( transportation Eines. Pillsinirgh.-portable Boot:Licks, ''" 7422/41Dja 18441 - WOE. the transportation'of freight between Pitts burgh and the Atlantic cities avoiding tranship ments oath° way, and the coneeiment risk a delciy, darnag>hrealiage and soperation ofgoods. ,PreOPRIETORSi - • . . . runatirece & CASti,27S Market st.,Pliiiirdelphia. Titarrth fli„O'CONstort, cor Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. = . •ACCNT• O'Cotemott3&. Co., North street, Baltimore. W. & J.T.teescorr,7sSoiith street, New York. . ' Encouraged by increased 'business, the Proprim irs have added to and extended -- their arrange ments during the winter;and.'are now Prepared to forward freight with regularity, and displitch, unsur passed by any other. Line. Tbeirlong experience as Carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portableßent epithet, and the great capacity and conienience of the Warehouses at each end of the liine,:are peculi arly .calculated to enable the; Proprietors to fulfil their engagements and accouirtiOdate their 'custom ers, and confidently offering the past as a;guarantee for the thture, they respectfhlly solicit a continuance of that patronage which they now gratefully tick . nowledge. All 'consign nenta to Taaffe & O'Connor will be re ceived and .11.4warded,S town lloat charges paid, and Bipaof Ladieggtransmitted trim of any; charge for COMinission, advancing or Storitge. flaying no inter est directly or indirectly in Stlme. Boats 'the interest ef. the Consignors must neceitiarily be their primarY ' objectin shipping West; a nd ti ey pledge ;themselves to forwird all Goads... Consigned to thine - proMptly, -and on the most advantageous terms to the owners. .rptc/ravortleit War Vesitgut 1.. "" .Nt431141U ' " - . •--ok=f• • - TIXCLUSIVELY for -the transportation . of way freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville,. Johns town, liollidayaburgh, Water.itreet,and all interme diate places. • - 1 - • One boat leaves the Warelmtise,,,ef.C. A. McAnul ty & Co.; Pittsburgh, every day (except Stvidays) and Shippers can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay end at fair.ratcs. This Lind was formed for 'the special accommo dation of the way business, and the' prOprietora re spOctfully solicit a liberal shaie of patronage. Proprirs, J01:114 PICKW.ORTIr, MILLER, DAN 2 L. 11, BARNES; . ROBERT WOODS, WILLIAM FtILTY. JOHN MILLEIt, Hollidaynburgh. It. H. DANAN„ Johnstown. Ageata. . ' C.A.McANULTYBrco.,Pittegli. Ezrantredes. J• J. McDevitt, John Parker;, Robert Moore, Daga ±uy 4-Smith, Pittsburgh. marB Independent Portal : 4o Boot onNar at..., irl-ThA' - - FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF I PRODUCE AND nERCHANDISE TO 'AND .FROM PITTS- - BURGH., PHILADELPIIIN AND BALTIMORE. Iltir Without Traitshipment. Goods • consigned to our care will be forwarded without delay at the lowest Current rates: Bilis of Lading trainrm ' at tended tci, tTaw, •••• ^l-;i4 e lf e rF or conunission: Address, o C. A. MeANUtiar._,g` Ca4l Basin, Pittsburgh. STORAG.E. • `Having a vcry large and commodious warehouse, we are prepared to receive (isi addition to freight fur shipment) a large amount of Produce, c, on Stor age at low rates. • • marS C. A. lyfc.-I.IsTUITY & CO. suArauisn 611.11..V.IME1INNTS. 'lB 17' _ _ L•F • 'Monongahel Route, BROWNSVILLE AND CUM ERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND PH ADELPHIA. . - , Time to Baltimore 1 32 hours. Time to, r Philadelphia 40 hours. [ONLY 73 XILE3 STAGING.] MHE Splendid and fast running steamers Consul, 'Louis M'Larie and Swatam ' have commenced. malting double daily trips.. Olin boat will leave the Monongahela wharf every morning preciselyat 8 o'- clock. Passengers by the morning line will arrive in Baltimore nest evening in time for the Philadel phia Mail Boats or Rail Road cars. Tho evening Moat will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except Sundays. Passengers by this boat will lodge on board, in comfortable state rooms. Leave Browns ville next morning at 6 o'clock; cross the mountains in day light; sup and lodge Cumberland. Thus a.voiding night travel altogether. The • preparations on this route arc, ample, and{ the connection com plete; so that disappointment or delays mill be un ktioWn upon it. Passengers can stop on the route and resume their seats again at pleasure,and ha l ve choice Ofßail Road or Steamboat betweenqialtimore and Philadelphia. Coaches chartered to parti4a.to' trivel as they de sire. I S, -our tickets at the; M, - .beli Secure your tipkets at ..1e; House, or St. Charles Hotel. febl7-y Btughainta Transportation: Line, 1.84 d fIONDUCTHD on strict Sabbath -keeping princi ples,tj though not claiming Lo be theconlyline that is so conducted. The prerprietors of this old estab lished line have put their stoclt in the most complete order, and are thoroughly keparnd to forwardpro duce and merchadize to and from the Eastern cities on the opening of ravigation.i We trust that oar long ezi4rience in the carrying Oldness, and zealous attention to the interests of ens - tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase of the patronage heretofore tip-stowed on , Bingham's a . . Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the-utmost despatch; and our prices shall al ' -ways be as the lowest chargeil by other reaponsible lines. ' Produce and merchandize will be received and for warded east and west withodt any charge for aziver- Using, storage or commission; - Bills of lading- forwarded and every direction promptly attended to. .1 Address, or apply to IWM. BINGHAM, Venal Basin, cor. Liberty and Wayne eta., Pittsb , g, BINGIIA.IIS, DOCK §^ STRATTON, . No. 276 Mtn r ket at., Philadelphia; JAMES' WILSON, Agent, No, 122 North tfpward at-, Baltimore, . 'WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, aprltl-y No.lo pest at., New York. ''John M. Tolurnsend 'TIRUGGIST AND APOTEIDCARY,I.NO:4S,Mar ket street, three doors +re Tjiird, street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best arid freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may ;rely upon as p,Onttine. 14/ Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and neat'y prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good erfumery j dec3Od Henry W. ATTORNEY . AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, A (successor to Lowrie.* Williams.) Office at the oldstand, Fourth street,nbove:Smithfield. . , THE PARTNERSHIP he re toforOesistin g betwe e Henry W. Williams Esq.;ind - Myself, in the prac tice "of the law, was dissolved , by; mutual consent ou the 26th ulf4 and the business' will hereafter be con tinued by. Henry W. Williams, Vihora;l most cheer, fully.tecommend to all for whom I - have the honor to do business;as a gentleman every way worthy of , their confidence. - - davlB,ly - WALTER if "LOWRIE Steal and F Ale nuance t ory. THE subscribers having enlarged their establish ment for the-manufacture of Steel and Files— pn the corner of O'Hara ;arid Liberty; streets, Fifth Ward;Pittsburgh—are - prepared to furnish files of everl descriptiort 2 'of the beilt quality; shd being de termtned to malls it the Interest of couiumers to pur chase filesTronallaent--respdatattly invite the patron sae of all iyho use the articite...- marl G-y " • I. ANKRIM & CO. .• - HuntisgA . rriahlug- czOUTREMENT-q 5 ! every description on hand and constantly recatviiT fresh. supplies. Guns, Ptstols, Ponrder, Shot; Flasks , Belts, Game Bags, Tackle.—A large thinking p sCn t,g l 7c:% . Htrne'' n tlt,-for wholesale or, retail, and enni-i t ' - r I s t ,Thinted and Cann hods; Books en enl3sistin.g....7,4,l' F , LGra.Si,linen;Cotton and Trani every T...,./4c70 n t i) , -- VFl o it s ; Sinkers, '&6. /-illes;'ls- ` B/. 11 - cillii-Irj.BLAltt, ft 9 Wood st. :nt;il7-:; - -=-.---- . - CAB: MEE -4.4) 1-% Vl 4- ,i7 r ' • • : 44 • , RNA ME ~=~--, ME liturmite ompaniet. 