The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 09, 1848, Image 1

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The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer
office, on a double medium
-al TWO DOLDAIW a year, in advance—single
U7“‘fco paper will be discniitincd (unless at the discre
tl°~fi!*c Propnetor.l.until all arrearages are paid.
lO* «o attcution will be paid to any order unless nc
companied by the money, or satisfactory reference in this
One Insertion, %0 50 One Month,
2S™-"*>- “75 Two-do-.......
1 00 Three do
§“• Week 150 Four do
Tf°-0° 250 Six-do
Three do -3 00 One Year-
Changeable at Pleasure.
Six Months -S IS 00 fjSix .Months 820 00
One Year- -20 00 Lone Year 00 00
Larger advertisements in proportion,
pr Cards nf SOUR LINES. Five dollars o Year.
cuts will not be inserted, unless an extra price
it paid. *
. (Lr Advertisements neon which the number of inser
tions is not marked, will be inserted and charged until or
dered out °
DR. GEORGE WATT.—Office, No. 77 Smithfield st.
near frixih *t„ Pittsburgh. " xf! aug2l«y
"H?"O’HARA ROBINSON, late U. s. Attorney, has
TT removed his office in No. 8 St. Clnir
BR. JOHN CRAVV FORD, othce on tsi. Clair street,
opposite the Exchange. auglO-y
CORLAMDO LOOMIS, Aftomty ai Law.—Office 4th
• *t., above Wood. julyl-y
31. MARSHALL. Attorney at Law. —Ufree,
J. Lowness Buildings, Fourth «L jan?-ly.
HAI. KENNEDY, Attorney at Laic. Office in the
• «amc building with Alderman M'Mastcr, Fifth st.,
between Wood and Smith field sts. augl7-om*
AH. M’CALMONT, Attorney at Law?.—-Office on 4th
• it, & few doors above Wood. Collections attend
ed to m Clarion and Venango counties. aug3o-y
JOHN BARTON. Attorney at Laic. —Office. North tide
of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, in the
same building with Alderman Morrow. scpSO-ly.
JOSEPH U. M’KlßlllN, Attorney at Lair. —Office in
Wallace's building, on 4th at., between Wood and
Bamhficld sts. novl9-y.
W. LAYi'iG, Attorney and Counsellor at Jmw
VJ and Ao'arjf Public.—-Office at the comer of 4th aud
\> ood sts, over Stbbctt 3c Jones 1 Exchange office, oert
A DONNELLY,, Attorneys and Counsellors
Tf at Law. PiusbursK,Pal— Office on Fourth sL, be
tween Smithfield and Grant. raarM-y
i/'EMUND SNOWDEN, Attorney at Laic. —Office in
Jj the building ou the North East comer of Fourth and
Snuthncld sts. novll—y
"A .T*CANDL a .M'CLUKE. Attorneys ami Counsel-
AJJ_ lon at Laic. —Office on Fourth street, opposite R.
A R. Ji. Patterson’s Livery Stable. Pittsburgh. seplO-y
£ 'OR WARD a S w AIU'iiWELDER. Attorneys at Late.
—Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smith
d, oppoMtc Patterson's Livery Stable. ap7-y
/’"'t EORGE F. CiILLMOK E, Attorney at Law. —Office in
VX Breed's buildings, 4th *t., above Wood Pittsburgh,
pa - septMy
JN. M'CLOWRY. Attorney arut Cnuiurllnr nt 7_»tn
• Office inßakewell's Buildings on Grant st.
je» , 47-ly.
EEMOV AL.—Dr. Robert Snyder, has removed his
office to Fourth street, between Wood and Smithficid
streets . marls»ly
JAMES BI.AKELY, on Pcnu street,
opposite D. Leech A Co's., packet line office. Office
hours from 7 o’clock A. M„ to 7 o'clock P. M.
KEMONAL.— A. licclen has removed his commission
and forwarding business from life Canal Basin to hu
new warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite the Post
JOHPI J. MIfCHEL, Attorney and Counsellor at Laie.
—Office on Smithfield street, a few doors above Dia
mond alley.
N. B.—Collections made on moderate temts. my 26.
MAGEHAN A SHANNON. Attorneys and Counsellors
on 4th st.. between Wood and
Southfield, and nearly opposite the Mayor’s office.
novg-y ~
' ’ ‘ i-
5. CRAFT, Attorney. Counsellor* and fio’.ary
• [ U hanng resigned the office of Secreta
ry or the PUtsbargh Navigation and Fire Insurance Com
pany, will attend specinily to collections, aadTjusineas
connected with Aavtgation, Insurance. Accounts, and
Real Estate* Business hours, from 9 A. M., to 9P. M.
door west of Alderman Miller's, Fourth street,
near Grant. ap7
'< ,-p
CUARLESAI. HAYS, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CouMmssioncr to take the proof and acknowledge*
oent ot Deeds. Leases, Contracts, Depositions, or other
wnungs, to be recorded or used in the states of Kentuc
ky* Indiana, Tennessee, Michigan and Missouri. Office,
Burke’s bmidmg. Fourth st. marl°-y
\ 'V -.iZ':--- " ! •
V- Attorney and CounseUnT at Lsjtr
J .i r n -- 1' Venango county, Pa., will attend promptly
to all business entrusted to his care. Collecdonsmadc in
•• arceu, Clanoni and Jefferson counties.
T |V U p H 4„HiI rS iy art J llcr : Mr- Ugcciuand Wo.
B.Ausun, will attend to my unfinished hosi
n *», ana I recommend them to the patronage of mv
friends. I am authorized to state that they will receive
the counsel and assistance of the Hon. R. Biddle. Office
»nH^r y 2 f , Burk ',‘ b „ m , d ! nff *> 4th str ' ct - between Wood
and MarfccL putt-ly) SAMITEI. W. BI.ACK.
o*Q,s.kP U ?i T ‘ fi * MtmUfa , ctare 01 . Incorruptible 'lectin
Smiihficld street, two doom below Fifth street. Pitts*
00 h^” d a , full assortracut of Plate,
and Pivot Teeth, of a vanet/ of shades, as simple Plate!
t^ r * and Biscuspidatoes, Gum teeth, Screw Pivot
teeth, &£. Teeth and blocks made to order: Demists
HftSfjS® ll " ll * mclc * in ,hc profession. All orders
tromabroad most be accompanied by the cash
tp-Plyina always on hand. novlS-y
~~c ,
JOHN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth Word, Penn
#xh,S et^ e n n - Wain^ tta,l ‘ O’Hara *is., where he may
wjround at all times. rhose haring booses or other pro*
*?/**- cai * h®va the samo punctually atten
oed to, debts collected, and all the dutiesof an Alderman
will receive prompt attention. 0c27-y
W. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at
(successor toLowne fc williams,) Office at
me old stood) Fourth «U,'above Sraiihficld.
he , rcK>fot s fasting between Henry
W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the practice of the law,
was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 28th alt., and the
business will hereafter be continued by Henrv W Wil
te.'lkT 1 most cheerfully recommend to all for whom
irav t?^ 0n ?^ tO - do h“« nCB »—«* a gentleman even
way worthy of their confidence. 3
Riddle, Conveyancer.
Pit ibui^lf V<;rl ' How ’ Fi ” h Slrec h above Smithficld,
MoßroAO ?’ Aoheembtts, Bonus, Raucssas, and
*ccu r rnev U j?S C n U ' of ",™ n S> drawn with neatness, legal
and i Mp - al , c s-. He will alio attend to drawing
V,**"*"" and intimate acquaintance
Z£vt «SXti.°n Ul v publi -= t-ccorde.Tto ezpecu
neS to 10 ' i '°‘ C ,Vh ° "“y antrast’ their W
- . dcclo
'NT C ?„ I . CE r'. A . H P c ™"» indebted to the subscribers are
jtLjl requested to make payment, on or i>prn» ,t. L r ,«
lf not, their account will bo given m a Maeistrati
for co lection; all persons having claims againstSsi
will Please present their accounts for payment Sum *
' ANClfeR en MAYP.p
NEW PIANO FOICim-Now recctvmg, an enti«
« °i Pia “ 9 Fortes, from the manufectoriH
or cale A Co., New York; and Ohickering, of Boston
The patterns arc of the latest style, and wiifi allthcmod.'
era improvements. For sale at Factory prices, bv
dcclg JOHN H. MELLOIt, 81 Wobd si.
CIGARS.-xv 75.000 Cioabs, of the following celebrated
brands: Silva, Esulupio, Bos Amigos, Dc Fusien
Uramo, Falla Principe, La Royadero, Colorado’
RegaUas, Car&do, Juslo Sang Principe, Cheroot’s Eagle
Pnncme, Lord Byrou Regalias. For sale by
tecg) / ; , P. C. MARTIN.
received, a fresh supply of Homoeopathic Medicine
Homojoputhic Coffee, Sugar of Milk, and a large
♦ki le ’B tlo . fl latest publications on Ilomccoimthy. at
the Book Store of * v 3 '
Preedom° *ij Fafma of 30 and 50 acres, adjoining
dw e llta?hS;’? r , COMI f ? er!on » who 1»™ ftSi*
Bame l recoS^H«*4 or f B ’^ c ** c ‘ ,fi>r renl i ean have the
to rem will hav^rt*!^ 11 * 1 -^ 10 ’ 1111 d P rrsorus w ho wish
kinds of nl e^-c c 8 w»*. a *d all
at ISAAC HARmafn • d to / or ver y moderate charges,
Office, °* neral A&ancy and Intelligence
03Mnrket '<*"■
be found in this city i n addfriJf assortment of Shawls to
Caahmere L Turkerift"* o ” of
received anew style orp™?’ ,™sih, N '!’ ■
article and very fashionable ” Lon f a superior,
md novll
• 4 •$ . '
i-Kt: ...
