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' ~~ v AMTVOLIS. rairejrixo ca'4'•Of most exciting , interest was tried Wore JialgesPATT4ix and Pon- Tnn yesterday morning; A child (a--boy about 10 years.e old) was brought into court, in virtue Of • ~ a• Writ - Of habeas corpus; obtained on the prayer of hts mo • ther,ifot'the"puipoae,of recovering the pos *tessietEdl tbe,lad from a lady tvho claimed him under a.contraCt made with his father. The iiaties are all from. England, and it Oppear-, ed; that Ilei , hat;e been in this country but - a few Years: T 4 :mother of the lad, Mrs. Martin, hdd! separated trine her husband in England. Theboy. Taff:leis, it vas alleged, was given to Mrs. Ther bY his frithei d7 —this lady agreeing to - raise hirirs,; : , She ;horny after came to the United States, and has two three years been living in Al- , legheny city. Mrs. Martin 'soon after fdllowed,. Witliher other three children, and 'hoarded with Mre.Therkettle for some time in Allegheny. After 'a time;she M.,) commenced housekeeping herself, having got employment as'a teacher of a 'public s sehool. Her circumstances becoming easy, sbe.dimanded her boy Firancis, and was refused. thderohirdi upon which this refusal was made, was, a charge ageiiretMrs. Martine( cruel and un- Iriatutai treakmenCtciwards the children wile' lived 'with her, nuMber of witnesses were examined • in support Of this allegation.' The most impor tant One was a little girl who had lived, last win ter,, in.thelamily of Mrs.. Martin. She stated that • on New Year's night, Mrs. M. put one of her boys 'into dark} cellar, without clothing or bed, and 'with nothing to eat but bread and water. She 'w.si in the habit of punishing her boys in this way. !Sheoften'whipped:them with a rope, cowhide, and 'sometimes with sticks. Sometimes she threatened to kill ther4. One time she heated a poker red l'hOt, saying she intended to run it down.his thine, - a:punishment for some °Tenet, which he denied' 'having committed; but confeising the deed, she: 'then took the poker, and 'touched the end of it to his chin - three or four times, which burnt him se verely. Al clerk from the Penitentiary testified 'that'Alis. Martin one day came to The Warden, "with her tWo boys, and risked him to put one of 'them . into a cell for the purpose of frightening him ; which! wai:not complied with. A number of other witnesses testified to repeated whippings inflicted upon the children by the mother; that some of theineighbors had suggested the necessity of taking . them from her, in order that they might i be Well Ireaed and educated. On the part of the mother, a number of very re spectable witnesses were called, %chi; testified gen erally to the mischevious dispositions of the chil dren, and thb apparent necessity for severe punish. ment. Thel l boys were in the habit of destroying the furniture, cutting up dresses, and doing other injuries whiCh a woman in the circumstances of Vie mother could ill afford. Dr. Smith had attend ed Mrs. Al. during her illness, and never saw ber act - in a manner unbecoming a mother. MIT. Ryan visited. Mrs. M. two or three times a week ; the children were extremely bad; she punished them only when they deserved it; never saw her treatthem in the manner described by some of the witnesses. Judge Patton called one of the tads up to the Bench, and questioned him in presence of the counsel in relation to the conduct of his anoth er. He appeared (if we understood him rightly) to: corroborate the statements of the witnesses who testified to her cruelty. The boys are both intelli gent looking lads; but have been badly trained, as Was apparent from their conduct in court, After the. witnesses were heard on both sides, Judge Patton stated that it w•a§ not eettessarylnr. counsel to enter upon any argument ; the court had heard the testimony, and would decide that for the present, theboy Francis should remain with Mrs. Therkettle. It was evident from the showing of all the witnesses, that Mrs. Martin was nolCapable of managing her childrenthat she was defficient in something necessary for the proper rearing of them. The ease Was managed with much talent by the Mes.srs. t ßell for Relator, and Mr. Boyd for Re spondent. iq AIILLZH, THE BERGE/IL—This daring rascal re ceived his sentence yesterday, • and is now in the PenitentiarY, where he will remain, if he lives, for seven years. : at hard labor. When asked what he bad to say, be read a pa per of some length, drawn up by himself; tut dic tated,'no doitlit, by a lawyer—as some parts of it certainly prOyed—which exhibited considerable ha ,genuity. 'The prisoner manifested some emotions 'while reading, and trembled while the judge was pronouncing his sentence. Miller is h bold, desperate villain, and is now in the only plaCe society can furnish suitable for such 'a character. His withdrawal from the stage upon which helas heretofore 'acted, will be the means '6f a totardissolution of his company, which was !hirge. The Court, during the preSent tErm, has 'done much to secure life and property, by the con viction and , imprisonment of a number of despe radoes. MEEIMEILI , AM—. .The experiments on 11b rlayev eningccompared with the proceedings of former evenings, Were failures. Miss Martha was citiite unwell; but in consequence of the largeness and respectability of the audience, was induced to lealie her bed 'and submit to the operation. She suc ceeded to .the entiie satisfaction of those who did not visit the Odeon with the determination to dia believe. The committee, of which Prof. Stevens was,a member, reported favorably. - To-night! - there will be a Lecture and an exhibi tion; for the benefit of Miss Martha. We doubt nut the room will be well filled with intelligent a 'citizens, as this will be the last opportunity we shalrhave of witnessing the ‘• inexplicable experi menth."' House TAKEN nr Ithares.E.—Yesterday after• froon, a fernier, on his return from this city, while leading his horse along the Steubenville road, was asked-for the privilege of a by a man who represented {that he had travelled alt the way from ,Philadelphia, and was tired I The request was granted, int. on rode the traveller as far as the creek. Herethe countryman missed him; and on Inquity,at was ascertained that the horse and rider had started back towards the city. The owner of the horse followed, and heard of him at Jones' Ferry. 