The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 28, 1847, Image 3

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DlcAltster's An-Menllng Ointment.
THE preceding figure li
'yen to represent the le
is the great evacuatior
• the impurities of the
pay. It will bonoticea
it a thick cloudy mist
mes from all points o
e surfaces which indi
ace that this perspira
m flows uninterrupted ,
when vve are inhcalth,
_,'''' ' Welch's National Circus I it ceases when we are
- •• ' S PHILADELPHIA. __ ....gonad. It is thrown off from the blood and
THIS' splendid equestrian company composed
entirely of STAR PERFORMERS, will exhibit .• - other juices Oldie body, and disposes by this means ail
nearlyall the impurities within us. Ta . 4 language of
under their splendid Water Proof Paviltion, com- Adjourned Sale of Real Est ate at Auction. --
No 1553 in Rochdale towns hi p, Scripture is "in the Blood is the Life." • 'fit ever he
rr HIS dry, Satarday, Aug. 28th, at 31 o'clock, P.
modiously furnished for the comfortable reception No. 1362 in Athens do. . comes impure, it may be traced directly to the stop
of 3000 persons, at Pittsburgh, on the 10th, 11th, .1 M., will be rood, on the premises, in the East .tr
No. 1468 in Richmond do. page of •the insensible perspiration. Thus we see, all
13th, 14th,15th and 16th of September next, in frontThirci Ward, Pittsburgh, a valuable Building Lot,
No. 1669 in Sparta do. that is necessary when the blond is stagnant, or in
of the AitEnteArt ROTEL. Admittance, 25 Cents. frenting 29 ft. on Washington Et, between Webster
Independent of Wills' celebrated Brass Band, and Wiley its., and extending back 99 ft., on which Eight Hundred and Fifty Acres in the Count' of reeled, into opon the porea,and it relieves itself from
the.compaey will be saluted, on their arrival, by Mr. is erected one Frame House, and four smaller Leon- Krie g viz:—Dohs' 197, 2017 and 2076 in Waterford all impurity instantly. Its own heat and vitality art
Wilrace's String Band, playing airs from the 'most meets, adjoining property of A. Getty, Esq. It is townth p, within three miles oldie town of Water- sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except
to open the pores upon the surface. Thus we see
.popular Operas. very valuable, and the terms will be accommodating. ,
I Ni ' ne Thousand Ssesthindred and Fifty Acres are the lolly of taking so much internal remedies. All
In the evening the pavillion will be illuminated 1 Terms at sale. JAMES M'KENNA ford • No. 1936 in Amity - townshi.
' in the County of Al'Kean, viz:—Nos. 3699, 3700, practioners, however. direct their efforts to restore
by the patent sylvic Gas, invented by 13. F. Canton, :lna/E. . Auctioneer. i
----- , 3704, 3706, 3711, 3715, 3716, 3719, 3720, and 3734. the Inseneible Perspiration , The Thumpsoniar 'or
Eeq-i of the United States Navy Department, Wash- ' . Catalogue Sale of Books. j The above lands will b e dold in separate tracts.
learns,sta the Ilydropathist shrouds us ir. •at
ingtan: It is an entirely new Method, giving a silt ON Saturday evening, the 28th inst., at 71;e'elock, I Those in Mercer, Crawfo and Erie comities are , omopatitit deals out infinitissimals,
p er
light; free from all nauseous effluvia, the fault at the Commercial Sales Rooms cm. el Wood ' principally in tracts of 200 acres. Some or which the Alloptithist bleeds and doses us with mercury,
elan other attempts, and casting a light scarcely 1 mid Filth stn., will be sold, a large collection of val- I contain Coal and Iron Ore, and are well adapted for and the blustering Quack gorges us with pills, pills,
less brilliant than the noonday sun.. I liable Miscellaneous Books, embracing standard ; flaming. Those in M'Kerin county, are principally p ill s.
Constituting this company will be foun d Mr' Jr G. 1 works in various departments of Literature; Family in tracts of 10(10 acres, each well watered and coy- •
To give some idea of the amount of the Insensi-
Caloallader, who Will ride his much admired nets Bibles; Splendid Annuals, &u s Also, Blank Books, i need with timber. The town of Corydon lays on the Perspiration, we trill state that the learned Dr.
of the Russian Envoy, the Terrors of a Sorcerer of . letter and cap writing paper, gold pens, wafers, Sae. I part of the original tracts. Title indisputable.
Leweithock; ascertained that ace-hi t of all WO re
Siam, and the beautiful episode of the Spirit on kis; . au ,„ 2l . JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct. ; Terms at sale. ceive into the stomach, paused oil by this moans. In
last wm.. on 2,3, and 4 horses. I ' ' _____
... . .
Madame Wurta Ifoward, the great NATIVE FEMALE; !Dry Goods and ruralist re at. Auction.
WM. BOYD, day, we evacuate live pounds of it by the Insensible
r. omrsratate, whose admirable persouations, on a . A TIVUKENNA'S Auction Room: 114 Wood at., aeg is Persairation.
single hurtle charm anion delight all who behold her, /-1 . on Monday next, Aug. 30,----.---____
at 10
wouck,A.. _
____JaillN D. DA V IS, Auctioneer.
Thin is none other than the used up particles or
justifying public opinion in awarding to her the high , jes, will be sold, a large variety of Dry Goods. ; . Public Sale the blood, and they juices giving place to the new
' At 2 o'clock, P. M., Household and Kitchen Fur- I ra F valuable building Lots, suitable for
vosition site has successfully into amidst a host till Private i and fresh mien. To check this, therefore, is to re
rival stars. allure, among which are: I splendid Sofa, 1 doz. lii residences at Auction. tain in the system five-eights of all the virulent matter
arogrr—Dcm Rice, the 'mirth-provoking Dan,' Rocking Chairs,l do. Sewing, do. and a lot am.. On 'friesday, August list, at 10 o'clock in the
by rude-that nature demands shOuld lease the body.
whose infiuite JEST and-FUN, unstained I quite Bars. Bills of Lading have ' been rec'd of sera; forenoon, will be °tiered fur sale st public Auction, Ity a sudden transition from heat to mild, the pore(
Invoice of Fall and Winter Dry Goode,the tan the premises, 41 Valuable Building Lots, and
nese and - vulgarity, places him far beyond time reach
,oral t„,; are stopped, the perspiration euniCe, and diaoakie be
of imiTATioR. I largest ock ever brought to this city, part or Whiell Buildiegs thereto', beautitlilly situnted tLr private i gills at once to de velem. itself. LI encc, a stoppage c.
Mr,. lloatissE Nrencus, the Prince of Ring hiss j, MA s arrieed already, and are open. They will be ; d we ll in gs i n f ron t-moms m ans i o n 'joust, and groundsl thus n ew es th e juices, originates so many com
tets. 1,- I,;ald to the highest bidder at public sale, and at pri- I oldie Allegheny Cemetery, extending erten dm State „ la w s.
Tile REVERS FAMTLT, whose union of talent, is , vale sale at very r educed pricee. They are all fresh, , Road to the Allegheny River, im land ailjeining thel ' It is lir stepping the puree, list overwhelms mar.
without a parrallel in the world. Cr s ent RIVERS lof the latest importations and styles, and direct from 'through of Lawrenceville, near the United States a. i w ith
i ',int. c oughs-, colds, and consumption. Niro
the most finished artist in his arrangement and exe- I the most extensive importing houses in Boston and ' A.reenal; at the same time sundry machinery and ; tenths of the world die from diseases induced by a
ration of scenes and gymnastic groups. FREDERICK IN. Vsrk , compros l ng in part, superfine French, Am- ; tools connected with the rope niakiira business.l stoppage of the Insem.ible Perspiration.
Baynes presents every kind of Foreign act, that can I erican and English Broadcloths; ao. do. fancy and ' It is the most valuable and handsomely situated pro.
Lot me ask, lose , et ery candid mind, what cu r ies'
surprise by novelty, and Master Itictiann Iltvens,l plain Ciassimerea, Casinalts, Alpacas, Nlerinos, Flan- perty offeror at Auction
e veseral
airs.yeas seetns the most reasonable to pursue, to unstop the
(the 'inimitable,') will perform his act on a single, nets, &c. On the arrival or the Aisle lot, regular I Terms of sale--one-fourth Cash e time of pores, after they are closed. Would you give pima,
horseaas performed before the President and Sena-I, o ,s ec wi ll be given, when inecehants and others will I sale, the mainder in ram, two and three I
yea" with Ito unstop the port's? Or would you apply something
of the United States, and by all present (lectors; please call and examine. linterest tobe secured by bond and tering:me en the . that would du this upon the surface, where the elop
ed the most perfect union of ' IVONDER AND . "ea ging acanally Mr And yet I house of no phyeiciar
JAMES 114,1:1,..NNA Auct. , premises. A plan of the lots can be seen at the
GRACE•the world ever knew. warehouse ofGeorge Cochran and M'Kenna's Aue- who makes any external applications to efreet it.
