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"Vir7l.L be sold, at the Auction iltooaiy No. 114 yy Wood street, 8 dews from 6th, on Monday next, October llth, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 1 Jersey Wagon or Omnibus, neatly new, in complete orde_r, and made in the most fashionable manner, JAMES WEENNA, Auct , r, I , . Large arid Extensive Stook (IF Foieign and : . Domestic Woolen, Cotton, and V Fancy Dry c ods , at private sale, very low, BY ANIESI M'KENNA. At the Auetion Rooms, No. 114 !Wood street, 3 Moors from sth, will be sold at private sale,• at ex ' traordinary low Eirices, either by the piece, pack 'age, or in any qaantity tolsuit purchasers, an unusu ally large and well assorted stock. of Winter Dry Goody, °revery description, style and pattern, such its is seldom offered for sale in this market, consign ed from some of the mostieztensive Importing and Jobbing Houses in the country. Country Merehants and dealers will find it to their advantage;to, call and purchase. oc7 • JAMES M'KENNA, 76 Banding Lots, Adjoining the 7th Wart} f the Cits at Auction. n k l"I Saturday afternoonithel6th inst., at 2 o'clock, on the premises, will. be sold 76 very handsome ly situated lots 'of ground, fivnturgon ;Bedford, Ridge and Kirkpatrick streets, near the city', lot on Holmes' Hill. 'A plan of which may be seen' at the Auction Room, 0 , on application to Messrs. Geo. W. Layng, aintlJ. W. Buchanan, Ens, Title indisputable. Terms. One fifth cas h residue in four equal an *nnelpayments with interest. lets JOHN 1). DAVIS, Alien, . ir.xtra. Sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods at !iductiom BY JAMES ; M'KENisIA. i 0-MORBOW, Thursday, Oct. 76, at 10 o'clock, T A: M., will be sold without reserve, to cover tati'advance, a large Josef& of Domestic Goods re-I calved' ftem the manufacttirers; also, a large lot of fancy and ample Dry Goods, among which aret Superfine, and fine black, blue black, and blue cloths; 1 piece very fine gehuine bl'eFrench cloth; I'do heavy domestic cloth for over -coats or pants; 19 do do blue black Beaier cloths; 4-4 do double milled French and English fancy and plain caul meres; 120 piece' cassmetts, various'' colors; 92 do plain and twilled fiannels,! together with a •large assortment of Dry Goods, viz: muslina, al paceas, Irish linens, hosie4, silk pocket hdkfs. and craiats. ! At 2 o'clock, P. M.,_ the ; 'household and kitchen furniture of a private Wilily declining housekeeping, comprising bureaus, tables,lbedateads, feather beds, carpeting, metres/ins, chairs, kitchen Utensils, &c. At 7 o'clock. same emning, a large invoice of gold and silveipatentlever ' l'epihe and heavy double cas ed English watches, both new and second hand, -among which is one of the old fashioned and genuine Itorkell levers; also, some Very fine ghartiers. And immediately after, a large Ibt of fine "cloths ' cassi eneres, and cassinetts, in lengths to suit purehasers. - Also, 3 cases of Patent lever Brass Clocks. Terms at sale. 1 -oc6 JAMES Id'BENNA, AtteVr. FM Large and Po sitives Sale ty Fine Gold and Silver Pafent Lever,'DEpine and other New and Second hand Watches at Auction. BY JAMES 14 , 3CE.NAA. ON Saturday evening nett, Oct. 9th; at 7 o'clock, precisely, will be sold it the Auction Rooms, No 114 Wood street, three doors from' ifth at. 32 fine gold patent lever watches, various patterns: 19 fine silver, do do; 12 do gold Pepines; 13 do silver Pepineiq 3 do do quartiers, received direct from the largest Importing House in the U. States, and made by the allowing celebrated Manufacturers, viz: Robert Roskell, Liverpo+l; John Harrison, do; Be Rey, Paris; M. J. Tobias, Liverpool; M. J. Tobi. es; London; Goldsmith, Liverpool ; Cooper , do; Rob in on, tlan Johnson, do; W. P. Lucas, Eublin; 0. Gar mad, do; Jackson, do; Belfast; Gillespie, do; Wallace, Edinburgh; Stuart do, &c. &c. And at the same time, a large lot ofsecond hand watches, assorted, belonging to different persona. Also, mantel chicks, a full and particular descrip tion will be given in catalogue. At the same time, by order of Administrators, I splendid mahogany:seeretaryLand book case, 1 ma hogany frame spring seat