Printed ahd Published retry Morning , (Sundays excepted,
. ID* TERMS —Five Dollars a year, payable strictlv
in advance. Six Dollars will invariably bcrreqoired if
not paid within the year. 4
„r*£ln},? g,C c °P« s T'VO CEV t s—for sale at Ilia counter
ofthe Ofticcj and by the News Boys.
professional darirs.
kß* A. W. OLIVER, Physician*knd Surgeon. —Office
No. 8. St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. jyoq
[3 MORROW, Alderman.— Office nortli side of Fifth
LA/» Streep between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
scpXO-y 6
J. A. Stockton-A Co.. ) B . ,
Murphy, Wilson A Co„ \ Pin?bur Sh
* Hon. James Kinncar, )j, ....
Hon. Alex. M'Cnlmont, \ Fraklin.
Hon. J. Wilson. SicuhenviUe. O.
VICTOR SC RIBA, Fifth street,
Between Wood and Market sts.
,4 *'>•' r','j'
1 -s.
TXTM. J. BURNSIDE, Auctioneer and C
T T chontj Federal street, Allegheny cit
J" AMES M’XENNA, Auctioneer and Ci
chan*, No. 114,.W00d.5t. ‘
over the Post Office.
JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer and Conun
comer of Wood and Fifth sts.
KBULON KINSEY, Dealer in Fancy U\
mtnga, No. 67. Market street.
j!jL near vvood.
PI ?V.pU)SK£Y, Iron City Clotking 133.
\J» Labcrt>* st., opposite the mouth of Majrkfett fehl-y '
TOSIIUA ROBINSON, Agent lor Harden ifc-Co.’a Line
Q of Fifth st-. one door below Wfooitji febl-y
COCHRAN, Forwarding arid Goirtmission
Merchant. No. 20. W ood st., *j nov27-y
1 ENGLISH & ELLIOTT, Booksellers and\Sii
-J 56, Market st., between Third amt Fonrt
P DHL ANY, Fashionable Clothing Store,
♦ erty st. * j’
HOpN & SARGENT, Bankers and Ext
N. E. corner of Wood and Sixth Btn.
N" HOLMES & SON. Bankers and dealers iillKzchansf,
• Pom and Bank Notts, No. 65, Market bUI fcbl-v
•T A< rSJ? Wine and Liquor JlfdrcAkrnl, corner
fj of Market and Second streets. T febl-y
AFULTON, £eii and Brass Founder, IVo; &0 Second.
• between Marker and Ferry gi». r ;5i fcbl
M. VHITE, Clothing Store, No. 167, c«
■ ty and Sixth Ms.
rr'OYVNSEM>t CARR & CO., Ccnck anK
X St. Clair street, near ihc Hridge j
UTiSKARy DEPOT, No. I fourth bl,
uear Wood. ] ’ |£ ffcbl-y
DwR ,yii ° i ' FlLK ’ I)i,un tH“?^i n 4° r
y*' PAULSON. Hat and Cap Manfr/c iWurrr, and
• dealer m.Fcjw of all kind*, No. 73, WotiU it., next
door to ihc corner of Fourth. fjii fcbl
Miller & rjcketson, Grxfc'rsifind Com
mission Merchants, corner of Liberty inMnvin sis.
tebl-y jst ,
CA. M’ANULTY t CO., Forvarding atitt Commis
• swn Merchants, Canal Ilasin, PitisbunrhJPo.
mar3-dy 9 Tij
13LU.ME, Pianoforte uianufucmrer initjdealer in
• Musical Instrumenis, No. 112 Wood s&teL near
HA\ 3 & BROCKWAY. and A+cnls tor
tcbl y len ' ■ Vl ' d * cl "' s > Blbcrty street, near Cij|jal Basin.
USE PH \Y OODWELL, Importer, ami dealfcr in For
etm and Domestw Hardware, comer ol 4 Stijond and
n ood sia.,Pittsburfih. |^cj>&-ly
SAMUEL MOORE, Hat and Cap Man h ralkirtr, and
dealer in Fvbs, No. 75, Wood street, third door above
roDrth - 1 lliftfhl-y
Q AMU ELi M’CLURKEN & CO.. Aeeuta tori Cifrliklc and
V fWPParo * Uvular Lme of Paeltt Shin-, Irbni New
>ork to Liverpool. No. 142 liberty si |£jfribl»y
JA&l£#S BLj\KtlljY, Agent lor Mctsn. Ro<
Co.’s Line of Packets, Penn st., lour dooi
ual Basin.
OH2N M CIjOSKEY, Tailor and Clothier, liberty st.
be twee a Stxili street and Virgin alley, soiitlfiside.
seplO-y _ . f fe
OSEPfI MAJOR, Boat Stonr. Ship Cha
Agency of Pittsburgh Lard CM Factory,
kct street, Pittsburgh.
"W/~ S. CALD\V Drj>ot Jot A’ete l’u( Uctyions. Pc-
Po« 6fccc tCalS ' ' ojjjjosiie the
' pAAI- b'hj i O’CONAOR, Proprietors of tbejjfh'/t»6ur-/j
X Portable Boat Line, corner Perm and Wkvjfe streets.
teol-y ‘ jtj
JAA1 ES -VIA V . Wholesale Grocer. J'orwardi. i *»i
mission Water street, bctweei Si
berry. ]
WILIAM A. HILL & C'O., Bankers a
Broken, No. 64, W ood si., one door a!
east side.
.-tf 0 ' 1 *"? and Exchange Bi
C 5, Wood st., third door below Fourth, Vr«
iebl-y • ’ 1
K HAMbK A: RAIIM. Banhrs and Extht nhcßroktn.
comer oi Third and Wood *t#., oppositi SfJ Charles
noml - • Ulfcbl-v
V P un^n a,td Publishers, corner Market abdltThird sis
febl-y y '
lUKK. I/OOMIS, Agent, and SfrtAcnfr, and
j deader in Printing Paper, fc., Wood .trtf:l;Uiween
uiamond alley and Fourth. {VfaM.y
’ A- M ;4NU LT Y~Ag cut for I'iekwpnlfs 'irtffc Freight
'• oyid Independent Portable Boat £#3*, Canal
B,u,in *- ’ | jfrebl-v
MOSES ATWOOD, Acem for the AorM Atn
suranee Company, of Philadelphia, Wafer!
at., at the Warchonsc of Atwood and Jones.
O HODEB St ALCORN, MonaTocturce
XL Ground Soiea. Catsups. <5-e., Sc.. No. 27, Firth *trccL
between Wood and Market. | pljfeM.y
VICTOR SfCKim, Bookseller, Stationer, <ll
Fifth *t.. between Wood and.Markct su , J
TO Apem, Publisher. Bookseller and
ct ? No. 89. Wood si., Pittsburgh.
Founder and Gat tut
• field street, between Diamond Aliev ani
Fitigbargh. j
J& J. M'DKVITi', Wholesale Grocers, do
• dace auil Pittsburg manufacture* cc
gI4 Liberty, opposite 7th street. Pittsburgh.
O Street, near Liberty. JOHN* FARREN'
G GORGE ARMOR. Tailor. Fourth sir :eti
Hood and Southfield streets, nearly op]
Mayor’s office. ’
JOHN D. MORGAN. WholtaaU and Reh il
No. 03J, Wood etreci, one door South of ihaqiaud Al
le?- M 8 febl
fc JIAVWARD, Wlwk'sillt,
Dealers in BooU, Shoes,Trunks, ic.. No II
slreel, nearly opposite the head of Wood
B A. FAHNESTOCK &. CO.. Wholrsuttll
• house, corner of Firsf and Wood strcc s,l
ner of Wood and Sixth sts. F
EEMOVAL. — Geo. ir. Smith !e Co. have r:rn
-Office from Penn at., to tbetr New Brewci
at. and Duqnesne Way.
ALEXANDER & SONS, Coffin. 57a
T * Furnishing Undertakers, corner of P :nf
Clair streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrandi
street r
JOHN < U. MELLOR, wholesale and reta ]j
Music and Mu-sical Instrument*, Piano For
Books and Stationery, No. 152 Wood street; £
janl-y -• j 1
BRAZIER'S BELLOWS,—Just recoivec
menu large sizes, Brazier’s hand Bellow
lor and Kitchen do., wholesale and retail.
declQ JOHN W. BLAIR, 12
LS. WATERMAN, wholesale Qrocer, Ci
• and Forwarding Merchant, and Dcalci! i
and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos. 31 Waten a]
sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. ; 1
Pa. AU commissions will be promptly alter!
mals-y i
Jif. BISHOP, Veterinary Surgeon, can
• his Horse Shoeing Establishment, ncai
street Bridge, lately occupied by Messrs. Can
XCHANGE HOTEL, Exchange Place, B
Donsrr, Proprietor. Coaches will be in
all the landings, to couvey passengers, free
the Hotel'
WARRICK MARTIN, Agent for the F ■
Insurance Company of Philadelphia
ch ® n ß e office of Warrick Martin A Co., corn*
and Third streets.
