The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 02, 1847, Image 1

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3 "3
VOL.- V.l:-.-NO;'B9
1111L41.11.ED A 1 ,11). EDITED
Ni . T..corner-tif tV?cpt and Fifth Sts. . „.
Ttnsts.t.Five dollano a .year, payable in a.dsance.
Six.dollars will invs.riably,bc, required if not paid
yyit!iin the year. ,
p;§ingle cqpies, Two currrs,—for sale at the counter
;# , ,the Office,, and by' plewa Boys.
is - published at the same office, on a doutile.nandiuna
- Ghent, at_,TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance; ala
i& cultic". ea cre.
Tornis Of Atlvertleing,
. ~
e !fp insertion, 150.50 L Oge month, ss'oo
)6 do,k , '0 75 Two' do, - ' - 6' 00
ti 2
rAlf l atit' ' 'oo Three do, - 700
` i i,,X , 7: , -1 I
50 Four do, •.8 00
IF' do; .. • 300 , Six do, 1000
r' htee do, 4 00 rue year, •15 00
1• i ' ' ' Yearly Advertisements, . .
Ilisinontli, " $l5 00 Si - x months, $2O 110
'iteyear, - . ' 9.0 00 1
Ono year, . 30 00
' Larger advertisements in proportion.
.otr Ciitou of four lines, rzvr.. Doi:LARS a year. •
- H. M. Kennedy,
'2A — TTOTINF.Y . At LAW. Office the same
buildinF, with Alderman' Nl , Master, Fifth street,
itttweetilWood and Smithfield sts. atigl7-6an,
WUl►ain /11.?Mationt
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chance
ry,,offiee on Fourth street, third door °bay,
CiAtiithfield, Pittsburgh.
•- , - A. E. Ill'Onlmont,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, ()thee on Fourth street,
• 11,_ a few doors above Wood. Collections attended
Claritin and Venango counties:
rilij irrrv,l
Office on Smithfield street, a few doors above
- Ormond alley.
N. 8. 4 -Collections made on moderate terms.
J. S. 111 , Clowry,
FFIC E in Bakewell's Baiii.lings on Grantstreet•
• Removal.
• n -
110f1F.RT SNYDER. has removed his alike
to Fourth street, hetweeli Wood and Sinithfield
riesidoor to Rudy Patterson's Livery stable.
John.. ilurreli,
%Li (Klee on the Noah cast curter Or Fourth and
=l.tottlifield Streets.
John Bari on,
A TTOTINEY AT LAW. Office, North Ride of
Fiftlyucei, hete•den Wool and Smithfield, in I
Vle.Fatrie _buti,Log witfi Morrow.
• • TI-1031AS M. PIA list( ALL,
A TTIIRNEY AT I..l4V—ttilise, Lo one's Build
legs, .Futirti street. jan7-ly
:JoAerh C. Br. , lC.tb.b.ln,
TTORN EY .I.T LAW, oflice \Vallaces
! ill ;L., between . Wood and ti:nithlield
'oCeetn., Roy 18-y
6.torg.e AV. I.rtylig.
-TT(IRNF.Y ails/ Counsellor nt Law and Notary
'Mire-nethe coraer -lth and %Voted utr..,
Stl;bec tV..lones' '.Nreleangc ollice. • rtct4
qicWgnL.'DAzi IiPAGETjArP. P. C. SI/AMNON.
na.gehttlX ' Oh,
TTIIRIVEYS. arid COOhl , allors at taw. Office
Gn Puurtitsti;:.'`qt ii . e.t.e"6i-o Wood and Santlifield,
Ind - nearlyoppriffite • t.)t•s office. nol6-y.
Wills &
l'ilts:burzli, Pi- 'O/Gee en uurtit st., between
3nitthfie.l,l and Grant. -. marl4-y
Edmond unbitten,
A .111/11.NEY AT .LAW, "aline in the building on
thc North East corner of 1 trth and Smithfield
_ _
A-LDEII.3.I.I.isT, mike north sufe or Filth street,
between Wood and Smithfield; Pittsburgh.
• James Callan,
ATTORNEY A LAW, °di chambers
in the chabers
T eceapiel by Alderman 15i'llta§iers, on Filth v..,
letween , Wood and: Sinitlifild. .apia-y
:WC mill It so ek, 111 'C I are.
office on Fourth street, oppomn jti & R. IL
oatterson?sLivery.Stable, Piusburgh, sepl.o-y
• • ' Forslia'rd & • Swartzweideri
aTTORNEVs AT LAM, Fourth street bet Ween
: Wood anti Stnltlifteld;oppusite Patterson's Its ,
4ry /table: - aia-y
• ..George F. Gil',flora,
• A TTORNEY AT LAW, Oliicelll itfp'eti 2 g
ings,.4th at.., above Wood, PAtsberill, Pa.
C. Orlando Loomis,
TTORNEY AT 'LAW; mace Futrrth et:: abrree
ti Wood.
A lEELF hnsremovcd his commission and for
warding business from the Canal Basin to hie
melbr warehouse on Third street, nearly oppoiite the
?ost Office. mayalLy
James S. Croft,
Pittshiargla, Pa., having resigned the office o.
.secretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spc
siaJly 'collections and business connected with
navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu
siness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 I'. M. Office, first door
west of Atierinan Miller's, Fosirth street, near Grant.
'Charles t. Flays,
TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com
utissianer to take The proof and acknowledge-.
went of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other
to be recorded or used in the States o,
IC.catuckr; Indiana, Tennessee,'Michigan and Mis
souri. Office, Burke's buildine, Fourth st. roar 12-y
Edwin C. Wilson,
1 - 1 Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to has care—col
ections made iu Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s.
J. A. Stockton & Co.
Murphy, Wilson Si Co. ) Pittsl
• John Bigler, -
lion.-James Kinnear, •
} Franklin.
Hon. Alex. Zd'Calitlont,
Hon. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. jay23-y
Victor Scrilm,
Fifth street, between Wood end Market streets,
Pittsburgh, Pa.ja.u7-7
James Patterson,
CORNEWof First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
Pa., _manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts,
obaccd, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen
, serows for rolling mills, &c. septt)-y
W in. A. Ward,
DENTIST, has removed to the place of his for Penn street, two doors below
resin. an IS-y
_ _
C. 4. 111 , AnnIty & Co.,
Canal Basin, Pittnnirgh, Pa. mar3dy
la r rtln Lytle,
Damn:v 'GROCER, Smithfield street, neat doer
-to.the Filth Presbyterian Church. junc6
. .GeOrge Cochran,
r. No. 26 Wood at., Pittsburgh.' nov27-y
Mewl:took Store.
A,S.,BOS*PiTH Sarketatreeti
.. nc.xt,iloor'sa Third street, ern pot openinva
new,anil.eFtensive assortment of Books and Station
ery, which: they *in sell,,wlaniesaln and retal, akthe
~lowest Prices. . • - ap2.9-y
School Book and Paper Nareholoie.
