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(* 0 ' / „ 0 4'/ 4 0, it I' 00f - 0 0 Fs l''' . % '0 . 0• 0. - ' r Ng ~ 'A - / a i t • / . )g_ o, 4_ g', 0? •A- • /;.• ~. .._ .• • • • • , ••,•• •.,..c,, /• o 4 ip, "/„...0, 7....,,, ~.., .i....,,.06,.. ....., ••.-- • , - • . , t,.... „ z , a 50 , . ,•, ••,,,,,,,,_. . .- • .„, . . v 6 • . - • -, . • -t , (.5 , -i tl . ~,,. x. .; , • : „. .. _.. . . ~, . ~„.$4, „•• - 0 - . ...,_ •-•,...,...„. • • .. ! • , • . . .._. , VOL. VI.--NO. 23. . . . . PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY L. HARPER, N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Sts. TER3IS.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Six dollars will invariably be required if not paid within the year. Single copies, Two cr.srrs—for sale at the counter of the Office, and by News Buys. TB:BIWEEKLY MERCURY AND MANUFACTURER Is pubDshed at the same office, on a double medium sheet,lat TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance; sin gle copies, surcErrrs. Terms of A. PER 65LUAILE OF TR , tOne insertion, $0 50 Two ,!do, 0 75 Threroulo, 1 00 One week, 1 50 Tvio ado, 3 00 •3'ihreodo, 4 00 *Yearly Adv , cwArtheAßLE One aTnaFe. Six month, $l5 00 Thie year, 20 00 Larg r advertisements' irr C : mrns•of firer lines 1 111hatn TerOliNEW A.T . L.AM and Solicitor in Chance ri nlDte on Fourth -street, third door abJv Smithfield, Pittibtrrek.. aplo Magraw & 111Mulght, ATTOILNEYS AT LAW, hare removed their office to Fourth street, one door from Grant, -forth side, opposite Alderman Millers office. apr 6-411 John J. Mitchel. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office on Smithfield street, a few doors above I:Diamond alley. N. B.—Callectione made on moderate terms. my 26, )11 , Clowry, 2TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR .1T LAW' OFFICE in Bakew . ell's Building . .. on Graf:anyone ja9 '47-ly Removal. D. ROBERT SNYDER, has removed hie of fi ce to Fourth street, between Wood and SoithSeld acct door to Rody Patterson's Livery StaLle marls-Iy, L% isslatiagtoss Rotel, PATTEILSON'S BAZAR AND LIVERY STABLE. y Ytti;..s AILVIsef RoN( r , Proprietor, Corner of St-1 CHAS.If. POI, LestsN itt Clair and Penn streets,, Pittsburgh, the propel( 1 N. B The Fall F • asli on for lll's and C pes Ye co v. HORSLS AND t. tRIII.IGEC FOR HIRE. tor begs lease to return his moat ire ithelisl thanks to , of sr rny Rod) Past onion, his friends and the ouhlse tor poet favors, and hopes, ' - - r T AN IIG dissolved partnership with his brother, A% ivolv•ule Shoe store. by attention, to Merit a continaa , ion oftheir patron.l II CHILD , . & (ee are now I J the undersigted no. informs the public and age. fi e 1,,,„,„,, plea ki r.l ) s Laurel sitar the Ka 1 r'e e e e teir his tro rids that he is prepare/I to furnish at his newly change; it lihs accommexiatione for travelers, and a i spore: seilePlee•, cfloat'a'ng 'Won' „f ret t erelLta d anal e ate nsiv e estalthshment on the 1 sg ,, s, cheapen[ and to st assort 1 /aorta !': Ca r, biles-es s hire, d and Smethileid, Imre room for public meetocgs, d i.ser or supper par- mcnt of Boots and Show that toes Laic ever been Horses and Carriages for and for all other tic's (able to brine to Dos market Also, Ladies' and 1 bran - ches COll heeled with lila line of business. 1 Itetirehmentst aluars ready , or preps - eel nn th e shortest notice, with tic 05ii,5,..,,,t the Market ~,,, i 1 a ll! Mia)l a• Flarenee Braid, and eettra. Boone ts, of thel His horses, c ler ther for Paddle or harness are of lath at stye, together with a splenel d assortment o f 1 ford t.aseters and Usenet Soup, also Fresh Shei. the finest dose ription, as they have been selected I (haters, rice osed et-eq.", dig arsi.rog the sraillian. Clic It - 1 " ) Le`nd lints, Mt re's and Buy's sunsuit r Cao, and purchased with great care and expense fur this i greatest care has heels taken re Ike isselys to ils o f isms 9 I 11so, a larg. 'et toe Ns. 5 oil, Taniirelsoe. 1 (ails. r, purpose 1.1111 of which hat Set been purchase d at the lota est Coital AGES, and liquors A tar, t„) of OE, yara r. ate rt,, , alailv i )1 / tiled in the esettlilisliment, i rates, and reelected with great care for the at estern W hich are of cesery de seriptlon are new, and costly, 1 P 5.A slot Luneb stencil up crery slay at 11, A. l trade', will be 0 , id at a es. e ‘ l l advance above cost and hale the most modern improevements •' M ~, le , 1 charges. %it tne • re-haute .. • loos to pore ha- , • w ill l ln short thesubscriber flatters himself that his 1 - —__ -- 'God tto to their Teter .t to call nno slara'•Pe their stuck ; slunsES, SW 1.113 AND CAPJOINGUD JAMES PITFIELD. Dr. Daniel Ill'llcal. I Exchange Hotel, -- . lre lora• parch .s nu civic LerC In -27 if .11110 e found coeseeptionable, and arc let at reason- ICF. on Smithfield, three doors from S,ath st , rIORN ER OF PENN AND ST. ( 1 AIR STS., NI- . , able rates. 1 - 1, SCUL A P I A., or the White Sulphur and, _ O FF Pittsbargh. dct II:L y , 1 1, „c LEN liltoWN (auras rye it frnis it 00 per _ John D. On, ts, AISO. ILA' Cha'ybeate Springs of Lewis county, Ky. The Dr. George Watt, ,day;Theo ndi rearmed, forme rive of the Merchants 1 4 IL( TION Ft It & i oll'.llSeste es, vet peal? %veer 1 11, is f ul l , Livery, ano n : J e w, d re e a li d g y ht fo fu r l tiv:eatreercienpg-riro)lnacoef o,irs,stsolizeurndreerseithrt: I prepare dto receive 'tones at direction of Michael Fear, Fsri , late and for many. O FFICE, No 77 sonethheld street, near Sixth st , tn' e corn " "I Rood nnd I h '` d ''''" " 11 Ica ' n d -t. ( e'er" , or v• 'end and i it . l ... M . 'S, P ttshurgh by t n e day, vveek, or year, and Drosers and dealers iihg2 ,„, 1 t h, te nor Olt llidlrllitnent, and furnished et anew 1 s read tto rt.. ire me • •e'l itidisi ..f iti .1 , del, rlptlo n ' a l io in s , 3.13 h to despose of their Horses or Carriages, yr ars or the Looisville Hotel MT Kean and Lady Pittsburgh ih r „,,,,i,0, I, with new beds new bedding and nes -I ,m r anvig roe ut h., p..eei e or pr Ito el . • , snit Imo, e,„ h e ~,,iim,,,latedo as he Is 5 ell prepared with P. flume, furniture tonal care his been taken to till his Cal. tong rem (wpm a the above baser e s ttatter a I Joist II able to 41.. • • flute ant , •lection to nil I lad: have the active management of the entire board -1 in g d e t o e re ,,, t r u e , howling t p , ,,, I LI r n . , a and d r., Hitchcock ther a ftlte amusements; b a a n r d , I 110 ANO FORTE manufacturer and de tier in Mu iar with the choicest viands 1 handsome anunibut ; d i st he ,s dh, s h ; sowing and • theds for the purpose. C kaRTAGES 1 meal Instruments, No 112 44 trod street, near ' „„ d „1.