IM;2 RI = , MG h .1. tr Porta,! Boa_ _l_o' . .. . .. 1841 - - ..zumn, -- - 4 • . ... , ... , ...„--a.r-- . • •.. , FOR' the , ransportation of freight between Pitts : -- -. burgh and the Adanticeities, avoiding tranship mains on the ‘vay,.and theconsequent risk of delay, - . damage; breakage and separation of goods. ! - .-, EtittIMIDOE St - CA. 11,278 Market at. Philadelphia. --, Ts...kis% & U'Cortnort, - cOr - Penn and Waypee eta., Pittsburgh. =EI l': :~ ~, ~. r. , , ME OM . . AGENTS: O'Commas & Co., North street, Baltimore. W. &J. T. Ts.escorr, 75 South,strect New York. Encouraged by increased business, the Proprie tore have added to and extended their arrange . meats_ during the winter, and are now prepared to forward freight with regularity and dispatch,;unsur passed by any other Line. Their long experience as, • Carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat system, and the great capacity and convenience' of! . the Warehouses at eaali cad of the Line, are ' arty calculated to enable the Proprietors to fulfil their engagements and accommodate their custom ers, and:confidently offering the past as a guarantee; fin the Btture, they respectfully solicit a contiMiance of that patronage which they now gratefully ack nowledge. - All consign rents to Taaffe & O'Connor will be re ceived and forwarded, Steam Boat charges paid, and Bills of Lading transmitted free of any charge for . Commission, advancing or Storage. flarity , no inter- 1 est directly or indirectly in Steaindloats the interest I of the Consignors must necessarily be their primary objectin shipping West; and they pledge themselves to forward all Goods consigned to them . promptly, and on the most advantageous terms to the owners. `,•l , • - • .;-.~ L t~ 't ~. Picksvorth's Way Freight Line. , 1847 EIXCLIJSIVELY for the transportation of :way • X/ freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns ttiwns llollidaysburgh, Water street, and all inteinie diate plaaes. One boat leaves the Warehouse ofC. A, McAnul tilt Co.; Pittsburgh, over/ day (except Sundays) and Shipper. can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay and at fair rites. • This 'Line was formed for the special accominc, datiort of the way business, and the proprietors 'Tr:- Spectrally solicit a liberal share of patronage. , _ • ■ EN Ire t Proprietors. JOHN PICKWORTH, JOHN MILLER, RANI,. 'H. iimulEs' i nomur WOODS, WILLIAM FULTY. - • • , JOIN MILLER, Ilolliila-yeburgh. R. u. CANAN, Johnstown. Agents • ,C.A.McANULTY &i. Co..,Pitts'g h. REFERENCES. J. J. McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Raga . . .t:y 4 - Smith, Pittsburgh. marS ,... ...____.._.L..._._.__.___ Ind ependent Portable lloat zig=l3: 18/1.7-- Rat. FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PRODUCE; AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPMA AND BALTIMORE. ter Without Transhipment. • .• Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rites. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all instruc ions promptly at tended to, free from any extra charge for storage or 001:111121111d011. Address, or apply to C. A. MCANULTY & CO Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. STORAG E. Having a verr large and commodious warehouse, we are prepared to receive (in addition to freight for shipment) a large amount of Produce, &c., on Stor age at. lo w rates. atarB 1847. Monongahela Route, VIA. • BROWNSVILLE A,ND CUMBERLAND TO BAIT ' • . TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. Time to Baltimore .............32 hours. • Time to Philadelphia ........ .... 4O hours. [ONLY 73 RILES STAGING.] -TLTE Splendid and fast running steamers Consul, Louts. M'Lanc and Swatara, have commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave the Moeongahcla ndiarf every morning precisely at 8 o'- clock.. Passengers by the meriting line will arrive in Baltimore next evening in time for the Philadel phii Mail Boats or Rail Road cars. The evening Itoat will leave the wharftlaily at 4 o'clock, except Sundays. Passengers- by this boat will lodge on board, in comfortable state rooms. Leave Browns idlle neat morning at 6 o'clock; cross the mountains in day light;- sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thus. avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations on this route arc ample, and= the connection corn_ -plate; so that disappointments or delays will tie un knewn upon it. • Passengers can atop on the route and resume their seats again at pleasme, and have choice of"Rliii Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches. 'chartered to parties to travel as they de- Secure your ticketi at tho office, Monongahela House, or St. Charles Hotel., feb 17-y Bingham's Transportation Line, Elba= 1846 • -- tetezt -17 .4114. CONDUCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping pried-- plea, though not claiming to be the only line that is soconducted. The.proprietors of this old estab lished line have put their stock in the most complete order, and are thisroughly prepared to forward psis-) duce and merchadize to and from the Eastern cities On the opening of navigation. We - trust that our long experience in the carrying business, and zealous attention to the interests of ens- tomers, will secure to us a f ontinuance and increase of the patronage heretofore bestowed on 'Bingham's Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatch; and our prices 'shall al ways be as the lowest charged by other responsible lines. Pr6duce and merchandize will be received and far warded east and west without any charge for adver tising, storage or commission. ) Bills of lading forwarded and every direction promptly attended to. Address, or apply to IVM. BIIGIIAI7, Venal Basin, cor. Liberty and Wayne sta., Pittab , g, ) 1 1 INGHILMS, DOCK 4- STRA:TTON, No. 276 Market et., Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 North 1-16w:1rd et., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, No. 10 VVest st., New York) aprlo-7 's John 11.1. Townsend, t RUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar ket street, three doorS above Third street, Pitts wrgh, will hare constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi . clans sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. Physicians' prescriptions will ho accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. Also, for gale, a large stock of fresh and good erfumery dee 30d Usury W. 'Williams, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW _ (successor to Lowrie & Williams.). Office a the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Hwy. IV. Williams, Esq.:and myself, in the iirae- Ake of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the business , will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams,s whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do business, no a gentleman every way worthy of their.confidtifice. • daslB-Iy Tl]lStel.and Pile Manufactory. ligiabs o cribeit having enlarged their establish inent for the manufacture of steel and Files— .on the corner of O'Hara. and liberty streets, Fifth Ward, Pittsbtirgh—are prepared to furnish files of everj , descriiitiort,. of the best quality; and being de iertnitted to f make it thr interest of : consumer, to pur- chase filesfrom res age of all who Use the articlepeetthlly invite the patron . marl Eq. ANKII.IIII & CO. . . Hnuttng and • 'at th • ngi ' .cCOU.Tit*IENTS of every description on hand I -- /-1_ and constantly receiving. ficsh supplies. Guns, Pistols,: Powder, Shot, Flasks, Belts, Game Bags cl Drinking Cups, &C., &c.Fishing Tackle. --A larg6 O. and complete assortment,. for''wholesale or retail, sistin consisting in part oNiiinted and Cane Rods, hooks Fate of averYymiety, Silk ,Grass, Linen,Cuttoit and Trout in wet lines, Swivels; Snoods, Floats, Sinkers,&c. ted to t : mall : JOHN W. BLAIR, 12 Wood St nia2B-y • • lal - • 4 L . . - _ C. A. McAMJLTY & CO li 6 . I{ ALANGERINN TS J. NIESKIATEN WALTER If LOWRIE Sytmaner Fashion for Eats. MOORS has just received from New jg York ;the Summer Style for HATS, con- 0 44 lusting or ;WHITE, BEAVER, PEARL and WRITE CXSSIIIIERE HATS, with Ventilators. Those int of a beautiful light Rat are respectfully inticall . at N 0.75 Wood •st., 3d door above Fourth. =EI scud Illiartrzobsiittrazice. firliTE Insurance Company of Forth America, of Th ilatielphia,,through its duly authorized Agent, theenbscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Intiurance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and lon shipments by the canal and rivers. DIRECTORS. 