Auction Sales
• Master T. NEVILLE, who has acquired the rare ' Lion Rooms. , limier these circumstances, 1 present to physicians,
srtsof riding, and executing the most difficult feats B Y JOAN
)9 / Mr. on a tingle horse. - DRY GOODS. i ilouses and Lot"! In L ',Wire licesrelic ail and to all others, MeAliater's All-Healing Ointment,
Auction. or the World*, Solve. It has prover to restore per-
Mr. WM. STOUT will ride his fine classic:y.3.9,cm ft,' (AN Monday minting, the 30th inst., at 10 oa. I To Country 3lerchant a,
ON Tuesday morning the 31st ins(., at '9l o'clock, I spiratiun an the !hot, on the head old tierce, upon lieu
$ and •4 horees, forming a pyramid of ref, rrsons,:,k_l cinch, at the Continerci:d Sales Rooms, corner'
o n dos premises, will be sold, that vateable lot I chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whether i IosTmAsTv.RS, BOOKSELLERS, &c.•-Porses
whom he• will bear above his horses at tag/rifling of Wood' and Fifth streets, will he sold, an extensive I
i of gsround, radiate near the Allegheny Arsenal, hav- I disetised stialitly or severely. of Universal U tility.—Sear y.—Sear's Popahtr pictorial
speed. • I. assortment of staple aml fancy Dry Goods, &c.
Mg a front of a 1 feet nit the eas t s ide o r I t ut tier treed It haspower to cause all external tiores,serofillona ; ' Vorks, the moat splendid' ilstrated volumes for
Strinion Geriatint, the mighty Italian equestrian I At 2 o'clock, P. NI., a !arse assortment of new
and extending ;sack 150 feet to an alley 20 It. wide I !minors, &sant diseases, poisonous w o unds, to de- I families, ever issued on the American Continent,
will ride his incredible neerutnantic stenes, ititreeluc- sand second hand household furniture, among which .- a , , s.; ~,a I i 1 •. I , , h , ,
on whim, is e reetes a rarge three Story frame oulim, C virgo t leo - putrid watt(-r, and ti ten Nils totem. I containing Imre than Two Thousand Beautiful En
ing, '''Les batons du (liable,' and his Golden Pale- , are: mahogany sofa, 1 pair niahogany card tables, It Is a remedy that t aweepe off the shale catalogue I gratings, aeserned and exeCeted by the tnos. t, eminent
tons, &e. &c. He will also ining forward his two ; bureaus, bedsteads, feather beds, matresses, work ir occupied g . a s Is
as to •• lot J. Green, and five dwel. I
lings. Also Dee other .01 of around adjoining the' of cutaneous disorthers, ILTI restore the entire cuitele I artists of England and America.
wonderful dogg, whose feats are without equal in ',and Wash stands, „leaking glasses, mantel clear.
fri - The extraordmary popularity of the above
the Arena. fancy and common chain., 3 pieces handsome ingrait: ; at'', baring a front of 46 a-et, and extending back Ito its healthy erinctioiss.
130 feet in stud slily, on Mach is erected a large, It is a remedythat corhids the necessity of.° man 2 releines in cii-ery section or the Union, readers an
Mr. %V. llovrAnn, the Spanish scene rider, and carpeting, &c. Ale?, a quantity of kitchen furniture,
great representative of the Red Man or. the Forest. groceries, queensware, glassware, tobacco, sugars, ,
, e. 1 , . t
I double brick . ile•ellin Imes.: with basement, a punipi and do{ teriousdrugti taken into die stomach. agency desirable by all business men, in each tote ,
Mr.CIIARLFS FOSTER, who rides a great dramatic matches, shovels, band boxes, wrapping paper, Nu 3 : ,ea e oral t hater in trout, and a large stable in the ; It is a remedy. tliat neither sickens, gives oiconve. °four urinciple lowly; and villages. ,
scene, and a Grand Military act, entitled mackerel, rice, &c. rear. Title !tido:put dole. Teams at Sal nience, or I:1 dan k :ll/055 to the ihteStilleg, Merchant, and others visiting the City of NMI:
At 71 o'clock, P. M., n quantity of ready made e JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. llt preserves and defends the surface frem all de- I York, ,and aetipectfully intimated to call at No 1251
- rangement of its functiong. The Narthex is the out. Nosiest% street, and examine them,
Dr AU for our Country, in which by the aid of, , elothisg, watches, boob., shoes, hat., lioneefa, fine It E A L E S 'l.' AT E
correct costume, he will represent the Chief Patriarch! cutlery, musical instrumentg, slim guns, rifles,' vto • 'LI e l
In the city of Pittsburgh, and r rpoo ,;
! let Mine eights of the
and used up matter with I Our most successful agents are those who advertise
praying- for bis country, GEN. ZACK TAY LGR, tit:, riety veils, telelis, stationary, &c. ang27 • falito , ln. It is pierced with Millionsof openings to relieve Ithe works in all the papers published in their neigh-I
!rIIIIE subscriber will sell the following VALU-; the intestines. Stop up thes pores, and death inocks j borlemd, and secure good sub-agents to assist them
Monterey', HIRAM STIFF, a Yankee rolunteer,'Santa,
Pawnbroker's Sale 1 1 A nu , : pttopEßT y in the city or a nti Pburgh, ,at your door- It la iselitiy termed All-Denlirw. for .ei selling the different salumes. In this.way every ,
Anita, the commander of Mexico, concluding-with':, i .I is , ,
the SOLDIER OF FREEDOM, bearing the menoial Of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, 4 . e. 4r•
. ' u pon h ig hly e ligible terms, both as to price a num.', there is s t arcely a disease, external or internal, tom i iamey oars an opportunity of purchasing the works. I
ra tite resolve,—"Ge.g. Tavtort torts
ea sULIRESIMMS. - I BY JAMES M 'KENNA, let. A lot of ground on Third street, extending it will not hent•fit. I hate used it for the lainlaerteen l lt us a we ll k nown r a m that there is a large number
Motes DERIOUS, OP the ' , Cirque Glomplisnea wilt,from Third s treet to Second sireao, having a • years tor all IliSeatleg of the chest, consumption, his lOf persons who will purchase huoks at their own
LARGE and pogiuve sale of new and second hand front of thirty rect. This lot is eoyered by that ersinvolving the utmost darner and responsitplita,and j firesides, When brought and examined there, who
introduce the 'Arabian Dancing Mare, illaioec;"s tine Gold and Salver Patent Lever L'Epine.Quar- spacious warelionee, extritiltng from street to I declare lieture Heaven and man. that not in our i would never visit a book store.
whose beautiful dances far surpass anything " the tier, Horizontal anti Duplex Watches at Auction. gweet new in the occupancy of A". Ilt•elen• , single ease has it railed to benefit, alien thu patieet I Fell particubtrs of the principles and profits of the
kind ever yet brought before the public. Also the .
~,, , • • •• . ,
I t sold, positisely, without reserve, at tile . was within the reach or mortal means.
comic units, Romeo and Juliet. will by their comic ; "ta 2d. A lot ofgreutel, being texts , six and two-thirds I b us incoa, at ill be given to all alio deCire them, by
ruction Rooms, No 114 Wood etrem, 3 door. from rofeesion • f addressing •t
I tutee had physicians, teamed in the p . , 1 pus paid $ ROBERT Si
.dinner scenes, leaps and counter leaps, prove their • fr•et on Thad tweet, and extending hack to- t
• sth, on Saturday evening next, Antrust lath, Loon- trouts Second street, about eighty tact. This ; "'IX had nun ~I the. thasi'vl, Judges on the No 128 Nassau street. New York.
instinctive bent for drollery.,
' m i le
at 8 o'clock precisely, the largest and best 1 Alsteimen and I aavere •entlein of the •
Err Parents and guardians may with confidence . lot ruljoins the first lot mentioned in this :elver.; brush, • - -. , a lsewspaperaeopying the above, (including this no-I
aliStwte , r bit of fine Grad and Silver Patent Lever, higheat erudition and mutt/hides tit the poor, use it , Lie ,.
bring fitmilles, as under the wateddid care of , tisement, and extends toward. Market street,: i and giving it eight insertions, shall receive any,
L'E end other Watches, both new and second to th e [ 'to wi n g, now ere a leg , b y t .t . A
.1 ;,-,,., l in every variety iii Way , aud there h as been but one I
Abe proprietor, nothing approacising a shade of vul. •
Land, innf &Ter, .
at . • •• • i one or the bound volunies, which retails from twol
r d auction in thus city tor many years, vioee--tone united and universal voice--saying "al'. i
can find its way arming, the choice representa- • - l ee , Esq., 'lrmo:mite& it Will be divided into!
