3 ,-f) f i\ ! iC > *-* v i ■, , >.»' • •'■ - s .; ■ -. l !i •?*'••-■.'• ;*• *.v. •- -v . - - . ;».■' •'•,•■■•' . - - . r ¥*£*?«(& - ■’,. •* .'.•" I '.V- :;: 't;- i : : . %: --*'-’v ; '' •-- "»-• ••"■••• i-'” •• si' -'. '. ’JT s . , ; j •. . . , ■ . ' .• , • 'l . TO ARMS! TO ARMS!—’Threatencdin vaslon 01 Western Fenhsu by ColSivift. with . 'lO,OO0 ‘meti* notwithstanding which, J. M. \Wniie 'Will Continue to sell clothing cheaper than any .has heretofore beenoffored in the:Western country, hav -ingthejorgust establishment in the city, fronting on Lib aijy and Sixth si?. He is now prepared to show to bis .numerous potrous the greatest variety of clo.ths, cassi nteres,westings, and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the upprouching season, that lias ever been offered in tuts market, to which all cau have the Right of Way.— Observe the comer. No. 107, Liberty and Sizdi sla. mar2s }. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor. QEU.ING OEF M)W FOR CASH.”—Wimer Clo '.O thiug of every description, such us cloaks, over coats,, superfine blanket. Beaver, Pilot and heavy broad cloths, superfine cloth, dress, and frock coats; a lurge-as sortraent of tweed, sock and frock coats. 0 Cloth, cassimere, and satinett pantaloons; also, a gen eral assortment of vests; plain add fanev velvet! cloth, catsnncre oud.fancy >voo|cn, and plaid‘cassimere. with Irish linen, trimmed shirts, s cravuU, comforts and all other arti- Clothing hue, which will be sold low for Cash. . Purchasers will mid it mnch to their advantage to call wmi, at 49 Liberty street. P. DeL\NY • X5.,;8.-- A complete assortment of goods, suitable for Customer work, always 611 hand, such as English. French ana American cloths, and cassimcrcs; also a choice &*- ntonent of seasonable vestings—all of which will be nude to order in the latest styles, and on the most ac commodating terras.. janl 2-daw GOODS, NEW GOODS.—Received at the Iron -kv: Clothing Store, a splendid assortment of Cloths, consisting.oT fine French, English and American Plain, black and fisucy Cassimcrcs, of the most modern styles; fioangured Cashmere Silk Velvet, Plain and ranoy Satius—all of which we will make up at the most reasonable prices, in a durable and fashionable style. •■Ready made Clothing, of all descriptions; Lady's Gloa** of the most fashionable patterns. Neck and Pocket Hdkfs., Suspenders, Bosoms, Shirt Collars, and every article usually kept iu a Clotliing Store. Country Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere, will find it to their advantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store, No. 133 liberty street, immediately opposite the mouth ofMarkcL [octlB-U] C. M’CLOSKKY, , I Clothingii ClottUmrif: BigJDoors vs. The Western World!!! mn ftnn ' V ¥ 4L SELECTED GARMENTS now W made and ready to be offered on the , te IP IB m V customers and the public in Proprietor of this far-fumed and extensive csumushinent has now, after returning from the Eastern moon trouble and expense, just completed his . Winter arrangements to supply his thousands of co»omer» with oue of the most desirable stocks of C!o -ifc 1 wat has ever been offered in this or any other mar ■ **twe*t pfcthe mountains. For neatness 111 style and workmanship, combined with the very low price which f° r > must certainly render the old unri valled Three Big Doors one of the greatest attractions of the western country.; ItU gratifying to me to be able to announce to ray numerous friends at home and abroad, that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which 1 nava made to meet the many calls in my line, it is with fuihcaity I can keep iunatouh the constant rush that is made on this eslablishnTent. Ji is a well established tact, that my sales are eigm or ten times larger than any other house tn tho trade, and this being the case on the i amoant sold, I can affrod to sell at much less profit than other* cpuld possibly think of doing if they wished to cover contingent expenses. I intend to make a clean sweep of ail my preseut stock before the beginning of next y®* r »Cotning to this conclusion, I will make it the inter •**. of over)' man, who want* a cheap winter suit, to caJl ana purchase aftihe Three Big Doors. - ogjgl-dAw JOHN M’CLOSKEY. BE BRAT! — J. M. White has just received at V/ hi* large establishment, fronting on Liberty and t>th streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer: aUo, n supeaor lot of French Satin VESTINGS, all of wtuch he t* ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner. No. ItST Liberty and Sixth streets. ' J. M. "IV HITE. Tailor. Proprietor. TPBLCSUING IMPUDENCE.—From a published ■Vr t .CMdoi >rCalmout & Bond, of Philadelphia, the ptitlic Tniuld be led lo believe that we have been claim* tng a privilege wc had no right to. That ** ihev have abandoned, come lime eiucc, the exclusive agency svs- and that we have right to claim “exclusive privil eG c *' nl “i™ ~r i never pretended to sell the teas or tlua spurious concern. I huve been selling the teas of UieAew York Pekin Tea Company for the last two ieara, aa thtpubHc are aware, and have been to New York four times in that time, and never heard of this neu concern until lately but ns itool dealers. The tea business of M'Callmont & Bond is about eicht manthi old, and their assumption of the Pekin 7>n Com- name is because a name is open for anv man or Arm to assume; but the fact iutended to imply'therebv, ***** an - v connection with the so called and weU known Pekin Tea Company of New York, is rutire y. My, they having been denied even an agenev in rmlaoelpwa, for the New Y*ork Company, that Company having refused even thus far to confide in them. J . -I'kuow not what kind of wool they keep, nor what kind ®\**as; * an * only certain that they keep or obtain none oi the Pekin Tea Company’s of New York. . Ainf P«« G. P. R James. Esq., Ashore, by T. Howard, author of Ratlin the Reefer, .u* Star tt the Fallen, by Curtis, author of Black Plumed fusemen. The Mafic Figure Head, or tho Lady of the Green and 'Blue, by Charles Carey, of the U. S. Navy. The Bandit'* Bride, or the Maid of Saxony, by I«o»ma Sidney.'- Stanhope, auther of Striking Likenesses.’’ etc. Lymnorc, and Mr. and Mrs. Woodlmdre . by Hiss Leslie. 0 1 London Quarterly Review. Union Magazine for December, ytfe of Joseph T. Hare—a large supply ' Mother, by the author of • Ilutorv of a Flirt.” Wllfulness of Woman, by the same author TTie Old Commodore, by E. Howard. .Jjonctte Alison, or the S’oune Strawberry Ctrl— a talc Of the Sea and Shore; by Ingraham. Suup, or Daylight; a prize tale; by J. S. Robb. Sir Rowland Ashton, 3 vols; by Lady C. Long. Splepdor af Versailles, and Court of Louis the Flowers PersoniGed, No*. 