& FINNEY - , Agents for the Dcla
Safety Insurance Company of Fhiladc
warehouse of Kiug and Holmes, Water stre
SELLERS A NICOLS, Produce and Gem
sion Merchants. No. 17 Liberty street,
aperm. Linseed and Lnrd Oils.
johw CABsox. jr
/•'jABSON & &TKNIGHT. WhoUsaU Gnu
bctw '='
Bookbinder, has removed
J J w ood ami Tliird sts., above C. 11.
nett prepared to do every description of ruli
P •3?’* VI 4F r J N » Wholesale and Retail Grv
ifejs™ 1 Domestic Wine* £
aud Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Ac., No
BOOK STORE.*— ff. S. Bosworth Sr
i.l- Market st., next door to Third, are ju
new and extensive assortment of Books am
which they wiU sell, wholesale andremil a
prices. ’
W. BLACK A Co., Wholesale Gro
If and Commission Merchants, aud dealers i
Manufactures, No. 166, Liberty street, oppoj
Pittsburgh. ...
UyLioeral advances made on consignmei
'v.. -J v * «... V
'■> f l'?#? 1 - .-;
*:N - >*'- v.
n'- ’ s ‘ ''
Business (Sarifs. -I
OBKRre & JLANK, KltetiirsA Chair
Warthouti, No. 82, Third st, |Sj febl-y
XLLEAM J ACKSON, Patent Medicitie UfpoL, £9 Lib
erty st., head of Wood. | jtHfebl-y
jTARIiIV LYTLE, Family Grocer, Sidilbfield street,
next door to the Fifth Presbyterian ffin ffrhr )t»6
JOHN CARTWRIGHT, Importer and Manufacturer of
all kinds of Cutlery, Surgical Instruments, No. £3
Wood street, second door below Diamond alley. febl
rtuton Mer
HMum Mer-
LL febl
factured and sold wholesale and retail, Smithficld st.,
between Sixth and Virgin alley. octl2«y.
jf . febl
RICHARD T. LEECH. Jk.. Importer , and dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Saddlery, Hardware, and Car-
Trimmings, of oil descriptions, No. 133 Wood si.,
Pittsburgh, seven doors above Fifth, and one door üboVc
tl. Childs & Co.’.j Shoe Store. tip 24 •*
Oh Merchant,
Ji febl-y
ids & Trim
v i febl-y
I 62,Market street, invite the attention of Country
Merchants to their extensive assortment of Foreign and
Domestic Goods, wliich will be sold at eastern jobbing
prices. f
a f^! -y
iff?*Wholesale Rooms. 2d story.
SHEL OYSTERS.—A constant supply of Shell Oyster*,
roasted or in the shell; also Game and every dclica
cy-of the season, served up in superiod style, at the short*
esi notice. _ BANK EXCHANGE,
M McDONALD, BrU and Brass Founder, First st,
• near Market, is prepared to make Brass Casting*,
and Brass Works generally, on tire most reasonable
tenns and shortest notice. He invites machinists, and all
those using brass works to give nitn a call, os he is dc
terntined to do all word in his line very low.. my27-ty \>
#i oners, No
\l2 ;fcbl-y
JOSEPH MURPHY’S Looking Glass and Clock Store ,
No. 08, Wood street. Pittsburgh. A general assort
ment of Pier, Mantel and Toilet Glasses; portrait, Minia
ture and Landscape Frames, plain and ornamental, of
every variety of puttcrns. Also, a new style of Window
L onuces; call in and see them; all of which will be sold
cheap for cash, or city acceptances.
tLr'Hotels and Steamboats furnished cheap.
JOSEPH MURPHY, 03 Wood st., ■
„ Practical Gilder. ■
Kb.. 49, Lib-
U ;febl-y
tatige ■ Broken.
If febl-y
SMI HI i SINCLAIR. (lute Martin A Smith,) H7«oI«aIe
Crocrrs, Prttfluee and Commission Merchants, 50 Woo#
street, Pittsburgh. The undersigned having entered into
partnership under Uie above style, respectfully ask the
patronage of the friends of the fate firm, and of nnrehsts*
ers generally. They feci warranted in promising tlirtl
the v can give satisfaction to all who may buy of them, ot
confide business to their care. WM. H. SMITH, \
margc . W. M. SINCLAIR.
jet of Liber
[jingon Ma
[jj_ feb4-l
lie manufacture, and keep constantly on hand, cut,
moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at
their warehouse, comer of Market and Water sts., Pitts
burgh. Our work# continue in full operation, and wc
are constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
nil orders with promptness. Purchasers arc respectfully
solicited to call and examine prices and terms. scplts-y.f
SM'KIN'LEY, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter,
m and dealer m PAINTS, No. 44, St Clair st, Pitt*,
burgh, hOH constantly ou hand all kinds of Paints, either
ifT.°f I 'D, lC, ii Jnpan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Gif;
Boiled Oil; Snmts Turpentine; Window Glass, of all
sizes; Putty, Paint Brushes, fitc., all of the best quality?
and for sale at reasonable prices. sepll-lf ;
OHAKSI’EAR GAIU)E.NS.~Thm beautiful place of
kj/. resort having been greatly repaired, the proprietor is
now ready to receive lloardebs, by the day, weelr, or
month, llu accommodations ore good, and his price*
are !°w, [nmy-l-tt'l S. MCCLELLAND. !
D‘di Manufacturer of Hollow Warc.and
• rUitfonn ScnUs, and Casime* *n general, respect
imiy asks the patronage of his mentis. Re feels war
rnlited that he run give satixiaetiou to nil who may pur
chase 01 him. His establishment is onM’Kclry’splan of
Lots, sth Wanl. __ maiai-ly !
JOHN {Last of tiu jinn of Malcolm, Letch
*f L 0..) v\ holesale Grocer, Commission and FlouV
Merchant, dealer in all lands of Country Produce, cop
per. tin platen, tinners’ tools, zinc, lead, Russia sheet irotf,
iron and noils, white lead, ilye stulTs. cotton yams, salt,
«c., and Pittsburgh Manfactures generally, corner d(
liberty and Invtn streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. liberal ad
vances, in Cash or Goods, made on Consignments of Proi
du<:c - &c - maylS-tf }
ihttiljro.’i Jt
8 fallow Ca
jid{try, and
N{£i4, Mar
OYSTERS - OYSTERS! • OYSTERS: !:—Gto Sch„, e t
respccttuily informs his friends and the public, that
lie is daily m the receipt of fine Fresh will
be served up m every style, at short notice, to suit his
r .fQr f * rnun ? ui f'ondy. and cverr descriptions df
r onjcettonnnrs. on hand and tor sale at the comer of stil
and hnmhhcM sis. «cp' Kl -6 '
t'ltyni Com -
Sirket and
Cl KOHok tOCHKA.N, Cumtnt%j>on and Fonmrdint
I Merchant. So. Wood street, Pittsburgh, continue*
to transact a general Commis&inn business, especially it)
the purchase uml sale of American manufactures tun}
. U u- e ’ am * ln rccc » v ingaml forwarding Goods conFirit
cd to hta care. As agent for the manufacturers be wifi
t.c constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsi
burgh rrtomitaeture at the lowest wholesale prices. *
Uhiqt* and consignments are respectfully solicited, j
rd Fourth,
hHfcrr*. No.
A!A.WN, Hate ofNew York cilv,) N*
J.C 27, Fifth .st.. between Wood and Market, Munufncv
Hirers of Mustard, (.round Spices. Catsup*, &x. It c., will
open during' the {ireful week a lory** assortment of ar?
t»rles m their line, which they will wholeule in qnai*
tine* to suit dealer*, ot Eastern wholesale prices. AH
articles sold bv them w arranted. Merchants'intendinetb
co east would do well to call before leaving the citv.—
lUey luay be found nt thcr warehouse. No. 27, Fifth ’t>t
jit Ryan's building.
ATR. DUFF’S Book Keeping and \rn r tingCiassn, cor*
XTX ner or Firth and Market street, re-opeus on Monday
next. Mercantile and Steamboat Book Keeping taught
in Uie most effective and expeditious manner. In addi
tion to the> usual course of instruction and practice, Mr. 0.
vnii. ou Monday next, commence a course of Practical
Heciures, in which the application of the science of ad
counis to all the details of business will be minutely ex
plained No extra charge made for those lecture*.—
Hours of business, 10 to 12. u to 4, and 7 to 10
*: M ~ jaul
itfimn /n
-mind From
gj pindrr ,
-■US! DRL'US-’ —Joei Mnhlrr, Druggist and A pothe
rsrf% * or £» norjh-M-e*i comer of Wood and Fifth strreti,
niuburgh. will keep constantly on hand Drurs. Painfi,
Oil*. l>ye-StuiT*. &c. ~ <
N. U.—Phy«ician«’ prescription* carefully compounded
from the best matannN. at any hour of the day orntxhi.'
Also, an assortment of Perfumery: linn tooth, hair, anil
c.othes Brushes, *e. } A-c.. Lc., which he will sell low Cxir
c^i lK opdO-lyi
iw iu Pro
fbilly. No.
THOVIUUO. Undertaker, Firth street. ini-*
t mediutoir oppo*iie the Theatre, respectfully i:i.
forms nu friends ami the public incenernl. that he ha#rc
•‘umed buhinesa a* a Furni*hinir Undertaker, lie in srtp 1 *
phed wuh and always keep* on hand Coffin* of oil size*
and kind*. Shrouds, and all other articles necessary oh
such occasion*. ' !
Silver plates, ice l*oic*. and leaden coffin* will be stiti
pitcQ on ordor. A fine hearse and carriages always rend*
to attend funeral*. *cp2o-lv f
lyVo. 5 tkh
ktositc the
AItUW4.HI'. cUTLKIiy. HADUI.KKY. ic—Jim:.
