RIEBE a = - . a-^^^, 74; ,;<. ~: ; ~ .ttansportattott tinco-; r„',:tittosS, • ,r70p..,7., # —1.164 rt 1 " • 17T1', OR , the' trinAticirtntiori."oLLreighi"fietweeii-Aity , burgh and avoiding tranship meats on the . way, and the consequent risk of delay damage, breakage And ''seperation ufgoodi: PROPRIETOR'S: SUADRIDOE & Casu„27d Market at.,Philadelphia Te_apie & °To:anon, eor Penn ad Wayne ate. Pittsburgh AGENTS: O'deitioni ',St Co., North.atrect, Baltimore. W. & J. T.Taescorr, 75 South street, New York ... encouraged by'inereased l _husieess, the Proprie tore-.hive. added to and --eitended 'their arrange. manta* during the wraier; and are now prepared to forward freight.-with regularity and dispatch, u near putied.hyiltny other Line. Their bang experience a> Carriers, thepalpableauperietity of the Portable Boat systota,...and'Ahe great capacity and convenience o thelilitnreliouelie at eaali end of the Line, are peculi mil' calculaynk to enable , this Proprietors •to NIS, their engagements and_ accommodatetheir custom ers,lnd-confidently offering the oast as .a gnaianter rertthe-fliture, they respectfully solicit a coati:mallet. of tha t patronage which they. now gratefully aCk• newriedge. .... : - . s =,,'Consign 'Emote to ,Taatfe Er O'Connor will be ro c in d forWarded,,Steam Boat charges paid,and ißill 'ofl:Ladieg transmitted free of any charge for 'tstiliolitition, advancing or Storage. Baring no.inter eat (reedy or indirectly in Steam Iloats the interest '.o4'4 . llo.Conaignore meat. necessarily betheir printery. Objeali ihipping West; and they pledge themselves tp forward all, Goods consigned to them promptly, and on the most advantageous terms to the owners. mart-1.1 - ' ... lElicks-voittsts Way R'retitist •: A ‘" k =e 4444Ll34 ' 1847 E t X. - CLUSIV.EY fur the .transportation of way freight between Pittsburgh; Diairsville, Johns town, tiallidayaburgh,Water street, and all interino tiatti One boat leaves tLe Warehouse of C. A. AfcAnul. ty.drXo.; Pittsburgh, et-ery day (except Sundays) and Shippers cau always depend on having their goods - forwarded without delay and at fair rates. -Thiel:inn. was formed for the special accommO dititiriorthe way business, and the plvrietors re simutrully solicit a liberal share of pAtronage. Prioprietorit. . "JOHN, PICKWORTII, TOON MILLER., • .DANit... ROBERT WOODS, 'WILLIAM 14.1LTY. • " JOIIWNIILLRR, llollidaysburgh. R. R. CAMAY, Johnstown'. Agent,. McANULTY k Co.,Pity!gh. ar rtaxxcis, * .J., J. kfeDesitt, John Parker, Robert I;iloere, Dna „my, Smith, Pittsburgh. marB. _ Independeut Portable Boat Line, 1 8 4 7 . FORTEIE TRANSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE. TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PRILADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. Withoht Transhipment. DCtodS Consigned to; our earo will be forwarded without-delay, at the lowest current rates. Bills of Ledittg, transmitted, and all iestrue ions promptly at tatfded to, free friml extra'charge fur storage Or commission. Address', or apply to I C. A. MeANULTY & CO., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. - • . • , STORAGE. Raving a very large ond comnindinits warehous, we: are prepared to receive (in addition to freight for shilment) a large amount of Produce, &c., on Stor ag at low rates marS SUTLER .I.RRANGEIIINNTS • Q. 1847. ! 7' nouongahela BftpIAINVILLE AND CUMBERLAND•TO DAL, TOMO.: AND PHILADELPHIA. ' Time to Baltimore 32 hours. • T24e to Philadelphia 40 hour,. [oPLY73 811LE.2 STAGING.) 11F:Bplendid and fast running steamers Consul, maT., Louis .M' Lane and Bwatar'a, have commenced , lug double daily trips. One boat will lease the Memongahelau hair every morning precisely at 8 ci`- clock: , Passengers by the in ormng line will urns e ' _in Baltimore next evening in time for the Plidadel-, phia bail-Runts or Rail Road cars. The evening - Rnatvvill leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except Suttlays. Passengers ,by this boat will lodge nu hoard, in comfortable state rooms. Leave Browns ville,n m extorning at S'o'cluch; cross the mountains' in .I)aji light; sup and lodge in Cuinberland. Thus Avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations rio pli s mate are ample, and the connection com lete; ro that disappointments or delays will be uml nityFn upon it. Passollgorii can stop on the route and resume their !! scatiaghin - al pleasure, and have choice of Rail Road = or Stkamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. . Coaches chartered to:parties to travel as they tie-. sire: Sneer° your tickets at the office, Monongahela Hoene, nr St. Charles lintel. ,febl7- GEORGE' 11. B.II.IDLE, • • ; • co' VE!YANCER, a FFICE in Avery R.tor MI street, above O ;fie street, Pittsburgh. ' lltnba;Munvo.kons, AOTIEEDIENTS, Born, Itztresr.s antrothei instruments Of writing drawn with neat nese, Legal accuracy and despatch. Be will also at tend to drawing and filing hfnaLtrrire'r Lterrs, aunts of Executors, Attininistrators,4c., Exe m ban titlesYo Real Estate, Searching Records for Lieu, Ruin his long experience and intimate acquaint; auce with the'manner of keeping the public records, he ei t tects to give satisfaction to those who may en trust cis bus news to his care. decl6-dEnv John 11.1:. Townsend, pRHCGIST ANY} APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar ket street, three dobrs above Third street, Pitts urgh., will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the hest and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and 4stipplied with artiules they may rely upon as .genuine. ,Phyaicians' prescripSons will be accurately and o . neatly prepared from thh beat materials, at any hour • "of the day-or , Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good • 'eriumery I• dee 3fld . Henry AV. Williams, 'TTORNEY AND ;COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ..a:Asuccessor to Loii.ric & Williams.) Office at the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. • • THE PARTNERSHIV heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, Etq. , and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mntrl consent on the 2Gth ult., and the business will he salter be con ,. tinued'hY Henry W. Williams, whom I most dicer : fully recommend.to all fOr whom I have the honor to do business. as a gentleman every way worthy of • theii cordidlnce. 'WALTER II LOWRIE !-!=Steel and Fi!e Manufactory. THE subscribers having enlarged their est a blish. ttient, for the manufacture of - Steel and Files— op the corner of O'Hara nod Liberty streets, Filth .Ward,l , ll.tnburglare !prepared to furnish files 0. •eyerT descriptinu, of the beet quality; and being de -termined to make it the iatermit of connuniere to put-. time tiles from them—respectfully invite the patron age otall who use the article. xnartb-y J. ANKRIM - Ik CO. Taunting ritrrinliing. GCOUTRRIVIENTSof everydescriptinn on hand. nod 'constantly receiving. fresh inpOlics. Guns, stols,, Powder Shot,l7lasks, Bells, Game Bags, iit , - Prinking Cups,ic., &c.. Fishing Tackle.—A large .and-cittnplPteactsortment, for wholesale or retail, oonsistintlicnnnof Jointed and Cane Rods,Hooks ofevery variety, SOk, Grass, Linen,Cotton ad Trout lines Swivels, SnOods, bloats, Sinkers ' &c. '. mal 7 ._, JOHN W,, TM A 1 R., 120 Wand at. Wine Cellar. rind Lignor Store, Cortrer 'and: Fr on t Str eel . 4. IXT;ItERE - can alvrays be.hall,.pura Wines and V,-..: , tiquoit, of all kinds nipirnported;:andivnr ran:eiXrrgivn natisfactidn or lbc:nlonorreturned. for enie'in• quantities to 'Ol4, by 44g9 •e. P. C. MARTM ., =~~~' *,g' 4 .v - 0-=' , .':: , t. , ..i?..,',.•• .'.t;,5,...'.-.-::'.:.:.,,'::,.'-.'-:'•: it ~.'- ''''''.:- , 7.:. ' 'll '11:...!t, .;• .• - - ''' ',' , '"1 r,fo. • '' 'I '-.; 1; ,''. . ....-., ''' 17,..,r......'''?;:,.:.',-:-•::' 1' 5:;-'1: '' _ _. _ ...._.i:•';!.::: ,r.,F,•.;..:,,i:i.;,,i.: WM IMO ME Mi MEE ME MIME ~4~.d.y ~~~. t- 11111 C. A. McANULTY fr, CO J. IVIESITI7vIT.N NE EOM PE . ;:.~. .li:i'iir.ccitOt.,t4:lottgalii.r.# and, Spirtne Initiranct. 