The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 03, 1847, Image 3

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. 7 .T 1
-ArriVal of the Steamslitp Hibernia.
' • ' Bcisrox, August 2d-10 A. M.
The'stiarner-Itibernia, Capt. Ityrie, was tele
.' 1 graphed at quarter to 8 o'clock,this morning, be- .
- • ;low the harbor. - • 6he arrived soon:after nine; with
_dates to the 29th-five days later than hap beenre
ceived by the Washington at New Yoik. •-. .
The Cotton m a rket had not ,chanked ' between
- the 15th_ and 20th of July.,
Breadstuffs have receded again. was eel
-IM- at Liverpool at 33aa3pi the qaarter._
The prices in wheatlbave gone baCk'to what
." they were at the - :commencement td:July and un-
, . ,
der the. k yntinueii promise. of crops, can , hardly
rally again, unless some unforseen calamityap:
pears..- - • • -
Thirteen, buildings had been destroyed at Green:
wichliy . lightning. No lives lost •
- Per ',Caledonia; Washington. Hibernia.
Jane .18. • .July 16. July 20.
roar,- 41 6a42 . 6 37s 6da3B 34a35s
`COrnmeal, j 24a25 " 28 0a29 0 28 6d 29
Corp, 48 0a62 0 48 Ga 49 0 47s Gd a 48s
Philadelphia, August 2, t 2 o'clock P. M.
There has been on interruption of the Telegraph
between-Boston and Worcester, in - consequence of
which the transmission.. of Foreign intelligence
ceased, at rIQ o'clock A. M.
1 Sweet Flour 33(a35s • sour, 270295. 'Red Wheat
4d.• - faDe Bd.• White Wheat, 98. 10d. 010 s.
2d. Beef, prime Mess; 880645. per tierce; 65060.5.
per b6l. P4rk, new Mess, 760785. old Mess, 68
• ens. New prime 606625. Cotton, ordinary to
- middling, New Orleans; oiarlid.; fair to good 7#
-kfilBd.; good to_Tine 80 , 9 d. The market at these
:prices Was active.'
Arrival, of the Stem Ship Philadelphia.
PRIkAI!ZLPIIIA, August 2, 'Th. 30m. P. it
The French steamship . Philadelphia, has just
arril;•eilot New York. She is a fine trim looking
vessel; and brings dates to July 15th. The news
by this acrisal has, hoWei , er, been anticipated by
-,the Hibernia. -
`Liverpool dates of the time of sailing of the Ei
;:bernia, state that during the - past ten days,' the
weather hai been almost uninterruptedly fine; and
each day - strengthens the expectations entertained
of art abundant harvest of grain throug,hont the
British islands and all Europe. 'The heavydecline
- in Corn which took place at the beginning of the
month wsis checked since the 12th; but the mar
ket has again given way in -consequence of the
• r.
prospect of still receiving large supplies from the
' Mated States, and by way of the Mediterranean.
This, in addition to the fine weather which pre
iy all quarters, depresses the market, which
presents every aspect of a still further downward
The potato crop is represented as being free
from danger; and this has contributed to affect
prices during the last week. However the mar
ket bas beconie Much firmer; and the price of the
12th have beCome current and were maintained
throughout the week; and yesterday, in Mark
, Lane, a further advance of Is. took place. The
trade in Indian Corn was, however, quite paralized
and` Flinr in barrels was much neglected. The
cotton market has been steady since the 10th.—
Sales have been pretty large; and a considerable
portion has been sold on speculation and for ex
port. There was a small deniand from the trade,
as orders 'froth foreign countries were on the in
•crease. There had been an advance of
prices since the 10thotnd the marketclosed stead
ily ut,iuotations. The sales of the week ending
, July 16th, were 40;160 bales.
In cured Provisions, there Nan been cini 3 r
ed business. Butter lias receded. Transaction'
.in Bacon.arelimifed; and prices hive receded 2s
to . 4s: Pork is iri lintitgd denfaild—zAmerican is
neglected, and priees arE, if any thing, lower.
The exprirts from -the Manufacturing districts;
are of a satisfaitory add En'idiliagin'g cliera,cter.
• • •
Some few fddarEs are notified id thi Manchester
Reporter; bat tliey are not to any great eateutz. -
The wOolleli tMde in Yorkshire isltheinding mote
• healthy.
' • There is rather diore enquiry Made fdr TobaCco
—particularly for American suitable for expon:
tation.•- Several barrels of Kentucky leaf have
been taken at adViiicidg prices.
Livenpriol;itily tiatiaitions going
fOrward in this Market since our Prefions report,
are limited; erd there is not, any buoyancy in the
. trade, The Mayket herd on the 13th was well' at
' tended, and there ties a fair &Mani for Wheat, at
the advanced rates Of the 9th.
In. Indian Corn Meal, titer/Iv:di little doilid oh
the opening•of the market. The advance prices
of the 9th were generally dernanded for Flour; bht
thesales, before the close, were of rattier less; and
SUs: 6d. was established for western Candi being
Is per bbl, above the currency price on that day
On thel6tll: there was a gocid attendan'ee of
• ' country millers—directing their inquirida partici]:
s lady to good qUalities of foreign wheati and bold
are generally submitted to .a decline' of 3d. per 70
Ibii. from the rates of the 14th. A tolerable amount
of business was transacted at that abatement-L-
Prour, -cm the ,contrary, was in more limited de-1
• mand than usual, although willingly offered by
boldets at fully 2s. per bbl- below lest Tuesday s
rates.. Western'` bran& scarcely exceeding 345'
6d. Other sorts were sold at a - trivial reduction
since the 16th; but little business has been tran
sacted ; and a top price for thebest Western Canal'
• Flour may be put up at 345.
Indian Corn of the fitst quality is not worth'
'More than - 405. per qr.; an I Indian Meal - 105.0195.
6d. per` bl.; at which prices the sales are very
The-Macedonian arrived at Cork { on the 26th
of July.'
The Parliament was to be dismissed on the 24th.
Therets nothing of importance from Ireland
In France, the Chamber of Peers has brought
-the trials concerning ministerial corruption to a
'close. M. Tatle , will be obliged to refund the 95„
000 francs which he obtained, be imprisoned tfiree
years, pay g fine-of; 95,000„trane.s, and forfeit his
peerage anMis civil rights. Gen. Cabueres for:
;fats a fine irf 10,000 francs, his' Wintery honors,
'and his civil rights Parmentier' forfeit§ his civil
• rights and a fine of 10,000 franca: 14. Pelessia, it
tis now said, will present himself - on Monday to
the Court. He may receive the sentence nis'offen ;
• ces demand. The effects of theSe revelations, at
the present' moment, cannot fail to Move most dis
astrous to the Cabinet; and anearly - disdolution of
the ministry appears inevitable. • -
The King and Queen of Belgium weft in .Paris.
The Kipg, it is said, wishes to abdicate in favor of
his son, in consequence of continuedill-health.
In Portugal all was quiet' , The late *Volution
. ary junta had issued a proclamation; announcing
,to the notions the surrender - of ifs poweig.
: x ' a fx;,:y . :r. , ,..--
;i';':,'Z:-;:'..E;,...:•.'..„(! --. : - .1:.;: 7 1 . : 7 : ..„,.:
'-':;) -,,, ':',.:;.:i-f.'',.,!.'0;7t,..4 . . - :3 1, -.'i.: ~.,.:.•,... ,-...,= ,',.......• !.,.- .. .:i1., : k. --. :, 7 ~.