'Hs crossed over into the'city. Information Was given to the Mayor, who im mediately started some . of the city constables in search. meeting of the citizens of Portage county, and others, interested in the Cleveland and Pitts burgh Railroad, will be held'at Ravenna, on the 15th of July. Tar. Racts at East Liberty came MT well yes. tat*. We understand that a horse•of John Ai tOok.the-purse._ -h5 L' " X. 2 ' '. " Doctor C. Morgi6l. . . VORMERLY (I:BiiccitAsrul practising PhYlician in 1 this City and yiciniiy, " Richard" like, "is hiM self again (Stafu ( Ilia office is . in Penn streUt. , next doer tb the ,Washington.liotel, Pittsburgh, Al leghenY "Cduuty, Peutikylvaida, where Re tivill be happy to acbammodate-such of his old, applicants as inay-need his serviees, and all new ones who, ii like manner,' may figel •'dieposed to • barter disease for health,. and riiik•erver - the difference, in.legal looSe change.Anyi.D:d3dovtr Wool Wooll . . HE 'highest price in cash paid for the different M %railes,ol clean washed Weer., free from burs. Wool sacks and burlaps on hand and for sale lov, by MURPHY LEE; Old Wool warehouse, cor. Liberty at. and my24-4w3mo y Cecil's alley. FIRIED APPLES and PEACHES, in store and fpr l_f = sale by je3 JNO F. PEaltY.; urciwn l A ctu-ns: A A. MASON, No. - 62 Market st., l kas Toceivecl ±l. 29 pieces new style Brown Lawns. je26 OTIAWLS: A. A. MASON, No 62 Market st., has k) just received a large assortment of'•rich Shawls, comprising silk, cashmere, mous de laine, Canton crape, berage, linen, net, and other Shawls. je26 IVool I Wooll THE subscriber will pay the highest market price in cash, for all gradesef elean washed Wodi, clivered at his warehouse, on Smithfield street etween Dirmoud Alley and Fourth strew.. may2s-w2m. WILLIAM DARNER.; FRENCH WlNES—Ofevery description, price and quality Bordeaux, Marseilles, Muscats, put up in France,Clarets, &c.,some eighty varieties, for sale in original packages, or otherwise, at the Wine Store of JACOB WEAVER, je39 16 Market st. cor. Front:, CANDLES -40 boxes Star; /0 ti Sterine; 6 " Sperm ; For sale by J. D. WiLLIAMS *. CO, je29 910 Wood street r i aurr---30 Drums Smyrna Figs; 2 barrels Zante Currants • 10 boxes M. It. Raisins ; For sale by J. D. 'WILLIAMS fi. CO., ; je29 110 Wood street. MENNANT'S GLASGOW ALE: Jost received and for sale by the bottle or dozen,, by JACOB WEAVER, iY I • l6 iklarkot Ht.; cor SUGARS, 4 Boxes Loaf Sugar—small loaves ; 20 , 4 Havana, white, no . consignment, and will be sulnowAto close. "For sale by JACOB IV EAV F.R, 1G Market st. car Front. SARDINES—An imported article; for sale by tlie case, dozen, tin ei baiftin; at reduced prices, by ALAD 10 fla;kets-t,Aiitgdor's 0 shippers—a late 7 importation, for sale by basket • or bottle, by jy 1 Wines4Llquora, and Liquors fu Giara,~ every . variety and price, Foreignand Delius j tic, for sale by JACOB WEAVER, 16 Market st., cor Front. Letter, Writing, and Blank. Books. LARGE assortment' of Letter and Writing Pa per and Blank Books, ,full and half bound, of all sized, for sale at the Bookstore of ELLIOTT. & ENGLISH, .13 .1 Market st. bet 3.1 and 4th. _ FISII-15 Kitts extra ]Co. 2 Mackarel ; 10 boxes Sealed Ilerrit,• For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., je29 110 Wood vtreet. SUGAII.-2 Barrels double relined ptilveriztd ; ‘;pill recited ; 1 case loaf; 15 barrels assorted ; 1 tierce ,ta.r ; 10 bags Brazil ; 3 harres clarified ; o hogsheads N. it. For sale by .1. D. WILLI .IAIS 8: CO., je21.1 f 111.1 ood erreet GOIP PENS, selected ref the best brands, A. , and handsousetd patterns, of holders aril cases. A Is- , 2 dozer BAsittt's p.dent extenotot pen holder and penei , jut: received and for t.tde at the toe est prices, at Gold Pea Slat! Quarters, Corner of 4th and Market streets. ! W. W. WILSON.; EIM FRENCH WINES, Ot every description, price and qualitt deans, Marseilles, Muscats, put up in France, Clai ms, 4.c., some emlity varieties, fur sale to original packages or otherwise', at the %Vine Store or JACOB WEAVER, No. lo" Market St., cor Front. OE More New Goons A. MASON, 62 Market street, has just re ceived: 75 pieces rich French Lawns, 20 ps. French Printed Cambric, 15 ps. new• styles Cing hams, 25'ps. Linea Civil:llm, 7 cnrea of Parasols and Parasolcus ; also, Shawls, Cravats, Gluves, Hosiery, Summer stuffs, Etc. je2s ' Dry Peaches. BusirF:Ea r Dry Praches; fur sale low,to close consiguincat, Ly _ OE CO.NOWi CRAB CIDER-12 barrels, just re reserved and fur sale by F army Hoek Cologne Bottles. .11 DOZ. assorted colours. Also, 12 doz., (lark, large size Hocks, just received and for sale by JACOB,W E.IVEIt, jel2 16 Market at., cor. Prom RELIGIOUS WORKS: Jay's Morning and Evening Exercises; Abbott's Way to do Good ; . " Young Christian ; Corner Stone; The Eternal ; • Barnes' Notes; The Great Commission; " Great Teacher.• Also, a fine assortment of Theological, Literary, 4hd Miscellaneous Books, at • • H. S. BOSWORTH &Co.'s,' jen3 43 Market st. A LSO, two elegant Rosewood Pianos, with Cole /1... man's patent/Eolean attachment, low for cash, (apr2l) F. BLUME'S, 112 Wood Et. WO kegs, No. r, tard on consignment; And fur sale by F. SELLERS. .aep24. go. 17, Liberty street iThINGHAMS—Jett received, one case choice styles; and new Ginghams; also, a large variety of Shawls 'far sale low at 62 Market at. , - tny29 A. A. MASON. Al A pi li a O n G k A a rs . ; f ar a g n e d It e as oze r l m ood Veneers entreceiued ne a d C nd h i ni r or talent F. 13LUME. , S, je2s Ile Wood st. 11120 barrels Nol,llerring, lot sale 1_ by SMITH & SINCLAIR, 123 56 Wood St. T EA. ---15 half chests Y. H. Tea 5 " Imperial do. 8 44 44 Gunpowder do. 62 Catty boxes Y. H. . do. 15 44 44 Superior Y H do. 32 Boxes Souchong do. 09 44 2il Superior Y H do. Just received and fur sale by je2l MILLER RICK.ETSON. riIIILLICOTHE SOA.V.-200 boxes Chillicothe 1,../ Soap. Just received and for sale by. , je2l' MILLER & RICKETSON. NO..SIUGAIL-63 hhds. N. 0. Sage; in store, . aid for sale by je2l MILLER* RICKETSON. HAVANA SUGAR -60 Bong Havana Brown Sugar 30 " White " in stnre, and for sale by , je2l MILLER Sic RICKETSON GERMAN WINES—A great viety of White Wines in glass and wood; for sale at the Wine Store of JACOB WEAVER, je29 16 Market at., eon Front. Also, a very superior article of Gerruali White Wine, in draught. for sale at an unusually low price. AW WHISKEY-276 barrels (Proof,) for We J).Y JACOB WEAVER, je29' 16 Market et., cor. Front. ,Teolt City Hotel MRS. PATRICK & SON will continueto keep the Iron City Hotel, 'Filth et., between Wood and Market streets, where they will be glad to entertain their custornera'and the publieln - general. ma6-dawtf lin ..' - , - - , .(.,:, , i - 1::,: , :. if• .., i , ;,'''..,:"c t.:,,„ = : .,, ., , i , ,.1.: . .. , ;.::.:' : ?. , :::, JACOB WEAVER, 1G Market st. cor Fro.t .IACOB WEAN kft, 16 Market st., cor of Front Gold Pens GEO. COCHRAN, No. 26 Wood at MILLER & RICKETSON ~ra~ - ~~~~.=~jt-~~ss ;x .~. ~ _ , .4 MEI MINERA 4 SPRINGS, • THE FIVANIiIibIITI',HOTEL, , WILL be opened on the 12th clay of July, fort the receptiortof-visitors. Thellouse has un- 1 dergone repairs since thci last seuson . „.and every at- 1 tention will be shown to those ':'he may visit the Springs during the, season.