VV alreh, Importrr and Dralrr in Foreign and Zfci.
mutic Hardware, would respectfully inform his friend,
ann the public generally, thnt he is now receiviujr his
Spnnc supply of Hardware at the old stand of Walker £
Woodwcil, No. ts> Wood street, which he will dispose df
on the most reasonable term*. lie will be continuum'
receiving fresh supplies direct from the manufacturers in
Europe and this Country, which wilU-nablc him to com
pete with ony establishment either East or West. Wes
tern Merchants arc invited to call and examine his stock
before purchasing elsewhere. tnars -
» id Retail
Mtg ware
f£ind cor*
Sired tljeir
H on Pin
[i dec2s
D ' John M. Townsend. ~
street, three decors above Third, Pittsburgh, will have
constantly on hand u well selected assortmentof the best
oud freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the mo*
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they mat
rely upon as genuine. 1 *
Physicians’ prescriptions will be accurately and ncatti
benight &0m 11C bLSI raaterials ’ al hour of the day.
Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and rood Perfu*
. Cry - • ■ dec3o -i
Wrrs and
ft* and Su
eon Penn
|>jfeb4-y-j \
Upaier in
iek, School
Idl assort
jlfilso, Par*
lid 2 Frout
T nt/«?*Pnf n » :MKU i. T, C w - ANDERSON, |
L L b . urg Late of Nashville, Tcnri.
EHMER Sc. ANDERSON, Dealers in Cotton. Fcnt
warding and Commission Merchants, No. 8, Front
street, above Broadway. Cinein7iati, Ohio
fftl XICOLS.
Merchant* generally. In Pittsburgh, Pa
Merchants-generally. Nashville, Tcnn.
W. F. Lane & Co., Louisville, Ky.
Spnnger fc Whiteman, > .
James Johnston & Co,. \ Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hewitt, Heran &. Co., .New Orleans.
Magreg-or Morris, New York.
Duval, Kcighlcr & Co., Baltimore.
Smith. Bagulcy & Co., Philadelphia.
Darnel Dcslion, Boston.
John !>• Dnvli. I
A HS- T L? NE P£^ ud CommiB » ion Merchant, Corner of
ood nnd Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, is ready to rd*
fnr nM>liu rchQn^ lzc of , cver y description on consignraeni
nhntfr^ 1C ° r priv « nte bU ' c -, nn d trom long experience in thd
above business, flatters himself that he will be able to*
Scirplt l r?„“ ? “ " ““ ' Vl, ° moy fuvor him wi,l j
j ?? c! ol > Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goodsand Fancy articles, at 10 o’clock, A. M. •*
oi /v groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and second hand furniture, Ac., at 2 o’clock, P M ** >
gales ever}* evening at early gas-light. angl2-v, :■
-rtit. -jrgh,
Jdijjjj to.
th&'Sb Clair
• |SJ |
m%oTc. d.
readiness at
A„ . A Card* :!
ara "<>' v engaged in the importation of Brandies;
Wmei, Gm«, to., exclusively, I have made MranirS
5 par ' 5 of Europe and the Islands, wnlli
well known houses, lor my future supply of Foreign U*
quors, which I will be able to sell, delivered in the Cob*
toro-houses ofNcw York or New Orleans, or in ufi? dm
at the lowest market price, for cash or approved natter
1 have in store and cellar a very large sl«”Jfvemfui
Erated brlnuU^nn'H*^ 110 ™' as . im P°r«!d, of the mostTelet
brated orands and vmtages, lor sale on pleasing terms. 1
decoo _ _ P- c. MARTIN, |
Cor. Front and Smithfield sis. ;•
raiur/tn Fire
f Jf tie Ex
eiittf Market
1 7 .
mini slutual
pUa. at the
etjfiear Mar*
A FULTON, BeHand Brau Founder, has rebuilt and
a commenced business at bis old stand, No. 70 Se'4
cond, berw-een Market and Ferry streets, \v\ierc he will
be pleased to see h» old customers and friends
Church, steamboat, and bells of every six* fmm in J
I<MXIO ponnd», cast front patterns of the mo.’t approved
model., Md worrmiled lo be of Hie bc»t material. “
Mineral Water Pumps, Counter., Bailing., 4c 4c
gethcr "i h every janoty of Bra.» Casting, if require*
turned and fiiusbcd in the neatest manner. q a>
ml, so j'uSly cff
bim maTtimS' b ° XCS ttnd <J
_ ___ novl3.y |t
ntoj Com*
ipiodd and
We corner
! where
gfind bind*
mnd deal*
•Water si.
m ■■
p] No. 43,
opening' a
he lowest
*“"• , a lolly skilled iu the science 01,
Second Sioht, may be consulted by the ladies and !
gentlemen of this city, on the Past, Present and Putnrei
events of their lives, at her residence on Wylie st fifth
door below Washington. Mrs. P. would invite all uSsel
who desire to consult her, to call soon, as remain:
in the city but a few weeks longer.
janlKi^ 1 °° f ° r g ' mlcra ' n ’ an<l SO cents for ludiesjj
j Sixth st.,
Mi :
r ;
Business €arbs.
Third Rt. between Wood and Market Rt..!
scpgl-ly j
-1 S» -*.%•» .
Baaincsa (ffarira.
Moon has just received from
: New York the l 01l Style ofHATS, which he will in
troduce this day, Saturday, August 28th, All those in
want tfuneut and superior HAT would do well to calf
at ! NO. 75 WOOD STREET,
ang2B 3d door above Fourth.
rpOWNSENDj CARR & CO.. Successors to the old firm
X of C. Townsend Sc Co., ana Carr Sc. Rowland, beg
leave'to announce to their friends and to the public gen
craltjvtlmt they are now prepared to execute all kinds
of weirk in the Coach and Wagon-making business, at
the shortest notice, and warranted to be of the best qual
ity. Tlie.very large quantity of seasoned timber with
which they arc prepared, ana their facilities for business,
enables them to insure the public that they are prepared
to carry on ou extensive and prompt business in their
line, and they respectfully solicit a continuance of the
liberal -palrotrage bestowed upon the late firms. «ep4
"TTENITIAN BLINDS, Wholesale and Retail, No. 111,
Y Wood sU, over Gill’s Jlat Store, between Diamond
ally aftd Fifth *L A. GKIBBLE Sc CO. are prepared to
furnisJjfejßlinds'at prices much reduced; having a very «>
centricjnode of painting, and other advantages unknown
to others in tne trade. Besides giving a superior finish to
Blinds, they trim them with the best materials, making
them rich and*dnrnblc.
or narrow slats—portable or permanent fas
; teningyfurnished. Old Blinds refitted. dec2l-y
Hardware, Cutlery, and Saddlery.
JOHN WALKER, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic
Hardware; No. 85 Wood street, would respectfully
inforui his friends* and the public generally, that he has
received a large stock of Foreign Hardware per ships
“Isabella.” ••Wyoming,” and “Mpnotigqhelo,” which, to
gethersvith a large supply of American Goods he is now
receiving direct from the manufacturers, will make liis
assortment very extensive and complete. Western mer
chant* will please call and examine his stock. sept*
bers, having enlarged their establishment for the man
ufacture of Steel and Files—on the corner of O'Hara
and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh—arc prepared to furnish
Files d£ every description, of the best quality; and being
determined to make it the interest of consumers to pur
chase Files from them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who usd the article.
modg-y j. ankrim a co.
i. s TRUSS, fur the immediate relief and permanent
cure oy Hernia and Rupture. (Suited to all sizes.) The
supermr claims of this Truss consist in the comparative
case with which it may be worn. The pad of wood be
ing neatly balanced on springs, yields to the pressure of
any part ot tu and thorougly adapts itself to any move
ment made by the wearer. It can be worn without inter--
mission, until a cure is eiri-ctcd. The subscribers have
mode afrangCmeiits for the manufacture of these valua
ble Trusses, m u superior style, in Philadelphia, and have
.them now for sale at their office. No. 77 Southfield street,
jiioar Siith, Pftnbufgli. GEORGE WATT.
%Ay* i . D. W. KAUFFMAN.
HOUSE On the comer of Water
and Smittyeld streets, PitUburgh, Pa. —The under
signed proprietors of the Monongahcla House announce
to the Public, Uint the House is open for the reception of
Visitors. They are conscious of having spared no ex
pense in fitting ont the Establishment in such a style as
to render evert* ciunfort to the Guests. They hope by
constant care |ind attention to business to merit the pa
tronage so liberally bestowed on the late Monongalrclu
House.: freorS] JAMES CHOSSAN Sc SOS.
IV: DRUG STORE.—John I). Mono an, 1 Vhotc- s
IN saU and Retail Druggist, So. 03| Wood street,tßr
one door South of Diamond alley, Pmsdurg. The
subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, and
is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
* V n - hi * consisting of Drags of all kinds, Dve
Stun*, Paint* and VurnUhe*, Cheimculs, Ac., together
with all such article* ns ur« usually kept for wile at a
wholesale ond retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new. and has been selected with
care. He i* confident that his articles, both as to quality
and price, will please such as may favor him with a call
,4 TIIENEUM Refreshment and Jinthing Saloofo. Liber
.iV /y ; S/r«L—The subscribers,(deeply talmki'u! for the
utcrcuKcd and will increasing patronage bestowed on
them, since the opening of their establishment, beg leave
to stntelthnt their buths are open at ail times, and that
hoi, cold uud shower baths can be had at any moment.—
A few more boarders can be accommodated bythe week
and gedilemen can procure brenktitst. dinner, supper!
etc., ot are usual hours, soy : breakfast 7J o’clock, a m ;
dinner, J2i : supper 3) n. m.
