' VOL. Vl.--NO. 21. PUBLISHED AND EDITED DT L. HARPER, N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Sta. TEans. — Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Six dollars will invariably be required if not paid within the year. Single copies, TWO cr.yrs—for sale at the counter of the Office, and by News Boys. TILE 'WEEKLY MERCURY AND MANUFACTURER Is published at the same office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance; sin gle copies, sex crafts. Terms of Advertising, PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OH LESS. One insertion, $0 50i One month, $5 00 Two do, 0 75 I Two do, 6 00 Three do, 1 00 I Three do, 7 00 One week, 1 50 ' lour do, 8 00 Two do, -.i. 3 001 Six do, 10 00 Three do, 4 00 Coo year, 15 00 Yearly lkdivertleements, CIIANGEABLE AT PLEASURE. One Square. Two Squares. Six month, $l5 00 I Six months, $2O 00 )ne year, 20 00 One year, 3O 00 Larger advertisements in proportion. irr CARDS Of four line,, FIVE DOLLARS a year. W illiam 111 , 111alion, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chance ry, office on Fourth street, third door ab,)v 3inithfield, Pittsburgh. aplo Magraw &. 111,KnIght, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, have removed their office to Fourth street, one door from Grant, north side, opposite Alderman Millers office. apr 6-dlm =II ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office on Smithfield street, a lbw Joors above Dmmond alley. N. B.—Collections made on moderate terms. my2S J. N. TN,Clowry, ATTORNEY 4VD COUNSELLOR AT L-1 W OFFWE in Bilker:6l's Buildings on Grantstreet ji•M •47-ly Removal. DR. ROBEV SNYDER, has removed his office to Fon rth Arent, between Wood and Smithfield its., next door to Rudy Patterson's Livery Stable. mar 15-ly A. V. Foster, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, South side or Fourth street, near Grant street. in-Collections and other professional business -Mended to in Butler anti Mercer Counties. d&w.y Richard Cowan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build ings, Fourth st., above Wood. junel9-dwy THOMAS M. MARSHALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Odiee, Lowrie's Build legs, Fourth street. .Tomeph C. Illqitbblu, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in Wallace's build ing, on 4th st., between Wood and. Sfolthneld ttreets. I= Mugehan . Shannon, A TTORNEYS and Counsellors at Lau•. Office ti on Fourth street, between %%rood and Smithfield, and nearly opposite the Mayor's office. novti-y R'lLls S. Donnelly, NTTORNEYS A..'s:D COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth et., between suntlitield and Grant. marl4- i y Edmund Snowden, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in the building on the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield I= R. Morrow, ALDF.IOI.IN, o ffi ce north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smitlifjeld, l'lttsburgh. seplo-y James Call an, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers occupied by Alderman 111'Masters, on Fifth at., retween Wood and Smithfield. apIS-y Ill'eandless et..ll.l,Clure 4-TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, office on Fourth street, opposite R. & R. H. terson'efLivery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y Forward & Swartzwelder, A TTORNEYB AT LAW, Fourth street between A IVood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv- ary stable ac-orge F. GLilmore, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Breed's build ins, 4th at., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep2-dly C. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY IT LAW, office Fourth et.,abore Smithfield. julyl-y EEMEISIM! gBEELF.N has removed his commission and for ewardingg business from the Canal Basin to hie yew warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the Lost Office. may3o-v James S. Craft, ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa., having resignod the office o. Secretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe zially to collections and business connected with saavigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu siness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, first door west of Alderman Miller's, Fourth street, near Grant. ap John :VV. Burrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, having returned from his European tour has taken an office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield its. Per sons having had business and papers in the hands o. 'Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the shove, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston , has been left in his hands. mar S-y Charles 111. Hays, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com missi3ner to take the proof and acknowledge ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other writings, to be recorded or used in the States o, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Michigan and Mis souri. Office, Burke's building, Fourth et. marl 2.. y Edwin C. Wilson, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend promptly to all buinness entrusted to his care--col iectioni made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s. lIEFEIL TO J. A. Stockton & Co. Murphy, Wilson & Co. } Pittsburgh. John Bigler, Hun. James Kinnear, Franklin. Hon. Alex. Pnalrnont, lion. James Wilson,Steubenvi le, Ohio. juy23-y Joltnston dc Stockton. BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER MA KERS, No. 114 Market street. sep 10-y Victor Scriba, BOOKSELLER, S'T'ATIONER AND BINDER, Fifth street, between Wood and Niarket streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. jan7-y James Patterson, Jr., CORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts, obacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen screws for rolling mills, &c. seplo-y W in. A. W ardp DENTIST, has removed to the place of hie for mer residence in Penn street, two doors below Irwin. anlB.y • SEVEN BIG DOORS CLOTHING STORE, NO. SSIXTH STREET, NEAR LIBERTY JOHN FARREN, PROPRIETOR, nov24 y PIITSOURGII. GEORGE ARROR, Tailor, FOURTH ST., BETWEEN WOOD AND SHITIMIELD 6TREETS, (Nearly opposite the Mayor's Office.) len29-y Brazier's Bellows. JUST received an assortruent,large sizes,Brazier's Hand Bellows; also, Parlour and Kitchen, do. 