The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 10, 1848, Image 4

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•v.'.-; : xfr:*wt& Of M’Cahnont t Bond, of Philadelphia, the
5 ; - . pdbttC'S’tiaJd&eled 10-beiicvc that-src havebiecu ciaim
.' / Ing a privilege irwediad oo . richt to,
abandoned. some.timc since, tnc exclusive agency sy»-
tem,® and that wc have right to claim ** exclusive privil*
> exes their 1* as." 1 never pretended to sell the teas
'i : . ■ ot-thU-aporionacopcem. L have been selling the teas of
: . - theiNeve.York Pekin Tea Company for the last two
years, aa the.public are aware, and have been to New
York four times in that time, and never heard of this netr
cotteemumiUnuriy but avteoerf dealers.
- ■ business of M'Callmont & Bond is about eight
.. V months okL,aud their assumption of the Tea Com-
is because a uamo is open for auy man or'
nmbto*asmne; but the fact intended to imply thereby,
tbat they have any connection with the so called and
weUlknoarn PekinTea Company uf New York, iseutire-
bpen deruexl even an agency in
]%ibMleijrina,:tar,ibe New York Company, that Company
having refosed even thus for to confide in them.
IkbOW-botwhat kind of wool they keep, nor .what kind
of teas; I am only certain that they keep or obtain-none
of lifeEckiaTes Corapany’s of New York.
• AnT person reading this card will sec the gros* decep
tion tney wish to practice on the public, and to the injury
af.bxyibusineu. ; M'Calhnout A; Bond arc wool denier*
“ ut Philadelphia, and have sent an agent out here to pull
vrooiover uie eyesof some of oor good citizen*. Lcok
j;,:-- - . black £ieep.• •. iuoviOj ALEX. JAYNEB.
; f - r ; s.
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Mone's Wtrhly Budget of Ntw Booh for 1.849.
•V/ GUddori**Ancient Egypt new edition.
The Nioeteedth Century, a new Quarterly.
Chamber's.MisceJisny.; full setts on hand.
■ r '‘£rres*of tHe'Qaeens of England, by Agnes SirtcMaiiri,
i>r-‘ - • l «di XL w . *
v>f Qoceu. or tlie Wife’s Stratagem.
i*'iMa«eonn*, a tols of the Revolution.
! , J --'SongsforthePcoplc, No. a, superior to No. 1.
>Jaer Ariel. Ot ? life on board anlnriiaman, new supply.
Eubank'* Hydraulics. No. 2—full setts on hand.
|k • Flowers Personified. No. 14. do do;
f. . • • England, Nos. 36 & 37, do do;
•-Union Magazine, for February, do do;
National do. do do do;
[ r . . . ?vGraham's do. do do do;
/, • Godey's Lady's Book for Feb’y, do do;
.Little's Living Age, No. ID3, -do • do;
from 160 up.
Remarkable Events in the History of America, by J.
American Phrenological Journal for January. Suh
-scriptions rceeired. -
. an Aiftobio;:rophy, by Currer Bell."
o - Fairies, a Christinas talc, by James.
• .;r£diabbrgh Phrenological Journal arid Magazine,
.uullte Conquest of California: and New Mexico, by the
£>,' JtHCdttof the United States; in years 1840 and 1647, by Jos.
-Uariiton Cgcs, with engravings, plans of battles, Ac.
- A.Tour to .the River Sacuenay in Lower Canada, by
Charles Jjuhman, ontliorof ** A Summer in the Wilder*
w • • jwaoa^i/-.•
for January. Furnished to sulv
«rrfbers bjr the year, or sold by the single number.
andfTben,;by the authorof Ten Thousand a Year.
SjdWawly.Novels, cheep form, new supply.
; above;-with all the enrrent light literature of the
•dar,;ctiß-be bac atf*s:Fourth street.
v'ri Any one: wishing to subscribe for any of the eastern
. JHagmxinesor-Ncwspapers. can do so by applying at 85
b . Fourthstreet/ As persons aro often L in want of some
’ jpaxriealacboqk th&tcannot be procured in>. I
gwottldiaforra Uiem that any work ihcv may.wish.: I will
■Ordet .from the'cast, and procure for thcm,;in an iivera c
-of;ftomfilo.l3days. - • Uanßl). M. P. MOUSE.
n.;*- >, , -i
.... '
lathe best Congli Medicine I ever Saw.”
KVVEAD the following proof of the superiority of Dr. IFrf
• JX UmTs OrUntal C-ougfi Zlixiurey ttom a. rcspcctablc cit-
who has tried iu
•. Pmsaraort, Dec. Jo, JBI7.
irnMattsa. Jlavs A.Buotsway:—After laboring for several
weeks unilcr the disudvamages of u harassing cougli oqd
imost-’distreiisiug cold. wiuchhad, thus fur. resisted the of
ftsetaofsevcrarof lhd?‘ i iniHlliblcs.“ I wns induced topur
ribaso a botUcof your.Orientul Cough Mixture, and give
&lr triaL -Toiny gTeat surprue, after Using only one
t'Jialf/oLtfte .bottle Ifound myself entirely well. i lt tithe.
Hest inedicine J eerr sa tcV' :
.. .Truecopy?• • JOHN HINDS.
r • Sold by It AYS A BROCKtVA V, Pruggistß, Comirier-
Row* Liberty-street, near CrmaL ■ jan?
- 1 A N IMPORTANT IKXriL—Titc Early History of
c Pennsylvania mid bf the West andof West-:
«tftEjqpd4irtoris and Campaigns: with-an appendix, con-
extracts fronx.important Indian treaties,
minutes of conftrccce% joyin‘ri», 'Ac- ‘Together with a
topo&taphicnl-'descriptioa of - each county of Western
• Pennsylvania.- Onb.lawe-volume, 708? pages, by H< K.
*'Stupa*. Esq. For sate by - , . /:
• > . xl s. jroswojtTH £ : co.;.;,
janlOi .-.M 1 •? ‘ f tNo; 43:Market street.
'ffIEAS.-TSO bulfciimdsYourig Hyson} *//
■-JL--- catfy.hbids.. rt ...*L ... ; ._ ;
-10half«ji«tsGgnpqwdet? . t . ■ , :
V 2#J«mbeXCS •/ - : { 1
i r-v i 8 half chests Imperial; *v !
' > •» « .
'•'■•TTjZSjjr' rrrjmr - tt>t
- tTO AEMSlTOAßblSi—Threatenedin
gMflHKS TB*imtof\Veatcm ColSwhV\vith
10,000 men, notwithstanding .which, J. M.
Whifß wfll?ctmtinue to seii clothing, cheaper than any
has he&efoforc been otlcred in the Western country, hav
ing CKtaWishment-rn the city, fronting on Lib- j
arty and>Stxthals/ now prepared* to- show to his
bummus patrdim tlte gn*alest Variety of cloths, cassi
toetea, vestings, and clothing of air descriptions, suitable ■'
for tatiirpproaching season, that has ever been
thirftKtrlet, to whieh tdl enn havc the Right ofWay.—-
corner.‘No'.‘lG7. Übcrtv and Sixth sts; •‘•i-.-if
J. <tf. WinTFl, Tailor,‘ Proprietor^-
‘ffiaiUNti OFT LOW FOR C ASH. r —. Winter Clo-
Jt3»^t«tgof.evert - description, such as cloaks, over
coats, superfine blanket. Beaver. Pilot and heavy broiiti
cloths, superfine cloth, dress; and frock coats: a large, as
sortment of twcediis&bk and frock coats. r - ;
Cloth^cassimere,:and satinet! pantaloons; also, a ceii
eral assortmenmM’ vestsj tdain and.''fancy cloth. -
caasimerc and fancy woolen,'and plaid "eassimero. with'
a grnrrvrmety-of superfine Irish huen, trimmed sbiTts.
•under shirts, stofck, cravat*!ebmforU:mid,hi? ’dUref arti
cles in the Clothing line, which will bo-sold low for Cash.
Pfcrchtteto wiUtvnd il muehto their.advantage to call
sooKNdr49>BtbertyKFeeuf- t P. DKLANY ;
, B. A complete assortment of goods, suitable for
wayson hand, suchas English. French
•nfl-^aßftflhtaheipihayahdicagsfrneres, also a choice'us
sortmehboC seasonable ■vestings—all of .which will .be
nudoa&Ordcr in the latest*st)Tc&, and on-the most; ac
commodating. terms. * jiml3*dow
XpBJY; NKW GQODS^—Received at the Iron
J.l:~City Ciothing Store, oi splendid assortment oiCloihs.
consisting of fine French. Knglish and American Plain,
blackJma’TancylCu&idinbresi of tkeinQsl modern styles;
fine figured Cashmere: .Vestings, Silk .Velvet, Plain .and
Fancy Satin*—alt of which we will make tip at the most
reasonableptiepsntrß'dnrable and fashionable suit*.
ReiWy ■ made - 'Vlotking*.. of all de«*cription*.; ) .ady’x
Cloaks of the most* fashionable patterns. Neck ami
PoetttfldlTe.i Snsiiendt'r?, Bosoms, Shirt Collar*, and
nsiiftliy kept in h Clothing Store, t’omitry
Marcßaritsv be fo repnre basing elsewhere, will' find it to
their advantage,to coll at the Iron City Clothing Store,
Ndi : lSS liberty streehlimiriediately opl>orite the mouth
of Market: / • ‘ fotrUS-li]' C. M'CLOSKBY.
'ci- ‘ 1 ‘ _
y'lolhlßjt 1 Cllthlng I! ClothlnE I! 1
■Jni 'Tnfn Big' Boors vn.'Tht' Waitm' Xrorid! ! !
-*t/17*VfVV- roade . and ready to Vo offered on the
moitintefal terms to my .old customers and the public in
Proprietor of this Ihr-famed and extensive
eitmytshtnCtVnias now. after returning from the Eastern
CiO&MU iiaiuch. trouble and expense, just completed his
Call and:win ter arrangements to supply his thousands o(
customers witU stocks of no
thing ihtfhascYcr bean oflerediu this or uny other mar
ket. 'Wfest'of.the 1 mountains.' For. neatness in style aud
. wotkmai»hipV combined.with U»e very low price wjiich
- for.tnuat certainly render the old unri
vaUedi;Xsirce Big Doors one of the greatest attractions of
the western country.- It is gratii>*ing to mb to he able to
Announce la my numerous friends at- hontc and abroad,
thatnprvyithstanding.ihc .exlrnordiuary efforts which l
hare made to meet the many-calls in my line, it is with
difficulty I can keep time with the constant rush that is
made on this establishment, h U a well established
ftet,' that my sales are cigntor ten times larger than any
other house in the trade, .and tius being the case ©o the
- amount sold, 1 can atfrod to sell at. .ranch less profit than
others cduld possibly think,of doing if they, wished to
- corer contingent expenses. l inteud to rnakc a clean
sweep qfal| my.preseut stock before,the beginning of next
- yeati comifig to this conclusion, I will matte ii the inter
est of even" man. who wants a cheap winter suit, to call
and purchase avihe Three Big Doors. '
. QJtai«dkw .. JOHN iTCEOSKKY.
CAN'T' BEr?BKA>T!—/. AT. White has}ust received at
bis large esfabfrslnnent, tronuns on liberty and 6th
'Streets, & splendid-assortment of TWKEDS for siimim;r:
■lso, a superior Jot, of French Satin VESTING:*, all of
which he iS'ready to * make np ih tbe latest fashion and
on tbcattosr*reasonable terms os usual. Observe the
corner. No. 167 Liberty and Sixth streets.
- WHITE. Tailbr: Proprietor:—
NEW’ BOOKS 11—The. Convict. or,
XlKihp Hypocrite unmasked, by G. I*. R. James, Esq.,'
Jac«Jk*hure, bvT. Howard, author of Ratlin the Reeier,*
thc-Sktrofthe rallcn,by Curtis, author of Black Plunied
- Riflemen.
The M*«ic P3gdre HeadL or the Lady, of the Green and
Staefßx Charles Carey, of the U, S.Navy.
Ttelßanflifs Bride, orihe Maid of Saxony, by Louisa
Sidney.'*.l.;'. ,-‘t
.Stanhope, anther of ,*• Striking Likenesses,’* etc.
: t-eonill* Lyumore, and Mr. and Mrs. Woodbridge; by
. London Quarterly Review..
Union Magazine for December.
Lift of Joseph T. Hare—a large supply.
*n» Manceuveriug Mother, by the author of “ History
of «PUrt’ : -
..TbpWUfuluess of Woman, by the stune author.
-f. The dd Comihodore, bv E. Howard.
. Jdnhelte,A)tsou, or the. Young Strawberry tale
and Shore; bylngraham.
or Daylight; a prize tale; by J. 8. Robb.