111-IE Insurance G t ompauy.of North America., a i,--Philadelphia,ll ) rciu g ititedulyauthorized be.subgerjber e effete to make pormanentand limited „maurance en_ prattertY, in thin .city and its vicinity, Lad, on.gypmenta by the canntand rivets.. . • DIRECTORS Arthur O.'Callin,presit. Samuel firooks, - Alex. Henry; Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Junes, ; Snmuel.w..Smith, Edward Smith, . AmbrostlWhite, John A. Brown, . • Jacob M. Thomas, John White, • ; . John RJ Neil, ••••• Thoinas P. Cope„ . Richard D.-Wood, Wm., Welsh,- • -Hcnry-D.Sherrard , Secy. This ja,the •oldest Insurance Company.in thrp ed ,Stetes,having been chartered in 1794. • [want. ter ia perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, =pie means, and 'avoiding all risks of an _extra . basaniouacharacter, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public.• -, •• - • MOSES :ATWOOD. At Counting Room of Atutoild, Jones & Co., %Va ult. and Front streets, Pittsburgh. oct23-y. The Frankllln Fire Inisrtrnuce Coxiiiiany OF i'llriAnttaltiik. rIDAATER VEI.PE.',IIJAL. $400,000 paid in of free 1631 Chesnut at., north side; near Fifth.— Tabe insurance, either perniarient or limited, against roes or damage by fire, on property and effects of, every description, in town or,country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per nonally or by lettergortil be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCKER, Prest. C. • G. Detrettra, Sec'y. DIRECTORS Z 1 Charleill. Dander; Jacob R. Smith, Thomas Hart', George W. Richards, Thor. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Boris, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. PITTSBU,RGII AGENCY. WATIEICR MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Wariick 4. Co, corner of Third and Mai ket streets. Fire risks taken ori: buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Alleghehy and the surrounding coun.. try. No Inaritte or inland navigation risks taken. Ininrance. A ItIE,RICAN FIRE INSUIL&NCE COMPANY of ' Philadelphia--Charter perpetual--Capttal 580,- ODD paid in. OITICO in Philadelphia, No. 71, Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Pres't; Frederick Fraley, See'y. This old and Swell established Company con tinues to insure Buildings, Marchand:re. Furniture, and Property, not of en extra hazardous character, against loss or ciantage by Fire. • I Applications for Insurances in Pituburgh and its neighborhood will .be received, and mks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCIIRAN, Agent, dec 24 No. 26, Wood street. 1011114/1 AINo. S. TINKLY, .111. KiN57, 11. PINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety InJurante Company of Philadelphia. ,IRE RISKS upon ,Butithngs and Mcrchandize of , every descrip4e, and Marine Risl.• upon 'bulls or cargoes or vessels;taken upon the most favorable : MEE Office at the warehoule of King t♦ Holmes, on Water it., near Market street, Pat:burgh. N. 13. King Er Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their frends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an incl. tution among the mast nourishing in tioladelphia— as haiing a large pai'din capital, which, by the oper ation of its charter,. is 'constantly increasing—as yielding to each person iniured 14s doe share of ago profits of tho Company, without involving him in any responsibihtv whatever, beyond the premium ecttilly.paid in by thin; and, therefore as possessing the Mutual principle,,di.vested of eery obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. non 1-tf Agency of this Viral:4lln Fire Insurance Company or ?isiladelphia. N. E. corner of Third and . Wood streets, Pittsbu rg h. pit E assets of thq;company au the first of Janua ry, ISIS, as published in conformity with as act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Bonds and :31urtgagos, ~$600,61.5 93 Real Estate, at cost, 100,90 77 Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash,... 203,499 Making a total of $909,653 Affording certain aswarance that all losses will be promptly Met, and gls.ng entire securtty, to all who obtaitt poltmes. from .0.1:s Company. litxko taken at as low rates as arc col:cite:lt with secur+ty. oct 9 NIAItTLN, Agent. licomotpat hie Dookr T UST received at the ticKikvore of the subscriber ini)th street, near Market : Materift Mcdi il, by Funnel Haltnemun, translated and edAcil. by Charles Juliu■ Hempel, M. D., .1 vole. Harfman's And/ disease:, In. Dr. Ilempel, to!, I llomatopstly.c Domestic Mc-theme, by J. Lowrie, enlarged and unproved, by A. J. Hall, AI. D. Nlanuur, I. No. I and 3. "fenny& botnestiePhyvcian. A Alnnual of Dnirtertic Cookery, for the use of per sonal/rho are under Hunacropathic treatment. Bonninghateen's Therapztie Pocket book for honnepathiatp, by' D r . ()km, Anbneman , s Chronic Ibeeaten, rol b. Together nth MOlcine Che►te of daerent sizes and pr.cee. (apl6Yr VlCTlill KRIEL.% . TO ARMS! TO ARMS 1 ! TIiftEATF.NED Inras.on 'of Western Penna,lvania by teL Swift, with 10,000 men, notwithstanairg which, J. M. White w•iil con tinue to sell clothing cheaper than any has heretofore been offered in the Westerli country, haring the laygestestablishmentin theca', tioftingon Liberty and Sixth eta. lie us: now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the greatest variety of cloths, cassimeren a•e:=ting., and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the aepi , oaehing season, that has tier been offered in this market, to which all can have the it q fht of Way. pbseryo the corner, No. 167, Liberty and Sixth sta. , J. M. WHITE, Tulle.., Proprietor. LADIES AND GELNTLE.mr.:N; tthofden g n pur chasing VenitianiDlinds, or wish toge,t_their old Llfinds renewed and ,made better than when new, will please take notiee that Andrew White is now permanently situated on the corner of Wood and 4th ste. Showroom nn the second door. ofhir. Ken nedy's splendid Looking Glass and variety store; entrance on 4t,h et. All orders thankfully teceived and promptly attended to. Please call and see be fore purchata ng elsewhere. marl. 3 Bowel Complaint. FROM Dr. M. L. ICNAPP, of Chicago, 111. , Pro. lessorof Matcrila Mei:ma in the University oil Laporte, Indiana. Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir ask me what proofs 1 1 1 meet with of the efficacy of yours Co/ minitlue. I j can safely say that I never pies( ribed a medicine for Baird Complaints that has given so much satis faction, and ms patients so epee ly and perfect re- j her as this. Whenever introduced into a flunily, it j becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and' is called for again and again, which I think a pretry, good proof of its efficacy and usefulnese. In the Summer Complaint of children it hail frequently ap• peered to snatch the little victimn;'aa it were, from the grave. "It saved the life of my child, and of such and such aehilOt I have repeatedly heard said. In dysentric affections of adults,l have time and again seen it act like a charm, and give permanent relic, in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes. In fine it is.a valuable medicine, and no family, should be without it. Respectfully. ILL L. KNAPP. From the Rev. CIIAIILL3 C. P. Caesar, Louisville, KY : , and late of New iYorki Dr. D. Jayne—Dcar: sir-1 am glad to inform you that the medicine made by ror Dowd and Suirr mer Complaints has proved singularly efficacious in my family. My wife ;has fur years been extremely liable to a most dietreising dybentery in hot weather ; but by the use of JAINE . S CARMINATIVE BALEAM for two seasons, the attack has been obviated in the course of two or three hours. I have known chil dren, when attacked with a violent Diarrhma, cured immediately by this metliqne. I consider your medicine prepared with great skill, and highly bene ficial to lumen nature. Respectfully yours, C. P. clinsny. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street near Wood iYS HtiDES k ALCORN, Oats of New York city,) - Fifth et, between Wood and Market, Manufacturers of Multord, Ground Spices, Catsup, will open during the present week a largo assortment of articles in their line, which they will wholesale in rivantitiet to suit dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran ted. Merchants intending to go east would do well tonal] before leaving the city. They may be found at th, it warehouse, N. 27, Fah at., in Ryan's build ing. sep7 Summer Frishion for Flats. Q MOOSE has just received from New It S York the SummO'r Style for RATS) con- CAV.,t sliming. of WHITE, BEAVER, PEARL and WRITE For seu CASSIMERE Hrrn, with Ventilators. Those in want of a beautiful light Hat are respectfully inst. rod to eryll at - No. lb Wood st.., _ ma2S-y 7 8d door above Fourth. ' =l5ll MEI .::;,:..