'Fire =and Unalne Inunrance.. • _ . Company of North... America, of Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subiOriber,, offers to makepermunent and limited Insurahce on :property, in . this city . and its vicinity, and on shipmentiby the canal and rivers. . ' ' A rthiiiG. Coffin; Preet. Samuel Brooks, Aler. harles Taylor, &trine! W. Henry, Ames, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White; John A. Brown,. Jacob M. Thomas, John - White, John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard`D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, 'Henry D. Sherrard Thin: is the oldest insurance Companyin the Uni ted States, having been chartered M. 1794. ,Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing; long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be k considered as offering ample secutity.to the public. - MOSES ATWOOD. At Counting ROOlll2 of Atwood, Jona Co; Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. oct22-y. The Franklin Fire Iriouranoc COuipany . OF PEFILADELPHIA• iHARTER PEItPETLiAL. ti 1400,000 paid in of licee 164 Chesnut at., north side, near Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against Joss or dareago by fire r on property -and-elects of every description, in town or country, on the.most reasonable terms: Applications, made either, per tonally or by,letters,willbo promptly attended to. :ITAI , TFICT4It, C. `O. Ilancrna,Seer. DIRECTORS: Charles. N. Bancker, Jacob R. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, l'hos..T. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner,. • Aholphi E. Borie; Samuel Grant, . David $. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WiLanscrc Minna ' Agent, at the Exchange Office of W-axrick Martin, stCo:, corner of Third and Mar ket streets. 7. Fire risks taken on buildings - and their contents in Pittsburgh; Allegheny and the surrounding coun try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. aug4-ly AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 506,- 000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Pres , t; Frederick Fraley, Keel. This old'and'well established . Company con tinues to insure Buildings, Merrhandize, Furniture, and Property, nit of an mita hazardous - character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications 6:4 Insutrances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks taken either perpetuaily or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dec 24 Nu, 26, Wood street. EC=I Agents at .Pittsburgh t for Me Delaware Mutual Safety insurance Company of Philadelphia. - VIRE RISKS upon Buildings arid Merchandise of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, akez. upon the most favorable terms. _ . Office at the warehouse -of King.. fk: Holmes, ,on Water at., near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B. King Finney - invite the confidence and patronage-of their friends and communitymt large to the Delaware M. S. insurance Company, as an insti tution among the' most flourishing in Philadelphia— as having a large paid in capital, which, by,the oper ation of its charter, is constantly iwcreasistg—as yielding to each person insured his dne share wf the profits of the Company; .wiihouf involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as possessin , the Mutual principle dvested of every obnolloyi feature, and in its most attractive form. nov I-tf Agency of the Franklin Pare Instiram Company of Phil adelphl a. N. E. corner of Third and Wood streets, Pittsbuze HP•. assets of tho company on the first of 'Jailor ry, 1545, as published in conformity with an at of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were - Bonds and 'Mortgages, Real Estate, at cost, Temporaiy Loans, Btot.—"fts and Cash, Making a total of.. 5909,683 42 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met, and giving entire security to all who obtain policies from this Company. f Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with security. oct 8 " 'WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. iionaorpattlic Books. 0 TIST received at the Bookstore of the subscriber in s;h street, near Market : . Materiel Mediee ' pure, by Samuel Halinernan, translated and edited by Charle&Julius Hempel, M. D.,4 vola. Hartman's Acute diseesee, by Dr. Hempel, vol, I. Homeopathic Domestic Dledicine, by J. Lowrie, enlarged and improved, by A. M. D. rahr's New Manual, vol. I. No. 1 and 3. Ilering's Domestic Physician. A Manual ofDomestic Cookery, for the use of per sons.who are under Homeopathic treatment. Bpnainghausen's Therayetic Pocket book for hommpathists, by Dr. Okie. Aabneman's Chronic Diseases, vol 5. Together with Medicine Chests of different sizes and prices. (ap VICTOR SCRIBA Pennsylvania THREATENED Dcolr Swift,a of w t ‘ h il l e o st o e c r ;4 l Men, nuiwithstiix' .ding which, J. M. White will con tinue to sell clothing cheaper than any has heretofore been offered in!the 'Western country, having the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth stn. He is now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the.greatest variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been offered in this market, to which all can have the Right of Way.. Observe tho corner, No. 167, Liberty and Sixth sts. J. P.I. WRITE, Talk..., mar2s Proprietor. ononga J. :tIESIIIMEN SPRING STYLE. • „ TSAI'S AND CAPS. ll 'Thepublic,subscriberthat would a h e hasin inform elcheiived direct s cu m frT ld New York, the latest and most approved style of Hats and Caps for spring and summer wear. He alsois , daily manufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, and he pledges himself to furnish his customers with An article, that, for neatness, Jura. bility and cheapness, cannot be surpassed. 'Western Merchants are invited to call and ex amine his stock, as be feels confident of being able to please both in quality and price. . _ _ _ Third door below Davis' Corn. Auction Rooms N. 8.--Persous preferring a Pittsburgh manufac tured Hat to 'Eastern Hats with Pittsburgh names may rely On getting the same by calling as above. marSd am G. W. G. LADIES AND GiINTLEMEN, who design par chasing Venitian Blinds, or wish toget their old Blinds renewed and made better than when new ; will please take notice that Andrew White la-now permanently situated on the corner of Wood and 4th sts. Show room on the second floor ofiiir. Ken nedy's splendid Looking Glass and variety store; entrance on 4th at. All. orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Please call and see be fore purchasing elsewhere. marl 3 Bowel Complaint. ' FROM Dr. M. KNAPP, of phicogn, 'Pro { fessor of Materia Medina in tho-Dnivorsity of Laporte, Indiana-. • . . Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir :—You ask me what proofs I meet with of the efficacy of your Carminitive. I can safely say Ithat I never prescribed eineclicine for Dowel Complaints that has given so much satis faction, and rny patients so slimly and perfect re lief as this. Whenever introduced- into a family, it becomes a standing remedy for these ailments, and is called for again antin,qain, which I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In'the Summer Complaint , of children it has frequently ap peared to snatch the little victims, as it were, from the grave. 'si•lt saved the life of my child, and of such and seche child," I have repeatedly heard said. In dysentric affections ofadults,l have time and again seen it act like a charm, and give permanent relief in a few hours, I may say in a few minutes.' In fine it 'is a valuable medicine, and no fazifily ehould be without it.. Respectfully. M. L. KNAPP. M. D. From the Rev. CFIABLES C: P. CROSBY, Louisville, Ky., and late of New •YOrk. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear sir—l am glad to inform'you that the medicine made by you for Dowel and Sum mer Complaints has proved singularly efficacious in my family. My wife has for years been:extremely liable-to a most distressing dysentery in hot weather; but by the use of JAYIVE'S CARMINATIVR BALSAM' for two seasons, the attack Ins been obviated in: the course of two or three hours." I.have- known chili dren, when attacked with a violent Diatrhcm, cured imiriediately by this medicine. I consider your medicine prepared with great skill, and highly bone fitial to human nature. Respectfully yours, • • = : C..P. CROSRE.-- L l'Or sale in PittsburghalthePEKlN TEA - STORE, 72 Fourth" street near Wood- . \ ,i..'.':0.4 , t , it - a•ilr,4r.;ti - = • • EM=l 1. TIMMY , 38 KING & PrIVICTLIC, ..$00,61,5 9 .. 10%967 7 .. 207,499 7 TO ARMS! TO ARMS! I G. W. GLASSGOW, 102 Wood st., EOM enigratfpu fiur*. 1* • • - ifl6.F OnEIGN • • REITITTANCE. TIRE subscribers' re prepared to fenrard rooner IL to all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with despatch, ,and tho limrect rates.. SAMUEL *cCLURKAN . Sr Co lettl2 , . No /42 Liberty st.. ar:icity At'cULtoucir John. Blicis -it. 110LE6ALE Grocers, Produce and ; Commis sion Merchants, and dea!ers in Pittsburgh manufactures; No. 16 Liberty street, opposite 6th, Pittsburgh. lirray42 ter Liberal advances made .on mansignnaents. John F. Perry, 4 1" Late of the firm of Malcolm, Leech ¢ 1C0.,) WHOLESALE GROCER, Commission and Flour V - Merchant, dealer in alf kinds of Country Pro duce, copper, tin, tin plates, 'inners! tools, tin; lead, Russia sheet iron, iron and nails, slsite lead, dye stuffs, cotton -yarns,. salt, &c., and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, corner of Liberty and Ir win streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal advances, in Gash or Goode -made on ; Oonsignments of Produce, may 18- tf , . ' JINN UFAMRF..n OF itpLi.ow WADI: AND PLATFORM SCA'L'ES, '.:AND ' AND CA.STINGS IN GENE.IIAV ESD.ECTFULLY oohs the Patr°Bar trf hie D w 1 . 41„ friends. 'o reels arr Anted that h can give fialiSilte.tifill to all who imiy purchase of ihim• ins cotablishioent is VA 11.1 , 11.elvy's pltn of Lots, .lith Word. • 9iar3i-ly p' Firth Ward LP, ery Stably. 74: Tliasubscriber, having bought Mit tne well known Livery Stable kept by C. i 3: Doty,in the Fifth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that be will keep at all times a stock of the-best description of riding hdrses, bug gieS, carriages of all kindit,.,and in short t everything raplired in his line of Misiness. ' A considerable portion of - his stock is new,and lie is confident no stock in the city will be Superior to His terms will be modetate. His stable is on Lib erty st., a few doors ate@ the canal bridge, whore he respectfully solicits a share of public'patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. Cr:rile ;amigo provide with an elegant 'Hearse, which will be furnished When, required. Oct2s.tf ITAVING sold out My establiehnient to Doctor William F. Irwin, I clicerinlly recommend inn, to all my former Crich,ds and customers. „EDGAR THORN. Irwin's Drug Store. The undersigned having bought out the store of ltdgar Thorn, corner of Penn and Hand streets, so licits a share of the drug:find medicine custom of the city and surrounding country. A general assortment of all the Most valuable bredicines, Perfumery, Oils, Soaps, Fancy Articles, Brushes and Combs will al ways be kept on hand. Physicianfirprescriptions ac curately compounded. The store till be open at all hours of the day and night. WILLIAM F. IRWIN, decf.`B corner of Penn and blend sta. George; COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 26 Wood,Street, Pittsburgh,: CONTINUES to transact a general COmmission i k. ) business, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameriean manufactures and produce, and in receis-• ing and forwarding Goods' ousigned to hi* care. As agent Gar the manufacturers he will hri constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh, r anotheture at the lowest wholesale prices. Order* and consignments are respectfugysolicited.. Can't be Beat 3 M. WHITE has just received at 'his large establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth eets, a,splendid assortment of TWEEDS fat miner, also, a superior lot of French Satin VES INGS, all of which he is ready to snake up in pe latestfash ion and. on the most reasonable terms usual. Observe the corner, No .1437 Liberty d Sixth streets.. myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Px4rietor. M. MeDONALD, Berl ond Bran AL . rOunticr,l 7 ).lSt street, near 11 rket, is i' .;,..,i tp, . prepared to make Bram "Castings and .1 .- *1 . !•; - 1 . Brass warkg generally on the most 2 : 54.-----..., , T reasanaile terms and shortest notice. -,---='-''' lie invites machinists and all those using brass works to give .him a call, as he is de termined to do all work in his line very low. EBB r) BODES & ALCORN,; (late of New York city,) JIA,, No. 27, Fifth st., between Wood and Market, Islanufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spices, Catsups, &c., &c., will open during the present week n %rgo assortment, of articles in their bac,• which they will whelcsole in quantities to suit dealers, Ut 'Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran ted. Merchants intending to go east would do well to call before leaving the . city. They ;nay be found at tht ix warehouse, No. 27, Fifth st., in'ltyan'sbuild- Mg. sep7 Great English emcdy For Coughs, Cola Asthma, and Coniumption? I F HE great and Only remedy for Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Cotcsestenon, is the HUNG A HAAN BALSAM OF LIFE, dircovered by the celebrated Dr. Bachan of London, England, and introduced in to the Unite%l. States under the immediate nuperin tendanee of the inventor. The extraordinary snecess of this medicine, in thel cure of Pulmonary dirmases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the woss - r POSSIBLE CASES that can be found in the communitv--cases that seek relief in vain from any of the c. mon remedies of the day, and have born given up by he most distinguished PhysiCians as COSTUMED 1.71t11 Hungarian AND N CDLE. The ungarian Balsam has cured, nd will COM the non DESPFDATE OF CASES. It in no quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in the United States should be sup plied with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam or Life, not only to counteract the consumptive teedencies or, the climate, but to be usefle.B a preventive medicine in all cases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting bf Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation and Soreness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of. Breathing, Hectic Foyer, Night Sweats, Emaciation and General De- Idlity, Asthma, litfluenza, Hooping Cough and Croup. 1:0 - Sold In large bottles, at 6 . 1 per bottle, with full directions for the rettoration of Health. Pamphlets, containing a miss of English and A merican certificates, and other evidences, showing the unequalled merits of the great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratithously. DAVID F. BRADLEE, sole Agent for, the United State,s, 119 Court street, Boston. T. W. Dvorr &SONS, General Wholeale Agents, No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia. For Sale by B. A. FAIINESTOCK & Co., corner °Wood and Front streets. may 7 d'Afllo Pal/me Tr-LEW/Aril, moat 'Pirrsnuncit, CINCINNATI ANT) LOUISVILIX. Subscribers to the Stock of the above Company,residing in or near this city, are requested to pay the following instal inents to Joshua Hannah, Agent for tho Company, viz: 10 per cent. on or before the 15th June next. 20 . .. 