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Terms of Advertising, PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS ne insertion, $0 501 One month, $5 00 two do, 0 75Two do, 6 00 i three do, . 100 Three do, 700 he week, 1 50 Four do, 8 00 vo do, 300 ' !ix do; 10 00 ee do, 4 00 ene year, 15 00 Yearly Ads erilsementa, CHANGEABLE ST PLEASURE. One Square. Two Squares. 3ix month, . $l5 00 Six months, $2O 00 )ne. year, • 2O 00 J One year, 30 00 Larger advertisements in proportion. Mr Cartns of four lines, FIVE DOLLARS a year. lll.,Ketinedy, A TTORICEY AT LAW. Office in the same .1 - 1_ building with Alderman M'ltlaster, Fifth street, setween Wood and Smithfield its. augl7-6m• WiMarrs ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chance ry, o ffi ce on Fodrth street, third door abav hfield, Pittsburgh. aplo • A. B. 11.1'Calmont, A TTORNEY AT LAW.Office on Fourth street, •":11_ a lbw doors above Wood. Collections attended o in Clarion and Venango counties. aug3o-y John J. Mitchel. ATTOR A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office on Smithfield street, a few doors above NEY alley. N. B.—Collections made on moderate terms. my2G CM=C2I n'T•ORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAU, OFFICE, in Bakewell's Buildings on Grantstreet• je29 '47-1y Removal. DR. ROBERT SNYDER, has removed his office to Fourth-street, between Wood and Smithfield ts., nest door to Rudy Patterson's Livery Stable. marls-ly John W. Burrell, ATTOR I NEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. °iliac on lite North east edrner of Fourth and Southfield streth. Re 16-3m4 John Bart on, ATTORNEY Al' LAW. Office, ;North side of! Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, in the sane building with A]derman Marrow. te3o-ly TFIOMAR M. MARSIINLL, A TTORN EY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie's ti tags, Fourth street. jan7-ly Joomph C. 111`liabbln, A TTOILS EV AT LAW, office in Wallace's build (73,_ •ing, on 41.11 st., between Wood and Singtilicid greets. nor MI George W. Layng. ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Laor and Notary Public; office at the corner of 4th and Wood ste. over Sihbet tS; Jones , Exchange office. oct4 I= Magehan & Shannon, A TTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Office el on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Ind hearly opposite the Mlyor's office. nov6-y Wills d Doriuclly, AL TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ti Pittsburgh, Pa. Otfice on Fourth st., between 3inahlield an i Grant. marl4-y Ildniand Snowdon, TTORNEY AT LAW, ogire Uie building on Cl_ the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield tiqets. teovl 1-y I. Morrow, ALDERMAN, odice north side or Fifthstreet, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. seplo-y =I ATTORNEY AT LAW, oliicu in the chambers occupied by Alderman M'lNlastcrs, on Fifth st., oetween Wood and Smithfield. aplS-y iii , Gaidesst .74.1.'C1 tare. AA -TTORN COl;?..iS ELLORS AT LAW, alike on Fo rth street, opposite R. 4 R. if. oatterson's Livery Stable, Vatsburgh. seplOTy Forward & Swartzwelder, 4 TT6I.I.NEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between Wood and Sauthfield,oposite Patterson's liv ery stable. api-y George P. Gillmore, TTORNEY AT LAW, Office Ln Breed's build- A ings, 4th et., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep2-dly C. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth st., above Wool. ABEE:LEN has removed his commission and for • warding business from the. Canal Basin to his mew warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the Post ()ace. may3o-y James S. Craft, ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office of Secretary P. Nay, and Fire Ins. Cu., will attend spe cially to collections and business connected with navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu siness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, first door west of Alterman Miller's, Fourth street, near Grant. ap 7 Charles ➢I. flays, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corn missbner to take the proof and acknowledge ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other writings, to be. recorded ur used in the States o, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Michigan and "Ig.is eouri. Office, Burke's building, Fourth st. marl2-y Edwin C. Wilson, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col setions made in Warren,Clarion aud Jefferson co.'s. lIEFUL TO J. A. Stockton & Co. Murphy, Wilson & Co. } Pittsburgh. John Bigler, Hon. James Kinnear, 1 Franklin. Hon. Alex. SVCalmont, Hon. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. joy23-y Victor Scriba, BOKSELLER, STATIONER AND BINDER, Fifth street, between Wood and Market streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. jani-y James Patterson, Jr., CORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts, obacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen screws for rolling mills, &c. seplo-y Win. A. W ard, DENTIST, has removed to the place of his for mer residence in Penn street, two doors below jrwin. anlB-y C. A. WAnulty & Co., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. mar3dy Martin Lytle, UIIIILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next doer to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. jnne6 George Cochran, FORWARDING ft COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 26 Wopd et., Pittsburgh. nov27-y ;crew Book Store. AS. BOSIVcIRTH &Co., No, 43 Market street, , nextdoer to Third street, are just opening a new and..estensive assortment of Books and Station ery, which they will tell; wholesale and real, at the lowest, prices., ; ap2s-y Ochool licook and Paper Warehou:se. TAINZ:LOMITS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and j bookbindery No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. xtrar2B-y , . ~.L i .ia3'~i+TJS.IYa~~T F y .. F _ I= E3=0:11 L. Wilutartlk, LUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn street, between Irwin and Hand tits., Pittsburgh, Pa. All commissions will be promptly attended to. mar3-y Pi'Milton's Unrivalled Blacking, ATANIFFACTURED and sold wholesale and re j, tail, Smithfield et., between Sixth and Virgin alley.. oct2l-y W in. O'Hara Robinson, LATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his office in No. 8 St. Clair st. Flint Glass Establishment _ . . ATULVANY & LEDLIE. manufacture and keep Constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain Flint. Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of - Market and Water streets - , Pittsburgh.