;' ~, 3 r .i Eil2l :~ EU = A 'SOUTH • AMERICAN HERO. t The Nevi. Orleans Delta 'relate . ' the highly ro mantic and 'marvellous incidents: in' the life of Prisident Carrera, of Guateriaa;.Si . connected with his ascendancy to that. high Office. Hondu-, ras, from which lately emanated the Mexican aid manifesto, is one of the late Central American - con federation,. in which Guatemala was also included. Should the ostensible purpose of that manifesto be accomplished, and draw the other sthtes'i ate taking sides with the Mexilans, we ‘shall certainly find DO mean enemy in this Carrera. The Delta says: - • • • .. . „. Carrera, though a young ; unlettered, inexperien esel s .wildsbilian, has in an Incredibly short time, prepared gmself for the judicious and successful administration of the undisguised Dictatorship which he wields over these states. He is truly a wonderful man, whose career seems more like the - wild creation of a poet or romance than the sober -reality of history. A few years ago he was a wild Indian, as untameable and bloodthirsty as the cou . -gar which lurks its his native forests, Possessed of ,great agility, personal strength, fortitude, cour ige and perseverance he soon became a prominent , leader of the small hands of Indian rubbers %%Lich infest the country. 1 : . Aroused by a deep personal injury inflicted byl one of the officers of the liberalists, and by a I : knowledge of the wrongs and oppression exercised ~n .c.,.. .., s. h i Remit of Totten! yon the part of a - over the aboriginal race by the foreigners and their Visitor, n .i t the Ziadoeiral Gardens — This place of descendants,' Carrera. was enabled to assemble i the scene of a horrible around his banner of 'green leaves' . a large forcel eatestami'en'ellt was see , "Illy person from . on. of 'lndians, who, armed with a Lew 1.11 " 11 old guns, Omit 1 . rOPlie On that day. a \ ! shire, as in had ei,.ile In the town on a visit. • primeval bows and arrows. and the tens ible ma ! went in company with Ire wife to the gardens, and chete, a long sharpskpife, kept the .whole Colltitry T a ki ng advantage of course turret Mtn the house appropriated to in a continual state of alarm. here the . ma n o, expressed bis , ndini. of the disputes.between the centralists and the teal- I the . eerni` l lt l , pieties_, ration ol il tue iiona, aim judain, err oneously from eralisfa, he fell indiscriminately upon both t , ierneanor, thrust his han into the tiro In vain the whites .attacked and defated him ir.lila i ii . iiiil'e one of the ferocious brutes every'direction. His fortitude, perseverance and 'Quick " n'htenner' and endeavored to draw hi vie resources were inexhaustible. Wounded more than !bcued the . Curb, P ninet.imes, driven to the moil:items and forest', • tint Into 11 • e den , In which' attempt 01 , of the bars ,in limit of th e . cage was broken. the horror of and bunted - like a wild beast, he would Mill MJIII. the poor tellow s wife may be looter conceit. ed than i --..0.---- ' rain himself, and as soon as his enemies returned (en expression of which may he cur ' c f .- About ~to the town, would re-appear at the head of a largeldeseell'ed,as rancid:l a specimen of demagogue ,reet!y npl.hl to the eget y of . the man hirastaa I 'force and march immediately upon th e large citya day, is th e iTheir cave speerlida brought assistance. but it was ' 11 ' n1 salid' sac have a n " fur many of Guatemala. He succeeded at last in capturing this town, oc•I some time before the moiriaied creature, madden. leading article of the Gazette of Wednesday.— of auman gore, caul.; le made to ' The editor vomits forth all his bile and bitterness 'copied it with his wild and naked Indians, and soled hY the , feast . , , . _. , tetrified the inhabitants, that they agreed to con- re li ncluisl h is h c. ii i : "h id ' " an a ` let ' g l3 , di " tet ' : —in fact, turns himself inside out—in his prodi• L one of the kae .. pers e , niering 'dent to any terms to get rid of him. His ;elms: , the den ',1,1.." striking; , grows e ff ort to overwhelm that terrible monster, some torinivalue weapon. •! - rte aurierer ;.were the payment of the small sum of f. 14,000,1 him w lll, .which would be a fortune to himself and his poor i "'a' : taken wi'h all haste to the residence of Mr. , Loco Focoisrn! The monied interests of Pennsyl- Huh me, surgeon, Moss street, where his %sounds: vania seem to be exclusively in his keeping , an • d Indian followers. For himself personally, he de•l , were dressed. 'I be poor fellow s hand art arm! inanded a few segers, anti a illll laced cocked ha', he battles for capital with all the eritimeiasin, end = and generals uniform. These terms were joyously (Presented 3 ' lii‘'llful spectacle ' two °l . l . ll e ie ll '' Se c. s j likely w ith about as much principle, as that fa. acceded to, and Carreraretired to his native j:ing le.. ' 'vele almost bitten :pro2" sc 'l ".' i 'f -' ' ''' ,..; in t a i ( 1 mous partizan. Sergeant Dal eft ! An excellent, i. ,„d i tcries and leaders were rup e,,,ehiy shocking , . ; Sat here be did not remain quiet. A twining goo d qualities, band was crushed generally in a. .ac - ing manner., judicious, politic organ of the money power, is the designing priest, who perceived his and the uses to which they could be applied.. Lt-" , > 1 " l'P cr. !Gazette! prOmpted him to take advantage of the disordered i For reasons beat known to himself, the editor .. h ~ condition of the country, and to assume the goy,' Csrrsis Scnssirsey, g ß , r t . l i t. i. ' ,; i . s t ‘ n n i: n e ' s ' s ' .7,: • , Y r ; i has a h em fed to hide his text, but the context ernment himself.' He adopted the suggestion.; who married a young scl t i h o ' ci e l marched his Indian rabble again into Geratemalant since , has been tried anti convicted of slander, be-, points it out as palpably as if he had repeated it a defeated Morazan and his parts and succeeded in fore the Court of Justice of the Colony of SIII warn ; dozen of limes. It is that famous federal axiom putting down all opposition, and installed himself !So says a correspondent 01 the New York Express. , that looks so much. when - closely examisied, like ! country. as Dictator of the States of Central America. : Captain S. charged the plaintiff in the snit, inat i a certain fabulous creature of the sea, the unperl We shall not pretesd to give a description of the . But the greatest of all his victories was that leer to Lord Aberdeen, SI1:11 cruelty to slaves. 