• iu dollars and a half to three dollars per Wsltime, or
beteg part of the stock of so Eastern Paynibraker. I Allister, your Ointment is good.
done of the Arena, two lots of 29 reel or volume of the Pictorial Family Magazine for
The gold levers in particular are of finest work- , m. . I CONSUaIPTION.—It can hardlyl l' Itl t I
he ere. itei in a •
The afternoon mud evening performances entirely, Four lots ol ground on Market street, situate," •
~ (cat , . s, la47 and '4S. Send only one paper directed as
varied. , aug24-14m • i tnanalt p,
i mid the sale will he positive, comprising 1 'II Is being le I los 11r 1 • ' e Lan o _
between the no o ong no s ere a. a,. . o l. an) eticct upon the lungs, seated as , ghe e au g 99 St
lin part the following, viz : trier are witain the liVAIIIII. liar of placed upon the i - -‘ -
----,-------- Dunlap, on the corner Of Second and Market I cheSt it penetrates•,, ,
LLECTRO MAGNETISM, NATURAL PHILOS6-1 I Detached Gold Patent Lever full Jewelled, with meetly to the lungs, seperates I Wine Cellar and Liquor Store,
streets, and the Wabooon buildings- These loLsl the ' .
PUY AND 'CUE couRT O n DET. 1 ooht cap, No 1207, made
e l J I: Coper London. poisonous particles that are consuming them !Corner of Smithfield and Front Streets
average 111 feet, They are now Offered at a'. r i .1. 1 • t h e . -
11 - NR. COLTON respectfully annimuces that be 1 1 Gold.Lexer 13 bolt.s Jewelled, No 27,134, made iAn ctio t.t icm iron, s y stem, 111?AtE can always be bad, pure Wines a u d.
price, and upon terms that residt.r them tnore , ,
.W •
1 j will give a series of Ler - mune With a great va- Iby Robinson, Liverpool. , ' out m." hi is 'wing' Po'ruta °' cons imp. Uglier:. of all kinds as imported, and war-
eligible for intestmet, than auy
riety of Brilliant Practical Experuireats, in El . I I Detached Gold Lever full Jewelled, No 142,6:,G, , I "" in th '' tion otinued,. althou li we are told it is foolish.' '
ran:ed tr. give satisfaction or the money returned, ,
city. The attentiimof those am, want to pm-
Magnetism, Natural Philosophy sod Chemistry. made by al. J. Tobias. ness, I care not . 'what is said, I 1 '
so one as c" , cure , tin sale in quantities to suit, by
At Philo Halt. I I " " " No 142,657, chase escellent business standsu, :a a reason- , mess , ihe‘i ,„„ d 0 ,,, , ,,,, h ,„
able rate is partial/lark - requessed to them. • 1 aOT9 P. C. NIARTIN•
Commencing on Monday I.;:rening, August 23d, with , 1 o lc .. No 1;12,658, • ' • ; 1 1 I.' a DAC II E.—The Sal ve lax cured persons of ,
A CHANGE eV SMUELFS ARO EXPEIIIREN - ru I"'• " NO 1.0,659, 4th. The lilt on Fourth street, formedY occupied ' the Ili. idache of ten s eat a oitaildn'S mill ult. had it I • '
I . . • Shovels Spades, Forks, Jac.
I"rlth undersigned 1111.1. Leen appointed agent for,
EVER YEV ENIN G. 1 Ladies Gold Watch, second hand; a, a Volocs• Office, has osog a taunt of 29; feet.. r e g ularly esery e5. , ,,5, sr, that vomiting often took ; '' '
The Magnetic Telegraph will be erected in the 1 Silver Duplex Watch, very fine tinieh, made by J and a depth of r , :l feet, more oor les,. The lot 1,1,,ce. 1 the sale of the above articles manufactured hy I
IJ uo. Parris & Co. All orders addressed oil Min furl
Hall, with Galvanic Wares sad Regulators, and mss- Rogers, London. s' . now offered for sale, and the one adjoining it. j Deafness 'and Ear Ache arc helped with like sue- I
such articles will receive prompt attention, at the I
eagea will be transmitted across the Hall oil the I Together with a large variety of Silver Levers, are Mamie.] to be the only lots now in ti-1,,
a wires—the whole construction and operatieu being L'F• ; Ho rizontal,Quartier and other Watches. mrket, lying. beta een Market and Wood , threes races.
1 COLD FEE:T.—Consumption, Liver complaint, I ,tweet u'an n ` au P
e 1 tines, GEO. COCHRAN.
streets, on Fourth, and the rapid rise of Pro - I pains in the chest or aide, falling off the had, ono or I
explained. , Also, Gold liens, Gold ear rings, finger rings and nugl7 No. 26 Wood street.
After the Telegraph, a series of brilliant Philoso- I breast pins; and at the same time, 1 splendid doublel perty on Fourth stro-et, renders it an object to ; 1 i I
Lie older a.. as s accompanic. , cold feet. _
purchasers to make a quick applic,ation. 1 The Sal re will cure et Pry case. 1 Wellsville, Canssgow . & Beaver Packet• :
Alien.] Esperiments will be showu and explained. j barrelled Fowling piece stub and twist patent breech, . . .
For a particular account oldie entertainment, see , a beautiful and finely finished article, made by the • •
'oh A till s uteate at the corner of Smithfield and , In Scroutia, Erssipplas, salt Rheum, Liver com 1 1 _ I.Vre„.A.s. Light Drat' ht Steanier
I'D 1.., New and , g
. .
small bills. ; celebrated Howard. 6th streeta, frontaig on Ntuttlifield :20 fret, and (plaint Sore T. 3 es, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, . , 'a ~......''', - -9, CAIIOI.II E, Ia i , ,
N " tans Master will run be-
At the close of each lecture, the great and ruag- .ig. o "made by Jackson; •et tending idon;: (lilt street to Church alley j Broken or Sire Breast, Piles, all Chest Diseases, such - te.cen Pittsburgh and the 010% e Ports during the sea-1
nificent painting of I 2 Revolving Pistols; • leaving Pittsburgh every Monday
Go feet. On the lot net two tenements ;ti is, as Aatioria, Oppression,P also Imre Lips,o n of how water, • y,
THE COURT OF DEATH, 1t oh Crane's superior Patent Clocks, for the mantel, subj.; et to a groom] rent Of $47 per annum. 11.! ril (Lauds, Tumours, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nurvour ! Wednesday, and Friday, at 0 o'clock, A. Id. and
which runs thirty ilayaa and immediately :oiler i Still be sold al a Net) moderate price to u good I Diseases, and or the Spine there la probably HO ale& ' Wellsville every 'Tuesday, Tliursilay, and Saturday,
Will he exhibited and explained.
Admittance to the triode, 25 cents- Children, half. 1 splendid nialiogany frame st g
trim hair seat Sofa; purchaser. - i 'e i n e no , kni,,ll NO good, .at 7 o'clock, A.M. For freight or passage apply on i
aa j " " " Rocking Chair; •
Gth. A hoilae and lot on, soijoinong
• • I BURNS.—It is the best thing in the world for : buard• jy243.ltf
price;if accompanied by their parents. meg_
1 " tt " Sewing do.; C a olovniader Evans, „,,,, titt i s . Dec „,, l „ a a I Burns. (Relill the Directions amount the boa.) roe Camp Meeting.