9 and 10. Aural Cemeteries of America, part 9. Magazines, Newspapers, etc. - tjgPfoft Pttftch and Pictorial Times, per last steamers Jonathan. Philadelphia Courier, and Yankee DOOaja,Pictorials. For sale by W. S. CALDWELL, _° ec9 3d street, opposite the Post Office. .No. 4. budget of New Books for J3-R ./CHAPMAN’S DRAWING BOOJt-Nu. 2 Vj/GJtddoa’s Ancient Egypt, new edition. . *“# Nineteenth Century, a new Quarterly. rCjuunber , 'a Miscellany. No. 11 ,* full setts on band. VotaS* 0 ■ e ueeas of Eugland, by Agnca Strickland, TJ** Market Queen, or the Wife’s Stratagem. Mttsconna, a tale of the Revolution. ‘ People, No. 2, superior to No. 1. -'£*9* Anel, ot life on board an Indiaraan, new supply. Eubank'* Hydraulics, No. 2—full setts on band. Flower# Personified, No. 14, do do' Pictorial England, Nos. 3ft Sc 37, do do; ' Sjflion.Magazine, for February, do do; NaiMnal do. do do do - Graham'* do. da do do; Godov 1 * Lady’s Book for Feb’y, do do Living Age, No. 193, do do; £romlsoup.... _Remarkable Events in tkc History of America, hy J Frost, L. L. D. American Phrenological Journal for January. Sub scriptions received. ' Jane Eye, an Autobiography, by Currcr Bell • East of the Fames, a Christmas tale, by James. Edinburgh Phrenological Journal and Magazine. •V’lo® California and New Mpxico. by the foreerof the United States, in years 1846 and 1547, by Jas Madison Cutts, with,engravings, plans of battles, &.c. ATpttr to the River SSagucnay in Lower Canada, by Charles gunman, author of “ A Summer in the Wilder ness." ; Eclectic Magazine for January. Furnished to sub- Wment by the year, or solcfby the single number. SgST«nd Then, by the author of Ten Thousand a Year. Novels, cheap form, new supply. The above works are for sale by [jn3ll M. P. MORSE. by l*nnUioloffists, iliat no ngwalterapenunent,complexion, constitution,or form CO o lft:r ? onj ß lcle wnniuraty from hereditary dis- JJgt .«■ lt*&?*** Consumption, and other affections, — 1 °( on^ ,n ‘ occur 1,1 althottcrh obscr- S2^!LSJSZ l,, f** ** Ut . at .tndividunis aml'familjes, posses* ‘S2f*f JJ*”!* harnctcnstics, are more frequently the smb- S?/,Idice 1 dice inaUidte* than others. Thesi diseases are a USSSi* k^? IUO K whole system of nutrition— their products being but the effects of an alteration of the blood and secretions—the ttlders; abscessHc *»i«, J lO , inflammation, &c., beiS'ScrSfStemi.n, plands * 3^^be*^VrScVh?4%tteo,rb’u?htPiF blood and ayatem of natation. over prowE Prtoo *l, piut bo.Ue». Call and “« a . Fontde by; , JOF.L MOIILER, Druggist: )an27-lm N. W. corner of Wood and Rfih »». 'U£‘.}?£ h ,* *!'* t Cnugh Medlolne I « T * r 8w „ TvEAD the following proof of the superiority of Dr \vn. XX'lartps Oriental Cough Mixture, from a respectable cit izen, who has tried it: ..' L- ' „ ' PirnsßfßGH, Dec. 15, 1P17. !tl£ss&& ilats &. Brockway: —After laboring for several . . weeks under the disadvantages of a harassing cough and .mostdistressing cold* which had, thus far, resisted the cf- fteu ofsevcrafof the "infallibles,* 1 was induced to pur chftM a botdeof your Oriental Cough Mixture, and give || *»kir trial. To my groat surprise, after using only one naif of the bottle I found, myself entirely well. “JiwrAe mmedxemtlevtT saw." Tniecopy. JOHN HINDS. * BROCKWAY, Druggists, Commer cial Row, Liberty street ~ co ’ • - it near Canal. M _ Hollow-Ware Cantlny. ERCHANTS Visiting :.our city for the purpose of obtaining their Spring supplies of Hollow-ware ana other Cas tings, will find a verv heavy stock, and an extensive variety of patterns and sizes in store by us Samples can be seen at onr warehouse, Commercial Row Liberty street, next W. W. Wallace’s .Marble works LD~Tcrms and prices favorable. feb,a-dUn_ QUIN, McBRIDE k Cn. AwS™'}' BOo£=Tl,c Early History of Pe “n*ylTama and of the West, and of West ern Expeditions and Campaign*; ™ iiU an appendix con tuning copious extracts from importaut Indian !iremfeL minutes oi conferences, journals. &c mpoeSphlcal description of each couii^o?Wcsmm ■ .. -- H- S. BOSWOHTH it CO , janlO, • No. 43 Market street. T"tEAS.—-30 bajf chpsts Young Hyson; JL <5l catty boxes l> ** 10 hair chests Gunpowder; Scatty boxes ° . 8 half chests Imperial; W u li Foofthong; for sale by lunll. - • !i JAJIES MAY. 'oiof s ' ■ y are perfccll >' “lapted !o die I'wulianties of their constitution. actins_wilh irentlc tnild ntßS and safety m all mcuimlannt. \Vhercr?r inlroduc- S“’ tJr 1 cl ‘?™ c, f lias been rapidly established among Mic ladies, with whom they nr e emphatically The Favorite. «ioK. col W , ? te directions lor use in the various cout be fou,u 1,1 tl,e directions accompanying Tor sale by s. T,. CVTUBERT; a lcr% . t _ „ . • near'Hurd/ Also, b> \\ in. Coir. AllcjrlifMiv f*nv: j.G SmitJu Bir. jafiW 111 ’ aadJohn M Cracken, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. .k £ r .' w/ - -i,l. *i •*• *= ■ I ' >- v, ‘.V sv ■., granafrattailttft gftw nttklmrgh Portable , Boat Lint. 1848. ifelr OR the transportation offreight between Pittsburgh ana Hit? Ailnutic cities, avoiding transhipments on uic way, ana the consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage aud separation of goods. „ PROPRJKTORS: Burbridgk A Cash. i!7» Market st- Pltilndclphin. Taaffk A O'Connor, cor. Penn and Wuyuc sts.. burgh. AG K.N'TS O'Cox.vor 5c Co.. North street.'Baltimore. W. 4 J. T. 75 South street. New York. Encouraged by yicrcnscd business. the Proprietors have added to and extended their arrangements during the winter, and arc now prepared to forward freight with re gularity and dispatch, unsurpassed by any other Line. Their longcxpenence as Carriers, the palpable superior ity of the Portable Boat system, and the great capacity and convenience of the warehouses at each end 'bf the Line, are peculiarly calculated to enable the Proprietors to fulfil their engagements and accommodate tlicir cus* toiners, hnd confidently offering the past us a guarantee for the future, they respectfully solicit a continuance of that patronage which they now gratefully acknowledge. All consignments to Tanflc and O'Connor will he re ceived and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid, aud Bills ot Lading transmuted free of anv charge for Commission, advancing or storage. Having no interest, directly or in directly, hi StcumboaU. the interest of the Consignors must necessarily be th«ir primary object in shipping‘west; and they pledge themselves to torward ail Goods consign ed to them promptly, and on the most udvantageous terms to the owners,- innrl-u' Plckworth’s Way Freight Line. fi&gia iB4s: a&aisi EXCLUSIVELY for the transportation of Way Freight between Pittsburgh. Hloirsville. Johnstown. Holli day»burg, Water Street, and all intermediate pluces. One Boat leaves the warehouse of (\ A. M'Anulu A Co., Pittsburgh, every day. except Sundays.) and ship pers can always depend on having their goods forward ed without delay, and at fair rules. This Line was formed for tin* special accommodation of the way business, and the proprietors respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. PROPRIETORS: Jons Pickworth, Joits MtuLLn. D. 11. Barmss. Roueiit Woods, Wm. Fclty. AfiHNTS Jons Muj.er. Hollidnysburg : R. H. Cana.y. Johnstown: C. A. M'Axvlty 4 Co.. Pittsburgh. REFERENCES: J. J. M’Pcvitt. John Parker. Robert Moore. Ba-alev ,\ Smith, Pittsburgh. murtf Independent Portable Boat Line. ' item 1848. Jlfe-J&SI FOR Tin: TRANSPORTATION OF I’RoIIUCK AND MFJICIIANDISK, TO AND FROM PITTSBURGH. PHU.ADRUPIUA AND BAI.TIMORIi r;/-'Vrr„,",-r Tiuxsmi'MK_Nr.,/j| gG X)DS consigned lo our rare will be forwarded wirl,. out delay, at die lowest current rates. Bills of Ei transmitted, and a% instruction* promptly attended ee from any extra charge tor storage or rominis*iou Address, or apply to C. A. M'ANI'LTV & Co., Cano! Basin. Pittsburgh. Pa. STORAGE. HAVING a very large and*eommodinus Warehouse we arc prepared to receive, lin addition to freight for shipment.) a large amount of Produce. A.