s '* *•' It-<• « i-'i :* c ! ■■■:.: <■ >■’•«. *-- .■•.•v>-J .1 n -. i * ( * •?• :«> *- :. ‘- t r s , i ' J -* .**r .r'- > 7£ J _•;*■- 4* <4 ' »; •» V “V i ’.P^vir^^x^^^yiysVv • ]-■■*■ s -'■ •<*.'.*iV!,-'W fci. *• •• • ■ t, ■r- «* <| , .»*• ~ V*.) *• *_ * -ir > -r v*--K! iT r-1 .i^*.**-•;••*'=• v .’V-4 m- ; ;■’ '••' £.• ‘V-*•; !'>, ’ •■•:■ ■•• .' •..■ * . y j», - ;> r r ; ' ; .'-•.^-^; * ■■,> -4 v.y %•■:>••"'••*• .- •% •* *y .■“■'>**>■ • i r; ! V;'-*vv* ;^r 1 * > . •, iyv ;: v %;y. •;•;v^‘r -v->4* '.)■“■*■ ..r^jy-N.V*V’* / j r t "'','r- ** * *; ‘ ••“ ■*V-i ‘VI:S --4 1 •v, -t i.t:; ,1 r v«v.'’ »; ’ * "4v C J i' i- *- * '»>.*■> <' f .•■ ~ t .'• •?« 1 «“’ * ~ *■ Ji ■' l, v •/ -M •' •' '■?** ; V'*‘ -<■-.*.«? *3 t, "V J *«. *j ■* ' t~. +? •■■\>* i •• h • ',■ ,-1 *. . '•' l; * V ?* % l •;! *. VV* Y• 4 •,; T 4 J • • '* * *•*?’* '* !■ ',!*■*'*:» ■’ . • K-vi-** V*■» '■,' i’ vv.' 'v v •*v -.v 1 •, ,< :• -w -‘»r-v x- r ;,* f . . :♦«* ■il'Tv'*.- * ♦/•'t'j.-- 1 ' • ■•' V 'v *iV • rfe •’• > -■* ■>■-•*:;,ei i "i-UA-Ni,*.?,- ■?> - 1 , v'-s- —••••••.• ••».'..« .s'** .-• r .4 .• VViS:^-:£W^.-si ; d*'S, ' ■!/* v •v v - 1 " ' - ‘ i’-iV \» ••*■ V-'t '4 •' W *1; * Y', ; ~ * „ .* .. ■-•.•• 1 > ; - U’rt*} ♦*• ** > 5 ■■ \ n>. * ’/r -K' . .... •*>.''*•' i.-v - : t ['i'v. ’• i •< JC • , •>«,> , ' ; 4 y •• -i V •• . : , *”:« V £• V - •' ■ j K ii- .J ;.t .■■*... , .( '• ' ■ d-;. r V ■::'CWU^W::^:r I'4-- “■ - > K; r :- ■‘^lN:? 2 •itf -3 y> V- :; : ' , V’‘’ !i C t" a ' *; V. •■; ; s- ,■ v *‘ ;; -J- J *•■ It. . •I-'?• ?• •' i . ;; !?■•:-%r • ••', ■• -i *v •’■■ ■ :.<■» .• « ' \'• ■'' '- .'*4 •;> '» A- l* '? ' ,‘li”* 7 '-.0 : J»*' if '■ ' • -;rt . ; •»., t'v r&jJ !j v’ct>7'<’ ; . J~ : ?:' ~ -"■'!,•! ;.■,;' ?'-S’ • • : •;.- ....... . • - r ’if.’-.A f; l v. n .' v r->- ’ - r^rv . ’V".y - v'^ • • ••A' ’'x . "«■ : *t* * * '-"-Vi X >’. -V-, . >,> ► " ' r , , ■: •: .-** -y* “*••<. ■•« v .*■, k . ; •}'•..'-V:.-V, «.*.•* . < , • »-t >\ T '>. * .i -.•'a’.;-?rK-r,;* >5 •••» * . - 5 ' *' - , -.' t> JS'H.r.S ,V<'’ :/ ;-W t". :, V*. •* ,<■ ■' ~■' --• v«H Vv-’c';v« _->•< v. . , f - *. * *- v > : ~j 'v... •** y .•. ». ',^_ T « •> ..•*. vv-i.- .. *? *■-. *|L? WVS B^ f • *■ . - -f? j* •!-•* .-•: •- * V'li •>.■-■ ■; -y: : Y- “ : " """ ' l! '' '"'•.!-' 4 '-/;'*i‘S V V '♦‘-.v * .V’ '-r SS*f)~.+*fZ&r fl'S' ' t»?§r feti &'i l • 's*' ="v S’,—v' -: r- . * '.-. ' -".'-•’"'VV.‘k.' ■S; ■->’*- • ,v;;V: ''sT+jg' ' wip’f'dJ?. ■>■,■ "■ : iS •*" * S r- r ~.. -i.;vg,i:i r », -j?- - - -’ -tj. ■■» .•. '-.* v ;,. - ■ • .. 4 ..'.-A*'* ;..r V tV*’ V* *'•*’ f .' ft '* ■f I l• *, i' * 4 »■ MEE r : t .. » , tf, .- »• . ~<_;■ -yj.’., j . ; « ••.>!**) •.'_ : .-. “, ■VMM V ; V\& IMMIZI r-'' V». yf.. , : ■7' .!?■ 3 ; ' 3j ‘i’- ’■ i . ’ i... '-44 ii A ' * * ‘-V • '* ■'* *•• V; v • h ' " f 'A >v ' - r r. > . -r" *‘v ' 4 ! ' '•r.r r j. ' r * ' \ s •' V t - ■-* VJ f-' ‘ t ' m\'-& •wu'*'.:| i-;r'°i.;.C’’ • '.-' ’• •' • ■ • . :-f i*, Vfri , ' ; . ,~rtcr>_ '— ■.^.,.;,.i| r ’~-j_a;t'; j_^» TO ARMS i TQ ARMS I^*Tlifcateucdiu- Vaiilon of Western Penna.byColiswifU with . IOdHW men. notwithstanding which', J. .AI. will ctintiiiue to sell .clothing, cheaper than any herethtbre been otiered in the Wcsle.ni conutiy, iiav ingUhe establishment in the city, fronting on IJb ertysunl Sixth«trt. Ue is now prepared t® show. to his uumerotis patrons the-greatest variety ofeloihs, cussi*. meres T .vestingi>, and clothing of iul descriptions, suitajhjlc' tor the approaebiug season, that hna'e ver beep oifere'd ui this market, u> which nll ean.have the Right Wav,-—, corner, No-tld?, Jubetty and Sir.th sis', ’ . j, 'l>tu>a, Proprietor.^ * ! C F.I.T,IXG OIT ).t»\V ’FOR CASIF ’—Wimrr Clo. rla thing Of every dfcidriptiom such u.« cloaks,-oyer. ccrajUituperfinc blnnkeiVßraver. .Pilot and heavy broad/ clothi, ihperhue clofli, dh;ss, amU?ock coals; altrtgc-.iw*'’ aorijCdgAt of tweed, sack ahllTroek couth. - Csbth’, ca>sfmere, and satihettjmhtaloous; nlso-. a gen-' eraihssortititdit of vesisfplafiihnd fancy - velvet cfath/ cai'slmere an*l fancy arid'plaid ’ cnssimcrc; With a great varicty of superfine Irish linen. trimmedvoblHs, undershirts, comforts and all other airti clM-fallw-plotfaopilwfa whicK will be solddowfbr Cash.: Farchascrs will find* il iuucKfo tlicir advantaire to caltV soon, at §tiyct. p, DfiLANY- _ N*- H. A complete' Bssortnuuit of goo*)sj suitable for Coyomef work, nh\*a'ys oiihand, suchasKiiglish,Frencht arm* American. afld ciissimcTcs; also- a choice os-, softmcntoi scasonableVe'etHia*—all of which sriU be made nrordcr iiV the'faiyrt styles, and on the cormnodtiliug • * .. ...j m ,iSHlaw'; ' GOODS.—Received at the Irou; -mV-P. I *)* Clothing S(dro. a. splendid aßsonmem-ofClotlis. £On»istm; ; r ol fine French. English-aialAmcfican vFJuuv 5* I *®s auU’4aucy-Ciis*finercs. of the mo-rt inodo.tai’styles: hn e figH red- Cus 1 1 me re a Vestings Silk- Velvet, vFlaurand wiU.uiake.unat timjnoalL reasonableprrees.ihiLriutaMe and fasfiionabtn'Sty^-*. wady made Cltrthing.'of all descriptions; iA Vfteck ami Pocket Hdkfs.. Suspenders, Bosoms. Shirt CoUorfS>aud' : cverjfc*Hidle nfctftiliyiceptSn irCJoihing Store.- Countrjfj Albraiauhs pjlcC'liastug elsewhere., will find, it- ,tfv, their advanu»gd;to euUat the'lron City-.’fcJiothmjj.Suirev NdVlJfcfcLibcrty-Mrcet, immediately onpositev the 'moiitii of»Matrket < . ; C. Atrct^kKkV, - 5 J ClslkMc fl I ttc\:nm Biz''MM wP'Tiv matoa wauti; iSn non w '«''V^ K^"ws,>u)rtmunt of TwKKDS i»jt summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin VKSTINUS. all ot which he is rlJtdy to ritakrfhp fii IhedfctfciiUTtffhion and on thetnbftlreasonable Gerais as the and Sixth tirrets. - V * ... *v' • i»yH> •' •• •' 5. M-. ■IVHITK, Tailor. ProprieKa TT?Vpl&9t!iN<.3 IMPUDENCR. * pifolwlfod t U’jiajrd trf MHJiihffoiit; & 1 Boiirt,' T’hiinUcfphtav-'-thc ' pttblic'wtfiiWbc'lcrt itfbcHevf , .ibat : we navc lwen claim-' nigfa privilege we-had no rwht to. That ** Utfty’have abandoned, some tun*; since, the exclusive ngrt»cy ! »yß- |hM we to ehiim “exvlusiveprivil- tens.” T never pretended to *«HI 1 he’tea* or thrs spurious concern.' .Ibairw btnn srllmgthoteas-of York. Pt'kiii ,Teu Company for ; the-ldsi two •• veal-»,'asihc‘pnbHc arcawnre, and imvc lteeri u* New York four times ii>that titftc. ami never heard of this ncic ’ concern until lately, but as irnoJ dealers. ■ • The lea business of M'Callinoni &’ Bond is about eiglit montlis oldj tind lUQirassumption oftte; Pekin Tea Cdm pujr'a Afttae is .because m .ncuuti U.open for any man or. fifi&ito assume j.buvthc. fact intended to imply thereby. t|ya r they-hiivc auycmuuu;Uou with the.su called >(1*1 well known lVkin Tea Company, of New Yofk'. iscuUrv ly;fujße».lbcy having bc£u dented. even an -ojjejicy itv Philadelphia, for (tip New York Compauy. that C* jotting refused eyeii tliut far fo confide m’thctn., - \’. , upt wluukiml of wool they what kind „ of teas; l am oulv certain that thc> keep or obtain nape p£the,fektq Ten. Company's of New York. ; . this caul will ace the }tfo#is.decep tion utey wish to practice ou the public, and to the ihincy of iuy t{usii|css. & Bond are wool dealers in PWtadel nhia. and have sent aw agent out here U> pull , woOl jjyer tne eves of some vi onr good citucii*. l«ook out fifrilic blatdt sboep., iinovlDJ AL4v£.,.{ A YNW*. *\re\V J NR\V l«»Oh*S!!--The UNnmYt. or It'tbs-Hvpocrite nnui&skcd; by t». P.' It. ‘JalitCKi Fv*.}-/ JACklfisuotcftv T. Howard, mtthor of Katlinthe Iti-.efer| th%- v fentj J 6f'the’Palleii- by Curtis, author of Black Pluiubti tatetatoK' '■ *r- " The Mactc Figtiic Ilead. or Che Lady of the Green and Carey, of the U. S. Navy. :•« c Hfo-fiimdhV : Bride.orthe Matd of Saxony, by • Lotd.