COPIMBIICILI . RECORD. Prepared and corrected e*ery Afternoon, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR SEPTEMBER.. Jag. Dalzell, W. W. Wallace. W. J.:Totten, PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ri.IT WATER IN TUC ARRIVED Louis M!Lean; Bennett, Brownsville Consul, Bowman, Brownsville Pilot. No. 2, Hazlett, Cincinnati Yankee,Kouniz,,Cineinnati DEPARTED.. Lotiis M'Lean, Bennett, Brownsville Consul, Bowman, Brownsville Newark, Bishop. Marietta • WEEKLY REVIEW OF TILE MARKETS OFFICE OF THE POST, Fainkr Memento, Sept. 10,1847. S • yesterday remarked the difficulty of making -up market reports at this particular season, on "ac count of dullness in the market. The weather has been during the past week rather unfavorable, having been excessively hot and sultry. Business men, as well as others, felt the effects of it. The rivers have been low; ecru:thou! navigation par. tially suspended, but there has been no difficulty in getting freights shipped on keels, but at high rates. On Wednesday evening a brisk shower came on, %chi& lasted during the night; whether it was sufficient to swell the rivers, remains to be seen. There is still a prospect of more rain, and we feel encouraged to hope that navigation may be fully resumed in a very few days. In the mean, time we publish .our weekly review. with the remark that we have made but little alteration. in the figures since last week. ASHES.—SaIes moderate at the follocring,rates: Scorchings, 41, , ,341 i ; Potash,•lic.; Sal.eratus, 61e61c.i Peatlash, 6¢ c. y lb. Soda Ash 41. ALE—Regular sales at s7a2 per bbl. BROOMS—SaIes at $1,00i1,75, as in quality. BUCKETS--Regular sales of Beaver at $2,20e,a , 2,25. BRAN.—Sales 500 bu. at Sic per bu. BLOCK TlN—Regular sales, 26 9. 111 CORNMEAL—From store selling at 40iat3c. COTTON—We quote Tennessee and Mississip• pi at I l 1l c. , lb. Market well supplied, but buyers are not numerous': CORDAGE.—Piltsburgh Manufacture. Manilla ttope, by Coil 12c ti as Do du. when cut .13c do White Rape, by Coil Do do when cut 12c do Tarred do by Coil 10c do Do do when cut tic do Racking Yarn, fine qc do Do do common Sc do Manilla Bed Cords .1,7:412,6303,50 fr , doz. ~ ,...Do do per coil .12c v. ID. Hemp •do 1,505'2,25Q3.00 4. doz. Do 'do per coil • 10c .t. 114 Manilla Plough Lines S7i to- doz. Hemp do do 87i do ,1 CRACKERS—Water -Crackers $4 00 p- bbl Butter " 4 75 Dyspeptic " 4 00 Sugar " 7c. v , ft. i . . Soda_ " 7 ~ The above is the wholesale' price of Crackers. 1 FLOUR—The transactions of the week have not been large, owing to the stocks on hand being tight, and the arrivals limited. We give below each day's operations: Sulstrday.—Sales from store at $4,S7i j 5,00 ip Tut'iday—There is an improvement in the flonr market, which is owing chiefly to tbesmail stocks on hand. Sales of 56 bbls at the river, at $4,76; 110 bbls at $4,75. Retailing from store at $5,00. Wedusday—the receipts are still very light; sales from wagon at $4,7.5(34,80- Tnursday—There was an advance in Flour yes terday; sales at $4,85R1,92. Not much coming in; indeed the receipts are not sufficient for home consumption. Farmers who have Flour that they can sell by the cwt. would do well to sell now.— Retail sales are made at $5.25 for best brands. FISH—The market is still well supplied with all kinds of fish, although the sales are not eery brisk. We quote Herring at $6,25 p W., New Herring (gibbed) $5,50013,00; Shad, 53,50 0,00 ; N 0.3 Mackerel (IWO $6,17,25; No. 2 (new) $1.0,75;,.C0d Fish, t 5,25. FRATHERS—SaIes brisk in a large 28 029 c. Retailing from store at 30c. p Th. FRUIT—Good Dried Peaches itfe scarce in market. Sales at $1,23a1,31c. bu. Dried fipples, sales at 45a50c. p bu. Raisins, good new sells firmly at $2 00 p bx. Oranges, market bare—worth $7,00. Lemons, nominally at $7,00 p box. FEED—Shorts, sales at 11(315. GROCERIES—We notice no change in the price of Groceries this week. Good Molasses is selling at 35036 c. per gal. Sugar—Prime N. 0. 734308/c. per lb., and Brown Havana at 7a7f s . per lb. Rice—Sales at 5306ic. per lb. Coffee—Sa3es Rio at 7i(383e. per lb. _ GRAIN—Wheal 85' to 00; Rye 373, dull; Corn 40; Oars 26 c. p bu. HAY—Sales at scales during the week at SS,SO (3slo. The best quality will bring the latter price. HIDES—For green 33 cents paid by tanners, re sales at 4c.; Missouri, 0311; Spanish 14,0,163. LEATHER-Baltimore sole sells at 20021 c. New York sole 186193 e.. LEAD—Pig, 404+ ; Bar, 4+4D4i. LEAD PIPE—I inch aqueduct at 63c 47 foot. 4l 73c " IL LI 8 bc All others NAILS—Sales 300 kegs different sizes, 10d. at $3,50; Bd. at $3,75 &c., on 4 mos. OlLS—Tanners' ranges from-$14022. Sales of Flaxseed at 60(3165. Lard Oil, 6070 c. ici• gal: PROVISIONS,—The market is quiet, and sales confined to city consumption. We quote Hams at 9(310c. Sides 0. Shoulders 607 c. per lb. Good Keg Buller is worth 0(393. Cheese in active demand at Sc: for cream, and W. R. at 63(37c. per lb. LARD, 83(39 c., and scarce. POTATOES.—The market is now very well supplied with Neshanock Potatoes. Sales in a large way at 40 c.; and retailing from store at 50 e. fe bushel. POWDER.—We quote Rifle Powder at $5 00 to $5 25, in quality, is keg, and Blasting at $3 25 4,*. keg. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED ARTICLES Anvils yr It) 11 W 2ic. Vicei common black fr 11) tic. do, do bright " 14c. . do, solid box ti 16c. Mattocks and Picks v. doz $8,0009,00. Hoes: handled 3,25. do steel blade " 4,5 U. do' do polished " 5,50. Hay Forks bright 4,50. do do black " 3,50. Manure Forks ..... 6,0007,50 Grain Shovels 7,0003,00 Devonshire do 5,7 Va 7,00 Coal do " ' • 8,0009,0 u Canal do 4 , 5,7505,00. Spades It 5,5008,00 Sickles 3,7504,00. Scythe Sneaths " 3,7505,50. Wheel Irons tp gross 15,00016,00 ; ; ,r•J H4zT4.5:2 4; t, t { v. i , ' , - , .. . . , .. . .. ' . • - . .• . . • ' . • 1 ; , I. . . r , . . . .. . METAL—There is i'ety little doing at present. The prices are nominally is follows: Mercer coun ty, $28(32.9 t i r ton; Hanging Rock, $35; Alleghe nY, WW2. RAGS—Good mixed 3} tv lb., cash. SEEDS:—There- is little doing, and prices are only nominal We quote Clever at $3,7504,00 Timothy. $1,250)1,50.,. Flax, 87. LUMBER.—The following' arethe prices at the Yards at-pre4nt. Pinoiclear.... $20°,00 fs M Common , 10,00 do Cherry and Walnut Boards 10a20 do Popular scantling,-Boards 10,00 do Shingles 2 3,0003,30 Laths • ,0032,20 SHEET COPPER.—Regular sales at 28 c. LA TIN PLATE—SaIes of 'X at $10,23. TAR—Sales North Carolina at $4 t) , bbl. TALLOW—Rendered, sales 7iaSc ; Rough, 54. VINEGAR—SaIes at 809 c per gal. by the bbl. WHITE LEAD—Sales at $1,320P1,35, as in quality. WHISKEY—SaIes of Rectified at 21(d22c., and Raw at ISUillßic. WOOL—The sales of the week have not been large; but the following quotations have been ful ly sustained: Common, 21c. 4 , lb. Blood, • 25c. " . , 26e. " " .....2Sc. Full blood, .30c. Prime, tic. BILLS O' EXCLIANOE-SILLINO n•rts. On New York, at sigh: preen 44 Philadelphia, 4 , I .4 4 , Boston, 4 , Baltimore, " 44 New Orleans, " r HE public is most respectfully informed that the Theatre will open for the season on Saturday Evening, Sept. 11, ISt 7. During the recess many- alterations and improve meets have been -made— AN ENTIRE NEW STAGE. 