*.. on Siornrc ar low rates. (mar*) (' AM AM LTY A Co GREENII A CD’S EXPRESS. Increased Speed and ....... t> vvimikr \unvv.«u:\-]>. I «* »? nW,c i? ro , t*»»t t«.- PJul.nlclphm and J. Ba.tmiore Kmlrua-l < i.rupauv hav*- coimumcfri rim mng thn, car. a, 4, ai , by which arrangement \v c aic enabled rb torwurd u „- K;r,sf.,r hip re-is start, ever*. -In'-. s>,„dn H 1; VIi;KKKV,Agr„i. S«. t “f" inil> miracuW. All pajn* art. removed ironi burns. -mM*. \ c . t1 , 14 i a ii Sf‘^. n,al .* orcs i 111 • *w "imuloj uf'lrt in uppiicaiton' healing the name ombe rfclicat- ski M l-nvimr ““diseasi’.Tich 5 bccficml i„ all kind, ,„timuma„> rvaiscasrs. %uch as M>rr Nipple* nn«t lives Stiraiiw Bmis’es.'lW miclo , !3": Kr >' s >Pol»s. Biles. Tic Rotoremi*. A.- Uv mfm f ’ r0 ° f '? "■-•‘•name, of many c,„. unent physicians %vho u»/* it m thrjf nracti.-v aniMmn nllc 5 , 0 / clcr n "im rr ,,„ c „ ll,ci, people Kii.,l lire life nmv be lost "itlicmi. i.m h) n. a |l bums an subject lo its control, unless the vnaK are destroyed Can non—remember mid usk for fennel/', p trartor, manufactured b> 'enured r„ V y no oth«*r. i.auotakr I'ILKS. Sokes. Tt„ «,»►,« Jia„, u—mnt ... article mure juaily icl-bra»cd a» a cure j« r tin* ahov Ihan any or nit other,. Its rurrs are almost mi.nediai.- nad ills only i,ra,sin- » l-t those who know the or ieb and 11 w„h surh surras,. ,hn, i, j, to 1° hod tnia and genuine cd *. r„ . ,-,. llrtla „ tl " •' * - sole proprietor Sold only genuine i t IVf- mr-t, p-, i,, u„ * .jidVjrgtnia. • , lov |..„i A : Tut S ? dt ! r, ," nl ‘ r Mraitmu War.' Ul-a subscriber bavin-: . Pittsburgh, in the Sri,!,-tv.U.vlrama tor rhe tin? pose of procuring I.aml .»> the Se-.. i- P met,, fur the discharged Soldtcr' o, tt n^„l'ZZ" as well as the V olitntrcr.,. who hnv- .-rood fhe, r e„,,.,?-■ in the present War with Mm. „ . inform, d„. |, aml the representatives of the dead, that hr ad,lre,i„v , d?e P ii C o, ? ?| 1 ' ’° ' h ,“. ■, P'-"‘S ''lts 'in,no an 3 ad dress 01 the soldier, u,id n dead, hia rente,entatiroa will receive careful and prompt auction. ‘ ! ’ " Instructions and lllauks will he immediately relurned per mail to the applteom. to be curded and returned u me a! this Place. The Ware,,,. w|„.„ r-r" v-d wd he ,rM P" ,n: “ l owner ; or it he should prater- reeuvtne money. I will make sale of hi, cL a rge"or , °th^s b cvie:. Van : aSC far c “ h - ““■« no In the event of ihc dent], - of the soldier, thru must hr »rttaT» the I foMo'"; i ".' , r l „ , |e t . : "p‘ir7u"m V h.'i 1“* TOrtTSfiute Scru,,rt ’ to “' 5 Havmg n ion |„ die Keueral I.nnd Office nt W„,|,j„,. ton, and one in the Arnty under (leucral Scott in Mexico iin» d l ?ffie I h VOU recclve their prompt attention* should any difficult? anae respecting the ncecsHury proof letters addressed to.-w outlie subject must |i c „.»»! paid, and inclose a Five Dollar Bunk .Vote a* uiv com pensalian. UWL I!. FOrffEl? EKIKKi Hon. Harmar Denny. Hon. "Waller Forward. Gol. Win. Robinson, Jr, James Hall. Esq. » Robert Buchanan, Bmj. Cincinnati Irwin & foster, j Major St. Clair Dermv. Paymaster L' S \ v n Licnl. Col. Sam’l W. Black. i * • • O. Oapi. John Herron. I y„r, i ... Capt. Robert Porter. J , s W P, n P V- N ' Anuy. I ' • "“• tinTTo ma^i bc . , °. u, J ,i - al ,Il ‘’ ol!,vr «l* Wm. E. \ tu . street'’ 1 “ ack * L W ll '-> Uutkr’, Buildings. Ith A - l )ri/ Goods llimitr. fio Market nnn \- d tor *° s " pply *»' "<*!■ < Joods. comprising i, P '' a” V ”, n ?" S *'V'» I’rim* and Chint,ia of F.„- F t c ". c , h “"d American iiiiimiiuciiin:; l.Vi ?"? do «rabl e .pattern* rrrneli Oinghams. wnrrn.ncd in fcnor to nbnc imported in style, ~.,uhtv and durabilitv ", colon Meases splendid Plaid goods f ;, r , n[lir „ .Wse" comprising every style for Fair,, ml Winter w ar, Fade meres, M. dc Lames. Satin s,p',| Alpaccn* of vario,,. colon; 3-4 and u black and blue black Silks, for .Man tillas, Fancy dress Silks: I,lack and .Mode colors: ,M. dr l.allis. all wool; Shnwls of ,-vrrv sfvlr and nnaliiv ■ Fas' s,mcrc3, Cassiucits, Broad cloths U „,| Vcsiini,- ld,-,rl, rd and unbleached Muslins from nf ,o Idle, per vard • Green, bellow. lied and While Flannels'; Tiekin-s' Checks, stripd Shirtings: bleached and brown Drillings etc. etc. All of which are offered at wholesale and re tail at the very lowest cash prices. >e P 3 A. A. MASON' ,v 0.0 M®.' T DAGUEIOIEOTVPK ROOMS, l;„rk<; Build. ±1 m ? j, iouniwrew.—llomn A Avtiiony. Daguerreo iP 1 ,* 1 ? lbc c, tirs. " niilil cnlj the ulteittion of Otl rli n'r of Pllt3bu . r t' ll .- ai,' Ublh »«’ pe^^^ r , i ;:^-P;;-h : -m;;r : d or e, and chemiS. 10 " W,li li,M ,i * l ' “ sZk reSnilmproveilleHiß C " ,l,t ' arl, co,lta ‘ n ‘ n K il« more ‘ jmt7 Mirror of i.ith ~ ' The Gift of Friendship; OfTerina; The Rose: The Snow Flake: [Hie Christian Keepsake: The Hyacinth: Scenes in the live* 01 thr p s , Illuminated Gems of Stirred. r» fH ., r am Pro I , l»'*»v Lays of Love and Faith. Ac., by o' \V n,.,i Amelia’s Poems; } • *” mumc; Tappers* Proverbial Philosophy Together with a lnrjre variety of Miscellaneous \t„„ i and Religious works tor sule by u ‘ iloru ' d * c3 ° UJKE LOOMIS, Ait. !BATHERS.-«> sacks, m store and for sale, bv It «• WATERMAN*. '* ■ «■ - ' *■■■ • t : ~: -. , Bourmn: I I 'V,H W>l " N ‘ V coounue to bring out persons l„a,i iuhTh de,a ‘ r ,'JL Ireluud. Scotland or Wales, a l il e n , ri r wll b their usual piinetualit), To v o? 11,0 " ,J| emigrants. We do not a|. hn i - p ?“. c, «"" '« be robbed by tbe .windliim scamps 0.11 mu si the sea-ports, as « e lake charge ol them the ine'ai'dT'L ,i "' , "- ,rl vc«. ami see to their well-l,e shm d w * pa "' ' ; h, '"'." ithoin any di-teniio,, |,v the fir-t ship.. Me .a; ,l„. ,cartes,ly. as we detv ai'.v of oar hoars'bv 'r "‘V "' C , V “"re detained lonvnilght emnmd m Uvenoml. wtnlst tlmuaandsof otkb were demnnd inoiillis until they eould be sent in «... M eolhns*' ht '“ p ■ " bieln 100 frequently proved their ' O , o«r contrary honorably. m„ •uin'l,‘ Cr l''' r,D nn~l »<>• “l all- or whan il *uik.i Uirir rQi»vrm«*t«cr. , ‘ ll ' sl >".n;h tor any Mini from XI m I n..! r a i' I- ut . on > ol I'ruvinnal Hank* ui Irc- Ll,,d - I.ngi*ml. N-mlaml unit WaW. Josm*A Hom\so\, ... f'Hropvaii am! Ucurrnl Aj*«;ni, ruth onl* door l*r!otv \voo*l Bt. JH?SSS?==- Kuropriwi Aacnev, and HrmltUncii to I wire , , “m* 1 ’ I • * •»* n>*«i smnlJ *iun.» ot monoy emt nt all times be I i reunited l.y „trl,l-dra„ s . r-dur-rf to ‘ '' i t " k '- Ar “ >- - •»*?•'« rrrfjtientlv troubled bv Keen™ "n“ lli " •>( "H'nlman i Mien",, passenger aerm,. nl New Yurk, he deems n nec.e*)»ar) to nay that he it no! the Ke**nnn of that firm prions'' I,PVPr baU any Con ’“'i‘O» with ,-ithrr of tho*r> . oci4 We.terii Xnr York Collcg. of Iloxlth. rvo f.' t;' stRXET, UlFrxu). N. Y. OK. t. \ Al(.UN's YWiKTABI.IS I.ITIIO.VniIP , , TIC MIXTURE. I Ills r-■.it■ ] M.