— Our works continue in full operation, and we are constantly adding to our stocky which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. scplG-y ' Otto Kuntz, iNfANUFACTURER or krconnerrinLE TEETH, 1 . Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full - assortment of Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Gum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession. All orders from abroad must be accompan ied by the cash. DPlatina always on hand. novls-y Dr. 17110. Crawford, OFFICE on St. Clairstreet, opposite the Exchange auglo-y James Blakely, Alderman. OFFICE on Penn at., opposite 1). Leech & packet line office. (Mice hours from 7 o'clock A., M., to 8 o'clock P., M. Dr. George Watt, OFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st., Pittsburgh. aug2l-y 13r. A. W. Oliver, 1)11 — SICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. S, St C air street, Pittsburgh. j)2O F. Blume, p I A,O l I F . o B ll. tr T ui E zo anu zs fl ,o ictt rl7 ‘ a ‘ n ,o d o , a lea . l tr et e r c i t n sinovl9-y J. Bryar, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Ailey, Pitts burgh Pa. ./Y2l—.Y John BlPOloskey, MATLOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between 1 . Sixth street and Virgin Alley, sow:lx-side. seplO-y S. 'WELL/RI:AN, G. M. FLEMING, J. liIRKPATRICII• S. llPlClurka.ra &—Co. W 1 l e t h ) a L n E ts S AaTiLdEd dealers I, GROCERS, O d Commission tsb M e r gh - Manufactures, No. 14.2 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. tlec 3-y S. Watermitri, W I T 111.0LF.SForwardA.L E It , CMhrchaut, d t SS Uaaler ir n I ND uce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos 31, Water, and :2, Front sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. _ _ JOHN CARSON. 11 . 1iNIGHT. Carson & ITHOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Met- V chants, Sixth street, between Wood and L[berty, Pittsburgh, Pa W M. r f a ,L ,:r E o N f N x,o ll o o d ols a h n i d n n Third sts, a t b o o v , e „ d c t? the KA', where he is prepared to du every description of kuling and Binding. dec2-y J. lirColltster, VIET - I.IOLF.SALE and retail dealer in Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, No. 25, Filth st., between Wood and Market sts., Pittsburgh. toct2S-ly. P. C-Mart In, WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. GO 14 ater street. scps-y J. 4t, J. 111'13evItt, HOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce TAT V and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, Nu. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2S-y John H. Mellor, j~THOLESAL i E rai t a r t u t r. r la 4 i t , 1 , t...1 r r i o n ne N s T Music and Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. janl-y SEVEN BIG molts CLOTHING STORE, NO. SSJXTII STREET, NEAR LIBERTI JOHN FARREN, PROPRIETOR, nor2l y PISTABLIBOIL CkEORGE AR5lOlt, FOURTII ST. ' ; BETWF.ER WOOD AND S3IIrxEIF.LD STREETS, (Nearly opposite the Mayor's Wire.) inn29-y Brazier's Bellois-s. T UST received an assortment, large sizes,Braziei 'Et Hand Bellows; also, Parlour and Kitchen, do. Wholesale and [tetail, JOHN W. BLAIR, ME Dr. W m. DI. W rig kto ---- Cr' -4 DENTIST, Office and residence in , z....„ ,-- - '' -- St. Clair st.., a few doors below Lib -i. rh ' ecty, near the k.:xchance Hotel: marl l- y Tohn A. Parkinson, ALDERMAN, Filth Ward, Penn street, between Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he may be ound at all times. 'nose having houses or other lroperty to sell or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended to; debts collected, and all the duties .3f an Alderman will receive prompt attention, oet27-y RICHARD T. LEECH, .Jr., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Foreign and Doinestie Saddlery Hard ware and Carriage Trimmings, OF all descriptions, No. 133 Wood street, Pitts burgh, seven doors above rith, and one door above H. Childs & Co.'s Shoe store. ap24 ~~~~ To Grocers and Tea Dealers rpHE Philadelphia and New York Pekin Tea Company, No. 35, North Front street, Phila. phia, having received their Fall Stock of FRE-911 TrAs, are now prepared to tbrnish orders from a dis tance, either by the Half Chest or packed in their peculiar style, at.prices as low as any other estab lishment in the United States For sale, 150 Half Chests Young Hyson, (low grades and fine;) 100 Half Chests extra Sil• ; er Leap, do.; 80 Chests and Half Clic is Gunpowder, (fine and extra ;) 100 Chests, Half Chests and Boxes Imperial, (fine, extra and low grades;) . 50 Chests Old Hynes, ( various grades;) 2 . 50 Half Chests and Boxes Fine Oolongs, (various;) 200 do. do. Mirg Tongs, do ; 150 do. Powchongs, (chulan and other favours;) Oranges and Flowery Peccoes; English Breakfast Teas, &c., &c. This company establishes no exclusive agen ties of any kind out of Philadelphia; but furnishes T eas pricked in + and.- i ; pounds packages, bearing their own name to the general trade, of a quality equal to any sold in the United States at the same prices, and pledge themselves to refund the money for all that do not give entire satisfaction. . _ McCALLMONT & BOND. No 35 North Front st., Wholesale Depot of the Company. N. B. Orders from a distance executed faithfully and with dispatch. McC. & B. J. R. Stockdale the agent of the company is in this City and will call upon Grocers and Tea Dealers. septl 1-3taw3rn W. W. WILSON, -- CORNER OF MARKET AND FOURTH STREETS. WATCHES, Silver ware, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Military Goods, Patent Solar Lard Lamps, Gold Pens, Spectacles, Canes; Matheniatical instru ments; Surveyor's Compasses, Clocks, Electro, Mag netic Maclines for Medical purposes, Diamonds for Glaziers and Glass Cate's, Trimmings for Regalia, Mantel Orn Girandoies, Candlebras, Com mon Ware,' rays, &a. 4-c.&c. :01.2 i , ' ,-,. • , • .. "'.''''*"'. , ,.F..-,',.:.',! . :.;,.7.:77'.77.7. [:...i.::,4-324!•'-izl4-i..';:AzegT-i,., m 22 "''r' 4 -""1 STAR. CLOTHING STONE; NO. 70 WOOD. STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA TATE would beg to announce, to our customers and the public generally, that we have re opened our establishment with a full and splendid assortment ofSpring and Sum mer Ready-roade oth ing, which in respect to style and workmanship can not be surpassed by any house in this city. Gentlemen who are in want of any article in our line will find ii*to their advantage to give us a call, before purchasing elsewhere; as our stock, as well as the IoW prices of our goods, will enable us to please all who will favor us with a call. It is unnecessary for us to enumerate the articles comprising our stock, as we are weekly sepplied—it will suffice fin , us to say that at all times our assort. ment will be complete, with evcry,article partaming to tlic.t.rade. ANCICER tic MAYER, N. 13.