*_':f.l ;_.o r • ; , ..., F ;:,:',.,••• ' : Wil ilni It • I . ,_ PE • eY4 _Aaotnge 'o : anti Froin • te t i S ...;:yfite • • ' ' • GREAT BRITAIN gr. IRELAND.- t: GEolsoE-111rmusr.:4- - Sow, N0..134 WaterlOo Liverpeol. •.1 "r- • • CAILLISLE St MPS UlDi No. SS, South st.•, - M. York. THE Subscribers, havingtteeepted tlio . agency at th is City; of the aboe well kno Wit' and respecta ble Houses. are prepareil to make engagemeala for passengers to come olfit'frotri: any' part 'of Dreat Britain and Ireland{ 14 the, i•egillar. Ltne of : Packet Shipe, sailing froWr•Liverpool weekly . . Persons en gaging with uti Oat seamed that their friends will meet with kind treatmentairdpyampillespatch at Liverpool, as well at every attention iiscassary on their arrival in this country. 'Apply to dr address SAM'L. hpeLIiRRAN & CO., • • No. 141:Liberty st., Pittsbotsh, "'Passage engaged he - re from Liverpool to Pittsburgh direct; and ,Dialla tor any amount tor warded, payable at Sight, throughout the United Eingdetn. • • - .4261 ,„ L -Are f - EMIGRATION AND REMITTANCE rtib, OFFICE. Add vet they ~ecirne,' more more, and still at - tbe old prices; and that, too, in Packet 'Shim and intend to contianClet other offices raise their pricer as they may. We will bring persons out font any part °Me ofdCoun try, without ono dent extra on alchunt of the tre mendous emigra'tion,or the great advance in Liver pool upon passages. tilSo draw drafts at eight, direct from Pittsburgh, for any amount payable at any of the Branches of the N.tionalnr Provincial Bank. of Ireland, or alio other Bank iii any part o the Old Countries. JOStIIIA BOBINSON, Office, sth street, ono door weft of Wood.street. jy3l-tf „ f ib. !o 'Europe, a 'Europe, ta>, AND PAFSACir. mon LIVERPOOL, LONDON, and the various Ports .1 inguizip, to tiEW , VORIC, PIIILADELPHD.- AND P.ITTSLWItGii. MU: undersigned, Agent for Messrs. R()CHF, BRO'S. S Co., is rimming money's to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, at the rate-ef Fire Dollars to the 171 sterling. Drafts issued for an. amount drawn direct nn the Royal Rank of Ireland, Dublin, and on Messrs Prescntt, Grote, Ames*. Co.. Hankers, London, pal.de on presentation at any Hank in the United Kin dem free of discount or any charge whatever. Thrive, desirous of remitting, or sending for their friendi will please apply to the sub scriber, at his Milne on Penn street, 4 (I.lofll ahoy° the Canal Basin. JAMS .9 BLAXI Ly. Persons at a distance, wishing information h ill re. ceive an answer by return mail, by directing (pit paid) as above. Refer to the Rankers. Merchants, and Manuran foyers of Pitishargh and vicinity. tipl7-ilantf Tappeot 1 , . cat Ise en I E tutus at tots (Meet iar.) , H„r• 81.....M1TTAN KS and i passag to l a and from tilt AT lIILITA IN AND NIE, . Intt.A.rth, i.,t. W. & .1. T. 'Fonseca - ! 1 75 South street, corner. of Maiden Clyne, New Viarlt, I and 96 'Waterloo road t-iverfttdt ! The subscrtliers having accepted the agency of the above !muse, arc now prepareci to male arrange- menu upon the most liberal terms alai those titis,• ! routs of paying the passage of the i r friends from the : old Country, and flatter themeseli MI theta charartur i and long standing in baseness Teti' gave ample 2 - Intranet: that all their a:rrangernents will Le carried'' I out fatthfully. . . ' Messrs. W. &J. T. Tiaftsarott. arc Icing and rtivi l ria-; hly known for the superior fiats, ameommmJatdm no saaling qualitirs of thew l'aelet ILlitldt. Th o i QUEEN ! Or 'rift WitflT. bilE11.111AN• 1141.114).:5:-. TKR, Gm - olio:, ilirrriNixEit, imsciUs, I-Ir.!' Eit•P(4,L, and SI itiattltip, :te n of which leave earl.' Pon monthly, from Now y,,,i,. the :lot and 2fitit anti I . l"Otrt LITC4IIO< - 4 toe I:t a , r ,4 I II I, , ,tk -,,lthtion to ',hie!, they have arra,, t re t ,,t , ,,t, wtth the St. George sad Colon Lines of Lrverptiol I.:maims to Insure a tiopar eure from Lsnrpnoi . ear: rt. (Iv eddy. I.el .12 thwi 'tete, mined, their :bear:toe than keep pace with their to-. ere.sing patronage, . lick NI r . W . Tartu titve constant . personal itinerintenctevm e of the trultatle - .. !rt Litt'? pool to an additional seertrify that the comfort end i acccommotiatton of the: passetigers ia dl be pa,t., i tart. attended tn. The sultscrilmrs he toll ras usual: r rtenareriy enga ged In the TransportaLor. I:clot:est tit-ha -ten Pittsburg , and the A thintic Crttes t are thereby enabled. to take charge of end fitrmard passengers tfnmed:A , e l l . "' their la nding,..itliout a aid; of dttappottitment 0 , 1301.1,, and are thesef.re prepared to contract fur pas sage Irvin any a.., por tie Gl' ttat lirltattl Or Ireland to this City; the nature of the t: attics* they are enraged in gt • ing them faciftt•ete I.l.CArrring paltlf!Vigrri I{4, I tar island not otlt..rri,te , attlinAbie, and ,r,ll, A N , - t,'"*."l"il forward plaachgery further West. by the tlheitt mods r3l" CnllVriit:Pe 511210.34 any achlttinnit fcharges for their triiilde. Si "'here persons sent ft, , decttne Cfnlll rig out , the amount Nod rot pasiage will lite refunded in flit V.M 1 TTA SCRS. The siihneribere are alert prepared to glee drafts st inr any ammrnt pa% aWe at the princtral Cd4e. and Tawas in Eng/soli, Ireland, St-141.1r,11 And. %Velem thu• alrordiag a Aare and expedit:one mod.e Remitting rands to Ott* Conntries, whrc4, percons refitukcl Ilnd tt thear interem IT, asaltireineelat-a or. ityf(lreation fd by letter post paid) writ be prompt ly attended to:: Tit AF I: F. k n C (NN . Forwarding an 4 C. ,, lntoas,o, Men hams, mar27 , it:wy. • ' PORIT.IO.II tfib, REIIIITANCR Puhaerit.er4 t..rn prepared to forward money to all foams of Eogroind, ltelan4, st^Uand and Welts, vial) deepatrh, at i nt tho lowort ratos. 8,1:111.:E.L 'MCCLURE:AN lez Co., No. 1.0, Li';otrly MEM 11133=1 John DIOtIc fi. Co., \NT 1 I . y O L O E.; iNe L r c irL r loi o P e r , n n r. manufactmer, No. ICG Ilibcrty 'trent . , 'oppo,oto " may lj I..boral advances tutee on constiploontn, • • John P. Perry, Latt nf the firm of iflalcolm, Lerch 4. Cc.,) 110LESALE GROdEn, COMMIS-IRM and Flour IV Merchant, dealerk all kinds of Count,) Pro duce, copper, tin, tin iil.xtes, tanners' loots, zinc, lead, Russia sheet iron, Iron and nails, Mote al)e stuffs, cotton yarns, snit, &c., and Pattsburgia alanuJ generally, corner or Liberty and Ir. am streets, rdtshorgh, IPa. Liberal advances, an Lsall or Goods . , made on consignments 01 Produce, E.C. ma) IS-t1 iloturtv WARE AN) PLATFORM SCALE., AND CASTING. IN fit:tit:llAL. ESPECTFULLY asks the patronage of his 11, friends. He feels I.‘Atranted that he can give satithction to all who nia , y purchase of him. Ilia establishment is on 111.?e1vps plan of Lots, sth Ward. mar3l-ly For Coughs, Colds As'lhrnn, and Consumptlonf T" great and only t.emedy rm. Colds, Coug h s, Asthma and CoNsustrloN, IS the HUM:4 IN BALSAM (IF LIFE, thicovercd by the celebrated Or. Buchan, or London, England, and introduced In to the United States under the immediate superin tendance of the inventor. The extraordinary suciese of this medicine, in the cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrnuts the A merichn Agent in soliciting for treatment the wonsr POSIIDLE testa that can be founds in the community—canes that seek relief in .vain. from any of the commith remedies of the day, and have been given tip by the most distingub bed Physicians as CONFIRMED AND Oc MLA DLE. The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and Cure the MOST DESktIATT, OF CASES. D. i 8 po quack nostrum;but a standard English medicine, of! known and established efficacy. Every family in the United States should be sup plied with Buchan's Ilung4rian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies ,of the climate, but to be used ns a preventive medicine in all cases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blond, Pain in the Side and Client, Irtitation and Soreness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic Fever, Night Sweaty, Elnaciation and General De bility, Asthma, Influenza l flopping Cough and Croup. 