77ie Pit has been enlarged—Proveniam Bores. The whole interior newly Painted and decorated— new carpets, and every thing done with a new to add to the comfort of the patrons of this now Ii engaged for a few nights, and will appear on the opening night— Tbe celebrated Comedian, is enaged and will make his first appearance on Saturday— MR. BAKER, MR. LITTEL, MR. GRACE, MR. KING, MRS. SALZMAN, and MAD'LLE MALVINA, The celebrated Dancuese Have been engaged, together with the old favorites and will hyrm a Company equal to any in the form try. p.rticulart in future, advertisements. sen Four Nights More! • ANDREWS' EAGLE ICE CREAM SALOON ADMITTANCE 25 CENTX. THIS AND EVERY EVENING, GRAND MUSI CAL SOIREES. KrPublic curiosity continuing ven• great to hear the new Prize Song,EoLD written by Geo. Holman, which took the Silver:Cup by the almost spontaneous will of the audience, the same will tie sung every night during the entertain ments, with two or th-re of those songs submitted in competition for the prize, and which have stamped with public approcal—all of which Lave been copy righted, and the original words and music can alone be heard at the Eagle Saloon. The pregramme is changed nightly. Solos, Dn- Quartetts, Sc. embracing all the best songs of the dal.. sepq-4t KEENAN, European Agent, is preparilig to leave Pittsburgh in a few days, on his twenty vast regular tour to Europe. Those haring debts, 1 legacies, real estate or claims to collect, money Te mittances to make, or any other business to trans ,act in Ireland, England, Scotland, %Vales or the continent of Europe, should immediately call upon him at the Merchant's lintel, (Weaver's) corner of j Third and Smithfield streets, Mr. James May, trier ' chant, on Water street, Pittsburgh, will attend to all his European business in Mr. Keenares abitlice ; from the United States. etep4-1w NEW ARRANGEMENT. STAILCLOTHING STORK, .• No 70 Wood at., Pittsburgh, Pa. ANCRER & MAYER would respectfully an nounce to the citaens of Pittsburgh and elm ty that they hare procured the etertlces of John Gar rey—recently of Broadway, Neo York—as foreman of their establishment. This gentleman having been ostensively engaged M the custom business, esclusively, in the above city for the last ten years, is well known by that fash ionable community and is universally acknowledged to be a cutter of great acquirements. We will be monthly supplied with Parisian fash ions, which will give us the advantage of offering our customers the latest and newest style. Gentle men who are desirous of adorning their persona, :an, by calling at the Original Star, be accommo iated. All articles from this estahlishinent will he war .anted in every particular, as no trouble or expearie will be wanting on our part to afford general satis action. We have just received a splendid stock or French and English Black, Brown, Blue, Green, Ohv and Claret Cloths. Black Blue, Brown and Green Beaver Cloths. English Pilot cloths. Fig'd Cassimerea and cloths fur sacksand business :Oats. French Doe Skins, plain and figured. Do Fancy cassuneres. English do do. Also; a large lot of American Cloths and Caul mere*. French super cut Velvets for vestings. Do Black and Fancy Satins. Do do do Silks. Do do do Cashmere, and all arti cles pertaining to our filminess. We have an advantage that few houses in the WOO have, being connected with houses both in New York Ind Boston who will keep us regularly sup Plied with the latest European styles of goods. ALSO—WiII lie kept constantly on hand a general assortment of ready made clothing. Together with shirts, drawers, under shirts, i 3021- nms, collars, scarfs, cravats, gloves, suspenders. &c. Star Clothing Store, 70 Wood at N. B. All orders will be promptly attended to Sept 8 HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SADLERY JOHN WALKER, DEALER LN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC II ARDW ARE, No. SS Wood Street. AITOULD respectfully inform his friends and the T public generally, that he has received s large .istock of foreign Hardware per ships " Isabella," 1 " Wyoming" and "Monoiignhela," which, togeth er with a large supply ofAmerican Gooas he is now *receiving direct from manufacturers, will make his assortment very extensive and complete. Western Merchants will please call,and examine his stock. 648 Administrator's Notice. LOTICE is hereby given, that letters of Adminis tration upon the estate of James Armstrong, late of the Borough of Birmingham, Allegheny Co., deceased, were granted to the Subscriber on the 4th day of September, A. D., 1Q47. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent, am requested to make known the same without delay to the subscriber, at his residence on Third street, or at his Factory, cor ner of Front and Ferry streets, in the city of Pitts burgh. JAMES PATTERSON, Jn., sep7-wGt Adipinialralor. ANIMAL CHEMISTRY, or Organive Chemistry, in its application to Physiology and Pathology, by Justus Liebig, Professor of Chemistry. For sale et [aug2o] MORSE'S. COFFEE -120 Bags prime Rio; 10 Lagura ; 5 " " Old Gov. Java : 1 ." " Mocha ; for aale by sap 3 J. D. WILLIAMS, 110 Wood at. 2inuilententil, TIIEA TILE NEAT ESTABLISHMENT. A good Company has been Selected MR. D. MARBLE MR. JOHN DUNN, European, Agency ANCKER & MAYER MEE rtortlonituirol, , Exlkibit ion. T . lIEPITTSBURGITHORTICULTURAL SOCIE TY, will holid . Exhibition'orFruits,Vegeta bias, and FlOxiers,.. On the 22d, 23d, and 24t10 of September . , 1847, A.Jr PIIILO F1a1.1.. Premiums are offered for the following productions FRUITS. For the best and second beat variety of Apples, not less than I 12 'Winter Pears, peck; k peck of. Peaches, 12 Tabte Apples; Variety of out-door 12 Winter Apples; Grapes; Pears, not less than 6 Melons; peck; Quart of Pl ums; 12 Table Pears;' 12 Quinc es. VEGETABLES For the best a - heads of Cabbage; 3 Cauliflower, 5 stalks of 7elery, peck of Onions, 6 Vegetable Eggs, 6 bunches Double Parsley, 1. peck Windsor beans,.l do Lima Beans, 3 Squashes, 12 roots.of Salsify, 12 Carrots, 12 Parsnips, 12 Blood Beats, Peck of Turnips, Peck of Tomatoes, Best and Second best peck of Potatoes, i Best and Second best peck of Sweet Matoes. FLOWERS., For the best and second best display of Dallas,Bouquets, I Cut Flowers, Monthly Roses, Green House ,Plants. scretionaii Premiums will be given to Addition . al Horticultural and Floral Prodaetions, if deemed worthy. Claimants for Premiums, who are not members of: the Society, will pay SI, TICKETS OF