-'• Frank fort, Pa: July. 5 `' 4 - - , -- .l.lffino - -Vi7Liteiratta - lii,iciutnes. THE, lovers of good' pure.Wines and Brandies are invited to call anaetamine Ty largeistock now It in store nd cellar,l.lleatiksand.bOttles; consisting of 'WINES. . ; 3IRANDIES. Choice Old Ports; - Old . "Otard" dark; " ~" Madeiras; s , "Seignette," do. ' . " Slierriet-; " "Pier Castdion," do. "- -Teneriffe; 4, "J. J. llupuy," &li r " Lisbon; 4 , "(Bard," pale. " naval; 44 "Seignctte," do. " Malaga; " "Sazerac," do. - 1 " German; Of different vintages, 01 different brands am trein 1835 to '3B and , 44: vintages, from 1855 to , 31... and '44. It will afford me much pleasure to show samples of the above Wines and Brandies, to those who may favorme.with a visii,at my Wine Cellar and Liquor Store. I'. C. MARTIN, jyl cor. Smithfield and Front eta. • Wines in AV ood and • Glass; 4 ?-1 --- Qr. Casks Wines, Vintages from 1835 to 1.5 , 11: 40 doe. Bottles do., consisting of the follow ing Brands: S. S. Madeira ; L. M. do; S. M. do. and otter Brands . ; Pemartin Pale Sherry, a superior article; " Brown " " Gulden " Ithaca() Port, much sight for in Europe ;- L. Al. " 'Otiley, Weeber & Forrester; Treble Grape do., Brands •orOpor.i.) ; Pure ltuce do: Also, Teneriff, Lisbon, Fayal, dry and sweet Malaga, Haut Sauterne, and White and Red Wines. Persona may rely on getting a pure article, as they are direct from the hands of the Importer, and from . under t the Custom House Locks in New York_ Fur sale in gdandities to suit, by P. C. MARTIN, ti.Y lO cor of Smitlifield and Front st 'Brandy In 'Wood and Glass. 14A HALF' pipes pale and dark Brandy, I ` l Vintage of 1835 6 Qr. ~ cc . " " 1837 30 doe Bottles " cc ." 1838_1 40 Consisting of the following celebrated -Brands: "Otani," "Pinet Castifion,". "Suzeraci . " and A. Seignette Brandies," warranted pure from under Custom House locks,.in New York, and shipped here by the imponten, for sale in quantities to suit, by P. C. MARTIN, jylo , orner ofSmithfield and Front stn. ~Vutcltcs frun i Ettrope. IST received, a fresh importation of fine Gold ei and Silver Patent Lever Watches, of the best qualiticaand handsomest patterns, which I am sel l'ang at ; aslow prices as the same qualities are pur chased: for in the Eastern - cities—their quality and accural:s as timekeepers will be guaranteed. Also, Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, at $3O, $33, $4O, and upwards. Being determined to malc , it the intert 7 st of our citizens and others. to purchase at home, I respect fully invite attention to - my jai* and beautiful as sortment of Watches and Watch trammings. Kr The best attention constantly given to the re paring offine Watches. Having in any i•tupluy the mnet etnealenced and best workmen in the State, and every finality for doing all kinds of Watch and, Clock Pork in the very best manner. • W. W. WILSON. Corner of 4th and Alarketats. j):0 Not Ice to Contractors. DLANS. and Proposals of the work, on the fifteen j[. miles of the Western division or the Pennsyl vania Hail • Road, In be put under contract on the 22d of July, 1547, may be seen at the Engineer's office, Fourth street, above Smithfield, on and after the 12th inst., where information on the Sohject may then he obtained. w• '111: LIFE and adventures cf Joins A. Mcnarad 11, rig: a correct and graphic account of the deeds of oar of the most daring men that ever figured in the records of crime. In the eolith west thin land pirate is still spoken of as witinintan equal, for the energy, capacity, tact and perseverance which he exhibited in ca ruin g out has rill:suits. The work in embellished with 23 d litstristine engravings.- Price 25 .gents. Poi sale by W. S. CALDWELL, Push-ohilce jylo 3t Third ritreet- Lai to's Extra Faintly Flour. F011.1.11...S eau at all untes he supplied i:11 a vcry supenor ptaltty of fresh ' , ground Ilnur frum the. Itithlwm taills by 'I). DAVIS, joir Corner of Wood and Filth IpRI !..:Tor.•S Sarsaparilla ; Comstock•s do.; Mer l) chm:Cg do.; Cm - yenter,s do.; constautir on hand and for sale by B. A. IA II N ESTOCIi Co. j; 9 cor Ist and Wood, and Wood and tub sta.. Important to Hook Bilyers rpm: Literary World, a weekly newspaper, put.. fished in New York, at $3 per annum. C. F. Hoff man, editor. The plan of the Literary World is to afford a medium where the Author and the Publisher, the Dookseller and the Book buyer, the Reader and the Critic, may all communicate with each other, an in a Literary Exchanee. Agent fur Pittsburgh, WM.S,CALDWELL, at the new Literary Depot, second flour, Post Office Buildings. More New Books I T mnitsE•s Literary Depot,Ks Fourth street. ra_ The American Drawing Book, a annual for the Amateur, and basis 0C study for the Professtonal Artist especially, adapted to the use Of the public :and private schools as well as home instruction, by J. G. Chapman, N. A. The Union 'Magazine fir July, (No. 10 a new,.and splendid !Magazine, with beautiful illustrations. Martin the Foundling, vol I. Lord Ellwiu, or the Double Courtship, by Mrs. Sweetser. Remarkable Events in the History of America, No 2, by J. Frost, LL. D. Blackwood's Magazine for June. Poetry and Truth from my Lite, from the German of Goethe, being Kos. hg and 911 of Wiley and Put nam's Library of Choice Reading Mexico as it was and is by Brautz Mayer, No 6 complete. Taylor's Counterfeit Detector, No Mi. Chatuberu'Eucyclopa.dia 01 English Literature No. 12. Living age, No. 164. An examination of the cases of the Rev. John N. Mafia and Rev. John C. Green, and the proceeding. 4f the Methodist Episcopal Church at New York against them. • Also, all the Eastern Papers for the week. ay9 tiOLDIEItS OF THE MEXICAN WAIL I 11111 E subscriber having opened an °like in the .1_ City of Pittsburgh, in thc State of . Penn , a, for the purpose of procuring Land Warrants at the Seat of Government, for the discharged Soldiers of the Regular Army, as well as the Volunteers, who have served their country in the present War with Mexico: informs the living, and the representatives of the dead b rad clresSing 'an application to In trr at this City, giving the name and address of the soldier, and dean; ilia representatives, it will receive carethl'i and prompt attention. Instructions and Blanks will be immediately . re turned per mail to the applicant, to be execute d and returned to me at this place. The Warrant, when ,received, will be immediately sent per mail to the proper owner; or if he shbuld prefer' receiving mo ney, I will Make sale of his Warrant to the best ifd vantage rbr cash, and make no charge for that service. In the event of the death of the soldier, that must be mentioned in the: letter, and the warrant will issue according to the following rules: First, to his ,wife and children, (who have any.) Second, to his ; and Third, to his molher. having a son in the dedeial_Land Office at Wash ,ington, and one in the Atmy under . General Stiett, :-in Mexico, the matter would receive their prompt attention, should any dAculty arise respecting the :necessary proof. Letters addressed to moon the subject must be post paid, and inclose a Five Dollar Bank Noe as my eumpens'ation. WM. B. FOSTER. HEF . F.R.EN CU. Hon. Ilarmar Denny, lion. Walter l'oward, Pittsburgh. Col. Wm. Robinson, Jr., : James Hall, Esq. Robert Buchanan, Esq. Cincinnati. -Irwin & Foster, • Major St Clair Denny, Paymaster U. S. A., N. 0. Lieut. Col. Sam'l. W. Black, Capt. John Herron, Vol's Gen. Scott's Capt. Robert Porter, Army, ?AMA. Capt. P. N. Guthrie, Rev Army, W. B. F. may be found at the office of Wm; 'E. Austin, Esq., late Black & Liggett's, Burke's Build ings, Fourth street. f- iY9 HAMS -1500 lbs. Hams, just received and for sale by SMITR . Sr. SINCLAIR, jyS 56 Wood et. SPANISII MOSS-4 Bales, in store and foi sale by jlyB SMITH & SINCLAIR- DICE—IO Tierces, for sale by . jlyS SIM & • S INC LAIR E= E=Ud - • - =1 PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAD COMPANY.