„ g „,,, „, z , „,, pro% des/ tor the use 0,1 h is' , ari a . In, tarsi him vaitit thin Pt r • 1., e r . Fifth nor 19 goe•t•,,,,d a Porter will be in tit. • tidanci at all hour• 1 14,, , u'ar salsa e'n Mondays and Pi•'red., •of Dr% For those win AA Ii ml her to buy, hire or sell, he Can br bell on commission for sale, or on stortere 1 ntorcl, Mr Bliss either , springs, bath houses, stables, horses, 1 carrtages, L - e &se J. Dryar, Ito meet the demands of the truss Ila r no lung en- , Good., and 1 ~,, , „ s . ,i, , at Hy „ i i t , k A : ,, h e. 1, snow.s slide to us, 0 eamptiste uts.t,tt s on , . I yr. rie i lit, in, Imin i act , r , I artist ca, , r 1,,, eee r „,„ perien, cor tho in da rsi„,aned re lb. huntiossa ass re a , 111 r a 're ' • at to 0 O'eltatk, -- ' IL. PA r f ERSON. ; Messrs OMFt F, .M. Weedoo, Stag Proprietors j) ECTIFI ING DISTILLER. and . bide sale deal l !hint that his earnest Otlrpose to ratist, all who rail, nose sod second :,and fornithre Sc.c. , of Maysville, will ran a regular four horse PosrCoach - lA, or in Parings, and Dorn. Mae Wthes and Liquors, Cannot to Unities eseal He feu. allcerittaOr at lit. l P. 51 SMITH A. SINCLAIR., to the Springs every Monday, or aril Fri- No 114 Liberty street, and J 3 Diamond Alley, Pitts 1 al_ I env to ,romans his visitors 3 sonillorilislat an 1 i leant. 1 S I),a 1,1 sis sy ,ortir•z . I owl s . 4 , 9 1,0 t , ~,,, .19 y i fLiTt ataraTlN 8. SatITH 1 day of the season, and furnish horses and carriages burgh, Pa IYeee V ; abode, the rat entertainment, and a hearty ore rogue 55 110LFS k I,F„ 1.1101 CR'e , , PRODI CF. AND at all other Omen to those wishing to a isit Esculapta. Hugh, Artery , lat a moderate ezieensc. AILL'. 1 / 150 Ye : 5 I ' ITLSOIRGII (HAIR IND CABIAET It ARF.HOLSE. , CONIMIsSION MERCII ANTS, ; Persons prefe-sng the Yanceburg route will do vvell QC RGEON DENTIST, lIS Lib( rty street, a le. ; ai ,3_,i t f I 9h, Wood btreet, Pittsburgh, i to take the Portsmouth packet Scioto to rencebur 1 No. 5.1, l'hisd street, Pitt•teurg h. g K . , doors blo. St Clair st , Pittsburgh ap2Sl - __. _ ___ Tne ern lersegned hal tug entered into partnership, on Tuesday , Thursday or Saturday ) when they oil! fluent Di•trit t Hotel• T ill. recces., rile re s ral d rr apectlully ret irri their , ' than.. to the ir Ito - tolls and the poi, ic, for chi Ogden d... Snow& den, T '.. 5 I'. M! ROO& 5, kiln. al, of use I Won ID.tel under tee c above sty i , respeettully ask the patronage find horses and eatrilges to forward them to the M. I'. Ca GOULD, Proprietor. 't l (CI. SsOILS TO .1.4 Ell'i , OLD!. N & Co., Ss l ie d,- l on 1k „t er six, • ti basin born burnt out, hi-built , viii 110 ral patron ig, hest.. eel sines the commence- of the Inc nets ot the I late firm, a nd L a n sid pr o o f ni p i u s r in c g lea t le ,a r t s t g i 7 e n y -Sp r rin s gs_. I or other particulars, see lithographic balls, 11% 'They lees warrante d kj salt and retail druggists, and manufacture rs 01 a new ll Rod 111 3 / 1 1s011at • hails.. r SW! Jill l Gil the 14. tilill fi, t i lif t r , i riam, and 5 ou,d t yi nc ,, L , ) ao , t a 'Fa ,an g v c MatlislaCtann to all .1 10 filly buy 0 1 them or at the hotels, on the steamboats, &c. and if this be es hit, lead, red lead and litlyi i rg,„ c o rnc t of Wo o d modatton of trat, i< r• at the I c int, of .11( ora aria nia Jana a fal Ilif "triri nov I 3 y Nin ado • id sties etn, oltich will be L11.....n as the Burnt 1 lie . . oil el re ~ • Orroili. isi cite those who want to C°° "" b " °° ' s to ti° th e ir cam.; not convenient then take fur g,rantsel the following and Second piss, Pittsburgh P t W II Cll . l TIE, 'facts, viz ? __— ---- 1 le stria I note' I,llcclias, an thing in Mr furniture or Chair. Sus, to That Esculapia is nearer the Ohio Over than any John .IC/oxicey , W NI SINCLAIR. i lir ss no. prepared to ocr. r es -, ry accommodation give arena A call inn t laratic.o their eller"; to ' , TOOL ~ , , .• • . other watering-place—that - lace—that it has the moan rll I,ILOR AND CLOTII/1.11 Liberty et . bet. eca , i anti lir ra rirsinlorl to [lir it la rar at r•-ra moderate.' nat. On hand, run , • tri rOf Miami or 11, Mo s t spie n r It'''-'1111 g", Marsh 16, /547 1 g P purest, 1 . Nitta atICCE and 4 irg,su sties, south sade. ----- , min air—the most delightful, cold, limpid , sparkling, cliarzcs Ile is pros ide el .ILI 4211i1 C and sem a,n a nt did Esatern and French patterns of Resew sled anti sepia.) PITTSOIRGH HOSPITAL. solphur water --the oldest, coldest, clearst, purest, _ _— - - stabl ng e der"' 3 Mahogany le artiste re le latter. d by the i try t itch - :SOF it IHI (II 112 LE OF THE SISTERS Or nleasanieat and most efficacious chalybeate fountain sat CLt RH tel, G it i LEMING, J 'Wake Vitale It. ,,,,,,,,.. H.,..... Fail r , I ", r , , i. 9 ,,, patroria,, raci ild in Ilia r lio•aers. di. • Y have, U MI , RCS —l)rs Inoistsv,G tZZA.3I, Bauer and s in the U. States—that It is surrounded So mountain R• rurcior&o. A. co. , irdtt ern stenerriteid nod Gr , n 1 Mr eel. Peltaerargh ~ roii..4et".lr i , iii nse ri td, arra rig. mi tits in 'Si Iv 111..11m., Cr neral Atti riding Plia therms, Dr. Wr.n- withe n e g r o y (;d w il i s t h h in r o , m s a h n o ti o c t i , no pictures f o r ch il as u e l n , g en , d d - c d e i r ry ra rse c , fi n e g d - oiLlit ni.,PhIS, tan fort here( ratans —flit instant:ion i WinDhlLits' a t n L l E dt ! a ' l l e t(jL ral l a -R l'ro ' il l uc " e m a " u " d " l l ' n it n trli N ti l r r g r li i ( i c li t.e it t i l l it l ifi„ \ m:l t it i s i ‘ tr i t t er l i l d i s l ana i t r ;, `" : " ;::: r :: r o " : - .1 1 _ F\;',.re'libp‘list:urr„h.. tAh:r:4", :b i e ll l " n:o ' t:t l i:l l,‘te t; t „ F :;:% ' f . a t n h: l i • together with good eating, drinking, sleep no. open for the reception al panents Manta ectures, No 142 Liberty vanish, Prttsburgh 1 1,, that 1,, will "po t , th e alsairi spiel/dad house on crowns of Pittsbu cell an opitortiiiiitt oh r.aralll int itti_t - i % lon Di la—Turad sy s and le rid ass, front d ' i t c , B ' s ,,, c ;1 king, riding dancing shaking off the dee 3 y home industry , and finding es !Sets 0%11 1.111 si hat ! Us,. 1 1 :,1 t day 11,,,,, ,./ .„ 1 1% 6 / , 1 , 1 . 1 , 1; , 1 , ~, , .„. i n,.,,,1,,,1 ~, ,1,, . ", ii., ‘ ~,,,,,,,I „, sistesd sststasstsses s sss the t. t., II ,t ng ,i tr: clock, l , t , / , ‘ 1 1 . : I at Irma. , a NI Cases of accidents esti be re- “blues," outgrow rag of the rlyspeptiaftalking, luagh ii,irige, growing fat, losing to stay, dreading to go away, aunts CAISSON I J it Klatiairt I oliti al lo ,rit ril nit of sal al iri hi./ and , , 1 etllnrneolo l l. and cf)liTa alt 111 ltrann• • r, Ind Gavin` tt ''' i ' i s ,- , inii • *tier, i . , they 51/1 be atili to sell at as low rates as an% of the ft Anon—Three , dollars a week in the general Carson & H'linight, turn shed uith the' newest 4;14 in at ha lt•Inl stile aver,' five dollars with a pnaate room, Medical at- P romising to come again --t e bring friends, neigh boa, sisters, wises, ses eetshearts, Fite. &c.; and after ' all it is cheaper staying at Esculapla than at any oth , te nelance is included In these charges, payments to NET I I O I.r.%A LI. (./i0( LItS and ' eanmecneten .4 iler- I rut ni,ure fl at, ra himself that he • will be stile t,, ~ istAttliahnia tits In th e East, ni C ities, .. , chants, Sixth street, between 45 oad U'al Coinisuadata • his fronds and thr • Ir ire(' ng rulilit ,in a 00.19-y itt 'l l I. It r' s KIN r• Ice mats two necks in advance. , er of the fashionable wate ri ng places. This is the %oice ot hundreds who have been there Lilo rty, Pittsburgh, l'a doe 4y 1 manner nut inferior to any S imi l ar ea'Aldislitaitnat In Any physician can send patients to die Ilospitai, I , the city ~.;;; ti;,. ~,,,,,, s,t,str,,l ~ i,, cou,t 11,,,,,,,, sr 14, ss.,. 