>a Sidney.; Stanhbpc. anther of *•'Striking Likenesses." etc. Leonilla Lyumore, and Mr. and Mrs. Wuodlmdgc; bv MiasLeslie. t London Qvartc Hy'Rc vic w- Vnion.Magazine lor December. Idle of Joseph T. Hare —a largo supply/ Mother, by the author ui - History Thc Wilfuluess of Wotnrtn.by the same author. TfeegQU} Commodore, by R-lltjward. ' Jennetle Alison* or the Voting "Strawberry Girl—a tale of the Sea and Shore; by Ingfamun.' ; Kaam, 61* Daylight; a priac toJe ; by J.S. Itobb. Sir Rowland Ashton, d vols; by I»ddf (3.-f/one. Hie Splendor Dt Yeriaillcs.aiid Cotm 01 Lobis thr XIV. tj,’.! 7 j , j . -‘ FlQSrcri rcrsprii&itd. Nos. ft and 10. - RttrftW»»««Hfei-fcfAmcrica,part!). tDn Pietrm»l Timcvpcr fast steamer* .■Bcotber-Jormlhan, Philadelphia Courier, and Yankee .For safaUy ;.\V. S. eALDWKLL^' ' ' t _7 y.r . . ; 3d street, ufrppsitc the Port Office, v - ■.,JrW-4. '•‘ : - rtf' Rri* Btx3L% for tbj». BOOK, No. 2. Aficient 'ticwedhibn.' TwTJiwftecfißrCcntnty. a new Quarterly. ■ChalnbePa Misccßany. Ni*. 11 ? full actia on band. Lives of th.c Queens of Kitgland, by AgnCs Striekland, vol.XJi N ‘-'f \ ; The Market Queen. oMbe Wife’s Stratagem, MaseOrtnU/tualc of the Rtri'triution. Cic People, No. superior t«» No. I Jncfc'Aifef, 'or lilt* on board an Indiaman. new supply. j Nn, setts on baud - *'• Flowcra-Pcrsouified, N 0.14; * L do do; • .* l’i ctbrt al'F.iig Ia t ul, Nos.'3»r AU7. du do;- ■ - ' I’nioft-Mhjjtizinc, lor Kebruar/, do da; - ‘ NatitrtiOl’cjdb. do • -‘-Tlo do; • • tiraha'rtfi-do. do ’ do do, • GodcyVJdwtv's Book for do do; - ’-LitucV.ljivhig Age. No. Ifi-b dtv -do:’ from 150 up. • ' _ Kemiukablo'BVbnti? in the lltAiorv «»V America, by J. -V - : ' ' : 'Ahierfrfart •Thrc'iiolojfical Journal for January. Sub-- adrijrtidrtaHreeivedi •**> 1 • *' ••*'"• • Jane Jsyfe, c bo' by rer Bell .* f Palrte»; tt.Chnstn»a% talej-by Jnmen. • - Jdurnßf andTdapazine; . Of Can forma and New Mexico, by die fbrctet'ptf the United Suites, ill years nnd I(H7, byJus. Madiaon-CutUvWit!ieom>Ti«ffe,piansof baules.&c. ATSoocttKdteißivceaiagufmay iir Lower Cauada. by GimtteU'Lamnu}, of;** ASmurncrmthc WiWer .• •-* /■, -.Tbb BdecticMogaiinfe tor Janaacy. .r uitusheo tusuh tcdbeTrfby U»c tbe »itt£lu number -i Nowand Tlien, by thaaitthotofTcn Thousand-a.Vcar. > supply. . The (jtfJILU. P.MORHK. IT _ISt ihat no roittihditeniperaimait.complcslomrousutaUoiborjbrm af booyv'confer»Po«ipk:'tc immunity frouv hereditary djfe-, lbot.fienJfWld; :CnjM.ffMpmw,-aiid .oilier ntfbcuuns/ terioga *imilarity.«forigiiu or.car in alt, although ojiser-. vsdion *otrtri*iCej| j».that uidividnaUaiutlamilie*,:powe*- sing eortain tbaractCflsUc*; arc more frcijueiiTlyuie'nub* tnalttdica,t|iflft.o«lior S ;. J diseases-avs a Hporbid ypndition of. the whole iyatcm,*»f; nutcUkm—lhcir product* being. b ut.ibo cUqctsotnn alteraliahof dusblopd «p4 r *CCieUOiu»—lUc .ulcer*, . abscesses, .cofa reed glamh^; -ittfliuuraatiqn,- Ac-, being.inCrely attendant .pueuumejui., tCtßiM cxifiU/prior to tbe i :p]jenpmena.andmustbe’ destfojwbcfofe perpsel. health eaifbe established.' .This. ‘iJr. KJSfZJEK&.f’AXA§EA } die inosz-oorwin' remedy -tor diseases Arising from Jiuiiupurfe'* UttjiHjFtfoS blood and system ofnntTUion.erbf presented td’tMfc bflJlclCd. * Price-:»lv pint bottles. Coll and gel it pamphlet* r -'‘ y:i ,f ’■ • • by ’• 1 JORLJIiOHLBR; Druggist. . < ’“ i |ttnS7‘*lJn- ■ ’ > 'N. Wv comer of Wood and Firth st»-; nft |* ttiebflßt Cough Madleine I ever gaw« w ■|VEAj>lllefoll(Jwidgpr6of of The'vuperiority of i>r. Wit j^j^a*9-OrimtfilGougi'MixMrej from a respectable cit izen, *wUO has tried it: r, . i.nnvj 7ci,*fjuv.-* • ? • rmrsminoit, Dcci lAl**47. 7 MESSiut.'IfXTS & Biiocx way:—Alter laboring for several weeks under the disadvantages of a harassing cotighand riWktdytwasiiigdold, whVdh had, 1 tiro* far. resisted the ef- whs induced to pur chase a bottle of your Oriental-Cough Mixture, awi givc ’ it a ntr atirprfsd,’ utter using only one. helf’iC'ftfe:'b6ttlejjlbittrd_ Utyself entirely well. ‘7turte j ,Tn*eoopy.i - -/.•: ~;v- --s JOHN JIINJDS/ ofioW-% HAVB & BIIOCKWAY. claUßow, libcrty *irect > .ucar Caual. . 1 >■ - •, janH , . Costings. . ' visUhig our city for the purpose t bf Jwl, jobuuning Ihuir.• BprmU". *rti®ncs.,of n - Mooihctr’Cdfittrigs,Avill niufti wry heavy stodV. hud hn extensive variety »fln«tn»wi« and sizes in store by us.— Samples can bo sDeir at Commercial Rosy, Liberty street, twfXf W: Wallace’s Marble works/ ItT* Terms and prices favorable. . 1 ’ „ fell a—dim . , .. QUIN. JWcBRIPK A Co. N IMTSrTANT : HOOK.—The Early Ui»(nn- of- Western Pennsylvania and oftheWestj andof West ern Expeditions and Campaigns; with an appendix, con taining copious extract* from importantlndian treaties, minutes or conferences; jonhmls- Ac., Together with a topographical description df tacli county of Western Pcimsymmia. One Jhffirjyotome, 7GB. pages, by 11. K. Strong, Eeq. For :' s feosWOßTll 4. CO., janlO i -No-'43 Market street Ivr-i i-'f 51 eutt£boxes “ 1 : !Tlßfai^l>b»AOtta|»wderi ,r- piHtHy KrtTM/ ' f mav.; '■ ■ v.-xL-r^d t*-. MERE .•? • A C‘V^ # ?*• *r&* .*.f?iJ^-V‘ ! - : -v" -J. '> *l-.11 - ?:s ;, . £*(’-->j'* . i -■ ( JE^ftaburgli : Boat dictrfutsportwipn ;of,freight Vctwoen-.P.ilialmrgh j • iranaljipmeuti t,iCof. Penaand -Waynersts.v Pius*; burgh, --... .1 . -.A :- .. • o>C«cw»Bit0 > C«cw»Bit NoiUi sttceK' Hnllimore. r - 1 ■' ; 'V, A J,T.’Txtscott, “{Hfcknirtfstreet.l'iew York j . . Encouragettbyiuc-re&sedbKSinesa. die added birttigcTOonu daring’-.the -. winter;mn\ arenOwfttcpo^etl-to forward Yrcight with re* eul£m"te'bud-disp*Ten r :hnsuiT>aBsed- by 'uuyfothttr iliine." Their long experience as Carriers. lUc palpable'snpcrior ityof the |\>hableßont«y*Cci«,‘>'anir‘did'gtctiV trdpAcity oudeonve/nence-of ihe miorcbbtne* 'uteach.' Bdthtrf-thtr ] .life, are pcculiflclycalculmcdro edkbhMhe iftuprietocfe/ to fulfil their engagements nmV occominoddtc their cus tomers; iai a'guhrahtei 1 for the they rcspectfnlly. seiu.-il:a' ctmrimiaiicfe o*V that patronage which? timyiidir -gWtcfetty lOrkatm-iedgt^; .. All consignments to Tnsrfll* and CFCotmor wilpbe tn-? reived and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid, and Bills of >U6ding tronimitted frce!of aVty charge for Oduiiiij&itHi, advancing ori»- dircoUy. id SicattibaubV ihr mtcrCsi otthfcj Consignors. ■Hist necessarily be their primary object in shipping wcst£' and they pledge ihemselvceftoforwanl all Goods consign ed'tothemprtunpUy.athl uu‘Urn rttoelfld VifcitOge&Ui'wtKb; fo:lhcmraera. • v i - ; ' t.• »/r ;iunrM£. 'rtck^rthWTriiJ'KipFUfaK itaiiywTtnnoti o( r \Vaj*lf’rpitffii JL« BJiiirsWibv -iofni*u> I v'i;pY'. (tfHli' duy*bu rg,, aic r.sl rqol. .ami all iutrriueV.uiJc iilacy*., f ltoa£ leaves. U>u wareltoiiju:. of IT. ,A. >w A ll nl|i ; Co.. l r ittf;burji!i. cvcryMnyVlt'XOpt Sonunys.) ami «tui»- oou ;.,aiul n( fuir ruic.v v ‘. t • Thus LUuywd afori 1 1 pd iDr iMrconyuortorioii at the way bushiesk.und tlio ji«'pht : lor.< TCf jK , ct!nll) a liberal share ot' palnmuKC. . • Jmt\ Pick worth mm® WodtoH, "Wm. 'i'% : '•'*• ' r • . • ■r; f s: ! * '< Jon , {t.€A3A?i, Jolth'VAxwa*y 4;C«v.'Vlrtslnirpl«. •• "• • • » • K ; REFERENCES: J. J. M'l)rviii..Aulmij>rV£:r,-ili»ht'rtro;cK-*iiD ' ■;'! MKItCHANDISK. Trt AND FUO.M-. -m/TT rrrrsßimfiH, Tnn,.vuKi,i>iiia anunu.Tftiouiv IC^^VtTuorr , TjsA?*‘HTrMKyf. - J3 ; a OODS coiusijpiet! id otrfejmv\viinve forVrunhtt! wtrtr put-delny. at the ItmWtrurn-nT rni»**. Kills a 'VK Vau^aunpd, ihVtujitiviu .uj!