rocking chair, I do do sofa, 1 do pier table marble tnp, Isett white stone China, 1 astral lamp, 1 sett candlebraii, 1 pair dp, mahogany bureaus, a few oil paintings, Catalogues of the above aiticles will be ready on Thursday morning. oc6 JAMES . MO:CP.IINA, Auct'r. =SI = MEI Auction Shies BY JOHN D. DAYIS,!AUCTIOkEER. DRY COOPS. ON Thursday morning the 7th instant, at 10 IV- A. J clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, cornea of Wood and sth stn., will be!sold, an extensive as sortment of imaisonable Dry Glode, among which are Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, 'Flannels, Bleached ted übleached Muslins, Calicoes , Alpacoas, lustte Gingham, Tickings, &c. , At 2 o'clock, P. ?if., one large Iron Safe, suitable for Banking House, Insurancn Office, or large Couni ing House. Inv El A large assortment of China; aml Queensvrare, em bracing every variety wanted by housekeepers and hotels. A great quantity of Household and Kitchen Fur niture, from a family declining housekeeping: it., Feather beds, bedding, Mattrasses, Carpeting, Looking Glasses, Mantel Clocks, Mantel Lamps, Cooking stoves, Groceries, Confectionery, Glass ware, &c. At 6} o'clock, P. M., a handgome assortment of fine Table and Pocket Cutlery, Single and Double barrelled Fowling pieces, piitols, • German fancy goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Ready made Cloth ing, Variety goods, &c. octs 10 Building Lots in cite 7th Ward at Auction. ON Saturdayafternoon the Oth inst., at 3 o'clock will be sold on the premises Ten handsomely uated 'building Lots, on Holmes' Hill, having each a front of 24 feet on Webster street, which is '6O feet wide, and extending back 127 feet to an alley 20 feet wide, adjoining property of the late John Keating, deed. Ternne—One-fifth cash, reaidlie intent equal annu al payments with interest. Title indisputable. The Property will be shown on application to Mr. Chas! Rowan, at the Lumber yard office on 6th street. oc4 JOHN 0. DAVIS, Auct'r. Stray Horse. WAS taken up by the aubsd;iber in Mifflin Town ship, Allegheny County; on the 25th of Sept. a Bay Horse, sixteen hands high, lame in the right hind leg, with a lump on the front of the knee, and three shoes on: supposed to hi ten or twelve years i old. The owner s requested to come' forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. oct7-3t• JAMES LAW Su' rNDRIF.S-150 doz Playing Cards; 6 dozen Brandy fruit; 6 do Walnut Ketsup 5 do Tomato do; 50 do Claret wse ; 3 cake do ; 6 dozen Lemon Syrilp ; 18 dozen Sardines; 5 bakti Olive(61; 15 dozen Champagnea,(gts and pints,) 6 dozen Peppermint; 5 dozen Stoughton Bittern. A. 18 03 crushed and pulVerized' Sugary for sale by octs $ P. C. MARTIN. George W. LeCyng. A TTORNEY and Counsellos at Law and Notary ALPublic; office at the corner of 4th and Wood sty. over Gibbet t& Jonea' Exchange office. oct4 VARIEGATED SOAP.--20 Boxes for sale by RAYS & BROCKWAY A FY CAYENNE--1 cane foi gale by HAYS & BROCKWAY ENPi Sg_= VAUGHWS VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIG— iO doz in store and for sale by HAYS BROCKWAY, YELLOW OCHRE.-400 lbs!in store and for sale by HAYS &BROCKWAY. CAMPIIHIEWL-v-In store and for eale by HAY§ e!..BROCKWAY WINTER LARD OIL-6 bit's and 4 half bb's No I lard oil bleached and free from sediment, just reed and fur sale by oct2 ME EAS-54 hf. Cheats Young Ryson and PouchonE Teas, just received and for lonia by oc6 MILLER ft RICKETSOh. LTOS. 1 and 2 MAC.KEREI.--10 Bbble No. 1 Mackerel; 10 hr. Bbla No 1 do.; , 10 ,No 2 do.; . 1 10 cc 'No 2 do.; just reed and for sale by ocs MILL/544r RICII&TSON. QIIGAR-14 Hhde. R. K. Sugar, juat reo'd and for ocb sale by MILLER 14- RICKETSON. WHITE WINE VINEGAI white Vinegar (for famil and for sale by ocs _~_ ....,........:. . .... . ~,..... ,-7 , - , ,,,,v0 , 0p.,1- , 0. , , , „ . -_,..4,4._i..i, ,,,, - , , ,,. -.i. , •1 ';',q, r ; - . 1-;.!,•: V r+r r i_ '."1 . : 7._,* - ;.1 -- .i.l t f.'..7, : : - -:_. - Tti''' . S. 61 NIESESEMENIE E ..19 3 4rxd~ N .t7"..eyi~ :3- ME 1 F. R. SELLERS Eighths Casks use) just received MILLER & RICKETSON i ^*,t: - 1,.:*,v4:,.,i,: , .C:1, ~, I :‘lJr-i...%:':.. `..7.''. For Noir Orieanr . . 1 i •10E . ..l b THE Steamer BATESVILLE ) Hopanrs, Muter, will leave for the above end inter ti iato indinge, on Wedticsaay next, (6th,), at 10 o'clock,. A. AL For Freight or Passage apply on e . board, or to • i ' oc4 JAMES MAY. . DERTIEII PENS-4Platinated by Galviinie Pio. .LAT nen. AsgoodaiGold Pens. • Eighteen cents a card, containing 20, pens with a good pon'holder, Pen No 1 suitable !or running band; 2 Sicietary hand; 3 " - round. 4 , g ; 4, Italian " 5 " i g; old English blank letter; - " Ludy s s hand. The Pin No 4 Drawine Schohls. is principally used in Wtiring.and etc. The Pon No 6 for copying Music, tualcing packets. • The Pens Nos I and:, 2 for Bank Note Signatures, as these pens never cut the paper, however fine, or however heavy the hand may be: ;;LUKE LOOMIS; Agent, 85 Wood street: ee3o A T a meeting of the manufacturers of Cotton 11 . Yarn, held on the lit of October, the follow ing prices were &gr.( ediupos as the rrtrr cam rates, subject to so discount, viz e No. 5 to 10 Cotton Yarn, " 11 to 13 't " 500 0 " 600 o " 700 if "8, 9 & 1000" 1 Candlewick, 18 c Its. Carpet Chain, 1 23 Coverlet Yarn, 25 Wrapping Twine 25 " Family Batting, 16 . Common " i I t " P. WCORMICK, Hope Cotton Mill KING, PENNOCK & CO. Eagle. MOORHEAD, ..10PELAND & CO., Union. NW. VOEGTLYI& CO., Star. [oct 21w More Now Book• at Morse's wRITINGS OF WASHINGTON, by J. Sparks, The Simple Storii,e new novel, by Mrs. Inch- bald. The Iron Chest, a play ins acts. A Story of the Battle of Waterloo, by Rea. G. IL tleig, M. A. Hackleps Geometry, ror Schools and Colleges. Draper's Natural Philosophy, four hundred illus trations. Howites Natural History, illustrated. Ilowitt's Tales in Verse, juvenile. Louis XIV and the Court of France, by Miss tPar doe, part 5. Agnes Searle, cheap form, by Miss Pickering. Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Smith, with illus trations. The Nursery Rhyme itook, a new collection of Rhymes, Games, Sports god Ginglea. Illustrated. Living Age, No. 175. Taylor". Counterfeit Detector. Ladies National Magasiine for October. Gody's Lady's Book ! " " Graham's Magazine I " " Ardent Froughton, the Wretched Merchant, by Merritt. All the Foreign RevieiNs and quarterlies, just re ceived and for sale at ! MORSE'S Literary Depot, as2s 85 Fourth st.,befween Market fit Wood sts. J. D. LEHNER j E. W. ANDERSON, Late of Pittsburgh, Pa. i Late of Nashville, Tenn LEI[MER ,t; A NpV.II%ON, DEALERS JN COTTON. Forwarding and Coiramission Merchants, No. 8 Front Street, above Broadway. CINCINNATI, OHIO. HEVER TO ~ Merchants generally, Pittsburgh, Pa. Merchants generally, Nashville, Tenn. %V. F. Lane & Co, Louisville, Ky. Springer t White an, Cincinnati, Ohio. James Johnston & FO., Hewitt, Heran & Co e , New Orleans. Magregor & Morris; New York. Duval, Keighier & Fo., Baltimore. Smith, Rag...ley & Co., Philadelphia. Daniel Deshon, Roiton• sep24-ly PORT *VINES BIH.S. PORT WI H ES, good vintages, °O M, I '40,"42, '43, '44, aid '45, consisting of t • Harris& Son 'c c' purejuice Pure, 1840: do " Treble grape q Pure juice; do a double do `` Os born'• FF & Co. I do 1834, straw Hunt & Co. " do color, rich , 173 Ducal Grape single do ; and fruity; Burgundy do do Queen pale rich-and very superior; Lagure, l casks, Cala bria and Cette. Several of these winesi are the best for medical purposes; many of them come from the District of the upper Corgo, entirelyi freed by age from acidity or sweetness. Just receieed, in store and for sale by the original package,and also on draught at the Wine store of the subscrier. JACOB WEAVER, 16, cor of Market and Front ate ee24 JUST RF f CEIVED At Mrs. DUFF'S New Millinery Store, 10 St. Clair street, NEW style French Ch4mizettes, Mourning Col Jars, Fancy Frills and Capes, Mourning do., Ladies Silk Scarfs, a new and elegant pattern of Ladies Velvet Bead Bags, Black net Gloves, a choice selection of rich new styles Cap sad BONNET Rea sons, Rich Black Silk for Cardinals, Swiss Muslins, Nets, &c., Ladies Cardinals made or cut to order in the latest styles. , ,Also, Bonnets, Caps, Capes, Frills, and every article in the Millinery business.. scp4 Gold Pens Gold Pins! Gold Pens Z: WILSON, TT AS just received a very large assortment of the best Premium Diamcind Pointed Gold Pens— selected with great care badhimself, a few days since in New York, and w:11 sell them at regular New York prices, and warrant them. A part of the se lection are of Levi Brown, : Hayden, Albert G. Bagley, Prince Albert, Benedict & Barney, Rough and Ready, Wood ward, and other makers. se 10 Husband's Celebrated Fluid Magnesia. r HIS is a mild, safe* and elegant Anti-acid and Aperient; being a perfect solution of chemical ly pure carbonate ot Magnesia in water; posaessea all the medical qualities of the finest preparations of Magnesia, without being liable to form concretions in the bowels, or to act injdrionaly upon the coats of the stomach. One table spoonful of the Fluid Mag nesia is equivalent in strength to half a teaspoonful of common Magnesia. For sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., cor let and Wood, and Wood and Smithfield sts. augfl S. DIIINLEY, lionse, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, AM) DEALAIi! IN PAINTS, No. 44, St. CLAIR SEET, P/TTERURGII, HAS constantly on baud all kinds of PAINT; either Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil; Boiled Oil; Spirits Turpentine; Window Glass, of all sixes; Putty, Paint Brushes, &c., all of the best quality, and for tare at reasonable prices. sepll-tf Geld Speritaeies. TUST OPENING,a large stock of Gold Spectacles J of all patterns, for Ladies and Gent' ne"'re - n, of the best Gold and workmanship, and for sale at East ern prices, at the IVatch and Jewelry Store of W. W. WILSON, cor of 4th and Market et, Belo Glasegos4 & Beaver Packet. Li jiMa THE New anll Light Draught Steamer CAROLINE, Nixon, Master, will run be t"7etiMurgh and the above Ports during the sea son of low water; leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 9 o'clock, A. M. and Wellsville every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A.M. For freight or passage apply on board. i jy23dtf Notte THE Stockholders of the Farmer's Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh, intend Making application to the next Legislature for such alteration of their charter as will give them Banking privileges; or, if deemed expedient, will ask to be incorporated as a new Bank. - By order of the Board of Directors. je3o-law6m THOMP I SON BELL, Cashier. Drugs I Drngii Drugs I OW opening at the Driig_Warehouse of HAYS N & BROCKWAY, a large and well selected as sortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs, direct from New York and other Eastern cities,, which will be sold at extremely low prices. Call and examine for yourselves. No 2 Commercial Row, near Canal Basin. C2Ed LIQUORICE -5 Cases Sicily, just recd and fo sale by B. A. FA.HNESTOCK & Co. codof First and Wood sta. ROUSSEVS SHAVING CREAM--4 doz warrant ed genuine, in !store 'end for sale by HAYS It:BROCKWAY. - - ' ' - rn ' • ' • , 5 ." • , - IN T AII:DEPIrrairscr, Omer. TriiIAN , AFFALBI3;•Sept. 18, 1847, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of thti Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Witshington, D.C4 a Electrical Theory of the Universe; Paine's Political and Theological Works; Strauss' Life of Jesus; Horan; Taylor's Die. gesis; Life of Paine; Volners Rains; Voltairea 'Phi losophical Dictionary; Pal nier , s Principled of Nature; also the latest editions of the beat liberal and scien tific pamphlets, expressly designed to facilitate the acquisition of useful - knowledge, for tale in Liberty abed, opposite Wayne attest . , where stibscriptions to Fowlers Phrenological Journal, Young - America, Regenerator, and Boston btvestigntor, wil be re ceived by (se27.d2in*) JOHN PERRAL. Carter's - 4041.antit. Ltbrary. PLF.ASANT TALES FORYOUNG PEOPLE, by old finntphrey. LI% of the Red. WM. Tenntnt, formerly Pastor of the Presbyterian Church Freehold, in New Jerse y. in which is contained, affixing other interesting pars tiCulars i an account of his being three daysin a trance, and apparently lifeless. Peaoe in Delievingi by Rev WaitOr Arcalloray. The Lora of Aestrillat 1 narrative of the loss oi the Brig Anattilla by die, on her voyage from Stith and Sydney, with an account. of the sufferings, reli