—G en tiemen who leave orders at oar store, for any Garment that they wish to have made in New York, can be furnished in two weeks after the re ceipt-of their directions. marl] A. &A. Hardware, Cutlery, Scllery, Le JOHN WALKER, MPORTER and dealer in Foreign and Domestic I Hardware, would respectfully inform his hien& and the pubic generally, that he is now receiving his Spring supply of Hardware at the old stand of Walker S Woodwell, No. S 5 Wood street, which he will dispose of on the Most reasonable terms. He will be continually receiving fresh supplies direct from the manufacturers in Europe and tliis Country, which will enable him to compete any estab lishment either East or West. Western Merchants are invited to call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. mars MONONGAIIEL at HOUSE, On the corner of Water and Smithfield streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. THE undersigned Proprietors (tithe MossoNoassE -1...„.1 House announce to the- Public, that the House is open for the reception of Visitors: They are conscious of having spared no expense in fitting :nit the Establishment in such a style as to render :very comfisrt to the Guests. They hope by con stant care and attention to business to merit the pa trona.,7e so liberally bestowed on the late Mononga aela House. ISAAC 14IURDOCK, formerly or the Union Hotel on Water street, having been burnt out, has boat a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt District Hotel. lie is now prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges. He is provided with ample and convenient deel2-y Pranklin House, Fourth street. Between Smithfield and Grant Streets, Pittsshurgh yISRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect -I,_) fully informs his friends and the public general ly, that he will open the above splendid Louse on the lst day of May next. .4 The House being new, and'finished in she most commodious and convenient manner; and having it furnished with the newest and must beutiful style o. furniture; flatters himself that he wilt be able to ac commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a manner not inferior to any similar establishment in the cite. As tile. House is situated near the Court lionse, ar rangements have been made to serve up meals at any hour in the day, this will be great convenience to those who arc in attendance at court. fa - Refreshments of all kinds can be had. Boar ders taken by the week or day. Lunch every day at It o'cinck, A. M =lll to:4 JOHN D. MORGAN, it and Retail Dru;gist Wood street. one door South of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment or articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals. &e., together wih all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new. and has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a call. myy-y. BELL AN!) BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and commenced business at Ms old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market arid Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cant from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Putnps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion iu machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of hum at all times. novia-y WATCII MAKER AND JEWELLER, Corner of Fourth and Market streets. A LARGE and well selected stock of Watches. tri Jewelry, Silver ware, Military Goods, always on 11311 d rind at regular Eastern prices. Gold Patent Lever Watches, full Jewelled, nn low as $4O Silver Lever Watches, as low as 18 =1 Gr.:vet:re. Cooper, Tubias, Johnson and other ap proved Watches, may be had at a small advance and warranted. Fine watch work dune in the very hest manner 3p28 - Subscriber returns his sincere tnanke to his 1_ friends and the public generally, for the very liberal encouragement be has met with since his commencement in the above business at No 99 Mar bet strect, and 41 Liberty, and now begs leave to in form them that he has received a very large and well selected assortment of Boots, Shoes, &c. he., of the best materials, best workmanship, and latest fashion, and would request those whir want In pur chase any thing in his line, to give him a call, as they cannot suit themselves better to their advantage in the City. JAMES ROBB, se29,llmsc-w2t 99 Market and 41 Liberty et. • COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 2G Wood Street, Pittsburgh. ONTINU ES to transact a general Commission Cj business, especially in the purchase and sale of American manufactures and produce, and in receiv ing and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. As agent for the manufacturers he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. PERSONS, in purchasing this, must always ask for JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and, per haps, as many have been cheated with counterfeits will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, Try this once—you will not regret it; but always see that the name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Price tro cents a cake. For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, comer of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh where the Genuine can be obtained; ALL OTHERS ARE COUNTERFEIT. jan2.2 I M. WHITE has just, received at his large ED establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin VES TINGS, all of which he is ready to make up in the latestfashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 Liberty and Sixth streets. myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor. UCCESSORS to the old firm of C. Townsend & 17 Co., and Carr & Rowland, hen leave to announce to their friends and to the Rublic generally, that they are now prepared to erecutc all kinds of work in the coach and wagon making business, at the shoriest notice, and warranted to be of the' best quality. The very large quantity of seasoned , tim ber with which they are prepared, and their facili ties fur business, enables them to insure the public that they are prepared to carry on an extensive and prompt business in their line, and they respectfully solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage be stowed upon the late firms. sep4 .. 