The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 21, 1848, Image 2

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JAMES BUCIIAKAN, to the decision of the National Convention ,
t" rJZSId
™^”*$ h , l * on of “ A.. A.,» In relit trim
hai rctdTcd, bal wo must decline publishing
it, a*, we tlw all others which come to. us anony-:
mousty through die Pest office. ■
Ttie Occripatlon of Hexlcow
We insor t, to day, an able and very interesting
letter, frqß\ Maj.Vyiu.iAM. H. Chase, of the. Kngi
neer.Coijis,inrelationto'‘tlie retention of San Juan
tie Ulua and occupation or Heiice,”; which is wof-;
thy oEa perusal by every citizen of our country..'rfd
be fairly said to have Mexico on our hands.
Her,government is destroyed: her peppic hre indis-'
prod to sanction such a system Of miliury tytanny,
S» his been oxerted oyer them for' so long a period •
they see and feel that they enjoy more of Jibefty,
thaathey hare ever heretofore onrdmy to
thetai alnd to oursehies, uri that we shall offer thfeOji
gtest n-degree of atauratice of peace, and ■■ trah
qtii|ity;, and prosperity, os they are capable of enjoys
*??* / * P r «cnl stale of society among them—and
, ° , * c * le « spirit of industry and attention to iheir
bjit'ii.teresty.aji?,', while thus bcneCting the Peop'le
ofMexico, that We shall promote-the interests «f our
ovo citiibni, .Thereire claims, lo a large amount,
atill due to oureitiien*: by th e acts of Mexico, oar
cbnntry has been Invoividinaycrygrcat expendi
ofTObbc/,rorwhich we should tie indemnified:
ve cannot expect indemnity, now,jn any other way
of her tenrjtpry; for there i>
no gPrernaeat to cedo tous any thing, or to make
wp prqmion for;Uic future:. The occupation pfthe
territory which uc have already acquired, is, there
matter Which wo cahoot avoid, unless we
*° withdraw our army, and relinquish
all whicli wc. Have gained. '
assuredly be unwise, to occupy the
portion; of Mexico now in; our possession,'wli'c.
7«*nwning portion of'the territory should
u “* tfei *dr d to—subject lo bccomethe theatre
of continued scenes of military usurpation; open to.
*!*? *!JP“!.**P or *oterprise of any other power; or
tci become a constant source of annoyance, to us..
Witha new (pour own security, then; with refer
ence to the peace:and happiness of. the people of
• Mexico; and in order to promote, to tbo faDest ex
t^P*^ M Cr(dtripjg>io our position in connexion
that the prosperity, of the people.' of
tte onit«d SuieBj We think that the occupation of
the whole of that country, Is ■ our unquestionable
JwwcUtoourselreaaa to them. This course
in* few yeam, place the people of Mexico
ih a position far superior to any which, they bare
evtf heretofore oecupied—a condition of peace, of
t)r^pindependeiice r ,3|)d of confident hope for the
a Hd; (if.thdy should ■ see fit- to-aSsumfe this
pp«tion,).,an enduring friendship for those who had
been instrumental in ridding them of the oppressors
yrhp,bad been so long tyranising d*cr them-.
; escry point of vic,w in which we: look at this
•object; it appears \'o us interesting and desirable.
Mexico shall'he thus ns it were tinder our t
cat®* jWO would necessarily supply her population j
all ihosc articles that bare heretofore been,'ob
tained; from other nations; and to a much greater
dkthhtjtbftn they have ever been fttrmshed: for it
csniot'b'e conceived .that, under the development
of, phfiiaiitit«tiQC3, oUr laws, and our manners, they
will not be led th adopt a modd of-Jife materially dif*-
tcront from ihai which has been led by a large portion
ofherpopulaUon.’ Her hordes of military chieftains,
who have boon fatteningen the poor—-her. thousands
P o E’^?M?B£ will, qt-onco be stimulated or compell
ed to live iiko -honcst tncn y and thus, of course ma
terialij; > add ; ‘tW' flic P° nsumpiion\‘ of ' the cn u ntry.
*^dJtioh to theircbrteutnptioo, must necessarily
throw millions into our country of gold and silver,
Pdf' agricultural products, and our
manufactures; and be the means of adding to the
°*" °? r citizens, while the comfort and
:fccppineea of the Mexicans themselves cannot but
be increased. .
4* f mearore affetlUtig tbe -intorei ts of Uic great
Wc*t, t^elook upon tfje tfi tircoccupation oiTMexico
of the Jrigheri importance j and, whether that
*£ a *n * place among independ-
B|ti®W>,orshall become an integral . portion of*
the tfn!ted SUte», Wo look upon the military occu-
IMIWH of il, flnder cxirtiog circumstances, as a quo*-
,4^? oughtho studied without reTerence to
JUfB .ptrt^or scctiooaJ it is one
affect, most deeply nnd *bcaeGcially,
the intercuts of onr whole country.
mdleulous Ramon
.Wfflhsre Ji«t been informed by a friend, that the
people of Clarion counly, hare all kinds of
>UU«iii«w stories ie circulation,: is relation to the ;
Bank, this city,. ; Tbey first bad the abanrd re-
P? , *i.* ,ls * U>e Merchant*’ and. Manufacturers’ Bank
JUidiSaspcndcd specie payment*jnnd now we learn,
feat-fabulous rumors are afloat there, that the Er.
change Bank it in a critical situation. We cm as
, »nr«.the people of Clarion, that there i. not the
Aadow of a foundation for any of those report*.
From all the information we can gather, we believe
that the Bank* of this citjjjrln a. .ound a con
dittos ssany in the country.
Will onr friend, of die Clarion Democrat be good
enotlgh to copy this article r
_ Hob - Arnold Plummer.
The Harriaburgh Union of the J6th, says: «Thc
Hon. AwotD PmjtMEm, State Trea.nrer elect, ar
nred in Harri.buig, on Monday morning. Notwith
standing his late attack of indi« po rition, he look,
remarkably well, and i* in the best of spirits. Hi*
»enda will be pleased to learn that, although the
honor conferred upon him, wjis not of his seeking,
■tilTbe is willing to serre the people, and conse
quently he will accept the office, tiro left on last
creniag to make a brief visit to Washington.—
he rotnrns. dje wiii enter on hi* 'Unties as
State Treasurer.”
the correspondence ofthd Penhsylva
hian weiearn thatour fellow citiiea, 8 vMtn:L Jobes
Esg., was, on Wednesday last, nominated to the
PdrirtiprSavhit, as one of the Associate
Judges for Allegheny county.
Cmr»»*«rct* Bur Eiaum^—R. M. Patterson,
Bireetor bf.tho Mint, atPhiladelphia, notices
the appearaude of counterfeit half cagles>': which
.have recently been put lji circulation , and says •*‘we
either that the coehterfeitershave the
services ofa very skilful ongtnver, or that: they pop-'
•isecd themselvet of a dangeron* process,recently
discovered in England,for making.veiy perfect dies
, )ie original,
medai or coin. . ■
lt is estimated feat 30,000 valenrin«« were:
Sant tbroogh tbe Philadelphia Post Office j arid'the'
Hew York papers estimate the number sent through
tha office in that City at 50,000.
' - v <>.:
Tfce lletelqlltrt, ri ,
„ .. . •
on a subject ofmadnt^c^f I®^ 1 ®^^ 5 '
or ° e ”P"‘
ation with •■■■■* ■ -tliat, in any negoti
th“ca« ' h^' x,c ?i re! ? lt '? l e>ftCTiFe'redictioi nf :
'fortress hv ,i/tP f u ° n 6iUa, tho retention n fill at
to aH? ll^ ' States,,J.°nH he insisted upon.
tre?re * } CO - for the fHiihltil fulfilment of future
treaty stipulations; .
