II M INS BM Q =ME "..:?.!.....-;,-...,..-.-:,,,,,:,.,. ;:::,...$ ME •.. e:•!Y , 4 al, 4 1.44.'-tnl" ' q 4%1. 4a. 4. ;•:‘7. 4 V ‘f•t• I •t r. • Tinsts.—Fivedollaraa year, payable in ,advance. idollars will.invariably, be retinired if not paid yitbin tlio year. Sin4le Copies, Two citirs—for sale at the counter , of, the Mee, and by News bays. FA - 4 1 1 ••4.--f 0 'l l I . .14 :" 4 i published at the same office, on a double medium street, at DOLLARS a year, in advance; sin : - .gle ;epics six CENTS. 'Terms of Advertising, PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS 161 ~.~: Fh'i'~j . 4't ~ { ._ y~ ~• ~: . . .. . ~, :-"" , -. 1 4 -' 41 ',•'.. , ,-' . 5 . ,, ,*; , : - 4 • . 1' ..5; E ".. !„.. . .. ... - ! , 74:4,.' . - 1 .. . -- ., 11 . : , 4'.2Y411 . ~ a " .. -,-:',i; • ; . • '.. ." ..;',.,;:•-':i:l.. , .. , •,ii - ::-;', 1 '.7' .- ~1-, , .., : :.:1., _ , , ri• - :.~ ~ - , L••,:'..!;::., , : , :T;i:. ;,.. per. MEI •`1 , 0 4 :1,V". , ,,,.. . 7 .;;;-1• t X ~ • . .7 ," i .. I .: :N . ; ' .; ,r , r, ~' " 1 .•;.."'", ~.':: J - - i . l',"fi,- - '4., ' .'-'' s t "•;-' '" ;,:- ' - - ---1.5.14, , - :..1`4. :• ' ''.', ' - ,i.! - * 1'.i . ...;k•4•;' . - ":.,:-.4:!' r.• . , . . .. . E ME k; IMMO OEM 4; ; - 4 .-. .Pip ~;:..,,,,-. = ,'~ •°,, !. 1, , 4 " • .? r- Egi Wills dz: Donuelly, ALTTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOILS AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa: Office on Fourth st., between - imitlifield and Grant..' marl4-y =ISi 7 s ^~ !-~ , • I ENE MEP =NM = EMS :~`~t'" ~, 4 c 4 MEE Charles 11. flays' , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com- Missbncr to lake the proof and acknowledge ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other g.writings to be recorded or used in the States o, entuelt 2 y, Indiana, Tennessee, Michigan and Mis ,souri. Office, Burke!e building, Fourth it. marls2-y Edwin C. Wilson, .ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR .AT LAW, Frank.lic, Yeovil° county, Penna., will attend . ,ections made. in Warren, Llano, and Jelleracin co.'s. promptly to all blab:cats entrusted to his carp—col . . ~ , . __" REFER TO ' ' 3. A.Stockton & co, Murphy, Wilson & Co. } Pittsburgh. John Bigler, HonflamesKinnear,l Franklin. Ron. Alox. M , Calmont, Il - ' onaameipWilson,Steubenvi le, Ohio. juy234 I BEBE -,~ 1112 MEE M . ME 40; . . - • . Wm: A. Ward, . ENTIST, has removed to the place of his for iTh - , ju merresidonce in Penn streetowo doors below Irwin: . ap 18,y SEVEN BIG DOORS • CLOTHING STORE, NO. SSaTH STREET, NEAR LIBERTY. JOHN FARREN; PROPRIETOR, neiv24 1...• Prrisinatoxi. . • G?,0R01/1 ARBIOR, Tailor, FOIIATIS fr., BETWEEN WOOD AND IBUTTEIrreLD trrazEls, (Neariyopposite the Ilfayor , s Office." , ~.. ,-. C:t.,--,-.,,,V.,,,g' . - ,-.,',...---7-..---:!--...1:—!!i.454.•,..4..141.4i..'.'e.,,,t • --- ,- •-. . --- -. : ..-::••• •-,,,i,-,,, '',..i:,,,-,-,;Lt;'-'.--',.--,-,-"fp-,,,--',X-.,---5-..,,t4,!::..-- ~ , .• , ... , . . • . =.- -_-:-..--.-4,4-:-.p.--, •,,,,,,!..-i•,-,,,..,•:-1,-.,....A.r--.• ~-z-.-.5-:,,,,:,44-..51,1,6-,,,,,,---, •_ _•:.,i_':' ..-;;-- -- .: -- ~..„ - •_:-,„:,. ,-,,,,-,--. i.,,,,,„--,„;,•;•13,,,. „.4. ~:N,"....----.. L.",!,..p.2,14-:1,•.{-,,,,e-41,i4;„7.1.t.„7-:,:,,,,/.4 . , _ , -..- .". . ' :,* '.'', .• . t ._ - ~'",- ' --:, . , - -. 1 -44„,,,Vi . 4, 1 7;14011'`'.14 , 1;' - --it44A.V,Vie-7.'44.'''''''''''''' 