The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 28, 1847, Image 1

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TW 0 Ellsi rs_....._ - ,:.-- --,
N. W. corner o f Wood and Fifth Sts.
Tcuns.—:Fzvo d o llars" a year; payable in advance.
Six dollars will invariably be required ir not paid
within the year.
Single , copies, TWO cErrr for sale at the counter
of the Office, and .by ; , letva Boys.
is published at the nine office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO DOLLAILS' a year, in advance; sin
gle copies, sut CENT
• 000 inElOrtiOn, .$0:50
Two do, 76
Three do, 1.100
"One week, • 1160
:; . ; Two-. ‘, -- • • 300.
Three do, . 44.00
Yearly Mix
- cliAnorattax
°tie Square.
Six mouth, • 5,15. 00
Doe year, 20 00
Larger advertisements i
- Cam); of fonr ines
. 1. nvititsp.on,
A TTORNEY ATLAW and Solicitor in Chance
Ary,-office on : Fourth street, third door abay
casithfieAd, Pittsburg. • .; • apt°
. -* ragia:
office to Youth
north side, opposite' .
apr 6-dim
Andrew Burke, c,
A TtORNEY 'Ai' LAW. Office removed to
11 Fourth street, P few doors alcove Smithfield st.
ups3m ;
. ROBERT SIiYDER, hap removed his office
Dto Fourth stredt, between Wood and Smithfield
Its:, next door to RUdy. Patterson's Livery Stable.
marlfi-ly •
A. W. Foster,
AOffice, South aide of Fourth street, near Grans
street. - 1 • . • .
£I Collections and other professional business
Wended to in Butler and Mercer Coudtips.
---- •
. Rl.Okard Cowan,
TiTiII.NEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's
.ings,.Fourth sL, abuse Wood. junel9-41,ky
J4seph Knox,
TTOILVEY AT • LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa., has
iltresuined the practice of his profession, in his
►trice, No. 7, Bakewell!a-Buildings, Grow. street,
occupied during hih abselrep by T. J. Bighorn, and
T. Christy, - Esq..
; • Tnoara:s DI. ramzsAcaLL,
A TrOIi.NEY LAW—Office,, Lowrie's Build
.l-1: lags, Fourth 'street. '
' • Joseph,C. 111 , 11.tb n,
TTORNEY Aoffice L. in Wallace's build
ing, on -4tb. st., betweenn Wood •and Smithfield
nov 18-y
1/ICEt.I.ICt. DA9 11A.GV.11A.N. I'. C. SIIAZINON.
, Dlagdhan & Shannon,
A TORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Office
on Fourth strict - between Wood and Smithfield,
lind nearly opposite the Mayor's office. nov6-y
NV*5 &,
Edmund Snowden.
A TTOIINEY AT LAW; office in the braiding on
ti the iltirth East corner of Fourth and Smithfield
;R. orrow,
ALDERNIXN, loffice north side of Fifth street,
between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
seplo-y . ' -
James Callan,
TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers
AL- occupied by'ihicleiman Itl'Masters, on Fifth st.,
getween Wood and Smithfield.
3.l.'Candless 31,Clure;
Aoffice on Fdhrth street, opposite R. & R.
z'attersoh , s Livery Stable; Pittsburgh.
Forward & Swartiwelder,
A TTORNEYS!AT LAW, Fourth street between
Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv
i sty stable. api-y
GOrge F.
A TTORNEY i. , AT LAW, Office in Breeds build
-1-1 ings 4th 1. 1 , above Wood, ratsburgh,
sep2-ti •
C. Orlando Loomis,
TTOttNEY I r AT LAW, office Fourth st., above
Smithfield. pity,l4
A BEELEN liaStercioved his commission and for- ,
wardidg' Otrsinesi from the Canal BUS'in to his
Ilex+ warehouse on Third street, - nenly opposite the
Post orrice: may3o-y
Pitriburgliii ra.,
having resigned' the office of
Secretary P. Nay, and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe
cially to collections and business connected with'
navigation, ipsur;toce' accounto and real estate. Bu
siness hours, 9A. 41. to 9 P. M. Office, first door
west of AldermaiiMilleris:,Folfrtlistreet, near Grant
ap 7 • 1 ,
- • --
t John IV.lliirrell,
TATORNEY.; AT LAtV,; hating returned from
his Europetin tour has !taken an 'office on ,the
.inorth east corner. of Fourth anti Smithfield'stf. Per
orts having had business and pUpbis in the hands o
famuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the
beve, an all the i unsettled businest of Mr. Kingston
as been left in his hands.
dharles N. Hayti
tkTTORNEY LAT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Coin
rnissianer to take the proof and ackniikvledgc
',cot of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other
litings to be eciarded or used in the Stales of
,3ntacky, Indiana Tennessee, Michigan and Mis
nri. Office,Berke's building, Fourth st. nfarl2-y
Edwin C. Wilson,
• -, •
Franklin, Yenango county, Penna., will attend
Rptly to, all business entrusted to his care—col
itios made Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co. , s.
A. glackton & Co.
BurphY, Wilson & Co. Pittsburgh.
Jihn Ditlers
Janes, Kinnear,
Ale:i.l4PCalmont, Franklin*
4 Do.i. jaws; Wilson, S te übenyil I c, Ohio. juy'23-y
JOnnaton & Stockton,
XUS, N ',114 Markot street. sep 10-y
• .fir ;
Victor Scriba, •
iRh sneeiji?etween Wood and Narket streets,
tr: ?a. • • jan7-y
Jcimea Patterson, Jr.,.
(ER of !First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
,:mmiurortuier einem, hinges'and bolts,
fullet mill and timber serewt, housen
Sr rollisg Mills, gm. seplO-y
r•Wm. A. Ward,
IST;hae, removed to the place ofiis for
-Fesidcnce in Penn street, two doorsbelow
10,RGE ARMOR, Tairark
-ly opposite the Mayors Ojfice.)
;711 110
i.. , ..
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LDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between
Walnut and O'Hara streets, where ho may be
PrAZIEXPII Bellown. mud at all times. Those liaVirig" Wises or other
;d. an assortment,largesizes,Braiiees sell or rent, can have the, same, punctu
, Ism also, Parlour and Kitchen, do. IT attended to; debts collected, and all the dhties
I Retail, JOHN W. BLAIR, cgsn Alderman will receive prompt attention.;
120 Wood st. t.(271
LdV Or EIS ill gl
One month, $5 00
Two do, 6,00
Three do, 7
Four do,
10 00
Six 4 0 3
15 00
One ye ar,
ITwo Squares..
Six months, $2O 00
Ono year, 30 00
in proportion.
Pl'ra OOLLMIS a year.
& Btairsight,
LAW, have removed their
street, one door from Grant,
derman office' .
G 3 3
Brownville Juniata Iron Works.
'UPWARD HUGHES eianutacturer .0 ma and
nails, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth a.
C. A. DlPA.unity t Co.,
Canal Basin, Pittabnrgh, Pa. • rnar3dy
Itittretxt Lytle, -
FAMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next door
to the Fifth Piesbyterian Church. june6
George Cochran,
No. 26 Wood At. Pittsburgh.
ririw Book Store.