New BOOhit at 51"orro 9 o, 85 Fourth Street.
RED;IINISGENCES , of Runnel Taylor Goleridge-
Mid Robert Southey, by JOseptrCottle; (Wiley
& Putnam'a Library.)
. Momoira ofMadame de Strel and Madame Roland,
by L. Maria Child. ' -
Select Surgical Works of Sir Benjamin Brodie,
Bait, V. P. S.,.containing letters on Sur
gery, Surgical Observations on diseases of the j oints,
Clevelao,s- tale of the Catholic Church.
Living Age,N0.167.
" The Maid , of .the Valley; or, the Brother's Re
venge; a tare of the Revolution.
O'Sullivan's Love,- legend of Edenmore; and the
Histo4 of Paddy Go-Easy and his wife Nancy; by
Williatn Carleton.
...Blanche Talbot t or the Maiden's Hand, by J. H.
Ingraham, -Esq. . •
, The Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
The rditerings of Arthur O'Leary, by Charles Le
ver._ -
The Knight otGwyrme, a new edition published
by W. Ll:Colier, New York.
The American Flora; illustrated with from four
to FOS beriutifut colored engravings.
The Lost Ship, or the Atlantic Steamer; by the
author of,the Flying Dutchman?
The .White Slave, or the Russian Peasant Girl, by
the author or ‘ , ltevolutions of Russia.?
The. Columbian Magazine for August, illustrated
with a view of Lake Winninisseogee from Red-hill. l
Just received and for sale at Morse's Literary De
pt, No. 85 Fourth et.aug2
ziakrty Casks, Packages, ,
TRON and-wooden bound, of all ,descriptions and
sizes, for sale at the Wine store of
J. Old and New, constandy on hand and for sale
Wholesale or retail, at JACOB WEAVER'S,
aug2 No. 16, cor of Market and Front sta.
ifAVANA SEGARS &c.—Ten Or twelve brands
fl lmported ; - also, Imported Principe of all va
rieties, of Juito - Bang, Steam Boat andlDe la Cruz
brands, for wholesale and retail al coat to my cus
tomers only, at the
_: Wine Store of
No. IS cor of Marketand Front.
Q AND CRUCIBLES : .700 nests, just receiyed
1.0 and for a.ds by
+corner of First and Wood #s.
• iror Sale -
ASmall tract of land containing about 70 acres,
_situated in Buffalo township, Butler county,
within one mile of the road leading Born Pittsburgh
to Kittaning. The land is all cleared except about
7 acres and under. a good state of cultivation. There
is a good fraMe dwelling house and frame barn on the
premises. Tha farm is well watered and aboundsin
good coal and limestone.
For terms apply to William Boyd, Attorney at Law
office on 4th street j above Smithfield.
jei7—d&wtf -
RUSSEL, a tale of the days of Charles 2d, by G.
P. R. Jamt-s, Esq.•
Flowers Personified; No. 2 of this beautiful wor
Rural Cemeteries; the Greenwood series coin
plete, and No. I of the Mount Ambrose series.
Knights of Gwynn°, by Henry Lorrequer. .25 cts
Blanch Talbot, by Ingraham;
Ellen Fenton,by Mrs. E. Sheridan.
Rival Chieftains, a tale ()Mexico.
Living Age No. 168.
Courtiers of days ofCharlcs 2d, by Mrs. Gore.
Ellen Munroe, complete.
Shakepeare and hut Friends.
Mexico and her Military Chieftains.
Life of John A Murrell.
Year ofConsolation; by Fanny Kemble.
Eastern Papers, Magazines, &cc.
Received by WM. S. CALDWELL,
aug2 Post Office buildings.
OFFICE. And yet they come, more and
more, and still at the old-prices; and that,
too, in Packet Ships, and intend to continue,
other offices raise their prices as they may. We
win bring persons out from.any part of the old Conn
try, without one cent extra on account of die tre
mendous emigration, or the great advance in Liver
pool upon passages. We will also draw draßrrat
sight, direct from Pittsburgh, for any amount payable
at any of the Branches of the - National or Provincial
BankrroT IFeland, or any other Bank in any part or
the Old Countries. JOSHUA. ROBINSON,
Office, sth street, one door west of Wood street. 1 1
James' New Nairn.
RUSSELL: A Tale of the Reign of Charles tad
ily G. P. R. James, Esq.
Knight otGwynne ; by C. Lever. 25 cis.
Rival Chieftains; a Mexican Story.
Blanche Talbot; by J. IL Ingraham, Esq.
O'Sullivan's Love; by Win. Carleton.
Courtier of the days of Charles 2nd.
For sale by WM. S. CALDWELL,
Post Office bnildings.
Braddock's Field
SALE.--This well known estate, situated in
Wilkins township, Allegheny. county, Pa., 40
miles from Pittsburgh, containing 375 acres and 27
perches, two-thirds bottom land, the remainder slop
ing uplands facing the south; of very easy ascent,
containing coal and limestone.
There is on the premises a large brick mansion
house, a frane house, a barn a cottage house, two
log houses; an orehard, agarden and several opt - Inge
of water. . .
Sittisted on the Monongahela slack water, as well
as on the fine .01 the great Pennsylvania Rail Road,
at the point where the travel and trade from the At
lantic will first reach the stemhoat navigation of the
west: surrounded by inexhaustible banks of the best
and cheapest fuel, and having on the premises a
bundance of coal and limestone, this place is admi
rably adapted for the site of a great manufacturing
For the fetctis of sale, enquire at the Merchant's
and Manufacturer's Bank of Pittsburgh. jy3o-tf
ln i tsburgh Etna, Connelfrr - ville l Road
THE Stockholders of Ole Pittsburth and Donnells
yille Rail Rdad Company; arc hereby notified to
attend a nieefing of the Conlipany, to be held at Philo
Hall, on Tuesday the 3lst of Augifst, at 3' o'clock,
P. 14:, for the purposa'a taking into consideration
the stfppleinental legisidtiod of the leaf session of the
Legislature, and adopting such meltsures in relation
to the Charted as may be deenied most useful to the
intere.ts of tlie community. .
jy3td2avitd Sec'ry of board of Directors,
4b Barrels Extra Family Floe - 1'; on eonsignmen
and for sale by
jy2.o. MILLER tn . RrCICE.TSOIst.
DEMIJOIINS r 40 doz of all Muir, from Qts to 6
J gallons. For sale wholesale or retail by
ACKEEIEL IOO Bbls L Mgc.,Dio Piaci:met just received
and for sale by
LARtT Wltrit=AAtriv pi - ice sulieigtrir article;
just received and for sale by the dot or bottle,
at the wine store of JACOB' WEAVER',
jy2B 16' Market et. cor Fr.nt.
15 Bbls. prime Linseed Oil r. in store and for
sale by F. R. SELLERS,
1.Y 28
TIIINNEIVS MACHINES: Six'aetts,Jlitie reed and
fqr aide by JtHI F. PERRY,
k 2 r cor, Liberty and Irwin eta.
ALT, - • •
138 Bblo . No 1, Salt; in goodbarrele, Just receiv
ed and for Bale by
Ne' Book's.
C .
LEAVELAND,"a"taIe of the Cathdlie ChurCh.
The Desperadoes of the South west;'hy Charles
Summerfield, of Texas. .
Ellen Munroe, a sequel to Life in London, com
plete in 2 vole.
Martin the Foundling, complete in one volume,
price 75 cts.
Shakspeare and his Friends.
