The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 14, 1847, Image 4

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(Itansportation tittcg;
Pitolsiburgh Portable Boat Line,
von. the transportation of fraigif I. between Pitts
' burgh and the Atlanticcities, avoiding tranship
ments ou the way, and the consenneritrisk of delay,
damage, breakage and seperation of goods.
Pluasatuur. & CAS/1, 21S Market et., Philadelphia.
Ta.trFrlt. O'Cormon, cor Penn and Wayne sts.,
O'Comvons & Co., North street, Baltimore.
W. & 7.T. Thescorr, 75 South street, New York.
Encouraged by increased business, the Proprie
tors have added to and extended their arrange
ments during the winter, and are now prepared to
forward freight with regularity and dispatch, tinsur-1
passed by any other Line. Their long experience as
Carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat
system, and the great capacity and convenience of
the Warehouses at each end of the Line, are peculi
arly calculated to enable the Proprietors to fulfil
- their, engagements and accommodate their custom
eta, and confidently offering the past as a guarantee
thr the future, they respectfully solicit a continuance 1
of that patronage which they now gratefully ack
• All consign nents to Taaffe Sr. O'Connor will be re
ceived and forwarded, Steam Boat charges paid, and
of Lading transmitted free of any charge for
Commission, advancing or Storage. Having no inter
est directly or indirectly in Steam Boats the interest
of the Consignors must necessarily be their primary
object in-shipping West; and they pledge themselves
- to forward all Goods consigned to them promptly,
and on the most advantageous terms to the owners.
Plekwortli'a Way Freight Line.
EXCLUSIVELY for the transportalion of way
,freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns
town, liollidaysburg,b, Water street, and all interme
diate planes.
.One boat leaves the Warehouse (WC. A. MeAnul
ty& Co.;' Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and
Nhippers can always depend on having their goods
forwarded without delay and at fair rates.
This Linn was formed ror the special accommo
tlation,eTf the way business,-and the proprietors re
spectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage.
JOIIN Hollidaysburgh.
IL. If. CANAN, Johnstown. Agents
C. A.McANULT Y &Co.,Pitts'gh.
3. J.-McDevitt, Joan Parker, Robert Moore, Baga
oy.4•Smith, Pittsburgh. marB
Independent Portable float Line,
Irr Without Trawshipment.
.Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded
without delay, at the lowest current rates. Bills of
Lading transmitted, and all instruc ions promptly at
tended to, free from any extra charge for storage or
gPMllliti4oll. Address, or apply to
C. A. iMcAN'ULTY Sr. CO.,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
Having a very large and commodious warehouse,
we are prepared to receive (in addition to freight for
altipment) a large amount of Produce, &c., on Stor
age at IoW rates.
marBl C. A. McANULTY & CO.
1847. .iffik,
Monongahela Monte,
Time to Baltimore 3 4- hours.
.. -Time to Philadelphia 40 hours.
(oist.s73 MUSS STAGING.)
• rpm; Splendid and fast running steamers Consul,
Louis M'Laae and Swatara, have commenced
'making double daily trips. One boat will leave the
Monongahela wharf every morning precisely at 8 o•-
clock. Passengers by the morning line will arrive
in Baltimore next evening in time for the Philadel
phia Mail Boats or Rail Road cars. The evening
Boat will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except
Sundays. Passengers by this boat will lodge on
board, in comfortable state rooms. Leave Browns
ville next morning at 6 o'clock; cross the mountains
in day light; sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thus
avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations
. on this route are ample, and the connection coin
plete; so that disappointments or delays will be un
known upon it.
..Passengers can stop on the route and resume their
seatikagain at please: e, and have choice of Rail Road
- • or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Coaches chartered to partiesto trarbl as they de
- sire.
Secure your tickets at the office, Monongahela
or St. Charles Hotel.
feb 17-y J. NIESKIMEN.
Bingham's Transportation Line,
1846. - ------- .
• .
CIONDUCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping prince
- IL/pies, though not claiming to be the only line that
soconducted. The proprietors of this old estate
fished line have put their stock in the most complete
• • order, and are thoroughly prepared to forward pin
ducennd-merchadize to and from the Eastern cities
on the opening of navigation.
- We trust that our long experience in the carrying
business, and zenith's attention to the interests of cos.
touters, will secure to us a continuance and increase
of the patronage heretofore bestowed on 'Bingham's
- Line. ,
Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight
with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall al
: ways be as the lowest charged by other responsible
. • PrOance and merchandize will be received and for
warded east and west without any charge for adver
tising, storage or commission.
Bills of lading forwarded and every direction
. ' promptly attended to.
- -Address, or apply to WM. BINGHAM,
cor. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittsb'g,
No. 276 Market st., Philadelphia.
' •
No. 122 North Howard st., Baltimore,
No. 10 West st., New York
.--,_. ••••, John M. 'Townsend,
ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts
h, will Lave constantlyon hand a well selected
' assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which
he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi
cians sending orders will be promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour
'- of the day or night.
`.i'Y.:1.4 1 .t0 4 for sale , a large stock of fresh and good
-0,7,. an 30d
enry W. Williams,
(successor tiiLowrie & Williams.) Office at
the old stand, rourthstreet,above Smithfield.
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Henry W. Williams ' Esq., and myself, in the prac
tice of the law, vas dissolved by mutual consent on
the 26th ult., and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer
fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor
to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of
their confidence
d6•18 -1y
' Steel and File Manufactory.
HE subscribers having enlarged their establish
.ment for the manutlicture of Steel and Files—
thi-zorner of O'Hara and Liberty streets, Fifth
Ward; Pittsburgh--•are prepared to furnish files of
descriptiok, of the best quality; and being de-'
termined to make it the interest of consumers to par
_ chase-files from them—respectfully invite the patron
`:ego:of all wha use the article.
- Hunting and Fishing
CC9IITR EMENTS of every description on hand
. 112 and constantly receiving fresh supplies. Guns,
Pistols, Powder, Shot, Flasks, Belts, Gagne Bags,
Drinking pips, &p., &c. FYshing Tackle.—A large
atol complete assortment, for wholesalo or retail,
censisting in part of Jointed and Cane Rods, Hooks
of every variety, Silk, G rass, Linen, Cotton and Troll'
lines, Swivels, Snoodi, Floats, Sinkers &o. •
=l7 • JOHN W. BLAIR, 120 Wood st.
e •
• • -- •T
-- ' -
3 . ll.9urallcs
I'lra - um& Marine Insurance.
/pin Insurance Company of North America, of
Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent,
the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited
Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity,
and on shipments by the, canal and rivers.