'Arthur G. Coffin, Prea't. Samuel Brooks, • Alex.llcury Chailes Taylor, Samuel W. lones, Samuel W. Smith, 'Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A.llrown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff, ' Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Win. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard,Soc'y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni ted States,-haring been chartered in 1799. Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing,. long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOOD. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., 'Va. ter and Front streets, Pittshprgh. itcl23-t, . WESTERN NEW .TORTS, .•... - . • -------------,-, COLLEGE'OF ii E A:La 11, AisrrivE AND PERMANENT CURE. FOR 207. Maln Street, Bullialo, Nevi' Torlrs:•' BM EUM A 'PISA!' • ', irk R. G. C. VAUGHN'S VEGETA I3LE LITHON. AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. _i_f TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMEN,T FOR /847.-:-"/ , . ~, CA.OLE I SAw, I LONDUFRED;" i 8 most emphatically 'What though the causes may not be explained, the case with this article. Disease has ever yielded Since their eff ects arc duly ascertained, Remitt ances to Ritrope, al), to its most mariellons medicinal power. WhereVer I Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride, • AND PADiAGE iltnikt Induce Mankind to set the means aside „ it has gone, and South America, England, Canada,' A V ERPOOL, LONDON, and the various Ports • f and the United States - have proved the truth of this Means which, the' simple, arc by 'leaven desigii'd statement, the above quotation in a strong and pithy To alleviate the ills of human kind.” AND PITTSBURGH. - IRELAND, to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA sentence, tells the whole itery. Invalids, the prin- DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS AND AIAG- ciple u " pon.which . you are cured may not be known T HE lno's. & en., la remitting money's to England, undersigned, Agent for Messrs. ROCHE, NETIC FLUID. to you, lint the result of a trial of the article, is satin- Ireland, i'l'eotlanal and 'Wales, at the rate of Five 11[1111S remarkable invention, which . has received factory; you are restored; and the secret of the cure Dollars to the _CI sterling. Drafts issued for any 1_ the universal approbation of the medical prates. remains with the proprietor. The Medicine id 4 amount drawn direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, sion of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new ap- compoundof22 distinct vegetable agenciesieaCh in-' Dublin, and on Messrs Prescott, Grote, Ames , & Co., ;dictation ofGalvanism, as a remedial agent, by means dividual root hag its own peculiar, exclusive, me& I Bankers, London, payable on prerientatiOn at any of which the ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Electric &nal property, conflicting with no other compound! Bank in the. United Kingdom free otthscount or any and Magnetic Machines, &c., are entirely dispensed each reel. - makes its own cure--andas a perfect! charge whatever. Those desirous of remitting, or with, and the mysterious power or Galvanism applied combination, when taken into the system, it does, sending fir their friends will please apply to the Huh without any of the objections which are inseparabl e the work which NATURE, when her laws were first seriber, at his office on Penn street, 4 doors above from the general mode now in use. The strong dos- established, intended itE, should do--P U RIF I Es, I the Canal Basin. 3,11111e:8 BLAKELY.. es, and irregidar intervala, in which Galvanism is ap- S TRENGTHENS, AND RESTORES the broken i Persons at a distance wishing information will re plied by the Machines, has been pronounced, after a down, debilitated constitution. .DRorsT, in all BSI dc)ive in answer by return mail, by directing (post I . :lir and impartial trial, to be decidedly Injurious, and characters, will be completely eradicated from the pa id/ as above, it was to remedy this radical defect that this new ap- system by its use. See pamplets in agento liands,l plication was projected, which, after unceasing toil, Refer to the Bankers, Merchants, and Manufac fur free circulation—they treat upon all disea.s'eS . , forces of Pittsburgh and vicinity. npl7-dawtf amid perseverance, has been brought to its present and show testimony of cures. GRA and all corn-I state ofperfeetion. The Galvanic flings answer all Plaints s uit he urinary organs, form also the cause; Tapscot Vs General Emigration 011 lee. la REMITTANCES and passag to m i the pss of the most expensive .Machines, and of great fering', and VAULIN'S Lrrnotrransrm has; in many other respects are mor e safe and certain in acquired no small celebrity over the countrY, by the t - and from GREAT BRITAIN AND ' IRELAND, by W. & J. T. Tapseott accomplishing the desired effect. ! cures it has made in this distmssiter class of alike -1 The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the tions. So famed, it seems, is this medicine, that al 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York, and 90 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most liberal terms with those desi rous of paying the passage of their friends from the old Country, and flatter therneselves their character and long standing in Madness will give ample as. surance that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Megis. W. & J. T. Tapscott, are long and tavern f o hly known for the superior class, accommodation nd sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN or TUE W I.:ST, SHERIDAN, ROCHES- bottle. . W. 91. CARSoN. . • Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recommended in all has thus attracted the notice or one of our Medical, 1 disorders u•h id arisefrom an enfeebled amlunheallhp I publications. ln the November NO. 1840 of the' Our. IVont. or CAorioN,—SinCe the introduction state qt . the nervous er vital system, and these corn- "Buffalo Journal and Mently ReVient . of Medical of niy article to the public, there have a number of plaints are among the most ;entire] and universal to l And Surgical Science," in in article pen calculous unprincipled individuals got up nostrums, which which vicars subject. They arise, without exception, I diseases, and "solvents," the writer, aller noticing they assert einitala Wild Cher r y ; s o m e are called from one siinple cause — a im egement of the Nerv- the fact that the English government once purchased " Balsams," " linters," and even " Syrup of Wild °us System—and it was i these cases that other Cherry,'' but mine is the original and only genuine rem having so often failed, a new agent was a secret remedy, and also noticing the,.purehase in 1502, of a secret remedy, by the Legislature . of New; preparation ever introduced to the public, which greatly needed, which it is ❑ confidently believed, has York, thus pays tribute tolhe fame of the Iledieine: can be proved by the public records of the Common- been theta in the proper and judicious application "Why do not our Representatives in Senate and wealth olTennsylvania. The only safeguard against of Galvanism. . imposition is to see that my aignature is on each The Galvanic Rinss have been used with entire Py re, success in all , of IlizEumArism, acute Dr chrouic, Corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philada. applying to te head, nice' or linths, Gout, Tic-Delo- Assembly convened, enlighten and 'dissolve , the suffering thousands of this country, by the purchase; of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptici than Which no; sol v ent since the days of Alchemy has Possessed one ' TER, GARRICK, HOTTINGLIER, ROSCIUS, I,lV half the lice !" Reader, here sin periodical °thigh ERPOOl„ and SIDDONS, two of which heave each -- reur, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous Sick standing, acknewledged throughout a large.section Port monthly from New York the 21st and 26th and 50,000 Deaths by COBSIIMIIIiOII from Li verpoo ' l the 6th and 11th, in addition to which irrodit perhaps be a small estimate for the ravages of they have arrangements with the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a flepar ture from Liverpool, every fiv edays being Oats deter this dreadful disease in a single year ; then add the ' fe,trful catalogue ~,f those rut off by bulimia! ion of the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Couhs, Influen mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in- za,'Bronchilis, and other diseases of tile Lungs . and creasing patroriage, while Mr. W. Tapscott's constant Liver. personal sunerintenOrsese of the business in Liven- , And die list would present an appalling proof of F llif t o , d ,. o ( rie:,,,i/prgdifiiesiitlioicinhotorofrilytst, Palsy, A E p p o i p t l e ,tr psy y: ~ • l ifl. r iess of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, of this country to be one of the best stonductedjour nals of the kind in the United Mates. exchanging Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors Dizziness of the Head, with the scientific works of Europe. to our certain pain in the Chest and Side, General Debility, Deficien- knOßdedge, editcd by Austin. Flint, M, D, and cons cy of Nervous and Physical Energy, and all NERV- tributed to by men of the highest prolessional :thin oLls DISORDERS. In cases olconlirmed Dyspepsia, ty, thus stepping aside to notice a "secret remedy.", which is simply a nervoits derangement ofthe diges- You will at once understand no unknown and toOrth-, tive organs, they have been found equally successful , less nostrum, could•thns extort.a comment kern SO pool is an additional - security that the comfort and the fatality of these two classes of diseases. But it high a quarter—and consequently, unless it directly. I acccommodation of the passengers will be particu- is i mportant to know that nearly all of this dread Their extraordinary effects upon the system must be lady attended to. The subscribers being (as usual) extensively en a_ waste of human life might e been prevented liy, witnessed If ' ' a timely use of DR. SW A blurY'S COMPOUND SY ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg RUP:OF ‘VILD UHERRY. and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take Tina medicine has nosv been before the public charge or and forward passengers immediately on their landin Without a chance of disa mintment or • This eight years, and is the original preparation lie believed, and as a certain preventive conflicted with the practice of the faculty, it mu for the preceding complaints they are equally recom mended. The Rings are of different prices, being haVe•b . " at; een its great "fame" which hascaused it- to receive this passing nod. KIDNEY diseases, weak.; made ofall sizes, and of various ornamental patterns, ?Ica of the back and spine, irregular, painful and . and can be turn by the most delicate female without lie slightest inconvenience. In the sensation suppressed Mensturation, Flour Atka, and the en tire complicated train of evils which follow a disor- C., PE from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its reputation as a rem-, t fa ct, - delay, and arc therellire prepared to contract for pas- eale for Cmighs, Colds, Bronchitis, and Consumption sage frorn any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to lof the Lungs based entirely upon p er il irinsic merits, is rather agreeable than otherwise. The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands, tiered system, gre at once relieved by the medicine. Send for pamphlets from Agents, and you will find Garters, Necklaces . , &sc. evidence of the value of the Lithontriptic there put this City; the nature of the business they are engaged rie 7 es but little to inflated newspauffs. Those le some caaca of a very „y„ee c l ometer, and 01 forth. Asa remedy for the irregularities of the fe in gi:ing them facilities for carrying passengers no I „b„ give it a trial, being beneficed by it, remain male system, it has in the compound a "root" whic far inland not otherwiae attainable, and will, plop-1 mend it to their neighlian-s andgraduallyl ..,uthus and long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic •I been resorted to in the north of 'tiro e for Rings is not sullicientto arrest tlia progress of disease has . he ,}.• P cen cessary,) forward passengers further West by the; surlely hasit gained an en Viable reputation and worked, turies—as a sure cure for this cointQaint, and a re I best mode of conveyance without any additional I its way into general use, line. bottl e ',ever evils to ; and ultunately restore health. The improved modi- I , storer of the health of the entire _system. Ltvzlt charges for their trouble. Where persons Sent for ; cure a recent Cough or Cold, while with strict alien- tication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Sze., entire i COMPLAINT, TAtiNtercF., BLLiOus D/SEASES, 'Sze., are decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will ' Lon. t o the directions that ,„„,„ . 1. bolts , !lv remedies tins objection; any degree of power that limey each - . • c instantly relieved. People of the IVest will find it ' be refunded in full. its use in Pulterinary diseases of long standing and is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint/ the onto remedy in these as well air . F.E. RF.MITTA SCES. , of the most alarming character, has always given re- which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect _ --,. %En AND Acne. There is no remedy i tt, and no The subscribers are also prepared to give (Trans at ; tio; i and in very many instances has efict - ed corn will flit to be permanently relieved. These articles calomel or quinine forms an part of this mixture. sight, for any amount Itayable at the principal Cities, {,l ale nail permanent ~,,. are adapted to the waists, arms, wrists, uncles No injury will result-in its use, and its active proper and Towns In England, Ireland, Seolland anell i Beee'arc Or the worthless " ThiLionis' , " Bitters 'or any part of the burly, with perfect cons•enienee: ties are manifested in the nse of a single 30 oz bottle. \Vales; thus affording a safe and expeditions mode of "Syrup's,'' 4r , as they contain none of the virtue, I The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bane- FEFER AND Act;E, , Bilious Disorders, tal.'e no Remitting FUnds to those countries, which persons of the original 'preparatien. I fit in cases of Bronc s mr affections or the throat arid I other Meriirine. •PaIEWIAriSIi, Gnu?, will fire relit/. requiring such facilit will find it their interest to Th,. ; ,, g ,„,, 1 ~„d 0„),.,„„,„, 3 ,,,,,,, i ,, prer ,,,,, I generally; also in cases or Npryous (leafless; Ilse action of this medicine upon the Blond; will avail themselves of. by DR. SW AN E, corner 'ii Eighth and (tarn: streets, , with almost uniform success an a preventive fur Apo change the disease --which originates in the blood Application Of by letter post paid) will be prompt- piobotespi,,, sail tin. sale hy „ gn „,, in all . • Dieu, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints, parts ol —and a healthy result will follow., Isr ly attended to. the Clotted Snites, and SOIIIO p.erts of Eurepe. Christie's alrognetie Fluid nu:Es-non &c. yield in a few days use of this Alec& TA A FFE & O'CONNOR Prepared only by lilt. SW A YIN E, N. W. corner of is itsril in cosumection with the Gala anic (lines and • '' - been ) tine. bill onimagon OF THE Lthscs. iCoucn, Cott • Forwarding and Collinlitlailln Merchants/ EIDIIIII and Race streets, Philadelphia, and fir sale i all their modifications. This cern iosition has I suMPTION