4. .1 'a .;- ..;.fiaZ .. ~i' ~~' PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1847 Sign "Golden Star." JAMES 'CROSSAN & SON 123= New Drug Store A. Fulton, W. W. WILSON, Boots, Shoes, and Gums George Cochran, Jones Italian Chernioal Soap. Can't be Beat: Townsend, Carr & Co =II Sanies :Howard tr. Co.. lET AVE the pleasure-to announce to their friends that they again occupy their old stand at No. b 3; Wood street, where they have opened an exten sive WAIL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have contently on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders of the latest style; and moat hand sortie patterns for papdtlng halls, parlors and cham bers. 'They Manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter,Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boars-an of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms, and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others . . ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the best qual ity, School Books., &a., always on hand and for sale as above. aug 25 New Hat and Cap Store. CHS. H. POULSON, (late of the firm t*t_, Poulson having opened his new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei virlg from the Eastern cities a very large assortment of hats and caps of evpry description, warranted to be'madeinethe best manner and Of the best materials. Otter, Seal, fine and common Mutkiat, Sealetto, Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Cape. Also, a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such as Lox, Fitch, Genet and Coney Muffs and Tippets and fur trimmings. all of which he offers for sale at eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country merahants will please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. H. POULSON. N. D. The Fall Fashion for Hats and Caps receiv ed' sep27y. Wholesale Shoe Store j 1 H. CH ILDS & Co., are now receiving their spring supplies, consisting of one of® the largest, cheapest and bestassort ment of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies' and :\lisses , Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of Palm Leaf Ilats, Men's and Boy's summer Caps. Also, a large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather, all of which having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will be sold at a small advance above costand charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. mar27-tf AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT Corner of Wood And Fifth streets, Pittsburgh is ready to receive merchandize of every description on consignment for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above 'mines, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry Goode and Fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of groceries. Pittsburgh manufactured cuticles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at two o'clock, P. M. Sales every evenine at early ans-licht CHAIR AND CABINET WAREHOUSE. O. 82, Third Street, Pitlxburgh. TliE subscribers would respectfully return their thanks to their friends and the public, fur the very Itbcral patronage bestowed since the commence ment of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. They would respectfully invite those who want to purchase anything. is the furniture or chair line, to give them a call ann examine their extensive stock now on hand, consisting of some of the most splen did Eastern and French ' patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture. Flattered by the very exten sive patronage received in their business, they have, at considerable expense, made arrangements in New York, by which they will have the latest Eastern and French patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing home industry, and finding in their own city what they formerly would obtain onlyin the East. Hviing adopted the principle of small profits and quick sales, they will be able to sell at as low rates as any of the establishments to the Eastern Cities. noyl9-y ROBERTS & KANE. ap3o li()ltTl.Zit'S City Dagverrian Gallery, Philo Hall, Third st., Pittsburgh, Pa. u and Franklin Build ings, Baltimore', N.ld. Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has at considerable expense fitted up apartments, and ar ranged light for Dag,uerreotyping purposes. His long experience in this art has enabled him to overcome many of the objections too common to pictures taken by this method. Mr. Porter is aware that the impression has gone abroad (owing to the many failures to produce good pictures,) that clear and distinct Daguerreotypes can not be made in Pittsburgh. His experiments, how ever, since he has opened his Gallery, fully warrant him in saving that as good pictures can be made here as elsewhere. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and ex amine rpecimens. Instructions given, and instruments and materials furnished upon reasonable terms. All orders from country operators promptly attend ed to. nov2s-tf • NEW ABB ANGF:Nr.. C. S. Hotel, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. r HE subscriber having leased the above establish ." ment, and having refitted and made sonic materi al alterations and additions, is now prepared to tic coMmodate his friends and the travelling community in the best possible manner. The advantages of this excellent House are peculiar to itself, as those travel ling by Canal, particularly in inclement weather, or landing at midnight, have only to step from the pack et into the beautifully furnished apartments, where they will be contented and comfortable. In addi win to the extensive accommodations belonging to this house, the proprietor has at great expense refit ted, renovated, and made such additions as will se cure to him the promise of his kind patrons "Well call again." The Bar, the Dining Room, the Chambers, and particularly the culinary departments, are so provid ed for that we challange competition anywhere. The raw will be of the best the market affords, and the prices liberal. The prourietor having been engaged in catering ra , guests l'or many years past in the cast, feels as sured that by strict attention to business with a wittchful eye to the comlbrts of his guests, he will desercr, a share or public patronage. aug23-Grit lIENRY L. BURKHOLDER. NEW ARRANGEMENT STAR CLOTHING STORE, No 70 Wood St.; Pittsburgh, Pa. A NCICER & MAYER would respectfully an nounco to the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicini ty that they have procured the services or John Gar rey—‘recently of Broadway, New York—as foreman of; their establishment. This gentleman having been extensively engaged :n the custom business, exclusively, in the above city