'Wholesale and Retail, JOHN W. BLAIR, ' I 120 Weed et. • - •••.' _ l ." 7-- J . A 4 ' • - " 4 , . • m •4% IWO F fi cfr' 0 vi • 1 ,Amg,o; • 4 '; g V, 0 • • • • p IK , (4 0 t, • 1 . °Pe • • • - - Brownsv llle Juniat a Iron W ork s. DWARD HUGHES manufacturer I:0 irtn and rj nails, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth st. seplo-y C. A. 3rAnulty,& Coy EIORWARDING & COMMISSION RCHANTS r Canal Basin, Pitt,burgh, Pa. inur.idy s. soswowni & co., No. 43 Market street, 11. next door to Third street, are just opening a new and extensive assortment of Bookstand station ery, which they will sell, wholesale and,retal, at the lowest prices. ap2s-y Win. O'Hara Robinson, LATE U. S. Attorney, has retnoveti his office to No. S St. Clair st. sept4-y L. tt•!lrrtnrtlt, LUMig.ll. 'MERCHANT, office on Penn street, between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. All commissions will be promptly attended to. marl-y School Book and Paper Warehouxe. LUKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and bookbinder, No. SS, Wood street, Pittsburgh. inar2S-y Unrivalled Blacking, Al k tai Nu i },,AincithTuaeirst.mi d between snld Sy t w holesalehan d Vi rgin a nd re nct.2l-y EIM A1 u c i.., 0 , ,, , . , A t., :\ n - i t ; y & 0 n L E handl I E cut, in a 1 .% u o tt , t , e h t i tt e rl a l a t d id p k i e a e . p Flint Glassware in all Its varieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and \Vat streets, Pittsburgh O . ur works continue in ful iteration, 4nd we arc constantly adding to our so , , which unaldes us to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sepl6-y ~ ATANIPFACTURER or Limonntirirzum: TEETH. Smithfield street, too doors below'Fifth strem Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full asieirtment Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple _Plate, Molars and Riscuspidutoes, sr; um teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to order, Dentists supplied with all articles: in the pro fession. All orders from abroad must be,:accompan ied by the cash. OPRICE on Penn sit., opposite D. Leech & Co's., packet line office. Office !Lours Gum 7 o'clock A., M., to 3 o'clock P., M. OI Eon Sinitlitield, three floor, ;iota Six th , Dr. George 'IV alit, tAFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sizrh at., kj Pauburgik. I= TITAN° Ft/RTE mant& ‘1 icturer and ,it'.er in Mu -1 alcal Iniatuments, No. 112 Wood atre..t, near t 19-) BM EcrirvlNG DISTILLER, and whi.levale deal -1:10 er in Foreign and Domestic In and Liquors, No. 11-1 Liberty,street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts burgh, Pa. jy2l-1, Flush Arters, QURGEON DENT/ST, 11 Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair st., - Borne District Ogden &. Snowden, TSAAC MURDOCK, tioluerly of the Union Hotel succEsgoits To Ay ERY,OGPEN &Co., whole. I on Water street, having been burnt out, has bud; gale and retail druggists, and manufacturers ut nevi and hand.•me house expressly for the acc.omn white lead, red lead and htharge, corner or wood toodatioo of travelers, at the corner of Second and and Second st-a., Pittsbur i lh, Pa. nor 1 3-x SuilthSrold r.treot,„ w lath e'tll iry knuN LI Its the Hellit rrIAILOR AND CLOTHIER, I . il.ene s t, Sixth stroat and Vu-gin Alley, soutil side. senlo-y S. ACCLERKAN, G. M. FLEMING, 1. ici-KrAraxcg. S. 11 , C1orkon & Co. NETHOLESALE GIttiCERS, Commission Mer l' chnnts, and dealers in Produce and Pitieburgh Manufactures, No. 142 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. dec 3•y ap7-y /OWN CA L ASON Carson 111•Antglit., AITITOLESA LE GROCERS and Commission rsTer- V clrantii, Sixth street, between Vyouil and Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' ecc 4-y. N uM. GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to theV corner of Wood and Third sts, above C. H. gay, where he is prepared to do every description Ruling and Binding. dee2-y J. Ill'Collister, lATHOLF.SALE and retail dealer in Tobacco, V Snail, and Sezars, No. 25, Filth st., between Wood and Market st;., Pittsburgh. [tict2.9-Iy. J. D. WILLSAXS J. D. Williams & Co. WIIOLESALF.: and retail grocers, Forwarding and commission merchants, and dealers to country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets. sep. 8. lITHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in Foreign and Domestic \Vines and Liquors, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, Sc., No. 60 1% ater street. Keps-y AXT IIOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING & COM 1111:391011 Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Non. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. : feb2-y WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. tip2B-y lITHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and V Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. janl-y Joules Park,'Jr., & Air /10LESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate l i t and qucensware, and dealers in copper and Pittsbures manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd st., L3tween Wood and Smithfield sta. fa 14-n 14-y WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. al9-v Dr. Wm.lll. Wright, DENTIST, Office and reiddence in St. Clair et., a few doom below Lib erty, near the Exchance Hotel. marl l-y VIRGINIA HOUSE, CORNER OF FERRY AND WATER STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. STEVENS & BEACH, Proprietors feb26-d6m Select School. WM. frie N n l d O s O t r ia Y t b r e ez t e e c n tf d u s l o ly p a e n ni n n o g u a nc s e e s le t c o h t