’ tr “ Et no ' v > %Ji <tO'?reaty. stipulntinns will be
matte that do not secure in us the pt imanont pos
session of tbe castle and its ditpeqdeutrialands.; and
that, whilst we still occupy: Mexlcd, \vii el 111 ] f j ose
notimoiirincrensinglhc arrengili bnirtfcastle,and >
in constructing etrdng works at Bucrititfos, to cSnii4
mand that anchorage.. : - ' ■ 1
; Ti,c cnallo-df San Itisii. should be provided wilh
twelve inch columbiads, ftlinSeiranioasefloctijaiar
three mi es distaueo. Tlfp batteries ,of the main:
work, at least, should. be made hnmh-prot.fand thc
magazines snd store-rooms enlarged, so that three i
years, prnvisinn for men,.aml,lnUnit’„ns could™
lodged there, whilst a dep,t. : fo r three years' iupplv'- 1
ar " ? j d W i
cd al Sacnficios under cover of ihc Torliflcationt
as we'iu» C tbe 0 e fr/ ,b "'l H *^ eMi<l “. ibo »utcsman '
?* ®‘: milituf ji. inati,a>vill rcndil». ncrctiiroo
cnmnlT?° r 11 >" ‘f tihlc slioult/hc lost in
**^ ! Co»B»«si»om*i ,man since, to ;
9<»W*'»«iM|»H«ti6K*% the ethninCnccment
t-. yjB o ™ u s. prb.tJcutsob fortilicatihna in the’
hlonda Straits, and the same’poliby Will, 1 hone,
insnre the possession of the castle of Vera Crlis and
Its dependencies, aiid their increase of Btrcheth hv
the means Mart. ” 1
sfiti;ftMijte4 possession! of Tortugas,-and Key
VVortyand San Jnandc. Uld*; leaves no fortified har*
pbr. Uncontrolled by the United States within-the
limits of the Gulf of Meiicq, save that of kavana
The Gulf then becomes an American sea, and its
control gives power to the United States to settle
the Cuban question whenever cirrurastanceamav
render it. necessary. ■}
Whilst throwing qiillhcsq, hints, t would mm 5
that the military occupation or Mexico for seme
years to come,is thotrue policy of thcVnited States
to pursue aad for Mexico lo ircknowledge'
Thispojicy js advocated by ferae i,f ~u r mo ,i di,. i
tinguiahed statesmen, and in:even now approved bv
ft large majority of the people. . *
Military occupation dock mbt necessarily lead to
the ennexahon of the Whole bf Mexico/ n„ r
tlie discussion or that policy. There is no need
cupahonf UP lhC “annexation with oc
„ JlJ* Vmtcd Stales in tlic’pfqsccutihn of a juaandi
accessary war, have got possession of: the l.oart of I
Kiexico. In lhe-course of conquest, the oountry ’
■thwiSST^' d,Ti< L rf '>Mo raspy phrtics » respect ;
lb* mho abdmeasures neccterr to. the restoration
-nM w/n fioverpmeut to life.
80l Whilst alias confusion oii Oiix score, tho vespcc-1
h.vo State Governments ore. in full organisation.
ftlmtiotm^ 6 * without hind'tencc Uiclr legitimate ;
.The people of thesb States find foiit they are bet
ter otr without a central,government, controlled
os It ever ha. been Irt military adventurers and des
pnts. Hence thd difficulty offinding any authorized
Md responsible government UMre.n with; andlack*
tag that, the Uailed State, must remain the comhioii
protector of the independent States.' This protec’
tmn, under more beneficicri regulations, extending
through a few years, wiUbo.llie greatcit WcssinS
that can bo vouchsafed to the Mexican people.’
Lel> under the Government of the independent
Stale*, \vbi)«t the military influence ia being da.
stroyed, Mexico will, with nuir teaching and protcc
tinn, be able, in the course of time, to establish a
responsible agency—or, par extillmce, Government
-similar to our owii at Washington
The workings of providence ate as evident in the
advent of our armies in Mexico „« i|,„, wcre ln
the landing of the Poritan. inissionsrics on the
shores of Plymouth.
Providence in this way, through a series of cirl
cumstauces, ao involves the parties concerned, that
they sre compelled to follow; them up until thSr
fuii acvrlopment takes place.
The opinion that the nccc.sity of retaining pos
session or Mexico, is forecd upon us by oircnin.tan
ces that cannot now bo altered j a , a gn,^j n „ „ nc .
Even inNew trhehi the opnositipn to the
war, pa*.t, present and futtitp.j oppearo to be the
greatest, Iqoestionir a large, pbrtion of iia intclli
gent population do not admit the necessity of the
continued occnpation of Mciico for some years to
come, or at all events that the occu
would greatly ixiure to their benc£f.
The occupation of a country eontatning
ol people, and the home /mtfe;c»tablished tiierewitl,
cannot bnt be interesting to as enterprisinff uroulc
desiring to sell all that is contained in that wonder
ful list of no/tons, that no one; nut c»en a-stive
has ever fair y read though. ia afincmarl
KP 4 * unguartiled of custom houses, fur the side of
tubs, soap, shoes, pickles; clocks,
grindstones, xmlmogs, cotton.goods manufactured
from cotton raised by alive laVor, fee.;, * c . Thus
*° 4 Puri . uu ’« «••*?«* E?e!?'N. m«y be rein
ciled to Amcnpau a n nc«iiOi.,ai.U progres.. when
they find themselves, as they ever have been, the
recipients of Uieir inuHng benefits.
All tho estimntcs of men «iid money necessary
!nr the occupation of Mexico bpprar io lie ctVrava.
gnntly high: 35,000 men windd he ampUs i’or the
service. I would distribute llusforv.o as tblfows:
In ihc City of Mesico.,. .i. , ;75 ($0
On tJ.c line ofcomrounication with VcraCruz '*
. embracing 0rizaba................ v .,,., $ nnn
At Vera Crus and Castle.. i
At Alraradd... ? .... . v |
At the Isthmus of Tehuantepec'.... soon
In California........ ...V
°n flic »io Grande; ami in .Yho Northern 1,000
States of Mexico 7 wo
T "'*' • : ■■■•-35,0i0
A nnvaj. force would keep watch over the-nther
Mcxicanporlt-wjthin the Gulf. The naval forccs in,
tlio Pacific would hold Guay mag, Maxatlah, San
Uiur and Acapulco. • ’ ;
Estimating the. cost af.cach 'inan at §460 per an
nuro, which , would he, inclusive of the expense of
tn,D, P? r ' in S» pay. iclolb-ng, f.„,d, fcc,
lit “I" 1 office™ will amount to only
$15,750,000; allow $3,000,000 additional to the
navy. and wo bavc-$18,750,000,- add $1,250 000 Tor
pensions; fc., and the amount ii $20,000,000; which
sunt, under a proper system, oiight not to he exceed,
ed in the support of .35,000.mpn. in. tlic field. This
amount would be increased hy the sum necessary
to be applied to fortifications at San Francisco, in
California, to tlic Castle of San Joan d c Gluaand
its dependencies, and the Isthmus of Tchuantencc •
say— j ; 1 ’
To SU Francisco;. $2,000,000
St. Joan do 1’iun...... ..600,000
Sactificios.., v , 2,000,000
Isthmus of Tehuantepec 1,600,000 j
.. ' , s6,<oP,<)no in
Ihrco years so lhat the grand total expense for bur
army and defence* in Mexico would not or mieh
not exceed $22,000,000 per nii^dui.
Mexico could he made to contribute to this amount
of one-half this,expense. But suppose the United
Slates were to pay the whole bill: would not the
trade, unrestricted of custom homes, with 8,000,000
of people, be amply remunerative of the expense
If wo come out of the country, and leave matters
as we found them, Mexico will bedefivered up to the
Philistines—the raseally robbcr poifer of the army
Besides, she will bo subject to Frcnch reclamaiinti.
franco has an unsettled question with her. When
we leave, the French will knock at the door-and
when they get in, no qualms of conscience will pre
vent their staying. But if they ‘persist in staying,
we must knock them on the head, bully like—for if
Mexico is to be any body’s mistress, she'must he
ours. By so doing, we nro again brought into wa-
Istt not better to let things retnajn amtHfware.
ri- , T,rtuttll f :b"ded. Mo one apprehends
further resistance. Tbo. country js disarmed, and
nl^fh 6 ** ° r tl>o P Co P lfi hnve neither the means
rea,ore to their
f=£. A
be required to restrain both the Mexican and Indis.
population j and another war and another march on
*£ e o»P'tfl would result, productive of much expen
dihire of blood:&nd treasure. - K
Is not Continued occupation, under wise regula
tions, the bcstpoiicy t Our people are in''favorer
it; or, at least, they-will be so when informed of
all its advantages, and assured!lhat the-scheme is
notone bfcohqiiestilfcut.of propagation—tho. pro
pagation of tbe-cternal principles of liberty, that
lenTnaneh'to-Peek-'.happiness in. their own-way,
when: the -means employed are not incompatible
withthe public good. ».' - - j
; The war of arms is ended: the people ere in the
.enjoyment .of peace toiall.intents, and purposes :
each man’s life,, Jiberty,\qnd property 'are "secure’
t tie poor Mexican, no longer fears to be dragged
from fhe plough to follow, eotueniiiitary.despot.
