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"‘;',-,:kt?',,7,, '''.,•:_i - Fi i L.4,.. .g . y 4 .0%,;;;ANT;—•,.,, ~.. '' - '4.. , ... ; , ` ..Z.: ~'-'.'-'...',:, 1 ' ,'e ' ' ENS •*‘ • , ' •••'. '1 4t• fyi r ~ : ME RESER IBE ENE ME j 1, = NE =I «'~~. SEME MEI 111011 .. L.: ~:: ~ c : }: .r 1.~ .'+ i, +r.. .~: E - $° =MEM NEE =ME •.,'::.:' , .....•,..5...,...: . ''''. - :'f, - ,''..',:: . ';', - ' : '.i , .': 'R .} ~ , . ... ~ `1.~,' Y IMO t 7 ' r MEE • r •••••• • . EC MUNI ME NEI 1111 MEI SE =I MEM i. , ,~~. i. ES ini BM GINI Mil =EI ' . i . ,:- - ':•.':.,! - i ~....•'..,.!, MEI .-. ~~ i ~.,..'',...',- , :.'1. . ;:1-!- --, !::.'. - "` ''.... .1,!‘"!,-' - .L;'': ..,-i,.-...,-t-.,,1.:. ME HEE El CMII , ;!, EN =I tn.... NIP ir •••• t ,„,ok , ME MEM PROPRIETORS • AtresittnpE & CASH., 278 Market st. ' Philadelphia. TYe-tree. & O'Costion, cor Penn and 'Wayne sts., ?ittsburglt. 0 4 Corrsoss" & Co., - North street, 13altUnore. \V. & .I.l'. TArSeorr, 75 South street, New York I Encouraged by increased business, the Proprie tors have added to and eateuded their arrange dlifind the winter, and are now prepared to Torviard freight with regularity and dispatch, unsur-, I . passed by any other Line. Their lung experience as' iGarriers, the palpable superiority ofthe Portable Boat lsystem, and . the great capacity and convenience of the Warehouses at cash end of the. Line, are penult"- Mily 'calculated to enable the Proprietors to fulfil their engagements and accommodate their custom iers, an.! confidently offering the past as a guarantee 'nt. the future, they respectfully solicit a continuance of that _patronage which they now gratefully ack nowleilge. All consign nents toTaaffe;s4. O'Connor will be re lc-aired and flirwarded, Steam- Boat charges paid, and Bills of Lading transmitted free of any charge for Corninission, advancing or Storage. 'laving Ein inter-. est - directly !ir'indireetly in Steam Boats the interest j'of the Consignors must necessarily be their primary objectin shipping West; and they pledge themselves to forward all Goods consigned to them promptly, Ina on the most advantageous terms to the owners. 1 marlttf Pieleavorth's Way Freight Line :I 8 A . 7• _ , _ "I" I XCLUSIVELY for the transportation of way 12j freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, klellidaysburgli, Water street, and all interme diate places. this boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. McAnul ty & Co.; Pittsburgh, every day.(escept Sundays) and Shippers can always depend on having,their goods forwarded- without delay and at fair rates. This Line was formed fur the special accommo station of the-Iway business, and the proprietors re spectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. Proprietors. JOHN PICKWORTH, JOHN MILLER, DAN'L. H. BARNES; ROBERT WOODS', WILLIAM FULTY. • JOIN MILLER, llullidaysburgli. H.. 11. CAN AN, Johnstown. Agent., C. 41. hIcANULTY & Co., Pats'gh. r.EFERENCES. J. McDevitt, John Parket, Robert Moore, Bagn 4.1 4-Smith, Pittsburgh. mash • lisacpentlenit Portable Boat Line, . , r ......' ''''''.‘"' 1.14: , ....t . c 1.. . Fr .... Ih. I 1 • • - 184 - 1 • FOR TILE TRANSPORTATION OF PRODUCt.: AND, MERCHANDISE TO AND FRONI PITTS BURGE', PIIILADELPAIA AND BALTIMORE. Without Transhipment. Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates. lulls of Lading transmitted, and all instruc.ions proiniitly at tended to, free from any extra charge for storage or commission. Address, or apidy to C. A. McANULTY & CO., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. Raving a very large and coninioiliotts warehouse, .we are pcepared to receive (in addition .to freight for - shipment) a large amount of produce, &c., on Stor age at low rates, mars U SUBLIM ELL ARIL AN E3l :Si N S 1847. Monongalicla Routes VIA. unowNsviLLE AND CUMBERLAND TO UAL TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. • Titne to Baltimore 32 hours. , Time to Philadelphia 40 hours. [csLy 73 JULES STAGING.j lIE Splendid and fast running steamers Consul, I 11 Louis 51• Lane and SVo atara, have commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave the; Monongahela wharf every morning precisely at 6 o'- clock. Passengers by the niurning line will arrive! in Baltimore twit evening in time for the Philadel phia Mail Boats or Rail Road cars. The evenity Boat will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except Sundays. Passengers by this boat will lodge one, board, in comfortable state rooms. Leave Browns en'ille next morning at 0 o'clock; cross the mountains - - in day light sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thns avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations 'on this route are ample; and the connection coin plete; so that disappointments or delays wll be on known upon it.- Passengers can stop on the route and resume their seats again at plcasine, and hare choice of Itail Road or Steamboat between.llaltimore and Philadelphia. Coaches chartered to parties to travel as they de- sire. Secure your tickets at the office, Monongahela House, or St. Charles hotel fel)l4-y Ulagliamh: Traubyurtation Lfue, MIMI 184,6 , E , . , - CONDUCTEO-on etriet Sabbath-keeping princi-• ples, though not claiming to be the only line that i. so conducted. The proprietors of thus old estatr lished line have out their stock M the most coMpletc order, and arc thoroughly.preparcil to fornard pto dace and meretiadize to and from Abe Eastern cities on the opening - of na ingataon. We trust that our lung experience iii the carry mg tinsines.s,aad zealous Illlelitloll to the interests olcus touters, will secure to us a continuance and increase the patronage herctothre bestowed on •Bingham's Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatzli, and our prices shall al ways be as the lowest charged by other responsible Ines. • Produce and merchandize will be received and fur warded east and west without any charge for adver- Laing, Storage or commission. Bills of lading forwarded and every direction promptly attended to. Address, or apply to W M. BING H AM Canal Basiii,.cor. Liberty and Wayne eta., Pittsb , g, BINGIIAMS, DOCK STRATTON, No. 276 Market at., Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON', Agent, Np. 122 North Howard at., lialtiniore, WILLIAIT TYSON,_Agent, Nu. 10 West st., New York. aprlO-y DRUGGIS - 1' AN APOT I I ECA It V, No. 45, Mar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which lie will sell on the must reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. Miro, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good et' fu m er v dec. 30d MEI Henry W. Williams, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 11 (Successor to Lowrie & Office at the old starui, Fourth street, above Sinithfreld. MEE 1611 THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Unary W. Williams, Esq.; and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the business will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer feCommend.to all for whom I have the honor to-do. basilica, as a gentleman everyway worthy of their eonfidvalcc . Steel and File Manufactory. IPRE subscribers having enlarged their establish -1 meat fur the manufacture of Steel and Files— on the corner of o , llara and Liberty streets,. Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh—are prepared to furnish files of every 'descriptiont, of the best quality; and being de- Otnined to make it the interest of consumers to put. "chase fifes from them—respectfully invite the patron age.:of ail who use the article. marl6-y J. ANKRIM & CO. Hun ttug ;slid Fishing. - A CCOUTREIMENTS of every description-on hand AIL and constantly receiving fresh suppliek: Gulfs, Pistols, Powder, Bliet, Flasks, Belts, Game Bags, Drinking Cups, Eli., &c. Fishing Tackle.—A large •!: ^ mtul complete assortment, for wholesale or retail, .7* consisting in part of Jointed and Cane Rods ' Hooks ;,...t 11 : of every variety, Silk, Grass, Linen,Cotton and Trout lines Swivels, Snoods, Floats, Sinkers, &c. JOHN W, IMAM, 120 Wood st. s. • 1 MEE _ o_!!