}!■.) ruutcdy i„ coimionllv i.H'n'DMKZ its l laiiw l.y the liisloiiu all over ihc world. Il hacumv berotnf the only medicine lor fmntlv nee, n „d la pnrlleu ltjrly recommended Drop,, : oil fVX rom. l relieved. no mutter of bow long stand mp. (>«» pompliM i»r testimony.) 1,11 di-en.e, n|- the urinary onrnus; for Irlo'™ rr"’ S ’■""’I’ 1 ""’ 1 - ■' *tnnd- a lour ; „oo,|„r ur .... .. ,| ' ; ,llr n| r«« testified to will (•on. compound I, a )■(■ rt oi (In,, mixture: n cures these Uiseas f" will. eertuinfy „„d cclcntv. nod does leu vr ,hc s, J tern torpid. (See pamphlet.) Piles, iieomplnint ofa must ' - ".tmedmtely rrheved! ™d a .m," S? r fr" : »« « ~r , , n< ~s ~sc - ll a * a certain rente female*tr-mi ‘" *”• t"!’ 1 "Iso for dorunpcmunn of the • s "| l Pr«»inni, paiuful mom , . '' , . lc Ims ever been offered, except this, i" l. o ■Z: aJT d,,1, ' > V ,,d r"^'‘ ran^,, “ :n ''- iVlnoybo l-fl iwrim m.l ■ '*‘l ond cl^. c,|v,; rctnmly; and. did we l«r«.nl' oi" m.V r O, «‘ P lvn , u ,llo,l8 «»d names as iSS ' vin find I,lc alterative properties of t\vZ n ‘' L '£V T " K ■“"V* Mre EUC| ‘ from .1 -e'n 5 n 1 ®'f testimony of cures in nil hncasts, wbielf t!ic limits of an advertisement nn , prrm.r fo he named h-re; Agents givethe,!; VwaT- lh" V " mUm .fc? pages of cr rtincaies of high character iiml u come out under the heads of S,nsuu«ii Srmoi t | ! :nnd^,^ff;^nl-ns^-~“ ; | rt, ~ mrurAgents, a ,„, u „ s ,. n P t “" «. ' houYes nrutintously. P,„ up j„ ;w 0 J mu.s. at.. - . I or do, it \ s.j each— the larger holdim? 6 ! m/ niorp Him. i!,.- ,«o small bottles. Isook om a„rt pl.t imposed upon. Kvery bottle has “ Vaughn's Vcirela hlc Lithontnphe Mixture." Mown upon gl« B s g the wntieMi bjgnuUirc of •{;. C. Vauglm” o„ die direction, and • G. C. Vungim, Buirulo,'* stamped on the cork. .None other are genmm;. ,R -ione n , i rtM Urt,d J^\V F: (J ' C ' Vua Kl‘»- and sold at the Prinri pul Office, 2f17 Mam street, BtitTalo, wholesale and retail i-Vo auention given to letters unless post-paid— order from rrgularly aulhnrizc/1 Afents- excepted. Post-paid let ters, or verbal communications soliciting advice, prompt ly attended to grutis. 1 Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this article— M‘,» .Nassau st., N.Y.J tH)S Kssex sl, Salem, Mas«.;jiDd f)> the prineipnl Dniggists throughout the United States ajia Cunado. us Agejits. HAYS *l BROCKWAY Agents, No. 3. Idberly st., ueor Canal Basin. | Pitiihur^h v W&terrelt, and old and well and ti , JS' n !T l , ? ,nu, ' formerly of Second friend* n f n *7* U, K , ’ > , ( I ! unoiw colors and quail- ZSZ%'ZS:Z!^ aa “ f--. Oon. of alarm b>;fir," r ”' r ’ ol'lUll-w' |HU “ P so ' ,lml in case without the aid of n serew-driV-J ICl ' ” m >'.be removed facjlitiy tliat nuy other piree ~r i* er,, . w,, * i ,e same: and without any extra cips„“ f ,.'' un,ilurc 'an ho retnovod,: jeJM-d&wy* CAUTION TO THE PITHI in vrritten contract win, n,,. p EKIV ™t>»cnber, by cinvrve right to sell their Teas it* pit, k. , • hns ~ie c *- iMslstsawjSs,£S««t i; V * fEmi&tutitn Roohej Brotberii : & to. >5Jj& Fulton st., New York ; Eden Quay! ■■ ,l,irT ™ Dcblix ; Scotland Road, Liverpool. AHEnt BLAKELY, Agent, Office onPenn sl. Canal Rosin, Pittsburgh. Arrangements for 1846. R°?‘Vr ?£9S- 5j.99-> sole Agcms for die BI.ACK 8f I - ,v< -' r J'ool and New York Packets, r^''"',7 ',^“ miouncln K lo ’ hcir °>>> friends and ' Uic,r arrnneements for die year 1843 being ,™£' are prepared to bring out passengers. b| 1 iaui. iTr" ,i i"" ! ,rom Liverpool to Nerv York in !* i '' 1 ' 11 "- refer to their former course of he ?”? a3sl,rc I>m, = "I'O entrust them with as heretofore * !lat 116 Samt! Bausfaclio “ "nil he rendered K b>Vafl AN f D ’ AND WALKS. Ireland ' Ur sa '• P a Y ablc i ou demand, at any Bank in m? h e„ee'r' )<, , rSl E.'“ !d . h OB , t, ' ndc arrangements to bring out pn.., Ugcrs to Pittsburgh, dunng the present year, lobo-gtndaw* JAMES BLAKELY Tapscott’v General Emigration Office. REMITTANCES and Passage to antt r< p> from Great Britain and Ireland, by W. JESK,. WJlLlir & J. T. 1 apscott, iS South st.. i J I c,, , : : luidc n Lane, N. V.. and OT Water loo Hood, Liverpool. > a ,,X , j , J ,bs ««brrs. having accented the Agency of the o ,!, o ‘T*i i" rC !‘ OW P r, -P»rci! lo moke arrangements on the most liberal terms with those desirous oYpaving \ J i th , lMr fn(,n ‘ ls ' from the 01.1 rouniry:'nn§ *l. ? T UlC " , j s,!, y es *heir character and long standing m business "ijl give ample assurance that all their nr rungeiuenU will be carried out faithfully. . lessrs. W. & J. T. Tapseott are long and favorable known lor the superior class, accommodation. and sailing Vt-T of ll * r,r Ships. TJio QUEEN OF Tlltf "KST. SHERIDAN*. GARRICK ROSCIUS LIVERPOOL, and vvhiJi; “ each port monthly—from Ntw York lit,,gist am! «•’ ioh't I ' lv ‘ rpo ° l ,Ueo,l ‘ “'"Ulil,: in addition id ulucli they have arrangement*. u nit the St. George ami rZ"! VI-""'„° f t P r kp '*- '» a departure rum Unerpooi every hvo days, being tints determined that their facilities shall keep pace with their iucrcasinc putrtmoge: while Mr. IV. fnpseotfs ZZam ZrZitd IslZ Tfl ° f 'll' b "’‘ lu . c ' is *n lavcrpool is’an aildi Z ni * ! he ' u "d aeeommodation of th; passengers mil he particularly attended to. habscrd.ers .bailer, as usual, extensively engaged ihe t \d,. r t r ""r- ! ','’ r '“" 0n lu > u ™ between Pittsburgh and a d Z ' enabled to take charge m w the n S nntnediulely on their landing! vMThout n i hance ol disappointment or delay; and are. sortZV : r. l ,T!i ar t" contract for passage from anvara lle Imd'n • i !'t " r ‘ee 11 " 1 ' 1 ln d.is city, die tinmrc ol r ZZ ,'' y nrC c "gaged in giving them facilities •ihmh w . ,ot V si - W l- ” so fur inland not otherwise nt ; ; necessary, forward passengers liir^ e l r," ? '■ !, e best mode ol conveyance, without any additional charges lor Ihcir tronldr. Where per sons Z'l\!e in , fi| l | , |Z 11 '’ a "" mm I'™ l p “ sn «e ' . REMITTANCES ,i,l, „ '"bsenhers arc also prepareil lo give drafts at sigl.i lor no, amount, buyable at the prmeipal eiiies ami town, in England. Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus af fording a sate and expeditious mode of remitting funds LIZ HZft'rS’ "' ,,ir . h Prram ” '-V!™-' -eb Si* lies Mill Hint n lo their interest to avail themselves of ,e. Z',' 10,,cr ; post-paid) will he promptly at temp'd to. TAAKKK4 OVO.NNOR. borwnrduig and Uoinniiuuoii Merchants mapg-.Htw.ly Philadelphia. URRAT BRITAIN 4 IKK!.AVI!. S&Wr v/rpoZ R ‘” -a ““ 4 Su -' i ’ No Ul " alcrloo Road, Li mne,'rnl R‘CC»HP. No .-.is Smith si . X. V. I 7 < n "' rv ’"VSVS "cepted the Atteiwv at ibis' *, , 'be above well known and respeetuble ileuses. ~p rT n r" a'« nmke engoKements f,„ passengers to come on troiii mi)' part ol Great Urnaiu or Ireland, bv die rc- Mllar l.lne ol I beset Ships, stilling from Li venom) week uienrt.'Z.p' '' ,,p W’o S ,"ith “*•»»>• rest assured that their n.t.V'.V 1 ,nrr ," lt * ~,d ircaimcnt ami prompt d«-s -o"! *» V** n ’ i W,, M a# every aitemioo nece«sarj* Oil Idfir til lI,U country. Apply to or mMrr ß 4 SAMUEL MrLI*kKAN Jt CO. ' V n »•-' Llbrny Pi t |«btir £ h. h.,V..)t iT , hPr '* from I-iverpw.lio Pin-- I - , T ? ,u1 any finount forAonlrd, p o v. * ,blp aT M ? hl COMPANY OF PI!II..VDEI,i*r.