Oysidra, cooling drinks, mid other rrfreslunenls furnish
ed *l*-* airier atvle. and charges moderate.
tt<OER would Trspcctfuily inform his friends oiid the
public, y*at his ijb w establishment is now in full operation,
and llurt he u prepared to furnish Bout Cabins, and fill ali
onlers for Planed Lumber, with promptitude, and at the
lowest fates.
Biard and Plank, planed on both sides, com
stonily oil hand.
Sosh; Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made
to order.
Builders aud Carpenters would find it to their advnn
tage to give him a call, m» he can now furnish them with
planed stuff, suitable for every description of work
I - ASIHONS. — Huts and Cups.— The jhhk
•irtfefribeir will introduce, thisday. Beetw HEa
tc Costtfr % FaH Style of French. Mote Skin,'siik
and Nutrn lint.**, in which he Would invite the attention
of tiie public-. G. W. GLASGOW,
» TiiO Wood street,
aujrtwi 3d door below DaviV Auction Ru<mn.
ifc lln Fait a«M*rtmert of Cap* ami Mutt*, embra
cing a’ll-cxtensive variety, is dnity expected, and wilt be
duly ahrionneyd. G. \\- i (5
suiikcribtdr, having brought out Mu* well
kmnvtuLivery Stable kept by O. B. Doty, iu the nn
hmh Y\an{. respectfully iufonns bis friends end the pub
ic grnUru]!)-. that he will keep at all times a mock of the
bcKt oe»gr»piipn of riding hordes, buggies, carriages of all
Kinds, «l»il tit short everything required in his line of
A considerable portion of his stock is new. aud he is
confident no- mock in the city will be superior to hin.
Ills terms will |»,» nMxlerntr. His stable is on Liberty
st., o few doors above the canal bridge, where respectful-
I) solicits n share oi public- patronage
irrile ii o!.-ci M il!, an elegant Hearse, which
will no-lnrmsnrd yrhen required. oct2s.
Hj_ Jw&Ui.Howard & Co.,
AYE the pleasure to announce to their friends that
they ogam occupy their old mond ut No. HI Wood
SirnS l,^ hcre t ”*-' hove opened an extensive WAI<L-P\-
PER WAUEHOL’SE. and will have constantlv on hand
SIS? 1 .* 1 VK orUr,, * nl of Satin. Glazed, and Plain PA
PER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders, of the
atest styles uud most handsome patterns, for papering
halls, parlors and chambers. °
„T , ‘?y; ; > a ».“f“ctiirc. rind have on hand at all timet.
I rmung. Writing. Letter. Wrapping and TeW Paper Bon
net uml, I- ullerjV Boards—ail oi which they offer for sale
on the ptost accommodating terms, and to which they
invite the attention of inerchuutu and otliers.
ALSO—Blank Books of ntl kinds and the best quali
ty; School Books, Ac., always on hand, and for sale as
°^° v °- __ au?23
r itew Hat and Cap Store.
m d?UAS. 11. PAULSON, (late of the
of .Paulson A Gill.) having opeued his ncwfßttt
sldra, at No. 73 l\ ood street, next door to
the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing, and receiv
ing from the Eastern cities, a very large assortment of
Hats and Cans of every description, warranted to be
made in the ficst manner and of the best materials. Ot
ter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat. Sealettc. llair Seal,
Plush and Glnzcd Caps*.
ALSO —A fine assortment of ladies Furs, such os Lynx,
Fitch, Genet, and Coney Muffs, Tippets and Fur Trim
ming*. till of which he oilers at Eastern prices for cash,
both wholesale und retail.
Country merchants will please call and examine my
stock before purchasing else where.
Wholesale Shoe Store.
J;TI. CHILDS A CO. are now receiving
their Spring supplies, consisting of one
the largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Boots
ojld Shoes that they have ever been able to bring
to this market.
ALSO—Ladies' and Misses’ Florence Braid and Straw
BonnetSj of the latest style; together with a splendid as
sortment of Palm Leaf Huts, Men’s and Boys’ Summer
ALSO—A large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leath
er, al J.df which, having been purchased at the lowest
rates, and selected with Croat care for the Western
trade, will be Mid at a small advance on the cost and
All merchants wishing to purchase will find it to their
interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing
elsewhere. mar37-tf
PORTER’S City Dagutrrean Gallery , Philo Hall, Third
street, Pittsburgh, Fu.,and Franklin Buildings, Balti
more, Md.
Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has, at con
siderable expense, fitted up apartments and arranged
light for Dofmerreotyping purposes. His long experience
in the idrt has enabled him to overcome many of the
objections too'common to pictures taken by this me
Mr-BSrter isawnrc thattbe impression has gone abroad
(owihg tO the niany ihilares to produce good pictures) that
clear Daguerreotypes cannot be made in
Pittsburgh. Hhr expenmenta, however, since he has
opened-nis Gallery, fully warrant him in saying that as
good pictures can oe made here as elsewhere.
Laaierf and gentlemen arc invited to call and examino
specimens. - y
Instructions given, and instruments and materials fur-
reasonable terms. -
All orders tfrom country operators promptly attended
to. *** nov2s-tf
HOUSE.— No, 82, Third street, Pittsburgh.— The sub
scribers would respectfully return their thanks to their
friends and the public, for the very liberal' patronage be
stowed since the commencement of the new firm, and
would earnestly solicit a continuance of the some.
They would respectfully invite those who want to pur
chase anything in the furniture oti» choir line, to give
them a efill ana examine their extensivo stock now ou
hand, consisting of some of the most splendid Eastern
and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Kami*
ture. Flattered by tlie very extensive patronage receiv
ed in their business, they have, al considerable expense,
made arrangements in New York, by ; which they wilt
'have the latest Eastern patterns forwarded monthly, thus
giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of pa*
tronizing home industry, and finding in their own city
wbatthey formerly would obtain only in the East. Hav
ing adopted the principle of small profits and quick soles,
they wilj be able to sell at os low rates as any of the
establishmqnis in the Eastern Cities.- .
novl9-y .. ROBERTS A. KANE,
■f. ■ . ;• .
f 4
\ !
t •-
I *** "
'William J* Burnside.
Alleghekt. Cmr, Pa.
CIRCULAR.—’ The undersigned having complied with
the requirements of the Auction Law, and taken out
a Commission as Auctioneer, for the City, of Allegheny,
is now ready to receive merciiondtze } :in all its variety,
on consignment for either public of private sale; and from
long experience in the above branches of business, flat
ters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
lo a JI who may favor him with their patronage.
Liberal advances made on * consignments. I shall cn
de^v°r to make speedy sales and quick returns.
Tendering you and your friends my services. I remain
your obedient servant, WM. J. BURNSIDE.
Allegheny city, September, 1847.
Jnmes May, James M’Cuily, John Little, Jr., John B.'
Guthrie. \\ m;. A. HUi & Co., Jones R. ATClintock. James
h.. !-<>san, John D. Daris, Parke & Hanncn, John B. Rlc-
noTW-y C °'’ Alcxander Stu “t<i Young tc Stevenson.
John Cjirtwrlclit.
T‘'K?. n 77‘ R nn<l Mmtoihctnrer of Cutlery, Sureicnl ond
S “ ddler ’« »" d Tnnner’slmmt tools,
Taylors Patent Shears, Jcc. Also, manufuctures Truss
cs, Supporters, Ac., in great variety.
John Caruvrielit, manufacturer and importer of Pen,
Pocket, undll üble Cutlery; Razors, Scissora, Files, Saves!
Tools. Ac., has removed to ’ ’
83 Wood Street, second door below Diamond alley
And has lately received a lilrye assortment of
Also, Rogers and Whotsenbolma’ FINE CUTLERY
Elllou’s, Rodgers’ Wade and Bro.’s Razors, Scissors.
Razor Strops. Ac. Damascus and Wire Twist
Allen’s. Colt’s, and Blunt’s REVOLVERS; Powder
Flasks. Shot Belts, Game Bags; Walker’s and Cole’s
Ezira PcreussmiiLapsj Bowie. Dirk, and Hunting Knives.
I-oois. such us Callipers, Dividcffe-Plyers, Nippers,
Hand Vices, biiuares, Kales, BraceS**Bils, Spoke Simves!
Slocks uud ire and Iron Guugcs, MalhemaUcal
Instruments, Ac., in very great variety.
50“ Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done.
,ma!My J
T Auction Notice.
HE subscriber has paid into theiTreasury of the Com
monwealth, the amount of license required by law
He has given the regularly approved security, and take a
out a coimssion of the first class, os an Auctioneer of the
cuv of I lttsburgh, and rented that spacious wareroom
belonging to Sylvonus Loihrop, Esq., No. 114 Wood st,
three doors trom Firth, where lie is prepured to attend to
the sale of every kind of Merchandise, Furniture. Real
Estate, Stocks, Shipping. Ac., either at the Auction Room-*
or on the premises, and will in all cases exert himself to
the utmost lor the benefit of his employers, on the most
reasonable terms; he will sell exclusively and only on
commission; neither purchasing nor having any interest
whatever on goods in the store, but merely the Commis
sion for selling, thereby giving nil owners a fair chance,
.without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the best advantage. r ’ 1 ■
Sates wiil be promptly settled when made; advances
will be given ot any time on the most accommodating
terms; merchants will not be charged for advances
Regular sale days. Mondays and Thursdays, of Dry Goods
Groceries. Furniture. Ac.; and every evening. Hardware!