— NoncE' TO'cormiAcTorts.—sealed pro- I posals .will be receiied ESb A Y July she - Borough of. Harrisburg., and until WEDNES DAY-, July 24,•in the city of Pitts burgh, at 10 . o•Clock,"A, M., at the office Of the En gineers, Or the grading and maseury upon fifteen miles of the Pennsylvania Railroad, extending \Vest from Harrisburg, aitfitteen - miles of said Railroad extending East t . rom Pittiburgh. The grading will include very heavy work, and the amount of mason ry, including the Piers of Abutments of the Bridge across the Susquehanna, Ihree4ourths of a Mile in length, will be unusually large. Plans and specifi cations of the work can be: seen at the Engineer's office in each place, fur ten days previous to the time appointed for receiving the bids. Any further information can be had upon application to the Chief of Associate Engineers S. V. MERRICK, jelB-tjy-22 • President. = W.- DiINp,AN CrItINI ER STUFFS—Received this day, at 52 Market street, an extensive assortment of Gam breons, Tweeds; French Cassimeres, Denims, Mix tures, Linens, Cotton Mies, Drillings, Cords,Coatings, Rec. eke. my 29 _ A. A. MASON. eII'ENING, at 62 Markel .straet : 4G doz. Lace ti -Gloves and Mitts', 12 doz. Linen Gloves,2s doz. Silk Glirres, :32 doz. Lisle Thread Gloves, 12 dozen light and dark Kid do., IS doz. Cot. A.; also, 20 dnz. White Cotton tickle, 9 duz. Black do., 12 dozen Colored do., 21 doz. White and M ized, Bose, Open Worked do., Brown and Fancy do. je2B • A. A. MASON. rpIIAT beautiful property, situate near Manehes- I ter, directly opposite the residence of James Anderson, Esy„ tionting.3ls feet on Ohio Lane, and extending back .300 feet to. Sheffield street, with House and improvements. It will be sold together or divided. Also, a Lot of ground, elegibly situated in Irwin Street, between Penn street and the Allegheny Riv er,-61 feet 5 inches in front, by 110 feet in depth, to a :20 feet allev. Persons wi . Shing to make investments, are inform ed of that tine property in Allegheny and Manchester, owned by a Company in Philadel phia, will be offered in the market as soon as the Necessary arrangements can be made, and of which due notice will be given. .Apply to GEORGE BREED, m —94 Wood st. Grates and Wagdu [Loxes at Auction. ON Monday afternoon, the 28th inst. s at 2 o'clock, j r at tne• Conant:rain! Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth sts.ovill be cold, 42 Grates, assorted sizes; "3,000 Ito. Wagon Iloas, du ; 1 oven and butler, and sundry other castings. • jr2G JOILIST O. Auct,r. Flue Pocket Cutlery. OGERS' Congress Knives; • " 1, 2 and ablade do ; . Wostenbolins• Pen Knives, assorted ; Rogers , of a superior qultluy; •" Straps and Hates ; Table Cutlery, in setts or 51 pieces, and also it doz‘ns, of die best quality ; Stcel Key Rings Keys, &c.; TVieCier.S, Clasps, &c. - W. W. WILSON, cor 4111 and Market st. OE mOONBEIM'S Soft front Heavendese ß en h d b inir k , ou When Sorrow Binder in Gloom thy I.ltorv, " I would we had not met again," (4. Farewell song, 'Theo , to other Lando I wander, Dunizeth Say, wilt thou ever think of me • My Forest 13arp, Captive Greek Gdol, My Normandy, 500 , 2, of the l lld DominiOn, Ate th.! links 037 I/0111.7 u. broken 7 ihnhlest 1 , ben 1 Sing, Geneveive, Woltz, Saxe Weimar, Adelia, Mar y 's Variatio firth - Mot Poloname, Brattivbmongh Waltz and puck step Snow drop, I lewitt. Topaz Grand, II outer :Sentimental or nose Waltz, 'dick VtennoiseChildren , o Demo,. . V alio. Brillivot, Prrltt, Waltz.) Amur. Waltz Matalllrlrao U Again 1,1 f orklull Step. I.:iv:pores Quad rills Duetto, I,y Ilerz Set afloat:rills, Deriutisineut Gracovinne Favorite sr s Vor sale by • JUUN H. MELUIR, J .B -SI Wood ut., Pittsburgh nilit Oil anti (Vex, - York Plasios. JOliri 11. MELLOR, No. 81, Wood street, has on hand and fit- sate., at manufacturer's prices, One (deg:. at Rosewood Piano Port'', with grand ac tion, and Iron frame, made by eIIiCKERIgG, of Bos ton. One splendid Mahn.ts. - ,y Piann Fr rte, sit and a half or taus, made b Gal Sr Co., Now York. m t'd7 Gold Watches and Silver 'Ware. • usT 4. d ened a I atgr. additional stuck of holies' P) and gentlemen's Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches, of the latest and best patterns, and war ranted, at tire too est prices. Also, Silver Table, Tea, arid Pesert Spoons, manufactured and rid sale tit; W. W. WILSON, jelo Corner of 4th and Market streets. Superior Cut Tobacco. , li 911(IX ES tine cut Hooey Dew (Lowing Tobacco; 0 , 0 70 4 4 lord Eye Smoking do. S 4. Fine do. do. For sale ser) loss, to Obse a consignment, by ' CM BASK ISIS Champagne Wines', consisting at Key, Cross Dow, Pen Color, Crown, Ducal Grape, Boilingeurs, Anchor, the celebrated P. A. Altman St. CO.'S Anchor, Mumin's Sillery, and " Cock and Crown" brands. These Wines are superior, beihg obtained direct from the import ers. Persons may rely upon not getting Newark Cider, when they buy these Wines from me. Just receiving and fur sale by Gasket or bottle, by jes JACOB WEAVER. JSCASES (its. Chateau Margaux, 1 doz. each. 16 " St. Julien Medoc, 1 " 10 " " Chateau D'Leoville, 1 " 28 " " " Lalite,l doz. each ',cry fine 10 " " Family use, 1& 2 " extra. Also fo him., St. Julien, and 3 do. white Wine, all just receiving, and for wholesale or retail. jcs JACOB WEAVER. J. S. DALZELL has on hand, and is 'COnst.intly Manufacturing 7. order, the following named articles: Gentlemen's Fine Dress Boots and Shoes, albs latest:fashion, at remarkably low prices. Fine Dress llootaitt $5,013, such as is usually sold in other stores at $6,0 0 , A good plain well made calf Boot at $4,00. All ether kinds of work equally low. Also, agoitil and full assortment of Ladies', Aliases', and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Halt' Gaiters, Buskins and Slippers, of the most substantial kind to the very finest dress shoe. S. D. being a practical shoe-maker. attends to the inanutacturim , " of his own work; and has it done in the most substantial manner, yet neat style; and having adopted the motto or small profits and quick returnsovill'sell as Low as the lowest. [inaf.'6-d3m Tilt Art of. Painting; .runius , Letters; Pbilosophy of Unbelief; Siillinr• ' on Fanaticisin fiilPs Village Dialogues; Memoirs of Madame Lafarge; Mahen's Field Fortifications; U. 130SWORTII & Co., je3o • 43 Market st For rent, A- VERY cordmodious two story brick dwelling, AL house, on Third, beloW Ferry street. ros session given on let of July next. Apply to. je22 . JAMES MAY. ATTORNEY 9ND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OFFICE in liakewell's Ruildings on Grant street, je2.9 TiTAIIOGANY AND ROSEWOOD VENEERS and IN _E . CHAIR PLA Nit —A large assortment received and for sale. Also, 150 lbs. Cane for Chair seats, ust rec'd and for pale at je3o F. ECLUME'S. HOLLAND GIN, Sm.