\.—.«!•: k Tl„nl a;4 M strr,a. Pi>M6urgV—Tint of eninpauj' on the fir,.i of January. It*-!.',, a* nnhlinlictl n't rontonntiy ,v,tl, an not of the iVnnsylvtiu.ii le-gialaiurc, w-Tr Bowls ami B'*nl Kstaie, nt cocH tVAKIUCK MARTIX. A^nt.,: . Intnrtiitf Agaliul Fire. I Fite Insurance Com uni m—t \„ ,nill *'***'' I’lMlailrlpluft; ImM.r|»uruiwf V 1) i~i•. m rliP city or roimtrt. a~i»ioMW«ur ablfMentM or ,ur *u«*tet* period*. on favor- , , . DIRECTORS: J..1,n Sereeaal. Samuel C. Morton, ,'p,Atlolphus Perirs, riioutas Ailibouc. Georpc Abbott. Join, D el.li. Jr . Patrick llrady, John T. Lewi*. r. ■, SAMVKI. C. MORTON. PrciJcl. » k»nci> D. Jamver. Ht.'crciarv \ ‘ , ’!!' r ; fc» l?««nu.c- l.y ll». ttlwe Company will'hr •U-'ni\" "'" 1 lll '", r:, "i'<'s efTrrtei) by th.- umirnlKiied. M-m KllIKlm,;!, <.t;n i'OCMRAN. ' "" , »l Wo.Kl rtrcrl. ~A t wjsmsßN new vohk fc '° l2 OP H K A I. T II , Dn li''r v Xkw Von*. . 'AWjH.N.S \rsefatitr Utbontriptie Adorr liuintuih, I*l, 1 tarn... I Saw. I roiicuorrd ■ imlTvir"' 1 ’ 'f ll ;' lin > U,,! "ill, 'his article. 4 lltscn.e \VhereJeV I, ; , " OM "mrvellons medicinal lamer. S'’".'’- ,d America. England, nnnda. ami the l nurd smici huvo provided the trout oi semine."!"?'' | lO nl *" v , e q ' ,0 ' ,,,i0 " ■> "ITOI.S am! pilhv rn’m/al.lVl ‘ tl.f principle hSI' i "»■)■ "ol be known to you. tbe ,er U r “ saiis<: """T I you are re.ilt.re,l ; •n,; " ,C e,lrr - r ' ,m “ ln * «■>«• 'he proprietor ."-1,,c ■» "co» lp d ol -M dull,in vegetable .d. . "’dividual rool Imi iii own peculiar. cs e , p,e„,r.i , "'|;“ l e ontfiotinp v> fil, „„ oU.?r romp, .00,1 each tool makes m own ei.re—ami u» a kit'uuilnnution. wliei, taken in!,, die system, it doe/the work which v.ruiK. , aw , w ,; t( . ~"^7“.;"^ 1 KrKKXOTIIIks. ion Oam-iv i ' "f 1 " do '' l ‘- debililuled conslim. i n. uko»*sy. hi hH its oharacu.Ts, will be cotnnlMtr*K «cm.a';» ,d r :'",'„r r r > ' tk,n 'r ./Ka ~ s. l i f eircufmion—ihey treat upon-nil e a ml, i„t, d’" "’ s '" ,,on >' of •■ares. Grave,. ‘and nil S-eei f . U, ‘ form also can,,, no n;;:"' 1 'a'"".' s Uruovrßtmchasacquired no miijiii i r|i lint) over die country, by die cure* it Im* mw, * ? rn tin* diMrc.vsiuff eta* of ntfli,■„*!,,!!! So fmnet! , o r e,n y is thnt it hn» thus titinicitiri tho mv hr'xo p‘T« 0 ,, P li r .‘ M .ri , 7r , ) 1,,j1 ; ,U - ;il,on:i - 1,1 ,h * } -Novvut vinvon Ll Butfiilo Journal :w..| .Momh!> Ro mi ot Medical and Surgical Seiencr." in no article nn "" calculous disease.,, a„5 solvents." the writer after noltttag the fact thal the English government onee tinr ehased a secret remedy, anil »JnMid,, X™ J” V,'k “ ■“'•"'-•I rent,idy, by Uta Lcgislalnre of New ■'whv,i.“if,n ! ''' rl l> U,L '' 0 of the Medicine:— hlv e t “'-■l’rcsentatives in Semite and Assem bly eoniened. enlighten and ■dissolve’ the siilTerimr Vegemhle‘l'ii'l I, ', C ' , ' I " U ' ) ,' b> ' |lm! l’" rcl "'«’ of Vaughtl's ,I’WS of klehem, i r ' P ' U '’ U, " n ““ since the tirade! h.- 1 “ possessed one half the fume:"— le 1. 7,i T ll pcr , lod "' al of high standing, arknow ne I ’, f ( r ,","Sl;out a large section of this eomitrj ,t e So, •. • conducted journal. of the kind.in the l’ i.aUmubiiuj wjth fhc t*t*ictiii6e work? of Kuronc t inur cerium knowledge, edited by Austin Fliut .M £ nbi'life ",h ,b '"' d of tlra i'iniiest I’rofessimml ahilttj thn S stepping aside to notice a "secret remedy " ' , wlll UI onee imderstnnd no un*nme,i no,/ wortljA, % " ld ' lllls '‘iib’rt n comment from so high nutiar he7,me,ire n o'f",'| lnn ,-" > '- i" ,|p r s " dircc > l l- ™nUie,ed will, I ; p ,rp ."f lllc '"cnl'y. it must hove heon it. groat Kn ot- 7"’" 1 !•' T recl-ivc <'»' Pn»»i"/m,d ,„.e. teeni-new of the tael: a nr! im-ular In- mu re"/ *'•&"*"* >lrn„ma,!on. F,J'r j»,^“a„S o ,1,-r,-d svs ' Ca ' ,M ,rt "" 01 ,. ,:Ti1 " " hkh follow a dis or, ,r, d sjste,m are once relieved hy the medicine dmme m 1 ,?" 11 ’' t ' U A h' c »>». nm! von will find c\u a remedy fo,?h ” f "‘ C !'‘ ll,on,rip ' ic "‘“ec pul lord,.— it line „ it. . . h ° ’Tfgnlanuea of the female system, o n 11, 7 “" P ° ,I, “ J root" which has been resorled omllu north ol hitropc tor cciitnries—as a sure eiire for Itm tlv relieved’ Dhitiasts, Ac., are o> /» remedy hTd * 1 TO P l .' «« W cst will find i, 7“pi 1 ‘".‘intsc eomnlninta. as well as I'livcn ami m"„ fonn- 1 -™ !“ Jike il. and noealumelor o„i -r. tonu.s anj part ot this! mixture. No ititurv'wMrr*. Z 't5 nt,|i l C proptirtiort lire iiiainrustcd in m. um.oj a .{o oz. bottle. Kor Fever anti QthrT Mr,tirinr the-H'lootl wilt ,e j? 110 ’ 1 ol tbi* medicine upon ,j. ■> i' j the di*utisc*—which oriiriiiate* t\ r«"" "i‘l follow. a, ii wLt ,;r dll ,' a law days use of this Medi- J i Jn ‘ lam,n s»on °t the, LUaVgs. Coi'oit. Coxsi Mmo\ MkmrtE r * e f-, E„j:i,,da S . Piles, ii » !7d !if;,7 - H a " sc -o\ '’y blood—-wiii a,!, umn I • t '7 contpielcly neled turc T tnt >* tw .° Jtirereni properties of the mix folhiw P, rhE iiii,' d „r t ‘ lOrri ~ ,i " I> , ur .' i “ l cure "in not t L/ v, T ° f eoumton complatnu, Palpitation of ate Heart, Stel Headache, Debility, le.. are ull die result of itk'i7d|7,?!!7" lC ’’'i 7 s >' s 'e'n, and the Great Resto- Reu will do its n-ork. The promises set forth in the nd h" "rn 01 ' ,hl! proof of what ilhns done tm khn? e wrmc " lestlmony of 1000 aSc» is C r!“’ " 0 ? , ' ,,ted ?' a,es - England and South iieii hv aI i ,m, P T7 8 ! 0 ' 1 'bc.proprietor—and can be “, ,7 ?e a, , jr^ -csled—i IS a sufficient demonstration that It 'S the best Medicine ever offered to the World. Gel the pamphlet, and study llm principle as there laid down, of , > V l “P in 80 O', bottles, at Si!; ?■ Wo d L“ lUoul!:! 1 " - r ,C r 0 " 8081 boldins <%*' 'note than mo small bottle*. Look out anti not get *nwo*ed noon ow,?nnn" V h Ugl i ,n ’* “G C Vanld, "' op ?, n ,h S lhe WITTES signature of „ :V on the direction*, and “G. C Vau^lm Prepared hvl)r e r 0 7 ,1 v COr h- No " c o,hor arc fmiumc' . r ' c - Va ughn. and sold at the I’rincinnl v?no “ lU n ~ree, i Buffalo, nt wholesale and retail Xo attention given to letters, unless post paid-orders frmn n-gularlj constituted Agents olcepted; post ptrtd Utters, or verbal commtmications soliciting advice promptly attended to gratis. 5 IL< -’ Offices devoted exclusively to llte sale of this article —l-h. Nassau streets, New York city: i*os Esser street Salem, Mnssachuselts. ami by llieprincipMDniggLts tllffifp'npere 0 “ ed S,a,oa a ' ,J C “' iada -“ adverdsed Agcnts iu tliiscity— . . , UoysA: Brockvvay Wholesale and Retail Agents, Nti a. Coiitinhreiol Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Also u! h. Sellers, 5, Wood street; John Mitchell, Federal streeh BrideoWatei s ' ! " Bar0l!,p ’ Beaver; John Stnitl, " -ewatcr. - - jan3P-dAwlv r\ BARRELS Butter: . ■ ? “ • Lard: ” “ Dried Peaches - ~ Clover Seed; just received, and for sale destroy cosuveness and renovate the whole svs 'removing’, all impurities and remnant* of nreviottfe 'frame CS,ana fenvnss a ilealll *y action to the whole Liver Complaint arc uneasiness and *!' and soreness upon touch immedlatc- J?p Mi th li Mlf?r / or T ? bB ’* to lie on the left side, or n at an able, a dragging sensation produced, which se nousi) affccU respiration, causing very ofieu a trouble-. lo ? e, b.Cr with these symptoms we perceive a : .coated tongue, acidity of the stomuch, deficiency of per* .suiration, and sometimes a sympathetic pain in the right shoulder, with-a great dispogiuon to sleep und depression oi spirits, and sometimes 6orcs in tlrp mouth or throat, icausmg mocus to nse in the nostrils. Jaundice freouent i y accompanies it, mid a dropsy in the face. These svmn &J f Fi nnU continue, will eventually prednec: , that, most baneful disease. Consumption. In fact, a urn- B**!