.1)XE1061511p; Agent, pebliebet:, beekeeper and
tinnktdider i PTO. 89; Wootiatreet, Pittsburgh.
Vl'4Ver - ' 4 4.g.:41 - 40
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ATANU.FiI..CTURED and sold wholesale and re
. Striithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin
- • O'Hara . Itobluson,
LATE. U..S.,kuoraey, has removed his office. in
NO: B St. Cluir st.
Eliot Glass Establishment..
Aruix . A.Ny's, LEDLI.P. manufacture and keep
constantly on land cut, moulded and plain
Flint Glassware in all its varieties,, at their warehouse
corner of Mark C i. and 'Water streets, Pittsburgh.-L
Our works continue' in full operation, and we aide
constantly. adding to our stock, which enables us to
'fill orders with prompsness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to "call and examine prices and
sep 16-y terms:
Otto Kuntz,
ATANUFACTURER or Irtcoanttrmars: TEETH . ,
In . Smithfield street„, two doors below Fifth street
Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a fall assortment or
'Plato and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Gal teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth r Sic. Teeth and 'blocks made to
order; Ventists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. All orders from'abtoad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
IKTPlatina always on hand
Dr. int). Crawford,
0 . CE on St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange
aug lELy
,Ortines Blakely, Alderman.
OFFICE on Penn et., opposite D. Leech EL Co's.,
packet line office. Office hours from 7 o'clock
A., M., to S o'clock P., M.
Dr. George IVatt,
riFFICE., No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st.,
Pittaliurgh. aug2l-y
Dr. A. W. Oliver,
DirI — SICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. 5, St.
C air street, Pittsburgh. jy2o
F. Blume,
INO FQRTE manufacturer and dealer in ni
_sical Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, near
J. Dryar,
IitCTIFItisiG'DISTILLER, and wholesale
er in POreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
I No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
John 211'Closkey,
AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
S. 111.*Clurkan & - Co.
VITIMLESALE l - a - tocvms, Commission Mer
chants, and dealers in Produce and E„'ittsburgh
Manufactures, No. 142 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
dee 3-y
• _
1.. S. Waterman,
WlfoL ES, Forwa,i t . L . E ,l l , ltt I h e E t lt , ,
and7 , ) l Sy/ ealer in I, N
ro . d , k
and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos 31, Water, and
2, Front sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. jy23.y
_ _ .
Carson & IPK.nlgtV,
F t .S A
s LE t t i 'lltO t C b e tw e en
tS andiiem rr
Wood and
Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. des 4-y
lir M. GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to the
- V
corner or Wood and Third sts, above C. 11.
Kay, where he is prepared to du every description
eel/tiling and Binding. ilec2-y
J. 111•CollIrter,
WHOLESALE, and retail dealer in Tobacco,
Snail; and Sears, No. 25, Fifth st., between
Wood and Market sts., Pittsburgh.
P. C. Blurt tu,
TXTDOL,ESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &e., No. 60 Water
street. sepsl
. . . ._
J. qt. J. ItUDevitt,
tIIOII.F.SALE GlinCEItS, dealers in produce
y and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2.3-3l
John H. Mellor, • -
ATIiOLE:S.4.IE and retail dealer in Music and
Munical - Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books .and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
burgh. Jan I-y
.GrEOI2.6E ,i11:11.01C., Tailor.
(Neurly opposite the Mayors Office.)
TUT received an assortrrient , enizes,tirazier'ili
?) Hand Bellows; aLsii, Parlour and Kitchen, do.
Wholesale and Ftetail, JOAN W. BLAIR.,
• ccl6. 120 117.... d
Dr. Di In. 111. Wright,
DF:NTEST, Office and residence in
. 1 2 i.„ ..-4 St. Clair st., a few doors below Lib
erty, near the Exchance Hotel.
marl I y
John A. Parkl niton,
4LDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Nan street, between
Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he may be
ound at all times. Those having houses or other
. troperty to sell or rent, can have the same punctu
ally to; debts collected, and all the duties
If an Alderman will receive prompt auention.
Foreign and Domestic Saddlery Hard
ware and Carriage Trimmtgs,
d'A F all deecriptions, No. 133 Wood st et, Pitts
j burgh, seven doors above bib, and one door
above li,Childs.SE Co.'s Shoe store
To Grocers and Ten Dealers. ,
HE Philadelphia and New York Pekin 'Pet
Company, No. 35, North Front sired,
phia, having received their Fall Stock of FRESH
funs, are now prepared to furnish orders Roma dis•
Lance , either by the Half Chest or packed in them'
peculiar style, at prices as low as any other estab
lishment in the United States For sale.,; •
150 Half Chests Young Byeon, (low grades and
100 Had Ithests extra Silv j er Leap, do.;
SO Chests and Half Che is Gunpowder, (fine and
extra ;)
100 Chests, Half Chests and Boxes Imperial,(fine,
extra and low Fade/10
50 Chests Old Hyson, various grades;)
250 Half Chests and Boxes Fine Oolongs, (various;)
200 do. do. Mirg Tongs, do ;
150 do. Powchengs, (chulan and other
Oranges and Flowery Peccoes; English Breakfast
Teas, &c., &c.
This company establishes no esclusive agencies
of any kind out of Philadelphia; but furnishes T 6'as
packed in and d pounds packages, bearing their
own name to the general trade, of a quality equal to
any sold in the United States at the saute prices,
and pledge themselves to refund the money for all
that do not give entire satisfaction.
No 35 North Front
Wholesale Depot of the Company::
N. B. Orders from a distance executed faithfully
and with dispatch. McC. & B.
J. R. Stotkdale the agent of the Company is in
this City and will call upon Grocers and Tea Dealers.
-W. W. WILSOrg,
Silver ware, Jewelry, Riney Go cpcit,
VV M4itary Goods, Valeta Solar Lard Lamps,
Gold Peifii, Spectacles, Canes; Mathematical instru
ments, Surveyor's Compainms, Clocks,-RI eetro, Magi
near. Machines foeMedical,purposes, Diamonds for
Glacieruitild GiaturCuttets, Trimmings for Regalia,
'Mantel Ornarrientsi Gimndoles Cindlebras, Com
mon Ware,. Tea Trays, &c. jy22
ini th,
-T UlatElt -MERCIIiINT; Pears street,
ibetweeu irstirt,und timid sta., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All cAnmissions will be promptly attended tu. mar -
Brazier's Bello;i,;rs
V~E would beg to announce to our customers
and the public'generally; that we have re
opened our establishment with a full and splendid
assortment of Spring and Sum merßeadpniadeCloth
ing, which in respect to style and workmanship can•
not be surpassed by any house in this city.
Gentlemen who are in want of any article in our
line will find ii to their advantage to give us a call,
before purchasing elsewhere; as our stock, as well
as the low prices :of our goods, will .enable as to
please all who will favor ua withra call.
