The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 17, 1847, Image 4

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'thltilspottatioit zirro.
pitt 6 burB ll Vert/ 1144 s 'Rost Mae,
- • •
A o.r. -
It) ' - 1 4 ." -;re
OR the transportation of thigh' between Pitta=
hingtinacl the Atlantic cities, avoiding transhiP:
meet* en the, way, and the consequent risk of delay,
damage, breakage and separation of goods. •
pßopnt Ero.n.s:
Outuazoor.& CASfr,.23S Market at.,
TAM'S% & O'COLMOR, cur Penn an d Wayne sta.,
Pittsburgh; ;1
•• ' ' AGENTS:
. • O'Connorre & Co., North street,' Baltimore. I
• ' , WEL JT. TAIICOTT,IS SOOth street, New York.
by increased business, the Proprie.
- foie have lidded to and extended their arrange
manta during the' winter, anCare now prepared to I
forward freight with regularity, awl dispatch, uneur ,
. C arnesed by any' other' Line. Their lilng experience as
riers, 1 ' the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat
eystom, - and the, great capacity and convenience of
the Warehousee nt ea;:h end of the Line, are peenli-
Calculated to enahle the Proprietors to fulfil '
their 'engagenaents and accommodate their custom
' -• ern, and confidently offering the past as a guarantee
for the Nture; they respectfully solicit a onntinuance
- of 'that patronage which they now gratefully ack
All consign vents to Taaffe pc. O'Connor will be re
- ceitied and forwarded, Steam Boat charges paid, and
Bills of Lading transmitted free of any charge for
Contnission,adrancinOr Storage. Having no inter
' est directly or indirectly in Steam Boats the interes
orthe Consignors must necessarily be their primal, '
objectin shipping West; and they pledge themselves
to forward all Goods consigned to them promptly,
tied OD the most advantageous' t erms to the owners.
Plekwarth , s Way Freight Line.
1847 1*
~'6".1,-Fm.•4.--77. A.Ans::9ta":—
VXqt.I . ..II4.EVE.LY for the tiansportstion of way
1.%1 freight between Pittsburgh, Slaireville, Johns
town, Hollidaystiurgh, Wateistreet, and all interme
diate places, '
i'.ptte bolt leaves tho Warehouse of C. A..McAnul
aylktCo.i. Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and
ShipPers - can always depend on having their goods
'forwarded without delay and at lair rites.
This Line was formed for . ;he special accommo.
dation' of the way business, And' the proprietors re
spectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage.
. Proprietors.
ti.9.ti'L. H. BARNES; ROBERT VuOI)S,
JOHN MILLER, linilidaysburgh.
R. R. CANAN, Johnstown. Agent'
C. A. McANULTY &Co.,Pittegh.
J. J. MeDarin, John Parker, Robert Moore, Raga
eyf-Smith, Pittsburgh. mars
; Independent Portable Boat Line,
1847. -4-4,1-2-
• Otr Without Transhipment.
— Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded
'Without delay, at the lowest torrent rates. Bilis of
'Lading tranemitted, and all instrue ions promptly at
tended to, free from any esti.* charge for storage or
con:Mission. Address, or apply to
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
Haring a very large and oornmodious warehouse,
..we are prepared to receive addition to frroght for
Aifitheet) a large amount of Produce, ter., ros Stor-
Age at low rates ,
.. _ . . .
:: 184 7
Dlononge.hel'a rtou.te,
Time to Baltimore 0 32 hours.
• Time to Philadelphia Ail hours.
Lowstr73 attics sractive.)
TOE Splcudid and fast running Reamers Consul,
Lottis sDLane and Swalare,
have commenced
Making deuble daily trips. Pile twat will lease the
blotiongaliela whartevery morning precisely at i o•-
...nitick: Passengers by the mOrnir.g line will atilt,
in Baltimore next evening in Aline for the Philadel
phia Mail Boats or Rail Road ca . :, The evening
Boat will leave the wharf daily at A o'clock, except
Sundays. Passengers hr this boat will twice on
board, in comfortabler state rooms. Lease Browns.
ville nett - morning at 6 o'clock; cross the mountains
in:daylight; sup and lodge -in Cumberland. Thus
avoiding night travel altogether. The preparatiOns
on.this route are ample, and the connection corn
pletei ro that disappointments or delays vrill be tin
iest:yarn npan it:
Passengers can stop on the route and resume their
IMO:S.4pin at Ottani e, find have choice of Rail Road
or itteamboat•between Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Coaches chartered to parties to travel as they de
Secure Tour ticket., at the office, Monongahela
house, or St. Charles Hotel.
n a FFICE in Avery Rew, sth street, alio, e
field street, Pittsburgh.
sod other instruments of writing drawn with neat-
nest' legal accuracy and despatch. tle will also at
tend to drawing and filing Mr.cttarric's Licos, itr
' faints of Executors, Administrators ,4-c., E.raminim,
, titles to Real Estate, Searching Records far Liens,
-Frain his long experience and intimate acquaint
since with the mannerof keeping the public records,
ha Szpectsto give satisfaction to those who may en
' trust their Anis sees to his care. decl6-.lkw
John M. Townsend; --
ket street, three doors atone Third street, Pitts
are, will have constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of the beat and freshest Medicines, which
he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi
cians sindirig orders will be promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
genuine. ..
.Physicians' -prescriptions will be accurately and
_neatly prepared from the bash materials, at any hour
of the day or night.
'Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and gond
isrfurhery dec 30d
Henry. W. WiUtam.,
• {successor to Lore tz Williams.) Offic.a at
the 'old stand, Fourth etre etotbove Smithfield.
TUE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Thrill W. Williams, Esq., rind myself, in the prac
tice-of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on
the 2Rlth alt.,and the business will hereafter be con
tinued pr Hnry W. Williams, whom I most cheer
filifincommand to all for whom I have the honor
to do boldness, ac a gentleinan every yV y worthy of
their ionfidencs.
Steel and Vile Manufactory
lIE subscriber!" having enlarged. their establish•
itient for the rnantifecture of Steel and Files—
en the corner of O'Hara and Liberty streets, Fifth
Ward, Pittsburgh—are prepared to furnish files of
.aver tiescriptiou, of the best quality; and being de
termined to. make it the interest of consumers to par
tbasefiles from them---respactfully invite the patron
ago-of all who- nee the article.
, , J. ANKRIM .& CO.
Ilunttaag arad.l7ishirtg.
.C4OI.ITIIE.M.ENTS of oiriry d ascription on hand
• _Mk ; .fanaconstipitifcieceliiitg fresh - supplies. Guna,
Shot, ,Flaiths; Pelts Game flags.
Prinking Cup4,-Stn.y risking: A large
opropluteltssortnient, 4 hr wholesale or retail,
cnnaisting inp:att of JOintod,and Cane. Rods Hooks
ofiesikiji yariet.y. - ;Silk;,GrissAinsin;L'Otton and Trout
Huai; Slisnlar., - Sniinclill - Froata,SiniPrir &c. -
tic) Wood at:
store, Stre ets
4.14A..°r- t St". d
ct-€ 17.6 n wines -n
141)," ure
inn -
troth s rm.
inds -110.„nioneY''
a - lyt • - -
Licr °Y. , /, • clip!
..; - - . -
lee 10
tteoto .1 • ui4 oY 11,5•44
- • litirstc
weal! 4 "-1
vlig! -
s, v.- ,
i i,r,
.. -:.. ~::/ J.. S.
C. A. Me I.NeLTY & CO
Itt trnfto tompan lc 0.
Vtie'lind Mar.
Mint Insurance -Cmnpanytof North America, of
Phriadelphis4itroughhaduly authorized Agent,
the imbeceihor, -offers to make permanent and limited
Insitranceion property, n this city - and Its ;vicinity,
and en shipmentsby the`carial-:and risers.
Arthiir s. Coffin, Preet:igamitel 'Brooks;
Alei. Henry, :'{!lfiarliis Taylor,
Samuel V. Jones, Samuel Smtth,
Ed warff,Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. l Brown, JaCob M. Thomas,
John White, John R. Neff,
Thomai P, Cope, Richard D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard , Seey.
