The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 14, 1848, Image 1

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Printed and Published ecery Morning, {Sundays
ITT* JYiUXS.—Five Dollars a year, payable strictly
in advance. Sit Dollars will invariably be tequircdif
oot paid wiOun tbc year. .
rj jT Single copies two cents—for sale at the counter
ofthe Offiee, dnu by. the News Boys.
The Weekly ..We retiry" and Manufacturer
lApublUUed from tho HajneofHce, on a double medium
sheet, .ajt;TW9 DOLLARS a year, iu advance—smglc
copies.FlVE CENTS. . . . . **• ’
' fp* Xo paper will be discoutincd (unless allhe discre
tion of the proprietor,) until all arrearages are paid.
07" No attention will be paid to any order unless ac:
cotnpanied by the money, or satisfactory rcicrence tn tins
.. .. '• ..
One Insertion.-** •« *so 50 i . One Month.* 3-1 00
Two—•do.***** 0 75 Two* •do 6 00
Three* *do* •• •• 100 I Three do 700
One Week* -*l 50 . j Four do 900
Tyro* *do* • 2 50 Six* *.*da* ••♦* 10 00
Threedo** **3 00 i One Year—* 15 00
Changeable at Pleasure.
Si* Months- 315 00 | Six Mouths* $2O 00
One Yc»r**.**.***.*****2o 00 | One Year**•*.*oo 00
- Larger advertisements iu proportion.
JCr Cards of FOUR LINES, Five Dollars a tear.
Large cuts will not bo inserted, unless an extra price
is*uaUL.~. ..... . .
Advertisements upon which the number of inser
tions Unottnarkcd, wilLbe inserted and charged until or
dered but ‘ ‘
; : 1
-TtIL GEORGE WATT.—Office, No. 77 Smithficld st.
1 / near Sixth at., Pittsburgh. 1 ang2l-y
“ITTM. O’HARA ROBINSON, late U. S. Attorney, has
\y removed his office in No. 6 St. Clair st.'
r I'HoMaS M. MARSHALL. Attorney at Latr.—Office,
X Lowric’s Buildings. Foartn *t. japT-ty.
• r •’■•"»' -‘*U
<-f j--.
:•■■£ '?'!•■■*■.- 'I bJV r.
4 ~~,
■' rJ';-
i>,;K '* ii"
EraG bIUWI.B-JuH received, pa
' decJti
*- 'j n?j. ' <*:'<} * ;-i \v a
,1. i. JVH
Drofcasitnial tfarbs.
DR. A. W. OLIVER, Physician and
No. 8. St. Clair street Pittsburgh. j)'2o
R. JOHN CKA \V FORD, office on St. Clair street,
opposite the Exchange. auglO-y
G ORLANDO LOOMIS, Attorney at Lair.—Office 4th
« st, above;Wood. julyl-y
and Fifth streets—“Liw Corner. : fcblO-y
HM. KENNEDY, Attoniey ai' Latr. Office in the
• same building: with. Alderman M , M as ' er > Fifth st.,
between Wood and Southfield stti, * angl7-6m*
B. M’CALMONT, .itfonuy at Lair.—Office on 4th
• sL, a few doors above Wood. Collections attend
ed to in Clarion and Venango couutieg. ang3o-y
JOHN BARTON, Atrornry at Law. —Office, North aide
of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithficld, in the
same building with Alderman Morrow. sep3U-ty.
J‘ OSEPH C. M’KIBBIN, Attorney at Laxc. —Office in
Wallace’s building, ou 4th su, between Wood and
SmithCcld sts. ' novlS-y.
1 EORGE \V. LA YNO, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
I* and Notary Public.—U&ct at thecoruer of 4th and
Wood sts, over Sibbett A Jones* Exchaugc office. oct4
"\\rii-LS to DONNELLY, .Ittornryj and Counsellors
\\ at Late. Pittsburgh, Pa.—Office on Fourth sL, be
tween Smithficld and Grant. marl4»y
EMUND SNOWDEN, Attorney at Late.—Office in
the building oti the North East corner of Fourth and
Smithficld sts. novll-y
"O • MORROW', Alderman. —Oiruc north side of Fifth
Jtv* street, between Wood aad Smitlificld, Pittsburgh.
scplO-y . ■
M9CANDLESS to M’CLI'UH, Attorneys and Counsel
lon at Late.—Office, on Fourth street, opposite' H.
AR.H. Patterson’s Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. scplU-v
Y?ORWAKD ffc SWARTZ WELDER. .tttcmeyj in Lair.
|~* —Oifice ou Fourth street; between Wood and Smith
field, opposite Pattcraoifs Livery Stable. ap7-y
Gt EORGE F. GILLMORK, Attorney at Latr.—Orticetn
I" Breed’s buildlugs. 4ih st., above Wood Pittsburgh.
Pa. scpS-ly
JN- M’OLOVVKY, Attorney and Counsellor at Laic.—
• Office in Bakewell’s Buildings on Grant st
jc-29 '47-ly.
PC. SHANNON; Attorney and Counsellor at Lair. —
. Office on 4di’st., l-eriveo-n Wood and Smithficld
and nearly opposite the Mayor's offii*'?. novS-y ;
J SCO IT, DenUst, Fourth st, five door* west of Mar
• ket All work warruuted, and if not perfectly sritis
laciory no charges will bo made. i*‘hlO
XJEMOVAI*.—Dr. Robert Suvder. ba» removed his
Jtv office to Foarth street, between Wood and Smithficld
streets marlS-ty
J;\ M US HImVJvKI.Y, MJmnni. —Uliice un P»*un sired,
opposite I). I<cech & Co'packet line office. Office
hours from 7 o'clock A. M~ t«\? o'clock P- M.
IJIi.MONAL.r-A- liecieit hns removed Iris commission
X utid forwerding burincs* from the Canal Da*in to his
new wurchoUbC, on Third street, uearly opposite the Post
Office. ' : inny.JO-y
JOHN J.-AJJTC.H.III*, Attorney and Vcmudlar at Lair.
—Office on SiniihueM street, a fc w doors above Din*
tnond alley.
N. B.—Coflcetions made on moderate terms. mySfl.
TAMLri ij. CKAFI\ Attorney, CounseUor. and iVc aary x
Pittsburgh, Pa., haring resigned the office 01 Secreta
ry of tho Pittsburgh Nsvijationand Fire Insurance Com
pany, will attend’specially to collections, and business
•connected with Navigation, Insurance, Accounts, and
Real Estate. Business hour*, from 0 A- M., to 0 i*. M.
Office. first door west of Alderman .Miller's, Fourth street,
near Grant ’■ op?
CHARLES M. HAYS, Attorney at Late, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Commissioner to take the proof and acknowledge
ment' of Deeds; Leases. Contracts, Depositions, or other
writings, recorded or used in the States ol K'-ntue
kr, Indiaua. Tennessee, Michigan and Missouri. Office,
Burse’s building. Fourth st. murl2-y
WILSON, Attorney anti Counsellor at Late,
I--*-Franklin. Venango county, Pa., will attend promptly
to all business cntnisted-to his cart*. Collections made in
‘Warren, Clarion, and J.eficrson comities,
J. A. Stockton & Co.. tp;,. H i, n -,K
Murphy, Wilson & Co., \ FlttsburSb
. lion. Janies Kinncar, $
;V lion. Alex. M’Calroout, J. tfanUw
' Hop. J- Wilson. Steubenville. O. jygfcy
I PO MY CbIENIV-My partner, Mr. Liggett, and Wm
X E. Anstin,'Esq., will attend to my unfinished busi
n *j. and l recotnmcqd ,lhera .to the patronage of my
frieuds. lam authorized to state that tltey will receive
the counsel and assistance of the Hon. IL Biddle. Office
2d story of Burke’s buildings, 4th street, betweeu Wood
qqd Market QuS-lyl SAMUEL W. BLACK.
O TTO Manufacture of Incorruptible Teeth
Smithfield street, two dobra below Fifth street, Pitts’
burst. Po. Always on hand a full assortment of Plate,
•anti Pivot Teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate.
Molars and Biscaspidotoes, Gum- teeth, Screw Pivot
fee. Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists
-supplied with all articles in the profession. All orders
from abroad must be accompanied by the cash. ,
H7*Platina always on hand. nov!s-y
JOHN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth Ward, Penn
st M between Walnut and OTTurl sts., where he may
be found at all times. Those having honscs or other pro
perty to sell or rent, can have the same punctually atten
ded.toj.debts collected, and all the duticsof an Alderman
will rccelvejtrbmpt attention. 0c27-y
rTES’RY W. WILLIAMS, Attorney and CounseUar at
JLXXaas (successor to Lowrie A Williams,) Office at
<the old stand, Fourth st, above Smithfield.
TffF/Partnership heretofore existing between Henry
W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the practice of the law,
was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 26th ult,and the
ttpsiness will hereafter be continued by Henry W. 2WU
diams, whom ! most cheerfully recommend to all for whom
l have the honor to do business—os a gcntlcraun evcry
o.vay worthy of their confidence.
.dcctS-ly ; WALTER 11. LOWRIE.
George Rvßlddle, Conveyancer.
OFFICE in Aver)'. Row, Fifth street, above Smilhfield,
■Dxsas, Mortgages, Agreements, Boxds, Releases,and
offieriastrumcalsof .writing, drawn with neatness, legal
aha despatch, lie will also attend to drawing
ifl'.id filling AIocA anic*’ Liens. Accounts of Executors, Admin*
iterators, f c,, Examining tides to Real Estate, Searching
Records for Liens, fe n fc.
FromJus long experience and intimate acquaintance
with the raamierof keeping the public records, be expects
to give satisfaction to loose who may entrust their pusi
.ness to-his-carc, deelS
TyroneE—AU personadudebteSYotha subscribers, are
requested to make payment, on or before the 25th
in*L, tf not, r their account willbe given to a Magistrate
for collection; all persons having claims against the firm,
twill please prooenttheiracoounts forpaymeut.
;janl2 - v ANCkEU. fc MAYER.
XfEW PIAN'O FORTES. —Now receiving, an enure
new stock of Pianofortes, from the manufactories
-*f-Cale’& Co., Ncw York ;'abd Chickering, of Boston,
The pasterns are. of the latest style, and with all the mod
ern Improvement*. For sale at Faetoir prices, by
deelß : JOHN H,:MELLOB,6t Wood st.