Irk yr W
S. BOSORTH E. Co., No. 43 Market street,
. next door to Third street, are just opening a
ry and.extensive assortment of Books and Station
e, which they Will sell, wholesale and retal, at the
to ap2s-y
,west prices,
Win. O'Hara Robinson, •
ATE U. S. Attorney,las remored his office to
No. S St. Clair st. sept4-y
L. Wllmarth,
LUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn street,
- between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions will bepromptly attended to. mart-y
School Book and Paper Warehouse.
LUKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, &ookseller and
bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
' Pilkinton , e Unrivalled Blacking,
irANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and re
in. tail, Smithfield at., between Sisth and Virgin
• .
M. C. Edey,
Tq vup c tli , ?:llLo s f tr L c a e ni Oil and dealer in
Coleman, Uallmau & Co.,
it, ANINACTURERS . of Carriage Springs and
Axles, A. 8., and -spring steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings - of every description, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
, osiM St. Charles Hotel. .jan23-y
Flint Glass Establishment
it .
yLTLVANY--$. LEDLlE.nainuracture and keep
L constantly on hand cut, moolded and plain
.Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner of Market. and Water streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works continue in full operation, and we are
constantly adding to our stock, which-snahics us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully 'elicited to call and examine prices and terms.
Otto Iltuntz,
A i r ANLTFACTUDER or Inconnticrunt TEETH,
ill Smithfield street, two doors below Filth street
Pittsburgh, Pa. - Always on hand a full assortment or
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Gum teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &e. Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro.
Cession. All orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
dry- Platina always on hand. no viri-y
James Inakely, ikidermass.
OFFICE on Penn st., opposite D. Leech A: Co's.,
packetline office. °Slice hours from 7 o'clock
A.., AI., to 8 o'clock P., M.
_ _
Dr. Daniel n1 9 31ea1.
OFEICE on Smithfield, three doort from Sixth st.,
Pittsburgh. cleclo-y
Dr. George W att, '
ri FFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st.,
4,./ „Pittsburgh. _
.NO Mica; manufacturer and dealer in Mu
-sical Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, near
Fifth. _ nov 19-y
•e J. Dryar,
RECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholerAt dam:-
cr in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitt
burgh, Pa.
Hugh drters,
1511GEON DENTIST, 115 Liberty street, a -fcw
kJ doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
Ogden Snowden,
sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and gdcond Sta., Pittshurvh, Pa. novl3-v
Jolip 111 , Closkry,
Alton. AND CLOTHIER, Liberty at., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
„ fiet4o-y
S. 311 , Glorkaas & Co.
chants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh
Manufactures, N 0,142 Ltberty street, Pittsburgh.
dec 3-y
Carson &.• 111 , KnIght,
WHOLESALE GROCERS and Corntnission-Mcr
chants, Sixth street, between Wood and
Liberty, l'ittsburgh, Pa. the 4-1
vVr.m. GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to the
corner of Wood and Third Its, above C. H.
Kay, where he is prepared to do every description
of Ruling and Binding. der.2-v
J. 111 , CoIllitcr,
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Tobacco,
Snufr; and Seers, No. `26, Fifth st., between
Wood and Market stc., Vittsbnret. [oct2S-Iy._
J. D. A%tnlrtrris do Co.
WWHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commission merchants, and dealers in
country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No.
fro, Northeast corner of Wood and Filth' streets.
sup. 8.
P. C. Mart iiii
WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
VV. Foreign and Domestic %Vines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruiti Nuts, &c., No. GO Water
street. • ee 1.15-y
Lambert & Ship( on,
W lr c bi. m E . S i A .s L i E n ( I t i ft . ( r T hE l n t t S s , I d ' e ol l t e t r VA s ilnlDll,NoTd,uclie
and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. Inand t . 35 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. feh -y
J. & J. 1117Devit
ArroantilPSi'tisiblrg?hrtiflENe'tu'reasl ers
generally, inrod No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
John 11. Mellor,
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and
Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts;
bur.h. janl-y
Jaateo Park, Jr., &
OS. e. E GROCERS, i=torloftl n plat .
iunsareance incopp erar l
Pittsburg4 manufactured
articles, Nos. 112 and 114
2nd et., b3tweenVood and Smithfield ste. jal4-nl4-y
John . Scott az
Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. al9-y
Dr. Wm. DI. Wright,
DENTIST, Office and renidenee in
St. Clair at., a few clo'ora below Lib
erty, near the Erebailee Hotel.
marl l-y
STEVENS & BEACH, Proprietors.
• b26-d6m
Select School
WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old.
friends that he intends opening a Select School
in this city, tt the first Monday of April next, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. nalr2l-t
drojut it. Pair-IL-M..3°n,
WE would beg-' to =lone e. to, our-customers.
and the :public -generall ; that we have re-'
opened our establishment with a. full and splendid
assottment.orSking and Summqr Reedy:Made Cloth 7
ing, which in respect to style and workmanship can
not be surpassed by any house in this city.
Gentlemen Who are in want' f any-article in our
line fi nd to their advant4goAo give us a call,
before purchasing elsewhere; as our stock, as well
as the low prices of our goodS, will enable us .to
please all who will favor us with a call.
It is unnecessary for us to enumerate the articles
comprising our ;stock, as.we are weekly supplied—it
will suffice for us to say that at all times our assort
ment will be complete, with evlery article pertaining
to the ttade. ANCKER & MAYER,
Sign "Golden Star."
N. B.—Gentlemen who leev6 orders at our store,
forany Garment' that they wish to have made in New
York, can be furnished in twq weeks -after the re
ceipt of their directions. raar27 8: A.
lAIPORTER and dealer in Foreign and Domeilie
Hardware, would respectfully intorm his friends
and the puthin..generally, that he is uow receiving
his Spring supply of Hardware at the old stand of
Walker & Woodwell, No. 851 Wood street, which
he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. lie
will he continually receivingillesh supplies direct
from the manufacturers in Europe and this Country,
which will enable him to coin pete with any estab
lishment either East or West.l Western Merchants
arc invited to call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. mars
On the corner of Water an Smitliiietd streets,
jUIE undersigned Proprietors of the Molormairc-
LA llousZ announce to I tho Public, that the
House is opeh thr the reception of Visitors. They
ire consciourCq loving spared no expense in fitting
out the Establishment in such a style as to render
every comfort to the Guests.. They hope by e.
itant care and attention to business to merit the pa
:ronage so liberally bestowed ion the late Mononga
hela House.
ARMSTRONG, Proprietor,Corner of St.