— 3 Pipes.ll. Gin ; I .Puncheon Jamaica Spirits ; I do Scotch Whiskey, warranted pure; For sale 14 P. C. MARTIN. cur or Smithfield and Front sts. INE .+~ "r .a:1:i;~ fit'? Valuable Real Estate for Sale (American copy.) New Music 4 G lop., Glai. COCII RAS, No. 2G 0 0.1 st =V= I=l New York Boot and Shoe Store No. 122; Wood st., Pittsburgh. IBM J. N. 111,Clowry, MEM - , ' '~ ~.K}; 11347. -S U PA. T ' - 'IS47. THE Mail and Piissonger Steamer 11, IS AAC NEwroN, Galit. A. . .DIASON, I will run 1/9 tt TegltliT packet betw „al u i 1 eincinnati,icaving Pittsburgh every. Sunday at 1'09.'7 CINCINNATA PAC The Isaac Newtcin wn's built this spring; expressly for the trade, afid citil;rs to pasueng-ers et ery doinfoat and superior accolbtrwdations. febl3 ffra-* The regular mail and passengersteamer itioNONCAIIELA, Capt. Stone, will rap as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin nazi, leaving this port every 'Monday 'at 1(1, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10, ,A. M. For freight or passage apply on bria'ril. The Monongahela was built expressly for this trade, and offers to the. passengers comfort, and su perior accommodations. mar 31 1847 Tuesday Packet. 1847 . The regular mail and passenger steam ; er HIBERNIA, No. :2, Capt. J. KLINE FELTER, will run as a regular packet between 'Pitts burgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tues day at,lo A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. of the same day. Returning, sheAvill leave Cincinnati ev ery Friday at 10 A. M. For freight or passageap ply all board. in - The Hibernia No. 2, was built expressly for the trade, and offers lathe passengers every corn ; fort and superioraccommodations. janl2, 1847 1817.. AV eilnemlay Packet. 1547 1-ri ' Mt-As THE NEW ENGLAND, No. 2, Capt., DeAN—will leave Pittsburgh every Vretine sday morning at 10 ('clock; Wheeling every Wednesday eveniug at 10 P. M.; and Cincinnati eve ry Saturday at 10 o'clock, A. M. feb2o _ 1817. THURSDAY PACKET. 1847. THE WISCONI: IN, Capt. R.J. GRACE, will leave. Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 P. M.; and Cincinnati every Sunday at 10 o'clock, A. M. febl9 SATURDAY PACKET The regular mailand passenger steamer /Z...., S 4,ME.SSENGER, Capt. Linford, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 o'clk A.-M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Meisenger was built expressly for this trade, and oilers to her passengers every comfort and ac commodation. mar 23 THURSDAY PACKET THE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA, 111. E. Lucas, Master, will run as a regu lar passenger , packet bet Ween Pittsburgh and the above port during the season of 18.46, leaving every Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M. The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda tions. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. _ . For Cincinnati and Louisville. 6.' The new and splendid passenger steam er C 0 LIJ M 131 A, O'NEAL, Master, will leave fur the aboseand intermediate ports, regular ly. For freight or passage apply on bourn, or to je I D. WIL - KINS, Agent. For Ctnolnrinti and St. Louts The pasSenger steamer PALESTINE, Capt. Williams, wilt leave for the above and at intermediate ports regularly. For freight or passage apply on board. jc9. Ttacsday EverAng The new and splendid passenger steam boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhees will run as a regular paeket between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this purg every Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincimia, every Friday evening at 3 ri e jfilock. The Declaration of sirberior accommodations to passengers. Fur freight or passage apply on board. jel Strong 4 6 Bennett llusattt Bishop. ltuhhook 17Ln p The well known Mist running steamer ,N. 7 % ,..- .1".....,,CAA1131:1A, W. Fors y th, Master, will run as a regular Paelset, leaving every Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the same slay. Ile-turning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10, A. M. Fur freight or passage apply on board, or to FORS YTH & Co., Agents, No. 30, Water street. EMI For %V itecllng---Itelgulur PoriCot THE splendid light draught steamer DOMINION, S. Tv - t.cm., Master, will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Wheel ing; leas nee Pittsburch for Wheeling every Monday, Weiluseday and Friday, at 3 o'clocl • P. M.; and leav ing Wheeling for tritt-iluirgh every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at J o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. novti Nimmn, XV. U. Peters THE. INDEX vainno cf SILLIMAN'S Journal orScicu,e ami Arts, comprising references to V *volumes of the first series, embracing a period of 2.S years, viz: from ISIS to IS.l6—is now just completed, and a few No.'s for sale by the under signed. " We may tonfidenDy believti that this Index vol ume will prove useful not only to those who may possess the whole strews, but to Lill who are connec ted I n any way with the Arts and Sciences, for what ever the department, the reader is directed by it to, the various memoirs that have been published in the Journal on the subject that intervsta him, whether relating to the progress of Science, to details of filets in the different departments of k iv...ledge, or to the" various resources of this arfd other countries ; with such a guide the entire copiefrof the w ork in public Libraries, or in those a become Complete setts of the entire series of 49 volumes, rurnielted at tI publisher's prICI4 7 6/00 00 11ItICX Volume to d 0.,. 3 00 Suliseriptions received of the new ur srrond serf,-; and No.' delivered free el iinaiage for $5 per an num, by the Agent for Pittsburgh. f' in v 24 W. W. WILSON, 57 Market et. Books Just. Received. I LEG EL'S ri,,losophy of history; Seidl gel's Dramatic La rature; Ito. cue's Life nf Leo.X.; Ruscoe'e Lpienzo de Medici; ('oz's Ilouse of Austria; Siernondi's Literature of Euro p e Beckman's (history of Inventions; Lanzi's history of Painting ; Rohr. Hall's Miscellaneous Works; Mayan's Intellectual Philosophy; Miehelet's Roman Republic; Todd's Kirk %Vhite ; Margaret Percival; The Fairy Rower; for sale by .