School s old in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church_ mar 2 l-t ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street:, between Walnut and O'Hara streets, where ho may be ound at all times. Those having houses or other roperty to sell or rent, can have the same punetu dly attended to; debts collected, aftd all the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt attention. oct27-y RICHARD T. LEECH, Jr., Lerma - ER AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Saddlery Hard ware and Carriage Trimmings, OF all descriptions, No. 133 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, seven doors above sth, and one door above H. Childs & Co.'s Shoe store. ap24 1• • L. S. Waterman, - VV/ HOLESA LE GROCER, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, and Dealer in Produce n d Pittsburgh Manufactures, Noe- 31, Water, and 2, Front sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. j%23-y Martin Lytle, FAMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. june6 George Cochran, FORWARDING x COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 26 Wood st., Pittsburgh. nov27-y New Book Store I= Otto Kuntz, 0:11-Platina always on hand. James Blakely, Alderman Dr. I)nts lel :‘l - 711c al F. flume, J. Bryar, John WCloakcy, P. C. lUtarlin, Lambert £ S [Lipton, J. 2t. J. 111*nel-tit, John H. Mellor. John Scott lk, Co., John A. Parkinsoni ~. 3 - : ii: STAR CLOTHING STORE, • NO. 70 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Nv E s ii , . ( l l 'o t u b l e d l b ,u eE lic to g amo ra u l n i r t t h o at ou u l': e cu h s a t r o e mers re opened our establishment with a. lull and splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Rdady-inade Cloth ing, which in respect to style and workmanship can not be surpassed by any house in this city. Gentlemen who are in want of any article in our line will find ii to their advantage to give us a call, before purchasing elsewhere; as our stock, as' well as the low prices of our goods, will enable us to please all who will filmy us, with a call. It is unnecessary for us to enumerate the articles comprising our stock, as we are weekly supplied—it will suffice for us to say that at all times our assort ment will be complete, with every article partainiug to the trade. 1 . ANCKER & MAYER, Sign "Golden Star." . _ N. B.—Gentlemen who leave orders at our store, for any Garment that they wish to have made in New York, can he ihrnished in two weeks after the re ceipt of their directions. mar 27 A. & A. llardsvare, Cutlery, Sadleey, fic JOHNWALKER, iMPORTER and dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, would respectfully inform his friends LIM the pulcic &morally, that he is now receiving nis spring supply: of Hardware at the old stand of Walker 8: Woridwell, No. 85 Wood street, ,which tie will dispose on the most reasonable terms. He will be continually receiving fresh supplies direct rroin the manufacturers in Europe and this Country, which will enable him to compete with any estab lishment either East or West. Western Merchants are !limed to call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. mars MONONGAHELA HOUSE, On the corner of IVoter and Smithfield streets, 'pliE undersigned Proprietors of the MosormAnc i. LA HOUSE announce to the Public, that the House is open for the reception of Visitors. They ce CellsCieLlS Of 110 ving ,epared no expens6 in fitting )ut the LAtablishinent in such a style as to render ~very cornqrt to the Guests. They hope by con stant care and attention to business to merit the pa .nonage so liberally bestowed on the late Nlonotiga mkt House math TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie tor Les leave to return his most gratelhl thanks to his friends and the public for past hivors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron age. The lionise is pleasantly situated near the Ex change; it has accommodations fur travelers, and a large room for public inemmijs, diner or supper par ties. Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the shortest with the choicest the Mari..et af ntrd. Gysters and Duster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received every day during the season. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of w ines and latiu.rs. A lanety or newspapers are regoiarl; Weil in the estAhshment, no% 1 ) N I'. K. A 110 l Lunch nerved up c eery day at 11, A M. ap of PENN AM, ST. (LAIR STS., AL (J I.EN PROWS, $1.051 per iiileroznil, formerly of the Merchants Hotel, corn, 111 . \VIIIIII ;lad Third strel'ill, this superior estabi,shment, and Mriuslied st tine, throughout, isith Reis beds. new bedding and new furniture. Great care has been taLen tn fill his eel , jar is isi th the choicest viands. A handsimie omnibus • and a baggage wagon are, provided for the use of has ir / sits, am: a Porter sill be in attendance at all hours meet the demands of the traveller. The long es , ill:1 - 1,14:V Ili the undersigned in this business, assures loin that his casuist purpose to catit, all who call, • cannot be unsnecessfel. He feels altogether at Id,- erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a modi•rate expense. ALLEN 'BROWN. an:l-dtf lie IS I.OA prepared to offer every accottaturiclatien and eiery ,Irldurt to the traveler. at very moderate charges. 11e is provided with ample and convenient stataing. dev:l2.