1, 8 : 7,14:1,it.,),/:71: l ': ,, 111 , 1 ,, :;g , :::: t r : 7 A r z , /, , ,,i, 1, 4,,, ~.. ( :I , e C n O n . 1 .1 e n T n . ) to attend n tlt i e ,, m c i t i l o t (brie, ; and lri a u nL , ipa c t a u B • n t I and mean to go a g ain , —G i n s Coo. July 12. C. Orlando Loomis, 1 Ilintl GLENS, Bookbinde • r, his re moved to the , A TTORNEY AT LAW, o ffi ce Fourth at., abo% a 1 I , raiser of Wood and 'Thir d sti r above ( 11 .. ,,,.1.,, , ,,,,,a. h.,, bi i e iii.,di „ se serve iii et, ess stiss ssi ,ts.ss "s t J‘l7-95 V r this est vechshment mis he Ismail the ere 'test the Inseiteition . P ill nett be responsible for the phasi- Smithfield- July 1-y Ka% , where he is prepared to du every description :boor ol ituiing and Binding der2 v s those . ho are," at., rid iiirt at co ur t. I I(9'i 1/9t, 11l (LI lllte ei State., to . hie II 11l amen , lans Cre chine is an extra charge Removal. irr lir tr. mu., fax of ail k nils ern be had. Boar teeth ot th ss , in want Many disc flirt On and tbII ri J. III'Collt•ter, lt many free " sill pteents %sell be received as ths means A BEELEN has removed Ins commission and for- .1. i 1-1,..,, warding business from the Canal ULM ntols AV HOLEs %LE and retail dealer in Tob.cco, d''' t el' • n I'y th e "'' k or day. ally for • i mi • {lna n, ia part', ul lilt milted of the In perinit Persons .10 har e, Snuff, old Se gars, No la, Filth st , bet...ern tr - TLii nal , ear rt dry tllee e loc 5 A ".1 ni.lo The I , ~,,,11,..ut of .i lit• handsomeßailing, at oils rlisnaSc'S .•1 1 n' , l b 4 Pc (,, ed Unt-d arc°rnmoda lielY warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the i Post Office. may 30. ) Wood and Market stn ., Pittsburgh _ toct2s ly , -- New Deng Store . Laura! Hell, 41 mime it, and other ref, eir it, e l f em, lions Lae be preliartel su ffi ciently ample to prent I.D 'A ILLIA nts (riles in In•• eft, and counts of Plidada•lp/ua, 5 hi, el 1.19 clarlttilf Utah the °the r min ens v. toilet incur , 0r.,‘„,,,,,,5t Nn . J ,3 vi,„„.l, ~, I mi. I„ , ~,, ii, h...,, • to. • . .., 1,, , , ritul led Ily late politi c press, TitCY• mitten. I JOAN I) 4101ZOA 111 / heceric on 1 het,,,t All the phystesans %%ill ahead twice a week to itsit J. D. Williams & Co. . aaerli at. ( tit d it th is ir.licir letiso tl, I ti, Ti t a l , and a, ill depute one of their number to lATIIOI. ES VLE arid retail groLars, Forwarding of ill unread Aik y, I d' , l , z. rrh l lir sole, rther A ~,g . ,., %.,.,,,, itowth , , inii, ii I , ..it i the • rat i', attend the sick in the meantime. 1 1 and rommtrinon merehantr, and de•llona in 1,;I. j tnt rye ei% red trots, the le 1 .1, ro ~,,,, s, 1,, „„,.„ lisnrna nl, , shins.is kept a . ', liall ' s ill . I g , 3lllriir_Vll u ll , be gii en g i. r , stitttrittels • to out door pa country produce and Pittsbeirell M.tlllta'tor" N" • 1 °pall 11,., at tliu abut r.l Ind a 'llll a,,or !Dent Of i lock of ri Id) made ln •• IA ' Ise •,, (ti, '" ,,:,•- a : ' I IS, `pertheast corner of Wood and Filth strtets. I Gas I 1 i c erist iool Or io, el, I. f, t , n ' s ' `I [,ro t s ^r , II atlaaa and rida vs at 111, X m ;,, iii 1 , , in, , ri 11, •, o allknots ioN crrcrs e lois a H Alna, tit •o .tal• plain and or 1 1 rennin) • arrangements will he, Jaen& dto liv I se p_ h 1 Dye• ~lofts, faints ood S arroshe s C Sterns( tls a 'mental in , a(a Ilia, c al. au Bate at e m issortin. it COuilli nee of Lill Brotherhood of St. Josephs, w!„ c h eke together wsu all . aces art), Ir SLs are usually of lass I'. vri, i'ra.er It, !nos \ tits as.l r Also, her the prese•nt consists of Janie i 111 le., , 'sci , kept fur saie at a choles 1d4,01 ietall dtiig storeln great var et% , 51 r melt and (';list Iron (qIN a- J initsAlay,Joba S. Cosgravc,John Coy It and Arthur iI is sloe kis remittal) new, DI I lila been suIC t (Cal nr ;', T '' MU' ' l ' . t"r ltallMga, Ind other parlio t r s 1 Tiernan. Jan 3 tt iv.• ail lon rih• r would AL,' kt I'L that in In% ral , r -- W. 11'1 care. Jig is confident that his articles both and I ,, ,,sstss est 10 riartinent he ha do I, n The I" Intl 17ltle of Tmit lt ii., to quality and price, will please such aln 13, • Id b , •• s en' ' '' 'n" ni l (INCCe RN IN ' t, S ' EL ) I ER S A V REMII 1'1.1..' —A the best La.,. at it c coup l rv, .1,, ,e s h „), ali , „ •s • r him with a call no, 1- Y -tom is dr v cited to the h ~,,,,,,,-i „ ,„1 / ~,,„4 , ,t ). „ j single ,ill producing, . (f i nders —Read the roi. A. Pollon, um of the Moat catinpl• te nod el% ste ro 111 I. ,[41,110 11, int , from the Itee S Waket cid, l'asto- of Libor tv strcet, ;Id E.C hurelt . , B FLL AND BR 19S Pot NDI 11, has rebuilt and "sent' of the loud In lt t s l s ' i s ti l it li i n n„ tssit , ; cn[ninenced !intones.. at his old stand, Ni,. 70 . Pr op, se ine , Plerrsint nen, Mirch h', 1°,37 R 'dee Reath Idiot 0 Itutli r 5 uod , st ;Mr It E.Sri sans —lt la lion a scone ot data as Second, be iv fee II Market and F t try street., %Ohl re lie .111 be !skated to see Ina old customers and rialu ' lrl .' ' ''''' My ril 12, I ' sl7 "Inn• 1.411 as %sills great pleasure, that 1 beat testsmony forads i -- A -- CROSS, to the virtue of NOtir justly celebrated 1 ermiluge I ured a single ole, and gave It thre c my t burets, steamboat, and brills of every Sire, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, e sat from patterns of the most 1 ) ESPFC fFL LL4 informs Iris friends, s friend., and the child s ren, who had b be tt en ill tor several to weeks of rho 'pro, id models, and a arra n teal to be of the beet' k [reedit in gene rLI that lie is nn v hat •1 lip and o driest (teas St t en tears old, the next lour, and the ; ready to receive Itolrderr Si lair !low, Oil Filth st , >mint, rt eighteen months The first pressed fitly In 11l ri alai• Mineral 'Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Le Lc , ;9'l'"'"te the , l ail it'lr' shin , fits and &leak ,an be Aix tt ortnl, the second lorty-seoen, and the third a in i% s Im o 'considerable number not distill, tly recollected, since together with every variety of Br Is Cast ings, if re had at any hour t" the day then they have been doing well, and arc now to good gaited, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt a datt- WT.:cram health. lours respectfully. 5.44 AlinnEl La Ms -tat, so i !Intl V colobrattil for the reduction of fric tion in machinery,'she boxes and composition can lie had of him at all times. nos 131 A. W. Foster, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Otri.ee, South title of Fourth street, near Grant street. ]3 Collections and other professional business Mended to in Butler and Mercer Counties. dkw-y Richard Cowan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build. alga, Fourth st., above Wood. junel9-dwy THOMAS M. 111ARSHALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie's Build ings, FoOrth street- jan'T-ly Josopla C. MlKl.bbln, A 'rTORNEY AT LAW, efface in Wallacies build ing, on 4th St., between Wood and Smithfield arceta. . . nov 18-y litettitzt. DAN XAGEBAIt. P. C. SIIAANON. Magehan &. Shannon, • ATTORNEYS and Goonsellors at Law. Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield, tod nearly opposite the Mayor's office. noiti-y Willa & Donnelly, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth' st., between aad Grant. marl4-',' dmund Snowden, ATTORNEY AT LAW, °thee IR the building on the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield treets. novilsy R. Morrow, ALDFAM.O7, office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Sep 10. y --- - James Canals, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers occupied by Alderman M'Masters, on Filth • re tween Wood and Smithfield. apiS-y 31'0w:ultras A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, A office on Fourth street, opposite R. & R. 11. Patterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-. Forward & Swartzwelder, ATTOILNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv sry stable. - ap7-y George F. Gilmore, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Breed's build ioms, 4th et., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep2,-Zily James S. Craft, A TTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, 1 - 1 Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office Secretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe cially to collections and business connected with navigation, insurance, accounts.and real estate. lin tines!, hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, first door west of Alderman Miller's, Fourth street, near Grant.; ap 7 John W. Burrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, having returned from his European tour has taken an office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield ets. Per sons having had business and papers in the hands 01 Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the above, as all the unsettled business of Mr:Kingston has been left in his hands. mars-y Charles DI. Hays, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corn missbner to take the proof and acknowledge ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other writings, to be recorded or used in the States o. Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Michigan and Mis souri. Office, Burke's building, Fourth st. marl2-y Edwin C. Wilson, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care—rot ittetions made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s. REFEA TO J. A. Stockton & Co. Mitrphy, Wilson & Co. 1 Pittsburgh. John Bigler, Hon. James Kinnear, Franklin. Ron. Alex. NOCalment, Ron. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy23-y Johnston &. Stockton, BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER MA KERS, No. 114 Market street. sop 10-y Victor Scribe', EOOHSELLER, STATIONER AND BINDER Fifth street, between Wood and Market streets Pittsburgh, Pe. "an7:4 Jame., Patterson, Jr., CORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of looks, hinges and bolts, obacce, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen screws for rolling mills, Ike. seplo-y W in. A. Ward, DENTIST, has removed to the place or his for mer residence in Penn street, two doors below splB-v D 323 .. SEVEN BIG DOORS CLOTHING STORE, NO. 5511TH STREET, NEAR LIBERTY. JOHN P.A ; RREN, PROPRIETOR, nov24 y GEORGE ARMOR, Tailor, FOCID:F11 ST., lIDTImEN WOOD AND SMITH FIELD STREETS, (Newly opposite the Mayor's Office.) • • . . • 1,•4 29 -9 • Btazlerts Bellows. TIIST received an asaortment,large sizes, Brazier's e Hand Bellows; also, Parlour and Kitchen, do. Wholesale and Retail, JOHN W. BLAIR, led°. 120 19903 et. ' '- • —• • ' ' s• , • • •• • • /- • - z • - dverttsing t 'ELVE LINES OR LESS , One month, $5 00 Two do, ti 00 Three do, 7 00 }bur do, 8 00 Fix do, 10 00 COO year, 15 001 eritsements, AVE PLEASURE. Two Squares. Six months, $2O 00 One year, 30 00 in proportion. ervr - notLtats a year. ATANITACTIIRER or Incon.fternstr TF.ETII, :t Smithfield street, two doors below Filth street i.":ttsur•rgli, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment oi Plate anJ Pivot ;teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Molars and lliaeuspidatoe s , ;um teeth, Screw Pivot tee;.. &c. Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists supp l ied with all arucles in the pro fession. All :,;,.d eo , & Qu i abroad must be accompan ied by the cash. Ccr Platina always on hand. n 0.15-71 OFFICE. on Penn et., opposite D. :.cech & Co's., packet hoe office. Office hours fro:n 7 o'clock A., M., to o'clock P., M. Lat•H:da d ealer Foreign Domestic Wlnen and Lol Horn, Foreign and Domestic. Fruit, Nuts, &c., N 0.60 Water street. seps-y. . _ Lambert & Shipt nn, IirifOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING & V Commission Merchants, I lealerx in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 130 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. tbb2-y J. &. J. 3l'Devltt, "( a " d 'E P S :t k ts L b E u r ,G h " , i n jC an E ll ß l S ' t„ d eal e g r o l n n r a r y "d No . ucr 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2,l-y John U. Mellor, W"NCI)u"icSaAl L I E n ,t a r i: i d ,,, e r , e , t t. , -i il p dealer i .: ,o jr i o n rti ll „ l , u s s i c r . 1 i a o n u i l l Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh_ . __Jun 1-y .. .-- James Park, Jr., & Co., W 'f() an d L E q S u i ce L n i. ii : w r; a i r t e °C a l. r : R d 8 1.1 .a 1 importers rsinc ( o 'r pp ti e n r Pi n a n t d e Pittsburg~ manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd at., I. rtwcen Wood and Smithfield etc ja 1.1-n 19-y ____ John Scott at Co, AIiniOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION 1 . V Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. a I 9 -y Dr. Win.M. Wright, DE,NTIST, Office and resideni:.e in -4. St. Clair it., a few doom helow Lib erty, near the Exchance Hotel. marl l-y VIRGINIA HOUSE, CORNER OF FERRY AND WATER STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA, STEVENS 4s BEACH, Proprietors. feb2G-d6m _\TrM. o rt. n i d O g O t i D n Y t i respectfully o p ouncesn a e to his old in this city, on the first Monday of April s next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l-1. _ _ John A. Parkineon, --- ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Peon street, between Walnut and O'Hara streets, whore he may be mind at all tithes. Those having houses or other lroperty to sell or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended to; debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt attention. oct27-y :HICHA.RD T. LEECH, Jr., IMPORTER ARM DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Saddlery Haril. - ware and Carriage Trimmings, OF all descriptions, No. 133 Wood street, Pitts burgh, seven doors above sth, and one door above H. Childs & Co.'s Shoe store. ap24 MEI ESE L. S. Waterman I‘l7 HOLESA L.ll GROCER, COMMISS ION AND , V Forwarding Merchant, ;Lod Dealer in Produce n d Pittsburgh Mdnulactures, Nos- 31, Water, and 2 , Front sts., Pittsburgh, pa: Brownsville Juniata Iron Works. EDWARD HUGHES manufacturer o irce any nails, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth at. seplo.y • C. A. M'Anulty & Co. ) FORWARDING Ac s ccrivimissim MERCHANTS Canal Iluain, Pittaburgh, Pa. mar3dy Martin Lytle, F AMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next door Fto the Fifth Presbyterian Church. juneti . _ _ George Cochran, VORWARDING'Sa COMMISSION MERCHANT r No. 26 Woo'cl at, Pittsburgh. 