ADMISSION 2.1 Cents, to be had at the Book Stores, and Wickersham's Seed S-tore . , Pittsburgh. In Allegheny City, at the Drug Stores. of 11. P. Schwartz, John Mitchell, and John Sargent.; In Birmingham, at the Drug Store ofJohn G. Smith.l Or from any of the Executive Committees. Mein tiers will he admitted on presenting their Certificates at the door. Competitors for premiums will hand their name:: with the kind and quality of what they ivdl eXill hit to any member of the klecutive Committee, and that they will hare their productions at tie 101 l on the morning of the 2.lst. septi-d3itzw2t NV Ltd Cherry and har•afinrillo. A Vit:RY IMPORTANT COMM C NII..AT/ON TO ALL PERSONS IN ALL PLACE #, Al All Times, AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES! IF YOU ARE SICK, get cured; if well, eintiloy measures to continue so. Every individual in Bulges in hab ts, which must, to a greater or lesser extent, disarrange the admirable and intricate com binations which ftirin the 53 stern, and consegently LI should prniesiisoolo mild, yet efficacious, simple All 4 ace reklited agent fir preserving all the tuncuons of the body in goad order. 1)/i. W()()D . S SARSACARILLA AND WII.1) C111:12IlY DITTEIIS will achieve thin result, and should be in every fami ly, and In the hands °revery person, who, by busi ness, profession or general course of life, is predis posed to the very many hale ailments that render life 8 curse, instead of a blessing, and finally result, in their aggregated condition, in, the cause OF DEATti The Bitters here mentioned are compounded by a man of great shill and 6 noon ledge, from the .umpit, Nature presents to those is Ito care to find them, and which are the only reliable antidotes to the poison of disease. The chief iligredients are the universally beloved Sarscparillq and the 8414,1 ihr Wild Cherry Tree, with which the red irwil of the forest cures nearly every disease of the internal moan. The., materials, though powerful tu their action, are as common Ben. , teat he, Us, ENTIRELY lIARNILE:S. and prepared as they are here, one of the greaten medical opera!, res in the inh•riittaLt.i [e.obo. lit t k :ng these lit TI e as, the .1 cr.f 111011 Man he restvred to neauty, and av‘od the s'larp I, Lire of the nurgeott ; Crw IFey nit onit erad:cate p:Toples and tumors, but ov err OM C =1 Whoever is suiuect to the horrors orronsurspricm, should at nice putt-635e this s1:111r. a rDr. In the train of Coit i Imes% follow dreadtid local conger ions, oftentimes insanity, very frequently mania or rispocondria, violent head aches, pinmMtions, and tither nliiac Urns of the heart, and rheumatic cl brigs. Or. hb rod's Compound is one of the most ef ticient medicines in routing tifese •complaints, and their fountain head. that can posaddy lie proctred. From bring confined' to chose rooms, and frotri.i taking a small modicum of caerr , ac, liatrierOU, pre-' son, daily are made to deplete a loss or Appettte, painful headaches, weakness ofthe mantles, lanytnur, wet of energy ■uthcient to perm - Athena to seek rec.; re:Mon. Ste. &c. These persons say for years, that they "don't feel very Irthey do not emp/Oy a method by whirl, they can feel qUITE %VELA., they eventually sink under a steers fit oh illness, and are only by a miracle. and even then the lancet, Iced . , blister and hare 'ell them more vhaunr.l hulks, full of viThes and sorrows, and not only & pent to themselves, but a source of divvint n od , in , } 0y., 1 , 0 to all with - ikhotrt they corm in contact. All these FEAKFL: C (' C ES may he avoided by an early appliration of the virtues of these lltTrirAis. For the truth of this, the proprie tor Wedges has word and honor, nod in evidence can •how files of undoubted certificates which he has re ertsed, unsolicited from all quarters. Ile does not, however, ask the invalid to swallow his certtficster, but his IltrrEita, and is %tiling to stake all Liu holds dear on earth in I. fec or off their worth, THE DI SI'EPSI.I, in either a illndiro.d nr meter,", will disappear before the.qualitiell of It, Wood's proparat,n, and the cure lea, hr re3ical on at a perin”tent oe. DOI the BITTEIVi pos. , " no other recommenda n tion, ti would tic ono of the finest aegr table compounds tnedicll science can invent but It is equal to the complete eradication or LIVER COM Pf.. 4 ENT, in srsery shape, and 01 every nfiriaion, Minor or gi ;antk, rd the tallhary aparat us. Indis - ithiais arc Cnriralitairinany bilitaut ought I.9,:ii:ary mild agree.ible and •Itc+Ort•t Aat, v rri.n:LN r, as it will iliffote I,c Ilth thr o ugn..iii, eve r y fih rr of the • *tairie,ar..l seloi 114iottle , , 1, the lieart. otialir Tv ¢rcr IT L.I:T Mil Every medicine chest on hot,' ship 5/MUM plan I.e well with this capita! remedy u ;;;rst. UR- V1"..431 cannot stllict those who take it, or lona r”- .Ist Ito logorisos astiaults. InPtlatTILA uY 1555 lii.noD vanish before it, And the vii rehcs of early imprudence inNarkabi) disappear, soon nller he-ng submitted to its actions. Every c.o.:lid:lint of the stomach is broken by it Ttie Itirruns have in no instance filled of curing JAVNV:CY., GENLHAI. oral. Lire, cvcry , :disorganization THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Dv neglecting the little inrimds tii.ole upon the lat ter a g'33lt portion of our Icllun heings are rendered extremely miserable—so :Miserable, indeed, that they wish to die. Every h,tte of 14. Wood's :+arNa parilla and IYnid Cherry Bitters," c.intaius a mod:- cunt of joy and content fir each of those anxious and imprudent sufferers. Hetrinlier that an injudi- ClOlts use of mercury is inevitably productive of many evils which are put to flight br this glorious and un surpassable compound; and Oat atnICtIOTIIII which are • HEREDITARY may speedily and safely be shuffled off through its agency. As a medicine sehic:l must benefit EV ERY BODY, , from the SIMPLY delicate to the conmistn AND DES PAIRING INVALID, no equal la to he found fur It. It WOll Id he well to bear in intnd that preventive is !infinitely more desirable than cure, and that Dr. NVorid's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Birmins ARE i s RDTH. Put np in bottles, three or four times larger than Bristol's or Sand's, for the same price—one dollar per bottle. WYATT & KETCIIAM, 121 Fulton street, New York, wholesale Agents. Sold in Pittsburgh, at P. R. SAWYER•S HEALTH DEPOT or Valu able 111ediemen, Smalifield, between 3u and Fourth streetn, and at WM. THORS'I7I Drag Store, Market street. sep2 d6m&wl2t =3 EALED PROPOSALS fur the purchase of Brad ° dock's Field will be received at' the Merchants' and Manufacturer's Bank until Monday, the 20th inst., when the highest offer over $25,000: be accepted : Terms, $&,000 in hand, and the balance in ten years with interest, payable semi annually. By order of the Board. W. 11. DENNY, Pittsburgh, Sept. 7, IS l'r-dlw Cashier. ALERATUS AND GLUE FACTORY FOR 0 SALE—The administrators of the. late James McLaughlin, offer for sale the establishment situate in Ninth Ward, formerly carried on by him, in his life time, as a Salaratus and Glue Factory. The wiirks are in complete order for carrying on the businness, with fistures, sc., and ready fot com mencing at any time. A liberal credit will be giv en, and all particulars made known by calling on either of the undersigned. JAMES BLAKELY, JOHN MITCHEL, Administrator& escp6. d 1 NV 111 LASS-50 Boxes, assorted sizes, 6xB to 10x14; k_T for eale by sep3 J. D. WILLIAAIS, 110 Wood st.. EDINDURGII REVIEW.