The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 24, 1847, Image 1

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VOL. Y. 1 . 740. 56
• • irrotasitr:n AND EDITED ny -
itA.ltro I it e •
N. .W - . corner oft Woodiind Fifth Sts.
year, payable: in advance.
Sir dollars willliovariably 'be required if not paid
within - Ake year.
Single copies, rwu crxrn.—:.forsalh at the counter
'of the (; o ; trtce, and by-News Boys..
Ir publiehed'at the &One office, on a double medium
•eheet, at TWO-DOLLARS- a year, in- advanceknin
-4glA cppiett, szx cr.mrs. ' -
'no insertion, $0 5D f-One month,' $5 do
rwo do, - 078 I Two do, 600
rhree do, • 1 00. i Three do, 700
')ne week, • . 1 50 : - 1 our do, 2.00
Two do, „ . ~ 300 J Six do, 10.00
Zhree do, 4OO rno year, 15 00
„Ife . sii.ljt Advert ksernents,
. ~. CAIIINGS.4.I3Lif. VI PLEAS:/&E. .
One Square. l Two Squares. -
lix month, $l5 00 Si: months, $2O 00
)ue year, . 20 .00 One year, 30 00
,f...nmq A4v v tisemento in 'proportion. . .
, 14}.C.utus of four lines, FIVE DOLLARS a year.
H. H. Kennelly,
A TTORNEY &T 'LAW. 'Office in the same
. t .building with Aldermen flinldaster, Fifth street,
retweenlY.99d and. Smithfield sta. ang
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chance
,ry, office on Fourth street, third dour abav
3mithfirehi; Pittsburgh..
• A. B.
ttOß s iSiglr AT LAW, (4fice On Fourth street,
a few.doors above Wood. Collections attended
'Min Clarion and Venango counties. aug39.l
_ • •...Tonn.
tOffice on Smititfieldetreet., a few doors above
itnoect alley: . •
N. 11.—pilledtions Made oil moderate terms.
N. 31CliAtry,
~.L4 Ih
OFFICE in tidiien.cll , B Iluiliin son Grantstrett•
je29 >47-ly " _
n it'. ROBERT SNYDER, has removed his office
LI to Fourth street, between Wood and Sohthfield
la., neit 1:16or to Rudy Patterson 9 u Livery Stnbre.
tnalrls-ly •
John AV. Burrell,
Office on the North cast corner or Fourth and
Smithfield streets. sel6-3m!
Richard Cowan,
,t T"IOrt.NRY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build
Fourth st., above Wood. juncl9-dwy
' 'THOMAS M. at.t.itsii,vid.,
A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie's Roild
et, Jags, Fourth street. jan7-ly
Joseph C. 1 1 1 , 11.1bbin,
A TTORNEY ,AT LAW, office in Wallace's build
ingi'on 4th st., between Wood and Smithfield
streets. nor IS-y
Magehan Shannon,
ATTOII.NYS and Counsellors at Law. (Mice
on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield,
Ind nearly opposite the ntyor's office. norti-y
Wills S. Donnelly,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth st., between
,m,thfield and Grant. marl4-v
kl.dinautl Buo ‘s• de
TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the building on
L - I,_ the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield
treets. novil-y
R. florrow,
A LDERNLIN, office north side of Fifth street,
ti between Wood,and stnahtielJ , Pittsburgh.
J,zues Caddan,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers
[~ occupied by Alderman M'Alanters, on Fifth st.,
setween Wood and Smithfield. aplB-y
21I'Candllea. 4k, I,Clure
calico on Fourth street, oppos,te R. tr. R. If.
'atterson , s Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y
Forward 4 Swartzwelder,
TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between
Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv
er'''. Stable. ap7-y
George F'.
rrortNEy AT LAW, Office in Brecd•s build
ings, 4tb sL, above Wood, PAtsburgh, Pl.
C. Orlando Loomfa,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, o;lice Fourth at., above
Wool. ul v 1-
A BEELEN has removed his commission and
warding business from the Canal Basin to his
low Warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office. triav3o-y
Jamas S. Craft,
Pittsburgh, Pa., havito , resigned the office o,
secretary P. Nay. And Fire res. Co., will attend spe
cially to collections and business.. connected with
navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu
siness hours, 9A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, first door
west of Alderman Miller's, Fourth street, near Grant.
ap 7
Charles 11. Bays,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com
'rnissi.mer to take the proof and acknowledge
,derids, leases, contracts, deposites or other
iiritiags, to be recorded or used in the States or
Kentucky; Indiana, Tennessee, Michi g an and Mis
soliri. ()fried, Burke's buildine,'Pottrthst. ntarl2-y
kldsvin C. Willloll,
Frusit/in, Vonango county, Penna., will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to his care—mil
, ections made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson cu.'s.
'J. A. Stockton lic Co.
Murphy, Wilson & Co. } Pittsburgh.
John Bigler,
Eon. James Kinnear,
Hicti. Alex.M , Calmont,
Hon. James Vjiloon, Steubenville, Ohio. juy23-y
Johnston dr, Stockton,
KERS,,No. 114 Market street. sep 10-y
Victor Scriba,
J: Filth street, between Wood and Market streets,
t , Pittiburgh, Pa. jan9.y
Janice Patteison, Jr.,
,fIORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
Pa., manufacturer of locks, binges and bolts,
obecce, fuller,' mill and timber screws, houses
~screWe for.rolling mills, &c. sepin-y
wiri.-.A.; Ward,
DENTIST, has removed to the 'place of his (Or
.reeirreSidence'in Penn street, two doors below
- aplB.y
C. A. WA zault y
Canal; Basin, Pittaburgh, Pa. niar3dy.
• Maitha Lytle,
IDAMILY GROCER; Smithfield street, next doer,
I: to the Fifth Preabyterian Church. , june6 I
Georte Cloohran,
No. 28 Wood st,;Pittgburgh. n0v.271
Pie* Book Store.
5.., lIOSWORTFI _ f!c
C0.,110,•43 :Market street,
EL. next Omar to Third street; are just openings
new and extensive assortment of Rooks and Station
;cry,- which They will sell, wholesale had retal, at the
ilowast priaes. . _ . , ah2+s-y
, Wm. 0 1 .EICAris Eiabitasou,
lATE U.-.S.:•Attciiiifiy; has removed his o ffi ce to
/ 8 St. Clair at. sept4-y
_ .
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smAit •cioTrirsa sTitian't "
L. WHlttarth, ;
lUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn' street,' NO. 70 WOOD STREET,r PITTSBURGEr, PA.'
a between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. WE would beg, td announce to 'our customers
All commissions will bo promptly attended to. marl-y 1 IV ..and tlt e . public generally,. that .we. hate, re-
I opened our establish:neat with a full and splendid
tiltool Book and-Paper 'Warehouse. ; assortment cif'Sprin and:Summer Reedy-ma - de
LLucr. LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and. ing, which in respect to styloand -workmanship can•
bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street; Pittsburgh. out be surpassed by any house in this city.
mar2B-y,. . . 1 Gentlemen who are in want of any article in Our
.Ptlitlinters , ei Viiirtviallled Blackin _ ;lino wilhfind •ti to their advanmgo to give us a call,
g, before purchasing elsewhere; as our .stock, as. well
A . AN' AC . TU R E D and sold wholesale and re-, as the low prices of our goods, will enable us to
. .11" tad, Smithfield et, between Sixth and Virgin' please all who wilrfavor as with a call'. '
0ct.21-y ' It is unnecessary for us tti enumerate-the articles
_ .F'llut. Glaze Estatiliehnient. 'I 1 comprising ourstock, as we are weekly supplied--it
/TUJ..VA.NY..&, _LEPLIE .manufacture and 1
kee I Suffice for'Ord to say (hat di all [Mica our assort-
•ti constantly on, hand cut Moulded and . plain;
n n ie il n i t will be complete, with every article'pattaining
Fiint Glassware in all its varieties, tit their warehouse i to the trade. ANCIfEIt & MAYER,
corner of.Myrket and Water streets, Pittsburgh.--i Sign "Golden Star."