This is l i the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni
ted States', having been chartered is 1794. Its char
ter is perOetual, and from its high standing, long
experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of
an extra hazardous character, it may be considered
as offering ample security to the public.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones lc Co., Wa- I
ter and Front streets. Pittsburgh. oct23- .
The Franklin Fire Insurance Compri:ay
riIiARTERPEHPETUAL. 61400,000 paid in of
nee 163 f Chesnut at., north side, near Fifth.—
Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against
loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of
every description, in town or country, on the most
reasonablh terms. Applications, made either per
sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to.
C. N. BA.NCEER, Prost.
C. G. Bancar.a, Seer.
Charles; N. Baucker, Jacob R. Smith,
Thomai hart, George W. Richards,
Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Boric,
Samuel Grant, David S. Brown.
WA A RiCK MA RTIN , Agent, at the Exchange Office
of Warrick Martin, 4. Co., corner of Third and liar
, ket streets.
Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents
in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding coun
try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken.
I ii•ura.nce
Philadelphia—Charter perpetual--Capitalsoo,.
000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia. No. 72 Walnut
street—Win. Davidson, Prearti Frederick Fraley,
Seey. Thia old and well established Company con
tinues to insure Buildings, Merchandire, Furniture,
and Property, not of an extra hazardous character,
against loss or damage by Fire.
Applications for Insurances in Pdtsburgh and its
neighborhood will be received, and risks taken
either perpetually or (or limited periods, on CaNora•
bin terms, by GEO, COCHRAN, Agent,
der 24 No. 26, Wood street.
I. rzpixlcr, JR
Kis° & FINNEV,
Agents at Pelt - staff:o, for Me Ddatt,lre Af•.r tual
Safety Inkuranre Company of Philadriphia.
FIRE. yus KS upon Build:nzi and Merchantlac of
ever' descloptiou, and :Stamm !Usk, upon hull.
Or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most fa% oralslo
Office ht the warehouse of King k H o l mes , on
Water It, near street, Pittsburgh.
N. P• Km; L Finney invite the confidence and
patronage of their friends and community at large to
the DelaYease M. S. Insurance Company,' as an insti
tution ar4ong the elect flourtalung to Phdadelplita—
as liar*" a large paid in capital, which, by the oper
ation of, its - charter, is constantly increasing—as
Melding tn earn person insured b.. doe 41:LT, of the
profits of the Company, withr.ut invotimg k.m .
any respeinsibtlity whatever, beyond the premium
actually paid in by him; and therefore a. porte.,ng
the Mama] prine;rl.l
featur", said in It. 01001 a flrsc o form. a I• if
genet' of the Franklin Fire Ineurauc•
Cointoiny of Ylllltd•lphlr.
N. F, enrner ‘ , l Third A:reerg,
Fri*: 4'l/1 . 3 V.( thn ranw*ny nn ri le lint ..f
rr, 1543, as . po.xit.hct! COnro7ll - I.Zy t, an
of-thr Pennr!!vanin Lrgasln:uln, m•re
Ronda and Mnrti7,4g ,, *
Ertnt , . at cost,
Ternporti; Lunar, Stncis an,l L'acn,
flaking a tot:.: nC
Affording cerZa, lerwat , e. e:i :•••ara be
protoptl) triot, trA ' ertZor llCeut , t) to In %•110
oOtxut frol7ll.3llSrocripnY. taken at
as low ratra s, are rnrmalrol
oct 8 NS'.‘ ItA IC I.: NT A FurtN", rot.
liumorpathic Bonk•.
JUS T I:-('CV,etta et the B4tAll.teito ”f the otAbdcz,ber
,in 501 ...Mee,
..114rel .11,1,1, by I , trnce: 01nrnItan,
tranAiatrii and c,‘4Al ni Lhar:esiu:lus
4 v,.14,
1/44:mf41'; di4easti. hy Dr. I.
NineAtir Mr4ls , lne. bs J 1.0%.1.,
eniarp,..l4l.<l unprosc.l, by A. J. Mall, M. I).
I. NO. 1 and 3.
, f)nmr,rtiv Ph vnif.. n.
A .Nrianza, o: , Dorn tatic cry, for i:he , tsr of ; , cr•
tons v. tv.) are under tiommnpatb c :. +r rent.
ttonnolghaur , r , '* Th,top;rt.c. book for
ilornfr pa thaits , Dr. l)k,r,.
A 4h/1 , 01 ,'.1.0t f1t,301,,e, • t.)
T ,, Z , thez 0,0(4 li,trerynt enteN
nuti prices. 0.;, IGe V lUD !,(111.11tA
TO A RMS ! TO A R.m s
TIiiLEATE;ig.I) I lit )A{oll of Western
Pennsylratild by Col, Sr it adh
men, notaith•tandtr g w itch, .1. M. White al.! ear,.
unite to seli c!,ithing cheaper than ar.7 has hereto/ore
been °tiered an the Western C(1,1110 r, haring the
larvat ester bilAhrrien t in the city, ft groin; on Liberty
and Siath stis. lie is now prepare) to show to hot
numerous patrons the greatest If ar:ely of cloths.
casstinems : vesting., and clothing of ail (1e,i,1110,11t11,
suitable for the approaching 11(1” ,, 11, that has ere,
been ofioreil in this market, to which all ran hare
the Right of Way. ()Mien, the corner, .No. 167,
Liberty And Sixth sts. .1. Id. WHITE, Tarioc,
mar2.s Proprietor,
ADI ES AND i:NTL Km Aho design pur
ljehriatng enitit 11 ,or vit :nil to get their alit
Blind. renewed and mane bettor than N hen new,
will please take ',Ate. that Ai:dre•n White av no
permanently Attu:tired on the corner of Wood and
4th eta. Show room on the ....coati floor or Mr. Ken
nedy'• splendid Looking Glass anal vativety 'lore;
entrance on 4111 at. All order. thankfully received
and promptly attended to. Please call and see he.
("ore purchasing chew here. marl 3
Dowel Complain.
FROM Dr. M. 1.. KNAPP, of Chicago, 111,, P en _
le.ent of Nlateria Modica in the lMiversity at
Laporte, Indians.
Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir :—Von ask me what proofs I
meet siiitt of the efficacy of . o ur earm,oils re. I
can safely nay that I pins, rilied a medicines
for Bowel Complaints that ha. given no Minch satis
faction, and my patients so epee I) and perfect
h e r as this. l(lienever introduced Into a family, it
becomes; a standing remedy for :hoar, ailinenta, and
is called ;for again and again, tihirh I think a rolly
good proof of its efficacy and w.efiliorsa. In (hr
Summer 'Compbtint of children it has frequently ap
peared to match the little victims, as it v.ere, from
the grave. "It saved the lifo of my child, and of
such and such a child." I liner repeatedly heard said.
In dyrientric affections of adults,l hate time and again
seen it act like a charm, and give permanent relief
in a few hours, I may say in a few minors.. in fine
it Is a valuable triedic!ne, and no family should ha
without 'it. Respectfully.
From the Rev. Cit.Antra C. P. Caesar, Louisville,
Ky., and latent New York.
Dr. D. Jayne—Dear sir—l am glad to inform you
that the medicine made by you fur Bowel anti Sum
mer Complaints has pruned singularly efficacious in
my family. My wife has for years been extremely
liable to a moat distreasing dysentery in hot weather
but by the use of J SYS CARBIINATIVE Bataan for
two seasons, the attack has been obviated in the
coins of t wo nr three boors. I bane known chil
dren, when attacked with a violent Diarrlicea, cured
immediately by this medicine. I consider your
medicine prepared with great skill, and highly bene
ficial to Hunan nature. Respectfully..yours,
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN 'f EA sToitE,
72 Fourth street near Wood jys
RHODES & ALCORN, (late of New York city,)
No. 27, Fifth st., between Wood and Market,
Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground spices, Catsups,
&c., &c., will open during the present week a large
assortment of articles in their line, which they will
ivholesole in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern
wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran
ted:- Merchants intending to go east would do well
to call before leasing the city. They may be found
at thtir warehouse, No. 27, Filth et., in
. sep7
Sitsnmes Fatliton for lines.