Subscriptions received for the National Eagle; new
native American newspaper' single copies' for sale,
,JS 24 Post Office Buildings.
j 24 Barrels Linseed . . Oil received and for
QI:ERM OIL: 1000 Gallons Sperm Oil,' porn ;
now landing, and for Ale by
OWineadrpinnoira, and Lignorwlin (ride s, diery v&riety, and 'price, Foreign and Domes
tie; fOr r aila by' JACOB 'WEAVER,
jyl . 10 Market at., cor Front.
ISH-151Gtts extra No. ,2 Mackerel`;'
- 'lO boxes•ScitleitHerring;" . •
For sale: by • WILLIAMS & dO.,
je29 • • . 110 Wood street.
r j
- q_
No. 16 cor of Market and Front sts
New Books.
27 -
- ;! "
. .
,On Me Seestlik oj . Dfcetaber next,
A Daily Journal - of Government, Legitlative, and
General ; Xmas.
- •
P . .
RE SUBSCRIBER - Ist:ow enabled to announce
the completion of hie arrangements for the es
tablishment of a well organized and independent
Journal of News at the Scat Of the General Govern
, The leading features of the United States Reporter
will be the following:
I. Early intelligence of - the movements Of the Ca
rious Departments of the Gotiernment, in reference
to domestic affairs and to the foreign relations of the
country, will be given with scrupulousfidclity.. Pos
seising peculiar facilities, for obtaining information,
the "Reporter" will be enabled, frequently to Com
munieate, exclusively, intelligence of the most im
' portant character.
11. The Verbatum Reports of the Proceedings and
Debates of the United.States , Senate,'.whiah,the pro
' prietor is bound to furnish daily to that body, in ac
cordance 'with the-terms of the contract made at the
close of the last session of Congress. The arrange
ments now made,will at once fully secure to the Se
' nate of the United authentic and complete
record of litsdebates; and to the people—in a greatly
enlarged degree—the benefit of the esperience, ea
: gacity, and statesman:44i of that body,to which they
have ever looked with solicitous and reepsctfulre
111. The Proceedings and Debates in the House . of
Representatives will also be given, withjfullness, un
pa tiality, and the utmost promptitude.. Each day's
record will be completely made up, .and appear in
the 'Reporter' next morning. - -
IV. A Synoptical-View of the Proceedings and De
bates of all the State Legislatures will be regularly
given. ..Members of Congress, and all classes of
readers, will thus be kept fully and systematically
informed of domestic legislation in all sections of
the United States.
V. Early intelligence of all important movements
in the Legislatures of Great Britain and Prance will
be communicated by every steamer from Europe,
through reporters in London and Paris, who possess
peculiar facilities for obtaining information.
VI. Reports of the arguments before the Supreme
Court of the United States. This department will be
conducted, so as to render the 'United States Repor.:
ter , indispensable to every lawyer in the country.
VII. The General News of the Day will be given
in a condensed form, with industry and attention.
Such is a brief view of what the "United States
eporter" is designed to be. All the plans and ar
rangements have been well matured, and the hope is
confidently cherished, that the 'United States Re
porter, will prove itself au energetic, industrious,
dignified, and perfectly independent journal. It will
have no party views—no political bias. The pro.
prietor, by the terms of his contract with the Senate
of the United States, is bound to the condition that
"the papet shall :contain no political discussions ex
cept the debates." It will be-a vehicle of news—
not the organ of any set of opinions. The grand
aim ot toe subscriber is to establish at the seat of
Government a faithful and prompt reporter of all
sorts of intelligence--a responsible agent, on which
the politician, the business man, the manufacturer,
the mechanic, and every one interested in the affairs
of Congress and the Government, may rely at all
times with implicit - confidence.
It is believed that the establishment of such a re
liable journal of intelligence, on terms which places
it within the reach of the great masses of the people,
at the commencement of what promises to be a most
into -citing and eventful period in the history ofCon
gressional proceedings, will beregarded with favor
by all classes of the community; and, having thus
stated hie objects, the subscriber respectfully solicits
a liberal and general support from the enlightened
public of the United Stat T.
Stenographer to the Senate of the U. S.
The "United States Reporter" will ho printed on
a large and handsome sheet, and issued every to .rn
ing, except Sunday, at the rate of six dollars per an
num; single copies, [too cents.
In connection with the daily paper, there will be
issued from the same establishment,
This publication will contain exclusively the re
ports of the proceedings and debates of the Con
gress of the United States. It will be issued semi
weekly, in elegant quarto form, throughout the sea
sions of Congress, and will be furnished to subscri
bers at the rate of two dollars for.the long session,
and one dollar for the short session. It is believed
that this great national work will be deemed indis
pensable in the library of every public institution,
politician, and professional man, throughout the,
country; and that it will be regarded by the great
mass of the people as the very best political text
book for their own instruction and 'that of, their
Important Announcement.
Throughout the sessions of Congress, Extras will
be issued from the office of the "United States Re.
porter," containing the reports of all such debates
as may possess particularly exciting interest.
All subscriptions and communications to he post
paid addressed "J. A. Houston, United States Re
porter, Washington, D. C." jY3O
A Most Extraordinary Letter.
THE Rev. J. 0. Gilbert, a Methodist Episcopal
Preacher, writes to Dr. Jayne—Morristown, 111.
April 27, 1847. Dear Sir—l never but once used
your medicines; it was as follows: I was at our
country seat, and retired to bed about eleven o'clock,
in good health, and fell asleep, but was soon awak
ened by extreme pain in and arm. I suc
ceeded in keeping my bed till about four o'clock.
When I arose. I found my band badly swollen, or in
a high state of inflammation. A. small black spot on
the back of my hand, about the size of a five cent
piece. It soon rotted and came out to the bone.
When I arose the pain was very severe, running into
my bead and over the whole system. By twelve o'-
clock my head and face were, badly swollen. The
glands ofmy throat swelled very much, and by this
time every tooth in my head was more or less loose ;
two thirds of the skin of my mouth and lips peeled
MY; my sight pike effected; no, physician near.
1 solicited my friends to take me home,(tifieen miles)
but they were fearful I could not stand it; when T.
P. Davenport, who kept the puGlie house, requested
me to go to his housb. Chills, faintness and sicknes
was constantly ineteanOgi ution mei I. had,become
almost insensible. As I reached his house, his moth
er, alarmed at my appearance, metme - at the stove
with a spoonful of J.AYNE'.B AI.TERATIVE, and
repeated the des° two or three Ziinesin the.,course
of an hour, in which time theTainteess, sieltness and
chills had principally left—a free perspiration was
on the surface and the inflammation vastly.abating.
The third day I was able to ride home. T i he Rev.
Dr. Plymptun imformod me. the attack was one of
the severest kind of,Maliguant Erysipelas, and that
the use of pier Azitaszrvewas the means of saving
my life. Respectfully youre,
vr For. sale in Pitt ' burgli, at the PEKIN TEA
STORE, 72 Fourth at., between Market and Wood
streets. jY3/
Stuation Wanted.
A YOUNG MAN, who has had some experience
11.. in the Grocery Business; haa a fair knowledge
of Book-Keeping.; and writes a goo inisiness hand,
is anxious to obtain a situation..iniPittihurgh. He .
would be willing to accept a moderate coMpensation.
A note addressed "'E., office ofxlie morning Post,"
will receive immediate attention. :13'28
Sate of Ptttsblirgh Gail Stock.
. .
NOTICE As hereby gi4n;tbat the Trustees have
1.11 poeTtion4d,the Opening ofbßokli, to receive sub
iscriptions for ad increase of the stock pf the Pitts.:
burgh Gas. Works, [as dire4d by Ordinpnee of 28th
'June, 1841,1 until Thursday tile 1.211 trax,of August
next, op which day the books will be. rc-opened at
the office ofMessrs. Hussey, Hanna hi Co., in...the
city of Pittsburgh, between the hours of LO and 4
o'clock „ of said day, and to continue froth day,to
day until other - wise Ordered; j,j,29-2w
Administrator's S,ale ,
Of Giaeitectre, Gold Lever Wateha, Clothing;
Tuesday Prornind;the 3d day or August, at
J 10 o'clock, at the Cornmercial Silos Romps cor
ner of Wood and Fifth streets, will 136 sold wlthodt
reservn,:for cash, by order' of Administrator
'7b britta assorted fllaisware; noniFiriiing a large
assortment of plain and greased ware, ameng.which
are tumblers of various sizes and . Fit , tprns saucers,
nappies, dishes, salts, goblets, lemonades, sugar
b0w16, - :wirte glasses, Molasses cans, bowls, pitehers,
candlesticks, &c. &c
Also, one English gold patent lever %rata,' one
travelling trunk with cloiliing, flialf boxes tobacco,
1 keg beesiva.x, &c.
JYS SblIN D. DAVIS, Aiictir.
and for sale by the bottle or dozen, by
.IY/ 16 Market at., cor Front.
Home, by Mrs. Louisa C. Tuthill, author of
will he a lady," "I will be a gentleman' , &c.; new
edition. For .
jy2l sale by L I M& LOCMIS, Agent.
L. S. Wiitirman,
Fcirwardiiig Merehani, and Denier - in Produce
and Pittsburgh I ManufactUrgs, Nos. 3i, Water, and
62,7r0nt sts., Pittiburgh, Pa. jy23-
ULOUR :' 100 Bbls S Fine Flour in store and for
jyrr sale by . JN6. F. PERRY.
cincluntiti, Ohlo. ,
THE next Fall and' Winter course of Lectures
commences in this institution on the first Mon
day in Thrrember, and contimies anti months,which
is immediately succeeded by the Springand Summer
session, which also continues four raonths. 'A gra , :
uitous preliminary course commences on the first
Monday in October, and continues one month. .
B. L. Hill M. D. Anatomy and Operative Sur-
gery.- - - " $lO,OO
L. E.:Jones M. D. Malaria, Tberapoutic6
, and Botany. ' ' 10,00
J. IL Oliver M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy 10,00
W. Beach M. D. Surgery and Clinical Medi-
A. H. Baldridge M. D. Obstetrics and Dis-
eases of '-Women and Children.
T. V. Morrow M. D. Pathology, Theory and.
Practice of Medicine. 10,00
Matriculation Ticket $3. Use of Library 82.
Graduation Fee•s4o. Demonstrator's Ticket $3, op
tional. .
$lOO paid on or before the &at Monday in Novem
ber next, will be received for tuition in full 'of one
student. Or $5O paid by the first of October next
will 'secure hlt tho tickets for one full course; the
Demonstrator's ticket, use of Library and Matricula
tion ticket excegted. The Institute received its
charter in 1845. The College edifice is situated - at
the corner of Court and Plum streets. The Course
of instruction will embrace every thing of value,
knoWn and ought in the. Old; Medical Colleges,a s
well as the Reformed and Botanical School of Medi
eine. Six,or seven leetures will be given dally.
Board front 82,60 to $3,00 per week. Candidates
for graduation, in addition to the preliminary term of
study, must have attended two' full courses in if ome
legally incorporated Medical College, the list of
which must be in thin or one course after fouryears
All letters soliciting further information, Of con
taining money for the Faculty, must be addressed
to the undersigned (post paid.) Notes of solvent
Banks of the States in which students reside r will be
received in payment of Fees.
T. V. MORROW, M. D. Dean of the Faculty.
Cin. July 17, 1347.—Cin Eng. jy2llmd
Pasango To and From
l a
Gronot RIPPARD ¢ Soar, No. 134 Waterloo Itoab,
CARLISLE & RIPPARD, No. LB, South it., N. York,
rirSHE Subscribers, having accepted the agency at
this City, ofthe above well known and respecta
ble Mmes. are prepared to make engagemenis for
passengers to come out from. any part of Gredt
Britain and Ireland, by, the regular Line of Packet
Ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly. Persona en
gaging with us may rest assured that their friends
will meet with kind treatment and prompt despatch
at Liverpool,as well as every attention necaisary on
their arrival in this country. Apply to or address
No. 142 Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
N. B.—Passage engaged here from Liverpool to
Pittsburgh direct, and Drafts for any amo•int for
wardo4;.> payable at Sight, throughout the United
Kingdom.. jy26-y
New Eookit
LIFE and Religious Opinions and Experience of
Madame Do La Mothe Groyon ; together with
some account of the present religious opinions of
Fenelon, Archbishop of Carribray : By Thomas C.,
Upham, Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy!
in Bowdoin College,2 vols. S 2.
The Use of the Body in relation to the Mind : By
George name, M. D., member of the ,Royal College
of Physicians ' etc. etc.
How in safety best we may
Compare our present evils with regard
Of what we are, and where."
,The Pursuit of Knowledge under tlLTlcullies--:11-
lustrated by anecdotes—with Poitraits. By Francis
Wayland, I). D., President of Brown University. Two
vols. The above, just received by
u 6 Market st., bet 3d and Fourth sts.
iY 26
AVANTED--Placesfor a number ofmen and boys
FF I of all ages, also for coachmen hostlers labo
rers, Farmers &c. Places wanted fora number of
colored men and women, boys and girls, a wet nurse
can take a child to suckle and raise, persons wanting
any kind of employment or business will please call
at my Agency and Intelligence office, charges mode
Letter, Writing, and Wiwi/ Books.
ALA RGE assortment of Letter: and Writing Pa
per and Blank Books, foil atO half bound, of
all sizes, for sale at the Bookstoreld
IY I Market st.-IMOd and 4th.
No. 10 West side of St. Clair Street bettoeen Penn
and theßridge.
MRS. DUFF.ith has make arrangetPents,d9ring her
late - wto New York for receiving at all
times the latesttondon and. Paris fashions, of every
article in the Millinery.buid:nesa. The latest styles
dress caps, silk bonnets, caps, cardinda, as,
lars, Bc. on hand and made to order, by the best
liandsi bonnets cleaned and trimmed. A choice
selection of rich cap IlMti bonnet ribbons lately re
ceived. 2-tf
. _
No. 64 Wood at., one door above Fourths Batt side,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
CURRENT Funds received on depoaii, and col
lections made on all the Cities throughout the
United States. Sight checks on Baltimore, Philadel
phia, New York, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly
for sale in sums to suit purchasers.
The paper of the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and
Virginia Banks bought and sold on the ninat favor
able terms.
!The highest.premium paid for Voter& and Ameri
can-Gold and Silver coins., : .
Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany, and
France procured, tic. Marlo-dawy
' • ••• C. CURRY
HILL & CURRY, .. •
„ Pittsburih., Pct, , • • ,
PAR Fund and Currency received on Deposit, and
collections made in all the principal cities of the
United States., . ...„ ,
Sight ExchanVO on Philaifelpliia, Baltimore, New
York, Boentin and Cincinnati constantly for sale in
sums to suit purchasers. „ • . .
Kentenki, Indiana, Ohio,,yirgiola aqd PennEylva
nia Bank, Notes bought and sold on the most &sots.