__ I
' I mahogany Pier 'fable, with marble top and look- hoarding lllllleertlt Mr. Shileito. Tin. lot 1.1 p!mrLES OS TH V.. FACE—Mriscrilme Skin gross i , me% THE Steam Beat ARRoW, Capt. Wm,
ing glass, a beautiful article. a front of 111 fei.t,_and extends brick to Bre we• I surface, Its first action :a to expe l all humor. li , ,Laf.,,
_,.. .., s tf._',""q IL Gonores. 'lobe Arrow having been
N. 11.—The 'above Watches and articles ran be rushley 1111 feat: the houae is a modern three I will not cease Ira mg till the face is lace from ant t h oro ughly repaired will run regular to the MlKees
ettinined on Saturday, between the hems of 9 and slot, house, with back 1.61.1111g5, with Hp,u matter that may be !edged under the skin, and lore- , port Camp-Meeting, commencing - on Wednesday the
12 o'clock in the lorenoon, and 2 and 5 o'clock in e our. ro oms and entry, mat swe worthy itvr I q uently breakong out to the surfiice, lt then brats • 25th i n st, o ill lea tie ilia Wharf at the MoMiligaliela
the afternoon; it is the best ripportenity offered of attention of purchasers. It will be sold low, lSy hen there is nothing but et ossiteas, or dull repel- ' B ri dge, carry morning it 7:, and eVery I:Yelling at
getting a growl and choice Watch for n considerable a.: the proprietor., suers,
i n phii„d e l l ,,,,,i, „ e d sire surface, it beams to soften and SI)Ilell Mail the '5l o'clock. Returning will Icave s the landing at 2
time, and those in want of such an article, should do not wish to retain property of that deserip- start beroinies as semeth and delicate as II Clilld, 1 o'clock, I , M., and at JO oreloek. at night, continu
eMbrace it. TerMS (2,101, Par !hall, non. • , IVI)101S.-1 I prirents litters :low total most mode ~" ~,,y t hy w hil e the mee ting lasts. pill:AC(1-
nng:2s JAME•S NI'KENN 5, Aiiert , so u , A melee Hood lot on llny street., between I enn
s eine:. were 1./ Children taken inwardfy, they would' ERN Folasa
Valuable Property for Sale. I gtreet and the Boyer, the house three i.totteß be alio, to resort to them. ESpecially *mum - curia: I ire' N. 11. Fee the accommodation of those
l"'"'"ls' , ea", iatilt'd "Inialioatial lozenges," "senile I who live in ALLI.:GIi F.NY CITY, the Arrow will go
hogli. with a basement, having a from of vigil-
W ILL he sold at Auction, on Wednesday, Sep- 1
teen feet on tiny street and ex tenilint; hack the Il'gra- pills, &e. The truth is, no one can tell, in- I liver to that side and land at the Old Bridge, on
tember Ist, at 3 o'clock ,P. M., on the pr 1 ariahly ,li en Worms are present. Now let Me sat' Tuesday e.xenin and take on board Tents Ila :inc.
same breadth 110 11. to an
with the use ' I. g, , gg ,
sus, that valuable lot or ground, knowu as the "City 1 In parents that tlyis Ss); e will alwitys tell if aadold
or the alley. 'The house is wall shed in I , &c..--and alien the meeting breaks up will retain
lIAT SCALE Ler,' being thirty feet in width, by one It will drit c every reatiae. of them a- I
modern style. and is replete walk every Son I ha. worm.. • - , there witlinet extra-charge. Oinnibuses will be in
kandred and sixty in length, running through liensl aev ((lead the threcttons around the loot.) I reouliness to convey persons CO and from the Camp-
Third to Fourth streets, hear the North side Of Wnod
rellience, and will be sold cheap, is order to • • -
close a trust in Casio or er.nlitors. There is probably no medicine on the face or tht. 131.0t1D(1 to the Lauding. aug2l-bid
street. A credit of three, six and nine sears will be earth at once so sure aud so safe in the expulsion ot i
given. ' JAS. B. MURRAY, Chairman I eth. Lot No 50, in;stlie plan of lots laid out 1,3 ~ , , ,, ,, ,hi. I m kYSPF.P S I A , in all its various formst also, Rheu
of Com. on City Property. I Cook F. Cassiitt, salloolnies' hill. Any person .
1011.CT.—Althoosh I have geld I ttle atoout it as i /.../ tnatism; Gout; Apoplexy; and Affections of the
JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. 1 Wishing to purchase for the purpose or toom• a hair restorata ye tel I will stake it against the world: I Head: as Vertigo, Noise in the Ear, Confusion of
I mg, tin SI,C , IIIIIi OII , usdl 1111 d taus lot an advan- - Chet may bring their Cols flu' and I will ' Sight, Numbness and Pain; Intemperance and its ee
near,:in, Ilene tri
. tageons property, restore the hair two easel: to their one. facts; Fevers; Inflammations; Consumption; Scrofu-,
' 901. Three several ground rente, one forty-five 01,1) SORKS.—That seem Sores are an outlet to la; Old Ulcers of the Legs; all diseases of the Skint'
dollars per annum: ant rirsiXteett dollars per i 1,,. i mp , r i t ,,,,,,f Inc ss , teln, i, because they cannot !Salt Rheum; Piles; Cholera; Gravel, &c., have been
annum: and one of twenty-one dollars per ah- Iv a.; MI through the natural channels of the Insensi- I cured in thousands V instances, by the use of Dr.
mum, issuing Mit of mope ty tin ad s treet, near i tile Perspiration. If such sores are healed up the 1 Ralph's Vegetable Villa. For Fait! only in this city by
the Kensington Iron Wort s. . \ lIIIIIIIMICH MUM. ha VC sumo ether nt: tl f .i, hue it w ill en ; es L. CUTH 0 ERT, Agent,
'Oth. The subscriber WIII likee ire sell the follow. l a, , e,
u ,„ lit e . Tkr. i wire „i l l a 1,,,,„,,,, provide, f or I nolgtll Smithfield street, near Thad.
Mg valuable property situated 111 or near the I soot -C o emergencies,
town of Liverpool. Obio. The undivided third Jill KUM A TISM.—It removes almost immediately
part or u tract- 01 ' 1,1 nd Itall'oning said town, bt' . the inflammation and swelling, when the pain o
ing part of Sections Nos. 17 and 23 in town-1 ,„„, ~,5 , ,,,5 •
ship No. 5, of first rauge; containieg, original- FEVERS,—In all cases of fever, the difficulty her
lv. about sixty-seven acres; now reduced by in the pores being locked up, so that the heat rind
fractional sales to forly-taco- acres; the right perspiration cannot pass on'. if the least moisture
of the present proprieter wilteonsist of about could be started the crisis has passed and the danger
fourteen acres when set orr in severally. over. The All-Healing Ointment will in all cases re
- ALSO: fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and bring earth
The undivided 3-4 of a tract of land, con- the l i o n . perapira
Sc leave cured cases tb. actu
Mining, 13 acres adjoining Said town of Liver
pool, being part of Sectieu No 23, in township ally defiend
or every
enty thing
doc known • i as well
man as the a aslihet)
No 5, of first range• of fiftee tw tors. One told
- h a d s p e nt $5OO on his children without any behefit,
ALSO:of land, part of a pied louses of the ointment cured them
The undivided 3..piedwhen a. f. ; • a
CORNS.—Occasional use of the Ointment will al
adjoining the town of Liverpool. Containing. .
keep corns from growing. People need novel
iu the whole, stand 4; acres, being a part 01 "at's . . • •
r be troubled with them il they tail! use it.
fractional Section No. 23, in townslaw No. J,
.. o man can meas
range first. ore its value. So long as the stars roll along over
Ilia Heavens—so long as man treads the euth, sub.
Met to all infinities of the Moats-so long as disease
. and sickness is known just so long will this good
Ointment be used and esteemed. When man cease
es from off the earth, then the demand will cease,
and not till then. JAMES MeALISTER &Co
Sole proprietors of the above Medicine. Price 25
cents per box.
CAUTION.—As the All-Healing Ointment hats
been greatly counterfeited, we have given this Cau
tion to the public that "no Ointment wilt be genuine
unless the names of James Mr , atfintr, Or Janes Mc-
Alister 4- Cu,,. arc WRITTEN with a FEU upon term
label." Now we hereby of a reward of $5O to
be paid on convienen in any of the constituted
courts of the United States, tor any individual coun
terfeiting our mane and Ointment.
corner of Liberty and St. Clair sta. are the whole
sale agents, and L. Wilcox, jr.,corner Market at. and
the Diamonds llays & Brockway, (Druggists No 2,
Commercial Row, Liberty st.; J. H. Cassel, corner el
aValnut and Penn streets., sth ward, and sold at the
Bookstore in Smithfiehl at., 3d door from Second et;
and in Allegheny city by II P. Schwartz, and J. Sar
gent, and by J. G. Smith (Druggist). Birmingham; and
D. Negley, East Liberty; 11. Rowland, McKeesport;
Samuel Walker, Elizabeth; J. Alexander & Son, Mo
nongahela City; N. B. Bowman & Co.; J. T. Rogers,
Brownsville, Pa; Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater; aM
John Barclay, Beaver Pa. . mar 20.