Arthur G. Coffin, Pfes't. Sainuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry, . Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith,
Edward Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,
John White, John R. Neff,
Thomas P. Copt, Richard U. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard,Sec'y.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni
ted States, having been chartered in 179 . 4. Its char
ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long
experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of
an extra hazardous character, it may be considered
as offering ample security to the public.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa
ter and Front ktreets, Pittsburgh. oct23-y.
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company
CHARTER PEkPETUAL. $400,000 paid in of
fice 1631 Chesnut st., north side, near Fifth.—
Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against
loss of damage by fire, on property and effects of
every description, in town or country, on .the most
reasonable terms. Applications, made either per
sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to.
C. N. BANCKER, Prest.
C. G. BArqcgr.n, Sec , y.
Charles N. Ilancker, Jacob R. Smith,
Thomas Hart, George W. Richards,
Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Boric,
Samuel Grnnt, David S. Brown.
WArtmen MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Office
of Warrick Martin, 4- Co., corner of Third and Mar
ket otreets. '
Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents
in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding coun
try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken.
aug4 y
Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 500,-
000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. '72 Walnut
street—Win. Davidson, Preiet; Frederick Fraley,
Sec'y. This old and well established Company con
tinues to insure Buildings, liererchandize, Furniture,
and Property, not of an extra hazardous character,
against loss or damage by Fire.
Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its
neighborhood will be received, and risks taken
either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora
ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent,
dec 24 No. 26, Wood street.
Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual
Safety Insurance Company of Philadelphia.
FIRE RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandise of
every description, and Marine Risks upon bulls
or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable
Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on
Water st., near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and
patronage of their friends and 'community at large to
the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an insti
tution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia—
as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper
ation of its charter, is constantly increasing—as
yielding to each person insured his due share of the
profits of the Company, without involving hun to
any responsibility whatever, heyrind the premium
actually paid in by loin; and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious
feature, and in its most attractive form. nor l-tf
Agency of the Franklin Fire Inisurauce
Company of Philadelphia.
N. E. corner of Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
eriliE assets ofd: company on the first of Janus
" ry, 18.15, as published in conformity with an act
of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were
. .
Bonds and Mortgages, $600,615 93
Real Estate, at cuss, 100,90 77
Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash,... 207,199 72
Making a total of $909,683 42
Affording certain assurance that all losses will be
promptly met, and giiing entire security to all who
obtain policies from this Company. Risks taken at
as low rates as are consistent with security.
oct 8 WARRICK MARTIN, Agent.
Homotyntlitc Book•
T UST received at the Bookstore of the subscriber
tj in sth street, near Market :
Materia punt, by Samuel flahneman,
translated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M.
D., 4 vols.
Hartman's Acute diseases, by Dr. Hempel, of, I.
ilumeeopathic Domestic Medicine, by J. Lowrie,
enlarged and improved, by A. J. Hall, M. D.
lahr's Neu Manual, vol. 1. No. I and 3.
Hering's Domestic Physician.
A Manual of Domestic Cookery, for the use of per..
sons who are under Homieopathic treatment.
Bonningliausen's Therapmtic Pocket book fur
hommpatluscs, by Dr. Okie.
Aabneman's Chronic Dise.nses, vul 5.
Together with Medicine Chests of different- eines
and prices. tap IG) VICTOR SCItIBA.
TO ARMS! TO :twits ! !
THREATENED Invasion of Western
••••': Pennsylvania by Col. Swill, with 10,000
men, notwithstanding which, J. ii. W hite will con
tinue to cell clothing cheaperthan any has heretofore
been offered in the Western country, having the
largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty
and Sixth sts. He is now prepared to show to his
numerous patrons the greatest variety of cloths,
eassitneres, vestings, and clothing of all descriptions,
suitable fur the approaching season, that has ever
been offered in this market, to which all can have
the Right of Way. Observe the corner, No. 167,
Liberty and Sixth sts. .1. M. WHITE, Tailor,
mar?ls Proprietor.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, who design pur
chasing Venitian Blinds, or wish to get their old
Blinds renewed and made better than when new,
will please take notice that Andrew White is now
permanently situated on the corner of Wood and
4th sta. Show room on the second floor nfMr. Ken
nedy's splendid Looking Glass and variety store;
entrance on 4th st. All orders thankfully received
and promptly attended to. Please call and see be
fore purchasing elsewhere. marl 3
Bowel Complaint
FROM Dr. M. L. KNAPP, of Chicago, 111., Pro
fessor of Match.' Medica in the University of
Laporte, Indiana.
Dr. Jayne-Dear Sir :—You ask me what proofs I
meet with of the efficacy of your Carminitive. I
can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine
for Bowel Complaints that has given so much satis
faction, and my patients so spec ly and perfect re
lief as this. Whenever introduced into a family, it
becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and
is called for again and again, which I think a pretty
good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In the
Summer Complaint of children it has frequently ap
peared to snatch the little victims, as it were, from
the grave. "It saved the life of my child, and of.
such and such a child," I have repeatedly heard said.
Iu dy sen t r i c affections ofadults,l have time and again '
seen it act like a charm, and give permanent relief
in a few 'lours, I may say in a few minutes. In fine
it is a valuable medicine, and no family should be
without it. Respectfully.
M. L. KNAPP. M. D.
From the Rev. Comics C. P. CROSBY, Louisville,
Ky., and late of New York.
Ur. D. Jayne—Dear sir—l am glad to inform you
that the medicine made by you for Bowel and Sum
mer Complaints has proved singularly efficacious in
my family. My wife has for years been extremely
liable to a most distressing dysentery in hot weather;
but by the use ofJAVNE . I3 CARMINATIVE BALSAM for
two seasons, the attack has been obviated in the
course of two or three hours. I have known chil
dren, when attacked with a violent Diarrlnea, cured
immediately by this medicine. 1 consider your
medicine prepared with great skill, and highly bene
ficial to lumen nature. Respectfully yours,
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street near Wood i)5
RHODES & ALCORN, (late of New York city,)
No. 27, Fifth et-, between Wood and Market,
Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spices, Catnips,
&c., &c., will open during the present week a large
assortment of articles in their line, which they will
wholesole in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern
wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran
ted. Merchants intending to go east would do well
to call before leaving the city. They may be found
at thy it warehouse, No. 27, Fifth st., in Ryan'sbuild
ing. sep7
Summer Faeltion.for Hate.