It is unnecessary for us to enumerate the articles
comprising our stock, as we are weekly supplied—it
will suffice for us to say that at all times our assert
merit will be complete, with every article pertaining
to the trade. ANCK &M A YEA,
Sign "Golden Star."
N. R.—Gentlemen who leave orders at our store,
for any Garment thaethey wish to have made in New
York, can be famished in two weeks after the re
coiptof their directions. mar 27 A. & A.
Ilardwe re, Cutlery, 8 sulle ry,
IMPORTER and dealer in Foreign and Dorriestic
Hardware ; would respectfully inform his friends
and the pubic generally, that he is now receiving
his Spring supply of Hardware at the old stand of
Walker & Woodivell, No. S 5 Wood street, which
the will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. He
avill be continually receiving fresh supplies direct
drum the manufacturers in Europe and this Country,
which will enable him to compete with any estab
lishment either East or West. Western Merchants
are invited to call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. mars
On the corner of Water and Smithfield streets,
!THE undersigned Proprietors of the Aloproxioeux:-
LA lloesE announce to the Public, that the
House is open for the reception of Visitors. They
ire conscious ofhaving spared no expense in fitting
Jut the Establishment iu such a style as to render
avery coint'ort to the Guests. They hope 'hy con
itant care and attention to business to merit the pa
tronage so liberally bcatewrid on tho late lionongn
aela House
Hutu.* 1/14trlet Hotel
T S A.AC L . It DOL1(, formerly of the Union hotel
on \Valet street, haring been burnt out, ban built
:anew and handsome house expressly fur the accont
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
strcets • wilich twill Lin known a., the Burnt
District Hotel.
He is now prepared to offer every acs ommodirtion
and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. He is provided with ample and convenient
!ambling. decl2-y
Franklin [rouse, Fourth street.
Between limitkfield and Grant :greets, Pittssburgh
irVIRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, reapeet
k.../ fully informs his friends and the public general
ly,•that he will open the above splendid Huose on
the lst day of May neat.
The House being new, and finished in she most
commodibus and convenient manner; and having it
Mrroshed with the newest and most beet; hl stn la u,
furniture; flatters himself' that he will be able to ac
commodate Ins friends and the traretinog public, in
manner nut inferior to any similar estabitshment hu
the city.
As the House is situated near the Court House, ar
rangements have been made to serve up meals at.liny
hour in the day, this will be great convenience to
t. 110130 who arc in attendance at court.
DO - Refreshments of all kinds can be had. Boar
ders taken by the week or day.
icr Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M
New Drug Store.
JOHN D. MORI;AN, ii'lnksalc and Retail
Druggist, No. O 3 Wood street,one door South
of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals.
&c., together all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his articles, both
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a call. mytti.
10111 FIX AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old stand, N 0.70
Second, between Market rind Ferry streets, where
he will lie pleased to see his old customers and
Church, steamboat., and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the best
materials. '
neral , Wa Lex Pumps, Counters, jailing, &c. &e.,
together with every variety'of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finislied•in neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole ag ent for Babbitt's Anti-Altration
Metal, so justlycelebrated fur the redaction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
be had of him at all time.
Corner of Fourth and Market trireets.
A LARGE and well selected, stock or Watches.
21_ Jewelry, Silver ware, Military Goods, always
on hand andet regular Eastern prices.
Gold Patent Lever Watches, full Jewelled, SS low
as $4O
Silver Lever Watches, as low as 18
GENUINE Cooper, Tobias, Johnson and other ap
proved Watches, may be had at a small advance and
Fine watch work done in the very beat manner.
Boots, Shoes, and taunts.
nrITIE Subscriber returns his sincere tbanke to his
*lends and the public generally, for the very
liberal encouragement he has tuft with since bin
cotnmencement in the above business at No 99 Mai
bet street, and 41 Liberty, and now begs leave -to in
form them that he has received a very large and
well selected assortment of Boots, Shoes, &c. &c.,
of the best materials, best workmanship, and latest
fashion, and would request those who( want to pur
chase any thing in his line, to give him a call, as
they cannot suit themselves better to their advantage
in the City. JAMES ROBII,
se9.9dlm4,v2t 99 Market and 41 Liberty tit.
George Cochran,
Ni. .2.6 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
CONTINUESto transact a general Comtnisaion
bustneßs, especiaily in the purchase and sale of
Ain erican mann tiictures and produce, and in receiv
ing and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. As
agent for the manufacturers he will be constantly
supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh
manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices.
Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited.
Jone's Italian Chemical Soap.
PERSONS; in purchasing this, must always ask
for Jones's ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and, per
haps, ns many have been cheated with counterfeits
will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we
say to such, Try this once—you will not regret it;
but always see that the name of T. Jones is on the
wrapper. Price 50 cents a cake.
For sale by W.jACKSON, Agent, corner ofWood
and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh
where the Genuine can be obtained; ALL OTHERS
Cianq be Beat 1
M. WHITE has just receiyed at his large
EY establishment. fronting on Liberty and Sixth
streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for
summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin YES.
TINOS, all of which he is ready to make up in
the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms
as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 Liberty
and Sixth streets.
myl4 J: M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor.
Townsend, Carr & Co
SUCCESSORS to the old firm of C. Townsend &
and Carr & Rowland, beg leave to announce
to their friends and to the public generally, that
they are now prepared to execute all kinds of work
in the coach .and• wagon Xhaking business, et the
shorinst notice, and warranted to be of the beat
quality. The very large quantity of seasone.d-tirn
ber with. which they ere prepared, and their facili
ties for business, enables them to insure the public
that they'are prepaietfto cart) , on an extensive and
prompt buSinese in their line, and they. respectfully
solicit a continuance of therliberal patronage be
stowed upon the late firma. sep4
,-, ~,,,fyt-; .?,;.1.1 , 4•• , f-Zt"3*•l4 C •
. . . . .
•-• ••••:,.vw -- W?- I ''-' , ...... , ' - ••••• - •4:- -,..•:;',; -,--';'" -P.t, ,, , - ,: 4" •-•••,-/-',••••-
2. 5"1•'• •. , ..N 4- . , . , :•:•••." , k , ' . ..170.; , . f.k . 44V-Zt,tzgr.Pu'sr•,^ '.........,.n 0 , , ,,, ,,,,,,,, .... , , , r-..44.-::&-:?.... - 47 , 7=F=Fi ..r . ,' .. wc... , ...•,- . • ,,,, ',..,-,..,..,....- _,___,...... ~. .:...., ~ . ......„..---.........-- - :•:'.;',-;..;',', , , , , ,e -'.'f•,::t.- - - t 4., t ,%•.,,,,....., -„.,,..„.,..,. ~ .... - ;. , ,i . .,!'.. ,, Y.:'M,V-41`eTf" , ,1F1,• ,,, ' ~...', . ..r•••• --,.., ~..f.r•—•'_?..._:, ,
_...y . .:?.,, ,. ..:.-,.tr...., , .;
.. .