'fin s rintiff,s,
Three Nights More of. the Popular Vocalists. -
ANDREW 5 , SLOON..-Admitt niter 25 ctn.
A GRAND MUSICAL SOIREE, in which will ap
-11 pear, Miss Bruce, Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Phillips;
Mr: Holman. and Mr. Kneass, Estmtv NIGUS THIS
wzrar, - arranged from the best Operas, including 'a
choice selection of the most popular Songs, Melo
dies, &c. ,'of the day. ' M e lo
._ ... . .. .
More New Books at Morse's. i
/PRE Ladies' National Magazine fur September.
• j.. Luibeg's Agricultural Chemistry.
" Annual do.
Hallick's Outlines of Anatomy and Phisiology.
Barr's Fourth Pennsylvania Reports.
Isaac Walton's Works on Angling,, by G. Colton.:
Beatrice the Gunsmith's Daughter.
Story of the Battle of Waterloo, by Rev. G. It.
Glerg. ' I
Tales of the Peerage and the Peasantry, edited by
Lady Dacre.
Graham's Magazine for .September.
Lady's Book..
The Arabian Nights, part 3.
The Black Avenger of the Spanish Main.
• Taylors Counterfeit Detector, with tic-smile of
The Mannal of Cricnet, illustrated.
Jack Sheppard, with 24 fine engravings.
Part 3 and 4 of Miss Pardoe's Louis XIV., and the
Court of France.
The History and Extraordinary Adventures of
Margaret Cutchprile.
Tales of the Spanish Seas, by Herbert.
The Fingers of Fate.
Revelations, 4 , e., by A. J. Davis{ the Pouchkepsie
Clairvoyant, a splendid work.
Fresh Gleanings, or a New Sheaf from the Old
Fields of Continental Europe. Harper & Bro.
History of the Girondists, or Personal Memoirs of
the Patriots in the French Revolution; from uapuh
hshed sources, by Al phonso De Lamertine. '
JUst received ' at Morse's, S., Fourth angi3
V. S. Hotel, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa.
if 7 HE subscriber having leased the above establish
meet, and having refitted and made some materi
l:erations and additionli, is now prepared to ac
commodate his friends and the travelling community
:in the best possible manner. The advantages of
excellent House are peculiar to itself, as those travethl
ling by Canal, particularly in inclement weather, or
landing at midnight, have only to step fatin the pack
et into the beautifully furnished apartments, :where
they will be contented and comfortable. In addi
tion to the extensive accommodations belonging, to
this house, the proprietor has at great expense refit
ted, renovated, and made such additions as will se-,
cure to him the promise of his kind patrons "We'll
call again."
'he Bar, the Dining Room, the Chambers, a
vi nd
Ftp.rtic;tlarly the culinary departments, tic so prod
ed for that we cballange competition anywhere.
'The fare will be of the best tilt market affords, and
the prices liberal.
The proprietor having been engaged in catering
for guests - for many years past in the east, feels as
sured that by strict uttett,tion to business with a
Wa - tchfiii 'eye to die comforts of his guests, he will
deserve a share Of HENRYag
ang2.3-6M L. BURKHOLDER. .
To bet.
A DWELLING HOUSE, with IL front room
a convenient for business, situated in the
Filth ward, between Walnut et. and the Canal bridge.
jy234f It DOSSETT.
, . ,
NQ. 64 1F0,4 5t.2 one door above Fourth, East side,
• . • " • Pittsburgh, Pa.
Funds received on deposit, and col_'
lections made on all the Cities throughout the
rated States. Sight checks on Baltimore, Philadel
phia, New York, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly
for sale in MHOS to suit purchasers.
The paper of the Wag .Kentuaky, Indiana, apd
Virginia Banks. bought and 800 tin and most flynr.
° T iC he t righ . est -iremium paid for Fotoign and Amen
can Gold and Sliver coins.
Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany, and
Franca procured, ticc. marlo-dawy
~•,.:,.,, ' 7.:;,N;:; : t't.
4 e , A
-• • •
- • - -•
•a as—
'Auction 5t11c5.
k,xtra Sale of Jewelry anal Se 6 Shells.
VILE be sold, at M'KENNA'S Auction Rooms,
Vir 114 Wood et., 3 doors from-Fifth, this evening,
Saturday, Aug. 28th, at 8 o'clock, the following arti
deli (being part of a lot of fine Jewel ry;dot included
in advertisement of Pawnbroker's Sale,) viz.: Fine
GoW Guard Chains, suitable for eithei ladies or gen
tleinen; fine' gold Fob Chains, and Seals; fine gold
Ear Riags, Finger. Rings, Breast Pins, &c. Also, a
largo lot of rare and beautiful foreign Sea Shells,
collected bran Officer of the U. S. Navy, dering a
tat Cfuise around the World. It is the largest and
' choicest lot ever offered for sale in this city.
aug2B J. M'KENNA, Auctioneer.
• - -
betintoully situated in front of the Mansion
/louse and grounds, of the Allegheny Cemetery, CO
tending from the Butler road to the Allegheny
Cr, will be offered fur sale at Public Anatol' on the
premises, on Tuesday the 31st day of August, 1847,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. At the same time sundry Ma
' chinery and tools connected with the rope making
business. A plan of the lots and terms or e made
known by GEORGE COC II RAN ,
Attorney in fact for the Proprietors.
augs JAMES M'KENNA, Auct'r.
P 1
Pittsburgh, Pa.
PAR Funds and Currency received on Deposit, and
collections made in all the principal cities of the
United States.
Sight Exchange on Philndel%a, Baltimore, New
York, Boston and Cincinnati constantly for sale in
sums to suit purchasers.
Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylva
nia Bank Notes bought and sold on the most favora
ble tonne.
The highest premium paid for American Gold.
Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and
France procured, 4-c. mar22-y
KRAMER & nAnni,
Corner of Third and Wood sts., directly opposite the
St. Charles Hotel. - my2S
No. SS Markit
Selling rate. Exc
New York pr
Philadelphia 1 $$
Baltimo t ro
Buying rates.
Ohio 1 chlf
Indiana 1 "
Ken 4,4 1 "
Virginia I s'
Wheeling / , q
'rename° • 3 ';
LARD LAMPS and Gas Chandaliers, of
one, two, three and four lights, fur Parlor, Halls,
Hopis, Seam Boats, &c,
or of 14th and 34arli.ct ats.
211Cti011 Saieg.
Administrator's Sale of need L.,talc•
12,800 Acres of Land in TVestern Pennsylvania
(AN Wednesday . , the Sth or September, at 10
clock, A. M.. at.the Commercial Sales !Dnna,
corner !or Wood and 6th sts:. Pittsburgh, Will lie
sold the following described Land, late the property
or James-Tr imby, Sr., deceased, of Harrisbuig.
Fifteen Hundred Acres Of
,which lies in the Coun
ty of Mercer, viz :
Nos. 39, 758 and 760 in Pymatnning township,
Nos. 700, 712 and 710 in Delaware township,
No. 1072 in French Creek township.
Eight Hundred Acres in :he County of Crawford
viz :
Three lots in the town of Liverpool, being
lots Nos. 99, WI, and 110, in the said town i
plat, formerly owned by William Beeler.
27 lots in the town of Liverpool, Nos. 212,
228, 234, 294, 295, 267, 270, 271, 276, 277,
, 678, 279, 293, 295, 296, 207, 302, 311, 312,
347, 326, 324, 3;8, 029, 237, and 244.
The town of Liverpool is about fifty miles below
Pittsburgh, on the Ohio River, and is one of the
must nourishing and thriving villages in Ohio. The
situation is remarkably healthy; the town well built,
with numerous churches and schools; the population
sober ac a industrious; the country around is fertile,
and intersected with good reads in every direction;
and the property offered, will afford to the mechanic
and map of besicese, either Ebr improving or specu
lation, decided advantages, as it will be sold at low
prices, to close a concern in which creditors are in
Attorney at Law,
Office 4th at., between Market and Wood ate.
augl3- Imder.w
S & SON,
reet, Pittsburgl!
hang°. Buying rate.