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Leeching is an extra charge. • As many free patients will be received as th,.. means of the Institution will' permiq Persons with coniagi ous diseases will not be received until accommoda tions can be prepared sufficiently ample to prevent any danger that the other ininatct would incur. All the physicians will attend twice dweek to Visit the Hospital, and will depute one of their number to attend the sick in the meantime. Advice will be given_gratituously td, Out-door pa tients on Thursdays and Fridays at 10, A. M. Pecuniary arrangements will be attended to by a committee of the Brotherhood of Bt. Josephs, which for the present consists of James Blakely, Esq., James May; Jahn S. Cosgrave,John Coyle and Arthur Tiernan. jans-tf . . Tlt Truth by MCI! of Truth, CONCERNING SELLER'S V ERMIFUGE.—A single vial producing wonders.—Read the fol lowing from the Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Liber ty street, M. E. Church Prrantuncrt, March 8, 1847. Mr. R. E. SELIItAS:—.IL is from a sense of duty, as well as with grAt pleasure, that I bear testimony to the virtue of youriinstly celebrated Wertnifuge. I procured a single Inftfle, and gave it to three of my children, who had been ill for several weeks. The eldest was seven years old, the next four, and the youngest eighteen 'months. The first passed fifty six worms, the second forty-seven, and the third a considerable number nottlistinetly recollected , sidee then they have been doing well; avid are now in good health. Yours resdectfully, S. WAJLEFIELD. • Frord the Rev. S.l E. Babcock; of the Metho'disi Episcopal Church : ' . s :—lt is With great pleasure ou of the good effects produced act; in ago; by your justly cede fler his having convulsions, I • , When he passed an ahnoSt which tine his general health 8: E. ElAstocir. Mr. R. E. Srt.r.E j that I welild inform on my son °lrina yti braced Vermifuge. gave him three dosel credible number, fro has been improved. arles Cook, sof the Methodist From the Rev. Episcopal eliurai 1 BURGiI, Deceriiber i 4; 1845. i s :—I gave my little •daughter four years old) three doses of rdiug to prescription, with the he number of wornmexpelled I y, but it was large. She is now health. I think the Medicine vith great tinretervcdneis. , _ ... Mr. R. E. SELLE (between three andl your Vermifuge, ace happiest success. do not know precise in possession of goo may be conthie'd in C. Ciidir. has never been knciwn to fail worms actually existed, pa di preference, to all others. by R. E. SELLERS, between I street. sel, Filth Ward. myl2 As this V° "piing: in any instance, wh rents should give it Prepared and sol , 3d and 4th; on Woo 3 For sale by Dr. Ca, Mill Road Le I 110 EALED PROPO office of the Pitt ! Company, in Wellsv: M., of the 27th day I bridging and prepare portion ofthe line b.' ens mill, twenty maybe examined at time from the 17th t be let to the lowest that portion of the li ing the Sandy and t the New Lisbon and Cleveland, will take By order oft thig.;.To Contractors. L'ALS will bv received at the :burgh end Cleveland Railroad lle, Ohio, until IO o'clock, A. of July, 1547, fur the grading, g for the superstructure of that itween Wellsville and .11I'Quilk des. Plans and specific.Ations he office of the Company at any the 27th July. Contracts will bidders. A further letting of ' e from 1145Quilken's mill, cross. : eaver Canal, and eatending to ICanton road in the direction of place early in 'September. le Board of Directors, A. G. CAT,DETT, Seclr. ' - ,1847.