Providence points cut the wayby wliich Mexico niiiy
beraisedfrom astateof serai-barbarism to the full
enjoyment of rational liberty—the result of light
--sV;; r
Pvilizatfoii. The United States are appointed
' Gov * rnor Biw bafl&SSa, a r r( jclama?
«-n, giving notice or?tKe-o f gan™«B„ 6 n v 4
new Hanks, in the State ofObio, whigl, will,**#
the number to miY-Vcv*,- 'with- ah' nggiWtStl
capital stock of nearly rs Bjooojooo ■ln nhlieing
this tact, the Daytep Enipiriesays:'?;
v"e. A f COrd '"? *2therreturna made to the Auditor'
?. r ‘ ,n , u >e'fifn r M<mda'y «r Nbthmbcr, 18471
the fortj-seven batik* then in operation, ha&i eiiV
cula.ion.of:BB,22fc67S.‘{dV 1>ht*2,G04,446,7p
jjff.cir on hand, to redeem it t a dangerous di epro
portinn) being a little mora than/imr dollars in pa
??, t i :-" ? v f ,^ nn , e dollar of specie. AVith Web a;
disproportion. rholdd a panicocetjr followed by a
tun upon Uie banksj ivhich.nov': thutthtf magnetic'
telegraph is in sneb, extensive operation,, could bet
spread all Over the State in a frwhourH, IheUvhulo
fJ’* 1 .®!". must go dew*' in n, sihglodiy; likehlwredlK
to the bottom;q( IbeOeeanl N.. thing hut cdnSdtipcS;
In the money market, prevents such. vcataafipplML*:
But the crisis is yet at a distance; the expansion i# !
hot at its height! the tide is still at the flood. We :
thSlihnre many more bahkaand Vqircnlatronmuclio
I mate largely inflatei). That tbefaySteni uij ! Ohio;i
has weathered safely the hnancial storm in England!
and the East, will give if, tpnfpld,gonfidcnce.
tepeat it, the syaUsin pultinglfortht’.lhe rriiK i
ping frost’is for s later Season.- ... ;
~ <r^ e ,c Board -bf Control, roAh|fiiMt : '
the banks to increase the specie Ip their Wthfivl
ofi temn Upon tlc ‘ rc ‘ rc ‘‘l«''>n, waa but. the effect
ofa temporary alarm. At beat, indeedt itwiis ncxfc
to-nothing, Since translated into plain English, «'
rcqiurca no more than that they shall keep on, hand!
five rrnli additional in specie,', wherewith >to f<2 :
P“ l .b*<- r y one Atwdred rents or their JneiH
' The following is a list orthe Seven hew- baiks: ’ 1
w"V" at • Ahfuto. ;
, W.J} qc County Branch,. <«.. -frdoilffv.-
Belmont Branch, ■ . u Jj o i<Lt6drt
Knox-County Branch, : -*s •* Afr*
Union Breach, ’ ‘ ,& 'i
-Por*ag c Co n„ lyßranshj ,;t i.amJha',?
Mus.tingum to. Branch, « ZnnmMte. ]
"" rc " l!l theneju,litter be domiciled! |-
Wo note also, in pasting, that the old Wooaten
89? lOhen «"»**»'«»• ««M,?W<KVto bpt .just
S9-SO of specie in its Vault*—more thartTlee (6
one, ' , ■ • i ■
rs l<p§q fot-j
n ibi»|
,' ,Fmn At Kya Oikant JSrttau’:,!-'
The Chargee against Oen. ticotl. ■ J
: Wc statr d that (he charge* ntado aghinst Goaf
‘ ® O,l > rion - Worth, and perhaps by other*" .were
or *o serious a nature, that it was due tothocharac-:
ter of the Commander-in chief that they should be*
thornugl.h inresiigaicd and definitely decided-±‘ !
Though cognisant ofrmoit of the spcmficdtiani!
pgamst (ten. Souit, we did not think it prupcf to re--
for particularly to thorn Until they were - prt>perly :
brought before the Court to be held at Pernte: bur
a correspondent of the Kreuiiig National, who:*co«£i
to bc wcll jnrurrocd on many points, ha* developed
nomo or the, charges and complaints vehicle hate'
if Cn r- n?a<i ° in , Waahington, against the codnte ofi
the and nc see no impro
pricly mounting therefromi - - ' !
Alter referring to tnuny eatc* of waatofh! estrava-l
ugance in l>rocuriitg supplies, and of tho contempt:
tuous disregard of the directions and arrangements
of tho Secretary of War, the corrospoaeenl of the!
National proceeds; • 1;.
On the arrimi of the wtnvin Pucßb, ththumtc'
course or extrawgaot e»p<u,iJUura vta. puraue j; the!
(« ".ns again autrounUcd byihfcitm
mitlonsof Santa Anna? fee eagerly courted the ac
c|ualntanr« c f theleadereofthdmoornrchicalparty
the Mion of that diodes*',who“was 'dfwa/r
one of the leading monarchist*; and studioutiv ,
kept aloof from all communication with the: great'
republican party, which comprises at least three*
fourths of the population. The monarchUtMctuoi
became his confiJentu! adrisers, and through them;
. opened a correspondence with Santa Anna’i oar-!
uculer friend, Mr. Voss,of indemnity memory*from:
which source htr drew nil his infortnvttoni-until’
Santa Anna sent him Gracra, a Spanish intcriflricr ■
who uodec. the pretext.,oft having been bailaboJ
from Mexico, as an American citiaen, came isTuc i
bla, hneefbp%if<tohtjdd-;trt»' the'rdriL In 1
rouneen hoM»»ftcrh.i ? . anjVil iq ; jPooUj,. bilt »
lullcq into thef.tnily qf-thp ,Gpnwal-u>VCjiiV,*a» ajf"
interpreter. It i< well kttawiic that <hii Spaniard,
(*racia, had never fcUhncd to be an American’eirP'
2C J** n s, w . Cftf n induced to tclievb that Kc fed mT
other title to ci(izqii?«|iip, than ,what, hcoac frriin luVl
luvmg ujamcMl acist off mistress.of * foe Jdiki*ter
to Mexico; be thi« an 'tmuy, ho regoUriy furnished
htrrncnd Santa Anna,*in cypher, with at!
ination he could gainer in the family of ihcGetiera!-
The political action of the General-in Chief was'
concentrated upon one single object- *‘lo rnCfiuer
a peatr.’* Jim CoUnxCilnr persecuted fit to S.-UJ
ta Anua vaa mnnipiitcbt ih tM) tuUntry, aini; that)
through lira 'iiflnencC alone that desirable' ote
jent would be ottjihfcil. tic refnsed to. nrail, hnn
«clr mure correct channels orinfiirraa .
tiftn uffCYSd m he opened to him, whichwould'havc*
been the loaders of -tire groat republican party
from which source alone, positively tuofui itilorma?
UO" cou d have been derived. Thor would;here
informed him fratiUv, that iid proposition for peace
could or would he entertained until 'that hbst of
cowardly vagabond*, called the army of Mexico
that oiuifi Anna arid (he array arctic-'
sirousto make pence on any terms. They nroSsurt
partt-d in,that object by the church and the aristoc
racy, not from patriotic or humane rleiva j but the
aoic'objcct of retaining-in their hand* the reins of
government, which will inctittWy. e cape their
graap, wlmn they are without bayonets to sustain i
their despotism. We; the organs ofthe republican !
party, hare the powerto preovnt any peace being '
made, and are determined “to crcrciso that pilwc*
until the| military power ofour couolryia annihila
ted, and the government thereby restored to tho
people. W.hen that ia effected, and the people en
nb.ed lo apenli tltrongh the representatives o! their
will, then gratitude will dispose them to cede to
your government our nenefaclora, even more
thah'dt h » u’sked -at , our hmfil. Again? if fy, n
entertain a hope or expectation of patching
op a peace with Santa Anna and hi. satteUtes,
wo te you, in all candor, that your hopes
are lallaciouß. There will bo no poaeo. |Wo
the aovere go people, must be delivered from 'bur
oppressors, and placed in the enjoyment of a'Tc
republican. governmont before wo will or, enn con
sent to make a peace.. Oiienftbo evils of our wo
« e, the people, must and will extract Hie biossiW
of libOrty ” the power ofthe republican party to
carry out .bepurpose, would have hcon fullyand
salisfactortly demonstrated to the Gcneral-in-Ciiiof
whilom the oityof Puebla, if he had hot,
scorn a fid cHntempt, refused to Hold any cb’mtapni
cation wuh, or derive any information fromJtlic
peraon recommended to him by tho.Bcoretaryi'of
Wart and if he had acted upon that information.