for the last ten years, is well known by that fash ionable community and is universally acknowledged to lm a cutter of great acquirements. We will be monthly supplied with Parisian fash ions, which will give us the advantage of offering our customers the latest and newest styles. Gentle men who arc desirous of adorning -their persons, can, by calling at the Original Star, be accommo- All articles from this establi , hment Will be Aver •anted in every particular, as no trouble or expense will be wanting on our part to afford general satin action. We have just received a splendid stock of French and English Black, Brown, Blue, Green, Olive and Claret Cloths. Black Blue, Brown and Green Beaver Cloths. English Pilot cloths. Fig'd Cassimeres and cloths for sacksand business 7.0ht9. French Doe Skins, plain and figured. Do Fancy cassimeres. English do do. Also, a laige lot of American Cloths and Cassi mores. French super cut Velvets for vestings. DV 'Hoek and Fancy Satins. Do do do Silks. Do do do Cashmere, and all arti cles pertaining to our business. We have an advantage that few homer in the west have, being connected with houses both in New York inel Boston who will keep us, regularly supplied with , the latest Enropean styles of goods. ALSO—WiII be kept constantly on hand a general isiortment of ready made clothing. Together with shirts, drawers, under shirts, bos oms, collars, scarfs, cravatr, gloves, strspencters, &c., &c. ANCATI7. & rieIAYER Star Clothing Store, 70 Wood at. N. B. All orders will be promptly attended to. EMMEE2 =I John 1). DOvia, atig.l2-y PR O'SPtCTIIS , OF THE 1 CONGRESSIONAL REGISTER. TITH the commencement of the 30th Congress, we propose to continue the Congressional Re , gister on the sarne plan as published during the last session. It Will contain a full and accurate report of the business prOCeedings of CongreSs, together with sketehei of the debates which take place in each house. The neat Congresi will be :',ne of the most important which has assembled for years, and it is our determination to give to the people a coin , plete history oftheir proceedings; and at such a tow price that every person who takes an interest in the acts of that body can procure a copy, It is believed that the Ist session of the 30th Congress will continue at least eight months; and we therefore propose to issue weekly, on a mammoth sheet, octavo form, their proceedings, at the unprecedented low rate of ONE DOLLAR PER COPY FOR THE. SESSION. THE WEEKLY UNION FOR THE SESSION. this publication is not only the 'cheapest, but it Contains more valuable reading matter than is to be found in any other Weekly publishad at the same price in the country. Besides the politicsof the day, it contains all the late and important news, both for. eign and dumestic;, and its commercial articles are not equalled. It will also contain a complete synop tical summary of the proceedings of both Houses of Congress, and be furnished to subscribers at the low rate 01 ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTI-FIFE CENTS PER COPY FOR TUE SESS/ON. . Clubs will be furnished with ten copies for $lO. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. POSTMASTERS, by sending us five subscribers for either of the above publications, will be entitled to one copy GRATIS. Subscription price of Daily Union per year:. $lO 00 Subscription price of Semi-Weekly, pub lished tri-weekly during the session of Congress 5 00 Subieripfion price of Weekly 2 00 Ci.ons will be furnished with 5 copies of the Daily for $4O 00 do Semi-Weekly 20 00 10 do do 35 00 5 do Weekly ' ' 800 10 do do 15 00 DtsrArr sunscaiszas may forward us money by lettei the postage on which will be paid by us, and riskall l assumed by ourselves in its safe transmission. Postmasters arc authorized to act as our agents; and by sending us five DAILY subscribers with $5O enclosed, or liveSEM-WEEKLY subscriberswith $25 entlosed, or live WEERLY subscribers with $lO en closed, will be entitled to one copy of the same edi tion as they furnish us subscribers for, GRATIS. No - mt.—Newspapers, by publishing, our prospec tus, with this notice attached, until the Ist ofDecem , her neat, will receive,during the nest session of Con gress, the Congressional Register and Tri- Weekly Union. oeS-thice. INDI. ALEXANDER & SON, Coffin Makers and Furnishing Undertaketi, CORAER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STREETS, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE 110 TEL, ENTRANCE ON PENN ST, - --.--., RESPECTFULLY inform their 4/2.l iv - 10.-:= -44 -i iK friends,ard the public, that they . ' — ..11: are prepared to furnish and at- VAINN IE L: tend to every thing in the line of Undertakers, as theY have quit the business of Cabinet Making, and their atten tion will be devoted altogether to the above !nisi_ ness, keep a large assortment of COFFINS made and finished; covered, and lined in the neatest manner, with a variety of materials, and at all prices; we keep SHROUDS ready made, of all sizes, or Flannel, Cambric, and Mnslin, at all prices and made in the eastern style, and all other articles necessary for dressing the dead, and furnishing funerals, of quali ty and prices to suit; SILVER PLATES for engrav ing the name and age •, ICE CASES for laying the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends any length oftime, and have ZINC PANS to put- ice in for laying on the body; LEADEN Collins always on hand. We have a splendid new HEARSE and a pair of fine horses, and any number of the best carriages, etc. etc., and will be prompt, punctual, and reasonable. augl9-y JOliN 1 MPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Surgi cal and Dental Instruments, Saddler , i and Tin- net's hand tools, Taylors' Patent Shears,—tic. Also manufactures Trusses, Supporters, &c. &c., in great Variety. J. C., Manufacturer and Importer of Pen, Pocket and Table Cutlery; Razors, Scissors, Files,, Saws, Tools, &c., has removed to 83 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, sect.nd doat below Diamond And has lately received a large assortment of Pen aria Pocket Knives, Knives &Forks, Also Rogers' and Whnstenhohas! FINE CUTLERY": Elliott's Rodgers, Wade h. Brother's Razors, Scissors, Razor Strops, &c. Damaicus and Wire Twist. GUNS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Allen's Colts and Blunt's Revolvers, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, Game Bats, Walker's Br r Coxes Extra . Percusaion Cape, Bowie, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Tools, such as Callipers, Dividers, Plyers,Nippera, Hand