JClair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh , the proprie
tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to
his friends and..the public for past favors, and hopes,
by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The hottiee is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accotnniodations fur travelers, and a
large room for public nit:et:tugs, dinner or supper par
Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the
• shortest notice, with the choicest the will 4f
, ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received every day dtiring the season. The
I greatest care has been Laken in the selection of wines
land liquors. A variety of newspapers arc regularly
' filed in the establishment,
P. S. A liot Lunch served up everyday at 11, A.
M. ap IS-y.
LEN !MOWN, PRorairva.—Terras sl,Bt) per
day. Then niler,igne..l, formerly of the Merchants
Hotel, corner of Woeid and Thin! streets, has leased
this imperial', establishment, and famished it anew
'throughout, with new beds, ltees beiddiair and new
furniture. Grout care las been taken to fill his cel
lar with the choicest viands, A handsome otnnibus
and a baggagn wagon are proiiided for the use of his
guests, and a Porter will be inlattendance at ail hours
to meet the demands of the teaveller. The long ex•
I's bu •o. rey
. o *g ' ; •
m eltuecestAut. (erts. att s oget r iter at lib
erty to provaiye his visitors a chrtifortoi_"
abode, tiner *nu a Ile.
at a moderate eapenee. ALLEN
;vales et cry evening at early gas-light,
ISear's American Itersorating
Fitt Etvera- 111 . 1, thRia 3 a1, 1 have beep much troub
led with it bilious habit, attended with an mac-
Dural District Hotel.
live and come e gate Of the bowels, and rheumatic
II SA AC mvnix:icK, arncily of the I.'nion Iletd ; have made use of the Medicated Vapor
on \Valet street, ',hen burnt out, ti be It off -
Rath. and t3t1011( ands of Medicine, without retell ,
a new and handsome house cipressly fur the acenni-m,,, am benefit. ser ,, o , se3r ,,, H. V. Renovating
=iodation of, traselers,lit the corner of Second arid advertited, I V.T.S induced from the reef:nut:nen-
Sniithfield srrects, which willPa known as the Durpt I dahlias attached to theta. to inake trial of them. In
District lintel. la fere dot's they adortied me great relief; and in the
• lie is ""'s: prepared to ' 11. " rler Y ac° "" dati ' n short unce in whits I have taken them, I have ex
and every comfort to the traeles, at very moderate 1,, 'ermeemi
more treoeti. from thntn than I hate re
char Ife is prol Idea With ample and convenient i ce „, eri rrom any operation has
stabling. ` 1°( " 1 ' 1 ' 1 been natural, easy, and rtiecatal. Others of tar'
r u m& have twee ,ndtsposed, and have used thero,
and received nii.i h benefit. I can with w i th confi
dence re:coin:rend el-cm to indistdualp and families,
3. a 11,1 i: And effectual trlrxtrAhrt, in all cases in
which the rtornldi and bone a are disfirdercil.
A. w.t • rsoN_. 2 . 09 Her.rv...l., New York.
For crile by A. I' All N 4 Co.,
jo3 nor F;rat and %rood, and Wood and Gth att.
$2, Third Street, Pittsburgh.
1141i11{t, Eouri h street.
Between SiLitlyirld arid Grant Sirertsi Pittss.luash
/ - 1111tISTI4IN SCIBIERTZ, Proprietor, respect
-1,_,1 fully informs his friendsland the public Ceneral
ly, that he will open the abOxe splendid Ittitise on
the Lit day of Ma% next. •
The Honig! being llCts, finihhed in she most
commodious and convenik!ll manner; and having it
furnished with the newest mid most heutiful style
far:Mere; flatters himself th4t he will be able to ac
commodate Ins friends and the travedire• public, in a
manner not inferior to any Similar eidn ' bitshment in
the city.
As do% license is situated near the Co'uri Manse, at
rangernonts hare been marina° serve uttaneahr at any
hour in theday, this will he great con.entenco to
those who Ore in attendance_ at court.
itrlletrctannents of all kinds can be hail. Boar
ders taken he the week or day.
111-Lunch every day at 11 ii•clr.ek,
New Drag Store.
JOIP; D. MORGAN, ;Pam& OUd Retat'!
Drug;TiV. No. Wo;ivl street_ one door Swoh
of Diamond Alley, I'ittsluirgh.--.4he sUbscribe;
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the ;lbw e.stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line. consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints and Viunishes, Chemicals,
&c., together will all such articles as are usually
kept fur sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is . confident that his articles, bath
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa•
vor Lim with a call.
EU, AND BRASS I , OI.INDER, has rebuilt and
comniiinced business ot his old stand, No. 70
Second; between Market and Ferry streets . , where
he will be pleased to see his old customers and
• -
Cliurcb, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 1000 . 0 pounds, east from patterns of the must
approved models, and wairanted to be of the best
Mineral Water Pumps, COuntere, Railing, &c. &c.,
together with every
i variety of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finisheilrn the neatest manner.
A. F 'is th e sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction
Metal, to justly celebrated for the reduction of fric
tion in iriachinery. The Mises- and composition can
be had of him at all times. „ novl3-y
liashlngtozi !Hotel,
Exchange Iltatel,
A. Fulton,
G. W. Iliddie, Dentist.
' II AS removed to No. 109 Smith
ilti field Ht., where he will perform all
operations . on the Teeth satisfac
torily. '
,y-- s 9 Z,_
N. 11.x—Raring lately made one
of the [to ..test improvements in
i .
I 1 forceps thathas ever appeared be
fore the public, he has been able
to extract teeth with such ease
, 1
as to astonish all those who have
availed themselves of hisservices.
24, 1849-1 y •
Pittsburgh, July
No. 70 Wood st., Sign of the Golden Star, Pittsburgh
HAYE on lined an extensive and complete assort
mentor Fashionable, and extra made New York
Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es
tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present
very large and' anxious to reduce it as much as pos
sible before the first ofJanuary, we are determined
to offer such "bargains" as will enable us to effect
our object. S. P. ANCKER,
nov24-y A. A. MAYER.
. .Notes
O .
N the Upper Rio Grande, by Bryant R. Tilden,
Jr., explored in the month of October and No
vember, I M, onboard ,the U. S. str. Majorßrown,
commanded by Capt. Mdtk Sterling, of Pitti.burgb,'
by order liai.Gep..Batterson. U. S A., com
manding the second division' of Army of Occupa
tion, Mexico,
,The above tvlotk can, be had from the agent, G:
Hubbard, corner of IHarbury and Penn streets.—
Also from the Bookseller& febls-tf
Janter-liovrar d dz. Co.
AvE the - announce to their friends
• Fll that they .again oecupy their old stand at No.
83, Wood street ,Atiltere they have opened an exten
sive WALL.PAPRR WAREHOUSE , and will have
contently oh extensive Assortment of Satin
glazed and
,pIaitt:,PAPER 11.ANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Boriler(Of the latest stile, and most hand
some patterns fot - papering halls, parlors and cham
They manufactn,Te, and.have on -band at all times,
Printing, Writing,? Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Fillietr'S Boards—all of-which they offer
for sale on. the Most accommodating terms, and to
!which they invite the attention of merchants and
• ALSO--131ank.1'#ooks doll kinds and the best qual
ity, School Books', &c., always on hand and for sale
as above. aug 25
Qo+part nersJlip.
'OLlZlAl4.havingt on'the first day
Januari, islet., associated 'With him Jai. \V.