^iiOr c l to: Or it front •mfrV'Xtra tot iiorSs; or.upjjly to. • & Co,„ j_- ’ «,• . /{V, 1 ... Cinulifaiat^PiWiib'urglijpdT^ ■stokaok; „ 1 ; : VVeiH’ ntiid cimitnmltons WwiMKHittfc we are prni'trrfrt ‘to. rtfeniy tu tin." addition to * iryi^Ui , for Bliipniciit.) a amount of IVixfm:**/Ale.; on Nioracr a\ Jow rate?./; ; {hmr- M <‘;.A M'AN I'l/TYA Co. ‘ ... • fiItKKNK & EXPRESS.- Lncr.r*Sf«l Speed nitd RedtiMd HatCll^ f :;. lfi t , , , •• wixTF.R.Aitt>tv»SMEYTV-!',; ( .- v,. - r I o . nblu * «»fcmo« s l;.UMU the 'VUiMti&nii .«»!' .I. jwulitnoic Kmlroad Cuiupaisy Uayn rtuujmujrvtl fuu nmy their car* at 4 p. x.. from I‘liilutMphia to lluiuitiorv. by winch arrajigcmtid A«cr &T 9 miabimr torwani mir '•-*prr«;l-8o«U ftom.rkUaduinbik to 4Utl’sb *s>«s*b. Rnermtthtism. VTiilt. tfvrHHnjfattd IMocrti. CbHtttlmnK Kry*rj>rlijs. ! Bilrji. X»c DolorettHj. k\> inight add as pmof Id *JI nt Miv ilieimmH of mam- em iment_ nhvMrnrnxwlidtt*fe'H in their jimi-ticr. nnd'hnu r; f >r n).<• Imd tnie.awl Kcattiue. bf S, tv. ai CourtlatVil -T. N Y.. sole proprietor— • -Oi tfold oqly genuine itib’uiylmrirli, tV, by \V*uJ*ciMv ttt Liberty st., head, of \V«od ; .#i.(als<> in '\VinHim2Wri.iftjv b> A. Clark : in Hrownsvfilr hr’lionji'-tt A'OrdeYer.'-n! *o by our ugentin every town In i’criii.sjivamn, Ohio, M 4. and Virgiiiiak _•• . , rtnvlflHA mim Soldier# *h«i'Mexlica»-War. rpifH.stihsoriber Mvinpopened an tfcr CJfV’iol 1 PUnbnrph, u> Jt>q .State tjJ'lVuuAVivaoin, iur ’tbcjiiir. P‘>-*e of procunup Land Wa'cranU.atthc SeatofCJdVrm nicnti lor the divltafgcd JfolUicr> of -the Rrpiiiac A any, a« uvll a*, the Vcdpnjocify serred tbejr coHtttrr in the present War ujtli .UfttipoVntfrYnls Hie iMufe.and the representative# bye tadrtfo*jjc7jw application fo liim ai thi«Ciir,prriDg the name uwad dresaof ttn: soldier, and if dr»d, hi# repreaenumre*. it will receive rawfal ahd prOTßWuiite.ntwm. liiMirneunns and Blank* will lie iimottliatclv'returned Ptr «crt>.r.| »,„1 rnnriiW m me at fi»tV|Wace7- Wjkrjhnt, wfceirrv‘ei i i\‘HJ, : t*lTT-t»8 ,; imi|t«ltateSy tient pefiuait tdtWpnitieroAviirre or it he should prefer reeeivinetnotwy. I will mnke bile of bU Warrant U> the best advantage for cash.urnl nalfe Wd chafffo‘forthat Kefvicel ; , i- 5 v |h the eeetii of fhe dc*tli ,r»f the soldier,: that mast be mentiouej! mill* letter, will .ac* edrrfiHpto the tbllowinp rub?*r First, to -hi* tvifo otwl clnidrenVtif he- have fine.) < Hrcprid. to bis I'aihun and !Tblfd'.'tohis indlhe'r.' ' • Having a «*>»»:. in ihe‘<*cne#al OUtc*. at YVafibinjr- i totr.'aml otic irf lire ArmyirndtorVencral senry profit i I/^tteifg r i»ddrrsscd tome on the subject mu*t ;.I>bi paid, and taelo-tc a Five Pollof. B»uk i\fitra* utv ewi-f' l>caiatibn. ■-■>■.,- . # .U’M U. ’h <• '• Kiyi.Trt’fcs: , ; _ llou. flaxmar I)cttay<- - ■>■>: -i- . , lion.'Walter-Forward, I •; t **il. Win Robinson, Ji., • J . I Jatnri Hall, -Z m. Jt: ;i ; Robert Buchanan. Ksq. •> Cincinnati. Trivia 2c, Foster*. j j Major St- Clair Dennv. Tayntal'icr I’ S: X..‘ S’ f> ‘ •\ I' J.ictlti’Col.Jjaut'i W. "Black. *: l \ - <1 i; (’apt. John llmim, , ; > VoFA. J ScimV ; Capl. flobert Porter. v , \ Aruiv.Mvx'O. Ciipl. P. V Guthrie. Jle«stlnr Army, J ' W. H. F. triay be loimd uriby ollirr o|‘ AVui. V. A u<- un. !5»q n tatcillack & Utnfciri, Nitrite* ifuiMiiia*. 4tJi street. , , _ •; /. ; ,y!> \A. MASON & TO.. ’ * f»nod.* Ituti&r, • XfirrH. bttu**n Third ijyrttk'oHrlk sitertn. hfxvc i»r«| received a large supply of rich YanGlxKWrotmmKmg hi eaßes tanous vtvh* lMtn*im«t Cbinuutfot Eh phsh. Freneli>*nd Awtknn jim'nnfßchiiyi 431 >»c* rich and.tTosirnble t p«tern* .French Gingham*! warranted Jj2 Tenor lo.opne in.juj’l.vrqimlliy und diirnl»iliu r of eolow; 4 coses *plcndid Plnfd good* fur hirin'** dresses cpuipTiMUgevcrr styloXnf Pa limn! Winter wear: Cu'*h lucres, M. I-jr. per yard;' Green, Yellow, Hud, and White Pbmuob.; Tioktu"*! (’hecks, strip'd Shirting* vhichtihed. ami brown Drilling*, etc. etc. All of which are-otTered at wholfcsulpaudn;- toil nl the very lowesl caeli pripo*. ’ r sc pa . . r j. :A. A MASOV A ro. 1 ■\TE\V ROOMS, Bnrkr'g- BuU.fr 1\ Fourth .a gri cr re o~ : typists train the Eastern eitins, would rulhtic attuntimrof thc inhabitants til' ViUrtburgh, zntd the tieighhorrng loWn# to thoir Dagucrrecrtypa'-ofcidions and others. at ruomsdu i!«c third'slosyaf Biirko’H btjiWhig.dill «*■< ’:f Persons-wishing picatreslnkrfn rnny rest n*ium*ri that tto paiu*>slia«Fbc spared to jirtMiuce tliciir in the'; highest pe ruction-bribe art.‘ r Onr instrument* art* of the moslpow crtul kind, cufliding. us'.lo .execute tuUttrpns.scd H* 1 fiiqHh-and mmiftilrieratoiiaturif.. 'ffihpublicure (q call % anfr.extiitirDc, / J t ? Persona.ftUtfng lor picmrcii arc neither reqtiir'red orex* to.lake (Item utile.sgVncrfcci sofiMariuj-n is given. ' *. ■ Operator* will finu tiii.i a good ’drool for stock and cbcntical*. ’• HI/ - Inst ructions given inty»*an, containing the more recent Improvements. , . ° ji»ir7 ; • ThcGuTbf Friendship; ; ' Friendship's • *’ , u t ■ : 'thoKose; 'flic Snow Flake; • i , Tlic Christian Keepsake;/ - Thc-llyacmth; i , , Scones iu the lives ofjiio ra.riwli, «,„l Illumimaed Gem* ot Sucrcd Fomry; • f ; - loiyß ot Love and Fujth, dec., by. U,,\V. Bethume: *.,.Auudi»s roeuwj. : ; • \ .Tupper*’Proverbial Philosophy;, .’ ' !i> Together with a large variety of MWcllaucpu- Moral and Religious wurktf fbr sulc by decW . • ' |LI;KK L(X).MI«,,Agt. FliMALfifj.—F.vcrjvfcinale.shouhl have u.bojTof J_ I)r. Ralph's Fills. TJioy; urg perfectly adapted to. tlio peculiarities of-tlieir consiihtiioo. aetiug with gentle mild* ncbs and safcty in.all VV’hcTcvcr. introduc ed. their character has been rapidly establtrilieii among tl»c ladiesj \vitU whom!U‘OK a 'ie«niplinueaUy 3%r. Fftvoriif. Very complcte v rdjrceticnifl £>r ttsc in .thc vaiioqs eooir plaiuts will he found "t'wtlSe'iy' '££/. t —-■— r ' - fnpithfiehVHT^et.-nearT-htrdr- Also J lryWnt:4?t>lt», I 'AHh^Ti'dnrTri£v'i I J,. q: : tl t JVt- : minghom; and John M’CTackcn. Fifth Ward, FittFbmga. • jan2s •; sacks,in store nndibr sale, bv :W&ttv-\ r7lr.-v,{. - L. S. WATERMAN. ! ,: :v V ;VpflU^5 1 tiCOTXiJUJ ■MbObSCj: . i Age til* »u -Cana} Bqriu. PAtabnrgluou .? vj’k.w, r . t ’? / SSgpfssfei j imf {ia.4»eiiger)i to drifiilgthMfiVfceiilVfettr..*, ''.‘ : -1 ,„,y, „ . . * -j4,iri;nf.AK>y.>v. I .;T^'^(^tt^t»f l n.H • i 'llie-iHtbseribeph;^*^hg J '«coißpted-thc Agency ,of Uip, aba*o. House; ; iw m<frbrrsftgf!trfeht»! on-rtf *Kf*VYlbero4 ptpfrrthg* the vi\ their friruiU- tndi»YftS©W : Coirtrtryf'nhd they flatter w»m*elvds tlirir rlmrnetcr and long iii Muirne., iWwrmcutewdl J>o l cbt*H£l;: Ilic OUEKN OFTUE. Wl^Tr*WlF.ltroA>^cdnßß7K;‘'Sl^lK«liߣl ROSCRS. M VERROfei V ahif SI BDON'SAvvVtf'vsiiich* Iravu citqli,putt Janmlfly—from New YorVllift ‘Jf’st'nliil: s>th, andYrdm'Liverpool.the.Gih und 11U»; iutuKmiohtfc which they hove ftrraitgQtfunifs*vnth the St. George aud. tnioa iPbckotiß a denar fa re iVoin i Uvcrpon) evbryAvu diW.liei dcterthiiied thartiicir tetttoie*.iiAit;.ipm'paiio; »ithtbeir inCThaking pummuger nctule 'Air. • TV\ v'nipßtHm{R’X'bnsiait(|ibrhouttr < ji» I jverpool is-ahwldi . -tional security that the comfort and aecomimxHtipfibf - , C i«*W«^o?tW- % t»py*fc in the 1 ronspurtainm Business between lunlt the At|aiida : Ctt^(e,;^i(^ ; thr.raby.enahloV enjtagVd in U»f .corrbmg eo.j'ur iuUtulnof atlrcrxvTS* «V 5 uiimtldi-; and, \vi 1L11; jk-ry, tuz\wdfva*s<-ifc(vr*fur-•? Uwr i>S'lpe.'t>cst Hindu«t.convrynjic4».iWiuu>nt,{niy additional charges for. thetr-irotible. Where; persons senr furdeefihe e»snmv out.’the ahtuimv paid YorW*ilax£; will he rcfumttnthj-rtill. • ‘ •> .