Vices, Squares, Rules, Braces, Bits, Spoke Shaves, Stocks and Dies, Wire and Iron Guagcs, Mathematical Instruments, 4.c. in very great variety. 'Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. m9yl-y Auction NotiCe. rirtHE Subscriber has paid into the Treasury of the 1 Commonwealth the amount of License required by law. Ile has given the regularly appioved secu rity, and taken out a Commission of the first class, as an Auctioneer, of the city of Pittsburgh, and rent ed that spacions wareroom belonging to STLVANCIS Lorimer, Esq., No 114 Wood st., three doors from sth, where he is prepared to attend to the sales of every kind of Merchandise, Ft:lmitate. Real Estate, Stocks, Shipsing, &c. &c. Ste., either at the Auction Rooms or on the premises, and will in all cases ex ert himself to the utmost for the benefit of his em ployers, on the most reasonable terms; lie will sell exclusively and only on coptrnission;neithex purchas ing nor having anyinterest whatever on goods in the Stare, but merely the Commission fiir selling, there+ by giving all owners a fair chance, without partiality of having therein property disposed of to the best advantage. Sales will he promptly settled when macle; advan. MS will be given at any time on the most oncoramo dating terms;—merchants will not be charged for ad vances. Regular sale days, Mondays and Thursdays; of Dry Goods, Groceries, Furniture, &c.; and every evening, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Guns, Pistols, and fancy articles; Hooks on Saturday evenings; a genoral reference will be given in a few days. Bills of lading have been received of several large invoices of Mercltannise, direct from extensive Importing Houses, in Boston and New York. Notice will be given of their arrival. ap24 , JAMPS M'RENNA, Auctioneer. Fall Fashions Q MOORE has just received from New York ►the Fall Style of HATS, which he will is trance this day, Saturday, Aug. 28th. All those in want of a neat and superior HAT, would do well to call at No. 75, Wood st., . augllS 3d door above Fourth :Homoeopathic Medicines JUST received a fresh supply of Homoeopathic Medicine Chests, hernceopathic Coffee, Sugar of milk, and a large collection of the latest publications on Homoeopathy, at the Bookstore of VICTOR SCRIBA, aplo Fifth et. between Wood and Market eta. 'Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. THIS Balsam is probably, almost without a paral -Icl in having, during a trial of nearly twenty years, folly maintained the high reputation which it has acquired for Consumptive Complaints and all diseases of the Lungs, Throat, and Chest. It has been used with probably greater success than any. other article known, and many physicians who-have had an opportunity of witnessing its highly salutary' effects, do not hesitate to recommend it as a safe, convenient, and very efficacious medicide;equaTif not superior to any other preparation for the above complaints within - their knowledge, and one which has seldom disappointed the reasonable expecta tions of those who have used it. It is amain valu able remedy for CONSUMPTIONS ~ASTHMA, PLEURISY, PIITLIISIC, SPITTING OF- - BLOOD, HOOFING COUGH, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, AND PULMONARY AFFECTIONS OF: EVERY KIND. Sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCIC cor of Ist and Wood, also car 6th and Wood eta. 0c26 TUSTlitt VED---- , A 'mall lot of Mackinaw Blanzete, which will be made to order in the latest style; by ANCKER & MAYER, oc7 No 70 Wood at. a== OEM - •_ • , • . , - . W - FP•St_ 4••••:. .• ".- s.. - -•-• • ' -• DroSS Goods an(LShawls• OZ7'REDO QED PRICES 4p BARRQWS - S - • . . N0:46, MARKET • MEET; post-Orrlct-tonsza ; •'• GALA. and Ravi Silk'Plaids; in very rich and - beau" tifulstyle-; cheap, .... Cashmeres, all wOol; - eflhe finest qualities, at 7S. aS7kc. ' Usual priees, $1;0001,25: Mohair Plaids, in high color's, • Brown Mous, d'LaMes; neat patterns, 18/e. Black Alp.aca,Lustres, of . goodAuality, 25c. - Sill: Liittres,' Bombazines, Paramettris, Orleans Cloths; - and( Rowmelias, at reduced primal.' 'fhibet Cloths, real A-..A:, the best goods imported. Shawls Shawls ! -in colors appropriate for the present and comingleason: • • • Turkerri, Broche, Cashmere, Merino, and. Ern-. broidered and Plain Mack Cloth in great variety—at low prices. • ' Plaid Long. Shawls; new and beautiful. Paris Rid Glovesi-intall shades, (light colors,) 621. light colors. Thread, Jaconett, and Mull, tae.eii and Edgings, selling low to. close the stock. • • Bonnet Ribbons—good styles—at 121 c. Black, Cherry, and Shaded Velvet Ribbintri a fine assortment. Bonnet Velvets, in' all colors,. &c. 7,000 yards Printed Calicoes; of every style, at 10 and 12kc. DOMESTIC GOODS, -_ . ' OF every name and description, it:r at lower.pricea than ever before offered., 200 pairs country-made illaulids; of the iiest make and quality; and will be furnished to porches,. rs'at a bargain. Together with all kinds of Goeds, for Men and. Boys> ..veal, which will be'eold-at•the lowest rates, Purchasers ofOry.Goods are respectfully invited to call and.examiae, the goods and. pr cep; . . - a nd. 41, Market at:; oct2o-tf BARROWS & TURNER: is the Best 'C'Onkh Bedicine X used." rillllS was expressed in our hearing yesterday, by an intelligent gentleman - , who had Used but about one:half of a bottle of Dr. Willard's:Oriental Cough Mixture, before_he was entirely,cureff.. Come. and get a bottle of ft, and ifthe !best obitinate cougtl or cold does not disappear Vitt; use,:yonf,:inone.y will be refunded:, Compounded ae ittg, ofthe most effective, though harmless and pleagant ! temedies,lti use for years has not, nor indeed.can it, tail to gife . 'entire satisfaction. Ft r sale, wholesale and retail ! , by . , 1-14 1 1'S !