Ilailman and Joint F. Jennings„renilir the name and
style of Colcman,Hailmaia S. co., will now have in
creased , facilities for 'manufacturing Steel Springs,
harmitered axesiAmerican Blister acrd Spring Steel,
&c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and. hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a co [Ain tiance to the new firm the favors so lit,.
orally bestonred npon him. Factory 'on St. Clair st.
—warehouse 43 Wood st. ' opposite the St. Charles
Betel, where Caw . u
be fond, h. good assortment of
Springs, Axlesi A. IL., and Spring Steel; and Coach
Trimmings of, every dczdiption, together with Iron,
,Nails and Vittshurgh manufactured articles. WI-The
highest price paid for scrap iron. . jan22.
New Ilat and Cap Store.
dat cus. R.:POULSON, (late of the firm
Poulson Gill,) having opened his r
new* store at Nm 73, Wood street, neat door to the
corner of Fourtbfs now manufacturing and recei
ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment
of hats and caps of every description, warranted for
he made in the bestmanncr and of the best materials.
Otter, Seal, fine and common :Muskrat, Sealette,
Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps.
a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such as
Lyns, Fitch, Genet and Coney Marie and Tippets
and fur trimmings } all of which he offers for sale at
eastern prices for cash, both wholesale, and retail.
Country nierahaiits Will please call and examine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. The Fall Fashion for Hats and Caps receiv
Wh4otesale Shoe Store
11. CHILDS 6: Co., are now receiving, their
.4 1
spring supptics, consisting of one of
.ec ama
the lafgest cheapest and best assort-
meet 4 1100 IA anal Shoes that thee have ever been
able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies' and
1111105' F.lolTeCli Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the
latest style; together with a splendid assortment of
Pals, Leal Hayti Men , ,, and tioy's summer Caps.
Also, a large lut of New York Tanned Solo Leather,
all of which haviti‘; been purchased at the lowest
ra tes, and selected with great Care for the western
trade,Aeill be •ohlat a small advance above COSS and
charges. o All merchants 'wishing to purchase will
find it to their interest to call and examine their SiOek
before purchasmg" elsewhere, -rfiarf.:7-tf
Corner of Wood and Fiflh streets, Pittsburgh
toready to receive marehandixe of every description
nnotn»igttmenj forpublic or private sale, and from
tong experience io the above tozemme, darters himself
%hal he will be able to give entire aatisfacttou to all
who 1311 V favor him with emir patron:ere.
Iteptiar sales hti Mondays arid Thursdays of Dry
Goods and l'a9crostrieles, at 10 o'clock, A.M.
b 2 r l M" , ..,„Egh 1111 nu facturect_ articles,
/UHF lOatiecrafers would respectfully return their
I thanks 'to their friends and the public, for the
very liberal patronage bestow•cd since the commence
inent or the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a
continuance or the same.
They would respectfully invite 010;0 who want to
purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to
give theta a call anis esatunie their estensii,e stock
now on hand, consisting of some of the most &Wen
' dS l Eastern nod French patternOr R0.M0, - ood and
'Mahogany Furniture. Flattered by the Very even
' Sire patronage rucinved . in their bu sit imia, they have,
at conaidcmble elpr.lle, node arranger:writs in New
' York, by which they wilt hare the tetrad Eastern and
`French patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the
!citizens of
; Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing
bourn industry, and finding in their own city what
they fornierly would obtain nnly in the Kant. (laving
!adopted the principle of mall profits and quick sales,
Ithey will be able to sell. as low rates as any of the
establoihmenfa in tine Eastern Cities.
novlllll RoRERTs RASE.
r AO
Stearn frort itq ltu rnotory,
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood street, Philadelphia.
A T this establishment may be found the greatest
variety of Plans and beautiful Pattcrnl fur Isom
It/amines in the United Staten, to which the attten
tion ofthose to Slant of any description, and especi
ally for Cemeteries, is particularly invited.
The principal part 01 all the handsome Railings at
Laura] Urll , %l nun rent, and other celebrated Ceme
teries in the city and county of Philadelphia, which
have been so highly extolled by the public press,
were executed at this manufactory.
A large Ware-Room in connected with the estab
lishment, where in kept constantly on hand n large
stock of ready-made Inert Rmmercs, OnsAmeNtat I
I IRON SETTEES, IRON CHAIRS, new style plain,. and or
namental Inert Gnats, with an extensive it'ssortment
of 'non POSTS, PF.DF-CTALS, Inert ARBORS, sc. Also,
in great variety, ‘Vrought and. Cast Iron Oar:A
steams, suitable for Railings, and other purposes.
The subscriber would also state that in his Pattern
and Designing Department he has employed some of
the best talent in the country, whose whole atten
tion is devoted to the business—forming tiltogethsr
one of the molt complete and systematic establian
meats of tho kind in the Union.
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood St
Philadelphia, March 12, 1547-diituo.
:Foreign and Domestic Saddlery Mull
wore and Carriage Trimmings,
OF all deacriptiona, No. 133 Wood street, Pitts
burgh, seven deers airove Lth, and one door
above H. Childs ,& Co.'s Shoe store. ap24
Cor'ner of Fourth and Market streets.
A LARGE and well selected stock of Watches,
Jewelry, Silver ware, Military' Goods, always
on hand and at regular. Eastern prices.
Gold Patent Lever Watches, full Jewelled, as low
as 8-1 A
Sillier Lever Watchps, as IoW as IS
figtrortv, Cooper, Tobias, Johnson and other ap
proved Watches,'may he had at a small advake and
Fine watch work done in the very best manner.
RESPECTFULLY informs hid e friends, and the
. public in general, that he is now fitted up, and
ready to receive Boarders at his house,sm Fifth St.;
opposite thd Jail. li.Cfreslithente and Meals, can be
had at any holir in the day. niayS43lno
• ,
John D. Marts,
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor
w. w.;v,
TMPOR'PER and MinufactUrer of Cutlery, Surgi-I1
cal and Dental Instruments, Saddlerls and Tiu
flees hand tools, Taylor's' Patent Shears, &c. &c.
Also manufactures Trusses, Supporters; Re. &c., in
great variety. •
J. C., Manufacturer and Iniporter of Pen, Pocket
and Table Cutlery; Razors, Scissors, Files, Saws,
Tools, Re., has removed to
83 WOOD, STREET, Pittsburgh, second door
below Diamond
And has lately received a large assortment of
Pen and Pocket Knives, Knives & Forks,
Also Rogers' and Whostenholms'
Elliott's Rodgers, Wade Fz Brother's Razors,
Scissors, Razor Strops, Re. Damascus and Wire
Allen's Colt's and Blunt's Revolvers, Powder
Flasks, Shot Belts, Game Bags, Walker's & Coae , s
Extra Percussion Caps, Bowie, Dirk and. Hunting
Tools, such as Callipers, Dividers, Plye ts,,
Hand Vices, Squares, Rules, Braces, Bits, Spoke
Shaves, Stocks and Vies, Wire and Iron Guages,
Mathematical InstrUments; 4-c._in very great variety.
igr Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually
done. - m9yl-y
'Lady Patterson,
T_T AVING dissolved partnership with his brother,
the undersigned now informs the public and
his friends that he is prepared to furnish at his newly
erected and extensive establishment on
Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield,
Horses and Carriages. for hire, and for all other
branches connected with his line of business.