—TVells. Pat. je i9(l4w Wellsville, June . European a d American. Agency., TE European Agent has again arrived in Ateri ca, and will lea e Pittsburgh at the usual time, in September, and ail from New York the Ist ofoc tober next, on a Tw NIT ruin Ta6II, through Eng land, Ireland, Scotl nd, &c., returning to America in 1838. Money remtttantedfothige or small struts, promptly made tcraliparis Of Great Britain and Ire land : legacies, deb t 4, rents, real estate ; and claims and recove ed ; Copied - oil wills; deeds and documentd procured, searches of 'all kinds - made, &c. The reference's herelofore published with in numerable others, can be given. .Apply perionally, or addrerii,(p'ott phid,) I H. KEENAN ? Agent and Mueller at Law, Ilittsbtrigh: et fiOnTittalitirgh on business orhut-ust. .Timis ilAir will, i as in.his alizeitte. jyl pair 4-661 ). lbs &VII itl sidiri an . d foy. sale' by J/45 t. Si WATERMAItr- Attorney and C I Mr. K. Will be abed during the greater pa, attend to liigbUsin ~:< - ~" r. Tt 7, ice,- -. e R ~. A Ictloft-Notlbe. THE Subscriber has paid into the TreastifT - of the. " - ComMonwealth the amohnt of Liebnge required by law... fie has, given , the tekUlarly iiiprOved secu rity, and taken out a Commission of the-first class, as an Auctioneer,of the city of Pittsburgh, and rent ed that Spacious warerootu belonging to -4.IthANIA -I.otzinor, .Esq., 111 Wiihd st., three ' doors from fith, where he is prepared tb attend. to the.sales of every kind of Merchandite, Furniture, Real Estate, Stocks, Shiping, gm. fii.c..th., either at the Auction Rooms or on thb premiebi; and will iii all cadeu'elz ert:himself to the utmost for the benefit of his em ployers, on the most reasonable terms; he.will sell exclusively and only °nem= iSsiontneither prirchas ing nor having any interest whatever on goods in the Store, but mer ely the Commigion for , selling, there by givingall owners ,a fair chance, withont partiality of having therein property dispoied of to the best advantage. • - - • • Sales will be proMptly settled when made; advan ces will be given - at any time on the mostaecommo: dating terms;—merchants will.not be chargbd for ad vances. Regular sale rlays,Pdoedays and ThUrsda3n, of Dry Goods;Groceries,,Furniture, &c.; • and every evening, Hardware, Cutlery; Watches, Guns, Pistols, and fancy articles; Books on Saturclay_prenings; a g.• natal reference will he , givellin a few. days. Bills of lading have been received ofieveral jarge invoices of Merchannise, direct from extensive Importing Houses, in Boston and. New York.' Notice will be given of their arrival: • JAMOS AVICENNA, Auctioneer. SPRING SULLY OF BOOTS; SHOES; THIINHS, &E. T;t . oLLANsBEE& HAN.w.AR.InS new Boot,Shoe-, jr and Trunk Store, No. 186 Liberty st: nearly op posite the headerWood'sf, - • 1-1. have in store and are receiving their, Spring and Summer supplies of Boots, Shoes,, Palm Leaf Hats, Trunks, &c...tc.eonsieting oldie largest and best assortment they have ever 'been able ,to bring to this market. =Our stock of Goods has Most ly been manufactured to our order and expressly for the Pittsburgh market. • ,- -- We would solicit an exarrilifetion of op! stock by all inwant of goods in our line, either at vvithlesale or retail, as we shall sell at a: small advance aboVe coat. Purchasers wil lind it.to their interest to call and examine our stock before purchailiig. FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, ap3 No 186 Libarty at, Palm Leaf,Hala. 1.7 doz. Bieri 4 s and Bliyas Falai Leaf Hatsi re- V I ceived and . fur sale very low at . . FOLLANSBEE 4. HAY WARD'S- Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, No. 186; Liberty st. nearly opposite the head of Wood ripr3 