I Cincinnati I dis
S.. Lpuis 44
Buying rates.
County &City ord's I die
Relief notes I '•
Pennsylvania Co d
New York 1
Maryland 1 r,
Now Orlpans
• •
‘-‘ X
The three undivided fourth parts of four lots
In the town of Kerist Liverpool, being Nos. 41,
124, 130 and 140.
' •,- 4 ."‘„ ' ALSO:
Tht undivided fourth finnan piece ofland,
in the vicinity of said town . ofLiverpord, Con
taining between seven and eight acres, bound
ed on the north by lands of John Allison, and
others; on the south, by lands 0^ Isabella
Fawcett; and no. the West by other lands of
Janes Blakely-
- -
Brown Lawns:
A A. MASON, No. 62 Market st., has receive
29 pieces new style Brown Lawns. jog.
~i".~.';F; : Yt~'t%:gage::+.a ., ~ , tia „4,,...e,.Y+•a...- ~~ mam ` ic ' .= ;
Impo . rted Segars,; etc;
T "' lovers of good Segars and 'TobaCcO, are re
spectfully informed, that thosubscriber has just
received an extensive assortment of the most approv
ed brands, among them the Ibllov . ang,. viz, 7
Victoria, Plantation, Principe, •Venus Rega " lia,
Regalia, Pagorra's, Eugene's, Common
Also, a few Boxes of "Sillhier'S Fut," a
celebrated chewing tobacco .
nue Druggist, Fifth and Wood t. 9
igr Chronicle and Gazette cony.
Collections in Unties-, Diereer. oto.
THE subscriber proposes to start on Monday the
30th inat., on a Collecting Tour, through But
ler, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, Clarion, Venango and
Armstrong counties. He respectfully requests ail
who. may hare claims to collect in the sections above
named, to confide them to his charge.
Refer to the editors or the various city papers,
and to Smith & Sinclair.
autll-t3oth J. C. ractilw..
Reduced Prices. -
_N A M kStiN. 62 Market street, invites the .
. attention of WI purchasers of Dry Goods, to
his large stock or New Goods, Fancy and Staple.
Being anxious to close cif the whole of our. Spring
and Summer fabrics, they will be offered at such
prices as will attract buyers, and to make it still
more attraotive,all the Goods will be offered at equal
low rates.
Our assortimint of Shawls, is very large, portico
' larly Summer Shawls, new styles.
(tar extensive stook iir itoraites, M D'Laines, Dross
Plaids, Lawns, Jaconetts, Hrgandies, Embroidered
7Arluslins, Brillientecs, Linen Ginghains, French and
(Scotch Gingliams, and Prints.
Furnishing or House keeping Goods, Linens, 'Mos.
tins, Flannets, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, bro., nod eve
ry thing for Men and Boys, all of which - will be sold
1 at at very low rates. ii 21 .
r ,471. 7 0...; sago To and Pr om
GEORGE RIPPARD 4 - SON, No. 13.1 Waterloo Rout',
CAntistc. & RIPPARI), N 0.58, South st., N. Vo.t.
this Subscribers, having accepted the agency at
City, of the above well known Mid re.ipecta
ble Houses, are prepared to make engagements ford
passengers to mine out etlnn Orly. part o r G r e a t
Britain and Ireland, by the regular Line of Packet!
Ships, sailing front Liverpool weekly. Persons en
gaging with us may' - rest assured that their friends
will meet with kind treatment and prompt despatch
at Liverpool, as well as every attention necassary on
I their arrival in this count, y. Apply to or address
No. 142 Liberty St., Pittsburgh.
N. 13.—Paggage engaged here front Liverpool to
Pittsbuigh direct, and Drabs for any ainbunt Mr
warded, payable at Sight, throughout the United
Kingdom. .12i261
Boots, shoes, Trunks, etc. -
liHu)l,l,4•lAQ.L.r.Eimaiiil It i e s •l,. ib l e lo rt o v - r , sit S e i e f t oE . , a a r lid y
opposite the head of Wood, F. & LI, have in store
and aro receiving their Fall and Winter stock of
owns, su()Es, &c. consisting of the largest stock
that , taco ever been able to bring to this market.
Our stock of goods have mostly been manufactured
to our order, and expressly lor the Pittsburgh market.
We also have constantly on hand a splendid stock
of Hayward', Metalic Gant Elastic Shoes, both for
Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, the most beautiful ,
article ever, manufactured. We would solicit an
examinatiStPuf our stock of goods, by all who wish
to purchase either at wholesale, or retail, as we shall
sell at email advance above cost , etluotry Alerchants
will find it to their interest to call and examine our
stuck before purchasing.
No 356 LibertF_st., Pittsburgh.
Sale of Pittsburgh Gas stock.
MOTICE is hereby given, that the Trustees have
ill( postponed the opening of hooks, to receive sub
scriptions for an increase of the stock of the Pao
lo gh Gas Works, [as directed by , Ordinance of 28th
June, 1841. J until Thursday the keth day of August
nest, on which day the books Will be re-opened ati
the office of Messrs. Hussey, Hanna is Co., in the
city of Pittsburgh, between the hours of 10 and 4'
o'clock of said day, and to continue fro day to
day until otherwise ordered. jy29-2ty
Spaninn Dloss: I
HE subscribers have, and will continue to keep
Ton hand MOSS of very superior duality, in bales
nil half bales, which they will sell at a reduced
arice, at their File Factory, Fifth Ward.
Praug23-d3m J. ANKIUM 6; CO.
r ot..
" 'o ckholders of the Farmer's Deposit Bank
of Pittshnrgh, intend making applicatiop to the
next Legisfatgre for such alteration of their charter
as will give them Banking privileges I or, if deemed
expedient, will ask to be incorporated as a new
Bank. By order pf the Board of Directors.
, w6rn THOMPSON DELL, Cashier,.
eMilran oraftWfif grNP FffPwft! sTREETs•
WATCHES, Silver .ware, jewelry, Fancy Goode,
Military Goods, I.iate4t. Solar Lard Lamps,
Gold Pens, Spectacles, Capes, Mathematical instru,
Monts, Surveyor' Cginggsscs, Clo4s, P.lactro,Mag,
netic Machines for Medical purposes. Diamonds for
Glar,iers and. Glass Cutteis, Trimmings for Regalia,
Mantel Ornaments, Girandoles, Caudlebras, Corn,
mon Ware, Tea Trays, e 4c. &c,
. ..
On the Seventh of December next, .. •
• Titi3il3En'oNi. or
A Daily Journal `of Government, Lesislatice, and
• General Nei s. • ' •
T . ..
HE SUBSCRIB now. enabled. o a nno u ncenn
the completion. of Isis arrangements far the'es
tablishinettt of a Well tirganiXoil
. and.'lndependent
Journal of News at the Seat'of the General Goiein
' merit.
I The leading features of the United States Reporter
I will be the following: .
I. Early intelligence of the movements of the va
rious Deparithents tit the Government, in reference
to domestic affairs and to the foreign relaticrhs of the
country, will be given with scrupulous fidslity. Pas-
1 sessing.peettlior facilities for obtaining information, i
the "Iteporteo. , will be enabled frequently to coat-.
municate, exclusively, intolligenve of the most im-
portant character.
11. The Verbal . = .12eports of the Pioceedings and
Delude; of the United States' Senate, which the pro-1
rTeter is bound to furnish daily to that body, in ac
cordance with the ternig - of the contract made at the'
close of the last session of Congress. The arrange
-1 ments now matle,will at once fully secure to the Se
nate of the United States an authentic and complete
record of its debates; and to the peoplo , --in a greatly
enlarged degree--the benefit of tho experience, sa
gacity, and statesmanship of that body,to which they
hare ever looked with solicitous and respectful re
gard. -
111. The Proceeding; and Debates in the house of
Repraentatives will also he given, with fullness, on
partiality, and the utmost promptitude: Each day's
record will be completely made up, and appear in
the 'Reporter' next morning.
IV. A Synoptical Flew of the Proceedings and De- ,
bales of all the State Legislatures will be regularly
given. Members of Congress, and all classes of
readers, will thus be kept Ihlly and system:it:rally
informed of domestic legislation in all sections of
the United States. • -
V. Early intelligence of all important movements !
in the Legislatures of Great Britain and France will
be communicated by every steamer from Europe,
through reporters-in London and Paris, who possess
peculiar ficilities for obtaining information.