n '
Our works continuo in full operation, and we are; N. ...--Gentlemen who leave orders at our store,
constantly adding to our stock, Irina enables us for any Garment that •they wish to have , thatlein - New
fill.orders with promptness. 'Purchasers are respect-'to York, can be furnished in two weeks, after the re
fully solicited to call and-examine prices and terms.leeipt of their directions. mar 27 A. &A.
sepl6-y . ' Hardware, Cutlery, — Su'tile:y, • i.C. -
Otte Kuntz, • JOHN WALKER,
AfrANUFACTURER or Inconitorriste TEETH,, I MPORTER and dealer in. Foreign and Domestic
111. Smithfield street o .two doors belo w piim street .1_ Hardware, would respectitillyintbrm his .friends
PittSbargli, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment co tail the pubic gener'ally, that lie is now receiving 1
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety- of shades, as ' his Spring supply of Hardware at the old 'stand of
simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Gum teeth I
Screw Pivot teeth, &c.. Teeth and blocks made to' Walker & Woudwell, No. Si Wood street, which
1 he wili" P scur c'e the must reasonable tern's.' He
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro _ I will be continuallY receiving fresh supplies direct .
; from the manufacturers in Europe and this Country, '
fession. All orders from abroad must be accothpan
ied by GM cash. i which will enable him to compete with any est:M-
D:lf - PI-Mina always on hand. novis . l i lisliment either East or West. Western Merchants
are invited to call and examine hi, stock befo . re par-
Dr. .140. Crawford, /chasing elsewhere. ' mare
O FFICE on St. Clair street, opposite the Exchangr 1 - _ _ .__..
James Makelly, Alderman.
OFICE on Penn et., opposite D. Leech & Co's., I ,
packet line office. Office hours from 7 o'clock! r ji ill E undersigned Proprietors of the Mononosty-
A., M.; to S o'clock P., M. , LA house announce to the Public, that the
_I House is open for the reception of Visitors. They
Dr. George Watt, I tre conscious of having spitrini no expense in fitting
CIF:ME, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st., i Jut the Establishment an such a style as to render
I_l Pittsburgh. au4 . 21 ,1 !very comfort to the Guests. They hope by con_! itant care and attention' to business to merit the ph
Dr. A. W. Oliver, . i
:renege so liberally bestowed on the late Mononga
-13 II "SICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. 8, St. : aela House.
j__ C air Street, Pittsburgh. —
' j)2O ! i math
1 _ ____
Burnt District Hotel.
ISAAC MURDOCE, tinnierly of the Union Hotel
Ott Water
: street, having been burnt out, has built
a new i.! 'handsome house expressly for the aCCuill
_j niodation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
J.,bryar, . Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt
1 - 3 ECTIEYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal-! District Hotel.
II er in Foreign and.Dornestic Wines and Liquors, He is now prepared to offer every hccommodation
No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, „Pitts- and every conithrt to the traveler, at very moderate
burgh, Pa. jy2l-y charges. lie is provided with ample and convenient
, •
Hu Arters, : stabling. decl2-y
gls . '
DENTIST, 118 Liberty a street, few !
doors below St. Clair at., Pittsburgh . Franklin Douse, ourth street.
ap.26-y ! Between Snzithliedd and Grant Strrets, Pittssburgh
• i
CHRISTIAN SCIOIERTZ,, Proprietor, respect-
Jahn .11.1tCloske y, i fully informs his friends and the publiu 9 general
that he will open the above splendid House on IAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between li .F ,
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, side i the Ist day of May next.
1. .
seplo-v • 1 'Ube House being new, and '
),. _ -
PIANO FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Mu
sical Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, near
nftl). novl9-y
' commodious and cjiinenient manner; and having it
B. 11 • CLIMUCAN, G. M. FL.r.MING, J. XII(GrATILICX• furnished with the newest and most lieut . :Ml style o.
S. IllfClttrkasi & Co. furniaire; flatters h i mself that he will he able to ac
lAr ")L FS A i" "° C "tS 'C°mr n i d As 7 n c"! : aa t' his t h e
public,ug a
ch:„tsanddealersit ProduceaPtts I tr-:2rnot to any similarsLhlsl n
Manufactures, No. 142 Liberty Etreet, Pittsburgh. j the city.
dec 3-yAs the House is situated near the Court Honse, ar
L. S. 'W -
aterman, _
rangements have been made to serve up meals at any
hour in fluidal-, this will tic great convenien'ce A 7
7.0 L ES nnv
andA. , (2 , ( 1 t: 1 %; s '2"
those w ho are toattendance at court.
DJReiresliments of ail rinds can he had. Boar
and Pittsburgh Mauelactures, Nos• 31, Water, and
tiers then by the week or day.
:2, Frent its., Pittsburgh,. Pa. x,.33-v.
irr Lunch every day at It e`eloc‘, A. M. sp3o
Nevc Drug Store:
Iwi JOHN 1) : A101;t.:N, 14 . 7iidesiiir and Road ;
Drugp„,!, No.:u 1 t% iiodstreet. , itie dour :South
at Diatmmil Plitsburgh.—Ti,
has jest retells is lit :he E.1,11'11) riLrs :IMF is G. , s,
OpelliGt.f at the a tieve st and, a tail assortment nl
articles in his lute, cotisisting of Pings of ail kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints amid
&c., together will ail such articles as tie usually
kept for sale at a Aides:de .;id retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new. and has been GPleCteil
with care. lint is confident that his articles, both j
as to quality and price. will such as may la-;
cor hi o; with a ra!l. nIY 9 'Y.. I
Carson Pl'Knight,
fOLESA LE GROCERS and Comtnigsion Mer
chan4Y, Slxth street, between Wood and
Libttrty, Pdtsburgh, Pa. dee 4-v
V r T 7 a c l o . r G ne L r En, v. Bo ,,l lio a b n i d nd r e h r :rd ha :t., rein kb omd .
C o,.J
! i l i n
Kay, where he is prepared to do el cry description
onLuling and Binding. dec'2.- •
J. M'Colllst.vr.
IXTIIOLKSALE and retail dealer lit Tobacco,
1 V Swill, and Segars,,No. 23, at., between
Woodand Market sts., httsburgh. [oct2S-Iy.
WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commiwoin merchants, and dcalcrs in
coutdry produce and Pittsburp Mantrilicturcs.
110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets.
yErIIOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Foreign and Lhomestm Wines and Lepiors.
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. ($0 V a ter
se p.s_
and i . , S :LAE
r. G h RO ,, C E R f ,odealemres,rsa in n a r i , l r , odu N ce
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. sp2,-y
Virlffil.ESALE and retail dealer in Music and
Y Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
bUrgh. janl‘y
nov2-I Y PITMUURG it.
(Nearly apposite the Mayor's Office.)
ja rt 29-y
Brazier'► Billows.
TUST received an a9sortincut,largesitev,l3raziet.ii
Pfi Iland li' lows: also, Parlour and Kitelien, do.
Wholesale and Retail, .AIIIN W. BLAIR,
'cell!.l3o W.e.d
Dr. Win.ll.l. 'Wright,
DENTIST, Office and residence in
St. Clair at., a few doors below Lib
' rl crty, near the Etch:ince Hotel.
marl l-y
ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between
• Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he may be
ound at all times. Those having houses or other
aroperty to sell or rent, can have the sante punctu.
illy attended to; debts collected, and all the duties
3 . 1 . an Alderman will receive prompt attention.