11011TER'S City Degucrrien Gallery ' Third stet:,Pittiburgh ; Pa., and Franklin Budd ings, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Porter respectfully announces tbat lie has at considerable expense fitted up apartnienti, and ranged light for Diguerredtyping purpoies. His long experience in this art has enabled him to overcome many ofthe objections too common to picturestakon by this method. Mr. Porter is aware that the impression IhiC gone abroad (owing to the many failures to prodUce good pictures,) that dear and distinct Daguerreotypes can not be made in Pittsburgh. Ilia experiments:, how-. ever, since he has opened his Gallery:;fully warrant him in saying that as good pictures can be made here as elsewhere. , . . . . Ladies and gentlemen aro invited to call - and. ex amine sliecimen.s. Instructions given, and instrumenti and mathrials fitrnished upon reasonable terms. - - All orders front tobn try tiplaiattira proinptly attend.: ed to. nova-tf Gold Pett, V the most approved brands, in - large variety, 1,3 selected and adapted to everyliiriety of, The -clergyman, the lawyer, the =reliant, and every class of men rOiliiiritig a durable, uniform, and economical pen — ,7ern Their elasticity and fine points give great ease in writing—making either a bold mark or a beautiful hair line, at the pleasure.of the . penaiiti: With care they will generally last ten years. All warranted, and selling . atthe lowest cash. pri ces, at the Gold Pen Delpot, corner of 4th and Mar ket sts. (myl3) W. W. WILSON. - 9;,FLEfIUtNGI HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAiNTRR,• Waiter and Paperlitinger, IS preparad to undertake the atiove bilsinesi in all its various branches, and warrants to: givesat isfaction in every respect. Military Standard /lam ners, Flags, &c., painted to order. Oddrellowd and MasOnie aprons always en hand. luiitations of woods and marbled done in a vdpefier manner.. Signs cifall kinds done at the shortest notice. aplo-tf No. 44,5 t. Clair st., Pittsburgh; Pa. Allegheny Cerrectery DP.P.SOfiS desirons of purchasing lots in this Cemetery are referred CM information tb tile Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn a . nd Hand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT, dec I - Superintendent. • Allegheny Poor Rouse Lots. r ThE undersigned Committee of the Guardidne tit Poor, offer at pNvate sale; on .e.itended credit, about SO choice Lots, in the First Ward, Allegheny city; 24 feet in front, by 130 feet deep as shown on a plot of via same to be seen at the,trOlde . ffi . Guardians, in a room adjoining the Mayor's oce, on Fourth street; bein7 thli lots laid out on the old Poor Howie property, in Allegheny city. For ternli of sale dpply to Mr. llrtesir, at the office of the Cdardians, ornd aq . one of the subscriber% (Copy of the original.) . 4011 N M'CRACkEN, " ROBERT WRAY, b. ALBREE, jell -dint JOIIN Slitikespear Gardens. THIS beautiful place of resort having been greatly repaired, thepriiprictor is now reddy to:reetive 130MIDEl3, by did day, week, or month. His ac commodations are good, and his prices are low. may 4-tf S. Mt:CI:ELL AND.. _ HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING and GLAZING, of all kinds, Graining Oak, Mahogany, Satin, Rose and Maple. Imitations of all kitidn of Marble. Ordtrd IoR at the all op of the stibscriber, on Smith field qtreet, oppoSite the Pittsburgh Foundry; or On Federal street, opponi teplackstoclos Factory; Alle gheny city, will be done' at moderate rat* and on the shortest notice. op 15-6 