SMOORE has just recchfed from New
c it
. York the Summer Style for HATS, con
FRENCH CASHMERE HATS, with Ventilators. Those
in want of a beautiful light Hat arc respectfully invi
ted to call at No. 7o Wood st.,
' ma2B=y 3d door above Fourth.
emigratiou Lin l.
affr OFFICE. And yet they come, more and
more, and still at the old prices; and that,
too, in Packet Ships, and intend to continue,
other offices raise their prices as they may. We
will bring persons out Porn any part of the old Coun
try, without one cent extra on account of the tre
mendous emigration, or the great advance in Liver
pool upon passages. We will also draw drafts at
sight, direct from Pittsburgh, for any amount payable
at any of tho Branches of the National or Provincial
Banks of Ireland, or any other Bank in any part o
the Old Countries. JOSHUA ROBINSON,
Office, sth street, one deor west of Wood street.
Tapscows General Emigration oniee.
.? REMITTANCES and pasting to
5 4„4 e and from GREAT BRITAIN AND ta
IRELAND, by W.& J. T. Tapscott
75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York,
and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool.
The subscribers having accepted the agency of
the above house, are now prepared to make arrange
ments upon the most liberal terms with those desi
rous of paying the passage of their friends from the
old Country, and flatter themeselves their character
and long standing in business will give ample as
surance that all their arrangements will be carried
out faithfully.
Messrs. W. Sr. J. T. Tapscott, are long and favors
bly known for the superior class, accommodation
nd sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The
ERPOOL, and SI DDONS, two of which leave each
Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and
front Liverpool the 6th and 11th, in addition to which
they have arrangements with the St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar
ture from Liverpool , every fiv edays being thus deter
mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in
creasing patronage, while Mr. W. TapscoWs constant
personal superintendence of the business in Liver
pool is an additional security that the comfort and
acccornmodation of the passengers will be particu
larly attended to.
The.subseribers being (as usual) extensively enga
ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg
and the Atlantic Cities. are thereby enabled to take
charge of and forward passengers immediately on
their landing, without a chance of disappointment or
delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pas
sage front any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to
this City; the nature of the business they arc engaged
in gi, ing them facilities for carrying passengers nu
tar inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ne
cessary,) forward passengers further West by the
best mode of conveyance without any additional
charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for
decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will
be refunded in full.
The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at
sight, for any amount payable at the principal Cities
and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and
Wales; thus affording a safe and expeditions mode of
Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons
requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to
avail themselves of.
Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt
ly attended to.
Remittances to Europe, 01,
•-- - -
LIVERPOOL, LONDON, sand the various Ports • I
HE. undersigned, Agent for Messrs. ROCHE,
1 . BR( t'S. & Co., is remitting money's to England,
Ireland, Scotland and Wales, at the rate of Ftrr
Dollars to the sterling. D:alls issued for any
amount drawn direct on the 110 . 1a1 Bank of Ireland,
Dublin, and on M terra Prescott, G rote, Ames &
Bankers, London, payable on presentation at any
Bank in the United Kingdom free of dizeount or any
charge whatever. Those desirous of remitting, Of
sending for their friends w ill please apply to the sub
scriber, at his office on Penn street, 4 doors above
the Canal 1136113. JAMES BLANKLY.
Persons at a distance wishing information x re
ceive in answer In return mail, by directing [post
paid; as Anse.
Refer to the Bankers, Merchants, and Manufac
turers of Pittsburgh and vicinity. apt 7-itatetf
.4•74!-• REMITTANCE. ;log*
9 1 11 E enhacribere are prepared t forward tunnel
to all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and
Wales, tsith dortiatch, and at the lowest rates.
No. IY.', Liberty at.
John Mack J Co.,
lILITIIOLF.SALL: Grocers, Produce end Commis
sion Merchants, and dealers in Patsburgh
manufactures, No. 166 Liberty street, opposite 6th,
Pittaburgh, May 12
11:1r Liberal sdrances made on consignments.
John P. Perry,
(late if the
,firm of Malcolm, Leech 4. C 0.,)
VIET 1101.,E.SALE GROCER, Commission and Flout
11 Merchant, dealer in all kinds of Country Pro..
duce, copper, tin, tin plates, tinnerait tools, zinc,
lead, Russia sheet iron, iron and nairi, ks hitc lead,
dye stuffs, cotton yarns, salt, &c., and 'Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally, corner of Liberty and •hr..
win streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal advances, in
Lash or Goods, made on consignments of Produce,
Ill3V I S-tf
TESPECTFULLY aska the patronage of his
friends. He feels warranted that he can give
satisfaction to all who may pnrchase of him. His
establishment is on Al'Kelvy's plan of Lots, sth
Ward. tnar3l-Iy
For Coughs, Colds Asthma, and Consumption.'
rpli V. great and only remedy for Colds, toughs,
Asthma and Coasts,: rflor; , the lIUNG A !ILAN
BALSAM OF LIFE, docovered by the celebrated
Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and introduced in
to the United States under the immediate superin
tendance of the inventor.
The extraordinary SUCCESS of this medicine, in the
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent in soliciting for treatment the WORST cosstritz
CASES that Can be found in the community—cases
that seek ',relief in vain from any of the common
remedies of the day, and have been given up by the
most distinguished 'Physicians as CONFIRMED AND IN
cuItABLE. The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and
will cure the stone DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no
quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of,
known and established client.
Every family in the Untted States should be sup
plied with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not
only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of
the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine
in all cases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain
in the Side and Chest, Irritation and Soreness of the
Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic
Fever, Night Sweats, Emaciation and General De
bility, Asthma, Influenza, stooping Cough and Crimp.
;tr. Sold in large bottles, at $1 per bottle, with
full directions for the restoration of Health.
. ,
Pamphlets, containing "ti mass of English and A
merican certificates, and other evidences, showing
the unequalled merits of the great English Remedy,
may be obtained of the Agents, gratituously.
DAVID F. , sole Agent fur the United
States, 119 Court street, Boston.
T. W. DYOTT & Sons, General Wholesale Agents,
No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia.
For Sale by B. A. FAIINESTOCK & Co., corner
of Wood and Front streets. rnay7
M. McDONALD, Bell and Bran
Founder, First street, near Market, is
prepared to make Brass Castings and
Brass works generally on the most
reasonable terms and shortest notice.
He invites machinists and all those
using brass works to give him a call, as he is de.
termined to do all work in his line very low.
Watches from Europe.
JUST received, a fresh importation of fine Gold
and Silver Patent Lever Watches, of the best
qualities and handsomest patterns, which I ant sel
ling at as low prices an the same qualities are par
chased for in the Eastern cities—their quality and
accuracy as timekeepers will be guaranteed. Also,
Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, at $3O,
$35, $4O, and upwards.
Being determined to make it the interest of our
citizens and others, to purchase at home, I respect
fully invite attention to my large and beautiful as
sortment of Watches and Watch trimmings.