4. ' cc a lot July ac 20 u- cc ac cc cc 4, 15th cc. By order-of the Company: IL O'REILLY, Contractor for the continuation ofaaid Line. juriel-d3t and on June 13, 14,'15,28, 29,30, an July 13, 14, and 15. - i)11. • .1 2 .7* - - -, . AND WRITING ESTAB . rip 't i I 1 LISIIMENTi - Nettlicast Ger i • - , ner of Fifth and, Market eta.; --; -,. ..; the ; . only institution in elle city in winch Gentlemen; can acquire such a know ledge of Soak-keeping as will enable them to apply . it immediately to practice. Persons desiring it can haveany number of references. Several new testi monials orthe complete, success of Pupils in steam boat Beek Apeping, have been recently received, and may be inspected b'y'iisitors. Flonrs of Imisiness during summer 2to 4 and BtoloP. M. jiinel Notice to Creditors, . - TAE undersigned, having filed his Petition.to the Court of Common•Pleaa - of Allegheny Colinty, For his discharge undPr the InsolventbLa:wi of this Commonwealth, and the Court havinglappoinl.ed the third Monday of June, for hearing the same; you are hereby notified to attend and make objection, if any you have, why should not be'diScharged. juriel-d3w JONATHAN STUBllB,Laborer. Sumner Fashion for His So.". MOORE has just received from New' 41. „; York the Summer'Style *EI listing of AV/ lITE, Bzio,Eß, PEAUT.-; and' WiIITE Pamir= CASSUCERE' HATS, _These in want of a beautiful light Ilat are raajseetfullyinvi tad to call at • N 0.75 Wood st., ma2B-y 3d door above Fourth:', To Pi-titters. FREall supply of Johnson>s Superior - Piiiding Jtist received' and for sale' attle'otrtce of ,thoTittsburrlildorning-P.oit ESE ME ,e4 - :i.ig,.';4i,1ii , ....1::. - . - ,,1-:. 1 ..ii.•,::.:_J.,:" , ',1':1; - ' . 04 . - -. I=l NOTICE EIMM „ iiSti HE Acbf&l. Great inetnedy of:the . Ago s DR. ,SWAYN COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY., ESTAIILIAITED iN 1535 BY. AN ACT.v OrCONGILE9 rho Great Remedy.ifo'r Consumption, Coughs, 'Colds, Asthma,' Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty ' of Breathing, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart, Influenza, Cron Broken ' Constitution, Sore Throat,-Nerg rind 2111 i'liseases of Throat, Breast, nod Lungs; the most effectual and speedy cure over known for any the above diseases is R NE' S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. ileastl the Testimony. St. Louis, 5cp:..7th;119.46 Dn. E. EtisrEnvs , & Co.—Gents.-4 hare been afflicted fur aboutthreo years with a Pulnionary corn plaint, which has baffled, the skill'ofroverul of the' _most eminent physicians:of our country:;; At times my -cough:was' very severe, pain in my side and breasichnd gfeat difilculty in breathing. In this way 1-continued to seer; utitildife became slimiest's. 'bur den. Al length I raw your advertisement of SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry - ,..and ' Was persuaded by a friend of mine to make: triaref fry and 'I purchased a bottle of you: - am.hapily inform you that one bottle has effected a perfecticurei and that .1 am now in the enjoyment of good health. I. make this statement in the form of .a certificate, that others who may be afflicted with such diseaien may know where to find a!raluable medicine. You can use this 'testimony in commendation of - Dr: Sway/legs Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry as yor think best. Yours, with respect, ILI Wait D or Cavrio7.----Since the introduction I ormy article to the pubtte, there have a number _of unprincipled individuals got up. nostrums, Ivliteh they assert contain Wild Cherry`; some ase- - Called " Balsams," " Bitters," and even " Sy,rilp of Wild Cherry," but mine is the original and,Only genuine preparation ever , introduced 'e public, which can be proved by the public re of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Th nIY safeguard against imposition is to see thaVioy signature is on each bottle. I f Dn. - H. wAS•trz, Corner of Eigit and Beet) streets, Philada.-: 50,000"/Denths by. Consumption IVoutd perhaikibe a spelt estimate, for the ravages J. thisa'readjul disease:in a single year; then add the fearful catalogue of those eat y by inflamatisit the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs, !Witten :a, Bronchitis, and other diseases of the Lungs and Liver. And the list would present nit appalling proof of the fatality of. thud two classes of diseases. But it is importantlo know that neatly all of this dread waste of human life might have been prevented by; a timely use of DR. SW.AYNE'S COMPOUND SI RUP OF WILD MERRY.. -This medicine has now been before the public tome eight years, and is the "original preparation from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its reputation as ,a rem edy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and Consumption of; the Lungs based entirely upon its iutrin,ic merits, owes but little to inflated newspaper puffs. Those who- erre it a trial, being benetttted by it, recom mend it to their neighbors, and thus gradually and surely hasitgained an enviable reputation and worked its way into general use. One bottle never fails to cure a recent Cough or Cold, while with strict atten tions to the directions that accompany each bottle, its use in Pulmonary diseases of long standing and of the most alarming character, has always given re lief, mid in very many instances has effected corn plete and permanent cures. BeWare of the worthless "Rs/303y , r , Ehlers," as they contain, rtmWel the virtues of the'original preparation. Tho /original and Only) genuineartkle is prepared by 1.31 L SWANE, corner of Eighth arid Race streets, • Philadelphia, and for sale by agcntslin all pasta bf the United States, and some parts of Europe. , Prepared only by DB..SWAYN W. corner of Eighth and /lace streets, Philadelphia ' and for side by respectable Druggists in nearly all the principal towns in the United States. r , - For, sale. Wini/rsoie and Rztdilo,7 flq. THORN, ;33 Market street; L. JONESi _lBo . Liberty street, and OGDEN dr.,SVOWDEN, corner o.3k#ad and .ed note AGENTS FOR. PITTSIAMGII, PA. jy 10 The Meet Actonntilrig Ellkeovery A DaISSINGI A MIRACLE ! A WONDER !! ! To cure Emilia-ems and Di sfigt:remeW I.'o' the Skin, Pimples, Freckles, Sunburn, Sall Rheum, Scurry, Sore Heads, 4.e. 4-c. Tenn years ago last ug - ust, the capital of France r e..„„ astemetied consequence of a, discovery made by all Italian Chemist. Many douhted—it seem ed almost an impossibility that anY,thing made by the hands of man, could hare such singular powers as that claimed by ANTONIO Yrsearit for his inven tion. Many classed bim and his invention as a hum bug, (and, alas! many foolish persons without trying, do the same now;) at length, after tenting it in the hospitals, the 'Medical Society of Paris, ~the best chemists in the world)delivere d the following report to Signor Venprini: 44 We hare now minutely and carefully examined thesingular invention of Yesprini. We have analyz ed rid component parts—we have used it in several cases, and we hesitate not to pronounce It (The Italian Chemical Soap) as a great I)lessing, and a truly wonderful remedy for any cutaneous eruption or disfigurement of the skin. Its Mt:enter we con sider the true philanthropist of suffering mankind. (Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY, Pres." Then comes the report pithy "Seciete de I , lnsti lute," of scientific experiments: "We are astounded," exclaims the aged president, "at this singular preparation—Vesprini's Italian Chemical Soap! Where, indeed, will ndienee stop! Here we have a preparation made in the form of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous eruption, every, disfigurement of, and even discolored skin ! Where will its magic and singular power cease t The Ne gro, the Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man of the Far West, arc alike under the in (Nene° of its extraordinary powers of clearing yel ; low or discolored skin, and make it white and beau tire], and of changing the color of dark, or black, or brown skin." (Here' se -oral persons were brought forward by the president, who had used it, in proof of his assertions.) READ THIS! TIOICTIIE LNVENTOB. 