.. riIGABS.—7S.GOO Cicabs flf the following celebrated
vJ.broxuls: Silva, D«s Amigos, De Fusten,
London Uranio. Falla Principe; La RoYadero, Colorado,
RcgaliasvCamdo, Jnsto Sang Prineipe,- Cheroot* Eagle
Principe, Lord Byron Regalias. For sale by-
dOC2O , . , : . F C; AUkRTIPt;
XL received, a fresh simply of Hoimcopathic Medicine
Chests. nomceopatliic. Coffce, ~§.umur of JEIk, and a large
c fr of the latest publications on Hom<Bopathir r at
the BoqJc.Store of : ... • ' /
VICTOR SCRIBA, FlAlit street,
Between. Wood and Market sis.
EWOIING and TO RENT.—For* Rent on Sharet^-
bounty. Persons who have farms;
_rSuT?Z-°i!^i s ’ *i ote *i ««.• &c-t for rent, can have .the
, *o’ a °d persbna who wish
y J? theu- wishes complied with, and all
*t n moderate ebatges,
?***"? Ag<!l,<: >• Md to»Mgg»«
~ - - - ', <**“> ' “ i*i ' >•*•-". f / ,' ',, -r „, ’£■» .j*
-:: - ? = ; r : -:"'' : ;- : i; V; "v; - KS'.,/■
■•' . " - ■ . ’ (’■ ji; ,\; | . ~ ■■ : . '' .;. • .-. .■ '.' : - j v ' . - ' ; - : •■; -, / 1 -J■ ■. /. ; ■ V; “ .-'. ;\: t;"'_' ••’•. ..;
_>!%%• •♦"••’-•■ :*■•% ""jr Jarfntaiiwoltt'ty* “,|
®hfe fflatto lEcrnititt post,
WM. J. BURNSIDE, Auctioneer and Commission Mer
chant, Federal street, 1 Allegheny city. t fcbl
AMES M'KENNA, Auctioneer .and Commission Mer
chant, No. 114, Wood st. , . . . tvbl
over the Post Office. fcbl
OHN D. DAVIS. Auctioneer and Com miss ianMtrchant,
corner ol* Wood and Fifth st*. febl-y
OBERTS & RANK P»*tt6urfe'A Cabinet and Chair
j Warehouse, No. 82.' Third st- 1 febl-y
ZEBULON KINSEY, Dealer in Uoods Sf Trttn
mingy. No. 67, Market street. . . . fcbl-y
ALEXANDER JAYNES, Pekin Tea Store, 72 Third st.,
near Wood. ■ ' j ■ . ■ fcbl-y
Ct M’CLOSKEY, Jron City Clothing Store , No. 132,
/». Liberty sL, opposite the mouth.ol Market, fehl-y
JOSHUA ROBINSON, Agent for Harden & Co.’s Line
of PgcJL-rto, Fifth st.. one floor below Wood. fcbl-y
■\\\ILLIAM JACKSON, Patent Mr die vie Depot, «} Lib-
T V crtygtM head of Wood. ' fcbl-y^
MARTIN LYTLE, Family (tracer, Smithheiti street,
nest door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. jcO
1 EORGE COCHRAN, Forwarding and Cotnmission
I* Merehant, No. 20. Wood sL. Pittsburgh. nov27-y
1 ENGLISH A EUHOTT, Booksellers and Stationers, No
,j 56, Market st., between Third and Fourth, fcbl-y
PDELA.N Y, Fashionable Clothing Store, No. 40, Lib*
» erty at. . fehl-y
HOON A SARGENT, Bankers and Exchange Brokers,
N. E. corner of Wood and Sixth *ts. febl-y
N HOLMES A SON. Bankers and dealtrs in Exchange,
• Coin and Bank Motes, No. 03, Market at. febl-y
JACOB WEAVER,.BYne and Liquor Merchant, corner
of Market and Second street*. febl-y
A FULTON, Bell,and Brass Founder, No. 70 Second,
, betyccn Market and Ferry »t*., febl
M.ViUTE, Clothing Store, No. lbT. comerof Liber
, ty and Sixth sta. •
fpOWNSEND. CARR A CO., Coach and Wagon Alt
X XvrffSt. Clair »trcct,ncar the Bridge. . feb4-l
Morses literary depot, no. *s, Fourth »t.,
' hear Wood. • febl-y
DR. BROWN’S OFFICE, No. 63, Diamoud alley. near
Wood at. febl-y
CII. PAULSON, Hat and Cap Mami/'acturer, and
• dealer in Funs of allkinds, No. 73, Wood si., next
door- to the comer of Fourth. Tehl
MILLBRARICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers and Com
mission Merchants, corner of Liberty and Irwin sts.
fehl-y .
Cl A. M’ANULTY A CO.. Forwarding and Commis>
j m sion Merchants,■, Cnnnl Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa.
urar3-dy ...
171 ULUME. Piano Forte munuiaciurer and dealer iy
. • Musical Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, near
FiAh. novlP-y
HAYS a BROCKWAY. Druggists, and Agents for
Patent Mediciucs, Liberty street, near Canal Basin.
lebl-y , •
JOSEPH WOODWELL, and dealer in For
eign and Domestic Hardware, comer ol* Second and
Wood octSMy
SAMUKIj MOORE, Hat and Cay Muni{fnettirrr, and
dealer in Fens,.No. 75, Wood street, third door above
Fourth. ' fcbl-y
O AMUEL M'CLURKEN A CO,, Agents for Carlisle and
O Rippard’s .RegM/ar Line of Packet Ships from New
York toLivciyool. N 0.142 Liberty st. fcbl-y
AMES BIAKELY, Agent for Messrs. Roche. Uro. 1 * A
Co.’* Line of Packets, Penn st., four doors below Ca
nal Basin. ' fcbt-y
JOHN M’CLOSKEY, Tailor and CloUiicr. Liberty st
between Sixth street and Virgin alley, south side.
seplO-y . • .
JOSEPH MAJOR, Boat Store, Ship Chandlery, and
Agency of Pittsburgh Lard Oil Factory, No. 4, Mar
ket street, Pittsburgh. jan!2-tf
TTf '-s*. CALDWELL, Depot for . \'etp Publications. Pc
f J riodieuls. Net ospapers, d* f - Third sL, opposite the
PostOrfiec. febl-y
A O’CONNOR. Proprietors of-the Pittsburgh
J. Portable Boot Line, corner peun and Wayne streets.
JAMES MAY. Wholesale Uroc%.r, Forwarding and Com
mission Merchant, Water street, between Market aiul
Ferry. • febl-y
WfILUAM A. HILL A CO,, Bankers and Exchange
t y Brokers, No. 61, Wood st . one door above Fourth,
cast side. fcbl-y
nILL A CURRY, Bankers and Exchange Broker*. No.
65. Wood su, third door below Fourth, west side.
KRAMER A HARM. Bankers and Exchange Brokers,
comer of Third and Wood sts.. opposite St. Charles
Hotel. \febl-y
JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, Station"*.
Printers and Publishers, corner Market and Third sts.
lUKE LOOMIS. Agent. Bookseller and Stationer, an<t
j dcalcrin 'Printing Paper. sc. t Wood street, between
Diamond alley and Fourth. t'ebl-y
("1 A. M’ANELTY. Agent tor Ptckworth** Hay Freight
j + Line. «*id l-idej’cndent Portable Boat Line. Canal
Ru»iu. t'cbl-v
MOSKS AT WOOD, Agent for the .YorfA .itncriean In
svmnce Company, of Philadelphia. Water and Front
•1.. ot the Warehouse of Atwood and Jones. frbl-y
I" > HODES A ALI’OJIN, Manufactures ot Mustard.
k Ground Suites, Catsups, sr., fye., No. 27, Fifth street,
between Wood and Market. febl-y
\ncTOR SCUIBA. Bookseller. Stationer, n.-trf Liiid’-r.
Fifth st., between Wood and Market st*., Pittsburgh,
Pa. jrin7-y
Ijoomis, Aiient. PuMifthcr. Bouk»t?Ilf r and Bookbind
er. No. W U, Wood at.. Pittsburgh. mni?P*-y
M’STKEN', JSrax. I'omulrr and (Sat Fitter, Stiuili
• field streot. between Diamond Alley anti Fifth *i..
Pituhursh. drels'-ly
J&. J. M DEViTI’, H'Aoi«u/e timers. dealer* in Pro
• duce and Pittsburg manufactures generally. No.
til I Liberty, opposite Tib. street. Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
Street, near Liberty. JOHN FAIIREN. Proprietor,
Pittsburgh. noviH-y
(“1 GORGE ARMOR. Tailor, Fourth street, between
JT Woodaud Smilbfield streets, nearly opposite the
Mayor’* office. jontff-y
JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
No. 03}, Wood street, on? door South of Diamond Al
ley. febl
I.7ALLANSBKK A HAYWARD. Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Roots. Shoos, Trunks, ter.. No. lt«ti Liberty
street, nearly opposite the head of Wood. feM-y
Tl A. FAHNESTOCK A C()_ Wholesale Drug Ware
.l/® house, corner of First and Wood streets, and cor
ner of Wood ond Sixth sts. fobl-y
EEMOVAL.— (leo. iV. Smith Jj- Co. hare removed their
i Office from Prim st., to their New Brewery on Pin
st. and Duqucsnc Way. dec23
■VIfM. ALEXANDER A SONS, Coffin Makers and
f } FumtsAtwg Unrlertakm, corner of Penn mid St
Ciutr streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn
street. ft*l>4-y| |
JOHN H. MELLOR, wholesale and retail dealer in
Music and Mu-sieui Instrument, Piano Fortes. School
Books and Stationery. No. 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
BRAZIER’S BELLOWS.—Just received an assort
metit. large, Brazier’s hand Bellow*; also,-Pur
lor and Kitchen do., wholesale and retail.
dccl« JOHN W. BLAIR, 120 Wood «t.
JS. WATERMAN, wholesale Grocer, Commission
jm and Forwarding Merchant and Dealer in Produce
and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos. .*ll Water, and 2 Front
sis., Pittsburgh, Pn. JytEFy
SELLERS A NICOLS, Produce and General Commis
sion Merchants, No. 17 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.—
Sperm, linseed and lord oils, jau27
J AMbS PATTER-SON. JkT, corner of First and Ferry
sis.. Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of Hinges,
and Bolts; Tobacco. Fuller, Mill and Timber Screws,
Hausen Screws for Rolling Mills, Ac. seplQ-y
JBRVAII, liectifting Distiller, and wholesale dealer
« in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No.
114 Libcrtystreet, and A 3 Diamond allcv, Pittsburgh, Pa.
iyst-y t
LWILMARTH, Lumber Merchant. Olhcc on Penn
• Street, between Invin and Hand streets, Pittsburgh,
Pa. All commissions will be promptly attended to.
JU. BISHOP, Veterinary Surgeon , can bn found at
• his !(inse Shoeing Establishment, near the St. Clair
street UritfgMatply occupied by Messrs. Carr A Rowland-.