Foreign and Domestic Saddlery llarct
ware and Carriage Trimmings,
OF all descriptions, No. 133 Wood street, Pitts
burgh, seven doors above sth; and one door'
above 11. Childs & Co.'s Shoe store. ap24
------ -
No. 70 Wood st., Sign of the Goldrn Star, Pittsburgh.
Clot sing,
on hand an extensive and complete assort
meat of Fashionable and extra made New York
Clot sing ; which cannot be equalled by any other es
tablishment in the city. Our stock being et present
very large and anxious to reduce it as much as pos-•
sible before the first ofJanuary, we are determined:
to offer such , thargains" as will enable us to effect
our object. S. P. ANCKER,
nov24-yA. A. MAYER.
6 . 01,1 Pens,
ArAF the moat approved brands, in largo variety,
Enloe* and adapted to every variety of hand.
The clergyman, the laviyer, the nierchant, and every
class of men or ladies, requiring a durable, unilbrm,
and .economical pen, can be accurately suited.
Their elasticity and line points give great ease in
writing—making either a bold mark or a beautiful
hairline,at the pleasure of the penman. With care
they wil generally last ten years.
fAll warranted, and sellingat the lowest cash Pri
es, at the Gold Pen Depot, darner of 4th and Mar=
of sts. • ( 11 3' 13 ) W. W. WILSON.
_ _
Ryinobili. nose i t.
nubsCribers have, and.ill continue to keep
on hand:MOSS orvery superior quality, in hales
and half halps,•4vhinh they will sell at a veduedd
ice, - at ilieir File Factory, Fifth Ward.
J. An RIM & CO.
F. Blume,
J. D. Williams .1r Co
V. C. Marti ID,
J..t J. 3l'Devitt,
John H. Mellor,
John A. Paii•hinson,
. ~_ .
,- - - . . . ..• , ‘ . .
.._..-- - - . . . . ,
, ‘
i' ,l -4 i - :-'z'''''''' l l"- -- ':-7---- - --- - --- - . , - - g:.;-- , 05-: ' '.,-..--. . .....--* ei,v--4.,em.4.4 , 1--,- , -- ~,,,,,- -- . . - - .. .
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. . ... . . . ... . .. .
A. Fulton,
1 1.3 1) ELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his ~id stand, No. 70
second, between Market and Ferry streets, where
, he sell! he pleased to see Ms old customers and
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,0110 pk.iltld4, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the best
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters,
to:tether with evety sanely or I;racti Cactimigs, if re.
linred. totaled and finished in the. neateit manner.
A. F. is the .vole aWiot for Babbitt's _l4ll-Attraction
Meta/, so justly ceiebrateil the reduction of Inc.
tinn in machinery. The Loam and composition Can
be hail Of fwn at all tunes. novl3-v
W. W. W11.5401i. . •
WAT c I I 11,1 .1 IC ER. AND 3 E W EL L EII , I Pallllllllq.
Corner rit Fuurfh and Markel streets.
of all kinds, Graining Oak, Itiahogany, Satin,
1 L 11:J: E . and vved selected stock of Wathes.; Ruse and Maple. Imitations of all kinds of Marble.
.‘-'l , - J ow ti ry, Si l l er "' 3 "' , • • • •rihu ri (ll • l thi't 31 " . ".: 4 . (triter, jell at the shop of •the anbscriber, on Sinai'
on 11.11.1 .ino at regular Eastern prices.
' field street, opposite the
aloirgh Foundry, or on
Gold Patent,,Lever Watches, full Jewelled,
" I"
Eederal street, opposite Illackstock's Factory, Mic
8 1 0 , ' gheny city, will be done at moderate rates, and on
Silver Lever Watches, as law as
l! " the shortest notice
GENUINE Cooper, Tobias, Jobioton and herot ap-: , 15 _ 6 ..
proved Watdies, may be had at a small ad Valid! and • •'-- ---
Fine wutch work done in the very best manner
pi.rTspulto II IIOSPI'VAL.
THE CHARGE (11 sisTEns oF
MERCY.—Drs. A Unihoy, GAZZAtt, BRUCE and
McMEAL, General Attending Phys,cianti; Lir. Wcit-
CllUnn , Physician for the Gerin.ins.—Tbe Institution
'snow open for the reception of pa bents.
RE.CEIVINU DAYS—Tuesdays and Fridays, from
to 10 o'clock, A. M. Cases of accidents can be re
ceived at any time.
CHARGES — Three dollars a week in the acneral
ward; five dollars with a private room. :11cdtcal at
tendance is included in these charges; payments to
be made town weeks in advance.
Any physician can send patients to the Hospital,
and continue to attend them there, and any patient
can engage any physician he chooses. in these cases
the Institution will nut be responsible for the physi
nian's fees; each person will settle with such physi
cians. Leeching is an extra din rye.
As many free patients will be received as th, means
of the Institution
will permit. Persons with contagi
ous diseases will not be received until acconimmla
bons can be prepared sufficiently ample to prevent
any danger that the other inmates would incur.
All the physicians will attend twice a week to visit
the Hospital, and will depute one of their number to
attend the sick in the me:tntime.
Advice will be given gratituously to out-door pa
tients on Thursday's and Fridays at 10, A. M.
Pecuniary arrangements will be attended to by a
committee of the Brotherhood of St. Josephs, which
for the present consists of James Blakely, Esq.,
James May, Min S. Cosgrave,John Coyle and Arthur
Tiernan. jams-tf
team Iron ItnittTigfractory,
Ridge Road, abate Buttonwood street, Philadelphia.
A T this establishment may he found the greatest
variety of Plans and beautiful Patterns For Irian
RAturres in the United States, to which the attten
tion ofthose in want ofany description, and especi
ally fur Cemeteries, is particularly invited'.
The principal part of all the handsome Railings at
Laural lidl, Monument, and other celebrated Ceind
teries in the city and county of Philadelphia, which
have been so highly extolled by the public press,
were executed at this manufactory.
A large Ware-Room is connected With the estab
lishment, where is kept constantly on hand a large
stock of ready-tnade IRON RAILINGS, ORNAMENTAL
Inon SETTEES, hung CnArris, new style plain and or
namental bon GATES, with an extensive assortment
of Ines Posm, PEDESTALS ' iRON ARBORS, 4 - c. Also,
bin great variety, Wrought and Cast Iron ORNA
stErrra, suitable for Railings, and - other purposes.
The subscriber would also state that in his Pattern
'and Designing Department he - has employed some of
the best talent in the country, whose Whale atten
tion is devoted to the business—forming - altogether
one of the mostcomplete and systematic establish-,
ments or the kind in the Union.
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood St.
Philadelphia, March 12, 1847-d6nao.
Pj..r:ts:l3)*Gtt4:. - ,F*l..):)Ay.:. S...I),Tti.AIBE:II-,,,,,,Q.a1r;,,h841
finittheti in she most
. Jantety I ,011 y qrtl.•& ,
'TTAVp thbAileddure, th'erfrien'tla
I. Fl thatihey, again' dCeup'y their' olifatantlai . ikio.
83,.W0bd 'street, •whereth`ey hive opened an' eifen
sive WALL. PAPE.II. WA - I:El - IC/USE; and will have
,contantly , on hand an ,ostensive assortment of Satin
glazed and. pIain:.PAAIit;II.ANGINGS, Velvet . and
;Imitation „Borders of; thii.lalest musi:ltaud• .
'some patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham
11i6 , manufacture,. and .pace en tune
Printing ? '‘Vrifi rig? Lefter, Wrapping and Ices Taper,
Itonnitand Faller's 13earde—;.1.11 etteefi:titejf otter
fOr sn.te on the most iciotnniddiiting terms, and
which they . invite.' the - attention bf Inert hints• and
ALSO—Blank Books *fall kinds and the bestilunl:
tty, School Books, ale.,,always ou hand and for .eale
as above. : :tug
Now Hot sand Cap Store.
CMS. H. PptiLSON, (hite of the firm • 1 , 1"? .