—The July number of this valuable work for sale at - sep3 MORSE'S MIMM 'athtibii •ZAlcii. Atuct!on - BY JOHN D. DAVIS, AUCTION:EER Dity e,(9claS ON Monday morning the 13th inst., at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales lion:ifs, cm% of Worn] and sth sts., will be sold an extensive assortment 0 fancy and staple Dry Goods, among which are GO pieces superior rich style prints; 28 pieces bleached and unbleached muslins; 23 splendid berage, worsted shawls, &c. At two o'clock P. M., a quantity of groceries, qucensware, glassware, hardware, S day and 30 hour mantel clocks, handsome ingrain carpetings, matches, shovels, band bones, stoves &c, a large as. sortment of new and second hand household and kitchen furniture, &c. At 7 o'clock' I'. M., ma ly made clothing, fine table and-;aocket cutlery, gold and silver watches, German fancy goods, musical instruments, variety goods, books, maps, charts, &c. seplo American copy. Brick Honso and Lot at Atte* ion (IN Saturday afternoon, the I I th amstant, at clock" on the pretnises, will be sold, that val uable Lot of ground, situate at the Northeast corner Third and Ferry sts., having a front of 29 feet on Third street. and extending along Ferry street 85 It., on "which is errctcd a two story brick dwelling house fv,hich is rented at present for $230 per annum. 'Title indisputable. Terms one-third cash, resi due payable in one and two years with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage. sep7 JOHN I). DAVIS, Auctioneer. Extra Sale F Superfine Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Alpaceas, French Satins, Flannels, Muslins, and Calicoes, Sta. at A ucticn. •BY J A ,11iI ES itt'KENNA, Will be sold, at the Auction Rooms, No 114 Wood street, three doors from Fifth, on Saturday morning neat, September 11th, at 10 o'clock, a large assort ment of French, English, and American Bilis,' Cloths, Cassimeres, and Sattinetts, in Remnants and whole Pieces; also, Flannels, teuperli ne French Sat ins for V esti Ilgs, new style Alpaccas, Mastitis and Calicoes, &c. SETS JAMES ESN A , A uct'l WISTE STORE, IT-9' THE Subscriber would direct ' - it• ttten ,tion [inn to his stock of Foreign Wines and Liquors, embracing all descriptions and 11 ual Ines of dry and sweet Wine,: Together with a large as sortment in Wnod and glifsit, of White and Red Wines, Champaignes, Bordeaux, Marseilles and German Wines from the Rhine; Mosalle Hocks, spark ling.and still, and soon 24) varieties of French nod Italian fancy Cordials. My attention being ex elusively devoted to tills business, purchasers will be supplied with genuine articles wholesale or re tail, and at moderate prices. JACULI WEAVER, Wine Store, cur :11iirket and Front sts. CM the Court of Quarter Sessmes of the Peace, , n and for the County of Allegheny : In the matter of the proposed niter- - ) stion ci f the. dIVISIOn Ii nes of the k . No. 5, Juno 1 . 1,111,111 p, of Jefferson, Lialdw - n, ( re., 1547. and Mdiltn. The undersigned, upon tF.e Petition of divers citi- Lens of the Towns}up■ of Jefferson, Baldwin, and ponying for the alteration of the divizirin lines, of sand Townships, n ere• appointed by the Court Coninilmtlorts to inquire into the propriety ofgraritinz the prayer of the petitionera, and report therr opiniw,n of the 43100, at the neat Terin of eau! Court. ThiS )5 0) glee nraiee, t • t,at the Ithliereiinled will Inn,!, (or the purposes of their appointment, at the 'louse orAlrx.'llre.siy Irwin • in ll,i;ilis Townshin, flu Nlonday the .11h day of iirtol,er next, at 10 ol ciock, A. 81., at t.lnt-11 tinne and place all persons Intervened wiilbc heard, it" present. E. 11. IIEASTINI:, ALEX. UAIt,NAIIAN, TIIItMAi FARLEY. an•l4 dip Valt.nlble Pahltcnlloia• Arit FID PHIL( tS , ; PfI yor the',lllllStr2i k) mg the Perfechonn t CrUti, 111 the Phenomena of the year—by the flee. Ileac) Duncan, D. D., 4 vols. I '2ono. A Corntnentary on the }Eater 2,41 latter Prophe teem or 11.:11417 , ,-ta, ['Tor. J. A. Alezanticr, el the Theo;egical SClllll,2ly. Prriereton. Thel Wickliiliten,or England in the Fifteenth fen-' tory-- I L; the author ur— The Faini;y at Hatherdale," • etc. ' The Three P,sine Sisters, or Path, Hope and! Charits; by leer. Thomas Adams. 1 Ligit in the Daelling, or a Harmony of the Four 1 17...9" , a, with remalLi adapted to reading at Family Prayr , Pm. r,ers day in the year. Ser rocs;' by John Barium Massillon, Bishop of ri„,,,,,,t—tic %vine!, is prefixed a Life of the Author, i with a introduetion; by ft.,. W. M. lViflet. I yen oils of the. Rev. James Santini', late Pastor, Of rho Fren - ch Cliu'reh at (he Hague—a new edttion,. withlddinona Sermons, revised and corrected, by the It v S Borden. A. NI. Thai s abole receiled aml for sale at the Bookstore' of E.Luorr & KNGLIsIf, rep•-I No S 5 Market at. {'►lU►ble Coal Properly and Rail Road FOR %A L. E. A 1:0 praperty lotuated on the Monongahela 71 Myer, irntriedlately 11,0VC Loel, NS% 2 .eonßoltng or RAII Road, Pitt Garr, R. R. W.gonn, and eve e,,,,ence for runtong Coal, all in perfect order. There are eleten ITWINPS upon the preurae, in good tenawatde order, rod uon a rent of per sn o t Road opeu, into an Ineshaustatoe 1,:11 Of C•,11, nhoTh can be o!,tamed upon Vert rea .otlaYe ICrIOS. Any one•wisitolg t., CO111M , 11,:f7 the roal i,ll.llC+.a will find titan r4re .pporfortily as four Ofths of ;hr. ntede purrhaw a :It he taken iu Coal. Fot particulars culture of the suboer.t,er upon the M.( Los Kin lust A rrlvra ( td rtAlr*. Sell. Grand +. 1 (.Il I E, fr•go crir.:,ratett lactory 0: flcr, lid rx, Falls; the Olin used at hie CE.n, %!11.11, and dotalkilit II orkmauchdp, C.2.11110t tie N 1114111154,1. I'o hr soil low 11. ELL( ,R•s, I Wo..d lIMII3I IZE Fall FN.:11011S 1 , 40‘ tnE has Jtott receirr.l ft , ort New York tit 1. 1 . the r,ti: Style of HA IS, ,o 1 ot-C% trodore thot day, Saturt:o.y, Aug. 2"th. Ail ttio.e ut ‘ , .;.111t of u neat and superior Ilkl. ssurit! tin well to MEM 3.1 do,, abote Voortli. . _ . 4.11 I , lail Fashion.. BATS AND CAPS. P pub.cni..r 0.11 introdute, th.,13, , , B ee b e & C(uiter's Vail Style r,t . French, Hole Skin, 3 / 1 1/ NI/Ira iht•, to inch he in oulii invite the atten tion of the public. 