•••• .:;',.",_,.:.:'''...•,*, :',.-.-..-•
~... ...... •-,. .. 1-, i;; - •?;.•,'..;•„: - :••• • •:.. - .=.." ,- ' , : - .' 3 .!....V. -- ;::!'"If_''''' - f , ',• , .. 3" . ....;•'-'-' , . , '": - ', -. ..• . ' , ...f.... - .• r .."., ' :-..::_-,-•• --: - - ...:-../.::::".1.: '. • .-••.,.' ••-•-•,,,i.-,..2t.:',-,;,,,,,,554.,.
A. Fulton,
James Howard dr. Co..
rir AVE the pleasure to announce to their friends
lll_=that they again occupy their old stand at No.
63, Wood street they have opened an
18iVC WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE,,and will have
contantly da hand an extensive assortment of Satin-
I glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders.of the letsm style; and most handy
some patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham
They manufacture, and have on hand atoll times,
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,
Bennet and Fuller's Lioardo--idl of which they offer
'for gale on the most accommodating terms, and is
which they invite the attention of merchants and
ALSO—Blank Books of all klnds and the best qual
ity,-Schaol Books, Ite., always orr hand and for sale
as above. aug 25
New 11. a, .ap Store.
CHS. IL POULSON, (late of the firm 4%.•
Pouls . on & halting opened his .' --•••••
new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the
corner of Fourth, is now manulhcturing and recei-'
ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment
of 'hats and caps of every description, warranted to
be made in the best manner and of thohest materials.
Otter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, SealeNe,
llair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps.
Also, a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such as
Fitch, Genet and Colley Muffs and Tippets
and fur trimmings, all of which he offers fox sale at
eastern prices lbr cash, both wholesale and retail.
Country merahants will please call and examine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N. S. The all Fe3hiou for Hata and Cars ree-eiv
od. sep27y.
Slttie Store:
IL CHILDS St Co., are now receiving their
spring supplies, consisting of one rif
the largest., cheapest and bestassort
ment of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been
able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies' and
Misses' Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the
latest stylei together with a splendid assortment of
Palm Lent Hots, Itles's and Hoy's summer Caps.
Also,.a large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather,
all of which having been purchased at the lowest
rates, and selected with . great case for the western
trade, will be sold at a small advance above cost and
charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will
find it CO tbeir interest to call and examine thoir stock
before purchasing elsewhere. roarin-tf
Corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh
is ready to receive rnerchandize of every description
on consignment for public or private sale, and from
long experience in the above busines, flatters himself
that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all
who may favor him with their patronage. '
Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Fancy articles, 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,
new and second hand furniture, &c., at two o'clock,
P. M.
Sales every rvenine• at raril: gas-light
1 1 11781111611 Cll.llll AND CABINET WARFAUSE.
NO. N 2, Thfrd Street, Pillebtargli,
/1"41E subscribers would respectfully return their
thinks to their friends and the public, for the
very liberal patronage bestowed si nee the coat ence
meat of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit - a
continuance of the name.
They would reopeetfully invite those who want to
purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to
give them a call anu examine their extensive stock
now an hand, consisting of some of the most splen
did Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and
Mahogany Furniture. Flattered liy the very exten
sive patronage received in their business, they have,
at considerable expense, made arrangements in Hew
York, by which they will have the latest Eastern and
French patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the
citizens of Pittsburgh am opportunity of patronizing
home industry, and finding in their own city what
they formerly would oLtain only in the East. flaying
adopted the principle of smalrprofits and quick
they will he able to sell at as low rates as aey of the
establishments in the Eastern Cities:
novl9-y ROBERTS & KANE.
. .
City Daguerrian qallery,Philo
Third Rt., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Franklin Build
ingi, Baltimore, 11d.
Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has at
considerable expense fitted up apartments, and ar
ranged light for Daguarreotyping purposes. Ills long
experience in this art has onahled him to overcome
many of the objections too common to pictures taken
by this method.
Mr. Porter is aware that the impression has gone
abroad (owing to the many failures to produce good
pictures,) that clear and distinct Daguerreotypes can
not be made in Pittsburgh. His experiments, how
ever, since he has opened his Gallery, fully warrant
him in saying that as good pictures can be made here
as elsewhere.
Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and en
amine apecimenn.
Instruetions.girpn, and instruments and matenala
furnished upon roasonable terms.
All orders from country operators promptly attend
ed to. nov2s-t!
U. S. Hotel, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa.
1 IHE subscriber having leased the above establish
ment, and having refitted and made sonic materi-
RJ alterations and additions, is now prepared to ac
commodate his friends and the travelling community
in the best possible manner. 'rho ad s antages ofthis
excellent House are peculiar to itself, as thohe travel-
ling by Canal, particularly in inclement weather, or
landing at midnight, have only to stew from the pack
et into the beautifully thrnished apartments, where
they will be contented and comfortable. In addi
tion to the extensive accommodations belonging to
this house, the proprietor has at great expense refit
ted, renovated, and made such additions as will se
cure to him the promise of his kind patrons "We'll
call again.?,
The Bar, the Dining Room, the Chambers, and
particularly the culinary departments, are no provid
ed for that we challange competition anywhere.
The fare will be of the best the market affords, and
the prices liberal.
The proorietor haring been engaged in catering
for guests eor many years past in the east, feels an
4ur;ed that by strict attention to business with a
watchful ere to the comforts of his guests, he will
deserve a share of public patronage.
. .
No 70 ;food st., Pittsburgh, Pct.
A NCtCER & MAYER would respectfully an
pounce to the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicini
ty that they have procured the services of Jobe Gar
vey—recently of Broadway, New York—as foreman
of their establishment.
This gentleman having been extensively engaged
M the custom busintss, exclusively, in the above city
fur the last ten years, is well known by that fash-
ionable community and is universally acknowledged
to be a cutter of great acquirements.
We will be monthly supplied with Parisian fash
ions, which will give us the advantage of offering
our customers the latest and newest styles. Gentle.
men who are desirous of adorning their persons,
tan, by calling at the Original Star, be accommo
AU articles frora this establishment will be war_
anted in every particular, trouble orexpense
will be wanting on our. part to afford general satis
We have just received a splendid stock of French
and English Black, Brown, Blue, Green, Olive and
Claret Cloths.
Black Blue, Brown and Green Beaver Cloths
English Pilot cloths.
Pig'd Cassiincres and cloths for sacks and business
French Doe Skins, plain and figured.
Do Fancy eassimeres.
English do do.
Also, a large lot of American Cloths and Cassi.
French super cut Velvets for vestings.
Do Black and Funny Satins.
' Do do do Silks.
Do do do Cashmere,. and all arti
cles pertaining to our business:
We have au advantage that few houses in the woe
have, being connected with houses both inNew York
and Boston who will keep on regularly supplied with
the latest European styles of 'goods.