07 Sold in large bottles, at $1 per bottle, with full directions for the restoration of Health. Pamphlets, Containing amass of English and A merican certificates, and other evidences, showii ) g the unequalled merits of the great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratituously. DAVID F. Baant.r.r, Agent for the United States, 119 Court Street, Boston. T. W. Dvorr & Sons, General Wholesale Agenta, No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia. • ' For Sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCR & CO., Corner of Wood and Front Woofs. mayT AM. MetiONALD, Bell and Brdze • . ~ Founder, First street, near Market,;is - 4 _. prepared to make Brass Castings and ..,..,.4 .= •. Brass works. generally on the most ::i . .. f. = reasonable Virrns and shortest notie. -raatt . He invites; machinists and all til.e using brass works to give him+ a call, as he is de termined to do all work in his line very low. may 27-] y fc - 4,;., I < .:;(:.;:::;: ... 1 :.'.: . ;: . "::' , ; .'. , .:' - ' ~,.. . ...... t . ' ~., . . .•. - _ xy zltt • • .• . ~_,_ cattiii. i4i.iiic00.0..,..,,,,,,.. ==3:3:I!ZI D . A . C V. II 0 N DIAIrVrACTUREJt Or ;Grent EnOtah Itemrd9 i. ; Y~, ice. '~ ...., I' 1 . ,~j=:.. MO NM t•ftle' : prep; Remedy:t . he - , Age t. R D. SWAY -N-G'S . • - COMPOUNDSYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, ESTABLISHED IN I Stn 'Dy AN ACT OF CDNOHESS. The °seat Heme4y.for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, LiverComplaitit, Spitting Blood, Difficuktl df Bieathiiig, Fain in the Side and • Brenit, Palpitation of the Heart, • • :Influenzn,' Croup„ Broken Constitution, Sorel • ; Throat, Nerv ous Debility, - and All diseases of Throat, Breast, and , Lungs:. this most, effectual. and speedy, cure ever knovn fur any of the above dise4es 'is •SiVAY NE'S SIRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Read the Testimony. . ^ • ; • • St. Louis, Sept. 7th, 1846. Da. E. EaercttLY & Co.--Gents.—l have - beemi afflicted for about three years with a pulmonary som- plaint, which has baffled the skill of several of the most eminent physicians of our ,country. I•At .finies my' cough was very severe, pain in my side and, breast, and great difficulty in breathing. lo,this way, I continued to suffer, until life became almost a bur, den. At length I saw your advertisement of DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, anal wan persuaded by a friend of mine to make a trial oi l it, and ;purchased a bottle or you. I am happy tot inform ykw that one bottle bat effected a perfect cure, and that ; urn now in the enjoyment of good health. I make this statement in the form of a certificate, that others who may he afflicted with such diseases may know where to find a valuable medicine. Your can use thus testimony in commendation of Dr. Swaynes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry as you think best. Yours, with respect, Wit. CAILSOR. Ont WOOD or CADTION.—Since the introduction of my' article to the public, there have a number of: unprincipled individual* got up nostrums, which they assert contain Wad Cherry; some are called " Ilatiatus," •*. end even ," Syrup °Mild Cherry," but mine is the original and only genuine preparation - ever introduced to the public, which can be proved by the public records of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. The only Lifeguard against imposition is to see that my signature is out each bottle. Swayam, Cornor of Eighth and Race streets, Philatla. ' 60,000 Mal by Consumption Would perha i al he a small estimate for the ravages of this dreartful disease in a single year then add the fearful cutala4ue of !hate rut of by by:ablation of the Lungs. Ifemarrhaire, Asthma, Coulths, - istlittn. :a, Bronehats, and other aksrases of the Ltutts and And thy lust would pre4nt an appal/trig proof of the fatality of these two elawe■ of aII 2 C22VS. But a it imp•*rxut to know that neatly all of tfloi dread wa.te of human bra nkiett base bren prevented by 2 titrielv ove of OIL l';'A SYNC'S COAIPOUND SY p WILI) CflKftftY. tne - d , cate hat igoVf been hefore the pndtrie st.ttte 'ee;;;hl years, :dui is the • of4;11,31 preparation W Col I hert, Tree. lu reytutat:on at, 3 rem edy fat Cough,,Lolii., alto tchtus , and ennatampuon of the Ltsei,, L , ased ent,eely ()pc., llSlntrktnotrierits. ue,ea hut httde 4r) :144:44.4 10 - Oltp.4l,Ct 1213119. 1130111: Who AMC 14 a t/131, t•Ccog be2:l - BIICI3 by tt, reeotet ,tnend It to their netillrthure, and thee padually anti • h.t ned an eat rddt• reputation and worked *4% into general ale. fine bottle neVer to cure a recent COtt2il or CO!.1, hilt with Strict after,. t,ti+.lll I.ol:3l . th.tect.onit that Ace.lnpaey each bottle, It, to, .1 PollnOn.kfl dlaes.tes o! long Minding assil • true most a!arznsbe:eharactet, its nlnay' given re loci, and tai ‘rry Many 113414licts has cifeetet,i Clain jilt tt zrd perm:tnent curt,. lien mm the Violt!i:C. 111.13.1. , 15, —. .. Bitters," as they contain ib.atte, of the virtue*: nt 140 ofiglrd The f original sod on ermine article is prepared S , e- DR. S W AN F., currier of Eighth mod Base streets, P . fulatleiptisa, sod for male br ageutm in ail parts of the Utllt.t4 StAlt• ynd sons parts of Europe. Prepared oiril by hit. N. 11". corner of Eighth arid Race *greet., Philadelphis. and for sale rempret.ihie broggisto in neatly .1.11 the prtticipal 111.71 s tr: the United States. sxle Iflir:ice:ft., :::td !Wolf, hr WM. THORN , S.INIAtiO street. 1.. J•t\fS, 17 , 0 .hrrt) and & 5N1)1.1' DVS. comes of IYaed cznd 2:f tft f , M.O A4E , TS FOll PITTS.ZUR.P.II, PA. jylo A, Moat Essrnosdltsnrs. Letter. /11111 , 1 her, ./, U. Gilbert, a Methert,st Eioseepal Pr, ~ her, w rate* to 1/r. Jnyne-74.,11 s ~,, 0 , 111. Aprd 27, IS-U. Dear Mr-1 never but imee used ~ • 0r d. was tit tit:lliWit I was rat our rnmctrr it,', on,l to heti itt[Wit 4' Tett in hr-eta, 6.1 t sae , warm an ak en.-d I , yritretne pato m our toad trod ant.l sum. rerdrd In 1,1,1,0 z Inv 14 , 1 1.:1 lour o' n incf,,, When I *.roar I My band +u oiler', or /II a 1,:5h state of to tlammarom. it small lit;c1: !pet On the hack •or my Mimi, *hoot tho site of a fire cent p roe. It +o.ll r 0,11,1 and came tint to the hone. When I : amts,' the 11:1411 no. otWy it, err, ronome. Into m y he a d nn d os,.r the is lone system, by twelve rd• dock My head and face or re hadll nu Mien. The elands ants - throat so s:ed Ivry much, and by Oils nor every tooth Ili my head seas more or leraloose; two tturds of the skin 0r my mouth am! hp, peeled „tr ; m y Title no near.; d my fvends to rat,, met home, ,1111.ern inilry?, but the' were fearful I could not i t, when T. I...Dater:port, who kept the put, is house, rreientedu toe tog. to in house. Chit fee, (n eters. and lock Wan Cririntnutiy tncreasmg upon met 1 had become . a:tnest turensdde. As I reached house, his moth-. rf /flied at my appearance, not me the stove with n spoonful of J.t\'NE't ALTERATIVE:, and ' repeated the dose too or three linina In the course olat t hour, in esti rch trine the fa Int ness, sick neon 111111, hillii had ponmpattv lett—a free perspiration lens! on tine buftace ruil the inflammation vastly *hating.! The third day 1 eras obit. to ride home, The Rev.: Prytnpion unformed me the attach was one of, the severest Kind of „Malts:giant Erystpchts, and that; , tie line of your A I.ltk AJIVE is a. the mean S oisaving my hlo. Respectfully sours, :I.e. 4') i> MEIZEI rn, eale in Pittbergh, al the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth it., between Market and Wend streets. • _ SOLDIERS Or THE 111 r. XIC ;1 S WAR') THE sub„ rater having opened all "thee in the 'tity of Pittsburgh, in the State of Penn'a, fur the purpose of procuring Lantf Warrants at the Seat of Government, for the discharged Soldiers of the Regular Army, as well as the Volunteers, who have served their country in the present War with Niesico: informs the Ruing, and the represent:lu eon of the d cad, that by addressoig an application to him at thin City, wood the name anti address of the lb-tither, and if dean, Hs representatives, it will receive careful and protitpt attention. InstruCtions and Blanks will beNmeth:Arty' re turned per mail o the applicant, to teelt executed and \ s. returned to at this place. The W rent, when received, will he immediately sent per mail to the proper owner ; or if be should prefer receiving mo ney, I will make sale or his Warrant to the best ad vantage forcattli, and make no charge for that service. In the event of the death of the soldier, that must he mentoined in the letter, and the warrant will issue according to the following rules : First, to his wife and children, (if he have any.) Second, to his father; and Third. to his mother. flaring a son in the Genet:xl Land Office . at Wash ington, and one in the Army under General Scirt, in Mexian, the matter would receive their prompt attention, should any difficulty arise respecting the necessary proof. Letters addressed to me en the subject must- he pont paid, and incluse a Five Dollar Bank Note as my compensation. WM. 11. FOSTER. REFERENCES. Hon. Harmar Denny, Hon. Walter Voward, 3 Pittsburgh. Col. Wm. Robinson, Jr., James Hall. Esq. Robert Buchanan, Esq. Cincinnati. Irwin & Foster, Major St Clair Denny, Paymaster U. S. A., N. 0. Lieut. Col. Sain'l. W. Black, Cnpt. John Herron, Vol's Gen. Scotu s Capt. Robert Porter, Army, Mez'o Capt. / P. N. Guthrie, Reg. Army, W. B. F. may be round at the o ice of Wm. E. Austin, Esq., late Black & Liggewe, Burkc's Build ings,iFourth street. TVADRIGNENtS Cromwell, The Protector; a J_l Vindication : By J. H. Merle D , Aubigney, D. D. Price, cloth .56e.,..ha1f cloth 3Sc. This volume contains 2SO pages 12uto, bound unifo. In with the " Reformation.. "The object of this work—the rectification of the common opinion with regard to Cromwellfs reli- DUB character—has obliged the author to intro ce many quotations from hie letters anirspeeEhes. is not WE who ought, in this day, io justify the at Protector; he should justify himeelfitt . (D'Aubigney's Preface. A tew copies of the above, just received by Ex press. ELLIOTT & ENPLISH, 56 Market st.• 1 1 LOUR: 106 MATS Fine Flour - , in idore nalbr sole by JNO. F. PERRY. rn #.~"7~n~c.~.~r.y'~~w"-~"5,Ff+~ ` .w.r...: , ..1 U i^a ~...S T. ~;rsi~,~ = ji)sEl'll GILBERT Just Published. 4 , ,rtot'>43 WMMIn l inM .\ A • POSITIVE'AND ..O . ERIVIAIVENT ' CURE FOR • _ ogEtr*ATisiti, - ' 'ifiIYATS raliVoes COMPLAINTS, ' 1 tai%Vliat'tliong~i the cause's may not, be . explained, Since theirefects,are duly ascertained, Vet" riot notdelusion; prejudice'," or pride, • . - ' Irrdticemankind tia setAlielneane asidei' Wane which, tho' simple, are lirlieave:n design'd I Tti alleviate the - illicit hernia kindeP , DR; CURISTIE , B , GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG- NETIC FLUID. , :. • , fr HIS remiirkablellivention, whiehliai:received IL the universal approbatiOn-ofthe - medical profes sloe of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new ap plication •olGalvanism ,at a remedial agent, tafrittans of which the ordinary Galvanic.liatteries, Electric and Magnetic Machines; &c., are entirely dispensed ' `'with, and the mysteriouspowcrof GalYanism applied I without,any ofthe objections whichire inseparable ' Rom the gene - int - Mode new in use. The strong dos , es, and irregular intervals, in which Gelvinism,is ap , plied by the Mitchines;litiheen priartonneed, alter a 1 fair and-impartial trial , to be decidedly injurious, and it was to remedy this radical defeetthat this new pp plication was projected, which, after unceasing toil, and.perseverapce, has been brought to,its present state of perfection. The Galvanic Ringlianswer all the purposes,of the most expensive Machines ? and I in many other respects arc more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired effect. The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the Magnetic Fluid, are confidently-recommended in all I disorder , : which arise from.= enfeebled and unhealthy 1 slate of the nervous or vital system, and these-com i plaints are among the most painful and universal to ; which wo are subject. They arise, without exception, from one supple cause--a derangeinent of the Nerv ous System—and it was in these cases that other 'remedies' having so often failed, a new agent was I greatly needed, which it is confidently believed; has I been found'inahe proper and judicious application of Galvanism. i The Galvanic Itinx.s have been used with entire success in all cases of Ritecnismsst, acute or chronic, applying to the head, face or limbs, Gout, Tic-Dolo reuz, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous Sick IHeadache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, Fits Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, Apoplezy, I Stiffnessl of iointt, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, f Nairaigia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head, i pain in the Chest and Side, General Debility, Dcficien i cy of .Verrous and Physical Energy, andall NEM% i MIS DISORDERS. Incases of-confirmed Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement ofthe dimes ) live organs, they have been found equally successful. Their extraordinary effects upon the, System must he i witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive l for the preceding complaints they are"enuallyrecona -1 mended. The Rings are of dillerent prices, being I made oral] sizes, and of rations ornamental patterns, and can he worn by the most delicate female without the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation in rather agreeable than otherwise. - 1 The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands, Garters, Necklaces, Sc. In {Wile cases of .1! cry severe character, and of long standing, the prker as applied by the Galvanic Ring. is 'tot auflicieetto arrest the progress of disease ! and ultimately restore health: The improved moth i ecation in the Galvanic Ilelts, Bracelets, am., entire- I y remedies this objecuot . any"degree•of power that , i is reiiiiirmi vati rembly he obtained, and no complaint i wh.eli the myeterMus agent of Galvanism can effect ! will ft., to be pei r manently relieved. These articles I arc adapted to the waists, arms, wrists,limba,.ancles,. o r any part of the body, with perfect . convenience. 1 The Galva roc Necklaces are used - with greater bene i tit in cases of Brenchass or affections. of the throat I generally; also in eases of Nervous nearness; and' ! with almost nutfOrns success as a preventive lb: - Apo-I ' piety, Epileptic Fitq and similar complaints. r Christleosi Magnetic Final is used in connecttlm with the Galvanic Rings and all their modifications. "rho; composition has been pronounced by the French Chemists to be one of the most extraordinary discoveries or modern science. It' is bell., rii to possess the remarkable power of ren dering the nerve: sensitive to galvanic action by this me+ es causing a concentration of the influence, at the • seat of disease, thus giving rapid and permanent re lief. No miler composition in chemistry is known to produce the same effect, or to impart a similar pro perty to the nervous its stem, br means ofan outward ; :oval application. The :klagnei'ic fluid contains noth- I ing capable of the slightest injury; its application is agreeable, and it is as harinlCSs to its action as it isl t.cnonrot/ in its results. Full explanations and duce bona accompany it. The combined inventions are in every nay perfectly harmless; they are eold at prices within the reach of all and the diacoverer only re-1 quests a fair trial as a test of their aurpriaing efficacy and permanent benefit; Chirt•tie'e Gash-nillle Strengthening Plas ters. These articles torm another valuable application of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They are an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic. Rings and their modifications, acting upon the same princi ple, hut having (head vantage of more local applica tion. They are confidently recommended i as a valu able addition in the speedy cure ofltheurnatism,acute or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and, as a 'nisi use remedy in rases of Pain and' Weaknesg in the Chest or 80, k, Pain in the Side, in .4 SliWiie 141reditin$, and in Wrakarasur Oppre.!.sion of the Pulmonary Or— guns. In Spinal Complaints their effects are of the most ileciiird character, and they have otlen been u .,ed w i th complete .511CCCn. They are also of the greatest ailtantage in Pains and Weakness of the' lircaid,a nil arp hie lily recommended ravniany of those complaints to which fent:dell are especially liable. As an effectual Means for strengthening the system when debilitated with disease or othercauses;:as a certain aid in Constuutional..Weakness, as a Preventive Colds, and in all affections of the Chest, - generally, the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will he found rit great and permanent advan6ge. In a, few Words; it embraces all the virtues of tha best tonic preparation,l with the important addition niche galvanic influence,,, which is neither unpaired nor exhausted, while the action continues. 'These articles will be found entire-i lv free front those objections which area constanC source of complaint with the ordinary , plasters in common use. CAUTION inr The great celebrity and success or these arti eh,s have caused them to be counterrcited ~•nprin ciplcd persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. Cittusne has but one authorized agent in each city or the Union. 'Clic only agent in Pittsburgh, W. W. WILSON CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS, Of the highest and most respectable character z ,are constantly received, regarding the extratirdinary value and success of OM above articles. It is believ ed that in the city of New York alone; upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of less than a year, have been entirely relieved•of the must pawful chronic disorders, seine of which have completely baffled all former efforts of medical art. indeed many of the first physicians of this city; mho disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic constantly recommend this application in their, imp and with the exception or those who are too prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention - has re coived unanimous favor with the most intelligent aiming the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all , times ready and most happy to give every , facilitylu ' physicians, and all interested, fortestingrthe truth of his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery., • Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of 4th and 'Market street. octP-tlfy Vet)Wan llltnald. WF.STEII V ELT, the old and well known Venitian Blind Maher, formerly of Secend and Fourth sits., takes this method to inform his many frierms of the tact that his Factory is now in fall op eration on St. Clair et., near the old Allegheny. Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of various milers and qualities, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers. N. B. If required, Blinds will be put up so, that in case of alarm by tire, or otheswise, they. may be removed without the aid of a screw-driver,and with the same facility that any other piece of furniture' can be /colored, and without any extra expense.. je24-d&wv. Husband's Celebrated. Fluid Magnesia. Tins is a mild, safe and elegant-Anti-acid and Aperient; being a perfect solution of chemical ly pure carbonate of Magnesia in water; poseessei all the medical qualities of the finest preparations of Magnesia, without being liable 16 form concretions in the bowels, or to act injuriously upon the coats of the stomach. One table spoonfbl of the Fluid Mag. nesia in equivalent in strength to half a teaspoonful of common Magnesia. For safe by B. A. FAIINESTOCK 8: CO„ cor let and Wood, and Wood and Smithfield sts. oug LIQUORICE -5 Cases -Sicily, just rec'd and fo sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co. - oc4 cor of First and Wood sts. ) OUSSE.L , S SHAN ENG CREAM—tdoz warrant -ed genuine, in store and for sale by HAYS & BROCKWAY. X'4 irt , ...ssurbritdr, ;~, __ ._. ,e;lirt-liv);74 - • , V 4 V- 15..; sEW Y - - COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 207 Malts st ree it,.,Brstral o r New. York: 7/1.1G,C-.YAUGHIsPS VEGETABLE LITRON TParric ADVERTISEMENT F0R.D34 1 7..—"1 CAME,7I-SA*,ll:ComquEn.E,o,7 'most emphatically the case with this hrticle. Disease has eye!. yielded to its m osemarvellons Medicinal -pomer.-.. Wherever it.has gone, and:South; 4*erica, Englandi,Paeada, and the United,Statesbave proved the truth of.this statemenq.the above tootation in a strong - nd pithy sentence, tells the Whole story. Invalids;: theprin ciple..npon ,which_yqu are, cured may not, be known to you, but thisiesultef atrial of the article,ls 80.487 factorw.yo,u are restored;,and,the secret of the cure remains -with .the.propriettir. Tho__ .hiedicitict is 'a ' compound of 22 distinct Vegetal)) e l agenciea; : eaeln in dividual root basita gm) exclisive,medi; cinal prOpeity„conclictieg-with,no,othersompound I—each root makes its own care- - 7 •and as a perfect conibination, when taken into the systent, it does the work which NATURE, when her laws were first established , it should do — PURIFIES, •STRENGTRE.NS, AND RESTORES the broken clevin„debilitatedcapititetion.,Dnorsv, its characters, Will be completely eradicated from the, eyiteti by,its use... See pamplets in agents' handa, far free circulation—they, trent.,npon. all diseases,l I and show testimony acute!. GRAVEL, andallcom ; plaints or the urinary organs,formulso.the cause of kentenifering, and' Varatr!s LITMORTIIMITe has ' acquired no small celebrity over the 'country; by thel cures it has made in this .dietressing class of tions. ram ed ;it - seem,. is 'this medicine, that ,it has thus attracted the notice'Of one of our-Medicl, p u blications: In the. November Na. ; 1846,,,0r the “Bnfralo Journal and:Monthly Rovievil of Medical., 'mid Surgical Science„!' in an article upon calcurouil diseases, and "solvents," the writer, after notieingl the fact that thaEnglish government once purchased a secret remedy, and also noticing 'the purchase in ISO 2, of a secret remedy, by. the Legislature of New York; thus pays tribute to the fame of theMedicirie: "'Why do not-our Representatives in 'Senate and , Assembly convened,:enlighten and .dissolie , the' I suffering thousands cif this eountry, by the purchaie of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic, than which tie solvent since the days of Alchiniyhas.possessed One half the fame D , Reader, here is a periodical of high standingi acknowledged throughout a large section of this country to be one of the best conducted jour nals of the kind in the United 'States. exchanging with the scientific works'of Europe to our certain ;knowledge, edited by Austin I:l;int,llJ,D. ,? and coo -1 tritinted to by men Grille highest ty, thus stepping aside to' notice a "secret remedy.li• You - will at once understand no link:mum and worth less' nostrum, could thus extort a comment:from .so, high a quarltr—and consequently," unless it directly, conflicted with the practice of the faculty, it must have been its great "fame" which has. caused it to receive this passing nod. KIDNEY diseases, weak ness of the back and spine, irregular, painful and ,suppressed Mensturation Flour Albus, and:the en-1 tire complicated train ofevils which follow a disor-1 tiered system, are at once relieved by the medicine. l Send for pamphlets from Agents,and you will find ; evidence of the value of the Lithontriptic there put I forth. As a remedy for the irregularities of the, re ! male system, it has in the compound a ..roott,l which has been resorted to in the north of Europe for cen,l, Ituries—as a sure cure for this complaint, and ti re, I storey of the health of the entire system. Lives ComPLAIKT, JAUNDICE, BILIMIs DISEASES, &c.,are ' instanily relieved. People of the West-will fid it, vq,t onty remedy in these complaints, as well as FE-1 VCR AND AGUE. There is , no remedy like it, and no calomel or quinine forms any -part-of this mixture:- No injury will result in its use,and its active proper ties are