Q M9ORF: bas_ -just ,received from Now ID
OS York the Summer St - yle tor HATS, eon-
Mating . ' ANER, PEARL and WRITE
TnYanett;Casszstran HATSi- with 1 7 enti/atora. --- Thuse
in want of a beauticullightliatare•respeetfully - , invi
ted:to-call at • , No. 75 Woad 'st.,
• t 9d.door loose Fourth.
tiniTOtithm, Etna'.
. _
. 7„ Possago To and From
GEORGE RIPPAGD 4- SON, NO. 13.1 - Waterloo Roab,
Liverpoal. , • •••
CARLISLE & IttrrAßD, Scrithst,, 2 N. York.
• •
HE Subscribers, having accepted 'the agency at
I this City, *ofthe above well knowzt and respecta
ble Houses. are prepared te•itaki'engagomenis for
passengers to come out- Ilem any , part Of Great
Britain And Iceland; by the regular Lute of Packet
Ships, sailing from . Liverpool y•eekly. Persona en
gaging with Ras may' rest assured'. that their-friends
will meet with kind !treattneatAnd prompt despatch
at Li 4 erßacd, as well asesery attention ntc aviary on
their arrival in this country ! , , 'Apply to or address
' - & CO.,
N 0.142 Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
N. B.—Passage engaged here from Liverpool to
Pittsburgh direct, and Drafts for any amount for
warded, payable et Sight; throughout. tho United
Kingdom. jy26.y
1-#' 0 TICE. And yet they come, more and
more, and still at the old prices; and that,
too, in Packet Ships, and intend to continue, let
other ollices raise their prices as they may. We
wifl bring persons out I , om any part of the old Coun
try, without one cent extra on account of the tre
mentlous'emigration, or the great advance in Liver
pool upon passages. We will also draw drafts at
sight, direct from Pittsburgh, for any mope: payable
at sny ofthe Branches of the Notional or Provincial
Banks of Ireland, or any other Bank in any, part o
the Old Countries. JOSHUA ROBINBON,
Otlice, bth street, one door west of Wood street.
Topseott'm General Emigration Office.
air>ftEMITTANCk:S and passag to af t>
IRELAND, by W.ifk J. T. Tapscort
75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York,
and Gi Waterloo road Liverpool.
The subscribers having accepted the agency at
the above house, are now prepared to make arrange.
mend upon the most liberal terms with those des,-
roue of paying the passage of their friends from the
old Country, and flatter themeselves their character
and long standing in business will give ample a,
surance that all their arrangements will be carried
out faithfully.
Mews. W. k J. T. Tapscott, are long and Lavora
bly known for the superior class, accommodation
nd sailing qualities of their PaCket Ships. The
QUF.EN or TilE wEsT, SHIMIELkN, 110c1.IES
TER, GA ItRICK. iiirrmicuErt, ROSCICS',
Elt.Pool., and SfIiDONS, two of which lea., each
Port monthly, from New York the 21.1 a:nil with and
front Liverpool the tith and 11th, in addition to which
they have arrangements with the St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar
ture from L., monoLeSem tin edays bring thus clrt , •r
mined, their farilines shall keep pace with their in.
creasing patronage, while Mr. V. Taporott's oonetaut
personal tratterretenilanee of the trueitiees in Liver
pool ;II an additional security that the comfort and
acreornmortatton of the pa/teener., will be particu
larly attended to,
;what riber• her mg .s• usual ostenviverly enga
ged an the Traaasportatton firmness between Pittishury
and the Atlantic Crites. are thereby enabled to take
charge of and forward passengers immediately or
their landing, IrlthOrll a a h n Ors of a,. 1 ,p,,,ntm,i,t
d clay, 3.(1,1 are therefore p;epared to contract for pas
sage from any. sea port in Great liritain or Ireland to
this City; the flatorr of the'llitrllllMA they are engaged
gtring them facihties for carrying 4 7isssregers so
Inc inland not Oillervrtrr .U12.171 , 21:1r, sad will, or
resorarso forward passengers further West by the.
best Mudo of coneevanch without any salrlitionai
charges for their troob:e. ht re persons sent for
der!, re Coining out. t!. 111II001IC paid ter pa.a•av w 111
be rettinded in frill.
The s.l.scr:Lers Are als,s preptred g.•IS tlri e t• It
Alta, Iny 3t the pr,rlr,...lr4l:es
and TOW P• In ire; sr:ft , syd
Wsles: Outs afT.,rtfir,: I safe at,4 1117341,
rloneli t 4 1:10111 , 1.L5(1.1 r-rflln•
surh rind tt then m:ercst tr,
A pt.,: 2L:nrl if by lc Ezei port palJ• t.lll Le pnumpt
!y tt , to.
7 , DC7 7;
TA SI . F. C •it
ro.ts , Axtnnuk.,r, NtrrOzar.te,
mar2lti3.... 1 .11:10,1Trk.
• 64:
ilenstilante. to Kurope,
• _
2 7.0.1 :
t1,9 , 0:1,6... , 3 4:
ttvEtuu Lo% th. 11 , .• , 411 POttil
I REL..% ND, Esv
A k.'l-nt Mcsary
%% * ".1: , %. F 1 tt.r.
10 1:
the ft.::
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on prrkr.nt•At“ , :: tirr!
11110. to Ki.p! , + l , l rre ,
rharr,n la - hat,trr #,T
ett,!:rtz fr.ef....4•se.cArt,^l, !h..
Kt: • t•el , II
Cana! I :}I V. 15 Ili. A 1: t!.
Perpnna &i a d:f.T.S.fIC. tItIII,VX 11.07fIri4tAllrl
,i , t.or d.rcct,l4
~ ,4* , ,,t , • • atr i..teparoal to f,o - s t o to ,, ttr y
t o .4 1.t.f1, .f or.?
at um ton rat
5AM1.1...L ILKAN
No I 1:, I tLert•
IIK:4111f ul Vu. 01 cit
Julats flack & fn.,
manulactutcy, Ho. I 6 1.L1,..-rty strco, Cth,
Valcltttt;h. Ul4 y advArlres , •,(ICOrle,F,nrilrtita.
John P. Perry,
(1.41 e c 1 eA.
_firm Mai... 1., Le, A4Co ,)
\\r GHtti YEI 3n-I
Nlrrx hint, draleri" L.odo 0ir,,,,,,try p ro .
d, r e, r,npper. tin, tinr,vre
it‘if.cta obret inn, and narir, whitr. :ra.f.
xtuffs, c,,tton ,arms, &r., rO. P“tihnt; l l
Nial M l -at rare, generally., Corner of Liberty an,!
Putlburgil, P 3. Liberal Vhanc es, td
C.. 11 or rrietde on c,nragotn , nti Pr".l‘;cr ,
mac Ti'
U. 4 . C A al E. It 0 ti,
]) ESPErTFI'LLY asks the patronatie of his
rt. 'fiends. Ire feel. warranted that he can psc
satisfaction to 311 w ho ma• purchaso o f two . II
is on trl'Kelsy's plan of Lots, sth
icirient V.:lnglis,' 11c 'rattly
Far Coughs, roid3 .4 and t'ort.tumpti/to'
rum E great and only remedy for Colds, Com:Lin,
Avlltuft antLfrulvfattertott, lithe 111:N(;
hII.S.NNT OF LIFE, thteuveretl I v thu celebrated
11, • Buchan, of London, Flitgland, and Introduced in
to the t tatted StatrA under the tintnetilate supeatn-
Lenclabee of the Inventor.
The ettraordinnry sneer an of this medicine, in the
curs of Pulmonary diseases, the American
Agent is solicThnp for treitment the WORsT Ms:MULE
CAtir.9 that can he foetid in 'he eorninunity—cases
that seek relief in vain from any of tho cointnon
; remedies of the day, and have Leer given up by the
most distinguished Physicians as (murmur', Ann IN
, CllttAtil.r. The has cured, and
will curs the MOST IiftsPERATT. or CAST... It is no
, quack nostril:li, hut a standard English mcdiciue, of
known and established efticncl.
Every family in the United Staten should be sup
plied with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not
only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of
the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine
in all cases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain
in the Side and Chest, Irritation and &fretless of the
Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic
Fever, Night Sweats, Emaciation and General De
!bitty, 4sthnia, Influenza, ;looping Coukh and Croup.