-y Frani:lln House, raxarth •I rest. Between, Smiti,field and Grunt Streets, l'itts,bure4 IHRISTI \N SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect fuliy informs his friends and the public general thi.t he will !yell the .Love splendid House on the lit day or 3i t. nest. The House being new, and finished in she most COLltillodllitlti and convenient manner; and having it rarlleilled IN all the newest and most beut,litl Ott In .o. furniiure; litters himself that he will he alle to ac commodate, his frauds and the travelling public, in a manner not inferior to any similar eztablielunciit in the city. As the House is situated near the Court llonse, at rangeinituts have been made to serve up meals at any hour in the day, this wal be great Convenience to arose who are in attendance at Court. Retrishnients of all kinds can be had. Boar ders taken by the week or day. srir Lunch everyday at 11 O'clock, A. M DEIMMEMEIM IJOHN 1). MORGAN, I.l7wlesube and retail Druggist , No. 9:li Wood strc-et, one door SOUth of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh —The subscriber has just received Irons the Eastern cities, aril is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of .all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wsh all such articles as are usually kept l'or sale at a wholesale and retail drug stare. stock is entirely new, arid has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a call. nrytLy. I= D ELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and jj cninmenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Nlarhyt and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church. steamboat, and bells of e%-ery size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approied models, and warranted to be of the bunt materials. iNlineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Bc. Ste., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re qUlred, turned and finished in the neatest manner. . . . A. F. is the sole air,eut for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, ma justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and corriposition can be had of him at all times. rids 1 3-y lIAS removed to No. 109 Smith i ' I's field st., where he will perform all p• operations on the Teeth satisfac v tordy. .r N. B.—Having lately made one of the greatest improvements in . 3' Ps. ‘, • : • I forceps that has ever appeared he fore the public, he has been able .1 f to extract teeth with such ease as to astonish all those who have availed themselves of his services. Pittsburgh, July 24, 1546-Iy GENTLEMEN LOOK AT THIS I STAR CLOTOLNG STORE. No. 70 Wood st Sign of the Golden Star, Pittsburgh. ANCKER & MAYER, I/AVE on hand an extensiveand complete assort ment or Fashionable and extra made New York Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as pos sible belbre the first of January, we arc determined to offer such "bargains" as will enable us to effect our object. S. P. ANCKER, n0v2.4-y. A. A. MAYP.R. Gold Pens, OF the most approved brands, in large variety, selected and adapted to every variety of hand. The clergyman, the lawyer, the merchant, and every class of men or ladies, requiring a durable, uniform, and economical pen, can be accurately suited. Their elasticity and fine points give great ease in writing—making either a bold mark or a beautiful hair line, at the pleasure of the penman. With care they will generally last ten years. All warranted, and selling at the lowest cash pri ces, at the Gold Pen Depot, corner of 4th and Mar get sta. (myl3) W. W. WILSON. • , . . - .. .. • • ~ .A. ,,,,,,,,,z ..., A Wrrf....1 7 ..tr, • : -,,,,; 2 ,g 7 7 .11. F ;34f'2 .7- 1 7 ..9, - , ,j *-.7kA, P nS, : •ra, : ., - 7 ,7 ;'7ir4--•,...?"7. . .., ,, .".1,., - .,, . .,., . ...,,.....--..t.A.A. . ,+..44-4, ... , - ~.. -, , '".rtVTts - . , . - ME PITTSJTJIGj - I_, S . - 0. - RnAY4._kUGUSi i.4•,-1:.554.7 PPFTSBURGH, Pa JAMES CROSS.&N & SON Watibington Hotel, Exchange Rotel, New Drug Store. A. Fulton, G. W. Biddle, Dentist .'James Howard S. .. AiShlt7. they again pleasure toliy .e o t i c ,l l' ,, d i l a e n i i r i frie n d s aT.No. 83; Wood street; where they hove opened, an eaten sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have contently on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazed and' plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders of the latest style, and most hand• some patterns for papering halls„parlors and chars-_ hers. They motif:actor°, and" Wive on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Lotter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Ft] of which they offer for' s:tle on the most acconimodating•terms, and to . which they invite the attention of merchants •and. others. ALSO—Blank Books oral] kinds and thc best ',pal, ity, School Books, &c., always on hand and for sale . as above. aug 25 Co-Partnership (WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day January, inst., associated with him Jas. W. Ilai!man and John F. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in creased facilities fur manufitcturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Jpister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention til: dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict ,attention. to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the (livers so lib erally bestowed upon hiM. Factory on St. Clair st. —warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the St. Charles Hotel, where can be found a good assurtment of Springs, Axles, A. 8., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every descriptiOn, together with iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. Cr3 ,- The highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22 New Hat and Cap Store. 