102 Wood ft., aUit2S 3d door below Patio Auction Room, N. IL Ms Fall' assortment of Cap+ and NI otTR, cm 3elog an estenstre vanfiely, Is daily expected, and will be club• rtnnonneed. G. W. G. 16V AV II • one WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, Corner of lourlh and Markel Stre.qs, -RAS just returned from the east with a large rind %tell selected stuck of Goods in his line, viz : Fine Gold and Silver Watches, of the best makers and latest patterns. Jewelry in every variety. Sil ver Ware, Gold Pens, Rich fancy Goods, Tea Ware and Table kthtlery, 4 - e. &e., at the losses pricer. se op = AFRESH supply of Cromwell, it vinccatio, by J. 11. Mode D'Aubigne, just received, also Napoleon and his Marshals—by J. T. Heady. Napoleon, his army and his generals, their unex ampled military career—by an American. Sascred Mountains—by J. T. Headley. Letters from Italy The works of the late Ee r. Robert Murray M'Chi yne, minister of St. Petnrs church, Dundee. Haldane - on-Romans, from the sth Edinburgh edi tion. For sale at the bookstore of ELLIOT & ENGLISH, No 56 Nlarket et EOM Husband's Celebrated Fluid Magnesia. is a mild, safe and elegant Anti-acid and. I Aperient; being a perfect solution of chemical ly pure carbonate of Magnesia in water; posseasesi all the medical qualities of the finest preparations of Magnesia, without being liable to form concretions! in the bowels, or to act injuriously upon the coats of the stomach. One table spoonful of the Fluid Mag nesia is equivalent in strength to hal r a teaspoonful, of common Magnesia. For sale by It. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., car Ist and Wood, and Wood and Smithfield stn. ane Dissolution THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the style of J. D. Wil liams& Co. is dissolved this day by mutual consent. The buiiness will he continued by J. D. Williams, who is duly authorized to settle the accounts of the late firm. J. D. WILLIAMS, Pittsburgh,, Sept. I, 1817. THOS. MILLER. A RTIHIR O'LEARY—IIia Wanderings and Pon .tkdeeinga—a new anppi , y ler sale at MORSE'S. • - • 4", 1100 N AND SAILGENT. — : BANKERS AND 'EXCHANGE •BROKERS,' N. E.'CO R. WOOD AND SIXTH STAVETS, rrrrs:nunctri PA J)EALERA in Coin, Bank Notes, Tone. Bilk Foreign and Dutnestic Exchange, Ccrtificaten of Dsposite, &c. EXCHANGE on all .the principal Ciiics of the Ulm iuti x and Europe, tbr sale in, sums to snit putchu scrS. CIIIIIIENT and par funds received on deposite. COLLECTIONS made on all parts or the Union, at the lowest rates. REFERENETK : Messrs. M. 'Leech & Son, Ogden & Snowden, • rr Wm. Bell Sr. Son, Plrriurnsitz. " S. M'Clork en & Co: •r English & Bennett. " Fleming & Brother, rr Fides, Lathrop & Co. PIMA D'A. " Wm. R. Thompson & Co.) Ir Hoadly, Phelps & Co ' I. NEW YORK. " Babcock & " Tiffany, Ward &Co. " John M , Cullough & Co. BALTIMORE. Mr. Juries George, " H. Hanna, CmcirizrATl, 0. " Joseph Watson, „ mASSILOK, 0. Messrs. Fenner & R. F. Ellis, Esq., Cashier, Bank Lewistown, Pa Pittsburgh, September 2d, 18.17-y DANICERS EXCHANGE DROICERS, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BANK NOTES, No. 64 Wood st ~ one door aborrhurth, East sidc, pIUIIRENT Funds received on deposit, and col lections made on all the Cities throughout the United States. Sight checks on Baltimore, Philadel phia, New York, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly fur sale in sums to suit purchasers. The paper of the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and ' Virginia Banks bought and sold on the most favor- Jible terms. The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ameri eau Gold and Silver coMs. EXCHANGE ON ENGLAND. IRELAND A... : ND scoTLAND, fur sale in mourns of X I and upwards. marl 0-dawy =I RANXERA, EXCHANGE DROXERS, ANT) DV:ALF:RS Hi FOREIGN AND DOME•STIC EXCHANGE, CER TIFCATES OF DEPOSIT, BANK NOTES, GOLD AND SILVER. \0.65 WOOD ST., 30 DOOR BELOW FoLIRED, WEST SIDE, Pittsburgh, Pa. D A R Funds and Currency received on Deposit, and r collections made in all the principal cities ofthe United States. Sight Exchange on Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Boston and Cincinnati constantly for sale in sums to suit purchasers. Kentucky, 'ndsaria,(thio, Virginia and Pennsylva nia Bank Notes bought and sold on the most favora ble terms. The highest premium paid far American Gold. Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and France procured, 4.c. inar22.-y ALLEY KIS MER. • EDWARD IMAM. KR AM E n. 2111 M, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROK ERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BILLS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFCATES OF DEPOSITE, BANE NOTES, AND COIN. Corner of Third and Wood sta., directly opposite the St. Charles Hotel. - my2.B L.,xrns ADD DEALERS ix racitArrcr cars mu. BAN 1( NOTES. N. 5.5 Market street, Pittsburgh. beillinu rate. I.:sub:singe. Buying rate. Nuys Vurk I Pr Cincinnati I dis Philadelphia t " LniiisNille I (4 Baltimore i ~ S. Lout. V BANE NOTES Baying rates 0111 n I dis Indtmes I 44 lientacky. I " Virginia I " Wheeling 4, Tennessee 3 , 4 sul9-7 London Editions. A.Nzys History of Painting ; Oak's,' 'a " of the Sara.ens ; Scloiler's Don Carlos and other Dramas; Coax 's house of Austria; Lamart; nes History of the Girondists ; Staunton's Chess Plsyer's Hand Book; Schrller's Dramatic Literature; Sehlegel's Philosophy of history; Roscoe's Lorenzo De Medici; Briscoe's Leo Tenth ;—fir sale by 11. S. BOSWORTH & CO. 43 Market at MrSI C. S. lintel, Canal B 11111.1), Pittsburgh, Pa. r 1111 F-subscriber having leased the above establish meat, and having refitted and made some materi.. al alterations and additions; is now prepared to ac commodate his friends and the travelling community in the best possible manner. 'Fite athantages of this excellent !louse arc peculiar to itself, all those travel ling by Canal, particularly in inclement weather, or landing at midnight, have only to atrp front the pack et into the beautifully furnished apartments, "-here they will he contented and comfirtable. In addi tion to the extensive accommodations belonging to this house, the proprietor has at great expense,refit led, renovated, and made such additions as will se cure to him the promise alms kind patrons "We'll call again.'