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''' - '':l'''':l- . :::::,:' , -.'-';', ii,:t , '7'l'; i.f .2: '•', t; '` . :`.. 4 >'R. ~ , ,.1:'"' .4 7 4!;;, -41 , /i.; • ':";':::- .i5,,.„.,.,1•...-7. I'ii;',:/.t.,,,:1,4 ~;''",i'il7,Al3A'i,;:::,.,N'C-t; . 4' t . .:1- 7 .- . l oWiE';o.4., I, JeYr!-ITl=.l'*d - L..,..: ' .. ..4,. 5 ,. .:ke..1-1-q: , -4.:,1,-;•,;-;,.g.,,:k:' , ;., , irt.t.: - ' ~..-'.:_,- ~:.,,,‘; -.;4 . ~,i'!';:;..l. ---..,, ,i ,- , .;47.1 I:!i . -Z 1? ;i:P'2 , .2.:ti'' , ". ' ' , 4' !. ‘:; - '': %: i . ? "?: : ; :; '!:`:1 1. :;• '.. : 2 ; 1 k1;1 :- : . : ''' - ',: 1 i' , ": '7,?..'2%.1-, .kts, 4 l Tr- Kt y r *'"'A ea lag the 3344 Morlitll . 9 Post. 41ARI:i11, EDITOR 41,11144***01t • PIT TolstrilomMgi WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 101847. :,DEMOCRATIC FOR GOVERNOR, FRANCIS R. SHUN.K, - OF_ ALLEORY.NY COUNTY. FOR CANAL - COMMISSIONER, ; 41,1'i:tunas LoNosvftir,Tii, , or MONTGOMERY COUNTY. - `SERA-Lx—ALEX: BLACK.' ..Assi.rLo z.ir—JA IVES B. SA W YEA, e T. H. DVELHENNY, JOSEPH COOPER, 1 - I JAMESS. LONG. Tactsvant--,IOIIN C. DAVITT. Curixtutozrzn—R. EIONALDSON - .4lizaroa—EDWAßD ItECOBKLE Demotrilit County committee of Correspondence. follciwing persons compose the Committee. Charles Studer, George R. Riddle, Andrew. Wylie, j James S. Craft, Ilenj.i Wilson, (of Eliza- i J. H. Philips, (of Rob -bethi,) inson.) James A. Irwin, R. H. Kerr, - Janieseunningham, Dr. Wm. Bach up, Tolici4. Mitchell, Col. Jesse Sill, Jacob Tourer. Col. Jos. E. M'Cabe, Thonnis:Farley, - Josiah Ankrim, A. M'llweitt,' • R. Pattersop, Edward Ronal!, ,_ Gen. , John Neel, Dr. Joitrui R. ItrClintock,' Jallasi Watson. OZ:r At a meeting of the Democratic Committee of. Correspondence, held on. the 7th inst., the fol low-mg issolutiop was adopted : Brooked, That this Committee recommend to the several wards and districts to appoint their :itwn`Committees of Vigilance, and that such ap -':itiiiitmentis be made at once, and either by the Delegates to the late County Convention, or by a `2Zneetint . beld by the people for that purpose. Al tliet 50,10011 as such Committees are appointed, Abitntunes of.the members thereof respectively be forwirded to the editor of the Morning Post." ;- ' i El= =1 BIS Gcnnlnc Specimen of - Federal "Decency." following communication was published ..,cosielteuously in Monday's Gazette: GEORGE 111. DALLAS. •ro Ms Editor: of the Pittsburgh Gazette. • 'j.wish to say a word to my fellow citizens on ~the arrival of this extraordinary man among us. ;'Whoonen of Pittsburgh, is George M. Dallas, and i , what has he done to entitle him to your respectful attentions!: In the name of all that is sacred, are iiirpeciPli prostituted in principle, that they could "In any way delight to honor one who has betrayed the great crisis of our old State's wet. it4epended on that man to say whether she ihould prosper, or whether her great energies should be prostated and paralysed, and he elecid `Aid, for. the latter,to win a chaplet from oth `ter hands. lie struck the blciw at your great in ,qqesti and - - let him be forever execrated by all `.`peen; nf all parties ,who claim the tie of kindred this dear old Commonwealth. ,;; ‘ ,Mett -of the workshops ! mark this man ! and :.ihould his brazen impudence bring him among you • treat him with that heartfelt, silent contempt whiehl:all must fee) towards those who. hero been ES 'trusted, and who betrayed their trust What "*Wolildlany other State say, would South Carolina arid what would the people from the vallies and Mountains say to one of tbeir own citizens. :Who h e ad violated all the solemn pledges he had -givenlMobtaining office, broken all—aye, aimed - .lst.the,ivery.heart's blood of his state, and shed it freely: . ;knovei ng—wilfully and deliberately knowing •-the !destruction he was accomplishing, all for his ;:civinvpiivate and selfish pitrpo.ses? What, I ask you it - iniidiSauth Carolina say? Why, sir, a voice of 'execration would burst forth from the plains, and re-achoed from the hill-tops—one universal . 30aijilf-wratii, that would cause such an individu- i.;itido,etillxpon the rocks to bury him, or the wild "i beasts 'of the forests to devour him. Men of Pitts , `burglif the Tariff is yom heart's blood—it is the "moving, acting principle of your business circula. tion, and take it away, and your industry will _drop, and languish forever. Recollect then, one `WO 'at - that George M. Dallas bad the casting ototoia favor otyour Tariff—in favor of the Tariff ofyour, state—and that he cast it away to subserve bis . oWl2l individual inerests. A PENNSA 4 yA NI A N. We trust our readers will pardon us for giving -'publicity to such an infamous production as the-a bove. We put it i on record, for the purpose of ex hibiting to our readers a genuine specimen of Fed eral "decency." The Editors of the Gazette fully indorse the production, ai,d give it a prominent place in their columns. These gentlemen but re. cently 'came amongst us, and our citizens, who are proverbial for their kindness and attention to 'strangers, have extended to them every courtesy and respect,-they could reasonably expect .or de sire. Suppose that upon the arrival of, Rosary!' Bsoisaii & Co." in Pittsburgh, we should publish publish an article in our paper, making an appeal to ourcitizens to insult them wherever they ap peared-'—to treat them with i , silent contempt," be - came Of their brazen impudence . ' Would not -bun:lenity, and decency, and common sense, revolt ,?at the scandalous proposition? No Democrat po l - Scilled l of the slightest modicum of respect for or the onlinary courtesies of