41 CMS. POUISON, (hue of -the firma having opened his new store at N. 73, Wood street, neat door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment of hats and caps of every description, warranted to lie made in the best manner and of the best materials. Otter, Seal, fine and comment Muskrat, Sealette, Hair-Seal, Pt usir and Glazed Caps. Also, a tine assortment of ladies, furs, such as Lynx, Fitch, Genet. and ('oaey Muffs and Tippets and fur trimminiis, all of 'whict; he offers for sale at eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country meraliants will please call and examine my stock belbre purchasing elsewhere. Cf AS. H. POULSON. N. IL The Fall FaAnon for Ilatn and Caps roceiv ed sepTly. Wholesale Shoe Store r It. CHILDS & Co., nre now receiving their f spring supplies, Consisting of one of „F; ; the largest, cheapest and best assort meat of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies' and Misses' Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of Pain Leal Hats, Men's and Boy's summer Caps. Also, a large lot of Sew York Tanned Sole Leather, all of which having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great care far the western trade, will lie sidd at a small advance above cost and charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will Unit it to their inturest to call and examine their stock !whirr loireli.,,eg eleicv.hers, mar27-ti I=EMII ucTloNvElz Cf tMMISSUN MERCHANT . I . l_ Corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh ittreattv to recrive merchandize of cvory desorption on convtgnment for pliNie or private sale, and from long eipertence in the above bosmos, Liters that be vvlll be able to gilc cotire sanstbetton to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mondays anti Thursdays of Dry Cools and Fancy articles. at 10 o'clock, A. M. of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, hew and second hand furzoturv, tie., at two o'clock, P. M. Sa!erf every even mg a! early gas-light. augl2-7 PIYISBLECII AND CIBLNET AVAREIIOUSE. o. F 2, Third Street, Pttteiburgit subscribers %timid respectfully return their thanks to their friends and the public, for the cry liberal patronage laci.tots ed since the commence of the ne, and would earnestly solicit 4 . 'Commnuanee of the same. They t% ould resps.ctfnlly invite those who want to purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to gist. them a rail aria cratnine their extensive stock now on hand, consisting of some of the most splen did Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahvg4;iy 1 . 1 1 / 1 :IlUre. Flattered by the very CLIEII - e patrormge rsmeismi in their business, they have, at contiderahle expense, made arm ngcments in New York , isv which they ss ill have the latest Eastern and }'retch patter!, forwarded monthly, thus giving the ,shit :is of Pitt:thurgh an opportunity of patronizing home imiestry and hailing to their own city what they rimmed) would obtaimenly its the East. Having adopted the prinmple of small profits and quick sales, they will be ahle to sell at as loss rates as any of the establishment.; in the Eastern Clues. norl9-y RoBERTs & KANE. ' Steam Iron nailing Factory, Ridge flood, above 13utlanroad siren, Philadelphia. AT this establishment may be found the greatest L variety of fl ans and I , eautdid Patterns for IRON RA/LING!: in the United Stales, to which the attten. ton of those in V. tot of any description, and coped ally for Cemeteries, is particularly invited. Tie principal part of all the liandenme Railings at Laural fltll , Monument, and other celebrated Ceme teries in the city arid Coon ty of Philadelphia, which have been so highly extolled bp the public press, were executed at this mancfactory. A large Ware-Roo:nig connected with the estab lishment, where is kept constantly On hand a large stock of ready-made linen RAILINGs, CRNAaIF.NTAL Irmo", Strerms, rumsCrtnitts, non style plain and or namental 'Reis ATT.S, with nn extensive assortment of hios Pons, PEDF.RTALS, Ltos Amens, 4 - c. Also, in great variety, Wrought and Cast Iron OnstA stENTs, silitalde for Railings, and other purposes. The subscriber would also state that in his Pattern and Designing Department he has employed some of the best talent in the country, whose whole atten tion is devoted to the business—firming altogether one of the most complete and systematic establish ments of the kind in the Union. ap3o nun EnT WOOD, Proprietor Ridge Road, above Ham - Inwood St. Philadelphia, March 12, 18.47-d6nao. A. CROSS, ESTF.CTFULLY informs his friends, and the 11. public in general, that he is now Cited up, and ready to receive Boarders at lus house; MI Firth at., opposite the Jail. Refreshments and Meals can be had at any hour in the day. mayS-3mo Allegheny Cemetery. PERSnNS desirons of purchasing lots in this Cemetery are referred fur information to the Superintendent on the grounds", or to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts burgh. By order oldie Board. J. CHISLETT, dec I Superintendent. Allegheny Poor House Lots. _ T . iIE undersigned Committee of the Guardians of Poor, oFor at private sale, on extended credit, about 80 choice Lots, in the First Ward, Allegheny city, 24 feet in front, by 130 feet deep as shown on a plot of the same to ho seen at the office of the Guardians, in a room adjoining the Mayor's (Ace, on Fourth street, !wing the lots laid out on the old Poor !louse property, in Allegheny city. For terms of sale apply to !qr. Ilnutm, at .the office of the Guardians, or to any one of the subscribers. (Copy of the original.) jel4 (13m SPRING SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c. AT OLL A NSBEE & A YWA RD'S new Boot, Shoe, I_ l and Trunk Store, No. 186 Liberty st. nearly op posite the head of Wood st. P. 4- H. have in store and are receiving their Spring and Summer supplies of Boots, Shoes, Palm Leaf Hats, Trunks, &c. 4-c. consisting of the largest and best assortment they havo ever been able to bring to this market. Our stock of Goods has most ly been manufactured to our order and expressly for the Pittsburgh market. We would solicit an examination of our stock by all in want of goods in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as we shall Sell at a small advance above coat. Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock before purchasing. FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, ap3 No 186 Liberty et. Tools, such as Callipers, Dividers, Plyers, Nippers, Hand Vices, Squares, Rules, Braces, nits, Spoke Shaves, Stocks and Diea, Wire and Iron Guages, Mathematical Instruments, 4-a in very great variety; .113 - Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. m9yl-y AXING dissolved partnership with his brother, PI the undsrs,gncd now, informs the public and his friends that ho is prepared to thrnish at his newly erected and extensive establishment on Fourth street, between Wood and Smil/cficid, Horses and Carriages for hire, and for all other branches connected with his line of business. His horses, whether for saddle or harness are of the finest description, as they have been selected and purchased with great care and expence for this purpose. His • CARRIAGES, Which arc of every description are dew, costly, and have the most model - a improvements. In short the stibscriser flatters himself that his will be found unexceptionable, and.are let at reason able rates. Ile is fully prepared to receive horses at Livery, by the day, week, or year; and Drovers and dealers who may wish to dispose of their Horses or Carriages, can be aecommodated, as he is well prepared with stabling and sheds for the purpose. Can be lea on commission ihr sale, or on storage. For those who wish either to buy, hire or sell, he is now able to give complete satisfaction. mu: rl3-IPimo R. PATTERSON. SMITH & SINCLAIR, (LATE ?4AITTIN IY SMITTI,) WHOLESALE: GROCERS, PROHLICE AND COMMISSION MEICHA.NTS, 56, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, The undersigned having entered into partnership under the above sty'e, respectfully ask the patronage of the friends of the late firm, and of purclPasers gen erally. They feel warranted in promising that they can give satislaction to all who may buy of [herder confide businciui to their care. W. H. SMITH, W M. SINCLAIR. Pittsburgh, March 2G, 1847. _ UNDOER THE CHARGE OF THE &NIERS OF MERCY.—Uri. ADDISON, GA.zzAst, Barrer. and NIcAIcAL, General Attending Physicians; Dr. Wmi- Ent an, Physician for the Germans.—The Institution is now open for the reception of patients. RECLINING DATs,—TtietalayS and Fridays, froze to Di o'clock, A. M. Cases of accidents can be re ceived at any time. Cilsners—Throe dollars a week in the general ward; live dollars with a private roam. Medical at. , teudance is included iu these charges; payments to Made two weeks in advance. Any physician can send patients to the Hospital, and continue to attend them there; and any patient can engage any physician he chooses. In these cases the Institution will not be responsible for the physi niaws lees; each perion will settle with such plivSi clans. Leeching is an extra charge. As many free patients will be received as th, means ofthe Institution will permit. Persons with cAmagi ous diseases will not be received until accommoda tions can be prepared sufficiently ample to prevent any danger that the other inmatcs would incur, All the physiciana will uttand twice a week to visit the Hospital, and will depute one of their number to attend the sick in the meantime. Advice will be given gratituously to out-door pa tients on Thursdays and Fridays at 10, A. M. Pecuniary arrangements will be 'attended to by a. committee of the Brotherhood of St. Josephs, which for the present consists of James Blakely, Esq., James May,John S. Coagrave,John Coyle and Arthur "Fiernan. j an.54.f • The Truth by Men of Truth, riONCERNING SELLER'S VERMIFUGE.—A single vial producing wonders.—Read the fol lowing from the Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Liber ty street, M. E. Church : Prrrsnunon, March '8,1847. Mr. R. R. SELLERS is from a sense of duty, an well as with great pleasure, that I bear testimony to the virtue of your justly celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a single bottle, and gave it to three of my children, who had been ill for several weeks. The eldest was seven years old, the next four, and the youngest eighteen months. The first passed fifty six worms, the second forty-seven, and the third a considerable ntimher not distinctly recollected, since then they have been doing well, and are now in good health. Yours respectfully. S. MiAIiXF/ELD. From the Rev. S. E. Babcock, of the Methodis Episcopal Church : Mr. R. E. SELLERS is with great pleasure that i would inform you of the good effects produced on my son of four years of age, by your justly cele brated Vermiftige. After his having convulsions, I gave him three doses, when he passed an almost in credible number, from which time his general health has been improved. S. E. 132Incomc. Front the Rev. Charles Cook, of the Methodist Episcopal Church: Prrrsnurtorr, December 14, 1545. Mr. R. E. SELLERS —I gave my little daughter (between three and four years old) three doses of your Vermitlige, according to prescription, with the happiest etieCCIII3. The number of worms expelled I do not know precisely, but it was large. She is now in possession of good health. I think the medicine may be confided in with great unreservedness. JOHN INITRACREN, ROBERT WRAY, G. ALBREE, JOHN ROSS. As this Vormifuge has never been known to fail in any instance, when worths actually existed, pa rents should give it in preference to all others. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLEllS,'between 3d and 4th, on Wood street. For sale by Dr. Casael, Fifth Ward. Idyo WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, Corner of Fourth and Markel street:. A LARGE and well selected stee,k of Witches, ti Jewelry, Silver ware, Military Goods, always on hand and at regular Eastern prices. Gold Patent Lever Watches,Sull Jewelled, as low as $4O Silver Lever Watches, as low as 18 GENUINE Cooper, Tobias, Johnson and other ap proved Watches,may bells.* a small advance and warranted. Fine watch work done is the very beet manner. ap2B El= Braill:bClt's* Field 7 P OR S well known estate, situated in township, - Allegheny county, Pa., 10 miles from PittSburgh, containing 375 acres and 27 perches, two-thirds bottom landolie remainder slop ing uplands facing , the. sena, of very easy ascent, containing coal and Liniesfont..