>• 4- -.; <.-■■>?.■&>!* ; : ;-<• • , , : ;. r '/ i , ;;;.ni?MiTTA?fcKs-.- •■- ..•- •>•,- ■•= 'Hie *iil>«*ruWrfMr:htr aL*o prcnatvdi to give : draif!* r tft‘ sight lot any aimmtit tuiyahle m ihe >tnglttmk,lrclpmh:ScQthuuii»ml Yvolcm tkak*(-4 ftmlmg a -mlr ami expeditioun mode of - rcmitiiug ftmd*. h> those c«nm(r»ce, wJuch ; perMfnsrctpUJ3ns wi#ilvi»cilr* Uc-S will timl 11 n» their interest to. Avail thMU«*iye*bfv:., r Apidicatioti (if by lcUflr..portl-pnU|) H iU be profnw!y ab teudrd K», .1 u i . „ ;rAAFJFK & { ;. - hnrwanling ondCotamLwou AieiT-liflirtir.v.' ,- H map^-rl&w^r—. ; >.»i ,y l^ila.lelpbkur. • ■ Pa * Ba t» c 'I < ( . , .;«uy.vt. fifer&ijft* G«nai«!,4lir»A»u:*..ji.ni.lio.'.ia4 tj.'. VCrpOUh', • ...-i'X J. - CAOuaticA ltu'»*AMr. i Ni>.iat*crtithsir;«N. V. ’- .f v *p4IK Subscriber*, having. neeefHcd the Agency lU thi* 1 cliy 01 tKcitUovu whli |£aovl-u and rceer9bh}iioueesi arcprcpari'd imrnike cnjragcroeiUAlbr pusietijrcrs-tornmc oul tmru any part o! Grcad'HntSiu or Ir».'lnnd. bv the. rc-v enlur l.ine.uT Packet ftfiip*. editing ly- Persons emrdifin/wriiMnrmavfertaiuthwjrfihaTtfnir ' tn>mi« uiH- uh*h -wiih kind treimietrn iiml prompi4et»; pit teat at Lrvcrtmoh «»Mretl a*’«* Litcrpeolnj'Pitu bureh dircri. 'aiid itriui* rbrauy «int»hmfi«nvanlc(l. 'pavfc abb' nt sigl.t. lh>iipAKlnsrt!tan. jfjtlv' ■KMbC • . ANO, HiatnTASCC .£•£■£. _ ■ . • . . • Olßtre. ’ • > j • TXAIcNJHsN Cfi cymtimre r« brine but persons'ftpi'a ' 11 p”> pott |»l‘ pjjgf.tmt; Ireland. Seulltmd yr wmm thc jiiOsi rat tentw' With thetr usual nubeytlathy, : ar»»l a|tratirtrr ti> Uic'wauUof emtgrams. We;dp tin themscln:.*. and *«-* b* rhecr wtrfbbe4 biff, and rh'»pßicb them or dhtml any detention by liver tßi|Wv'•• W<• say Hit* i<;nrl»'Mly m wcilrtr any our pasicrngcfs hi Asw that ibev wrre dctahicd mhrVtgiit hmtrs by tt« in whifcMiiouvtia>Uot detained moathu nntih thev rwM be Reuf m mir <** nt a clicap rate.which. H** frctjnruiH* croved-thyir ruduu. .. - . iutcml t«» birr ccmlrart* ertt trkai t/ »iA«. 3UMI mu act n« w a« lb'* rase Ja-i rtchsr«»**dh Ml>er nfficcH. whiserthct all. or \»iicn it fiuicd their csntTeutoncr. bn|t» diawn »i TituborgA btr pmy suaj- ffom UJSiy, payable at any-or. Urn Provincial fcurka in i«: la«d, Scotland arid Wulcr. . .• Jt>Slll A KumNSON,.- Kutopnan aud General Agcili, jaulfi !’»iUi Mroel,-one. door bebivc. Wood it t/SSL'-" KORBia«i - ■efSC mit. ,■ kßgrt.nm, me f nUl>&iWnV l ff)nvftrt? feKitwryWaTt 1. IrriatvJ, Scoilari*! anti i tk**i»Rtrh. ati'l a» iH« low*#lTattM. • i.-r . i SAMCR!/ MciA'MKrS -Jut-eft, . : Itelatarty »tr*r, <*f dumirltl* eb— n-ncp irotn on nl toiiT» to iSutope; fry aippliraumi Mat? 'Mar? ebunu \Vawr *o*eL-i»m*bur*l!. ! * ■ ■ A**»m*y‘ ; i • amlFounsrHo* st Latf,anti European Agent/ riiithwcHi ' P. S.-/-A* H; K«'6itii<<‘4miii wnh filler:ofiifeyic : peraon*. -‘S ■ ■ ; ,t <R (i C. Vf&KTABMSMTHONITtIP.s tic Mixture. ; ' 1 I ’|.MIIS r. l« |.rpi* d remedy ft <*>nfetaiitfy inerco.relieved. W Mtuiterorhow ibiufittttktd jng.' pamphlet tbr trsitutony.) ‘i - ' t • ' : l*rav**l. and tip* organs: Tor tlioc staikU ttlnue; munhr* Ik*Jb fnu rciir vcyouj tint! Veia««p£«(^U>' t jvin'toyrr dirfq ihtHmedrpiactftuuvrcd, ; No mineral agent, nodelcieti>j;,iwof,tht* uriide, ji.ii faf be>;iu*tf any other preparation lot tin* disease.- or, (or any ‘Other • on>;ir»ntm(Mrom impure Itlootf. Dfce ; miuifthleU 'Debility ot Uni iJtsi«Mri,,AVVnk Duck'. WVnkjw**'of jbe: Kklih'v .■<. Ac..pi Infliujiuiipn of the Mime* iH.iwpiedmtely r»|ht vcd by a Jew fti>>M»e-pf this inc«licsj > c /^m’»t.nf fe, II stands ns nccrpuureme dy tor such rumpjttia>s, iumluUo for j **vrr been otTercthcJccpi Uii», which would louch Jlii>Jdml of derangement*.,, linmy be jcUcii upon ns a sure tuid effective remedy; ntid.diiT \vc t—t permitted to do give A?thousand unriies tig ptiiii'-itf cure*: in tUfcs distrcixing'. clan* of'cowrH nyt t#.»—», : Sc« pumphlei. All broken down, -debilitated.'poinwhi!*? turns. from the ;Uf:merenrs% wiU fimlvUw. liiawitg junver «*t this uriicle to nctiinmediuicly, and the tMUßfiit* otnunmerat tmtdieaied from dmaytiemj • ,*$ sfv.. Hmptive: find tj»u nlwrotivo primo-iics j>(. Ui«' system. Sec pamphlet for testimony of cure** m ail: j ibfSdtfiiits ot;oii adveriuciuem.wiU not IH'nlut to.be/mumnl hom; Agent*, gi va thorn way 4 .they nrmiaut-32 pages oi‘ Itjgh clmracicri runi sr siroiiKi r nrrny ot proofof thenrirtae* ofinwdiehinlawr« er uppcarOtl. - 1 11 -* mu- *>t the pdCdlUf of iitif hr** • ttelCituaiititever'lnibitobamdit iuuny ease, utid if-bopc tiwt muscle nrr fcrt to JtuUd upon, JeLthc cmncintmi nml Itnuenrig p.vulid Mpi-Boy/aritl fitking iliei mtyjkiuc : n WVMV TUciroliiTCiQrtvSuld' H“’ J*dhHc rtgnbm u mimbar'qf hrdclet»‘«f\diieli Cpmc put mulct; the bends bf SAtWAfASttLAsI SrttrW &on tne. da**,- ’die ■ tilgnumre qf 4 *GVC. Vauglm ” mid. w O. C. Bit(Palo,^stamped ontliecork. Kbrb*' other tire gemithd ' ' •■' •■••'"• ;'n;; - Preiinrcd G/ CvVanghn. ahd sold at the Princi -1 pal OuipK Ijuv Mijiitsireet, Hutfalo, wliolesnle : nml reYnil/ No'utttwtmtf to letters unless post-paid —order frpin/fgufarltf aulfioriird Agents rxccptrd. Post-paid.Jyi icr’s. py vvrbhl eimlindrticatrohs BoUeittnff-fidviccVi^rohtM ly-x^ltrtMdlstlto/srat|i Ktujwni lllipdjijtikar. pf,..Sttc i 0P > 4 and Fourth utK., tal.es : tiui*. ntetl}od tu, j'uioEUiilti% iiiany friends of-the:tact thtdhis Farfon' js‘ nqw, Iti' fqlf ppera-:. tiou on St. clmr st.. itenr ilic’old Alleglidiy ontTgej where a.constniit bupply.of BUutls ul various colors'aud'uiualtf iiies. r» constantly kept ou Jijuid and at all prices," ftW twciuytMuiH«p,ia.»uAom*uwneni.* -.V. ‘ 'vl' *'^V ,xfi.uh » i T *‘M«*red,.Bihuhi.iyiUbo piit uplfid.Yhafin case •s .i ' 5 nr . c - ?r-otherwise, they may bWrembved without ih« >iMl ol n serew-flriver, and with 'the?same* tacilmy that any other piece of furniture Can bdlreftiovtST. and without any uxtrg fekpohso; i. v Jc^wd^vy?. CAL TIOX -TO THE PUBDia—Tha >... written contract with the Taara S£hSr& clunvc rtghiro.ctl the,rTeasin Pitisharrfh and Mhght ny cities. Any person attemptins tb telfihcirTcnh ci. cept procured (hrongh mcj is wactioing u’ deception atVd a fraud therfataretrienis aSo-hot to ; A. JAYNES, - -, . v*> s.v t, * IYCOMIS'G efXMCTTAI, INRWttNCK COMPANY-: ■ '•■■ •>;<- -••• s.'A«E*«'Tv;-r: •’• :;:.i :,,jy rpHE { SnbifcriKcrf’htfv^rt^^^ en appointed and dut/com- X missioned;Agent Qf.tlie:Lycomtng County JtlotuaJ-W. receive appjicri .tlotiajoYfrisurarice .Tlua,. Company-iV ' jjerhppf, oaerot'the-yejry rfurte arl/uion,having ncapilal of between one amltwo Jrtiilliotfs of MarffiDpreininrtx - end by did T Wgyii-, : t|ona of the CdttntdiX nd' daJt «xpeeaingss,Uoo will be tar kon on Bnyone;blockof.buiWiug*vaiiir no mote. tHnft S2£oo. will be token on a Rolling ilillo Koundry'dfyuniacfc/ -Buildings in "which a sto* pa Bseas through ibc 'siveU,i?.r roof.i?dtt6n Pdef6?ie* ot Powder -Mills* ..IvraiuiJpCtbnfcri of .Prmting_JLnk. amdiHjP-- iilleri^s, ! ; everr lJh>r ESlnfclifc ftWrtfqVef 84,000, (extent Bridges LrV^ h r% .; . . '•: i '•£=:•: # • . jl SPROUI,. Agent, i: i Pa. .,. i: jaug^iro^ I - imk Slulaeimurance. rpilE North Artarieu, orPJißaf-' JL del phis;'through l its'diily authorized Agent, TUeisulKj ! Art Mir l». Colniri, " Sritnuel Brooks * ; s | Alex. Henry, v,-« n, : r; . -Chaile* TayJor,-j fi-j ■>■ ', - f Sa6itiftlJ\V<'Jortfla,‘i ; 'Samuel XV. Smithy.,,?/' •/: ; iErttranf Smith. -.- , Ambrose-White, ' • ‘ John A ..Brown, * ,M Jhedfr'ftf; ThoiusW ■" -' iJpmtWMirife,‘ V John R. Nclt i i Thomas P. Cr>pc,v ;• k - BiebanLJVWood, c w tV*.» : | .