XCUANGE HOTEL, Exchange Place, Baltimore. D.
Dokset, Proprietor. Coaches will be in readiness at
all the landing!, to convoy passengers, free of charge , to
the Hotel- • decS9-y
W AURIC* MARTIN, Agent for the Franklin Fin
'lnsurant Company of Philadelphia, ot the Ex
change olfice of Warrick Martin A Co., corner of Market
and Third streets. fchl-y
!/■ h\6 4c FINNEY, Agents tor the Delaware Mutual
JV Safety Insurance Gamn&ny of Philadelphia, at the
Warehouse of King and Holmes, Water street,near Mar
keL febl-y
SELLERS A XICOLS, Produce and General Commis
sion Merchants. No. 17 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.—
sperm, Linseed and L&rd Oils. janSO.
«£.SS?t N * *• J- M’lKiotrr.
pARSON A M’KNIGIIT. Wholesale Grocers and Com
mission Sixth street, between Wood and
Liberty, Pittsburgh. Pa, dec4-y
"WT M * GLENN, Bookbinder, ha* removed to the comer
Yy of Wood and Third su., above C. H. Kay. where
he is proposedio do every description of raUngand bind
loy- ricattrf
PC. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and deal
» Of in Forciga and Daxaestiu Wince jsnd Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Ac., No dO Water st.
WW BOOK STORE.— H. S. Bostcorth It Co., No. 43,
Xi - Market next door to Third, are Just opening a
new and extensive assortment of Books and Stationery,
which they will sbR, wholesale and retail, tu the lowest
prices. apSAy
JOHN W. BLACK A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Produce
and Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh
Manufactures, No. f 66, Liberty street, opposite Sixth st.,
Pittsburgh. may!2
fT*r*jyberai advances made olt consignment*. i . ’
SV x *
■■V &&■,<**{>>£■ =-•: j ;-■;-
" ch -.*s*«■*•. ,
‘ >* ‘ -'. J/ A?
h • ■. ...V »■ -. x ■ ■ r --? ■•■>■•• . ■
. v ; ~ «f. a-£i. >• v '..
r '; -pL'■%.* jy-
Business Claris.
( :-'.i
\. • V I :
j'-; ib - ► *
lTmiillicai, -MONIIAV, KKltKl'.UiY 11. 184 S.
Business (Jtariis.
SAMUEL MORROWy Manufacturer of Tin,.Copper,
and.sheet iron ware, No 17 Fifth street, between
Wood and Market. ' " fcblO
JOHN CARTWRIGHT, Importer and Manufacturer ot
. all kinds of Cutlery, .Surgical Instruments, se:, No. £3
.Wood street, second door below Diamond alley. febl
X factored und sold wholesale and retail. Smitiificld st.,
between Sixth und Virgin, alley. oct!2-y
RICHARD T. LEECH, Jr., Iw/Kvr/rr, und dealer in
-Fchtign and Ddmesttt Saddlery, Hardtrare.'dnd Car •
n'age,2Vfw7n'n£s, of; nil descripticms, No. KB-Woodst.,
Pittsburgh, seven doors above Fifth, aiid otic door.above
H. Childs A Co.’s Shoe Store. • ■ ■ • apSi-
JL, 62 Market street, invite the attention of Country
Merchants to their extensive assortment' of Foreign ana
Domestic Gobds, which will be sqhl at eastern jobbing
IC/"Wholesale Rooms. 2d RtoTy. se3o
SHEL OYSI'ERS.—A constant supply of Shell Oysters,
roosted or in the shell j also Game and every delica
cy of the season, served up in superiod style, at the snort
est notice. BANK EXCHANGE,.
dec6-tf Third st, between Woo«l and Market st.
M MCDONALD, Bell aiid Brass Founder, First st M
• near Market, is prepared to make Brass Castings,
and Brass Works generally, on the most reasonable
terms and shortest notice, lie invites machinists, and all
those using brass works to give nim a call,.as ha is de
termined to do all word in his line very low. iny27-ly
JOSEPH MURPHY'S Looking Class and Clock Store,
No. 9S,'Wood street, Pittsburgh. A general assort
ment of Pier. Muntel und Toilet Glasses; Portrait, Minia
ture aml.X4iudsc.apc Frames, plain, und ornamental, of
every variety ol'puUoriu. Also, a uew style of Window
Cornices; call in und see them; all ofwmch will be sold
cheap for cash, or city acceptances,
Hy*Hotels and Stcumbonts furnished cheap.
JOSEPH MURPHY, 98 Wood st.,
nov3o . Practical Gilder.
SMITH A SIM'IiAIR, (late Martin A Smith,) Wholesale
Grocers, Produce and Commission Merchants. stl Wood
street. Pittsburch. The. undersigned having entered into
partnership under the above style, respectfully ask tho
patronage Of the friends of the mte firin. and of parehas*
cr» generally- Tlicy feel warranted in promising that
they can give satisfaction to all who may buy of thorn, or
confide business to their care. WM. H. SMITH,
marl# W. M. SINCLAIR.
. lie manufacture, and keep constantly on hand, cut,
moulded and plain Fliut Glassware in alius varieties, at
their warehouse, corner of Market and Water sts., Pitts
burgh. Oar works continue in lull‘operation, and we
arc constantly adding to our slock, which enables, us to
fill order* with promptness. Purchasers arc rcspectiully
solicited to call oral examine prices and terms. seplO-y.
SM'KINLEY. House. Sign, and Ommnentai PainteT,
. and dealer in PAINTS. No. 44, St, Clair su, Pitts
burgh, has constantly 011 hand all kinds of Psprai, either
Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil;
Boiled Oil; Spirits TurjHMitinc; Window Glass, of all
sizos; Putty, Piunt Bruslies. Ac., all of tire best quality,
and for sale at reasonable prices. sepll-tf
gHAKSPfLVK GARDENS.—'I7iis beautiful place of
resort having been greatly repaired, the proprietor is
now ready to receive Hoabdkbs. by the day, week, or
month. His accommodations arc good, and his prices
arc low. {imty4-tf] 5, McCLEI-LAND.
Dh CAMERON, Manttfaeturrr of Hoßout Ware and
• Platform Scales, and Castings in general, respect
fully asks the patronage of his friends. He fcals war
ranted that he can give wutsfectkm to all who may pur
cha*c of hint. HU establishment is 011 M’Kelry’s plan of
Ix>u, sth Ward. tuar3l-ly
JOHN F. PERRY, [fate of the Jinn of Malcolm, Leech
tf C 0..) Wholesale Grocer, (xxnmbsion and Flour
Mcrcluint, dealer in all kinds of Country* Produce, cop*
per, tin plates, tinners' tools, zinc, lead, liussia sheet iron,
iron and nails, white lead, dye studs, cotton yarns, sail,
Ac., nud Pittsburgh Manfactures generally, corner of
1 jbertv and Irwin streets. Pittsburgh. Pa. liberal ad
vances. in Cush or Goods, made on consignments of Pro
duce. Ac. maylJMf
OYSTERS! OYBTERB! 1 OYtfTERB!: \—Oeo Sthneck
respectful!) informs hi* frietid* and die public, thot
he is dailv in the receipt »»t fntr Fresh Oysters, whicii will
be served tip in every style, at short notice, tir-suit his
»«»«*iV«r Canthi. am! every .description* of
Ctrf/'etiannrirs. on hand out) lor »a!r ul the -comer of SU»
and Id sta. trpS-MJ
w ' >i\ 1
G't lvOiUi K I'OCU IIA N, f 'onuHtuton anti
r Merchant. No. 20 Wood street, Piuslmrcb. continue*
to transact a general l'ouuuis*iou business, especially in
the tmrehasc and halt: of American niaiui&icturc* and
pnnlue**. ami in rccetvinjrond forwarding Goods omirtgti-
Cfl to hi* care. A* nseiit for the m;iniUueturcrii lie will
he conntantlv supplied with the principal article* u(
bunrh tilnnufeictiirr «t tin* lowest wholesale price*.
Order* ami consignment* ur«* rrapectfuMy solicited.
RHODES & ALCORN, (iaje of New York city,) No.
27. Firth st- bciwcn Wood mid Market. Manufue-
Hirer* of Mustard, Ground Spices, Cntsup*. Ac. Ac., will
open during the present week a large assortment of ar
ticles in their line, which they will'wholesale in cpmn
titic* to suit dealers, ut I>n«ncru wholesale prices. 'All
article* sold by them warranted. Merchant* intending to
go cast would do well to call before leaving the cit\ .
They ttfay.'he found ut thcr warehouse. No. 27. Fifth **..
in *cp7
MIdBITFS i>ooi Krryinz find ('lnjsrt, cor
ner of Firth and Market streets, re-opens on Montiay
next. Mercantile and Steamboat nook Keeping taught
in the nm»t esfeetivc uml expeditious manner. In addi
tion to the usual course of instruction amlpractice, Mr. D.
will, on Monday next, commence a course of Practical
Lectures, in which ihc npplicoiiun of the *gif*ucc of ac
counts to ail the details of hu«iiie*» will lu*\jinutcly ex
plained. No extra chars* mud** for tlftc Vitrliifcs.—
Hours ol biiriliCfS, lu lo 12. a. u.: 2 to l. 7 >o 10,
r. m. V J»»l
DRPCSS! Wlt'OS-! W Mister, RntjrgiM ai»a Aputhc*
rnry, north-weM corner of W«*>d and l**itil* utreets,
Pittsburgh, will ko»-p coHHiuntl> on band Drugs. Paints,
Oils. Dye*Stuii*. Ac.
V ll.—.Ph) sirinti** ifrehcnptiuin car»'Ui!ly compounded
lrom tin* Im**i material*. at any hour of the day or night.
Also, an assortment ot perfumery; lino tooth, hair, und
clothes Brushes. Ac., Ac.. Ac., winch he vvill sell low for
■\iriLUAM TROVIJ..LO, Undertaker, FtiUi street, im»
If mediately opposite the Theatre, respectfully in*
forms bis frieutls am! the public in general, that he has re
rfumed business as n I‘nrnisliing Undertaker. He is sup
plied with and always keeps on bund Colima of all sixes
and kinds, Shrouds, om! all other articles ncecusnry on
such occasions.