>' , * u s h casL ’* originate from the .irritating cruises above mentioned, .Cathartic tnedicinos must.ui every .instance, bejjvoided in the treatment forlt. devoid of a funclual nature, k.omirhi, frDm a o'' » Debility generally accompanies Dyspepsia or f' ,cr c omplaim; it will also cure. A few ilcscs will ro notc all the unpleasant effects, such as fluttering at the E?V ’’ ochtng sensation when in a Ivins position, dots or ebs before the sight, fever and dull pain in tile head, lonslaul imaginings oi evil, and great depression orspir lin.l Hi“t B ” 5 arc ’ a qwck “ nd s ' roll g pulse, pale, pml distressed countenance, Ac Cas " 'bn above disease can be cured effectually b, the use oi the Bitiers.as directed ' ‘sofi'i’i, 1 ,?/" • Ib m lor '-ougbs or Colds, or ilic Chest, efi.i ’ll Influenza, Whooping Cough, Brnn- Tllwalj C "‘ ora *'«•“'*> or o“>' 'lisnase of the Bungs or h„’v I" f" i ",'7 ,lu,l ‘ lc f!unil >‘ medicine. It soon relieves KTiJ!! 1 * V Uoarseness. and prevents the Croup by be-’ - administered. No cough or cold is 100 light to >' a ~ ■** ‘ SPIKENARD OINTMENT, iieahl ' n“ al CU,C Tetter, and Rheum, braid Head. Ring-worms, inflamed Eves'or Eye-lids - Barber s lieh, Brosiol F. el. Old Sore, arising from fever fllmhcurn’m ! “" 1 W ‘“ "m r«>ni burns, on apple alum, U r miiiove any eutnneoiia eruplious Iroui Uie anersh«Se" , i, lri> n bl! '' d iU * ,ua ' Ur ebnuld uW ii 5“ F I . lUr, ‘ ‘V' 1 , 1 !* iu a *cw-mominitn, remorr all sore a , ».«•> fop llie bleeding;. H can always he relied on ami is invaiitablc in miv mmily } ° ,u ! j, • . , TAli OINTMENT. ' .♦blsr /r.viir O 0, :• or 'vcsikness in the Hvcr, back of •Vi. J; ! muirely remove :uiy deep seated bain?.— '!■ reincdicji have caused manv io enjoy the inc«. h n»**i" ?S ° t r , u Vi^ornK ‘ mmcqnainted ihlde . ,t b * n™ yndorsed. renders it ditfieult (o do justice to the publjr lit oflerutg Futueie.tit inducement to ttake a tnalol these myaluable medieinrs. They ore to! t|rel>\egctnble. ami tret? trein all injurious ingredients e.T. H,'"! 1 y Vt\ b“ ,r ' ,, " 1 P c solely upon tlteir merits. EverC ipnt 5 . ymU. ,I,VC rdmi’blnl-they eon he had of the ■ I’riitcipnl Ib-ptil at the Oermnti Mttilieine store. a7S Race ! lm,r “hove- Eighth. Philadeljthia. For sale ui l.nuburgh, by \VM. THORN; 11. SPKOUI*. Agent. jauSKi-lra •GrtnMoiti • 77 -2TJ7,‘t9O fu ! GREAT REMEDY OF THE AGF.' ° r Wild Cberrr; iVr-'" t»M*P "* *'**'*' b,J an Art °f' ('unzrrx.* The : * J S" rral , ! J V hl ?‘ , y (’on*unipiion, Cotifflm, Cold* Asih- Blottd. Difficulty dL licit 7, rt '" "' ‘i' r i *" l V*"' l Breast. Palpi,«,i, m Iff -fih JL'r v' ""•“ywf:,Group.'Broken Cousliluttorot. So™ Hirpal. Nervous Debility. and All diseases of the Throat a,,d ■« "lost efTcclual mid sneedv euro sAy^ivvi-^ 1 ' °* dl ° altove diseases is DR. K« AkNh Sr COMPOUND SYRUP OF Wll.I) CHER Read the Testimony* ! n ., ~ _ , *S/. Loui*, Sr},i. T/A. I*4r, .'.irli * f-'—ricnts.-niavc hrc,, afflicted' L m m "O'* y , c T? n, ‘ " P ,ll "“>"ary complaint, whieg ‘f; b “ fll 7 l lhc sk ‘ | l wvcral of the most eminent pit" skians of our country. At limes mv cough was !-en *o\cri-. pain m my Milt- ami breast. ami great difficulty- m T'-Hlimg. In lias way f continue.! lo ~,*, - iiicuuir almoii a 1.ur.1.,11. At length | saw ,'„ e tikemciit of DR. SWAYNbrs Compound Synip ofw'ld t.)io r r>, ftini wa? persuade*! by a friend ©f mine to moke a;tn«l of n. and I purchased a bottle of vou. I am lion. P> to inform you that one bottle |,n, e/fee,ml a perfect I Zll .'i , 1 " *, am U ' J " in 1,10 enjoyment u f good Rcalth I .make tbu- statement in tile form of a certificate that others who may he atß.clcd win, » nch di J know where io fi.id a valuable medieine. Ymi cm, us? tins traninoitv in commendation of Dr. Swnvnes> Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry a S you think be!Jt " . »ou», with respect, Wv C»ns,Jt,w w ,ia n *f Mr t,un~,. « t '&£ hi' '"'“ rl> ' i,n ° f " ,is 'vusle ..f Imman Slit This medicine ha* now been before the public. I-fcrn*'TreQ Il,l lti S '°. n^nnl Preparation from the Wild r w rj n rtC ‘i re P ul utton us n remedy for Couzhs Colds. Bronchitis, and Consumption of the htln Ki Mrtirel) upon its intrinsic merits, owes but little loinltaied SZTu PU,& - T '">? - who ?ivc it a trial; bJCm beUe iiS iSlmiSr: 5 ' i,,S,a " C - ,S h “ S C ' r —' ™«tpl«° »5 Beware of ihc worthless “Sabam t,” "Bimr," ■■ c„ ~““ vlr.„f s "V’,he steals;* a " the'Utiitecl Prepared only by Dr. SU r \YNp v w . , und Race streets, Philadelphia, ru’d ibr sate hv’rJspectu ted s.mßf: sU 1,1 uc,lrl>r all *“ P ri “ ci l'“' >ow„ s > i„ ffil-,.": tor sale Wholesale and Retail, by \VM THORN vi l « >.'-j ! ;-»*>™an,i'6G? P A ' FAHNMSTOCKTS COUGH SYUIjP This nre* eft fi^Si. h f%!Zg bR-„0,„ 0 ,L vl 'lsC e f a r ?3Pf ffssa^,^sSS mtred'm “i "* “ ™. f S n "‘ l UBcrul 'nedicine. and are prß- SS!,o’,?y ofim vu°l ut MCS i„ it la pleasant lo the taste, aiid is offered at so low „ ns-.o place i. widun the teach of S wte^„ Rm nm! %SSr ani decl3 life r bUls m e^Tate P nL P Off Wi " pl , CaE ° Copy containing U.isuoUcß° J “““ I N o ft—?A.D of l of county, • In the mailer of the Voluntary Assignment of Geprge Albert, . Uriah Applegate. . wi, > 1818. account Of the .Assignee filed; and the rn.,it hr .* r recl noIICC the same to be given bv publication for three sUccesfcive weeks.in pcr«in the city of Pittsburgh, and tliatT the «niS a * on the SUdluVof Kbiimrv ueibS"' cause be shown to the contrary. Prom th* ess janS6-dlaw3w I»RAM ASSACETIDA— 1 case, just received and for sale, bv oW' " B. A: FAHNESTOCK it CO.. Cor. First and Wood sts. * i \ *' . y -v. .* -, \- v .ir* '.v‘ ':y'z, -i. ' TF VOU AJ^fI^S'RCWISTANCES. ■ X suresto cominue!*o? ’ , e ? l ’M’ mca * \ habits which must, to a KtcJtep*2?u ldual * ni3a fe pB in l , range the admirable and nUricate ex . lcnt J di»ar -1 "form the system,* anil consequently :F om knmiions which i , ~ ; evert RtDrvrouAt. ■ » should possess some mild,'Vet efficacious , 1 ; » DR; WOOD S' ; ... SARSArAKriXA AND WIT.D CUKRHY RITTERS [ Wl] l achieve thife result,- and should be ineverv family : and in the hands of every person; who, by by busine^ • profession, or general coarse of life,! is predisposed to the ' vpr > *nany httle ailments that render ufe a enrse instead .. ,mnr re6a "’ " «»• „ 1, OF DEATH. L U , ‘.I? 5 , compounded bfa * mo nil,'?