& - BROCXWAY; • Liberty street, netirCanal BaStit;-. Sold also by WM. FLIMING. ,ocll . Lawrent.eville. • . ! Nes - Goods,'Nevi• Goodi .1) ECEIVED; at the Iron City Clothing. Store; a it, splendid assortment of Cloths,.consisting-Olfine French, English and American Plain,llPli anirFati-, cy Ca ssimeres„ of the most modern styles; 40g-dr= ed Cashmere, Ventings,Silk Velvet; Plain . and Fancy' Satins—all of which we will make up at Ole ,Most reasonable prices, lit a - durable and fashionable style: . Ready made Clothing, of all ducriptions; Ladyls Cloaks of the most fashionable patterns. Neck and Pocket Mikis, Suspenders; B .somo, Shirt Collars; and every article usually kept in a Clothing Store . . Country Merchants, before piirchasing, elsewhere; will find it to their advantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store, No 132 Liberty street, immediately opposite the mouth of Market. octlS-tf C. M'CLCISKEtt r A , m, Fall .Fnattlorts. , ar HITS AND CAPS..'a ri IHE subscriber will introduce, this.day;Beelie di Costers Fall Style Of French, Mole Skin; Silk and !utra Hats, to which be would invite the Eaten= Lion of the public. G. W. GLASGOW; 'Wood. st:, aog?3• ad door trelow Davis Auction Hooray. N. B. 11 - N Fall assortment of-Caps and Muffs . , mit bracing an extensive variety, is daily expected', - and will be duly announced. - S. DPKINLEY; Homse, Sign,and Ornamentitl Painter; ANO DE.ck LA R IN PAINTS,-,. No. 44, ST. CLAIR . STREET, PITTS WITILGIT, TTAS constantly on hand all kinds of Pittris., _U. either Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish}' Linseed Oil; Boiled Oil; Spirits Turpentine;•Window Glass, of all sizes; PuttY, Paint Brushes,'&n., all of the best' quality, and for'sale ai reisrohable prices sepll-tf . • To ms Clients P T llE l -Li ” edndl ! n: L : t u3 - in sll attend to my unfisturi ness, and I recommend them to the patronage am, friends. lam authorized to state that they Will re dceiye.the counsel and assistance of the Hon. R. Bid tde. Office 2d story of Burke'a BuHdingsAth street, etween Wood and ju6-1y . SAMUEL. W. BLACK. To Country Merchants A A. MASON CO., 62 Market street, invites A e the attention 3 of Country Merchants to theii extensive assortment ofForeign and Domesiic Goods; which will be sold M Eisterif jobbing prices: se3o Wholcialeitociins, id Story. ' Shakespear Gardens. THIS beautiful place of resort having been greatly repaired, the proprintai iG noitedady to reteire BOARDERS, by the day, week, or month. His an- , commodations are good, and his prices are low. may 4-tf S. McCLELLAND. = =! • John Bloch & Co., \AT H.OioLnESmAeLrelinGiirt:cearns,,iProd dealersuc nd in piCttosnbiumrizi manufactures, Noi 166 ' Liberty street, opposite 6th, Pittsburgh. may 1 t iKr Liberal advances made on consignments. For Sale, FOUR LOTS—Bounded by Penn, Liberty andllav sts., each lot having 24 ft. front, and extending back 110,ft. Two of them are corner lots ; and the position of the whole property is one of the most ad vantageous in the city. Forleurther information ap ply to M. SWARTZIVgLDEFI., Fourth st. ' nov3-tf bet. Wood and Smithfield., LTA TRO ILLQ, . • UNDERTAKER, Filth st., immediately optosite the Theatre, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he •has:resumed business as a Eurnisltitig Undertake... He.is sup plied with, and always keeps on hand, coffins ~of all, sizes and kinds, shrouds, and all other articles ne cesxary on such occasions. .7' Silver plates, ice boxes, and leaden coffins will be supplied on order. A fine hearse and carriages al, ways ready to attend funerals. sufffi-ly Boots, Shoes, Triffieks, etc. FOLLANSBEE & BAY WARE, • W HOLESALE and Retail, Boor, E SIIO, and Tannic 4roar ' No. 186 Liberty stteet, nearly opposite the head of Wood. F. &H. hive in store and are receiving their Fall and Winter, stock of BOOTS, SHOES, &e. consisting of the largest stock they ,have ever been ablh to bring to this market: Our stock of goods have mostly been mannfactureci to our order, and expressly for the Pittshurgh Market. We also have constantlyhn hand a splendid stock of Hayward', Metalie Om. Elastic Shoes, both for Ladies' and gentlemen's wear, the-most beautiful : article ever manufactured. We would. solicit an examination of our *stock of gui?ds,- by all who Wish to purchase either at wholesale or retail, as - me shall sell at a small advance above eos4,Conntry Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock before purchasing. FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, a 0 9 ' 46 Liberty st.; Pittsburgh. SMITH. & SINVI;AIR, (LATE MASrra & }IMITLIO WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AHD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 56, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, The undersigned having entered into partnership under the above style, reapectially ask the patronage of the friends of the late firm, And of purchasers gen erally. They feel warranted in promising.tbat they can give satisfaction to all whelmay..buy of them or confide bUsiness to their care. • •' SMITH, • '• •14:8,INCLAIR. Pittsburgh, March 26,1847. ' ' eIIAUTION TO THE PURLlC.Titesubscriber . by written . Contract With the P4r.tt T 4 :. Co, has the'exclusive tight to sell their 'Teas" in Pitts burgh 'and Allegheny eitieit. Any:perscii attempting to sell their Teas eic.ept procured through - , is practicing a deCeptieri and a fraud upon-the:public —and their statements are not to birdied cm. 5e2.3 A. JAYNES, 79 Fourth • PRICE' TWO CFNTs 'Book guid. Job Print* gIO Mot,' W. D.PWSPt :1)F WOOD rix.A"zs.- propciator, of thy Morning PdseanirMMe cury and ilfariericturer ibsPeetfalli in orms hisY friends'and: the :patronti, of ther.4o,3piiperii, MIA 14 has alarge and well chosen Itsr.ortment of JOB TYPE, AND ALL ALL'OTIIIIRAI , LitturtUts .- NeaeaSiry , to a'Job P"ri-utibg'.'Offi'oe, Land ,t)tal: is prepared te,exeo l .4e.,-, !!•• ! r.r.Tre,s. riips rnrrrrx*A, or EPEBY itr-spnirrxorr:. Books; • ' Famphiiitai'-' Bill IreadV,--1 Handbills, Blank Cbeeks t , :Vat Alf kin4s of Blanks, Stake; :!eciiribibat ah`d" Canal Baca' Bala linh printed o the short, est notiewand,inost, reasonable terms. He resp.eetfldlSi asks the patronage' of his friends# and ttiepettaio in gehoildpri thialirdperceil.fiti busi ness. ‘ t sepf 22y- .. . - C L I C.:IC EN.,r,A!s,. .. , _- Itlngiir Canted Vegetable Ituigiaii4,e. r m., -A'E - universally, ailalitted • to" oprate; net'hisly as an ifeettial priventiii; but ad' a tietef) - ailing - remedy, in all - dieeases which' Lan' effee:t thehinriart frame.--Itead=ache, liligesiirnOtheninatisraitiles,.. Scrirvy,`Dropsy, Small-pos,Cfriderti:morhat; Worms, Whooping-cough, Consimption,•4uhdinejli:toincry, Scarlatina; .I.iver complaint; :A-PoPlP.x.Pl`,C44eris Measles,,Salt-Itheum; f its i. ,ll,eerthutn, Pidthness, Erysipelas; Deafness, Itchiegi,,of the" Skinicolds, Crat,,dra‘ el, ,Pains it the lifieli,,l in nivaiir : Weakness, -,. Palpation§ in the heart,Risingsthe' tliraCh.sth ma.' Feve l iS °Tali kinds,_ FeMaleehrriplaitiii;',gtiehes in. the'el - de';, SpittikfoCblood, 'Sore , oyes; Scrofula, „ St Anthony's fire, Lowneis of spirite;:FlMiding . ,iFinor Albus or Whites; Griciesilking>sevililme.lcjaivi'Efyis. teria, Bile on thegtomuch,mrscbalt:biliiis'grk4tiOns, Plenrity,Cronp; Sweßed.feei and lege, 'Ssicinellusx, White,swellings; Tremors, TymoOrs, tllOarai, tom- B . . 