, Sir Rowland Ashton, n rols; by Lady C. Long.
ITjc Spleudor of Versailles, and Court of Louis the
mrtlZr: v'. •'
& TtajrersTersotufietf, Nos. 9 and 10.
* of America, part 9.
.Mtfgariues; Newspapers, etc.
T*opdoii Punch and'Pictorial Times, per. last steamers.
.ißroftier Jonathan. Philadelphia Courier, and Yankee
Doodle Pictorials. For sate by W. 8. CALDWELL,
•ddcfl ~ 3d street, opposite the Post Office.
ADMITTED, by Pamhologists. that nt>
i ongriml temperament, complexion, constitntion.or form
.Xȣ boayffeonfers complete immunity from hereditary dis*
.'easef Xhat Scrofula, Consumjrtion, and other atroctiona,
Aeting k similarity of origin, occur in all. although obser
. jvatkmcofmnces us that individuals and families, posses
- sta&sfertain characteristics. Hre more frequently the sub
ject of these maftulie* limit others. These diseases are a
morbid condition of the wbold system of nutrition—their
products being but the elfects-of an alteration of the blood
and secretions—tbc nicer*, abscesses, enlarged glands.
- inflammation. Ac. r being merely attendant phenomena.
The caasc exists prior to they phenomena, ond must be
uidestroyed before ptrrfeeiJiealihcan. be established. This
.'aoty be done bytuing Dr, KELLER'S PANACEA, the
■mostcertain-rcuiedy for diseases arising from an impure
• atatif of the blood and system of nutrition, ever presented
to.the afflicted. ' Price «3i. •pint' bottles., Cull and get p
IFor sale by. i i-. •• JOEL MOHLF.R. Druggist, •
janSMm N. W, cormTof t\ r ood and Fulh*ls.
V. >.
. •••
v ~ .> - ?r - w
= vputrtArgh Portable B
1848. Jj
IJOR, the transportation 6’f frekrht! bi
.. -and'the Atlantic ciue*/a*bhiitj£'..
tt»e way,.and the consequent risk oi
breakage and separation of goods. j (
• Bcaanimm & Market si},
Taaffl it O'Co-nnor. cor. Pehn aiid ]
; j |
(VCoxson 4c_Cq., Xurtli&trqet, Battitp;
\y, Jc- J.T. T*rw.-onv 75 Sonth fircci,
Kncouragcd-by mere ascdbgsine *& it i
added to and .extended, their,arrange
winter, ami arc now prepared to/orVvt
gulorily and dispatch. unsurpassed b
Their kmgexperienceas f ie
ity of the Portable Pout system, ani f
and convenience of the
Line. om peculiarly calculated .to euul
toMulfil their engagements; and.,acuOtn
loiuefs, and cptmdcnUy. offering the ui
for the future, they -respectfully solicit
that patronage which they how grat?fi
All consignments .to Toutlc and ipi
reived and at
of Lading transmitted tree of any elihri
advancing or idbfagc. lliiving iio iiil.'
directly, in Smamboats. the interest <
must nooessnrily be their primary ol jei
and tliey pledge themselves tuforvvurd
ed to them promptly, alnl oulhetnb-* a
to the owners.
Pickvrorlh> Way Krtif
IS4S. i
I EXCLUSIVELY for the .transport id
.j'between Pittsburgh. lilnirsvilh ,
dayphtirg, ‘Water-Street. nnd all intrni
One Hunt leaves die warehouse o’C
Co.. Pittsburgh, every day. (exrept SKm
pers can always depend on having sl»ei
cd without delay. and at fair rates.
This Line was formed for the al i
the wav business, and the proprietor*
it liberal share of pammngr*
Jottx Pickwobtu. Jonv .Mn.t.iiw. It. t
WoODft.' \Vj|. PVLTY. ’
Jotix MiiitK. Hulliduysburg: U. |.. (
C. A. MWxtXTY A: Co.. Pittsburgh.
J. J. M‘lV*vitt. Jolm Porker. Kobe.] t
Smith. Pittsburgh.-
Independent Portable B
OOPS consigned 10 our care wnfj t«i
\JT out delay, it! the lowest current! ra
ding transmitted. and all inslructu>n|» |
to, free from ttny extra clisrge for Myra
Address.-oropply to • «'V a, M 5 /|n]
Cuna! R’tin
HAVING n vrry largo and coiurlioi
lire prepared to rvccjv:, {in ad lit
'‘shipment,} a largo ahibunt'of rteluife.
low'rate*. ■ • |mt»rt«] A. Kr
Increased Speed and Re
ivivtitk AiaiArcr.rv.EN
fpHE Public arc i»fontr.‘<l that tjir
JL Baltimore Railroad Company hiv
niu? th«.-ir curs oi 4 r.
by which •arrangement wc arc e»»sd
Express goods from Philadelphia u*
parallelled short lime of ftro japs,
oelpjiia at 4. i*. \J., will arrive at Pittsftvt]
Uro\viiK> ille Bout of the s<mn,i
dnced the rates on wuttJl paikiiatL
former charge. >-
Express start* Cverv duv, Sittuint* t
R f.\ V r
Connell’* Magical Pain ]
IT is now canecitcdiiv invHicaf it
Marital Tain Extractor, mauiifatjtu
& Co.) SI Courlland st,, >ic'w York, i,
Her of the 19th cernarv.. it* effects ir<
All pains an* removed from burn?., kcj
external sores/' in a-Hsw minutes afr
heaiing the same on the oiom delicate
•colt. It is equally beneficial «o all :h
ry'.diA&scs.stich. as sore Nippies ui
Hbcuiu&tism. White Swelling and lie*
ChUlbluin*, lkysi|«;la». Hilo*. Tic V>
might add as prooftp all u*r tjtr n
intent physicians who use it in tbei •.
dredft of the clergy who prince- ii-tp 1
parent keep it constantly on hand, in ra
£re.liie may be lost without, hut by is
subject »o iu control, unless the ritalsjai
rion—remember ana a&k for Conn tits '
tractor* manufactured by Comstock ('
no other. -
PtLKS, Sonrs, fcC.-rTh* (tenuinr
article ruore justflv crlebrab’d n.« a |-u ■
than any or all 6ther*. Its cure* ah* :
and it is only necessary to let those Jvl.
and use it with such great success. n,a!
true and genuine of Comstock A Co., '
N. Y., sole prbprietor;
i*old only gemdiHjjn Pittsburgh. 1 y.
S 3 Liberty st.. head of Wood *.L: ’alvbi:
by A Clark / iu Brownsviilr by ]
by our agent in even* town in lVimkv
and Virginia. T
SolfUer* of tlit Mexican
fIMIE subscriber hdVin*r ojVened an 41
J_ Pittsburgh. itt the State uj I’umfyf
pose of procuring Warrant* ai U
inenl, for the discharged Soldiers tl
a* well as the Volunteer?, who hnvoj jh
in the present War with .Mexico. iteb:
the representative* of tin* demt, ilist
application to him at Uu» t'lly, .giving
dress of the soldier, and if dead. hf*
will receive careful and prompt attain
Instructions and lllankh will be i <u
per mnil to the applicant, to be i»xr« tn
me at this place. The Warrant, w} e r
immediately sent per mail to the pn p<
should prefer recemnr money. I n*i! ]
Warrant to the best nuvnutnge for cn
charge for that service.
In the event of the death of the
mentioned in the letter, and the wti t:
cording to the following rules: Fi
children, {if lie have any ) Second: t
Third, to his mother.
Having a son in the General I.»uiicl i
ion. ami one in the Army under I
the mutter would receive their pron pt
any difficulty arise ruspcfihtff the m e -< :
Letter* fuldri*s»ed to me on the *jb
poi-i. and inclose a Five Duller Da jk
petition. W.'
Holt, ilunnar Denny. \
Hon. Walter Forward. j Pit •>!
Col. Win. Robinson. Jr., )
James Hall, Esq. >
Robert Huchanan. Iv*q. > Cit ej
Irwin Jc Foster. J
Major St. (-luir Denny. Paymaster F
I«it!Ul*('nl. Sam'l XV. 1)1 nek. \
Cnpt. John Herron, MVol
Cnpt. Robert Porter, | 1
Capt. I*. N.'.Guthrie. .
W. D. F. niny be found at flie otlilc i
tin. Esq., late Rlack &l Liggett**. Ui rkn*
A A. MASON A CO.. Dry Goods
jt\ m BUcct, bittcreii. Third and Fourth
received n l urge supply of rich FullD«
pari: 17 eases various style* Prints or
glish, French and American nmnuj't ci
and desirable patients. French liiught
ferior to none imported in. style, ipidJit
colors; 4 casus..splendid Flmd poodd 1
comprising every style ibr Full and \\
meres, M. tie I/tiines. Sutirt stp’d U
colors; 34 and 44, black, and blur li ]u
tillas; Fancy dress Silk*; Iduck andjM
J«ai<is, all wool Shawls of every su p
sjmeres, Cassineit*, Broad Cloth* atal
cd Und unbleached Muslins from fil_»
Oriecn*'Yellow. Red and White pj.
Check*; strip’d Shirtings ; blenched bn
etc. etc. :All of..which an*, offered ;U
tail nt the very lowest cuah prices. [
sep3 A. ft.
ll tn«, Fourth street'. —llocuu A A.v
typists from the Eastern cities, wonlil <
the inhabitants of Pittsburgh; U)id thp i
to thrir Dugufcrroptypcuf citiron? and
the tliird story of Burke’s building, <ith
. Persons wishing pictures taken mjty
no pains sholl'bc spared to produce jth
perfection of the im..Oiir instrument* n
crfnl fciitd, enabling up to 'exeeiUe pic
lor high finish nndirmlifulnes* to nojm
solicited to call and examine. j
Persons sitting for pictures are netth
peeled to lake them unless perfect sl|i
‘N. B. Ojyorators will find this a'go>
and cHemiculs. • f
given in tlm art,
recent Improvements.
Christmas Blossom*; I*.
The Gift of Friendship: i
. Friendship VOircrinc;
The-Rosc;. J bt
Th£ Sntm- Fla fro; - |-
riirisimn Kecpsukv; i
'Hie Hyacinth: |
Scenes in the lives of the Fntria
. Illuminated Gems of tiered For
...Lays of Love and Faith/Ar., Uv
'"Amelia's Poefn*: "
TUppers l Provnfbinl Philosop!
°4 < ‘ l i irrr w a largo variety of .' 1
and Religious works for side by
degflp Lt’l
TO FEMALES.—Every female slilin
Dr. Ralph's Fills. They arc pc He
Peculiarities pf their constitution, actri
ness and safety m all eireumManets. }'
cd, their character lias hennrapiillK
thc' ladies.’W^tJi f \Tliom they are rmpha
Very complete directions for use ir
plaiitts will be found in the tlirecri
each box:. - •' >'■ ~
Fdfr'fettle lir ■<■ > y .b
j>- r . ... SmitbfjoiiH
• -Also; t»v Allpjrberir C»(|
tiitfi£i4tA;»airi Jolin'M’Crsickcjj, Fiftl
BATH ERB.—*i£>j;kk, rt sifirt-fti
J 2 jani?7 v; ; .;.i .jv
• -*• i; -v.!.;,--V- .'
v -i- i jr *.?».■■'.. y>
' •■‘.•"A 5.-,'' r . '-.
it liinoi,
j&veen PSfcburgh
ifafthipmcTitc ©it*
>|j{ delay, danißgr,
Wiync sis'., Pitts-
neiits. during the
til freight wjth re
| !oijy other Line;
pklpijkhle superior
®i fereat eppaefty
ifeach cud pf the
Sj thc Proprietors
update their cus
fljak 11 guarantee
» coniiuuunceof
lly 4 acknowledge,
sjjtflior will be rc
uud Bills
tjj lor Commission,'
'L directly urin-
| Coitsigtior*
in ►hippinj: w»-Kt:
lantngoous ti'rtns
• 1 morl-tf
HI of Wny !'reiiiht
ijilinsiowu, llolii
f-MlUte i)l;ie«-H.
■alA. .MAmtltv A
njJays.) ami >bip
iwvomU fomartl-
ccoimiHHlaiion of
crriull\ Solicit
p ijß'AKAKss RoBKKT
ij, . ;
Itwrej HugntrV'A
[ I ' -
wt Llue.
ini «•- •
jtorwrtrded with
><• Bins of I.u-
I'KMiptly attended
DW or commission.
igI.TY &. Co.
1 jViuslMircl*. Ta
‘tflpMH \\ rtri hnusp,
fi'ih 1 tor
. Sj*-- «*:»
' INL'I.TY A* Co.