life, would ....ever:Amain of approving of such a wicked. un "riaturall-suggestion. But these editors of thj Gaz .4tie;-e4lining to be •' bright particular stare' in .41liaratika of the party that arrogates to itself wall - itie'Oecency,"and all the morality" in the land, re ,corrimend to the citizens of Pittsburgh, among 411 co - they have but recently taken up their a- bOda,"to Ault—basely, wantonly insult, the se ,-•,-Oridofficer in the United "States! If a spirit of ENE RE =I dei r ription was sanctioned and pursued gene;- , ally by l the -people in this country, it is fearful to ''contemplate the results. Family ties would be cut asshnden—the social relations would be de. ,troyed--and the worse feelings of human nature to run riot! ' , Andfschat has Gionos M. DALLAS done that :Outitlej - iim to the disgraceful treatment that is suggested by the organ of the aVhig decency of Pittsburgh? Will any man of intelligence and Feracity put his hand upon his heart, and sayohat tiny act of the Vice President has, in the slightest ~,4sgree, ,proyed injurious to the interests of the peo. t. , ..t4e or Pennsylvania? No man, who has the least 7 : liegard:l; or his 0%%0 reputation, will rise up in this ... , ..cotomartity and say, .that the . Tariff of 1846 has WE -far operated injuriously to the interests of Pittsburgh. Under the operations of that law, the ...agricukural. manufacturing and mercantile inter 'itata: of the country, have prospered beyond all —Piecedfitt.- 7 -Rertnanant-andsubstantial prosperity upon this ; fair land throuilidirt-itikkeigth and breath, and all the sad predictions of .tlie panic 'Federalists, hare, happily for the -,Picciuntryl-never been realized. The great MUSS 0 1 Were attached to the Tariff of 1842, , ~C._Democrats as well Whigs,--are free to acknow Istdge:,that the existing law.has thus far exceeded -dielr-ispeelatione---While it has injured no branch 4.91 . --irtibtatry,- it has benefited all classes and all in :l4l4;its alike. In the Tariff of '42 the true principles or-the Democratic party are happily exemplified-- MEI FM in'tt, the beautiful sentinient of the patriotic JACK expresseJ—,-Fhe blessings of Govern. Onedt, like the 'Dews of Heaven, should be dig penied alike _upon the filch and the Poo; the High ~ 4 114 the unseat antl unfelt, save in the Fresh . , - ncesapd Vigorwhich they bestow."; El ~- • - The Post tidemettto distrilat us when we said that breadstuirshisk - filliiosii4talf, here is addi tional evidence ;04tie fac t ' '.The - highest ince at which.best American flour has been sold in.:Londod thisyear, was 54a per bayiet, which is about 19a . per dent. above what it was last year. At the last accounts it was 265. , . Gazette. O'.The tibo%•os is another specimen of the fair:- . ness of the 'Gazette in conducting an argument . That paper asserted that the Tariff of 1846, caus ed bre4stuffs tojall one half in price. We proved to the satisfaction of every reasonable mind, that this Was not true : we gave the present prices of leading articles, and showed that at no period dur ing the operations of the Tariff of 1842, were pri ces double what they are at this time. Flour is now selling readily at from $4,57 to 5,25 per barrel, in the Pittsburgh market. Will the Gaz ette dare to say that flour was worth $lO per bar. rel, during the time the Tariff of 1842 was in es istence 4 Wheat just now brings 90c per bushel this market, and if it sold for $l,BO while the Tariff of 1842 was in full blast, it is certainly news to us. Reckless as the Gazette has shown itself to be, in 'same matters, it will scarcely as sert so foolish a falsehood as this. We have, nothing to do with the prices iu En gland, They may be high, or they may be low. From the Gazette's own showing, they are pre cisely the same now that they were last year, dur ing the Tariff of 1842. We are speaking of prices iu our own country; and we now repeat that in stead of prices falling one half, in consegtience of the Tariff of 1846, better prices are now obtained by our farmers and manufacturers, than they re ceived while the much lauded Tariff of 1842 was in existence. The Gazette shall not escape from this issue Micuroita.—The Michigan Democratic State Convention, which assembled at Jackson, on the 9th inst., nominated the Hon. Epaphroditus Ran sam of Kalamazoo, for Governor; and William M FOSTER, of Geanessee, for Lieut. Governor. The Free Press says these nominations require no eulo gy—'•they are known throughout the state, and were emphatically the people's choice." Among the resolutions passed by the Convention was one recommending Cram aa►rt as the place of bolding the national convention of 1648. .114011 Z FtbEISAL "Rnix."—The way the manu lfacturers are rushing on their "ruin," under the de structive Locufoco tariff, is wonderful. The ' Springfield (Mass.) Republican gives us a fresh instance. That paper says: "A company with a capital of $lOO,OOO, to be increased one-half ano ther year has purchased land of the value of $30,- 000 in that town, on which to erect an extensive range of shops for the Manufacture of railroad cars and locomotives. .This addition to the busi ness of Springfield will, it is supposed add 1000 to its population." PUNE, W•nn & Cu —The liabilities of this house are set down at between one and two mil lions, a large part of which, it is understood, is held by the Barings, Their suspension was caused by the recent failures of Giles, Son & Co., and Al exander & Co., of London. large number of the members of the Illi nois State Convention held a meeting at the State House on the evening 'of August 30th, and iman• knottily nominated General Zscutar Taltoa for the Presidency. gos The citizens of the town of Fredericks burgh (Va.) have presented a sword to Lieutenant Dabney 11. Maury, for his gallantry displayed at the battle of Cerro Gordo, where he received a wound which almost deprived him of his left arm. Qob Sprague, of the Second Presbyterian Church Albany, and the Rev. Mr. Wagoner, of the Uni versalist Church at Troy, delivered sermons on the death Of Silas Wright, on last Sunday week_ ozr The Massachusetts Western Railroad goes on with a steady enlargement of its business and profits. The Boston Post says that its increase of receipts since December first now amounts to $231,786—0f which ,f.. 90,673 secured since June first COMMERCIAL RECORD. Prepared and corrected every Afternoon. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE ►OD SEPTEMDLII. Jas. Dalzell, W. W. Wallace. W. J. Totten, PORT OP PITTSBURGH 3/ lEE'r WATZII tx Tll6 cuAancy ARRIVED. Swatara, Cox. Cincinnati Swallow, Turnhill, Cincinnati Mingo Chief, Moore, Cincinnati Rhode Island, Dawson, Wheeling Michigan, No 2.Dibson, Beaver Camden, Hemphill, Beaver Louie 3 , 11,ean, Bennett, Brownsville Consul, Bowman, Brownsville DEPARTED. Highlander, Parkinson, Cincinnati, Mary Ann, Duncan, Cincinnati Gondolier, Lyon, Cincinnati Palo Alto, McDonald, Cincinnati Caroline, Nixon, Steubenville Fairmount, Poe, St. Louis Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver Camden, Hemphill,Beaver Louis N Lean, Bennett,. Browniville Consul, Bowman, Brownsville PITTSBURGH MARKETS--DAILY REVIEW. OFFICE OF THE POST, WEI,rIF.SDAT MOUNINO, Sept. IS., ISI7. S The fall business has now fairly set in, and all that is now waking is a rise in the rivers, to give a new impulse to all branches of trade. A great many country merchants are in the city at pros ent, purchasing their fall and winter stocks of goods. ASHES.—There.is much enquity after ashes of all kinds, and the market is becoming quite bare. No•change in prices. FLOUR—Receipts are still light, and prices quite firm. Sales from wagon at $4,85. Retail. ing from store for $5,00a5,25. CORN.—Sales 570 bu. old from first hands at 25c. CHEESE.—SaIes 400 bis in lots at 6(itOic.— Some prime lots are selling at 7c. BACQN.—SaIes 2000 lbs :boulders at 71c.; 000 lbs`hams at 9010 c.; 1800 lbs sides at 83. GROCERIES.—No clitthe in prices, and sales brisk at former quotations. Illarried. On,Tuesday morning, the 14th inst., by the Rev. T. C. Teesdale, Mr. Toszeu B. Gauttann, Mer • chant, to Miss Sslitta A. Hastrz.zosr, all' of this City, WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA ,HOSPITAL. ‘ 3 A special meeting :of the. Board of :Managers will beheld on Wednesday, at 3 'o'clock,7 on . the 'Hospital ;GrOunds, 'if the Weithe it' tiVorable, JOHN HARPER. , Sec),, ,t'X'" . EnD.D. 15 ING !!, , PUte Coin.' - 'TWA' .WILSON -_-~ jgAss„AtqlNo : „t - ...od:Saturdayr, ;18th, Septtnbet:, at,.,0 dock, P. M,,ip cothstoch lot, on, the cotner(of Grant and Fourth streets, Ileac. the ;e.w;`Csourt,House, in the'bity of Pittsburgh. - Dernocriti eit4bns generally, are invited to attend. Speeches will be made by Hon. Charles Shaler, Andrew Burke, and Wilson 14'Candless, EMIL— Hoa. Geo. M. Dallas, Vice President of the United States, has been invited and will be present. al- Seats will be reserved for reporters of news- PaPers. B brder of Committee. REORGANIZATION of the celebrated and ori ginal Band of SABLE lIARMONISTS, consist ing of Messrs. Was. G. PLumzi, - J. TicitExon,. .R. J. B. FAtinsr., . T. F. Bniosa S. A. WELL., and Wu. Roanz., Who have the honor of announcing to the public that they Will give three of their select and popular en tertainments AT THE ATHENeEUM MUSICAL HALL, On Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings next, on which occasion they will appear in an entire new se lection of Songs, Duette, Trios, Choruses, from the most approved operas, arranged expressly for the Company. The instrumental part, comprises two Violins, two Banjos, Guitar, Congo Tambo, and Bones, upon which the respective performers stand unrivalled, and wish it understood that, individually or collec tively, 'as regards style and execution, they hereby challenge the world. Great care has been taken in the selection of the numerous Songs, &c., which will be sung as hereto fore, in a manner that must defy competition. The greater portion of this company have been or ganized nearly six years, and in that timd have tra velled river the immense space of Forty Thousand Miles of Territory Their Concerts ' in the mean time,in variably crowd • ed to suffocation by the beauty and fashion of the various cities, who have bestowed the highest enlo giums upon their talent. This band have just arrived from the Queen City, with a strong recommendation to the patronage of the Iron City as crowded houses and unbounded applause of intelligent and discerning audiences can give. The company will perform but for the time above specified, and will immediately start for Buffalo, Al bany and New York, from which place they will em bark for Europe. They also take great pleasure in stating that from the valuable acquisitions lately made to the Band, they are now enabled to give the celebrated laugh able burlesque on the SWISS BELL RINGERS, As originally arranged by Messrs Wells and llooley, at Buffalo, N. V. The entertainments will consist of three parts— let. Ai the exquisite or Northern Negro, with opular parodies, &c. ' 2nd. As the Sahle Hell Ringers. 