His horses, whether far saddle or harness are of
the finest descriptioni as they have been selected
and purchased with great care and expense for this
purpose. Hie
Which are of every description are new, costly, and
have the most modern itnprovernents.
In short the subscriber" flatters himself that his
will be found unexceptionable,and arc let at reason
able rates.
He is fully prepared to receive horses at Livery,
by the day, week, or year; and Drovers and dealers
who may wish to dispose ofthcir Horses or Carriages,
can be accommodated, as he in well prepared with
stabling and sheds for the purpose.
Can be left on commission for sale, or on storage.
Fur those who wish either to buy, hire or sell, he
is now able to give complete satisfaction.
marl3-amo R. PATTERSON.
56, Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
,The undersigned having entered into partnership
under the above style - , respect:ally ask the patronage
of the friends of the late firm, end of purchasers gen
cially. They feel warranted in promising that they
can give satistaction to all who may buy of them or
confide business to their care-"
11. SMITE!,
Pittshrugh, March 26, 1547
U f I+ D IF F : : I I I I CI7.—Drs. Anntrotr,G.4.zzArr, !Meer. and
MeMrair., General Attending Physicians; Dr. - Wen-
Mysician for the Gonna:6.-71e Institution
is now open for the reception of patients.
ItEcztetno Davr--Tuesilay. and Fridays, from d
to 10 o'clock, A. M. Cases of accidents can'be re-
1.:71 amstrrs.-1.-"sme-Srxr - -=:; ,-
ward; five dollars with a private room. Medical ar..:
tendaneti is included in these charges; payments to
lie made two weeks in advance.
Any physician can send patients to the Hospital,
and continue to attend them there, and any patient
can engage any physician hecbooses. In these cases
the Institution will not be responsible for the physi
nian's fees; each person will settle with such phvsi
clans. Leeching is an extra charge.
Ar many free patients will be received as thy means
ofthc Institution will permit. Persons with contagi
ous diseases will not be received until accommoda
tions can be prepared sufficiently ample to prevent
any danger that the other inmates would incur.
All the physicians tvill.attend twiwa a week to visit
the Hospital, and will depute one of their number to
. attend the sick in the meantime.
Advice will be given gratittiously to out-door pa
' tionts on Thursdays and Fridays at 10, A. M.
i Pecuniary arrangenients will he attended to by a
(committee of the Brotherhood of tit. Josephs, which
'for the present consists of James Blakely, F.Sq.,
James May, Julio S. Cusgraved elan Coyle and Arthur
Tiernan. jarth-tf
- _
The Truth by Men of Tenth.
siugle r:al pa - educing wonders.lead the Col
lo:v.:mit from dm Rey. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Like::
ty street, M. E. Church : •
Prrrretrtoir, March 8,18.1 i.
Mr. R. E. :—lt is from a sense of duty;
well aN . v.ith great pleasure, that 1 bear testimony
to the virtoc of your justly celebrated Vermirtige.
procured a xingtc bottle, and gave it to three of my
children, who had been ill for several weeks'. The
eidevt was seven yearsold, the nest four, and the
youngest eighteett. fi nionths- The first passed fiity
six tt emus, the scsmul forty-seven, and the, third a
con,nderable nunibct ; uut distinctly recoil ected, since
then they-Imre been doing well, and are now in good
health. Yours reapectftilly. S. WARErtsmo.
From the Rev. S. E. Sabcock, of the Methodist
Episcopal Church
Mr. It. E. Sei.i.ens:—lt is with great pleasure
that I would inform you of the good effects produced
on my son of four years or rig,o, by your justly cele
brated Vertnifuge. After his haring convulsions, I
gave him three doses, when he passed an almost in
credible number, front Vi hieh time his general health
has been improved. S. E. BACCOCX.
From the Rev. Charles Cook, of the Methodist
Episcopal Church :
Prrrsturtlcit, December 14, 1543.
Mr. R. F. .817.1.t.r.n5:-1 gave my little daughter
(between 111reo and four years old) three closes of
your Vormifuge, according to prescription,' with the
happiest success. The number of worms expelled I
do not know precisely, but it was largo. She is now
in possession of good health. I think the medicine
may he confided in with great unreservedness.
C. Coax.
As this Verutifuge lean never been known to fail
in any instance, when worms actually existed, pa
rents should give it in preference to all others.
Prepared and sold by ft. E. smErts, between
3d and 4th, on ‘Vood street.
For salo by Dr. Camel, Fifth Ward,
nail Road Lotting-..T0 Contractors.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the
office of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad
Company, in Wellsville, Ohio,
until 10 o'clock, A.
M., of the 27th day of July, 1847, for the grading,
bridging rltd preparing for the superstructure of that
portion ofthe line between Wellsville and M'Quilk
ens mill, twenty miles. Plans and specifications
may be examined at the office of the Company at arty
time from the 17th to the 27th July. Contracts will
be let to the lowest bidders. A, further letting of l
that portion °film line from M'Quillsn's mill, cross-1
ing the Sandy and Beaver Canal, and extending to
the Now Lisbon and Canton road in the direction of
Cleveland, will take place earlT in September.
By order of the Board 01 Directors,
A. G. CATLETT, Scc'y.
Wellsville, Tune 15,•1597.—Wet/s.r.PaL
European and American Agency.
THE European Agent has again arrived la Ameri
ea, and will leave Pittsburgh at the usual time,
in September, and,sail from New York the let of Oc
tober next, on a .rwErl = ra• mar •rosin, through Eng
land, Ireland, Scotland, lee., returning to America
in ISM Money remittances for large or small sums,
promptly made to all parts of Great Britain aria Ire
land : legacies, debts, rents, real estate, and claims
collected and recovered ; copies of , wills;deeds and
documents premed ; searches of all kinds made,
&c. The references licletofore published with in
numerable others, can be given. Apply personally,
or address, (post paid,)
• , IL KEENAN,,Agent,and.
Xitorney and Counsellor at La w, Pittsburgh.'
Mr. It. Will, be absent from Pittsburgh on business
during the greater part 0 r Aug uq. JAMES MAY, will
attend to all his business in his absence. - „Iyl
Woo •
AEON= 2000 lbs. Baconirestore and for Eralo b
44:: -1 10 10 " .
. Auction Notice. . f i • tiocik. and Job Print big Diners,.