•Cutlery, batches. Guns, Pistol** and fancy articles:.
Books, on Saturday evenings.
New Arrangement.
r lUIE subscriber, having leased the above establishment.
J. and having refitted and made some material altera
tion?* and additions, is now prepared to accommodate his
friends ami the traveling .community in the best possible
manner. The advantage* of this excellent House are
peculiar to itself, as those traveling by canal.particularly
m inclement weather, or landing at midnight, have only
to step from the packet into the beautifully furnished
apartments, where they will be contented and comforta
ble. In addition to the extensive accommodations be
longing to thi* house, the proprietorhas,atgreatcxpense,
refitted, renovated, and inode such additions as will se
cure to him the promise of his kind patrons, “Wc*U call
again.* 1
llic Bar. the Dining-room, the Chambers, and particu
larly the culinary departments, are so provided for that
w«> challenge comimtition any where.
The fare will be ot the best the market affords, and the
prim liberal.
The proprietor 'having been engaged in catering for
guests tor many years m the east feels assured that by
strict attention to burincss with a watchful rvc to the
comfort of hi* guest*, he will deserve a share of the pub
lic patronage. r
New York Pekin Tea Company.
A JAYNES is the.only authorized agent
t » '« Ft««»iirgli and Allegheny cities, for the sale of
the Pekin Tea Company's Teas of 73 and 77 Fulton st.,
New 1 ork. Any other person in Pittsburgh pretending to
sell our lea* is mi imposter, and deceive* all who’may
pairomze him. It is .commonly known that the Pekin
lea Company's Tear have proved superior to all other
i eas soul, and tor this reason mam persons have dishcui
estl) pretended to have the sale of the Pckiu Tea Com
pany s Dm-*, when they ore all the time vending trash
ami cheap stuff which thev have obtained elsewhere
Others again assume the name of the Pekin Tea Com
pany and imitate our packages, and thereby deceive
many. 7
Ue nre mtormed that there is n person in Pittsburgh
Vt 1 ?H £**,*. ,u ' ,!, * r tlu? nn, "'-‘ of'he New York and Phila
delphia 1e km lea Company. We have only to aav that
this Hamuiuml company have no connexion, whatever,
%Mili the New York Pekin Tea Company, as consumers
of ten will T»*mUly discover hy comparing the article they
sell with the genuine tea, sold by the New York Pekin
Tea Company, lit the store of Alexander Jaynes. No. 72
rourui street.
N. B.~Messrs. McCALLMONT* BOND, of Philadd-
Pb*«. »“ ve no connexion, whatever, with the New York
I ckm icu Company, nor have tliey any right or privi
lege tu sell teas under a name so nearly resembling ours
a» to have a tendency to the public.
nn> * 75 ai>d 77" Fulton si.. N. Y.
Book and Family Magazine
r|ulh oldest Magazine in the United Stales, contains
A monthly sixty pages ot reading matter, by the first
writers in-the country,—twelve more than the New York
Magazine*. Two splendid steel Engravings; on undeni
ably .authentic colored monthly Fashion Plate; Model
Cottage* and Churches. Crochet Work, and other matters
lor the Ladies, all illustrated and well explained, Ac
Price for One Year, (which includes the Lady's JJol-
Jar Newspaper, making three publications in one
month) qq
Two copies, without the Lady’s Dollar Newspaper* • 5 OU
riveeopms, without to the jn:rsonsendingtheclub-* lu 00
copit"? 00
1 vvelve copies °0 00 ?
A speeimeir of either the Lady’s Book, or the Lady's
Dollar Newspaper, will bt* sunt 10-ony t>ersott paving post
age on the request. Address, L. A. GObEY,
jtmJj-tt No. 113, Chesnut st., Philadelphia.
V..M l /‘J\ Str , cct , T ” rnlll B Establishment.
I Subscriber, lptv\ng completed liis late ituprovc-
JL meats, is now prepared to do all kinds of Turning and
Snwtng m a style fur superior to any other shop in the -
M.e*t. as he has now twelve tumiuglathes, boring ma
chines. and circular saws fitted up on tlie lotcst and most
improved plans, lie would most respectfully inform his
tneneb-, and tlie public generally, that he intends to give
Ins full attention to their orders. He will keep a coustont
supply io£ijjc accoinmodution of his country customers,
(carpentersjind cabinet-makers.) of newel-post and bul
lustcrs, materials for columns and hand railing, bed posts
and tnblealugs. Also, bed costs and rails fitted up on his
most approve-d plun of iron fasteners and liickory screws.
All orders iroin u distance promptly attended to.
v r> « • H. H. RYAN.
N; B.—Our German friends will always find some at
tentive German iu the estoblisUmcnt to atteud to their
i\. B.—Tlic subscriber would further inform tlie public,
thut he has a very puwerlul engine—about 70 horse pow
c,* . a email rooms to let, with steam power in
* for small branches of manufacture.
Fifth atrecfcJNo. as, between Wood and Market stt.
A. A. Hinson A Co.,
I NIORM their irieitds and the public generally, that be
tug about to remove to the spacious and elegant Store
recently creeled on the adjoining lot, they will clostrout
their large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter
Goods, at cost, and in many cases less than cost, to ena
ble them to open their new store with an entire stock of
new Goods*
, a “ ,nmc, ?“ tins day.-hnd continue until
first of March, or until their removal. 1
Ji £fi e ™!! u *‘ ve UB * ortm , e ut of DRESS GOODS will be
*°*i« cca b than the usual prices. .. -.
Tv, j “('J 01 }?. 18 . 1 °( T th ® most fashionable Cashmeres and
De Lames, Gala, Mohair, Silk and Orange Plaids. Also,
Bombazines, Alpacas, Ac., Ac. ■ ’
Go ? D ST^ri c U and German Merinos, Queen’s
Cloth, hrencli Plaid Cloakings, Broad Cloths of all the
most fashionable colors.
Black and Funcy Dress Silks, of every variety.
Shawls—Cashmere, Terkeri, Tartan, Plaid, and oilier
Shawls; aver}- large ossortincut, thlly reduced one half
in price.
Flaxxels—-Welsh, English, and American Flannels, of
all colors and qualities. 1
’ Bonnet and Cap Ribbons.
Glottes, Hosiery, Gimps nnt] Fringes, Wrought Collnrs
and Cupes. i-oces, Artlhoinl Flowers, Plumes and Feath
ers, Scarfs, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, Ac.
Linen Goods of every description,
ft Woolen Gnods.
Cassimeres, Cassinctts, Vestings. Beavers. Pilots
Tweeds, Jaynes. ’
Whitney and Bate Blankets.
Alsq, an extensive assortment, Calicoes, Chintzes Do
mestic Ginghams, Chocks, Stripes, Tickings, Brown' and
Bleached Muslins, Ae.
The following will be somo of the Prices *
Cashmeres • • • Usual price- • .37i e
Mous. de Laines L»ie. ** “ ‘xvansl
Gala Plaid* 50c. “ «
Mohair AOregoudo-<2oc. «
Alpaccas *lB|c. « «
Flannels -20 c. “ ***o4i®
Wrought Collars.-• • -18|c. “ ; u ... ’*
Calicoes 9tf?!oc, , -u- ; '***’,' * ,«J C .
Cassineus .28®31e. « «
T o n^«l^ will
CAsn P «?w^ S *** Beve nty*five bentaner JOO lbs,
to d C ? lUt P r , T&s \ l,l qwatiSex of fifty
No Crelt al msr ' Book B,ore ’
On handy a. general supply of school books, writing
paper,:.blank nooks, etc., which will be
sold by the dozen, or retail, at lowest cafch prides for rea
dy pay, D'an27] LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.
%v - ■xf
■ ’ ■ --HA'.V . ;
■' N.
W. W. Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets*
THE Proprietor of the Morxiso Post and Mkacttry
asd Majicfactcrer, respectfully informs his friends
anti the patrons of these pupers. that he has a Inrge as
KLALy necessary to a Job Printing Oflice' H and that he is
prepared to execute l £ •
rS£\t •' nf Zsidtng, Circulars,
s, J7 tU Heads, I Currfv,
Handbills. Blanks, ] Hat Tips.
AH kinds of Blanks. Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat
Bubs, toith appropriate Cuts, printed on the shortest notice
and most reasonable terms. J
He respectfully asks the putrpnage of his friends, and
the public m general, m this branch qf his business
» e p22 I ' I- HARPER.
Vegetable Pulmonary- Balaam*
IT is now twenty years since I first used the Vegeta
ble Pulmonary Balsam in my family. Since that time
it has been iny practice to keep it bottle of the' article by
me for the use of niy family, which is largo, and for the.
benefit of my friends. I have [uniformly found it to bea
very valuable, efficient medicine; and thmlr, that by ruing
it seasonably for the complaints for which it is recom
mended, it lias often prevented! the disease from
more serious form. In one instance, I recommended it
to my brother, who resides in the State of New York, who
was dangerously ill with a disease of the lungs.; He
has-since written to me forimore, having found no
wJiich gave him so much relief. OTIS PECK.