3d. A. the Plantation or Southern Darkies Cards of admission 50 cents, and to prevent con ruaion at the doors, tickets will be left for sale at the principal music stores, &c. • No postponement g n account of the weather. For further pnrtieulars see programme. scplfitd GEO. YOUNGSON„.tgent Manager PRIVATE DOMES q 5 ; SINGLE TICKETS 75 cll. Dress Circle, 50 contd. Second Box, 35 cents Pit, 25 I Gallery, 90 THIS EVENING, Sept. 15, 1847, will be performed, the Drama of THE TIMES THAT TRIED US. Uzzrial Putnam Ma. DIARALE- The whole to cnncluda'with the Farce of THF. DEVIL TO PAY. ANDREWS' EAGLE ICE CREAM SALOON THE - GREAT WONDER OF THE AGE! Extraordinary Trick of Nature, Re Mammoth Brothers, or the Scottish Giants from Edinburg ! ! Grand Musical Entertainment !! ! Experiments in Animal Magnetism ' ! ! 1 THE Proprietor of the Eagle Saloon Lai effected an engagement with CHARLES AND ALEXANDER STUART, known as the FAT BOYS, just from Barnum's Mu seum, New Yark, and they will appear this eve ning, September 15, in appropriate Scottish Co - tome. Thee , / boys are justly regarded as the rarest wonders of the day. Charles Stuart as eleven years of age, and weighs 275 pounds. Alexander is 9 yeara old, and weighs 223 pounds. The younger of the two is an excellent subject of tnagnetism, and will be put into the Clairvoyanteon dition by his brother, (or any person skilled in the science of magnetisind and in this state will tell the ; time by any watch, describe coin, and blindfolded to I prevent any posethle collusion. These " children of a large growth," are accom panied by their mother and a younger brother and sister, who are remarkable for their cadaverous ap pearacce,as the giants are for their obese proportions. GRAND CONCERT, At Birchfield's Rosedale Garden, Manchester ANDREWS , VOCAL TROUPE will giie a LH haat musical entertainment, TIIIS EVENING, September 15, at the above Gardens, where will be produced solos, duetts, trios, quartettes, Ethiopian Extravaganza, prize songs, Am. Admittance 25 cents. sepls . _ A ntiivet, ofthe MERRITT FAMILY, rocalistp, Mr. Mratairr, Mrs. bligntiirr, and Master Anousrun Mum/Tr, train the southern cities, who will appear on Thursday evening. eepls r tHAMPA ft:NE baskets Champaign° k .. ) Wince, in pints and quarts of the following brands— Crown Kay Cock and'Crown Tri Colrq Cross Bow Cordon Blue Ducat Grape if sldsick' Mumm's Sillery Bullingeur's Anchor Mumm'a Anchor Harp, Ocll de per dries, or Partridge eye. These Wines are not imitation brands, beiitg purchased direct from the sole Im porters in the United States, just receiving and for sale at the Wine Store of , JACOB WE&V.ER, sels cor Front aid Market sta. RHINE OR HOCK WINE-0.6 cases of the fol lowing brands 113ckheimee, 1839, Alumni & Co; • Hockheimer, 1834, Henkell & Co; Rudesheimer, 1841; Geisiiiheinser, 1842 f Mosel &luscatel,•lB4.2;.: J3hannisberger, 1839; 'Sparkling Moselle; ' • Sparkling Hockheirner; just received and for sale by the case or single bottle at 'the Wine Store of (sel9) - • - --jACOB'VEAVER. Gold" Speatetoies. TUST OPENING;a large stock - OfGold Spe4aoles of all patterns, for Ladies - and t - Gentleinett, of ' ~ the best Gold and workmanship, and for salWat East em prices, at the Watth and. Jewelry Store WILSON I eels coraNth and Marketat. - „ D/onsond?olat o d Gold' Pens a • JUST OPENING, stlarge_.and 'Tailed stock or the beat make of Gold ! none, elelfone tried•and.se looted by myself, a Tew !Jaya ; ih:New York city, Those in want or a.splandid article can be rally accommodated at the lowest plicea and war ranted . o:l7 , pm:Pons taken in exchange . . j Pep paint! sold separate 'from the h?ldei se/S.t : . IV4gCq• ME DEItOOIO.TIC TUBA TRH C. S. PORTER Fourth-Night or DAN ISIARBLE Fourth Night of Miss MALVINI Fourth Night of JOHN DUNN Pas do Matelot—Miss MALVINA This Night only! UNPRECEDENTED NOVELTY. EAGLE SALOON.--A CARD. . _. . . .. .. . . ..., 7".2" ' ' .44'. .-.,'-S' `.'02., 4 ' i ' ft ' m ' v '' a,z- t 7 •4 ' - ----`-- -!-7 11 - - a "' - ' W .'--' - -a '- -T - •i"t- M -- - g ' c „ ' , r , .- - 0 .',;,',-,,.t.„ - '-:-,•':, •-=v' t'f:.,.- ,"'"• -,,,- ~''r'-,'7.--.4' 4 - .- -- ti - 0 ,"7 = . 4 ' . 4 ,„ ,,,..,4•t ,,4- :.9.*5,-.- V ' w.," , 4 - - -'•,, ‘,4.& :% ., 2 '.-*,-_;-:--.,e, -,. 4.--.., , V T : ...4 .: 4 1 0 . : .14!•4 1- -4-(,•4 2,44-" - . ...5 V, T - .' - 31-t:,-.,,-,...r..-- 0;...,..ft4.:,44 ,--",,,c,47w!';51,-i,7-,,1:,:-- -1 '-' ...,- 4, = WEAi List Let; , , l,.ftp_ Remaining in theTiiat.'olll * ep;'rittaburgb, Sept 15th,, 1847. Personi'.aalliag for: Letter, whose name3i , ard please say y List,,will 'ay they are ad , . • , - yenned. . •-• ,•• .. '•A • I'. , • . . Adams B • • A Igeo l , Wm- G Akrams Johif•L• : Ale,xinder,Stirahl3 Abell joseph'D ' ' Allerton.lP•: ::;.: Mania David ' Allender`JosiPh Agnew John Anger J B Adams Delight mrs Anderson A Rev 2 Adams Alexander Anderson . James Wright ' Abegg Jacob Anderson Mary Abrams Wm J Arbuthnot Samuel. P Abbott David P i Armstrong Elizabeth Adelsberger Michael - Armstrong 'Robert Adams Gabriel jr Armstrong Stisan Aber Josiah Arend & Frankel Allen James Arnold James Altman Esther • Aten John Alsop George 0 Atchison Lucy Alexander James D Ashton Isaac S Allen Mary Ann Askew P 2 Alexander Mary Ashton Henry Alexander Alfred Awbrey Thomas 3 • Alton George Balsley Jacob A Berger J Barley Wm 2. Rougher AT' Barley Sarah 4 Boyd John E Baker Jonathan H Bowls Samuel I Baneker W Boyd• Henrietta Baker John 2 Boggs Elizabeth Ball Thomas Boan Oliver Balt Amanda A Bovaid Alexander Banker Wm Boyd Thomas W Baird James Capt Boath William Baird John D F Boyd James or Esther Barrett James P Boyce Stephen Bartrim Jacob Boreland Mark Bailing August. Bowls S J Barrett Stephen Bonesale F Baum George Boyd James F Barnhart Adam •Bole Thomas Bartholomew Wilson Boyce James Doct 13atzell S Brown Dixon Bell James Brown William 2 Bell L G Rev Brown Statera C Bell W C mrs. Brown Mary L Biggs Andrew I Brown George Bindell John Brown Thomas Beck & Eddy ' Branyan Catharine Beers J G 2 Brooken Charles Bother Hannah E 2 Brawdy Mormon Best Alexander Bryan Martha Beare John Brickell D Bemua J jr Brady Thomas Biekett David Brannan Bernard Bean If •Brooks Robert Bennett John Brancroft Hannah Berry Matthew Broderick Paul Bender. Charles Brannon Margaret Beiainger Ann Braden Margaret Bennett John Brennan C Black John Bryant Wm Beach David 2 Brooks. Elizabeth Berg Daniel Hannan John . 