•>, {j'{ Henry Di‘SfierrurtC.Spe ] uetupLadu from ua ioDg exppiieiith“, ; 'aui-' ‘ j^o , iii^pii^' l risk* ?n an : exim* hazardous c3mraHbr£ cotrauircd ok offering ample seeuri-': • t* totfopitWie*. ’CLOSES ■\ At Cctanifoft’Boeni,qftAftTpvd- JonepVfr Co., i Th« ihaurauce C otnjjiiknyf ' piid iidUfficei l&H Cbetumt sL, : jjt>rtJj. stilts nt*«ir. FtfUi. : T«fcc Jttxu? ta*s or dain| age by fire, on propertyand ciTeet* ofeyery ..description,' towjvQjtttMpdry-oti die, uluit tcatotiablfe- tcrifa.'"'A& plication; mado. feiiacr pcwdnatly.Wby letter*, yvtir be promptly atwmtedto. rr - > - • C,-N. BANCKGHj Hreiß : » 1 ;C. Ci DxAtfiKit ffcerr.tary. ,-■ f la, ■>-■ j\-L- «i .WIWeTpBSJ.I. .... j :' s ’; . i I homas Iturt, Ucofge' v : ' Mrirtfeoi IK ;fi*u|K t }i ' /J - ‘ ; i Alli E. Kortr; v- -r i •. Satqttel-David *f. Mrown. • .•> .• Hi, . AOENOY. ! %j ‘ ■ W»t rhick Ageo 1 . nt die r Kxchfkttffe. Ofliee of - W«m9^ltUitn.& , cu; l cojiiet or&f n«3 i At*itkri '< i Fir'd rtiks iakda 'cm'buildings omfjtlirir coitTenTfc hi rintbtrrgh. Ailefciienyf ml ,lbe *urr«atidi«g tf - f ■ Buildings and of ever .L ry de*criuUou,«w£rs*Ffnp-.tiii‘k» ripon halKrif car* of yc*mms, tuVcri.tipon tbbuixh, ' '■ ■ .. < N. ii- rj)h&ilci|Co.4Ui(l.^»qt>^; 4ffc af; there the ml* andetmjmomty at large to the Dela ware M. 8. Insurance Company, n.« on institution among the inort tfoariubtitgin PltiuuU-fnUia—«» having a Inrue ■paid m capital. 1 which, by ilitr otiferation Of £» 1 utrr^talmr—orfylcWfntlo i«prf.J red, lii* due share of the profit* ol ibe Compau). involving h'rni i* suy.fr»pftb*ibili!y > ,wbotcrp?.l4jytw#the : premium armnlly paid in :|?y him; anti jberefpre r* po*- ! ♦“s-ring ibC’Mumalyrineiple divested oft*vety obnoxious’ V -; . juivl-if r 4 GBNCY .OF Tl lNsi?RAicK i £V Q&uV&XX QH,THO^DKLl > jA,~*v. i?. rom&W. TTtint and tt'HHtiah'ivh. umo of tlte^ Company on Xh«,6wt of January. IH-15. o* published In r eonmnmly*With onat eoaV Hiojjti? 17 Temporary Sow-ka oiul Cod* *J«7 .lpO'Tjl Mukjnc a total of- *,; • ££>o{M?»3 ii Affording’ certain nsvnronre that oil louse# wiHi?** prenrpilYnn-t.arid jn-rma-eniip: *rremyk>aUtr ;nn'*‘;tK are tsourixtem with Security . > . < vt.fr -. : ■■' WARRICK iAJAKTiX.Ajjritt ? . -'■ i»«ar«itce Agiilbiit Ffrr; r V r,lAwrritttn Urt Injuranet No- J; >* Walnut street. Philadelphia; hreorpomtext A. D; l-l'i— Charteroctrpecuist. ■ Insure* Oaihlmji*. Furniture. Mt?rrh»ndire. and prwper* «y sent rally, tiihctiu ihr city-«rc«ntßjr)-ssanut lg-*v or ngobj4|rc,i>erpcutal or tor limiicd iwrto lv aide irrru*.-;.... - DlKßrhmri: Jflm STsratil. Haiuhe! C. Mortotj/ - ' Wtiitum l.vitrlt. ‘ r ,AHorplm* Pern-. * ntomaf .Vhtk«»e t ftCorpe Abfeijr, John IVdsh, Jr., ' '* Patrick UrwJ>. Jtibii i . K =■ SAMI* j:u tVMORTON. Pre..«!e,,il , Fttxxcta D. JjiMVRR,.Bci retory. A ' ; tor. Itunrauer bv the. alKive r«»tn|»anv ni}| l« fcccirrr! and inrurrmccji' etfcuxe'i. bv the umlrndtcncd.,' ttgentfin r«tabnrgh. GF-O. CCHTJTILOV *$ IKS \VV>pd Ktreci. i WESTEHN. NEW YORK ! (OLI.BOB OF HKALTII, :/ - No. yo 7, Mir. r Krtaetr. ’Bimja. New Vo«*. | V•: \Atf»HN’S Vrgttahft. Ltthonlriutie AdrtT’ \J tfstnu/ttfo M 7;~ ■' l Carne.^!Daw. i CoQtjuefrd; * u BtmTddjjfeaUeanyYhßcasc withihU'hrticK Ducaidc has ever yidard ‘to ttn iiioitinarveU.ons medicinal power.’ VVTirrrvrr it hai jouc. and M*mdr America.- F.ughmd, fttiAoi, and th*» I'siirit Hiatrs have proViilcd the truinsf this *t«tement r ihc abt>vo quofotwaiti, a strong aixlitlthy - srutcnce.icUs tlir whole tlor}. Invalids, the prijieiplfr' upon which you arc-cured.may iiot-b<* known to ymi, but the result of u trial is satiaiaetorv; you ary restored j and tlm«ecrat qf thfi epre vfmains with the proprietor,—- The Medictng- i* a compound 0/ dUiipcb vcgjjoUdc. agenew*; each individual root hru'iu own rv-.eiiltarr d- incdicjDal.pjvpcjty. conlltetiug wtrti m> otWf tmupound—'lasyivf adticffoitk/ So famed, i? krems, t* Imm medicine. tfiAt it has thus attracted the no hecHr btic of CmrAlcdicnl puhlicatious. In the Novem; be Na* tlio Badblo Jotifnal (uk! Mqmh|p :ilc- :i view m in an article t»n cnlealmw dlsnaicic.:aiul tl*e writer, artcr liotieirtjnho fiict government once pnr fbaseu tt-kec tet : remedy* nnd.ali*o noticing! the .ptirehaso. In I ><02.01 a sc-ctet remedy,..Jby.,tbo legislature of News 1 fan»e of the hTciiu-iue -M • \V hy uq.nyt mi^Jlcpib^BUijivys e»u Senate and .Ysrem ljvr,e,>,,v,!l{wk culijiliteu and 1 dissolve* the sutleriug- Ihoakajuts of ttUit ; irinmtry, Uic‘pYiaehaW 6( Vatw6ii'^ > than which no fblvotlt ilitlcVthcil d u has on e l’ half the tdinc I’t-i-' RoaArnh^tog.-jmnWfc« of h%h standing, nckildw- Icdgcd Um>ughiwd aliirgiv'kccJioti qf thi* eonnlry: toi bw Ime of thekcut conducted journals of Jim k ind In Utc Tl Mutes, cxclinngmg with the sclcnltEc 1 warlm of Eueopo to nttr: bottatn knowledge, edited hy Austin Flu if, Al. J}., and .of j!ie, r protthtwonal “biUty, thus aside.to uoiioo uscvret miwktv.i Auu wtU aioiice umlerstaud’nq uhAvimc/t ««r/ JcqrWrrf cottld thus citi)rta,qoittiue,ut4hmt I r'ohighdmt;iS' jer—and cmiscqucntly.omlcsa it difccily'utiiiiltctcd' with* thepnmtik# of dig factiitj v ,UMllt^lmvc r bwMt:.its grent •\fame V whteU lms cmwud ii tw rqoctve tliir passing Xuixjinr o/ *: rftf oud-jy'tMr, r*reg*(/«jr;; patnffi/ umt evttpftvifd Fhuc 9 iUiHs l . tin* enure complicated train ot evils which tolhtw.uiliw- Ordered system, tire nt once relieved t>v the miMiciue,— Send for pumpldou from Achnts/dmf ybuSvM Ktnfc«U deuce Ot the value of the lathmtWftHc dtcre but forth.*i- < |As n reim-tly tor the irregularities df'me fcmnle system. V tn tlM>vPMt|Hjiutd A/'.tdql” yi-WiiH hits been re«orlml ;tom the liorth ot Kurorhi ftirtiumirlns—us asure cdfeftir misctnuplitint; nitd tt'rostoref offamltU of the entire Jciyim TAvkim?ic; Bittm* DmmMc<' **X M ■ftnltj reirieuyiirtUeao e'(hnb)kiiits. ; tis well os Fkvkji am* ;Aymt ”"icre Is no iHnncdydike ii. and no cnUnntl oc’ wiii «i»«% tormj< uny.pnri of UiU mixtun*. -No riujtiry will,re# ■ suit ii):it&.ft4e, uud iUmofivc.properties ore miitiucstmijii jtln u single JtO o/. bqiile. For Fcrrr « t ,rf Agor, xbtlions DtsiudcTK, take no other Medi/nttc. iOocTy wiU./sni rThe nctitm id' this tuLulu-iue uium |Utc Rloou, nrigutule* ix ruoiill Will follow.' jUvsekPSlAi jlNDiottmox, &c. l<) ;wU4u; d*fewdaVfiftsc P r this 'Mvdt,* jCine.. luUunnjiatiQji of-tlia ; 'Cowm, "CdxhcSirftoy* r nlso, has oyer fpuud relief. Scrofula, Krusiprlas r .Mr*. InflameetSyd— all cuiised by impure blootl—will Btiii (tins nrticlo Uiu remedjv Tim 1 system, completely Acred ; upon by the tiventy-two difforent pfopc.rties‘of the mix! turc. i» punheu and rest«red-i-oaapariiai cure Will not ; Ii? , tr ?l n °f common:complQinuw‘ Palpitation of \the Heatu Sixk'lliadachtj i(-e,nre all- tlio result of some demnffenrem of the'system* tmd 1 the (Jurat Rterro- Rtra will do .The proudsen set .forth. iijihc otW j >ertisi*mcm. pro hpsM upon the proof of what it fiuK ilohe • ; i” t« c .P»*ij>out; : ycttfs. TTbp: wrflitfn testimony of 1000 Agents, in Cauaud, Uio, l*nitcd Sliuu!s, Engltmd and South Atnertcaun llio possession of the proprietor—und can he ■ *' ii? » lul °rtslcd—is a sufficient demonstration uni !i.v . 6 " r KM-11 tq ; jmtnphlft, and iMuily tloWit. or the htmHod fof cure: *>Ptft uriin SO-qz. iKrtiles, at ! «3:. I‘J‘ o;c -.d?r.»l ldfgest : hMding' , '6 ot. UfntV t\vo Wtlail twilles. • ‘Look out ami not get imposed lipou.— Kyery bortle has ;? '.‘ { . 1 VatigKaV VegutuUlefXiUipntriplie **■ l ' x V! n - f blown of »» ir 1 ~? l ,r .o»V, the .um^,:: , %. C. Vaughn, mmaJo, stmnpcdoit llie cork. Nonet, other are genuine. I rcpareif by Ci. C. Vuughn.