1 as; scenery along the 'Which he achieved of his savage passions and The following is given as the judgment of the part very beautiful, but the extremities as ugly Monongahela valley, ignorance. He employed tutors to teach hint to'Court : ro :an eel. -He should have openly proclaimed the I ! nor narrate the many pleasing incidents which _read and write, and the rudiments of education,, Doing Justice—The Court 'lerlares—That the' sentiment upon 'Shich he has exhausted so much I transpired during time tett, homeward. Our time and in a very short time supplied himself With the' defendant has grossly injured the 14,11,1(11T, and sett ! eloqueet invective against Loco Focoism. Wei and s p ace at resent are ve r y much testi-Woe!: 'necessary knowledge to conduct the ordinary du-Itert„, bun to tottke on „.„ ds f.„. these ~,..,,,, hr ,„..„ . . , P ‘ , ties of government. Ile is said now to be a good) shall do it for him -- Let the Gunn >anent take: , but hereafter, when at our leisure, we may take We and pretoitni y. Ascholar and an excellent ruler. Though, at [antes„ I are of the I?ich, and the Rich will take care of the! Konorahle, by app e ari n g in the fell meeting c 1 occasion to ester to them more at lengths. the ,natural ferocity of the tudiarrew ill leak out. this Court, and there. uricasered. in Ole hearing of Poor." What a precious sentiment! It ought tut The boat arrived at Dam No. 1 at about 6 and prompt him to deeds of violence arid blood, he . all, to ask forgiveness ot the plaintiff; should he be embalmed in amber, and worn in thesignet : • cuing " is reputed to be by no means habitually cruel,o clock yesterday el lhere a large con-' to be present. lieciarine, at the same time , :domineering or self swilled. . that he sinceielV regrets harm,: made use el Ille . , rings and breast pins of the money lonis!—But course of the ever-true Democracy had assembled Altogether, he is one of the most remar's:able , eboirt the b un t s, m ic e whose Bad destiny the Ga. in moos expieseion towards the plaint:ll shine to meet the fire President, and escort him to his men which this continent has ever produced, an d • mimed, and that he knoers and roitsiders ti,e plain .1 'tette is so lachrymose.l • i lodgings at the St. Charles lintel. As hie proceed should the States of Central America be induced a: tit to he a maw Or I'o'B'4l against "leeee ac's eeali 'llie banks--the banish! We have written much! ed down the different streets,preceded l musi c, to intermeddle in the contest between Mexico andby MUSIC, conduct he has nothing to say, and I the United States, he will, no doubt, playa con-; on this friiitlul theme in our day, and really 1 11s1 the crowd gathered from every part of the city,. Pecuniary, by paying into the funds of the Chief, i jipicious part in the stirring events of the future Lis-; propagating Manager of the Socsetv for Christian• hard to nerve oursel f' to the task of 1 • fighting the' and completely blocked up the carriage road and logy of this war. I Its among the slaves am. other heathen p on' battle o'er again." The Gazette wants to make side walks. The people turned out in their ma.' , I • 'of the colons , of Surinam, section Paramaralio, th e these poor innocents belies e that the horrible; jeetv and strength, and the loud shouts which ever I Important Abotition Movernenl.—Letters received sum of live thousand guilders; and fanner eentenees monster, L.wo Forrnstn, is about to cut their throats! ; and anon came free and so sing from their hoes here by the Caledonia from unquestionable source!, : Into, the defendant, to t h e iiiyinent•of all the costs. i and LI ''' '' t • , pir e them in salt and vinegar • alas, pour ,announce that on the 2lith.of July last the Bing; of this suit ' est hearts, matte the welkin ring like heaven's ar .Of Denmark issued a decree declaring that all per• : The infliction of the penalty, says the rem S- banks! 1 tillery. : eons who should thereafter be born in his domin-' pondent of the Express, Ca era i x Scui s LET avoid- i But really, is the Gazette the true friend of the ' 1 As soon as the crowd reached the St. Charles ions, should be Boasts rase; and that all persons ' ed by flight. l banks I SNP doubt it , foe If it is, as hy' attempt to' l i n t e l , N., - , , . sin.servitude in his dominions on the 2Sth ut July ' se. - 'a tired upon , i ILSON . A. DLIS . bri. pp • array the Democratic party in hostility to them ?! 'last and remaining so on the 2Stb of July 15:50,. The nary the afenaae /71./ItlOnt in England— the Balcony, and in behalf' of the assembled De 11hall then be absolutely free, without compensa- I The Lon lon Times relates the following, w h is t,: Fumiliarize the people to the idea that they arcl mocracy, welcomed the Vice President to Pitts. ',don to the owners.'occurred at Preston at t h e recen t election : ithe enemies of all banks, by eternally ringing it burgh, in a few felicitous and appropriate remarks. In the negotiation with the colonists which pre-1 ~ A note was left at home to be given to the; in their ears, and possibly they, may embrace , it, 'ceded the issuing, of this decree, he offered them the: canvassers. by a small shopkeeper, to the following i 1 He referred to the file and public acts of the Vice and think it not so bad a n idea after all, for it is Presid ent; • h i s • alternative of three years with a compensation of , effect ~ 1 will not vote for Mr. 'Parker for less' particularly casting vote on the $6O per head for each slave, or twelve years with.; than te,q,ounifs. Yours truly, ." It appears ' human nature to do so. Pronounce it a high crime' I - - n ew Revenue Act last year. i out any compensation, and they chose the latter. I that he had promised one vote to the coalition forin the lion. Chas. Brown to express his individual , Mr. DALLAS replied, and those who have heard W 1 Denmark has three small islands in the est In- 10e..trueting to their honor for payment ; but I sentiments, as hostile to all banks, aunt people, Whol dies, viz. St. Croix, St. Thomas, and hr John's. '! he was firm in refusing Mr. Parker a vote under' him before, say it was one of his happiest efforts, had no idea of going quite so far ae him, mav,',out , l i e t . • St. Croix contains about 30,000 slaves. St. Thomas ' s ter, pound " One of the adroit electioneerers,! ri c reste d the attention of his audience for some ,and St. John perhaps 5000 more,—Journal of Corti' h owev er, finding ail fittempts vain to beat down opposition to the authors and supaorters . f sheer i twenty minutes, and spoke with much feeling and , ---.....