ITIIIE, Subscriber has paid into the Treasury oldie !
an tr. w.Foßivr.n. of 'vs .. 4
1 Commonwealth the amount of License required : k g proprietor of the Morning Post and afer*
by law. lie has given the regularly approved seen- I 1 cury and Manufacturer respectfullyjnibrmi his: - -,,,L i. 2
rity, and taken out a Commission of the first clan) liberate and the patrons of these papers, that he -• . y
as an AUCtioneer, of the city of Pittsburgh, and rent- , has a4arge and well_chosen assortment of ~-;:- 4 4
ed that spacious.warerdom belonging, to SFLFANUS 1 3013 TYPE, liI4D ALL OTHER MATERIAIA 4. ,,,„ :„ • 2 . 71
LOTIIROP, Eq., NO 114 Wood at:; three doors from INecespary to - '.a Job Printing Office, and that lie -.-
&hi-where he is prepared to attend to the sales of is prepared to execute .
every kind of Merchandise, Furniture Beal Estate, LEn.= rates eturrroca, OF tvzill• nsacitteximr. __''',.. -i74,,
Stocks, Shipaing, Sm. Ike. Sid., either at the Aucticn Books, Bills of Lading, Dirctdars, `..7 ; ftrt ~ .7
Rooms or on the premises, and, will in all cases ex- pamphlets, Bilf-Heada, Cards,. , -. •ri::,), , 1.,
ert himself to the uttomt for the benefit of
his em Handbills, Blank Checks, tips
_ Ha
players, on the most reasonable terms; he.will sOl All kinds or Blanks, Stage, Steamboat and Calla! ',,,--","...
t ,.
exclusively and only on commissiontneither purchas- Boa Bills with ap p ropriate cuts, printed on the short; -. - - i.5 t . ;
ing nor having any interest whatever on goods in the•
est notice and most reasonable terms ,
Store, but merely the Commission for selling, there- lie respectfully asks, al, in this branch -el his bum
the patronage of his friendia, . ....+,„
. .._ _ ~ ~._
by giving all owners a fair chance, withdut
Partiality and
of having therein property disposed of to the best new he public in gener
t sept 22) - L. HARPER. , , ;,,,••••-,
Sales will be promptly settled when made, advan- a ICKEUrarb -- ,-, -
r ......_
ces will be given at any time on the most accommci- ft, it. ..,, ....., n te, - - -4- - - '
dating terms;—merchants will not be charged for ad- I"! ,i..•;-'5.•1fW1„,;;;;,e, i rfat.q.;:...., q 4, , ' "....; 1
vanccs: Regular sale days,Mondays and Thursdays; '* ; 111 11 19 11 1Plillifil , ' i .7„itr.,...i 4 , ---
of Dry Goods, Groceries, Furniture, Szc..; and every Pt" - -'4,l
evening, Hardware, Cutlery,Watches, Guns,pistols, . -r.-ri.,"
and fancy articles; Rooks on Saturday evenings; a
general reference will be given in a few days. Bills
of lading have been received of several large invoices
of Merchandise, direct from extensive. Importing
Houses, in Boston and Now York. Notice will be
given of their arrival.
ap2.4 JAM.PS MiICENIYA, Auctioneer
_BOOTS, SHOES, Tatoni.s,
and Trunk Store, No. IStiLiberty st. nearly op
posite the head of Wood st:
F. 4. H. have in store and are receiving, their.
Spring and Summer supplies of Boots, Shoes; Palm
Leaf Hats, Trunks, &c. 4 , c. consisting of the largest
and beat assortment they have ever been able to
bring to this market. Our stock of Goods has most;
ly been manufactured to our order and expressly for
the Pittsburgh market: • ,
We would solicit an. examination of our stock By
all in want of goods in our line, either ,at wholesale
or retail, as we shall sell at aMnall adyance above
cost. • •
Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and
examine our stock before purchasing...
a. 3 No 186 Liberty it.
Palm LeiitHatis.
967 do!. Mon , e and Boys , Palm Leaf Hats, re
carved and.for sale very low at
Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, No. 186, Liberty sta.
nearly opposite the head of Wood at. apr3
PTIORTER'S City Daguerrian Gallery,Philo Hall,
Third st., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Franklin. Budd
ings, Baltimore, Md.
Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has at
considerable expense fitted up apartments,.and ar
ranged light fer Daguerreotyping purposega • His long
experience in this art has enabled him to overcome
many of the objections too,eommon to pieta/en taken
by this method.
Mr. Porter is aware that the impression has gone
abroad (owing to the many failures to produce goad
pictures,) that clear and distinet Daguerreotypes can : .
not-be made in Pittsburgh. Iris experiments, how.;
ever, since he has opened _his gallery, fully warrant
him in saying that as good pictures can be made here'
Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and ex
=leerSpecimens. ,
Instructions given, and instruments and materials
furnished upon reasonable terms. •
MI orders from country operators promptly attend
ed to. novfl&tf
Gold Pens,
F the most approved brands, in, large variety,
• adapted to every variety of hand. I
class of men or ladies, requiring a durably,,uniform,
and economical pen, can be accurately suited.
Their elasticity and fine points give great ease An
writing—unaking eithes a _bold mark or a .. .beautiful
hair line, at the pleasure of the penman: With care.
they will generally fast:ten years.
All warranted, and selling at the , lowest ca . sh pri
ces, at the Gold Pen Depot, corner of 4th and Mar
ket sts. (m 713) W% IV. WILSON..
• Glazier and Paperhanger,
I s preparad to undertake the above business in
a ll its various branches, and warrants to give sat
isfaction in every respect. Military Standard Ban
ners, Flags, &c., painted to order. Oddfellowi and
Masonic aprons always on bind. Imitations of
woods and marbles done in a superior manner..
Signs of all kinds done at the shortest notice.;
splo-tr 2 0.9-1, St. Clair at., Pittsburgh, Pa. ;
Allegheny cemetery?
- 111E1R.SONS desirous of• purchasing lots in this
Cemetery, ate referred for information to the
Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn,
Druggist, corner ,of Penn and Hand, streets,Pitts
burgh. By order of the !loud. J. CUTSLETT, -
dee I . . Superintendent.-
Allegheny Poor Mouse Lots.
TaE, undersigned Committee of the guardians of
,offer at private sale, on extended' credit,
about SO hoice Lots, in the First Wait), Allegheny
city, 24 feet in front, by 130 feet deep .as shown on
a plot of the same to be seen at the office of the
Guardians, in a room adjoining the Mayor's offiCe,
on Fourth street, being the lots laid. Cut on the old
Poor House property; in Allegheny city. For terms
of ale apply to Mt. Blinn at the office of the
Guardians, or to any one of the subscriber-S. •
(Copy of the original.) - ' • -
THIS beautiful place of resort liaring been greatly
repaired, the proprietor id non• ready to receive
soArintris; - by the day s week; or month. His ac
commodations are good; and his prices are 10w..,
ma 4-tf S. McCLELLAND..:
Painting. •
IrcTI EI i
nd S ß lGg ra t:J , • l l i l n lc a ' O r f i za i z il d og D a t a lZ s l a N ti r i l•,
Rose Mid Maple: Imitations of all kinds of Iv aible:
Orders left at the shop of the subscriber, on Smith'
'field street, opposite the Pittsburgh Foundry, or on
Federal street, opposite Illackstock's Factory, Alle
gheny city, will be done at moderate rates, and on
the shortest notice.
ap 15.6 m. • JAMF.S PITFIELD. -
1 . ? SC U I.4tP IA , or the White Sulphur and .