• 11. S. BOSWc./RTH „ jII7No. 43 Market st • • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office on Smithfield street, a few doors above Diamond alley. N. B.—Collections made on moderate terms. roy&I FOUR LOTS—Bounded by Penn, Liberty and tiny eta., each lot having - 24 tl. hoot, and extending back 110 ft. Tyro of them are corner lots, and the position of the whole property is one of the most ad vantageous in the city. For Anther information ap ply to M. SWARTZWI?.LDEIt,fottrtIi st., nov3-tf bet. Wood and 4'.mithfield. Jayne's Carmlnallve Balsam, r:pleasant, certain, safe and effectual remedy for Dysentery, Diarrhwa, or Looseness, Cholera Nimbus, Summer Complaint, Cholic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Sick and Nervous Ileadach ' Heart burn, Waterbrash, Pain or sickness of the Stomach, Vomiting, Spitting up of Food after Eating, and also where it passes through the body . enchanged, Want of Appetite, Restlessness and inability to Sleep, Wind in the Stomach and bowels, liyateriar,Crariip, Nervous Tremors and Twitehingi, Sea Sickness, Paintings, Melancholy and Lowness of Spiiit.4,. fret ting and crying of infants, and for 'all BVwel Affec tions and Nervous Diseases. • This is one of the most efficient, pleasant and safe coMpositions. ever. olfered.to the public for the cure of the various Iderangenients of the stomach and bowels, and the only article worthy of the least confidence for curing Cholera Infanta= or Snonner Complaint; and in all the above diseases it really acts like a charm. ~ All persons are requested to try it, for without ex ception, it is one of the most valuable family medi cines ever yet discovered. Hundreds! nay. thou sands, of certificates have been received from phy sicians, Clergymen, and families of the first respec tability., bearing the, strongest testimony in its favor, too numerous to publish. For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth Street. may2l-d&sv "NEWiaILLIIVERY AND FANCX DRY GOOD STORE, . ko. 10 West side of St: Clair Street between. Penn . and the Bridge. Apts. DUFF has made arrangements, during her 11 late visit to New York for receiving at all times the, latest London and Paris fashions, of every article in the Millinery business. The latest styles dress caps, silk bonnets, caps,,carilinals, cuffs, col lars, &c. on hand and made . to order, by the best hands; bonnets' . cleaned-and trimmed. A choice selection of rich cap' and bonnet ribbons lately re ; jy2-tf h~~ EZB MONDAY PACKET E=l For Sale, --:~;j~sais; P1e.a..1 tateris.A.." t-t-t eiilts g ptutruent. - Talmo -O. r,t,';..G encl . ftl -BuaZtrtainst clnici.,. , . .INSENSIJI.:h: P . F.RSP;itATION: '-' ' 0 ,1,. - -- 'REMITTANCES ind-passag to - " 1 - :Till pre air 'T t - "is ; . &i4U from crizAT lintrourt AND „ , C ~.. g - , f4 -••- - • G , nl, 'gum - given to;represent the Ix- . . IR*liiiiv):l.,,W•ELl- Y r-'rarge ott- - --.. sr.mitittr...Pate-rtnations. - Id South seceer,; corner of Maiden Lane, 'Calf York; „, li is the .greatevacutifitr' , , , m l - 96- Waterlec , reed Liverpool. ' ' '-- - ' - ‘...' for the toipurities of the ''. - The subscribers having accepted the «agency ..cit body. :I,t will benoticed I, heibe*ge - bellse,ttre now.PrePared.-i6inahe arrange :hat -- as h es p rom all points 1-1 flies dr paying the .iiassage.of . thoir lifiddrifram the ment? upon the -most liberal .tpegs Withahociedesie ; Oil:Country, and .flatter thericeselves thaireharacter . Lhe,.a P ti .: r t t l iv ii :e k , -. cello the -li i m nd u' i ' bates lliht this peritpfra- l'a:hd 'lcnk . atandiug. in besi - ee'se i'Bi'v 411 ePle - e4 tion Bowl Uninterrupted I suranee that all.their errategementS will be - oarilea i out faithfully. : . .; • : 4.: .4. ~..,.. .- - Y. ' ' "'' .7 --• butt we areinhealth ceases when we Are sick. Life eitimothcens• bly know n; for. the- superior. cfas,s, 4cce,dionroclatiort ,"- Metirti; W • 8 3 - -J- TjtaPßeedt - rere kit' andravorq" „„ o ff 4: rpm t h i ibi c . o d 6 n d nd Sailing quhlitice ortheir :Pooled .: Ships, :-Titic AdispdseShrthisineani,of .. QUEEN or -nib WEST,:;SBEIUDAN, 110CDES;- nearlyall the impurities within us. The In tyl.,' 'liege of I TER •i GA " .ICIC ' IinTTINGIII ''' It(hSC W' S3 141'; ' . Scripture is "in the Blood is the Life."- if it ever be- I ERP9OL, , and...SIDDONS, two of which leah - eJeielt ;conics impure, it may betraced directly to the stop - ;rage of the insenslldeperspirotion. , Thus We see, all ; that 4s necessary when the blood is,sta6vint, or in- from tiverpool the Sthhindl Ith; in addition to whicif . !Port menthl,r, front New York the 46ilkik...'._ reefed', is to open the pores, and it relieves itself frond Pmoll they . flare' arrangettente With.,the St. Ceofge hod • tines Of tiyarroOPßa•olonts.ip inaule a 40,- all impurity instantly. Its own heat and vitality arc' . ute.frorri tiverpoid, every fiv edhysbefteg.fhifs'a titer. to open tie 'pores upon the .surface.. Thus we see: sufficient, without one particle of medicine, eZet pi : inined, their facilities shall keep poet. with - their id - i.. the folly of taking so much internal remedies.. All rfecieel creasing phtronage, NV bil C Nr.W.Tapst oti's cbtlet6o, the Insensible Perspiration. The Thompsonian, Pori ett, practioners. heweybr, direct their efforts to restore 1 - Feei ie soucriatcedance-of the business in Liven; an additional security Oat _the .comfert.and - blankets, the liontops.thist deals out infinitissiinals. instance, steams , the Ilydropathist shrouds us in wet I 'en!' aftenticd. to. •, . - : .; ' .„, -....:.'-;• • '", , i';--- i' ioonnnodation of the passengers e . ill be particu..' the Allopathist bleeds and doses us with mercury: Theaubscrilioralieingrasitiiaallb:rteneiveltelegh and the blustering Quack gorges as with pills ; ged in the Transportation Business batikeen Pittsburg, -, p ill s : i and the Athletities. :tie thereby enabliril. to take pills. ' . , ... , - ' I charge of end forward,rassengera hurnediatekoic To give some idea of the amount 'Otilta Innensi. r their landing, withouta chance of disarPoirittnentor, ble Pererimtioir, we will state that the learned Dr. delay, and are therefore prepared to contrict ferrate -- Lewenhockoscertained that five-eights of alL.we ea sage from any se:Print in Great Britain or:lreland td cc ive into the stomach, passed DIY by this meMis. In thiacityythe nature Mlle business they are, engaged other words, if we but and drink eight ponndsperl•in giving them facilities for carrying passengers-se day, we evacuate five pounds of it by the Insensible i !ax inland „not otherwise attainable, and will,"Of.nc? . e