_...•••= _ • - OPIUM% rtween Pita, ling tranship• . risk irifilelay, AGENTS STOIT tt, E C. A. McANULTY S C') J. NIF.KINT EN ;twit ti DI. ToAvusentl, WALTER H LOWRIE I i ' - T - .Vire and Marine Insurnnot. TFIE Insurance Company of Nardi America,_ of Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make pormaiMrit and limited Insurance on property, in this, city and its vicinily, and on shipments by the.canal and rivers. DIRECTORS. 'Arthur C. Coffin, Pres't. intuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Jones, Samuel NV; Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White,. John A: [frown, Jacob Id. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, , Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Seey. This is tiro oldest InsuraMfe Company in the HM- I tcd States, having been chartered in 1'799. its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and . avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered las offering ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOOD. • At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa ter and Front streets; Pittsburgh. oct23-y. The Franklin Fire_lnaurancie Company liA RTER PF.I.PETIJAL. $400,000 paid in of j five 1631 Chesnut st., north Side, near Filth-- Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against loss ot damage by fire, no .property and effects of every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, ma de either per sonally or by letters, trill be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCIiEII, Prest. C. G. Bliticpm, See'y. DIRECTORS : Charles N. Banaker, Jacob 11: Smith, Thomas Hart, : George W. Richards, Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brbwn. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WARRICK M Attriri, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, 4- Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding coun try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. a ugt ly - Insurance. AMgRICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 500,- 000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Pres't; Frederick Fraley, Sec`y. This old and well established Company con tinues to insure Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, and Properv, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be reeei‘ed, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on filtera ble terms, by Cr El . C iCIIRAN, Agent, dec 24 No. 26, Wood street. JO:4AI! KING. J. FINNEY, Jn. lijNG & FINNEV, Agesits' .o PitWugh, for the Delaware Mutual) Safely Insurance Company of Philadelphia. 'VIRE RISKS upon ,Buildingo and Merchand rze oil 12 every descripti,,o, and Marine Risk, ipun Malls or cargoes uf vesiels, taken upon the most fatorable terms. thlirc at the warehouse of King & llohnto, on Water st., near Market street, l'atbiburgh. N. B. King & nanny invite the confidence and patronage of ther frtouds and cOriunutiity at huge to the Delaware M. S. Endurance Compabv, as an Itetae tuLion among tilt most nourishing piladelphia— as hating a large paid to capital, trhich, by Om oper ation of its charter, is Conslantly increastag—as yielding to each person tro•ured has doe share 1,1 the profits or the Company, without insulting Lau in any responsilahty whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in ity and therefore as ptersessing the Mutual pnactple divested of 11, , ery obnoxious feature, and in its most attraeut v form. not I -ti . . AgetAy - of the Franklin Fire Inburaner Company ofPhilatlelphia. N. E. rornrr of 'Third and Wink! Pet.wburgh. first I E asAct, or lh • C.nnipeny on (Lc(Lcnit ut Jaritia ry, 15.15, us puldishogi to confornitt) . /tit an act ul the Poillo,kanta Ltvalatorr, mete Booth, and gur4;agns, Real Egtate, at cot Tempurary LUdLiS, JtucLs and .M.tkitig a total 0r • sllo9,tlnli 4:: i A Ir.prtLiez t,rtAlll assurance that all losseh sill L. p ro mpt:). met, Mid grim,: entire 51,Clalli to all is iii I 0 1 / 1 .3111 pIIIICICi from till. Cullql-11/Y. Rids,. taken “( as low rates as are L uoststent with seoertry. Oct S %VA It RICK :11A IITIN , Agent. !luny Derail hir I/00k , I. renta , ect at the Bookstore or the SUbarftber ti in sth street. near Market : Itlntrren 111,dirn, porn, by Samuel Ilahrteman, translated and edited by Charles JU:IUt. D., 4 vols. lbtrlnian's .4rtife diseases, Iry Pr. Il empel, yid I. liointeopat ha: Dontesuc Mt-tilt:me, by J. Luis fir, enlarged and impro.ed, by A. J. Dall, M. U. laile s s New Manual, yol. I. No. I and 3. lie, no's DionestlePhystrian. A Al.ittaal of : Domestic. Cookery, li,, the use alter suns u Ito are under liontwoirathic trr Bouningltauseit's Theralta:bc Pock et book fur honorpathists, by Dr. (ll.te. Aabireinan's Chronic Diseases, sal 5. i Together with Medicine Chests "111i:it-rent Pit., and pores. tap I tit 1("r1)1; To ARMs! To ARMS!! ges b TIIILEATENE.Ir Invasion of I\'6sterii - ;c• . Pennsylvania by Col. S. ill, with lii,Uui' men, nutwithstantlieg a loch, .1. 51. 1.1: into .11/ tlflut to sell Clllollllg cheaper than any 11.Lhill'irtolory been offered in the Western MOlllitry, hatwq the largest establishment in the city, fronting on LliCity Sod Sioth sta. lie is now prepared to silo. to fir numerous patrons the greatest variuty of eassuricres ; vembligs, and clothing of all descriptions, .lA:ride fur - the approaching Beano n, that 11.1 M cvii been Mimed in this market, to which all can Lase the. 114;ht of Way. Obserle the miler, No. 167, Liberty and SlAth sts. J. M. wiliTE. marl:) l'l'Opf It tor. iSPIIING STYLE. ATs AND CAPS. 54:7 q 1 7 . subscriber Would inform his customers and the , public, that he has received direct hem New York, the latest and most ammo% ed style nt Buts and Caps for spring_ and' summer wear. lic is also daily mauufuctoring Ilms and Caps of all descriptions, and he pledges himself to lufnish his customers milli an article that, for neatness, dura lrilrty and cheapness, cahoot be surpassed. Western :Merchants me invited to call and ex amine his stock, as be l'eetb confident of being able to please both in quality and price. G. W. GLASSGOW, M.,. Wood st., Third doc,r below Da, is Coro. Auction Rooms. N. K.—Persons piefeiring u Pittsburgh mauulac• lured Hat to Eastei.ll Hats with Pittsburgh names may rely 011 getting the smile by calling LIS above. martl4l:iiti G. IV. G jARIESAND GENTLEMEN, who design pur j chasing Vemtian Blinds, or wish to get their old Blinds renewed and made better than when new, , will please take notice that ALd re 55 White to pins , permanently situated On the corner or Wood and 4th Sib. Show room on the second floor or . .1,1 r. Ken nedy's splendid Looking Glass and variety store; entrance on 4th st. All orders thank fully reci and promptly attended oi. Please call and bee lie- Cure purchasing elsewhere. mat 13 BOW' 1 Complaint. • 10110 M Dr. M. 1.. KNAPP, of Chicago, 111., Pro lessor of Materia Medica in the I. nit etsity of Laporte, Indiana. Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir :—You ask me what proofs I meet with of the efficacy of your Carotin Wee. I can safely say that never prescribed a medicine s for Bowel Complaints that has given ho much satin-' aimiun, and my patients so, spec ly and perfect re-I lief as this. Whenever introduced into a family, it ; becomes a - standing remedy fur those ailments, and' is called fur again and again, which I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In the Summer Cimiphlizit or children it has frequently op peared to snatch the little victims, as it were, from ; the grave. "It saved the life of my child, such 4nd such a child,” I have repeatedly heard said. In dysentrie affections ufadults,l have time and again seen it act like a charm, and give permanent relict' in a few - hours, 1 may say in a few minutes. In tine it is a valuable medicine, and nu family should be without it. Respectfully. M. L. KNAPP. M. D. From the Rev. CIIARI.ES C. P. C.110511Y, Ky., and late of New York. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear sir—l am glad to inform you that. the medicine made, by you fur Bowel and Sum mer Complaints has proved singularly efficacious in my family. My-wife has for years been extremely liable to a most distressing dysentery in hot weather but by 'the use OrJAYNE'S CARDILVAT/VE BALSAM fur two seasons, the' attack has been obviated in the course of two or-three hours. 1 have known chil dren, when attacked with a violent Diarrham cured immediately by this medicine. 1 consider your medicine prepared with grett skill, and highly bene ficial to lowan nature. Respectfully yours, C. I'. CROSBY. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street near Wood ==E ~ 3- tfiS -FOREIGN REMITTANCE. TE subscribers are prepared to forward money to all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with despatch, and 3 t the lowest rates. SAMUEL McCLURICAN & Co., N 0.142, Liberty st. ESE rectmocrou. John Black S. Co., IrOLF.SA . LE. Grocers, Produce and Commis sion Merchants,. and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactures, No. 166 Liberty street, opposite 6th, Pittsburgh. may 12 ta" Liberal advances made on consignments. John F. Perry, , , , ( Late of the firm of Malcolm, Leech ,fr C 0.,) WItOLi.:S:AL EG'llOCr l C%nns ivaand , I:ur rerclaitdeaicrialkastfcotntrvPro duce, copper, tin, tin plates, tinners' tools, zinc, lead, Russia sheet iron, iron and nails, white lead, dye stuffs, cotton yarns, salt, &c., and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, corner of Liberty and ir win streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal advances, to ( ash or Goods, made on consignments of Produce, he.. may IS.tf — 1" ---- 13.A. CAMERON, HOLLOW WARE AND PLATFORM SCALES, 'ANL CASTINGS IN GENERAL. RESPECTFULLY , asks the patronage of his friends. Ile feels warranted that he ran give satisfaction to all who may purchase of him. llis establishment is on M'Kelvy's Plan of Lots, all Ward. tnar3l-ly Fifth Ward Livery Stable. THE subscriber, having bought out inn well th . fr known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the Fifth Ward, respectfully inferno his friends and the public generally, that he will keep at all times a stock of the best description of riding horses, bug gies, carriages of all kinds, and in short everything required io his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is now,and he is conlideat no stock in the city will be superior to his. His terms will be moderate. llis stable is on Lib, erty st., a few doors abuse the canal bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage.. CHARLES COLEMAN. irTllc is also provided with an elegant Ileari.e, l which will be furnished when required. ' 0ct2.5-tf, $600,61.7. . 100,967 7 7 . 207,193 7.! • kiNaimor -- x = ~?J ;"i,... Thr . 7i7e.?: - . , ';,' .1 '.:..*' .. `r ; 1 PCSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE , I itHEUILI.A.TiSaI AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. 'What though the causes may not be explained, tinned their effects arc duly ascertained, Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride, Induce mankind to set the means aside; Means which, the' simple, areby Ileaven . design'il Tu alleviate the ills of human kind." Di:. CLIRISTIE'S,GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG . " - NETIC ° FLUID. rialllS remarkable invention, which has received I thu universal approbation of the medical profes sion of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new ap plication olGalvanism, as a remedial agent, by means of which the ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Electric and Magnetic Machines, tic., are entirely dispensed with, and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied without any of the objecuous which are inseparable from the general mode now in use. 'She strong,..dos es, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanism isap plied by the Machines, has been pronounced, alter a fair and impartial trial, to Inc decidedly injurious, and it was to remedy this radical defect that this new ap plication was projected, which, atter unceasing toil, and perseverance, has been brought to its present state of perfection. The Galvanic Rings answer all the purposes of the most expensive Machities,'and in many other respects arc more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired effect. The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the Magnetic Fluid; are confidently recommended in all disorders which arisefrorn an enfeebled and unhealthy state of the nervous or vitaV , System, and these com plaints are among the most painful and universal to which we are subject. They arisei without exception, from one simple cause—a derangement of the Nest ous System—and it was in these cases that ot"Wr 'remedies' having so often failed, a new agent was greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, has been found in the proper and judicious application of Galvanism. The Galvanic Rinss have been used with entire success in all cases of RHEUMATISM, acute or chronic, applying to the head, face or litribs,'Gout, Tic-Dolo reux, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous Sick ,9,000 Deaths ily Consumption 1 Headache, Indigestinn, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, Fits, Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, Apoplexy, irmld perhaps be a small estimate Jar the ravages of; Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, Ibis dread,/ l disease in a single year; then add thel N e :„,,, , ,,,4, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Ilead, _fearful i ulalogue if those rut tli by Illisnuilton mlf ! pa i n in the Cheat and Side, General Debility, Defwien . the Lung., Hemorrhage, Asthma, rough., I , illuen- , ey of ,Vervou.v and Physical Energy, and all NERV za, Br o nel,,lis, and usher diseases if the Lungs and; Ol:S DISORDERS. In cases urconfinned Dyspepsia, Litre. i w hich is simply a nervous derangement of the diges and the list would present an appalling proof of tnve organs, they have been found equally successful. t h e s i c i l i ty 0 1' 1 1,,,, ist 0 eI,L.SNee, or diseases. But it Their extraordinary effects upon the system must be is iimiditant to know that nearly all of this dread I witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive site 01 Inuillilli hie m.glit hate been prevented by 1 for the preceding complaints they are equally seem '. t.'"H" ""' "1. lilt SW Al NE'S CUMP° U N D ST - 1 Int:ltd.]. The Rings are of different prices, being RI 1' of.' W ILD CIiERRN . I made of all sizes, and of various ornamental patterns, Thn-n medicine his now been before the public ; and can be worn by the most delicate female without some eight years, and is the original pri•paration the slightest inconvenience. Inn fact, the sensation from the Wild Chew, Tree. Its reputation as a rein-I is rather agreeable than otherwise. rely for Coughs, Colds, eronclutis, and Consumptiou : The Gatt „,„ hite Belts, Bracelets, Bands, of the Lungs based iiiinitily upon Ili HitrlliseC Merits, Garters, Necklaces, Sae. oar, Ina Iluic to, inflated newspaper puffs. T host 1 In some cases of a very severe character, and of is lei give it a Innal, being benetitted by it, recoin- , long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic sewn n l•' I,', neighbors, and thins gradually and . Rings is not suilicieutto arrest the progress Of disease sanely 1i". ,1 ,..; essd an sni'''. o, " l, rel'uoi."'" "ad a irked. and ultimately restore health. Tice improved modi ,•a an 10t0 g en/ r,sl use. Me bottle neft Cr fols to. ticatiou in tlit;GalVittliC Delhi, Bracelets, be., entire .are “ Inel.lCon4h on Cold, s+ hat wllll strict atten-; I y remedies this objection; any degree of power that t on, to td,i . irt i.i.iiiin dial a t.,-naopaoy :lac!. bottle, m , requined can readily ; be obtained, and no complaint ts tise in Pa:nom:try iinstaftes ut long standing and ; wleel. the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect ,; tins oo,l a:ar.0.1..,.. i bit., ter, Inns always gn, en re i will fail to be permanently relieved. These articles i" 1 , sod I" '''r.! inns t"'"+"' has rikt t e d coin ; are adapted to the waists, arms, wrists,limbs, alleles, Caul ins' Dr at 1 in:nan and inerroantint LAW,. . ~, , ~, ~• , I ur any paid' the body, with perfect convenience. .ti AV ii i 4 , .