-nud sold aL die rrincipnj Otuce, siy7iMfttn!Htrec i t.;Buflalo* iii wholesale and . retail. No Httontion giveh io lotterri, uidoss ]>ost paid—orders ••from.regularly constituted Agpnf» J cxeenterfV*ithir‘jajjd letters, or vcrbftr'eoihmimTeatiohs udvido; promptly attetidcd tbßthtis.' ' Offices devoted exeln'Hivelyitf ft,© sale of this article —132 Nassau streets, New York city fJ9T» Kssex street, Salem, .Massaehusetti/and by ! ilih : pnneipul Drucaiflts throughout the United States and Canada, us udvefSsed inthftpapers.-], * ? •Ageuia.iuthtBg«>!t -. \ . - *-> . f I i _ l 4lay^i4r.BrockMrBy.i\V : holcsal&-aiiU?K«tuUAgents.Noi ih-Ctmimqrcial Rq\*t;Uiberty;iitreei,FiusburgU. r AIsQ,H. &:ScUer*;s7. vVood street,; John Mitchell. FedereUtrcau Alleghenyr.ciiyf- John! Barclay, Beaver; John, SmitL 3- BABHEbS*FWsh • '«•>.» <*•' ' fs 6 “ I)rica.‘Piuch^&; a ■■■’• Cl6vor:Sdeil;'iari»«(i«i'reiU' todvfoT B»Ic .by-'-' ,7!••!«■ *asaniaummssx4 J«V* , NoiiSlAUrkot.aWSaErbiitraeuU) ’ ; '• • i -■ - _ DH.: ■ f -h) - P ;- ferttevure of UtefoUowingDUw^ • .the wifi ooreatiy 1 c a*gr»p ioatU?r w!m:piuwHat else has lwT?4r 1 : - YiiGgiiJLmLE miEiiMatip ‘ v > ;• i ‘ For the .p^nni|^L > #ur^ : ;Vf 2 1^9utnsa«iB^6We'Gwi* : eT® n nervous i highly recommeaued for the - cur© of Dropsy, IfemoroV ' Asthma "hntt. NenraigiK;:;Patients : oin&; theml-ii&ihSfijr soon uffcrtlte first dose. --They - I No of ttwerd-apphetuion c aii.^pennanjrn.tl ¥jremove, rheiw frpcD'.the system. lixnuncnts sometiraesact^as 4 • * for a- snort period,-but tliere is 4^wuy b daneer' m theh-ttth.jy thepriliriofiiayeoh^plje^ tshore acute. , j; . :,... wt ; I t •* u *^ - : I‘orific-pcrmammt euro of-LiverComplaints, JavtMiCe,: Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Chndric DeblHtt; £hkooicA3thr 'itta, NervtKii. AJlcclions, (Hrianir ftora the liver or .lHseystt of the ,»mf of Ihe.Btomach, and giy.ft4 tone-ana action and .assist digestion. . They con bo-taken : &fe^ ,t i S e !f ia'dtefcifee:-of the . . e^tP us Debility generally aecorapanies-Dyspep&ra or •LiverjComn]amt|>« will iilM^treh ?A moye-oTI -'QtO'unplc'iiiaijr effccjs.suipli as Autterihdjtttlib ‘”s3?’ • c «» , *8 4 »«n|»do(i' yhen.rna lyingpostdomdOtpo£ , ft e Tßfchj; ftver and dUlfpam m constant imagihliigs of 1 evil,and great depression Ofspir-' -lU.v Chuwara stgiMaretCaqiuck and stiimgrpuiso,,half and distressed coumenanbe, &c. . - { ■ *■ • Any.CMO can be cured effcctitnllr rby liie use oi die Bitten,.«»directed,. . • . _- - 1y; • ; - r ' r slT>oßrFicV ' ; * , Ajinrajljlg df^SltM* { Irtftacnxa,.. Wiping CooiL''>fto>& ; : ehms, Hemoral or auj*d*BeaaOiOt'-tJlo : Jhwiirtf« a*, u - lt soon rcltcrx* foiy Getigh or lioa^encss;-rod prevents the Cronp bTrbe^^ nog *«riv admmUtercdt is ipass neglected: thbihSbdVvthe gravd uimtaHyr chtMc itmfiy to grow* np with a dcIP" > i r, F V? tfffeeTtufl cure of.the Piles. Tetter, ami lUietiniV .Scald Head. Kifigtir ? ow,..l|lflamcd'|!yi» Barber s Itch, Frosted Feel, Oldtk>res arising from'fever or >yipurs>Kw/avd will extract, the'fire from burns, on ommcaumi, or remove any cuianeous'eruptious from tlie si.uß ; .7Frn«m«>troubled with- tender4aees shottltfitse h after shavmgvit .trilh in a remove aU *6rik - *V*. tfSip tkflfbjkpdhig!, ;D cuti alwuys lie reliedim, qml ts invaluable in any family. “ ' l ; > >•! 'Ta« OINTOFJST: - ' ; For the rure ofpoijw or ivCakueiitfiti the back dr nhesi: n-tvni'ahttrely remove any deep sealed pain*;~ T* 1 :- cattsml many. snto& .4kctfine»-. limable bltmnjjs of jnWjformpJ, and. in s ,vaiic+ »y t 'aaics,.a perfect and redir cal cure: /■' r ' ' / • . rhCr JJmuwcrablc 'impqsjftioDt npun pubiic, ax»l the» statrmriiis of remarkable eun?< never Hiansttee; W tia pttbh'c niedWfugraffli*ienvirKlut^mcm'ta J nmke a triu! of i licse in valuable medicine*/ They ate cuf Uff ly" vj^bfttble. and free from all injurious iugrciUeittit.' andelaunyourpuirouagc solely upoo-theirjuerirs. Kvcry. founly elnmld have a can be' hod of the ■ Fraicifla! Depot at Gcrinan Medicine ‘/TS Race CWUT iuiMEDY OF THE ACiE! s«ffiB»«a»&ssas& J j Rembfly for ronsumptitm. Cdtighs, Colds. Atdfi-' oia- Bronctuu*. layef > Cln ihe«ide and Dreaif. Pahnfaliott tiiK9i.r k .CoAGai||U.l have been adlieied for nbyut throe year* vvith p, pulmonary complaiut, which ha# biitned the skill or several of the most eminent ’ t>Hy sicisns pf our qoumry. . Al limes rnv enugh was vert severe; paiK'ia’.hir me tthd breast, aud great difficulty iu ; breathing In this waylnjojuipiietl to suffirt* unpK life bccamiralmosfa bvdciu At leogth.l.-saw your :adverf AkffcE’S Compound Bvrup of Wild- Cherryand wospersuaded by a fnend of raitiem make a trial oi it, and 1 purchased a battle of yom * f dfo'Kab* py to inform you'that one bottle bat ’effected.,* perfect - .. De. H. SWAKtE. .. : Corner of.Eighthiuid Race streets, FhiladclphSa. • • aLbdo BrJuriia by consumption ' r ,r »«w I*rft*V* U a smaU for tAt .mraffts thir drnvifttl a y- tAm add the ffajful - f . a /**k*q»py lnjfafnation *f the Lungs, Ifrnmrhnst , .4*fAmo, i ;ougAt, Jttjlumza, i>rcmrfrtrij, and olhrr rlhtttsf* cf tftl i-uncs and J-irtr. , . .-v Am) Ilie'lwr-wbHMlpHiShtli# «ppfclling proor of the (ii-? liilttp oflhMo woclnxko. of di,.e»«;s. Bui it is minor lout to know (liairtiisrly all of thjs Unsat) of human" "o "Ojjht h«DL mrrrjmt.'A t.£ » liinclv hsc oT DR. su t;ttM?pyNx>,STnui’ of \Vh.d chejv- ' : i»n\y : >ecnbefore the'pattlfeWdMcS wrtwjQrijrftikl preparation from tlte Wild? VUcrry .Trcc.' ;Jt* tcjmialiori as a remedy for Coughs: Colds; Bronchitis. aiufCouitnnptkm bfiUe 'lamest based* but littlet*. inflated* iiewspaperptiUs.- Thosewho give it a itiat being benCr’ fituvlbr H, recommend itlo tlipir neighbor* and jhqa gradually and rarely has'itgrmjedam' eriviaMi* ttputiP Hun nml worked its way into'geuenil Use. One bottle ucy<*r>liuU ig ,e>tre f a recent Cough ?r Cold, while with *mct hltentlnns to’the directkmstlmt accompany- cUth bottle, it* use in PahnonArydriecaseYof long standing aM. bt the most alarming character/ ltiY&lwUyi given relief/ and iij rejry many in*mneos ti:U effected complete and, pennahem^eufe*.t. / ; BowrimofthcworihlufS” Babam*,/ u - p Sy- aa they cuutainnonuof the virtuegoftheoriir iimlyircpomioiv; ....... . . _/ ... . wnttincVittcle is prcrntriLby WWAYr! 5 * Knee, streets* Phifit i ttia. Aale-brAgonrs mw hUrts of the Unftc#' ; >thU'»t t aUd;j#imit*iiam > Df Europe.’ ’ '■’■■" ' : ■■•••*« /. \ j N. W. comer of Bth HttCC Philadelphia* and for sale by irspcctii j *»««#*« it»-neatly t»R4h«pti*cipabKwmrni!tli*Vn*. • •wd-flwrtpair? 1 v* *f. !• I‘Vf/raM AVTMlitttdo Aftd Retail, by WM. TliORNi ia* Murkirt itrwif'b JONKS, ItU Liberty street, tina Ou*' ■ TV 1 nrc pnratnmlm* jm>yeu itself to be of very grcul'cmca.- Thft ofolnttlnele UohWjsj-Cold*,'Astlmta,^pit? of lflwhtv Wtntoplng Cohgli, nwtuthbr Pdeumonid tmd dm proprietors feel w:frrahiedis record mcddihg k iror‘a : wi# nml useful medicine, und are pre pared to show certificates, ol indisputable authority, in testimony of its value. '\ ". ■'■■ | It is pleasant to the iosin : 'Un -Ml N the petition of c. It MOCtVnuic!., of Steel’s Tnv •:W» y.‘nf"> i, kP I !"