Int- The best attention constantly given to tle re
paring of fine IVatches. Having in my employ the
most experienced and best workmen in the State,
and every facility for doing all kinds of Watch and
Clock work in the very best manner.
jy 10 Corner of 4th and Market ate
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Pittsburgh, Pa
13. A. C A M EU 0 N,
t; rent Englinli esuedy
, I . ; : 1;:,: . :;,F;•;:4,1"
Great Remedy of the Age t
Di I . S 11 1 A Yl\ E's
The Great Kennedy for
Coniumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty
of Breathing, Pain in the Side and:
• Breast, Palpitation of the Heart, •
Influenza, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore •
Throat, Nerv
ous Debility,
All diseases of Throat, Breast, and
Lungs; the most effectual and
speedy cure ever known
for any of the above
diseases is
DR. S 11 7 ..4 YNE' S
Read the Testimony.
St. Louis, Sept. 7th, 1846.
Da. F. FAsTr.ntv & Co.—Gents.---I have been
afflicted for about three years with a pulmonary com
plaint, which has baffled the skill of several of the
most eminent physicians of our country. At times
my :cough was very severe, pain in my side and
breast, and great difficulty in breathing. In this way
I continued to suffer, until life became almost a bur
den. At length I BIM your advertisement of DR.
WAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and
was persuaded by a friend ef mine to rnake a trial of
it, anti I purchased a bottle of - you. I am happy to
inform yuuthat one bottle has effected a perfect cure,
and that I am now in the enjoyment of good health.
I make this statement in the form of a certificate,
that others who may he afflicted with such diseases
may know where to find a valuable medicine. You
can use this testimony in commendation of Dr.
Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry as you
thilik best. . Yours, with respect,
ONE WORD OF CACTION.—Since the introduction
of my article to the public, there have ii number of
I unprincipled individuals got up nostrums, which
they assert contain Wild Cherry ; sonic are called
I" Balsams," Bitters," and even 4‘ Syrup:of Wild
Cherry," but mine is the original and only genuine
preparation ever introduced to the public, which
can; be proved by the public records of the COIIIM0D•
wealth of Pennsylvania. The only safeguard against
imilosition is to see that my signature is on each
Ibottle. Dn. Sw., roe,
I Corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philada.
50,000 Deaths by Consumption
Weirthiperhapx be a small estimate for the ravages of
this dreadful disease in a single year; Men add the
fearful catalogue of those cut off by Inflainat ion of
the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs, Influen
za, Bronchitis, and other duseases of the Lungs and
Li err.
And the list would present, an appalling proof of
the fatality of These two classes of diseases. But it
is impurtant to know that nearly all of this dread
waste of human lin, might have ber:n prevented by
a timely use of DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SI
ItLl' 0 - 1 7 WILD CHERRY.
This medicine has now been before the public
sotne eight years. and is the anginal preparation
from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its reputation as a rem
edy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, nud Consumption
of the Lungs based entirely upon its intrinsic merits,
ones but little to 101;111,1 newspaper puffs. Those
Is Ins gist. it a trial', being bent:l . ..Red by it, recom
mend it to their neighbors, and thus gradually and
surely has tt gained an ens able reputation and worked
its way into genera? use. (Inc bottle osier rah, to
cure a recent Cough ur Cold, slide with strict atten
[mutt to the directions that acr,tnpans eael. bottle,
Its use in Pulmunary diseases of lung standing and
of the most alarming chic racier, has always i t i s ell re
lief, and in sirs main Instances has effected corn
plete and permanent cures.
Itroare iif the is m thleiss " Balsams,' " Bitters,"
.• Syrup's," 4-r., as they contain none of the rinses
of the unginal pieparation.
The ;origin:llllM only ; genuine article is prepared
by DR. S WANE, corner of Eighth and Race.strecbs,
Philadelphia, and tbr sale by agents in all parts of
the United States, and sonic parts of Europe. •
Prepared onlyby DR. SW AYSE, N. W. corner of
Eighth and ltace streets, Philadelphia, and for sale
.by respectable Druggists in nearly all the principal •
towns in the United States.
1-'f, gale frholevale and Retail, by WM. THORN,
53 . Markol atreet; L...I()NES, 1 , 0 Ltherty mrect, and
OGDEN & SNOW OF:N, corner of 14 ood and 2d its.,
A Most Extraordinary Letter.
rprtE rev. J. O. Gilbert, a Alethoilist Episcopal
j_ ('reacher, writes to Dr..layne—Nornatown, 111.
April 27, 1547. Dear Sir—l never but Mire used
your medicines; it was as follows I was at our
count, seat, and retired to lied about eleven o'clock,
in good health, and fell aslrep, but was soon awak
ened by extreme pain in one hand and arm. I suc
ceeded in keeping my bed till about four o'clock.
When I arose I found my hand badly swollen, or in
a high state of inflammation. A small black spot on
the back of my hand, about the size of a five cent
p ere. It soon rotted and conic out to the bone.
When I arose the pain was very severe, running into
my head and 0 e r the whole system. Ily twelve of
cl ick my head and face were badly. swollen. The
glands filmy throat swelled %cry much, and by this
time every tooth in my head was more or less loose;
two thirds of the skin of my mouth a td lips peeled
off; my sight quite effected; no physician Hear.
I .abut,d or f, ends to take niellinne,;fifteen miles)
but they tver'e fearful I could not stand it, when T.
V. Davenport, who kept the public house, requested
me to go to kin house. Chills, faintness and sichnes
was constantly increasing upon me; I had become
almost insensible. As I reached his house, his moth
er, alarmed at my appearance, met me at the store
with a spoonful-of JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, and
repeated the dose lien or three times in the course
of an hour, in which time the famtness, sickness and
chills had principally left—a free perspiration was
on the surface and the inflammation vastly abatirg.
The. third day I was able to ride hone. The Rev.
Dr. Nymphet imformed me the attack was one of
the severest kind of:Malignant Erysipelas, and that
file use of your Aurtasrivr. was the means of saving
my life. Respectfully yours, tcc.
DO" For sale in Pittburgli, at the PEKIN TEA
STORE, 72 Fourth st., between !Varlet and Wood
/1111 E subscriber having opened an office in the
City of Pittsburgh, in the State of Penton, for
the purpose of procuring Land Warrants at the Seat
( - it : Government, for the disdiarged Soldiers of the
Regular Army, as well as the Volunteers, Who have
served their country in the present War with Mexico:
informs the is mg, and the representatives or the
dead, that hr addressing an application to hint at this
City, git rug the name and address of the soldier, and
it ileau, his representatii es, it will receive careful
and prompt attention.
Instructions and Blanks will be immediately re
turned per mail , o the applicant, to be executed and
returned to me at this place. The Warrant, when
received, will be immediately sent per mail to the
proper owner; or if he should prefer receiving mo
ney, I will make sale of his Warrant to the best ad
vantage for cash, and make no charge for that service.