2 Bennett Samuel Brooke James J Bickwith Emily Brooks It G 1 Beeb John Burden Henry Beck Emma Buhler Peter Bears Marcus Bunn Georgiana Blackney John T Bulfred Simeon Belling Warner Buchannan J J Rev Bithinger Cornelius Byerly 3 acob Bight= Agnew Byrea John Bliss Miranda Butler Mary Jane 2 Biggs John 2 Butler J Blasdell Aaron Burnett William Rev Blair W J Byers James 2 Blakeney E C Burton John F Black John R Barker Joseph Black James Butler Margaret Bole James Burke Louisa Boerner Henry Burgess John Doct C Caldwell D Caldwell D Capt Cazle Neall Cannaghan Robert Candan James Cameron Michl Carboly Joseph Cargo Robert Coggan Mary Carter Hugh Conley Hugh Cassidy II Cook Maria Casner John Cook John Cadwallader C Captain Connelly II Rev Cassey James ' Conlehen Martha T Caughey &Hamilton Cowell John Campbell John Cox William Campbell Este r Cayle Neall Chedester E John Connell Peter Chanibers James H Connelly Patrick Chambers John Cooke F C Chester Robert Cose Michml A Chambers James S. Conly Margret T Chase E Cook John Cherry John 2 Cook Jacob David Champlin Amelia E Cannor James W Chew Matthew Connelly Peter Chalfant James Cott Susan Clark Robert Cose Captain Clever Catharine Anne • Cross Andrew Clegy Maria Craig William Clouse Burn & Co . Crawford James Clark Steele & Cu ' Craig Sarah Clouse Isaac H Crocker I 1) Clark B Craig Rachel Clark Sarah A Crosby Martin Claridge Cyrus Cross William C Rev Cooper Isabella - Craig John Powell Cochran George Craig Leonard F. 2 Cochran James • Craig Robert Ca!ey Ann Eliza Cunningham Martin Coates Thomas Cummins Owen Collier George mrs. Cushing Joseph Collins•W %V Curran Thomas Carley John Cunningham John D Dahl C F Bitten John Davidson E Mrs 2 Douglas Sarah Dawson W T Dolan James Daily M • D• raa George Daily Peter Dugs i Patrick 2 David Jacob E Donnally Patrick Dailey M .11 Doyle Martin Daniel Phillip • Dougherty Margaret Dann Abijah Dougherty Michael Davis John Henry Dougherty Henry Davis Jane M 2 2 Dorsey Nicholas J Doct Davis Michael Duggs Nelson Davis John Drenning John Devlen John . Dugan Margaret Dean George T Duncan Marshall Dempsey Patrick Dugan Robert Delany' Mary Durming James Dean John E Dunlap Thomas Desmand John • Duffield Benjamin Dexter Henry S Dunbarr Hugh It Dean William Durose Francis Depew Naomi Dugan Patrick Dearborn Datil G 2 Dunbarr Hiram Dunn Martin . Durborough Mary Dunn James f)unlavy Jeremiah Dickson Margaret A Egler Michael Estep.John E Edmund Alexander Elder Catharine Eakin Robert Eongson George Edwards Mary Elliott Samuel Edmond Alexander Ellis William Eaton Ann Ewalt Richard Edwards William S 2 Evans D C Earloughen Mary Ewing Doet Eaton H K Evans J B Elliott Mason -Ewalt John Emenson.Rev G Fawcett Ann Fitzgerald John Faulkner Archibald Fleming Henry Farley Wm - Faineyfrock John Felts Henry Fleming A F Feetian Daniel Fife Win Ferry Michael Forker Marguerett Fisher Jeremiah Poster Emma Fisher Michael Foster A J Fleck John U • Foss Henry ° Fitzimmons F Edward , Fox Charles Fitzgereld Wm Foser Rev mr Fleming Mary Foy Terrence Ferguson James ' Fowler S& A Flinn Luke - Fortune F W Flagg John G "Foreman George D Frethy,Francis A Freethan James Freuler"Gabriel Freeman James Frazer Isaiah „ Frew Eliza - France-A-0' • , Frew Samuel Fryer Robert Freudely Frederick Frisbee Charles - Gallagher Hugh Glenn John GallagherPitriCk H GOldenDenslie Gallagher JosephGoOden Gabler John .G , Goodell Berri . 2 OE iffi EIMMESEM== Germly John tz,,tiorden,l,a , . es .4._ Gallagher Edward - :-Gorden''A - Rafferty Geer G & Co 'GoodsWorth John GallagherlieulAY . .Gobld,JOhn-J „,-, l ..- Gartaidearnes .- , -:,-Grier David 11- :' i GangwerSarak ~! ;'... - GrierXilliarn; z Gall aghei Alice-;, s: , . Gritnit ;names. - •,' - Gardner TM ;„ „ . !"GhristieJohrt . ,;', ' Gildenfentiy.W-A., '-',:'• - GrUninitat Martin'-;_ -; Gibson Sarni'' , , 2 , :'Graliani Harrison - • Gilchrist P C : Graham W Gibson James' Gray Mary Jane Gipson Allred Gray W Li Givitie S S Graham - William Glease David Graham W R Gillespie Lucy .owyne Mary Anne Girt. Jane W Gummere William ~ Girt Elizabeth Guthrie Mary Jane Glasgow M T Gunning Henry Glennan James Guildenfenny C Miss - H - Hamilton Mr Rev Heveran Stephen Hamilton David 1 Henry James Hamilton Mary Jane Henderson Joseph Hall Jacob Henry Robert Hamilton Mary Heniott Ephraim Hamilton mrs Heck Andrew Hamlin Eliza mrs Herstine David W Hampton John H Heitzell Ferdinand Hanna John Henry James , • Halpin WHerring Esther Hagan John Hitchcock Maria . Hails Daniel Hill George W Hahn David Hitchcoz Hiram Hagan James Hitchcock W L Harcum Joseph Hill. Mary Haney Elizabeth Hillery John B Haigh Joseph P Hinds Michael Hamer George W Hitchcock Thomas W Halfpenny Theodore Hindelong John S Havery Jacob Highgate Thomas Hartley Daniel Holmes A B Harris Joseph 2 Holmes W T Hamer George W Holmes James R Harris Elizabeth Hoagg James Harris Anna L Holmes Robert C Harbert Jeremiah Holmes James Harwood James .A House Sidney Hart Adam Howard Walter Harkins Bridget • Horner W B Hatfield Ellen Hoperaft Susan Hazlett Robert N Howes Seth B 3 Hawkins Elizabeth Horn Francis miss Hatch Ebenezer Humphreys John W Haughtaleng Matthias Hugho Thomas' Haug Emmanuel Hiding Bell miss Hawk Peter Hurd Timothy Hastings Joseph Hunter John C Hay Adam }Utz David C Hays Emily 2 Hutchinson James Hays M Hughes Jameso Hays Samuel H Hughei Francis W Helsel Jacob Irwin Nathaniel Irwin James Israel John Irwin John R a Jacobs Eleanor mrs Johnsen Geo M . 