* f 1? } n >'' l .kp<™Wsc,frum the simples Nfi- LrL iIL r. 1 ? Jm OS ' care lo find them, timl which ’ * ? le “ntnlolcs to the; poisons of disensc. -fnd SP 1 ”£■ * e utiiTOrstillj- beloved gma- S" red tn''nfft*? CTstrj 2>«. with which erfni thetr -^W.setise^/ehe, and. prepared as they are here, one of the stalest medical oj’rroinjs in the inhabitable globe. By takime these Bit **•*"? a;riav^id Uie sharp kinte of ilia.surgeon; for they noloniv eradi cate pimples and tumors, but overcome * ' * ' Wl CANCER. AND KING’S -EVIL*' u hoover is subject Ho the horrors of C«wu»wi/«m shonld.at once purchase tlus sure remedy. Jn the train of Costtyencjts folio* dreadful Ideal eohges ions ofteSes very fluently manta or hyptSrin. £E St ! d ". c " cs - pnlpitptions, dndotlißr aflectibfre of tlieTidart J; the mo*t efficient medicines in; routing tliesc coni procured?'" 1 fol ' n!am ,lcad > that Can possibly be From being confined to .small rooms, and from takinsra small modicum or exercise, numerous persons are dafl? “ ,,pC,i,e ' P'S headaches* , 1.- S of the muscles, languor, want of cnerev snffi-- rient to seck rerreatlon, Ac.,Ac.. Ac. There DeriSJia Knv for years, that they udo.Pt feel very well” If they do not employ a method by which they can feel o.'iiie ™.»ti an/are 5 ' eVC " U 'f ls ' sinfc “" d « » «nere fit’of iiluessl I v SAVED FROM THE GRAVE only by a miracle; and even then, the lancer leech blis. ter, and calomel, have left them mere scattered bulks full of aches and sorrows, and not onlv ri m>«t 111,1 hu, a source of disgust and annoylef to „H 'win, whom’ they come in contact. All these 3 - lo 11 " **“ “ om ITCAJiFU!, CONSEQUENCES iUlpips - THB-DYSPEPSUI dp ruiul on ai. a permanent one; Did the BittPre posses no other recommendation; it would be one of !w*" CB krf.'w b ia„„ C r7 l1 ’?, Und9 ' n,, f icttl «i««e can ■ ** Gffl'afffl" le cradic ‘‘ ,io “ of sr%r& : Hu,!*frame, and s“„d ha »ssrssa^ s^ l, " nid " ,M . . «,■• - .SCURVY. J >,mvl i U! *toninch i* brokenihy it. The Billers ;«gli^sassss fes^aSSSS-s irouuuue of nun > evils winch are put to flight bv ti.i« IIKREbITARY !’ may speedily aud.sptely he abiitHeii off:through its ruren p>. As a, medicine whjeh must benefit ‘ ffcu ~ . , I EVERYBODY. ; Irom the stmplu ,delicti te to the raufintdan/l d**wthi*~ i>. alui, no equal istcjbclbuud font, ItJwould be wvli to Bris ' sal,: lisriii,l. Sold ill PiltshnJah.^r 10 ' 1 " s '" N ' '’’ W,,ole ' c . CREA.M-A iwidth-sf artiele for >I ’ :UI X- :1! "i restoration of the Hair Thi« rkt< of WIU ;"J? crc ' c, ' c all other nrti ;S?®s|i.=S£si3-S?eS ssrs"”* fnfi-.„is,r;r ,l ' > ' r d - Cn-an t* IVJ ° ,r \ 11 "'."y be stored bv xmnz this ttsiir- oil/oi Stfr 1 ,t“ n ‘ «'??*”““ •! vl »*« in &•« habit of the Chiiieli Ilnirfcei', 0 " d -. a! °" cu Purchase a bottle of illPfKHsssa™ Ltllrr of the Rer. r| Poster of the Presbyterian Ptil&sLi. OT T& hTKKTCIi: Gt.vn.EMct—l tako y testimony in favor of the excellent >r. Parish's Chinese Hair Cream: for a my Imirwus vary lieil a » ai,,sl using Common Prepa- T \*? L]in , • T>> we not awara how frightfully itiih non* u wo’hc skin J limv coarse, how rough, how slllow jrlW. and nnhcallty the skin appears * e r,.sum „re onamiiv" 1 r r S> i' 3 18 «li«™us, containing a'largc Il jamm of Icail! We have prepared a 'beautiful veire mlile article. winch re call Jones’ Spanish Ullv White,. mmlniv' f . I, ! UUC , C “ I > •'eujff purified of!all delcterioa/ • ah, mi V "7 1 ’’ r t' 8 sk,n a natural, health^ alabaster, clear, lively while; at the same time nctimr Dr lame ,C » oi y !3 aS* »°rt and smooth. S sens f U m e A nt* a°"; 1 r acl ‘ ca < Chemist of Massnchu- I fin, i n 5, • Aft dnulysnie Jones’ Spanish Lilly White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, mid at the same time umoefcut, while I ever saw. * I certainlv can to all whose skin requires beauufvtng n Priced cents a box. Directions *SES I Tnnnfp g . . or lwicc denned with Jones’ Amber i vorv amt uf *,? V ° a I , J of the most beautiful nnd 1’v?,..; •? . jf “Ti? ll w 80 perfectly innocent ami exquisitely fine.) that Jls.cpnstant daily use is highly a«K autnjjeous, even ito those teeth that are in good condi tion, giving them a [beautiful polish, anil preventing a prematura decay. Those already decayed it- prev/nts rotn becoming worsb—it also fastens such as is becoming omlbyperseN-brance it will render the foulest teetS Pr! CU i>r y ftnehuake the breath deliciously sweet »t co C . Cnt -j a *l* All tlie above are sold only at r Chatham st., sidnorthe American Eagle. New York and by the appointed Agents whose names appear in the next column. . i r . Will Yooamunr, fnd get a rich husband, lady ? -YouV face is your fortune^’ l . ls‘t beautiful,, clear, fair? Is it white. It not, it cah be made so even though it bevel low, disfigured, sunburnt, tanned and freckled Thou*, andshaye been made thus who have washed once or twice with Jones’ltalian Chemical Sonp.i The elfirct is glorious nnd magnificent. But be sure you get the genu- ClmtT„S. P ’ a 'f e " ,gU , Of ,l,c Auterjean Eagfc, 82 Rin R -wor m . Sall-rhcnrm Purvey, Erysipelas. Barber’s Itch, uro often cured by Jones’ Italian Chemical Soup, when every kind aCrcmedy has failed. iTliat it, cures pimples, freckles, and clears the skin, all know. Sold al . A 7--u EaglcfSo Clmthom street. Mind, reader, Uus seldom or never fails. ™“ r ’ o *» t C. INGLIS, Jr- Patterson onhcu'/ta” 7 ly * L ’ he “‘ l uf ivood ;i Siigof American oil--the great remedy nr vr TUltli Procured from a wclli„ Su “ ky , uciow the earth s surface. This CHI will be found superior to Harlem, British, or any other Ibrme!l A™ , J lar Oils. Its curauve properties for tlie'foHowmS EIT meats are truly wonderful: Inflnmntory rhcunmtis.i!' whooping-cough, plitliisic, coutrlis, colds erysipelas, scald head, croup,- i! e,ICr ’ liver complaint, inflammation of the kidneJ2 i,?d t lro ? 1 ’ breast, sulc ami backi diseases of th#» nr.;?,. 8 ’ H^ n ®, In tl*e i" r l'c BCaldS ’ ulcers, ea„’ee?^“jes; Bireci PmsburL.li. Them® boot BtaSs in il,’c?J' lberty tabled. ace m A,tab »f sj JS^SVS; P n^Souly"o°f r ai£i^^ t , £^ , vumu, Wm. Jucksou.la Liberty strcrt nr"o m *?““>*• Amenta appointed by him for itsaate Leh llr lro ? sh “ üb ‘ haven show bill anil general direotinnSrn *° f "l! 0 " 1 ' VIII containing ilic nameslanil aMKes'oPthP S'" ll ’*! 101fonn - G, neral Agent of Western PeJS, |,± ™?™ OT Wm- t C ° ’ E. ro Pt io, . ur i Kentucky. 13 ’ follows: ml % %£i'S? m inust be addressed ' ga* to w bout. all orders OBSiavE.—Each hot 1 ' named Pamphlets, and .general and only whol vaniu,) pruned oil the' 6 ".enclosed in one of the aboVc 3 the name of William Jacksonville >.