- - There is ortthc premisuu a large brick mansion house, a.fraute. house, a barn, A cottage house, two log houses, an orchard, a.a . arderi and several springs of Water. - situated on the Monongtilielnslack wster, as well ; :as on the line of the great Pennsylvania Rail Road, at the point where the traVel and trade from the At lantic will'-first reach , the steamboat navigdtinn of the west;. surrounded by inexhaustible banks of the best and cheapest fuel, and having on the pelaises a bundance. Iff eoal and lime.tone, this place is adini rably adapted fbr the site of a great manufacturing suburb. ,Pur the terrus of Halo, enquire at the'llerehant's and Munufbeturer's Bank of Pittsburgh. jy3o-tf • JOHN C.A.R.TiVRIGHT, TMPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Surgi cal and Dental Instruments, Saddler's and Tin aer's hand tools, Taylors , Patent Shears, &c. &c. Also manufactures Trusses, Supporters, &c. &c., in groat variety. J. C., Manufacturer and Importer of Pep, Pocket and Table Cutlery; Razors, Scissors, Files, Saws, Tools, &c., has removed to 83 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, second door below Diamond kiley, And has lately received a large assortment of' Pen and Pocket Knives, Knives & Forks, Also Rogers' and Whestenhelms , FINE CUTLERY. Elliott's Rodgers, Wade & Brothers Razors, Scissors, Razor Strops, &c. Damascus :tud Wire Twist. GUNS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Allen's Cult's and Blunt's Revolvers, Powder Flasks, Shut Belts, Game Bags, Walker's t. Coxes Extra Percussion Caps, Bowie, Dirk and Hunting Knives. PILTTERSON'S BILZAIL AND LIVERY STA BL HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR lI IRE Itody Patterson, = IME 13=1 PIT TSBULLGII HOSPITAL. W. W. WILSON, -= ? , F . ..~~ ;~ '~ T ~. ~~~r~~~~.~ ~F er lias.'paid into the TreaSury oldie commonwealth the amount of License 'required , by law. He' has given - the r egirlarly -approved sem i rity, and-taken out a Coirunission of the first class, as an-Auctioneer, of the city of Pittsburgh; and rent ed that'spacious wareroom belonging to Sn.v.mvirs LOTBROP, . Esq., No 114 Wood st,, three doors from. sth, ythere tie in prepared to attend to the, sales. of every kind of itlerchaptlise, Furniture. Real Estate Stocks; Shigpilm, fee. SM., either at, the Auction Rooms or on the' premises, and will in all cases ex ert himself to the utmost fur the benefit of his ern. ployers, on the most reasonable ternit:; - Ite . ivill sell exclusively and only on commissiontheitherpnrelias- ing nor having any interest whatover on goddein,the Store, but merely the Commission fot sel ling' there by givigg all owners a this chance, without partiality I of having therein property disposed of to the bent advantage. Sales-will be - pronthifyiettled'when made; advan ces will be giVen at any tithe 6ii:the most accommo dating ifirinst—merchants willtint be charged for ad vances. Regular sale days; ItrendaYs and Thursdays, of Dry hoods, Groceries, Furniture, Sc.; and every evening, Hardware, Cutibry,lVatches;Guna,Pistola, ' and fatcy.'artieles; Books on Saturday evenings; a general reference will he given in a few days. ißills of lading have been received of several large invoices of Merchaunise, direst from extensive Importing Houses, in Boston and New York. .Notice will be given of their arrival. ' ap24, JAMPS M'KENNA, Auctioneer. n rzty doz. Difen's and Boys , Palm Leaf Hats, re i/ V I ceived and for sale•very.low at FOLLANSBEE 4- HAY,WARD , S Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, No. 186, Liberty at. nearly oPposite'the head of Wood at; apr3 TIOBTER'S City Daverrian Gallery , 'Third st., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Franklin Build ings, Baltimore','Md. • Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has at considerable expense fi tted up apartments, and. ar ranged light for Daguoireotyping purposes. Hislang experience in this art has enabled him to overcome many of the objections too common to pictures taken by this method. Mr. Porter is aware that the impression has gone. abroad (owing to the many failures to produce good pictures,) tluit clear and distinct Daguerreotypes can not be made in Pittsburgh.- His experiments, •how ever, since he has opened his Gallery, folly warrant him in saying that as good pictures can ho made here as elsewhere. Ladies and gentleznen.are invited to call and ex amine specimens. Instructions given, and instruments and materials furnished upon reasonable terms. 411 orders from country operators promptly attend, ed to. nov2s-tf Painting, -ROIJSZ . and SIGN PAINTING and GLAZING, of 41 kinds, Graining, Oak, Mahogany, Satin, Rose and Maple. Imitations of all kinds of Marhle. Orders left at the ehop of the subscriber, on Smith field street, opposite the Pittsburgh Foundry, or on Federal street, opposite Blackstock2s Factory Alle gheny city, will be done at moderate rates, a nd on the shortest notice. • ap JAMES PITFIELD. SCUL API or the White Sulphur and _JD Chaiyheate Springs, of Lewis county, Ky. The above delightful watering-place or summer resort, in now ready for the reception of visitors, under the direction orMichael Kean, Esib late and for many years of the Louisville Hotel. Mr. Kean and Lady will have the active management of the entire board ing department; Mr. Hitchcock of the tavern, bar, store,'howling saloon, and other amusements; and Mr. Bliss of the springs, bath hoinns, stables, horses, carriages, &ci:fr.c. Messrs. 0 M. & F. M. Weedon, Stage Proprietors of Maysville, will run a regular four horse Post Coach to the Springs every *nay, Wednesday and Fri day of the season, and furnish homes and carriages at all other times to those wishing to visit Escrilapta. Persons preferieg the Vanceburg'route will do well to take the Portsmouth packet geiato to Vanneburg. on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, when they will find horses and carriage! to forward them to the Springs. M. T. C. GOULD, Proprietor. P. S..