also, has ever found redid*. SCROFULA, , war27ds. wv Pittsburgh, Pe ,by respectable Drop in nearly all the principal; pronounced by the French Chemists to be one of the i'' Making, a total or $909,683 421 • - • • ERYSIPELAS, PELM, blfiLlTArd Eyes—al:caused by int. towns in the ruited States. ; most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It I pure blood—will find this article the d reme y. The Affording certain assurance that all losses will be - FOREIGN t•IL. F or sale 11 , 40/csght and Edna, ley WM. THORN, islielieved to possess the remarkable power of ren-I s „t en , o promptly met, and giving entire security to all who li t s l ) , c mpletely acted upon by the twenty-two obtain policies from this Company. Risks taken at ''' REMITTANCE'. #•, 53 Market street; L. JoNES, ISO Liberty street, and Id ' t he• • • ends; nerves sensitive to galvanic action by this; different properties of the nsixture, is purified and as low rates as are consistent with security. resthred—as a partial cure will not follow. The act S W AMUCK MARTIN, Agent. I Till E subscribers are prepared to forward money SOFE AG FUR PITT. to all parts of I.:itgland, Ireland, Scotland and • - -. OGDEN & sNote DEN, earner ef Wood and 2d sts.,i m sunianc.atlNlllg a concentratom of the influence, at die I BURGH, rt. h - 10 seat disease, thus giving rapid and permanent re-I t ra i n of common - • . _ --- hest. N ti I 1./ 0 aer CillillitiSili ~,, in chemistry is known t"/ Bear!, Sick complaints, Palpitation of the Headache, Debility; ,S-c., arc all_ the •re- A Most Extraordinary Leiter. r- - - - -- - - - -- - ---7 -- _ - _ - _—_ -_ ----..:___• ._- ..----_,--=----------,--::----- -,•-= , Wales, . nth despate h „and at the lowest rates. r s • "r ilomocprit hie Books. I S.l MULL McCLI hItEAN & co, I rrir E Bev. J. (t Githeirt, . methodist Erisropsi produ.e (lees ante et, or to imphst a similar pro- sult of some derangement or the system, and the JI . ' 1 reacher . rites to Dr. Jay ne — Minristee n, 111. • ' p r v to ter. nerstinss i 5.F.111, by means also outward, GR EAT REsTonEn'will do its work. The promises T UST received at the Bookstore of the subscriber] fehl2 Nu. 142, Liberty st. I ~ ' April -I, 1n47. Dear Sir—l net "r but once used, I '''Cai a lP hc "ti""• Th''' ITh'g'tetie Held contains noth- set forth in the advertisement, are based upon the e j f in sth street, near Market : I• - • I . your medicines; tt was as follows i I was at our ' li g L ' •-i 14 • f 0 eslightest - ' pa a, o t . in . its applicatien I proof or what it has's:lone in the past four years. Materia Medico, porn, by Samuel Ilahneman,: ziENIIV 11 . (tii.Int.C11. Joliet SLACK ; c ,,,, agreeable, and it is as harmless in ars aetien as It is ' TI, .-. 'country seat, and retirr-d to heal about eleven o'clock. e stri.ten testimony of 1000 Agents, in Canada; translated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M.: John Black St Co., '1 limieficial in its resin's. FII ex 'l:mations tad di •c- . i • . . lin grumsl health, anal fell islturim, but was soon awak- I n 1 o I that L ailed btates, England and South a nt be Di, 4 voLs. I TIIOL vsA LE r Produce and Commis-Ictnde{,t•lralth, ened li , e tre e• i . y s in . . pa ein ore band and arm. I sum_ i TOMS accompany it. The combid inventions are in t the possession or the proprietoT—and can be seen Hartman's Acute diseases, by Dr. Hempel, vol, 1. iIN •• m 0 , rocers si d i . , . . erfectiv harinless- the, are sold tprices ' sion ef : iamts, an ea crs in Pittsburgh ) ceraleal in keepan g My b e d till amen four o'clock.; e ' er ,' ") . 1" .. ' • ~- a. Ihy all interested-,is a sufficient demonstration that Hoinampathic Domestic Medicine, by J. Lowrie, I . manulacturen, No. IGh Liberty street, opposite tith, u When I arose I frond my ham! badly sooD, o , or m I within the , reach of all and the Ihßenverer Only re-; joss the best Medicine ever offerarto the World. enlarged and improved, by A. J. Ball, M. D. , quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising - efficacy ; 'Pittsburgh. . may 12 I a high state of inflammation. A small black 'spot on Get the pamphlet, and study the principle as.there Ilthr's New Manual, vol. I. No. I and 3. liennanent benefit. laid down, of the method of cure. Put up in SO oz. II tr:,/ - Liberal advances made on conslgnmenta. I the back of my hand, about the size of a five cent i an d . .. Hering'. Domestic Physician. --- piece. It soon rotted rind came out to the bone. Chrlstle's Galvanle StrengtheninePlas-; bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do at $1 each—the lar hld Look ger o - A Manual of Domestic Cookery, for Ilia use ofper- - ' - ters. John P. Perry, When I arose the pain was very severe., running into ling 6 oz. more than two small bottles. out and Rohs who are under Homeopathic treatment. BoAninglia et:era's Therapstie Pocket book for ' (La(' of ' h e f ir m o f hialc°l m , L eech h . co,/ my head and in er the n luile iy stern. runnin g tn etre ei'.. Tliese articles form another valuable application , ' not get imposed upon. Every-bottle has "Vaughws „, t , re . w dly s „ „n ee. Tm , ,of the mysterious influence oEG:llc:tome, •rhey are; Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture" blown upon the hopompathists by Dr. Oki°. ' IVT HOLESA LE GROCER, Comm ift3. ll and Einar I r ' l ` a 'k n'Y h 'l and 1-- ":" ; glands of ney throat s. riled sem nineli, and by limn: all important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings I glass, the tvriffenTrignature of. Vange" on the Aabnentan's Chronic Diseases, vol 5. 1 V Merchant, dealer in all kinds of COuntty P10t,,01,,, t,,01,,, z,... 1 font' every tooth in any head was noire or less loose ; and their moilito mons, acting upon the sante prince- I directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,'„stumped on Together with Medicine Chests of different sizes ; doer, ripper, tin, tin plates, Of nersi poekol ; pie, but having the ail Vantage of more local isplilica.; the cork." None other are genuine. Prepared by and prices. (apl6) VICTOR SchRIBA, ; lead, Russia sheet from, iron and nails, , white lead, ' t ''," " Jai ' ", a t e , • , " 11 " '"Y mouth an 'I 44 tion. They are confidently recommended as a Yalu-114. G• C. Vaughn, and sold' at the Principal Office, ---------- - • --------- ---- ----- ~ dye stuffs, cotton yarns, salt, At.c.. anti Pittsbur I ' "”.' me- night 'O ar ' el k' l''''t "" Ph Y•••••'' , '" De.r- , To ARMS! .TO ARMS!! I Manufactures generally, corner el Libert I y an( 1r- P . ' l l I solicit: al my frimids to lake me lionie,ttilleen notes) I able addition in the speedy' •cure ofltheumatimm,acute I 207 Alain street Buffalo, at wholesale and retail , I on they s,, , re fearful I could rot stand um s ., b,, -t• ;or chronic; DI all nervous complaints, and as a msi- No attention iven- to letters nlesspos ; j..••• ,L...... p cTi,lll.l.E.l;Ar:nfifa.:NED COl.lnvasion t, with ti L i V l e o st c e lo r ( n ) i ( iv a i s it h m o tr r i:e c t:: , , ,d l;. tt i. s . l i te , r i, gl i , Pa. L.iberal ael•eincss, n ' I F. Dave:Now, who kept the public house, ' r'erliosste s i• live remedy in rases of Pain and Weakness in the i ders ' froi g "'' It t P " T or' n regularly constituted Agents excepted. post , " 5 by tin co of Produce,/ • • ti I metogo to Fos hottsc. Chills, faintness and Sleknes Chest or Bark, Pain in the Side Amalie Affections,l paid letters, or verbal communications solicithes ad men, ninwithstanding which, J. Al. White will eon- ' &e. - tna -Y IS. --• I was co ' nstantly increasing tumor mr t I had hs come i and in iread - ness or Oppression of the Pulmonary Or- ! vice, promptly attended to gratis. e tine° to sell clothingeheaper than any has heretofore I D . A . C A 31 E It OIV , almost itisensilde. As I reached leis house, his moth-1 gans. In Spinal Complaints their effects are of the Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this roll boon offered in the Western country , having the 0 SNUF.ACTURER OF ; Cr, alarmed :et my appearance, Inilf m e it th e stow ' most:le:Need character, and they have often been , de-132 