Sold m Pittsburgh by I
Corner of First and Wood; also, corner of Sixth and
Wood streets. 1 L-dec2s
Yor£ Pekin Tea Company.-* Just received at the Pe
kin Tea Store, 72 Fourth street] a very large supply of
fresh Green and Black Teas, of all the different grades
and qualities imported into this country; packed in lead,
M l 5 *?• boxes in 1 ft.. } lb- and 4 ib. packages. Also,slb*.
tin (. annisters, of.the different {qualities, convenient for
mmiUcs and steamboats, ranging iu prices from 37{ cents
V 0., to 31.50, Fine Oolong Black Teas, at 50, 02!, 75,
67*c.. aud SI,OO & lb. •{
We will refund the money in all cases whereourTcas
do not give entire 'satisfaction, of exchange lor a different
article. > j . .
For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth st-by
dec » j A. JAYNES.
BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS,'! AC.—Foltanshu 4- Hay
wholesale and retail Boot, Shoe and Trunk
Store. No. IPO Liberty street, nearly opposite the head of
Wood. F. it H. have in store and are receiving their Fall
And Winter stock of BOOTS. SHOES. &c.. consisting of
tlie largest stock they have ever been able to bring to this
market. Our stock of gooks have mostly been manufac
tured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh raar
kct. Wc also have constantly on hand a splendid stock
of Hayward's Metallic Gum Elastic Shoes , both for ladies’
and gentlemen’s wear, the most beautiful article ever
• manufactured. . We would solicit un examination of our
stock ot goods, by all who wish to purchase either at
wholesale or retail, ns ire shall sell at a small advance
above eosr. Country merchants I will find it to their inter
est to call mid exnminc our stock before purchasing.
_ a,l g2l | No. ISC Liberty
PIANOS — Ckieltring. —One splendid rose wood 6i Oc
lave riuno Porte, made by jChickering. Boston. '
i/rrz.—One semi-grand Piano Forte, from the manufac
tory of Henry ilerz, Paris. . (i| Octaves.
Gale 4- To.—One curved tose wood 0 Octave, made by
* Co i New York. One ditto mahogany (H Oc-
Siaddart . New York.—One elegant mahogany Piifno. 6
Octave, which has been iu uselor abont a vear. Price
two hundred dollhrs. .
i HAND PIANOS.—An excellent, second
hand Piano, made by Ix>ud A. Brothers, in good order.
Pncc SIUO. i ’
One second-hand Piano. Price sf»o.
For sale by JOHN H. MKLI.OR.
nove ' frl Wood street.
II AN r \ GOODS at Z. Kinskv'.s new store 07 Market at.
45 pcs china vases, various styles;
4 doz. pieces shaded ami plain velvet ribbon:
2 black 44 v
2 •* Celestial and Terrestinl Globes; ‘
1J ** Ivon- Memorandum Tablets;
4 " Cut velvet pocket books aud card cases.
4 •* Horse-shoe combs, imitation of shell;
0 '* German silver t<*fi .bells.
A large lot ot Gimp head black fringe.
A good assortment of Drab and mole colored;
** Gimp to.match;
“ “ Wide black;
r . u u Graduated Bnttons.
With a great variety of miscellaneous goods, amonmt
which are ■ I •* • *
Extra large size Kmong Rigs;
Coral Bonds, assorted strands;
Writing pcs ks, all sizes; '
Ladies work boxes •* . •
Backgammon Board*:
Gold JHpectaclr*, all ages;
Black Union Galloon.
All the above goods will be sold low. nov*Js
nOMCEPATHIC BOOKS.—Ji|st received, at the Book
store of the subscriber, in Fifth *t.. near Market:
Materia Medico, pura , by Bumitel Hahncinan, translated
and edited by Cltarles Julius Ilenipcl. M. D;, 4 vols.
Hartman's Acute Diseases, bv Dr. Hcnipel. vol 1
llotmrppatluc Domestic Medicine. by J. LoWrie en
larged and improved by A. J. mill. M. U.
lahr's New Manuel, vol. 1. Nos. I and 0.
Herings Domestic Physician. { ““ s '
: A Manuel of Domestic Cookery, for the use of persons
who arc under Homoeopathic ireiiimeut.
Booninghunseirs Thorapauic Pocket Book, tor Hoince
pathists. by Dr. Okie. ;
Ilabeman's Chronic Diseases, vol. 5.
Together with Medicine Chests, of diiferent sizes-and
Pnce*. faplfi] I VICTOR 3CRIBA.
-i-» Eartii. by Janeway. one volume, - - 60 83
CbanixK-k 1 !* Choice Works, by Lymiugton, 1 vob, 088
Coincidences of the Old and New Testaments, by
Rev. J. J. Blunt, D. D.. 1 yob, « » - * 125
Chalmers’ Miscellanies. Poems, Essays, Ac.. l 50
Select Works of James, Venn, .Wilson. Phillips
and Jay, in one large vol., for the low price of 150
Tlie Free Church Pulpit. 3 volumes, - - -•5 00
Modem Infidelity, by Schmucker,\
Liie of David. - - . . _ . „ o^s
Daily Walk with God, hy Mathew Strong, - - 033
Circle of Htmuui Life, by Tholuck, - - . 033
Memoir of Charlotte Elizabeth, - - - - 031
Tlie Works of Frauds Turretine, iu the original
liattn. to be complete in four volumes.—three
volumes now readv;
"Tilts’ Poetical Works, in splenilid Morocco
The above, with a greurvUriety books, justre-
y , bi<u«Wbngush,
. j®" 7 Mnrketjrt., between Thin! and Fourth.
’V'EW AND VALUABLE BOOKS.—Undesigned Coin-
XX culences tn the wntings both of the Old and New
-testaments, an argument of tlieirveracity; with ail ap
pemux, contamtng undesigned coincidences between the
Gospels and Acts and Josephus: By Rev. J. J. Blunt D
D - Fl^ { Amenean, from the Second Loudon Edition.
. I he Errors of Modem Infidelity illustrated and refuted
cLU%^“w r ;,, A P„ M -’ " ai,or of 40 prsl
Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons: illustrating the per
fection of God in the phenomena of the year: in four vol
'° CMh BCM '°"- B >'«» "«■
Chalmers’ Misccllnnios. embracing Reviews. Essays,
and Adiln-sscs. By the late Thos. Chalmers. D. D. 1
s’alTSow. VariC ' J ' ° f nc ' v and
NEW, WORKS—Good Wives, by Mrs. Child;
History ol Women, by Mrs. Childs;
I rose and Foetiy of Europe and America, by
Moms and Willis; j
Macbievclli's History of Florence;.
Life of Banveiiuto Cellini;
Letters of John Adams to his Wife;
x Book of the Court; 1
Latrobe’s Solace of Songr
Dictionary of Quotations;
H. S. BOS WORTH A CO., ; ' r
ni>vBs No. 43 Market si
A O y 1 ’! 101 ' 11 - Half. Quarter mid Eighth Pipes of tile
“w following brands and vintages:
Sazcrac, 1837; Seignelte—
Otard. 1337 and 18M; Pinet, Costillion A Co., *44;
Heunessy, 1844: Duptjv, P. E. O. . ’
Tlie above brands are warranted pure, or no sale; good
judges arc &U invited to examine for themselves, at the
comer of Smithfield and Front streets. . :
* OTIB I ! : P, C. MARTIN.
V A ni! J 4 A nv E a? 0 ? KS T, 80, , , ?f S STANDARD LT-
V BRAR\.—Jlochiavclh’s Ilwlory of Florence and
&»“! l £° «hp- Fourth!; Hoscoe’a Lorenzo de
Medici; SchtHoris Don Cnrlos and other Dramasßeck
man-s History of Inventions; . Memoirs of Count Gram
moiit; Schley-ell’s' Philosophy df History; SchleySS’s
Dramntic Literature; Memoirs of Col. Hnlohlnson tfcib ’
Hill a Miscellaneous Workß j Life of Botnenntn p«iHni •
re2'* p OU "° of Austria: ißontcrijvcck's Spanish Litcra
ture, Forsale by H. S. BQSWORTH A Co! '
- d °° J ; 43 Market Street. '
DRUGS.— Gum Myrrh Turkey; •
“ Gamboge;
4i Kino lYue; ,
u * Opium, new i rop;
u GalbqnqnJi strained; v
Exir’t Jujap; !
u Dandelion;
I K • Belladamta;
Just received, and for imle by
. b. a. Fahnestock & co.,
: r ,Cdri First and Wood sts.
DYE-WOODS.— 4Usbbl»; chipped Logwood!
75 “ ground do;
100 st chfpjjed FosU'c.
100 ground Camwood;
Just received, and lor sole by i
Cort First and Wood-stx
IJOIt SALE. Four I*o!t —Bonmied by Penn, Liberty
" and Hay «ts.. each lot having. 44 feel front, and «*-
landing back 110 feet. Two of them itto corner lots and
the position of the wkoleproperty is one of the most ad
vantageous in the city, For farther information nttnlv to
M. S\VARf Z\yßLDEft, Foarth sC, y
■ between Wood and Smithfleld.
BENZOIC ACID—7S ounce* juirt received and for cale
' corner of Plrsi and Wood st ( ,
: k :
r:r ' ‘" : ' '’"" ■ v ’ j ' l ' ? • :< - r
LEAF LARD—I barrel, prime, for snle by .
dec22; SMITH A SINCLAIR. . . . *
DEMIJOHNS —For sale at ike wine store of.
CRUSHED nail Pulverized Srnrar* for tulle at the wine >
store of : • [decl] JACOB WEAVER.. ■
LARD OIL—4 bbls; Cmcmnatl—superior brand, lor -
saleby [decSl SMITH & SINCLAIR.
SOAP —40 boxes, No, 1, Cincinnati, for sole bv .
<iec3 smith ft SINCLAIR.
POTASH —4 casks No. I arucle, in store and for sale
by [decZl] SMITH ft SINCLAIR, SO Wood sf. !