VI. Reports of the arguments before the Supreme
I Court V- Me United Stales. • This department will be
conducted so as to render the 'United States Repos
ter' indispensable to every lawyer in the country.
VII. The. General News of Ike Day will bcviven
in a condensed form, with industry and attention.
Such is a brief view of what the "United States
Reporter" is designed to be. All the plans and ar
ranuements have been well math - led, and the hope is
confidently cherished, that the 'United States Re
porter' will prove itself an energetic, induvrions,
dignified, and perfectly independent journal. It will
have no party views—r-no political bias. The pro.
prietor, by the terms of Iris contract with the Senate
of the need States, is-bound to the condition that
"the aper shall contain no political discussions ex
cept the debates." It wili be a vehicle or•news—
nut the organ of any set of opinions. The grand
aim of the subscriber is to establish at the seat of
Government a faithful and prompt reporter of till
sorts of intelligence--a riven-sib& agent, on which
the politician, the business man, the manufacturer,
the mechanic, and everrnne interested. in the affairs
of Congrr ss and the - Government, may rely at all
Hi - Mies with implicit confidence.
It ia believed that the establishment of such a re
liable journal of intelligence, on terms which places
it within the reach of the great masses oldie people,
at the cernmenceinent of what promises to be a most
8 tereiting and eventful period in the history ofCon- i
sessional proceedings, will he regarded with favor
y all classes Of the counnunity; and, having thus.,
ate& his objects, the subscriber respectfully solicits 1
pliberal.and general support from the enlightened
lathe of the United Stit-s. 1
Stenogra.plier to the Senate of the U. S.;
The "United States Reporter" will be printed on
a large and handsome sheet, and issued every m •rn-
ing, except Sunday, at the rate of six dollars per an- I
IleSe; single copies, two cents. -
In connection with the daily paper, there will be I
issued Rom the same establishment, i
This publication will contain exclusively the re:
ports of the proceedings and debates of the Con- 1
grass of the United States, It will be issued semi- 1
weekly, in elegant quarto form, throughout the ses
siona of Congress, and will be furnished to pubscri. l
bees at the rate of two dollars for the long session,l
and one dollar for the short session. It is believed
that this great national work will be - deemed indis
pensable in the library of every public institution,
politician, and professional man, throughout the
country; and that it will be regarded by the great
mass of the people as the very best political text
book fur Lima own instruction and that of their
children. i.---- .. .
anportant Announcement.
Throughout the se ,, sious of Congress,. Rxtras Avill
be issued from the office of the "United States Re
porter," containing the reports or all such debates
as may possess particularly exciting interest.
All subscriptions and communicatiGns to be post
paid addressed "J. A. Houston, United States Re
porter, Washington, D. C." jy3o
Tu. ..T.,.......
T" pleasuring department of this fine and exten
. sive entabindunent is now open and we are ready
to serve up tc %haters Ics. CI:MAUS, SWEET-MEATS,
CAI: r. FRUITS, COOL I)FilliKi,, and all the various re
freshMents attic cease n.
The proprietors most respectfully invite the xc
spectable citizens to call and see the A tbenxum for
' themselves, as they are flattered that in ell its differ-
I ent departments it eannet be surpassed, and certain
ly in die most pleasant resort in the city.
The BATH departments, both LADIES' and GrsTr.r..-
MEN'S, arc unequaled fur elegance, neatness, and
comfort, by any in the country; and the Ladies' Par
lors will eliallanga a comparison for richness, neat
ness and ',minty, with those of any similar establish
-1 merit to be found any where.
The great Saloon, with its ancient, chaste, and
classic Fountain, is a place of the must striking
Rooms are fitted up at which Gentlemen, alone,
can have Lunch and Itelieshments at all hours of the
day. The great Saloon is common to both Ladies
:rid Gentlemen ; entrance at the TWO columns. The
Ladies' Parlors. exclusive, for Ladies—entrance at
the-vintz columns.
augt3 • PECK, THOIviPSON & CD
Poe Sale,
IFOUIt LOTS--Bounded by Penn, Lil•erty and Hay
' sts., each lot having 24 ft. front, and extending
lack 110 It. Two of them arc corner lots, and the
osition of the whole property is one of the mostad
antageous in the city. For further information ap
ly to M. SWARTZWELDER, Fourth st.
nov3-tf bet. Wood and Smithfied.
clatelpiaatl, Ohio.
1111 IF, next Fall and Winter course of Lectures
1 commences in this institution on the first Mon
day in November, and continues four months, which
is immediately succeeded by the Spring and Summer
session, which alsO continues four months. A grat
uitous preliminary course commences on the first:
Monday in October, and continues one mouth.
13. L. Hill IL D. Anatoiny and Operative Sur-
L. E. Jones M. D. Materia, Therapeutics
and Botany. a, 10,00.
J. 11. Oliver M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy 10,00
W. Beach M. D. Surgery and Clinical Medi
cine I, 00
A. IL Bahlridge AL. D. Obstetrics and Dis
eases of Women and Children, 3,00
T. V. Morrow M. D. Pathology, Theory and
Practice of Medicine. , 10,00
Matriculation Ticket. $3. Use of Library $.2.
G raduatio n Fee $4O. Demonstrator's Ticket $3, op.,
$lO O paid on or before the first. Monday in 14ot:cat
tier next, will be received for tuition in full of one
student. Or $5O paid by the first of October next,
will secure all the tickets for ono full course ;:the
Demonstrator's ticketoise of 'Library and Matricula
tion ticket excepted. The - Institute received its
charter in 1840. The College edifice is situated at
the owner of Court and Plum streets. The Course,
of instruction will embrace every thing of value,
known and tomtit in the Old' Medi.eal Colleges,os
well as the Reformed and Botanical School of Medi
eine. Six' or Seven leettifes will be given
Board from $2,50 to $3,00 per week. Candidates
for graduation, in addition to the prelintinary tortn,o l
study, mu=t have attended two full'courses 'some
legally incorporated Medical College, the last of
whichmust be , in this or one - course after four years
practice. .
All letters soliCiting further inforMation,Or con,'
taining money for, the Faculty, mutt be addressed
- to the undersigned [post paid.] Notes of solvent
Banks of the States in which students reside, will be
received inpayment of Fees.
T. V.IOII.ROW, M. D. Dean of the Faculty;
Cin..lgly 17, 11447.—Cin En/. 7y2llustl
-------------_ -
Situation Wooten...• ,
. .. ,
YUNG MAN, who has had some experience
A in the Grocery Blesientsei i. has a fair knowledge
of Book-Xeeping ; and writes a gond business hand.,
is anxinitu to obtain; a situation in Pittsburgh, He
would be willing to 4ccepi a moderate nompernation,
A nap addressed te".P..„ office Odic :morning Pont?
will imptediate ' jY
Dr A. Wi' Dll, - rfr, - , —.- - •
-11),11.--S!CIAN ANRSIJRGPON, COCO No 8, - st,
C per st reet? fneslough, ' . jY2O
• - "••
- • _ ••
• . . • 1
Who „Meet •ll:seciumitlizik
To. cure ErdpiimsOnftDisligiireo)ettls - of the.Skini
Pimples, Frickles,-Sutibifitc.,:Salt akittm.,:Seuivy4
Sore Heads;Are..te. 4-c. •
°WI - years ago last August, the napital of Franco;
was astonished in consequence of a discovery
made by an Italian Chemist. Man y d
ed almost an impossibility, that ; any
. thieg ,madety
the hands o 1 -man, cotild•haye such singular;powers
as that claimed by Anzortio Vzsenzat for : his givens...
tion. Many classed him and WS invention as a hums
bug, (and, alasF many foolish persons wi(nout trying,
do the same now;) at length, alter testing it in the
hospitals, the Medical Society of Paris,Atlie
chemists in the world) delivere.dtho following report
to Signor Vesprini :
"We have now minutely carefully amine
the singular inventiortof Vesprini. We have analyz
ed its component parts— , we have used it in several
cases, and we hesitate not to , pronounce- it (The'
Italian Chemical Setif)) as a great blessing, and. ft
truly wonderful remedy for any cutaneous eruption
or disfigurement of the. skin. Its inventory() 06(14
sider the truu philanthropist of suffering mankind::
(Signed) - • LEOPOLD -DUPR.E.Y,...Prea.,i
Then comes the report of the 4 cgociete de I.lnstt.;,".