• The Bar, the Dining Boom. the Chambers, and parhcolarly the cMinary departments, are so provid ed r , that we challa age courpetiteon anywhere. The Iltre wail he of the best the market affords, and the prices Itheral. propr,etor having been engaged in catering, for ell , sts for many )ears past in the.east„ Teel. as awed that by stro,t attention to hustdeis with 3 WatChilll eye to the comforts of his guests, he will deserve a share of public patronage. noir.23 Con HENRI L. BURKHOLDER. AYOPNi; MAN ' who has had some experience in the Groceryllusiness; has a fair knowledge of liool,-Keeping; and writes a good business hand, is anions to obtain s situation in Pittsburgh. Ile would be willing LAI accept a moderate compensation. A note addressed E., office ofthe morning Post," wilt receive immediate attmition. • No. 7r . /, W(1011 of uovß urrs—Bounded by Penn, Liberty and Bay each lot having 24 ft. front, and extending back 110 ft. Twe of thrm are corner lots, and the prolibon of the whole property is one of the (110/St ad ntageous in the city. For further-Information ap ply to M. SIN Awrzw ELDER,, Fourth at., • ney.3-qf bet. %Wood and Snuthfield. ft fi u li o 'd n : M a A r e ' certain r 1:; t for h h eeu u , E p a r i e b p r a t, reead only by JACOB NIVERS, Price 50 cta. per bottle. 4th at. kt At Mrs. 111171rie'S New Millinery Store, 10 St. Clair street, TER' style French Chemizettea, Mourning Col lars, Fancy Frills and Capes, Mourning do., Ladies Silk Scarfs, a new and elegant pattern of Ladies Velvet Bead Bags, Black net Gloves, a choice selection of rich new styles Cap and BONNET An noys, Rich Black Silk for Cardinals, Swiss Muslins, Nets, &c., Ladies Cardinals made or cut to order in the latest styles. Also, Llonnets, Caps? Capes, Frills, and every article in the Millinery business. seed VT ANTED—A good Accountant and general la:- SITICSM Cl, rk, who is acquainted with Nlercan tile business generally, and the dry goods branch in particular. Apply to angtl7 JOHN D. DAVE, Auct. (MAIO BERS' CYCLOPEDIA—No 15 of this kjable periodical, just received and for sale at _sep2_ MO rpHE PARRICIDE, or the Youth's Career of Crime. j_ This exciting stor e y, by the author of Life in Lon don, is now complete at 50 cts, for sale at sep3 MORSE'S I) EMARKARLE EVENTS in the History of A rooms, by J. Frost, L L D—No 4 of this valu able work just received and for sale at scp3 MORSE'S CH AMBERS' MISCELLANY of Useful and En-, tertaln mg Knowledge. The long-looked for work is now for sale at sep3 MORSE'S cheapA.\"l , l ( 3 .) , N 3 " 4EoLpSa—g page:, m 5 I 0 pl c e ts t e p in e r s , v o c;l u u rn m e e:, t sep3 MORSE'S FLOWERS PERSONIFIED—A new supply ofthie beautiful work, from No 1 to 4, just received a t MORSELS Li terary De • ourth at. _aep2 W ANTED—OO Journeymen Tailors; 50 Pantaloon makers; 50 Vest makers. None but the best need apply. ANCKER & MAYER spt7 Star Clothing Store,7 Wood st. = WILLIAIII A. HILL & Co., AND SPECIE Pittsburgh, Pa RILE. et CURRY, N. 1101,31 ES SON, Buying rates. rounty & City ord's di. Retiei notes •• Pennsylvania Co " New York Maryland tt New Orleans NEW A itRA N6E - N1 ENT =E! For Sale, JUST RECEIVED iii . _ Welclt's Nati.)nal Circus I - -THE: dE,IIIPLIIT -4111P111771.6.47712, =7l HIS spiCrdid equ_st tan, - company' composed? entirely STAR PERFORMERS,wiII exhibit under their Splendid Water ProV . Pavillion; com- Modiously furnished, for the Cointbriable trSepLloll .. of 3000 persons, at Pittsbtirgh, 'on the 10th, - Mth„ 13th, 14th, ldth and 4lith•ofSepte.mber - S.SSI,III-1 - 113111 of the. AMERICAN lioret..:..jitimittance, 25 cents. . Independent of Wills , celebrated Brass Band, ihe company will be saluted - , otr.ttiSir arrival, by Mr. Wallace>s String Band, playing airs from the most , sopuior Operas. In the evening the pavillion will be illuminated by the patent sylvic Gas, invented by U.F.. Canton, Esq., of the United States Navy DeLertmetit, Wish-- wigton. It is -an entirely new method,, giving, a su perior light; free from all nauseous effluvia, the fault of all other attempts, and casting a light scarcely less brilliant than the noondqy Constituting this company will be found Mr. J. 0: Cadwallader, who,will ride his much admired acts of the Russian Envoy, the Terrors of a Sorcerer 0.1 . 1 Siam, and the beautiful episode of the Spirit oil , his last wing, on 2,3, and 4 horses. Madame Louisa Howard, the great NATIVE FEMALE nctsrntas, whose admirable personations, on a single horse charm,and delight all who behold her, justifying public opinion in awarding to her the high position slit has successfully held amidst a host - of rival stars. CLOWN—DaN Rice, the 'mirth-provoking Dan,' whose infinite JEST and FUN, unstained by rude ness and vulgarity, places him far beyond the reach Ol IMITATION. Mr. lionAcE Nicttots, the Prince of Wing Ma. 4 tors. THE Rivtns FAMLY, whose union of talent, is without a parrallel in the world. CH Myr:Ls the most finished artist in his arrangement and exe nation of scenes and gymnastic groups. Par.o E n acc _ Itivtas presents every kind of Foreign' net, that can surprise by novelty, and Master ,Illeit.tnu ktvrns, (the 'inimitable, , ) will perfin . m his on a single horse, as perlbruied before the President and Sena tors of the United States, and by all present declar ed the most perfect union of WONDER AND GRACE the world ever knew. Master T. Nr.rit.t.E, whiAias acquired the rare art of riding, and executing the most difficult feats BACKWARDS on a single horst.. Mr. WM. Smut will ride Ins fine classic itets,on 2, 3 and 4 horses, funning a pyramid of fice personz, whom he will bear above—hie horses at lightning :peed. =1 SIGNIOR GErtmaxt, the mighty Italian equi,strian will ride his incredible necromantic scenes, introduc ing, , Les batons du diable, , and hie Golden' Pale tons, &c. &c. He will also brins 'forward his two wonderful dogs, whose feats arc without equal in the Areria. .111 r. W. llownau, the Spanish scenic rider, and great representative of the Ited.Man of the Forest. Mr. CUARLES FOSTER, who ride a great dramatic ' scene, and a Grand Military act, entitled IV/NOR TO OU K ROES. Or AII for our Country, in which by the aid or , correct costume, he will represent the Chief Patriarch praying for his country, GEN. ZACK TAYLCR, at Monterey, Ilittara Srter,a,Tankee volunteer; Santa Anna, the commander bt , lllexico, concludinewith the SOLDIER OF FREEDOM:bearing the memo rable resols e,—"Gr.N. TA YLOR NEVER SURRENDERS." Mons DEntoes, of the 'Cirque Glompique,' will introduce the Arabian Dancing Mare, 'lLuncr.i ,, whose beautif u l dances far surpass anything of the kind ever yet brought before the public. Also.the comic ponies, Romeo and Juliet, will by their comic dinner scenes, leaps and counter leaps, prove their, instinctive bent for drollery. tt:ri, Parents and guardians may with confidence bring their families, as under the watchful care of the proprietor, nothing approaching a shade of vul garity can find its way among the choice representa tions of the Arena The afternoon and evening performances entirely varied. aug24- 14in T"E partnership heretofore ; existing between TOWN.3gfp & WHEELER H. l'ttEt Ps, in the Wagon and Cbich Making Business, and the Mcrcanune Business, is thin day dissolved, by mutual consent. The books of the firm will be settled by either of the undersigned. A , CYRUS TOWNSEND, W If EELER H. PHELPS. August 31, 1847.