'ble terms..
• The highest premium paid for American Gold.
• Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and
-France procured, 4.c. • mar22-y
KRAMER. 6.." 11411111, • i:
Corner of,Third and Wood directly opposite the
St. Charles Hotel. tnf2B
N., 11014IES & SON,
15.5 Market street, Pittsburift,
rate. Exchange. Buying rate.
NcyC.Yerk, pr. Cincinnatidie
* " Louisville
Baltimore " St. Louie 4 cc
uslrx NOTES
Buying rates. BOWE; rates.
Ohio. * die County & City ord's * die
Inditurn. , I . " Relief notesl c•
Rentueky I " 'PonOgylrgria Co }
Virginia 1 . ". New York .1 ci
Wheeling. I. " , Maryland, i. « Tennessee 3 " New Otleans
apg.y ......
. .
dust Published, :
D I At/I=IEV . S Cromwell, The Protector; a
Vindication : By J. H. Merle D'Auhigney, D.
D. Price, cloth 50c., half cloth 38c, Titia Yoigne
contain" 260 pages 12mO, bound unifo.ta with the
" The object of this work—the rectification of
the common opinion with regard to Cromwell's reli
giona character—hiS obligefl the author to intro
duce manyguotatiorm frail his letters and speeches.
It is not vvx who.ought, in this day,.to , justify the
great Protectory he should justify himself."
[D'Aubigitern Preface.
A few copies of the above, just received by Ex
jy27 56 Market st.
Valuable Property for Sale.-
MOUNTEMMET Property for Sale or rent
Call and examine for yourselves.
Emmet House, Allegheny
CI"R VINE.G.6.R—IL few lib's. jast re;r, , ,d LA stare
,and Ibisalet4 1.,. S.W4T.P.MAN
jy26 - 62 Water arid . Pront,s is
. ,
, M 4 k-
Shakepeare and hie Friends, by the author of the
Youth of Shakspeare,'The Secret Passion, &c. '
Isabel of 33avaria,tranalated from the French, by
Alexander Dumas.
The Life and Adventurea of John A. Murrell, the
Great Western Land Pirate, with 22, elegant and
spirited engravings.
The Democratic Review for July.
Living Age, No. 16.
Taylor's Counterfeit Detector.
Chambers , Cydopcdia of English Literature, No
American Review,for July.
Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf.
Year of Consolation, by Mrs. Butler, late Fanny
Kemble. -
Rory o , More, by Samuel Lover, aatbor ofLegends
and Stories of Ireland.
Graham's Magazine for July, - containing tem beau
tiro! illustrations.
National Magazine for July.
Lady's Book for July
AA. MASON, 62 Market street, invites the
. attention of all purchasers of Dry Goods, to
his large stock of New. Goods, rthicy and Staple.
lining anxious to close off the whole of our Spring
and Summer fabrics, they will' be offered at such'
prices as will attract buyers, and to make it still
more attractive,all the Goods will be offered at equal
ly low rates.
Fifth street near Wood
Our assortment of Shawls, ix tory large, particu
larly Summer Shawls, new styles. •
Our ettensive ctock of Ileragcs, M D'Laines, Dress
Plaids, Lawns, Jficonett,s, Organdies, Embroidered
Meiling, Brillientecs; Linen Ginghams, French and
Scotch Gingham'', and Prints.
Pmirniohing or House keeping Goods, Linens, Mug
lihs; Flannels, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Sze.; and eve
ry thing for Men and sem all of which will be sold
at at very low rates. jy2l
. • .
',history of q uest of P ; cru f
liminary view of the civilization of the Incas - -
by Wm. H. Prescott, in 2 vols.
Memoirs 'of the. Life of Rev. Charles Simeon, M.
a•selection from his writings and corres
pondence; edited by Rev. Wm.Carns, M. A. The
Atherican edi ton edited by Bishop Wllvaine.
.6 Three tho usand copies of this work weresold is
a few days in England:,
Tbe.H.ietory of Smudgy Schools aid of Religious
Edifeltion, froin the earliest times: by Lewis G.
Bogatskrs GoldfM Treasury. • • i •
The Christian Rem eMbrancer: by AmbrOSe Searle,
author of florae Salitarise, The Church'of God, &c.
For Sole at the Bookitorq of • '
66 Market si. bet 3d and 4th sts.
.A DWELLING ROUSE, with a front roorn
convenient for business,• situated in the
Fifth ward, between Walnut at. and the Canal bridge.
jy23-tf IL DOSSETT.
THE Subscribers have, and will keep
on band, MOBS of a :very superior quality, in
bales and half bales, which- they will sell at a re
duced price, at their file Fao4tiry,.sth Ward.,
jy24-d3ln J. ANKRIM tr. CO
. .
3lito River Telegraph _from! Plttiburgh
to Cincinnati, and . -
QUBSCRIBERS to the above stock, residing iri or
1.,3 near the city, are mg - nested to pay to. Joshua
Hanna, Agent of the Company an instalment of 20
per cent, nit the first of August not. •13Y order of
the Company. -• •• •. •• IL O'REILY,
jy236t Contractor for continuation of said Line.
ico , W.:l - ork,iloot and Shoe Store.
No., 122, Wood at., Pittsburgh.
S. DALZ , ...
j ,
-EI./. has on hand, and is . .:...,,,,
constantly manufacturing to order, '
the following named articles:
Fine Dress Boots and Shoes k of t 65 latest-fashion, at
remarkably low prices. Line Dress Boots at $5,00,
such as is uspally,sold in other stores at $6,00. A
good.plaid well made calf Boot at $4,00. :All.other.
kinds of work equally low. Also, e.goo4and full
assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Children's-Boots,
Shoes, Gaiters, Half Gaiters,,
of the most sUbsfailtral kithrto the veil finest dress
S. D. being a pitttiiell choe.maker, attdnds to the
manufacturing of his own work; and has it done in
the most substantial manner, yet neat style I..and
haring adopted the_motto of small profits andluick
returns, will Cell de low as the lowest. ima26-d3ro
UTINE STORE—No..IB Market streetiecorner
VN • of Front; embraces a choice assortinent of
Wines and Liquors. Being exclusively devoted to
this businosa t pnrchasers canobtain'the.most !open
er qualities, imported in Nvooji mid gliiiiii,fioY•nrii•
cle not giving entire :satisfaction, will at all times
'be exchanged
TINF:S• of the iibirie and Moselle, 9 vintages
and.brands, for sale by the case or bottle, at
the wine stprd'of JACOB, WEAVER.,
, '' - j3 , 99 ' - 16 Mark • t et. cor of Front.
T AMP WICKS.: AO grogi,No 2 lamp wicks, on
Li consignment, and for sale by the gross, at the
new store of • JACOB WEAVER,
jy26 16 Market et. cor Front.
, Raw ;Whiskey.
250 BARRELS, over PrACofl)l3.o-V ' al esby
.T 't A V ER,
jy2B 101 ark t 6 :'cor Front,
- .
MILE next quarter of Wm. Moodrs Select Sehool:
for Boys, will Commence on Monday•next,.llu
gust2d, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian
Church—entrance from Ferry street.. jy2B,-4t* •
A Last and.Pa#l.sular Not ice.
TALARRIS' new Pittibtiigh and Allegheny City
'LE Directory will be published and ready for sub-.
scribers and the publicafter.this week.. AIL persons.
who wish their cards, removals ' chinges, &c. in their
firms, or any change in their businesa notices, are
invited• to call atmince or they will he too late, as
this very important ann much wanted work-will be
completed this week, and ready cor.subscriiierspext
week. 428 ) ISAAC HARRIS.
Ohio River Telegrapb. frOILL Pittslburgb
to Cincinnati and LOnisvilie.
SUBSCRIBERS to the above stock, residing in or
ij near the city, are requested to pay to Joshua
Litinna, Agent ofthe Company, an. instalment of 20
per cent., on the Ist of August nest: By 'order of
thOCompany. - O , RE.ILLY,
Contractor for the continnatien of said Line.
Dr. A. W. Oliver,
I — Clair street, Pittsburgh. - jy-gQ
FOr rent,
A comfortable and convenient three' story
brick dwelling house, finished and papered
the neatest and best manner, situated on Cedar
street, Allegheny City, within a few Minutes4tillt of
the Hand street Bridge s - in apleasant and reispeetarde
neighborhood, -with a garden in front and 1313Ci01.19
yard in the rear, and an excellent pump Of pure
spring water on the premised. Possession will be
.given immediately. Enquire - lot the subscriber at
his Auction Rooms, No. 114 Mood 'street, 3 doors
from Fifth. 05 , 17) ' JAMESISI,KENNA.
Water Street Property for Salo.
lAM authrizegl to sell at private sale, that very
valuable three story brick dwelling house with
extensive two story back buildings, two story brick
stables, carriage house, ice ' , house, &c. situate on
Water street, below Ferry street, at present occu
pied by the subscriber. Loris 30 feet: al . inches
front by 160 feet deep; extending to Front street.
$6OOO of therrehase money may remain on inte
rest for 5 years. Immediate possession can be given.
corner of Wood and sth sts.
WATCRES, Silverware, Jewelry, Fancy Goods,
Military Goode, Patent Solar Lard .Lamps.
Gold Pena, Spectacles, Canes, Mathematical instru
ments, Surveyor's Companies - , Clocks; Electro, Mag.
netic Machines for Medical purposes, Diamonds for
Glaziers and Glass Cattalo, Trimmings for Regalia,
Mantel Ornaments, Girandores,• Candlebras, Com
mon Ware, Tea Trays, &c. jy2.2
A , NOTHER new supply of Homoeopathic Books,
at the Bookstore of the subscriber, viz s
Elahnemai , s Materia Modica, 4 vols.
Chronic Diseaseso 4,
" Organon, 1
' Dunsford , s practical advantages of Homoeopathy,
1 vol.
Bells Lawrie, 4 vol.
Hering's Domestic Physiehn, 1 vol.
Bonninghanson , s Therapeutic Pocket Book for
I-lomwopathists, I vol, -
Manual of Homoeopathic Cookery, &e.
Together with a large variety of Homoeopathic Medi
cine Chest, of different sizes and prices.
Also, a large quantity of empty Homoeopathic
als, at the lowest prices.
sth et. bet Market and Wood, opposite the
]yl3-2w . Pittsburgh Tea Store.
(Journal, and Despatch, copy 2 weeks.)
More New 'Books!
nedneed Prices.
New Books.
To Lot.
Dlo!is 'Noss I!
Seleet School-.
. . . .
TUST received icy JOHN H MELLOR; No, 81
‘,l Wood Street.- •
• •, Negro Melairs.
MarY.Mane; Jim. Crack Coin -; Who , idatKnonkin ,
aide DoOrlf Dandy Jim; Road orAlabam ; Cynthia
Sue, Sing'Datkies Sing; Guinea Maid. • -
Nita-and Popular Sentimental Songs.-
Will you come.up to myMountain Home; We
stood beside the Window; The Grave of Bonaparte.
Woodman spare that Tree;.Molfy BM; ; Wdoetl;
all thinge • well; The - Fairy Boy;, The Fairy-Belle' .
'Tie Midnight Hoary Lutzowa's Wild Runt; The
Gipsies' Festival -;=;A. change in the things 'Dove;
Come, Ohl come along with . ; Star .Spangleo ,
Banner, Erin is my Home; There's no Home like
. my own ;,Mary of Argyle; Flow Gently Sweet Af
- By gone Hours ; When Stare are in the quiet
Skies; Flow . on then shining River; Evening. Star
Waltz: New :York Serenading -waltz;` Love not
Quick Step; Bird waltz; Her's Quick Step ; Sercphic
Gallopade; Peter's - Highland March; , Golden- drop
Waltz; Baden Baden Polka; Wenn° waltzes;
Quick Step; Grasshopper waltz; Variations to
La Parisienne, by Bunten ; L'invitation a la 'raise;
by. Weber; Variations, from Beatrice di tender; by
Duvernoy ; Air Allemand, variations by Bunten,
Swiss Drover Boy, variations-by Czerneyt Dealt;
variations "rom, the. Swiss Family by Bunten.
4.s:ruction books far Plan; Forte.,
Bunten's ; Burgmallees ; Cares , Hamilton's;
Willig's; Howe's; 'Fluromelt's; jyl3,
CURIOUS and interesting wink, entitled, THE
rr!.OWEII-PERSONW/ED: being a Gestation of
the celebrated Gr a / 1 .3 , 6110'E "Les Fleurs Animees.”
by N. Cleieland, Esq.;illustiated by splendid Steel
EngravingsibeOutifully colored. The object of this
work is to give life to Flowers—to represent them in
all the loveliness of female beauty--;•to make them
speak, move, and have an animate being: In this dif
ficult task Gmatinvimm bas so well.sucoeeded, that
the werk is destined to live as a lasting monument
aids genius. - -
_ .
TheWorli will be completed in Tscentylour Parts,
each part containing two engravings on steel, beau
tifully colored, and 24 pages Ofletter-prenc.. Price
• •
The paper is of the finest texture, having been
made expressly for the work; and every department
of the publication will be executed in ttie best ,pos.
sible style,—it being the object ofthe publisher to
make this book the GEN or mum SEASON.
For sale by W'S. CALDWELL,
• Publisher's Agent,- '
2d floor Nat 01'663- Buildings.
New Books. •
THE Rural Cenieteries of Americai—alseries of
Picturesque arid Monumental-Views ; each No.
containing 3 highly, finished line Engravings,
• - first 6
numbers containing views in "Greettl-Wood Come
American Chess lVfakaiiae, a very popular work.
Graham's Magazine foif Angust; and a large vari
ety of new Books, just received at
W. S. CALDWaLL'S Literary Depot,
jy2o , • Post Office Buildings.
New •
A ,
Collection of the latest, consisting in part of
the following Songs :
Thou lov , st the GreenwoU,d r ; •
Glendalough, a Ballad: N9rils by Thomas Moore;
Rough and Ready; No. 1; Songs of the • Alleghanians ;
oh'y Breathe Bother name, Mary Mine r .
Fairy Song; The Beautiful West; The FloWer Quetus
Oh sing no more that Gentle song;
When the Battle is o'er, The song of other days ;
Oh, return my Mother; TheMourrtain Boy;
Solos from the favorite Opera of Matilda
Lover songs of America; and Irish
Buena Vista, Cerro Gordo, Monterey, Matamoros ;
IbrahamPacha's, &Clay's Kentucky Grand marches.
Cameron Guards, Capt. May's, Camp 13ormum ;
Rio Grande, Vero Cruz, Camp Swan, Gen. Taylor's
Encampment Quick Steps.
Jenny Lind, Alhambra, Lea Belles de Toronto;
Andrea, Tambour, Cally; Evergreen •
Rudolphi's, Borani's, : and Amelia Polkas.