Perspiration. ' , Viessasy.,) forward passengers further Wein' by-• the best mode - of conveyance without any addition:ll ' This is none other than the used up particles oi the blood; and titer juices giving placcroh e n chatgest:a. their trouble; Where, persons-sent fel; and fresh ones. To check this, therelbre,- i t ,, t :,,- r e : I decline comilegoot,the . arnount raid tbrilas , e'te "":ill - lain in the system five-eights of all the viruleutivatter be refunded in foil i -. The subscribers are also prepared to give draftsat that TlZ:ture demands should lea've the body. By esti:hien transition froni heat to cold, the 'perm' are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and die6ase be- eight; for any amount payable at the principal Citie# g i ns ~0 nee /0 de ve l op e i t „l r. Aierice , a s tOp ' pag , , and Toxins in' England, 'lrefand," , Sdotlantl-andt t hi s f l ow of the juices, or i g i nates so many coin -- Wales; thus affording a safe and cipeditimis mode a.: plaints. . Remitting.funds to'bhose Countries,:ivhich:Perhons. , . It is b,yetopping thcpores, that hemsoracyv Th a s TeqUith k..41c11 facilities, will •find it-thei‘i taterekt, tO kind with coughs, colds, and consumption. Ninc i eeeil the mee/yee of: ' . '.'- '• " ' ''.; --' .."-` tenths of the world die from diseases induced by s t PB/kali" OfbY !et-teilleet Paid) will be Prelel 4 ' stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration. .:' ly attended tor'i, - -..--- _ .-: .- Let me ask, now, every candid mind, what course ; ---' -- TA ' AF-.f..-E 8, - .O 'CONIC 6 R seems the most reasonable to pursue, manse-Nash° ', v. -Forwarding and Commission:Mt rchhnts4 4 pores, alter they are closed. Would you give physic mar-Tld&v,ry. ... '." -.-- - Pittsburgh, rs' to ..t ~. the pores? Or would you apply something that would do this upon the surface, where the clog ging actually ist And yet I know of no physician who makes any external applications to effect it. Under these circumstances, I present to physicians, and to all others, McAlister's All4lealing Ointment, or the World's Salre. It has power to restore per spiration on the feet, on the head old sores, upon ter chest, in short, upon ally part of the body, whether diseased slightly or severely. It has pother to cause all external cores, scrofulous humors, skin diseases, poisonous wounds, to dis charge their putrid matter, and then heals them. It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue of cutan eons disorders, and restore the entire'cuitcle to its healthy functions. It is a remedy that forbids the necessity of SO many and deleterious drugs taken into the stomach. It is a remedy that neither sickness, gives inconve nieuee, or is dangerous to the intestines. •* It preserves and defends the surface &Om all de. rangement of its functions. 'The surface is the out. let of five-eights of the bile and used lip matter with. is. It is pierced with millions of openings to relievr the intestines. Stop up these pores, and death knock*. at your door. It is rightly termed All-Healing, fo. there is scarcely a disease, external or internal, thaf it will not benefit. I have used it for the last fourteen years for all diseases of the chest, consumption, liv er involving - the utmost danger and respOnsibility,and I declare before Heaven and man. that not in onc single case has it failed to benefit, when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. I have had physicians, learned in the profession; I have had ministers of the Gospel, Judges on the bench, Aldermen and Lawyers, gentlenien of the highest erudition and multitudes of tbepoor, use ii in every variety of way, and there has been but one voice—one united and universal voice—saying "Me.' Allister your Ointment is good. CON :-:MPTIOt can hardly be credited theta salve can havbany effect upon the lungs„ seated as they are within the system. Hut if placed upon the chest, it penetrates directly to the lungs, seperates the poisonous paYtictes that are eousaming them, and expels them from the system. I need not say that it is curing persons of consinnp tion continually, although we are told it is foolish. ness, I care not what is said, so long as t Cell cure several thousand persons yearly. HEADACHE.—The Sale has cured DerAt,a, ; _of the Headache of ten rears standing, aud'itiurliad if regularly, every week, - su that vomiting often took place. Deafness and Ear Ache are helped with like sue-. COLD FEET.—Consumption, Liver. co'mplaint r pains in the chest or side, falling oft' the liair r one or the other always accompanies cold feint.. •• •.. ".I'Ae Salve will cure every case. In Scroulla, Erysipplas, salt BireumiLiver corn . plaint ,tiore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat ; Bronchitis, Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, all Cliiot DiSeaSes, such as Asthma.; Oppression,P :in, also' Sore Lips, Chap ped Banda, Tumours, Cutaneous Ecpptions, Nervous Diseases, and orpie Spine there is : pi - 01)4,1y no med icine now linowp soßorgi BURNS.—It is thr) best, thing in the wol Burns. (Read the Directions around the box.) PIMPLES ON THE PACE---Musculine Skin surface. Its llr'St action 'in to esli4el. ail Mani will not cease drawing till the face is free fro) matteethat may be lodged under the skin, at quently breaking out to the surface-- 'lt then . When there is nothing but grossness, or dull repul sive surface, it begins to soften and soften until the skin, becomes as smooth and delicate as a cliilds. • WOIt:MS.:-If.parents,knowlto3v Fatal most moth- Mims Were to.efnliiren.taken inumrdly,.. they would be slq'W to resort to them. Especially "mercurial lozenges!' called "medicated lozenges,, ,, "venni-. flips" pills, &c. The truth is, no one can tell, in variably when worms arc present. Now leti me : sal to parents that this Salve will always tell itt - a child worms. • kt r svill drive every vestige althea). a (ltead the directions around the bor..) - • . - There is probably no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure and so safe in the expulsion ol WOrLYIS. TDILET.--Althomili I have said little Argot it as a hair restorative yet 1 will stake it against the woridi They may hring their Oils tin - and near, and wine will restore the hair two cases to their.one. OLD f3Pl2 . ..ES.—That some Sores are .an outlet to the impurittos of tne nystem, is,.because they cannot pass off through the natural channels of the Insensi, ble Perspiration. If such sores are healed up the; impurities mast have some other outlet, or it will etiL ; danger life. This salt,: will always provide for such etnergencies. • . ' IttIEUIVIATISM.—It removes almost immediately the infltuntnation and swelling, nlien tfie pain 01 coarse- ceases. . FEY ERS.