ALSO—WiII be kept constantly on hand a general
assortment of ready made clothieg.
Together with shirts, drawers, under shirts, bos
oms, collars, scarfs,' cravats, gloVes, suspenders,
&c., &c.
Star Clothing Store, 70 ViTooirst
N. B. All orders will be promptly auentled to
. _ .
r FIRE Subscriber has paid into-the Treasury of the
I Commonwealth the amount of License required
by law. He has given the regularly approved secu
rity, and taken out a Commission of the fret class,
as an Auctioneer, of the city of Pittsburgh, and rent
ed that spacious wareroom belonging to SYL7MIV9
LOTHROF, EMI , No 113 W ood
. st., three doors.froln
where he is prepared to attend to the sales Of
every kind of Merchandise, Furniture Real Estate,
Stoats, Shiping, &c. &c. &c., either' at the Aucticn
Rooms or on the pnemises e aud will in all cases ex
ert himself to the utmost for the benefit of his em
ployers, on the most reasonable terms; he will sell
exclusively and only on commission; neither purchas
ing nor having any interest whatever on goods in the
Store, but merely the Commission (or selling, thereL
by giving all owners,a fair chance, without partiality
of having therein property disposed of to the best
ad ran tago.
Sales will Eie promptly settled when made; advan
ces will be given at any time on the most accommo
dating terms;nierchants will not be charged for ad
vances. Regular sale days, Mondays and Thursdays,
of Dry Gooirs, Groceries, Furniture, &c.; and every
I evening, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, thins, Pistols,
I and fancy articles; Books on Saturday evenings; a
general reference will be given in a few days. Bills
of lading have been received of several large invoices
of Merchannise, direct from extensive Importing
Houses, in Boston and Now York. Notice will be
given of their arrival. I
ap24 .;'AMPS M , KENNA, Auctioneer.
ISMOORS has just received from New Sink
o the Pal/ Style of HATS, which he will imAloisti
trodce this day, Saturday, Aug. 28th. All those in
want of a neat and superior HAT, would do well to
call at No. 75, Wood et. Y
at , 2B 3d door above Fourth
IMornoeopathio Medicines and. Monks.
JUST received a fresh supply of Hommopathin
Medicine Chests, heintropathic Coffee, Sugar of
milk, and a large collection of tholatest publications
on Homccopathy, at the Bookstore.of
Vegetable Ptillnoraary Balsam.
THIB Balsam is probably, almost without a paral
lel in having, daring a trial of nearly twenty
~ e ars, fully maintained the high reputation which it
has acquired for Consumptive Complaints and all
diseases of the Lungs, Throat, and Chest. Iv has
been used with probably greater success than any
other article known, and many physicians who have
bad an opportunity of witnessing its highly salutary
effects, do not hesitate to recommend it an a safe,
convenient, and very efficacious medicine, equal if
not superior to any other preparation for the above
complaints within their:knowledge, and:one.which
has seldom disappointed the reasonable expecta
tions of those who have used it, It ie a moat vain
able remedy for CONSUMPTIONS ASTHMA,
Sold, by IL A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
cor of Ist and Wood, also cor 6th and Wood sta.
TUSV iingIVED-----A small lot of Mackinaw
f) Blankets, which will be made to'mrdes in the
latest style, by ANCKER & MAYER,
ocV No 79 Wgtati it,
proposewe it%
the c a e ti m att e e nt til o e f t c h o e n 3O ra th s C io o n n a g i r . ers,
gister on the same plan as published during g the last
session: It will contain a full and . accurate report
of the business primeedings of Congress, together
with sketches of the debates which take place in house.' The next Congresi will be t:ne of 'the
most important which has assembled for years, and
it is our determination to give to the people a com
plete history oftheir proceedings; and at such a low
price that every person who takes an interest iii flue
nets ofthat body can procure a copy. It is believed
that ipe Ist session of the 30th Congress will continue
at least eight months; and we therefore propose to
issue weekly, on a mamtnotb Meet, octavo form,
their proceedings,- atther unprenedentad low rate of
This publicatiOn is not only the cheapist, but it
contains tante val tiable reading matter than is to be'
found in spy other Weekly publishad at the same
price in the country. Besides'the polities'afthe Cray,
it contains all the tate and important news i both
fign and domestic; and-its- commercial articles are'
not equalled. It will also contain a complfjte synop
tired summary of the proceedings Of both flonsesnf ,
Congress;and be furniphed to subscribers nt the low
ChlbS will , be fdrnished with ten copies for . $lO.
All subscriptions must be paid in advance.
Posrm.tsrmis, by sending us five subscribers for
either of the above publications, will be entitled to
one copy GRATE...
Subscription priceof Daily Union per year.. $lO 00
Subscription price of Semi-Weekly, pub- ..,..
fished tri-weekly during the session of
Congress ..
Subscription price of Weekly
Ctuns will Le furnished with
5 copies of the Daily for 940 00
5 tki Setni•Weekly 20 00
10 do do 35 00
5 do Weekly 800
10 do do 15 00
DisrANT sonscnrneas may forward us money by
letter, the postage on which will be paid by us, and
aill risk assumed by ourselves in its safe transmission.
Postmasters are authorized to act as our agents;
and by sendinr , us fate DAILY subscribers with $5O
enclosed, or frveSestr-Wrestm sabscriberswitli - $25-
en:losed. or five WEEKLY subscribers with $lO en
closed, will be entitled to one copy of the same edi
tion as they furnish us subscribers Sir, GRATIS.
NOTlEE.—NeteSplp[l4, by publishing - our prospec
tus, with this notice attached, until the Ist ofDecem.
ber next, will recd ve, during the next.session of Con
gress, the Congressional Register and Tri-Weekly
Union, ocB-tlilec
Coffin Makers and FurniViing Undertakers, .
RESPECTFULLY inlbrin their
' friends, act! the publie,that they
•• s, are prepered to furnish mid at-
WA NNE ar tend to every thing in the line
of Undertakers, as they have
quit the ofCaldeet Making, and their atten
tion will be devoted altogether to the above bitai
fleas, keep a large assortment of COFFINS madeand
finished, covered, and lined in the neatest manner,:
with a variety of materials, and at all prices; we
keep S 11 ROI; DS ready made, ofall sizes, of Flannel,
' se
Cain ie, and Ainslie, at all prices, and made in the
eastern style, and all other articles necessary fur
dressing the dead, and filimishing funerals, of quali
ty and prices to suit; SILVKR PLATES for engrav
ing the name and age; ICE CASES for laying the
body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends .
any length of time, and have ZINC PANS to put ice
laying on the body; LEADEN Coffins always
on hand. We have a splendid new HEARSE, and l
a pair of tine horses, and any number of the best
carriages, etc. etc., and will be prompt, punctual,
and reasonable. augl9-y
TAIPORT ER and Id.nufacturer of Cutlery, Su'rgi
cal and Dental Instruments, Saddler's and Tin
ner's hand tools, Taylors' Patent Shears, &c. &c.