Which would ehccrftilly have been given him,! h£
wonld have been caved frhm the ignominy of Sav
ing made an armistice holoro the gates of Mexico
which, in its diesuncus-effecta,-Cost us some thou’
suDdx nf valuable iirCß. ‘ AZTKC
. Ohio Kuenesre Cooat.—For the information 0 V
lawyers, merchants, and others; who may haVc busV
inosa in the supreme Court of Ohio, wo publish' Jthe
following extract ofthe law just passed liytlit' Leg
ixlature of that State-: ■ J
, 1 • b ,y General Assembly? P r
the State of. Ohio, That the Supreme Court shalfho
holacn in the several counties in this,Stale for, the
S^wU: nd c ' Bbl , ba . Dd f® d and-forty-eightjhia
Columbiana, April 3 Knox? . October ?2
Jefferson 6 Licking-- i , ,j .*
Cuyahoga ‘ 14 Coshocton 'q
Goangn 23 Holmes " g
Ashtghnln - 27 Tuscarawas ~ is
rrurahull Sept. 4 Stark , g
Mahoning 14 Carroll ''-As,
Portage 15 ’ Harrison
bnmmil . 19. .Bolmont . . 23
®*etßea So .Monroe, ‘.l - ~: - .27
*Y®.y DC 26 Guernsey "n; '••■■jh
Ashland ' 28 Muskingum 31
Richland 19 .;,Cou/t4B,Bank. liec.v'l
.-A-RMimtcKheß:—«g yoarsagd we -heard ttnnof
the Democratic representatives from BedioirFeoiinJV'
in dra e i’rw, l a“ , j , .“ 1 '“ rg ' {•"‘W “: but bite hSi
id toe United States, whnse,pereonai and' political
popolamy id Bedford county was equal to tjmt of
Bncbnnan—and that man was Andrew Jhtk;-
app, We are forcibly reminded of this remark, by
Hedr e< a n r Bta “ r l‘"g proceedings an the part ofthe
wM f st r r‘ikP‘ Unl3r t Dem, i Cr! ‘ cy - ltwas 05 true,-as it
was Striking and emphatic.-lkmcusfer MMltga*
Expiqdilurtjt of the «bt.y,_,2- Th „ bjll f or ,1,2.
S9ti?6l|;f<ew Yorklo6,oaO;.PhiMelphio l iloo :
Washington-, 144,136 pTnsac o la’
*174,038; dry dock at'New
\ . . .^v..
'plished. I know that the people will ndver consent
to such an absurdity, and I do not purpose to tron
ble-yoti injjcli more on Ibosubjecti
. TK fV¥l c , ° r s Central liigh School should of
• co "? c! he •” a/cqhtfui pdsilibnlsb as to!
accommodate us equally as is possible-all the ward# i
and tfce whole population. TheUnirersity building
is surely not so loqalqdi;, a|mest as far from ,t
asis possible. It is Heart he eouihWc'sWn point or
«i r ' D >“y “ f '.hu city, pud le an unpleasant position.
Itt*nearly tn.q mdeeTrain' the‘W&dflnd a-’
: Tlicsewurds-will soon Sepopuions | and in a few,
yearsneW wSfdo WiflTbe ,ahnextd " beyond them.
ti. rC l ]. fe, ' r * l arda to betued to support a school
. front,them that they.derive veryllttle i
i benefit from it? Theground nnw owned-b-fthe cit* «
i <«themiw.Oo„,t House would he ShpS
'“wtifin.^.fltat; js.centriikpnd
■ £*^»««“ 10 01l parttof
‘"aft- OF Frid.T#in B t
the ot!?ii^ phl “ d - u would,place
, the tlaasea.j.upon a footing oficqnal-;
rich acd thc poor. 'fhat l«:mero < clap-trapi ahnj-f
mehf,generally; rOsorted to in' the absence of sddnd'
: reasons, Bqt I; ay.ei ibatsufeb it pldp Would prhdtitie T
precisely Uio .oppositercsuli. .l|;;know iioit tteiium
ber of Mudcnu uow .n the University, nor tbwratet
! !Ls S“;, ..I*" 1 we .T suppose Uicrc arc nrlw one
: nundi-ed «dOeut§, .lihnuvqrage tuition tff §3O tier
. year oach.. Hero then is a lit of $3OOO per auiiuhi,
Toluntirdy pa,d hythe pro«nVpatro)ißlOf:)h«',ini
»!*£*!& ff ~he.', ,he .' ,pr’M.«r; ft”w
vaetagcs their children - enjoy there, beyond what
; to fi “d *n th c public; schools. Thatis !
al, r!8h‘;::-|« tiow.onife the high splioo) aha uni
' J , . r I s *7 c ? r, r “tv's into- the. snivorsity perhaps SOO
P B hl*o,school sphohus, whose tuitiofl-is.paid fctax--
i * tal ‘oiptn the.lpd paying .students, and (d share'
, equally oil tho ad vantages with; them. ,-Why, then,
isbonld the weulthy patronaof the,unlrersity prope;
“f >*«*. s3ooo Tor tuition r
J'SjJfWW 7,? If;'!PPiP»yjng. 1 f;'!PPiP»yjng. tuition, apd'scnd
; n their sons as public school schollars, since ail arc
to enjoy, equal .advantages. If they continue to pay
thetntuon they gctqo,aflyanwge», whatever by it..-
: they got no toruidq-aUm for the money If the/
stop paying tuition, then the University ir connected
1f4?3. b !f h , ,c ?l nn ‘ ff, e, * l y- Bill according to the
p. f »*> hacked by‘ “ Burrctt,;’ the patron.
01 pay tuition a*
heretofore. : IVhat will.the: present patrons-of the
university say to thisl lait just to tbem? IPbuM such
ott ‘. BBd t dql!ay Jealousy betweenrich and tropr,
if .any exists r ; ■■■- ’
Bu, -eK^jr. l VSbpp(Wq a way could bo found to-eet
itverall the difficulties 1 have already suggested,
twi Hi" foa * h P“ W «°■ Ppwatron, -the/
two classes or kinds of student*- thus brought ib-f ,
. p^s u WO*M ;»otf mnl conhl nbt; feel IhcmsclveS
Itn ft* Biotlhg 1 if eqnutfty: The differente.ln'
posiuon between the pdytng am) the public stndcois,
sq marked, aqd so constantly known and. felt by
thomselvce,won Id wngender jealousies nmt ctmteh
: tions nttorly, destructive of that pcaceaud harmohy.
so essential to tbu prosperity anil usefulness ol
spools. No teacher could manage'a school tliu*’
constituted, Bo oi to give ,shtislaction. to dll classes,
01 Party- conceracd. And parenu,
; wbetber rich or poor, would never ennsont to place
their children m suclrah nuoreatons and unpleasant
po*rtrt»n. ■
But again: Jrth'c two' liutitaUiiqa «boniji.b» thus
united, under what board of supervision or control
■t .t tobe-placsd 7' The.Tru.toon oftlre Ui.rrfcr.ity
wnll rot -consent w almhddn their charter, giro OP
then- organization, and make a division of their cor
porate property for-« Public High Sclioof.Mt cani
Thh&>3!!ss?School mo.ciyi
ofrtrnSLy t n“ l . g r 1:0 J U ‘ o ‘ eTrU,le<; ‘ ,h ' :c « n W ol
of the pnblio .chool fends, or of tho course ofedu
rr"? V"?* ‘““d'Hostpay for. The school
directors cfccted hjt the people are the proper Ic
gal guardians of the sclultil funds raised by taiatinii
and or the course of education to w hich those foods
arc applied. Taxation and. representation
together. ShaH'tbe'Trustdcs or the Behoof Oir£>
tors then tonnage the mongrel concern t Or shall
both together manage in Soppose-We 'sfv the Istf
jer plan. The Trustees acting under' ihcir cbrpd- 1
rnte powers, pdtJic»irth;to rs tbpresentiitg; the largVl
c*t *haj£'Ot. Tunclsj arid a otmaiitnec
oyortbe whole community, will be very iikclrto-;
;• act harnrooiously in such a mattery-will 'th’erf
1 and contention would be aarife in tlitf hoard'
.4 °‘.' control as in'the sfchoof Itself ' mthits f'troJfcfnA
of students. ~ .