Nassau st, New York city; "95 Essex st...' largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty ! HOLLOW WARE AND PLATFORM SCALES, wall a apoontill or JAYNE'S A ITERATIVE, VE, seed , used , rich complete success. They are also or the! Salem, hlr's :and by the principal Druegists through and Sixth its, He is now prepared to show to his i AND CASILNGS IN GENERAL. I repeated the dose tw o o r three times in the emir, ; greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness .or ter: out die booed States and Canada as'atlyertised mu numerous patrons the greatest variety of cloths, cassinteres, vestings, and chatting of all descriptions / Tji ESPECTFULLY asks the p,,,,,,,,,,re of his , oral' hour, in which Line the thentness • sickness and . lireast,and are highly recommendml forifially of those ' the papers. ' chills had poncipally (ell---a free perspiration was: coloriainis tie which throalesare especially liable. As! Agents in this city— `{ for the approaching season, that has ever") 1 IL, frielllifl. illele warranted that he ran give an effectual means for strengthening die stemsys when I Hays & Brock way, Wholesale and Retail Agents, been ollered in this market, to which all can have ; satisfliCiillll to all ti hut may purchase of him. Hie I" n the 'enlace and ale uUll'innun'tinn "sickness ' hatin g' sti, I The third day I was able to ride home. The Rey.' a n e lf Willi lilSeas,, or other CaIISCP, :I certain No. 2:„ Cotninercial Row, Ltherty street, Pittsburgh. the Right. of Way. Observe the corner, No. 167, ;' establishment is on 111'Kelvy's plan of Lots, • Dr. Plymptori iniforroml me the attack was ono of aid in Constitutional Wimkness, as a Preventive ot • Also, It. E. Sellers-, 57 Wizard street; John Mitchell, Liberty and Sixth cis, J. .M. WHITE, Tailor, I Ward. ntai-31-ly . _ _ the seierest Kind of Malignant Erysipela s , and th a t Colds and in ell ainletinll Or the Client, generally, Federal street, Alleghenycity; John Barclay Beaver; "'' Marl') . - Proprietor. I --- - ••- - -- . _______ . _________ _____ Great English e , t city • ' , ln, use of pion AtTERATivE Was the means or.avin g the thalvithic Strengthening l'hister will be found ad John Smith, Bridgewater. ter, T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, who design pur For Coughs, Colds Asthma, and Consumption.' ' fi ) . iire • Respectfully yours, de. ; great and permanent advantage. In a few words; it _ „ ftiSEl'll O. GILBERT. , -- • - Nehru-es all the virtues of the best tonie preparation, I_4 Chasing Venitian Blinds, or wish to get their oltd milk great and only remedy for Colds, Coughs, • to.. F on „„d e in pitti,,, It the e t Tv A . , with the important addition of the , rillVallic influence Blinds renewed and made better than when new, _i_ Asthma -and CONSUMPTION. tithe HUNGARIAN • STORE., 72 Fourth st., between Market and Womb us neither ipaired nor exhausted while the will iplease take notice that Andrew White is now I BALSAM OF LIFE, dircovered by the celebrated i y 3; , action milliliters. 'These :articles will be found entire pernianeetly situated on the corner of Wood and ' Dr. Buchan, of London, England, ass(' introduced in-I streets ' I • free from those objections Isle di are, ) . .s. a e natant 4th stto • Show room on the second floor ofhlr Ken- 'to the Unit , I State su ndertlimmediate' ' SOLDIER S Or TILE " et - , M E A IcA N AVAIL. e source of complamt with the d • , plasters' or in.i.y in emirs splendid Looking Glass and variety store; I tendance of the inventor. rli 11 E subscriber having opened an o ffi ce in the common use. entrance on 4th et. All orders thankfully received; The extraordinary success of this medicine, in the I City or Pittsburgh, in the State or Penn's for ; CA lh Ti 0 N . and promptly attended to. Please earl and see be- i cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American the purpose Of procuring Land Warrants at the Seat' ! err The great celebrity and success of these arti fare purchasing elsewhere. marl 3 I Agent in soliciting file treatment time woo PCFSSIBLE 'of Government, for the. discharged Soldiers o f the cies have caused them to counterthited by enprin ._ CABF.S. that can he found in the community--cases Regular Army, as well as the VOlunteers, ache have' cipled persrins. To provide , against imposition, Dr. that seek relief in' vain from any or the common I served' their country in the present War with Mexico: Coals-Tie has, but one authorized agent in each city or remedies of the day, and have been given up dry the/ info - ins the living, anti the representatives or the most distinguished physicians as CONFIRMED AND IN-, dead, that by addressing an application to Mtn at this ' I the Union. Tile Only agent in Pittsburgh, NV. W. WILSON. CURABLE. 'Pie Hungarian Balsam has cured, and ; Citv, giving [lmitate° and address of the soldier, and I CF.RTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS, will cure the MOSE - DESPERA TE OF CASES. II is 110 }ir ileao, his ,represcatatives, it win receive eareful i cif the highest and illoSi. Mallen/able character, are quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of ' and prompt attentien. known and estildislied efficacy . Instructions and Martha will lie immediately re- constantly received, regarding the extraordinary Every family in the United States should be sup - i turned per niail iii the applicant, t „ b e ex„„ t ,l and ; value arid StICECS A °Niel shove articles. It is beiiev plied with Buchan's llizngarian Balsam of Life, not returned to me at this place. The Warrant, w i o .,„ Iml that in the city of New York alone, upwiirds of only to countera c t flee consumptive tendencies of received, will be initilediately sent per mail to the ' 1 EIGIFI"fIioUSAND I'EItSoNS during a period of I less than a Year, have been entirely relieved of the the climate, but to lie used as a preventive medicine Pr"lmer OWner ; or if he should prefer l'elleiVilug mo most painful . chronic disorders, some of which have in all cases olCialds,thinglis, Spitting of Blood, Pain s a i nt I will rank, cmnpletely baffled all former efforts of medical art. in the Side and Client, irritation and Soreness Or the vantage fin - Cash and make no charge fair that semice. indeed many of the first physicians of this city , who Lungs, Bronchitis, I Wheel ty of Breathing, Hectic In the event of the death of the soldier, that must , disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Iltieline, Fever, Night Se eats, Emaciation and General De- be mentioned in the letter and the Warrant will bility, Astluna, Influenza, Hopping Cough and Croup. issue am cu to the following rules: First, to his I constantly recommend this application in tlteir prac tice:, and with the exception of those who are too it..T Sold in large bottles, at s sl per bottle, with wire and children, 011ie have an Second, to his full directions fur the restoration of Health. father; and Third, to his mother. prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re ceived unanimous fiver with the most intelligent Pamphlets, containin g a mass of English and A- Having a 11011 in the General Land Office nt Wash the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all merican certificates, and other evidences showing Melon, and one. in the Army under General Scott, j among the unequalled merit s o f th e great ; R e ,„ e d y, in Mexico, the matter would receive their prompt i times ready and most happy to give every facility to may be obtained of the Agents, gratituotisly. attention, should atry difficulty arise respecting the I Pl'Plcians : d all I • his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery. Miele F. BRADLEE, sole Agent for the United necessary proof. I I and a.. interested, for testing the truth of States, 119 Court street, Boston. Lettere addressed to me on the subject must he Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of 4th and T. W. Dvorr & Sons, General l•Vholesale Agents, 'post paid, and inclose a Five Dollar Bank Nate as Market street. octl4-dly No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia, my compensation. - W5l. B. FOSTER, 1 ------ For Sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., corner of and Front streets. may 7 - The Franklin Fire inuniauce Company OF FHILADELPHLI. 