-sep4 • T _ lit partnership heretofore _existing between /LOMAT CANA & EVANS ROWLAND in the Carri age making business, is this day disso:ved by mu, tual consent. The books of the firm will be settled by either of the undersigned at the old office. RORERT,CARR, Aug. 31, 1547.-sep4 EVANS ROWLAND. PARTNERSHIP. rp HE subscribers laving eniered into partnership, 1. will hereafter dontinue the Wagon and Carri age Making Business, and the Mercantile Business, at the Old Establishment of Cyrus Townsend & Co., St. Clair street near the bridge, at Manchester, and at the establishment of Carr ¢ Rowland, St. Clair street. September b, 1547. N. B. The financial affairs of the Company will be m.tnaged by Mr. Wheeler H. Phelps, who has charge of the (ace and books. HAVING retired from LUSDICSS 7 and.disposed of my entire interest to the above company, I take pleasure in recommending them to my late customers at borne and in the West and South, as prepared to do the best of work, and carry on hthil nese on a scale more extensive than hag yet been done in the wen. The union of the two,establish muds Or TOWNSEND & Co., andanet f CARR Su" Row -1...1..ND enables the company to execute orders, how ever large, for all descriptions of work, with des patch and in the best manner. • Wi,th Mr. Townsend I have been acipiainted from boyhood. We were apprentices together, and I have known him always as a f,.itbftil and compe tent work - man, and well fitted to give satisfaction to those who may offer him their patronage. He has been in my employment for four years, and I know the linens StJted. •Alr. Perkins has been twelve or fourteen sears in my employment and fur a considerable portion of, the time my foreman. Ile is one of the best me chanics I hare ever bad in my employment, and I cordial,y commend him as his partner to the coat n ued favors of my old customers.. Mr. Phelps has been associated with me for many yeari; in the mercantile business in Manchester. He is known to the public generally as a strictly honest and enterprising man, and as a partner I have al ways (bend him to he all that chuld be desired. • Of Messrs. Carr 4- Rowland it is not necessary for Inc to speak. They are well known to the public as among the best carriage builders in the west.— Their establishment united to the old concern of Townsend 4- Co., qualities the new firm to turn out as good work as can be procured in the liriited States. (sepal CYRUS TOWNSEN.b. Townsend, Carr S. Co C.! UCCESSORS to the old firm of C. Townsend &. 0 Co., and Carr & Rowland, beg leave to announce to their friends and to the public generally, that they are now prepared to execnto all kinds of work in the coach and wagon making businesS, at the shoriest notice, and warranted to be of the best quality. The very large quantity of seasoned tim ber with which they are prepared, and their facili ties for business, enables them to insure the public that they are prepared twearry on an e.ttensive.and prompt business in-their line, and tliey respeeifully solicit a - continuance of the liberal patronage be- stowed upon the late firms. seu4 Dry Goods House, G 2 Rlarket Street, Between Third and 4th streets, T_T AN't just received a large supply of rich Fall 1:1 Goods, comprising in part: 17 CaseZ various styles Prints and Chintzes of English, French find A merican manufacture; 156 pcs. rich and desirable patterns French Ginghams, warranted inferior to none imported in style, cinality and durability of co lors; 4 Cases splendid Plaid goods for ladies dresses, comprising every style for Fall and Winter wear; Cashmeres, M de Laines3atin stp'd Alpaccas of va rious colors; 3-4 and 4-4, BM &Blue 111'k Silks, for Mantillas; Fancy dress Silks' 11Pic and Mode colors; M de Lains all wool, Shp.wls of every style and qual ity; Cassimerei, Cassinetts,,Broad, Cloths and Vest ings; Bl4ached and unbNached Muslina from 6.1 c to 181 c. pe yard; Green, Yellow, Red and White Flan nels; Tikkings Checks, strip'd Shirtingsv bleached W and bron Drillings, etc. etc. All of which arc of fered at wholesale and retail at the very lowest cash prices. (sep3) A. A. MASON & Co. Now Goodsi. WATCHES,' JEWELRY, 4.e. T UST RECEIVED my fall supply of fine Gold and J Silver Watches and Jewelry, to which I would call the attention orpurchasers,asrwill sell at only 5 per cent. advance on regular -Eastern. prices, and will guarantee every article as represented..WlLSN, sep3 coi . or4th and Market sts. TINE FRENCH ENGRAVINGS—Just received 12 from the Paris Publications a Ilit , of very fine Engravings. Also a few courses , in Landscapes. 'Frees, Fruits, Flowers, &c., very 'desirable for schools. JOLPI GILLESPIRIiCO. sep6-3t 76 Woottet. MMM , ' • P}} } i, hi3EI .' ~HIA, DISS9LUTION DISS 3LUTIOI EBER TOWNSEND, WHEELER H. PHELPS, ROBERT CARR, • EVAN ROWLAND. SY L VANES PERKINS. A. A. MASON & CO • - ME .. r s teal - mar a. - 1:-.: .... 114rifth m t i ff - tr etialM Pa -ofl i i i f F e . , l i i v o iLk e ott a t , i l t ,n g i O oy hr elir,„ Lo ye ' 1 e t t "f " fri e n 4 57 3 . I3OCTOR BROWN, le , larli 'educated phyair -7 ' 4 '. ,--' 4 - 1 :1- , - - ' - ,- 71..c re irn ,, i ,, ro ni ni d ' i t esze ke a c as ti t u e i rn iitn at : 1 4 % f tee "-- thecitizen,* of_ ;-- ~..,,,,,,,'' monm.e. , to ~ ' , , e 4- Pittsburgh,Alleghenyarm ' ;'*%" o 4 .7;'.. ' ''''' ,.,, 4 ,. ''' 41\ con idled privatpiy,.. a ) ,ye t '' ' -r"--a.^.....--‘ confimentiaity, everyday ' V .„ 1 -1.;; r'' . .'-' A and evening at.,iiie office '*llll4. ' ........_ 'Th 4 ol' Diamond Alley, a fait , wim : doors from Wo od,; . aa_ itielt aillir . _ °wards the'market. - - - ' Dr. Brown gives his particular altenlion t tht reatmemand investigation of= the folkiwing direak , . . All distasesaritie•r from linnuritiesof the.BloOd, . scrofula, 'syphilis, seminal- weekness.. inipotency, saltrheum,*liseases of, the eye and-ear,theurriatiani, piles, palsey. ' -•-/ 7.. 'it Dr. Brown his smelt - pleaiure in announcing to - - the - public, that he ii:in,pOssessionOf the latest in , formatimi.and . improvement in the -treatment Of secondarysyphils, practised at the Paris Lock Ffcrei. pital. The. modern. researches on syphilis, its ~ complications and consequences, and the improved modes of practice-which have beemrnade known. to the public but recentley, and to those chiefly who make this branch of 'Medicine,' their Par*eu tar study and practise. *; ; - Many new and valuable rernedies-havebeenletit. • - ly introduced, which secures the patientbeing : eurialized out of existence Strangers are.apprisid that Doctor Brown has been educated in every branch of medicine, and regularly' admitted: to practise, and that he now cOnfines l himself to '.the ' study malpractice of this particular bmnch,:ogeth:' . er with all diseases of a private or delicate :nature, incident to the hiunariframe. No ,cure, no . ,pay • Recent cases are relieved in, a short tiree, - „with- out interruption froin business: • Letters" from a distance,ysking advice:must eon- Pain a fee, or they will not be attended to. . - • • • .