Poulson & Gill,) haring opened his
new store at N0:73, Wood street, neat-door tolhe
corner of Fourth„-is now manufacturing ant:Vital.
ving from the Eastern - cities a very- large assortment
of hats and-caps of every description, warranted to
be made in the bestmanner and ef theshest materials.
Otter, ! Seal, fine } and common Muskrat, Sealette,.
Hair-Seal, Plush and ftlazed Caps.
a fine assortment of firm, such as
Lynx, Fitch, Collet and Coney 'Muffs and Tippets
and thr trimmings, all of which he oifei's for sale 41
eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and rkail.
Countrymerahants will please, call and examine
my stock betbre purchasing elsewhere. •
N. 13. The Fall Fashion fur Hata and,Caitreeei v
Wholesale Shoe Store
H. CHILDS r & Co., are now receiving tlrear
spring supplies, consisting pr one of , '•
the largest, cheapest and liv.tastanis
ment or Boots and Shoes , that they have ever been
' able to bring to this market. .Also, Ladies' , and
Misses , Florence Braid, and Straw. Bonnets, of the
latest style; together with . a splendid assortment of
Palm Leat flats, Men's and lloy's summer Cape.
Also, a large lot of New York Tanned sole Leather,
all of' which having been purchased at the - lowest
rates, and selected with great care for the western
trade, will be sold at a small advance above cost and
charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will !
find it to their interest to call and examine their stock I
before purchasing elsewhere. mar27-tf
, .. ._. ,
t.' S. ' lrotel, Canal Oasis]; Pittsburgh, Pa.
rpH}.l4dbscribei havlng'icas - ed th 0_ a6iayeeita Llik,h.
:men t, and:having ; re.titted and inatlgsumernateri;
al al(oratious _ end additions, js.pti4y. prepareitt€o.o.-'
CMinin'odate his frienda and the travelling community
in the krt. possiblez Mann er.. , ' I'IM iidVatitaffeiVfilna
excellentJ,louseare peculiar to itselfials - thirs&tratcel 7
ling by C k anal,particularlyin inclement weather,„Or
lauding at dfiduight; have onlY teStip faint ilie Pack- j
et into "theibeautifullyifurnished'apartmeturil where I
they !sill .be . contented,..and. coinforMhle. , In eildi-
to - the extensive accOmmodatidits helcinging to
this house ) the proprietor has ht gi'eat eipense reht-
.ted„rcriovated, and. made such..additions as -,
cute to him thepromise of his kind patrons ~.Well''
' 'The Bar, the Dining 'Room, the"Chartiborti, and '
No. fig, Third Street, Plit t *burg-h.
particularly the.culinury departments, arelMprovid- .
rr HE subscribers would respectfully return their
ed for that we challenge competition anywhere._
thanks to their friends and the public, for the
The Pare tViil be of the best thc ritarket'aliVili;i'iiil
very !there! patronage best., e d siiie e th e eoinine uee .. i
meld of tl,e new firm, and would earnestly solicit a' the prices liberal.
; The prop r ietor 11avi,ng . beep. engaged
,in catering
continuance of the same. pi Ruou.
I for guests for many '3 ears paStin the eastVfeels as
They would respectfully invite those who want to I VLAROE and splendid assortnient n11,4016;0413, leered that by sfrict attention te qiusiness Avid' a
purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to !
.1 and Rosewood grand action. Pianos, with in -
theme call nun examine their extensi,ie steels ; tulle 'frame and with all the latest inn deserve a share of public patronage. rovements, i watchful eye to the comforts of his guests, he will
now on hand, consistoig of some of the most spier- which for durability, tone and touch, a rc warranted - at ,, 23..6et
did Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and to be equal to anyaele'in the country, for salelbw I _
Mahogany Furndiire. Flattered by the very eaten - ; fur cash, by , ' F. 11 LIJ AI F ' I 4.—t-- lIARNDEN S. CO's
stye patronage. It't. l'i VMI in their business, they have, l marlB No 112 Wood st, 2d door ab e t. , 5 -" th. I ri,.1:1,.= , , .••• .
~,. PASSENGEII At 6 RiIIIfTANCF. r 01ticd. ..77.,r,,.:.
.1t cousalerable expense, made arrangements to New ; -
Doci,n. C.
2 ,,,
organ, , 1, , . , ,
York .' by which they will have the latest Eastern and ' FORMERLY a suteesslhl practising Physician in , r)ERSONS brought out by this Agency upon, the
French patterns forwaided monthly, thus ;thing the
, ' 01/3 city and vicinity, " Richard" iike, ,, is him ! 1 most reasornible terms from any '
part of "Eng- '
citizens "i Pittsburgh a s opportunity of patronizing ' self again (Slain qua.) hits oilice is in Penn street,. land, Ireland, Scotland, ant Wales, arid t o Packet
home industry, nod finding in their own city 'What
next door to the Washington lintel, Pittsburgh, Al- Ships mill , '• Foreign
,Correspondents'to dagents of
they Mrinerly would obtainonly in the East. 'ldaving ,
leehenv County, Pennsylvania, where-he will h e the British Gov eminent have frequently cautioned
adopted the principle of small prolits and gold; sales, h appy
io accoumeidatainich of hisold applitants as Enilg,rants at Home and their friends in America,
they will be able to sell at as low rates as any of the
estabL'iliuez's in "Le Eastern ('saes.m
I ay need his services, and all netv ones who, in like against the frauds that are continually practised upon
novla-y ROBERTS & KANE. lir, may f e el dispo se d to barter disease fur: them, and have always reli,rred to the , w,,elLtinown I
. ma me clay
heal: h, and fork user the datrenee, in legal loose house of llarnden 4- Co. as the r ig,ht place far all to'
-1)( )it rEit - s I'm . , Isirurrrian Gallery, Philo Hall, ch"ne'''''• mylo-d:lt& ev ir . apply if they wish to ate treated with punctu a lity and
,' kdness We icier to the abase facts in; view-of
isigs. Bait,,,tre Nl.l.
I . Thlrd ht., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Franklin Budd- Pot Salt.
in the' centitia of ' the Rey: f_le:Aitailey, Editor'of the I
:dr. Porter respec Cully announces that lie has at ',,„ ,-- 1 LAND, (the late residence of M. B. L ourie , ipittsburgh.Catholiej OM Bifs'sat in jtidgiiiint tipiiii ' : ,
considerable expense fitted up apartments, and ar- Esq.) situated on Pennsylvania
Avenue and within tus ;as Ile s 'Tp °B 9 s b Y' c...l.'ting' out aci.v-eiiir-UUment
• -
from his a er tnus de riving us ol.a fair chance o
ranged !ight tor Dagiicrrelityping purposes. tits long two miles of the Court fiougc.
come beforethe '
CathOlre Com - Mundy 'andlet ‘tlie C tn
etperience in the, art has enabled him to overcou t e ' The lot contains seven acres, and is improved with F e ",
many of the old ec tiona too Coll - 111KM to pictures taken a Dwelling House which is spacious' ancl'conveni- 'Aug° of us by uurautkus '''' , ''' '' ' •"
Serlit-Draftsty any, amount ,payable,at arty of,the
by this method. ant, built in modern style with a colonade front 4 a ibraeehe,t of the p reviee .,•. ,
iiii or Nation'al Banks .of
:Ir. Porter is aware that the impression has gone sta'ile and carriage house, spring house, &c. T . h ,
i Ireland, England, Scotland, "?+:c:' ' lAre driity otirotv'n I
a'a,..d f.,Ain 4. UV the many Ilizittr,4 to produce good ground is under good cultivation and contains up
[ Exchange, we do not take money and.sentlit,tp the
plc tu res,) that clear and dtstinet Daguerreotypes can- i a ards of one hundred young and-choice fruit trees..