}ttiS for the lixtcnsiOtv of a patent granted to said C. H. McCormick, for an improvement in retinmg for seven years from the expiratioiiofi which ijkq*, ihe'2lsi of'Jim*, It in thal th : C pctitiouhe bcard.af the Pa tenl. pifioe. on .the, piird Monday mFpbruury;.af 12 o'clock, m.; ami all perilous arc notified toappearamrshowcaude, gmiteti^ ie4 *'''^ Tlß> PisMjWtP ©oghi^i ; tpjlm Ordered, also, that tins notice be published in'*u6 T.juon, ami National Democrat, Washington; Enquirer, Utelmjoml^^o«h.Pitub«rglij^tatesmuii, y Cohlmbis;Tn- lndiaiuwoik; FreblTKess, D»3troUi ohfc*«.wetfk foi f lhrce'sbCcet»lvi3 Hvtibfc&mtftig to’ihc thirtl'Mohday’lniFebttidrfirtiL' '' t v/7 %* r> « i . S. Lditors of the above papers 'Will 1 pteaso-copy and semi thetr bills to the PatCftt-OHloe; ; wilh a paper containing tins uotico,. «" •‘••'fa'n^CtWw^W 1>» the Court of Common Plea*, of Allegheny pou^ty. ol A. D. 184 , No., ;i t -.*: •; \ I» the matter of the /Y-ohlntary Assignment jfflMrcwgV > oi GeOVgc Albert, / Uriah Applegate. " vSSssSpv ’knd now, to; wit, 1a0,2Ut,1848, account Mbn Assignee- filed? and the CoUrt >-1 n*T-i i > direci noticC: of-thc some to be gtrtm«by pablicationibr three successive wceJrß,/intwo o£itMj3jß pc« in die n^ffint'iKe'raaidcdiirt will bc-allowed on‘tTi9«2a ; day pf.-pebniary next, unliaS wjhe the Kecord, lanaMlawaw ; ;' ■ - g yHtHjgHjtIULTZ, Protliy. for sale, by Wsfbkif.n H 'l '-"""wowS Wood^sj tanguuie admirable ixxtTip&ic Combihliiuontj which jlcirm the nymcnl, - siionld possess «&!>liB&yt 4 ,• ; SARSAVABtLIA'AS&.tviLtf ~Krrrkns " ■- 'fill achieve this in every faruilr tOid in the hands . -pfofesson, or geherai ; cq6rsc jo the rverrraauy irtfld tfrhftindeF -ifietr'&iriH; instead . * We*iwng,i and fiuhuy result/iritfimr h&fethvaied con dition, mihecaasb-’'’—'’ ' ■-: f / .^, ie . internal organs.. These materials, though pow . nptratnn 111 the inhabitable globe. Ry taking theec Bil ) *>« r*,?!«rtd to bcatitv. a.td avoid. lh< y -»iife ftf i thff‘«u»j(<*mr.»V niey i ; rente punples and tnmora, but overcome r.- . /, . .. t , CANCER AND KING'S EVII.! '’ ' 9Y: • r *? n.bbjoet to llic-ndrrors of ronswrptw,, . ‘Cosuyeness loyalteptigesiions-oftentunes ; fteSfc.Mli^ Wdjr ' '¥*!£ brh^h&^yhS i andotbterafifu&tonk(VtSe’h«Bri' > iJr'Vi l T^,' !c^' ni, ‘ i! ' i 's- r^-“,:< ?^*®'‘ n P ounrt iomto f apaiiiß- OfftrficJP;, and even then, -Mr, ahd calomel, have left tbeflltuefeseitreVbcUiullis.TmJ; of aches and aorfows, ami not'only a ResCftt ibeinselyM,, S bm a source of.dugtpiXantl omtojrnn'ce 4o aft \titb whom! . ?they coipe ntcoibhct.. .AJI illeiie . i -•*>“r h°? eS?!|§Mbs6f lit* ed - r ?W“(t,lW?com. ;j(le doed not, howeicV, iHfflielii- r vaird <6 Wf asrtififateft,;imi ins’Bitfip/rriHn^ " i ,:/ V S J?., ’V;. titQ£ifi&Ksgt£-r , '‘ fm aimer » tAodHjedbr aeveft’fohn. wirt'irUiapbeat'Sefo're tsc iiHajiUrsolXtr. tVrssl s prrjiareuoii, and tl/rcuro oiby, : -rtßcd orf >ne. •. Did'vtlieJSlSefe !?”7 ?”’ r ls%i WtUte bilmry nparaius, afecommE. uonally biltoirs oa g Wrtgn|arfy;tb^akc'lßls‘j®rd,flSeea? \ilr, and excellent APrt»ita»e.liSiFwiltdifluie' w%al.h throughout fib* ?pmrss and love of lite ihrfflitg‘ti>*t& crcHTTo^E^rr.oxiu J sT). s ' -rr ■■ "1 . •; , ;iSCKRVY . ; v-!b;K't. -trod') cannot afflict: those *lio take i) or loiHfitcsisilis vifok t -A« it, at'd relies of edrlfjtoitttftellbe utvalmiy : • y^Vr^iS^tJ^ie.wOTjhtttife'WtelfelC^Jy corltplaiM of. Urn ,*ltitaach w it; , "Bie patera , Gherr>, Bikers coutains ,a niodjcum of joy olid cpntiht’ lOchiber tliat an.injudicipns.U'Sp or fliatpri'ii ivrrvltcmiv 1 prOdncttvc oP|ttm»iy evils whitdi broWto ; flii:uf&* . hii^ I Vrhich'a »nj l KjuimJ*a^dj i Ufllsd-f ‘ { ! : f - f( . , may speedily and safely -oy. As a uwdk'Tue irlntJlr/Tinst bViichf ' •■' ; , .:y , ; kv^rybodv;s'** 5 '** y from the stmjffi, eon/7nrdand dMtiriii~li* ra/itf, no eijimf i* to he R)imd for it It wotdd be *cfrib' )benr ut 'nndtjhat preyqution is ;fcy saWhtmtriaj-%1 • ,„iV"* “£ "•&#'“>,*»«};« r,,ur lanes.larjeV'ifiirt? Rn* 1 ?;?.’.'.’.?2" <1 i I '“ for Ibc sabreprice-ist bcf'bbtflc,' ' '''■' 'V \ AIT A KlOCi'm/M, 1-J1 Fidtoii-st , N. V::vdiole! sale aeems. ' jfetd in at .. ivno.e-, I?- t*ATTy-ERS irRAI.TH DEPOT of VnltiaMe Smithficld. Rhtwecn Third and Vohrtli- «;t-< 1 ,a ." d - “ THORN'S Dt, “Sore. Market st ? ' ! ’ • ‘, v ' 'FJIIINKSfc njiUChlcsß iVtlcliriW V_< growth, aiiclreMnrnUotf'of the' Hair..',Tli* Orismn. whcH. once known, will supercede ill other uiio clcs O! Ike Hid omr in nse. Where l!ir hair is dead 1 hard', thin, wilmUlkv,.ii«,nirnin#Eirci;'«,fe.w ‘ipniSS uons will nuiV.ftheS&MftnnaflnJiS-aa tiveli itaiu, it» hvenncxs and Healthy color, i«hcc tu ftuiir BB'&jT ihc Ikm. orliSß fallen oft.li may hertstorcnVberlmigrhSs •touwsiagsgs^^s&rfsis 'stance ?t> “ d ’ 8^ v : Fotttritmrony to j# seethe & !TO?S !«««*■ tirc 'lfer. 'Mtf'&fdtifel! to Mesne" * r f take plcasurem andingjDy lesrariony.infsn-br'bfiheeicelleiit prepaaaumt c%VtfA Vrtam: for, about. twoysMsagotny bait was TeryrdryjJmsthw and’-. Jwoieil to eetteoou buttering procured a bottle cream . nod usfia&t according to tbepreseripthm, it is now': elaaugj ? fiim Jo the head;: ..Many. haisaips, and ojU~,were-applied,each Jearihg wjr hair in a worse state j than before., This Cream, lu?\vever,ba3'ittet my, expec tation v. . •; •• v -■■■ As an article for ihe toilev myAvifegivesrh preference over oU others; being delicately perfumed and not dis posed la roucfdity.;,*lit®• jnJiy, will find, the Ctnnese Cream l«be xr desjdaratum m their preparations forthe toilut. ,j .. ? Respeeiftihyi&c* „ r ■;•* 1 ' • :R. ? Pulaski, January.?,!^?.:'. . V" w >- 1 wholesale; aud retail,Jit Pittsburgh, try Jolni 1 “Sricorner of Wpodah* *" ' I ADI ion Prcpa* . J re{ (rightfully iVyu rimes i;. .. bdiViallotv* yeilowf Arid u...*«uthythi*Bknt ‘appears aftet tuingpre-s pared Chalkl^Besidesitisin^notU,'containing s.large quantity bf-leud V-We hh?e ; prepared a betuitualr sreire* table ankle, which WecaHJorics’ SpatiishLUly White.’ It U perfectly: huioceAtjbeiog purified of- &U' delete rions quiilttiesi and ii impart* -to' lire -ikia- a natural.; healthy* &labastcr,clcar, lively whit*; tfce satqe 'time *cting es acosmctic "On the'skirt.'tntilririgii soft and'smooth/ ; Ahdersort. fr&ctibatcHe nils tof setts,'sav i :** After-analysing Joue* 1 Spanish Lilly Wlutc,- I find lheiiioiroeamlfalarid naumtirand aL iinK>eear vrool-^the-ibmterispreferable.'i* V; ; "Advise SCT J ccrrs.—White teeth, fcm>- bteathi heapfiy guinea r Yellow a«d unhealthy teeth,' after be'mgoijco or I\\ho* cleaned' with Jones’ Amber Tooth PaMe, liave the appearince!-Of Utc tumfbcaatifui -ivory, amK'at Hie'stune 'tinjc-U is so perfectly inuoceut and fxqidsitQiy hnc, that itacotisrantuaily iise is highly !advtnttngpoQS,-«Teri'-i6:t}t6&e teeth that aro;in good condi tion, glvinc ftiem a 7 beautiful/ ndjjatu. ami preventing;a premanirc; accay..‘7l}bsearrfctiny, .ftecayea-it pfCvcnta* titoni becoming; \vbt>e--7it also fioucti's knentWTXbertjifiiiig ! •rdrtspj tuidby lt>vill renderthe foafestteeih* 'delicately Wlnte*. him.tttdke ftp brcnthrdelifiiotiAly Myeci iPtfce*2s;qr 571 cciishboi;/ tteahbyeh'rf sold' ohiy iaiit) hy the appointwi Agents whose nhineshfipbhiiir 'the* : »ekt colmhn; ‘ : Wtt.LTou3iXafe,'sndg : eftt*nelilitik!iahd;‘lßth ; *'‘ t Y'nur faccis your ; white! If«bf,ir.’eaftbe irintle so even though iti'bbyCl-' tcutds becnitimte 'thuswho'have/ vraifteif'bbtJb- or i t\nce'with'Jqiies’ If&Uan/Cberaib&l3oTtp: iTlie-cHcct/iy . gloriotisandiriognift'cent^ 1 ' Bat ;mc Jones; Soap; afllle' sigtj L INCUS, Jt., Patterson/* -Sold atJacxsops S^Xdi»9Tty_fUj head of Wood,, of the Big Boot. . - • I : A MKRIC4N G&EAT RESMy dF NA ; J.A. TLTtß—Procured, Jxqui,a 4 wc.lt m Kentucky., 11<5 feet i below the earths superior to Harlem', Briiwii. pjf {*uV other fonaeVh' popu .tor Oil*. Its curqUyirptOTpra* ali ■nems are truly yfejutoiii sm whooping-cough, phUmuc, erysipelua, scald sote-wroat! Iwrer complaint; fcidneyVfiamiMii the breast, side and back, aidiDlpe', pilosijieart bum, diseases of