-------- I the prise pulled out somewhat reluctantly a bank'of such monstrosities as the late bank of tie CM I earnestness. Ile said that he had not visited Pitts-1 The Yellow Fever —The weather for , two days ' no t e , which he faithfully promised to give torn ted States, adopt the same radical opinions, and i i burgh during the last thirty years. Then it wasi past has given its no hope of an abatement of the ' m eter p o lling This was enemata for toe indeperal-..ipply the are instead of the pruning knife. Now, epidemic. The excessive heat and strong breezes.lent elector who hastened to the booth and polledl o . , I but 1 small dace of but title consequence ; ad 1 len of the • youlov ebil '' 1 ' ' Gazette, if which hare characterized the last two days, have. ' for Strickland and Parker The ante was isle en tol'e enl en' now it is one of the foremost manufacturing cities created the very atmosphere upon which the epi-jhim, and he departed. It was riot long bet re he ,la them alone; and possibly they may have the good I: tn the Union. He was rejoiced to fire!, that not-I demic grows and strengthens. From tie indications' , examined his prize, arid found that it was di awn fortune to rem re' I k out their own sal , anion, by i withstanding it was predicted that the passage oft on the streets, the constant rolling of innumerable 7 upon the—'Rank of Elegance. No. 23i1. al neo-Ipentance of the past, and the promisef better ) o doctors' gigs, the anxious expression of citizens I liaise to pay on demand the s u m of lire pnetids ill , _.. the Tariff of ISt6 would prove disastrous to the I t inther I con. us' uture. When the : walk atoms seltio hurry along the streets, the appearances 0111 do not sell cheaper than any body e l se in the a is 1 country, that universal and substantial prosperityl sickness in almost every house we pass, the mourn- whole universe. For m:,•iself and Co .G. Gilbert,. discreetly in their OVVII proper path, they need not new blesses the country through out its length and , ' 1 ful hearses with their small train of mourners, and 2 Green Arbon: Csairt. Old Bailey. ' ' fear mach opposition floor the people; but let' breadth. In ' • - ' • f a v or o f a hundred other signs, render it painfully evident ; giving iris casting loos in t h e , -,sisi- ; them moti, - .t a political char-maw ith such uut.reaers , ' ' , that an extensive epidemic prevails through oar; Tariff of 1546. he done what h:s conscience and , city. The reports of yesterday make the deaths 1 . ti,_:, , Tor fulld .*. 14'; passage is from Tom Hood !as the Gazette, arid B en i the Democratic: 'duty convinced him was right. The enemies ot i in this city, of yellow lever, for 21 hours prece ! disking for iV . c., , -.-- Is me—speaking iroin ray , party, in order to exhibit their independence of the . the law predicted that not over sixteen millions of ' , ding nine o'clock yesterday, sixty one. In Lalay•, heart and recorilir.g rny deliberate opinion on a , pettp i e ___,l,,,, ~,„, to ale t a e „,! .. ette, the number vvis nineteen; from which it; material :het. ' l. -1 ' as ti 16, Will long uutla.t my laces the the Gazette would be raised this year; bit he was the hanka. it• had better let Mr. Bara r s • I would appear that the mortality in Lafayette is fart own Islthri..--there is something ~, . happy to say, from iniurmatbin derived within a' greater, in proportion to its po p u l a ti on , m an i ts ' the Sper.raclP , of a yeateg man, in lone I's worke of superero-atina will , Inc prime of lite.oPinio!e snort tune from the proper department at Wash..' New Orleans--the number of deaths in Lafaytte ' and vigor, ollerieg tameelf a voluntary slave in the' hardly be- rewarded by those institutionl, tot ' ir•gton, that during the three quarters that hese being almost one-third of those in New Orleans,' labor market. w'i'ne .1 a purchaser—eae.erly Pr," l. <:1, er zealous. partizans may nom-times raise a host i tklailSt its population is hardly one-tenth that o flfering to barter the free use of his Lod : . the ~a y expired, about twenty6lx millions of dollars have tile spirit, which they have no power to cornmeal - • • New Orleans. This dieparity may, in some rasa- long exertion of his strength, the wejer and tear 01! been collected from customs; and it is calculated sure, be owing to the fact that the bodies of pert flesh and blood, hone and ; and which all the efforts of abler heads than their muscle fur. common ' , I that the receipts of the whole year will amount to eons who die in New Orleans are carried to the ' necessaries of life—earneatly eras tier; for biead on! CM ll Will prove ineffeolual in subduing., l ihtrty six mu/inns! We shall not, undertake to re- Lafayette cemetery. There are, however, in La- t o be penal conditions presci ;beet by his Cl-1.3 , 0r, an, I The history of - banking in Pennsylvania , and port the remarks of \tr . DALLAS, as we have neith 'layette, a much larger class of unacclimatvd peg-' in vain-1n vein ! V, eil for those won eit3ey eac h , . .. Ple than in New Orleans.—/Y. O. Delta. I blessing of earth that there are voltni . .et'l3 !0 work lindeed everywhere, sho .1 s the profligacy and cor• 1 'Cr time or room to do him full justice. After he I o u t the curse! Well for the drones .0 1 ' the secial Iruption of too marry of those institutions, to ever - ameetinglongand loud hive took Lis seat, the gave three -.I hive that there ate bees of so industrious a turicl !make them the objects of emlearieg,l su li ocituce on I cheers, such as Democrats ran only give! 1w i11.n.: ?.)" an inflii. ,, ss•rr. t! share of the honey to I,„ e part of the 'people. Take, for instance, Owl under the let .. , r .1 , its fabrication :Sir. DA LLAS then retired to his rooms in the St. Bank of the United 511111 " , 1 h.ffiered under Ihe Charles, and during the evening received visits from ll rtner administration, once the pet of The par.' Great Fire in. Eussia —The Paris Commerce;, I him by and thousands of our citizens, who took says ;... _ A cwiimercio, courier sent „ - ro Ah „, rcang ,.l . , ny which supports the Gazette, and from its con - I , n , by the hand, and appeared highly pleased with I on July 28th, by Messrs. Brandt and Corripany.l ception to its explosion, it was a moral and politi• the man and his principles. . has announeed to tricot house at "at. Peteisbergh I cal pollution; and when it burst, at last, it produ- . From the time the Consul landed until late last that a violent conflagration had beast out that day. , red disaster tiit all within the rangerof its influence. o • - ! s in the faubourg of that place, slid had destroyed Wit, cannon were fired from the brow ot Boyd upwards of 400 houses. oril:.