Also manufactures Trusses, Supporters, &c. &C., in
great variety.
S. C., Mandfactnrer and Importer of Pen, Pocket
and Table Cutlery; Razors, Scissors, Files, Saws,
Tools, &c., has removed to
S 3 WOOD STREF.T, Pittsburgh; door
below Diamond klley,
. And has lately received a large assortment of
Pen and Pocket Kratves, Enlt - es &. Forks,
Also Rogers , and Whostenholms ,
Rodgers, Wade & Brother's Razors,
Scissors, Razor Strops, &c. Braniascus ti' Wire
Twist. . .
Allen's Colt's and Blunt's Revolvers, Powder
Flasks, Shot Belts, Game Bags, Walkers& ense , s
Extra Percussion Caps, Bowie, Dirk and Hunting
Tula, such as Callipers, Dividers, Plyers, Nippers,
Hand Vices, Squares,Rules, Braces, Bits, Spoke
Shaves, Stocks and ies, Wire and Iron Gauges,
Mathelnatical Instruments,te. in - very great %allay.
irrdobidfig and tepairing neatly and punctually
done. - m9yl-y
Auctfora Not Ice.
Fall Fashions
nplo ._.. l 7 illb at. between Wood and Market ate
Dress .. . Goods eiti4, Shawlrsk
„ .
No. 46,14feaxeT MEET r'OST-O.FElqir. CORNEa..
and Raw Plaids t in very rich and bean . ...
tifurstylm; cheap. • • '• ' '24
• Cashmeres, all wool, of. the .linest:goOttiee s aribe --
oS'7l.c. Usual. prices; $1,00P1,25. • ° .
Mohair 'Plaids', in high ' • - •5• '25c.-.
• Brown Wows. IPLaints;:neit patterns, 'IBIM
.Black -.Lustre',
.of gootiluality„.
Silk I,,ustres,,Semkaarnes,
,ParamettaS, Orleans
Clothe, tinctlittWmeliai; tit - reduced pries's.
Thibet Cloths; real thane'', goods imported...
Shalyls ! Shawls I in colors , appropriatefor,
present and coming season,
To rkerri; BrOchei easlimerei: - .liforinti„. and: Pim” :
ltroidered and Plata Black-Cloth;tti.great„ysriety-raf
low pritea.
Plaid long Shawls; itaiv end . beatitifuk • '''• .
- • ParislCid Gl oyes; tit al I .ahad es,light•tolors,)-64.
light col . ora..
• Thread; Jacenett;d n d; L'a . ce'S' and Eilging . a„
telling low to' close the :Steele; • '
.Bonnet .Rinbons---tood.styles = at -121 e.
Black ? Cherry, and _Shaded ; Velvet Ribbons; a line .
aisertme - nt: • • .•
• •
'Bonnet Vel vets, "wall colors; Stc: - • '" I
7,00t1 yards Printed Calicoes., of every style at. la!
and 12; c.
PF every name and description, 04slatloWer prices
than ever before orered. •
'250 pairs country -made ets; Of the beet Make,
and quality; and will be Tuipiirbed t6purchati ri , itt a,
Together with all kinds of Goods, for Alen and;
Boys' wear. whiCh will be sold at the rnweiertiles..
Purchasers of-Dry - Good Bare respectfully Milted to
call and examine the goods and pr,,cesi,... •
5 00
2 00
No. 4S, hiaricei . .st::."
It Is the Best Cough. Medicine I ever
rptllS was expressed in. our bearing,yestcyday, by .
I an intelligent gentleman,who had used but
about one ballot a bottle of Dr.'lriligr . dis Oriental
Cough lili:stur . e, ht,fcire be -vas entirely cured. Come
and get a LOW° of it, and if the' most obstinate cpugh,
or cold does Mit - disappear by use, your money
will'be refuhded: Compounded as it is, of the` Most
cifective, though harmless and pleasant remedies, its.
use for years has not, nor, indeed con to give
cu'ire satisfaction.
Fcr sale, wholesaleand retail,by
1!4Y8 gatocKwAL
street, near anal gasin
&Vit alsobyt.
ocl I
New Goods, New Goods.
D ECF.IVF,D, at the Iron City Clothing Store, a
It splendid assortment of Cloths, Consisting of fine
French, English and American Plain; Bl , k and Van.
cy Cassimeres„ of the most modern stylesi fine figur
ed Cashmere Vestings, Silk Velvet, Plain and Fancy
Satins—all of which we will make up at..the most
reasonable prices, iu a durable and fashionable style.
Ready made Clothing ? of all.cicsmipti ens} Lardyxs
Cloaks of the most fashionable, patterns. Neck and
Pocket "Ifilkfs, Suspenders, 13 msoms, Shirt Collars,
and ovary article usually kept in a Clothing Store.
Country Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere,
will lima it to their advantage to call at I:ie Iron City
Clothing Store, No In Liberty street, immediately
opposite the mouth of Market. r
ect1.941 . C. NI'CLOSXEY.
Fall Fashions'.
r if HAT'S AND UA , P S. a
r HE subscriber will introdece, this day, Heehe
Coster's Fall Style of French, Mole Skin, Silk
and'Hutra Hats to which he would invite the atten
tion of the public. GLASGOW,
102 Wood st.,
aug2S 3d door below• Davis Auction Reams.
N. 13. His Fall assortment of Cape and Miffs, em
bracing an extensive variety, is daily expected, and
will be duly announced. G. IV. G.
. ,
Monde, Sign ' and' Ornamental Painter,
No. 44, SY. CLatu SYnitr, PITTSBURG/i t
HAS constantly on band all -kinds of PAINTS,
either Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish . ;
Linseed Oil; Boiled Oil; Spirits Tcrrpentirte; Window
Glass, of all sizes; Putty, Paint Brushes, &c., all of
the best quality, and for bale alreaeonable prices
To my Clients.
A / 1 - Y PARTNER,' and Wm. E. Aus
±ll tin, Esq., will attend to my, unfinished busi
ness, and I recommend.them to the:patronage of my
friends. lam authorized to state that they will re
dceive the counsel and assistance of the Hon. IL Bid
hie. (Mice 2d story ofliurkets Buildinga,4th street,
etween Wood and Market..
jn6-1) SAMU EL, W. BLACK.
To Country Merchants.
AA. MASON & C0.,2 Market street, invites
. the attention of dountry Merchants to their
extensive assortment of Foreign and . Domestic Geods,
which will be sold at Easterifjobbing prices.
seSO it;:y - Wholesale Itoores, .tiStary.-
Shakespear Gardens. '
THIS beautiful place of:resort hiving t - ieen greatly
I repaired, the proprietor is new ready to receive
BOARDERS, by the day, week, or moilth. Ms' Etc
coramodationa are good, and.his prices , are low. •
may 4-tf S. McCLELLAND.