Clialybeate Springs, of,Lewis county, Ky. The
aboyo delightful watering-place or summer resort;
is now ready for the reception of visitors, under the
direction of Michael Ifean, Esq.,, late, and for many
years of the Louisville Hotel. Mr. KeanLa . dy
will have thenctive management of the entire board
ing department; Mr. Hitchcock of the tavern, bar ;
store, bowling salood 4 and other amusementsi and
Mr. Bliss of the springs, bath houses, stables ; horses,
carriages, &c. &c. -
Messrs. 0 M. & F. M. Weedon, Stage Proprietors
of tun a regular roar horse Post Coach
to the Springs every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
day of the Season, and furnish horses and carriages
at all other times to those wishing to visit Esculapia. :
Peisonsprefering thuVancehurg roete.w ill do well
to take the Portsmouth packeeScioto to. Yanceburg
on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, when they,will
find horses and carriages to forward them to, the
Springs: M. T. C. GOULD, Proprie tor.'
P. S.—For other particulars, sec lithographic bills,
at the hotels, on the steamboats, &c, and if this be
not convenient then take for granted; thii follow ing '
'facts, viz : •
That Esculapia is nearer the Ohio rivet than any
other watering-place—that it has the purest, moun
tain ali—theintist delightful, cold; limpid, sparkling,
sulphur water-the, oldest, coldest, clearest, purest,
pleasantest and Mott.efficaciouschnlybeate fountain
in the' IT:States-6rd it is surrounded by mountain
'scenery, with romantitrAildturesque, and diversified
with good fiAlting. shootingaorphasing;deer-racing,
Itc.'t.m.; together with good eating, drinking; sleep
ing, walking, riding, daneirig, • shaking.: off .I..he
bl u ontgrowing of tho dyspepsia,talking;luagh .
rig, greivin,g, fat, lovmg to stuy,',Oreading to go away,
Iproinishig to come again—toi yotii friend", neigh,.
bore, sisters, wives, sweet -hearts, &c: &c.,f and after
all it is cheapper staying nt anyloth
mr of the tashiemabl e watering' places
Thin lithe voice of hundreds who have been there
and Mean, to go again.—Cin. Corn. Mg 111;): 17
• •
AMS-f 2 a bright primeiar
iielej hist reed on consiginnent and for saleby
.~~fypy ,, R ~~~ 7 ~'
€-. FYK ~+r~ l."~..i,F~l * rs 3 `s.. •X-~
....,.. , 4
~ f. ..i -5....,A.
_ _......„ . ..
. ... . CLIC, k E NI: R' S . , •: ~ ,'. C;;;i1,....,,,
Sinai. Coated. Vegetable Ptiesptlye.Plllet •••,___-,
. A RE univereally , adalitted„to operate, not :31i1t:•' . ,•` . . i . ,.
/1.. as an crectual preventive, betas .a neeerfailing..;-%, ~...
remedy, in-all diseases which Zan effect theburnap,. ..!'•
frame.--Ilead-ache;lndigeaion;ffimptrtatisM,Pacol 1' - 4 : •;',...
~ ,,, t_._
Scurvy, Dropsy, Small-por,Choleta.mortine, Worn:lst : , '.', ~.
Whooping-cough , Consumption, Jaundice,
Scarlatina, Liver complaint, Apoplexy, • Canceirs,,, l .
Measles, Salt-Rheum, Fits, Heartburn, Giddiness, ••1 j ,..!',-,,,''. • ,.
Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching' Of the Skin, CoLdt • • c,../
Gout, Gravel; Pains is the beck, 'lnward weakness, .
Palpitations in the heart, Risings in thithroat; Asth.., ,
ma, Fevers of all kinds, Female complainte,,Stithes ..‘3, , ;,-..1)
in the side, Spitting of blood, 'Sore eyes, 'Scrofula,
~..,.AF . --,
St A-dtlion r s fire,Lownesa of spirits, Flooding,Fluot., ' 4 ,..,; .4
Ailing or NiThites, Gripes,.Kinws evil, Leqkjaw,-/:1”.:,?..,, - "Al.
feria, Bile on the sten:melt; and , all bilinus..affeetiona;V: ~..
Pleurisy, Croup,. Swelled feet and legs; Swine-porkk.,..
White-swellings, Tremors, Tumours, Ulcers., dine'.
xi i
iting, and a host,of others have successively. arid - re''.'' .
PeatedlY been vanquished by their e11 ; 14 , 6;edfu1erit . ...;;;;).....f
They have been Ictiown to elieettermanent•Curel , e 4 44 ,- i•
when all other remedies bad proved unavailing, and ..(
~- • '
in the last stages of disease. . . , - ~ t: : ...f; 1 1:
They have in many eases ,sup:7seded ifigpresersPF.s - :":„..-....'5i
tire skill of the most eminent "Physicians, and .re- :-. .lis ' -' , Lft:
ceived besides their unqualified commendation: ' : - . , i 1 .1" • 01 6
They have been repeatedly recommended by mid .....$,.; .
Ofthe most distinguished charutters,,throughout the-. ,I t. •,4
land, and been sanctioned in Europe by Noblemenp.- - 4ip,
. ...
and Princes of Royal blood. • ...
-They beVe heen introduced. ilflo the HosPitale of..(iit',l
Edinburgh,paris; and ; Vienna, and through the div. ...... ~ :-:-...t.q.
ieterested ezertions of our. Foreign Ambutradolej - ; 1 ?..11,
they have received • the faversble.coMmendation of • . - - . •_ : :'-•,-1)
the Emperor of Raesinr and- his: celestial •Majoity . :
Of the Chinese Empire.. .....; • .._ .. ~.. . e
• 1:13 - Scarcely a Packet *e. easel of
,apy repuie tails : - '... •
from the port of New. York; 'without an abundant ~..
supply of the..:. - .. ~
_.' ' , • • . • ••-• I:',;f.:-:
SICK MAN'S NEIER FAILING FRiEND; -...:::-.'..-,...
• Ofr Agencies have been '
established in, all - die '; ;: .,,,-4-..) . .!
principal Cities. in the Union, and applicationeartrg.
constantly reaching us from almost nuutblrletiti trilit-.A7k4:1;;
!ages in everyseetion,of the Country. Teetinionials
,mariellouti.effeets aro pouring in fr0ma11' . ...,!....1y..
quarters—and in such numbers that WC /I . tie ..;Mt - i . .4 4 Z7.
time to read one half of :Them. What stronger.: 0r"'",.;144
more conclusive evidence than these important racer
can the moat sceptical desire i Is it possible,;:that.,. .. ~7ri,
the many thousands . who have:tried cucitErip ,
Atts , :..: - :- :
PILLS; can be' deceived in their results? , If any ..,:.. •;...';,:-.
imposture or ,qaackery existed;' would it not lang;,;L'.: -
'ago have been held up, as it should be; to the 'scorp and derisiciii of a justly offended community 7' -.• '..-''.-',.