Silver (dates, ice bote*. and leaden rotnns will be sup
plied on order. A hue hearse ami carriages always rendy
to attend funerals. septgMy
WaJ.kKK. ImfHrrlrr and I)ta!rr in Foreign and Do
mestic Hardware, would respectfully inform hi* friends
and the public generally, that he is now rereiving his
Spring supply of Hardware ut the old stund of Walker A
WooOwcll, No. Wo«kI street, which he will dispose of
(>n the most reasonable terms, lie will be continually
receiving fresh supplies direct from the mnnnfncturers it*
Kurope and (his t'ountn . which will nimble him to com*
pete with any rstnldixlnutmt either I2o»t or West. Wes
tern Merchants are invited to call and examine his stock
before purclmsimr »*lim*wlm*p*. mars
John IS* Tovrn»eud r
StTwt. three doors above Third, Pittsburgh, will hare
constantly on baud u well selected assortment of the best
and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most
rcnisnimble lermt>. Physiefuns sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they,may
rely upon as genuine.
Physicians* prescriptions will be accurately mid nearly
prepared from the best tnutcriaU. at any hour of the day
or night.
Also, for sale, a large stock ut fresh and good Perfu
mery.- dccHO
Imte of Pittsburgh. Pa. I.ate of Nashville, Tenn.
LEIIMER A ANDERSON. DisaIeos i.x Cotton. — For*
warding' and Commission Merchants, .Vo. 8, Front
Street-, a hope liroudtratf, Cincinnati, OAio.
R E K E n TO
Merchants gonor&lly.. in Pittsbirnrh, Pa.
Merchants generally. Nashville,''renn.
W. F. Lane* Oo„ Louisville, Ky,
Springer 9c Whiteman, > n. .
JiimrS Joluisluu & Co.. \ omcmnim ’ 01 “°
Hewitt, llernn 9c Co., New Orleans.
Magrogor Sc Mortis, NVw York.
Duval, Keighler A. Co.. Uuliimorc.
Smith, Hsignlcy 9c Co., Philudelphia.
Dnnlol Dcshon. Ponton
John D. Dftvlif
Ai;<mONliKlt and Commission Merchant, Corner of
Wood and Fifth afreet*, Pittsburgh, is ready lore
eoivh merclinndizc of every description on consignment
for public or private sale, and from long experience jn the
above buslnoss, flatters himself that he will be able to
S've entire satisfaction to ull who may favor him with
cir patronage.
Hegular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Fancy articles, nl 10 o’clock, A. RI.
Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and secondhand furniture, Ac., atU o’clock, P. M.
Sales every evening at early.gas-light. auglg-y.
A Car d.
4 S I am now engaged in the importntion'of Brandies,
J\. Wines, Gins, Ac., exclusively, l have made arranpe
menu in different pans of Europe and the Islands, with
well known houses, for my future supply of Foreign Li*
quors, which 1 will be able to sell, delivered in the Cua
tom*houses ofNew York or New Orleans, or in this city,
at the lowest market price, for cash or approved paper.
I hftv£ in store and cellar a very large stock of very su
perior Wines and Liquors, as imported, of cele
brated brands and vintages, for sale on pleasing terms.
Cor. From and Smithfield sis.
A FULTON, £cU and Brat* has rebuilt and
• commenced .business at hjs oJ4 stand, No, 70 Sc-:
cond, between Market and Perry streets, where lie will;
bc'pleased to see his flldsmrfcmjers and friends. _j
Church, steamboat, .and 6clis of every size, from 10 to'
10,000 pounds, east from patuirns of the most approved*
models, and warranted ip be of tbe best umteriius.
Mineral WfUerPumns, Counters, galjiMgH, jbc.. to
pe the r with every variety of Bruss ft required,
turned and finished in the ucatcst manner,
-A. F, is thesole ugent for BabhU?* Jfr
taL, so justly celebrated for the reduction of friction im
machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of
him at all times. novl3-y
SHAWLS. — A. a. Mason <s• Co., 02 Market street, have
received the most extensive assortment of Shawls to
be found in this city. In addition to the various styles of
Cashmere, Tudceri, Wool Plaid, Thibet; Net, &c.,iie has -
rcoeived ancw-style of French Long Shawls»a superior
article and. . . ... • i :i-noyU.i ;
- >?«•
'Jr.: f'fcS'f'i
J - Business (ildrfts.
FALL FASHIONS.—iS. Moore Las'..just received from.
N%'.*\ViYpTklhe Fall Style of HATS, which he will in
trotliiec iliis' day, Saturday, August UPth. AHfhosein
wwitxifuneatand •>♦ulterior JIAT wcmld dn well to call
at. * , . j . NO. 73 WOOD STREET,'
angsB, . 3d door above Fourth. :
rrpwWSEND. CABII S: CO., tNMm «0 Ite old firm
A 'Ol'lC. Towrontnd k Co, mid Cattr k Rowland* bo?
leave, to announce to..their friends ondto the public gen*
erally, ibot iJicy are now prepared to execute-all kinds
of Work ttf the Coaeh ana Wiigon-rtaking business, at
the shortest notice* arid warranted tote ©i the best qual-
The Very large - quantity of seasoned with
which theyarc prepared, and their facilities for business,
enables them ip insure the public that they. are prepared
to cirry extensive and prompt business in their
linefqnd tl&y respectfully solicit a continuance of the
liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firms. sep4
VTISMTIAN HIJNDS, Wholesale nnd Hetail; No. 111,
st, over Gill’s lint Store, between Diamond
Tilly and Fifth si. A. GRJBBLE A CO. ore prepared to
furnish BllmU at prices much reduced;
cmfn'cl tnodr of painting, and other advantages unknown
to others in tne tfade. Besides giving a superiorfinish to
Blinds* thqy trim them with the best materials, making
them rich and durable.
Jo*\Vije nr narrow slats—portable or permanent fas
tening's farm-died. Old Blindt re/uud. dec2l«y
Hardware. Cutlery, and Saddlery.
JOHN WALKER, .Dea’er nt Foreign and Domestic
«Jlard\Vure, No. 85 Wood street, would respectfully
inform, liia friends find the public generally, that he ha*
received uptime *tock of Foreign Hardware per ship*
a l*<fteUo.’ ! MWyoming,” and which, to
gether, with -a large supply of American Goods lie is now
receiving direct from the manufacturer*, will make his
assortment fccry extensive and complete. Western mer
chants will please call and examine his'stock. sepH
bet*, having enlarged their establishment for the man
ufacture oiTSTEEL uhdFnxs—-on the corner of O'Hara
andhiboriy streets, Pittsburgh—ore prepared to furnish
Files of even* description, of the best quality: and being
dctenipuctl Jo make it the interest of consumers to pur
chase from them, respectfully invite the patronage
of al.TwliQ use the article
marl S-y
jA' TRUSS, for the immediate relief and permanent
cure of H*rnia and Rupture.- (Suited- to all sizes.V The
sujicrlor claim* of this Truss consist in the comparative
case with which it may be worn. The pul of wood l>e
ingliemly'ibplauood on springs, yields to the pressure of
any’rpDjt and thorougly adapts itself to any move
ment mode by the wearer. It can be worn without inter
mission, until a cure is effected. The subscribers havo
made arrangements for the manufacture of these valua
ble Trussed ft-.h superior style, in Philadelphia, and have
them how tbf sale at their onuJC. No. 77 Snuthficld street,
near Sixth. Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT,
jyl_ P. w. kauepman.
MQNONGAHELA HOUSE, On the comer of Water
qn4 streets. Pittsburgh , Pa.—The midcr
signed Proprietors of the Mouongaheia House announce
to the PuLlie, that tlic House is open for the rccoption of
Visitors. They arc cousciotts of having spared no ex*
pensetin titling out the Establishment in suohs style as
to repder every cnmlbrt to the Guests. They hope by
constant care and attention to business to merit the pa
tronage otfliberully bestowed on the late Monongabela
Housfi. V i|marsi JAMES CROSBAX A SON.
X t KW;PRLO STOKE.—Jmis P. Moruax, Whole
iA tale e-tiul flrtaU No. 9tfJ[ Wood street,
one door South of Diamond alley, Pittsdurg.—TheßK
subscriber Ims just received from the Eastern cities, and
is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
arises iu his line, consisting of Drugs of nil kinds. Dye
JrRUIWf Paint* and Varnishes. Chemicals, Ac., together
with all #ush articles m arc usually kept for sole at a
wholesale ipd retail drug store.
Ilia'stock is entirely new. and has been selected with
care. ..Heiui conltdcnt that hut articles, both as to qunlitv
und°price r sviil please such as uuiv favor him witli a culi.
A THENEL M R-frcshnirnt und Ralhfhg Saloon*. IJber-
J\. tg'Sttvct. — 'llic *id»scribers,Jdeeply taliukiul tor die
increased-! and still incrvnsing patronage bestowed on
theiß. sincathe openinc of their establishment, beg leave
to state that their baths ore open at all times, and thut
hut,; cold and shower baths can be had at any moment.—
A,thw more'boarders can be arcomtuodated ov the week,
and gentlemen can procure breakfast, dinner, supper,
etc., at the'usual hour*, say : breakfast 7| o'clock, a.
dimver. I?f;s«n|>pcr 0- iu.
Oyster*.-foolm? drinks, and oilier refreshments furnish
ed in iwupevtur style, and charges modrrete.
PI.ANING MlLL, —Jamc* Mki.l-
AjrX ■J.mikk wuuld respectfully infonn his friends and the
public, thailii* new establishment is now in fullo)>eraliou.
ami tliai he is prepared to furnish Moat Cabins, and fill all
order, fop Planed Lumber, with promptitude, aud at the
lowest rates.
Board aitd Flank, pinned tin one or both lidos, uon
stdiitlv midland.
Sash. IVdrs and Mouldings, of every description, made
Builder* bud Carpenter* would find it to their advan
tage. : to give him a cull, as he enn now furnish them with
planed ►tint, suitable lor ever) descripUtm oi work.
dee:Mf ;
FASHIONS —Hart oiui Caps.—Ttie ggg*
: will "introduce*, litis day. Ucelie
fc Cdi'te.r's Full Style of French. Mole Skill, Silk
and 1 Nnteo Hats, tn which he would invite the attention
of the jmbjie
;•*! door below Davis 3 Auction Rooms.
N.-H. 3lj> rail assortment of Captf and Muffs, embra
cing nn.*ri:trii*iYe variety, is daily c\j>ccted, and will be
duly-mmotinccd. f». W. <i.
f. - subscriber. having brought out Ute well I'TwV
known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the / a 1 X
Fttib Wahl. rys}H“ctmlly informs his friends and the-pub
lie generally. thutUc will keep nt all times a stock of the
beat, description of riding liorecs, buggies, carriages of oil
kiwis, and in short everything required in lus line of
A punkidernbie portion of his stock u new*, atidhc Is
cbnlidant-'rio stock in the city will be superior to his.
Ills terUts will be moderate, ills stable is on Lilrcrty
Kt., u doors above tho oannlbrldgu, whore i-espootful*
K Solicits a share of public patronage.