1:0- Sold in large bottles, at $1 per bottle, with
full directions for the restoration of Health.
Pamphlets, containing.a mass of English and A
, incrican certificates, and other evidences, showing
the unequalled merits of the great English Remedy,
may be obtained of the Agents, gratituously.
I DAVID F. BRADLEE, pole Agent for the United
States, Ill) Court street,Boston.
T. W. DVorr & SONS, General Wholesale . Agents,
No. 132 North Second street,l For Sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., corner
of Wood and Front stre6ts. muy7
M. McDONALD, &El and Brass
I Founder. Pirst street, near Market, is
Vt . prepared to make Brass Castings and
Brass works generally on the most
reasonable terms and shortest notice:
• He invites machinists and all Otosr
using brass . Works to give him a call, as he is de
termined to do all work in his line very low.
may 27- I y •
, .
Great Itiniedy . Of She Age Z
The Gs eat Remedy for
Consumption, Cougbr, Colds, :Asthma, Dionaitis,
Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Diffictilty
of Breathing, Pain in the Side and
Breast, Palpitation of the Heart,
Influenza, Croup, Broken
• Constitution, Sore
Throat, Nerw.
was Debility,
All diseases of Throat, Breast, and
Lungs; the most effectual and
speedy cure ever known
for any of the above
diseaies is
R . SIV A Y 1 4 7 E S
Read the Testimony.
St. Louis, Sept. 7th, 1846.
On. E. EasTEIRLY & Co.—Gents -I have been
afflicted for about three years with a pulmonary zona
-1 plaint, which has baffled the skill of several of the,
most eminent physicians of our country. At times
my cough was very severe, pain in my side and
breast, and great difficulty in breathing. In this way
I continued to suffer, until life became almost a bur
den. At length I saw your advertisement'of DR.
SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and
was persuaded by a friend of mine to make a trial of
it, and I purchased a bottle of you. I am happy to
inform you that one bottle has effected a perfect cern,
and that I am cow in the eajoymelit of good health.
I make this statement in the form of a certificate,
that others vwho may ho afflicted with such diseases
,`may know where to find a valuable medicine. You
:can use the testimony in commendation of Dr.
Swavne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry as you
think beat. "'ll'ours, with respect,
ONE WORD or CAUTION.—SiIICC the introduction
army article to the public, there have a number of
unprincipled individuals got up nostrums, which
they assert contain Wild I. berry sonic are called.
" Balsams," " Bitten," and even " Syrup ofWild I
Cherry," but mine is the original and only genuine
preparation ever introduced to thepublic, which
can be proved by the public racurds of the Common- 1
werith olPentisl I v Qua. The nal, safeguard against'
irriposition a to see that my signature is ott each,
bottle. An. 11. SwAvrr,
Cornor of Eighth snd Race streets, Philada.
A,OOO Deaths by Consumption
Would per hop, fie a roiall estimate for the rortiget of
tins dreadful distort to a single year; then add thr
fearful rotolorue tyf thoxe rut off by Niartiation of ,
the Lungs, tientarrhore„43thota, Cough: , btllnen
zg, Brunt nals, and other dizeckes of the Lung: and
And the list wool.' present an appalling proof or
the "I 'heir two cusses rt e dweases. Ilut it
is jrnport,”l 1.2 know 'Fiat nearly' all of Lida e1tP.1.1./
waste of kitin!sn life rii•glit L=ave heel: prevented by
iise of 1111. sW 1 !NE'S CoNIPOLND 81-
lir ICI LI). Cfl Elift .
Th 1t1.‘1.4.,r, has nun- before the public
same eight vearri, and 'id the original preparation
frorn the W,LI Cherry Tree. 114 replit.lain as a rem
edy rm. Cough., Cold., Flrr.ncln4s, and Consumption
of the Lune% bzAct: Pot:fel:lk upon Its mitt:laic merits,
ra litt, ,1404!..,1 nero.papet puffs. TilOsC
who gfle Mt a Ina!, tieing beitefitted by it, troOlit
trf.:Tt it to their or:ghbor., and thus gradually and
trarit 2tat. , 11 an enviable reptitautensod worked
its way into general i 34.4. hue !•,epf 6.;!, to
rote a feri , ot Cough nn Cold, white a tt en .
to.. to the +1.1"c.,.. that ..i.,ornp.tny racb bottle,
its on. of Inn; iitariding and
o f the molt z!artntrt,: C 11 1 ,1,1,, 11,1* gic cri re—
and in vei m lov :natant,. Las etr.ected corn
rdete annot perto.titut corr..
f7e0.1:0- worthlras .• 11,112:2z0,, ninert,•••
‘• r 0," cnnt4.l. norm t.r the virtues
nt thn n;:ipnat pre
Thn 011: prepared
o.t Pk WAN E (.!rivr „r E•elth and 11-“, greets,
and j r ..,!••• by ageolA :0 all parts 01
I:, X A,/ tot:10: p !LS ”F
P,f rpm,/ nods ty Ixit N 4, unmet of
and fi.tre Ivr sage
t frtps'r to CIF Dr,:cg,r• 011 pi:Delp:ll
.1,:+111 •r: tbt. 1•0:ird
lot *ail. 14 WNI THORN,
M ,rl4et .trrei; L `r;l. t. .t.+-rty ‘t,rvel, anti
\I net' rf it 47.4 and Atg
uv rlO
_ _
A Moot 7.::troortltszatry Leiter.
Fr E. P., J.. a.•l - .,rat, a Nicttoolot I;...fa,rcopai
Pt , av;!tcr, A tr . A IA L , r Jr, rc—Mornstown.
7'7, 1 , 17. ta 4.r-1 ur-srr Lot 0a0....e used
,t as folhaN.ll: 1 wra.., at our
rtt.ikttt:k oral, aro! rr i..•. 1 L,,,..la4oot,rLatt rit
art.i arirarr, Out 'Au* vlon art ak
r•lrJ trtrrrur putu, IO on, Lusd and arm. 1 sun
&n kovi, :1.: an; tat ti 1 a;,,-at four o'clock.
Orm 1 111 , .A I routilt soolicn, r.r an
I. ch •tatr , n( ttillaultr.,al,,u. A tur.a.ll Wadi apot an
„r i 6,1,,f aiw,a !to, ►tar ni a 111.1 CL'ilt
n•ttril and o,t to the bone.
a ,,, (1,, t ,,n otc or , ctc, - tuLti-oir Into
• , .1.1 x.n/: I:acclter , EA 41:en. 'lll ,
1-i 1.: 7 'kr, mai `L, tnei
;•PC in gz), L , ,•! o to.tre ur fern iv.,eo ;
ts , o o.k , h.rt 01' PI) tzit,Ulll RA , " 411 poelrkl
, •fr; et1,r1.4 ; nn phlelc:an
•ch.ti to tslt. tnc Itt-tncon.h! . :.-en nitlr
1 , 4! !htp n ft netrni 1 cutti.t Lut .Itrit T.
t, ttb,. 1141. t 0.30`,9,,eattql
lit , to v czontuct.s Auti tetcktteit
Ica• r. , rt•t.tut;t . Incrennlog; upon mt.,: I bait become
,Crn , ..V..ntrultzb:e •%,. I b:t
r ••••, , l , "•! 41 WOFr, 1,1 the utour
st:.;a zpo , tnfui Of A L I 1-:11.1.1 It I:, :anti
Le. or three tar.r. In t!lf,
sa tin at, in :IL, (airlLrlto,, an:keret and
iirinc , pal? ftee petvii.ratton waa
tie the atittare and the inflatnillattoll iaatiy abating.
~ , a• 4111” to reds home. The bet.'
14. P r y t11{11...n iniformed me the attack was one or
srP,•,.l t , l !grit that
'n, y O u, A, TES t‘ a! Litt means of Citing
josF.PII o. CILTIF:111
QT c..r vale ,n Patbur g h, nt the PE.KIN
7.1 FeAir LI; rat, tortv‘ren Niarlet and 1V0..1
atrectv. tIY3/
lIIE salisaither ha trig opened an office in the i
I City of Pittstiorgh, in the State of Penn's, for
the purpose of proem ring Land Warrallte at the tielt
of tattiernment, for the discharged Soldiers of the
Regular A rely, ea nen as the Volunteers, who / have
seri I-0 itimr county in the present War with Mexico:
in the living, and the representatives of the
dead, that ht addressing an application to loin at this
Coy, going the name and address of the soldier-, and
It' dean, his represent-tuxes, it will receive careful
and prompt attention.