;ji i boiicvokr the "Unity » pish shonld he ad opt--
■f ™ and tried, tt wodld erente the Wnirersity ih(i a
I übhc High School, merely; or else, the whole plan
, os -inipractrdnHrfiVo'foro sii
Rfcftllttr If the Iftiiyerßity ys, converted ihtd'a'HiKli
i! wm'h- M** ,'School,'or College, will be:
I • 00 “-5jW»l9fc«4 10-its place. And 1 hope It «UI be
! ( B .°- M „Ti: * * ly - T? vicinity, can and will support a
LCo ,, eße'. A pa ;h ith good teachers, prindiqfr their
, business, it yviH prbaper, without taxing the
; people,-directly for its support. .-
■ S."* wh a< is to b.*B dune with the; female .depart.
mc "‘J fi’at yto he tdfdliy neglected; ViTas*
: again; aj-e .the girls, or young Mies. to be .cnt to
the University for their education I Or is their eda
icolioftfo ltd entirely ndglcetfcdt : -
j, Bui on<r remark of “Unity ”' deserves notice,
f ile proposes to break down and abhlish nil private-.
- .choola. rho IVicnd oftlio Uni versityisvery mo
dest ana generous, truly I Thir University is thus
to swallow up all the sthallcr concerns, amrintsp' a !
iishare of the public foods, besides'j thcb nll tho
iismiUlcr-prisatc entorprisos,' however meritorious and
: useful, must clear the track for Uie mongrel monster
j ,tnat he Public Schbol aDd ; UhWcTßity T both- at" !
jijthcmmo time, W)ut«ay tfiascletLschooitrachcra i
:j'o| PitUborghto Uii#/ - .> * .* '*
|i' ,f the lockcr/ T • • il\
The Tribune thus sums up the puhTie opinion of
jFoderulism in New York, bn tho,question ofthe
k, 0n thls point tho action of the Whig Genera!
Committee is evidence -most conclusive: .These
jCommittcce, each Consisting of five Delegatos from:
eae 1 Ward, were elcctod by the Whigt of the set
-ernl Wards iU:fairly.callod ,anuunJ : moetings, at tho
commencement of the presont yeaT, with the Pfe»-
(dejffialicontest dlstincUy in prospect, add after,thw
daiocs.of Mr. Clay and General Taylor hid become
plainly prominent. Thoy wgre oJccted at unnaually'
ihll meetings—in somc of the Wards continued,
through,ho day,* regnlar poll held; the poll-books
of the fate-election being used to determine who
were entitled to,vote, and in..three Wards alone
0v0r.1,200 votes were polled, while in several oth
ers tho vote,ranged from 2to 400 each- (It is need
less to say that there ore no Tuylof Delegateeelect
lid from any ofthcae Wnrds.r Frbmtho whole city,
tpe-Delegate* chosen to the Senior 'Committee' stand
about 85 to 6 ; irt tho Yonng Menhli thcrc are not
dven-five for Taylor—no, nor three. I 'Surely, ffitro
never was a division.among ilrti' \Vhiga of our-city
where tho preponderance was so decided and line-,
?! Bo ®» .W. m »n. -heHeVe that, if Taylorism had
really pdsseased any .Considerable strength in tlie
Whig ranks of uiis city, it would not have maui :
basted, itseirio the constitutron of- these y important
Committeos T Isook at the activity, the prodigality
ofjts champions now; and determine. ■
the foliowiDg, and try. if you can icep
irbm laughing when you henr tbo impertinent prate!
of the English press, about'the states* debt: •
i** George,the. Third'edrad to..tho throno in .1760.
UoTound the national debt ISO millions j-hereignod
and lcfV it above KSO niilltons, being
700 miriiohsmore than at his
on,lhe, whole period of his reign cv»
er> day, or tusenty thxee pounds every minute.' ,A\
heginding of his reign the taxes were 6 millions,
st J his death, ho left them et above 60 miHioos i Ta*
the national millionW, if will weigh
vefyr Marly, sevpa thousan d.. tpn ain soyereigns j, it
wdula take a man sixty four years to,
alJbwing him to ccmnt dO ai minutey and work? IiJ >
would load as manf wagons as would
cxtpiid mile's in a direct lirtfe', aJfowihgeach
w *bpni. to carry one. ton, and to occupy twenty
. .'tfho-interest of the .aum .iB 30 mtinons, an’d
dr&waby taxes rfromthe people. ‘jThia a a nuaf in ter
would load ai many wagons as would extend o
vei( 3 milet ia a direct linej with one ton - weight of
sovereigns jit each. ! '-7 ••
Xct.cvery onowho is i a .need of some such
Modic'me ns SanmpanLia, and who wishes a good
.pfjgpdrattoniput up‘in generops sizcd bottlesiatofte
ddj.lftr each"* i'ead theedvertisemont ih another'col.
VWLD SHERRY, a oft wo ofth em ost
-vamablc-medicincs-m-thc/Materia-Medicai.- ’As: a
tomcibr Gen’crarf>ci/rHty, 'DyypcpSift J - Ac. yve may
saft‘!y say if is an e.v&elJ'ent. prepifattoh/ ’
;§old,at. the HEALTH DEPOT, SimlhfielcL be
tween 3d and 4th streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
• ' •• ' ‘ i v"* < ••■'•.
'•'i :
"Whig Ojptnlon In Jitw Tork.”
FVo/n ths j}nUinwTc li*publican ami Argus,
Cifjoityytti:c, -
d< ai|^ S . Ccfetarie ~ 3 wer ' e W. Aldeh
P&csa&the Report said to have been adopteJ“Ey
i«S“»ed.great-things, ibr the
people p[ vpniii—f or the lawyers
JnrpljticuJdri ift, wav' atiiifcly too long and too
wordy to bp interesting;.but notwithstanding, irthe.
Inns ofCourt Project isell the commute represent
•«?.'*** we wou Jd'ebt ohjectl' ;^oty. -indeed, do .we
objectur thegantlemcngoingotfwltbthe.efchetttc,-
*Mhy : can rechlvh'dfd fi-oni irtdividuijeihiilfiideht'
Clfy td'COflfrllhltfrV 1 „•.< <-v.v"') ;t jr
r Mr; AldenV'which provided-tor the ppntnhtnie # «Pf
•‘ e^,
mate preparation? foe-establishing tiie,’initiation;
and'the'erection of ''- ’-' l -- '' ?'
; AfteMhereading, Ur! Md& in£d*w,mi'
d^ nct , '^^* a i' in he todltvpcca
pion tolaud.the lawyers
He said agreul deal not worth recollcctihgi
J. He was replied to by John iorreH, who made
some renTarJta. ; Li r- ;p
M.. D. Migehan came in, took a drink of. viler
and stor/nedjTor awhile. -He appearedto fear that
'“Wjei™ m'gTtt he fedueed ton the.hfni
rant, the-wePkingtneX^
[We would .Ule tp say tb Mr. »Ja^ehii»‘t|s,e ;Sin‘
; are iramo workingmen in this city whohavemorc
intelligence, decency, h'ohesty.'andf in‘fliicncc,'than
hecauJioatt, or anyJ.blijstorler dike'/fiim.)' "‘ i- ‘
Mr.'Callan.rooredthatthe 1 meeting adjouln till
neitStrtordoy. ■•'• ,’'V, ..,/' \]
ter. R. H. Kerr here mode fiis appPa'riicp, aid.'
of- course, regaled the meeting with unkpeechi' hit
we hardly knew. what if was ibout. ’ He denounced
the Inna; ot Court, as a humbaff; and said .that the
convicta in the penitentiary should het all be inidc
mechanics'; a portion should he tarnhd intoiaw.
y e ri,preacheis,Jtc.