East to get some one else to remit, [hereby causing
not be tna.le in Pithburgli. I lot experiments, how-; This is considered one of the most desirable court
mistakes end delays. ' et ilie - Bilak, &C." call
ever, .next lie has opened his I:alter)-, fully , arrant try residence, in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, especit '
i upoli us, and .vvia will. aomutoilate•them-afiNew
him in saving that as good pictures can be made here ly Air a gentleman doing business in. the city; as 't ,
is elo•svite York rates. JOSIIUA,ROBINKW, ~-
re. is easy of access at all seasons of the year. by thei , .
Ladies and gentlemen arc invited to call and en- '4th street road turnpike. For terms, apply at the European Agent, '
i ,
amine speeimens. . I store of the subscriber, No. 131, WOdel st. i .8.011 sth st.. one door beliisir - Wdoili 4 st.
I es:ructions given, and instruments and materials I aug:l-iltud¢w. , H. ,711/ LOS it CO. 1
lurinshed upon reasonable lento.
John D. nnyts,
i Al Corner of Wood•and Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh
is ready to receive merchandise of every description
on consignment for puhlic or private sale, and from
long experience in the above busines,llatters himself
that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all
who moo liivor him with their patronage.
lieguiiir sales on Mondays and Thursdays cif Dry
goods and Fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,
new and second hand furniture, Sc., at two o'clock,
P. M. •
Sake every evening at early gas-light. siug.i2-y
MI orders from coon try oporatore promptly attend
ed to. n0v2541.
reutirn OF .7 , IAIIRtI" AZ , L, VOL BTU sruECTS.
I t XT A - reit Es, silver w re, Jen idry, haqs,
V Military Grinds, Patent Solar Lard Lauips,
Gold Pens, Spectacles, Canes, Mathematical instru
ments, Surveyor's Compasses, Chiehs, Electra, Mag
netic Machines fur Ali...dim' l urposes. Diamonds hir
Glaziers and Glass Cutlets, Trimmings tier Itegtalm,
Minitel Ornaments, Girandoles, Candlehras, Com
:nen Ware, Tea Trays, 4 . C., &C. .v 2:
Allegheny Poor lionise Lots.
THE undersigned Coneinn tiee of the Guardians of
Poor, offer at private sale, on extended credit,
about PG choice 1,0,, in the First Ward, Allegheny
city, 111 vet to trout, by 130 feet deep as shown on
a plot or the same to be seen at, the office of the
(Guardians, in a roore adjoining the Mayor's office,
fop Fourth street, being, the lots laid out on the old
Poor house property, in ,11legheny only. For tonne
of sale apply to Mr. I.3nuatt, at the ‘iiriee of the
Guardians, or to any one of the subscribers.
(Copy of the original.)
Roily Patterson,
AVING dissolved partnership with 1118 brother,
the underisigued now informs the public and
his friends that he is prepared to furnish at his newly
erected and CA LC1161%1: establishment on
Fourth street, between Wood and Smillyieid,
Nurses and Carriages for hire, and for all other
branches connected with-his line of business. _
His horses, whether for saddle or harness arc of
the finest description, as they have been schceted
and purchased with great care and expense fur this
purpose. His
‘Vllich arc of every description are new, costly, and
have the most inodera improvements.
Ita shun the subscriber flatters himself that his
will be found unexceptionable, and are let at reason
able rates.
He is fully prepared to receive horses at Livery,
by the day, week, or year; and Drovers and dealers
who may wish to dispose oftheir Horses or Carriages,
can be accommodated, as heir; well prepared with
stabling and sheds fbr the .purpose.
Can be left on commissiogfor sale, or on storage.
For those who wish either to buy, hire or sell, he
is now . abte to give complete satisfaction. • '
marl3.d6mo , R. PATTERSON. •
. Sliakespear Gardens.
THlS.beautiful of,resort having,teeigreatly
repaired, the proprietor is nOw,ready to receive
110ARDERS, by the day, week, or month. Ills
commodations are good, AO his prices are low,
may 6, MccIaILLAND.
rp it department of this line and e;ten
sive e..sta lo:slduent. 2$ now open and we are ready
to serve np tr. isiters ICE Cnr.Asts, Swerr•Mtits,
FRUITS, COW. Mtn lis, and aH tlia V 2601.121 re
ireslinientS or the scasut.
The proprietors most respectfully invite the' re
spectable citizens to call and see the •Atlienmum for
themselves, as they aze that,iii all its differ
ent departments it cannot lie sur passed, and certain
ly in the Inset pleasant resort in the city. •
The Watt departmenze, both Lsoirs , and Grams,-
MEN's, are unequaled for elegance,, neatness, and
leondlirt, by any in the country; and the Ladies' Par
lors will challenge a comparigon for richness, neat
, lICSR and beauty, with those of any similar establiah•
In rot to be found any where.
The great Stloun, with. its ancient, chaste, and
Classic Pinintains is a place of the most striking ,
Rooms are fitted up at which Gentlemen,,altme,
can have Lunch and Refreshments at all hours-of the
day. The great Saloon - 1s common to both Ladies
nodGenq^men; entrance at tlin . rtro Columns. The
Ladies> Parlors: exclusive, for Ladies—entrance sit
the TIIREE columns.
To Ike.
TNT ATcn the progress ot disease, anilcarefulli
I guard the avennos by which it approaclics the
citadel or lire. Jour: N. Wnsrun, Herb Doctor, No
'4, South 7th street, Philadelphia, after many years
study, ha. succeeded in preparing and compounding;
mei:lC.llles and practicing successfully; by curing
thousands the last Hi years, not by one single medi
cine, but by medicines propared to arrest the numer
ous complaid:s to which suffering humanity is liable,
to wit: Consumption, diseases of the Breast
Lungs, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Dys
pepsia, Kidney affections, Scorfula, Tetter, Ring
worm, Liver complaint, Blind and Bleeding
'Chronic and Inflammatory Rheuniatism,' palpitation
and enlargement of the Heart; SunitherCotnplidut,
Cholera Morbus, medicine for invigorating, the Nerv
ous Systeru,—Mothees 'Cordial, Expectorant Syrup
for whooping cough,.Ague Pills and PowdersiTetter
Wash and Ointment, Croup,Syrup, celebrated-Lye
Water, Scurvy "mixture for soreness and. inflamma
tion of the gums and Scurvy, corn Salve, Strength
ening- Plasters, digeStive; Female and' head ache
Pills, Utie, cathartic and emetic Powders,' teeth
ache drops, &c. The -Herb Doctor has Thonsandi
to bear testimony to the efficacy of his' medicine's;
who have been healed by its use. Afflicted reader,
these medicines are tbr sale by WM..WC,U.littl,
Agent, nt No SI, Smithfield street, near Sixth, Pitts
burgh. Call and examine certificates of mina, which
can be seen in numbers. • a11c,27-d3in
JAMES Prrnr.Ln
RonEtrr witAY,
G. A L EE,
Dry Goods Roust; 69 ➢larket Street,
Between Third cir•ith . krivti;
TT AVE just received - a large - supply .Of rich - Fall
ja . Goods, comprising in.part.: Cases;various
styles Prints and Chintzes of. English, French and
nierMan manufactiire; 156 pcs. deli' 'and desirable
patterns French - Gingharns, ~ warranted inferior. to
none impooed in,stile„quality and,durability.orco,
Mrs; 4 Cases splendid Plaid goods for ladies diesties,
comprikint - everY style for Fall and - Wintii - Wear;
Cashmeres, 141 do Laines, Satin stphlAlpaccas: of va
rious colors; 3-4 and 44,111% lzßlue...l3Pk
w Silks for
Mantillas;Fancy,dress Silks; Bl 3 k. and Mode colors;
- MAU Lillis all wool, Mier's , - kyleand qual,
ity; .Cassimerer, Ctuisinetts, - Broad 'Cloths nhd :WM
ingsleached and unbleached Musliiis from•6lc to
per yartit.Green, Yellow, Itedand Whitelnan
'nels; Tickings, Checks, strip>d Shirtings;, bleached,'
'and brown Drillings, etc. etc. All of which are of
fered at iVholesolo and retail at the very lowest cash
prices. (sep3) A. A. MASON:Er. Co.