110 v27-y New nook Store TT S. nnswowrii & Co., No. 43 Market street, la. next door to Third street, are just opening a new and extensive assortment or Book,; and Station ery, which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the lowest prices. ap2s-y Win. O'Hara Robin.on, LATE S. Attorney, has removed his ollice to No. S St. Clair st. kept4-y L. Wilmort T ( T ATTIER MERCIIANT, office on Penn street, J between Irwin and hand ats., Pittsburgh, Pa. All commissions will be promptly attended to. marsl-y School Book and Paper Warehouse. r UK E LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and 14 bookbinder, N0..89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. Pllilinton's Unrivalled Blacking ? IFtail, c A na C i ' tfi T e a t ti E t a n b d e t o s.o l, e l n w ole Sixth. laenda Virg jet-, nlley. aet2l-y Pllut Glass E!slabllshalCal ATULVANY & LEDLIE manuiketure and keep j constantly on band cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their is nrehouse corner of Market and Water streets. Pittsburgh.— Our works continue in full operation, god we are constantly adding to our stock, which nnahles us to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respez-t -fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sep 1 ti-y Otto Kuntz, Jane• Blaldlp , Aldirman P. C. Plurtin, Select. School =EMI ST Aft CLOT1(III40 STO RE, NO. 70 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA W. E would beg to announce to our customers and the public generally, that we huve re opened our establishment with a full and splendid assortment ofSpring and Summer Ready-made Cloth ing, which in respect to style and workmanship can• not be surpassed by any house in this city. Gentlemen who are in want of any artitlb in our line Will find ii to their advantage to give us a call, before purchasing elsewhere; as our stock, no well as the low prices of our goods, Will enable 113 to please all who will Myer us with a call. It is unnecentaty fbr us to enumerate the articles comprising our stock, as we are weekly supplied—it ;will suffice fir us to say,that at all times our assort ment will be complete, with every article partaining to the trade. ANC N. Elt & M AYER, Sign "Golden Star," N. fl.—Gentlemen who leave orders at our store, for any Garment that they wed] to have made in New York, can be furnished in two weeks alter the re ceipt of their directions. mar 27 ' A. & A __. _ . ME Ilurdas arc , Clatilrry, Sadlhr yy S.C. JOHN WALKER, NtPonTER and dearer in' Foreign rind Domestic I Hardware, would respectfully 1111" mi kis friends and the piihiic generally, that he is now receiving his Spring supply of Hardware at tilt old stand of Walker & Woodwell, Noi NT.) Wood street, which he will digpoge of I,l] !if, most reasonable terms: He Will be continually receiving fresh supplies direct From the manulacturere in Europe and thin Country, Which will enable hint to compete with any estab lishment either East or West. Western Merchants I are invited to civil and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. mare l I IONONGAtIELA liOl7SE 1 On the corner of Water and tintilhfirie ztreets, PITT II It I; 11, I' s . 1111 E undersigned Proprietors of the MB:mit—tar- I LA Hoene announce to the Public., that the House 1 1 open far the reception 9r Vlotors. They ire conscious or having spared no - expense to fitting iut the Establodiment in such a style an to render svery comfort to the Guests. They hope by con. aunt care and attention to bootless to merit the pa lonage no liberally bentowed on the latu Mununga aula House. mars JAMES . CROSSAN Sr. SON_ G. W. Ulddle, Dentist HAS removed to No. 109 Smith field at., her( he will perform all 110 v. operations on the Teeth satisfac i tartly. • i N. --- B Haring lately made one of the greatest improvements in forceps that has ever appeared be / fore the public, he has been able n to • extract teeth with such ease as to astonish all those who have ' availed themselves ofhis sem ices. Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-Iy_ ____ GENTLEMEN LOOK AT THIS ! . STAR CLOTHING STORE. No. 70 Wood st., Sign of the Golden Star, Pittsburgh. ANCKER & MAYER, TT AVE on hand an extensive and complete assort ment of Fashionable and extra made New York Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as pos sible before the first of January, we are determined to offer such "bargains" as will enable us to effect our object. S. P. ANCKER, nov24-y A. A. MAYER. Gold Pens, CIF the most approved brands, in large variety, 1.._/ selected and adapted to every variety of band. The clergyman, the lawyer, the merchant, and every class of mon or ladies, requiring a durable, uniform, and economical pen, can be accurately suited. Their elasticity and fine points give great ease in writing—making either a bold mark or a beautiful hair line, at the pleasure of the penman. With care they will generally last ten years. All warranted, and selling at the lowest cash pri ces, at the Gold Pen Depot, corner of 4th and Mar ket sts. (nv 13) W. W. WILSON. • ME BEE A,~4s ;is == PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1847-. FOLLANSBEE& HAY WA RD'S new Boot, Shoe, and Trunk Store, No. 186 Liberty at. nearly op posite the head of Wood St. P. 4- H. have in more and are receiving their Spring and Summer supplies of Boots, Shoes, Palm Leaf Hats, Trunks, kr!. 5.c. consisting olthe largest and best assortment they have ever been able to bring to this market. Our stock of Goods has most ly been manufactured to our order and expressly for the Pittsburgh market. We would solicit an examination of our stock by all in want of goods in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as we shall sell at a small advance .above cost. . Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock helbre purchasing. FOLLANSI3EE & HA YWARD, ap3 No 186 Liberty St. ~. 1, ...;.. ........, 7 ~. James 'Howard & Co, - lIT V E the pleasure to -announce to their friends 1 that they again occupy their old stand at No. , Wood street, where thee hate opened an exten sive WALL PAPER WAR LAIOUSE, and will have • contantly on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and linitition Borders of the latest style; and most hand some patterns for papering halls,parlors and cham bers. They manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fullers floardo—all of which they offer for sale on the most acconimodating terms, and to which they invite the attention of Merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Books ofall kinds and the best qual ity, School Books, &c., always on hand and for sale as above. nag 25 Co-Partnership. 