the hip jollity Jnfllunedisbre ey&, deaf ness, and ear ache, ; p'otma, .foQth ac)hd,'*prainvBpmns, bun»,scalito,. bruues, c^plcefsi/o’aiccrijrc.y^^orcsl v **; ,*9S:?tore7® Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Thome BOoiiitaaJs iu U*a do«-\vuv ggj^lW? fliif Bstcji3 ? iaS , be Ob- orderjto bo sure ofobuininir tlieaehfifife efttnainihg the names iad Sddresh o/ lhe TrenSetordSi >?9gf r -ni A ®^i2 r Western Peuniytva timst?e J, aToflwt ? as fS? _ iS th UJ£ iiatiied (the genertU hud only wholesale j'-A ; Vpr; ‘ T * KB|S )•• e—- XSlolCggTgirqVg /• ache, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Piles, SbittVyfiPnfosy/ Small Pox, Cholera Coughs plajnUvApgpWff, iriU, Flooding, FluoxJtft 4 ,; Bile on Uic Stomach, and all butotis--aflecuon*, Pleumr?,.; swalle j^at,,toll}..toga,, ,Swjim,^ v^ffe| .SweUigg-'. heir alt-powerful arm. • * ■ ■* -They have been'kriqwn To etfecl MTOJtnnnrt ebres wheii all oihef tetnedifea hiil 4)'rdybil ItfiftfeHhigl' gntldb 4bfifJlsl . ■ • -Twy Have dh; iAa n peases hrprriidnJihepTattfiptfitti&t,/! °J. cmxncnt vkyiicutrw behu{h#tiiairi unqtmimedcOuibttndatipnh:;rit''i -u ;avil:* u-attiO-hHC ”ucv have been frequently recounpenced by men Hnost dißUiighished eharaaert)tlirdfighoufc tbb 3anrt?iand77 royal blood. ■*./. 0 fma oh’-f btirgh, Pans, aturVienna, and through the disinterested, rptertions ot out. Foreigu AimraSsttd«y, ttiey bavaxecei vfed llie faVorubre'Scort?elya.Pachet s vessetoJi «ay : reOTuauSs^Mi'•// ~thcpoft'ofNcw \ * i SrCK : bav-e been establifihediO Cities in the U are.toimanUy reach yiilg iu from villages in evety* section of t|ic country.. Tevumonlahr marvellous effects arcjp'ouriny in from all quart Ors—ands —and in such numbers finiCjto.tead' onehalfdf-lfaeuii'l'Whair-tj strbhgcr or thore conclasive evidence thanUicsitH ant Tacts can tlitr ioos? sceptical desnel"«* . . Jno. lli Casscl, Penn st' T,t -•** »• i/iitog- .-- Andrew S. Wylie st- - ' e • *' “\j-v f'ilr.H Roberf\ViiJiams,AnhtlxsviU«, v - ? R; H. llemiugray, South. Ward. VVm. J. Smith, TempcraiicgYilJe. . -ifnu 1., ! 1 l ’Jertriudti'Plaiuii&’Lawrert«ievilfe. : «‘ ;.'«¥vTl ; ; ■ DanielNeglcyi Rst - :, 0 . ; «ocKd«®^l ■ •». . ,\l , ; , .;Thomas Aikin Sharpshnrgli. « 1? h(j)bBa&> * » O. H; : 9lan ? ,S£j I. = ; ' ; C. F.DieW,-Eiriabetb;‘ n i Riley hrDaughlin, Plumb Township, f-rf? -» 0 1 l : •; .‘‘TT«s*,Es^om:a®isF™®' J ' l JL -LSED.^—This_was expresseifTn ourhearing yes terday;* By .otr iCleHqfwif gnmefuffn, who had used but : toi. not disappear by its use,, your money, Will bq refuhacn. CotnponndffdAis it is, bf the mdkf^l ! cctiv#, :i itibhgh f ltiftiii* i l i -Jesd'dhd pfeasant its-nsW has, •maiit'-'VI l*ri> >- 1 ; Xib'crfN'street,TieartTtioaj Basin/ ;Sold also by \ r ; otflt «> " , Lawrencei'lle.'* . iBROjyN-SybU.EW.Vl'F.ft-cU'RE-ESTADlJSrijflbrt'^ ’ "nr/'/V Fkijedeepiihhj'Pti, »;',s« > p fnetrds of 11 y d roi mth yth e pHhfic*in'gene^ / *l X rhl,—JfiTCJ tespcotfully -informod,- that. lqc ihe bps iu>wtfaMn-m>n' siiecttfsudjoffpration since August, 1847 • { ; / 4 jXbc builcUngiiTO ilctTw ftdf fwo Mon6ili\g\frBxia will,, cbin/brfSbly.-acepmrtOdtftb* £ rpom Tw W<3l- reh tilated ( and neatly furinshed jpg; bathiagl niiiff dressing rooms, for ladies, are asitmlirtfu i If «>t buildings; also, separate parlors. .The batmng*room* Ti ore fufyished with all the necessary bathsfor uudergoiur a sticsicssftirtr«omical£‘‘ r “ ••*>. ‘itn *;fv.>h'st-/l-sStvT • . Pfninerouslparc BoftrWAlPr.sprijigs-.sujroimd; the hrtUmoni; plcasani and. rciircd walks among tbo netgh* i bonus bills,are abuudahl,, and |l>P exertidh of rtaStng''' thd.s l ummtl,;tfl• amply repaid by'thrbc!aruttfal vie : A‘jover 5 H a mbsfhlcturesqueaJAElxss, the PropnctorirwhoicsrdesiniUe e'Hab-!>'l lUhtucim hasihud-seveml years’,experience in tliis pfajute/* Iftr inodeoi jpnieliee: and, early .in the. euauiiig summera rxpects lo be joined by DIt;MASON, Fellow of the Koyr :n - al Conege’of Surgebus.Dcmdon-j’ who is tioav bestestablishWentslii Engftwufe.' l : s : <4, ni ,•■«.«;oT. - ;.T’ifeliitablishmeatihaiS'hccuj patrenired;.'; mid.tur pains -wpL.be.sjmred to moke tips comfortable , mid agreeable invalids as ihic system Wilt admit ofc " rThe.tc'rnisajie ; is-rollaw'sf' : ,r • ' ; ’ ' r .'.-n'. t-u) itnJ ; tblm paidtvrciklyy tejf 1 ate> muses; boar*cart ; bcTujdfor iheiu, in.the-EsiabUslwaMit,,r qtS2to:r.>vcek»,....%. *. T \ /V/'' ' : Ragh pnUent is required To brihg the foliotmix \ tmen ov wbolTen bTknkeUTkS"’ • either three comfortables orj&lieht&eulteew ped;dtkewise, au>oW Uaeu, bnd a “ d . OTl ® «»jbutiojiiJistfuiuen»v;* -> ’y.ilAL.j ... ; The following (Qscases are'successfully tfeatea' * s ' l *** ; Fc%;crs, Lungs; Stotnach;'-Bowels,' JUver, Spfcerti and Kidney*: 4 P>l»s?PS»pri Aspiiua; .Rhcuraaiism. ,acute and chremi«t r Sciatica, and Ltimßago:'Gonoiflicea;-Piimary'jSiid condaiy. SVnhHSs; Scrofula; Diseases: PaSui'l Paralysis Headache; Palpitation of the- Heart; itypochondnasis^Dropsy; Jaundice-nHhbPhala r°5 u Z encss ' D*lir»am»Tremeiis; Sp&srus-pf.theBh»tch> ®j}d Aifections; Chronic * Tharrhcea; Rlngivonu; Scald Head, Ac."/'" // Female Disea*ty; > ais^- 1 of the womb. '"KxcessiVe, painful, and -obstrhcted>i»n'- . turanoii. c; . v- t >33* : AND TIC DOLOREUX— geutlcihan called at our office, as be* saao, Kßyß>l •psnig Jayne's J/flhiia> , wbiehVSfoand the most sijr- * oaf and unexpected relief.-. Hesayih©; ibwtiJiitKmidf-li erne-veryr pleasant -arid'effeetivci; am* t that* be aertr; coni aiders Imnscdi pertccUyeurcd.^PAttarfa#Aw?4Wffii*W£> t«mv • -.•- .’..V s, ; . L KsoSdM gentleman of Seroliitonait babit. froto nidiscrelidii ip bis younger days,' becamfl.nl-'; fectfldHriOr TOecfafioiia in the Throat and Nose, and a tlisagrtdaMc empuoniof the Skin: Indeed, tod.Nrtthfe bore ihe maiksp£Vciflg, saturated: with idbeus**' lo’mnch rijfci he-ibCfl lost the use otithedtand,,every paji;being cqyered-witEi i andfidrpuftosvaohqney-comb. Itwas at this stage of his .appeared inevitable ftooiradmitb borne disease, that lie commenced the use of.JavndllUtL--» takcu sixteen bottles, ia . Tto * Alterative-ojfcratea thmujrfr the ctecmlittoiktanA Mood audottidieatos dikeas&AonbthaiaasliCr .whorevenlocated;-aud-ihe numerous 'curateit JiasTcSrSi» < formed:Su*aiseasas.’ , <>f'fhe.skmi«aneer,- serofkda.- toot* l rind-other-eh ronktvdiseabS»i#2 ' truly OStOttisbing-^—pV;»mt (if4h* TitfUs ; -- 4 fRT Fot'-aleui Pittsburgh,a tihhPF.KJNTKAiSTORK,^ 'es^sissgssss^ £" , "I E AI‘?.;PfI.W .,u%trtg, fromi negleoTWi ('olas,. or ;ni.,Qbrtrucltun nudconscqueulinflarosiion of' J"ic.l>n:pllftj s tg and,Menpys; of or exhaitsts the strcngibioftEepa - tic! it—aim ,apath..snsnes;; I [JA3fNES’ EXPKCTORAOT 7,tr*r /•(!"*> rytimye .this obsunetiom. pad, produces :t bc. . "-A>''Anotlmr oviilom;e , of the 'saperioiltV ’or oTernll others; : Rett^theiblßrtytoto' .ceru&cato fibni n respectable citizen of the Fiftii Wutd: ® ; ? ng s*att!d-rfn the tangs.tastlch an eSi,nt'ns to renSfiSS iencctpfeycryjnedipiite whtchd had been nsina. I'whi finnllrporsnaded W call !»*» ffd S““-Go'Ue of-Dr. WairnTt -* which,' towy great iurptisev'^relieveStne F®? 1 * only two brthreldbseij,' *iHM>*£r<£t . Us f °, n ® .^ oU |®i f was edtirely cured. I was so tmteh J 0 ** s !^' tI *W *^*riivQ : broaglit , dtKfcn(biT^Sy Jkmty bet&ve U to he ikt -brsi CougA. Mbfiemeiftt^ t ’ Tl ' V2* : n • '■ “ ■ [ J rry tt—phly 25 ccnwa Bottle;'- f v 'd -r. ; : 1 ;;* , :v'! ?*C‘‘ X £L% _5 AT^’& . ®RWKWAf,' f, «-: - i ?!* ?9(l«*fi« your i exp«9iaii9ns.mj«mi^rt»t S&fgS' ! 7,110 hbto- ' i nMorel.-nolor; - Wi is .awe.. ellefthi^sESß^y; , . .BOlfO .CO ,1:0115,I .