2 Jackson Samuel Johnson William 2 Jackson William Johnson Robert Jagnay Seth Johnson A M Jackson Samuel H . Johnson Jobn . Jackson David Jones David Jackson Thomas Jones William J Janus Mary Ann Jones Zoroda Jack Robert Jones W D Jeo-supp Hugh Jones Thomas , Justice Hannah Jones John Jenning John Jdnes Catharine • Jennings .l am es Jones Ree.e Jordon W F Jones Ephraim Johnson Lewis Jones R B Johnson Susan It Jones Fvan Johnson James 2 Jones Henry • Johnson Samuel Kehler Rebecca King James . Kennedy James King Erastus Keller Samuel King John Kennedy Robert Kistner George Ket.nedy S Tarleton Sieges Fryderick . Kennedy Cunningham King. D P Kenan John Kirk Charles Kennedy Thomas Klein John Kairns James m Kiser Ruhannah mrs .Keene Reuben ''''''' - Kirby John R Kennedy David G Klinefielter M Kates Jane A Kirk Charles A 1 Kerr Susan Kengowntli William Kerr James Kennedy John Kerr Charles Knowlson Mr Kerr P & F Knox M J Rev Kerr Sarah Kyle Robert Kerr B F Kirk James Rev Kelly Daniel Kinsell Jacob Kelly ,Naney Kneass Nelson Kelly John Kuhn John Kerr Susan Kunkle William King D P Krebs Samuel C Knapp N C Krewskamp W King Henry S Krugh John A • L I La rid Elizabeth Lee Hugh Lambert Alfred Lee Edward I Laman Eliza Lee John D ' Lence Henry Lewis John 1 Lewson D 'l' Lewis W H Laughlin Anne J Lee Catharine Lewson William Lephtner J W 2 Large Jonathan Littman Absolvener Larkin Edward Lillie John 11 Landen Manuel Lisles Sarah Latlnty John . Levengther Sarah J Lunen Lucy Lindsey James I Laughlin Hunter Lyons John Latstraw John Leng J NV Lewis Thomas Laughlin Henry 1 '' LenoxEli . - h i Elijah Lemen Anne • Lo rf Leona 11 Longwell Daniel ; Long W Rev Long John Long John Lynall L H Logan J A 2 Lynch Peter • Lewry M 2 Lavejoy John Lewry J awes Long Anna Lering John Long James R M Masters Wm F Miller Joseph Manaway John Miller Joseph Rev Matthews Richard Moorhead James W Mascus & Beares - Morse Eliza Manelas Thomas Molsen James A Maloy Joseph Moran John Mansfield Henry Moreland James R Mansfield S B Moss Elizabeth Matters C -- Moorhgad Thomas T Marks John Irwin Morgans Daniel Matthew Rebecca Mouse E miss Mann Hannah Moser George G Martin John jr Moler Phillip Martin & Co Morton James Martin John G Mory Thomas Meek Eliza Morris Wm Meyer Johan Morton Q & M L 'Werkell Louis Montgomery Samuel Melville P Moses Andrew Meetzgar Henry Morita Adam Mereeith Thomas Mowry W A Milligan John Moore John Mellon John Morrison Wm H Mills Richard Morrow Nancy Mitchell Harper Moore George P Milligan James Morgan Thomas B, Milliger J P Myers Margaret Mitchell Elizabeth Mullen Moist Miller Andrew , Murray . J itr - S Miller Benedict Mulholland Nathaniel S Miller -Reny Munson Benjamin. I' Miller Louis C Murphy Martha - • Miller George . . . M'Bith John M'Gown Alfred . 2 .3rAuley Henry Ml.'arland Elizabeth W Arßride Thomas M'Gratte John • M'Allistel Charles M'Garvey William • . M'Aleer Catherine M'Herrin John M'Clory John N M'llerry Raze 31'Candless AliCe R M'lllhenny 'Caroline - Arcandless Caroline Millhenny John 11 M'Causland'W ,H M'lllvciaineJohn M'Carty Henry 3 M'Kelvy. Dennis M'Clintock 'William M'Keazie John M'Caslen James M./Caine Jacob ArCalltim John - ArKaine Charles M'Callurn Catharine • M'Keown John Wartney' W G M'Kain James n . Caiin Ann M'Kee John M'Cain Tian' M'Kelvy James M'Come RiChard M'Kee Margaret M'Clary Mary 111'Kelvy Dennis M'Cadden James . • ArKeen 'rhonaas M'Congen James M'Kee DaAbl S C 31Connell. Hugh M'Kee John M'Keia Robert Mteriniek.•Patilik .AlLeod A Rev John Arglaren'.Tames ,illtune; - Jarnei • M'Clean Janus Jaiie M'Laughlin•JOhn M'Clure Itltoy Henry; ' ; M'Clean W S"•'.! WDanial:Suian - M'Clure 'M'Donald Henderson M'Millan Mary M'DoweCl William M'Nainee Mary E M'Dowell Ann M'Naughton Samuel - M'Donnell John 2 M'Whirter Robert' M'Dermot Michael M'Mannus Peter M'GarveY M'Quilk - enJaMes , • • M'Ginn Cecilia M'Mullan Susan M'Gee Charles M'Roberts Mary • MiraddenJobn ~1/I'Phail John- M'Hisnry James dr M`Tieman John M'Gill John N `Newbaugh Joseph Nichols George W ' Nailer Mary _ Nobbs James Nesbitt. Emily T Norton A C W • „ Neeld George - Norton Mary: , .-, .. Nangle Jame* Nixon .. Nelson Eliza Noone Patrick Nagle Henry Owen Samuel 6 " O'Donnell John • Odds Jane J ll'Brien Frank 'O'Neill A Chins crßrieri Thonaae Onsfow John B Owens Rosanna O'Donnly_Mannus O'Conner Thomas O'Neill John Orr James O'Neill P .. Patrick James Phillips tors Patterson Thomaii W Phillips - Henry Parkinson Capt Phillips Jaines Pancoast D.E Phillips David Paulharans Rebecca Pillson _Samuel Patton John Phallis James Patton Samuel 2 Phelps W H 2 Parish Robert N PUNA William Palmer Sarah E Phillips John,W, Palmer Albert P Phillips Thomas Palmer Henry Philen James F . Patchell William Preston Daniel - Farmer Albert Purvis John & Co Parry& George - Price Hannah • -- Parker Henry E Porter W A Patterson L S _Pool - 2 Parker William Price Joseph Patterson Duncan Preston Nathan' Patterson John E Price. Jesse Parks Frederick - Pratt Catharine Park Anne E ' Potter Louisa Jarvis Patterson Robert , Presser C . Petrie Daniel . Pryor & Paul Peterson John Porter A W Peterson Mary Ann Putnphry Absalom Peck Jacob - Porter Thomas , Perkins Sylvanus ' Price Landes Doctor Peck Alex , Pryor John or . Richard Peters Robert Porter Jacob Peden Josiah -M • ' Quigley Francis S Quail D Quinn Terrence Quinn Wm Paul Rev R. , Ray Pennington or Wm Richardson Ribecca Rankin J H Rinehart Louis Ray Addison .Rishel David Rev Rama)) , Jonathan Richardson John R Ray Hazel - • Rice George D Rankin, John II Biter Hannah C - • Ray Margaret Rice John - Ray Eliza • Rosenthal! H Ray James Robertson. William : • Rees. James . Robertson-Joseph •• Remmington Z W Bobb Reese Bran - Rodenback Rebecca- - Reisenger Mary Jane Ross Emery -C Reaney David Robb Elizabeth Reiner. Solomon Rouse Samuel • - -• Remel John . Roseman Joseph Rud James R . Ross William - Reed William ' Robinson Chas B. ' C C Reed Thomas Rogers Sarah B . Reney Patrick Rogers Charles Richards Thomas 1 Rogers James K Richmond Mary T Robinson James B Richie James S Rogers_John 2 Rice John Ruddyßridget 2 Richard Jacob Russell Gaorge 11 Riddle John Russell Joseph L _ _ . Ritter John . . Rya' .lohn Richardson .W F Russell George Riddle Mary E . . Sanders Samuel Smith Joshua 2 Sample John Scritth Levi W Salters Francis SMith George Savery Mr Smith Harrunond Scott James Smith J C Scarlett Levi . ' Smith James M Scott Walter . Smith Wm' ~.,,. Schindle Samuel E 2 Smith W '.. Scott J M 2 Smith Mary Elizaliett; Scott John Y 2 ,South John Scott Sarah Jane ' '''', Snider NI-I Scott Samuel ,- Spence - David' H C : ; Sedgewick Ann B _ Sprague IV P Seaman John Soper Thomas`, T , Salmes R Snyder AnthonyAirtbony Selleger S SpeearJmess Seabrook H A Soulaby.Thonaa _, , ~ Searles Thomas S • - Steriaert . JOsiPlif ' Selzner J J n Stayton Piho ' , , • • Shannon William That Stevens A -. Shallenburgher Daniel :Stevens.Beale Sharkey L . Standloril Thomasy Shade John - SteehsJane . . . Sharp John Stevens W C; . . Shaffer Reuben Stevens Amos . . Shaley John -2 StebrierAlam Spindle Samuel E - Staley Daniel Sherwood John ' Stewart James -- Sharklin John Stevenson POW Shull Jacob Stewart Samuel - Sheri 'an Patrick Stevenson Daniel ;:homer Caroline - Sturgeon John P S.henick Joseph E Strong Thomas 2 Shuby Owen Stilly-S.B Shoup Margery Stokely James M .Shortwel l l J Shurwan Byron Streili Adair Shereden Wm ' S one IV r _ Shock. Ernma M . Spragne Samuel Skillman Peter V Stowe Edwin H Shields Wm 13 ' .. 1 Smelled W'l 3 Simpson %V B . Strange Thomas - ' Simpson John Sturgeon James Slocum Thomas Stone If N Silver Conrad Shain John B ' , 2 Simmins Benjamin_ Strattrnan Henry Sleeger Jacob Sylvis Conrad Sims Wm- , Sweeny Edware 2 Small John Sweeny Ellen Simpson Margaret . Swayre JJ Rev Sibbett Samuel .. Swain William ~ Skiles Hugh M Sweeny Simon . ' Taaffe William Turley John • Tanner John • -- Trueman Yiolett - Taylor Joseph - Trainor Patrick - • Taylor Joseph A Townly William Tea Charles Tye John Thompson-Sarah ... Tobin Francia; r Thebes David . 2 Todd Andrew, Thompson John • Torrence Mary. S Thornburgh john ' Tochtermaun Charles Thompson William Turk John IC ' Thrtiwer Matthew Turpin Wilson . - Tiernan Ann '' 'Wainer Owen Times Jeremiah , . - - Turner Guyer Capt Tilton A• '': • - Trotter Daniel ' -- Tidball Elizabeth'- ' Tracy George Tracy Burrell " - • ' --' '' ' -' _ T.Trban Anton Verner Ann Vandergiift Josep Wance_Joseph , Vance John • Vera Joseph Vanvrickle N - - V-andergrift James Vinson John T Vance ;inset)* W Vogim Thomas - Ward Joseph l', - Thos Watt James Williams Ann 'A Walsh John Wilsaa Francis' Wattson James Wilson Joha'T WaughterYisderick Wilson janithan Walsh Thomas" , • Wilson Jolts Tate Wangaman. Asa. 2.. Wilion,lnsiph Watkins Thomas, - - -Wilson Cyrus , Walton Daniel .._ Wilstin.Christopher,: Walkinshais; R - Wilson Muria :E> - Watkins PattersOn Wigan David - Wagner Chiistophe ': - Wilsanioseph Walter E .:Wils o n -N Wittstin Datiet:Ylll =I MME -Wilson Victor F Will Lewis Weir Ric; -*, Walkpr-Thomati • Welden 2' Wilkins HD - 2 Wied Geci rateict;.."i. Witmer Samuel L Wilkispn & M'Masters. - - Weeks Aa'inriWinters Mary Weir; argaret . Willhelm Mrs- • WintCharlea Wi I keson WeatheilY ,Winiaitt Wilkins Alvan . • White R T Willis Isaac A, White Bessy Woods. Margaret White Dennis Word - William 'Whee e s ter a trir vi4it IVorde MiCha#l. - Whitehead , F - . Woltner pporglif _ Williams Reese -- WeightSamuel ' Williams John - -Wright Samtiel 2 Williams James - B' ' '.Wright John B - Writer- Elizafteth 7, Williams Walter r. Yohn John C Zeoman J-W Rev= Roung - Eli - Rites - Tamil - • Young Sohn .= Day Spring_ Division S. T. Nti.1.4,72Z,V1C 1 0 Timers Society._ J. R. .-1 sep 15 tor• TestiiiiiiitY tie D , tok , Dr. Ralph's - _ DISEASES OF 'WESTERN CLIAINTE.'. Ira Cargenter,`Postriaster; -of Scottavnie,- Y 4 says: "I hal'eefouridydui pile to bo ofgreatsei7ito to me in removing billions dificulties, as well us °th em Of this Western Country, and sufficient to r&T - move all attacks of disease;without any other medi cine. I used to be confinedrto mybed two . thirds of - every season, with billions difficulty., before I com menced the use of them. Shice that lam not even ,confined to 'ray room, one week in the' year, fram these complaints: I had threichildren, that saffeir ed the same with Me; and" before I procured this medicine, one' of these dear. children left a victim to this.Dyupeptic consamption, the other Mil" are yet' living;tirptitave been equally benefitted•br_the use (exclusively,) of your domestic. Pills . , - - Price, 25 cents per hax. For sale only-by S. Lt Smithfield it:, near 3d.;'-, •epH frIWO CHF.CES UN THE EXCHANGE BAHR. One drawn . by M. Albin; in faroi - OrAllert& Grant, for4loo. -Tee otberdi'aivit by Mien , -te Co., favor of M. Allen, for $200: _ Therfie - deffwini be rewarded by banding themto - _ . N.B. Payment in Bank stepied. reitlA-;t- M anufaciiired ..Teo.bacca. 