1112TSELT TO TOE I,Jazz:rt. PROPRIETOR In consideration of the sum of $3600, I have di vulged to MR. T. Jots, residing in the City of New York, N. A., the whole process of manufacturing, together with a statement ofthe ingredigrAs compos ing my Italian Chbmical Soap. Ile is to manufac ture it for sale in the United States only, and to base the privilege of noosing it "Jones's h alian Chentical Soap." Witness, Henry J. Holdsworth'. (Signed) ANTONIO VESPRINI There aro probably few persons of intelligence, who, after reading - the above, will doubt the quali ties of Jones's Italian Chemical Soap, in curing Eruptions; Disfigurements, Freckles, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erisypelai, Sun-burn, ItlOryhew, Tan, Yel low or Brown Skin, &c. Should there be such per sons, perhaps the- following recommendations, as well as hundreds from others, may convince them. irrFor kale by W. JACKSON, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pitts burgh where the GENUINE CAN be Obtained; ALL WIRERS ARE COUNTERFEIT. jan2s WINES Aral LIQUORS • r J ACOL: EAVER, I 6 Marketst., a ,.• corner of Front, in now receiving and offers for sate at r irAucilig pri . cos the following . .*tonitive varie4 of, WINES AND. LI e. QUORS; iicile4itti}i as formerly . , for the (hail of SvEriErrleto., in the Eastern Cities, from first hands : Leger- Frere, Cognac and Champagne Brandies. J. J. Dupuyi Castillon, old Magloryißastaut. Channuyer, Pelovoison, A.Seignette, Otard Dupuy & Co. and 'Pinot Casillon & Co., Vintages 0r1832 to 1346—embracing all.the Rochelle and Bordeaux fla vors, in half Pipes, quaqers and octaves, or by retail. - • -•'-• Holland Gins—Fish v \Wasp Anchor, Cross Keys, 'Waders Swan and gout- Glass brands, new and old importations. Runix,-Nocr England, St: Croix, Antigua and Ja inaicas, come very - euperiar, WhlskeysOld Scotch :and 'lrish, Monongahela Rye, Bourbon . Co. Corn.. Wing ,Teneriffes, Lishons, Sherries, Sicitys; Malagas, Porte, Red Wines, :White Wines, Ide?calii,:clarets, Champagne?, Hock?, and 3auter ncliiiret.lases, India Bbls., Qr.:Casks; lihds., Demi ltdiiref Bottle. , june3 Latest Improvement. BEIATEADS or different kinds with GazTana , s jrcinpatent fastenings. superior to tifything now in use, for sale low at the furniture warehouie of augl T. B.YOUNG 4. CO., ils.luiat. A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE FOR itHEIUMATIsIit AND - ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. "What though the causes may not be explained, Since their effects are duly ascertained, Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride, Induce mankind to set the means aside; 'Means which, the' simple, are by Heaven design'il To alleviate the ills of human DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG NETIC FLUID. 1 HIS remarkable invention, which has received the universal approbation of - the medical profes sion of Great Britain, comprises an , entirely new ap plication of Galvanism, as a remedial agent, by means of which the ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Electric and Magnetic Machines, &c., are entirely dispensed with, and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied without any of the objections which are inseparable from the general mode now in use. The strong dos ; es, and irregulai intervals, in which Galvanism is ap plied by the Machines, - has been pronounced,afier a fair and impartial trial, to be decidedly injurious, and it was to remedy this radical defect that thisnew ap plication was projected, which, atter unceasing toil, and perseverance, has been,br - ought to its - present state of perfection. ..The:„Gailvanic Rings answer all the purposes of the.moit expensive Machines, and in many other reSpiets are more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired effect. The panic Rings used in connection with the Magn c - Pluid, are confidently recommended in all dis dim which arisefram an enfeebled and unhealthy state of the nervous or vital system, and these com plaints are among the most painful and universal to which we art subject. They arise, without exception, from one simple cause—a derangement of the Nerv ous-Sistem—and it was in these cases that other 'remedies' having so often failed; a new agent was greatly needed, which it is confidently.believed, has been found in the proper and judicious application Of Galvanism. War. Ciatiow The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire success in all cases of RHEUMATISM, acute or chronic, applying to the head, face or limbs, Gout, Tic-Dolo reuz, Toothache, Bronchitity Vertigo Nervous Sick Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis,. Palsy, Epilepsy, Pits, Cramp, Palpitations of -the ,Heart, Apoplexy, Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head, 'pain in the Chest and Side, General Debility, Defscien ey of Nervous and Physical Energy, and all NERV OUS DISORDERS. In cases olconiirmed Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement ofthe diges tire organs, they have boen found equally successful. Their extraordinary effects upon the system'Must be witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive fur the precedingtomplaints they are equally recom mended, Tim 'Rings are of different prices, being multi ofall sizes, and of various ornamental patterns, and can be worn by the most delicate female without the alighted inconvenience. In. fact, the sensation is rather agionahle than atheiwihe. The Galvanic Belle, Bracelets,- Bands, Garters, Necklaces, Sze. in some cases of a very severe character, and of long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic Rings is not sufficient to arrest the progress ofdisease and ultimately restore health. The improved.' modi fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, &c., entire ly remedies this objection; any degree of power that is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect will fail to be permanently relieved. These articles are adapted to the waists, arms,wrists,lizidni, ancles, or any part of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bene fit in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat generally; also in cases of Nervous Deafness; and with almost uniform success as a preventive for Apo plexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints. is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and all their modifications. This composition has been pronotinded by the French Chemists to be one of the most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It is believed to possess the remarkable power of ren dering the nerves sensitive to galvanic action - by this means causing a concentration of the intluence, - arthe seat.of disease, thus giving rapid and permanent se t lirl No other composition in chemistry is knowilto product the same effect; or to impart a similar pro; perty to the nervous system, by means of au outward local application. The Magnetic Fluid contains noth ing capable of the slightest injury; its application is t 6 , rereable, and it is as harmless in its action as it is beneficial in its results. Full explanations and direc tions accompany it. The combined inventions are in 'every way perfectly harmless; they are sold at prices within the reach of all and the discoverer only re quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy and permanent benefit. Christie's Gale - ante Strengthening Plas- These articles form another valuable application of the mysterious influence ofGalvanism. They are an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings and their modifications, acting upon the same princi ple, but having the advantage of more local applica tion. They are confidently recommended as a valu able addition in the speedy cure ofltheumatismocittc or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a posi tive remedy in cases of Pain and Weakness in the Chest or Back, Painin tire Side,in Aematic Affections, and in flreaknets or Oppression of the Pulmonary Or gans. In Spinal Complaints their effects are of the mostdecided character, and they have often been used with complete success. - They are also of the greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness of the lireast,and are highly recommended for many of those complaints to which fernalesare especially liable. As an effectual means for strengthening the system when debilitated with disease or other causes; as a certain aid in Constitutional Weakne..46 - ; as a Preventive of Colds, and in all affections of the Chest, generally, the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be foetid of great and permanent advantage. In a few -- wordS; it embraces all the virtues of the best tonic prepai - ation, with the important addition of the galvanic influence, which is neither impaired nor exhausted, while - the action continues. These articles will be found entire ly free from those objections which are a constant source of complaint with the ordinary plasters in common use. Irr The great celebrity and success of these arti cles have caused them to be counterfeited by .