AftCTapmoconfurion, the meeting adjourned till,
next ISatarday, ',y j' ' ”•
X,Ancraitx.-.yw„. named Bnice and'-
CoJoman,.iverenrrextedbj’ofE e crBc6tt,onSatur-:
d»jr,,on Ute chaTgi» if rtoaling fi.h',dmttcr|: &c.,in
t ': Bei W ; «»eieiqu«:jtioiing
the l ' room; on Prodpfcctatrcet, waa searched, and contain ,>OTe>i|Llinicle« Whiih:, ie ? r
idcnMed an ; W other gerronn.-; A few
,tre ? t l. , f an l e tio-war»beltfogiBgti ; Mh ; fohid6il:li''j‘
aD /\
which no owner ha* yet appeared. ■ The goad* aii'
in the Mayor-;* Office. ThtUh/eye, ard id jail, aid'
there they will remain, until tried by a jury. ■
A; gentittnan pameS Long, "d eliverea
ture in •'Philadelphia, a few evening* npon:
the SuJjjpctoP Painting' Snd Painter*/ Be .noticed
all the remadiable men of the profeaaintt, frora.Ho,
garth id own to Went, but not a word had'he to say
about WlHineail.rtf Ihe’Piflh Ward.wliose geijius
ha* been expressed in many likenesses of great
men—and particularly in Whig 'hairier* aid
pare'ttcics* ■ , ...... .J
;H»d«ii*»» PAtyn*A*tjf (s' tl*'
mpjt fitshioiiable audience* Philo' Hall is nigQy'
crdwded With admiring spectator* The Panorama
is indeed a magnificent affair; and wo aroiwcri
pleased that the citizens se rm to appreciate such a
ivork of art. • / . , i'.iw;
. a . •„ . r j
, zm>
'We fel t the troth of this onHatarday. A trne heart
cd Ifhhtnan.called o.a>.' *< Will yott.takca yihik'j*
says he.- « i so tit* 6rst place
could say “ fai*,” a magnificent -scarf—the best h|
the shop—traaln oiir coat pocket! ' "
Xot>mia. hasLcen engaged
l*y’ Andre ws, ahd wi(l appear in . tire' Eaglb
this evening, As a Lecturer and Mesmcritcr.- • Mr.
Spencer had better leave town. ‘ *.
' r;; ; -' --ILi:--^
> Allen iXectbre on AVedn&i; 1 ,
Cincinnati, rawhich he undertook
ta solrettfae problem presentcdbyHoh. {Up* Ow
®*jr previous. ’' ■
We caU attention lo an advertisement-in
thcr'e'dlumn headed, For Sale. Any person wanting
to ptirdhago an; excellent country residence,
would do. wolUo call and- thke * look atir
PoiiesHpn given on thelst of r * \ t "•* /'
Allegheny Firo Company htis-put r up tr
new Basil. It makes an alarming Bond, and We do
hppa U-Htay be innocent -of ths ;falsehoods;.®! - i«f
pHSdwiUaaor. *'
to'The great Penn. Ball; -which comes, off to?,
morrow night,^will boa cplehaid affair.; Go barly
if you want a supper ticket. -
•kS'Thc arrival of Prof. Loomis, in oar city. haa
been daily heralded? “ Wlicre.'ia lio Letlure H
askod some of the papers. Yea, where fs-be to
Lecture? , ■ .p _ . . ; ;j? ; ' ;
SS'kVo had a smack at a. bowi of country
lasaea yeaterday. ■ The allicie la in rearlyjbut none;
the worse for.that.-- .7'; ;7;;
Alr-Xovef, the Irish ’Melodist.a-nd Novelists ,-tU'
expected in tiiiscity shortly. uitiV-t.'
aafftMiss-Brnce Ic jo have a complimehfaty bli!
efit in. the Theatre,. . , ??
***Mi»s Dean and Misk Weymss aife olayrntfai
the Walnut. .. . ~. . ' ? .' 1 1 V
V* understand that the Athcnmum Theatri
cal corps has been dissolved. - '
iIETtJKi(En. -Dr, J. p. Gazzam has. returned from
his castern tour, much improved ip health. -- - -J
Kr Mrs. Phillips, and Mr. Holman are in Zuncil
False Aiahms.—There was , one on ,Saturday
night, and pne yesterday,nfterno'Oh.-a -
DlEn--At Sr Ijouis,. on Tnesday, the 15th instU Jav E
kcy S^ ‘of thif clt'j-!'“ r, ‘ < '^ 1 '“f? *'*!? r . of -MlfMessw.'ift’Clos^
DM eptice of tfelfiraerei vsiij be given, on tlie-nrrival
Fttinuoumf 0 ’ ?!»>» 'S»,Jo»*a “-e steamer
, r Ol ; 'f^“^'- ev ' l u"S;?ehruaryloih?A^sw-\Vaiiov 1
Jr. luthe,B3d,year, oftis age.. Tho frunuhi of the fuiuily
“fu IS'luesjed muUcnd.lusTpiifirel, ffomdiß residence of
sister, Mrs v Magcp,,ocnt ilic cpmotof AVehster urn!
Seventh streets, this adornooi), at , -,..
Nmm.mtFl.te Ct>Jppany„are. hereby^nolifieU'iSkuend an
•vm j l -Hip eyemngjrtho
Ut ? o eloefc.,, Puncluui i tit tendance
h* bimhiesis of 4miK>r(auce is lo be transacted; Come out: i
co ™ aU . ! * v&tM’IBWAINE. Secretary.
Extract of t\ letter.-wnuon&t-
/; Dornmitis, Grand River,Cl W.,) \
■ ••.••■• . April 24,1846. J
wife has been afflicted lor a mimbef of yean
with gcneraJdropsy; about k ieer pwt' it increased
loanalarining state, aomucbttather.iimbkatUmea
liavesvvollen to One third over the natural aiie.
Aftttr_t'ryitig -Many kinds of medicine, I came fd the
conclusion that her.caie won quite boneless:; When
your. Vegetable. Li thontriptioMid tore, wai.recorn
taended'l; concluded,that I'.Wiraldtrytmbemore,
end by;Bo awng^-foqirfdtsucceiiiifbliD’curi|ig».,'After
uaing two large and one suiali bottle she.believed
herself .entirely cured. I giro youhtbistestmony,
hoping ittnavproves benefit to those irbo ire afflic
ted With tyy'it ; inct
to Dr,, Vaugbn, iho inventor of thia.inedicinee
e , :- i,.. JARIDS COOK;» : •
IKia-letter was handed to the Agent
of this Great Remedy in Danville,! Canada!Weitei
Reader,- go to the agent in this rpla'ce; ask* Tors
Liberty st., near Canal Barin'. -
iind steady.
Wheat—Sales Prime Red at 31,27.
Corn-Sales Prime Win,e at «'j Prime Yellow at 52
•• Rye—Sales at 72575.:- — _
•Sugar—Sales of cfcpfct:
• Pfovisions-Sonfc-&le4 air improve, 1
iT •y, i . .x-.twvnv > \ v «r, ; < , -
■f Jhr.
| s -
* Fll, •«
-^ T^.^e . 9 SL Geucssefc Jit iigG4»osC.SOi^Mtfrkci >
UuH and hblden fciiJfr ;/•£ r.i j ->fv.•-<■.!. f.
!.Grainsid | Wqtfiet;;‘- , l<a l Jales i 'wortA’'re|fortiili ! |3iitt' Coriel
Ks - . - i -_ — ( . ~ _l f .. . ?
i rov lut fagular iratic. .' '*. ■
Cornmeale-SoiiiSSlca atuaW.V - j „ 'j
H/arketjfeneriiUy without OKangri. ■£* on, 1 .5;
ropaula Tor imtrraVnons Coni. ', ■:■-
Btpean of
vpiO .’be received at this bnreaitimul ft o'clock p m
’toimTUSSi o '“_<s“ a “Utici-o^the 'Best bilnminotfc
ijm eiMcminMe. tow wramera. tor jnayyßonii time tot
jUme, during twelve nifciiths from (he. time Of,the conuace
■ I*^; ar^e - rcdb ;i lliia bureau, on fifteen days previous notice.
ns'miPJif" n lto dcHvgrics ib'bdlinttde?
' as soon thereafter as practlcdble. ' - ; ’ • ■ : ‘* x '
xi.wtwitu 1 * nnsf *?* xuch'&s:*h&& b* approWJdf jiasoni
?l!V b <- t, PP o *n |ed , b y rhe.lmreau to, inspect,ond erf
before bemcshta)eii i n«nii^liß.,vesSs iim plpyci
MWransportnig it shall, in no case, ciceedltijiirawtht off
water spccifipdby the-boroau. L.' • •“»*'.» * *
: :om*lioiise tneasmdment'of Utentesseli ,fqf each days de s'
tcimon ovor the stated in the reapcctiie'
Persona who may he desirous In pffer, arc requested not
to go at
tons?,? I 'Yd 1 cb may ” "Pained in die orders; as no ex
wm S l !ii',' d “ptotmt of the contract, and ten iiti
*h“tlhe COfnpleted'aecorttntf to fS
P” cent, of all bill? flirty
2S**!*** 0 ? bo MWtwwSmAutj: t HimiSvfnim
semotiuii to.tiie properomhority. u„” T--!Tv?M
mus ' “® accompanied liy-a writwpguaiani'
Ito r Ih j r bld be 1 accepted, enter* into itfi r tXilijni;j
r ™™'" five days. wiUi gocxi and stililcicnt suretfesfto 1
furefsh the-coafesproposert! .‘jjoproposal will be ciiiv
''"iJ n ; d ,b nfe sncltStornhiy.'' '
mhtod W^L rC ' Pr i'' , i ,l)C WUt'bl’ wjdcUlig offers sub--
tofes toe?r?n22’f S 1!!* 1111 *" f<ul,:d ,o eßlcr ->uto contract
to , ?Jr'""T* rs'liad teeinneoented iiorwho, after outci4.