: , 30 *valiG ix Try .
(1 WIER a uoi, nfatl I 11 r,c
an4.Dent4l:,ln§ti.notents, Saddler=s and Tpt
ner,i hind inolV;'T';qfo'fr.;' Patera 8;e.
-Also -Mann flietured Tr`tnes; §opprirteriy , &e:lnc:, , in
J. C:, Mannfanturer and Importer: of Pen, Pocket
'and Table Cutlery; tarots, Seissbre;'
haszemuved. to •
83 . WQD,D,..3"EIt.EU,. Utttsbut,ll,
,'" belew Di:triton:l 111 - ey';
And 'hei , lutely reeeiied.'a , -lara,rt• atsr;rttitent'ofi
Ren.4 1 141 Poe ke ii•niveof
Itegers' and Wliostentiormsi
- • FIN Er UT
Elliott's Rodgers,: Wade &..lirotlices„Razors s
Scissors, 11.ttzcir - Strops, Damascus . and Wire
Triisr•'" ' •••'
AND 1.1 ,1 :STO/..8.i
Col . and, Blunt , s Revolvers,„ I:to,wdct
Fliislcs ' 'heh Bags, &'C'd)M 4 ll
•Eitta:' , Porduseiont Lappin tit wte, - "Dirk amino
Too 9, such as C,a!lipers, bit . iders, i'lyprs,D.rippe x s;
Hand Vices, Siitrares, -504 Ye
Skaves, Stocke-and. Died, Wire and krettOung#s,
InatruinenttL,fe. in, vely great variety. CCt - Jcibbing `iepairi ' ng . neatly dfiti
8;31 T & 81 NCLAIIt 4:A ;e,
. . (LATE AtAßTiti 64; sacs-Fu,)
Vrt.lot GIWCEitS:, Pfit)DlrlCE A D"'
The underaigneif having entered, into, partiterahip
under - the'abiiieaty e, - ask the patronage
of the-friends of the .late firth, rand urpurehosera gen
,They feel . ‘varranted in prnqiising that they
can , rc satisfaction jo all_ whp . ini.3i tuy tif ur
confide business . ttp their care; ' ' 1:i
. • • . 11 • : SM!T; II I ,4
Pittsburgh, March 26T1S-17.
Auction icoLice.
riIHE Subscriber has paid into the Trcasuty ofthe
1 . Common wcal,th.the alllOUnt uf,,E..icense required
by law. lie has given the regularly approved secu
rity, and takeil: , out a Commistion - of thtßiltVlass,
'es an Auctioneer, of the city of Ptttsburgli,
ed that spacious wareroorn belonging to Syr-wows
Liainnor,' Esq , No 114 Wood st:, three doors from
I oth, where hmur prepared to. attend to the sales of
i every kind of Merchandise, Furniture, Itgal.4state,
I Stocks, Ship Jini, &e. &c. &c., either at the Auction'
Rooms or on-the premiges, and will in nlicitseb ex
ert himself to the utinmt liar the benefit of his em
ployers, on the most reasonable terms; .be will .5011
exclusively and only on Cetinnission; rielthbi percia.s
ing nor having any interest whatever on goods hythe
Store, but merely the commission, for sellinstile/FLi
by giving all owners a thir chance, without partiality
of having therein 'property disposed of to the best
ad vantage.
Sales will be promptly settled when made; advan
ces will be given at any time on the Iniie't aee4thino- .
dating turns;—merchnots will not tie charged for ad
vances. Regular sale days, Mondays and Thursday 8,1
of Dry Goods, Groceries, Furniture, &c...; and every I
evening, Hardware, C'ntlei•y, Watches, thins, pistols,i,
and fancy articles; Books on Saturday eveningn, a I
, generalreference will be given i s a fe w d a y s ,... ; Billi
of tailing have been recciied of several large invoices;
lof Morchannise, direct from- extensive Importingi,,
i lionses, in Boston and New. York. ,Nutice will be .
, given of their arrival.
i ap'24 J AMPS NP A
ICENN, knetioneer. 1,1
T . ,41.1.E3V AT.,rO
STr447l: 0E AT tff-'l - .41;P
Z 3 pounce to the crfzen4of p,ttuburgh and vlami
sty that theyliaiiiipsrbehreil thirserVieei-or-JiMitii tar- .
9telitl Y! Of- R t n 4l .w.aYitNewdYorkwrasltirpttlan'
of their establishment.
This gentleman having been exte nsivel , yrelig,a - it
Itrthe'custon z butiiness itlitti4elnititlii;aboveleity
Ibr,the last Stin,years", i. 4 ;welletkiibwri• by Ithatflisla-'
ionable-entarownitytand isuniversally achtiowledga
to be a„cover of great acattirhments,
We will - be'Montlily kuniilied WitlrPgirsl'ap lash
ions, which Will give us the advantige' Or titrering
our custfinierkthe latest and new,e'al stj.l.6l.'''-q.
whofareCZesiroes of adorninfrAliiiiiiersonsi
:an, by eilling:at the Original Star, bt'adcornmo,
AIL ertieles„from this establirhrgelatliviilalio war
-anted in every particular, as no.tronble„olltspease
mill lie want,ng on our part fa affptg:gptteiral satis
have juit; received a splendid stoet o +renal..
and - English Black, BrtiWw,Blue, Green, Olive and
Brack Blue; brown and Green Bea e {Cloths.
English Pilo't cloths.
Pt l ad Cassimeres and cloths for sacks'hild•husinesb.i
French Doc-Skins, plain and fi6rured.
Do Fancy Cast•intere_s.
English do do.
Also ; a 1. 1; e lot of American "ciAlts .and Cassi
meies. ,
French surir cut Velvets fur restirr,s. c:1
Do Ithiek and Fancy 'Satins., * '
‘llO do do 'Silks.
Do dd. do' Cashni - ere ,, andi , all arta--
elcs,pertaininuto our business.
%Vtj bate an - advantage that few houses.intlie w0.4 7 1'
4a v 9p l PO.. ll l; o , ol,l lePPid witil.hguseo bath iu Newl'ork-
Ind Boston who wi,lVke - epns regularl,ysApplied with
'theiateit European styles of goods:"'
A L$ 0-- Will) he'k ept cuSlStan tly, air hand` a: gen'et'ai
assortment of ready made clothing:: ,
Together with shirts, drawers, under sliirtaL hos-
Dins, i6rfs; "glOves.,- iti'stie-ncfers,
Star Clothing .Store tO Wood st
N.. B. All ordora will be attended to
Sept 17
.hit "- •
ei4TH 6 subscriberihavirt;bougheitint tnerwell
known Livery
..titnble.kept by.c. B.l , tioty,„Ari
the Kilth Ward, respectful!). informs nij friends and
the pdtilic gerierally;fhit will'keep'af trin - en a
stuck ofithe bast description of riding horses,.- bug..
gies, carriages of all kinds, and in short everything
required in his hue of business.
A considerable portion of his stock is new and Ve
is confidint no stock i iif ihb city will qie
His terms moderate. His stable is Ontib,
. •
erty st., a few doors above the.eanal bridde,
he respectfully solicits a share of public . patroiiage.
. - CHA L ES- .cPl.l.:l'd AiS,
irrlle is also prbvided& eleatajlelrse;
which will be furnished wile.'" required.' 0ci.2.5-tf
,„ .