• o.t , .1. - 1. teeeit ed at i n• lire. 1 Li wars ot i t ., ft, orthless •• It :Dims ,'‘ •• Illtters,• ' i The Gala axe Necklaces are used with greater bone estald isliiiient, fronting tin 'Abet ty awl Sm Il :. Syrup's, - 4n ~ as then emitsun moue or time virtues i tit in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat - treets, a splendid assortment tit TW E1.....11S he of t . ,e ortg.r:al prepaistion. I generally; also in cases of Nervous Deafness; and - 12irlin,t - r, ii/io, it superior lot of French Satin V lii",, The 'or ig,iii / and on;) • genitine artncte is prepared, with almost uniform success ass preventive fur Apo „i, ~,, Ihy 1i1t..141N ANL r?ran lut Erghth an d R a ce streets,., &ex .. , riNGs, all 01 5,n..1-. I, is r,,,tv to '01.6....•; Eplepue Fits, and similar complaints. lehladelploa, ;dad lei ,llr by agent. iii all parts 0! : !Le latest fashion and on the 11.,,51 reaYanialde te I 111, : , : , - , . , Christie's , Magnetic Fluid • this 1 lotto tfttat• ft, and I,OIIIC part. o f Lump. .I , ti'saial, lilnsev.e the cone, prepaid onl:n by tit.:4% A 1 :`. C., '.'t .IA corner of : , , , , • , and Sixth stietita. ' E ghti, and Race Burets, Philadelphia, amid fur sale;flex comp osition has been all 'eels mouinca t") ;' " e . h'l ' mina , .., ft:In:CI-11.dr i nruvg ,,, ,u , mn ~,„,1, all the 1 ,,,,,,, na i , pr o nounced by the • r nc l . mmists to be one of the I • ' must extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It r- ' ; tow us ill the 1 oile d :st,,tet. ...r . 7l NIrDON A I.D. Bill and Brim,' ri„, „,, 1 ,, 11 -1,„1„,„a,. ~,,d Retail, by wm . THoRN , i ts lodlcled to posse, the remarkable power of TC7I - street, a nd 1 1. , -- .1••„„„ . „6,.. i5,,,,t street gear alarket, is ' .',3 Ma rkf ;street; L. JoN ES, Isfi I. ' . I ' dering the nerves sensitive to galvanic action by tints F” .1' p i epilreil to make Lines , I . :001hp .10,/ ,t)(;./1 . ,.. t . &S Nt IV; DEN , re , siss al n 00 , 1 and 1- ld sts•, 1114,,ans5augiog a concentration of the influence, at the 1 : ~.. ~ ,„,. ~, .. ~„,„ ~„,,„„,.„,,,A. ~,,, seat ul disease, thus giving rapid and permanent re . , r ,.... ,-,,,a. 5 , win ,i s gime, aii y on lis 010 z , -!, - : , • 0 -•• t :,- ':7; . 1e..1.001.1bie terms and shortest untied. ' ) I • , Iner. No other composition in chemistry is known to : produce the same effect, or to impart a similar pro liemum 11e.S 111.1 , 111111.!v and all t h us. The M ost Astounding Discovery. I pert,' to the nervous S)stem, Ins means of an outward ,ikints brass e ,,, rits , to tZt‘e hint a Call. , + 4 ins is de A 111.1>ININC. ! A Milt lel. E. ! ' A 11. /Nl/1..,11!! ! ' local application. The Magnetic Plaid contains Ileth :erre Init,l 10 at., :111 '4014 it h:,, !the 1 ery lots. 'To sur e Lrifidiens 0•01 Lnsitituresurnis if the Siin,: ing capable of the slightest injury; its'application is may '..17 1 y Pomples, 14 e, Lica, Sulam n, Sall 10,estm, Scurry, agreeable, and it is as harmless in its action as it is '. . . 1 Sore Heads, 4 c. 4 c. 4 c. beneficial in its results. run explanations and el, Nr direc i-i IR Nd . ,y OA C,lt, 11::01kij:''& L I.llh et., Ittt,r N. G a t e i .1.,,0 1V,,,d arid .1,,,r1: nom; accompany it. The combined inventions are in 11: • every way perfectly harmless; they are sold at prices M:laill s .ielllrcre , of M todarit , Cried.] Spa /4, Catsup.. within the reach of all and the discoverer only re sic., lee., w ill open daiing the present vices a L i , , ,,,, quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy 1,..61,1101•0!. or ..rtiel ,, in their line, wMc li Gies van!, and permanent benefit. a 1,1/1 I ,11, In , 11.,;,1th1. 1 - to aunt d•• - slur., :it L.i.s,tel II C hrirtle's Gall ante Strengthening Mas a hl3:l . lClir pr;cr, All arl.Cli r. sold bs Onn•Hl is antl:l tees. med. alert liants tr.:end:lig t. ge eniit wOlll.l dun e,ei! , These articles form another valuable application to call beS,,re lea "lig th e elty. They ros in hr 1%.,01.,1 of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They are it th it w areliousei No. 117, Fifth al', in Inc an', , bold an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings and thuir moddications, acting upon the same princi phi, but having the advantage or more local applica tion. They are confidently recommended as a valu able addition in the speedy cure ofltheumatism,actite or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a posi tive ['slimily in cases of Pain and Weakness in the Chest or Bark,Pain in the Side,in Asmatic Affections, and in Weakness or Oppression of the Pulmonary Or pins. la Spinal Complaints their effects are of the most decided character, and they have often been used with complete success. They are also of the greatest advantage is Pains and Weakness of the Breast,and arc highly recommended for many athose complaints to which females are especially liable. As an effectual means for strengthening the system when delimitated vi nth disease or other causes; as a certain and in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive of Colds, and ei all affections of the 'Chest, generally, tine Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be found ol great and permanent advantage. In a few words; it embraces all the virtues of the best tonic preparation, with die important addition of the galvanic influence, winch is neither impaired nor exhausted, while the action continues. These articles will be found entire- Iv free front those objections which are a constant source of complaint with the ordinary plasters in I=l NOTICE ITAVING sold out my establishment to Doctor NVilleon F. los in. I cheerfully recotnutend lieu to all m) former frtends and customers. EDGAIt TWAIN. lrw•in** Drug Store The undersigned having bought out the store 0! r.dgar thorn, corner of Penn and !land idrectii, so liras a shale of the drug and medicine custom of the city and surrounding country. A general assortment °lan the most saleable Medicines, Perfumery, Snaps, Fa tics Articles, 14rualtes and Combs still ways be kept on hind. Ph yalcian's prescriptions 3C- C I ale I ) non pull 103C41. The attire oat be Upell at all 110 MD of the (la; and night. W 11.1.1 1M F. IRWIN, corner of Puin and bland sta. MEI Utorge Cochrau, AS I; Ft picW NIERCIIANT, No S/rert, I'atsturgh. vi'tiTiNl.F.l, to trank3ct a general ,speela;ly in the purchase and nail . of Amer. an In,nuractmt, and Irt"thirt!, and 111 f •mg a,,1 Irding (.00d, i.olsBlg lied In 1.”4 care. As aKent for the mqnufat turerN 'Atli I' • 4,ll4tallti) sappl:ed v..th prlnclpal art,c;o: IA " Ihtl.burgli ut,nu:..nturdat the 1. , i•ct hole,de price,. order.rotle,:ollll,l4:l4.l,:rtsitectfully ace,. Great Euglista ruicaly I 'or r0tt,714 l'ulds .4 Arfner, and ('ups umpt ion' rrii): great and tin! remedy for C4,1,fe,, Co.ct.‘, Asrhma and Cerise ti eTtozs , 1s 11.1 HUM:AI:I N 11.11.5.Vt1 CC 111 - E, de cot creil by the eelrblated or. Dill u, of Lerekoll. 1 ielreameed lie 1. lrrted Nlapas under the immediate suptirin tend:tote of oil, inventor. The extraordinary sutceOS Mr this medicine, 11, the cure of Pulsioniary Ilie AnicriLan Ag..ill In .11, aang fur treatmeid the POll,O 1.1141 Can L roarlai w the that bud: rolipf Ill: *4lll ((OM any or the 4,,111111011i ~ • " .'ia* * of the rl.l*, and hate been gi,4-11 Ur 1.9 Ole, Most dlataigmlaked as 120s1 1 1 4 a.m.) Aby 1, kni.E. The Ilungarian Balsam has cured, and 11. 11 core the HOST UMW:CRATE 01 , LACES. ft la not quack laminar - 1, but a standard Edigholi medium., oil II awl established ellicae.). Es cry flintily in llie United Stater, should lie 511 1,- " plied 'a ali lluchau's Ifungartan Balsain of Life, not ' only lti colinteracl the 1:011SUI1lial 1C1!111,11CiUS of the Chlllate , 6111 to be used Rua preventive medacine If, all rases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Sole and Chest, Irritation and Sorcoess of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Iteetir Set er, Night SY. cats, Emaciation and General Uc bility , Asthma, Influenza, flopping Cough and Crimp. Reid in large bottlers, at $1 per bottle, MIDI full dirretionii for the restoration of Health. Pamphlets, eela:11111111! 