• ITT” IHe i» also provided with anclcgunt Hearse, which
ivul be furnished when required. octVA,
X '
N ■ Janie* Howard 6b Co.,
nAVliTi)ii.‘ pleasure to announce to their friend* tbut
ilifl again o«*ruj>) their old stand at No. £1 Wood
street. \V{r«*ro they have opened an extensive W.ALL-PA-
P.flll WAHBHOt'SK, and will have constantly on howl
aiii-xtensivo assortment ofStUjn, Glrtted, and Plain PA*
PKIt UANGIXtJS, Volvrt and Imitation Borders, of tlte
latest styles and most handsome patterns, tor papering
balls, parlors and chambers.
-.They tnurmfucture. and Lave on band at all times,
Printing. Writing. better. W nipping and Tea Paper; Kon*
net anil Pullrrs 5 Board*—oil ot winch they offer for sale
oh the,most accommodating terms, aud io.which they
invile the-attention of merchant* and others.
' ’ ALROAUIank Book* of all kind* and the best quali
ty; Schotol Book*. Ac., always on band, ami for hate as
above. all jf2s
New Hat and Cap Store,
4CH.\!I. 11, PAULSON, (late of tbc
of i?auLon k Gill.) having opened
store, at No. 73 Wood street, next door to
tbc comer of Fourth, is now manufacturing, ami receiv
ing frojjti the Fasten) cities, a very large assortment of
Huts and Cons of every description, be
made in. the best manner ami of the best materials. Ot
ter; Seal,dine and common Muskrat, Scalene, Hair Seal,
-Flash and Glazed Caps.
k ALSOr—A line assortment Ql’ladiosFurs, such us Lynx,
Fitch, C&ttct. and Coney Mulls, Tippets mid Fur Trim*
•tilings; dll of which he olfera at Eastern prices for cash,
both wholesale and retail.
Country merchant* will please call and examine my
stock bciorc purchasing elsewhere,
Wholesale Shoe Story,
CHILDS k CQ. are now receiving
their Spring supplies, consisting of one of
(he lamest, cheapest, and best assortment of Boots
and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring
to thisfTtiarkci.
.ALSO—Ladies’ und Misses’ Florence Braid and Straw
jßonnels, of the latest style; together with a splendid ns*
x dortmcnl of Palm Loaf lints, Mcifs and Boys’ Summer
• Caps.f ;
ALSO —A largo lot of New York Tanned Sole Loath*
• cr, al'lof widen. having been purchased at the lowest
rates., und selected with groat care for the Western
trade,] will be sold at a small advunoe on tlie oost and
.All jnerchanls wishing to purchase will und tt to their
interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing
.elsewhere. inarQ7-tf
POUTER’S City Dusuerrean Gallery, Philo Halt, Third
sjrcot, Pittsburgh, Fa., aud Franklin Buildings, Balti
more, Md. ...
.Mr. 1 iPorler rospectAilly announces thut he has. at con*
sidentfcle expense, fined up apartments mid arranged
light for Daguerreotyping purposes. Ills long experience
in the art has enabled hint to overcame many of the
objections too common to pictures taken by this me
thod. f .
Mr] Porter Is aware that the impression bus gone abroad
(owing, to die muny failures to produoc good pictures) that
clear und distinct Daguerreotypes cannot be made in
Pittsburgh. His experiments,, however, since he has
openea his Gallery, fully warrant him in saying that as
good 'pictures can be made tore as elsewhere.
Ladies and gentlemen arc invited to call and examine,
Instructions given, und instruments and materials fur*
reasonable terms.
' AlLorders from country operators~prompdy attended
to. ; 1 1* 00v25-tf
X - HOUSE—A’o. 92, Third strtet, Pittsburgh.—The sub
scribers would respectfully return their thanks to their
friends and the public, for tbc very liberal patronage be
stowed since the commencement of the new. firm, and
would earnestly solieil u continuance of the some.
.They would respectfully invite those who want to pur
chase. nnythmg in the furmtureor clmir line, to. give
thenjat call una examine their extehsiVe stock now on
hand, couststing of some of the most splendid Eastern
o,nd Ffcftrh pauoyns of Rosewood und Mahogany Furni
ture., Flattered py jhe very extensive patronage receiv
ed jifnheir basinet, they have, at considerable expense,
mode arrangements in New York,'by which they will
have, the latest Eastern pattern? forwarded mouthlyythus
giving, tlie citizens of rßU*bprgh ari oppprtunity of pa
tronizing home industry, and finding in their own city
: they formerly would obtain only in tlie East*' Haw
ingsdopied the principle of small profits and quick soles,
thcv'vwtU be asio whales as any-of the
Establishments tti the Eastern Cities. " .. ; .
npvlO-y ROBERTS *; If AXE?
( \ '>f 4 £ V
William J,;Bantilde,
' ALLKCiUENT Cm*. Pjy. . .. , ~
('llRCriiAtl>— Thd undersigned having complied witii
j the requirements of the Auction Ivaw, ant)'taken'out
a ComnuHsion tu* Auctioneer;'tor-- the r City of Allegheny,
is now ready to receive merchandize, in-all its variety,
on consignment forcitljcr public or private nte; ana from
long experience in the above,branches.of bninness, uat
ters himself that he. will be give entire satistacUon
to nllwho may favor him* witli tlieir patronage.
Liberal advances made on cohurigumeitii. I sbaH cn
deaVor to make specdy/sales and quick returns. ..
’ Tendering yoh and your friend* my *cryice».:l rernam
your obedient servant, - > WM, J. BURKSIDE.
Allegheny city, September, 1847; V "
Jamcs-May, Jame* M’Cully, John Litllo, Jr., John B.
Guthrie, Win. A. Hill A Co.. Jones R. M’CUutock, Jome*
K. Logan, John D. Davis, Parke A yaunen. John B. Me*
Fadden A Co., Alexander Stuart, A Stevenson,
Uovl4-y •.
John CartwricUt,
IMPORTER and Manufacturer ofCntlery, Surgical and
Dental Instruments,Snddler’sand Turners hand tools,
Taylor’s Patent Shears, Ac. Also, manufactures Truss
es, Supporters, Ac., in great variety. .
John Cartwright, manufacturer. and importer of Pen,
Pocket, and Table Cutlery: Razors, Scissors, Files,Saws,
Tools. has removed to
83 wood Stbeet. second door below Diamond dlley,
And has lately received a large.agsortmentof
Rogers 1 and WhotsenhohnV FINECUTLERY..
Eliiotl’si RodgtfrsV Wade and Bro.’s Razors, Scissors,
Razor Strops, Damascua-and Wire Twist
Allen's, Colt’s, and Blunt’s REVOLVERS; Fowder
Flasks, Shot Belts, Game Bags; Walker’s and Cose's
Extra Percussion Caps; Bowie, Dirk, and Hunting Knives.
. Tools, such os Gt»lUpeps» Divider*. Plyers. Nippers,
Hand Vices, Squares, Rules. Braves, Bits, Spoke Shaves.
Stocks and Die*. Wire and Iron Guagcs, Mathematical
Instruments, Ac- in variety.
IC7"Jobbiqg and repamng ueatly and punctually done.
ma9-ly • '
Auction Notice,
rpilE subscriber has paid Into the Treasury of the Com-
X monwcuhh, the amount of license required by law.
lie has given the regulnrly approved security, and taken
out a comission of the first class, as an AucUoucer of the
city of Pittsburgh, and rented that spacious ware room
belonging to SyTvaiiits I«otlirop, Esq., No. 114 Wood st.,
three doors from Firth, where he is nrepared to attend to
tin* sale of even* kind of Merchandise, Furniture; Real
Estate, Stocks. Shipping, Ac.,either at the Auction Rooms
or on the premises, aud will in all cases exert himself to
the utmost for the beneQt of his employers, on the most
reasonable terms; be will sell exclusively and only on
commission; neither-purchasing nor having any interest
whatever oa goods in the :»iore, but merely the Commis
sion for selling, thereby giving all owners a fair chance,
without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the best'advantage.
Sales will be promptly settled when made: advances
will be given at any time on the most accommodating
terms; merchants will not be charged for advance*.
Regular sale days, Mondays and Thursdays, of Dry Goods,
Groceries. Furniture. Ac.; and every evening, Hardware,
Cutlery, Watches, Guns. Pistols, and fancy articles;
Books, on Saturday evenings.
optH . JAMES hPKENNA. A«ci.
J. ankium a go.
New Arr*ngemtnti
r|HJI2 subscriber, haying leased the above establishment.
I and liaving refitted undmadc some material altera
thins and addition*, is now prepured to accommodate his
friends and tb? traveling comrannity in the best possible
manner. The advantage* of this excellent House arc
peculiar to Itself, as those traveling by canal; particularly
hi inclement weather, orlanding at midnight, have only
to step from tho packet iuio the beautifully , furnished
Bpartincnts. whurc they will be contented and comforta
ble. In udditiou to tint extensive accommodations be
longing to this house, the proprietor hns.atgreatcxpehse,
reli'u a, renovated, and made such additions'as will sn*
iiirn the promise of bis kind patrons, oaM
Tin? Uur. the Pining-room. i.h* numbers, and partlflip
|»rly ihi' cuiinury departments, are no provided tor tljftt
we.challenge competition any where.
T}ic fare will be of die best the market affords, and dtp
price* liberal.
The proprietor having been rngaged in catering for'
guest* tor many year* in the east, leeia awnml that by
strict uttrnfiou'lo business with a watchful cy* to the
eomtbrt of lit.-* guest*, he. will deserve a share of the pub
lic poSmimge.
n«jrtSWiii HENRY !>. HERKHOhDER.
\I«KXANDKR JAYNKS is the only authorized agent
in Pittsburgh ond Allegheny- cities, tor the safe of
the Pekin Tea Comjinny’g 'Tran of 73 and 77 Fultou «!-,
New York. Any other person in Pittsburgh pretending to
sell our Tens is an importer. and deceives all who iuay
patronize him. It U commonly known that the Pekin
Tea Company's Teas huvr proved sujrcrlor to all other
Tea* sold, and tor this reason many persona have dUhon*
estly pretended to have the sale or the Pekin Tea Com
pany's Teas, they arc all the time vending trash
and cheap stoti« &fuch they have obtained elsewhere.—
Others agaitf'assmnc the name of the Pekin Tea Com
pany and onr packages, and thereby deceive
We are inionned that there is a person in Pittsburgh
selling Teas under the uame of the New York and Phila
delphia Pekin Tea Company.. We hare only to soy that
this assumed conipanv have no connexion, whutever,
with the New York Pekiu Tea Company, as consumers
of tea readily discover by comparing the article iliey
sell with the genuine tea, sold by the New York. Pekin
Tea Company, at the storc-of Alexander Jaynes, No.
Fourth street. r .
120 Wood street.
N. H.—Messrs. McCAInLMONT k BOND. of Phila.lel
nhio, have no aumioxiun, wlmteycr, with the New York
tVkiu Tea Company, nor have they any right.or privi
lege to sell teas under » nmne mi nearly resembling ours
as to have a tendency to mislead the public.
navi 73 and 77 Fulton si.. N. Y.
Godey’i Lady’s Book and FanUlylttagaslne
r FHfK oldest Magazine In the United Suites, contain*
J. monthly sixty page.** of reading matter, bv the first
writers in the country,—twelve more thau the New York
Magazines. Two splendid steel Engraving*; anundeui*
ably authentic colored monthly Fushiou Plate; Model
Cottage* «nd Churches. Crochet Work, and other matters
for the Ladies, all illustrated and'well explained] Ac.
Prion for One Year, (which includes the Lady's Dol-
Jnr Newspnpur, making three publications in one
month) - -S3 00
Two coj*i'*.c. without tin* Lady's Dollar Newspaper* • 5 00
Fiv«* coping with one to th** person sendiugthe club* •10 00
Light copies* • • * - 15 00
Twelve copies I*o 00
A specimen of either the Lady’s Book, or the Lady's
Dollar Newspaper, will he souttp any parson paying posb
age uu the request. Address, L. A. GODEy.
jan2i*tf No. 1 IX Chesnut xt., Philadelphia.
Fifth Street Turning Establishment.
r |TOiL Subscriber, having completed his late improve*
A uieuts, is now prepured to do all kiuds of Turning and
Sawing in u style far superior to any other shop in the
West. as he has now twelve turning lathes, boring ma
chine*. uud circular saws fitted up on the latest and most
improved plant, He would most respectfully inform his
friaiids, and the jmhljc generally, that he intends to give
his full nudntion io their orders, lie will keep a constant,
supply for the aooomuiodation of his country customers,
(carpenters and cabinet-makers.) of newel-post and bal*
lusters, materials for columns and baud railing, bed posts
and tabic legs. Also, bed posts uud rails fitted up on his
most approved plan of iron tasteners and hickory screws.
All orders from a distance promptly attended to.
H. 11. RYAN,
N\ H.—Our German friends will always find some at
tentive German In the estoblishment to attend to their
N. B.—The subscriber would further inform the public,
that he has a vary powerful engine—about 70 horse pow
er—qsnd. e fe\v small rooms to lot, with steam power in
them, suitable for small branches of manufacture.
Fifth street. No. 29, betwoen Wood and Market sis.
4» A* Mason 6tr Co.,
63 MAitprt .-Truyrr, nsnvi|KX Tmw ajto Fourth streets.
INFORM their monels and ti;c genera)})', that be?
mg about lo'remove to the apuomtjs and elcghut Store,
recently erected on the adjoining lqi, they wifi close qui
their large and well selected stock of Fall and Winitr
Goods, at cost, and in many cases less than oost, to ena
ble them to open their new store with an entire stock of
new Goods.
The sale will commence this day, and continue until
the first of Marph, or untfi their removol.
Their extonsivc atsortmmu «f DREJSS GOODS will be
sold full 30 per cent, loss than the usual prices.
They, consist of the .most lastuonublc Cashmeres and
Dc Lames, Gala," Mohair. Hilk and Orango Plaids. Also,
Bombazines, Alpacas; &c M &c.
Cloak Goods— French and. German Mcrlups, Queen’s
Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, Broad Cloths of 01l thc
most fashionable colors.
Black and Fancy Dress Silks, of even* variety.
Shawls— Cashmere, Terkeri, Turtou, Fluid, and fttfipr
Shawls; a very large assortment, tally roduood qno half
English, and American Flannels, of
all colors and .qualities.
Bonnet .and Cap Ribbons.
Gloves, Hosiery, Gimps and Fringes, Wrought Collars
and Cupes, Laces, Artificial Flowers. Plumes and Fcath*
ers, Scurfs, Cravuts, Hofidkcrehicfs, Fancy Buttons, ke.
Li nbt! Goods of every description.
Woolen Gnods. .
. Cassiweres, Cassinctts, Vestings, Beavers, Pilots,
Tweeds, Jaynes.
Whitney and Bate Blankets.
Also, an extensive assortment, Calieooa, Chintzes, Do
mestic Ginghams, Checks, Stripes, Tickings, Brown and
Blcachod Muslins, kc.
The following will be some of the Prices:
Cashmeres »t9|c. , Usualpricc -*3710.
Mous. de Loinc.s I2ie. *• “ 25®31c.
Gala Plaids-•••••••• *5OO, » « ••••-♦Bl,oo*
MohnirA Oregon do* «2*te. »» u ...] 3710.
Aipaccus* v *lBjc, •» u 1271c*
Flannels* tr 20c. t» .n*]*«374e
Wrought Collars.-rrrlßfo. ' *» , « ...
Calicoes*••• m•?*O01Oc. u ,
Cassiiielts- ••*.. .2«<»3lc. .
Together with every, article- uvtb'e llqro, which wifi be
offl-R-il cquall}' clwtui, VjEiliirs mjiy. bo qisHreU, ibot
they will not be disaiipomtat! In llie-(iiuility or nrioca qt
our goods.; •. tiimbi].-. ■ .A- A-MAaQM fc EQ-
rpo COUNTRY MKRCHANTB>-.Tlie sndwriber will
_l_ pay three dollars and seyenty-ftveloeuts.pcr 100 lbs.
cash, for good mixed country rags, in quantities of h lr 7
to three thbusnad pounds, delivered ttt .iny Bbpk Store,
No. 80-Wood street. rUtshnrgh.
... Gn.hand, a general supply, 'of school books, writing
mid wrapping paper,'blank Wok*, r , vyhiph wjH I 'be
sold b> thcidbzeit or retail, at lowest-cash prices fqr>rqa7
dy pay. (ja»27j LUKE LOOoDS, ;
■ *■ -r-
Jfcw York Pelclu Tea Company.
* x _ o. 4 -
N. Xv. Corner of Wood and Fifth SiMOti.
THK Proprietor of thcMbtixixu Post Otul ‘MkrCVHT
and Manj/factubkiv. ToBi>ect!ully informs hi* firtond*
and the vpatronK of these papers, tliat he has ft large as
sortment of JOB TYPE; AND AT.!; OTHER MATE
RIALS necessary to a Job Printing Oificc.and that he ia
prepared to execute • . - ,
LETTiin pukss nuvnN'f. 1 or CvKttr' uKsomrnby:
’Book*, • Bills of Lading.' * ~ Circulars.
Parnphlefs, ;■ BiU Heads., - ■ ('ards.
Handbills. Blanks, , ' .Hat Tip*.
: AII kinds 6f Ufn>ifcj,' and -Cartdtßoat
Bills , with appropriate Cuts , printed on Ihe sJjprlest uotiee
and most reasonable terms. !'
He respectfully asks the patronage of his friends, and
the public in general, in this branch of his business
scp32 1,. HARPER.
' Balaam*
IT is-nov tvrantK regra since I firstused die Vegeta*
b)n Pulmonary .my; family. . Since tliat time
it has beon iny practice to keep ft bottle of the article by
me for the use of my family, iwhich is largeyand for the
benefit of my friends. I nave uniformly Ujundit to be a
•very valuable, efficient medicine; said think, that by using
it seasonably for the caxapluints tap which it is-recom
mended. it hus often prevented the disease ftatq taking,*
more serious form.' : lrf one Instance,* I recommended ft
to my brother, who posiilcsin the State ofNew York, who
vrds 'dangerously ill with a'disease of the Itings, I{p
has -since written to. me fbr'moref hating fotrnrt no
which gave him so much relief. . . OTISFECK.'-
Sold in Pittsburgh by :
Corner of First and Wood;: also, corner of. Sixth and
Wood streets. ‘ ' ’ dec2s
T>I!RF. OIIEEN AJ?D ni.ACk TEA6,/rom ilie Xew
I . ’York Pekin Tea Compans I.—JustreceivedalthePe
bin Tea Store. 72 Fourth street, a very .lurgo supply .of
fresh Green iiiid Black Tca«, r Of nil the different grades
and quaHtics.jfoportcd into iliis- country; packed in lead,.
in su. boxes, in 1 lb.. J lb., arid « fb.packages., A 150,5 ft?,
tin Cantiisters,. of the different qualities, convenient for
families and steamboats, rungitgrin prices from 37£ cents
P ftj,. to 91JMJ. Fine Oolong Black Teas, ul 50, 621,75.
■871 c., and 9t.fto fts;' | “ ' ' ‘
We will raftjml the gjuneyiu nil cases where ourTwis
do hot give entire suiisluuiicu, or exchange lor a different
article.* ; • \*- : -
For sale at the pekiu Toaster'*, 72 Fourth Kt„ by
decll X.JAYNKS.
BOOT# BllOKsi. Tftl'Nkk:. kO.—roUausbeef l/rtg,
trard'. wholesalehnd retail BooL Shoe piid Trunk
Store. No. 186 luberiy street, nearly opposite the head of
Wood. F. A JI. have in store tint! are receiving {heirPal]
and Winter stock of BOOTS. SHOES. Ao,, consisting of
the lnrgest stock they lmyc ever been ablp to bring to this
market. Our stock of gooks have mostly been inunuiuc
mred to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh mnr
kct. We also have constantly-on hand a splendid, stock
of Ilayirard's JfeiaUic Gum-Elastic Bbofs.baih for ladies 5
and wear, the'most beautiful article ever
mnmifnetured. We would solicit an examination of bur
slock of goods, by all who wish taputchn»c*>eithcr at
wholesale or retail, as me shall sell at n small,advance
abort cost. Country merchant* will find* it to their inter
est to call and examine our stock before purchasing,
aug2l '• i XoMflfl Liberty st
PIANOS — splendid rose wood 0| Oc
tave Piano Forte, madejby Chickeringl Boston. ■ l}
l{erz.—~Onc wiui'grand Piaim Forte, from thcmamjfao
lory ofllenry Here, Paris- 6| Octaves. . -
Oat* rb.—One enrved rbsc w00t1.6 Ocfavc,.made by
Gale A Co!. New Vfirk. Oilcditto mulibgany C| Oc
tave, ■, *'■
. Stoddart. New York.—Gopi elegant mahogany■ Piano..*6
Octave, which has been ti>r abont a Price
two hiindred dollars', . i . i-• i*'
SECOND HAND Vriplictii .'Second
hand Pmuo, made Loud A UrotiierV, ip good order.
One sceond-huiid Piano. Price SU*O.-. .. •
For sale by JOHN IJ. ,
nov - • •• • 81 Wood street.