tute,” of scientific experiments . •
i , We areastounded," ogclailns the aged president s •,
6i at this :jugular preparation : —Vesprini 8 ' ' tallest
Chemical Soap ! Where, indeed, will SeIOTICEI Step :-
Here we have a preparation made in the lona' or a
beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actuat
practice, to Mire every eutaneous eruption, 'every
disfigurement of; and oven discolorid.skinl . Where
will its magic and singular power,cease t - .The Nei.
gre, the Creole, the Yellow_Eace of the East, AA ,-
the lied Man ofthe Far NV est,erealik e under the .
fluence of its extraordinary pOwbra of -clearing yel
low or discolored skin, and make it white iind . beau,
tiful, and of changing the color of dark, or blacki'ot
brown skin) , (Ilere at: oral personi were brought
forward by the president, who had used it, in proof:
of his assertions.)
rum Tot tsivmeron nrsismr 171 -
Parts, Nov 4,11340,
In consideration attic . aum of ,§16913,4 haie'dh ,
vulged to Me. T. JONES, residing in the City of Now
York, N. A., the. whole process of .triattufacAttitigie
together with - ateinent of the ingredionts compoa
ieg m y Italian. Clietnioal Soap. He is to.tnanofao
to re it ihr sale in 14e United States only, and to have
the privilege of naming it 4‘lipies'sßatigrx.eittin44l
Witness, Uonry }loldnwortb. • -
There are probably fewpersons of intelligence,
who, slier reading the above, :will doubt the
tics of Jones's Italian Chemical - pmp, in curing
Eruntions;-llisligurements, Freelle§i Salt Rheum,
Scur - iry, Erisypelas,,Sun,burn, .11Ioryhew,
low or Brown Skin, &c, Should there_beimenfperr
sons, perhaps the following. recommendations, an
well as hundred§ front otheras.tiafßailVinee theM,
-..,r•For sale by W. JACKetN, Jegent,4 conier ar
Wood and Liberty streets; life only place. in,Pitts:
burgh where , the GENtrink' be .obtained;= ALL.
(mines ARE C,OUNTF.REEIT.. - • . jari2s " •
_ •• • • •
• . • 'ben-Ozer tore,. • • • •
- • • _ .•
JUST IiECKI. I I ED and .for sale byrSancol.vrOliiii;,
No. 0 Wood Street, corner of Dimwond Alley i
1100_ sides New York Sole. Leather
1000' do . . • • Baltimore • dd. - •
25 doz. Morocco and Kid Skins,. • •
45 do. Lining 'Skinv,,rod:;lnd white;
S do.-Biddiol. do. • • :.;.. _.;
ShoctuakenETltveadi green- and - Whitei •
at different prices. • .
600 lbs. Shoe Sparables,:onstern make; togquier...
with a large assortment of findings of every •descrip- .: '.'l
tion, suitable for sliiiemakdis: • -• •• •
Also, a lot of Cal fskins and Upper Leather. • -• •
Having purchased my stock.of Leather berbrO. tho 7
last rise took pliee, I am, determined to sell:lower •
than can be fouid in the city of. - the same quality,
:or cash. fangl9) 'SAWIEL-M'CLAIIC,•_•,- •
Steuben;ille Union copy. to
charge advertiser. •
w ni- A LV.:KANDEIt _
Offirt Makers rind Furdshing Uadatakers,
. ,
friends, aid the ptiblie,that they
'are prepared to.feraisli and al,
' tend_ to every thing in the line':
-of Undertakers, as they have
quit the busineaz of Cabinet Making, and flair
Lion will, be devoted altogether to the above•busi... -
ness, keep a large assortment of COFPDTS made and
finished, covered, and lined in the neamatmarinei,'
with a variety of materials, and at all prices; we
keep 511 ROU D ready made, of all siaes t of Flannel,
Canticle, and Mnslin, at all prices, and made in the'
eastern style, and all other articles neeersarrfor
dressing the dead, and furnishing itmatale, of 9uali4 .
ty and prices to suit; SILVER PLATERfor engraft!.
ing the name and age; ICE CASES for laying the:
body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends;
any length of time, and base ZINC PANS to put ice
in Tor laying on the body;' LEADEN Coffins always
on land. We-have a splendid naw-I-lEMISE' anti;
.1 pair of fine
,harses, and any number of the :best
carriages, ete4eta., cod Will be promo,. peectgai,
and reasenablo. angl9-Y.
lattgst liroprorevoeisf.
with _
BEDSTEADS 'of di ff erent kinds th Ganalitso,
irdn patent fastenings, superior to itnythirig.natc
in•use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse -
augl ' T. 13. YOUNG ~S• CU., traiiii 84-1
Olito River Telegraph. •
From Pittsburgh to Cincinnati and Lotrisellic.
SUBSCIIII3F.RS to the above stock, residing in or
near the city, are requested to pay to Jonlica:
Hanna, Agont of the Company, an instalment.
percent. tqs the inst. By'order of the COMO.:
ny. o , RELLLY -r ,
au.1.1 Contractor for continuation of Sabi line
N the Court of Quarter Sossiors
I and for the County of Allegheny r
In the matter of the proposed alter
ation of the division lines of the No. 5, lone
Townships of Jefferson, 13aldw'n, Term,"1.841.;•.
and Miffiin. -
The undersigned, upon the Petition of divers.eiti
zees of the Townships of Jefferson,
I‘l:ffiln, playing fur the alteration of the Allusion;
lines, of said Townships, were appointed hi the
Court Commissioners to inquire into the proprleiy3
o olgr a nting the praye of the .petiaonerti, and repiut
their opinion of the same, at the neat Tem
This is to. give notice, that the undersigned
meet, for tho purposes of lheir anpointrnerit„af the
(louse of Mts. Pressly Irwin, in Haldwin Township,
on Monday the 4th day of October.,next,at 'lO ter,
chalk, A. 31., at which. time and Plane "al/ Para° 44
interested .will be heard, if present. . .
aug,l4.dlm THOMAS FARLEY.
I give notice, ihitt the Theaters are now prepared
IRON, deliverable in 1 and 1849, to an acneunt .
not exceeding Fifteen 'ThouSand TUBS.
For information, apply a,t the ollice,:Nii.7oW4Li;
NUT street, Philadelphia.
auglo-42w S. MERRICK,VreSideni. :7,
New Tiork Boot amid Shoe:Store.. - -, '
No. 122, Wood st., Pittsburgh, . • ~-, -:,_ •
1 S. DALZELL has on hand; and is
constantly manufacturing to order, !!'"'"--;-. "'
the following named -articles , GclitlelneOr
Fine Dress Boots and fihocs, of the latest fashient.
remarkably low pricos. Vine Dress Boots at OP),
such as is usually soldin other stores at, 416,01); ; --A:
good plain well made calf Boot at $4,00,... All other
kinds,Dl work equally low; - Also, a good - land fa
assortment of Ladies', Misses , andChildren'aßoots,'
Shoes, Gaiters, Half Ctilats,'Bpskins .tuid-Slippers,-
of the most substantial_ kind to lbe very finest dress
`S, D. being a practical shoe-maker attends to the;
manufacturing of his. own work; and has it . „....done in
the most substantial manner, yet neat. styte;:-
. and.
having adopted the motto of small profits and quick
ramie, will sell as low as the lowest. Dria.264l3t*
- .
• . -DTIFF,S - •
• Corner of Fifth and Market Street-
pins is the only IniiitutiOn Westerrr Penitsyl‘
rarda,.wherc,i,he theory and pinetice•of-Book
Keeping inn be learnt:din such rerfectioniae to en.
able the learner. to apply.iheanirnce at once. to bowl.
ness. !fliese unacquainted with Mr. D.'S plfirCor
instruction , can-hare any number of - references to
persons in the city who arc keeping books; aid
who hare been qualified tiir the business by the pre
vious training they received in lneazadetny. Hour
of business during summer,froo a to 4 and..7l to 9.
1) *M' •
- . .
ansbantni cmtpjoiiteit.. viuld niagneita,
rr tits is a•mild, safe and elegant Anti , ntid and
j..Aperient being a perfect solution of chemical;
ly pure, carbonate of Magnesia watery
all tbe medical qualities of the &neg., preparatinni Af
magnesia , w ith o ut being , form Aoliciatiehti
in thebovvols, or te not injuriously uport the Oasts - of
;the stoma.h One table ttoeliful of - the Finiti Mag
nesia is - equivalent in ettlength to half a„teaspoonful
of eqinitionAlag,nasia. , For sale by
EA A."Ppik Er. pg.
cor lit anti R ood, and 1tY, 01 4 SreA ol o- 1 0,4: