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Williams; Esq., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the business will liereatlerbe con .. tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom". most cheer ' fully recommend-to all for whom I have the honor 1 to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confid'enee: • 44918-1 y -WM:TER 11 LOWRIE 7, 4 e : • r' 't ;4 •S 9 ram a• BM eirqi : , ,n-::: - • -. f -• , . '':n: - -- , ..t . .' - ' - ::: -- ..'''• • .... -...- . .'. _ _ . -.;••k-',.,- , •. .. , -7.7; . ' • , - . .. . 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Encouraged by increased business, the Proprie tors have .n.ddedjo and extended their arrange ments ,during the winter, , and are now prepared to ibrwartlfrei6ht with regu larity and dispatch, unsur ;passed by any other Line. Their long experience as ' ',Carriers, tlMpalpahle superiority of the Portable float avetem and the great capacity and convenience of , the 'Warehouses at eaalt end of the Line, are neculi arly • calculitted to enable the Proprietors to fulfil •Vieteengagements'and accommodate their- custom andcotifidently offering-the past as a guarantee fur the futdre, they respectfully solicit a continuance Of that patronage which they now tratefully ack nowledge. ii All consign nents to Taalre & 09Connor.will be re ceived and tbrwarded, Steam Boat charges paid, and -Bills of Lading transmitted free of any charge for Counnissitiw, advancing or Storage. (laving no inter . Cet direetty Or indirectlyie Steam Boats the interest • of ,the Consignors must necessarily be their primary object in shipping West Land they pledge 'themselves - to for Ward all Goods consigned to them promptly, ind'onthe most adVantageous terms to the owners. ••• Plolcworth's Way Freight Line. T t F. III I . 1847 . 44IXCLUSIVELY,_ for the transportation of way X/ freighi.between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, liollidaysburgli, Water street, and all interme diatelilacei. - One boat !caves the Warehouse of C. A, McAnul ty &Co.; Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and Shippers can always depend on having their goods arwarded Without.tielay and at fair rates. This Line was formed For the special accommo dation of the way business, -and thwroprietors re spectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. NI Proprietors. • JOHN PICKWORTU, " JOHN 'MILLER," DAN'L. IL BARNES; ROBERT WOODS, , • WILLIAM r: ULT Y. JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh. R.B.CANAN,johnstownt. Agents. C. A.MeANULT Y •SeCo,Pitts`gb. neivratteces. L.J. J. McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, lign -4-Stnith,Pittsburgli. • -..._ • ladepeuaeut Portable Boat Line, et..fr... 0- =gm- 1847 4 - 7-- W . : 1 Jll FOR' TIIE;TRANSPORTATION OF PRODDER AND MERCIIANDISF. TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PIIILADELPNIA AND BALTIMORE. ..r' Without Transhipment. Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates. Bills or tadilet trausinitted, and all instrucions promptly at tended to, free from any extra charge for storage or commission.': Address, or apply to C. A. itIcANLANY & CO" Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. 'll:tying a very large and commodious warehouse, .vie are prepared to receive (in addition to freight for shipment) a large amount of Produce,, Bre., .on Ston age at low rates, 'SURE)/ ER ARRAILIV GEN 3r /li . TS* tt4.4y4t. 1847. IDlOuongahela Route, RROWNSVILLE - AND CU MREfRLAND TO BALL XIMORE AND PIIILADELPRIA. Time to 'lhiltiinore ' 32 hours. Time to Philadelphia 40 hours. fortuv73 RULES srActrio.] rpir E. Splendid and fast running steamers Consul, - Louis M"Lane and Swatara ' have commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave the Bionongalela.Wharf every Morning, precisely at 8 o'- clock. Passengers by the° morning line will arrive in. Baltimore next evening in time for the Philadel- 1 pliia Mail -Boats or Rail Road cars. The evening float will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, ercept Sundays. ; PaSsengers by this boat will lodge on board, in comPirtable state, rooms. Leave Pawns villa neat morning at 6 o'clock; cross the mountains in day light; sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thus avoiding night:travel altogether. The preparations on this route are ample, and the connection corn plete;,so that disappointments or delays will be un known upon it. Passengers Can stop on the route and resume their seats again ut pl easui e, and have choice o Mail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches chartered to parties to travel as they de- Secure your tickets at the ogle°, Monongahela liousti, - or St. Charles Hotel fehl7-y Muglkam's Transportation Line, 1846 • y e i s ll U t h C o T u E oti D n o e n t c s i t a r i i i c n t in S g a t b o b b a e th- the k ee o p n i l n y g l E e r i ri ithcat is so cunducted. The proprietors or this old estab lished line have put their stock in the most complete oider, and' are thoroughly prepared to forward Pro_ duceand rnerchailize to and from the Eastern cities on the opening, of navigation. We trust that our long experience in the carrying business, and zealous attention to the interests ofcus tourers', will secure to us a continuance and increase or the patronage heretofore bestowed on glinghain , s • 'Our arrangefflents will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall al- Ways - be as the lowest charged by other responsible lines. - Produce and merchandise will he feceived and for warded east and west without any charge for adver tising storage or commission. Bill ' s 'Of lading forwarded and every direction promptly attended to. Addreas, or apply to WM. BINGHAM', Canal Basin, cor. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittsb'g, BINGIIAMS, DOCK 4. STRATTON, No. 276 Market st., Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent, N 0.122 North Howanl st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, No. 10 West st., New York. aprlO-y John Id. Townsend, irvRUOGT3T AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the hest and 'freshest Medicines, which lie Will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi- P clans sending orders will he promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. Physicians , prescriptions will be accurately end neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night.. A/so, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good erfumery dec 30d Henry W. r./illittrus, A TTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW (successor to Lowrie.& Williams.) Office a the . old standi FOurthstreet, above Smithfield. Steel , and. Fite irittnufaistory. fr 11F. subscribers having enlarged their establish -1 milt for the manufacture of Steel and Files— on the corner of O'Mara ardi Liberty streets, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh—are prepared to furnish files of edery descriptiou x of the best quality; and being de termined to maim it the interest of consumers to pur chase tilesTrom them — respectfullyinTite the patron age of all who use the article. mi4rlG-y, - J. ANKRIM dr CO. flawing and: Flahlzyw. CCOUTREMENTS : of everydescription on hand and constantly receiving fresh supplies. Guns; Pistols, , Powder, Shot, Flasks, Belts, Gains. ]lags, Winking Cups, &c., &c. ' Fishing Tackle.- = A large and complete assortment, for wholesale or retail, consisting In parr of Jointed and Cane Rode, Hooks oferery variety, Silk, Grass, Linen,Cotton and Trout lines, Swivels , Snoods, Floats, Sinkers; '&c. ; mat', : JOHN W. BLAIR, 120 Wodd st. AGENTS STORA.G F: C. A. MdANULTY & CO J. AIESKIMEN IVIHORE has just received 'from New 0. YOrk the Summer Style tof HATS, con- slating of WHITE, BEAVER', PiARL and' W.efrt FRENCH CASHMERE Moan, with Ventilators.- Those in want of a beautiful light Hat are•respectfolly invi ted to call at - No. 75 Wood et., ma2B-y 3d door above. Fourth. =ER ENE Insurance (Lompantes 'Fare rind :Marine s niance. I , INE Insurance Company of North America, of 1 Philadelphia, through its duly authorized „Agent, the subscriber,' offers to makipe rin an en t and limited Insurance on' property, in this..city and its vicinity : and on shipments by the canal and rivers. . _ . DIRECTORS -Arthur G. Collin, Presq. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, - . Charles Taylor, Samuel W. ones, i - -Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob-M. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard. D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard,See , y. - This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni ted States, having been chartered in 1794. Its-char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. ' MOSES ATWOOD. - At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. ; 0c123-y. The Fraiikjin Fire Insurance Company Or PLIELADELPULA. tiIIARTEB.PE.b.PETUAL. $400,000 paid in Ttjof fice 1631 Chesnut st„ north side, near Fifth.— Take Iniurance, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by fire, on prop6rty and effects of ' every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C: N. BANCKER, Prest. C. G. BANCKER, Sec'y. DIItECTORS : Charles N. Bancker, Jacob R. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. 2 of MAartrr, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, 4 Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken. on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the anrrounding: coun try. No marine or itiland navigation risks taken. aug4-ly Insurance. 4 MERIC-AN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia—Charter perpetual--Capital 500,- 000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut street—Win. Davidson, Pres't; Frederick Fraley, Seey. This old and well established Company con tinues to insure Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, and Property, not'of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. .Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dec 24 No. 26, Wood street. JOSLAII EINO. J. FINNEY, JA. KING S. PINNEt, Agents at Pittsburgh, far the Delaware ;Mutual Sqfety Insurance Company of Philadelphia - VIRE RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandize of ..12 every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most arm - alder terms. Of at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on Water st., near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. 11. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an insti tution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia— ns having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper ation of its charter, is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his tine share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as posseming the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious lbature, and in its most attractive form. nov I-tf Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. N. E. corner qf Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. THE assetsatilt' company on the first of Janua ry, 1545, as published in conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Bonds and Mortgages, $900,615 93 Real Estate, at cost, 100,967 77 Temporaiy Loans, Stocks and Cash,... 207,4.99 72 Malting a total of $909,683 42 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met; and giving entire security to all who obtain policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with security. oct 3 ' WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. }lolllloCpatlkle nooks. T UST received at the Bookstore of the subscriber t) in sth street, near Market : Malaria Modica, pure, by Samuel Ilahneman; translated and edited. by Charles Julius Hempel, M. D., 4 vitis. Hartman's Acute diseases, by Dr. Hempel, col, I. - Homceopathic Domestic Medicine, by J. Lowrie, enlarged and improved, by A. J. Hall, M. D. lalirs New Manual, vol. I. No. l and 3. - Hering's Domestic Physician. A Manual of Domestic Cookery, for the use of per sons who are under flonneopathic treatment. Benninghausen's Therapvic Pocket book fur homeopathists, by Dr. Okie. • Aabneman's Chronic,Diseases, col 5. Together with Medicinc Chests of different sizes and prices. (apl6) VICTOR. SCRIBA. TO ARMS! TO ARMS !! THREATS:NEIiInvi!sion of Western Pennsylvania by Col. Swift, with 10,000 men, nutwithstandicg which, J. M. White will coirr ti nue to sell clothing cheaper than any has heretofore been offered in the 'Western country, haring the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth sts. .11e is now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the greatest variety of cloths, eassimeres, vestings, and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been offered in this market, to which all can have the Right of Way. Observe the corner, No. 167, Liberty and Sixth sts. J. M. WHITE, Milo*, mar2.s Proprietor. JADIES AND GENTLEMEN, who design pur; chasing Venitian Blinds, or wish to get their old Blinds renewed and made better than when new, will please take notice that Andrew White is now permanently situated on the corner of Wood and. 4th sts. Show room on the second floor orMr. Ken nedy% splendid Looking Glass and variety store; entrance on 4th st. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Please call and see be- Core purchasing elsewhere: marl 3 . „ Bowel Complaint. FROM Dr. M. L. KNAPP, of Chicago, 111., Pro r fesior of Materia Medina in .the University of Lapate, Indiana. Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir :--You ask me *hat proofs r . meet with of the efficacy of your Carminitive. I can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine For Bowel Complaints that has given so much satis faction, and my patients so spec ly and perfect re lief as this. Whenever introduced into a fluidly, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called Tor again and again, which I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In the Summer Complaint of children it has frequently peared to snatch the little victims, as it were,' from the grave. "It saved the life of my child, and of such and such a eh have repeatedly heard said. In dysentric affections ofadults,l have time and again seen itact like a charm, and give permanent relief in a few hours, I may say in.a few minutes. In fine it is a valuable medicine', and no family should be without it. Respectfully: M. L. KNAPP. M. D. Front the Rev. CHARLES C. P. CROSBY, Louierillec Ky.,-and late of New York.' • Dr. D. Jayne—Dear sir—l am glad to inform you that the medicine made by you for Bowel and Sum mer. Cbmplaints has proved singularly efficacious in my family. My wife has for years been extremely liable to a most distressing dysentery in hot weather; but by the use ofJ/ISDIVS-CARMINATLVE BALSAM for two seasons, the attack has , been obviated in the course of two or three hours. I have known•cltil.- dren, when attacked with a violent Diarrhma, cured immediately by this medicine. I consider your medicine prepared with great skill, and highly bene ficial to Litman nature. Respectfully yours, C. P. CIKSBY. For ilale in Pittsburgh at the pExizt TEA STORE, Fourth street near Wood RHODES & ALCORN, (late of-New York city,) No. '27, Fifth at., between Wood and Market, Mhnufacturcrs of Mustard, around Spiees,,Catsups, &c., &c., will open dpring the present week a large assortment of articles in their lore; which they will wholesole in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran ted. Merchants intendingto go east would do well to call before leaving the city. They may be found at du it warehouse, No. 21, FilTh st., in Ryan's build ing. sep7 Summer Fashron tor flats. ' 4.. • • emigratirit Taxisecitnit Gemernt: Emigration °Mee. .fisBREMITTANCES and pessag to , of and from GURAT UITAIN AND - Iturierni, by W. & .T. T. T'apscott - 75,South street, corner offilaiden-Lane, New York, and 96 Waterloo road .Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency ot the above house, are now prepared to make arrange., meats upon the most liberal terms with those desi rous of paying the passage of, their friends from the old Country, and flatter themeselves their character and long standing -in business' will give. ample - is surance that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott, are long and flivora bly known for' the superior class accommodation nd sailing qualities of their- Packet Ships., The QUEEN or mix WEST; SHERIDAN, ROCHES TER, CARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ROSCIUS, LIV ERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and from Liverpool the 6th and 11th, in additioptto ,rhich they have arrangements with, the St. Gdorg# and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar ture &Om Liverpool, every fi v cdays being thus rioter mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in creasing patronage, while Mr. W. Tapscows constant personal superintendence of the business in Liver pool is an additional security that the comfort and acccommodation of the passengers will be liar-lieu larly attended to. The nabscribers being (as usual) extensively enga hed in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg nd the Atlantic Cities. arc thereby enabled tO r flake Charge of and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointnicint or tielay, and are therefore prepared to contract f4paii- Sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature oldie business they are engagedin gi.ing them facilities for carding passengers so tar inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (Wile, eessary,) forward passengers further West by the best mode of conveyance without any 'additional charges for their trouble. - Where persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid fur passage ,will be refunded in full. „Y - REMITTANCES. The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at sight, for any amount payable at the principal cities and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus affording a safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to avail themselves of. Applicauon (if by lettorpo!t paid) will be prompt ly attended to. TAAFFE &O'CONNOR Forwarding and Commission Merchants, mar27d&wy• Pittsburgh, Pc i 1441 Remittances to Europe, AND PANIAGr FROM LIVERPOOL, LONDON, and the various Ports sf IRELAND, to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. THE undersigned, Agent for Messrs. ROCHE, BRO'S. & Co., is remitting money's to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, at the rate of Fire Dollars to the .C 1 sterling. Drafts issued for any amount drawn direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin, and on Messrs Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers ; London, payable on presentation at any Bank in the United Kingdom free of discount or any charge whatever. Those desirocs of remitting, or sending for their friends will please applyto the sub scriber, at his office on Penn street, 4 doors above the Canal Basin, JAMES BLAKELY. Persons at a distance wishing information will re ceive an answer by return tuail, l by directing (post paid) as above. Refer to the Bankers ' Merchants, and Manufac turers of Pittsburgh and vicinity.' apl7-davvtf FOREIGN • • REMITTANCE. rrIOE subscribers i're prepared to fOrward money 1 to all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with despatch, and at the lowest rates. SAMUEL McCLUILKAN & Co., febl2 No. 142, Liberty st. HENRY .51 . 0111.0 UGH. John Black & Co., Y~IIOLESALE: Grocers Produce•and Cominis sion Merchant., and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactures, No. IGG Liberty street, opposite Gth, Pittsburgh. may 12 V-1" Liberal advances made on consignments. John F. Perry, • (Late of the firm of Malcolm, Lerch .1- C 0..) VV -"lll e L r E crta A a L t " d G e• i tle O r C iO n all e kin " :l fi t i " o ss e i c ti o n u a u n td ry P p lo r u o r duce, copper, tin, tin plates, tinners' toolsoinc, lead, Russia sh9et iron, iron and nails, whitd lead, dye stuffs, cotton yarnsy salt, &c.,and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally ; corner of. Liberty and Ir win streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal advances, in Cash or Goods, made on consignments of Produce, &c. may 18- tf CADID.RON, MANUFACTURER OF HOLLOW WARE AND PLATFORM SCALES AND uismcs IN GENERAL. - - R - -• ESPECTFULLY asks the patronage of his friends. He feels warranted that he can give satisfaction to all who may purchase of him. His establishment is on lll'Kelvrs plan of Lots, sth Ward. mar3l-ly Firth Ward LlVery Stable. THE subscriber, having bought out tns well known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the Fifth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he will keep at all times a stock of the best description of riding horses, bug gies, carriag es of all kinds, and in short everything required in his line of business. A considerable portion of Ids stock is new, and lie is confident no stock in the city will be superior to , His terms will be moderate. Hie sfable is on Lib erty st., a few doors above the canal bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. irrlle is also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will he furnished when required. octls-tf . , Great Eng Hell esumfy For Coughs, Colds Asthma, and Consumption! THE great and only remedy for Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Corcsummotr, is the lI , UNGARIAN BALSAM OP- LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and introduced in to the United States under the immediate superin tendance of the inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine, in the cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE '1 CASES that' can be found in the &immunity—cases' that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies•of the dayi and have been given up by the most distinguished mished Physicians as CONFIRMED AND IN etrenna. The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and Will core the DIOS? bESPERATE or CASES. It is nu quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in. the United States should be sup plied with Buchan'S,Hungarian Balsani _of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine in all cases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation and Soreness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic Fever,, Night Sweats, Emaciation and... General De bility, Influenza, 'looping Cough and Croup. 11:7- Sold in large bottles, at $1 per bottle, with full directions-for the restoration of Health. Pamphlets, containidg a mass of English and A merican certificates,.and other' evidences, showing the unequalled merits of the great English Remedy, I may be obtained of the Agentscgratituously. Dario F. BRADLEE, sole Agent -for the United States, 119 Court street, Boston. T. W. Dycrrr 84. SONS, General Wholesale Agents, 'No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia. ; For Sale by B: A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., corner of Wood and Front streets. -' May 7 , -.... `--"-`hi. MCDONAID, Bell and Brass ~ . rz• Founder, First street,. near Alarket; is , prepared to make grass Castingseand - , e - Brass works generally on the most -.J=•h - 7:'...,,. reasonable terms and shortest notice. ----'''‘="“' '"'" .„ He invites machinists and all thrice using brass works to give him a 'call; as he is de: terrnined to do all work in his line very low. may 27-ly • Watches from Europe. TUST received, a fresh importation of fine Gold CI and Silver Patent Lever Wathes, of the best' qualities and handeomest patterns,Which I am sel ling at as low prices as the same qualities are pur chased for in the Eastern cities --their quality and accuracy as timekeepers will be guaranteed. Also, Gold Patent Lever and' other Watches, at $3O, s3sy $4O, and upwards. ' Being determined to make it the;'lateral of our Citizens and others, - to purchase at home, I respect fully invite attention to my large and beautiful as sortment of Watches -and Watch trimmings. • . or The bestattention constantlrglveni tot_te re paring. offthe Watches: - Haying in my ettiploy the most experienced and best workmen in the - State, and every facility for doing - all kindiret Waxclimnd Clock work ih theverybest manner: -•.' W. W. WILSON, Corner 014th and Market qts. jylo 1 Effe 10 Gteat Remedy of the Age! . S . IVAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, iszanustmo IN 1835 OY AN ACT OF CONONFAS. • The Great Remedy for consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Side and - Breast, Palpitation of the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken - Constitution, Sore Throat, Nerv ous Debility, • and All diseases of Throat, Breast, and Lungs; the most effectual and speedy cure ever known . for any of the, above diseases is S W../2 YNE ' S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIfERRY. , Read the Testimony. :;,,St. Louis, Sept. 7th, 1846. ,Dn. E. EASTERLY & Co.—Gents.—l have been afflicted for about three years with a pulmonary COM pl,4int, which has baffled the skill of several of the must eminent physicians of our country. At times my cough was very severe, pain in my side and breast, and great difficulty in breathing. In this way I continued to suffer, until life became almost a bur den. At length I saw your advertisement of DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup °Mild Cherry, and wak persuaded by a friend of mine to make a trial of it, and I purchased a bottle of you. I am happy to inferni you that one bottle has effecithluVezfect curd, and that I am now in the enjoyment #1 good health. I Make this statement in , the form ora certificate,l that others who may hoMifficted wfti l such diseases may know where to find a valuable medicine. You can use this testimony in commendation of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry-as you think best. Yours, with respect, CARSON. ONF. Von OF CAUTION. — SiIICO the introduction of my article to the public, there have a number of unprincipled individuals got up nostrums, which they assert contain Wild Cherry; sonic are called " Balsams," " sitters," and even "Syrup of Wild Cherry," but mine is the original and only genuine pieparation ever introduced to the public, which can be proved by the public records of the Common wealth bfl'ennsylvania. The only safeguard against imposition is to see that lay signature is on each bottle. R. 11. Svr.tyar., • Cornor of Eighth and Race street°, Philada. Would perhaps be a small estimate for the ravages of this dreadful disease in a single year; then add the fearful catalogue of those cut off by Intiamation of the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Cou;hs, Influen za, Bronchitis, and other diseases of the Lungs and ' Liver. And the list would present an appalling protrf of the fitality of these two classes of diseases. But it is important to know that nearly all of this dread waste of human life might have been prevented by a timely use or Dlt. SWAYNE , S COMPOUND SY- ItI7P OF WILD CHERRY. This medicine has now been before the public some eight years, and is the original preparation time the Wild Cherry Tree. Its reputation as a rem edy liar Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and Consumption of . the Lungs based entirely upon its intrinsic merits, owes but little to inflated newspaper puffs. Those who give it a trial, being benefitted by it, recom mend it to_their neighbors, and thusr,grailually and surely has it gained an enviable reputation and worked its way into general use. One bottle never fails to cure a recent Cough or Cold, while with strict atten t'ons to the directions thet accompany each liottle, its use in Pulmonary diseases of long standing and of the most alarming character, has always gives re lief, and in very many instances has effected cost plete and permanent cures. Beware of the worthless " Balsams,” " Bitters," Syrup's," 4.e., as they contain none of the virtues of the original preparation. The (original and only) genuine article is prepared by DR. SINANE, corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by agents in alt parts or the United States, and sonic parts of Europe. Prepared only by DR. SWA Y NE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by respectable Druggists in nearly all the principal towns' in the United States. MEE= . , For sala Wholesale and Reta i l, 17 M-THORN, 53 Nrarke.t street; L. JONES, ISO Liberty street, awl OG DEN & SNOWDEN, corncr of 1 ood and 2d sts., SULE AGENTS tOR PITTSBURGH, PA. jclp • The Most Astounding Discovery.. A BLESSING! A MIRACLE!! A WONDER!!! To cure Eruptions and .I.4,figuremcnts of the Skin, Pimples, Freckles, Sunburn, Sall Rheum, Scurvy, Sore Heads, 4 - r.4-e. 4-c. FOUR years ago last August, the capital of France was astonished in consequence of a discovery made by an Italian Chemist. Manydoubted—it seem ed almost an impossibility that any thing made by the hands of man, could have such singular powers as that claimed by ANTONIO VESPRINI for hie inven tion. Many classed him and his invention as a hum bag, (and, alas! many foolish persons without trying, do the same nose;) at length, alter testing it in the hospitals, the Medical Society of Paris, (the best chemists in the world) delivered the following report to Signor Vesprini : " iVe have now minutely and carefully examined the singular invention of Vesprini. We have analyz ed its component parts—we have used it in several cases, and we hesitate not to pronounce it (The Italian Chemical Soap) as a great blessing, and a truly wonderful remedy for any cutaneous eruption or disfigurement of the skin. Its inventor we con sider the true philanthropist of suffering mankind. (Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY, Pres." Then comes the report of the "Societe do I , lnsti tate," of scientific experiments: "We :lie astounded," exclaims the aged president, "at this singular preparation—Vesprini>s Italian Chemical Soap! Where, indeed, will science stop! Here we have a preparation made in the thrm of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous eruption, every disfigurement of, and even discolored skin ! Where will its magic and singular power cease t The Ne gro, the Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man of the Far West, are alike under the in fluence of its extraordinary powers of clearing yet low or discolored skin, and make it white and beau tiful, and of changing the color ()Nark, or black, or brown skin." (Here se •oral persons were brought! forward by the president, who had used it, in proof of his assertions.) • ritom TUE INVENTOR IMMIX TO TIE}: PIIRSENT Paris,Nov 4, 1840. In consideration of the sum of $3600, I have di vulged to 51n. T. Juries, residing in the City of New York, N. A., the whole process of manufacturing, together with a statembnrolthe ingredients compos ing niy Italian Chemical Soap. Ile is to manufac tore it for sale in the United States:Only, and to have the privilege of naming it "Jones's Italian Chemical Soap." Witness, Henry J. Huldsworth. (Signed) ANTONrO VESPRINI There are probably few persons of intelligence, who, after reading the above, will