•nprin cipled persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. Cuntsrtr. has but one authorized agent in each city of the Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh, W. W. WILSON. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS, Paris, Nor 4, 1840 Of the highest and moot respectable character, are constantly received, regarding. the extraordinary value and success oldie above articles. It is believ ed that in the city of New York alone, upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the most painful chronic disorders, some of which have completely baffled all former fforts of medical art. indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine, constantly recommend this application in their prac tice, and with the exception of those who are too prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re ceived unanimous favor with the. most intelligent among-the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all times ready and most happy to give every,facility to physicians, and all interested, for testing the truth of his assertions and the efficacy of his 'discovery. Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of 4th and Market street. octl4-d I y PERSONS; in purchasing this, must always ask fOrIONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and, per haps, as, many have been cheated svith counterfeits be too much discouraged to try the genume, we say to such, Try this once—you . will 'not regret it; 'but always see that the name of T. JiststEs is on the wrapper: 'Price 50 cents a cake. . Forsale hy - W. JACKSON, Agent, cotner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh whete, the Genuine can be obtained; ALL OTHERS. ARE COUNTERFEIT. jan22. IHEREBY certify that my hair was falling out in immense quantities daily, and was Mining tray; and that since I have used Jones's Coral Hair Resto rative, it has entirely ceased falling—is growing fast, and has a fine dark look. Before I used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, I. combed out handfuls of hair daily." . W.,TOMP.KINS,92 Ring st.N. Y. For sale by W. Jacketoii Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only,place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE cam be obtained. jan22 Y PARTNER, Mr. Liggett, - and Wm. E. Anta ll'', tin, Esq., will attond to sny unfinished busi ness, and I recommend them tiiihe pitronage of my friends. lam authorized to state, that they will re dceive the counsel anti assistance of the Hon. bin . Office 'firl story ofllurke , s Buildinge,4th street, - etween Wood and. Market. ja6-13.: '• SAMUEL W. BLACK:. „v,111:7 - _ 7 , C - , • . zr.7 •' - ' ' •" ' 4 - • fi r. ,n_. -+ _Y , ISE Itcal M Christie's Magnetic Fluid QM CAUTION Jones Italian Chemical' Soap. Jonas , s Coral Flair Restorative. To my •ClieritS. = Stlebitctl. wkem ,t4 :6 ,t 4 fr . ) coer • ori , ' 0.42- Tee ,Aia; WESTERN' - NEW YORE COLLEGE OF HEALTH; 007 Hain street, Buffalo, New York. G..C. VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE _LITTION. TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR 1847. , —.1 I CAN • I CONFVE.RED;" is most empnacieany CAME, V • thecase withthid article. Disease has ever yielded to its most marvelle: l i medicinal power. Wherever it has gone, and South Arn - exioa: England , pan r a t l l , and the United States h ay ,' : proved the:truth , 9 statement, the above quothlier,tin a strong and pithy sentence, tells the whole story: yavalidai the; prt. ciplo upon which you are cured Ms' e not beno. v n i ; to you, but the result ora of the d.' l -icie is °a t " - Factory; you are restored; and the secret of t he cur = remains with the proprietor. The Medic. Ito. Is a ine compound of 22 distinct vegetable agencies; eaol .l ' dividual root has its 0%11 peculiar, exclusive, mew_ . " cinal, property, conflicting with no other compound —each root makes its own cure---and as a perfect combination, when taken into the syStem, it does the work which NATILFRE' when her laws were first established, intendealff:slionld do---TIT RIFT E S STRENGTHENS, AND RESTORES the broken down, debilitated constitution. Daum', in-all its characters, will be completely eradicated from the system by its use. See complete in agents' hands, for free circulation=they treat upon all diseasSs, and show testimony ()retires. GRAVEL, and all Com plaints of the.urinary dreams, form also the cause of great suffering, and Velum's Lrraorrruteric has acquired no small celebrity over the country, by the cures it has made hi this distressing class of lifiliC- AiOISS. 'So famed, it (MMUS, is this medicine, that it has thus attracted the notice of one of our Medical publications, in the November No. 1846, of the "Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review of Medical and Surgical Sciencb," in an article upon calculous diseases, and "solvents," the writer, after noticing the fact that the Ehglish government once purchased a secret remedy, and also noticing the purchase in 1802, of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New York, thus pays tribute to the fame of the Medicine: "Why do not our Representatives in Senate and Assembly convened, enlighten and 'dissolve' the suffering thousands of this country, by the nurchise of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic, than Ivhich no solvent since the days of Alchemy has possessed one half the fame I" Readier, here is a periodical of high standing, acknowledged throughout a large section of this vounsg,to be one of the best conducted jour nals of the kind in the United States, exchanging with the scientific works of Fairope to our.-certain knowledge, edited by Austin Flint, M. D., and con- tributed to by men of the highest pretessional abili ty, thus stepping aside to - notice n"secret remedy." You will at onneenderstand no unimoton and worth- Lees nostrum;idorild thus extort a comment from so high a quarter—and consequently, unless indirectly . conflicted with the practice of the faculty, it must have been its great "fame" which has caused it to receive this passing nod. Kancr.v diseases, weak ness of the back and, spine,. irregular, painted/ and suppressed Mensturatiory Flour .Albus, and the tire complicated train-016 , Rn which follow a disor dered system, are at once relieved by the medicine. Send for . pamphlets from 'Agents ' and you wilifind evidence of the value of the Lithontriptic there put forth. As a remedy for the irregularities "of the fe male system r it his in the compound a"root" which has been resorted to in the north of Europe fer cett tunes—as a sure cure forthis complaint, and a re storer of the health of the - entire SysteaL Llama COMP/AEI', JAUNDICE, Ilitious - Distests,--&e., are instantly relieved. People of the West "will findsit the only remedy in these complaints, as well as FE van ern Acme. There,is no remedy like, it, and no calomel or quinine forms any part of this mixture. No injury will result in its use, and its active proper. Iles are manifested in the use ofa single 30 oz bottle. Fen FEVER. two Acui, Bilious Disorders; take no other Medicine. Ritcuttxrisat, Goer, willfnd relief. the action of this medicine upon the Blood, will change the disease—which originates in the blood —and a'healthy result will follow. DTSPETSIA, Ix- DtoEsrrocr. &c., yield in a few days use of this Medi cine. IA inunation or TUE LUNGS. COUGH, Cord 3USIZTLON also, has ever found relief. SCROFULA, Exasirciss, FiLES, Inflamed Eyes—all caused by in. pure blood—will find this article the remedy. The system, completely acted, Upon by the twenty-two; different properties of the mixture, is purified and ( restored—as ,a partial cure will not follow. The train- of common' coinplainti, Palpitation of the ileart,"Sick Headache, Debility; 4.c., are all the re- sult of some, derangeraeht of the system, and the GREAT RESTORER will work.