11,) eiIiAnTER. PEIsPETUAL. Et, 400,000 paid in of flee 104 Chesnut st., north side, near Fifth.— Take insurance, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms.. Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCKEII - , Prost. C. G. BAIICHER, Seey. Charles N. Rauch r ECTO , Jaco ßS b R. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Leivis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Eerie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. \WARRICK MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, 4. Co., corner of Third and Mar ker streets. , - Fire risks liken on buildings and their contents tn Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrotindinecoun try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. ang4-ly assurance. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 500,- 000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Pres't; Frederick Fraley, Sec'y. This old and well established Company con- j tinues to insure Buildings, Mdrchandize, Furniture, and Property, not of an extra hazardous character,' against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be xeceived, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO..COCIIRAN, Agent, dec 24 No. 26, Wood street. J OSIA KIM J. F/SCITEY, !IL KING & PINNEY, • Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Philadelphia. F IRE RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandise of. every description, and en Marine Risks upon hullsl or cargoes of vessels, tak upon the most favcirable terms. °thee at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on Water st., near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B. ' & Finney invite the confidence and patronage oftheir friends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an insti tution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia—, as having a large paid in capital, which, by the operfi ation of its charter, is constantly increasing— as I yielding to each person insured his doe share of the I profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as possessin g the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxiou s feature, and in its most attractive form. nor l-tf Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. N. E. corner of Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. E assets of the company nn the first of Janua ry, 1845, as published in confiirmity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Honda and Alortgages, $600,615 93 Real Estate, at cost, 100,967 77 • Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash,... 207,499 72 Ilowicl Complaint.' rIROM Dr. M. L. KNAPP, of Chicago, 111., Pro t, fessor of Materi.t Medica in the University of Lapohe, Indiana. Dr. Javne—Dear Sir:—Y ou ask the what proofs I meet With of the efficacy of your Carminitiee. can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel Complaints that has given su much satis faction, and my patients so spec iy and perfect re-1 lief as this. Whenever introduced into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In the Summer Complaint of children it has frequently ap peared to snatch the little victims, as it were, from the grave. sated the life of my child, and of such ;tin, such a child." I have repeatedly heard said. In dysontric affections ofadults,l have time and again I seen it'oct like a charm, and give permanent relief l in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes. In fine it is a Valuable medicine, and no &Indy should he without it. Respectfully. M. L, KNAPP. M. D. From the Rev. CITARLES C. P. CROSBY, Louisville, y., and late of New York. Dr. D. Jayne—De ar sir—l am glad to inform you that the medicine made by you Tor Bowel and Sum mer Complaint s has proved singularly etlicadious in my family. My wife has for years been extremely liable to a most distressing dysentery in hot weather; but by the use OfJAYNE.9 CARMINATIVE: BALAM for two seasons, the attack has been obviated in the course oftwo or three hours. thave known chil dren, when attacked with a violent Diarrhea, cured immediately .by this meth ( ine. I consider your medicine prepared with great skill, and highly bene ficial to I moan nature. Respectfully yours, C. P. CROSBY. For Wein Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street near Wood - - jaTioriEs & ALCORN, (late of New York city,; • N0:27, Fifth et., between Wood and Market, Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spicei, Catsupg, &c., &c., :will open during the present week a largo assortment of articles in their line, which they will wholesole in quantities to •suit dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them ivarran ted. .-Mcieliants intending to go east would do well to call before leaving the city. They may be found tin ir warehouse, No. 27,, Fifth et., in Ityatesbuild: IFIARNDE.N CO.'s EMIGRATION AND REMITTANCE °nun: And yet they Como, more•and more, and still at the old prices; and that, too, in Packet Ships, and intend to continue let other offices raise their prices as they may. ' We 'will being persons out from any part ofthe old Coun try, without ono cent extra' on account of the tre mendous emigration, or thegreat advance in Liver pool upon passages. We will. also draw drafts at sight, direct from Pittsburgh, for any amount payable at any oftlie Branches of the National or Provincial Banks of Ireland, or any other Bank in any poet u the Old Countries. • JOSHUA ROBINSON, Office, fith street, onedoor west of Wood street. jy 31 -tf • - ----- • ! " M. Me DONALD, Bell and Brass !.7 , Founder, First street, near Market, is !..,1 prepa'red to make Brass Castings and ~;-.„ Brass works generally on the most reasonable terms and shortest notice. - He Invites machinist s and all th ow , using brass works to give him call, as he is de termined to do all work in his line very low. may 27-ly "%Val ellen frOrn Europe. LUST received, a fresh importation of fine Gold and Silver Patent )Vatches, of the best qualities and handsomest patterns, which I am sel ling at as low prices as the same qualities are pur chased fur in the Eastern cities—their quality and accuracy as timekeepers will be guaranteed. Also, Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, at 830, $35, $4O, and upwards. • Being determined to make et the interest of our citizens and others, to purchase at home, I respect fully invite attention to my large and beautiful as sortment of Watches and Watch trimmings. inr• The best attention constantly given to re paring MI/int: IValches. Having in my employ the most experienced and beat workmen in the State,, and every facility for doing all kinds of Watch and Clock work in the very beat manner. W. W. WILSON, Corner of 4th and Mari:etas sep7 .4 10 ME! ~ , 1 • Cutfi_________rattonicr3:: don. Harmar Denny, Hon. Walter Foward, Pittsburgh. Col. Wm. Robinson, Jr., James Hall, Esq. Robert Buchanan, Esq. Cincinnati. Irwin Si Foster, Major St Clair Denny, Paymaster. , U. S. A., N. 0. Lieut. Col. Sani'l. W. Black, Capt. John Herron, Vol's Ccn. Scott's Capt. Itnbert Porter, J rArmy, MeV() Capt. P. N: Guthrie, Reg. Army, W. 11. F. may be found at the otlice of Wm. E. Austin, Esq., late Black & Liggett's, Burke's Build ings, Fourth street. ./Y 9 Juxt The - r k A lUBIGNE Y CroinWell, The Protector; a if vindicatio n : By J. H. Merle D'Aubigney, D. D. Price cloth 50c.,.ha1f cloth 38e: This volume contains 2 80, pages 12mo, bound unilb• in with the " Reformation." " The object of this work—the rectification of the common opinion with regard to Cromwell's roll out+ character—has obliged the author to intro ce many quotations from his letters and speeches. is not WE who ought, in this day, to justify the at Protector; he should justify himself." tiy's • A. few copies of the abov [l e, PA justbigne received Preface. by Ex press. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, jy27 56Market st. T66-nw-s—Fiwereand for .IYI7 sale by JNO. F. PERRY. En ----- Great Remedy of the Age: -DR. SIVA YNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, ESTABLISHED IN ISIS Br AN ACT OF CONGRESS. The Great Remedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis Liver Complaint, Spitting •Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Side end Breast, Palpitation di the Heart, • Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution, Sore Throat, 'Very ousDebility„ -and All diseases of Throat, Breast, and SS Lungs; the most of and speedy cure ever known fur any of the above (iilleilSCS is D •S I{ l .4l'N E' S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Read the Test 'loony. St. Louis, Sept. 7th, MS. Dn. R. EASTERLY & EO.--GOIHS.---I have been ulllicted lifr about three years with a pulmonary com plaint, which has baffled the skill of several of the most eminent physicians of our country. At times my cough was very severe, pain in my side and breast, and great difficulty in breating. In this w a I continued to su ff er, until life beca h me almost a bur y den. At length I saw your advertisement of DR. S WAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and was persuaded by a friend el'lllinP to make a trial of it, anti I purchased a bottle of you. I am happy to inform you that one bottle has effected a perfect curd, and that I am now in the enjoyment of good hilalth. I make this statement in the form of a certificate, that.others WllO may he afflicted with such diseases may knew where to find a valuable medicine. You ' can use this testimony in commendation of Dr. swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry as you think best. Yours, with respect, REFERENCES ~ ;; ~ ~ ",: , - . - Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, T HEREBY certify that my hair was falling out in immense quantitiet daily, and was turning,mray, and that since I have used Jones'i Coral Hair Resto rative, it has entirely ceased falling—is growing fist, and has a finctilark look. pelore I used Jones's Coral Bair Restorative, 1 combed out handfuls of hair daily." W. TOMPIiINS,92 King st. N. Y. For sale by W. Jackson, Agent, corner or Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE CAN be obtained. ja.n22 To any Clients. A - vr Y PARTNER, Mr. Liggett, and Wm. E. Ails- I_ tin, Esq., will attend to my unfinished busi ness, and I recommend them to the patronage of my friends. lam authorited to state that they twill rq dceive the counsel and assistance of the Hon. R. BICT: hie. Office :hi story ofliurke's Buildings, 4th street, etween Wood and Market. SAMUEL W. BLACK. I Executors Notice. T HE subscribers, Executors of the last Wilt and testament olJantes Spear, late of Robinson Tp., Allegheny County, deceased, hereby notify all in debted to said Estate, to mile payment of the mgue without delay.; and those having claims against said Estate, to present the same properly authenticated for settlement, to either of the undersigned. JAMES ROBINSON, WILLIAM GRIBBEN, ~( Executors: Robinson Tp. augl9-w6t. - • fl ital. , - „,i NEtISTEE~S .1191104 "41tT VZ. O E R, FFICE in Avery Row, oth street, above Stair* field street, Pittsburgh. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, AcnrentErrrs, BONDS, RELEASES and other, instruments of writing drawn with neat ness, legal accuracy and despatch. lie will also at tend to drawing and filing Almaxim's . .LIENs, Ac counts of Ezecutora, Administrators, 4 , e., Examinin6 titles to Real Estate, &arching Records for LiCIIS, 4-c. . • From his long experience and intimate acquaint ance with the mannerof keeping the public records, he expects to give satisfaction to those who may en trust their bus.ness to his care. decl6-arrew Itareo, _ .gfc„k, xr, Sprains, Strains, Pains of the Breast and Side., and diseases of t he Spin, riijitE.D.and effectually relieved by the use ofNa k, _} titre's OWN Remedy, the AM EIiICAN OIL; mined from a well in Kentucky, 185 feet below the 1 Earth's Turilice. A lady in Kentucky was cored ofd r ii Spinal Disease, o hich had confined her to her bed I for many weeks completely helpless, by the use off i this remedy, alter various other remedies had been I tried in vain. Read the following testimonial. Prrrsimacit„August 22, 1846. This is to certify, that we b l ,ve teed the Antler- CAN OIL for the whooping cough among our children, Iby giving them rot t ,,,, 20 drops to a 'small tea spoon!' full at night, which always enabled them to rest well 1 throto , l l the Mad; I also applied it to one of the children that, got her arm burst, the child ceased i crying by the time the arm was dreised and bound up. I also was afflicted with a pain in my side and breast, and have, been so for 16 years. I commenced i using the Oil by taking a teaspoontbi twice a'clay,l I, and in 2 or 3 days using*, the Oil have.been very much I relieved, and do believe that it is the best family' 111Cd1C11111 I have ever seen—one of my neighbors used it at my request for a sprained uncle, which re lieved her in a few minutes; we have also used the , Oil for a strained joint in our own flly, which gave ease in a very short time. • We liven the east side ofTenn st., 3 doors south of Walnut. lam now as well as ever 1 was in my life. , , A. SM Sold wholesale and MARGARET retail by Wm. Jacksn, l at TH. his Boot. anti Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Ware house, 89, Liberty street, head of Wood str cet,,Pitts burgh. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Wm: Jackson being the exclusive Agent for Western Pennsylvania, NONE IS GENUINE tint what is sold by tune on errs appointed agents. N. 11. A pamphlet containing 'ample directions, &e., with the Pinnies and Addresses of.the proprie tors and principal Agents is enveloped in the wrap per of each bottle. ang 2S—(i b 15-d&w6m ____ GEORGE R. RIDDLE MI sll bi ai. LandretiVit Warranted TAIRECT FROM PHILADELPHIA. ,Each paper bears the label' and - wathinty of Da - vin DSLET/I. Fur sale by .F.L.SNOWD.EN;No'.29 Wafer st., at the stand remedy occupied by Cie-ILI/terry; Extract from the 'Report of the Visiting Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani mously adopted and ordered to be printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS. "These extensive grounds are on Federal street, near the Arsenal. * The earliest collee-. - tion of Camellias was made here. Someof thos.e now in possession of those distinguishednurserymen are ten feet high. - j! * * * The selectio.n.,e. entmv-Housr.mai-rs is valuable and extensive. sup;,. plying Nurseries are very correctly managed, plying every part of the •Union, a detail-of which: • would occupy too much of our space, we therefore • content ourselves with stating that thestock is very large, and in every stage. oriiihwth, consisting. of FOREST AND ORNAMENAL TREES, EVER GREENS, SHRUBS, VINES AND CREEPERSewith' a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of , the . best kind and most healthy condition, large, beds of seedingapples, pears, plums, ,te., as stocks for bud ding grafting; a plan, very superior to-that "si;' working upon suckers, which carry with them Mee . the graft all the diseases of the parent Stock. ,* * • : "'GARDEN SEEDS: of the finest quality have been scattered over the country from these grounds, nod. may always be depended upon. The.seed establisk. inent of these Horticulturists is one 'of ,the most ex-. tensive in the Union, and its reputatiozis well sustain:: cd from year to year. , "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina - et the plants of the same family, they have established another nursdry at a suitable distance so that cannot take place, and which ' secures to the purchaser a terinine article.' Knowing thus the ,age, quality and process of calture of every plant, the supply from their grounds is recommended with great confidence?' •• * * *Since the date of the 'Report' from _which the above ib extracted, the entire establish -merit hasbeeni greatly enlarged. • The collection of Camellias em braces all the finer kinds_, and consists of sonic thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with' Roses, and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; - fruit trees, lke. The Seed Gardens alone cover filly acres - , end the whole is, as it has been for - more than hale century, under the successive :Management of father mitt son, the most prominent in America. I kTOrderti , r o eceived by P. L. SNOWDEN; from whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-y ..