InstrucLlMlS and Blanks will be immediately re
turned per maul to the applicant, to tie executed an
returned to me at this place. Ttin Warrant, when
received, will Le immediately sent per mail to the
proper miner ; or ii he should prefer receiving mo
ney, I will make sale of his Warrant to the beet ad
vantage for cash, and make no charge for that Ferrier.
In the event of the death or the soldier, that must
be mentioned in the letter, and the warrant will
owne aceorikeg to the rollowing rules: First, to his
ife.and children, he liner any.) Second, to hit
rather ; and Third, to los mother.
a on to theGencial Land Office at Wash
lepton, and one in the Army under General Scott,
in Mexico, the matter would receive their prompt
attention, should any difficulty (MSC respecting the
necessary proof.
Letters addressed to me on the subject must be
post paid, and inclose a Five Dollar Bank Note as
my coMflansation. WM. B. FOSTER.
Hon. harmer Denny,
lion. Walter FOM ar,l, Pittsburgh.
Col. Wm. Robinson, Jr.,
James Hall, Esq.
Robert Buchanan, Esq. Cincinnati.
Irwin Sr, Foster,
Major St Clair Denny, Paymaster U. S. A., !I. 0.
Lieut. Col. Ssin*l. W. Black,
Capt. John Herron, VoPs Gen. Scott's Robert Porter, Army, Mex'o
Capt. P. N. Guthrie, Reg. Army,
W. B. F. may be found at the othco of Wm. E.
Austin, Esq., late Black & Liggett's, Burke's Build
ings, Fourth street. .IY9
Just Published,
D'AUDIGNEY , S Cromwell, The Protector ; a
Vindication : By J. H. Merle DrAtibigney, D.
D. Price, cloth 500., half cloth 3Sc. This volume
contains 280 pages Moo,. bound unik m with the
" Tho object of this work—tho rectification of]
the common opinion with regard to Cromwell's Wi
pes character—has obliged tho author to intro
cc many quotations from his letters and speeches.
is not WE who ought, In thin day, to justify the
at Protector; he should justify himself."
(D'Aubigney's Preface.
A few copies of the.above,jmit received by Et
jy27 513 Market at.
OLTIgi 150 13V1 - I — fi Fine Flour,,instoresandr:ir
:o' l7 sale by 40. P. PERRY.
- - -, , .., ...--,,, - _, : • I
~ „ ,„„,,,. .4 ... ., : —.- ---- , - , -,: - : .--- r- -'1..--A.;‘,..1 -4 .4, , ,,, k 4 . ;•, ,— (:., , ,, ,,, ;7,4.- - ,,x,,,, ...,,s,,_ ,!-,-.-,,-,.,- --,L .1 ., "*.1"7 , V ,, ,,,.. - ~ ,,, ,4-,,. .'- ' '
~,:,..,':,.:. 4%:511‘-0:7::-*-:,,::;;,*37.2;:::',0:4-1/ET-A a 4tittiike.4"10 ,I ., :2W f it -i-6,K fAt.P & Ai: : lN', t- A" ,- 7 ,- ; '- ':e4t,'4llV-f r ai . sk.'',7- ,
I . ''''''''''''A't,s..-M4tleciW,-41i-V.:.4'.:Valrirli=4,4t.':o4 PA,P
• --',', '., ..:.,,,,..o.4*'''-*/*WW''''-°144.14eF,Wp1
''' '''''' 7= 4,44-IW%.'%'?+. ,
. . ~ ;~ic~~tn
Ris7 E S
- . •
.47-• • A0*.:.1 ,ur
"What though the cruises may'llot be explained,
Sinee their'effecli are dulj ascertained,
Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride,„
Induce mankind to set the weans aside;
. . -
Means which, the' simple, are by Heaven design'd -
To alleviate the ills of human kind;',.
r HIS remarkable invention, which . has received
1 the universal approbation of the medical profes
mon of Great Britain, comprises, an' entirely new ap
plication of Galvanism, as a remedial agent, hy_in cans
of, which the ordinary Galvanic Batteries, - .Electric
and Magnetic Machines, &c., are entirely dispensed
with, and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied
without any of the objections which are inseparable
from the general mode now in use. The strong dos
es, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanism is ap
plied by the Machines, has been prononnced, after a
fair and impartial trial, to be decidedly ialurius, and
it was to remedy this radical defect that-this new ap
plication was projected, which, after unceasing toil,
and perseverance, has been brought to its present
state ofperfection. The Galvanic Rings Answer all
the purposes of the most expensive Machines, • and
in many other respects are more safe and certain in
accomplishing the desired effect.
The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the
Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recommended in alt
disorders tchicharise from an enfeebled and unhealthy
slate of the nervous or vital system, and these com
plaints ate among the most painful and universal to
which we aresut_ne.t. They arise, withoutexception,
from one simple cause—aderangettient of the Nerv
-1 ons System--•and it was. in these. eases that other
I ‘remediele,having so often failed, a new-agent was
greatly needed, which it is confiddntly believed, has
been found in the proper and judicious application
of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings have been used . with entire
success in all cases of RUEUMAT/S3I, acute or chronic,
applying to the head, face or limeins„ Gina, Tic-Dulo
rear, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nerrous Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy,
Fits. Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, Apoplexy,
Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago,
Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the tread,
pain it. the Chest and Side, General Debility, Deficien
cy of Nervous and Phy:iral Energy, and all ,NERV
it DISOIthEIIS. In cases of confirmed Dv:
s. n o -b is s i mply ati er Vol, derangement oldie diges
tive organs, they have bee a found equally.
Their extraordinary effects open the system must be
itnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive
Fot the preceding coniplamts they are equally recom
mended. The Ittngs' are of different prices, being
made ofall sizes, and of vitriont ornamental patterns,
and can be worn by the most delicate female without
the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation
is rather agreeable than otherwise.
The Galvanic Belie. Bracelets. Bands,
Garters, Necklaces, &c.
In some cases of a very severe character, and of
long standing, the pester as applied by the Galvanic
Rings a not sufficient to arrest the progreika of disease
and altituately restore health. The improved modi
fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Sic., entire
ly remedies this objection; any degree of power that
is required can readily Le obtained, and no complaint
v.-loch the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect
will fad to Lc permanently relieved. These articles
are adapted to the waism, anus, wrists,litatia, uncles,
or say Vart of the body, with perfect convenience.
The Galvanic Necklace, arttuseil with greater bene
fit in canes of Bronchitis or affections of the throat
generally; also to cases of Nervous Deafness; and
o1:11 almost nodisrm eiter.V.Vl as a preventive far Apo
plesy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints.
Chrlatie's Magnetic Fluid
is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and
ail their This composition has been
pronounced by the French Chemists to be otie of the
inert sstrasirdmary discoveries of modern science. It
ie beiiescd to possess the remarkable power orirn
dzeing the nerves semsaire to galranie action by this
incal,s canning a concentration of the influence, at the
seat of disease, thus giving rapid and permanent re
lief. No other composition in chemistry is known to
pt oduce the tame etfet-t; or to trnpart a similar p 7 .0-
pritf to the nervons system, by means ofan outward
local appiie.ttrin. The 'Magnetic Fiukicontains node
:nit cap:Min of the %lightest ininry; its application is
and it is as harmless to its action as it is
he.lieficial in its results. lull explanations alit! ditee-
Ltras accompany it. The combined in ventions are in
ri ery nay perfectly harmless, they are sold at prices
waren the reach of all and the discoverer only re
quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy
and permanent benefit.