3 mass pr l Eitglish and A -1 Illerie3ll CerllflCatell, and miler eliolences, 14110 m ing the unequalled ',writs of the great English Itetned), may be obtained or the Agents, gra bilious! y. DAVID F. BRA 01.1:0, 00111 Agent fur the United I.Stati N, 119 Court street, Boston. 1 , T. W. Dvorr tz.Sorrs,.(lciieral Wholesale Agriits, No. 1321 North Second street, Philadelphia. }'or Sale by B. A. FAUN ESTOCK & Co., corner lof Wood and Front streets. inay7 _ . (Y r ( I !, ) 'lie Stock of t h e above Compuity, m:1,1'11g 111 or near thus city, are requested to pay the c 0110.% ing instal ineiits to Jushua Hannah, Agent for the Company, 10 per rent. On or before the 15th June neat. 20 " L4t July ", 4.6064 II t: I• lu 15th .• By order of the Company: 11. (PRP..ILLY, Con tractor fur the continuation of said Line. juuel.d3t and on June 13, 14,13, 28, 29, 30, and July.l3, 14, and 13. _ . . . . ➢IIE. DUFF'S AND WRITING ESTAB LISIIMEN Northeast cor ner of Filth and Market sts.; only institution ill the city in which Gentlemen can acquire such u know ledge of Book keeping as trill r naL,lc them to rippl; it immediately to practice. Pennies desiring rt can have any number of referenCeS. Several new testi monials or thp complete success of Inputs in steam boat Book keeping, have been recently received, arid may be inspected by visitors. {fours or ti 11515 1 055 during summer 2to 4 and StoloP. M. junel 111 'Notice to Creditors. undersigned, having filed his petition to the I Court or Common Pleas of Allegheny County, fur his discharge under the Insolvent Laws or thin Comemnwealth, and the Court having.appointed the thirst Monday or June, for hearing the saute; you are hereby notified to nttend and make objection, if any- you hare, why I should not be discharged. junel-d3w JONATHAN STUBBS; Laborer. Summer Vivehion for hats. Ci MOORE has just received from New 0. York the Summer Style for HATS, con sisting of WHITE, BEAVER, PEARL and WHITE FRENCH CASSIMERE HATS, With Irettilla/OTS• Those in want of a beautiful light flat are respectfully invi ted to call at N 0.7.5 Wood at., ma2B-y 3d door above Fourth. AFR.,. supply orJohuson's Superior Printing Ink, Just received and fur sale at the office of the Pittsburgh Morning post L. IJARPEIt. Oil t igAr . " 46: ~4;47.14k1/4...---- HMMMI x~_: ~:r ~kCh' ; _~::-. • Great Remedy of the Age: DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, ESTABLISHED IN 1835 LY AN - ACT OF. CONGRESS. The Great Reined' , for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lii,er Complaint, Spitting Blond, Difficulty of Breathing, fain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Beall., Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution, Sure Throat, Nerv ous Debility, and All diseases of Throat, Breast, and Lungs; the niost effectual and speedy mire ever known fur any of the above diseases is 301114 I:LA[li DR. 511'41 - NE'S COM POUN D SYR PP OF WILL) CHERRY Ittati the Testimony. Si. Louts, Srpt. 7 1h,1546. Dn. K. lifas-nmtv & Co.—Gents.--1 have been afflicted for abput three years With a pulmonary com plaint, wloch lom baffled the skill of several of the must eminent physicians of our country. AL limes my cough V. as very severe,' pain in my side and breast, and eruct difficulty in breathing. In this nay I continued to suffer, until life becaffic almost a bur den. At length 1 saw your advertisement of OIL. S A.YN E'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and was perstffided by a friend cl Mite to make a trial of: it, and 1 purchased a bottle of you. I am happy to laffirm you that one, bottle has effected a perfect curs, and that I ant now in the enjoyment of good health. make this statement in the form of a certificate, that others who may he afflicted with such diseases may know where to find a valuable medicine. You can use this testimony in commendation of Dr. SwayriesCompoond syrup of Wild Cherry as you think best. Yours, with respect, Wm. CARSON. One Wenn or CAuriotc.—Since the introduction of my article to the public, there have a number ofl unprincipled individuals got up nostrums, which they assert contain Wild Cherry ; some are called ‘• Balsams," Bitters," and even Syrup of Wild Cherry," but :nine is the original arid only genuine preparation ever introduced to the public, vshich con be roved by the public records of the COMUIOII - of Pennsylvania. The only safeguard against imposition to sea that toy signature is . on each bottle. On. H. SWAYNE, Corn or of Eighth and Race streets, Plolada. R eat ag.k last A : 4 :net, the Capl Lai Ur FratlCC 1 S. 48 a Plulal,ltt'd to Ct2l.f•iilueoCC of a d ISCOS CT) Mani , ' by an Imleall Chetilinl. Many dUllhia'il — iltiCellln ee .1111.nt an nopoesibility that any thing made by the hamh of 1 41 .111, could hale such esngular puterb an that td 11) A NTU:n i‘t \ for his tn,en mm. 'Manx M:o.,ed Min and le, Int - m:lmm a, a 1111111- bug, 1111,1, aia,' many Mulish ',manna ,s Itallltit trying, Ihe saute ne%;, at 11 . 11011, after tearing it to the tm,intal,, the :\ledteal semety of (the best (hem 14,.t. In the 15 mid, ,tel,,tted the Milo n mg report _ l7 1 to Signor 1 riiff : "e 11:l% 111:110.1.1y anidcareinlix examined thr. ,11fIgultir int 00111,n of \ osprini. Vl't hale analyz- Ito is...nip...cut part*--rio have used 11 In neserai o arses, and rr e hreoWte loot to pronounce it crh, Italian l hrinitial Sun great ItlesLing. and a nunderful ietntal) ILr any elntantimii+ cmptioh do44:llrl'lntAll Or the hi. In. Its 111, Coto( th.Ltrtle liiiihnitikfoiioa of .utieriiiti is;,glicd; d.1: 41 11)LD DUPREY, Pron." Then curates the report of the "Societe de !lust: lUtr," i l ~GIVISLIfir caperittirilt.: ••‘Vti are astounded ," exelaiins the aged president,l "at this singular piepdrattiin—V esprit:Cs Italian rot-vow -Al Soap! Whyte, itoleed, sco•lice stop! Ilere e have a preparation made in the limo of a ; bedutdial piece of soap, sr hick we know by actual trio-Awe, lit cure CVCr) unitIItIVOILS eruption, every distigurenteht or, and envoi discolored 610 ! \s`ltere ; will its magic and singular power cess&t,l , The Ne • gro, the Crt•ole„ the Race of the East, and the lied Man ofthe Far West, are alike under the in I fluent., or its est:at:military powers of clearing yet low or discolored skin, and make it white and beau tiful, and of Shane tug the undo, ofdark, or black, or brown shut." !Ilere se eral persons w pre brought ! forward by the prestanta, vs lin had used it, 11l proof Of Isla aSzieftiollh.) 1 8031 Tll F. INVENI'AI 111>1NELF TO THE I.RESENT In dr ron.ide,atlon ~f the sum of $3600, I hair ui g ca to MILT. Joists, resoling in the City of rk:,, York, N. A., the o holt romiss of manufacturing, together with a statement of the ingredients compos ing my Italian Chemical Soap. Ilests to inanuthe tore it for sale rn the United States only, and to have the prii ilege of naming it "Jones's Italian Chemical Soap." Witness, Henry J. llohlsworth. (Signed) ANTONIO VESPRINL There are probably few persons of intelligence, mho, alter reading the above, will doubt the quail lies or Jones's Italian Chemical soap, in curing Eruptions, Disfigurements, Freckles, Salt Rheum, Scut Sy, Erisypelas, Sun-burn, Morybe% , Tan, Yel low or Brow a Skin, &r. Should there be such per sons, perhaps the following recommendations, as well a: hundreds from others, may convince them. tr.:T . l.'or sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pitts burgh where the I:ENCINE CAN be obtained; Al2l. taIIERS ARE COL NTERFEIT. 1 , .--, z. JAC 01! WEAVER,I6 Marketat., lr ' A earner el F runt, is now receiving lt 0 r) aiid oilers for sale at inducing pri ,,r:#17.“.77W-4.' yrs, the Colouring extensive variety oi %\ INES AND LIQUORS, selected by himself, as formerly, loi the firm or l•LertE - rr & Cu., in the Eastern Cities, limn first hands: Leger Ftere, Cognac and Champagne Brandies. J J. Duiwy, l'aNullun, old MagloQ , Rastaut. Chanhupq , l'ele“..usun, A. Seignettc, Otard Dui u! & Co. and CaEillon & Cu., V inh wes or 1632 lu Isl 6 —embracing all the Rochelle and Bordeaux lla %ors, in half Pipes, quathers and octaves, or be it tall, holland Weesp Anchor, Cross Keys, Meders Sis an and livid Glass.brands, new• and old mportations. Runts—New England, t. Croix, Antigua and Ja maicas, some Cr,% superior. Whiskeys—Old Scotch and Irish, Monongahela Rye, Bourbon Cu. Cur,,. Wines—Ma:deiras, TencrilTes, LisborA, Sherries, Sicilys, Malagas, Ports, Iced Wines, White Wines, Muscats, Clarets, Champagnes, Hocks, and sauter nes, in Cases, India 131)Is., Qr. Casks, Mids., Demi john or Bottle. june3 Latest Improvement. I3EDSTEADS of differeht kinds with Gazzain's iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now in use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse of angt. T. B. YOUgG & Co, !land street. jUcb cat. It F:A D Tills! =I Ywi. , Nor 4, 1 !..I.t 0 NITS ES AND LIQUOTtS -.. .~ ; ~ ..,r=! Cs ..-,. ~.`Y ~~ .... w~.~ k...::~ 7'~ +~ ~ ~ °_9,.,`~ 5, -.~ ..ru 'V,t~ . s r . 4 wEi.34=~' pe.,,~`,; h , ~~ ~ . ^' ~~ • ... it j~.~~~tiß:.a7%~a'r..~ev`v~ , N , »w~'~T'r!4 t *s ~.*F- - r -,' • - {itcbital. Rmw_iii' ~ 1 .;Iii1P•4t:1! ~.:, wighdi ; t Al l\ ~, . " ----7 . "7:-4 . =; SFr 7, , ~ : i.-v T . ' 51; _,V_ ''*!-- - 2 r-..ai -, 1:.- - ;_r,;.:1:,,'": - ; . • - .:4 -mil -..3 I= C A 17 T 1 0 4N lry - The great celebrity and success of these arti cles have caused them to be counterfeited by enprin mid ed persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. IIIbTIE has but one authorized agent iu each city 01 the Union. The only agent in Pittsburg)i, W. W. 'WILSON. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS, Of the highest and most respectable character. are constantly received, regarding the extraordinary t value and success of above articles. It is believ ed that in the city of New York alone, upwards ofi EIGIIT TWA:SAND PERSONS during a period of less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the, most painful chronic disorders, some of which have completely baffled all former efforts of medical art. indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who disapprose of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine, constantly recommend this application in their prac tice, and with the exception of those who are too prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent among the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all times ready and most happy to give every facility* to physicians, mid all interested, for testing the truth of his assertions and the efficacy of Ins discovery. Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of 4th and Market street. octl4-dly Jones Italian Chemical Soap • • - - DEASONS, in purchasing this, must always ask 1 . for JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and, per haps, as inany.have been cheated with counterfeits will be too much discouraged to trythe genuure,tve say to such, Try this once—you will not regret it; but always see that the name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Price 50 cents a cake. Fur sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, comer of Wood and Liberty streets, (lee only place in Pittsburgh where the Genuine can be obtained; ALL OTHERS ARE COUNTERFEIT. jan22 Jonesci Coral Hair Restorative. I EREBY certify that my hair was failing out in I immense quantities daily, and was turning gray, and that since 1 have used Jones's Coral Hair Resto rative, it has entirely ceased falling—is growing find, and has a fine dark look. Before, I used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, I combed out handfuls of hair daily." W. TOMPKINS,92 King st.N. For sale by W. Jackson, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE CAN bll'alairlCd. jan22 To my Clients. PARTNEII, Mr. Liggett, and «'m. E. Aus- 1. tin, Esq., will attend to my unfinished busi ness, and 1 recommend them to the patronage of my friends. 1 am authorized to state that they will re dcciye the counsel and ausistabcd of the lion. it. Bid ble . Office I'd story of street, etween Wood and Market. jan6-ly SAMUEL W. BLACK.' ltbiraL- illqa l naere 4 • 94CEAXGgir a;,l virE.TE.itrr NEW yomr. COLLEGE. OF HEALTH , 2071qt:ilia street, Brutal°, .111.sw-Ifork, G. C. VAUGHN'S VEGETA BLEI.VPION TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR 1847.--" I CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED'," is TOGA emphatically the Case witli this article. Disease has ever yielded to its most marvellons medicinal power. -Wherever it has gone, and South America, England - , Canada,' and the United States haye proved the truth of this] statement, the above quotation in a strongand pithy sentence, tells the whole story.' Invalids, the prin ciple upon which you are cured may-not be known to you, but the result of a trial of the article is satis-i' factory; you are restored; and the secret of the cure remains ,with the proprietor. The Medicine a compound of 22 distinct vegetable agencies; each dividual root bas its own peculiar, exclusive,-medi cinal property, conflicting with no other compound —each rout makes its owp cure—and as a perfect combination, when taken into the system, it does the work which NATURE, when her laws were hist established, intended it should do—P U R IF I ES, STRENGTHENS, AND RESTORES the broken down, debilitated constitution. Dnorsv, in all its characters, will be completely eradicated from the system by its use. See. parnplets in agents' hands, for free circulation—they treat upon all diseases, and show testimony ofcures. GRAVEL, and all coin plaints or the urinary organs, form also the cause of great suffering, and Vanity's Ltritorerairric bat a.aluired no small celebrity over the country, by the cures it has made in this distressing class of afflic tions. So famed, it seems, is this medicine, that it has thus attracted the notice of one of our Medical publications. in the November No. 1846, of the "Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review of Medical and Surgical Science," in an article upon calculous ' diseases, and "Telsents," the writer, after noticing the fact that the English government once purchased a secret remedy, and also noticing the purchase in 1802 of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New York,' thus pays tribute to the fame of the Medicine: "Why do not our Representatives in Senate and Assembly convened, enlighten and 'dissolve' the suffering thousands of this country, by the purchase of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic, than which no ] solvent since the days of Alchemy has piassessed one' half the fame I" Reader, here is a periodical of high standing, acknowledged throughout a large'section of this country to be one of the best conducted jour nals of the kind in the United States. exchanging with the scientific works of Europe to our certain knowledge, edited by Austin Flint, M. D., and con tributed to by men of the highest professional abili ty, thus stepping aside to notice a "secret. remedy." You will at once understand no unknown and worth less nostrum, could thus extort a comment Irons so high a quarter—and consequently, hitless it directly conflicted with the practice of the faculty, it must have been its great "fame" which has caused it to , receive this passing nod. KIDNEY diseases, weak ness of the back and spine, irregular, painful and! suppressed Mensturation ' Flour Albus, and the en- 1 tire complicated train of evils which follow a disor-' dered system, are at once relieved by the medicine.] , Send fur pamphlets from Agents,and you will find evidence of the value of the Lithontriptic there pt.t. forth. As a remedy for the irregularities of the te male system, it has in the compound a "coat" whit h h is been