• (0-Office on 'Diamond Alley; a few doors from Wood street, towards the market:- Consultation, strictly confidential - - jy23-41&wy: ' [V AL ALEXA.NDE.H. i Coffin Makers and FurnishinuVorteil44r.4.; COILTEEL or PEEN ANn ST: CLAIR STIMETS, prxemit.; TEE EXETIANGE. HOTEL TaiTIIANCE 0/T E.E721 2E4; ,• -- RESPECTFULLY inform theiti "friends, and the_ public, that they q are prepared toyurnisliniad'at-" . tend to every flung itt;the'-line of Undertakers, as they 'have quit the business of Cabin ex Making - , riniltheir atten. tion will be devoted altogether toilie above bud. ness, keep a large assortment of,COFFINS made and finished, covered, and lined in the neatest manner } with a variety of materials, and.atr'all priced; ?so keep SHROUDS ready made, °fall sizes, ofnanneis . 7 Cambric, and Mnslin, at all prices, and made in the, eastern stylerand all- other articles-near.isary for dressing the dead, and furnishing funerals, of Tian ty and prices to suit; SILVER PLATES for ongray-7. irk. the name and age ; ICE, CASES 'for. laying the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their frierids-.": any length of time, and have ZINC PANS to put ices in for laying on the body; LEADEN Coffin's always::..` on hand • . We have a splendid new HEARSE and a pair of fine horaes, and any number of, the- beat carriages, etc. etc., and will be - prompt, "punctual, and reasonable. PRO P 0 3 . -AL' S '][TILL be received at the office of the Pittibuigls V V .Water: Works, until the first olOctobeittest,, fbr ejecting Engines and Pumps for the Allegheny Cit3ONater Works. • (sundries. Foe furnishing 75,000 Ills z;f.Castings IQr frame's and . 4,800 Screw Bolts. '. ' 550 feet of 24 'inch IrOn pipe.. . ' 9 550 at "20 " U , - td a 550 " ." 12 " " two 24 inch Stop 'Valves. - two 12 " " ". " two 20 - r O . Cocks. : • Proposals to state the sum for Enginea.and,fuingi complete.' • To state the amount pus lb. for Caitingsfßarear Bolts, Pipes, and Slop Valves—ran d. to - '4datir"this amount for the two 20 inehStoPeoFksl . ' For particulars cogulsOlor„,..., B.OBE.11;T:JWOORB;"-"; . -- ,, Sup , t. of - Pittstuirgit Waier 'Works,. Drugs I Drstge - DrugstW" NT, OW opening at the Drug Warchetise'of, lr & BItOCKWAY, a large and'tvehl selected as sortment of Drags, Chemicals, Paints, - .Oils and - Dye Stuffs, direct from New York and oiher Eastern cities, which twill be 'sold at extremely'lew- Call and examine for yourseliins. No 2 Comm6rcialao*, near Canal Basin: ''' MEI ECLECTIC. MEDICAL INST/TIMEI Cincinnati, Ohio., • ITIE next Fall and Winter courtb";Or.liectireif. commencesin this institution 'thilthis first Mon:!_, day in November, and continues four months, Xirloich is immediately succeeded by the Spring and Suniyief session, which also continues four Months. A-graVi:... ultous preliminary course commences on the Monday in October, and continues;one rionth.. , FACULTY • B.L. UM M. D. Anatomy and Operative SM.- -ti gery. CO . 06' .' L. E. Jones M. D. Materia, Therapeutics and Botany. . 10,00' -• J. 14 Oliver M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy ". W. Beach Dl. D. Surgery and ClinicalMedi--; - tine . A. H. Daldridee M. D. Obstetrics audltis- cases of Women and Children, T. V. Morrow M. D. Pathology, Theorpm Practice of Medicine. . MatricOation Ticket $3. -tile of Library - Graduation Fee $4O, Demoi3strator'nXickqPCOP ti unal. ' . $ 10aid on or before the first Monday in.l"T,tivem— ber n et, will he received for tuition, in-full , :af one student. Or $5O paid by the first of October 'next, will secure' all the tickets:for one full'enifrie4 the Demonstrator's ticket, use of Lihraryand-Matricula-. tioit ticket excepted. The Institute received Its charter in 1815. The College ndificeis situated _at the earner' of Court and Plum streets. TheCeurtill of instruction will embrace every thing `or value, . known and ttitg,ht in the Old Medical well as the Reformed and Botanical Schoolef-Medile' - rine. Six or seven lectures will be given,-"dailY - 4 - Board from $2,50 to $3,00 per week. Candidate. for graduation, in addition to the preliminary- terra of study, must have attended two full Courierrin. some , legally incorporated MCdical College, the _last which must be in this or one course after focr.years I practice,. All letters soliciting further information;pr taming money for the Faculty, meat be-addressed; to the 'undersigned [post .paid.] Notes of solvent -- Banks of the States in which students leilde, received in payment of Files. , • 'T. v. Mokßow, M. D. Dean of the FaettltY . - . .... 1 Cia.July 17, 1847.—Cin.Enq. Imported Segars, ,ete. . _ HE lovers 01 good Scgars and Tooteco, are -id! epecttitlly informed, that the subscriberids . 4*. received an extpsive assortment of thetnost . ap:proiri ed brands, among them the following, viz: ',- Victoria; • Plantation, Principe,' V.021115.11.45tr9', Regalia, Fagorra's; Eugene s s, Conimnif Alen, a few Boxes " Black Fizt . ; , "-a. celebrated chewing tobacco . Jokr. 11101-ILERT - . - - aug6 Druggist,.Fifth and ' K,- Chronicle and. Gazette copy. Shovels, Spades,'Foike, TtIE undersigned has been appointed'. !Trot for the sale of the above artjcles manufactured dno.Parvis & Co. All Or!lore addressed to 'him for, Loch articles will receive prompt attnnt.ion,ttt:tbn, lowest maneactireen prices:- • GEO. COCIIRAN...._- ,N 0126 WonFirkreet. MU Glas.ygcrw &...Boarei .Pricket.' Tl4Fp•Yew and-Light praugheSteamor AROLINE,:INiion, Master, 7orifliiiii tween Pittsburgh and thri above Ports duringthe. tete.", son of low water; leaving Pittsburgh every MO/2day. Wednesday, and Friday, at-9 o'clock, , A.--*'And., Wellsville every Tuesday,Thursctay;:ind SatitedAyi at 7 o'clock, A. 4. For freight or franso-e. appl'ron board. _ 'Boots, Shoes:. FOLIAANSBF.III & HOLES ALE and Retail, BOOT, Snot, - and nitwit &roar, No. 186 Liberty - stteet, nearly opposite the head of Wood. F. &H. have in store and are-receiving, their Fall and Winteestock BOOTS, SHOES, &c. consisting of the largeitatock, they have.ever 'been able to bring to this market 4, Our stock of goods have mostly been maniitactilreti. to our orders and expressly for the Pittsburgh market:: We also have constantly-on hand a splendid stock, of Hayward', Ilfetalic Gam. Elastic' Shoes, both - fort Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear; the most - beintiful. article ever manufachire4: - - We "Wrkird - iolreiritir_ examination of our - stoek of goods, by all who wish; to,purchase either it whOletrale.or wall; Os --tes sMU sell at a small.ailietnee abovir cost, country4lexclivlts,, will find it to their interest .to calLailictcsattiine,our,:-. stock before inirehattiug. FOLLANSBEE N . HAirWARD; . , ailitH • .No 186 Liberty st.., PittOtirgls. ME _ NM 10,00 10,00 10,00