Citrtsttee o+lv:rule Stren gt hen Ind Picts-
Mese arfieles term another valnable application
of the nij item:nit influence of tzaiv an , id r, Th e y are
an Important adjunct to the genuine. Galvanic flings
and their modifications, acting upon the same
pJn,but having the advantage ot more local applica
tion. They are confidently recommended as a vain
able-arbittion to the speedy cure ofitheurnatism,aeute
ur chronic; in all flexions complaints. and as a pod
ti,e remedy in cases of Pain anti Weakness in the
(':test or Falk, Pain in to Side, in Amalie Affections,
and in lee. knees i.e Oppr mien of the.Pidmonary Or
guns. in Spinal Complaints their effects are of the
most decided character, and they have often been
used with complete suecesir. They are also of the
greatest advantage in Yams and P . i . eakness of the
lireast,and are hitihly recommended for many of thnse
complaints to which femalesrire especially liable. As
an effectoal means for strengthening the system when
debilitated with disease or other causes; as a certain
mot in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive or
Colds. and to all affections of the Chest, generally,
the G•I %mile Strengthening Plaster Will be found vi
great and permanent advantage. In a few words; it
embraces all the virtues of the hest tonic preparation,
with the important addition of the galvanic influence,
itch is neither unpaired nor exhausted, while the
action continues. These articles will lie found entire
ly flea from those objections which are a constant
source •f complaint with tho ordinary plasters in
common use.
t"l' The great eelebrtry and success of these arti
cle% hart caused them to be counterfeited by enprin
elided persons. To provide against imposition, Dr.
Cernisrtr. halt but ono authorised agent tn each city or
the Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh,
(if the highest and most respectable character, are
constantly received, regarding the extraordinary,
value and suemiss orthe above articles, It is believ
ed that in the city of New York alone, npwards of
TuousAND PERSONS during a period of
less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the
most painful chronic disorders, some of which have
completely baffled all former efforts of medical art.
indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who
!disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine,
constantly recommend this appl i cation in their prim
=lice, and with the exception of those who are too
prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has
ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent
among the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all
tunes ready and meet happy to give every facility to
• physicians, and all interested, for testing the truth of
his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery.
Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of 4th and
Market street. octl4-illy
Jayne's Carminative ttelsama,
a pleasant, certain, safe and effectual remedy
for Dysentery, Diarrhea, or Looseness, Cholera
Mot bus, Summer Complaint, Cholic, - Criping Pains,
Suur Stomach, Sick and Nervous Ileatiach, Heart
burn, Waterbrash, Pain or sickness of the Stomach,
Vomiting, Spitting up of Food atler Eating, and also
where it passes through the body unchanged, Want
of Appetite, Restlessness and Inability to Sleep,
Wind in the Stomach and bowels, Hysterics, Cramp,
Nervous Tremors and Twitchings, Sea Sickness,
Faintings, Melancholy and Lowness of Spirits, fret
ting and crying of Infants, and for all Bowel Affec
tions and Nervous Diseases.
This is one of the most efficient, pleasant and
safe compositions ever offered to the public for the
cure of the vatious derangements of the stomach
and bowels, and the only article worthy of the least
confidence for curing. Cholera Infantanu or Summer
Complaint; and in all the above diseases it really
acts like a charm.
All persons are requested to try it, far without ex.
ception, it is one of the most valuable family medi
cines ever yet discovered. filindredsl nay thou
sands, of eertificates.have been received from-phy
sicians;'Clergymen, and families of the first respec
tability, bearing the strongest testimony in itsTavor,
too numerous to publish.
For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth Street.
Latest Unproverkeent. •
EtaiSTEAnS of diffetent kinds with Gazzarn , a
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use ›. for sale luw. at theaurniture Warehouse of
, aug I T. 11. YOUNG CO., Hand it.
,veff,EAx GAP
Al,l 0, 01 6
207 Molts street, Buffalo, Nerv.ifork.
CAtur., I SAW, I-CONQUERED? , if most emphatically
theease• with this article: - 'Disease has ever yielded
to itainest marvellonsmedieinal piaaVer: ' 'Wherever
ithas gone, and. South America, England; 'Canada,
and the United States have , proved- the•truth of this
statement, the above quotation in .a strong andpithy
sentence, tells the whole story. Divalhisohe prin
cipteipou which - yen. tiri'eured may not be `known
to you,ibut the result of a trial of the article is satis
factory; you are restored; and the secret of the cure
remains with the proprietor. The Medicine tea
compound of 22 distinct vegetable agencies; each in
dividual root has its own peeuliar,:exclusive, inedi
cinalproperty, conflicting with no other compound
—each root makes its.own curt-rand as a:perfect
combination, when taken into the system, it does'
the work which Purvis wheiliCr lawsweris'firat
established, intended it s hould do- 7 4' U RIF I E
down, debilitated constitution. ' ! Drearsr, in 'all . its
characters, will be completely eradicated from-the
system by its use. See pamplets in agents' hands,
for free circulation—they treat. upon ,all diseases,
and show testimonyorcuree. GuevEr., and all com
plaints or the urinary organs, fonn.also the cause
of great suffering, and•VAtrius's Lrmonrittme has,
acquired no small celeDritrover the country, by the'
cures it has made in this distressing class-of _afflic
tions. So rained, it seems, is this•medicine, that it
has thus attracted the notice of one of our Medical
publications. In the NoveMber No. 1846, 'of the
"Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review:ol Medical
and Surgical Science,. in an article upon calculous
diseases, and "solvents," the 'writer, affeenoticing
.the fact that the English government once purchased'
a secret remedy, and also , noticing, the, purchase ! in
1802, of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New
York, thus pays tribute to therm - cattle Medicine:
"'Why do not our Representatives in Senate and
Assembly convened, enlighte.n and .dissolve , the
suffering thousands of this country, by the Purchase
, of Vaughn's Vegetable Litbontriptic, thanwhich no
I solrentsince the days of Alchemy has possessed one
half the fame !" Reader, here is a periodical ofhigh
standing, acknowledged throughout a lerge'setion • l
of this country to be one of the hest conducted jour
nals of the kind in the United States. exchanging
with the scientific works of Europe to our certain
knodledge, edited by Austin Flint, Al. - D., and eon
! tributed to by men ofthe highest professional abili
ty, thus stepping aside to notice a "secret remedy..
You will at once understand no unknown and ihorth
, less nostrum, could thus extort'a comment Rom so!
! high a quarter—and consequently, unless it directly
conflicted with the
,practice of the faculty, it must
have been its great "fame" which has caused it to
receive this passing nod. KIDNEY, diseases, iceiTh; - .=
ness of the tack and spine, irregular, painful
. and
suppressed Moisture ion, Flour Albus, and the en
! tire complicated train anvils which 'follow a diser
j derettsystem, are at once relieved by the medicine.
! Send for pamphlets from Agents,and you will find
evidence of the value of the Lithentriptic there pill
forth. As a remedy fur the irregularities of .the fe,
male system, it has in the compound a "root" which
has been resorted to in the north efEurepe (hi ten
turies—as a sure cure for this complaint, and is re.
storey of the health of the entire system. , Ltvra
instantly relieved. People:of the West will nd it
aqt only remedy in theie complaints, aswell as FE-
Yee Aso AGVE. There is no retnetly like it, and no
calomel or quinine forms any part of this mixture.
No injury will result in its use, and its-active proper-
ties are manifested in the use ofa single 30 oz bottle.
Fos. FEVER AND AGEE, BMWs Disorders, take no
other Medicine. arteuxtszon, GOUT, Wiliji/id relief.
fbe actiou of this medicine upon the - Bleed, will I
I change the disedse—which originates in the Ifloodl
—and a healthy result will follow. DvssErsts„ . Ire
DR: Eamon Sze., yield ins few days use of this Medi
; tine. In flammation or . TILE LUNGS. COUGH, Cos,-
SUM PTION. also has ever found relief. S.,CROEULA,
; ERYSIPELAS, Pttxa, Inflamed Eyedall caused ! by du
pure blood—will find this article the remedy. • The
system, completely acted upon by thetmentv‘two
different properties of the mixture, is purified and
restored—as a partial cure will not follow. The
train of common-. complaints, Palpitation' Of :the
I Heart, Sick Headache, Debility; 4-c., are all the re
sett of some derangement of the system, add the
GREAT Res - roam will do its work' The promises
set forth in,the advertisement, are based upon the
proof of what it has done in the past four years.