mg lfflo contracts, failed to fuffil them. The oilers niuM
siatoUtephjftomwhrrt,jii P .cM :w Wbb. "
be Uubluiliedtwirna week, null] (he ,15d] of
March, in (he National rnfcmccnccr
® 1 5J ,,,,, g l F o»l and-Baily-Tiinc'si BdSto
.Globe. lEydriifetpbsf. UftißihS
riiilodeiphmifcrie Observer, Eric, Pad •Moniini*Post!'
ificbinood.iVad' Republican hart-
Argiis-ami yum. Jiallirnore.lJcacon end SouthernAfsrhs;
SoKg'le Snlobn; ! -■-‘‘.v—'i . |
To spend a few evenings m the Saloon. Eiperimouts of'
uruJ jirptcCi ,will have su oncortunlivof tetifiiur
to™ o ** a,,d reality ot- <hese-mystcn3^™ £>i - W -^” W
«&&&%&&! Zs!Bf
. JPor St. Lonls. , '.■ ■/!{
r * »?ti. -.Ci JMjiXf Mrrstar^vsillUnavl«
c^ocir C “ b^ e |,orl b"^ Wcdnes day, Uic tad illst.,
-■ • ' • BEttirsiArEOtlitri!. • •
i •- , oi* . Stnithficld ?t? csi
W nt.t Cole, lAlkghcnj: JiXl;vSmnh( &tf
nunittoai l ; John McGrackenyrtbn street, Pifib'Word!!?
_jeo I.Ls- • H’T-'b } ~-r. j-Ul^.rr-rr ;Ji
'ijj- "Dcal'GitiiUHarktt,a
yShtHmfht’ IkS ftet'frontin'
\ me sirt-rL , ttmelow. undtennsrasy, ‘Afcßoeenrw
lwo ,imy Bnck M.Walnu! slrSvmi
W ardj wnr the Ward School House,: and will be sold sit;
,1 .f '•'•'•• ®S(nii6%id
Jj3 ~So*e« -m the. imppiiahon-ttf-Sody-AsJt, fromonenf
the mo«.e«!ebroiea, , toAufa Q )a re „in:E ?g )ani-and haVti
on bnhd.ond vrffl-recdtve _dimn£ihS tymnfrfn large (furl; the
! l “y 11 *^? r »»g‘ «n»T, : ii^otsnpeh'ov'to'inv impbrua
into iheCimtKlSmtesf nncl wltich they are proparedlta'
sellnt Iho lowest market* price,’ tor eitslr,;« oiVtiriit/for
•.Wtil ATPo Vatrtnphjs worrontf.T&orn™!^.
wht^Ssot WBn?r,Mnt , * 9V ° l ! l *! Ji **“d»ni
: • -yoVißftrUbetti^ktM
T? OR 5A E*EpThe renbe r ofle rs /o? salet he j mpßnfqT
pn ?P c ? y P°w
Fourth Street Road, aboot three mile* from the cityTcoS^
aiettng ,of j. well fittished-BnelrUottseL comatMinr ten
a latgcVartf eni
wnref, tm<l » pntnpof>icelleni (he ? tilcljen do6ii
, i B Ii;, a r. s "i r ". n ' soMWiiine «*»<• choice Trim trees. togefh*
•m* ? b ‘ > “ t ten acres of excellent ftrbUml. •
b &;spld. on! !rciisQnable.fcrms,
nS-fi* M! ?' io , n S}y e J .oujhajtajtddy t>fApril:'-ifitot*oM
?w3*s?.f >r ”1“* Forfjihlier&farhiaiiM
ro thcMibscnbcr, on llic prcimscs. . - ’ :
lobU-dawtAp'l ' ;■■ DAVID BKEIiEKf r
- ■•"- (Ti arc ilcrnpymid charge Post:) ' ?-j
f llonorable the judges of the Court of Gunner
connrjr atbfesaid, humbly shewelh. litat' your petitioner'
hath provided himself with materials for the aeeomiuo
danon of traveller# and other*; dt hii dwelling IJUnbjj 64
the townslupratbresaid. aid wilHii
pleased a Keenceiri toepiapublic hbhse of
' entertainmenhl Aiid i'dor peUtloner, ' as in dutyboaid,
'y'Apwr'e■ i jv cowjuvr,!
i -ST.%»ise-*yh«WieAft pr JWdwin itowiislnii
Io F, Iwously and temperance; and i* \velT Provided
wnh-Souse room and conveuiences'forj lhe : hceoranioda-
and other#, ami that said lavenris tie-'
'JWSjiIJ- RafctottfThoinh* Vinter: 'Of IhPOibeK SamnS
B. Mote, Wjn. More, 3, Siclndlitt, -T:-VrUtlaii; JE 1 . W51I«?
Curry, Hiram Armstrong, dames Hratvdv. e., . r
febaiW3ti..-1 )•! iy i-im.oSn;. ~■! . ..• • 1,
\frSTABI>-*A prime article i:[ r and i to. Ilia lor sole
iTi by ' [fefist] 'y. ; : ’ SMITH SfBINCt,AJH:
gpln'cldihs. fp r
* »»-?£frr;.' :t -j ;i^2lj 7 , ; ; , ,s^H v ftWcL air/^
LINSEED OILrrCG bbls, Linseed OiL.iu Store arid for
•alobjr i ■ A* NICQLS, .i
***&■■>■■- "" t-i ‘j‘-- ~ 7 Np:i4l4hfi^rsn L
BACON 1 — 23 IjljiTs prime shoulders, 13 do. sidesJ foal tp
-cetved and for sale by :
: feWt ; ~ >• *. .« SELtEn&'&^fcOLSj
f - ARD'OIL—IS bbW.'Condiitfifs No.l EardOilvih store
4 and for sule at reduced prices hv i
. SfOr ft, I rffgo* I’nr'sj xecla ifed for jal pfSf.
V .febSl tA - smJERS fe NICOI^S/7;
MOVtJl M CAI^DLESrT-sff;'bQxeß'.'i\roßl4 v
fcwt,...,. ■
DATS — A few thousand butthelVof clean
PMrclia#e4, lhr.Qurter
Becoming regulator and • surveyors
to dm «cohddbor MM
•mn> ‘>9ow.'r«rto/,tu&oid pMc!' 77: “
"VrOlHCJa—-The public are hereby , informed thAttWrw
la Worts !*itowtaiabliaftedfet^fe
where nil persons having buriness either th*3!!r!£s
UloverSeed; 1 ’• 1 11 '
’ ~ 2-l)bls;'\Thite Bean 9; - - '
:»s»»3w«S33Sip,s.^; :Al lt \
_ 12 casks Cheese: '
*«_ ' ,
— ana? r :? ' 'gyWßl KICRKISbN'-
M W il InnS£-9:Wolassesi SObafn RiS GbP
rS-x, nr ’*—*■ •-> *
“;\V v T
y °- lH "°° D Stbbct, tbeze doom racial Fifth.