OtvBKNE &. CO. ts
ftjcjl Kate*:'.
jjjitilmlrlpSjist. and
j.TPainiencnt nin
m?:t to- iluitinxjrr.
M; to mrwunlot 1 r
Fiburgirin Uieun
«j*leaving I’hitn
rah’m tla»- evening
«» C liavr »N« rr
i|[ier cent, on il.r
m*t*. r.. y""’
jrf CO -v.
Sjttbariea tloirl.
Ij.ii .that Connell**
wjd' by Comstock
rn .trreotest won
-5 M> nii'ruculfKii.
|u* r Ac.. an«l all
H i** • >i>ltcftt)on;
: £kkn», l<-KvtiiL' mo
f ft* ot inilumnmto
."il; J jyes, Sprains,
i |k, Jlruties, Burnt,
• rijeanx, Acr." tVe
tme.s of many ern
ijficUcc, and -hun
*ir people. Ktnd
< ol accident* by
fwsb oil-bums »rt;
lesiroyed. Caw
agicnl Pitin Er~
•»V. V., and take
Linnmrttr, i* an
lor tin* above.
boost iiiuucUiatr,
#knowibe article
£[it. i* to hn hnd
ttl - f ourihm-t
iiv- U'a. J*t't*s\,
l*n .
•ft A t'rockcr. also
(jama. Obio. Mtl.
' jn«>r l'J-4A vvOm
i -War.
m ? the * *i»j of
nia, lor the jpiir-
Scat of floycrn*
ftjd Rfguliir Army,
i rrctj their country
: the Jiving. anu
« 'ndflrcsMuz nn
\ i’Uis umne and ori-
t iliatrjy returned
$ and returned in
will hr
nrm ucr: or it hr
Hake *ti|r nf hi*
Bju nnd make m»
«rt. tJinl mn«l be
M *V|}J i**Mlr af.
sio liii* wjti; aud
j !u« father: and
nt Wa«lini«-
in Mcxiro.
• fentemion.
ihutj' proof.
|'t must be piM
IVoi** ns my com
! i.B. fosti-;r.
M \ „
*1 r (mu. scott\
t | Army, Mex‘o
jj U’m, K. Aits*
fjk UuiMinp*, 4th
If jyo
., e»2 Marker
'frrett. Imvr -jifjii
JlscompriMiijr hi
(IfCliint 7J-* of' Kn*
V*: I*W prii rirJi
|:k»s warranted iu
v -durnliijjty 01
Jrj limlw's
titer vrrart Osisb
ittcrnH of’ viiriou*
w.Silks, fur .Man
.colors*; M. du
?i«ui ; Cii.v
Vn'Mliirs: oftrncfi
ipffit. p**r yard;
EmncJs ? kicking*,
■1 brown.Drilling*,
ttholcaali: and tv
Hr Burke's J3uild~
pll ilie attention of
fcSghboring towtia,
Hbcrfc, tti rooms in
tpst assured that
$l. in the. highem
P;Of the most pow
tfesi itfl-TUrpas.-ied
Hi Tbcjmblicurc
rrquirred or cx«
Ltr.iiou is givfni.
. nrpol fcrr sto^k
lining . tfu» more
fv and I’ropiioih.
tjjUmicoues Moral
:e xoq*ns L Agt!
nuHlj iiuve a box of
fecm* adapted ti> the
Hdta’ilbgeutle tnflil*
• Wherever lntrodtfo'
y fwahluthett lunanc
tit silly The Tatafiir.
t (he 'varibus ctWH
ii jjl^ctronyjarfyiiig
® O/Slirifli? Ifir*'-
iSS 0
? v - r
emigration atnta. ™
'' ££>& Bscbei'Btgtktn, & 00. ixjffaf-’
"tgyJQ> FIXIO.V ST.; New; Yoiury Ebus Quay, Myrry
*"“*“*““ Dublin: Scoylapp Road. Liverpool. SfiSoSC
C " ,ml
it.:. ‘ Arrangehttrtit for 1848. 1
1) ?sg§- *«a, role Agents for the! BLACK
rfiV 5 of ktrcroooVatnd New< York (Packets,
take thelibcrty of announcing- to. their old friend* and
customers, that their arrangemenu for the year Is4B being ,
comi'lrtc. they are prepared toi>riug"b\il pftsserigcrsvbY
«>« 4 £oin Liverpool to Nityv Yor«
ana Philadelphia. - They refer to their former ;.couriie"of
.? -P® busincss.’pnd aisufe thosewho entrust them with.
their- orders, ibuf the sauic Sdtisfablioii will beireiidercd ■
Ohheretofore. .. ~ . , ;i
'-j-L turjsiTtAXens fro ••;
; Drafts for sule, payable, on dematid. at any Bank Ist
Ireland. ' i
The undersigned has madearrangements tojbring out
passengers to -Pittsburgh. during the present year,
r febs3mdaw* . JAMESJBLAKF.LY i .
I. ■ Passage To and From ■ j
GeohoeJ Rippard A So*, .No* 134 Waterloo Road, Li*
verpool. j :J
_CahusjLj> A RiPrAUTvNp. 5 s South st.,"N. Y. '
5 *..... .. ;r
r IMIE Sufecribcr*' having accepted tbi*
1 eiiy of the above well knowntaud respectable Houses.'
are prvpnrt*d U» make fcngairrtuciii* for to come
out from -ativ-part olGreti! Brito in or Ireland, Uy the re
pair Line ol I'ncketShips, failing froip Liverpool week
ly. I’erfons engaging with ttMiiuy resiarsurud jluitiheir
liicmls will meet with himl ireuirnont ami prompt
paii-S ut Liverpool, well as cvery imention ilecessan
on their ttrrival in this country, Apply to or address
... 1-W Liberty st.. Piu«Kureh.
• ejignjjm here frmn Invcrp«Kilio'l*itW-.'
horgli direct. aud tlrniV* for any amount forwtrfiirrL tray
ahlf ot night, throughout die United Kingdom. {jy^O-ly
Office. ‘
nAUXDKN & CO. continue to bring out persons from
any part of England. Ireland, Scoilomlhr. Wales,
upon the most’ libera! terms, with their usual punctuality,
und attention to the wauls of emigrants. ‘YVejilo not a\*
low our to be robbed by the swindliiig neuiupa
thot imeat tin* wea-porLs, as \ye lake charge tif them the
moiucirt they report themselves. sec to their wrli-be
-1,1 !?• a,, d d«j.patch them with&ut any detention by the first
«h»ps. \\e say ibis fearlessly. u» wedefy aby of our
passengers To <hnic that they \vc4f detainiiU fbrtv-eight
hours bv us m Liverpool. whiKt thousands of others wpre
detniup.i mouth* uuui thej could be h'iil in 'suihc aid
ctajt. ut a cheap rale, which, too frequenlh prtived. their
coffin*. • ' J
WtMntcMil to perform pommels honorably. rust
it hut it may, and nut net us vva< tin: ca*t* hist sciUun with
othf-r office#, who either performed not nt all, ofwheu it
sutievt their convenience. j
Draff* drawn'nt Piusbnrtfh for any stun fiftm £l to
.tl 000. payable ut any of the Provincial Bank* in Ire*
land. Knj/lnnit Scotland ami Wait**. |
I'ltropcun and (ieocrnl AfceMt.
Filth street, one door below \Vu.*ed <u.
A EiiH’TASr.E. .S&D
'TMlKSobsrtibcr* are prepared to forward moirry to all
1 pun* oi I .ngloutl, Ireland, Scotland ami AV’ißcs, wi]h
d -spatclx, and at tho lowest rates. i
sami’ki. Mrt.rnKnx Ajrco.,
Enroptan Axenry, and RamUtiuifSca to
Ireland, F.nffUnd,4c.
lARGjK and small stuns of money ran at a(j lime* l»c
.J remitted by ttyltt-drnfK at rainctiJ ratal. Uji all parU
oj'aml. Ireland. AVaks, &c. f and Legacies, Debts.
ltrnr«.< inim-.. nml Property In Europe con” hc-rcollcctefl
and ret-us rmi tlinmpb the subscriber. or dttrjfig His ab
sence from »ln-» city from October until May. onjus amm
a! t«*nr< k'lrop*'. by application to Jamis* Mer-
WuiiT sirt-rj,. Pittsburgh.
H KKI’.WN. Anorfiev
and t'rum*rllor ot Law., ami European Agent.
Piitsbqjrgh, IV
!' S -A.* II Keenan has frequently troubled by '•
appii.'uttot,, nod }r-ti>T« iwi th<*' t'UMuess of "tlenlnuin. A
Keenan,'* pas6cnyer agent*, <ij New A'orV. henleeiu* p
n«vr«siu 'o*j»i that J»«* i* not the Keenan of ;Uiat firm,
and hc« never had an) coOm-xtou with cither of J hose •
•'»»’* J. octt; ■
Taptcott'i fteneral EmlgrattouOffice.
rtsP RIvMITTANf Ivt ami Puaiate to mid -kjw
Great Hriiuti ami I rvdund. by :
SanlLlt J. T. Twpae-oii. 75 South at., r-rn ~rj * V>ify
of Maiden rjuir. X. Y,. and :*i NA'an-ru,
100 Rood. l.ircr|»ool. .!
Th<- subscribers. 'no'jntf nee entail. th»: Acetb y pt the
above lldum-. are now prepared in make arrrwtjretnerUn •
on the* most; liberal ymi* wt»h t!i«i«e de*Jr«t>t«:!i>rpoyiit}: •
the |ta*'&3e of their inend» tr»m» th*- Old t'ouiutry; nml
tiiry flatter themsohe* their charuen-r ami kingLstaitdiitg ■
in buKintisn will jivo ample assurance ihnt olFihmr nr-r
ratt"cjncm.< ■n-iJI be rarrt. tl nm fuiihmlly l
Messrs. VV. A J. -T. Tupmuiti ant Icmiji ood/avoratdy
known forthc superior r!a*», accommodation. nhd saiUnV
qualities of their Packet Slth««. 'Pie QI’KKN'OI' THE
KOsCIIS. UVERPtJOL, ami SIDDONK. two of which
leav« each port inonthly*~frora New York !h* 2Ut and
‘2Gih, and from Uvcrpool the 6th and ttth: in addition hr
which they have arrangements witit the St. Gfnrgc nod
Union Lines of Liverpool PackcJs.lotttvtU'adeprrturc
from Liverpool every five day v, ImU'ijj ilm> iVvlcnuined
that their farilitie- shall keep [wire with their increasing
pdtrotirige. \thi!e Mr AV. Taptroft'* ermstaitl personal
•uporinfendam-c of the lm«imr*s in Liverpool ik an tuhl>«
tioiml seciirtty that the comfort end urrommodatiou of
the will In- particularly attended i«>.
Hie Mil»*i being, ns initial, extensively engaged
in the. TranspojUJtion l)m-ifjes% between I’ltfHLnrgli and
tl* r Atlanlic f'iiics, an' ilii rci>y nml'W i«» rnkeVhiirge i t f
and j-a«-*eis' ? *rrtt immediately on thdjr limdinc.
without u rhance. i»f <li**npj»ointni«M\t or dv|py: and nre,
tJirretore. pr.-nnred to contract for passage t’mrp any -o-n.
port tn Great lirttaia or Ireland to lhj>> cu>. lli?' mitiire of
thn business they nre vugnged tu givuig thepi ftu ilnic* .
tor carrjmg passengers so fox iiiiumi not otllyiwise ai-
Uitimide; am! will, m aovoiin, forward fur* - ’
ther AA c«t b> the berit mode of •conveyance. wtth«mt any
adilitioiin! ch;.r;*e.«t f»,r their trouble. AVlirfy perMUi.s
wnt lor decline coming <»ut. the amount (mid tor pus/age
will b 6 refunded m ml].
Tlj»‘ *ut»i*rnb'-rx tir-; n»f-»> prrpnr-il ?r. civ* u!
■Jilht tor uny miinaii!. intyn!i|r hi ini' pni»*i|'ui vim*** amt
tfm o* in Ktitfiiiml. IrHawl. Scotland niM Willed: tUti* pf.
Irmtiitj? 3 *nir nn<l rxpp.HMiju? m«vU-»,i t'u'iiU
to rr»mifTK*j<, whrHi prr*<ms> requiring siui’h locili
ti'-> will lui»l it r»» tli-ir uii'-r<*Hf to nvsiil them'rivoa oi‘.
Api>lii-:iti.»i, til by Ji-tiiT po»t-p:»id) will Ik.' promptly ut
Forw nniin? tmrt t'onnm».«i<m Mcrelmot*.
mnp-'i-rIA \v.| \ rinijlilclphia.
Western View York College of Health.