doubt the quali ties of Jones's Italian Chemical Soap, in curing Eruptions, Disfigurements, Freckles,Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erisypelas, Sun-burn, Moryew, Tan,•Yel. , low or Brown Skin; &c. Should there be such.per sons, perhaps the following recommendations, as well as huh - Seeds from others, may convince them. KrFor sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pitts burgh where the GENUINE CAN be obtained;- ma. OTHERS ARE :COUNTERFEIT. jan2s WINES AND LIQUORS. JACOB WEAVER,I6 Marketst., m l corner of Front, is now receiving and o ff ers for sale at inducing ces the following extensive variety of WINES' AND LIQUORS, selected by himself, as forinerllor the firm of STEgErr & Co:, in the Eastern Citi Er, from first hands : Leger Frere, Cognac and Champagne Brandies. Dupti:7, Camillon, old Maglory, Rastaut. • Chanauye Pelevoisnn, A.Seignette, Otard Dupuy 'lr Co. and pines Casillon & Co., Vintages of 1832 to ISlS—embracing all the Rochelle and Bordeaux fla vors, in half Pipes, quarters and octaves, or by 'retail. Rolland Gins—Fish, Weesp Anchor, Cross Keys, Metiers Swan and flour Glass brands, new and old importations. Rums—NeW England; St. Croix, Antigua' and Ja maican, some very superior. IVhiskcys--Old Scotch and Irish, Monongahela' Rye, Bourbon Co. Corn. Wines—Madeiras, Teneriffes, - Lisbons,-Sherrieti, Sicilys,lagas, Ports, Red Wincs,• White Wines, :Muscats, Clarets Champagnes, Hocks, and 3atiter nes, in Cases, Lidia Bbla., .Qr. Casks, lihds., Penn fohn or, Bottle. june3 • isateat ranpx , ov cm ett , t.- 13E.D.S1 1 2NDS of different- kinds with Gazzam>s 11:10 iron patent fastenings,itiperior to anything DOW in use, for sale fow at the furniture warehouse of aug I T . B. YOUNG § CO., Hand st. ME =I - 50,000 Dcatbs by Consumption ILEAD THIS! =I ENE 1 PCSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE' FOR - RHEUMATISM AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. "What though the - causes may not be explained, Since their directs are duly ascertained, Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride, - Induce mankind to set the means aside; Means which, thoniinple, are by Heaven clesign'd To alleviate'the ills of human DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC. RINGS AND .MA.G NETIC. FLUID. lllS•remarkable invention, - Which has received T the universal approbation of the medical profes sion of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new-aP plication of Galvanism, as a remedial agent; if) , Means of which the ordinary. Galvanic Batteries, Electric and Magnetic Machines, &c., are entirely dispensed, with, and the mysteriouspower of Galvanism applied without any of the objections which- are inseparable' from the general mode now in use. .The strong dos es, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanism is ap plied by the Machines, has been pronounced, after a! fair and impartial trial, to be decidedly injurious, and it was to remedy this radical defect that this new ap- Plication was projected,which, after unceasing toil, and perseverance, has been brought to its present state of perfection. The Galvanic Rings answer all the purposes of the most expensive Machines, and in many other respects are more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired effect. • • The Galvanic Rings used in connection With' the Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recomniended in all disorders which arisefrom an enfeebled and unhealthy state of the tureens or vital system, and these coal plaints are among the most painful and ftnirersal to, which - we tire subject. They arise; without eiception,l ftorn one simple cause—a derangement of the Neiv ous System—and it was in these eases that other 'remedies' haring so often failed, a new agent was greatly heeded, which it is confidently believed, has been found in the proper and judicious application of Galvanism. I The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire , success in all cases of Iturnizanszt, acute or chronic, I applying to the head, thee or limbs, Gout, Tie-Dolo roux, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous Sick; headache, Indigestlon, , Paralysis, Palsy; Epilepsy, Fits, Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, Apoplexy, Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complainjs, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the head, pain in the Chest and'S isle, General Debility, Deficien cy of Neff:tills aiid Physical Energy, and all NERV OUS DISORDERS. Incases ofeerifirined Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the diges-i tire organs, they have been found equally successful. Their extraordinary effects upon the system must be witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive' fur the preceding complaints they are equally recom mended. The Rings are of different prices, being made °fall sizes, and of various ornamental pattern:s, and can be worn by the most delicatefemale without the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation is rather agreeable than otherwise. The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bandis, Garters, Necklaces, die., In some cases of a very severe character; and of' long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic Rings is not sufficient toarrest the progress ofdisease and ultimately restore health. The imptoved modi fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, &c., entire ly remedies. this objection; any degree of power that is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect will fail to be permanently relieved. These articles are adapted to the waists, arms, wrists,lintbs, armies, or any part of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bene fit in cases of Bronchitis or affeetions of the throat generally; also in eases of Nertons Deafness; and with almost unifolm success as a Preventive for Apo. plexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints. Christie/ Magnetic Fluid is used in connection withlhe Galvanic Rings'and all their modifications. This composition has been pronounced by the French Chemists to be one of the most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It is believed to possess the remarkable power of ren dering the n.erres sensitive to galvanic action by this means causing a concentration - of the influence, at the seat of disease;thus giving rapid and permanent re lief. No other composition ill-chemistry is known to produce the same effect, or to impart a similar pro perty to the nervous system, by means dan outward local application. The Magnetic Fluid contains noth- Mg capable of the slightest injury; its application is agreeable, and it is as harmless in its action as it is beneficial in its results. Full explanations and dim- . nuns accompany it. The combined inventionsare in every way perfectly harmless; they are sold at-prices within the reach of all and the discoverer only re quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy and permanent benefit. Clirlstte , s Galvanic Strengthening Plas ters. These articles torn another valuable application ofthe mysterious influence ofGalvanism. They are a,n important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings and their modifications, acting upon the same princi ple, but having the advantage of more local, applica tion. They are confidently recommended as a valu able addition in the speedy cure ofltheuthatism,acute or chronicfin all nervous complaints, and as a posi tive remedy in cases of Pain and Weakness in the Chest or Back, Pain in the Side, in Asmatic Affections, and in Weakness or Oppression of the Piiimenary Or gans. In Spinal Complaints their effects ate of the musttlecitied character, and they have often been used with complete success. They are al6 of the greatest advantage in. Pains and Weakness of the tireastomPare highly recommended for many.of those complaints to which females are especially liable. As an effectual means for strengthening the system when debilitated with disease or other causes; as a certain aid in Constitutional Weakness as a Preventive of Colds, and in all affections the Chest, generally, the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be found of great and permanent advantage. In a few words; it embraces all the virtues of tha best tonic preparation, with the important addition of the galvanic influence, which is neither impaired nor exhausted, while the action continues. These articles will be found entire ly free from those objections which are a constant source of compla o d with the ordinary plasters in common use. ir:r The great celebrity and success of these arti cles have caused them to be counterfeited by fmprin-, cipled persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. Cimisrnt has but one authorized agent in each city of the Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh, W. W. WILSON. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS, Of the highest and most respectable character, are constantly received, regarding the extraordinary value and success ofthe above articles. ft is believ ed that in the city ofNew York alone, upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of'' less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the most painful chronic disorders, come of which have completely baffled all former fforts of medical art. indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine, constantly recommend this application in their prac tice, and with the exception of those who are too prejudiced to give it a trial, thel invention has re ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent among the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all times ready and most happy to give every facility to physicians, and all interested, for testing the truth of his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery. Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner`of 4th and Market street'. octn-dly Jeme , s Italian Chemical. Soap. PERSONS, in puimhising this, must always ask for JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and, per haps, as many have been cheated with counterfeits will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such,•Try this once—you will not regret it; but always see that the same of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Price 50 cents a cake. For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, coiner ofWood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh where the Genuine eau be obtained; ALL OTHERS ARE COUNTERFEIT. jan2 Jones's Coral Hair RestOrative. IHEREBY certify that my hair was tailing out in immense quantities daily, and was turning gray, and that since I have used Jones's Coral Hair Resto rative,'it has entirely ceased falling—is growing fast, and has a 'fine dark look: Before I used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, I combed out handfuls of hair daily.” . _ W. TOMPICINS,92 King st.N. Y. For sale by W. Jackson, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the. only place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE CAN be obtained. jan22 E4irmaLtidgfoettinyanudnllirninsiati busi ness, an Ant .1. dI recci ' mmend them to the . patronage of my friends. lam authorized toistate that they_ will re dceive the counsel and assistance ofthe Hon. h. Bid bte 01Bce,2d story of Burke , n Buildings, 4th street, etween Wood and Market. _ SAMUEL W. BLACK. MIN r 1 0- . `~,~`~~f.~?tß~` :! CAUTION Tet my Clients. • • . . . - . . - ::: - ,'.':•si:sl.l - t.4ficit.'a,,-'_..-'-..:':! - ::,-..ii::::... KC MIX111111111:41-' . . .. - WESTERN NEw,,Torc.33. COLLEGE OF- HE A LTI-1, 207 Main Street, Buffalo ; New Irk R. G. C. VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE LITHON; J,TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR 1847.—"1 Watt, I SAW, I Couiitrunsia;" is most emphatically the case' with this article. Disease has ever yielded to its most marvello - ns medicinal - power: Wherever it has gone, ' and South Anierica,,England, Canada,. and the. United Stater:have proved: the truth, of this statement, the above quotation in , a strong and pithy sentence, tellithe whole story: Invalids, the prin ' ciple upon-which you are cured may not he: known to you, butthe result of a trial of the article is satis- I factory; you are restored; and the secret of the cure remains with the proprietor.. The Medicine is - a compound of 2.0. distinct vegetable' agencies; each in dividual root has its own peculiar, exclusive,-medi cinal property, conflicting with no other compound —each root makes its own cure—and as a perfect combination, when taken into - the - System, it does the work which fikrintr; - when her laws. were first established, intended it should do-P U RIFLE STRENGTHENS, AND RESTORES the broken down, debilitated constitution. 'Dnorsv, in-all its characters, wane. completely eradicated from the system by its use. See pampfets in agents , : hands, for free eirculatica-L-they' treat upon:all diseases, and show testimony of cures. GRAVEL, and.alleom plaints oi%= the urinary. Organs, form also the:cause of great saffering, and VALIIIN'S. Larnotizainue has acquiredlio small, celebrity over the country; by the cures . it has Made in this - distressing class of afllic-, lions. So•famed, it seems , is this medicine , that it has thus attracted. the notice,of one of our Medical publications., . In the -November No. 1846, of the "Buffalo 'Journal end .Monthly Review of Medical and Surgical Science," in an article upon calcUlotis [diseases, and "solvents,"the writer , after noticing I the fact the English government once Purchased I a secret remedy, and also.noticing the purchase in 1802, of al:secret remedy, by the Legislature of New ; York, thus pays tribute to the fame oftheMedicinei "Why do not our Representatives in Senate and :isseinbly, convened, enlighten' and "dissolve' the suffering' libusands of this country, by the purchase of Vaugliii;s Vegetable Lithotdriptic, than which no Isol Vett t sixite the days of Alchemy "has possessed one her the fame !"'.Reader, here is a periedical of high standing, acknowledged thrOughout a large section of this country to be one of the best:conducted jour nals of the kind in the. nited States. exchanging with the scientific Works of - Europe to ! - our certain.'. , knowledge, edited by• Austin Flint, M.D., and con- j tributed to by men of the highest protessional abili- 1 ty, thus-stepping aside to noticea "secret remedy." You will at once understand no Unknown and werth-1 less nostrum, Could thus extort a' comment from so I high a quarter--and consequently, unless it directly conflicted with the practice ofthe faculty;it must .I have been its great "fame , which has caused it to receive this passing nod. Rummy diseases, .weak ness of the back and, spine, irregurar, painful andl sUppressed Mensturation ' ". Flour -Alleles s and the en: I tire complicated train of evils which follow a disor dered system, are at once relieved, by the medicine.l Send for pamphlets' from.Ageuts, arid. you -will, find, evidence of the value of the Lithontriptic there put forth. As a remedy for the irregularities of the re male system, it basin the compound ri." - inot" Which has been resorted to in the north of Euroge for cen turiel—as a sure cure for this camplaint,'and a:re storer of the health of the 'entire system:: Lima CODIPLAINT, JAUNDICE; BILIOUR DIPEASEco&C. are instantly relieved. People of the West will ind it the only remedy in these"complaints, as well as Vi vre. AND Actir. There is no remedy like it, and no Calomel or quinine forms