• one esar6lisburent ;II I • ;inks are to be chartered in Pennsylvania, with'it ii i 1 - belunging to the government had sati;.!re I. The such features as that had —even Wltil such feat iiresl Altogether, we must sac, in all truth and candor, fire was still raging when the courier lei', but 'till' : as most of the existent banks have—we, for one., that the Vice President has met with a glorious re less intensity, the inhabitaiits having succeeded in' will o use the whole ssstein. liut the Democrat 1 making theruselves•in soilie measure master co it .pp - • ; ception from the Democracy of the Iron City—a tic party leave no idea of permitting any such out reception which 11US t he pec uliarly aralil •i , to i rage s sin Ilse rights of the people. If they will, his friends, anti exceedingly' fla'tering to himself grant bank charters to commercial communities,: they will attach to them s"iieli safeguards, as, its case of an explosion, they will have no power to, do mischief to innocent persons. IndEvidual Liu-' Lipp ; is a democratic guard which will Have a' must admirable effect in preventing an excessive paper issue. All the people want, is to be protect- 1 ed against a system that can contract to-day, ex-; [rand to-morrow, explode next day, and leave troth.; ing in the hands of hottest industry, as the reward I for their toil, but filthy, worthless rags! When, stockholders are bound incileid«olly, it is very I I natural to believe they will have a wilt:hell eye: I over their agents, who by pursuing a reckless and extravagant course, may bring them to bankruptcy. Uneite are other checks and safeguards which the Democratic party have proposed to keep these, ' institutions within proper hounds, which all who: have paid any attention to the sul , ject 'are famili-; ar with, and we need not name them. if mercantile communities must have these institutions to facil itate commerce, they may expect no favor from the Democratic party, unless the people are effectually, guarded against those disasters incident to the troubled Sean upon'tshich Fortune sails, Tnoors Ton. Maxico.—The Baltimore Ameri elll3 of Tuesday, says "The line barque Paoli, Capt Welsh, has Leen chartered by government to carry the Niaryland Light Attillery to Vera Cruz This company is now full, numbering over one hundred picked men. On Saturday evening a camp my of volunteer in fantry arrived at Fort McHenry from Washington city. They are to form a part of Col Ifughes' reg iment. There are also at the fort some severity. five recruits for the regular . service, who re um der orders to embark; and it is suppose t 'at by the end of the present week, the wl e of the ..troops at the fort, as Hell as a number of recruits at'-Old Point Comfort, will have embarked fur Mexico. In addition to the Paoli, the government transport brigs G. W. Kendall, Capt Pinkham, and :Picard, Capt Buck, and the new three-masted trans port schooner Major Vinton, are now in port. and S will carry troops, borsea, provisions, &c., to Vera Cruz and other ports on the Gulf of Mexico.- TO A TOPER 1N LOVE 'Tween women and wine, sir, Man's,lot - is to smart; For wine makes hiy•head ache And women hie heart. Immigrants.—The number of passengers who have arrived at this port in the last 8 mon , lis, is„ 1.16,081; a greater number by 1751 than in the 'whole of 1846.- In the remaining four months of -the-preseut year, the number will be increased' to an aggregate of about 150,000. Ifwe add 100,000 for arrivals at other ports and through the British "Anntinions,.we shall not be far from the truth, ma lting the total of: immigration into the United States from foreign countries during the year 1847, -a-quarter of a million We heard it estimated by an intelligent clergyman the other day, in a ser _titan, at half a million. But Phis is quite above _the mark. The number thin year is however dou ble that of any former year except the last, or _nearly so.--Neto York Journal of Commerce, Sep. -tember 3. air!i:Trist, the grandglaughter of Thomas ---lefrown;ialvisiting, in Cheater county, Pa. Sheis • .tiiisTaily of N. P. '1 rist,Eeq,of the /Mexican peace • 4facready and' Charlotte Cushman arc. er . 7 4oged - at the Princess Theatre. - • • • . . • '. - . , • - " . . , ' IMIII ME Democralitsiiigtififd.44lr. Sturge, a candi date for a seat iii•Parliarrierit:frir Leeds, addressed an assemblage o from eight:Jo ten thousand peo ple, taWhom be:lield. forth in the.following strain : ".He - ' - cOrninenceif by deilaring that, bottling that everyrone[of his fellow citizens convicted of crime, "was entitled to the rightiOT suffrage, he would not consent to be putin norrniriation for Parliament, if he had riot the support:and confidence of the non electors, so unjustly deprived of a voice in the choice of rulers. He was in favor of a ;total sepa ration of Church and State—of entire freedom of trade- 7 -the abolition of the game law's, and those of primogeniture and entail. Would abolish all oaths and capital punishment. lie saw no neces• sity for supporting, at an annual expense of ..C[2l.i, 000,000, a standing army and navy. He would allow no man, in viceipt of pay and pension from -the Government, to hold a seat in Patliament. He wished the people of Leeds to haye a full under standing of his sentiments; but 0 would use no I influence to obtain a vote. lle deprecated the [ common custom of canvassing for votes ; he would riot solicit 07.0 if his election depended upon it.— We are glad to learn that there is every probabili ty of the election of so thorough a reformer. lie has the support of the Leeds Mercury, the most in• fluential paper out ul London, in the United King dons. rt - j- - - For the first time the voice of calumny has assailed Jenny Lind. It is asserted that the I,illl - add disinteiestriiness of the Nightingale has given way tO a spirit of sordid and subtle rapavi• ty, and that she demands for next season three times what she has received !MS. the dates of her marriage depending on the acceptance or refusal co the curer. ES Look small boa constrictor, ten feet long, escaped from ite keeper, at Providence, on Wednesday night, and lia4 not yet been found. Their Turn Coming —The 'citizens of Coliimbia. in this State; intend to give a politic dinner to Thos. Welsh, laho fatiO/t a.dlantly as a private at Buena Vista. The epaulette have had their turn. now for the shoulder•knute —.Albany .lions. Inmicri9Nrs.—During the last eight 116,981 immigrants have arrived at New York alone. ccr A eoquette is said to be a perfect incarna tion of Cupid—she keeps her beau in a queer. cct - A Nova Scotia paper says:-We regret to state that the potatue disease has again made ite appearance in this country. Two days ago we saw a field perfectly blackened with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson will sail for "Eng,land on the first of Oct,iber being invited to lecture in some of the principal cities of the Kingdom. (Cr A Gernian writer observes, that, in Eng land, there is such a scarcity of thieves that they are obliged to offer a reward for their recovery. ccr A green corn dance. one of the old customs of the Indians, commenced on Wednesday, at - .:sy rucuse—it continues four 'days. EMS t ) c Ontly L. nAnprac, matrdit Attp Pa.OPAIETOR ' PIT TST3VILGII[:• FRIDAY' MORNING,: SEP r. 10, 1247 DranocnnTic NOIMIISATIONS. ;FOR GOVERNOR, FRANCIS It. SIIUNK, OF ALLEGHENY COVYY. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, MORRIS LON G STR NTH, OP MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Bray LTA—ALEX. BLACK. ALARM n Ly—J AM ES B. SAWYER, J. H. WELHENNY, JOSEPH COOPER, JAMES S. LONG. TIIE ASA 011 N, C. DAY ITT. Comm ssiox En—R. DONALPSON. AC D ITO it—EDWA RD M'CORK LE lip Democratic County committee of Correspondence. The members of the above Committee will hold a meeting on Saturday next, the 11th inst., at 7 o'clock, P. M., at the CLIARLSB HOTEL. A lull attendaneb is requested. _ . The folimsing persons compose the Committee Charles Shaler, George R. Riotlle, Andrew Wylie, ; James S. Craft, Benj. Wilson, (of Eliza. , J. II Philips, (ol Rob• both ) , inson.) James A. Irwin, ! R. 11. Kerr, James Cunningham, i Dr. Wm. Bachup, John J. Mitchell, . Col Jesse Sill, Jacob Tomer, Col. Jos. E. M Cabe, Thomas Farley, ' . Josiah Ankrim, A. NI Ilivain, ! R. Patterson, Edward Encell, ! Gen. John Neel, Dr Junas R. M Clintock, James Watson. A word about those " irrespOnsitdr Shin I'lasto EstabliAhtnents - about µ•}rich the Gazette talks so feelingly. It has forgotten to tell us where they are, and so we must let the light of our candle shine 'OnAhem. In a nook of the Court Ijouse, we find E !! M FM • the County Commissioners at work in one of these Whig "Shin Plaster' i tstablishments." This good Whig city.has one id full blast. Qui neighbors on the other side of the river have , a glorious Whig "SLIM Plaster Establishment,'' scattering its notes on the four winds, and actually , about to erect Water Works, to the tune of 'hundreds of thous ands of dollars, on the illegal issues authorized by Whig Councilmen :—and a Grand Juror, in our judgment, is unfaithful to the oath which he takes, when he fails to Ming such transgressors of the law before the tribunal of Justice. Hypocrite I first cast the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly:to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye." The Committee appointed to receive the Hon. G-Loncar. DALLAS, Vice President of the United States, in the discharge of that duty, took passage on boa i rd the elegant steamer Consul, Capt. Bow- MAN, on Wednesday evening, at G o'clock, and pro ceeded at once to Brownsville. The Committee had a most delightful. trip up the Monongahela. WHIT E . EI far.famed Band was engaged for the oc casion, and as the boat glided along the smooth surface of the quiet waters, music, with its vo luptuous swell, - tilled the valley with its rich soul• stirring saunds. The Consul arrived at Brownsville during the latter part of the night. On Thursday morning ilr. Dat.t.As was waited upon, and invited to re turn with the Committe, on board the Consul, to this city, which he readily consented to do. The trip "homeward hound,' was pleasant in the high est degree. The boat was crowded with passen gers, ‘N ho were all lull of life and joy; and every thing went on " as merry as a marriage bell As the boat passed by the various beautiful vil. lages which line the margin of the :Hanuegelicla— wherever intelligence hod been received of the Vi,i • • -- President's intended visit—crowds gathered to bid Sons.--A new Div ision of the Sons of Temper burn welcome to the West—the terming, fertile, ante was instituted in Lawrenceville. The follow. glotielus West. As be looked upon the prosperousiing persons were elected officers Witt. Lorimer, viilages, the rich valleys, and the umeralde coal Jr., W. P , Dr. James RobitisL, W. A.; Stephen mines which every moment appeared to the view,Sarber, Es , R S ; Joseph Estep, A. R. S ; Robert the Vice President was both astonished and pleas- I , Wallace, Enq F. S ; James King, T,; Henry Gordon. ed. Instead of beholding ruin and desolation, C ; Edward Dubarry, A. C.; Hiram Pryer, I. S.; prosperity and plenty were visible in every direc. Samuel Craig, 0. S.; Z. Packer was appointed tion. Just at the moment the Consul reached the Chaplsin. thriving borough of Elizabeth, a new and splendid steam boat was launched, which was certainly some evidence that the Tariff of 1846 has not al together destroyed the mercantile interests of the • - • - - Visit of the Vice President. Gen. Taylor and the Presidency. We publish the annexed from the. American of yesterday, to show the manner in which the Whigs base deserted• Old Rough and Ready since his numerous letters have appeared: The Whig Convention of Young Whigs, of New York have nominated tlenry Clay for Presi•l dent in t.dS. This course appears sanctioned by the New York Tribune. The Albany E‘ening Journal concurs in it, though enthusiastic some mouths ago for Gen. Taylor. It now admits the political decease of Rough and Ready, from a plethora of Presideotial letter writiog and a too free indulgence of the plea,ures of nomination.— The North American; and United States Gazette, of Philadelphia, both so boisterous—so clamorous three months ago for Rongmn and Ready, have been boiled ihto one and have token down the flag. The ',Priiladelphia Inquirer, though it still keeps the flag up, has ceased all tiring from the fort Tay lorism is going doss r farther than it riz. The fact I is, the time is past, when the north will adopt a new man, only known in the political arena as the representative of slavery and its interests. Rights of Womot.—We hear, says an exchange, of a petition in circulation in urging that no wid• ow shall be allowed to marry until all the single ladies are disposed of. The Chinamen have been discharged. The wanted to go back to their country, and say they were brought here by a cheat. Hence the dis turbance. LOCAL'IIiTTVIS. WIIITE. ' S, BAN p s Coiciast-.T.—We %yere,not pres ent at thiConcert,gi , y:en by Willie's Band, in the Athenmurn; which accounts for our :bliitittler in stating that.they had a good audience. We were misinformed at-the time; but _ since learn that but few attended: We are aorry to have to make this announce ment. The Band is deierving of the patronage Of i the lovers of music in this city The zne-tribers are talented, and have applied theinselves diligent ly, under the care of a good instructor, to the art; and all who have enjoyed the pleasure of listening to One of their Concerts, can say that they have succeeded. We hope that Mr. White may try again; perhaps another appeal to the Pittsburgh public, may accomplish something. —Since the above was written we have received a communication from a " Barbarian ;" to which we would call , attention. - ANDUENV ' S SALOON.—This evening will begiv en the last Concert but one at the Saloon. The Concerts have been well attended during the week, and we think they should be wound up by ftill houses. We hear new songs every evening. We learn that the Troupe are going to Cincinnati.L. May all sorts of good luck follow them wherever they go. aj.Two itinerant music girls are travelling through our streets giving “mecly and harmony' t the boys and receiving coppers in return. May their engagement prove profitable, but wedoubt it. Did the Consuelo of Madame George Sand resem ble these girls? Fiction so discolors real life that it is hard to decide, but we dare presume that the minstrel of the celebrated authoress possessed more beauty, more grace, more intellect and refinement than the organ grinders. Jorict. NILETING.