resorted to in the north of Europe for cen tunes—as a sure cure for this complaint, and a re storer of the health of the entire kystem. LIVER Comm.ariv, J atuirncr, Bu-toes IHSEASES,. &c.,are instantly relieved. People of the West Will nd it the only remedy in these complaints, as well as FE VER AND AGUE. There is no remedy like it, and no calomel or quinine forms any part of this mixture. No injury will result in its use, and its active proper ties are manifested in the-use of a single 30 oz bottle. FOR FEVER AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders, take 110 other Medicine. Riireatarisx,Gorr,will fi nd relief. fhe action of this medicine upon the Blood, will change the disease—which originates in the blood —and a healthy result will follow. DYSPEPSIA, DIGESTION, &c., yield in a few days use of this Medi- cine. Inflammation OF THE LUNGS. COUGH, Cob sunrriou also, has ever found relief. Scaorta.a, ERYSIPELAS, PILES, Inflamed Eyesall caused by ins !l pure blood--will find this article the remedy. The system, completely acted upon by .the twenty-two j different properties of the' mixture, is purified and restored—as a partial cure will not follow. The train of common complaints, Palpitation of 11w Heart, Sick Headache, Debility; 4-c., are all the re stilt of some derangement of the system, and the GREAT REs-roara will do its work. The .promises I set forth in the advertisement, are based upon the I proof of what it has done in the past four years. , The written testimony of 1000 Agents, in Canada, the United States, England and South America, in the possession of the proprietor—and can be seen I by all interested—is a sufficient demonstration that it is the best Medicine ever offered to the World.. Get the pamphlet, - and study the principle as there laid down, of the method of cure. Put up in 30 oz. ' bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do at $1 each—the larger hold ing 6 oz. more than two small buttes. Look oat and nut get imposed upon. Every I:mule has i'Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture" blown upon the glass, the written signature of "G.C. Vaugn" on the, directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,' sfanip# en the cork." None other are genuine. Prepared by- Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office, 1 207 Main street; Buffalo, at wholesale 'and retail -- No attention given to letters,unless postpaid—or ders front regularly constituted Agents excepted: post paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting ad vice, prom ptly attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this aril cle--132 Nassau st., New York city; 295 Essex st.. Salem, Mass.; and by the rincipal Druggists through- out the United States and anada, as advertised in the papers. Agents in this city— • Hays & Brockway, Wholesale and - Retail Agents, No., Commercial Rote, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Also, R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street- ' John Mitchell, Federal street, Allegheny city; John Barclay, Beaver John Smith, Bridgewater. jan3o-d&r.w ly Sprains, Strains, Pains of the Breast Side, and diseases of the Spline, CURED and effectually relieved by the use of Na ture's Remedy, the AMERICAN OIL; ob tained from a well in Kentucky, 185 feet below the Earth's surface. A lady in Kentucky was cured of a Spinal Disease, which had confined her to her bed for many weeks completely helpless ' by the use of this remedy:, after various other remedies had been tried in vain. .aead the lollowing testimonial. Prrxsuuncti, August 22, 1846. _ _ This is to certify, that we have used the Asmar eA ti OIL for the whooping cough among our children, by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoon full at night, which always enabled them to rest well through the night; I also applied it to one of the children that got. her arm burnt, the child ceased crying by the time the arm was dressed aria bound up. 1 also ?vas afflicted with a pain in my side and breast, and have been so fol 16 years. 1-commenced using the Oil by taking a teaspoonful twice a day, and iii 2 or 3 days using the Oil have been very much relieved, and do believe that it is the best family medicine I have ever seen—one of my neighbors used it at my request for a sprained ancle, which re lieved' her in a few minutes; we have also used the Oil for a strained joint in our own family, which gave ease in a very short time. We live on the east side of l'enn st., 3 doors south of Walnut. lam now as well as ever I was in my life. MARGARET A. SMITH. Sold wholesale and retail by Wm. Jacksn, at his hoot and Shoe store and Patent Medicine Ware- house, S 9, Liberty street, head- of Wood street, Pitts burgh. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Wm. Jackson being the exclusive Agent for Western Perins)lvania, NONE IS GENUINE but what is sold by runt OR ins appointed agents. N. 11. A pamphlet containing ample directions, &c., with the Names and Addresses of the proprie tors and principal Agents is enveloped in the wrap per of each bottle. aug 28—feb 15-dtzw6m tk-tA Remittances to Enropet -4id4 AND PASSAGE FROM LIVERPOOL, LONDON, and the various Ports fi,f IRELAND, to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. AND PITTSBURGH. rpHE undersigned, Agent for Messrs. ROCHE, 1111.0 , 5. & Cu., is remitting money's to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, at the rate of Fire Dollars to -the £1 sterling. Drafts issued for any amount drawn direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin, and on Messrs Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, London, payable on presentation at any Bank in the United Kingdom free of discount or any charge whatever. Those desirous 0f .. , remitting, or sending for their friends will please apply to the sub scriber, at his, office on Penn street, 4 doors above the Canal Basin. JAMES BLAKELY. Persons at a distance wishing information will re ceive in answer by return mail, by directing (post paid) as above. Refer to the Bankers, Merchants, and Manufac turers of Pittsburgh and vicinity. apl7-dawtf 4 OUGH AND READY I—The Life of. General. It, Taylor, the Hero of Okee Chobee, Palo Alto, Resacca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena 'Vista, with numerous -illustrative anecdotei and'erdbellish, meets. For sale by je24 LUKE LOOMIS 4 Agt. 4• 7 1 7 -7-7'tc l FZ-` 17 —t •—• . =Z 7 - - r..'kz:u • lc , ork. - ' • ' 8 • - __„l • .The celebrated Itemedir FOR THE CUItE OF CHRONIC DIS S SIC.LUANSYRUP OR ALIZONP TROPICAL HYGI RE , . . Discovered by Dr. Blazon' of Italy in the year 1845 ; and introduced into the U:Statea early to 1546.. ..THIS unrivalledmedicine for the 'radical chid o! :Chrome diseases has spread threughout Europe' with the mogtenequalled speed and.trinmphant sue.; ceis, effecting the must astonishing cures elearknosta or re - carded in - the annals of Nledicrd History.; 'Since its introdriction into the United States it has sustained the high reputation it so. justly, received in , the l East; curing ; here as it -has done there, therirOst inveterate and long standing diseases with which the human family are afflicted. The Physicians of Eir..! rope, and America (as far as they . have beCome irc-: tplaintett with . its mode of ope. ,scion)* together With' thelhousands who have been restored to health by: its superloiofficacy with one united voice .proclaim it to be the most perfect 'remedial agent ever offered' - Ito riafferinglurrianity. It is now an established facf "that C'thisumpticm may be, can be, and has beim cured by Dr. Mazoni , s Sicilian Syrup or Tropicalllygiene: • - [ This is,the only medicine that has ever been dis- • covered that has achieved a cure where this disease; had gained a settled . and permanent hold upon the. system. For the tr uth' of this assertion, we have the - cerfifinates of some of the Most eminent Phyai 'Clans 'of. Europe and America, expressly declaring - ' that they have,prescribed it in hundreds : of Instances . where