gions exercises, and final rescue of the paasengers; edited by the Rev. James 11. McGavin, Dundee. ; The Force of Truth, an authentic narrative; by Thomas Scott. The above are uniform with the tChriatiatt Cabi net Libratyv> published by R. Carter. Just reed by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 66 Market at. between 3d and 4th. ee2B bit. LEIDIPS SARSAPARILLA AND VEGkTABLE BLOOD PILLS, are the safest and most efficacious ofany other pills that are made, because They are warranted free from Mercury, Minerals, or any substance whatever that can be the least in jurious or dangerous. They are the only Pills known . to contain Sarsapa rilla in thorn, and which is combined with other vegetable extracts. They posies the combined effects of purifying and cleansing the stomach and bowels, purifying the blood and fluids of the whole system. They can be taken at all times, and under all 'cir cumstances, by young and old, male and female, without interfering with other medicines that may have been taken. They can be taken- ' without any change of habits or of living, and without any restraint from occupa tion or usual employment. They can be taken, without any fear of tdking cold, during exposure to all kinds of weather or get ting wet. For sale, who'esale and retail, by 8. A. FALINESTOCK & CO., cor of Ist and Wood, and cor 6th and Wood sts. se2B MURPHY Er. CO. Looking Class Store, No. 98 Wood street.-44. J. Murphy, (late of the Sa ble Harmonists,) is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of Looking Glasses, Pier, Mantel and Toilet; plain and ornamental portrait, miniature and landscape Frames of the latest, New York styles; also, a splendid lot of ornamental window Cornices. Old Frames re-guilt. Don't forget the number 098. se9-d3;nStw4t Boots, Shoes, Trunks, etc. FOLLANSBEE. & HAY W ARE, WHOLESALE and Retail, Boor, Shoe, and Tavritt &roar, No. 186 Liberty etteet, nearly opposite the head of Wood. F. & 11. trave in store and are receiving their Fall ant Winter stock of BOOTS, SHOES, Sic. consisting of the largest stock they have ever been able to bring to this market. Our stock of goods have mostly been manufactured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh market. We also have constantly on hand a splendid stock of Hayward', Metatic Gam Elastic Shoes, both for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, the Most beautiful article ever manufactured. We would solicit an examination of our stock of goods, by all who wish to purchase either at wholesale or retail, as we shall sell al a small advance above cost, Country Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock before purchasing. FOLLANiSBEE & HAYWARD, "^ 'S6 Liberty st., Pittsburgh CM Fashionable Boot Maker. jTHE subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he has purchased the Boot Es tablishment of B. Perry, No. 55 Wood st., and will carry on the business, in future, in all its branch es. The manufacture of gentlemen's boots, will be particularly attended to, and the best mechanics em ployed to perfoam all parts of the labor, connected therewith. The very best materials will be used in their manufacture. Prod a long experience in the business, as well as being a practical workman, the subscriber expects a share of public patronage. WM. BUTLER, 65 Wood st, Second door from Third at. Having sold out my entire establishment to Wm. Butler, I take great pleasgse in recommending him to my old customary and'tbe public generally.— Knowing him to be a good practical workman,' feel confident that he will give general satisfaction. sel3-2w B. PERRY. T. *XI To Grocers and Tea Dealers. IHE Philadelphia and New York' Pekin Tea _Company, No. 35, North Front street, Phila phia, having received their Fall Stock of FRESH TEAS, are now prepared to fbrnish orders from a dis tance, either by the Half Chest of packed in their peculiar style, at prices as low as any other estab lishment in the United States, For sale, 150 Half Cheats Young Upon, (low grades and fine;) 100 IfaitChesta cairn Silver Leap, do.; 80 Cheats and Half Chests Gunpowder, (fine and extra;) 100 Chests, Half Cheats and Boxes Imperial, (fine, extra