—For other particttlars, see lithographic bills, at the hotels, on the steahiboats, 3 !4,e, and if this be not convenient then take for granted the followitig facts, viz: That Esculapia is nearer the Ohio river than any other watering-place—that it has the purest, moun tain air—the most delightful, cold, limpid, sparkling; sulphur water—the oldest, coldest, clearest, purest, pleasantest and most efficacious chalybeate fountain in the U: States—that it is surrounded by mountain scenery, with romantic, picturesque, arid diversified with good fishing, shooting, fur chasing, deer-racing, &c. &c., together with good eating, ffrinking,,,sieep ing, walking, riding, danciiir, shaking sff the "blues," outgrowing of the dyspepsia ,talking, luagh i rig, growing fat, boring to stay, dreading - to go away, promising to come again—to bring friends, neigh bors, sisters, wives, sweet-hearts, &c. &c.i and after all it is cheaper staying at Esculapia than at any oth er of the fashionable watering places.. This is the voice of hundreds who have been there and mean to go again.—Win. Cbm. My . 12. j)l7-$.5 Shakespear Gardens. rp HIS beautiful place of resort having been greatly repaired, the proprietor in now ready to receive, 110ARDIMS, by the day, week, or month. His ac commodations arc good, and his prices are low. may 4-tf S. MCCLELLAND. A LARGE and splendid assortment of Mahogany and Rosewood grand-action Pianos, with me talic frame and with all the latest impro'cments, which for durability, tone and touch, are warranted to be equal to any made in the country, for sale low for cash, by F. BLUME, marlB No 112 WiTod et, 2d door above sth, Homoeopathic Medicines and Books. JUST received a fresh sup* ce . of Ilonsopathic Medicine Chests, hemceopathic Coffee, Sugar of milk, and a large collection of the latest publications on lionuicopatriy, at the Bookstore of VICTOR SCRIBA, aploh st. between Wood and Market sts. FM II Ward I. iv ery Stable. 7:4 7 : k i11E subscriber, having bought out tne.well flown Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the Fin Ward, respectfully informs his friends and diepublic generally, that he will keep at all times a stock of the best description of riding horses, bug. gies; carriages of all kinds, anti in short everything required in his line of businesei.. A considerable portion of his stock is new,andhe is confident no stock in the city will be superior to his. His terms will be moderate. , His stable is op Lib erty st., a few doors above the canal bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. ff:rlle is also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. oct2s-tf George Coehr an, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ' No. 26 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. CONTINUES to transact a general Commission business, especiaily in the purchase and sale of American manufactures and produce, and in receiv- , ing and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. As agent for the manufacturers he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. Jane's Italian Chemical Sony. TIERSONS, in purchasing this; must always ask E for Jetigs's Prut.t.tT Cifenicht SoLP; and, per haps, as many have been cheated with counterfeits .will be too much discouraged to try the genume,wp say to such, Try this once—you will not regret it; but always see that the name of T. Jotire is on the wrapper, Price 50 cents a cake. C Coos For sale by W.JACKSON, Agent, comer of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh where the Genuine can be obtained; a.t.r. oawares ARE COUNTERFEIT. 40,1122 EIM. WHITE has just received at his large establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superiorlot of French Satin YES- TINES, all of which he is ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 107 Liberty and Sixth streets. •• ••• - • myl4 J., 111. Taikr, Proprietor 11 • • , o . ;-^'", *ttOtiOn. Notice. Palm Lear nate. @EMS Can't be Beat: •- _ • • •••`• - •L ' • - • 1. , -••- . :PRTCE, :Two:si,cF,N.rTs;:- Book and Joii Piln tixigolll4,-- • NV. WOOD AND rxrilusTAzFn.•:: T"proptioior of tho,Norning Post an4 , Meri curt' and Manufacturer respectfully informs-14 friends and the patrons of, these papers.thitt ; he. has a large and'well Chosen mortmout of JOB TYPE, AND ALL OMER MATERIAL& Necessary .toga Job Printing Office,.and -that -.ho '8 prepared to execute . . : LETTER PRESS PILFSTING 2 OF FVFAT Duscurmost. Boas, -Bills oE. Lading, , - :;Circulars, .Bill Heads, , • Cords, Handbills, . - r ilan Checks fiat Taps All kinds of Dlinti, Stags, SfeasabOa.V.a nil • COtql, Boat Bills with apprfTriate,cals, printed on thesher4:-Z . est notice and incltreasoriable tering. He respectfully mike the patronagelei" his friends, . and the public in geriCrali.in this braneh'or_hlitlOßAY , ness. . k sept '22) L. SUGAR avib -- ..ITABLE t LICKENE It , S- - . •- - v. • 6 .''' . ., - :': -s'.,- 1 , Sugar coated Vegetable.Panargattve Plialst - .1., .1 A BE universally admitted to operate, not July ---•-• f•.. - 11....'as an effsetual prerentive,but as tillAtifirfailing reared,', in all.diseases.which can effeetthe,human, ..•:'' '..1 frame.-41.Cad,ache, Indigenfion,Rheornattamalles t , , . ~,..,-,li Scurvy, Dropsy', Small-pes,Cholera-Merbui ? Wetihn, .. Whooping.cough, COnsurnlition, :Jaundice,' Q Quinsy, . .- ‘....•..- Scarlatina, Liver complaint,' Apoplely, Cancers,'_': - - -- ....?, Measles; Salt-Rheem, Fits, Heartburn, ' Giddiness, ~, ',.,:".- ', _Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching's . of the Skin,' Celds;," .tl,-„.4 Gout, Gravel ; - - Pains in the hack,. Inward •'wealineSS, -- :i. Palpitations in the heart, Risings in the thronhaftstli, •• -..,;-...• ma; Fevers of all kinds,-Female complaints, Stichon. : .. ~- 9 ". i in t he side, Spitting of blood; Sore. eye", Scrofida,„'„ Si Anthony's fire, Lownesi of spirits,-Flooding, Fl dos: .- - ' ~- 1