Jolin•Blitois & Co.,
111!V,iL6 Gae eti produce an Commisd W , IZeciansantdealeinpiusbr
manufactures, No. 166 Liberty street, opposite 6tb,
Pittsburgh. • may 12
• 'Otr Liberal advances made:on consignments.
For Se,'
FOUR LOTS—Bounded by al
Penn, Liberty and Hav
sts., each lot having :24 ft. -
front, and extending
back 110 Two of them are corner lots, and the
position °lithe whole properly is one, of the Most ad
vantageous in the city. For ihrther information ap
ply to • M. SVVARTZWF.LDEB:,' Fourth et.','
unvs.4f bet. Wood d Smithfield; d.
T U NOES-TAKER, Fifth at., immediately opposite
tJ the Theatre, respectfully. informs -his friends
and the public , in general, that he :has resented
business as a Fizrnisyng Undertaker. Re in sup
plied with, and always keeps on hand, coffins of all
sizes and kinds, shrcluilift, and all 'other articles ne
cessary on such occasions.
Silver plates,,ice boxes, and leaden coding will be
supplied on older. A- fine hearse and carriages al
ways ready to attend funerals. sa29-ly
Boots, Shoes. Trunks, etc. •
WHOLESALE and Retail, SOOT; SROE,- and-.
TT TRURK STORE, No. IS6 Liberty stteet, nearly
opposite the head of Wood. Fe hH. have in store
and are .receiving their Pall and. Winter stock of
BOOTS, SHOES, &c. consisting of the largest stock
-- thev have ever been able to bring to this - market.
Our stock of 'goodia.brive 'mostly been manufactured
to our ctrder,rctrd expressly for the Pittsbuigh'm arket.
We also have constantly-on hand - a splendid stock
of Hayward', Metalie Gam -Elastic Shoes, both far
Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear , the moat -beautiful
article ever manufactured.
would Solicit an
examination of our stock of goods, by all wbo . wish
to purchase - either atwholetiale or retail,rin we RAW/
sell at a small advance above - cost, Country Mer Chants
will find it to their interest to Cali and examine our
stock -before perchasing.' '
96 Liberty st.,.Pittsburgh.
56, Weed Street, .Pittaburer.,'
The undersigned having entered into , partnership
under the above style', reaps:litany as tite patronage
of the friehas Of the late firrn, and of p,urchasere gen
erally. They csieljwarranted in proinising thatthey
can give satisfaction to cal who may buy of them or.
confide bueinese to their cat. - - •
' - ° W. ir. SMITH,'
Pittsburgh, Murch.26, 1847.
AUTION TO TIMPUBLIC:=The 'subscriber
by written contract with the P,,Etrtii TX4 CO:,
has the exclusive' right to sell their Pitts
burgh and 'Allegheny cities. Any pefirlirtrattempting
to sell their Teas, except-prtiooreltthie.egli -15
practicing a deception and a frctild u 96 11
—and their statements are not to be failed on.
se24- 4. :14YNEA, 79 Fourth at
, , •
Book Oes
cottstett OF WOOD w2D, Wgrrgl9oo lll lSTl.
MHE proprietor of the Mornii4. Post :the Arm
chry and Afanufacitiier'iciilioctfuity'hiMrsiisliii
(hands and the patrons of these_ papeti, - that h.
thato.a large and well chosen asaurtment.of„,:.
ifiteesinirflO•d...Job Prihting
. ,
.SteparetLto ex.ecgtel: •!Nin• :
.Ir-irc.....""). •
ci g ks, Mel) Lad th g. '
Pitnnhleta; • BBL Hintdsi;37 !.: , Caidii TA: •
Ltana¢il4,, Blank . Checks , :t.lilierfrPOl;;. .
. kinds. of Blanks Stage, areamboauan4
Boat Bats with aniwklite424**kilf.o4.6*-001.•.'...:
esinotice and mostreasonti.vlet::oii:,;;;.,:,i,j,.
He,reapectfullyasko thn , patronage. oflnsrrien!ts
and the,public in Innei'nf,
- ' ri4ll.l4".Jte-
ilonniquitipiplutpu jimo „-:
11 1 111111. Au SIDDSIABStIP dli t t
LE: Pit bvt
*it 9/7;44 Vegettilble Purgative
' - I.llE.lsuniversallradmittedan/ bparneillpr!..3ltli
./1L assn eject en; precentioe„botls Ifletifigiv
rtmefrli.; in all diseases- which can clrec,t the huinan
Schrty, - DropaY.,Smitlpo4Choleri-pirtirbiasi.WO*4
Whoeping-cough Jaundice,-Quin/I,y,
Meartlesc , Salt:Ube/1m; - I •Eits, , lleartbilmv:Gidyroteiis,,
1.2 V i P04 8 2. - .Dcaiikeagi-X.NI B PriA.P: - . 8 10, 13 /i-C.cdOrt
Gout, Gravel, Pains is the back„ wed/41'64,
I'l!'pitatione to thei'Veaft;
ma,,F.everil'of alb kinds, •Femrtin cOmplaintsiEticiles
iii h aide,....Spitting. of. blood, sar,e - ayeit,;-.Siterikla .
St And' ony.>/i ol`sPirits, Ploodingfrinbt
Al biis or Whitei, Kites , evilXo4ja - wpleys-.•-..
teria, Bile.o o thestemach,and..all'hiii94o afcdPo9 l l B . -
Pleurisy, Croup,, Swell ed .feet and'l egs,Syiiine- -- popt,
Whitelswellings,'reinbis;Tiltilours;'ll-Iceii;'l , 6m 7 •
iting, 'and a host orotlieri have successively andle-
peated ly been yanquisbedby their, nitnower.fal a.T.171.
They haie been known to erfeet permanent Cores
When remedies bad pitivedlitiiYailintk- end
in the last stagesof disease, -.- .•:• • •
They Lave in many - casert,itiperspled. the
tier stcilt of the mos; eminent Physicians, and re, •-•
ceired tresides thilr.unqualified cominentlatiod. , '"_:!.
They hayo leen repeatedlyremmortendetlby,meirt.
oldie most distinguished characters . , throUghout this -
hind, and be:en sanctioned in E`triiipc vy - Ndblowyr.,
and Princes-of Royal, bleed.
i • •
-They have been ntrotruced • ioto7the HoePitalitm •
r Edinburgh, Paris, and Vienna, and through the'dier
, interested exertions of-our• Foreign kinticSaadover,.
they have received-the .faverable. commendation pl'
the kmE t C . ;r i or of Russia, and his celestial
of tl+e C Empire.