any part, of this mixture. No injury will result in its: use; and its active proper; ties are manifested in the Use of a single 30 or bottle 4 Foe FEYER AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders, take Uri other Medicine. RHEUMATISM, Gonr, willfind relief the action of. this'medicine upon the 'Blood, will change' the disease --which originates - in the blood —and a healthy, result will follow. Dvsperiii, Is ninusnoil, &c., yield in a few days use ofthis-Aledi eine. Inflammation-or THE Ltdics. EOUGH, Cod summon also, has ever found' relief.. - SCROPTHA, ERYSIPELAS, Pu.ssilhilamed EYes—all caused . by int. pure bluod—will find this article the remedy The system, completely acted upon by the, twenty-two different properties of the_ mixture, is purified and restored—as a partial cure will ,not The train of common, complaints, Patpitalion .ef Ike Heart, Sick... Headache, Debility;' Ike., are all the re- - sul tof some derangement of the systein and the Gurar Ittsrotirs will do, its •work. ,The; promises set forth in the advertisement,. are based upon the proof of what it has alone in the past . fourycars. The written testimony of 1000 Agents ; in , Canada, the United States, England and South- America, in the possession of the proprietor—and can be:seen by all interested—is a sufficient demonstrUtion that it is the best Medicine ever offered to the World. Get the pamphlet, and study the principle as there laid .down, of the method of cure. Put up,in 3.0"0z. bottles, at $2; 12 or. do at $1 each—the larger gold ing 6 oz. morctlian two iiiiiall bottles.:- . Look out and not get imposed upon. Every hottle has ,"Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic, , Mixture" blown upon the glass, the written signature of yp. C. Vaugn" on the directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn; Baralo,' stamped on the cork.” None other are genuine:. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and-sold at - the Principal Office, 207 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesale- and retail, No attention given to letters, unless p6st paid—ory ders rim regularly constituted AgeiitS ereeptedi ppat paid letters, or verbal 'communications deli - Citing ad-. vice, promptly attended to gratis. ' • - Offices devoted exclusively to the SUM' attire aut.' cle-132 Nassau st., New York city; 205 Essex st.. Salem, Mr. :and by the principal Druggists-through out the baiied States-and Canada, as advertised' in Agents in this city— Bays & Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Agents, NO. 2, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pirtibifigh. Also, R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street;' john Federal street, Allegheny city; John Barclay, Beaver; John Smith, Bridgewater. jan3o-d&wly. Sprains, Strains, Pains of the Breast and Side, and diseases of the Spine, lIRED and effectually relieved by the use of Na - Cture's owir Remedy, the AMERICAN OIL; ob taine.d from a well in Kentucky; 185 feet below the Earth's surface. A lady in Kentucky was mired of a Spinal Dikease; which had confined her to her bed for many weeks completely helplesS; by,the use of this remedy, after various other remedies had been tried in vain. Read the follgwing testimonial. Pirrantritaw, August 22, 1846.. This is to certify, that, we have used the Aktiax- CAN OIL for the whooping cough among our children; by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoon full at night, which always enabled them td` rest well through the night; I also applied it to one of:the children that got her arm burnt, - the child ceased crying by the time the arm was dressed and bound up. I also was' afflicted with a pain in my side and breast, and have been so for 16 years. ICoretnenced using the Oil by taking a teaspoonful twice a day, and in 2 or 3 days using the Oil have been very much relieved, and do believe that it is the best familY medicine I have ever seen—one of-my neighbors used it at my request for a sprained ancle; which -re lieved her in a•few -minutes; we have also used-the Oil for a itrained joint in our own family;which gave -ease in a very short time. We live on the east side ofPenn st., 3 doors south of Walnut. ate now as . well as ever I was in my life. • •• - • IiARGARET A.:SMITH. • Sold wholesale and retail by Wm. Jackin, at his Boid and Shoe store and Patent Medicine Wire house, 89, Liberty. street, head of Wood et pet, Pitts burgh. Price 50 cents and $l. per bottle. WM. Jackson being the .exclusive Agent for Western Pennsylvania, NONE IS GENUINE but what is - sold by sins OR ins appointed agents.: N. B. A pamphlet containing ample directions; &e., with the Names and - Adtiresses of the proprie tors and principal Agents isenveloped:in the wrap per of each bottle. aug:2B—feb 15-diStvveiM Can't. be. Beata M. WHITE has just received 'at lxis large tir estahlishinent, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid a.ssortment 'of TWEEDS. for summer; also, a superior lot of French SatinYES TINOS, all of which be is ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 Liberty and Sixth streets. myl4 J. M. WHITE, Taildri Proprietor. MR. 71113FF,E1 AND - r T A .WRITING.,ESTAI3 111( 01 3 1 1r LISDMENT, Northeast cora. . oaer of Filth and 11 , 4arket ats.; ._ - -I . lA° only in the, 'city in which Gentlemen cin amiuire-auch a know ledge of Itook•keeping as will enable them to apply it immediately to practice. 'Persons desiring it can `have any number of references. Several new testi; moniala of the complete, success of'pupils in steam boat Dook keeping, - have been recently received, and may beinspeated by visitors. hours of business during summer 2to 4 and BtoloP. M. " jape' ' MiMM ~ MO a-*y ~, ,~~e~tcal` 6 The Celebrated Italian Remedy • FOR TIIE. CURE OF ' CRRONIC 'DISEASES 11:2AZO/VPS SICILIAN SYRUP 'OR TROPICAL HYQIENE 'Discovered by Dr. Maioni of Italy-in the:year 1845, and introduced into the U. States early m 1846. , MS unrivalled medicine for Ihe'radical cure tit /V Chronic diseases has spread ih:ritighuut Eurppe, with the most unequalled speed and triumphant nue cess,effecting themost astonishing,eures ever known or recorded in the annals of Medical History 'Since , its intrOduction into the United•Stateifit has equally sustained the high reputationit ea justly-received in the East, curing , here as it has done there, the most inveterate and long standing diseatres,with Which - the human family are afflicted:- The Physicians of En. rope - an:ix-America (as thy as they haye - become ae7 quainted with its mode. or.Ofieration) together with' the thousands who 'have,been restored to' health by its superior officacy wierone. united voice proclaim it to be the most perfect remedialagent ever offered to suffering humanity :It is noun established fact "that Conaway:ion maybe, can se,anclliabeen cured - by Dr.llfammi , s Sicilian . Syrup or Tropical Ityg4ene. This is the only medicine that has ever been dis covered thathas achieved a cure where this dlsease had gained a settled and pernianent hold dpori the itystem. For the truth of this assertion, we have the certificates, of some otthe men eminent Physi clans of KUrope and America, expressly-declaring that' they have prescribed it in hundreds of instances where the patients were considered beyond all hope of recovery, and, to their astonishment, has effected the most speedy , and perfect cures. No 'one who is unacquainted with its actiOn can imagine the won: : derful success that attends the administration of this 'medicine in every variety of 'thronic disease, par.; ticularly Consurnption, Scrofula or kingtrevil, Aiithr ma, Plithisic,Piles, (see cases reported in pamphlets and circulars). Cancers, Liver , Complaints, Costive.' mess and Indigestion, Sore and . Inflamed Threat,- Kronchitis, Drepsies, Chronic