In the event of the death of the soldier, that must
he mentioned in the letter, and the warrant will
issue according to the following roles: First, to his
wife and cifildren, (if he have tiny.) Second, to his
father; and Third, to his mother.
flaying a -son in the Genetnt Land Office at Wash
ington, and one in the Army under General Scott,
to Mexico, the matter would receive their prompt
attention, should any difficulty arise respecting the
necessary proof.
Letters addressed to me on the subject must be
pont paid, and inclose a Five Dollar Bank Note as
my compensation. WM. B. FOSTER.
lion. flarmar Denny,
Hon. Walter Foward, Pittsburgh.
Col. Wm. Robinson, Jr.,
James Hall, Esq.
Robert Buchanan, Esq. 5 . Cincinnati.
Irwin & Foster,
Major St Clair Denny, Paymaster U. S. A., N. 0.
Lieut. Col. Sat:M. W. Black,
Capt. John Herron, e , Vol's Gen. Scott's
Capt. Robert Porter, Army, Mca'o
Capt. P. N. Guthrie, Reg. Army,
W. B. F. may be found at the office of Wm. E.
Austin, Esq., late Black & Liggett's, Burke's Build
ings, Fourth street. iY9
Just Published,
TrAUBIGNEVS Cromwell, The. Protector; a
if Vindication : By J. 11. Merle D'Aubigney, D.
D. Price, cloth 50c., half cloth 3Sc. This voiume
contains 2SO pages 12mo, bound unifo. in with the
11 Reformation."
"The object of this work—the rectification of' '
the common opinion with regard to Cromwell's reli
gious character—has obliged the author to intro
duce loony quotations from his letters and speeches.
It is not we who ought, in this day, to justify the
great Protector; he should justify himself."
[D'Aubigney's Preface.
A few copies of the above, just received by Ex-
jy27 56 Market et.
12LOUR : 100 Mils S Fine Fluu , , in store and fur
jyl7 sale by JNO. F. PERRY.
. _ _
f :i£ Ici I
_ . .
. .
. _ - . --- : ' ---' • - • ' ' --' • '' , t - V• -- 4.tA - 40.'iqb . ' 1, V•'
. . . . .. ...„.--,.*%,..&;.- . • ~-. ..,,,, - hi..41 4 4.7 .- r - . , ..•-•, 4. 4. .4 ,- Y- ,
.- 1 , 1 ,-..,,,-.---,-,,,w.u....vr , .:-.2. , ,mmtva:t.=' , -1 14 .f 2 4 1 7 , -.1.; - .V.- - :.trzitt.l , ...:Z- 1,1 7 , :' , ""' 4,,,,- : 7 5 -7,, P# 7-,- -4. ,- , , r - . -.,:-.i.'4,_.-,,,i,Ki,..2-*...;.,,,4_.....;dxf;-.44.‘a,..-.11:;,--:...,,,S4--kx.fi3-,A,
ollcU~fltl. ar
"What though the causes may not be explained,
Since their effects are duly ascertained,
Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride,
Induce mankind to set the means aside;
Means which, tho 9 simple, are by Heaven design , d
To alleiNate the ills of human kind."
TIM remarkable invention, which has received
the universal approbation of the medical profes
sion of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new ap
plication of Galvanism, as a remedial agent, by means
of which the ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Electric
and Magnetic Machines, &c., are entirely dispensed
with, and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied
without any of the objections which are inseparable
from the general mode now in use. The strong-dos
ea, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanism is ap
plied by the Machines, line been pronounced, after a
fair and impartial trial , to be decidedly injurious, and
it was to remedy this radical defect that this new ap
plication was projected, which, after unceasing toil,
and perseverance, has been brought to its present
state of perfection. The Galvanic Rings answer all
the purposes of the most expensive Machines, and
in many other respects are more safe and certain in
accomplishing the desired effect.
The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the
Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recommended in all
disorders which arisefrom an enfeebled and unhealthy
state of the nervous or vital system, and these com
plaints are among the most painful and universal to
which we are subject. They arise, without exception,
from one simple cause—a derangement of the Nerv
ous System—and it was in these cases that other
remedies , having so often ailed, a new agent was
greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, has
been found in the proper and judicious application
of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings have been used. with entire
Success in all cases of RHEUMATISM, acute or chronic,
applying to the head, face or limbs, Gout, Tic-Dolo
reuz, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy,
Fits, Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, Apoplexy,
Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago,
Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head,
pain in the Chest and-Side, General Debility, Deficien
cy of Nervous and Physical Energy, and all NERV
OUS DISORDERS. In cases ofconfirmed Dyspepsia,
which is simply a nervous derangement of the diges
tive organs, they have been found equally successful.
Their extraordinary effects upon the system must be
witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive
for the preceding complaints they are equally recom
mended. The Rings are of different prices, being
made of all sizes, and of variout ornamental patterns,
and can be worn by the most delicate female without
the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the 'sensation
is rather agreeable than otherwise.
The Galvanic Belie, Bracelre Bands,
Garters, Ztiev:klaces,
In some cases of a very severe character, and of
long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic
Rings is not sulficientto arrest the progress ofdisease
and ultimately restore health. The improved modi
fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, &c., entire,
ly remedies thin objection; any degree of power that
is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint
which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect
will fail to be permanently relieved. These articles
are adapted to the waists, arms, wrists,limbs, armies,
or any part rif the body, with perfect convenience.
The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bene
fit in eases of Bronchitis or affectionr of the throat
generally; also in cases of Nervous Deafness; and
with almost uniform success as a preventive for Apo
plexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints.
Christle•s Magnetic Fluid
is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and
all their modifications. This composition has been
pronounced by the French Chemists to be one of the
most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It
is believed to possess the remarkable power of ren
dering the nerves semitive to galvanic action by this
means causing a concentration of the influence, at the
seat of disease, thus giving rapid and permanent re
lief. No other composition in chemistry is known to
produce the same effect, or to impart a similar pro
petty to the nervous system, by means clan outward
local application. The Magnetic Fluid contains noth
ing capable of the slightest injury; its application is
agreeable, and it is as harmless in its action as it is
beneficial in its results. Full explanations and direc
tions accompany it. The combined inventions are in
every way perfectly harmless; they are sold at prices
within the reach of nil and the discoverer only re
quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy
and permanent benefit.