Vlr.Sewceiy. a Packet- yew; of any _reptdp.graila
frbm tliel,poit of New York; without. anabundept -
supply of the
Agen.cies have been established ia,idl he
principal Cities in the Union., and applitationsare•
constantly. reaching us from althost nuniberleits.,iii
lages in every section of the Country.. -Tastmsciehder
of their marvellous effects arepournig ie. from all
ttuarters—and in such - numbers that we e - have not
time to read' one hal fof-•thent: Whirl ntYtingei.lar
.more conclusive evidence tbmi,theae:4ozellultbriebi •
ran the most sceptical desire), Is it possible,,thal
!tbc many thousands who hive CLICIEENER , S.
PILLS, can be
.deceived' in. theft -resultelAr any
'imposture or quackery
,existed,..erntlld it, not long
ago hare be en held up, as iinhoittf be, to the ,coma
and derision of a justly (Arcadia community
01 - -Remember,Pr.,C. V.Clickettor is eft etiginal
• inventor of Sugar Coated Pills;.and,that
the soil:Was ever hemill of, until he introduced therm
in Julie, 1543 .. Purchasers shotdd; therealle t alway.
ask for Clickener's Sugar CdiateitVeachitlli nisi and
take no other, Or they will
.be maxis the victims of
fraud. • • • ' 1•-•.'..:• 1 2.. -
Piticg. 2.5 C&NFTs R'ER
Dr..Clickenees pfincipal office foe the sale ofFillat
is 66 Vescy street, New York: ' .
WM. JACKSON, 6.9 Libeiiyatieet, !mai Of _Woo*
street, Pittsburgh, Pa., General,Agt.nt for; I.V . estetzr
Pennsylvania, _Northern Ohio, and the River Code r
tics of Virginia.
--The following are Dr. Cliekeneertleirappointere
Agents for Allegheny county ; Pa.
• AVM. sAcgsoN, (Principal,) SS 'Liberty. •streei".
'head of Woog. • - - . •
A. M. Marshall, Allsigheny..oy....i.
Jonathan 'Gluiest, Manchister.
.•.. .• • •
C. Townsend Ik Co., ' ."
• •.• • '
Cassel, Fenn atteet r , i •
Andrew S. Getty, Vilielitreet:.'
• R. H. Hemingra7s . south
Win..J.SnaithiTenteeraneoville, . , - •
Daniel Negley,. EaSt: Liberty-:= ,
.Edward Thertspeon,!Wilkinebarglr. •.• .
Tlioutis'Aikia,.SharpsSuigh. ' • '
Starr ? . Sevrickiey. • •
Samud.tipponBey ;Clinton;
Jatiteell'Kee, Slewartstown < ,
Joint Blrick;Tertie Creek: .
-C. F. :
1. Jones , Sateritouln. . • .
•''. PennyVSPreislioilf.
• rat
A'RECEIPT •F0R:,THE',111374411:151441R.:--`:Yit
-forces.its. growth and. r.bealD6-4106.,
sillti l. cle . ar and fine, •
Persons consiq . derice of ale eliitty'neelejia .-
thingesold):set down .every: article flte:11 dtweir no
good,) as humbug. If people could. be : ,tnadykit i p.:
try'a 3s bOttle ur3onesiCuial ReetoratiVe,,,iiid see
how it Makes, rusty, red lightlinletimiete, c iitile,
aburti-and dark ; , keens it'se, and by ita nie'for Bonze
time, causes it togroWMatt . riallyheatuiful, lfmeektp •
could ace the number of' Flow' respeetabkildt...haruce
itlaye,. and find it the cheancrit thinethat
can 11300 . for dressing and, beautifying the •hairi.for
keeping Soft and kg_ order three • ttmes int long aa
any other article maire, and it ening bitt 371 . tents
a-bottle—Read these.certiScates: .
Jackson, 'of Sti Liberty streei,.Pitiebitih;'Pa. k
tiesion the Si ofFetiruary; I 847, that Thientat •
Jacksoes head, on, was ontirely...habileiJit
yeara,and . that by using two 38 bottles of heitsiee
ralltair Restorative ' the 'hair grOwing - inier
thick, and will soon be entirely restored..
, •
Grey Heads, Grey Heads—Read-4 hereby cititifjt
that my hair was turning grey, andihat
used - Jonews Coral Hair Rettorative lan:eiitlicJ,
ceased falling—is growing fast, ands has a finedare
look. Iletorci I used Jones's- Coral Iteatorativa;
combed Out handfuls of hair daily, . -
Mr. Power,- grocer _in Milton had. hiel.finly:
choked up ....with da.ricfruff.;. cult Jonces'Otlrtik fil/t;
Restpmtive:entirely cured it. :
Do vent want to drikierentO, audingi r re Yu/ 1 0 4 M
andaojt fine: Ora - cr - -=4,: - / TenrY Citneri - ;,Tatelaitbee
on board - the steamboat South American, do a - en t. .ll
that Jceies'a Coral Hair Riateiatbre is - the beat' atfi
vor „wee r ler dreaaing, sOfteninvelettoitik;:
keeping. the hair a long tittia-iir order aitaiy2oo4
toingto preferred it to anything else „ri
Sold by W.,facicson, at bia Boat , and ahoo - Statei '
and palentAleclicine yra.rehouse, 8.94144arty . 4t.,,iteaA
of wood pt., FittOttro- 7 .lit BgttlesAat ,7 47450..01416,
and one - .
TOE!. MOHLEI:t, Drug gist anit'ApOthkfilry,*
0 IV cornet q• Wood /1/2-4,lll'.st...,..PitlaJnetok-4.-..-:
will keep-cOrtitat!tiyop-bind,,HirrasePfluf_
, • i
N.: -li,Pllyslairenfo pruseripilani , ohrefully . 'qadi4
pounded frona4he best roateriale r a:rang:hoar OF thill
dap. or. night. A150,... - nn -assortment , ofi Pkrfinum
fine Tooth, flair, and Clog/ Brushes, 5te..4.,111/191b
he wjll sell lOw for Cash.
Newly Invented Paten Thos! Sprits:ll .
FOR the itimieiliiitiehermad.Periohneut cure or
Hernia and.Ruptura:- (SuitSd trial
The superior claims or this TrUss MlXtgistinAtiecdo
pSrPtive.ease with 1,4 w . hieh it may tsarti„,,, The ,
of wood , bei n i neatly balanced on spTinggqi9/4
the. presiure.uf any put arif,.. on& th0r0.#04.44. 2 - pit .
itself to spy 13 0 APII - A4l: , qta4hr;ths- Wearerk:,lt caiy:
be lyarif withoutistsruipssionopPjaMlrS.-fif2fW* --
The mriniaritinrs havey niaatt - arrangefnenie:tei e.
manufacture of these vsluatile,Tratiien,iP4-siikrier,
style; in: hiladelphia, and hOrithiins - Inoni:forfsahlr
at their office, No. Trs Sruithfield , :streetinfts
Pittsburgh. • GEORG. WATT.:;; A
' •
i.. 11
. 0.
:; l-:
'l7 '
. .