1 IV , "L I la n tl . , C O LEMAN i i l i t a e v d iii tt, g, 4 t o h n I to firstd l n y y Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in creased Ilicilities tin manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention, of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so Mi o-ally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. —wareleiese 13 Wood et., opposite the St. Charles lintel, ii here can be found a good assortment of Springs, Axles, A. It., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every description, together with lien, Sails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. Crj - The highest price paid for scrap iron. i• . jan2:2 New flat and Cap Store. 41, MIS. 11. Pt d•LSON, !late of the firma Poulson & Cill,i having opened his new store at No. 73, Wood street, next dour CO the I cornrr of fourth. in now tnanuricturing, and recei ving from the. Enstern citice a very large assortment of hats and caps of every description, warranted to be made in the hest manner and or the hest matenals. Otter, Seal, tine and common Muskrat, Scalene, Hair-Seal, Plush end Glared Caps. Also, a fine assortment of I:4ea, fent, sncli as Lynx, Pitch, Genet and Coney Mott and Tippets and fur trimmings, all of which he offers for Kale at eanern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country ineratiants will please call and examine my stock herorr purchasing elceavhere Anegheny Cemetery. 1)1E1:SONS desirons of purchasing lots in this Cemetery. are referred for information to the Superintendent (11 the ground., or to E. Thorn, Druggist, conic of Penn and Iland streets, Pitts burgh. By order atilt.: Board. J. cliisiJ,:rr, dee I Superintendent. A I I eghe n y Poor House Lots. THE undersigned Conan ittee of the Guardians of Poor, offer at private sale, on OA tended credit, about SO choice Lots, in the First Ward, Allegheny I city 24 feet in front, by 130 feet deep as shown on la plot of the same to he seen nt the office of the Guardians, in a room adjoining the Mayor's office, on Fourth street, being the lots laid out on the old 'Poor House property, in Allegheny city. For terms of sale apply to Mr. Baum, at the office of the Guardians, or to any one of the subscribers. (Copy of the original.) JOHN M'CR ACK F.N ROBERT whity ' G. ALIHIEE, JOHN ROSS. Jo 14-d3m SPRING SUPPLY OP BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c AT Braddock's Plcld • 11: i NOR SALE.—This well known estate, situated in j Wilkins township, Allegheny county, Pa., 10 miles limn Pittsburgh, containing 375 acres and 27 perches, two-thirds bottom land, the remainder slop ing uplands facing the route, of very easy ascent, containing coal and limestone. There is on the premises a large brick mansion house, a frame house, a barn a cottage house, two log houses, an orchard, a garden and several springs of water. Situated on the Monongahela slack water, as as on the line of the great Pennsylvania Rail tioad, at the point where the travel and trade front the At lantic will first reach the steamhodi navigation of the est: tmrrounded by inexhaustible tanks of the best and cheapest thel, and having on the premises a bundance of coal and limestone, this place is admi rably adapted fur the site of a great manufacturing suburb. For the terms of sale, enquire at the Merchant's and Manufacturer's Hank of Pittsburgh. jy3o-tf JOHN CARTWRIGHT, MPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery', Surgi cal and Dental Instruments, Saddler's and Tin ner's hand tools, Taylors' Patent.Sheara, &c. &c. Also manufactures Trusses, Supporters, &c. &c., in great variety. J. C., Manufacturer and Importer of Pen, Pocket and Tulle Cutlery; Razors, Scissors, Files, Saws, Tools, &c., has removed to 83 wooD sTREET, Pittsburgh, second door below Diamond Allev, And has lately received a large assortment or Pen and Poe Ilea_ Knives, Knives & Forks, Also Rogers' mid IVtiostenholms' FINE CUTLEP.T. Elliott's Rodgers, Wade & Brother's Razors, Scissors, Razor Strum?, &c. Damascus and Wire Twist. GUNS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Colt's and Blunt's Revolvers, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, Game Bags, Walker's St Coao's Extra Percussion Caps, Bowie, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Tools, such as Callipers, Dividers, Myers, Nippers, Hand Feces, Squares, Rules, Braces, Bits, Spoke Shaves, Stocks and Dien, Wire and Iron Hinges, Mathematical Instruments, in very great variety. 11 . '7 - Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. ni9y 1-y From the Rey. S. E. Babcock, of the Methodist Episcopal Church : Alr. It. E. SELLERS is with great pleasure that I would inform you of the good effects produced on my son or four years or age, by your justly cele brated Vermiluge. Aller his having convulsions, I gave him three dosesovhen he passed an almost in credible number, from which ulna his general health has been improved. 8. E. IlAscomi. From the Rev. Clthrles Cook, of the Methodist Episcopal Church : Prrrsnonon, Dccetnbcr 14, 1545. Mr. R. R. SELLERS gave my little daughter (between three and four years old) three doses of your Vermifuge, according to prescription, with the happiest success. The number of worms expelled I do not know precisely, but it was large. She is now in possession of good health. 1 think the medicine may be confided tit with great unrcnervedness. C. Cool:. *As this Vertnifuge has never been known to fail in any instance, when worms actually existed, pa rents should give it in preference to all others. Prepared and sold by It. E. SELLERS, between 3d and 4th, on Wood street. Fur sale by Dr. Cassel, Fifth Ward W. W. WATCH MAKER' AVD JEWELLER, Corner qt - Fourth and Market streets. t i LARGE and well selected stock of Watches. Jewelry, Silver ware, Military Goods, always on hand and at regular Eastern prices. Gold Patent Lever Watches, full Jewelled, as low an $4O Silver Lever Watches, as low as 18 Grivuxer. Cooper, Tobias, Johnson and other ap proved Watches, may be had at a small advance and waisted. Fine watch work done in the very best manner np9.B , • • . . • • - rrtflE Subscriber has paid into the Treasury ofthe I Commonwealth the amount of License required iby law. He has given the regularly approved secu rity, and taken out a Commission of the first class, as an Auctioneer, of the city ofPittsblirgh, and rent ed that spacious wareroom belonging to Srx.varres Lorimer, Esq., Ne 114 Wood at., three doors from sth, where he is prepared to attend to the sales. of every kind of Merchandise, Furniture . Real Estate, Stocks, Ship?ing, &r.. &c. &c., either at theAucticn Rooms or on the premises, and will in all casee ex ert himself to the anoint for the benefit of his em ployers, on the most reasonable feints; lie will sell exclusively and only on commissiontneither purchas ing nor having any interest whatever oMgoods in the . Store, hut merely the Comntission for selling, them by giving all owners a lair chance, without partiality of having therein property disposed of to the best advantage. Sales will be promptly settled.when made; advan tes will be given at any titit'eon the mast accommo dan rig terms merchants will not be charged for ad -1 vances. Regular sale days, Mondays and Thursdays, of Dry Goods, Groceries, Furniture, 2. - . c.; and every I evening, Hard ware, Cutlery, Watches, Guns,Pistols; and fancy articles; Books on Saturday evenings; a general reference will be given in a few days. Bills of lading have been re - Jeivechf several large invoices of Merchannise, direct froM extensive Importing Houses, in Boston and New York. Notice will be given of their arrival. ap24 JAAIFS WICENNA, Auctioneer. • tarn Leaf hats. 9 6 -,doz. Men's and Bays'. Palm Leaf Hats, re i7 ceived and Tor sale very low'at • FOLLANSI3EE 4 HAYWARD'S Bout, Shoe and Trunk Store, No. 186, Liberty st. nearly opposite the head of Wood st. apr3 pORTER'S City Daguerrfan Gallery, Philo Hall, Third st., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Franklin Build ings, Baltimore, Md. . . Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has at considerable expense. fitted up apartments, and ar ranged light for Daguerreotyping purposes. His long lexperience in this art has enabled him to overcome many of the objections too common to pictures taken by this method. „ . • . Mr. Porter is aware that the impression has gone abroad (owing to the many failures to produce good pictures,) that clear and distinct Daguerreotypes can- not be made in Pittsburgh. • His experiments, how- ever, since he has opened his Gallery, fully warrant him in saying that as good pictures can be made here as elsewhere. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and ex amine specimens. tl Instructions given, and instruments and - Materials furnished upon reasonable terms. All orders from coun try operators promptly attend ed to. latv2s-tf Painting-. pousE and SIGN PAINTING and GLAZING, j_ of di kinds, Graining Oak, Mahogany, Satin, Rose and Maple. Imitations of all kinds of Marble. Orders left at the shop -of the subscriber, Ina Smith field street, opposite the Pittsburgh Foundry, or on Federal street. opposite Blackstock , s Factory, Alle gheny city, will be done at moderate woe, and on the shortest notice. ap 15-Gm Shnkespenr Gardens. THIS beautiful place of resort having been greatly I repaired, the proprietot is now ready to receive niiAsriEltS, by the day s week, or month. His ac commodations arc good, and his prices are low. may ,t-tr S. MeCLELLAND. _ _ LARGE and splendid assortment of,Malibgany and Rosewood grand action PiartrA, with rue talte frame and with all the latest iinproN Clients. which for durability, trine arid tOiia, are waft-anted to be equal to any made in the country, for sale low for cash, bv F. BLUME, marlB No 113 Wood at, f.'d door above sth. Hoinocopathic Medicines and Books. T UST received a fresh supply of "liomceopathic t) Medicine Chests, henuxopathic Coffee, Sugar of milk, and a large collection of the latest publications on llotnuiopathy, at the Bookstore of VICTOR SCRIBA, aplOE Fifth st. between Wood and Market sts. b`illb Wart). Livery Stable. TILE subscriber, haring bought out the well known Lirery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the Fifth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the public .enorally, that he will keep at all times a stock of the best description of riding horses,. bug gies, carriag es of all kinds, and in short everything required in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is new,and he is confident no stuck in the city will be superior to his. His terms will be moderate. His stable is on Lib.' erty st,, a tilw doors above the canal bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. 0:} - 1Ie is also provided with an elegant Ifearsc, ;cinch will be,flunielied when required. oct2-tf George Cochran, COAIISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 26 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, CONTINUES to transact a general Commission business, especially in the purchase and sale of American manufactures and produce, and in receiv ing and forwarding Goods consigned to his care.—' As agent for the manufacturers lie will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittiburgh manufacture at the lowest wholesale .priees. (Orders and consignments arerespectfullysolicited. Jonogs Italian Claemicral Sonp. DEMONS, in purehasing this, must always ask for JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and, per haps, as many have been cheated with counterfeits will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, Try this once—you will not regret it; but always see that the name of T. Jon Es is on the wrapper. Price 50 cents a cake. For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, corner of Wbod and Liberty-streets; the only place in Pittsburgh where the: Genitive can be obtained; ALL OTHERS ARE CoutrrEmmyr. Plp. ISM Can't be Beat I WHITE has just received at his large establishment, fronting' on Liberty and Sixth. streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin VES TINOS, all of 'which he is ready to make iip in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable _terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 161,-Liberty and Sixth streets. . my 1 , 1 J. AL WHITE, Taitor,"Propiietor. Pianos Book andJok Printing Office, i • - ~.. . N, IV. CORNEA OF WOOD ' AND FIFTH..,SFIIErn, . , . THE proprietor of the Morning -1!ost and:Arer eury and Manufacturer respectfully informs his friends and the patrons, of 'these. papers, that he, has a large and well clii;sen assortment of - - - JOB TYPE, AND ALL OTHEICVATERIALS Necessary to a Job,. Printing Offiee, ana.'thar-,he is prepared to execute', - i. „ . . .-...,,.: . - LETTER PRESS rettcr&G; or Briny DESCIttrriON. Books, Bills of Lading, Cireulers wo ..... Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, •.. Handbills, Blank Checks; .. : ' . flafTipi:"A " ' All kinds of Blinks, Stage, Steamboat lynel, Clap! T Bald Bills will, appropriate cuts, printed' n thialifift: est notice and most reasonable terms. .-- ~-:: ::' ..ic •• He respectfully asks the patrona g e of his friends, ; aild the public in general, in this branch of bit! basi-- , ness. (Sept 22) . - ' " L. HARPER.", .. CLICKENEIOS Sugar Coated Vegetable Purgati4e . Pllls,- . "' universally admitted to operale;not only A .-- . . 'as an effectual preventive, betas a neverfatfing, -, remedy, in.all diseases which Call effect the Inttnar, 7, frame.—head-ache, Indigestion,Rlieumatieth;Piles, Scurvy, Iltopsy, Small-pox, Cholera-nimbus . ; Worms,;-; Whooping -cough, Consumption, Jaundice, Quitely„ - i `,.. Scarlatina, Liver complaint, Apoplexy, Cancers,. : -:: Measles, Salt-Rheurii, Fits, Heartburn', - Giddineili •• Erysipelas, Deafness, Itchings cif the- Skits, Colds , ,-t -, Gout, Gravel, Pains is the back; Inward weakness, '. : -"• Palpitations in the heart, Risings in the ifiroae, - Astli- i ma Fevers of all kinds; Female complaints; Suttees?" in t he ' side, Spitting of blood, Sore eyes ;Scrofula,;, ~ I ! St Anthony's tire, Lowness of spirits, Flooding, Fluor, _ Al bus or Whites, Gripes, King's evil, Lockjaw ; Ifysi tens, Bile on the stomach, and all bilious affections:,,':.' Pleurisy, Croup, Swelled feet and legs, Swine-pea,' White-swellings, Trernors, Tumoure, Ulcers; Vom- iting, and a host of others have successively'And re-,;...- peatedly been vanquished hy their all pewerful arm. They have been known to effect permanent cures '• whet, ali other remedies had proved unavailing, midi-, in the last stages of disease. • , - -,,, ---, ' ' ~ ...., . • -.