-- CLOTHINGI - CLOTHING! ! CLOTHING!!! The Three, 'Big Doors vs.- The Western :World I 150,000 WELL SELECTED GARMENTS NTOW made-and, ready' to be offered,on the most J,N liberal terms to my old customers and the pub- lie in general. ,The Proprietor of this far famed and : extensive establishment has now, after returning • from the Eastern cities, at much trouble 'and expense, • just completed his fall and winter arrangements to supply his thousands of customers with one of the most desirable stocks of Clothing that has.ever been otTered in this or any other market west of thernotio-. tains. Poi neatness in style and workmanship, cons- bined with the very hiw price 'which they will be sold for, must Certainly render the old ,unrivalled Three Big Doors one of the greatest aßractfoimot the western country. It is gratifying to me to •be able to announce to my numerous friendi at -home . and abroad, that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which I have made to meet the many my line, iris with thifictlty I can keep time with the constantrush that is made on this popular establish ment. It is a well established fact, that my sales are: eight or ten times larger than any other-house - in fife trade, and this being the tase.on the amount SOM, I • can afford to sell at much-less profit than others could Possibly think of doing &they wished to cover con-- - tingent expenses. I intend to make a e/ean sweep of all my present stock belbre the beginning of next . year; corning to this conclusion, I will - make - it the • interest of every man, .who wants a chepp winter suit, to oall and purchase at the Three Big Doors. ...- oct2l-1.1&w • JOHN Iirt'CLOSKEY. Jayne,s carmixiative Balsam,. IS a pleasant, certain, safe and effectual remedy fir Dysentery ' Diarrhea, , Looseness,Cheleru Nldrbus, Summer Complaint, Cholie, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Sick and Nervous Headach, Heart burn, Waterbrash, Pain °el. sickness of the Stoniach, Vomiting, Spitting up of Food after Eating, and also where it passes through the, body unehattged,lilan of Appetite Restlessness and Inability to Sleep,' Wind in the Stomach and bowels, Hysterics Cramp , Nervous Tremors •and Twitchings, Sea •Sickness, Faintings, Melancholy and Lowness of Spirits, Ott* ting and crying of Infanta, and for all Rowel mfere,. tions and Nervous Diseases. . This is one of the most efficient , pleasant and safe compositions ever offered to the public fo'r the cure of the various derangements of the:stomach and bowels, and the only article worthy of die least confidence for curing Citokra Infaolum -or Sum:ozer . Complaint; and in all the above diseases it really, acts like a charm. All persons ere re guested to try it, for withoutelt eeption,it is fancier he most valuable family medi cines ever yet discevered. Hundreds!' nay then.l sands, of certificates have been received, from phy sicians, Clergymen, and families of the first Teepee. , tability, bearing the strongest testimony in its favor, too numerous to publish: • .° . For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth Street. may2l-d&w • • ' Pittsburgh. OAS Works. ! STOCKIIOLDERS who wish to subscribe fornew stock for the accurnulated profits insaid Comm- ;. ny, arc required by the ordinance of the ;?,fith June, 1847, to return their certificates at the tittle of Sub- i scribing. angl.2Af :. lEEE Thecelebrated Unit asi Itelinedy. - FOR THE CURE OF .CHRONIC ;DISEASES Ifferl2o..W &CIL/4X 'SIRUP :OR - TROPICAL BYOIEIVE: ' Discovered 11 Dr„ltlazoni of Italy in the year 184, and introduced into the U; States early in 18.164 ' 'THIS unrivalled medicinefor the radieal care of Chronic. diseases has npreadth.oughout Europe with the'Moil tine : quaff ed. speed and trnamplianoine.. ess, effe c tingthem os t Aston ishi ng cures ever knoWn or recorded the a.nals of Medical History.. Since its introductioiiinta the United States It has equally._ sustained the' high reputation it so justly received in the East, curing here as it has done there, the most inveterate and - long standing diseases withwhich-the• huinan family are aillicted. The. Physicians of En , ' rope and Americalas titres they have hecome,ac.- quainted with its mode. of operation) together with/ • the thousands who .have been restored to health bYt• - its superior °Main). With one united voice 'prodlnint :it to be the mostperfent remedial agent over ever offered to suffering yuritanity-- It: is now an established fact. "that Consumption may be, can be, anclhas been. cured by Dr. Itiazoni , B Sicilian Syrup or Tropicalifygiene; This is the only medicine that has ever been_dis; covered thathas achieved a cure where this i discase had gained, a settled and permanent hold upon, the system. For the truth, of thisassertion,,,we have - the certificates of some of the men eminent:Physi cians of Europe and Anierica, expressly - deelaring - that they have prescribedlt in hundreds _of instanees where the patients were considered beyond all 'hope of recovery, and, to• their:astonishment, haseffeeted the most speety and perfect cures. No. One who is unacquainted with its action can imagine- the won derful success that attends the administration of this medicine in every variety of chronic . disease, par- - ticularly ConsumptioniScrofula or kings evil,Astli f ma, Plithisic,Piles, (see cases reported in Pamphlet" and circulars) Cancers" • Liver Complaints COstive ness: and 'lndigestion Sore and Inflamed", Threaf; Bronchitis, Dropsics, 'Chronic intimation of'-tho. Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility and Iratibility the nervous system, Spinal affections, Paralysis; Chronic Diarrahcca, Pain in the breast and „side; Coughs, Colds, Chrenie Rheumatism, Diseases of thy. Stomach.and Bowels, inward weakness. and failieL down of the Womb, and all the ehrcinic.diseasei Pe; culiar to females 'in their vanities relations initfe: This medicine is`prepared only by Dr, Mazoniltini ' sell; and is composed entirely of vegetable material containing the extract of -42 of the meat rare -Tropi cal plants but feW 'of which are knoWn to the medi cal Profession generally.' • . It has so tier surpasted every other medicine eve_ offered to themorld in eradicating disease, that it ; : has not only enlisted many of the moat talented medical . men in the world in its favor but what in more extraordinary .the government where it' wai - • discovered "lies an offence punishable-with death to attempt counterfeiting if or snaking sale or any spUricals article pasport,ing to be lhe same Or representing it'to be genuine. And this Goyern.. meat has also made a liberal provision for the pro. :- tection oflt- here. To the afflicted we say let none dispair, though :you may. have, been, given up by your Physician and considered by y - our friends as - beyond all hope, fry a bottle of-this 'medicine and - you may rely upon the fact, that if yenhaye. . • cal strength enougff •lefl to endure- its aetion,-you will find certain and speedy relief;•for this liar been the case in thousanas•of instances, in proof cif'which' we can produce certificates from - individuals -.of the most respectanle character both of Europe and. America. This medicine will be. Offered •for sale -• only at the county seats of each county awing As, the small amount yet imported and. the anxiety-of ...- the proprietor to place this valuable remedyy Within the reach of all thrtruglont the United States. Hays & Brockway, Dru. ' gists, No. 2 ComnerciaCommercial'Row, Liberty street, wholesale and retail: Agents. . . Allegheny county. Sold'also by R..E. 57 Wood at. • .dee29-d2rc.' rt _ lIIN SEM ne11•4,111 Ii " R?:;:.`` _-~, 11 ■ = ■ El ME -- El