“»!e asenbforWestctn Pedwyl! >aude of tlic label. -09133?,. - - SUGARCOATEDYBGEfrABL&PUBOATIYE>HJ»i9, ARE tmiversully admitted to operate, not-paly-os An, rfficlualprtventitr, but aa.a ntvtr failing rcrtitiLif, 1 in' oil diseases ivhich can affect the hr,mbri .frame- ffcad-/ ache. Indigestion, Rheumatism. Piles,-Schrvy,* Drobsy/ Small Pox, Cholera Morbus, worms, Whooping Cough, Consumption,>Jattfidibe,'Quinsdy,/SCaslotihb.iiiyerCom plaint. Apoplexy, Cancers, Measles,'Salt Rheum,. F»ts,\ Heartburn, Giddiness, Eiysipelas, Deafness, Itching* of the Skiit; Colds, Gout, Graven Pains.in the Back, Inward: Weakness, Palpitntion of the Heart. Risings in the Throat,' Asthma, Fevers of all kinds, Female Complaints, Stitches in the Side, Spitting of r ßlood, Sore Scrofula, St. Anthony’s Fire, liowness of'Spirits, Flooding,. Fluor Al* V, 1 ?? or ”h*l«*t Gripes, King’s Evil, Lockjaw, Hysteria, Bile on die Stomach, and all bilious affections. Pleurisy,: dwelled Feet sind Legs, SwinePor, White Swellings, tremors, Tumors, Ulcers, Vomitiug—and a host of others unite successfully and repeatedly been vanquished, by.: heir nll-powcTlularm. • nii ■ e . cn known lo.cffect permanent cures when a «d iit; fhc;la,t - U raan y cases superseded lhe prescriptive skill i,nd Tltey have bccil mtrdduccd into tho Htbmitala of 4)ih bnrgh, Ports, andl Vienna, and through the disinlercs eil cicrltonsof pnr Foreign they have reebb ved the favoralde cdmSieiKrnudti of the Emperor of Hus etOjOnd of his Celestial Majesty of the Chinese Empire. Scarcely a Pocket vessel of any repute ijtil, hom the port of New York, without an abundant suimlv pf ihe SICK MAN’S NEVER FAILING FRllSffi Ip” Agencies have been eßlnblished in all the principal Ciucs in the Union, and applications are constantly reach ing us from almost numberless; villages in every section orthe country. Testimonials or their marvellous effects are pouring in from all quarters—and in such numbers ' that we have not time to read one half of them. What stronger or more conclusive evidence than these import ant facts can the most sceptical desire? Is it possible, that the many thousands ; ,who have tried CLICKENER'S PILLS, can be deceived in their results? If any impos ture or quackery existed, would it not long ago have beCii held up, as it.should be, to the scorn onif derision of d justly offended community. ID* Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the original, in ventor of Sugar Coated Pills; and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of, until ho introdneed them in June,lB43. Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Clibkener’s 1 Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no oilier, or they will be made theAictima of a fraud.; . . , PRICE, 25 .. ; - Dr. Clickencr’s principal office for the sale of pills, is G 6 Vcsej- st.. New York. . „ Wfll. JACKSON, eOLibcrfyst., head of Wood.st.. Pitts burgh, Pa., General Agent for Wekteru Pennsylvania. Northern Ohio, and the River Counties of Virginia^ The following arc Dr. Clickencfs duly appointed A genls for Allegheny co. T Ta. WM. JACKSON, (principal) 89 Liberty street; head of Wood. . A. M. Marshall. Allegheny City. Jonathan Ghriest, Manchester. C. Townsend & Co.. w Jno. It. 11. Jacques,Birmingham.-’ • , Jno. il. Cassel, Penn sL ,i - Andrew S. Getty, Wvlie st ''' ' Robert Williams, Arthursville. i . % R: if. IfcmingTay, Sonth Ward. Wm. J. Smith. Temperancevillc. Jeremiah Fleming. Lawreneevilie. • ' Donicl Neglcy. East Liberty. ' Edward Thompson, Wilkinaburgh; • . Thomas Aikin sharpsburgk. . G. H. Starr, Sewicklcy: • Samuel Springer, Clinton • -* James hFKec, Stewartstowrf. John Black, Turtle Creek. ; .C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth.. . ' Riley Plumb Township: J. Jones, Bakerstown. * _ _— — Penny, M’Keesport “T T ,-™" E JP ST COUGH MEDICINE UEVEtI f *•’;TJus was expressed ift our hearing yes l I “ tel l gentleman, who Imd used hut °. f a boU,e ® ! ' Oriental Cough before hn u-fis entirely ceretl. Come and 'ffer-k bottle of it, and 11 the most obstinate cough orrcuhl does not disappear by its use, your money, will, be; refunded. Compounded as it ls, ot the most elective, though liarm less and pleasant remedies, its use for years bus, nor in deed ran 1L tail to give entire «*. ■. »•, i*or sale, wholesale and retail, by HAYS;& brockWay. Liberty street, near Canal Basin. 2 WILLIAM KLEMING>-.- Lawrenceville. Solti also by ocll ; BROWNSVILLE WATER-CURE ESTABLISHMENT. Fayette touniy, Pa.. . . T i!F l fne,,ds of nj-dropathyv—oiso.- the public in gerie respectfully informed, that this eslafllish- J muit hum expressly: for the purpose, Htas mow been in ••^essJu 1 operation since August, 1547 ,f «« r C “ 70 £** *>y 30, two atones high, aiid will comfortably accommodate twenty-five room is well ventilated, and neatly furnished The slecii ijgvbathmg. and dressing rooms, for ladies, arcaacntfrel i»?hSSI? ted fr? s n tl,osc ot *b e gentlemen, as iLiu differ entbmldmgs; also, scparateparlors. The bat&ngirooms * an. furnished with all the necessary baths for undcrgoiittr a successtul.trcaimeut. . • i; ii\ U , mc , r *' a *i pur ® soft ‘ I wal er springs surroohd the cSCnti lislimem , peasant and retired walks among the neigh boring hills are abundant; and the exertion'of reachmc n h ,n f U . ll^", , t ' 13 nmpl) ’ repaid by thebeimiiful views ovex a most picturesque conntry. . Pi.?, 1 ?’. . V 3 "?’ 0* nowfclor, who resides in the' estiib “ 'hail several yettnf exporietldc in-ihis popn mr mode ol practice; and, early in the cusuimr summer nfCoH^?i?i 0 ‘ n ' d - S9 r ° li ' , ' v «‘ lh ' Ro >-’ nl College of Surgeons, Loudon: who is liow visitinelhe bc« establishments in England. “°w vi ? !iingsue Establishment has ,been, so far. well patronised?: - and np puma will be/spareri to itntke it as comfortable > fc and agrccobie to invrfuls ns the syslcin will ndmil of. . Tlie terms arc as follows: , For patients, SO per week, to ib pniti weekly.' ’' very feeble paticnts arc required'' to brine their own *"■ I, " d Eacbpalientis tetittireti to bring the following articles; Two linen or cotton sheets, two woollen blankets.S" h°it I> ri? ow . c A cullcr •bree comfortables or a light father bed; hkew, B e,.a.t old linen, and flannel sheet,dbr bSid' a ££?' on ? tmecuou instrument. • ’v. . ihc following diseases are successfully treated • • I mwVs’inS" 1 n" s d ? - ’ y. A S UC s Inflammation «3 a*** a/to-S, bit&£ A%lB?{:' certificate from a respectable Wiih a very seriaim Con s h q^,r^!r^P ' ,el i' 1?0 ? l 5? J ' l! l ofl ' imt anted on the lumrs to «m- c X l ‘tejitly becpm effoct'of every medicine »Sii? S x ' c nt nB, P resist the finally persuaded .to Si m u 1 ,la l fccen TOfofc"' f«S» Store, and vet a hn«ii» a v tt rv.**^7 8 Broelcvrayls-Pnar much: after takim? hnivip ealBU rpri*e, relieved me very had used one bottle ftet?"^J ,ree d j® eB i and befo re I pleu«^Wu£i^ it, aud shall coniimm .. . 1 have brought others lobuy firmly “ to m y friends,:« /: y wuie u to be the best*Cough Medicine in the. yxnJd ” • Try it-„ nly 36. cents a Bottle:' Nn or - , i,AYS * BROCKWATt.;; Sold also by novltl • J. iIdSMING, .. Jjawrcncevill?. condition; appears to beno obita “,>Sk£etl!’‘?S^, or causes liie fluidto floW tvftK witmi, note ye lt tuso. as the Asiatic a«?lc, halrWa « grey natural color, byTtlie usloftiU re * t ®e>i.'£ ) all cases offerer it will be foumfo^cfn?^ le, remedy,,*, washes that cad. be , turt?^|s?^Bs“s o W!J*l«P«{t necessary tohcep the hairfromfamKUOT h t'^,“ n ,l. oal >L 0 ' e tlw, roots, n. never- fails toimnart aPiSh -J' stltn gtdens. cnce; anu, as a perfume for »PPeM holds three times as much asothmr 7m. *VS u . n 'sualledi -It wives, and j, more eBbe“aL T^ C „ a i led HaßHestor. lAmsift . * v- . /'V: - - ----- ~ ■■ .vWSjjfr,: ■'i. \ n >?.f-'.l.' V; . .•r/.i-fy' J 7 - ;. 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