, The written testimony of 1000 Agents, in Canada,
! the United States, England and South America, in
the.poSsession of the proprietor—and can .be seen
by all interested—is a sufficient demonstration that
it is the best Medicine ever offered' to the World.l
I Get the pamphlet, and study the principle as there
laid down, of the method of cure. Put up in 30 oz.
bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do at 81 each—the larger hold
! ing 6' oz. more than two small bottles. Look out and'
not get imposed upon. Every bottle has "Vaaghn's
! Vegetable Lttbuntriptic Mixture..blown upon. the
glass, the,tcriffen signature Of "C.C. Vaugn. on the
directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,' stamped on
the cork." None other are genuine. Prepared by
Dr. G.-C. Vaughn, and sold at the 'Principal Office,
507 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesale and retail
No attention given to letters, unless post psid—pr
ders from regularly constituted Agents eiceptech-post
paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting ad r i
vice, promptly attended to gratis.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this Rai- i
cle-132 Nassau st., New York city; 295 Essex st.r!
Salem, Mr- :and by the principal Druggists through-;
out the 1J oo.ed States and Canada, as advertised in!
the papers. '
Agents in this city—
Hays Sr, Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Agents,
No.:, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
Mao, R. E. - Sellers, 57 Wood street; John Mitchel 4
Federal street, Allegheny city; John Barclay, Beaver;
John Smith, Bridgewater. j an3o-thltw 1y •
Sprain., St rnin - s, Pains of the - Breast and
Side, and di.leases of the Spine,
CURED and etTectually relieved by the use oflga-
ture , s OWN Remedy, the AMERICA:Z.OW; ob
mined from a weil in Kentucky, 185 feet below the
Earth's surface. A lady in Kentucky was cured of:
a Spinal Disease-, which had confined tier to hei bed 1
fir many weeks completely helpless, by the use of
this remedy, atter various other remedies had been
tried in vain. Road the following testimonial.
Pyrrstiuncit, August 22, 1846.
This is to-certify, that we have used the Astr.s.P.
dug Ott for the whooping cough among our children,
by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoon
full at night, which always enabled them to rest well
through the night; I also applied it to one of, the
children that gut her arm burnt, the child ceased
crying by the time' the arm was dresiea and binaird
up. I also,was afflicted with a pain in my side and
breast, andhave been so for 16 years. I commenced
using the Oil iby taking a teaspoonful twice if day,
and in 2 or 3 days usingthe Oil have been very much
relieved, and do belidve that it is the best family
medicine I have ever seen—one of my. neighbors.
used it at my request.for a sprained ancle, which re
lieved her in a few minutes; we have also used the
Oil for a strained joint in our own family, which gave
ease in a.very ;short time. We live on' the east side
of Penn st., 3 doors south OtWalnut.. I . Stit now:as
well as ever I was in my life.
Sold wholesale and ietail by jFm. Jacksn,' at his
Boot and Shoe store and - Patent' Medicine Ware
house, S 9, Liberty sheet, head of Wood street, Pitts
burgh. Price 50 cents and $l . per bottle. ,Wrn.
Jackson being the exclusive Agent for' Western
Pennsylvania, NONE . IS GENUINE- but' wliat is
bold by- *list on ;fits appointed agents..:
N. A. A pamphlet , containing , ample directions;
with the Names and Addresses o f the proprie
tors and principal Agents is enveloped in the wrap
per of each bottle. aug 28—feb 15-d&w6m
Jones's Coral:Hair Restorative.
IHEREBY certify that my hair was falling out in
immense quantities "daily, anti -was turning gray„
and that since I have used Jones's Coral Ilairitettm ,-
relive, it has entirely ceased falling—is growing
fast, and has a line dark look. Before I tisect.loneiPs
Coral Hair Restorative, I combed. - out - handfuls of
hair daily." - . .
TOMPKINS,92 King st.N. Y.
For sale by W. Jackson; Agent; :corner of"Wriod .
and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh
where the GENUINE cAN be obtained. -".'-'faid.l2.
ro my.C_llente.
NIYP R g Ans
tinAE:q ' will att r etd g t: tt sny an alitfinished'
ness 3 and'l recommend them to the paironageor
friends:` I nra 'authorized to state that they _will re
dceivethe counsel and assistaucevf - the - Hon: IY.l3id
ble,-- Office 2d story of IllurkeittffildinglAtit ittlept;
etween Wood and Market.,
jn6-l) . SAAIVEL W. BLACIC.f'
T AE PIG—A treatise on the breeds,management
feeding, and medical treatment:of swine, with
directions for saltimppork, and curi ng " bacon and
hams, illustrated witkeniravings drawn from 1ith,..11
Wm : YoUsti. FOr sale at - - MORSE'S
aug26 ; 'B5 Fourth street,
?'~ sro~e~n~s^--G..3r 'S ,:-~. "ci~tf+ f ' .- .k `~7'~,N'
ter +=- ~ :"'+. ,a
•-- - • • '-i! 4 ':T . : . K.'-',:'!
Phaertiebiatedttxltan-Itsmc4y- s s.
Discovernd by Dr. Dlazoni ofltaly the year ,1845 ;
and intrOducedinto th6U,. States early in 1846.
liIS unrivalled-medicine for the radical cure of T
Chronic diaeasoa basirpread oughout Europe
with the most urreqtralled speed and triumphant-sue
, .
cess, effecting the most astonishing mires ever known
or recorded in the annals..orlqedical
its introduction intntlipUnited States it, has equally
sustained the high reputation it so re - edict:l,in
the East, curing here ai _dome there, the most
inveterate and long'itanding,rlis eases Withwhieh the
human family are afflicted,' The_PlaYs h . ale of En.'
rope and America - farairt.hey,' have - beer - nue dc-
quainted with its mode - of Operation) together with
the theusands who have been'restored to health:by,
its superior officacy.with oneinited•voic - t~ prerilaim
it to tfetlie most perfect remedial agent Orcr (dieted
to suffering,humanity. It is now an established fact
"that Consumption may be, cart he, and luts,beentwed
by-Dr. Mcc..-enPiSiciiian Syrup;or Tropical
This is the only medicine that. has ever, been di a.
covered that liasachieVed a - enre dietesa'
had gained 'a settled and - permanent hold upon the'_ •
system.. For the'ruth 'of this assertion, we have
the•certificates of sonic of,the molt eminent . Physi•
ciane of Turripe..and..Arnerici,expressly declaring
that they have prescribed it in hundreds of instances
Where - the patients N' ere considered bfyontlillrlopo
of recovery, and, to their astonishment, has efflee.ted -
the, most speedy and perfect ogee.- :No one , ,wh e is
_nnacqnainted with its action Chn imagine the won-
derfirl suacess that attends the administratiori ct this
medicine in every variety of chronic disrtide,'o6;
ticularly Consumption; Strofula,Or, kingsevil,-Asth
ma, Phthisic,Piles,(ste ca6es reported in pamphlets
and circulars) - Cancere',-Liver Coreplaints,,Costive.
nese. and Indigestion,Sore and
_lnfiamedu Throat,
Bronchitis, Dropsics,-. Chronic', inflernation: or ; the
Kidneys, ravel, - (lrent Debility and o f
the nervous system, Spinal affections,'Paralyils, -
Chronic .Diurrahtba r , pain in the, , hreast a'ad "side,
Conghs, - Ccilds; Chronic Rheumatism, Disepsesof the
Stomach and. Boweli, inward'Weakne - ss:'und
down of die'womb, and all the chronic `iliseates pe•
collar to females. in their various .relations
This medicine is prepareirMily hyllr."Maioni bias:
self, and is composed intirelvof vegetable material
containing the extract of 42'a the most rar*Tropi
cal plants bet lew of which are known tO.the-, medi
kcalPrOfession morally. - • "
n It basso far - surpassed ever/ other medicin-o ever
Mffered to, the world in eradicating disease, Ithat".. - ft *
' - bas not'only enlisted many_ of the most ~talented'
medical Men in the-world in its - -faior* but' ,Sliat is
1 more extraordinary_ the governMent. whete:litfwas
discirrered "Has made it an offence ppnishable with
diath- Id attempt counteifeitin6r it 'di. I ,sale_e)
any spit-rifts article purporting to be , the soma or
representing it lobe , genuine.. Ancl_this, , govern
ment has also inade a liberal provision for. tlie.-pro.ii. ;
tection of-it here.' To the afflicted we silY:lettione
despair, though you- .may _have been.givenitip. by'
your Physician and considered by your.- friends4t
beyond, all hope, try a bottle' of this 'medicine and
you may' rely upon the fact, that-if
cal strength enough, left to endure its. aetion,lou
will find ciit..-cin and 5-needy relief, for thishas been
'Ma case inthousaniis of instancea,iii Procifbf
we can produce certiticates.from. :of . 'the
most respectable character. Loth;of Euro ie and
America; This medicine will be. Offered - ; . fOr acile
only at the county seats of 'each-aces - any owing le -
the small amount yet imparted; antl' - the anxiety:)!
the_proprictor to place this•valuable remedy - Within
the reach of all throughout the - United Stated:'?