m. JAMES PITFIELD. SCU L APIA, or the Vfliite Sulphur and LA I ChttlybeateSprings, of Lewis county, ay. The above delightful watering-place or.stimmer resort, is now ready for the,vception of visitors, under the direction orMichattlKean, Esq., late and for many years of the Louisville Hotel. Mr. Kean anctLady will have the active management of the entire board ing-department; Mr. Hitchcock of Old tavern, bar; store, bowling saloon, and otlier amuse:meats ; and Mr. Bliss ()idle springs, bath hbasosi atablei; horses, carriages, &c. &c. Messrs. ° M. & F. M. Weeder', Stage Proprietors oehlaysvfllo, will run a regular four horse Post Co'ach to the Springs every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of the season, and fUrnish horses and carriages at all other times to those wishing to visit Esculapia. Persons prefering the Vincebing route will do well to , take the Portsniouth picket Scioto to Vinceberg on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, when they will find horses and carriages to forward them to the Springtf. - M. T. C: GOULD, Proprietor; P. S.—Poi other partialars,seeiitliographic at the hotels, on the steamboats;&e, and if this be not convenient then take for granted the foildwing facts, viz That Esculapia is nearer.the Ohio river than any . other witering-place—that it has the purest, moun tain air—the most delightful; cold, linVpid - ; dpatklingi sulphur water—the oldest, coldest; clearest, p‘drest, ^pleasantest and moat efficacious abalybente fountain in the U. Spites—that ii is surrounded by Mountain scenery, with romantics pictUresque;and diventified with good &Sling, shooting, for chasing; deer-racing; &c:Stc., together with good ea:tindidrinkindi sleep ing, walking, riding, - danning, - shaking . off the "blues,” outgrowing of the dyspepsia,talking; I uagh ing, griming fat„lovii% to stay; dreading to go away, 'Promising to , co a again--to bring friends, neigh bors, sisters, wives; Oweet-hearts, &c. &c.; and after all it is cheaper staying at Esculapia than at MI 'eth er of the fashionable watering Oneett; • TM'S is the voice of hungireils - vihe hive been there and mean to ' go ag i ai,i'. , L:Cht:beia..fidy 12. • . „ . TTABIS-. - - . 1 1 .2 hhda: Boon Hail a bright prime ar iFf tide, ittit ree , il on edisiirtniezit add for saleby , F. SIELLEBS. t , ~ -,.... x • A1r wg,,, , ,,, , ,---,:.-,-,...---- , -:.,,,, - ....:.,••:,. , -:,.,.-•••••i;::.....„.:. . ... , ,,,,.....,_. . .--..-, . -.. ~: -.•- ~. -.,, 1 :-.' -----..,- ....-:_.--.' -. ~-•. -_,,,;;;•:-..--.-:.',•-,--...:.::•: -::-.,.:',..,,,--i,.: lIIMEI IRS PRICE ; ‘ TQC laird Job column OT ROOD: trtrit rilli.e_proprietoi.of the Morning, Post: and curt' and Itfantlfaidutii• reipeitfhlly informs hid' friends and tho patrons of these paperit,- hart aJdige A ria w£l . l chosen assortment of JOB TYPBi ..X.IIII.ALi. OTHER. .M1T.E.8..1.1i1S Necessary to .a. Job•Pkinting Office; ttiii prepv,cd LeiTra kites iitrrier,&;•ri? Books, . Bills of Lading, Circulge, Pamphlets,Bill He de g • ' • . filOk - Hat TiPs; .e . All kinds ei r . 41 . 3filte, Stage . ' Eteitithclat and Cana(:.: llodt tilts appropriate cu ts, ' thii est notiee and most reasonable terms. - • • fe respectfully asks the patronage ! f his rieidat and the phbliE. gehh fili in this brinCh beef- noes:.. • t empt 22) 'L. HARPER: 171 3 . I • su — G7,7,7T7ii +7, • . L,I C K Elt. tS.