„ The promises set forth in the advertiserrient, are based upon the proof of what it hns-donci in:the past four years. I The written testimony of 1000 Agents ' in Canada, the United States, England and South America, in the possession of the proprietor—and can he seen by all interested—is a suffiJient demonstration that it is the best Medicine ever offered to the World. Get the pamphlet, and study the principle as there laid down, of the method of cure. Put up in 30 oz. bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do at $1 each—the larger hold ing 6 oz. more than two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed Wpon. Every bottle has "Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture" blown upon the glass, the"mritten Signature of "G.C. Vaugn" on the directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,' stamped on the cork." None other are genuine. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at'the Principal Office, 207 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesale and retail No attention given to lettere, unless post paid—or ders from regularly constituted Agents excepted: post paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting ad vice, promptly attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this arti cle-132 Nassau st., New York city; 295 Essex st.. Salem, Ma'.-;and by the principal Druggists through out the I.: hied States and C.nada, as advertised in-' the papers. Agents in this city— Hays & Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Atents, No. 2, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittslitirgh. Also, R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; John Mitchell, Federal street, Allegheny city; John BarclaY, Beaver; John Smith, Bridgewater. lan3o-d&wly . Sprains, Strains, Pains of the Breast and Side, and diseases of the Spine, • • CURED and effectually relieved by the use of Na ture's own Remedy, the AMERICAN OIL; oh; tained from a well in Kentucky, 185 feet below the Earth's surface. A lady in Kentucky was cured of a Spinal Disease, which had confined her to her bed for many weeks completely helpless, by the use of this remedy, after various other remedies bad been tried in vain. Read the following testimonial. Prrrssuuuu, August 22, 1846. This is to certify, that we have used the AMERI CAN Ott. for the whooping cough among our children, by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoon full at night, which always enabled them to rest well thiough the night; I also applied.lt to one of. the children that got her arm burtiti' the child ceased crying by the time the arm was dressed and bound up. I also was afflicted with a pain in my side and breast, and have been so for 16 years. rcommenced using the Oil by taking .a. teaspoonful twice a day, and in 2 or 3 days using the Oil have been very much relieved, and do believe that it.is the best family medicine I have ever seen—one of my neighbors used it at my request for a sprained ancle, which re lieved her in a few minutes; we have also used the Oil for a strained joint in our own family; which gave ease in a very short time. We live on the east side of Penn st., 3.doors south ot Walnut. I ant now as well Us ever I was in my life. MARGARET A. SMITH. Sold wholesale and retail by Wm, Jacksn, at his Boot and, Shoe.store and Patent Medicine Ware house, 89, Liberty street, head of Wood street, Pitts burgh. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Wm. Jackson being the exclusive Agent for Western Pennsylvania, NONE IS GENUINE--liut what is sold by tun OR MS appointed agents. N. B. A pamphlet containing ample directions, &c., with the Names and Addresses of the proprie tors and principal Agents lb enveloped, in the wrap per of each bottle. - ring 28—feb 15=d8iw6m ," ...3 4:4 Remittances - to Europe, 414 AND Passaci. FROM LIVERPOOL, LONDON, -and the various Ports if IRELAND, to NEW YORK,PHILADELPHIA: AND PITTSBURGH. THE undersigned,. Agent for_Medirs-. BRO'S. & Co., is remitting money's to. England, Ireland, Scotland and. Wales, at therate - ot Five Dollar; to the £1 sterling. Drafts issued Sir" any amount drawn direct on the-Royal Bank 'of Ireland, Dublin, and on Messrs Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co:, Bankers, London,' payable on presentation at any Bank in the United Kingdorn free of &certain' any charge whatever.' Those , -, desirous Of ieniitting, or sending for their friends will pleaseapplyto - the sub; scriber, at his office on Penn street, Ak'doora.above the Canal Basin. lAMBS BLAKELY. Persons afn diStance wishing'information ' =will re ceive an aniwer by return;mall, by directing (pee paid) as shove. Refer to the Bankers, Merchants, and Manufac-.. films of Pittsburgh and vicinity. apt?-dayitf 4. 13 OUGH:AND READY I—The Life of General ilk.,.Taylor; the Hero of Okee C hobe e, Palo Alto, Resacea de la Palma, Monterey, and. Buena'. .Vista, with nnrnerMts'illustrative aneedotee end epatiellish nienti. -For sale by ' • - • je24 ; _ LUKE LOOMIS, Agt. • fffflin=gXM MUM IMI ME Tb e ,ceiebrAyetpilanßemeay FOR:' , THE - CUREDV CH:RONIC DISEASE: • 'ArAzaivps SICILTA SYRUP OR TROPICAL - • VE. _ . . DiScovered by Dr. Itlazoni of Italy, in tbe.year 1845, _`and introduced into the U. .Sates early .in 111 S intrivafled . medicine for the radical cureat Chronic discaseslas spreadth - oughout.Europe. - with the mast unequalled speed and triumphant suc- . cess, effecting - the utost astonishing cures everlinown or recorded in the.annals of Medical History; • Sinee its introduction into the United States it has equally sustained the high reputation it so justly received in : the East curing here as it has done there, the most inveterate and . long. standing diseases - with which. the , human family are afflicted.. The Physicians'of.EU*.; rope:and America (as far as they have become ac quainted with its mode of operation). together With the thousands who have been restored to, health by its superior efficacy with one nuked voice proclaim it to be the most perfect remedial agent ever offered to suffering humanity. It is now an,established feel. "that Consuniption may be, can bc;cird has been cured by Dr. Syrup or Tropical lin - lent.; the-ord?:,tnedicine ever been dis coVerathat has achieved .a cure where this disease had gained a:settled-and pertintnent hold upon the system. For the truth of this assertion, we have 'he certificates of some of the meEt eminent Physi-' of Europe and America, expressly declaring have prescribed it in hundreds of instances ,o present:lea where _ that tht4 - .Went& were considered beyond all hope e to their astonishment, his effected of recovery, "• ad perfectiuren. No one who is the most speedy a. • action can imagine the won. unacquainted 4. t h e n th n i metra ti ene r thin derful success that attent. c h ro ni c • disease, par. medicine in every. variety ~ or kings evil, Astli• ticularly,Consumption, Scrofula p am phl e ts ma, Phthisic,Piles, (see cases repot c ent i te „, and circulars) Cancers, Liver Complai,. I s Throat,. ness and -Indigestion, Sore and Inflamed 4 0 Bronehitis, Dropsits; Chronic Intimation of • Kidneys ? Gravel, Great Debility - 'and Ot the nervous system, Spinal affections, Paralysis, Chronic' Diarralmea„ Pain ,in the breast and. side,, Coughs, Colds, Chronic Rheumatism, Diseases of the StomaCh and Bowels, inward weakness and falling down of the womb, and all the chronic diseases pe culiar to females in their various relations in life: This medicine - is prepared only by - Dr. Mazoni him- self, and is co'mpomd entirely of vegetable.materials containing the extract of 42 of the most rare Tropi- - cal plants but few of which are known to the Medi-, cal Profession generally. It basso far surpassed every other medicine ever offered'to the world in eradicating disease, that it has not . only enlisted many of the most lalented medicalmen in,the world in its favor bat what: . more extraordinary the government where it was [discovered "Has made it.an offence. punishable lath death to attempt counterfeiting it or making sate' of_ any spurious article purporting to- bi';the Same or - representing -it *to be genuine:, And - this, Govern ment has also made a liberal provision for the pro: tection of it here, TO the afflicted we say let none dispair, though you may have been given - up by your Physician and considered by your friends as beyond all hope, try a bottle orthis medicine and ~,I you may rely- upon the fact, that if you have physi cal strength enough left Ito endure its action, you, - will find . certain and speedy relief, for this has been the case in thousands of instances, in proof of which we can produce certificates from individuali of the. most respectable character 'both of. Europe and:. America. This medicine will be -„offered fur -sale only at the county seats, of each_county , owing to the small amount yet imported and the anxiety of the proprietor to place .this valuable .remedy within - the reach of all throughont the United States. '- Hays & Brockway, Druggists, No. 2 Commercial Ilow,Liberty street, wholesale and retail Agents o Allegheny county.. Sold also by R. E. Sellers, No l 57 Wood at. dec29-d9ir.; B. A. FAIINESTOCK. & CO.'S RUBEFACIENT.- 7 XTERNAL applications for a certain class of intim. Matory affections have been in constant use anclhigli favor from the commencement of the healing art to the present time; and the proprietors of the above.medichte flatter themselves that they have at length discovered a combination that embraces all the properties requisite to cure the complaints in which stimulants are usually. employed. The Itubefacient is an emollient, and at the Same time a - - powerful and permanent stimulant. -The complaints for which it is principally used. are Chronic Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Sore Throat, Brulia; Sprains, and - all other complaints that require the ex ternal application of stimulants. Itis equally efficacious In many afections of horses and cattle, such as Sprains, Bruises Ring-bone, Sgavin Ste., &c. Prieto 2.5 cents per vial. Prepared an sold by..,.. - B. A FAILNESTOCK - & Co., - Corner 6th and Wood eta. Min, Je irson co., Ky., April 200 t; ' This is to "certify that: B. A. Fahnectock 4 - Co.'s Ross:-tsersarr has given the most satisfaction of any mech. cine.tliat 1 hare ever used for iiIiKUML . 2793I. have bold it to many eases of old standing, and it has given immediate relief. I certify that In consequence of a sprain, the tendons and muscles of my right leg became very much - inflamed and swollen, and very painful, causing considerable lameness. I then procured a bottle pf 13. A: rehire.: stock & Co.'s Rubefacient, -the veryr,fust application of which gave me great relief, and the use,of Alberti half 'the bottle entirely cured me of , both pain anti lameness. Pittsburg, April 0th,,1844. Prepared and sob' by 11: PAIINEBTOCK & Co n - Cur= Bth and Wood Au: / • DOCT. E. MERRITT, Dentist, respectfully nounces to the citizens of Pittsburgh and cinity that he has returned to the city - and taken house lately occupied by the Rev. Dr.'Riddle, Liberty'near. Ferry street, where. -he will ae ha to see all those Ladies and. Gentlemen that mars his services: He can be found at_ any' hour, as will devote_his whole time to his profession; all rations of the teeth will be done with neatness despatch. • . • _ P. S. Dr. E. SI. can relieie the meSt pal toothache in a few minutes—he has a quantity° celebrated Tooth Powder which sweetens the of the mouth, polishes the teeth; and harden je°o-d6&.w LandretWs Warranted. Garden Seel rtIRECT FROM PHILADELPHIA. Each p jf bears the label and-warranty of Devito . Darn. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN,Iie.I9-1 st., at the stand formerly oceupied'hyy. Goo. A. 13 Extract from the 'Report of the Xisiting; Coin of the Pennsylvania notticulturalSociety , u mously adopted and ordered to be piinted. LANDRETIPS NURSERIE.S GARDE? "These extensive grounds , aie on Federal s near the Arsenal. * * The earliest coUrq tion of Czumellias was made here Some of 4-4z1,,,,i now in possession of those distinguished nurserA,, are ten feet high. * The - selectio GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS is reliable and extensive. -i•-•;K-s,, i' . . ~' r'Pzl' 4, The Nurseries are very correctly managed, la ...-.-,, plying every part of the Uttiori, , t. detail of wbri44.... would occupy too much er,our space, we ther4 content ourselves with stating that thestock is uiA large, and in . every stage of growth, consistingr,-,y;sl: FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, EV.A.,---2..A4 z GREENS, SHRUBS, VINES AND CREEPERS, IC ,!,-'•: L I- , a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of 6 , .:„. 1,1 : . : best king - and most healthy condition; large beilist, l l; seeding apples, pears, plums, &C., - as stocks for lni..;- ; ' ding and grafting; a plan very seperior to theta'; working upon suckers, which carry With themito :,t - • - t the graft all the diseases of the parent stack. *' !- ~G •minzst SEEDS of the finest quality have- iterkt- :, , scattered over the country from these- grounds ;tedt - .§ll may always be depended upon. The seed establishk4,'_e_ meet, of these Horticulturists is one pf the moue. VA' teneive in the Union, and its reputation is well 5t414 , .. 4 , 14: ed from year to year. ...:.-.i.c4i: ~To obviate the chance of,mixture of the farina 'i....L1 the plants of the same family;they have establish ' '4:f '4 another n vinery at a suitable distanee;So that degerigt• - •4,-,; ration, t cannot take . plaee, and":which•rtecuierito th,tfiV.' purchaser a enume article. , Knowing „thus talq:::: : ! age, quality and process of culture al every plath the supply from their grounds is recommended witlVO', great confidence ". .. - - ::. - ' - •V) * *, Since the •date of the 'Report' frail whiCh tr'' above is extracted, the entire establishment has be - ;!- •••,...: greatly. enlarged.,"; The:collection:of Camellias eii.!i:;'' braces . 411-theliner 17kindskand consists of some theiA 'sands Uf . various solikewise with Roses, 64: --' • other 'desirable plants, both tender and hardy, fr trees, &ce' ylt '2.-: The Seed Gardens slime cover Lilly acres, and fir! ' i,"•-. ,- whole isc ati it has been'for more than half a cer*,‘,.• -:- under the successive management of father and"sati: _I• the most prominentiaAmerica,- - . l•`4-• :-.:-• Do- Orders received by F. L.. SNOWDEtI ing ,--rty whom catalogues ` received gratis. -. . ran gy ' ... A LARGE and splendid-assortment Il B h og iil aadßentwood grand action Pjenoqi talc fiania and_eiith:all the latest improvemerilff, which fvf durability, tone and touch, are warts:tad to h o bbe'al to Qv_ made to the country; for saleloW for ca . _ F. /31,144. E, marlB No 112 Woods(, 2d door above stb.L , Homoeopathic Diedict** and Woo Us. TUST received a fresh suppty%qi-IfoniceoPatiuc 9 Medicine Chests i hernceopathieerreo.;.,q 4 gar or milk,and a large collection of the latest pi l bli cat i ons on Hommopathy3 al - the Ifoolcetere of • NICTOR-SCILIBA ) aplo fifth st. between Wow! and Market sur. - ;, _. lbtal WM. D. 3IDLOND .k. J. WITNET., Pianos. El ::kh L