& Brockway, Druy,gists z Cc.mmerclil ,
Row, Liberty street, wholesale and retail A ienta o
Allegheny county. Sold . also
. la . y,ft.,E.-
57 Wood et. . . • dec29-tl9tr.
A. 11ATCHLESS 44T16LE 1".17.R
. .... .
grqtyth, gedWji;',inii.-kcstordtion 12f3tho
THIS CREAM when 'encekriown,rill supersede;
i all other rticles' of the kind now "ie use.
Where the hair 4•dead, harsh; thin; Unhealthy or
turning. grey; a v- applications - will . make' the hair
soft and dark, a ndgive it a beautiful, lively appear,
arise; and will also make it ; maintain its livennesi
and healthy' coldr, tWice as long; as all Oa& prepur.:-
tions Mile ri are generally nee& r r'W here thelliairjs
thin, or has fallen off, it 114 be restore() by using
this cream. Every.la4y.and ge.ntletnUn.whOiii iti - the"
habit of using oils on their hair, should at ,one pur
chase a bottle '
of the Chinese Hair Create;'iii hid lc:-
composed that it Will not injure the'hairlike iiiiith:',.
er preparations, hut y:ill beautify it . ,'"atl giver eifect
i 3
satisfactioriin every instance. :
...- . . ; ~.:-.-
For testimony to its very stiperier:cfualites;irei
the following- letter : from • Rev.:Mr, Caldwell-. to
Messrs. Hendersholt & Stretch, IsTFshviPesg9l4,
agents for the Southern States: .
2 I , j - . .
_ . ,
Letter. from the -22ett-dt. , Caldwell, Past or,zelf ,the
Presbyterian Chureli, Pulaski.
Messrs...l.lendershott and Stretch: Gentlemen-L-1'
take pleasure in adding my-testimony in 11:v4°f:ilia
.excellent preparation called Da. PaaarstreDt , .t.trzar:. 7 .
'about two .YCars ago, my hair,
was very dry,•brittly; and disposed' o coma
having procured a hottle of .the the . Ankle - sett it
according to the preseription,it is noOr.soft,lelaitic,,'
and firm to the 'head. biliatne Mils Wire,
applied, each.' leevidg iri)r. hair. in a • worse state than
before, This cream, hos ercr, has metmy expects.!'
. .
• -
As an`article for the toifet, my wife giieS prefer.
ence ofer all otbers,. being clelirately.berfuMedkand
not dispeied to rancidity: l'he ladies papeciill,yWil4
find the Chinese-Cream tribe a desideraturrilti'their
preparations for the toilet.' •Respectfully,lic:t.
, . R. CAl,)leYk4,Li
Polasiii, ; „TanicityT; 1547. .'
Sold wholesale and retail, m' Pittsburgh; b 7 John
M. Townsend, No.. 4 ,s , , '"Aforkot - 5tiePt4i , a44 . ..7001.
Molder, cornerof Wood and Fifth streets.
, . .. . ~ - • . -
The Thine Bin Dimes ve. The:Westeeee
' World TI 2 - ..,
STOW made and ready to- be offered
on the:Most !.
1 . 1( liberal terms to my old customers muLthe - latib-
Hein general. The Proprietor of this,far famed.and,
extensive establishment has now; after tc;ifitiini, -_
from the Eastern cities, at much trouble and e pense;•
just completed his, fall, and winter arran - gemente to
supply his diens:Bids of ciistoniern with' one ef the
moat denirabfeEstockri". ofClothing that Bei exerllieeni-
offered in this or any othermarket,west of_tee,moun.r i
tains. For fleetness in style inirwerkmanship,eani-
bineil with' the very low price whick theyiwill be
sold "ford must certainly render : the 'Old unritialfed, ~
Three gig Doors 'one of the - greatest attitietiniti bt
the western country. - It is gratifying to mc'to' be
able to announce to my numprous•friende at •homie. _
and abroad, that notwithstanding the extratirdieary
efforts which 'I have made to meet-the many !calla lc- '
iny . line, it is with difficulty I can keep time #ith the
constant ruse' that ieniade on thii.pepular,cetablish-•
It lira Well eetablinendfact,that niY
meat. - ikireiare
. • .i•
eight Or ten times larger than any otber bonze - In the
trade, and thiebeing the ease - err the amotins ?Bid, I
can sell at much less profit-than otheficeuld -
pos,siblytitink, of deing.if they,wishedli.Vi'ciotieobj
tingent expenses. I intend ta make a. clean sweep
of all, my present steel: belbretitretreginning lof,neat
year; coming to this Conclusion,A. w_illimake:it,•the -
interesrOT every. man, n•ho "watite..,ay,i..itwArttut•
siiit,..te call and "purchase at the - Thiefltiebli e.
oct:2l-d&w - ''" JOIDNI - fifiCl: '
. .. .. . ..
. ... .. aIV al c,heit trozh..EvAlope.
J ,
,• .,.. -". -
UST received; a fresh importation- of Et ' la
arid - SilVer - Patent 'Levry Wit - eh - is,' or ..' best
* 1 1"
qualities and-handsomest pattern's', vt.hi - chel.atrisel... - -•
ling at as, low prices as the. same qualitiesare . , per,:
chased forin• the Eastern' 'cities—theirqualit and,
a ccuracy an time keepers guaranteed '' - Also;'.
Gold Patent Lever and: other ; Watches,, at s3oi:
$35, $4O anal' upwards. /.! .'.''. . 7'
Being determined to makeit Vie - interest
. - oripir
citizens and +others, to purchase at - horifellireisPiet- '
fully invite, attention to_ my, large - and , Beautiful as*:
sortment of Watehes and l•Vateh trirneringsil!- -, • •
-.tcr The best attention cohstantly - giveii tp - toixte, .
paring office Itratehes:"•ltavieg in - tnyernploy:the• - ;
most experienced end best workmen in Oe-S•talos -
and every facility for diiing - all'lii3dei of 04
Clock -.workie the very best manner. ,- - - - - ;
--..-. • ... W. - W,,,, WILSPN:iI. -- -1' - -
Corner ef 4th an d Market trts..
- ; Ventttare 11.11 1 114.141,
A'WESTERVF.LT, the old and well known
1 ; Venitian - 13lied Makei,' formerly 'Se.elit`'
and Fourth sta., takes this methocitdiefortas,hisniair .
frjenut of the fact that.Ns Factory. is now insa, oB
eratien- on St. Clair'neer the. old Allegheny.
Bridge, where a constant supply .of- Blinds lid' vartoue
Color, and,qualities, is, coast-I'oly_ kept an`hand and
at all'prices, from twenty-cents up to euitFiletemprs t ,
N. U. If required, Blinds' will be put. up eoo.list - ,
in case of alarm , by fire, or otheswise;'they --- rriaibo
removed without the aid of a screwi drivet and yvjak
ihe facility, that other piece of funiitnie
can bexemoved, and without any - extra - erpense:(
je24-d&wv. „ii t ,
To. Stony Masons, Bretltloett > l
OF - .ALED bereOive4 at
Of this:Alletheriy - Ceinetery;aatil the 2
Beptenther, pest, farlftrafiat all ieateilate
ter. an BotranoeLpate,Woz tiod_.Ror_tertai
raid: Cemetery, ""
Plaita :and specifteationi(eithe - ii&li"e,l
at the office, - By order of the - Board,
the offica
"and ereCtT
ii , tn, siert'