- . They have in many cases superseded the prescrgt, tire skill of the most eminent Physicians;. and 70.., '. , , •- ceived besides their unqualified comniendation. :.•;..,.:-. • .: They have been repeatedly recommended by Men. ofthe most distinguished characters, thrOulliont the` . . - ----'. land, and been sanctioned in Europe by Nobletnet4 ', 7 and Princes of Royal blood.. They...._;, ' - 4-.; They have been introduced . into the Hospitals o f :::•-• Edinburgh, Paris, and Vienna, and throbili - the - dis.. 4 .- interested exertions orour 'Foreign Ambassadors, '7 - they have received the favorable coramendstion of . the Emperor Emperor of Russia and his celestial Majesty of the Chinese Empire. . (Cr' Scarcely a Picket vessel of any repute talk from the port of New York, without an ahundaet supply of the , _, - , ','' ' '., ;.:,-.• SICK MAN ' S NEVER FAILING FRIEND. itr Agencies have .been established in,,:all.the - ,r,-:;: principal Cities in the Union, and applicatioitaarti..--':, constantly reaching us from almoktmumherless Pit , . -'. Ilages in every section of the Country... Testimonials - -'; of their marvellous effects are pouring,m- (ion:all,. -,.;:', quarters—and in such numbers that we have_ not ', -.'. • time to read one half of them. What Stronger, fir;',:r . .., ':: mere conclusive evidence than these impertant .faetk-- •' -2 can the most sceptical desire?, Is it possible, that ' • ' •=;;; the many thousands who' have tried CLICKENEFOS . ( PILLS, can be deceived in Mart results? -If o r ..:;,-.:: imposture or , quackery existed, woeld ;it . not-long - , - ...• : : ago have been held up, as it should be, to the scorn - .; - :1; and derision era justly offended cominunity : , llrr Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the original; --: '- - r. - ' inventor ig Sugar Coated Pills; and that nothing m... - ',. -':'7 , the sort was ever heard of„tintif, he introdtieed - thete- '. ..,4 in June, 1343. Pureliasers.should, therefore;alwnyas:,- --; ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills and take no other, or they will be made the iictimetifrii - ' , - - '7;. - - fraud. . , . ?' ...:;,;- -.-? PRICE :IS CENTS PER BOX. ' • - -4/..-- -- - - 4 4 •• Dr.Clickener'sprincipal ['Mee fur the site °Mi.,: ~, , ,;_-, 1 is GS Vesey street, New York. ' • "'-' - ' --1- -''.. - ; WM. JACKSON, 59 Liberty street,lMad-ofWood ; : , -''. street, Pittsburgh, Pa., General Agent foi‘Western., .::•-;-•: Pennsylvania ; Northern Ohio ) and the Rivet COCI/V. ` :r... ' . : . ` ties of Virginia. - The following are Dr. Clickener's ply aprelntedZl- - •...,-., Agents for Allegheny county, P. . .; ~.7•-• ',:. ;,'•-. %VIII. JACKSON,. (Principal,) 89 Liberty s treet, 'head of Wood. ' ' ' • - -..- ''' - ' 3 '' A. M. Marshall, Allegheny (.47... Jonathan Ghriest, Manchester. C. Townsend & Co., " Jno. R. IL Jacqees, Birmingham. ' Jno. H. Cassel, Penn street. Andrew S. Getty, Wylie street. . , 1 Robert Williams; Arthersville. K. H. Ilemingra_y; South Ward, Wm. S. Smith, Temperanceville. Jeremiah Fleming, Lawrenceville. 1 Daniel Negley; East Liberty. 1 Edward Thompson, Wilkinsbtirgh.. Thomas.Aikin, Sharpsbargli. G. H. Starr, Sewickley. '' Samuel Springer, Clinton. ':. _ James M'Kee, Stewartstown. ' • ' ,i 7" John Black, Turtle Creek, j C. F. Diehl; Elisabeth, . -- ;; I. - 1 Riley M•Laughlin, Plumb Tbwhs lip. J. Jones, Bakerstown. _ ‘-,--,- Penny) M'KeeSport. j ---- RECEIPT FOR THE HUIVIAN HAlftc ri l'o II force its growth and healtit—itizike-it .. , ~ ; ,- silky, clear and fide. Pei sons who tin consequence of Many useles s i ~..- things sold) set down every; article (be t . ever isis'', 'good,) as a humbug. if people could be: ade,tp try a 3s bottle of Jones' Coral Restorative, and See ~ ~... how it makes dry, rusty, red light , hairMoist, tioft,-• aburn and dark; keeps it so, and by its use for 'some" ',. time ) causes it tai grow naturally beautiful, if ocopie: could see the number of poor re , peetable Mcc . hanic.* that use it (aye, and find- it , the cheapest thing-the 'can use,) for dressing and beautifying the _hair,: for,:; : keeping it soft and in order three times as Tong is ' - ~ any other article made, and it coskabut'37,l - cents'foi ----- a bottle : Read these certificates. - .' - • BALD HEADS, .BALD Jackson, of 89 Liberty street, Pittsbtirgh,Pa., Ora; ties, on the 3d of February, 1841, that 1 5 .1r:Thornaii Jackson's head. on the top, was entirely bald for lA. years, and that by using two 3s bottles ofJonees Co ral Hair Restorative, the hair is groWini fast and' thick, And ‘vill soon be entirely restored. • Grey Hearts, Grey Heads.—Rad--.I hereby; cert.*: that ny hair was turning grey; and that since I have - used Jones's Coral Hair itestoMtivo it has entirely ceased falling—is growing fast, and has a finerdark: look. Beloit) I used Jones's toial Restorative combed out handfuls of hair •daily; - WM. THOMPSON, 9.2. ring Mr. Power grocer in Fulton' st., hid his hide choked up With dandruff, and * Jones's Corat.tair Restorative entirely cured it. . _ -- Do you want to dress, beaultfy, and maks year hair soft arid fine. Read Henry Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South American ) do ,certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative is the best - article I ever used for, dressing, softening, cleaning,-and keeping the hair a long time in order I- all,my mut. tomer& preferred it to any thing else. _ Sold by W. Jackson, at his Boot and Shoe Store, and Patent Medicine warehouse, ,89 Liberty at. head of Wood st., Pittsburgh-4 Bottles at 37},--50,etn, and one Dollar. • my 7 DRUGS, DRUGS! JOEL MOHLER, Druggist and .Apethecarg r ie Ilr, corner of Wood and sth. sta., Yittshurg4 will keep constantly on hand, Davos, Penns, CAR,' DYE-sivers,*c. N. 8.---4.thysician , s prescriptions carelully:;emn• pounded, from the best materials ) at any, hour of day or night. Also,' an - assortment of Peatiniery; fine Tooth; flair, and Cloth Brushessi&e.&m,..which he will sell low for Cash. :. • .apgo-y..: • Newly ltztventea' ---- Patent Stook Elpal — sag . Truce, VOR the immediate' relief and perminentfcarepi. 12 Hernia and Rukure. (Suited to - all, sizeal.. 7 , , The superior c l aims of ;thia-Trass consistiwthe COM. ' .. parative ease with !which it may-be .Worze,,,,! The pad . ~. of wood being neatly balanced- on springs;YTeldri to ''i.il sl, ~.4;,,,,. the pressure of any' pareofii,..and 'Morono4Y it 1 tliptt '. - itself. to any movement made by the wearer: Atcana - - 'f! - 4;! . . be worn withoutintermissioneintil a cnreistiffected. . ~....; , .t The subscribers have made ' arrangements t „.Z or the ' -', manufacture of these valuableTmsses,M,p;stmerior .;,,z,:,.......; Style,- in' Philadelphia, and have thena • nOw for:sale . " 4 " . ,i4li at their office, No. 77, Smithfield- Ateel, near.Sizth ' " 4 t.: ~. . ; ....i.. Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT. - ` . "":.".) jy 1 -1). W. .Ir./I.W ~.. EIM, :', .--,--;:„. $ . OEN if • _ • , - • V l s ~-~"~'i' . ~r ~. ME < r,. ! .. , ,,:..•.., ) ,,i.,..,., :4. . 4 , ~',,•'-'-!:.-.....-',"._. , , I .--,:,:••,:;,.- .; '_:-;;,a Elll4 my!? ; Iffl 11 EN ME MI f J~ '?n.. , ~, NA E IMI M