- ll ~ M ain STiiUET, J»tFIAU», N. Y.
nn. c. <*. v.u <;u.vs vkgistable LrnroNTiut*-
r PJUS r«;!«“l»rut*d rriin-tly j* constantly increasing its
i fnni** by the making all over the world. It has now
become'the o:m medic nrr for family use* and U partieu*--
Inrly rW’unimcndcd for Drupsy: nil slngc-w of; this com*
plaint tirtmediao-lr relieved. no mutlerof how ifuig stand
ing. iSi*** pamphlet for testimony ) I-
Graved. and all dt\eti»cs of the nrtnarv olgam,; for
thrse. diiftrcx-titg complaint* it slnmK nhiin’ : tib other ar
rirle r;ttj relieve yon; nml the cures testified to will c.«*n
vinre thr* most Aepttcu! :—;?.*<• pamphlet.* lilyer Oom
pHtui. llilimm IH-o-n**-*. I-Vver and Ague. To the Great
Wrst especially, ami wlu.-p-vct these complaint prevail,
thi* mcihrine i» »*ifered N«> mmemi a gent. no deleterious
compound G :< purl ,»| thk mixture ; it cure? thiisc dinra?-*
e. « Mh certainty ami »•••{.-nty. and dot's not Icufri: the sy»-
t-m torpid (S-c pamphlet.) Piles, a complaint of a most
pmimit chfractcr. is immediately relieved. nml ti cure fob
town l>y » irw day? use ot this article. It is far beyond
tim other preparation tor this disease, or lor pnv other
«lts.-:w nnirinntiug frum impure blood. (See pamphlet.)
hhdat'tr f.t the System. WVnk Hack, Wenknj-.M of the
Kinneys, &«*.. or lulhtmation of the same, is immediately
relieved by ft if'v days nse of this medicine, and n cairo in
always the result oi its use. It Mtnndx as n eefjniu rrrnr*
ny jor stick couiplalnu. ami also for derangement* of the
tctiiuh - frotii°, Irregularities. Siippresbddiis, painful meii*
striintiott*. Noartirlf hhj-'e.Ver lutu odcred. cicept'thii,
wtuch would loncli this kfnd”of derangement*.lt ntny he
jelietl upon as a >ttrr ami tdrciMive-^mcdy: nnjl. did wo
iccl i>erni!timl io do *n. could give n ibonsnmhimmes ub
prool oj cure? tu this distressing da** of complaint*.—
>oe pamphlet. All broken down. dehilitutedi-eoimiiiu
tiurm, from tin- eif-ci of mercury, will find tlife bnirink
power oi this article to net immcdiaiolv. ami tfie poison
ous mineral eradicated from the system. ,
Lruptjve Diseases will lind the nltomti've properties Of
tin? article itkipytiik uloop, ami drive such disease* from
the system. See pamphlet for. testimony of cares in ull
dtnca>e«. wine), the limits of un advertisement will not
permit lobe named here; Agents give them nwayrthiy
contain dy pages oi certificate? of high chaructfer: nmHn
' of prnoi of the virtue? of n medicine, nev-
Zu VV SV. C l l !t I V , 'V‘ ,hc peculiar featuresiof this nr
!°V* ar v, ; r / n, l» lo h«nH»t in any case., and if hone
and muscle fk left to build upon, let the ctnnciuicd and
nX™ * *,? VQ^no ‘“ E ON ‘ kol 'P the medicine
«V l,ere '* tin ‘mprovement. The proprietorwoald
camion the-public agamst a number or arnclcs which
come out under the hcacU pf S acaeillas,*Syrups, &c.,
ns cures for Dropsy, Gruvcl. Ac. Tlicy arc good fortioth
“ljB’.a,}^c<)l,c« to gull the unwury: touch ftiEM not
. lhou K l » l "( curing such dfseasesUll
this article had done u.. .1 particular study of tie pamiih
i?ni!f fa \‘ n Vty inland. uud all who sell the Ur
hotitc. I " l c,fcl i lalc tfrntuilously. Pul up in SO oz.
bottles, di sJ, 1- oz. do. at 31 each—the largeriholdine n
oz. mora than iho two small bottles. Look out nml not
getimndsed uj-?u. . Lvery.bottic lias “ Vegeta,
ole Lithoniripuc Mixture,” blown upon the glassf tlie
nmi v turr , of "«-'C- Vm,ghn>’omhe arections,
nnd GJ C. Vnughn, Hutfuio,' 1 stumped oil the cork. None
other are genuine. . ;
Prcparcdjn- Dr. G. C. Vaughn, nnd sold ut lltc DrincJ.
pul Ddioi. t>tb Mnm sircet, Jtmfalo. wholesale tuul nUail
/No atiention given, io letters mile** post-paid—order
from outhonzeit AireiUs tartpred.- Post*n(utl Jfl
xers. or verlml r-ommuntcutions solicitingadvicc; promni
ly attended to gituis, j 1 1
,l *‘ v y ,< ”! * xcluMivcly to the sale of this -articlo—
Nassau st., .V 293 Hks*'x st., Sulcm, Mass.; nml
by the principal Druggist* throughout tin: United States
ami Cmrmla.uA Agyiita. .. , 1
“IIAYS A DROCK\i ; AT ,Agjsiits,
Liberty st., neur CpmiljDa^ii.
i HLL\D>>.— 1. Tl'esurvtli, add ohljaiid well
i 'i * n P'\“ »eutuau Bhuduiuker. umnerlv ofTSecond
'V m < ’ 6 . 1 !“ b 1 l . n,:ll,od '9 inform his irniqv
i friends ot tin. jju-t that lus l actory is now in fdll opera*-
| tion on St. t .hur hi., m-ar dm old AHegbetiy Bridge, where
c* 1 * Blind* of various colors nnd qnnli
pi|iWp.Constnutlyke))t mi hand and nt all nricLs. irnin
"P> «Bt customers. “ 1 f "" 1
ofVlnnti bv P«< *«; thM in ease
BAnl!.B°ll*ll,illc'r<!l,»i”t'ftiiiburshuiMllvileglie. 8 An l !. 8 ° ll * ll,illc ' r<!1, » i ”t'ftiiiburshuiMllvileglie.
auempting- to sell tftelr Tje*aa‘ ©x
*„ blc ’3 ! t Practicing a'deoeptiod and
Afraad tqtbntlie public^—ahdtheii* statement* are nbL- tq
kg v^ c 3 T ' i A- JAYNES, 70Ath-st.
THE Subscriber, haviitpnSreh and duly com
missioned Ajgerit oFtbeXycomlng GotratyKwialln-,
purauijc Company, is'hbw : prepared to receive appfiea-'
lionsjpr insurance forsaidCompany; This Company.!*,
perhaps. one of the vary best Insurance Companies iu the
Suite dr Union,' ligvihg a capital of between otto and two
millions of dollars inpTemi am hotes.andby the regular,
tlona qYthe Cdtnpaiiy yioriskcideeuing 85,000 will be ta*-
ken on-any ccne nldeVof bitUdlrigs.-efart any One r/riband;
no: more than '8&500 vrill' be taken!on a Rolling- Mill,;
? ]t‘obmlry or Rifnacei Buildings in which a stove-pipe
passes* through the .side wall or roof, Cotton Factories or.
rbwdcfr Mills, Manufactories of Ink, and Dis
tilleries, will notbmtnsuKed.QO ’say consideration, what
ever:.hud when tbe.rata percent. shallbeTSfor 15inclu-;
Jiyej ilo.tisk.wiU be.taifen. over 54,00 Q, (except Bridges
. ff&d Grist Mills,) , ~ , ... *
•• <r Thoj&per&iiona.QC tW Company have been .such, that
for the. last six? years only one cent Upon.the dollar'
lms biecn assed: upon the .prcmiuiu notes of the stock-'
- Application made to/the sul)scrjl>c'r, at his
Office, in tho new.. Court House., :V
-* . - ; .. 11. SPROUU, Agent.
Pittsbttrghj Allegheny Pa ~...... : jauSMm
r <r V■> Fire n»d Jlarlrie Insurance.
fTUJIJ-Insurance Company of North 1 America. of Phils*
‘X its duly authorized Agent, the suß-
Vcribcjvoffcr* to make-permanent and limited insurance
dii property, in.this city and'its/vicinity, and bn shipments
bytheicunnl and rive'TK.
Arthur G. Coffin. Friis’D •' /'BattVaePßrook*.
* Ale*. Henry. - diaries Taylor...
- Samuel W. Jones, . Samuel-W. Smith,
’ e Kdvjyird Smith. Ambrose Whin-.
John’A. Brown, V 1 Jacob. M. Thomas,
; John White. John R. Nelli , . 6
Thejiiai* P. Pope.' - Kidtard B^Wood.
} Wnb Welsh. • ■ - -Henry D. SherrarU, Scc’y.
\ This is the oldest Insurance -Company .in ;t]ih United.
" Stale#;'lmviugbcm chartered in ilfM. Its charter i* jwr
iM'tuolMuid from its high slunding, long experience- am
ple means, and avoiding oil risks of an exrra. hazardous
-rhnraeti-r. it may be considered as offering ample sccuri*
;«y public. . MOSES ARWOOD,
AtCountiim Room of Atwood. Jones A-Co., Water and
ITontjMs... I’fttphurch oetsld-y
TUerFranikitn Fire imuraucc Company
:/~IUARTF.R PERPETUAL—SIOO t C«» pnid in office
v.' KpJ Chestnut st., north side, near Fifth.' Take Insu
rance} cither permanent or limited, against loss or dam
age by fire, on property and cdccis.of-every .rfcscriptiou.
in town or country, on the mo*t reasonable'term*. Ap
plication, mude either personally or by. leriors. will Cd
promptly attended to. C. N- BANCKEII, Brest.
C. if. Ba\cr ku, Secretary. '
Charles N. Itanckcr, Jacob R. Smith.
ThomnA Hart, < George W. Richards,
* Tholpn* J, Wharton, Morriecni D. f«cwi*.
r Tobios'tWgner • ' - Adolpfii R. ltorie, - »
Samncl Grunt. • David S. Brown.
Wmis, Agent, at the Exchamrc Oince of
W wrick Martin A Co., corner of od and Market sts.
ri-kx taken on buildings and their contents in
Pittsburgh. Allegheny and the surrounding country. No
murine of inland iurfhnition risks takerr. aug-My
jom4« Ktx's. j. rixx-pT, jn.
.■igm'.yn.' J\rr the J)elnu'uTe Fafrty In
jitranff ('ovtpnny vf Philadelphia. '
nil RiSKSnpon Buildings mid Merchandise of eve
ry dcseriplion. and Murine RiFkf tipbri hulls or car
g<»cs f/f vessels, upon the niost favorable terms.
nt the warehouse of King & Hohites,, on Water
»i.. nc*hr Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. It. King Sc Finney iuvitc th** confidence and patron
age off. their friends und community at large to the Dela
ware pj. S. Insurance Company, ns an institution among
the most in I’hdadciphia—as’ having a tnrga
paid In capital, winch, by the operation of its charter, is
'constantly increasing—os yielding to each perron iitstt
fvd, hi? due shun* ot the profits or the Company- without
involstughuD in any rcrponsibility whutcvcr.beyond the
prmuifun actually paid in by him; and therefore a* pos
sf-xMjjj: the Mutnal principle divested of rvory obnoxious
frnmre, oud in its most attractive form. novl-tf
fOMPANV OF PI 111 «AD El < PIA ,—--Y. ft: corner of
Thirtf: and Weed ctmo. riux(tuTgk>—T\tts of the
company on the first of January. Ic4i. a* published in
with u!i net of the Pctmsvlvnnki
Bondi and Mortgn?es
final lyiintr. n’ cost -
‘lvmpi>rttryi Ijxtus, Stocks and "Caslr
Muking a total of pj
AtTorilmg certain aßstiruncc that nil losses- will bo
promptly met. and giving entire security to nil w ht* üb
mm policies from this Uompanr. liiska' taken oi .ia W
rates th arc with *-ecuritv.
WARRiufc -Maßtin. Agcm.
ißswrimcc Agutnst Fire.
'Pirn A/n r-ean Fire fnxiintnct ' Company —Od : r»*. \<>
L M olnnt fitrect, Pliiladflphialm*urt>on»trd A. f).
I-1 f »-r* (" har t c r f'C rj.u'c tno 1.
Tluildijigs. Furniture, Merchandize, and proper
ty c•*>!,-rally. cither In the city or country, agninst or
♦innmpx* t»y fire. i«;rpctunl or for limited on favor
able terms.
John Srrgram. Samuel C. Morton,
M ilham r.ynch, Adolrbns Perir*,
Tltciutas Aiht-om*. Georcc Abbott,
Jtdrtt cEh Jr.. Patrick I’radv,
John. T l-r'viK
SAMUEfj r MORTON. rr»*«idmt
nino D Jivnrjt. Scctvtarv
Otyl’-r- »«>r iTp-uraucc by the above Company will hr
r*-reft»>d KT;d insurances cjTcctcd by tin* unmTsignetl
agvuffor Pittsburgh. GEO. COCHRAN.
j»n4 'hu. ftj Wood street.
i western m:w vonk
1 ''' M u\ s*tk»kj. Kikfalo, N i:\v \ ci.k
DU* («■ L. \AI GUN'S Vegetable Lithoutriptic AUrci
listfpent for ■ I Caiii>:, 1 I C'tuujtH'rcd; 9
m md«.» i)j<* ca*c with tin* article. i)i»ii*a*c
It** A " r 1° h* um»M marvcrilmii medicinal power.
• . r^ v, ‘ r '• ha* gone., ami South America. England.
, * anuVlu. anti the l nitrd Stairs have provided the triilu of
:Ja* i i »'.en»‘!!i. the jil«*vr quotation iti a strong and pithy
•*euit;i»4?c, JuiU the whole story. Invalid**, the principle
uiMUUVk lucn )ou ure rured. may not ho known to you.
out refr* recall ui a trial ».* sun-tuctory: you arc restored;
nml Hit* secret ot' the cure remains wito the proprietor
The* Mrdieinc i* nrompHtnd ot' 22 distiuvt vegetable
; each umUvkUisl rout has its own peculiar, ex
t'iit»ive. medicinal property, r-onttu-tmg with no other
«;omjiotmd—each root makes iu o\yn cure—ami us a per
u-ei etmihijtatiotu when taken into the system, it docs the
ur.rk wind) nan.'tiK when her laws were first estuiilUli
ed. iqjcridcd it should do— PURIFIES. STKUNUTHF.NS.
A.\ H RESTORES tint broken down, debilitated eoustittt
tmn.. I)u.»j*ftr, in ull iu characters. will he completely
ermiffated frum the -ystem hj it? use. See pamphlet* in
ujtcntf hands Tor ircu circulation—they treat upon all
fhsfujs and sh<»w tcomiouyuf cun-s. Giuvau and all
eouipluuits ol the unitary organs. ibrm also the cause t»t
ereat: •'Uifofiir.t. and Vacoun'x Lmiosnm’Tir ha* acquired
ao-»na!l eeU-uniy oy«r the country, by the cures it ha«
•nad». in Uu« dts.tre**-ii!g class of mAtcnoti*. So liuncd. it
srems. is tU« medicine. Uku it hus thus attracted the no
jiee «»i oat* oj our .Medical publication*. In the Novern
hc AO. IS4rt, of the "Kutfhlu Journal and Monlhlv R<j.
Mt-w'of Medical mid Surgical Science." in nn ariielc up
on calculous disensex. tmd •* solvent*,” the writer, after
notiriu'' iJic fact that the Knclish government once pur
ctfoM,,. n. secret remedy, and also noticing the purchase
m INTL of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New
paystnhuteto the fatne of the Medicine:—
W® not our Representatives iu Senate and Awtnm-'
bly convened, enlighten unri ‘dissolve’ thn Mifleriug
thousand* of this country, by the purchase of V'mtglmV
\ Liihontnptic, than which no solvent since'the
day* *>i Alchemy ha* poxxc.&*cd one half the fnmei"—
lU*ador. here is a periodical ofhigh standing, acknow
ledged throughout u Inrgc section of tin's .country to. be
• Hie rif the best conducted journals of the kind in the IL
SUitcfc.exclmngutg.with the scientific works of Europe
to our cerium knowledge, edited by Austin Flint. M. D„
nm Contnhuted to by men of the, highest professional
aniiiu . thus stepping n*tdc to.policc a “secret remedy.”
‘ °«Jy*U at once uijdcrsland no .urntmue* and icorthlrss
nosrrian. could thus extort a comment from so highauuar
tcr— ami consequently, unless it directly conlliou-d with
the practice or the faculty, it mind have-: been its crent
'’fainrr which has caused it to receive this passing nod.
Klovfc* rf, matna, 0 f rt , s/ , inr i„,„ ulalt
painfnl anrl «M pjirrnril JleMlriiatbn, Flour Mbni. ami
ilia Mtirf loniplu-nlcil imin of evil,. vliMi follow u Jia-'
onlo r |.|| uro ni once rclicvcil hv ihc inodicioc.—
. cml .lor |ioiiiplilct* Iroin Alfcnla. and' voti n-ill lintl cvt.
tw-nce ot the* value of the l.ithontripiic "then* put forth.—
Asa remedy f ur tin* irregularities of tin; frtrmlc Hvsiem.
II has in Hie coiiiimiind a "rooi” wliieh has 1.e.-o resorted
to in me north of Europe for centuries—n»a sure cure for
this complaint, and a restorer of hculih of the entire system;
. 1, '! 1;, !-.£_ OM, .7 4A,XT? Hiruors DusASts, Ac., nru
instantly relieved. 1 People of the West will find it dir
omy rented}' In these complaint*, a* wull.tis. Fkvk;;. and
AocKj- Tlicrc tsjio retft«(ty llke it. and up cnU»nr!or <fni-
Mf n C: •f 011 ’ P r,rl tnixritfc. Xo injury wilt rr
suH iu Its use, nml ils active properties an* manifested in
i;l - a jingle :J0 oz bottle. For Fever and
JtUtotvt IhsnrdfrS) take no .other Medicine. RttECMATtsM,
I The action of this tnndirine upon
the Hlood, will change the disease—which originates
the ninod — and a healthy result will follow. Dysckcma,
Inpiokstiox, Ac., yield in a few days Use of this Medi
. erne. Inflammation of thd Lcno«.' Corcii, Coxsrsrmox
also, has ever found relief. Scrofula, Erysipelas. Piles,
Injiamed Eyes —all caused by blobil—will find
this aritele-tho remedy. 'The system, completely acted
upon by the twonty-two dilferent properties'of the mix-,
tore, its purified aim restored—-as a partial cure will not
follow. The train of common complaints, Palpitation of
the Heart, sick ITradache, Debility, q-c.. are all the result of
of the system, and the Great' Resto- .
rer vsll do Us work. The promises set forth in tlie ild
vertiHC.mont. arc based ujrnn the proof of what ii-Ifas done
:in therpast lour years. The * written testimony of TOOO
Agents, in Canada, the flitted States, England and South, inAlio possession ot ilie proprietor—nnd enu be
seen by all interested—is a sufficient dcinonsttatioit lhut
his the best Medicine etrr 'offered to the Work). Get the
pmnplnet. and study Iht* principle us tliercJaid down, of j
‘the imjjliod of CuVef '”\Pnt tip in flO oz. ; bottles, at S-; 1-’
oz. doijit jargest holding 8 oz. .morq '
,\\\Q small liohlos. Look ouL andiiot get rmpostditjxiu.—
Every' , bottle . lmS : Vegetable Litlionfripiie
Mixture ” blown upon the glass, the wrrrnx sighniiife of
*‘G. C.' : Vangh”‘ou the directions, and W G. C. Vaughn,
Buflbrg;” situttped on the cork. 4 Noiie other ofegenmne.
by Dr. G. Ci'Vmtghn, and sold tit tlic Principal
Ofticc,ilo7 Miiin street, Buffalo, ni wholesale ami. retail.
No attention given tb' letters,'unless post paid-borders
from regularly constiiuted ” AgejitA; excepted; post pc'ul
letters, - , dr verbal- communications, soliciting ntlylce.
promptly iittchdcd to gratis. j ; '
OJfiCh* devoted exclusively to the sale of tliis article
• —l-fci Nassau streets. New York city; •Jfl-’S Essex street.
Sulemf Mnsshchusotts, and by the priucipal Druggists
Uirpugifoat the yhited States and Canada, tis advertised
flithepapors., . .. .. , ' „“■
''.Agentsintlit-scity-r: .' -
’ !fuys.A : Brbck\vay. AVliolesnle.and Reinij Agents. No. r
*J, Comuiercittl Rpw, Libc'rty’sifeet. Pittsburgh, Aliki. R. !
E. SeJlL*rs.'o7 AVobds'lreCt: Tohii Mitehell,Federul strert, ;
Allhghcny city; John Barcldy. Beh\*crf 'Joliu/SmtUi, i
HrfdgoivHU-T.-i H J -.•junfobdAwly ;
x: barrels’Eiiart'.-jidii' 4 -
7 : Lmrrfr'- „ ? 4^-
-. ! •<>-, : .?f HtTca Peachesi; .-i.r
r t :‘> . Clovur- Sccdj ju-,!-;received, and lor sale
by . __ J.. S. WATERMAN,*
" jnni ... N 0,31 Market, and S 2 •
A!- • ' . , ~' • ‘ - * , ' J •
1 '""H
i-VVI V 5 ,-
*** > . r
«.*’*! ' '
rug.' , ;
£t? ,t l!' out .s R’Vjg/ortheCfu&qf the JiiUoMdng Diseases!
JTF ittken eccoranfg;to the
’I case, nomoiferwbaorwbat ofiehtM finled/n 1 ' •> -t •
For the permanent core of Rheumatisms Gout, Gun-
CTone, Hysteria, and Severe ncrvous aflectidriS, am! are
highly recommended for .the cure of Dropsjv Hemorafc
-Asthma and Patierits nsing-' them,'ln
: calcs, experience benefir soon after the
autet the nervous-sjsteftiAvhicli eimblenthem' to'tcsf Weft
during the mght‘ : They-never fail to effect a : curcvAvhen
! ta *cn according totJirft.’nons. t .•
mrisu« l 2 Wa ? d «a» Ppnntriiemly rlVeui
manejiains from the system.- • Liniments' eonietimes act hs
a palliative for ir Khortpenod,.bui therels alJay^anffer
mnr? »,.,?l ps a l rllaJ P ar >. or else where ike pain will be
::: .“I"'
SSj-ef'SSflft DoJiHWr.iPalmonarjr. .ABactioni. i (arising
all '.“'W^Ksessesof.ft* Xt.ducys;.aus:
ri . 9 ™ * a
ftifl!H's Ar r M U ?’ ,"'f h , aa 'i' in “J=> v ‘ : akuess, dimness,
tern «?„t Lt' ‘ the.iy?.
„ i r r ovl ' »•* acidity of, tltq stomach, and give it
htffiiA ‘n aal JP aa udassistdigestion! They can be taken,
dSS'f stomach, and in every case will en- :
>g lr "*!?■> 'oslivcncsa and,renovate iW whole ays-
JuS’aw, i f a”, impurities and reiiuiants of previous
frame ’ '* ** V "W'> actioti to ,the .whole
lfdnfiith!. n ri',n i l *' ,iv f r are jitrieasi ness attd
Fv im, ~r It -•? a WT 55 «*«**ohch immediate-
idabUity. to lie on the left side.
tL LV !L “ lc- “ dragirnijj sensation produced, vvlucittse
iome Jml.Sr m r eft l,lr ° , !> k “Ww vf.ry.plW a trouble-;
together with these symptoms w.e perceive a
coated tongue, acidity of the etdiuuch, deficiency of per-’
» a /?| » on *«*l , np«««ympplhetto:poin in the right
*r «.; •!* 'y |Ui ,a«» sleep and depression
wijeamc* tsore* in the month or throat/
causing nioctts to nau m Uicuostrils. Jaundice frequent
j accoinpumca H. unda dropsy imho face. These syinu-.
h!fi 8 nm -r P i r i I J in .‘ C ‘? J? c^iUu ‘ lc ’ M’ill eveutuallv produce
that niOAt batieiul disoase. Consumption. Enlact-anm
jortt> 01 such cases, originate from the irritatiug causes
above mentioned; .Cathartic medicines must “S cS.
instance, be avoided m die treatment for it.
f ( .ri !? ! r S » > i 1 l iPI . oni3 I) ?' BpepBiq nre vc ry various—those af
nrfnl. h.. u 8loln * c^ “«»«* arc loss of
appeuu., -sometunes ;an excess of appetite, sense of full-.
S”m ta JU!leh? «»«kingorflmtcritigof the
j it ot die nioinacliLfietid eructations, or sour arising from
! S C whK , '*t &Ci - Vl>cp*ia> devoid of a funeral natSe
Momach? i\ T"'* ,V “" ° f “-
Ijvcr7vm.!£- fc \ il^.^n n i! l,! acro ">Paiueß Dyspepsia or
, , ‘•““■ylainl. 1| will also,cure. ,\ few dcsesiwill re
move all the unpleasant effects, sticli as fiuucring.attbe
Fvehi’ h.r ‘ S Wen a lying position, dots or,
» b f<- 'V «>gh'. fever and dull pain in tfte head,
constant imaginings nC evil, nud great depression ofspir
;;; , Outward.signs are, a quick and Strong pulse, pale
fand di*tre*f>cd countenance, Ac.
Any case oi the ahovediseasc can be curcd effectuallv
by the use of the Bitters, os directed. ~ -
4 ■ sudorific/ _ - .
Aumjaiiible or Colds y or the Chest,
Spiiung of Blood, Influenza, Whooping.Co ugh, JJron-
Throat* en ? orn A sl^ma ) ! °r any disease, of the Lungs or
Tins is an invaluable family medicine. It *oou relieves
an> Cough or Hoarseness, andprevcMy the Croup bv be
ing early administered. No cough or cold is too light to
pass neglected: for, neglected colds sink thousands to the
grave oimuUly, -and cause many to grow up .with a deli- :
cote frame, who. would have been strong and robust, if at
first properly traaiert; • ' *
« , T , 1 !? e ? ee JL^ ftl cure . of jhc Pile*- Tetter, aad Rheum,
Sniild Head, Rmgrworms, Inflamed, Eyes or Eve-lids.
Barber s Itch, Frosted Feet,. Old Sores arising from fever
or impure blood; and will extract die fire from bums, on
application, or remove any cutaneous eruptions from the
skin. Persons troubled with tender faces should use it
attor shn vine; it will*, in a few moments, remove all sore
ucfs and stop the bleeding: It can always be relied on.
and ts jnvuinable jfr nov farnilv ;
For the cure of pains or weakness in the liven bock or
'•best: it wit! entirely remove any deep seated pains.—
rhetu-remedies have caused many to enjoy theinea
tiinsurc l)lc»suip ot invigorated health, and in a varie
ty of desperate and abandoned cases, a perfcct and radi
cal 'cure. ’ - r
The innumerable imposition* upon the public, and the
statements of remarkable cures never made-, yet certified
to by feigned names, or by persons wholly unacquainted
with whnt they have endorsed, renders it difficult to do
justice to the public in offering Bntficieut inducement to
make a trial 01 tbc»c invaluable medicine*. They'are-in-
UreljrvcgctobSc, and free from all injurious ingredients,
and eluiin yonr patronage solely upon their merits. Every
tnmily should have n^pamphlei—they can be hadof the
agent, gratis. - •
Principal Depot at the German Medicine store. 275 Race
ouc 4tuj C above Eigbth,.Philalk?lphia. Fpr sale in *
Pmshurgb, by \V_U. THORN.
••lOU4MJ7 77
--•JP7.4PO 71
Dr. Swope’s Ctonpomd Syrap of Wild Clierrf.
•LWA.BUSIIF4) w 1835, an Ac, of
X J O.Krat Remedy forConsuinprion. Coturhsl Colds. Asth
ma, Bronchitis; Inver Complaint: Spitting Blood, Wflieultr
of breathing. Fain in the Side and Breast Palpitation of
the Heart, Tnlluen/.a, Croup. Broken Constitutions, Sore
Throat. Nervotts Debility, and AH diseases of the Throat’
Breast, and Lung*; arc most effectual and specdv cure
ever known for any of the above diseases tV DR.
Road the TeaUmony.
„ . , • r - Louis, Srpt. 7/A, 1910.
. I*- l-A>rLni.v A Co.—C*»*nts.—l have been afflicted
mr nhout three years with a pnhnounrv complaint, which
has bnifled the skill of several of the most eminent phv
sirians of our country. At limes mv cough was very
severe; pain in my side and breast, and gryntddHcuitv ii»
breuthmg. Indus way I continued to sutler, until *luc
became almost a burden. At length I saw vour adver
tisement of DR. SWAVNI-rj? Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry, and was persuaded by u friend of mine to make
a trial ot it. and I purchased a bottle of vou. I ant hap
py to inform you that one hottlc has ttfcctcd n perfect
cure, uud that I am now iu the enjoyment of good health.
1 make this, stutemrat in the form of a certificate, that
others who may be ufllieied with such diseases may
know where j 0 find a valuable medicine. You con use
this testimony in commendation of Dr. Swnynes’s Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry as you think best. ‘
Yours, with respect. Wx. Caksov
One i tl f caution. —Since the introduction of my
article to the public, there have o number of unprincipled
individual* got tip nostrums, which they assert contain
Wild Cherry : some arc culled “ Balsams « “ Bitters.” and
* SyTupot Wild Cherry.” bnt mine is the original and
only genuine preparation ever introduced to the public,
which ennbe pmved by the public records of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvanm. The only safeguard against
tmporition is to see that my signuture is on each-bottle.
“ Dr. H. Swatne.
roriic r of Eighth a:ul Race streets, Philadelphia.
50.000 DEATHS BY consumption
11 "ould prrhrrjts be a small estimate for the ravages of this
dreadful disfrtse in a single year .* then add the fearful
catalogue of those cut offbu Infatuation of the
HtmarrhaTt. Asthma , Coughs, Influenza, bronchitis, and
other dtseuses of the I.ungs and Liver. ■-
And the list would present an appalling proof of the fa
tality of these two clashes of diseases." But it is impor
tant to know that nenriy all of this dread waste ofhnman
life might have been prevented by a timelv use of DR
rin* medicine has now been before the public some
eight year*, and is the original preparation from the Wild
Cherry Tree. Iu reputation ns a Temedv for Coughs.
Colds. Bronchitis, nml Consumption of the* Lungs, btued
. entirely upon its iutrinrie merits, owes but little to inflated
newspaper parts. Thoso who give it a trial, l»eing bene
fited bv it, rtcommcml it to .their neighbors, and thus
gradually and surely has it gttined an enviable reputa
tion and worked its way imo general use* One bottle
never fails to cure a recent Cough c*r Cold, While with
strict attentions to the directions that accompany each
bottle, it* use in Pulmonary diseases oflong standing and
of the most alarming character, has always givbn relief,
and in very many inmuneds has etffcctcd complete and
permanent cures:
BevVare of the worthless “ Balsams - Sitters” (i Sy
rups," 4*c., as they contain none of the virtue? of the orig
inal preparation.
7he (original and only) genuine: article is prepared by
Dr. SWAtYNE, corner of Eighth and Race streets. Phila
dulphia. and for sale by agents in ail parts of the United
States* and some parts of Europe. ■ '
Prepared only by Dr. SWAVXE, N. iv. corner of Bih
and Race streets, Philud«»lphia, ami for sale by respecta
ble Druggists in nearly all the principal towns in the Uui
ted States.
For sale Wholesale and Retail, by WJI. THORN,- SJU
Market stretUv-L. JONIkS, ISO Liberty street, atid OG
DMN A SNOWDEN,, corner of Wood aod, streets,;
salt Agents for Pittsburgh, Pa* jylO
• Duration has proved itself to be of very great emetfc-*
cj-in the cure of obstinate Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Spit-*
ting of Blood, Whoopiup Cough, and other Pneumonic
Atfooltonsj mid the proprietors loel wTirrantcd m recom
mending* it us a safe and\tscful medicine, and ure pro-'
pared to show certificates of indisptuablc amliorily, in
tvstimouy ofils value. ■:. .. ;
it is pleasant to.the taste, and is oflfered at so lpw a_p’ricc
as to placo,, it within thejeacb of every person. There
are, perhaps, but few Cough preparations that will pro
duce such decided c/Teeu m such a short time. Pre
pared and sold by . ... , t ,
Corner of . First and Wood} also, comer-, of; Sixth and
Wood streets.; *- ■ dec!3
n . ' Patent Office, January 21,1545.
ON the petition of C. H. McCormick, of Steeps Tav
ern, Virginia, praying for the extension, of a patent
granted to said C. 11. McCormick, for an improvement in
reaping. maclnaos«-for seven years from the expiration of
said patent, which takes placc oivthe 21st day of June.
lB*i6-^- ; j
It is ordered that the said petition be heard nt4the>Pa
u*nt Oflice on Um third Monday in February, at 12 o’clock,
st.; and ull persons ore notified to appear aitd show cause,
rii'any they have, wny,said petition ought not*™* be
granted: , v. •
' ' Ordered* also, that this notice be published, "in the
Union, and National Democrat, Washington; Enquirer,
Richmond; Post, Pittsburgh; Statesman, Coiambus; In
quirer, Cincinnati j Sentinel, Indianapolis; Freeb- Press,
Detroit, once a week for three succesave weeks pfeviou-s.
to the third Monday in February next
EDMUND BURKB, Commissioner.oi Patents. -
P. S.. Editors of the above papers will please coj*}':
-and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a paper,
containing thiaMouce. • : joj»2o:law3w ;
IN ’ilie Cdtiri bf Common Picas, of AUeghcu} r epunty,
of r —- a. D. i lB-l , No. , ' ’
• In the matter of-thc Voluntary Assignment
. of George Albert,
i Uriah Applottite; 1 |
- And-now. to wit, JbnJdlst, l£4e.- aicount
of - thc Assignee filed; -aud.-'lhe: Court
direct notice of the saint! to be
pnTdieatibh for three successive wehksUiiirt’rf6'ot v tlife da
perk inr the city of Pittsburgh, Uud that the said ; account
V’jll be allowed ou the 22d day of Tehruary 'ttext T unless
. cause be shown,to tlie contrary.' , Froin tbe.Rccord. f •
w.iaO-lUawiiw: . HIRAM tlt r LTZ, Prtniiyl ;
ASSSAHH IDA—I ease, just received and for ■
nqv;27 ' : Con First and Wood-afe; ]
I —: — r r .' ■; f 11 ' y
' j . ind SM<»n»pUl». .!
;; i A TE «ra^^- :
rii YOU t,^^| T^i"cl«ci}MSTANcEs. 1 ' •
T?.?°V AnESICK > get curiyi; if well, employ mea-
J. sure,to continue so, individual indulges in
Sluts which must, to ;4 greater or. W sscV
range the nutuirab.le and .iritiletttc 'combiuatftius which
fonn Uie system, " ' : 1 ■ '
•/. i ’ lirEEYrxDtyroiixi.'.' "
‘Sliimld possess some mild; yetefficaHAni. minple and «c
-drtditud agent for the preservation ofthe -function** of the
body in good order. : -
>f \ ■BK’-frOdD®!. \ •»
wBl achieve this rcsult/anil' 'should bent every Totally;
ainj in, the bands of fevery'pfcreoHNA'h'o, business,
profession, orgeneral fd the
very many little hilmcnts Teii'rfcT‘liffl’a darsc instead
? of;a biessmg, aud’fitially resnlt. m thejraggrdyated con
jdition, in the cause,‘ . • ;i - -
: .op death;-'? •* . :
The Bitters herd reebmnvcufted'&re compounded by a
man of great skill ofirt knowledge.'frowthC'aijnplesNa
; tuto presents to those wliobnreio find them/and which
/Uru the only reliable wrtidbtcs 'tb tfie 'pbfsdns 'of disease.
The chief qigycdientsarethe universally beloved &ar,ut
panlla and the Bark off the- Vftld Cherry l>r?, >; witjf wbichr
uie red nian ; oftha: forest cures .nearly- .every/disease;
ofthe internal organs. Tliesemati*riais, thougfipow
, erful iu their, .operation, are, as common • sense teaches
pi, i . - ENTIRELY" HARMLESS;-- > * ' -
as they are her«, one .of the grta,tut tmtfficol
operatives m die inhabitable globe._ By taking these Bii-
may be jvstored to beuuty. andjivoid
the sharp krrife 'of thcr'surgeon? fbrUiey'nOtorily eradi^
cate pimples and.tumors, bin overcome-
Whoever is‘subjeer totheliorrorsof Consumption
should at once purchase this sure-remedy. In the train of
Costiyeness fqliow dreadfulibcalcpngaiiiionsvofteiitimes)
insanity, very frequently mania orhypocondria,violent
palpitations, and other I .affeetions oftfidheart-'
rheumatic swellings. Dr.- Wood’s Compound is one
of the- most, routing/these,com- ;
plaints, and their fountain -head, that can possibly be*
procured. A-' j'
From being confined (o small rooms, and from taking a
BOiall modicamof exercise; . numerous'persons-ajodnjly;
'made to deplore a loss, of appetite,, painful headaches/
weakness ’of the muscles; languor, vranl-ofenergy Buffi/'
cieut to seck.recrcaiian r ic.,'icc n &x, ; r TUesp pcrsoas.sav,
for years, that they “don’t feel very well?” If they do
n ot employ a method by which they cafifeeliqtiife'waily.
they must eventually sink under a severe fit of illness,
and arc •; . v .
only by a miracle; and eren then,^heTaiicdt,leech; biis
•‘AWtl cidouieljihayelefothe.Binietcscattered hulks, fall
of aches and sorrows, and not only a pest to themselves,
but a source of disgust and anrioydhce to all HvithWhOni'
they come in contact. All these
may be avoided bv an enrlyripplicaiiou of the virtues of.
th?se Bitter s-hor the. truth of das, the. proprietor pledges
nut word ana honor,arid inevidchee .can show files'of
««tflfeates' Weich* he'bfc* rfcceived/tinselicß
etK irom uuquarters'. Ile does nol, howevor/Oskihein
vrUtd to swallow his certificates, bni hisßHters,
willing to stake all. he holds- dear- on. -earth/in-favor.-of
tlic.result. • , » i v
•' V, '-’ -••• ■■
tn either a modified OTBevereform', wilf disaiineai' before"
the-qrmhtjesof Dr. Wood's preparation; attd tho;Curemay
be relied on as a, t permanent. pnc, ; ;Did : the rßitjers
recommendation, it would be, one.of
the - fiiiesr vegetable cdrhpoumls ‘medical scientjfe cari
invent; But, lt -j^^^^ i the^conj^lcte/CTaclicatiou.9L
inevetr flhape, and‘of every affection.
of. ihc .hiiinry; aparalu*. Individuals .who, are cpustiiu
uonally bitiona, ought regularly to take this mild, agreed- ‘
J»*v and excellent tone xkt> AJ>rEßffirr,as it will dilftwe
health throughout every fibre of the frame, and send hap
piness and Jove of life thrilling to the heart. Families?'’
Every medicine-chest ou board* shipsbouid also'bd well
stuckfcd with thhrcapualrciacdy, as
cannot afflict those who take it, or long resist its vigor
ous oMaulls’ • AH impurities -of the Blood vanish before
• it..and the old. relics ofcarly .imprudence invariably dis-
soon after being submitted to its acudn. Every
complaint of the stomach ia broken by*it.; The Bitters
have, in no instaucc. finlcd ,to cure. JaujvPTce, General
Dsbiuty. and every disorganization of ‘ ' L '"'
le ?Ung thelittle, inroads. made hpou ilic latter, a
vast portidn of out fellow-beings are’rendered extrenielv
miserable *o miserable, indeed, that; they. wish to die*
, fears’ bottle of JDt- ‘‘Sarsaparilla and "Wild
Cherry contains a modicum of jot 'and content 7
-for each of those arixiousand irapradehtsufferers. Re--
mcraWirthar an injudicibusdse ofroercuryisiveyitably,,
productive ©i -many evilsj which areput to .flight'by. this
glorious and .unsurpassable' compound;’ and'that afi^c- ,
. aons winch are -
' '•' - . IIERBDITART • i
may speedily and safely beshuffled>o(£ thxoughiis agen
ey. As a medieiua which roust: benefit v . > ,
from the si mply dedicate tptlie confined and despairing in*
tnluf, . noieqaaf is to be found for it. r It would be well*to
bear tu tnmd thot prevention is tnfiniichr inore desirable
man cure,; andtlmt-Dr. Wood’s Sarsaparilla ami Wild
Cherry-Bitters ARE EPTIL " ?
* bottles, jhreeforfour. tiroeslarger than Bns
tors or for Uia same per bottie. ’ ' '
'VYATT * KEBCHUM.--121 Y-whole
sale agents. Sold in PiusbuTghf-at '• - ; :
ji'■ SAWYER’S HEALTH DEPOT of Valuable
jlcduunes,: Smitlifield,- between Third and Fourth sts., WILLI AM-THORN'S Drug store, Market st. -
sepa-dfim-yi2m '. t v
/’'UIINESE lIAIU CREAM—a matchless article tor
V> growth, beauty. : und re=toratiou of the llair. This
t-reara. when once known, will supercede all oilier arti
cles of the kind; now in use. Wlicre the hair is dead,
unhealthy, fcor turning grey, a few applica
nt 1 * 4 will make the hair sort and dark, and give it a beau*
tiful. lively appearance; and will also make itmointain
us .liveliness and healthy color, twice as long as all the
preparations that are generally used. Where the hair is
Uun. or has fallen Off,’it may lie restoredhytisingthis
C ream. Every lady and gentleman who is in the habit of
onttieir hair'should avonce purchaser bottle of
the Chinese Hair Cream, as it is sq composed that it will
not. injure the. hair like Uie other preparations, but will
heautify n, and give perfect satisfaction in every in
, For testimony to its-very.siipcrtor qualities, see the fol
(“wing letter from the Rev. Mr. Caldwell to Mesrrs.
Uendcrahou k Stretch, Nashville, general agents for the
Southern States-; '
Letter bf the Ret. li. of the Presbyterian
Chunk* Pulaski.
Messrs, Hexdebshott & Strhtch : Gentlehe*— l take
pleasure in adding my testimony in favor of ihe excellent
preparation - colled Dr. Parish's. Chinese <Bair.Cream,' for.
about two years ago myhair was very dry. bristly, and
disposed id come out; but having procured a bottle of the
Cream, and used it accordingto ihe prescription, it is now
clastic, soft, and . firm . to. the head. Many balsams and
oils were apt^»* : d, each leaving my hair in a worse state
limn before. This Cream, however, has met rav expec
tations. ..
Aa an article for the toilet, my wife gives it preference
over all others,, being delicately perfumed, and not dis
posed, to rancidity- The Indies, especially^will find the.
Chmosc Cream to be a desideratum in their preparations
for the totlpt., Respectfully, Ac.,
n, i ' R. CALDWELL.
Pulaski, January 7,1847.
w*£T Sold wholesale and. retuil. in Pittsburgh, by John
M. Townsend, 45 Market St., ;and Joel Moblcr, comer of
ood and Fifth sta. ' ' " jcisil&w-ly
/T ADjESnre cautioned-against using Common Prepa-
Jj red Chalk ; They are ;not aware how frightfully inju
noniutirto the skin! howcoarse,how rough, howsallow,
yellow, and Unhealthy theiskin:appears.after using pre
pared chalk! . Borides it ns injurious, containing-a lame
quaputy oflcad!.. Wc bave-prepareda beautiful vege
table article, whitii we call Jones’ Spanish hittx Whtte. :
It i* perfectly innocent, being purified bf all' deleterious
qualiuts. and it imparts to'the skin a natural, healthy,
alabaster, clear, lively white.;:at the snip© time acting
asa cosmctic on the skin; making it soft aud sniooth.
Dr.. James Anderson,.Practicaf Chemist oPMassachii
*e : u ■ i M* er analysing Jones’ SparashLilly White, ;
I find it possesses themoerncaatiful andnaturaJ, ; andat
the same time innocent* white.l -ever saw.; I certainly.
. can conscientiously rocommend-its use to all whose skin
requires beautifying.” Price 25 cents a box. Directions
—the best Way to apply Lilly Wliiie, is with soil leather
or wool—the Toriherrs preferable. :i ■‘‘.'-l ■
A nsE set, or Trent Proa 3S cewts.—White teeth;
foul breath, healthy-gums-,: YdUow. and unhealthy,teeth,
alter being-once or twicp cleaned wuli Joncs’ Amber.
Tooth paste, have .tho appearance of the most beautiful
ivoryi’hhd, at tho sathe time it is so perfectly'inrioceilt
and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily, use it highly
advantageous, even to those teeth that arc in good condj
. ticuvgiVing thera a beautiful, polish; .and, preventing a
premature decay.,. Those • already 4scaycd it prevents
‘from becoming also faatenssuen'bccoming
iioo3b,ainl byperseverande it twill render the foulestteeth
delictriely white, arid triakc the breath deliciously sweet:
Price‘2s or#7i';All the abovearc sold only
iujd by dheappointed Agents whose names appear in . the
next column. ' /•'. J ' V.’ , .
1 Will toutu ah&y, : and ge t a rich husband! : lady ? • Ci Your
fadc’U vour : fortune/” ws’t I beaudfub cleaivfair? -Is it
white ? lf not,it.canbe madasoeveu; though it be syel
lo.w, disfigured,.sunburnt,..fanned and.freckled. .Thau*-
auds been mode. thus ,\vhp’ have washed onc’e dr
twicewirajJbnfcs’ltaliah ChemtcaTSbap. ’The effect is
glorious and radgnificcriU' ■ But hd SUre yoa' get thegenu
ine. Jones’ Soap,anhe-rignof tbeiAmeriCah ; Eagle, 82
Chhtbam fetreet/j T • r> v, f
Ring-worm, Salt-rheura, Scutvey, Erysipelas,Barber’s
Itch, are often cuxed^byr-Jdne*’,ltalianChemical Soap,
wjiencvbry Klhd orremedy ht»‘faifed; ‘That;'it : dares
pimples, freckles, and clears thcskin.allknow.' Sold'at
the American Eagle, 85 Chatham street blind, reader,
dhiiseldom <■■■.; -j -r>:;
.... , C. IffGLIS, Pailcrson,-
... sold at/acksoss SOLiberty.Bt., head of .Wood,. Sign of
of the Big Boot/ ’'~ i- " r •hbvgl.h
jfIL from a well in Kentucky, 185 feet
below the earth’* sttfacd;' This Oif wjU befbiindV&sfry
superior'to Haflenvßritish, dr ‘T.'; Y*?*fbritutriy'popa- :
lar-tOJU. Its curative prop"- *-^*foDowina=BH.
inents are .irate,won&rflfe •-^.rbcomatfew,.
wliooping-cpugh, phthisic, apamA-WeUerJ
erystpeJns. scald head, croap, iuHaminutorv sore throat. ;
liver complaint; mflammiition'of Ihe kidhcys,pain3 littlfe ;
breast side nndback, diseases of the spine, piles, heart
burn. disease is of- tlie hip joint inflamed sore eyes, deaf- !
uesa< endear ocb* worms, itpodi. ache, sprains,, strains^
Ac r^ CiadSl c^. ulce . r s> ,c»«cer, fever, ■
*"F 1 sai ? aitf fetiir by 1
WAI: JACKSOIv, at hts boot ami shoo store, £9 l.ihcrrv 1
aireet; PiusburphotTbomo'Boot sta.ntWinibodtw-way.;
Oalyjtlbte (It ptusburgb wlwrc tfie.cuMinau! «aa boob-:
i. io be;tete«f
pmwhMewßly of Oe ganeial agent for WeMerK Pcnniwi-i
.vonta, Wnw4ackson,B3 liberty .'street,.or through sub-j
Agents appointed by bun for. us'sale, oacii.of whoni .>yiilj
have a sUowtpU apd general .directions in pamphlelfaniH
Geiicral Agent of Wekrdnr Pehhsyltrama, as fallows' •
. w^'‘*. u .cs'*cm»'Gcneral AgenifortWeitempennsylve-.
: ra% Pitisbuxglt, ta-wbow * jail> order*
rmuivfceaddressed,,. -.' •' . , *;;■ ; f
bottle* is Cncloscdinofaebf the ttbo^d
named Pamphlets, 'ttrtdt&etrrmii of William Jaclcsdfoftha
general ohd onty wholesale agent ; for Western Penhsyl-’
'vania.yptintedoiUhe outsidqof llie labeL r>ru.:..?Psj£9* i
XJ. V . 'V .'" '
Aj RE - afiiverrfdny ddmittsdi fwf6nly('a|*knf
.A. effectual but as a never /ailing -retntdu y in
allpisensies/whichrcan afirect Uie hurnau fraiheT .
ache. Indigestion, Rheumatism, Piles, Peur\y,'l>topiiy,
Small Pox, Cholera Morbus, Worms, Whooping Cotign/'
Coasumptiou, Jaundice,' Com
Hcprfburn, Giddiiibsft'E*ysipeli<Sr'Denfiiess,.-Itching» of r.
Skin, fColds, Goat? Groveiv Pains in ihe Back» lnwatd :
Asthma 1 , of all kidds, K;malc Complaints, StitfchCs , -
in the StM tv Spilling ofßlood/ SoreiEycSj.
Amhbnyrs FItA, Lowuehsrof Spirits, Flooding FhiorrAl*;
bay or Whites/ Grines^King’d'Evil,.Jjockjaw, Hysierifl, ; -'
Bile"bti thftStbmacli, and ali bfiious affcctibns;
Swelled Feet and Legs, Swine;
Tremorsy Tumors, Ulcers/Voraiiing-r-unda host of others/'
liatie successfully and repeatedly been-vanquished.'; by..- v:
hen ali-powerfnlarm.• ‘•' • *t-•/. ; ..r, ; 5 .