Christle'e Galvanic, Strengthening Plan-
These articles torm another valuable application
of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They are
an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings
and their modifications, acting upon the same prinet
plc, but having the advantage of more local applica
tton. They are confidently recommended as a valu
able addition in the speedy cure ofltheumatism,acute
or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a posi
tive remedy in cases of Pain and Weakness in the
Chest or Back, Pain in the Side, in Asmatie Affections,
and in Weakness or Oppression of the Pulmonary Or
gans. In Spinal Complaints their effects are of the
most decided character, and they have often been
used with complete success. They arc also of the
greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness of the
Breast,and are highly recommended for many ofthose
complaints to which females are especially liable. As
an effectual means for strengthening the system when
debilitated with disease or other causes; as a certain
aid in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive of
Colds, and in all affections of the Chest, generally,
the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be found ot
great and permanent advantage. In a few words; it
embraces all the virtues °fillt best tonic preparation,
with the important addition of the galvanic influence,
which is neither impaired (Dor exhausted, while the
action continues. These articles will be found entire
ly free from those objections which are a constant
source of compleiot with the ordinary plasters -in
common use.
7 - The great celebrity and success of these arti
cles have caused them to be counterfeited by enprin
cipled persons. To provide against imposition, Dr.
Ciinistic has but one authorized agentin each city of
the Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh,
Of the highest and most respectable cfiaractg, are,
constantly received, regarding the eitraorliinary
value and success olthe above articles. It is
ed that in the city of New York alone, npwards off
EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of
less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the
most painful chronic disorders, some of which have
completely baffled all former efforts of medical art.
indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who,
disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine,
constantly recommend this application in their prac-I
tice, and with the exception or those echo are too
prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re-1
ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent!
among the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all
times ready and most happy to give every facility to
physicians, and all interested, for testing the truth of
his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery.
Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of. 4th and
Market street. octl4-d ly
Jones's coral Hair Rest orative.
IHEREBY certify that my hair was fulling opt in
immense quantities daily, and was turning gray,
and that since 1 have used Jones's Coral hair Resto
rative, it has entirely ceased falling—is growing
fast, and has a tine dark look. Before I used Jones's
Coral Hair Restorative, 1 combed out handfuls of
hair daily."
W. TOMPKINS,92 King st. N. Y.
For sale Jackson, Agent, corner of Wood
and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh
where the GENUINE CAN be obtained. jan.22
To any Clients
M Y ti P n A a l t r t . en
d Ligg ett,
tomyu d I
unfinished E
i r tis ed . busi
and 1 recommend them to the patronage of my
friends. lam authorized to state that they will re
dceive the counsel and assistance of the Hon. R. Btd
blo 011 ice 2d story of Burke's Buildings, 4th street,
etween Wood and Market.
Doctor C. Morgan,
T 4 IORMERLY a successful practising Physician in
this city and vicinity, " Richard" like, "is him•
self again (Stahl quo.) His office is in Penn street,
next door to the Washington Hotel, Pittsburgh, Al
legheny County, Pennsylvania, whore he will be
happy to accommodate such of his old applicants as
may need his services, anti all new ones who, in like
manner, may feel disposed to barter disease for
health, and fork over the difference, in legal loose
change. cnylo-d3tEmtf
...x. _ .~ ~ ~,°
:~- .
r ral
i s' ci.fl.t .2 l l %
• , c/f(Ep 9 11 9 9,1 - .:{P.. •
%If 11 1 -rti • Rlt
-.....„ 4..., ~.:i.7; 4......:.. - _
.. - ..
207 Main street, Buffalo, 'Mery York.
CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED;" is most emphatically
the case with this article.. Disease has ever yielded
to its most marvellons medicinal power. Wherever
it has gone, and South America, England, Canada,
and the United States have proved the truth of this
statement, the above quotation in a strong and pithy
sentence, tells the whole story. Invalids, the prin
ciple.upon which you are cured may not be known
to you, but the result of a trial of the article is satis
factory; you are restored; and the secret of the exile
remains with the proprietor. The Medicine is a
compound of 22 distinct vegetable agencie4 each in.;
dividual root has its own peculiar, exclusive, medi
cinal property, conflicting with no other compound
—each root makes its `own cure—and as a perfect
combination, when taken into the system, it does
the work which NATURE ' when her laws were first
established, intended it should do—P U RIF I ES,
down, debilitated constitution. DROPSY, in all its
characters, will be completely eradicated from the
system by its use. See parnplets in agents' hands,
for free circulation—hey treat upon all diseases,
and show testimony of cures. GRAVEL, and all com
plaints or the urinary organs, form also the cause
of great suffering, and Yantis's LITHONTEMPTIG has
acquired no small celebrity over the country, by the
cures' it has made in this distresiing class of afflic
tions. So famed, it seems, is this medicine, that it
has thus attracted the notice of one of our Medical
publications. lit the November No. 1546, of the
"Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review of Medical
and Surgical Science," in an article upon calculoui3
diseases, and "solvents," the writer, after noticing
the fact that the English government once purchased
a secret remedy, and also noticing the purchase in
1802 of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New
York, thus pays tribute to the fame of the MediCine:
"Why do not our Representatives in Senate and
Assembly convened, enlighten and 'dissolve' the
suffering thousands of this country, by the purchase
of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic, than which no
solvent since the days of Alchemy has possessed one
hall the tame I" Reader, here is a periodical of high
standing, acknowledged throughout a large section
of this country to be one of the best conducted jour
nals of the kind in the United States. exchanging
with the scientific works of Europe to our certain
knowledge, edited by Austin Flint, M. D., and con
tributed to by men of the highest professional abili
ty, thus stepping aside to notice a"secret remedy."
You will at once understand no unknown and worth
less nostrum, could thus extort a comment from so
high a quarter—and consequently, unless it directly
conflicted with the practice of the faculty, it must
have been its great ey'ame" which has caused it to
receive this passing nod. KIDNEY diseases, weak
ness of the back and spine, irregular, painful and
suppressed Mensturation, Flour Albus, and the en
tire complicated train of evils which follow a disor
dered system, are at once relieved by the medicine.
Send for pamphlets from Agents, and you will find
evidence of the value of the Lithontriptic there put
forth. As a rernedy for the irregularities of the to
male system, it has in the compound a "root" which
has been resorted to in the north of Europe fur cen
turies—as a bore cure for this complaint, and a re
storer of' the health of the entire system. Limn
instantly relieved. Peoplsl'of the West will find it
the only remedy in these complaints, as well as FE
vr.n AND Actin. There is no remedy like it, and 7(0
calomel or yeeinioe forms any part of this mixture.
No injury will result in its use, and its active proper.
tins are manifested in the use ofa single 30 oz bottle.
Foe FF.VVIL AND AOUE, Bilious Disorders,take no
other Medicine. RHEUMATISM, Cows, willnd relief.