1; ;lg, and a.host . ef - otheti successivelyhaye s :a:nil re peatedly'keen'Valihitished hy:fhelyall'Oiverfill arm. They'likie beeirlieenti - to'clrect-permqridif Cares when Sil'otlinf reinedieShard'pre'vddlinivaikingeand in:the:lest ittneeSef discsde: ':-., ,-•'-:: 4,-,,,J 5 1 : , - - 3 1 , - They have in mthay.easeseteprrierind the.-prtthtip, Cite tkill .0 - the most .eminvo, .Physicituts, - -al4 re- ~. aei v. eith esi d es their ,nrignaliked,nomnionclatio.cr e k They have been repeatedly reconimeridid.hy men ofthe.most distinguished characters, thionthotif the taint,hed been saiictioncß in Mitr'cipehy;Nobtenien, and Pi-likes of Royal Woe' '''' '.:" 2 " — ..'''''''''''' • ' They have been introducedinto the Ifokpleals or -- Edinburgh, Parisi and v Vienna,- and i Ebro - ugh , tlimdiih• inteinnted exertimin.at cier..Foceign *6lmbassadoTsy they have received the faimable ; tem rneMlnliinp of the. Eniperor,of4tussia,, and : his.celeetial.kctelesty . of the Chinese Empire.. ...'.. , : .. . 3 ; ~,;!.,3 3 . ELI Stariely a Packet vex el tif,aiiy.rApcte,sailii, rim" tan port of Nnw . York, :,:tipiontan --, abundant' supply or the '" ' ' ---, _"' SlCif N'S NEVER' FAILINGFRIEND. .. - _ AgentiCii !have: lien&e}tabliehed in - itltttha. principal Cities in the Union, and applicatiOna are-- Constantly re - aching -As frim alinostAurnbedess leges in every section Al the Country., Testimonials of their marvellous ctrectn are , pouring pi:Trona , all 'quirteri—and in iluch.tesinhers that hive,..not time to-read - one hailer thicif, What strolkgel• or snore conclusive "evidence than theta in4eitant'Yacte can the most sceptical 'dosirOf • Ls it . posSibie, 6 khat the manyrthoesands who have tried CIAUK*IER'S PILLS, can be dteeived in their results imposture or quackery existed; si•etilil - it 'iletiong ago have been held up,As it should ho, to dot acorn and derision of a-justly oftrided community 0 Remember, Dr. C. -Nr, Clickener is thevtigtnal inventor of Sugar. Coated Pillsi.andthat nrith - ing o. the sort was ever heard of; until' he introduced ',them • in June, 1843 Parclpser . 4 should, ihereftire;alsfrays ask for Cllekener's Sugar Coated VegefitifePills'and take no abet, or they -Will' be made n fr3udi' - PRICE 15 CENTS 'PER:nox.:. ,- 1 Dr.CliCken ere principal office for. the - nale 01.15115, is 66 Yesey street,..NewYprk;- • •-•.± I W4I JACESON, 8.9 Liberty street, head of Wood ntreet,,pittsburgh,, Pa., General,Agent for Western Pennsylvania,, Northern Ohfo,• • Mid the tics . S' The - following are Dr. CifelteiMes'aipihppointea ft gents forAlleghehy county; - 'Pa : ' " WI& SACSSON, (Prinnipal,) , !-SS , -Liherty: erect, hegd of Wood: ; . , r. 3 A:: M. Marshall, Allegheny• City, Jonathan Ghriest; Manchester. : . C-Townsend.R.Co., Jno. lb. - Ho jaCeees, Birniisgliam 'Snir'. H. Clssel, Ptnn street: 'Andrew - S. - Getv; - Wylid iap`et. ' 'Robert Williarde, R. H. Herningr ty, South Vm. J. Smithierigstranteiille." g Jeremiah Fleminki Lawrencet , Hlo.,,, ' Dania Neglby,,East Edward Thompson,,Wilkinsltrirgh t , Thomas Aikin, SharitSbutgli.. ri G..s. SeWickley. 1 , Samuel Spririgerj•Clinton:"': .' James M , Ree,'Stewurtstovirri John Black; Turtle Creelri , ' Diehri Elizabeth. ' Riley M , Laughlin, Plumb Towns*, J.,Jeneiti Rakerstown. - —Penny, APKeespoTt. A - RECEIPT FOR- ••TI-IF. =HUMAN .ILI.III.—To force,. its growth-and healtlillike AVA-ctfts silky, clearand fine.' Persons irlie (in Consequencsof the ma.ny useless thingi sold) set ;down .erery, article Abe ;it ofer so good,) as a humbug. ''lf - tteople could try a Zs bottle or.lones , Coral Restorative, and see how it makes ary;rostyirred light hair. moist, soft, thorn and dark keeps it so, and by use for some causes it to grow naterally'bearitifil i 'lf'beople could seethe nuMber of - poor iespectablet-MciNmica that use it (aye, and, find it the:cheapest-thimthey can use,) for dressing . and beautifYini s hair . ; for keeping it soft arid'or order thrto tirdeetai'liiiig as any crther attic) e. Matleyand it cdtiti but '37# ;nerds for a bottle. P.cad these certificates.. BALIY HEADS; BALD ElEAls3=—Wr: *dais Jackson, of 89 Liberty;street, -Pittsburgh; Pril, terti on,.oe 3d of February,. i 847, that Mr Thornau Jackson's head, on the,top,wai entirely bald, for 15 years, and'that by 3it'bottlea'afJOneiNr`Co ral Hair .Ra-titrative ' :the- hair is- grOwing; 3fast,; cmd thick, and will soon. he entirely, reetored.. JOIIN BLACA Grey Heads, Grey Ileads-Reild--1 hereby'enitify that my hair; Avas.torning.grey, and that nincoi have 'send Jones's Coral, Hair Restorative has entiroly ceased fallini=L-is'groviing.' fait, did o'dod!trark look. Before Liised , Jones's •Corar - Restoraftve corolsed oot kanffols of hair daily THOMPS4N; 92 Kin„ Mr. Power, - grocer; 'in 'Felton tie, -hall. - hiehair choked op with::dandruff, , :and:Jones?s;CeralAlair Restorative entirely cured, Ft , Do yotr wing' to dess; Yen:iffy; weinttike - soft , and fine,, *sad 7 4, HenryCollen,-Inte,harber on board the steamboat South American, do artily that Jories , ffebtal Haiilidstoratiie is the belt tilicle l• ever. used for-dressing; softening,- keeping the haii_a long. time in order towers preferred it to - any think else. - '-" Sold by-IA. Jackson, at-hin.Boot - and . -Shoi.Store, and PatentMedicide warehouse r /3S Liberty st.,head or Wood St.; Pittablirgh.7.ln E10tt1?4•et.:3,7f.,,,50 eta; and - one Dollar. • -;„ • my 7 •- DILVOS; DittrO JOEL MOHLE,R.,-.l>ruggisr and : Apotherafy, II corner of Wood and 514 sts.,..Pittsburgh, will keep constants ;An Dtiucs;Piutin, cut, . ' -.• "FreserilltionS' lout. pounded from' the bost'inaterialis 'ati'yhOhr 'Odle day or' night: Also';' , an assortment- 'of. Perfumery; fine Tooth o , Hair; mad Cloth Brushe's,-.4.5r.c.itc.,' which . he will sell low for Cash. ll2O-y - ' Invented-Patent. plonk ; Sprint FOR the immediate relief and permanent , care or Hernia and Rupture. (Suited to, ail. -07mni)— The snpericir_claims of_this Truss consist in the comb paretic° ease with which it may be worn. - The pad of , weed*dninefitly baltinced:on , sprinkscjields for the, piealareieTituly.part ofit, and theronably z edaptt itself tn - anfreeyement made brthe wearer., It can be worn withoutinterrnisaion;untila•diree is eiTetted. I The subiariberer have made arrmagenirm*; far tko 1 , manulliteturn of these•valnableTrusses,idicAtmetior style, in yhiladelphia, and .haae thena,pe?rferi,ratle,:;',l,, at their office,'Ne. 77, _Smithfield ;street, neargitW' , ,:f . ; Pittsburgh.' - GtV - IV IR6ATIYON iy , 1). W - ram INN . _ B MI F'i j _. r4: , ;`:' P, - = M=E :?'=y ~~~. SIM Mllll LIABLEPU , . - 1 E ,; _.: _ ~ FEME SZE MEE MBE 1117219 ' ME