and low grades;) 50 Chests Old Hyson, ( various grades l) 250 Half Chests and Boxes Fine Oolongs,(various;) 200 do. do. Mirg Tongs, do ; 150 do. Powehongs ; (chulan and other flavours;) Oranges and Flowery Peceoes; English teakfast Teas, &c., Sze. This company establishes no exclusive agencies of any kind out of Philadelphia; but furnishes Teas packed in ¢ and pounds packages, bearing their own name to the general trade, of a quality equal to any sold in the United States at the same pricee, and pledge themselves to refund the money (hr all that do not give entire satisfaction. MtCALLMONT & BOND. No 35 North Front et., Wholesale Depot of the Company. N. 11. Orders from a distance executed faithfully and with dispatch. McC. & D. J. li. Stockdale the agent of the Company ,Igin this City and will call upon Grocers and Tea Bearers. septl l-Staw 3m DR. WILLARD'S Oriental Cough Mixture.— L.l This preparation is not the infallible remedy forthe cure of Consumption in all its stages, pt it is nevertheless the best remedy now in use for th spee dy cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influenza, Hoop ing-Cough, &c. in the very worst stages. As the season has arrived s when' people are troubled with violent coils" and its accompanying evils, it is impor tant that some safe and effectual remedy shoiild be within their reach. The Oriental Cough Mixtore is offered as such a remedy, with the confidence that it will perform more cures than any other medicine of a similar nature now before the public. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by HAYS ar. BROCKWAY, Druggists, No 2 Commercial Row, Liberty street. Also, Dn. WlLLann's Celebrated Anti-Bilious and Liver Pills. Price 2.5 cents, with 27 pills in each box. se3o • DEF CAMPHOR-300 Ibis for sale by HAYS & BROCKWAY Who Moat Aaloundtng-,fliseovesy. A „BLESSINGVk rdIRACLE ! A WONT/ER To eure,A'rtsplisors' and DlVlguremilits Of the Skin,. Pimples, peeck/A-, Sunburn-, SCR Jthstm, Scurvy, Sore Heads, kc:4-c.,-4-e. - - - 710 - 11 R years ago I ast Augnst vlietapital France r l 4 was astonisiniti rn consegn' ence of, a discovery made by an Italles,Cliernist. Many!locbtedit seem ed almost an impossibility that any . ihing made by the hands of man, could-have such singular powers as that claimed by 'trireme V3ES.Mtifil fortis inven. tion. Many classed bins and hisinvention sea hum bug, (and, alas! many foolish persons without trying', do the same now;) at length, after testing it in the hospitals, the Medical Society of littris, (the hest chemists is the world) delivered the following report to Signor. Vesprini: " We have now minutely and carefully examined the singular inrention of Vespriai. We have-EmalYz ed its component parts—we have used it in several cases ) and We' hesitate: notto pronounce it (The Italian Chemin' Soap) as .a great-blessing; and a truly wonderfUl rtmedy for any cutaneous-eruption or disfigurement of the skim' Its inventor we non alder the true philanthropist of suffering mankind. (Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY, Pres.,' Then comes the report Or the "Societe de ' , Mau. tute," of scientifik experithehts t " "We are astounded," exelSims the aged president, at this singular preparationVesprini , s Italian Chemical Soap!" Where,ilideild, will science stogl Here we hive a preparation made in-the form of ; beautiful piece of soap, which we knew , by actual practice, to cure every cutanemlii eruption, every, disfigurement of, and even discolored skin 1 Where will its magic and singular power cease 1 The Ne gro' the Creole, the Yellow Race of the Etst,end theßed Man of the Par West, are alike under the in fluence of its extraordinary powerstsf clearing yel low or discolored skin,.and Make it white and beau. tiful, and,of changing-the color of dark or black, or brown skin." (Here se 'era] persons were brought forward by the president, wbo had used it, in. proof of his assertions.) H. M. DAVIS READ :THIS! MOH THE nyvExToa HIHRELF TO THE ratsEzfr Paris Nov 4 In consideration of the sum of $ 13600, I, have lB4o. di vulged to Mn. T. Joltss, residing in the City of New Yerk; N. A„._the "whole process of manufacturing, together