' ,< cre'orge coihritni: t-n
No. .26 Wopd . :Street,:.:(V(46uq-li;: =
ri'ON:i'lf gel ES 'to 'transact' a general Commission
busincie; especiailyui tric puiCtiage ind s Saie of
American manutbstures and picxiiice, and in ieebriv
,ingantl forwarding Goods consigned to, care.,; l 4ks
agent f the :in a ulbetiireit e'ontaiipy
supplied 'with; thti . principal , AitiClei of 'Pittsiaitgh
mainifiteture, :at Abe lowest wholesale. priees.- ; • ;
Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited.
Jo:kite's' It ratan e heist S dap. i
PT)ERSONS, in purchasing tlaiF4tikut
baps, .as many have been cheated with ;cminter,feit.4
vill be too much discouraged to
. try tag genutee,we
say to Such, Try once—you - will net regret it;
Lnit 'al wuyi seeithat :the - name.,-Of T.: JONES is on the
wrapper., Price,so cents.a cake.
For sale by %V. earner olltinid
end Liberty streets, the. only' late in - , Pittsburgh
Whet° the Genuine can be .obtaineo;.,4.l4, qrlizgs
. . -
• Can't •ba inent - •.1 !
Wl-1 - ITE ..has jus!,-received at,hislame :
tlestablishment, fronting, on .Liherty and Sixth
streets, a splendid Itssortmeit of Tl , VEr.S'l'di:
summer; ittse;'d . .sup6aior Orriineh Saiin
TINGS, all' , of which-ha is4eady tor . rnatze -trir
thelatest fashion and on the mostreasonable•terms
as usual, ~Observe: the corner,..No , Libart.
and Sixth 'streets.
y - 1 4 S. 'At WITITP.:, Tailor, Proprietor: . •
fonu.ope,pathte..Aked!ckisea t iaryl Boos
UST reeeiveil a freshsupply of iio,mieoplibic,
JM '
edicine:Chests hemeeopathie Coffee,,
aki11.‘1 , 5414 ft large.collection.ofthe latest publications,
Hopiceopatfrv, at tke Bookstore of .
. ,
c;10. Et: a ° nd hCI4-rRI.
T ownifeidd,' Carr' t
UCCESSORS to the old trim of-G: -
Cari,kßorrland, beg, An neunce:
to their frinitda and to the public generally, that
they are now prepared Itinds'orwork
in the coach and wagon •reaking•buainess,.‘ak the
shoriesttuid warranted ~to. he ,ec,.the beat
qUality: • The. veryiarie eimetity of :tie - as - oiled lint
ber•arith' whic - ii•tbey ure - 'prepared, and• - their-facill:
ticafor businean, enabled the i insure, the,puhtie,
that they Are prepared io carry,,extensive end
prompt buSiness in theirline and theyrespectfulli
solicit continuance. of. the: liberal. patronage;be,
stowed; upon -the Jute firma, • •seP4
chests fine' to•Extra:finkiY,A.; ~;
.4 , irap:}ang,c,
5 - I , —* - --
54 pa
Catty Boxes, various ll:rands; for sale by
J. I). WILLIAMS, Ill> Wood st.•
t•;:•ii• :V3, • •
f p"-61( •
. CETO:r .
q Y.TI 1f2.7.)11.4,-, 7 , 7 .00
rkiocolia Foie on tag Oincos
N. yr; Mr. Ain rim it/MEM
' I •
T" pr.p.i.thißf:l4l4l4;piiv. East =4l Ma ,
iliend€ ait3 Alib - latrphir:cottVyPtsiapelf,'lllat
has a Jargl . hlidi;vilt . cho'den itiAortthent . dr: ,, ' , •
.--400 ; 444!grANDttitft.DTAVItet,
Necessary tft;mtairi•PEittlygp?fileit talk 4 14411
,s prepared' to , ex atis " • -•
:•;•,: Silts az.44. 4 4.0 11 0 s !rt." -
PF9phlets„ B.ill•fleacie„ .•••
• and Biile" 'gat Tifini:•': .1
All . ,lttpdx.cEallanke,3Stagre,.,Stcambodt• and . Cpst
Affitcpitif,t 44l h Wrgillec6. c i d PIPASA 9/ .. ) 1 0!: 1 / 1 ° 0-
est irouce,"asiii mosireasouabti term.s.
ictrtilly WAN 4ilinde s
ogi.the •;.bura
mh-, 22) 7 L. 11A. • pt.
St•lpsicori:t eV yegetaiiei'lir X stttve Plll s
,t, ATV itrtiVerrilly`haiiitecr to 'Opt rateoint "0• 111 . Y
, 'ltjusas; a o:effecittapreeentitte; hilt attg:ne4.o - /Al..Pgr
remedy, in all diseases which, eau. effeet.the human
fraine.—llead-uclie, l'iuljgelseit;iii,ltlieuxiiitikea"-;:frilis, -
Scurvy, Dr9p,s4;,Sniall,,o.x,ChOletl-tinztblu4-Wormei
WhoopinrebtrghVeoniumliiiiiWl/Jiitidilice, Quinsy,'
L .
S cadatiiraisiai"ef.teturiplaint,i,iAptipl i exr,,Canicers,
Aleasles ,Salt-Itheti
ni Fits heartburn, Gidilitiess,- ;
I!:iytifibi l a's, Deltfues‘S', l llcliltier'Of thiPSitilfileblde,.
i tioht -, ";Ginvelpl i ainniit•thadiael,4ltivardi•Ngakattia,
pal pi tatloni . qpithe hsaxt;;ltisine_in, , the thrpatAstli- -..
Ulu, Peieli r or'ail . kilid, - •',..eiaialekonii_laiiiti,'Stielies
invtlie" iitfe;-"?..liiiiiiiii rilf 2 l7likictiliStire•444lll, - Atilkifule„,
iSt ' An t lid nyetftrei•LortiVsadittPiriitl; - 11PBNaPlu9 1
Al btis or yhites,.Gripes,liing',B evil, Letkjaw„,l4 , s.
tdrik,'ltile'Oirthdiieltialii,"and . ortmio - i4 - fiffiltidas,
Pfoitriunierdali; Swelled - -feet indleo;i6trine-Pnp' -
ithig, and a ' host ofsitherd have - sticeeseivbkimiltitra- , -
PeatVillybeen'xiiiiieislieil byciffeieUlf , poWithertuita. '":
'They hare:been kilown.txt atfea:Per.manCntt'S9 , 7 4l •
gheil all other, xemedies had„...groyed unavailing, azik,
"in the lasit stageliirdiinaie." • '-- '7'"' I''''.' '''' a
--,,, They , havlO izt , in anycises4i4eisqrted ikelifirolp
fivfZekilAvf !he ..• Plog - f-gißeaf - RhPlAfiAng, tik'ia -I .f"
eeived besides their ungunliiieif comnieltlatrOn..
Thes , ' lire been foriodid'aly , tieeftruiriektded bfttien
oftlielmost :, distitigisiishe{behai - artersidliroittioutelhe .:
land, and been sanctionedin - Enroy i e bx,lsipble - xney,
and _
nd' Prineol'or - ftby,il 61oeit.' '"' - _- ' ''''' ' - '
"They ha;;e.lienn!intiladinilettiinto the linstdtabibuf ---.-
4'diabulglz; Paris, and ,Y,ieitaa,riAditlypgcti tti.e.ciis
interq.sted exertions of,our Poretgla Anib4iSidtire,-
they hifel - neriited the - fiiatirible'Veitnintiiiitlon'iif
Ithe Emperor - of Russia, - and ~. his.-selOstial - ibdajosty
of tbe ClUnese;Empit:e. - ....,,, .. Of' '. • •-,' .., ,-, '''
p*- sodrory'd Patket- "iesiet - an }' ieptite - Elal
from the'llioit a•.isTeiv' , "Yofk l rwitit4tlvart; abun4ant', -,
Sl.C.if MAN'S Nkir Pa PA ' T.edis• ' 'd"ill i tE C LVd , ': "'
kry- Ageneine fi
' a'ile "beeiCeStabliblied-. !airiest*
piincip - aLCities'irithe , Uilion,, and. -n,ppliclitio.rts Asa
constantly,„Jeacbing,na from allnetit , P,4mbe:tlesE(.ol-
la le ` in every section oeili6 C'eautiy. ,'Tentitriliniita• .