, r rh «y * lavc been known to edojCt pennanenUrurcs when
all; other remedies had, provad unavailing,, aud in .tite last
J*}}$ y av 9 in. ninny, 'cksei sttperitdefl'the prescrirhive sLUt ~
of the r/inst eminent pnysxciant;\v.nd received besides their.; '
uimuajihed commendation. - ;; ‘ s, v : '.
fheyliaye been frequetiily recOmmcnted brmcn of the • 1
most dislmgiushed. characters tliropghouv ihc land, and
>epn sanctioned in Euro** by Noblemch. arid'Pnricek'of' .
royal blood. r . • •.
_ They have beenjutroditced jrtld’the Hospitais OfPkiin--'
burgh, Paris, and \ mnns; and through the disintereitc<f '' ‘ ;
. exertions of onr Foreign have recei
ved the favorable, corrpnemiation ofithe/Ekhperor of Rus*
sia. and of his Cclesual Majesty ofitlic Chinese f Eniniro
ID" Scarcely a Packet vessel of any repute sails from
the port of New York, without on abundant simulv of llic
SHT Agencies have been cstablijiheil iu all the priheipai'
Cities in the Union, and areconstnmly reach
ing us from aimost numbcrldss,y|llage's in every section/
oi the country. . Tcstimonifilß'pftheir-marveHous cllccts
are pburiitg in from all quartets—and in such numbers,
thut vre have not fime to-read one half of them/-Whir ?
stj-p.nger or more conclusive evidence than these i
apt facts can the most sceptical desire? Is Hpossible, th*t
nhe many thousands'-who have tried'CLICKBNER% r i
PILLS, can bedVceivedin their resnhtf; If any impos- >
ture orquackbry existed/woulditnot longdgblrave been it
holdup, as ii should be,. to the scohfaiia derision of a r
jnsily offended community. - : .: ;
, fE7* Remember, Dr/C. V. Glickcner is the original 1n« - >
Wcntor of Sugar Coated Pills; and-thaFnoihing of the son
yens e verheard o(< .until be; infrodueed iheja mjun& 1843.
Porchasers should, ask for'vfickener’s
Sugar Coated, Vegetablc mke no other, or they
will be made the victims of a fraud ..
" -Dr. Clfckisner’s principal office fOTthe'saJe-ofpills, is 6«
-Vesey st, NewiY'ork.,- - ........i/,.,-
Wfll. JACKSON, 89 Libertyst., head ofWood §L Pitts-’
burgh, Pa., General Agenffor Wcsterh Pciinsylvanift; : '
aiid the River Counties oT Virginia.// ■ 'l:.
The following are Dr. Clickoucr’s duly appointed A
; gents for Allegheny co n Pa. . *
iWM. JACl&ON,'‘(pnbeipal) £9 Liberty street, head of
‘iWo6d. : ' v' ••• ;
.• -A. M. Marshall, Allegheny City.
~ ■. .. Jonathan GhriesC Manchester.
C. Townsend AC6-,' “; If/Jadques, Birmingham. ' ■■
Jno.-H. Cosset Penn st.: - ,-., j
» Andrew S. Getty, Wylie sl. :
*.! Robert Williams, Arthursville. f
; 'RI Sotith Ward. ' ll ‘ '< Jt.v.l 1 !
Wra. J. Smith; Temperaaccvillc. •■■■: k
Jeremiah Fleming, Lawrenceville. . \v .i 1
, Daniel Neeley,; East Liberty."- !t ’ h
* \ ’ 'Bdwnrd Thompßon, Wilkinsburglj; ■' )1. <
t l Thoraan'AikiivtJbarpebutgli,..:^
i . ,G. H.Starr, Sewjckley.
1 * SaniaelSpringer, Clinton 1 " "
James M’Ke&Stcwartstown.*
t John Black, Turtle .Creek.. (J .
3 -C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth.' r i-.' v!’
Riley M : Laughlin, Pltunb Township!.
J* Jones, Bakerstown. -• ,n:< -i* /•••.]'( '-Via
; USEPJ’—This,Tara*. in our haariog yeo*
terday t by an intelligent gentleman, who hail used bill
• appal one half of a bottle of Hr. wiUarits Oriental CattglV t
Mixture, before he was entirely cered.- Come and gel -a, and if tits raostobstiuate cough o* cold,does
r itot disappear hyits use, your money wul be refuadbd.
Compounded as the most elective, fecnighhdfm
less and pleasant its use for year* hasp nor in-*
- deed can it, fail to give entire satisfaction.. .... , ,
For sale, wholesale and retaiL'bv " ‘ . f
Liberty street, near Canal; Basov t *
, Lawrcnccvine. *
XV A respectable gentleman caJled at our offico. as lie
saitl, to inform ua fear he had bee n afflicted - for‘ls "ye ara
with Ehentnausm.or Gout, and occanioimlly. wirii'.'Xic •
Doloreux; that he. hart, been.frequeutly coafiijed.ta his
room for monfes.togcfecr,' and often suffered the iridst’fn
teuse and excruciating pain, but feat lately he had been •
using Jayn&sMicraiiTt, from which he found the most *ur»
rial and unexpected relief. He says be found the medl
eine very,pleasant and effective, and feat he now cou4 ’
aiders himself perfectly c Philadelphia
li AFactW ortu Knowing-.—Agentlemanof Scrpfiilous
habivfrbmindiscretion in'hii yoanger
fecied with Ulcerations in the Throat and Nose,'andr& r
disagreeable ernption of the Skin. Indeed,- his .whole '
B>'stem bore the marks of being saturated with disease.
One hand aud wrist were so much affected that 1 he'bad ;
lost thc usc of the hand, every part beiiigooveredtCith
deep, painful, and -.offensive ulcers, andwerc o£ hollow
aud porous as an honey-comb. It was at this stage ofhis
Complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a
some disease, that he commenced the use of Jayne's Al
terative, and having taken sixteen bottles, is now perfect
ly cured. 1 . • ‘ - -
, The -Alterative operates through the circulation, r and
purifies the blood aud eradicates disease from i
wherever located, and the numerous cures if has per-*
formed in diseases of tho skin, cunccr, scrofula, gout,,
hver complaint,' dyspepsia pnd other chronic diseases, is
truly astonishing.— of theUCimes.' •:*
: CiT* For sale m Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE*
72 Fourth street. _ .1
I f Another evidence of ihc superiority o XDr. Wf-’
turd's Cough Mixture, over all others. Read the followinz
certificate from a respectable citizen of the Fifth Wart:
.me- , Pn-rsacaon, Nov. 3t1847. '
litis certifies that lor some weeks past I was ironblecr ‘
with a very serious Cough, wluch was evidently' becoin- *
■ U )S seated on the lnngs to such art extent asfo resist the
effect of every mcdicino which I had been using.-. I- was.,
finally persuaded to call-at Hays & Brockway’s Dim"
Store, .and get a bottle of Dr,- WUlartTs Oriental
Mixture; which; to my groat surprise, relieved meverVi
much] after taking only two or three doses, and before l
had used one bottle. I was ediirely cured. i wassotnnfch
pleased with its effects,.that I have brought others to buy.
it, and shall continue to recommend it to my friendii as V
Jirmly believe it to be the best CougA Medieine ht the scorkL*?
PRIVATE DISEASES.—Dr. Brotcn.-of 65,JDiamqndt
Alley, can be. consulted In all cases of a private or
delicate noiureincidem to thehomanframc.■:> t ,? «
. .Syhilis.and,Syphilitic eruptions, goriorrhcea andf its con
; together with all venereal tfu«u<i;‘imphrflics l
. of the“blood. with all diseases- of venereal origin, akin dis-t
eases, with gleet, urethral-discharges^:seminal
i weakness and irnpotcncv“ also, piles, rheama li&m, fe raale
weakness, diseases of the womb, monthly, suppressidnv
idiseases of thc joints! fistula in ano,uervoasafTg£tioiii;
pains in the back and loins, irritntious of the neck' oFtHCi
•bladder and kidneys, Scorbutic eruptions/ teuer,-rintr*
worm, mercurialdiseases, dec. r iP --* j
: Exclusively deyoted lo.ihe study and treatment of Vene
real disorders, and those arising from yoathfufcxcessfcst
gaiety, climate, or impurities of ihe blood, whereby the
! constitution may have ;beeircnfkcblcd, enables Dr. Brown
i to offer assurances of speedy relief to all whoraay place
ithemsclveft.under.hiscore.i ? " e >
' . arranged ititofcca-i
: aratc ajmriineats. Patient.? can" visit Dr. fbttf*
‘ of exposure toother visitors’.' .nttiiir-vj l ?;'
; ?It is of importance to many,perWns in need of toe&eaF
: good advicAprivatcLy nod promptly.' To ell
; mix “fTempving tmmal iisi
etaa, in theizvanofi, foWtmff stages, offers IndiitemcnS
! Strangers:archerebjffijfe
prised^tljdt-Dii. Bmwn.-3uis been regularlyedudmediii
every branch of medicine, and for die last twelve years'
confincd -tomsetf'exclusively <o df uios*
.&i.only regularly educated, snrgftonin
inttsDurgn who gives his. wholeattention iptHoseconi--
plaints; - -« - 7 Vtt.-j-yjT
ILr'Certain, safe and speedy cures will, in all cases, be
guaranteed:• * ,
/ Recent cases, arc relieved jn a Blwrttiaie r wi(hoatinter-.
rupiion from business. . .. / .
ID-Hcrnin or Brown aWiimlra
sons atfllctcd with Hchiia'to call.'as he htisnaicl numciU
Inr attention to that’disrtie. '.v 'r " vr^“T
airirmyrntTCc,. mm,, wumin..
fcmor.llmrwill:notbojiuendodrtif -
. I&-Qfficp:cm.Ilimiiond Alloy, a few. doora from Wimd
wS through Winch the .air^
This .obstruction
SftJ2SSil* p,un u &n^' s^ tcfte *®> hoarseness, dough, difficolty
fe jy cr ’ and a spitting of blood, matter
or phlpgtm which finally exhausts the strength of the fla
uant—and -deothi ensufes:: JAYNES’ EXPECTORANT
never /aw to remove this obstruction, and produces:the.
most pleasing and happy results: It-is certain: in-itt efi
feetSjzund cannot fail to relieve. 1 . ■ »•? ;•
• -For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Sto» .72 Fourth i
near Wood; . ;- . janB- ;
BXtM OFCOLUMBU.--*£rair lAajjai(f , ohrf
Grey.r— lf you. wish a rich, luxurioos.head ofiiair, free;
a dandrufiTand emirf. do not foil to
; of'Columbia. In cases of balduess, it Wlllxaore
] than exceed your expectations. Many who hive 'lost
• . their hnir. for twenty years . .have hadit restored to iti ori-*.;
i ginat perfection by the use ofthis.'BalsOm. Age, state, or
| condiuon, appears no obstacle, whatever. It also
: cduises the fluid to flow with which the delicate hftjr tube i
' is fillcdi by which means whose bairwaa gxcy i
i 'as llie Asiatic dagte,' have had their hair restored tO its
natural color, by the use of this invaluable remedy. In i
all casds of fever It will be fotiiid'One of the mo6t pleasant I
-that - can be.used.- A few applications only, are !
; ; necessary tokeep ihe hair front falling out. It strengthens :
1 the; roots, it neyer fails to. impart a rich, glossy, appasr- •
cnce; ana, as a perfume for ihe toilet,* it is unequallea»". It
holds-three limes as muchasothermiscalied Hair Bettor- '
radves, and: is.jnore effectual. Tho genuine‘-manufac
,lured oniy.hy Comstock * Son, 31 Courtlandt-street, New :
.york.-r u v .'
.. Sold -only genuine in Pittsburgh, byAVst. jicEsba,» ;
JUberty street, head of:Wood;; also, in Washingtom PsL i
A j lttCannonsbhrgh, by Dy.Votweil;
mßrownsyiUe^byvßennettA Croker; msq, ; in.every4own s;
ISteet Ex
•iJb prtrtrti<m lo the United StMe»,for saleby'the'ette i
' •••••-»•» t
I < WEiSVEB, j
'l;’;' ■ i;i I
.vMf. 'i' 1 '* ir-i -c/1
'-■* jf’GCfTf’rM- j
i:<.. ■.{■■•j...-. .. .. v ,:,v.iVq^
,i Sold also by
n, ... ; , - c . “Akdkew: arCArarT.’! ;
Try it—only 25 cents a Bottle. 'Sold by' •* '•••■
: . . . UAVS & BBOCKWAY..* i
o i•• No-2,.Libehy street, near Canal Basin. ',
Sold also by FLEMING;"
- nov|o - t .• . iiLqwreuceville..*
U ; J; ViVj ?t>*