Actember, Dr. C. V. Clickener. iti the original '. ':..Y
' ~,,,,,,,,......... r - ougarcantecr_e"...harava-va , t•-siec.."---1"
the sort was ever heard of, unpile intruilliaVbliern7-'. ••
in June, 1843. Purchasers should; therefore:al wave - , '•'-'i.'-',.
aslefor CI ickener's S prat: Coiled Vegetahle Pilri, and ••,.., ...-!-.. ,
take no oilier; or they will be made the vietime ore I ..- .'-'*;::
PRICE 25 CENTS FER•1101e. •'. ~ - . -;,-. -*,'-'•'•' - ;:,j . : - : -
Dr. Clickener's principal other 'for the sale of Pills, .•'-,..''..-
is 66 Vesey Street, New York. ,
, WM. JACKSON, 89 Liberty street , heat of Wood :-:• -.-,-
street, Pittsburih, Pa., General At'ent for Westerd '-:: -:,.:,
,PennsyWania, - . lSorthein Ohio; and the IliVer Cowl. 2 •'',i.: . , :-
hies of Virginia: , ' . •*. . • •.
.- ,-..):?,
i .The following are Dr. Cliekenerie - drily appeitited
Agents Tor Allegheny county, Pa. -, .- , ..j.... ..... - . .i
WM. JACKSOI4, (Principal,) 89 Liberty street:, :•,- :::-.:
(head of Wood. . . . .. . , ..,.....,..‘'.•
A. 51. Maishall; Allegheny City. . '-. ,-• :.'
j Jonathan Ghriest, Manchester.
1 C. Townsend & C 0. , :. ." ,
Jno. R. 11. Jacqee . s,.pkimingliem.
Jen. H. Cassel, Fenp street.
Andrew S. Getty; Wylie street.
Robert Williams, Arthureville:.
R. 11. Ilemingray;Soath Ward:
Wm. J. Smith;:Temperanceville...
Jeremiah Fleming, Lawrenceville:
' Daniel Negley, Easi Liberty... - •• ,
Edward Thompson; Wilkinslitrgh. :,:.:
Therna-s Aikin, Sharpsburgli.. • • •
'. G. 1,1. Starr; Bewickley. .. .:
Samuel SPringer; Clinton.
James M'Kee, Stewartstowe: - :., ::•....-,,
John Black/Turtle Creek. : . •:
C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth.' • - , -;',- , t..'. : •:, •
Riley APLaughlin,Fliimb Township:" , ..' •:::
J. Jones,.Bakerstowri. 9 . :,', . • . ' .. : : 1
-.-- Polurt,' ,61,Kcespnet.....,, ' ... .-' 6).1'7,7!
...a:,- fe'rce its growth :.anil s: health' :bake it 50ft,;....'.
stlky;clear and fine. .: ' ~ - ... •, . . . ..
• Poisons who (in conaeqeence of the many useless
• --
things sold) set down every article' (be
.it. ever so '.
goodd as a humbug. If people, could be made tn ., . •-',
try a 38 bottle ef.Tones' Coral 'esiiireffie;and see ..-..
how it makes dry, rusty, red light hail' moist, soft' . --':
aburn and dark ; keeps it so, and by its nearer Some; -;•:.
time, causes it to grow naturally beautiful, lfneopler. - ":•,..'.
could see the ember of Peer respeeialile Mechanics : i'- : .;
that use it (aye, and find it the cheapest thing they '.--,:.,::.
can use, for dressing and beautifying,. tlie hair; for ` ., : .;;
keeping it soft and in order three _Praia an long a5 - .4
any othei article made, and if cost:abut 311, cents foe . -...'....- *.
a bottle. Read these Certificates. • -'• .. - -: : 1
BALD HEADS, BALD HEAT/Ssl.r. William •-•,•:::,- . 4
jeacioe; of 89 Liberty street,: Pittsburgh, Pa., ecru - :,.i. i''.. - : ',l
lies, on the 3d of February; IS47;teht Mr. Thomas
Jacksonle head, onthe top, was entirely bald f0r,15•'`..• , : , ; 3'•-•N
years, and that by using two 3s bottlea.ofJOnes's C0."...:',":, - -,,...... , ,,3
•ral Hair Restorative, the hair is,gkewing East . and ,_:!-.... . - .,:"Ti
thick, and will soon be entirely 'material... :. ~-.' ' . ' .t : ::'..,S,N.
.. . - ... , ..._ ~,,.,.
. .1 • .f . ••••••' .
Grey Heads , G r ey Head3—iieaill hereby Oertify 1 -:::: . -f:': , .."?_.
that my hair was turning grey, and that ,into Oaf(' . ,--;•••1.-ti.-:-'
used*Jones's Coral Han. IteetMative. if 'Kai entirely,
..'112.'3": .?
ceased fallieg—is growing. fast, and hasa• fine dark,' ' - ..
:look. Before I used Jones's Coisi R'estorative .1.-::' : .` ...
combed out handfuls of hair daily:. ' . : .'''.',. • . `.•....,"•••
.. . - Wisti.THOMPSOI`I;92 King et.f N.*,
Mr, Pewer, grocer, in
. Fulten, pt,: hail. his_haie -
choked up with dandruff ,` and Jones's . Coral-;:tfai.t.•'
.... ,
Rest - waive entirely cured it.
no ioettivint to dress; beautO, and make your hair .
soft and fine. • Reacr-: 7 4,.Henry Cullen, late barber
on board the steamboat South Arnericanido certify
that Junces Coral Hair Restoratiye is beet article ;
Lever used fat. dscssipg, softenind; cleaning, sand
keeping the hair a long time in order; all my cue-
tome's preferred it to any thing,elsa:
• Sold by W; Jackson, at his Moot and Shoc,Store f
and Patent Medicine warehousc;B9liberty
of Wood st., Pittsbuigh—fn Bottlei at 37i, 50 cts.
land 011 a reyl
• DIL 413119i;j1) ir S!
IdPllLEß E Pruggift and Apothecary, N.
0 W. corner of Wood and 514 sts., Pittsburgh,
will keep constao tiy hand, Dlooi,Pama - is, pas,
DYE,-srayrs, 4 . c. • . •
8.--Physician 9 s' prescriptions carctuily- com
pounded from the best materiala, at any hour of tlrq .
day or
. .night. Also, an assortment of Perfumery;
no Tooth,' Iloir,.and Cloth Biush6, &..c: &.c4 which
be will Sall low for Cash. • ap2o-y
Nearly titres:U.4d Pett.dnt Biotic Spring
Truss, •
161 OR thC immediate relief and:pormaneat:cure of -
1.•! Hanle and Rupture. (Suited to all :sizes)--=-
The superior claims - of this Truss consist in the c‘dfrt
paratit e 4 ease with.which it may bek worn The pad
or wood being neat)), balanced on springs., yields to.
The pressito of any 'part of it;and thoroughlyadopts.
itself to any movement' made by , ther'wearer. tcati
be worn withoat intormissieb., u nth a cure is effected.
The subscribers tnade .arrangements for, the
*manafaCture of theid valuable Trusses,in a superior
style, in Philadelphia, and have them now fur sale •
at their office, N 0.17, Smithfield street; vicar Sixth,
Pittsburgh. ' GEORGE WATT.
•JSk ":.. W. IiAtriTAIAN
• 4
;. ; s ~~.