01 17 111 dill:Vicirvellent , :elTeb'ts ' Ilooriaitiln , Net all
, .
quarters l --,and, its such ntu}h.ers4.uat,wc a q i !9 Apt
Ltime to r , co.d .one, half of dicna. Whit stranger, on
morn deleltisit:e 63 - de nib - IbUn'tlie:scPbnPiff.altt,
l can" the unturt , tbdptical dcsitelAs ibrtipssible",-Ahat
Ithe,lnanythou h e x,auda,wlio have ttied..cLlCK.F4,Ell'3 -
"PILLS, can deceived fellitiii. "instills l'il f Itti,x
tin itosiiii-e , 'oi - Atideliet , y ~e XiSteif? WO uld;it Indr-linig
1 ago have hee..4l held up, as it stio)dd,l?e- A ,to theficetn, :''
and,derixien 0 1 ;;;!•juxtly,utrendedcorumunityL, ...,
DI" Itenieinbet, br. , C. V. elieliene.r is the original •
!inventor of•tioor 4Coated
rthe,Fort woe gY er '. hea cdorekitik•keittriOced 0 5F 1
in bile, 1843. Purchasere sholld; . thoreilire;iltoym
itiilifoidickiildisoSigitif edited l'egelfibli
I take , no, other ; or thkyhwill•berrilopoithe of t a
I fraud. ..... . .. . • " • 7
PRlCE'2"ctrits' --
r•Dr:Cliekofferie ptincipaktfloo for thttatowfPitik,
:4 ; 88 ,ITe f ley stoot,, New
1 1 . WAS. JACKSON, 89 Lißertyiireal, heiVof Wood
enrioylvdoinoNarthertrObicy, and AlgrAittioti'zcalisi- •
ties.of • ti . :••
'The arc
Elgerita for Allethonvoofirrty"Poir .y. 0, •;. 1 0;aizol
WM, JACXS4‘.o.4nePakiB4.4•l.4gAtt,
head of Wood: -
• . Jonathan Ghriaiti• Manchoder6l4i; 91401 , ... , 04w
a. C. Townend.&.CA. t . ,
Jno rcide q eiite Siiniiogham; •• • .
t• AndroW:S•Settf),M.yiie.Olfoikt.
RoberoVllljorps, . • •-•
le.llimiiiiraASoiiih"Wd;". o V.• . ?q;• 7 l'!'
••• Tomtierancovillowm.,•;i: ,
Flozoinc..,„Law . T . ovi4l44. •
.• •
Daniel Negley,• betty. •
• MittrarirThompioiv;Wilkinatiiiiild ,
o 7
G. H. Starr,,
' l'taintiit • Sprinter, "Clitrto'
: 112 4c0r. ,1611 /CcoilteviartotooroC•tot.*..7.ii.ig..kkrm
Joho .11lock,.Turnp crioly i t , ' 2 , 1 .1 ,, of
• •
';'•c: • P.. tioht, Vlizag4tti." . . • .
. ..• , - . . .
... . ...
J. ii44rsigly.n-,?... II; 4.4v4i;; . ;. , intlielts •
/.'e•PX, t•l',Keesport:
...... s : ,-.• ..11 .17..
• •
11'ealthuuligakiPti irta;
.• Ppsaus.vho.(in.Pelneincn9e•er the .InclaY•Yeeleee
everLiiii.cle''itie it *Oviii go
kciogil as it , irtutigiag. rthic ti littioldlie!tiiiide •to
L beAla (Joseskgo qlteatomgy*.kAttig , ae.e
how a whop ticy, ruu.ty,.;mlllight hair . maul, Bon i ,
leso; inine
t)me, causes it to-graw naturally beautiful;•lfpeople
c i oulikeentlienytrilnrof,po Qr. re, pectll),Le hiechanies
that use it (aye, and fin d it' the dioapeai thilig they •
orad'lfiftidtifyiifthiP hair; for
keeping it, snit A 314.14 •iir,deMbf.e.a . .WWI: as; keng en
and other article roade 4 it ,eciatAthott ri soots . for
"head . ' i• • •• '
- =!!DA;ED , HEADS;
iarlllSo% 0 C 89 - Pb artY ittiTse.s.gi4aburg4; 2.n.;.certi
nas, on tkie 3d 'orr ibrunry, 1347, Mr. Thop3as
tifirifs °Witte'
rwaiand ome.Abyvint.two.-38.botgen,ofJ.onon'OCt
r,al..linicitostoigivn,,s4l), is S wing ; ilast mu! ' .
ifirok;and Will iniik'bo entirelje'restoroil;, • ..
ofTl-.7.1,nt: •
o .q l ll_,_A4k h
s TRfOrl , ,
My:hali tiltillag itc anti triat since a nava
+ol,acil:tatltng is growing.toot., /Loci kagiA fi.LO: 4 4tork :
took. Scioto I used Joann , ' Coial
./testora;iye •• .
cOilthiscl'Obtliiiiidnils'of '"'"1 - . •
2,43!r0,r., grocer s , in .Fulton . sh;:::4 l . 2 4o: l l..bOr •
ihikkod'up diindrtiff," and enterOCCoril Mir
itifitatittitti ontireljectreil
• . •
Op. pu. Walt ta.dreso, beautify And mace rur nor
iffraraf . .
otne.‘' Read -I,ll6try fcit'
on , board - the steamboat South American; do-ettify . :
that ,loues's Coral Ilair•Rwtoratiiniuthe best. utt i ftle -
ever used areseing,
.softinung, "Clearthlic"nrid
keeping •the hair eldng nine-in order; sallarent.,
tomemprefessed ;, •
Sold by. W..Jaclison, at his Boot,anA'Shoe Store,
.1 Patent bledicine'wniehoiiiik, $S Liberty
or . Wsiod at., Pittsburgh--Inliottlea ati37e,4oectis..
and one.Doliat t , •,.. 1 ,„ my 7„
.. DP. V_ G. S nntr, ol 4:,
0 I . IDELt * MOHLER; iir_Llgist`iditt
IV. corner of iVood ;and selt. PfUelnzreff e
ccmstantiy on •hond ; - P30V1 2 gAt;cs . 3y, 9= 4 •
pouniled:frorn the bestmateriels, at hour RCMP.
Jay or night. • Also, an '4usurrment. Perfamery;
fne'Tooth, Flair, IndCliith'Snishes,'Sie.&64'iiiiieh • .
be it ilt sell lOw foiCasl6 - 1.%•' , u ',lp2olk
-4teicely Its venteClPitteisit. -Meek; tilpOng! • ,
-10 . 9a.theitamediatete eranirp.entinaint:eure'.
• -IMAM, andjtuptur?...,, Suited:td air .
• -
itinifietkatise with which' it may. be - vern. ll 7lierliad:•::..
of «00 libbig neatly bile:lee& eprings;.Yrelde
the prelim of •any . part di% tind•thcirciughlYfidaiitl:
itselr to 'any movemezitmade by the. earer. ran
be worn without intermission, tilA =Milt otrlctett.
The. eubseribere bare mada,,acrangemeitte for:the -
manuficture of.thesn v aluable Trusses,in
style, in Philadelphie,'Radltii. thein.
at their - Wane, No. 77, StaltlifielestrilertPtiear Mitt& •
Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT..
- ' _
tt : Htiltoo:loV
' .
) $ $ 0 454.;,a (.1
.i...,t.r...,:'4 i ,A:1t
.' A:
1 ;17.
1 C
El ?P:
u N „