8X5.:5 , 1 .Lump;Flienry,& *James; Brand 5%./ 50 cc fice • , cc do. 90 cc 5 , s cc D. T. Warwick 86 a fine lb Lump, R. B. Warwick.,; du: — 4O cc "5 , e cc' A. D. - Read;ireat Braid 30 f" . • John Norvell -do. 20.+c • Sdpr - fad. it' :::'go'" 5 , 11 cc J. M. sianani 60 _!! . fen. James 15 ce — Cierighiw' dd. 15 cc lb. Lutuyi, Hunt 3 ,41 p.,„ 6 if SdPi:l6,, Lump, John ituakiir do In store-on consignment; direct frini(the Mitnit facturers 8f Lynchbureila., and will hciolditn the Trade at Easiern prices., by • CM W . ANTF.PSOPN-Piacos foranumber of scheol masters, clerks, Salei'Men,'Werelionse men, horse then, coach aiiVers; farmers, lailoreio;'indifor a large'number of boys of different ages, from 8 to 18 years of ageifordlifferent„ trides.and to' hire out, &c.. Also, places for nmober i Of colorcd.men and boys. 'Warden, good girls,7lfuries, &dam, .Wanted to borrow, several suins'efirtoriey. -All liinds.of agencier attended to for moderate char: gee: Please: - call at AC. If A RRIBI' - sel4 Agency and Intel. Officc, - nth st:near Wood. - 13eitlater riItrATINA.TED gcdtiasfc - proCCas, as:good - . ip,s • - told peol, - .lSChota:Cartl"Containing 20'pens arid a good penholder:.. Sold:: Thomas Kennedy` Wood at:, Pittsburgh:; .. . - , Pen osuitable-r -Running hind... ' 2 ‘. Secretary • ' • " 3 4 ‘, 6 . . g Blank:Letter; radios Hindi P.aCh.card contains twenty Pens, with a. good Pen Holder. The Pen No 4is principally used in - -Writing and • • . - Drawit3g ichoolt. g. No 5 for copying - Music, markingr•-Par etc " Noel and 2 for 'fiaiilc-Note Signatures. h as these PensUever cut - th °papers oweyer fi ne,or however: heavy Mir hand maybe „ Money refunded alt Canes ivlicia':hisil;cive Pens do notgiveaattsfaction:'', , s lel3-Iw _ ' .otace. '• ' - _ . ERSONS" brought - out•by. this • nc . upon the inest'reasonable terms, from - any ;part of Eng land; Ireland; Scotland ; 'anti Wales, and in Tacket Ships only.;: poreige Correspoodents to :igetits -of the poxepapent.billre. fi'FfLtientli cautioned _Emigrants at Aflame and theif.friends against thi frauds that are continually praetiacd upon them, 'Sid 'hiVe iit'SraYi referred to the ell known house of Hamden 4- Co. as the right placeriiillitei apply if they wish .to lietreated , with'punctuality and kindness.,---We_ refer. to,theahove facts2ia7view, of the. conduct of the Rev. Othdealey, Editor of Pittsburgh Catholic; who has sat in - judgment upon ns.(as •he supposes) bf 'ejecting our , advertisement - fiom his paper,;, inisdepriving us•of a fair cliancti to 'conic before the Catholie Community, andlet.tliem judge 'of us by our actions. • • .. Sight-Drafts to any_arnount!payable ataii-eftrie branches .tif the Provincial, or Banki of flieland r England,Scetland,&r... We drove ,our own .Eschange,Ave'do not take money 'and send if toithe East to get.some one else to remit, therebytoneing mistakes and delays. ' Let ,the, Brokers &c call upon us, and the will accommodate 'thave at ` New York rates. , JOSHUA: . European - Agent, 6th' St.. Oho door belevilYodir at: 12M Barley Wanted. - • FIRST. ItATE BARLRY taki4,ia daring this season, at the - Port Pitt Itnenefj-,Stephen street, (near the Toil-, gate, PennsyPrinin Anon us, on the 4th et: ioad,) . for which the highest price will be paid in cash: Fashionable Boot .31 altar. ~.... il• THE oubscriber- would respectfully inform he public that he haspurchasod- the Boot PA tablialniten tOf B. Perry, N. 0 Wood et- 1 juld will carry on the businesti, in fularg, in . allits branch es. The manufaCiore .of geritlemen_li:boOts; willbe particularly atiefided to, and the best ingcbithicq'eri plojeti to perfoaat all parts Of tge'labcir; connected therewith.: The very best'materiala'AVM he used iit their mamifactnrit. 'From' ti long. ',experience in the binitieas; as Well as genie a pramicar.iitirkixidn,the subiscritair:expects a. thare or. pubkialibm*„:„ -._ . - - - - 65 Wood st.iSetend - - door froin Third at:. , Haring Fold out my entire establishment td. Butler,'l take , ireat pleariere ineireorontending him to my old customarn and the public, generally.-- Knovving hirn ;Jibe, a good practical vorkman-,I reel; confident that he will give general vatialacticie. lseta-2w . " II.'PERRY. dE Organization of Laborabd Asseeiationitrais t iked from the Fronelvor {M Buaaaaart,b~'F. G. Shaw. • • Wigiter the' Wehr•WOlC, part - Gtliant Tom,: or-thel'eras dr a Bailor. • Castle Bravo; tky .. *ri. M. 4i.Bweetser, Arabian tlikhts,,..,part73:l-,i Waslinagt,ork,and Geieraliti . pizt"3 Dtlb and 4, ti and Dneßni„ViC - . kt,iniitnerfielEer'reias- The NotikisußeveP4e; 0'• part illustrated. -- The Nantil us, or Martin the Pcittedlitig,leomprete in I vol.; fresh suPP I Y• ;Mania 14e Fottudlingt:in. fa Alualsp- Bona and Portraits. • ' The Parrini4ei„by,the i 44pcof ife.in Laudon IValter Wolfe, or.tlielDpom of thn.Dyln,her; fresh auppiy, .rosephua, illus.trated;-part- 7 3; • bite of Gen. Winfield FicoMillnitrateil: Esther: D. Illedine •9r . the .Critnes 41C -London;, Dentooratiiiiteriew„-fer Setiteinber. • . l. g ivinfAgei No; 178 . -.*- ' Vite.tianared ;.-bY. ',Lady Charlotle;Bury . .. - i'.;Frush supply.- The Olden - Times last number. • -“f' 1844,,0r the PdVrer tttle* fresh supply: Tayl °Pi:Money, ItepeiteiLtlii Beirteriitefe r _: For qlb WM% El: CALDWEJ44IIv. e 10 • 3 1amti - clPPotql l PostIDSW • f, ‘cs: tNSIT ;••.7: -, 1 , 1. • -•~ >~: _-i'-. CM'illßß - iit -"'':''":-thi*iti PILLS. Dropped", WATEitMAN, • No3rWatei'ind 62Frpiltior tit. tEor..tr. E 0 I 4 - . U 421 11 ■ ~s ~.;i~n