•• , . Sugar Coated Vega tribli P4rglitlve RE universally admitted to operate, tiot.ohll,:: 1 - 1 as au /feriae/ preventite, bolds ii,neberfalliat reinttly, in all dieeasas s r/MCI tiii-effect.the !lptimatl :, frame,—llead-ache, Scurvy, Dropsy, Sthall-pliz,Cliblers::•inarbiur, - Whooping-cough,. Consumption, Jaundice, Quinsy Scarlatina, Liver complaint; Apoplexy, Canters; Measles,SalathCal; Beartbitte;..G.idaihetniks Erysipelas, Deafnese, Itehinga of the Skin;.Cidds;':- Gout, Gravel, Pains id the back; 'ffii•We PalpitatiOni in thn heart; Risings in the throaj;Astli• , ma, Fevers of all kinds, Female coinplainti, Sticker' in the side, Spitting of..blood; Sore eyei; Strufsilii St Anthony's fue,„Lownesi of spirits, klabding,Flitof Alba or iVlaite,s',. Gripes, Kinet evil, Lockjaw, - teria, Bile oi the atcstiach; and all bilibukafihetionek Pleurisy; Croup, Swelled feet and I hid, Siiiiie:pori White-gwellings; Trmc;rs„ Tumours, Ulcers, Vom itipg, and a heat of other§ have successively and lei. • peatedly been idaqiished br their all powerful They have been knoWe to effect 6ermaiiCat cures: when all other retnediee had, proved iinai,•ailiPi; and in ifie Fait Stages • . . , • . They have in many cases impireOld life ekill 'of the 00! f• &fatten! Ithisfactans; and. rd•• ceired besides their unqualified commendation. • ;.• They have been repeatedly recommended by men ofthe most distirguialied . clipmeters t thiengbirut-tim laird, and ban sanetiaid in Eilre'pe NdblPtobnj and Princes of Royal blood: • ..- • They have beek iotraduced into the ilearnialief. Ediriburgh, Paris; rind Vienna' acid through the; dis; interdated exertions oqr. Visieign they have received the favorable commendation of the Emperor of ,Rusidaj aahl lila rMajefit, — of the Chinese Erdliire. • ;CrScarcely a Packet vessel of OS' repine -Balla from the port of N6ii Cork, Withinit du ' 811011 of the ".. :-,•' . • ' • • -' . - SICK MAN'S NEVER FAILING FIIIEN10: ,. . • Id* Agencies have 4ehtt establiflied in all thd principal Cities in the Union, and applientions ard - constantly reaching ud from alirioit nuttlberl&all Vil lages in every section of the Couutr. Testirednials of digit marvellous el:teem are pouring in Dein all - quarters and in such tiembere that we have lot time to dead one haired' than. What dtieriger of more conclusive evidence than these 4dpi:eta:tit fiteth can the Most sceptical date i Is it poidible, that the many, thousands who have tried CLICKENER'S PILLS; can be deceived in their results I • If any imposture or 'quackery existed; would it not long ago have-Peen held-up, ad it should bet to tlie stord and derision of a justly offended comiednity . • ReMember, Dr. C. V. Clickdder is the original Iriventor of Sugar Coated Pills; and that nothings.; the sort was ever heard of, emit ho introdeSed there In June, 1843. Purchasers shoeld4herefore;alwayi Milt for Clicr,enees Sugar Coated V extlible Pillt, aad take no other, or they will tie made the victlthil fried. . : PRICE 2 CENTS PER BOX. , Dr. Clickener's principal office for the nit& of Pilint 66 Vesey dtreet, New Ydr.R. • NVII. JACKSON, 89 Liberty itreet,heai otWood ' street, 14(tsbUrgh, Pa., General Agent for W4Stent PeldnsyN•ania, Northern Ohio, and the River Ciiiitta ties of Virginia. The following are Dr. Clickener's duly bpjoriinted Agents frir Allegheny County, Pa. , Wt. JACKSON; (Principal,) B#•Libertt head oft,Vo6d. . . A. M. Martlan, Allegheny City: Jonathan Gliiiest; Manchester.. C. Townsend &CO:, Jno. R. H. Jaddees;. Birmingham: dno. H. Casiel; Peen street Andrew S. Getty;. Wylie street:: Robert Robert ' R. 11. Hereingray; South Ward. Win. 3. Sthith, Temperanceville. Jerethialt Fleming, Lawrence - Sillet Daniel Negley; East