-A man on last Sunday met a sister in Church, whom he had not seen for fif teen years. He had almost forgotten her, believ ing that she was dead, , They ,are both from Eng landi the brother arrived ifi this country about two years before the sister. What is strange they have been living within a half.s mile of each other for two years, and never iecognized the relationship until a few days'ago, (j - • The Theatre ripens to-morrow night. Mr Porter's talented company arrived in the city yes terdsy. liwankey Is also in town ! WltisToN.—The Dispatch says that the " free papers " of this man, who is now in a Kentucky jail, on suspicion of bring a slave, have been for warded. rt Kinzey, on Market street, is agent for the sale of •the " Rotary Spring Nurse." We notice this for the benefit of mothers who desire relief from the cares of their young babies. They should be in every well-furnished house. WELCII - 5 NATIONAL CIIICIIS will arrive in this city to-day, and this evening will give a perform anee. Of course the "Water Proof Pavilion" will be crowded. c - Yesterday was remarkably dull; incidents were•scarce. But to day the excitement will com mence. The city will be all confusion for a week OEM Tux litrxv slimy —The exercises at this insti tution last evening, are said to have been interest ing. The address of Mr. Franklin is highly spoken That Fancy Ball comes off to night jA large crowd assembled in the Fifth street ,hurch lastevening, to hear the Rev. T. H. Stock- WHITE'S BAND . Ma. Loe...c:—A. prophet has no honor in hill own country: neither has a musician. The Cott. I cert, the other evening, of White's Band, was equal to any thing of the kind I ever heard in Pittsburgh, ur elsewhere; and yet how few were there to par take of that exquisite feast of sweet harmonious . sounds. I agi en with a correspondent of theSour n il, as to the cause. There were no foreign names on the list of the performers to attract our mush. room aristocracy ; and then the tickets were only yf i ,,,,,,is_vulgar pit prices. Had they been a dollar, the cht,e; would have been there in a per fect blaze of gloiy—provided- some foreign Count or Baron. some Herr. Monsieur or Signor, bore a 1 conspicuous part in the entertainment I 0 tempura! 0 mores!—We can encourage all the Jasons, from the lade winds of Heaven, to come hither to shear j the golden fleece from us; and we turn up our; , noses with supreme contempt, if some meritorious; I persons among ourselves should endearmkto attract the public attention! The few who had the good fortune to listen to the admirable performance of White's Band, were highly delighted with the exquisite degree of art exhibited on the occasion. .But it seems good, substantial, old fashioned music; that thrills upon the nerves, and makes the heart bound, has no merit in it, and is fit only for the low vulgar rub , ble; and nothing but the tuneless jerks and twitch , es of a violin, screetching under the agonizing at'. forts of Herr Humbug or Signor Sickenough, can induce the very refined and fashionable ladies and gentlemen of Pittsburgh to visit a musical saloon. But 1 suppose I am a BARBARIAN. FEST A tr. Lt flour:res.—Every day the Intelligence offices in the city of New York are crowded with feinales seeking employment. If five thousand of those girls would emigrate to the State of Mich igan they would every one get employment, for there is not a village or country town where more female labor is not needed. In many villages fe male labor cannot be obtained at any price. The New York papers will please notice this.—Niki Rep. Li' Yes, if five thousand would emigrate to Michigan! Rather say, if five thousand could go to that flourishing young State. The misfortune is, that they cannot raise means to go any where that their condition might be bettered. JUST ;7031FORTIII LE !—Ttle late Peter G. Stay vesant, of New York, leaves his widow $12,000 a year—a town house—country house—the choicest wines—blooded horses—elegant equi poes, &c., Ric. ...—Exchange paper. d:Y . Mr. Jenkins, a bachelor friend of ours, wish- es to know the age of this widow; and whether she is otherwise engaged. CO'An American countryman. fresh from the magnificent woods and rough clearings, was one day visiting the owner of a beautiful seat in Brooklyn, and walking with him through a little grove, out of which all the under brush had been cleared, paths had been nicely cut and geavelled, and the rocks covered with woodbine, suddenly stopped, and, admiring the beauty of the scene, lifted up his hands and exclaimed, "'Phis I like this is Nature with her hair combed." als we erpeeted.—The Union" pronounces the " intercepted despatch," which appeared in the •• Jalapa Bole tin, - a forgery. , . • '.- l ,' ~ M!EM _ PACIFIC :' The Lirtia.papera are a.rdin discussing; the Flo 4es excledition: They 'translate articles from the 'London papers 'giving both Flores' sfatement‘oo4 having no' intention of making theeiPedition ariy thing more tban an emigrant one; and, again, they Publish affidavits'Of officers he had engaged fortbe .expedition, to whom he promised rewards; &c., after the fighting was over: There had been severe earthquakes at lca, on the Peruvian coast, on the 28th June last, occasioning much damage and loss of life. The government at Arequipa were felicitating themselves on the fact that Mr. A. G. Jewett, Uni ted States Charge d'Affairs to that place, had been dismissed by his Government. They seem to have some pique against him, and look on his dismissal as a reparation to their wounded dignity. A Peruvian traveller is publishing, in the form of daily articles, an account of his travels in: the United States, and what he saw there. He seems quite pleased with our penitentiaries, which he gives a long ac.count of. Gee. tATLOR'S Portriit, The Washington Union, of Saturday evening, has the following matter of interest relatiVe to Gen. Taylor " The latest letter which has been received at I the War Office from Gen Taylor, is dated in August. He acknowledges the reception of the letter which had been addressed to him by the Secretary, for . his portrait to be engraved upon the medal which has been voted to him by Congress.. The Genet , at refers the Secretary to the picture which has been painted of him by Mr. Brown, of Richmond, as' containing a correct, perhaps • the hest likeness ' of him. ,- "Some of 'the Whig papers undertake again to censure the administration for 'keeping Gen. Tay lor in the background, which they attribute to en. Ivy and jeglouiy of a successful general: Will these fault-finders never cease to abuse the administra tion, without authority or foundation? Suppose it should turn out that the general himself had, three months. ago, advised that his line should, be'a de Pensive one, and that all the available troops should'' Ibe thrown into the other column of the armY•L -1 ghat would they then say to their blunders? ' "We see several allusions, made to Hays and his Texas Rangers. The Austin Gazette, of the latest date, speaks of his marching into Mexico , We ihave no doubt that an instruction: has been issued peremptorily to send hays to Vera Cruz to assist ' Gen. Scott in keeping open his line of communica cation." .4 Singular Colucideae.