IT' A\C\. GOODS m r /, ; ]{sssu y *sll e \v gtbfo M nr kcl st,
• 45pcs cWim vsispii. vur[o4» .stylus: .. .. '
. 4 do*, piece* sbadad arpl plain velvet ribbout
2 u - : ..•’... blOOl{‘ <’- u>.- .w - • .<5..-,
2 * l CVlesUai uml Torrostiul Globes: *’
U*‘ lvj>F>' Meiuafandtpp Tablets; , -
4 ~ Cut velvet packet book* and card cases.
4 “ Ifrtnfcitfioe carpi.#, ituliaUnn'ot'
t» ** Genmm *ilrcMa» hulls. *
• A lafyc lot of Gimp burnt black frimtc;
A ginnl assortment ofDfnb ami mole colored;'-.
•* 4 • Giujp to tpntoli;' .
- ® Wide blncki ' ;
__ .. ; . Graduated'BnUnns; ' ' '* •
\Vjth a jrrcat variety of miscellaneous:uii{oii2sJ
wliirh arc
' Extra lnr£e size Jraubiiy R.-»jr
Coral JJea'd-i. assorted strand** ‘
Writing Desks, all si^es.*
. I Julie* work boxes •*:.'• • . ..
Hnckciimnmu Hoards-
Gold Spectacle*, off ujfe>: .. . . ',....
Black Cnion Galloon.'
All»h<v above yowls vv‘ it I he sold low: ' UfgjiA* :
nOMCKr.ynne BCH)ly:x-— llu* Book-'
store oi the subscriberviii r7lilj*t-,ncar Market:
Slattria Alediea. punt, hv Sanluel KalmetitbnVtrohslulcd
and edited by (“uarlea iuJius llethptil. 4 volsT
Hartman's AeuH t>y Dr. lletnpcl. voli 1- ; ’
llomcropmhic Domestic Medicine. by on -
larited aud improved by A. J. llajl, Mi lk
labr's New Manuel, vol. f. Nos. : I uhd'3.
Hennas Domoafle Phy# : eian, " ‘
A.Manuel of Dunjeslie Cpakory* for.the n<e oi persons
who are under Ilmu'Vopdtliic,treatment. > ■■.».
ItoonmshanscnVTltrrapadit: VwTcet Hook. for llonuc.
patlnsts, by Dr. Okie/ ' '
Hnhemnu*# Chronic Disease*; vbl. .5.’--
Tojjothcr with Medicine Chest#,- of different '*i.*r.« ‘Olid
lnpld) ; . ..' . VICTOR BCBIH.V,
V™' HOOKS, JUST HWEIVEIX—ll.nrtn upon
Larth, by Jaue-way. one volume,- • * t- :
Chaniork** Choice Work*, bv Lvii)ing?on, l voL, O'&3
Coincidences of the Old HmfXe\vTc>*tumeaW. by
Rev. J. J. Bhipt. I) I>...|'voi.*': •- . -\ > 1.25
CholuienVMiseell&ntos; Poems. Mssnys. Ac.. 1 50..'
Sclecl Works of James. Venn. WUsou.-l’Mllijift J
and Jay. in one largo v oh, for the low price of *1 50
The Free Church Pulpit, 3 volmno*, . *.. - 400
MortenLJhfidelity, bv Sehtuticker; ' . _
Life ofDavid. * ‘ - ' T - fl 75
Daily Walk with God, by .Mathew Strong. - : V* U 7J9
Circle of Human IJfc.liv'niohtck. - • -'o®
Memoir of Charlotte Elizabeth. _■ - - - 031
The Work* of Francis TurrtMine,.in the original
IjUtin. to be couipfetc'id tour volumes,—three
volumes notv reaily;. : . • •• ;! v :
Willis! Puntical Works, in splendid Turkcy Morocco.
Tfio übovn, with a great 1 variety of new* hooks, jttst re
ceived by • JiLLfOTr & ENGLISH,
. J ai> 7 Market bl.,,be;vyeen Third and Fourth.
\TEW AND VALUABLB BOOKH.-lbtdtfslgned Coin*
XI chlunoos in tlm Writiiigs both of the Qlfi and New
Testauients, an argun.ent Qf (heir vefapiiyfNititb aiv Rpi
pendlx. ctmiftiuihg uutiesigiiod imiuoidenaos between the
Gospels and Acts ainl Josephttsi By Rev. J, J. BluniJD.
B* -Fiwt American, from tho Second Ldtidoii Edition; ‘
.. r^ > t 5 ol Modern lufiddity illusirolcd and refuted,
by S. TO. Schnutcker, A. M.. .pastor of the First Lutheran
Church, Gortnautown; Pa. . • : .. •
Sacred Plulosophv of thp Season*;; illustratiug ihe per
tcction of God - in the phenomena of the year: in foitr vdl-
volume devoted to each season. > Bvtlie Rcv;
Henry Duncan, D. D. * ‘
Chalmers’ Miscellanies, •'embracing Reviews; Essays.
a, l«, By. the latp ‘rilfts* D. D. • V r
rhe above, with a largo variety of new arid Standard
Works, for sale law. by ; • - ’ • : -
.! ELLlpn' * ENGLISH,
AVORKB.—GoodjWivevbv Mrs, Oluld; ' •
of Women, by Mrs. Childs:
Prose mid Poetry of Europe and Amenpa. I”
.Morrisand WiltisrV •••'
Machievelli> Historyo| Floreuce;. .
f.iie of Danvenuto’Ceiniui
!«ettcrsof JohnAdama to hisW He;-
Book of the Court; „.
Letrobe’s Solace of Song; ' '!
, Picrionary of Quotations. 1
ll: H t BOSWORTH k CO.,
aov2a ' - -• ‘ No. 13 Market »t.
A Half Quarter ,aud..Eighth Ripe* of the
/ tollowing brands and vintages;, ,r X' '
Sazorae, 19517; i B«tignpttecr v
Otard, 1837 and 1844) ; • Fjitet, ('risrillion ACo., ’44;
Herniary, 1814? Dup«D>.P, E, Q* ,
The atmfe brands are warfrontod pure, or no sale; good
judges arc ttU.invitedtocxamlnofor lhemMlv6s,’afthe
corner nfSimriiheW and J?Eunt sirocu, - .
novla p. C, MARTIN.
V BRAUY,—MacliiavclltV HiHtory of Fldfende mnd
Prince; Uosuoo’s the Fourtii: Roscoe's LorppzQ. de
Modiol: SoUUlrir’s Don Carlos arid other Drariias ? Bock
man’s History of Inventions; Memoirs of Count Gfanj
mont; Schleyell’s Philosophy of History: adhlcyeß’s
Dramatic Literature; Memoirs of Col. UuCcii|iison ; Kobe
Hill’s Miacollanoous Worki- Lift at Imriiaimiq.Ct;l|h)i;
Cox’s nouse of Austria:, liontcpyeck’s ffuantsh Lirnfa
turc. For sale by ' ' hi, 4* IIMSWQRTir'irRO.,
dcu4 - ; i : 13 Majfcet flfoix, •
A/ ti r|«uijbrige; t; . m
r: kin^.Tfue;
Rr ftih. '•
l* Galbunun,* *ttiripicai . .
F.xir’t. Jalap;
. 15 . Dandpljopi ,
, & . 'u : . .... . ••
Just received,-and tpr^aleTiy--
■B,'*, PAHNBi-roOK 4 rf(„
' deoi l : .Cpr. Firsl und Wood »ie,
Wfk ohippod I-ogwondi
- ‘ W '‘ r prmind ' dpi
iW , nlljnMjl Fasfip.;: ,-;I
ii»> •• fiffllw . ... .
Just received, find for-sale by
.. B, A
jqns Cor, Fi|st gijfl;Yfopd Bts,
JjfQR 8A1.8,. Foot Xftiftrrß Infill, Überly
j- ahd fljfy sts.; :eaetwui having 24 ftet frunt, anq 'exr
nding baolc f 1,0 ofthem are cornerfow,am
tlie ppsjtiqn pf ti)c whole property i* one of t)i« timst ad
vautagetm* jn tI)C For furthcr im'onumlpu apply u>
• ; . * VVKLDKR, Fpurtii at:. ..
qov3-tt between Wpod iund Smithfielrl.
BHNJKOjO 4C|p—7s omjcr.sjust ri'cnjypil iiad forsale
u* a 7?ahnfkSTgck M-'Q.: 1
dpcj of fflnl WourtX-i.
•/?-’ -.P ' ;V A-iJ ; -; '' ': ••' '■=;.; t;-, -y. -7 :•'• : : ,.y ■y. .';
, £v’>; ‘:.vv
*-f 4'
- ,sr Js£ :
X EXF ivAßb^*!'barret, prime, torsnfc Kt • 1 •
"J^-rtnfggg^-'-—AWrvi’LjnfC’ l
T^EMUOIINS—Fot sale at the wine sMte of
/XBUSHED and Pulverized Sugars fi»r sole ot tlie wht® : 1<
Vy»Wreof___ _ jdcclj JACOB WEAVER. '
LAUD.OILr-1 bids. Cincinnati—superior brand, 4jjT
sale by [dcc2] . SXDTIf A SINCLAIR.
SOAP— »10 boxes. No. 1, Cincinnati, tor sale by “ • ;
FJ^OFR.—7dQbbl» i fotaale by „ ~
4 ja'ng? r ; >fEHI«ERS A NICQIA*-
rpAU.—9O bbls. X. C.. for sale by T
JL jar»27 _ _ .. JNO.V pRRBV, idhotty it
GIDER VINEQAIt—4O bids. Jos’sale b>
jan27 ’ ' - ; * ; ' = ' JNO FPEHUt.^
LARD OH;.—s'bbls. wfntcr strained Cinomnuth *lbr
sale by - „ : ;Qati373 ;: JNO. Fi PEEftyi v
'pOTASH.r-o cagkg No. 1. for sale by . _ ... ++■
X janS? v jvo F pfeltßf.
too bis. IV. 11., In store anil for salc-'bV ' *
V JMB7-^NaF-wsiittYK
Shoulder** fnr-*aJe>,by
X> JanQ7 ; jftofr: PteSvY.'