La Violette, Atlantic,Woodbine, La Lucille;
Mshopae Lake, Emerald; Mexican Hop, Bachelor's
Button, Monterey, Crazy Pole, & Lutine waltzes
Quadrilles, Rondos, Variations.
New Music received as soon as published hy
floor, Post Mice Buildings, Third street.
S} l4o
P .
ERSONS _winking to advertise " in the German
Language forthe rent or sale.of-Farnis,llouses,
Lands, Goods, &c., 'will find the Freedom's Friend a
most desirable medium, as this paper, issued tn.
'weekly and weekly, has unquestionably the :most ex
tensive circulation cif any other German paper in
Western Pennsylvania. Terms for advertising, Mod
erate. Office in sth Et., between Wood and Market,
opposite thePittsburgliTeri Store. .
VICTOR SCRIBA, rEdilor and. Publisher •
jyl3-3w of: the Freedom's Frieizd.
Vonrnal and Dispatch copy two weeks:]
Jr N. NYC!ovary, •
CIFFICE irr Bakewellfs Buildings on Grantstreet
je29 )47-ly
For Sale, • •
VOUDAOTS--Boanded by Penn, Liberty and Hay
Ste., each lot having 24 .14-frcint, and extending
beak ilo,ft.• ,Tlvii„of them are cornexkots;.and the
position-of the• , whole property is one of the most ad
vantageous Fur•further information 'rap
ply to' ' M..SWARTZWELDER, Fourth
nov3-tf bet. Wood and Smithfield.
OFFICE in Avery Row,Eith Street, above Se?itit
field.strentrßittsbnrgh: :r .. •
and ogker instruments of 'writing drawn with 'neat
nem; legal aceuracy, And despatch, lie -also at
Mid to 'drawing and &ling BlEcuArtres Ltuus,,Ac
counts of Executors, eidotinistrators,4rc 4 .Eramining
titles to Real Estate; Searching Records for. Liens,
,From long experience and intimate acquaint
ante wittt.the manner of keeping the public records
he expechito give satisfaction to, those who may ,en
trusttheir bus ness to his Care. decl6-d&w
• John, J. •Mitchel.
Office on Smithfield street, a few doors above
Diamond alley., . •
N. B.—Collectiont made on moderate terms.:'
, --
Wellsville, Glasstiovv,& liettver Pitcket.
" • .TIIE New and Light Draught Steamer
CAROLINE, Ntroiv,Master,mill run be.
twee Pittsburgh and the above Ports duringthe sea
son of low waterAteaving Pittsburgh .every, Aionday,
Wednesday, and Vidal; at 0 _o'clock, A. AL,-. Mid
Wellsville every 7'oe'sdayalhursday., and SaMiday,
at 7 o'clock, A. AL For . egght or pazsige apply on
boafd. - jy23dtf
Julies , Italian Chemical Soaps •
. •
,ttOß' all kinds of eruptions' and -diseases of the
Skin, such as,Piniples, Slotaes, Salt Rheam
Scurvy, Meat Spots ; chapped: or Cracked Akin, and
fora)! other.diseases - of the Skin, which rtqlfire rein
'edrei; thii Soati.tands unkaralled. It-also dispels
'Freckles; SintburnMeri;hevltsffati,and' changes the
eolor of dark yellow, or disfigured skin, to a fine,
healthy, youthful, .clearness. Ai fresh supply, war
ranted genuine, and tor sale at the reducedprice of
,371 per cake, has just.been received, is offered for,
sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., corner first and
Wood and also at the cor.of Sixth and Wood sta.
i 314.
ACKEREL : 100 Barrels large No .3 Mackerel,:
nj. due per Canal tlxia day.; for-eale .• . -->, ::.
RAISINS 125 Boxes M. R. Raisins, In store and
, for sale by
j:24 MILL?Etic RICKETSON ; •
(`(LOVER SEED: 5 Boxes Clover Seed
ceivod on consignment*.ang- for saltty - 44';
jy24 -. MILLER '8;
riLia.U4 s ' •
j - 2 200 Bbls Fresh ground Family Flora;
4 30 0 . • .! 4. • do.. Rye Flour;
In store, and for sale by
D ACON : 3000 lbs. BaccrA 'assorted, in store and
:X) for sale by • .1.% WATERMAN, '.. •
jy23, 1 4 id. 31 Watpr and, 62 Frontsts.
THE Art .of Painting ;
Junius!, Letters; • •
Philosciphy of Unbelief; ' -
.on Fanaticism
Hilhs Village Dialogues; - . •
Memoirs of Madame - Lafarge;'`
Mahea'e Field Fortificntions; t•
43 Market at;
_ .
/ti AB ,CIDER -45 bbl s. (or safe low by. .
jj . 24 .
• 44. 4 h"."
.. : •
' "
No. 31-Water; and 62 Front eta
. -
ntediaal and stirgteitl-Ottioe.
fietilthAa , thocliarm of life, without it gold. -
Love, lettere, friends, all, all; aro unenjoyed - :4,
regularly educated phyer;
cian from the eastern cit.
les, would respeetfully, an.
nounie,Ao the :citizens 0f...
-Pittsburgh', Allegheny and
vicinity,;; that he-'can be
ceunulted _privately and
eonflidentially, every day
,and'eFebing .Ida.olEce
or; DianiondiAlley r a few.
Dr. Brown gives his particular attention to tilt
reatment and investigation of the following disea.
All diseasesarising, from Impurities of the Blood,,
scrofula, syphilis, seminal .weeknessi.impotenc,y„,
salt rheurnydisease.s of the eye and ear, rheumatiemi,
piles, palsey.
Dr. Brown has much pleasure in announcing - 40,
the public, that he is in possession of the Jatest
formation and improvement in the treatment or
secondary syphile, practised ; at the Paris Lock Hos,
pita:. The ..modern. researches en syphilis o its -
complications and consequences, andthe improved.,
modes - of .praatice which -have been made known,
to the public but recentley, and to those:'chiefly'
who make this bt:anch of Medicine, their particu •
lar study and practise."-:' ,
Many new and valuable rediedite havebeen late.
ly introduced, whicliseiures the patientbeing met? '
curialized out of ss.i.stenre'.. , Strangers are:apprised .
that Doctor Brown has beep. educated in every
branch of medicine;, end, rtgularly.a!lmitted to - -
piactisevand.that,he now .eotifines himself to She
study and practice : pf this particular brarichAogetk.
er with all diseaseiof a.privatdor delicate nature,
incident to the human frnfoe, cure, no: pay. •
Recent cases are relievetlarta short tithe;
out interruption . ftom business.,
Letter/from a distance asking advice;-must con
' tain a fee, or they - will not-be attended to.
0-Offrce on Diamond - Alley, a' few doors frocl
Wood street, towards the market- Consultations
strictly confidential' 3y2A-d&wy
Three Big , Diaors :The_ Wo.stett
. . .