—We give the, facts sta ted below upon the best authority They furnish another brief and singular chapter in the history of the sudden demise of Mr. Wright. • Arnow , the "immortal seventenn Senators of 13.13. Silas Wright and Heman J. Redfield Were conspicuous. For nearly thirty years past they have not only been warm political friends, but on terms of personal intimacy. About two weeks since, Redfield, who resides at Batavia, received a friendly letter from Mr. Wright, in which the writer - alluded touchingly and eloquently to the I cad havoc that Death had made lb the ranks of the tt seventeen Senators." To this Mr. Redfield made a reply, in which he dwelt at length upon the sad allusion Mr. Wright had made, and expressed his tbanklulness that so far the lives of his friend and bitricelf had been spared. This letter was received by Mr. Wright on the morning,of his demise :and it was while reading.it in the post office, that,he was attacked by the disease which_ sudnenly ter. minated his useful and honorablelife. [Syracuse Star. Odd "Matrimonial Taate;—ln one of the London papers we find an advertisement for a wife, in which the advertiser, describing himself as . 24 years old, of eicellent education, gocid family, pol ished manners,f&c:,Ecc., solicits responses from mid dle aged ladies only, being, he says, convinced that true happiness is seldom to be found with the young and giddy." We venture to guess that it the advertisement laid told the whole troth it would have hinted at uwell-dowered" as well as middle aged" ladies. Middle-aged in England, means from 35 to 50. Hon. J...hn Du —We are informed that this gentleman will resign his seat in the Senate of the United States, in consequence of the illness of his wife, who had been directed by her medical advi• ser to take a trip across the Atlantic for the benefit of her Y Herald. The Crop of Corn.—"We have never seen such fine crops of corn is the alniost universal response in all quarters of the western country, to inquirie, about the prospect of corrt:—Cirt. Gazette Sept. I.st:s AIAbUNIC NOTICE.. 4f / ittgin" •N ~ A sfiestal •meeting of St. John's Lodge, N0..21 g, A. Y. iNqvvill he held' this (Friday) evening, at Iti7 o'clock in the Masonic Hall. By order of th , ruubiN i ttl Master. I sep lit N the Conn or Common Neal; of Allegheny Co„ in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; at Oct. Term, 1846, No. 150. • 1,.XX4.. In the matter of the z r o. ioluntary assignment Of r And now e nj. E. Constable, Sept. 4,1846, , • Account of Wm. P..llaum, assignee - J1,70 1 ' filed; And the Court direct notice of d the same to be given by publication for three weeksl in two of the papers in the city of Pittsburgh, and that the said account will be allowed on the 16th day of October next, unless cause be shown t why the same should not he allowed. David Ritchie, Esq., Auditor, to distribute the balance in the hand's of the Assignee, and to audit the account in the trent of exceptions being filed thereto. From the Record. HIRAM 11ULT.7„,, Pro. The Auditor above named will attend at his of f ice on Grant street, for the purpose of his appointment, on Monday - the 18th day of October next, at.lo o'- clock, A. M sel 0-u 3t TE Organisation of Laborand Association; trans lated from the French of M. Briancourt, by F. G. Shaw. Wagner the Wchr Wolf, part 2. Gallant Tom, or the Perils of a Sailor. Castle Bravo; by Mrs. M. L. Sweetser. - Arabian Nights, part 3. Washington and his Generals;part 3 and 4. Duels and Dueling, by C. Sumincrfield of Texas. The Monk's Revenge, by S. Spring; fresh supply. Flowers Personified, part 5, - splendidly illustrated. The Nautilus, or American Pioneer. ' Martin the Foundling, complete in fresh supply. Martin the Foundling, in 2 vole, with 53 illustra tions and Portraits. The Parricide; by the author of Life in London.. Walter Wolfe, or the Doom of the Drinker; fresh supply. Josephus, illustrated; part 3. Life of Gen. Winfield Scott; illustrated'. Esther D. Medina, or the Crimes of London; part 3. Democratic Review, for September. Living Age, No. 173. The immured ; by Lady Charlotte Bury. Freeh ata..RPIYi The Olden Time; last number. • • 1844, or the Power oldie S.S. , fresh supply. Taylor's Money Reporter, for Septenat er. For sale hy• WM. S. CAI,DWELL, s • 3d et., opposite the Post Office. Id old Pensj Gold Pens: Gold Pens 11 AV. WILSON, T T AS just received a very large assortment of the i best Premium Diamond Pointed Gold Peris-- selected with great care by bimself, a few days since in New York, and will sell them at regular New York 9 prices, and warrant them. A part of the se lection are of Levi Brown, Albert G. Bagley, Benedict, & Barney, Wood card, 2010' , White Preserving Brandy. Asuperior artielo`on draught for sale at the wine . store Of JACOB WEAVER, Sep 10 cor Markevand Frnnt. ~t~._: • ES & CO'S ,1 STATES CIRCUIT . _ EmbracingctTreble Company, end by far the Larg-= est l'ilahlishinent ever Organizeit, consisting elf . - 2-ocratEN AND HORSES t t AziorrAsex TO, TII7. nes . , 25 CENTS. ILL - be Exhibited in . front of - the AirearcAN w - Harm, Pirrammon, on IHonday.and Tues 'day, the 27th and 28th ofSeptember. - • This Company Will - make their grand procesiiion through the_ principal , streets, at 11 o'clock In. the . Morning, headed by the great and - • MAGNIFICENT GOLIIEN . _ . dravin by 20 beautiful cream - . colored .horseir, and driven in hand by the celebrateddriverMentt doss , sort. The exterior is literally, covered .with the interior is lined thronihOutwith the richest crim son velvet, and - of sifficient capacity; to Oat. 30 peo ple. This vehicle is - altogether superior to the one used by. Van Amburg,- or any. other that has been seen in the United *We; And cost the proprietors $6OOO. Next cornea • - THE TOM THUMB•COACH, only .37 inches in height,_ and in - weight - cdiiiut 100 pounds; this diminutive Carriage foreisizncivel ,sight of itielf,:and• ivhen compared With the...oanderous Band Chariot, the contrast's wonderful and pleasing' being drawn by , two diminutiveponies 0n1y135 inches in height, accompanied by Postillion- Footmen, out riders, 4-c. This is followed, hy.the LOCOMOTIVE GAS -CARRIAGE, on whiCh is fitted up a Furnace and , Gasmeteref— Pipes, and other apparatus, (at an;enormous