15 boxes M. for. sale by ■•'••
m , j.i> vrrtaitx*m}*
T) AlSlN9,=»3ot)x*. tuidqr* ln»; M. lUfor iAJefr
JLI/occlj ■D.‘WIf- r *
CJ bbU, V<i. jt|»t recM nnd fur *ale by. A vr^_v
*3fc*39" MILLKK & RICKtMoS
TXTTHTE BBA.N'S—iIO libii, fur sale by .a,.:,
•W- ■ Ilec3B . : i SMITH & SINCLAIR.^
r~II*OYKII KKBD—,3 Übls, for sn!n by ' .1 ( , jm>
V il °° oB . ■ ; ,: ... .smith t Sinclair,
I) KA NUTS—luii Ini. superiur uunlny, In Hti>nJutd£i
Jb sale by fjeoai) SMITH A SLNCra.WC”
I v ■XttpfW Keg* No. ! t, neatly inn n]i for Tamiiy ijr. - ‘rSr • I
■i sain by ; i<l?.can| -,bMITH A '
y quanmiog ; ip.smt,. by. , ; , P r p -MARTIJfc?’- ■
TIU.SI! \V /1 IS K EY—2 puncheons, for *aJcsi» qdanmles
MdauiMiv [<lcrJ2) j\ c. MAaTl.\ f v "
OATS— 10 bag*. on eou.signmoiit. furaalejiv . T '
janfg : - •• ? ••= j 1) WlTXf\Stjs
M6L-ASSEST-25.. M*bi. ISVO MofoV4«, joR
oml by „ , ,
-Jaifl-l ’ , M!U«ER‘fc RICKETSOy,.: •
lmpo«aiion,'fur *ale by the cob or hbtiKl fft'fti >
wine utore of , [ilco-jfl.l , : , JACOB, WEAVER,
Inox loFgo Iron tafc. fnt bv '- - V
. B, A. P.UIN-ESTfICK * rii,
Pnmer PiMtanrlWtxnl
FI bbh*. fresh superfine -Flour, 5 ‘bP-ii^Vobto:
brand; jubt received and fur sale, by * •
jtrnio V HAIITH* MNTLAtn,/
i?|i..yniT , i)i4> y o,Rno> , , 4W ,
Vi fl . ' i* etrpw. ,■•■
J P “Wirf.lAifli;
14 O. l5 bluls. strictly*
4.* v- Sugar;: just received mid tor KDle.hv- irv.r;; tti -:
-l anll „.: - Wi:
I OAF SI.GA4L—■> bhU.-No. 0. Loaf Sngai:> tbf'Bftl+t
-i low to clOstr consignment l«v - ••/, .
jnnll . . - - , ......-■ :,• JAMES MAY '
K 3 thp ca«s«r bottle, at the wine store of •-v c.- '•
, ; - v ‘' •' mvob wtf\vfiri '
•üb|s i ifur.d j -.tor >j tic bv .i, jf« /»
...... jameb.mayvj
CAZEIUC im.v.VDV-Al hnli,jmrl quarter pipes, pakfS'
vintages irom *3? to -*4l; lor sale b\ *
.J;***! - ; .-- -• ■«:■•->. V.X) ttAßlttNtU
PORK.— 100 bbhfc • Mess ' Pork: * 18' do. , JXuvfm .
store and for sale, bv . . , ; !•:
V • ' : MXLKRS A Xirdlif _
AILS AND SPIKES.—3SO keg* Nails, and KmJaik n 5 *
j;i ; .Bnrte(l; iu store and for sale-- Iw * * w
; : . U’», wathhaus*-
QTKl?L.—Agcnorab wsoriincnt of Cast!. WxottK
- **?• Ocrtuan. American and Sprhur Bieel. in store «md
tor sale by- - « liang?]' : L. S. WATERMAN;
BAISfNS— W !»s*. atirf'qr. bxml'SL soli '. by
_• ;•;» ; -J.‘D.^vinu^Msy ?n<
- ‘•'•i-.-s .•..• ; o3«<MW%XVqoijMiV4 ;
OU«A:R-AXBMOld«siiS-a) Prims N th&feZ
1.7 t»p: 40 bblx. NVO. Mal&tiitcsv jtiftiruceivcil pntf Ivr'Mita
fe..- ; '• EgigTlJlv gXf&tfrZ
ITNSEKI).OI7»i— 80-bbl*. 'Prime Linseed Oil, imOOji
i siemnent, ajid snle by ’)' .. *• - 1
jam* 1 ; ’ SERCBB»4yir!Oi.a. i? «.
I bbls, CnnMinK’s No. 1 IVliiitrTjft
/.Oil, lui Sale m te<lucn]r«r< bv ’ I'lo-.
imiai ....... -.useCmsbs*-Nicta
RYF. -FI^LTL—27 bhlsi Rvc FIomK o prune artiele f Wr
laruuy iuc,.just received anriYoir scnle.'t>V i? '*-'', . ,i*
- . < L. s. WaTERM t
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.—tt &noks, a fuparioMirli'-
.ItMe, m store ntpUbr wtlc bv • • • 1 - v
: janiß ,-. : - *l* $. WATER»4>*rt
• V ■•’■V *v
IOTASH— \ busk* Xu. I article, in store anti for 'sale
by, (ihrc2aj? A Wood iV, *
[ODA ASlL—2s,casks, best quality, fur iolc-b)
1 jan27 JXO- F. Pi
Wdl, pure Vinegar, from Cldct
LAtf-lCHth m store and fur sole. wholesale and roMfliftV
iLPPfr - -> ~ •>;.■■ JACOB ATKAVEIVt
HOPS.— 5 sacks, on.consisrmnent and for * *
: jariM 1 MILLER'& RlC>H7rSc&*V '*!
jafU«i . 56 Marketer., betwceipTWnlaiMiT'dfirfli? 1 *
CJ'ENNA—2 bal’ca ••l-lnst India,” just' received ajiiTftr
kT*aU>, l.y : ' ’B. A- ttnOif^l:
.nuvW- : Oor. FiT*r*rid
"NOOPnnS'' MI.VULA Si. Si-9 6uses. )ti«f 'recM a ihJ" '{tfi
j* ale. !.? • - II; A: KA«NE.<TOTir*«rd>, rtt “ 3
Hurt# :-t • ; Cor. nraroodAVoßd^rt^?
Gock JiSD CUOWX—.Vfev basket* of tKtfootistfrSi*
«il Wine offered for sale ht Um win* slot* of ’»
newrii. ■: ! ;_ JACOB mjAVHJRj •>
X* OGWOQU—IOO bbU. jiiat fceelvodanilfor l
i ' V B. Al j KAftNESmjCK fc
, lioyg? . - Cor. First and Wabd sWjy fi '
Gtlftil. MAGNESIA—2 casm. juMrec'd andYor's*!©*:
/ by B, Av PAWN IiSTOCK 1 & COL*
dccll •*.«.! i . Cor.FJmandAVooH *
AI*AP—2 casosHuvl rrcM amt for sale. toy*?;!
B. A: FAHNESTOCK & CQ t - '•>
■ •: •• Cor.*First.and Woflri ilf/- *
CN tTM ARABIC^-235 i|i§,,iu a t rrcmvori nn*\
T. •• Hi A: P^HNBftTCK'R
d*c3 --• \ Ofir-Firstaud Wood-waps
PIIOHI'HOUrS-llOlbs., jifit rrc'd and for wile. by '
* ~ -»~ i Cor. First «nd Wood sts. • ■
ICELAND 'MOSS—TfcatefristVcM'Aiitl forsfilo, by
Cor. Firsl.and,:.
■ ' • • '-ft*.
fpO RK.\T.—?A Basement wnli two rooms, K!ulftl>fc,fol
'il ' a physician or dentist, bn Penn street, between Harfu
and Iroinatrecu.; : ()»niH]ln WILMARTHei
Fpo w tbfco story p welling House, rritfj
X bath hot)sn attached, situate near iho corner of logins
and wa4hingiQn strcets. PABsDs«ton clven ontHeftrtFnf
April next, . - ... -CfriU?], ' JQIKSF BEBBfen
CIAKIILBsL-r-Sfl Unxcs Stearuae; * •» «, »«'* l i , *r£
t 10 ,‘t Star; , , ,t
■ •' 5 •' Sperm, * * }
For sale ;byt'- ■' • ;
SUOJAR.-rC Uhrtt,:Printe Nc\v Orleans; - ' i
; 2 _bhU.,D. lL Crushed; . v
j lO w; LoatV
r , For salo:by r . - .-Xjau23].-.'- : i iJ.D..AyUiMAMibiI
AW CASES—I dni. each,’ of ray ‘‘SniwrlMArOtttufi
«7 • Wine Bluer*,” for tale to the tTsrto l
bfll : 'Also, for sale by the gallon or tmrfe’KaUlel M WiA ;. gs
of r i, (uroil - JACQB/Wl^YBliuj
XTEW.-iSKS^AMENTS.—■J.vadßl».;Xew;®>«(« ,
Unto; Svvooil.oo'm ditto; horn!. Oc rmftij
ditto;- - -if fl. B£)swor«T«;co,, f
deed UT Nft»y»»UW>V»tj
QWEKt MALAGA WI.N'R—Ob!., aniKlndubbl J.
p^ol: v £; 1 Ma,agl Mo,mtai “ jAc'oft
-• -nov27 * •■■ ; • ■■. iVmc fttoTe^;
81. OJIRQM4TB- I'OTASU—WO !b«. Knidisb,
& /. PAHSKMOCK-t CO., 1 ’ *
■•vv’, i'Pßt-' Pn»H>aa.WHH*«B«t:<
- •
‘ i Oi(c6i;si"ijsi:c!it, mid fbr"SQtq by ■ ; ' v ~ . f : wvn;^:--.Q; jm4,sa ,a .mcKsstmkn ■■
TMCPS AN'D'lib'l.K BOlik.—3oo llam» Baeqn; l.twj
J 3 Site'lWcr* iS hK'i>- Sides iio.; ~7 <lu. iu b(ills', W
eonsWiiiiiCJif, 4(jtl iqr sale be " ■ “ ‘'■ .i S' 4 '. * .
j«ic», : : -;■ • •■?■.=;
Hrfme'fUo; . '
.0 « OM Java," - ’«• 's* *■»«&
:.i»:.% timm \ h U->v%U4*s,
10 ’) - **- 'Gj f u|(w«pHiuilj6agj s? '<»?& Hr
- ■ » W ; catty &«*«% mnotut kt>lu;> ’ -
Fr-t splo I.j- toWr, ,
jyj-AOIvKnEU-WbM,,: s\i SijnrKc liaototnt:
.-,\ ... - ? <•■ So^-":
11l -tote iui.l [or Ka|r by ■ - . .r ■
«»<J , ■ IfHAER 4 .
SIU, Q&.-.-nUc sul Jnlmtfv Kf-01,
powder. HeiiuVntollw. Sam. C’uriarator.
Bulsaut Tstii. CfnAandet ;•}«*
■ f< V ritoKaKofUK * tv,r?
:•' pHTifw-rtW-airt VV’oqaig,
lg i Mr * `i
kV:'~'/rfc '
.N 4