Cloth ' Cassimerrs. and
next, February 21 at, at 10 o'clock, xT* wiin?-.2!? ,?*
M’Kcnua’s Auctioir, 109 pieces superfine 6
'Amorican oiul:£ierman.BroDd Cloo™ v„S', 3l ‘>J o r r c " c ’’
lengths to sun purchasers; 12 pieces CassiinYre; inSffts'-
assortment of thread, ]a<ge§,£nd'edghi£. tabiriMeW Iri!^ 0
hams, plaid, calicoes, red mid \ffi{t# ihJJjxfd
®nd brown mhslins. pocket handkerchiefs, cravkutable
clothsrfee.rtmd at same lor clrrhlnrr
-boots, rs-xr f V ir f. r ,, i ~ uun »»
At ea ifgkt liht.rt*pi.e kjl&t offfipjdkidktl
cvc*l'Vaicnesl mantel cutlery,
dry ~
J L fchll< :. .- 15l *" 'M&Kfc&JA. Ann.
i. 2 yfiannsamArtaiik Aiding,
': ? c •••'• JAMES'lirefcffNAyoAAfct// -t.>
;.. 1J , SALI-ll , ’ „
PPBEMpTORyiSALE OF DRY GOrtTN - Af«w : '^' 1
riay manuitg, Kebrimrv t 2UuMin^SSS^^i&.^ ml *
Bofc | v-.4lwra,;i™ e r »Jd )>y lb
clnna and qftcenitfromfelrajwui’S,
andforto, wmmgomlwroppmv paper,
A qtmnti y of now «hdw>««n^^|umdihreilalß,^^S2^ ; V. ,
silver «-?tc|icviil'e..tftblo i a f id-ppek«t cuUcrr.nqcordeOT^ l
TJATAING TUBS'and'<?ar*ii' Scfefo ,■ m-Autlh,ki£-Titi*.<
bj sp(d; OJarge batting thbsv lmrt *ftb eiite: lan® 2000
jrapers-gatden seeds, aMoriedi -«! ,
■ - fi'* l - , ..r. , . JOHN D. DAVIS. AuctrU :
' Q gieiUMgaPfiS}
Dianwjndj will be eoldpositiveiy .xvithoJU reeerre •
Fpncv ‘
ami Staple vi ... -. T
::- T:. ~ *"
, A ot Queen jrwarc > .GCa6Rware‘,'Sir. A'la?tfeJ
of nwr?nd-ae<bft2fLSiiltf_friV-
A-tutSi nre Bureiras, MM nnd (my posted-bedß«nd», dta-r
irelible,£nd and brcniftiit f46le«,w6itand wnahstahAJ
and common chrac*i • AUo.'f coaL' canilf
A, *GeiiWa ; ?ane*’ %
Cuilery,books, &cJ-v-,v r s - mS.- *1 /
; fehai-- .V, - -;, -;: ;: >VM., J, J^gXSlP^.Anot;,.
•,';V-7 MftilUne i Clothing It;. ... !
rrHESpnng aha Stunmcr.sloehrhat is now ready id be!
; V‘,*fc . TBtCEsSIO BOOKS,’ f<:■}a .u r?
I» oud Of |hpjarfee*t ontf'eliriitfesrlttrseieetfen lhatha&c4-j
er betrtexhfluiea by any’.oiKJ concdm in tbkoi'fcnvwh-
S!*!W a ?.V«i!!t. » in*iiait«r:««ie*cnßoto
Uic reader 'bedifferent assortments-of oriicloswhich J,
tbemjvtalt, witt riaepljrtoii iftSTthatit:
175/HJO.diflVreii*. ffarmfcnis tojnakeV choice ouVof. coii4
sisiiaßin pait of Coots. fnom UiS richiistiri'cmaniy ilbwir
[a the lowest in price 1 Pantaloons and Vests, toihe 43- ■
tontshniantpf;!,hc beholder,' Trilh lfoih' niomlKiniHl (Hit
«'P< ! !b«onaorfng , iiPthcyosf rit'raTd!taiil dwrrt of sul- *
|mse, how such ayasfebllccriOrt of inMnY'ytADKcLoT niso'
connl possibly beconecied.toyeihox.onder flic oonWolo6
out int iridanli-i But such things willbe, as. Jongas pdrf
M'vprp.r.t'o' end industry is ibo limin-fpring ot lrfi de".^-:
»,iUlouf.auy; u ilaiitisn,of,l;oasti!lK.'onanj-pan, Lwifl sar
af litC:6aiuerlmo,4l js-df suchjiije jal Pain plincSpaUV 'ednitj
posed; lot nothing m tlie shape or form brdSMuMiis; hif
•Bpr 'Pw wagnitude may he, can dctcr.:miiSSn“
nccdippllaluiighiy. object, tnproTidihg rofihbifsW4r;tl(<f.
mechanic, and the Baylaborer: 'MyVhidif’attention 52
•taken.up with ibe=greatest care for their ■welfare/- nvtfet
unr op fashjtHiable. and at the.same lime-eubstcmiafFar--
taijdy themselves inovlngiiu 'a tiifleifini jiphere.-jind W-y
qiundgau article of.tbr;ine,yha;itlira j3ud.,ttniy, ,hav<v
only logivc menu outline qt dicir wants, rmuUmy* w
suited to a word., , .. ’ "
'l99 j+ub .«9,on*«hm hi iebsl S 3 toi
er any iiKlucemenUi of a luioilar kind to a gcnctonr »mh
pie oi tronoClc auature and.close,discernment. •
• ftWiMixr. i-v-7/ ii'CLOSjvEY,
- "/ ; ', >: ftfo«,lsl liberty street-. ;* •
A4r * opjhr for Piiil^
ltaMj_eoivuuenejng ; oalfloodo}* eveiiings iFcl/y "SMi amfe-
to Schools every afternoon at 3 o’tjlodhb
Sg^*iW^-r,tpljc! ; liatlja,iltoprintipaUiotclsy.o|)d,ap :
wSS’*"?'!"?,.**- *di, Ufhtch! he with selh atyetail-of♦
His customers may Test assuml thhi
call beforepurcHasing; ,~r. ~T. ;
; i: u S»illBg; Off stßcdncedPTlflet
I *9 .their advaniftffe'tQ call «it No , 'KL 9 THfittf T
*««»>. M°m pnrebasing a^wKte:»«» s
: jw-pwt oftiia:AdliyiUiiinitbrsartfie.latoAViui Rifiok,,'
-■ ■'• • '• ■■-■- ■;•■ .".'7'‘. Xhtamhi ' !
?“Kl*»UJßemedy I ,;-*k;: = .
.A .; grebit. andouly Reraed y for llie abovc
Lifty ihe cs^cbraicil.
*• ""'“^Wtcunpfirifltrodpnffeoftliß-
of ,' l *« eommbil remedies bf the day, and ffva
i eu "P !‘ s ' <)> c 'nost disiinsruisliedphysician” as
-iIL lii: UlliuidSuilcs sbouhlbc Mninlb-rt
;Wilh'Bu«,ta^Muh' g afian Balsam ofS, narfonK
rbijntcraet lliBit*naimi»iiv<fof .tlie«limaib, boitbba fiaS
; for thexeaftjratidn aUtcolihfX; : w ™VW“WW»«nv
• r'ScP* 1 * by • • . 8. A. EAHXESfroYiK it, CO.' '
■ _fchlo car- Firsi and AVqoH pjKithh air.,
! TOSE£&S" l P *"?f ‘“debted ’ iir Sv,
■ft/; usd in ercctiuff.bniidujcs m Ui« verr
'foWMbV '' - : -b’tolNiiSD. E. VOl.fe': >
• ■—'•■ " •; ■ ; Ajmo3&QT : audilegi*Le fy,.
S r^* N p^? HA i? DRS!SSINGfrAMO^'Btack
; wfth S
/Ju connection wiih thciT'saJooin >thcv ‘
••: -. STOCKTON, y 1
Wholcialo and Kelannooisrllek'
-coriiep ttrMtokci nmtTtiM tiki
r^^ctlerdireclcaio3ir.,JolinS u lca,lliu;ri«btt r i}h i ß[ , «v
a«<JnUon, ana.the ficfficn&yrillß?
patties lniej?»tqCV -£"■:
RaPftS 'nil subserve the danse brimnm&i
® 2T Pittsburgh ,• &nd'4lleghany;,dty
lOGoid oriormey editions ©ftfo. sni
S?g^4^ c Aincncan Pidu w v ln2 *ol& Jodrpat
>t» c^? AndHottse-of Repjesentauv'esofthje SlAto
ieOft ,; A f #w %bul»g^S
cropping, nodi e tie r paper ( a variety
anacolored paper; handsome pictures; blae.block, »nfl
mid Kjglish quilU; ; late- Conrtfeifeft ftetiretoT*} .the’ la&l
most of.the
Te B . ta ?«iits } &-C7 dnl* Carpet Cboimi»
*y©pncn Bowls? White Louisville Lime; vVmdowSakh;
Be® Cqr(Js T 'lV>tie t Fishing. Lines,
--y/ir v.‘.y-j. fjfffc
HAVANA lmpotte^ciraa,if ib-' 'r
, foltan-iug
Bißtrng of;. •, . >■»’« • ■' T],,, r
&s*>ad, 5
Wasmngton ‘ ' .'Vfijegtu i\3 <
Rapcdes. ", T ‘ “•i*« <- a ;
Esculapio, i
Dos AmigOS,. "o M ' v ft o t.
DePusier; ' J « q• T» <*. -
London Urania. v •
fe°S 7- • :■^esSKss
E&eTifaeipet, •'■ *« ' tif
fcbt PC. MARTJ.N.
Soles bn faction,
x. , f 5