Edward Thompson; Wilkinsbnigh; Thomas .tlikin; Sharmburgli. - G. H. Starr; Sewickley. - Samuel Springer; Cllrtten James. Mlliee; Steriartitowfw John Marl; Tditle Creek. ' C. F. Diehl; Elizabeth. Riley M'Laughlin; Plumb 3. Jones; Bakeratowd; --- Penny; 141>keespert. ARECEIPT FOR THE ; force its gra#>th and health - Make it 1-' Silks, clear and tine. Peiirdai who (in consequence of the Many .6ere:SC.' • things sold) set ddierit every article (be irever so good,) as a limbug. If.people Could bp Lunde to try a as bottle ofJonee , Casa Restolaiiiejitaiine; now it makes dry, rusty; ied light hair moist; aburn and dark; keeps it so, and by its iiiiefdtpSttici27., times causes it to grow.naldrally beautifallif people ,,: eotild seethe deniber of poor reipectable that use it (aye, and find it the eheapbsi t hing they., i' can use,) for dressing and beautifying thit'hiir;for. - ..• keeping it soft - arid in ordet three times as 18i1g u 9 any other article made, and it CostSbiitln edits ref -:.: a bottle. Redd theft certificates.. • , BALD IIEATS; BALD lIRA.DSt , Jackson, of 89 Liberty street, Pittsbnrgli; &rig flee; on the 3d of Februaiy, 3847, that Mr: Thondad;: , .; Jackian , s head, on the topi:was etitirely years, and that by Using two 3d bottles ofJcitieetiCo ral I.l.l.irßestorative 2 the hair id growingg list and . thicks and will Soon: be entitely teetered.. aF . Grey Heads; Grey Heads—Read—T litheret ertilY that my hair was turning grey, and That sitice 7 l - used. Jones's Coral Hair Restorative it, harlettfircl9.., ceased gidwing fait, and haria dal* look. Before I used Jones's Coral Restriratfitil combed out handfuls of hair - WM. THOMPSON, - 91 King it4l4lC: Mr Power, grocer, Fulton_ st.; had , his huR choked t With dandruff,' and JcinCes 'Coral fithl Reitorative entirely cured it. - - 1)o you, want to dress; beautify; andmake OPT half eon and fine. Read —l, Henry. Cniten; late barber on board the steamboat SputHAMericanildei cieictfy that Jones's Coral Hair Rettorative is the best artiild% I ever used for dressing, doftening; cleading;. and' keeping the hair d long- tithe inorder csma tomers preferred it.to any thing Clew E . &Id W. Jackson; at his Hoot and Mee and P'atexit Medic in e warehouse; 89 Liberty st.,head:,;. • dl Wood st., Pittibdrgli—ln Bottled at 376 htletrf and one Dollar: nitvagt st O TEL MOHLER; Drtiggi and Apathiedi:,. 14 :..... IV. corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittiburghi:' will kepp constantly on hand, Di.)SOS;Psdsta!s*, 011.8 j-:„ ..N: 13.—Physiclin 3 d orescriptions 'carefully. cons Occluded from the best materials; at any hour of the day or night. Also; .an assortment of Perfumery,- due Tooth, Hair; and Cloth Brushesi&c.&i, siiucit he will sell alow for. Cash. _ _ Neyny „ Invented Patent Block liiirrittsz,: i OR thelmmediate relief andeirdattent;coo"4it 1: Hernia and Rupture. (Suited to all erzes•.,. The superior claims of this Truss consistin.iWinn-:, paratird easd With which it may be - - WOTtli f;:rEita or wood being neatlybalancediprinO,yieldarto; tlie:preseure of_any part ofit, and thdrou , y itself to any movement Made, by the Wetmore, it_Can be. orn withwitintennissionjuntihrciirelsOffeetedi l-., Thd subscribers haVe made - arrangements for the men r ufacter# Of these valuable' Trusseg t. iit a suPeriot style • iirithiladelphia and •have tbeili' now for 'SAO , - at their ollite,ri.No::77;SMithfeeld stider, - neat.Sixtbi GEORGE WATT.. - 3yl • ,I W "EAUFFItita - _ 111 . - I'T <3 ~`y EEG EaEm lin ~~,. - .' EN ‘2E ■ -~~:ti' ' . . . . MM =I