manifested in the use of a single 30 oz bottle.l FOR FEVER AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders, take _no' other Medicine. RHEUMATISM, Gear, wil Vind relief. ; the action of this medicine upon the Blood, will I change the disease—which originates in the blood L—and a healthy,result will follow . , Drams's, Isr rommisms, lac., yield in; few days use of this Medi eine, inflammation or THE Lures. CouGa,. Con summon also, has ever found relief. SCRoVULA*, EnTsfrELAs, PILES, iittlamed Eyes—all caused by im pure blood—will lidd this article the remedy. The system, completely acted upon by the twenty-two [different properties of the mixture, is purified and restored—as a partial cure will not. follow. The , train of common complaints, Palpitation of the; Heart, Sick Headache, Debility; 4-c., are all the re sult of some derangement of the system, and-.the GREAT RESTORER will do its work. The promises set forth in the advertisement, are based upon the proof of what it has done in the past four years. fhe written testimony of 1000 Agents, in Canada, the United States, Englandiind South -America, in the possession of the proprietorand' can be seen by all inierested—is a svfftcient demonstration that it is the hest Medicine. erer offered, to the World. Get the pamphlet, and study, the principle as there laid down, of the method of cute. Put up in 30 oz. bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do at $ reach—the larger hold ing 6 oz. more than two small bottles. Leek out' and not get imposed upon. Every, bottle has - "Vaughn's'. Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture" blown upon the glass, the written signature of. , G.C. Vaugn ,, on ihe directious, and 'G. C. Vatighnißutralo, , stamped on the cork." None OtheK L , are genuine. Prepared by Dr. G• C . Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office, 207 Main street, Buffalo, ,at wholesale , arid retail No attention given to let ters, unless PoSfriald—or ders from regular/y constituted Azlttserligls4:.pait paid fetters, or verbal soliciting ad•. ; vice, proniptly attended , to , gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to-the-sale of this arti cle-132 Nassau at:, New York city; 295 Essex st.. Salem, by the principal Druggists through out the Limed States and Gatiada, as advertised in the papers., - . Agents in this ; city—. fr . , ; Hays Brack way, Wholesale and Retail Agents, No.Commercial' Roe?, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Also, R. E. Sellers, 4,7,We0d street; John Mitchelly Federal street, Allegheny city; John Barclay, Beaver; John smith, Bridgewater. ; , , jan3o-d&wly atCyla Car e litatisam, IS a pleasant, certain, rah and effectual :remedy for l)ysentery, Diarrheca, or Looseness'; Cholera Morin',, Stimmer Complaint, Cholic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Sick and Nervous Headar-h, Heart= burn, Waterbrasl,, Pain r. sickness of tilt , Strlinitah, Vomiting, Spitting up of Food alter Eating, and also ivhcre it passes through:the body unchanged, Want of Appetite, Restlessness- and Inability to' Steep; Wind in the Stomach•and bowels, Hysterics, Cramp, Nervous Tremors and Twitchings, Sea Sickness,. Paintings, bt elapcliqv and . Lownessof ti ng and : crying of Infants, and for all Bowel Affec tions and Nervous Diseases. • This is ono of the tenet efficient, pleasant and safe compositions ever offered to, the public for the cure .of •the various deringenients or tlie-stramaCh and bowels, and the only article Worthy of thdleist confidence' for c oring cholerg infant:nu ,or_Suinmei Complaint; and , inll. the above diseases it really acts like a charm. . All persous,are requested to try it, for withoutex, ception, it is one of the , inost-valuab,le.family,rnedi cines yet-discovered.liundretis! May theu sands, of certificates have been-received from- phy sicians; Clcuiymen, and' faMilies of the first reeve& Lability, bearing the stroogest testimony irrits-favor, tuo Milner:6es to publish. For sale at the-Pekin:Fp:a StMe, 72.FoirtliStreet-, Sprains', Strains,'Paint ofthel:re/tit' and stile, and diseases of the Spine, nUltEDTuut OtTe6tuallj relieved by the use of ture's ovvrr Reinedy, the - AAIERICAN:OIL - 1 , ,0ti-, tained from a. well in Kentucki, - 185 feet bul&er the Earth's surfueg.. 'KentlickY wall:cured of a Spinal Disease; is-bleb-had - confiried her to her bed for many iveakee9thpletely helpless, by the use 9( this reriledy„ - afterv°l„. nous other remedies had bein tried in vain. Read the , following testimonial:l PITTSBURGH, August 22, 1846 This is to ccrrtify, that we have - used the AstErit cArr OIL for the whooping cough among our children, by giving - them front 20 drops to a small tea spodo full at night, which al ways enabled them to rest well through the night; L alio applied . itia.one children that got her arm, burnt, the child ceased crying by the time the.arni was dressed and bound. up. I also was afflicted with.a pain. in rriyaidefand breast, and have been so for-16 years. I commenced using the taking a teaspoonful twice:a ir raY, and in 2or 3 days.usingtheOilhase been very tic relieved, and do' believe that - it is the hest fatnily. medicine' I have , ever seencire - of my 'neighbors' used it at my request for a sprainedaticlerich licved her in a few minutes;; hatie alio died the. Oil for a strained joint in our own farnili4which gave . ease in a very short tiine. We live on the east side of Penn st , 3 doors south '.of Walnut. 1 natnow as well as ever I was in my life. - • MARG = ARET A. SMITH.- Sold wholesale and 'retail byWnr..Jacksn, Boot' end •Shoe 'stbre'arid , Patent Medici - lie'Ware , ' house, 89, Liberty. Otreet; head Of Wood street, Pitti burgh. Price 50 cents and 11- per bottle. Win. Jackson being -the-exclusive Agent 'for Western Pennsylvania, NONE'IS, - GENUINE but 'what is sold by rum OR Ars appointed agents. N. 13. A pamphlet ample direetions, &c., with the,-Named -and Addresses of the proprie tors and prinetpal Agents is enveloped in the wrap ; per of ettelt%ottle." [wig 284fetit15-d&w6m- _ .i MEE lEII 4 .1 I - f ' ESSE r The C4Asinryttisd-j4iiaßA-emedy FOR.,sTER - CVligvi!Cß^,QtßQ3.lGs-DiSEASFiII: ...... _... „ MAZIFiIPS affitCID.WrefiERDIt:ORITIZO.P2CAL .-:.HYGIENE. Discovered by „Dr..bilazonissfhaly in the year 1845 and introduced infoo s ibe U. States early in 1846. THIS unrivalled medicine for the` radical are or Chronic diseases has spread th.aughout Europe with the most unerauelleaspeed;didiriumphant suet cess, effecting thembet astonishing cures micr,knewzr or recorded in the.annale Of Medicalliistory.,, l ,,Since its introduction;, into thq United ,States it has !Atka) , sustained the high reputation it so justly received in the East, curing, : here as it has done there,,the Most' inveterate and long standing diseases with whiell the human rfandly, are afflicted...ThePhylicians Ofi,Eu.. xopeguridAmerica-(as - fax as they have beconsii ac.l quainted,with its Mode- of operation) "together with.:' the - thousands who have been Teetered to health by its superior efficacy with. one united:voice , proefaim it to be the most perfect remedial agent s ever' offered' to suffering humanity.- It is now an established.ffleti "that Consumption maybe; tan be, and has bein ei eked'. hy.pr..llld.zoni , a Sicilian , S,yrup 'or Tropical. Hyena ii -+ This his is the onlymedicine Suit •haletier'heeti•dis co veted that has achieved a:Mire where this di elite had gained q settled and permanent holdup ' on the 1, system. . For- the truth ' of th - fii•aiaeiffenove ave the certificates of same, of the rnosterninent yid cianeof 'Europe and Arbenea;eipresily declaring, that they have presetibed it iiibundredrof inirtaniee 'where the patientewere considered beyond allfflopii of recovery; and, to their'astonishnient,hais effected themost speedy and perfect cures. No one iheris unacquainted with its action can imagine-the yeti.' derail success that attends theadministration qf this medicine in. every :varietyclf:thronic' diisease7par ticularly Consumption, Scraula or kings evil, att._ • Ma,Plithisic, Filet; (see cases reported iiii pam hlets: and circulars), -Cancers, Liver Cornpraints; Co live. - nese . and- Indigestion, Sore and: Inflamed. T oatr; Bronchitis, Dropsiesi Chronic Inflamation '0 •. the" Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility and. Iratibility .of the nervous :system, Spinal .affections4 - Paralysiiir Chronic - Dias/al:lima, Pain in the breast and. sider. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Rheumatism, Diseases eftlitr Stomach and:Bowels, inward weakness and filliffr down of the womb, andbll the :chronic diseasel , pe:•• culiar to females is their various relations in site a , This medicine is prepared only by , Dr. Mazotriv "._. self, and is composed entirely-of vegetable ma m a} '- containing the extract of 42 - of the most rarepi '- cal plants but few of which are known to the , lvdi • ' " cal Profession generally. . - - - ' - Ithas so far surpassed ' every other inedicin eve , . offered to the world in eradicatine•disease, that it= ` has not only enlisted many of the most talented..". medical men in the world in its favor but what-is-- more-extraordinary the governinerit where it was; discovered Hatr made it an offence punishable icith death to attempt counterfeiting :it bt.. - niakiiii's eg . " any eincrititis article purporting to be- the so e - Q , 7 representing it to be genuine. And „this G Vern" ment his also made a liberal Prbvision for th pro. tection of it here. •To the afflicted we say le none dispair, though you - may have been: given. p by your Physician and , considered by Your frie ds as beyond all hbpe; try a bottle of this medicin and _you may rely upon the fact; that if-you have hyai. cal strength enough left to endure its actio n you will find certain and 'speedy relief, for . this hal been the. case in thousands of ; instances, in proof of hick we can produce certificates from individuals f the most respectable .character both, of- -Enrep :and- America. This medicine- williie offered fo scare only at the county..seate of each' county owi g:te - ' the small, amount yet imported anikthe anal ty 0f.., the proprietor to place this- valuable - remedyet - Rhinit the reach of all throughout the United States.' -".• r. - , I-lays Et Brockway, Druggists, No. 2 Comnimmiall: •' Row, Liberty street, wholesale and retail Agents o Allegheny county. Sold also: by R. E.:Sellentl• No—, 67 Wood et. : • • . - ..dec2941` ..-- •:: Jones's 'Coral Hatr:Restoratlve. IHEREBY certify that my hair was falling immense quantities daily' s and was turning and thatsince I haveused Jones's Coral Hair R rative, it has entirely ceased. fallingis gro fast, and-has a fine dark hook: Before:fused Jo i Coral Restorative, I Mombed haifdaily." . -•••-• - W. TOMPICINS92 King ist.N. Fbr sale by W. Jackson; Agent, corner of '1 and Liberty streets = the only place ',in ' Pitts' where thC crirrorwr. war .be_ubtaineiL_ ._ --jai 'Airy PARTNE.R, Mr. Liigett,' an ..13-1 2 Esq.;, auend tit 'zit) unEdiihett nes . ;arid . l recorttend !Ilan to the patiViate,t I friendi. I azditithorized to state that diet' wile dceire the coudreantr assistance or the Hoe. R We., ()Mee, 4d story of Burkes Buildings,4th s etween Wood and Market. ja6-13, . . 1 :. , watehes train Enr,ope. _TUST receivcd;:a fresh importation of fine andSilverPatent Lever Watches of qualities and handsomest. patterns, which:l a ;. hng at as low prices* the liame.qualitieiiare chased for in thii - Illitern. cities—Ttheir sualit • I accuracy ea timekeepers will be . guaranteed. Gold Patent Lever and, Other Wil i tches, at $35, $40," and upwards: Being determined ,tothe.'- interest o citizens and others, to purchase nt fully invite, attention to my large and beautif sentient of Watches and Watch trimmings. , -.•, :The best attention constantly.given to to', paring pffity , my employ', most experienced and best workmen in Ahe S and every, facility for doing-all 'kinds of Watch' Clock work. in the very best manner.- jylO C HI Npsz• HAIR.' citz , mit • A -NATc4LEsst:ARTicir—FOR! -- - I - Growth, Beau ly, ofict„Rethiration. of the Hai THIS CREAMAwben • once kn own, willistipe ,:..alf other. articles of the . .. kind• now in Where the hair. is deatii,harslr, :thin s unheilth • turning grey, a few applications-will: make the nett and .dark, and give it a beautiful ;IlivelY.np • • ance.-and wiltalsw,make.irmitintain , itili'Veli j and healthy ..color, twice as •Iting4s all the= pre (tions whin I are generallyteed.:,.. „Where- the . h thin, or. has Inilen.offilt may . bei . estiirest - hy,' , this cream. Every lady and gentlenian,wha is i . habit ,af using-oils _on their hair -elionittatthic*,j chase a- bottle of the Chinese Vali' Creliriii, islt ' eineposed that it will not injure the hair like.the i er preparations, - but 4111-beautify.itomd giVelie • satisfaction in •every . instanca. • •, -; -' ' - ..•j: • --- Forteatitnony• totti very Superior - finalities the following •letter : from • Rev: me:- Calthveli hleitsrs. HendeMhott & Stie i cli,•lsitisliville, ie . . - ... - ..... -. . . _,.. • agents for the SouthereState :•• .....-- •- - • --.- • -Letter - pom the .. Rev. - .•14.' • Ccildwell,] - PeistOtb ' . •:.--,.-, '. - I•Presbyteriairt - Church,jß.tilaiki.. - '.", Messis. Hendorshott 410..5i:retch . : - Ge n tleme take pleasure in adding my testimiitiy. - iiffaVor, e • ,excellent prep - elation' called j•Pe. j. :i'AHRIHr& Cu • Hem Ceeast,-for,- about two. years-ego,' ay. Was very dry - ,:brittly, iiiiildispoSed to cOme - Mitr having.procured,a••hottle of • the cream, and us ; according tothe - preseriPtion,itianoWeoft, el j a: amifirrn,tetbe. heall,.;•Alany. balsams liintl•tills. j .' 4Mtied,.each, j leaving.my.,,hair in ny W.opq , state: before Thikeinarni however, fink mekiny.ifr, As an article foy.thetefiet,mi wife giyes it pre enee over all other's being delicately perfumed, i not disposercto Thiffedieti esyieCialky find the Chinese Cream to be-i'desideratunfili . preparations for the toilet.. Respeetfully, Ere.l R. 'CALPWELI Pulfiski, Jailuary 7;1817. • .Sold wholesale and.retail; in M. Townsend, No. .45, ..Market:street ; and Mohler; corner of Wood. and..Fiftlfetreetii. ' CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING !II The Three Big Doors , vs: - T4e World 1.11, 150,000 WELL SELECTED GA-RMENTEM TOW made'and ready to =be offered on;the.moit - . LI liberal terms to my old customers and the . Publ., RC in general. The Proprietor of. this far famed pan extensive establishment has now, afteri=rethriartigl from the Eastern cities,atrmuch troubreand exPenhei'.....::: Lust completed hiseTal and winter arrangemeatit to supply' his theasarida - of customers With one 'of I the Most desirable itoeks pfClOthilig= . that'has ever been offered lit this iivany'otherniark ot West iifthe'airiOn;• tains.: For neatness tir_l4l - e'tMd billed With. the very low price - whit'' they ;Wilt be sold for, must certaipiLrender_thc._old_linrilialled_. Three — SigDoors one of ,the, greatest attraction is of the western-country .-: It is:gratifying to' mete Se .?=; ahle:to announce to my. numerous friends it:h and 'abroad ,:that itetwithstanding . the e x traordinary efforts which I-have,niade to meet the:maay = .5 my line, it is with difficultyl.can keep time with Lthel'.. eonstantrush :that is made on this popular eatablish,. meat,: is a well ,established fitcty that'my: sales are - eight or ten times larger than any other house int dia.' e trade, and..this.being the case oe• the amount solt4l can afford to Sell at much less profit.than otheri cd possibly think of doing if they wished to COATT' ungent expenses. I intend to make a clean' s eep, of all . m . y present stock before the beginaingt cif - ett'4, "yearteomieg to this. conclusion; I make if the.l'LZ2 interest of, every man;: *bor.-Wants a cheap wntig suit, to hairand;purchaen at the Threa 7 DirDatrirstL , =''' JOAN WCLOSILEr. =I MEE '.''':..', ..7':i:,,'-, "*".4 111'0 ( f To my Clieuis " W. W. WILSON, Corner Of 4th and Markets EIN -~ , ~,~ _ ~ _ , BEIN II B U _Y"k~~;. ~:: II Ili II sto. lug es's Is of uB--` .usi • f my I re- Bo.d cet,, iild kepi sel- pur and teci; re=; the. ,ate„ land I -de .0: ..yam: chair . ear- • Eft!' • fir is sing tho e so oth rest' I see to ,oral c' the`" ESE hair but=- tie, ere hap r_ ,cta -fer- • I land 1 1 '' ern ME