The action of this medicine upon the Blood, will
change the disease—which originates in the blood
—and a healthy result will follow. DYSPEPSIA, IN
nicrsxml3 &c., yield in a few days use of this Medi
cine. Inanimation OF THE LUNGS. COUGH, Con
smarms also, has ever found relief. SCROFULA,
ERYSIPELAS, Pats, Inflamed Eyes—all caused by im
pure blood—will find this article the remedy. The
system, completely acted upon by the twenty-two
different properties of the mixture, is purified and
restored—as a partial cure will not follow. The
train of common complaints, Palpitation of the
Heart, Sick Headache, Debility; 4-c., are all the re
sult of some derangement of the system, and the
GREAT Res - roans will do its work. The promises
set forth in the advertisement, are based upon the
proof of what it has done in the past four years.
The written testimony of 1000 Agents ' in Canada,
the United States, England and South America, in
the possession of the proprietor—and can be seen
by all interested—is a sufficient demonstration that
it is the best Medicine ever offered to the World.
Get the pamphlet, and study the principle as there
laid down, of the method acute: Pet up in 30 oz.
bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do at $1 each—the larger hold
ing 6 oz. more than two small bottles. Look out and
not gel imposed upon. Every bottle has "Vaughn's
Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture" blown upon the
glass, the written signature of "G.C. Vaugn" on the
directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,' stamped on
the cork." None other are genuine. Prepared by
Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office,
207 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesale and retail
No attention given to letters, unless post paid—or
ders from regularly constituted Agents excepted: post
paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting ad
vice, promptly attended to gratis.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this arti
cle-132 Nassau at., New York city; 295 Essex st..
Salem, slz • :and by the principal Druggists through
out the Liiiied States and Canada, as advertised in
the papers.
Agents in this city—
Hays & Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Agents,
No. 2, Commercial Rom, Liberty. street, Pittsburgh.
Also, lt. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; John Mitchell,
Federal street, Allegheny city; John Barclay, Beaver;
John Smith, Bridgewater. jan3o-d&w•ly
Sprains, Strains, Pains of the Breast and
Side, and diseases of the Spine,
nURED and effectually relieved by the use ofNa
ki ture's own Remedy, the AMERICAN OIL; ob
tained fro,rn a well in Kentucky, 185 feet below the,
Earth's surface. A lady in Kentucky was cured oC
a Spinal Disease, which had confined her to her bed I
for many weeks completely helpless; by the use of
this remedy, after various other remedies had been
tried in vain. Read the following testimonial.
Prrrsuonort, August 22,, 1846.
This is to certify, that we have used the AMERI
CAN OIL for the whooping'cough among our children,
by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoon
full at night, which always enabled them to rest well
through the night; I also applied it to one of the
children that got her arm burnt, the child ceased
crying by the time the arm was dressed and bound
up. I also was afflicted with a pain in my side and ,
breast, and have becih so for 16 years. I commenced
using the Oil by taking a teaspoonful twice a day;
and in 2 or 3 days using the Oil have been very much
relieved, and do believe that it is the best family
medicine I have ever seen—one of my neighbors
used it at my request fora sprained ancle, which re
lieved her in a few minutes; we have also used the
Oil fora strained joint in our own family, which gave
ease in a very short time. We live on the east. side
of Penn st., 3 doors south of Walnut. I as
well as ever 1 was in my life. _
Sold wholesale and c retail by Wm. Jacksn, it his
Boot and Shoe store and Patent Medicine Ware
house, 89, Liberty street, head of Wood street, Pitts
burgh. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Wm.
Jackson being the exclusive Agent for Western
Pennsylvania, NONE IS• GENUINE but what is
sold by rum on ins appointed agents.
N. B. A pamphlet containing ample directions,
&c., with the Names and Addresses of the proprie
tors and principal Agents is enveloped in the wtap
per of each bottle. aug 2S—feb 15-d&w6m
OFFICE in Avery Row,sth atreet, above Smith
field street, Pittsburg.
and other instruments of writing drawn with - neat
ness, legal accuracy and despatch. lie will also at
tend to drawing and filing MECITANIc's Litxs, Ac
counts of Executors, Administrators, tc., Examinin6,
titles to Real Estate, Searching Records for Liens,
tc. te.
From his long experience and intimate acquaint
ance with the manner of keeping the public records,
he expects to give satisfaction to those who may en
trust their bus,ness to hie care. decl6-d4w
r t
{Y. [ •-~ ! -`~. SL C h ~ d..... , ~w Sn s~_ yY a £f`~ ewe tea' 1 .
a ....'+i tl •'~ „~ I.!',`-.~4 -C ~::,..MrfPAf~.'*tV i Y + ' 4C ..... ,~.. I ;nn ~+t
sllc aL
The Celeprated'lMlian Remedy,
. _ .
Discovered by Dr. Maioni, of Italy iu the year 1895,
and introduced into the U. States early in 18516,-,
rS unrivalled.medicine Air the - radical cure at-
C l 'hronie diseases has spread th:Oughutit
with the most unequal
led speed and triumphant suc
cess, effecting the most astonishing ever known
or recorded in.thearthals Of Medical History. Since.
its introduction into the United States it has equally
sustained the high reputation, it so justly received in
the East, curing here as it has done there, the most,
inveterate and long standing diteases with which BO -
human family are afflicted.- The Physicians of s'a.c..
rope and America (as far as they have becototi-ac-,
quainted with its mode of operation) together with`'
the thousands who have been restored to- healilzby
its superior efficacy with lne united voice proclaim,-
it to be the mostperfect remedial agent ever offered
to suffering humanity. - .lt is now an established fact
c,that Constitution may be, can be, and has been cured
by Dr. Mazonps Sicilian Syrup or Tropical Hygiene.
This is the only medicine that has ever been dis
covered that - has achieved a'cure Where this disease''
had gained a settled and permanent' hold upon the .
system. For the truth of this assertion, we haie .
the certificates of some of the most eminent
clans of Europe and America, expressly declaring
that they have prescribed it in hundreds ofinstances
where the patients Were considered beyond all het*
ofrecovery; and, to-their astonishipent, has effected
the most speedy and perfect cures: No one whois
unacquainted with its action can . imagine-the woe
derful success that attends the administration of thik
medicine in every variety of ,chronic disenee, par.
ticularly Consumption, Scrofula or kings evil, .Asth-..
ma, Pbthieic, Piles, (see casesZeported in pamphleti
and circulars) Cancers; Liyer Comidaints, - Costivn...
ness and Indigestion ' 'Sore 'and Infliuned Throat,
Bronchitis, Dropsiee, Chronic Jeflarnatien of the ;
Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility and Iratibility
the nervous system, Spinal affections, Paralyeis,^:.
Chronic Diarrahrea, Pain in the_ breast .and
Coughs, Celds, Chronic Rheumatism,Diseases of. the'.