with a statement oftho ingredients compos ing,my Italian Chemical Soap. Ile is to manufac ture it for sale in the United States only, and to have the privilegc.of naming it "Jones's nation Chemical Socip, ls Witness, Ifenry J. noldoworth. There are probably few persons-of intelligence, who, after reading the above, will doubt the quali ties of Jones's Ronan Chemical soap;'in curing Eruptions, Disfigurements, Freckles, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erisypelas, Sun-burn, Moryhew, Tan, Yel low or Brown Skin, &c. Should there be such per sons, perhaps the' following recommendations, as ' well as hundreds from others may convince them. e r For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets; the only place in- Pitts burgh where the GENUINE CAN be obtained; ALL OTHERS ARE COUNTERFEIT. jan2s Rheumatism, Gout and Tie DoLaurent. ARESPECTABLE gentleman callextet our office, as he said, to inform us that he had been afflic ted for fifteen years, with Rheumatism or Gout, and occasionally with Tic Doloureux; that he had been frequently confined , to.his room fur months together, and often suffered the most intense and excruciating pain, but that lately he had been using JAYNE'S. ALTERATIVE, from which he found the most sig nal and unexpected relief. De says he found the medicine very pleasant and effective and thathe• now considers himself perfectly cured.—Philadet phia North American. A FACT WORTH Ktvowtrio.--.A gentleman of Scro fulous habit from indiscretion in his. younger days, became affected with Ulcerations in the Throat and. Nose, and a disagreeable and troublesome eruption of the Skin. Indeed . , his whole system bore. the maths of being -saturated with disease. One hand aed wrist were so much affected:that he had lost the use of the hand, every part being covered with deep, painful and offensive ulcers, and were as hollow and porus as a honey-comb. It was at this stage of his complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loathsome disease, that he commenced the use of Jayne's Alterative, and having taken sixteen bottles, is now perfectly cured. The Alterative operates through the- circulation, and purifies the blood and eradit ates disease from the system, wherever located, and the numerous' cures it has performed in diseases of the skin, can cer, scorfula, gout, liver complaint, dyspepsia,and other chronic diseases, is truly astonishing.—Spirit of the Times. Por sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STCRE, V Fourth street, Pittsburgh. ee29 TiERE IS MORE PROOF of the good qua•lities of MORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP, and if you have a bad cough, you had better try it and be cured. Prrrssoao%.Jan. 7th, 1847. Mr. JOHN Mow:Lim—This may certify that for several weeks past, I have been afflicted with a se vere Cough, which prevented me Ram getting much rest by night, or laboring with any ease ton ugh the thy time. After trying various remedies, at an ex pense of several dollars ' and receiving no benefit from them, I purchased a bottle of MORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP for 25 cents. Although a week has not let elapsed, or the Syrup more than three-fiiurths used up, my cough has entirely subsided and ap peat sto be permanently cured. Should a similar at tack occur, the first remedy I should make Vim o i would be Morgan's Cough Syrup, believing it to be the best remedy I ever made use of for a Cough. S. W. STONE, Wood street: D:r Only 25 cents a bottle. Prepared r. wholesale and retail by JOHN D. MORGAN, Druggist., Wood street, one door below. Diamond Alley ; Pittsburgh. se2S-ly • ERE IS MORE PROOF' of the good qualities of MORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP, and tf you Lave a bad cough, you had better try it and be cured, Prrr tumor, January, Ist 1847. Ma. JOHN Moacarr :—Being afflicted with a bad cough atter suffering some time, I was induced by my triend,Mr. James A. Williams, of Third street to try your great and justly celebrat• d COUGH SY RUP. and I must say, I was surprised at its afrects on me. I found instant relief from my cough, and :tal k say to all, try Morgan's Cough Syrup, and it will cure you ofyour bad and troublesome cough.. This med icine is only 25 cents a bottle. IVst. D. PrzEltsotr. Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. Prepared wholesale and retail by JOHN D. MOR• GAN, Druggist. .. Valuable. Farm for Sale. TN pureuance of an order of the Orphan's Comt, the undersigned, Executors of the- last will and Testament of George Williams, Esq., dec'd., will expote to sale by public outcry at the Courthouse, in the city of Pittsburgh, at 10 o'clock, A. M:, on: the Scl Monday of September, Ai D., 1647, all that certain ttlessuage and tract of Land. in North Fay ette Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands ofMilton E. Baldwin and Rachael his wife, by lands of the heirs of Dr. Glenn, dec'd., and by lands of fqomas M'Clain, containing 111 acres ? and 4S perches, more of ICss. This Land is of excellent quality, and well adap , ted to farming purposes. Terms at salet One half cash on the, delivery oi the,Deed, and the balance on theist day or April, A D.,1848, with interest from :the day of sale, sait: balance to be secured by Judgment Bond, with a Mortgage on the premises. DR. JACOB DIALMITT; "Z . E a ," MILTON F . DM:MINA . Actgost 20, 1847. The above sale adjourned until. Monday; thepi Ith day of October, A. - D. 180, ae - Rllo>clOck, A. ,at which litne and place said Farm will be sold. DR. JACOWDIMMITT, MILTON E. BALDWIN.- sep2B-dl waiwlt ' ' Executots. ;Cr-Washington Examiner, copy the above 1 time; and charge thisoffice. Doctor C. Morgan, ORMER.Ly a successful practising Physician in F this city and vicinity, " Richard". like, "is him. self again (Stahl quo) His office is in Penn street, next door to the WaShington Hotel, Pittsburgh, Al, legheny County, .Pennsylvania, where 'he will be happy to accommodate such of his old applicants as may need his services, and all new, ones whoc inlike manner, may feel ,disposed to barter disease for health, and fork over the difference, in legal loose change. • mylo-d3tBtwtf rfoots, Shoes, and Gums. .• MHE Subscriber returns his sincere fnanks to his j friends and the public generally, for the very liberal encouragement he has met with since'his commencement in the above business at No 99 Mar ket Street, and 41 Liberty, and now begs leave to in form them that he has received a very large and well selected assortment of Boots, Shoes, .Btc. of the best materials, best workmanship, ,and latest fashion, and would request those who want to par chase any thing in his line, to give him a call, they cannot emit themselves better to sheik advantage in the City. - JAMES ROBB, se29dlmtw2t 99 Market and 41 Liberty er. UININE--150 ounces just received and for icle Q j by B. A. FAIINESTOCK,St Co. oct2 cor let arid. Wood stet: ENITIAN RED-600 lbs in store, and for 'sale V HAYS & B ; RocKwAy,.. Oct 2 Liberty it _ , ' I= (Signed) ANTONIO VESPR!N! . _ /As: e. atotn4. •1' Tgos, tAsterrit. 130051 Ari RANZERS AND EXCRAN,GE rr.r. con. wociti intistrattsrnitra,.Ptivarnanair,Vil „IrA.EALERS in Coin, Bank- Notea, Time -Bib,. Foreign and Domeatio Exchange, Certifipites of Deposita, - - • - EXCHANGE on 141 tHe . principal :Cities Of the .Uunion, and Entiige, for sale in 1111/14 to suifputcha . . .... - , . . . CURRENT and par funds ieceited Oil .dr..oogife. coLLEcTratm made on all parts of the 'Game, at the lowest rates. ' --- ' - rii 4 klat ls eta I " - • • • Mesers. M. Leeeh - & Son, • ' t e., ... " Ogden &Snowden, 1. . . . „ " Wm:Bell & Son, ... -.. Frtuspitn*. s— ',. B. M , Clurken &Co. ' .j''." English &Bennett. j: . " Fiefilingtft. Brother, ~.' 7 '' ' '-' •. - ~ Tales, Lathrop & Co: - i --- PhttatoliV " Win.lt.Thoinpsoir&Vw • •:-'• '''!'.- ' - 6 , - - lioadly, 1%4s &Co: ti,: i ,„ )', 1 ,..„. i i: .. Babcock: &ICI,' - - c '', •.... ,7 •• '. . . Tiffany ) Wittd•ACti. •,. - ' •'; '-'. l'; .4 -1 oli n M,Calforigh &,••lattlitoitt. Mr. James George, - •,• - ,• ,-.- " • IL Hanna, Cittcr±rn.s.ir, , O. - i . - Joseph 'Watson, , . i i ,..; '.:,:,.• ~.i., ' Co:.} Mesorts Fenner & 14P.Millan. ""'" Bl !'''' s 2" l •''' R. F. Ellis, Esq., Cashieri BankLewistoWn;.t&: Pittsburgh; Sopteltiber 24, 1847-y __.. JOSEPH H. HILL trim!, & tunstirr tr. BANNERS, E7t