expense) for lighting the extensive establishtherit, which will be lighted more brilliant than mid-surninet.sun, by the, best of Gas, flowing from:2oo burners. This . novel sightcin only be seen at Howes & Ccos United States Circus.. After.which comes a train of 30 car riages, containing Performers' Wardrobes, &c., &c. An engagement has been milli 'for - the -- season with W. IL 'KEMP, - the celehrated clown - from Ast ley's Amphitheatre, Drury-Lane, and other theatres in tendon, who from his unquestionable superiority has won for himself tho enviable soubriquet of the Modern Grimaldi. He was twice called do -appear at Windsor Castle, by specie command .or Queen Victoria, and was granted an'audience of ro,Yalty, an honor to which few public performers could ever as pire. Her Majesty and - PrineCAlbert were alio vim iters to Astley's Royal Amphitheatre on - 'the first productiod of Pantomime of Harlequin's, 'Frolics, or Mistakes of a -Night, which beautiful entertain- - ment will be given with all original effects, at every evenings performance of the Company._ His ,aston ishing performance on a revolving barrel at full speed, and accomplishing the most novel feats, with amazing velocity—propelling himself solely with his feet. toAVITT, Sec'y D. RITCHIE, Auditor (Chronicle copy.) • New Books. Hayden, Prince Albert, . Rough and Ready, ' and other makers : f ~. '. ~... -.P ... Jarr!i,r.. - HOWES, . _ Mr. W. 0. PALE, first principal Equestrian and Vaulter of the country, having thrown the - greatest number of somersets (S7).ever acentriplished by any performer in the world. His Still Vaulting while in England, in Battra Company, made i great sensa tion, no performer on that side of the Atlantic hav ing 'accomplished over 50 or - 60 somenseti, ' - Ma. T. MeFancano, the only-rival idiaulting of Mr. Dale, and the hero of 79 somerigets",lotvrilich he holds a gold medal. The audience will havnim 'op portunity of seeing two orate greatest vaulters in the world, actually contesting i sf their Profession. - g the chanpionhipe 117rs.W. B. Cannot., the highly reddliired and justly celebrated female equestrian is attached to this com pany. and will appear in an Unrivalled ant of Daus aluArasm, in which she willintrodtice a neWityle of feats entirely her own. -' ' - - 1 -- ' 13. W. Caned, the great two. horse rider and vanl ' ter is also attached to this company. M . . G. W. SunuEarr, in his Shakspearian changes.- hle act. The juvenile prodigies, William and ,George, pa' pile of Mr. Nixon, form not the least interesting part of the spectacle. For a - full discriptinti - of ,perfor mance, see bills and pamphletsat the principal Ho tels. • ~.. . sept9lodfic2tvi. MURPHY & C. 0., Looking:. Grass Store, N0.98' AL Wood street.—Mr. J. Mtirphy, {late of the Sm. tde Harmonistso is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of Looking Glasses, Pier, Mantel and Toilet; plain and ornamental portrait, miniature and landscape Frames of the latest- New York. styles; also, a splendid lot of ornamental window Cornices. Old Frames re-guilt. Don't forget the number : D*lB. se9-d3m&uo4t . . For Sole: A LOT of Ground with. improvements, "situated on the Pittsburgh .and -Steubenville .Tnieptke Head, about two miles from the, city, adjsining R. Thompson; the improvements, are a convenient two story Brick Dwelling- House, a Stable and Car riage. House; a variety of . choice fruit trces,.sines and shrubbery; a good weirof watt r. A very deair able residence fora person doing kiiisiness-in "the city, as it is easy of access at all Butes by theuir renceville Omnibus. For Tenni Eaqiiire of Samuel Garrison at the U. S. Arsenal. seSrdst . INK SAND: 700 lb just received and .forsale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK Si Co., se9 ' corner of let and.Wond sts. CHALK: 5 Tons, just rec'd and for sale B. A: FARNESTdCK 8s Co., _ corner of Ist and-Wood-stn. ifIZEI WHITING: 60 Bble. just receired and for side by B. A. FAHNESTOCK CO., se9 . 'corner of lst and,Woolisti: 11000LATE.Bakergs,A; No. 1 C . ...• , ....,-..- • ... ' . Norfolk " 1. :-.. ' • ' - r - Cake, ' .. ' - I. t-- ' , .. - Rhodes, a 3.... '' Fellgs - Extra ~* •1. , . ... : .. Bakergis Cocoa , ... I. . _ : :•.: '. ~. , . g. Cocoa Paste,' .. Droish ' forealeby ae.9 J. D. WILLIAMS, 110-Wood se. ' ' .:. . . . !-: .20 boxes :Ind . } boxes MR. Bitams, 200 Ibr, Zante Currants.; !. 4 boxes Citron; ! 2.sdrunoSmjrna,Figs; ,for sale by,. seT !! D. WILLIAMS, 10, WOO 4 !it NCUTS, 2 tibia Shelled 4.lmondel ; 2 Boxes: " - 7 2 Bbla Paper Shell ; Bale Bordeaux' ' I English Walnuts; 5 Pennuts; _ . Cream 'nuts,..for Bald by. se9 J. D. , ,WILLIAMS, 110 WOOdlt: AIA i r 9 DER: l j itd . . v l;r i ir, , tr sa l e 1 1_ 1 . LI MS, IlikWOOd at FISH:: No. 1 Salmon; No. - 1 Shad; : 6 No. 1 and' 2 Mackerel ; No. 9 Large • No. 1 Herring, for - sale by . se9 - • J. D. WILLIAMS, 110 Wood' at LINEpLL: 5 doz. For sale - by O . • se9 . J. D. WILLIAMS - , 110. Wood at, - n - f'..NNSYLVANIA, OHIO, INDIANA AND KEW TUCKY IL4NK NOZES and CHECIU, Sciught at reduced rates of discount. ' . N. HOLMES & SON, Xxchange Drokors, Market at. CM Exiharage Ort Nntv YORK, . Mutristoni, Louistqux PnticAnnt,plus., 1 - Cxnctsairerr,. Constantly for sale to sums to suit, urchasers. sepB , N. HOLMES at SON. Nev Stoek,ofPisiiww. JJOHNIVIELLOII, NO:81 Wood st.,-is:now re ceiving an elegant lasortmant• of Roston - and' New Yolk Pianos. Arrivd 'to l -day and DOW open for sale • ; - • Two splendid Rosewood Pianos, 6 octaves; $360 00 One," carved " " = -300 00 One r Mahogany 6,1. octaves; :350 00 One grand Piano Forte, made at the-factory of Herrn Herz, Pans, and folly equal to the one used _by him at h Coneens, One Mahogany second haudPiano, made by , - Stodait, Wor 7 .mater. &Dunham,ll. Y, 225 00 .A.' further supply will be redefiel 'during this i week. ASTOR POTASH: .6t jiarre6eired. , arici for 1,,_/ sale by HAYS &131tOCICAV AY. No 2, Commercial Row, Liberty'at.,Titt. TrABIGATED SOAP: 10 boxes, prime article,o4 . V salo by. - HAYS & BROCKWAY, -GCS_ _ - neal:-Canal Basin. . LACK SAND: grOso., joet reO , O.nd . for sale ,'" HAYS'AYS . lc: 41 BROCKWAY, reS - near Dania Damn. . _ 'CIOACII'VARNISH: 2 balfbbla;just receird i .s, 1L.,1 prime article; for sale by seB HAYS '4-BROCKWAY, near Canal 'main. i A r ztotysEEDi bushels, utitoro and for sale by - HAYS BROCKWAY; _ seB • - near Canalßasta. ARIS GREEN: 2 cases, 'just iec>d :and foi !tale seB 15y lIAYS'& BROCKWAY. OSE PINK: 1 bbi prime English, Piet reed by - eeB BAYS &-BROCKWAY. • ~ SPR. TTRPENTINE: 10 bble., in a fo re and for sa l e b y - RAYS* BROCKWAY: eIHROMt YELLOW :- 28 boxes it!st andtoiaide - by. 4 - r - _-• scB- • HAYS - & ' '':';16• ,,, 1'mik . 4,.:44::•?•>4 ,- ;4'; - ;OAth'• , .-T , 4''-':•`•'7: , ''fl -- i4i4 , . .. , ••••• - . !. - •• • .•-: ..- •. -..•.- ...,.• • 0 . 1 . 4 1; , ;s II i' PIE MI 600 00 MEI ME Mat