Stomach and Bowels, inward weakness and falling'.
down of the womb, and all' the chronic diseases tie. 7
culiar to females in. their various relations
This Medicine is prepared only by. Dr. Mitioni
self, and is composed entirely of vegetable Material's'
containing the extract of '92 of the most rare Tropi
cal plants but few of which are known' to the medi
Profession generally.
It has so far surpassed every'other medicine - ever.
offered to the world in eradicating disease, that. it
has not 'ouly enlisted many of the most talented
medical men in. he world in its facer but what - is.
more extraordinary the government where it was,
discovered “Has made it an offence punishable with
death to attempt counterfeiting it or making Sale cif
any spurious article purporting. to be the same'or'
representing it to be genuine: And this Govern
ment has also made a liberal provision for the pro-,
tection of it here. To the afilicted we say let none'
dispair, though you may, have been given up by.
your Physician and considered by your friends as
beyond all hope, try a bottle of this medicine and
you may rely upon the fact, that if you have physi.'
cal strength enough left to endure its action,- you.
will find certain and speedy relief, for this has:been
the case in thousands of instances, in proof of which
we can produce certificates from -individuals_ of the
most respectanle character both of Europe and:
America. This medicine will be offered for sale
only at the county seats of each county owing
the small amount yet imported, and the anxiety of
the proprietor to place this valuable remedy within
the reach of all throughout the United States.
Hays & Brockway, Druggists, No. 2 Cothmercial
Row, Liberty street, wholesale and retail Agentko
Allegheny county. Sold also by R. E. Sellers, Not ,
57 Wood st. dee29.49xr. I
TIOET. E. MERRITT, DePtist, respectfully an.
nou r y ces to the citizens of Pittsburgh and vi
cinity that he has returned to the city and taken the
house lately occupied by the Rev. Dr. Riddle, on
Liberty near. Ferry street, where he will be. happy.
to see all those Ladies and Gentlemen that may Wish
his' services. He can be found at any hour, as he
will devote his whole time to his profession; all ope
rations of the
,teeth will be dope with , neatness and--
P. S. Dr. E. M. can relieve the most painful
toothache in a few minutes—he has a'quantty of his
celebrated Tooth Powder which sweeten M the fluid■
of the mouth, polishes the teeth, and hardens the
gums. je2o-d6&wly.
Landreth's Warranted- Garden Seesd r.
j_J bears the label and warranty of DAVW LAzr-
Darn!. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 29 Water'
st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A...Berrr.
Extract from the 'Report of the Visiting Committee
of the Pennsylvinia Horticultural Society,' unani
mously adopted and ordered to be printed.
"These extensive grounds are on Federal street,
near the Arsenal. * * ••• • The earliest collec
tion of Camellias was made here. Some of those
now in possession - of those distinguished 'nurserymen
are ten feet high. ', * * * The selection o.
GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS is valuable and extensive.
'..The Nurseries are very correctly managed,
plying every part of - the - Union, a detail of which-'
would occupy too much of our space,-we therefore
content ourselves with stating that the stockis very
large, and in every stage of growth, consisting of
a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the' .
best kind and most healthy condition, Jai& 'beds - et
seeding apples4earir, plums, &C., aasteckifot
ding and grafting; a plan very euperior to that is.
working upon suckers, which carry with them into „
the'graft all the diseases of the parent stock: * *
"GARDEN .Sazia§ of the finest quality have been,
scattered over the country from these grounds, and
may always be depended upon. The seed establish.,
meat of these Horticulturistais one of the mostcx
tensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain.
ed from year to year.
"To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family;they have established
another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene
ration cannottake place;aild which.secures to the
purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the -
age, quality and process of culture of every plant,
the supply from their grounds is .recommended with
great confidence." ,
*;,-,.* Since the date of the 'Reriort" froria which 'the',
above is extracted, the entire establishment has bean;
greatly enlarged. The collection o,f.Camellias'
braces all the finer kinds, and consists of. somathog.
sands of various sizes; so likewise with`Roads, and.
other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit
trees, &c.
The Seed Gardens alone cover -fifty acres, arid 41e
whole is, as it has been fur more than half a cenry, -
under the successive management of fathertin.Wol:l, -
the most prominent in America:, •_
111 Orders received by F. L. SNOWDE,K frtim
whom catalogues may be received gratis. m'iirgry
Growth, Beauty, and Reiteration of the Hair !
THIS CREAM, when once known, will ,superieile
all other articles of the kind now, in use.
Where the hair is dead, harsh-, thin, unhealthy, or
turning grey;'-a few applications will make the hair
soft and dark, and give it a beautiful, lively appear
ance ; and will also make it.maintain its liveliness
and healthy color, twice as long as all the, prepara
tions whic arc generally used. Where , the .hair is
thin, or has fallen off„ it may be using. . -
this, cream, EveryJady.and gentleman who is in the
habit of using'oils on their hair, should at once par.
chase a bottle of the Chinese dair Cieam, as if is so
composed that it will not injure the hair like the oth.,
er preparations, but will beautify it, and give perfect
satisfaction in every instance:
For testimony -to its -very superior qualities, see
the following letter from Rev. Mr- Caldwell, to
Messrs. Hendershott & Stretch,_Nashrille, general
agents for tbe Southern States:
Letter from the Rev. R. Caldwell, Pastor of the
Presbyterian Church, Pulaski.. • -
Messrs. Hendershott.and Stretch i 'Gentlemen-4
take pleasure in adding my testimony in favor of the
excellent preparation called Da. Ramusnls CHENEW
HAIR Cnioara—for, about two -years ago, my hair _
was very dry, brittly, and disposed to come out: but --
baszing procured a bottle of the cream, and used it.
according to the prescription, it is
,now sof4 elastic,, -
and . firm to the head. Many balsams and oils were-.
applied, each leaving my hair in a .worsentate.tban• .
before. This cream, however, has met myt expebto , L
tion. • - • '
As an article for the toilet, my wife gives prefer,
once over all others; being delicately perfurned, and
not disposed to rancidity. The ladies *eclair) , will
find the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in awlr
preparations for the toilet. Respectfully, &c.
Pulaski, January 7, 1847. . . ..
Sold wholesale and retail, in Pittsburghiby John
M. Townsend, No.- 45; Market street; and 'Joel
Mohler, corner of Wood. and Fifikstreenn
jel.s::lBt.wly ... ,
'(DRENCH, WINES—Of every description, price.
and quality: Bordeaux, Marseilles, IVluseatr s
fut up in France, Clarets, sm., some eighty varieties, ,
or sale in original ,packages, or otherwise, at the
Wine Store of JACOB WVAVER,..
je29 x 16 Market •t. For. Front.
t , 7-