Inflamafion of the Kidneys, Gravel; Great Debility and - Iratibility the nervous system, 14inal affections, Paralysis," - Chronic Diarrahcea, Tajo in the:breast and side, Coughs, Colds, Chronic HheurnatismiDisesseir Stomach and BoWels, inward weakness and falling down of the womb;endhll the chronic diseases pe- . culiar to females in their various relations - in life t This medicine is prepared.only by Dr: hlaioni - self- , and is composed entirely of vegetable raateriali containinglhe,extract of 42 of the mostrare cal plants but fewer which are known to the ruedi-; cal Profession generally. It'has So far surpassed every other medicine . ever;. - offered to the world in' eradicating disease, that ' has not only enlisted many of, die most talented medical den in the worldjn its favor but what ite more extraordinary the government where it was'. discovered - f. Has madi it an offence punishable with , . death to attempt counterfeiting it or making sate or,. any spurious article, purporting to be the same or' ri.presenting it to be genuine.. And this:: Govern- 1 ment has also made aliberal provision for the'proi. maim, of it here. To the 'afflicted 'we say let none' 4ispair, though You may have 'been given up by, your Physician and considered .by by -your 'friends as beyond all hope, try a bottle or this medicine and you may rely upon the fact; that if you have physi. , ' cal strength enough left to endure its action, you will find certain and speedy relief, for this has been the casein thousands of instances, in proof of which, . wccan.produce certificates from individuale of the most respect:tole character both of. Enrope. and America. This medicine will be offered for saki only at the county seats of each 'county °Whig to i the small _amount yet imported.. and the anxiety of the proprietor to place' this valuable remedy within the reach Of all throughout the United States. Hays, & Dreckway, Druggists,- No._ 2 Comraercial . -now, Liberty street„wholesale and retail Agents 0_ Allegheny county. Sold also by 8.E., Sellers,No - 57 Wood st. , - - dec294llr. ROIJGH AND RP.ADY !--T.be Lyre or General Taylor,.the Berri of Okee Cliobee, Palo Alto, Resacca de la Palma, Monterey, and' Buena Vista;' with numerous illustrativd anecdotes and embellish ments. 'For sale by lje24 D . s c u OCT. E. M EERITT, 15entiat, respectfully an nounces to the citizens' of Pittsburgh and vi cinitY that he has returned to the city and• taken the house lately occhpied 4 - y the Rev. Dr. Riddle, oa Liberty.near Ferty stteet, where 'he will be ,happy to see all those Ladies and Gentlemen that may wish his serrices. He can be found at any hour, as he will devote his whole time to his pATession; all ope rationi of the teeth will be done with neatness and despatch. • P.. S. Dr. E. M can relieve the 'most- painful' toothache in a few, minutes—he has it quantity of his celebrated Tooth Pow4er which sweetens the guide of the mouth, pelishei the' teeth; and 'hardens the grans. - - je2o-d6aciily, • Landr _ . , . . eth's W a rrant e d ' . Garden Sorsa, ', IIRECT.FROM PIIILAbELPHIA. , .. Each paper bears Abe label and warranty of Dawn Last DDEIDL For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.29 Water at., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry. Extinct from the 'Report of th Visiting Committee Il of the Pennsylvania ortiault rat Society,' i moody llani-. ti moy adopted and orderetlrt e printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS.' "These extensive grounds are on Federal street, near the Arsenal.- a: * a * Thil - earliest collec-: lion of Cainelliaa was made here. Some of those now 'in possession of those distinguished nurserymen_ are, 'tea feet , higlr.' . * a• a a The -selection - 0. intria • -ttotisr.rxarrrs is valuable and extensive, - "The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup: plying every part of the Union,. a .detail of which would occupy too much of our s pace, we there.fore content ourselves with stating that the idock is very large, and in every stage •of growth, consisting of FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES; EVER-- GREFeNS, SHRUBS, VINF.S AND CREEPERS, With a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the bestkind and most healthy condition', large beds of seeding apples, pears, plums,.&c., as stocks for bud ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that e. working upon suckers, which carry with them into the graft all the diseases of the parent stock:. a - a ,- • _ "GAnDEN SEEDS of the finest quality have .been scattered over the country from these greunds, and may always be depended upon. The - seed establish ment of. these. Horticulturists is one of the most. ex. , tensive in the Union, and its reputation is W 01 sustain. ed from year to year. • • "To obviate the chance of mixture or tke farina- or the plants of the same family; they have' established another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene ration. cannot take . place, and which secures to .the purchaser a ;genuine article.' Knowing thusjhri age; quality and process of culture oL every plante. the supply . from their grounds is recommended with . great confidence." . :. ' . 1 %.* SiDee Alio date of the 'Report" from which the' above is extracted, the entire establishment has been' greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias sm., braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some Om.' sands of. varions-sizes; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable: plants, both- tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c. - • .' The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the whole is, as it been for mote than half a century under the successive management of father and song the most prominent in America. - - - ir prders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from' whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar - Pia Dose - _ A LARGE and splendid assortment of Mahogany' . and Rosewood grand 'action Pianos, ivith me> talic::frame, and midi all -the latent improvementse4 which for durability, tone and touch, are warranted, . to be equal to any made in the country, for sale low' for cash, by ' F. BLUME, ' - inarlB 112 Wood std 2ildoor above 5t14-• . , , Homoeopathic Medicines and Boohon „ TUST received a . fresh supply of Homincipathie t" Medicine Chests, hetnceopathic Coffee Sugar of milk, nada large collection of the latest publications. on Homoeopathy, at the Bookstore of ' -- VICTOR - SCRIBA, aplo • Fifth st. between Wood'and•Market sta. NOTICOE. , •—• HAVING sold out my establishment. to Doctor' William F. Irwin, I chrerfully -recommend' him to all my-former friends ati.?cirstornera. ' EDGAR THORN. Irwinie prug Store. The undersigned having-bought Mit-tile store of Edgar Thorn, corner of Penn and)nand streets, se licits a share of the.dreg and _medicine custom of the - city, and surrounding country. -A generalassortment of all the most .valusble Medicines, Perfameiy, Oils, 'Soaps, Tancy:Articles, Brtishes and Combs will al- - - Ways bs kept on hand. Physician , s7*_tscriptiOns ‘ -ac curately compounded. The store will opemesall Emirs of the day -and night: WILLIAM F. IRWIN, - corner:of:Penn and Hand sta. 4110 dec2.B C4oidc:Cochrsin. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCIIANTir. N o ; 28 Wood Street, Pittitrurght T IONTINUES - to transact a-general Cotandision , I L ) business, especially'in the'purchase - and sale els Am erica irmanufacturesend produce, and in reedr , . ing and foiwarding GoOdi consigned talus care....'As agent far the manufacturers he he'constantly supplied with'_the principal artiaes of Pittaburgh. manufacture. at - the lowest wholesale pricel; Orders and consignments are respectfully Solicited. st.r.dt - E 1.17 . 1,C.F. LOOMIS. Agi.