17AMILY FLOUR.—7OO bbls., for sale by •'!
■ jan37. . ; SELLERS ft NICOIS. ' !
f ITAR.—OO bbls. N. C„ for snlo by
J. jan27 _. JNO. F. PF.RRV, Liberty st.
CIDER VINEGAR—4O bbls. for sale by
ist'27 - JNO. F. PERRY.
I ARP 01L.—6 bbls. winter strained Cincinnati, for'!'l
i sale by [jan27). JNO. F. PERRY, v
PDA ASH.—2S casks, best quality, for sale by -Tu.- i
jant!7 JWO. R PERRY.
T>P t AS!I.—3 casks No. 1, for sale by ' i
*_ J 52*Z JNO, ■ 1
w - *» “ ' Ast
3 * I ° oo Shoulders. fbr"siile by *""" ;
boxes M. R., for sale bv '
T) AISI.NS.-30 bis. ami qr. bis. *l. R., for nale by
ALT.—3O bb!s. \o. 1, rr'c'd mul for sale hv
WHITE BKAJSS-lO bbl». for sale by .t ■ • |
dec2s SMITH & SINCLAIR. * ! |
CI/OV ER SEED—O bbis. for sale by ■ i
PEA J\UTS—IOO bit, superior quality, in store end for
sale by (rtcc2l) SMITH A. SINCLAIIL*
LAltp-ao Kegs No. 1, neatly put up for family use', fiir 4*
aalc by [<lec39j SMITH & SINCI-AIR. s
2 PUNCHEONS JAMAICA SPIRITS—For »41<> in;’ i••; jl
quantities to suit, by > P C MARTIN ••• .if
TRISip WHISKEY—2 puncheons, for sale in. quantities. i
X to suit, li> [tlec22] p. c. MARTIN '
OATS— 10 bags, on consignment, for sale by - ;
l anls - J. D. WItjJAMS. ' i
M o a nd S ror E^by blB ' * °-"""ed
importation, for Rale by or bottle, at ths
wme flore of [decso] - JACOB A^EAVEIt' •
IRON SAFE.—One large Iron Safe, for Rale bv '
Comer First onrf Wrtod sis
Lblrt. fresh superfine Flour, or m cood
, brand; just received and for wile. l»v !
J anl6 SMITH & SINCLAIR: 1 ' i
1 ?/Vu i - A^ k l ’ 1 *’ P l,re Vineffnr. from Cider r
\J oi L. 40, in store and for sale, wholesale mid •
- llcci> JACOB WEAVES. '•' i
GLARIFIED SUGAIt—I Jihd. N. O-. fine;
*> u “ extra: '
Cjnn2sJ • J. D. WILLIAMS!
14 vo S i X - °: 'ASSES; 16 hhd». .trictly priiW {*
«■ O. bugai; just received and for ule. hv - > J 3
■ J anll JVriLLER _& RICKETSPN. i "•■&}■
lOAP SUGAR.—S bbls. J\o. 6 Loaf Surnn for tel* ■> |?
J low io close consignment, by . P
J anl . 1 . JAMES MAY- • ! I?
tlie case ori bottle, at the wine store of ■ » r • .■■■■tg
(teclt* JACOB WBAVHfc ' I •"§
» P KKHEL.-— T hf. bbls. Tnrained Shad; 1
bbl». No, 3 Mackerel, for sale by - . ■ i
Ct.YZERAC BItANDY--4> half and quarter pipes, pafo :
O vihujcs froio ■Ui to '44j lur sule bv • .*•
dcc ~ ivc. Martix. v
PORK— 100 libls. Mesa Pork; 18 do. Rump do- in
store and for saje, bv ■
janM7 J
IVTAILS AND SPIKES.—3SO Spikes: ft*r c
■*■l sorted, in store anil for sale, by • • •
A".? 37 , l. a. waterman..: :■:
S 1- —A genera! .asuortmcnt of Cast,
ter, German, Ameren and Spring Steel, in aSn and'
ior sale by [janK] L. S. .
and qr. bis. M. R.. for saft&by' ■
llccl ' l No. 110 Wood*., .
S UGA 'S MOLASSES—2O hlids. Prime K a Bag-
O .s*l 40 bbls. N.O. Molasses, jusi received and for safe
[" INSEED Oil.—« 0 bbls- Prime Linseed Oil, ort eba-'
U simmcnt, and-for sale by '
jmian _ SELLERS t NICOI.S. 17 Ilihettr «: ’
TA3P P U £T w bb ]’- CbnlrDngy Nb. 1' Winter Lard” I J
J for ntes,.|)y .■..■•p
FLOUR.—27 bbls. Rye Flour, a prime article lor i
XV family use, just received and for wile, by
Jnrvifi l, & waterman.
Buckwheat flour.—44 sacks, a superior arti
ticle, yi store and for sale by - ••••■:
J an 29 l. s. waterman;
OPS.— 1 5 sacks, on consignment and/or sale, by -
i aul4 „„ „ , MILLER & RICKETSOX.
m Market st., betwecrl Thin! and Fbnrrb:
j^ENNA—2 bales u Eost India.” just received and for r
O sale, by B. A. FAHNESTOCK ft CO*
nov2o Cor. First and Wood stfl ■*> .
/"IOOPERS’ ISINGLASS—2 coses, just ree’d and for
\y sale, by B. A'. FAHNESTOCK'S CO.; .■!
n°v2o Cor. First and Wood sts. - <
COCK AND Crown—A fexv baskets of ibis celebrat
ed Wine offered for sale at the nine store of :
nov 3S v JACOB WEAVER. 1
JOO WOODr-100 bids. just received and for aalo. iy
J n . B. A. FAHNESTOCK it Ca/ “
nov &> Cor. First and Wood sts.
CARB. MAGNESIA—2 cases, jnst rac'd and for sale. ■ i-i
-by B. A. FAHNESTOCK *. CO-V li
dec3 Cor. First and Wood its: u-
P OW'D JALAP-—2 cases, just rec’d and for sale* by • ■ !i
Cor. First and Wood it*. :i
GUM ARABIC—22S lbs~ just received and for sale, by u il
tiOC 3 Cot. First and Wood ate. .
tUOSPIIORUS—IIO lbs., just rec’d and for sole, by • ' ;
Cor. First and Wood als-- i!.
ICELAND MOSS—I bale, just rec’d and for sals, by
B. A. FAHNESTOCK fe ed./
Cor. First and Wood sir
rpo RENT.—A Basement with t-.vo rooms, suitable''for ;: 1
JL a physician or dontist. on Penn street,between Band ii
and rrwiii streets. rjan22) L. WILMARTtt. 1!
TO LET.—One new three story Dwelling House, with •i i
both house attached, situate near the comerof Wylie : i
and Washington streets. Possession given on the first Of -
April nert. Danl7] , JOHN F- PERRY. '•
Por sale by
Jt l* GAIL—6 hbds. Prime New Orleans;
J 2 bbls. D. IL Crushed; •
10 “ assorted Loaf; -
For sale fay liaiiMl J. D. WIU.I AM9
v oz * eaoh, of my ‘•Superior Aronutio -w
Cfi Wine Bitters, 17 for sale to. the trade with per cent . . n
on. Also, for sale. by.the gallon or single bottle* at the
♦vine store of. [dccl] JACOB WEAVER. i
NEW New Testament;
liczas ditto; Sweedon’sditto; French and German • i;
<M]o. . ‘ H. S. BOSWORTH & CO., '
<tac4 No. 4G Markets. ■ ii
SWEET MALAGA WINE—IB bblt.' and rndift hbl*. .. * i
Sweet Malaga Mountain Wine, for sale at low 'f;
prices, by . JACOB WEAVER: ; ;i.
novS7 • Wine Store. . i >
El CHROMATE POTASH-f4OO lbs. EhgUsh/jrtitt re,
oeirod and for sale, by : >45
B, A. FAHNESTOCK* po* ' ' : F-
Cor. Pif»t »mj Wood »tt, -IfSS,
I. AUD.—3 kers No. t Lard; „ • ■ IT
j • 4 bbuL. No. 1 do.; . n
On consignment, and for sale by . ii
B-VSQ&; AND BULK POjUp-dob iWt BacpnJ W* If
Shoulders do.j 22 bids. Sides do,; $7 do. in boiki on ’i
couMgmjient,'and lor sale by • n
-40 bags ■-• r^-:
12 *» ■ 'y;:',.:
6. l{ Olo<J«lii4' : ■• AV v
fjangsT 3.T>ymijf^
For sale bi
chests Yoon# liysonTea; '■ ■
•X', ■: A.- 4 *.. • Impend 0. Ps, . •:
. ~-•1.0 ” ” GhuJau Ponebongj „'- <■* y -
i ® catty boxes, ranoua styiejc • ,
. by - (jan2s) J/ft WILLIAMS
MACJfE&ELw-tGO bbls. No. 3, latge Maplcere!:
M Kol; ’■ - 1
‘ - a '• AV.*
ln&tora 'ftp, sale, tnr - -
jtinH MUXgQ
BnUQg~Tfeaa.jj jTftia, JErmt, Cqohmeal.
..... . .
• 1 K- .1--- •
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■'- * j'-f■: .V ',
r ' * 7' ’** £
' fi«iftjs>*BJ«.'»r'
NUMBER 174. "
•ES.—2O boxes Stearine; ' . h
10 u - star; 1
5 “ Sperm; !i
[janSSi; . J.D.WTT.T.tAMff. M
A •
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