150,000 Wg.LL BP'f.r.t . TED; GARMBNTS.,•:.,
NOW made and ready to-beelfered en the most - 1
liberal terms to my old customeril and the pith}
lic in general.:: The Proprietor of this far famed an
extensive establish
ment% has now, efter returning
frern the Eastern cities,at tench troWalblind expanse-,'_
just completed his. fal and, winter arrangeinents 'to
supply his thousands of customers with-one of ;the
Most desirable stocksofClothing that, has ever. been
offered in this or any othernlarket west of the moult.
tains. For neatness in style-and Worlimariehip,cotn 7
bined , with".the very low Trice which they, will be.
sold for most certainly - render the. old:unrivalled,
Three Big. Etoors• one of
,the.• greatest attractions ot -
the western country.:,_ It is ,gratifying to me to Jao
able to ,announce to my numerous friends at homy -
and. abroad, that - notwithstanding - the extraordinnil
efforts which there: made to meet.the many calls in
mjqine, it is with difficulty_l can kebp time With the
ea:skint rush that io made on this popular establish
ment. It is a well established fact, that mysalesare
eight or ten times larger than any other house in -the
trade and this being the Casa on -the amount sold;: 1
can afford to sell atmuchlesspiofit than others could
possibly_think of doing if they wished to cover Con 7
tingent expenses. ~ L intend to make a 'clean sweep
of all my present stock before - the beginning of next
year; coming to this. connlusion,•L will make it-the
interest of every man, ••who wants a cheap winter
snit, to . call and purchase at the - Three Big 'Doors.
• oct2l-d&w .7011N IVI'CLOSBBY"..
Grawik, Peagtx, and ReAtoration
mHIS.CftEAM; when-Once k 6 - own, 'willeuporsell4
all other ' articles of the kind now ; in :-.use;
Where the hair is dead; harsh, thin, unhealthy, - or!
turning- grviy,..a few applications will. make the hair
soft and dark, addgive it a bea!ktifid,•lively appear. ;
ante; and will also. make it maintain its liveliness
and healthy. .colnr, twice, as lag as - all 'rthe •prePara-
Lions Whiwi are generally used: -Where the
or 'has fallewoff; it may beirestored by -using
this cream: .
,Every lady.andgentlemanavhe is hathe
habit of using Wils - on , :theiv hair; Should at once pur
chase a.bottle of the Chinese Rain Cream; Milt is so
composed• that it will not injure the:hairlike the nth.
er preparations;but will bcautifY, it; Red give perfect
satisfaction iii 'every instance.
For:testimony: to its *cry -superior, qualities,•Stre
the :following letter from Re's: - -.ll'fr.
Messrs..l-lendershott Stretch, Nnshville,'general
agents forthe Southern States:
Letter from .the Paitor. if-the
Presbyterian Chizreh, Pyter4.'
Messrs. Hendershoti and Stretehi. Gentlemena. - -L
take pleasure in adding my testimony irqtator.of thnt . •
eicellentpreparation called PR: PAIIELZpI'p Cling rtk
HA /Et .Cawz--for, about two. years regoi-my hhi
wan very dry;,b ratty; and disposed tn - come out : but
having proeured• a bottle,lif,the cream i And, used
acconding,to the prescriptioh;,it is now siott,ebistic,
and firm to the head. - Many balsarns:and oils word'
applied, each leaving my bairin.a.-'worsesstate thati
before. . This cream, howe7e.r r hai.metrny expecta--
. •
As an-article Ear the toilet, my.xtrife gives it ptefor
once over all others, being delicately perfunacd, and
not rancidity, Theladies especiallyw4' ••
find the Chinese creath to be a;desideratunt in. their
preparations for the ioilet.
...Respectfully, &o, • .•
Pulaski, January 7;1847-.' - '
•Sold wholesale and retail, in Pittsburgh, by: Solid
M. Townsend, :N0....45, Market stleet; :and - loaf
Mohler, coiner of Wood and Fifth etreeis.
_ .
JaynesCarminative Holsazet, '
TS a;pleasanti-tertajn, safe and effectual. remedy .
'1 for DYsenteryirDiarrhilia,.or Loosenees,Cholera
Merlins, Summer Complaint, Cholie r , Griping Pains, • .1'
Sour Stomath, Sick and Nervous Ileadach,..Heprt
burn, .Waterbrash, Pain or sichnes,,sprih9 . .Stomanh,
Vomiting, Spitting up of Foot! iilUrEatingyrindi also
where it passes threqli the body inehangqd,Want. -
of Appetite;-Restleasnesi , and Inability to. Sleep, •
Wind in the Stomachand bowels, Hysterics, Cramp;
Nervous Tremors and Twitchings, Sea . .. Sickness,
'Faintineff, Melancholy and Lownesasf - Spiriti,% fret.
ting and crying of Infants, and for all Howe! Affec- •
tioncddd Nervous Diseases. , . •
This is one of the most efficimit, pleasant. and
safe coiniMiitions , ever offerid td fhepublictor the
cure •of the various%derangements .of, the -stomach
and boweis, and the on/yarticle Worthy ofrthe.least.
do'aidenceforcurineths/era infortrum or.-.seinmer
Complaint; and in all the above diseases it really
atifi liken. charnk. ,•
All pOnbits-are requested bitry,i4.thi.lsvithoute.l
- it is one , .ef:the most valuable family meth
cineiAter yet-discovered:
,Tiltinireds!, rim- thou-,
sandsi.of certificates have been received:from 'fiby- •
sicians, Clergymen, dini families-of theyfirat respec t :
tability, boating the,strongest testimony in its favor,
tee rinmeWnia to-ritiblish. • - _
For dale pt the Pekin Tea Store, 72 FOurth Street..;
" New • Book*.
jr, EXICO and her Military ;Chieftains, from the:,
Revolution of Ilidelgo to the l .present
lustrated by 12 portraits and; engravings,
Shakspeare and his Friends.i - •
Josephus, - Illuktrated-N0.2.,-. -
The Arabiwr Nights..flhistrita:
- Tbe Courtier of thb days of CharlaS 23 ,
Gore c
Relics fi : ora,the wreck or a foinier World. - r
• ; ;
Yankee Notions, and oihere,-just receivedby„.
Post Office Buildingv.
"Venttiazi. Sllndi. ,
A' WESTERVELT, the mid and - well_knowri ,
i•Veniiian Blind -.lllaker,; , fiiimerly of Seebnd
'and Fourth eta., takes this mothuAto inform his many
BienAs.of the'fact that his Factory is now liCrull -
oration on St. Clair at:, neat , the olti Allegheny
Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of various .
colors and qualities, is;nonstlntly kept on hand and
at all prices, from tiventpeent's up to suit customers.'
N. D. If reiluired, Mindi will be put up so, that.
in case of alarm •;bl-fire,•or otheswise, they :maybe ; '
removed without the aid of a screw-drivertand,with::i,
the &into. : foetlify thut aqy other piece of furnitaran'-'.71
can be removed, and Without any extra expense.
je24-flkwy. . • -
wools IV ool) 1 - I. - •
IHE highest price in-cash pact' for the , different' -
grades of Clean washed W 04;.. fr&i. &Om . burs..
Wool sacks and burlaps on hand , and.for sale low;
by - - ~ MORPHY & LEE, =
Old Wool viarehouse, Cor. Liberty st.-"and 4.
.my24-04-w3rno - -.. • ... ,CeciPaalley.
•.' Doutor C. Morgan, .
FORMERLY a sticcMisful riractising - Physiciab,
this city and vicinity, ar Rialiaril?? like,
self again <Stain. quo.) Hia'office ii Pennstreet,-
next doer to the Washingtoratotel, Pittsburgh; Al
leglieni County; Pennsylvania, where he will be:
happy to accommodate such of applicadts ate
may need hiaServicesiandlall neW ones.who,inlikel
manner, may .feel , dispeaed to barter disease ; for I
health, llid . fork over;the difference, in legal
change -•- - - MYlo,d3ttf.•-•
'~ I
doors froiti Wood :'street