the patients were c:onaiderekbeyond all hope, of rqcovery,aird, to their asionishment,has effected - _ the most speedy and perfect cures; one,who is , unacquainted with its action can.: imagine theyoril derfultruceesa that attends the adrainisuationtifthltt Medicine in-every variety of .chroniedisease, per-. ticularly Consumption, Scrofula or kings ma,Plithisic,Piles, (sec cases reported in pamphlets' . and circulars) Cancers, Liver Complaints; Costive-' ness and Indigestion, Sore. and Inflamed Throati : 7, Bronchitis, Drupsies, Chronic Inflamation 'of - the Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility and- Iratibility of the nervous. system, Spinal affections, Paralysic; - Chronic Diarralmea, Pain in the 'breast and sides Coughs, Colds, Chronic Itheurnatism,Diseases of thic Stomach and 'Bowels, inward - weakness and &Bind down of the womb, and all the Chronic diseases pp: culler to females in their various , relations - This rfiedicirie is prepared onlylry Dr.; Itairidi'lfin.. - solf, and is composed entire! yof vegetable Material ri • containing the extract of 42 of the most rare-Tropi: tal plants but few of which are known to the medi - : caFProfessign generally. It has cis Ml' surpassed every other medicine ever -, offered to the world in eradicating disease, - that has not only enlisted many of the most talented' medical men in the world in its, favor but what ' more oxtraordinary the government where it was discovered "Ilan made it an offence punishable with - death to,attempt counterfeiting it or maAing sale of ,- any sputious article purporting to be the same or representing it , to be genuine. And this Govern ment has also made a liberal proiision for the pro-. tection of it here. To the Afflicted we say letnoucv dispair, though' you may have been given up , :by I your Physician and considered by your friends as beyond all hope, try a bottle of thie;medicine and you may rely upon the fact,that if you:have physi cal strength enough left to endure its - action, you will find' certain and speedy relief, for this has been the casein thousands of instances, in proof of which e can,produce certificates from Individuals of the most respectable character both of Europe and America. This medicine will be offered for sale only at_ the county seats of each cOuffty. owing to the small armpit yet imported and the anxiety of the proprietor to place this valuable remedy the reach of alt throughout the United States. , - - Hays & Brodkway; Druggists, No. 2 Commercial Row, Liberty eireet, wholesale and retail Agents o Allegheny county. Sold also - by E. Sellers No 57 Wood st. dec29-419m: • Medical and Surgical Office: Health .is the charm of life, without it gold. Lose, letters, tliends, all, all, are unenjoyed. ' DOCTOR BROWN,_a'. regularly educated physi-' cian from the eastern cit ies, would respectfully an , - nounee, to - the citizens o# Pittsburgh, Allegheny atid vicinity, that he tan be consulted privately and confidentially, every day -and evening at ; his office on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street Dr: grown gives his particular attention ;toll. reatmcnt and investigation of, the followinidisea ses:• . All diseasesarisiiig from Irnpuritiesof the scrofula, sYphilis, seminal weekneis, impotency, salt rheum,diseases of the eye and Car, rheumatism, pilestpalscy. Dr. Brown has much pleasure in announcing to the public, that he is in . possession of the'latest formation and improvement in the treatment of second ary syphils, practised at the Paris Lock Hos-- pital. The modern researches on syphilis, its complications and consequences, and the improved modes of Practice wlaieli have been made. known to the public but recentley, and to those , Chiefly who make this branch of Medicine, their particir lar study and practise. Many new_ and valuable remedies laavebeen late ly_ introduced, whichsecures the patientbeing mer- - • curialized out Of existence Strangers are appriseP that Doctor Brown, has been educated in 'every. every. branch of medicine, and 'regularly admitted 'to : practise, and that he-now confines himself 'to the study andpractice of this particular branch,tog,eth - - er with all diseases of a private or delicate nature„ incident to the hurnanfrnine. No cure, no paY. , Recent oases are relieved in a short time, with:: out internlption from business. Letters from a distance, asking advice, must con- . tarn a fee, or they will not be attended to. . o:7.otfice on Diamond Alley, a few doors froth Wood street, towards the market! Consultatiens . I rictly• confidential ornyl24l&*y • • Landreth's Warranted Garden Seesd, TAIRECT FROM I'INLADELPHIA. Each paper jjr bears the label and ands warranty of DAVID Ler- Darin. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.29 Water at., at the stand formerly oceupied by Geo. A. Berry. Extract from the 'Report of the Visiting Cot:emitters of the Pennsylvania Borticultgral Society,' unani-- mutely adopted and ordered to be printed. Ern LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS "These - extensive grounds ale on Federal street,- near the Arsenal. * * • The earliest eollqc z tion of Camellias - was made - here. Some of thole now in possession of those distinguished nursewnee. are ten feet high. * * * * The selection ti GREEN-BOUSL PLANTS is-cal lable and extensive. "The Nurseries are very,correctly managed, sup .plying every part of the Union, a detail of which,' would occupy - toii much of-our Space, we therefore.- content ourselves with stating that the stock is very- , large; and in every stage . .of growth, consisting oF , FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL THE S, EVER— • , 'GREENS, SHRUBS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with: , a collection of herbacceous •plants, fruit trees of the best kind and must healthy condition, large beds of - seeding apples, pears, plurm, . 3 as stocks far. bud, ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that e • working upon suckers, which carry with them into • - the grail all the diseaseeof the parent stock. * * ' , assume Sites of the finest quality have been 'I scattered over the country from these: grounds, antiO may always be depended upon. The seed establish, meat of these Horticulturists is one of the most ten si v e in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain ed from year to year. - - "To obviatethe chance of mixture of the farina of the plants of the same family, they have established another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene ration cannot take place, and which secures to the purchaser a 'genuine article. , Knowing thus the age, quality and process of culture of every plant,. the supply Oom their grounds is recommended with great confidence: , •,,* Since the date of the Report' from which the • above is extracted, the entire establishirienthas been greatly enlarged. The.collection of Camellias em braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou- sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and,: other desirable plants,beth - tender and hardy* fruit trees, &c. . - . The Seed Gardens alone coveififty whole is, as it has been fur iheirethan half a century, under the successive management of father and son„ the most prominent in America. trr Orders received .by F. L. SNOWDEN, from whomentalogues may be re6eived gratis. mar9-y, i t LARGE and splendid assortment o f Mahogapy , 1 - 1 . and Rosewobd grand action Pianos . , with tie talic frame-And with all the latest improvemeitti, which for durability, tone and . touch,•are.wanantea , ; to be equal to any- made in the country , for`sale 164 i." for cash, by F. BLUME, marlB No 112. Wood st, 2d &or above stli. _ Homoeopathic nedletnes Bpioksh. JUSZ. z eceived • a fresh supply_ of„llomceopathic h.letheipe Chests, hemceopathip Coffee, Sagas of milk, arida large collection' f tbillatest publications on Itomitopatby, at the Boi3lrSioreof. . • • - VICTOR SCRIBA; aplo Fifth sl. between Wolk and Ma/Let sta.. ~:...., F :: EMI M pianos. El 4