—In all cases of revel!, the difficulty Iles in the pores being locked oup, so thdt the heat Anti perspiration cannot pais off. ; AT' the least moisture. could be started the cfilsis has pa - SSW and the 'denier aver. The All-ilealing Ointment will in all cases to fevers almost instantly unletk the skin and bring forth the peispiration. , • ' , SCALD HEA.D.—We have cured cases that inn] ally defied every thing known, as well asthe ability of fifteen or twenty doctors.. One man told us he had spent $5OO on his children without any benefit; when a tiny boxes of the ointment cured them: CORNS.—One'asional . use of the Ointment will al ways keep corns from giowing. People need never. be troubled with them if they will use it.. . AS A FAMILY 11TEDICIA.--No man can mean , ore its value. So long as. the stars roll along (Ivor the Heavens—so long as man treads the .earth sub-, tea to all infimities of the flesh—so long as ditease and sickness is known—just so long good Ointment be used and esteemed. When man cons= es from off the earth, then the - demand; will cease, and not till then. JAMES McALISTER &Co Sole proprietors of the above Medicine. Price 25 cents per box CAUTION.--4s „the 4ku-Ih;ming . OintiiterA: been greatly counterfeited, we haye given this . Can=, tion to the public that "nopintlitent . wili'be genuine unless the names of Tames McAlister, or James Mc- Alister Co., are wnti-fisr with a PEN 11106 label." Now we hereby offer a reward of $5O to be. paid on conviction in any of the constituted courts or the United States, for coun terfeiting our name and Ointment.; . PRICE 25 CENTS BOX. AUNTS IN PITTSITURGH--firaun U. Reiter, OT. corner or L ty - ' st. sfa. are the whole sale agents, and L. Wilcox, jr.,Corner Market stand the Diamond;-Hays &''Brockwdy, Pruggists Nia 2, Commercial Row, Liberty.st.; 3. H. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn.streets.; sth waril,atid.sold.at the, Bookstore in Smithfield st., 3d door finni. Second et; and in Allegheny, city byll P. SchWartz, and J. Sar gent, and by J. G. Smith (Druggist) Birufingham;'and D. Negley, East Liherty; H. Rowland; Mcßde s p or t. ; Stanuel•Walkers Elizabeth;' .1. Alexander &S'on,Mo-. nongahela City(N.B: Bownian Er.,Cp.; Rogers,. Brownsfille, Pa; DE. S. Smith, Bridgewater; and . .'oho fl Pa. - - 0 xTrt.a.c . Evocwoon---5o cases SanforiPi, .. iii - E.-- • T TAm 111 s-Ihda. Bacon Hams, a bright prime at , 124 received And for snin , by , • .. ,_ -.-, ja tiolti; just rec'd on consignin enta rid for salchy .-. ~. ._ ..- B. A. FAHNESTOBK 4CP,i, 45 ; J iSI . V. SELLERS. :- jepo. : -_, cur of First and Wood sta: - ' • - • Ili ....", • ---'71111.1• -e; ALLEN SEAMEN: -p EDWARD .14.4.A.151." "EltA EECILATIZIV BANKERS-AND EXCHANAE tilift.4l;;+: .ERS, DEALERS IN, FOREIGN AN TY DOMESTX BILLS, BILLS OF.EXCHANGE, CERTIFEATER .OF DEPOSITE,.BANK NOTES; AND. Corner or Third and Wood ;its, directly opposite the St. Charles Hotel. . - tny2B. DOSSE'T, has .jtist opened prfpl.eudithsaortl. meet of Confectionery, e.onsisti.n Nuts, and-other refreshments. .He has fUrnistreiln. fine :Saliiort, where visiteis can be furnished with rich Ice cream, &a. The public are . respectfully. invited . to' give him a cal/,' as he will he' happy to. alf.,ird. them every entertainment. • - Filth Ward, near Canittllasii. . • ' - ;Claret W hir , HHDR. Claret Wine, a fine article ; • - 52-1' doz. Bottlec• On. do 8 RaskaLs Champaigne; (crown brand ;) . • 50 oz- 'Garda.; 5 cloz Stoughton Bitters; S 6‘ Peppermint . - ' • 20,000 Cegars, consist:ng of Regalia Cazadoresi. - - Principcs, Dos Amigos, Silva, Esclilnpios, la Palinai and Panatellas, Nvarrantaimported Fet sale by • . -P. C. MARTIN,, ,:y2 cor of S m ithfield UTS : 2 IThls Stelled A.lmends; -- 5 Bo3ec " I Bale Filotut; - • 5 " Almanac; I " E, Walnuts: , - • - 1 " Cream Nuts; For sale by .1. IATILLIA BIS At jet° . 110 Wood at.' rifitA.A.), It • ' 10 Boars; "Russel-and Robinsun's , ? cpu grcss Tobacco, just tec2d and for iv . . jyY Al/11,1•111 & lIICKETSCL LOA -'SUGAR Q Cases Lovering , s D. R. LiaafSugar,.; 20 Barrels' , pirlverised do; Just received and' for • ' jy74 & RICRETSON.;' HEr INSEEP-QIL,- ••• - .iVl3arieli Linseed Oil, in store and-forsole by ' MILLER Br, RICKETSON. - . Donurstie .Lignars.." . - • • e s (1 WHOLE aid half Bble.- O bI it Whilye3i',. cliktiled 1537. s 21) (Risen Bottles," do. do: - • • '•'• • 23 Innis and Bbls Old Tennessee PeaclrDrandYk distilled in 1840, kith a :large ;Supply - of Coinnion! Gin, Brandy, itee S ited Wllish t•. ey t c: &e;; for sdle in quantities to suit, by P. C. 114AftT1N, , .... • • jy2 cot or Smithfield and Front ets.• s a u n p i e la ri S or u Wite lalan " b a. ar,,tdst j Ned and tbr sale by.- ; 1,• - MILLER & racarrsOtl. • IVTiIIITE. BEANS by small 'white Army Vr, 13cans ; for sale by • , • • •••• • . -- • P. C. MARTI.iV._ • 4'71 ROCER.IES, &c. • 59 Bags Rio Coffee • ' d r j 75 Packages G. P., .Yr. H.; 131 , k. and Triiperial - Tcaenin hairand catty boses,,..•- - ' 'l5 Boxes-Tidlacco, dilTerent'Braini4; 111 13.b1s..Mitelrerel, No. 3, lir& JO Bbfs Shall, trinarned,iiith a lull assortment- of erery.thing, in , the grocery line, - for..sale-Nehele eale7or retail, by . P. C. MARTIN S - jy2 cor.orgi'nithfield and Front_ati - . • 4 ' Aletalte Fritioie. - ..••• A SPLENDID asitittniontfiCittiseiwood and buttany action Pianos, with metaiic- frame, just tinished and fon sale ' at ,4; BLUME!Si, je23 . 112 Wood st., 2d door above sth.._ NTEW BOOKS, : t, 7..' • PI( History of the French Revolution, by J. Mich". The Progress-of Ethnology; by Bartlett, Oaklyts History ot the - baritone ; - Beckman's dilatory or Inventions • C,oxe.ts ilonse:ofAustrin ; Lpzels History of Painting, Via 1: h. S: BOSWORTH & go.; •,.... .61 • 43 Maiket st. RAD CIDER L' 5131118 Crab superior a superior for sale by AAR.TIN, jy2 - cor of gri;ithf; s 6td-and' Front sts... IETONEY . 100. containing 8 to AO . Ibe VI - White Honey, for sale by •-- ; • ;' . . . i je2,• • ._. ;.-.- • - INSEED off,:-Atoibis_primeZed 0113' on orisigiun eut, end fin sale by • • - JY 3 ...4 • • SELLERS rtIRE. rt9plt.: 67 1314! Fine”--Floor; on consigritneut, and for sale, hy •.. *— • j - 5 , 3 F. SELLER.S.L. , DRIED BEEF ; Beef „Rounds, saL ar cured, Just ,rec'd Crew Cie- . cinnuti and for sale by j 53 . . VINE'IIITTERS: 5 Malsautierior Wine Bitters• V, - ; the • Elaine as Stoughton s, , .• 21,dosen Bottled. . •• - • AlsiA, East India Sweet- Bltters, . for sale -by Bbl, case,- bottle and on draught,. at the Wine Store of ,•• ' - JAPOB,W,EAVER,- • - 3 . • ' • • 16 lidarlietst.cor Front. , . , L'''' OM—Pure No. I lard Oil, in bbls.and.hl bbls. - constanily:ou, band and for-sale by • - , jy2 ' .F.SE.IXERS, Agt: forthe Manufacturers,, , p 10 COFFEW-313 Bags,Super Rio Coffee; Just recelved and. col. sale - by jn3 ,-- .. , .MILLER Es EOCIMTSON— TXTASHINgTON and hie General a; by . J. T. Uead V V • let, • a;tlthor - of' Nap Sol eon aad the Sacred Mountains, etc., an t.wii;golinnes. _For sale by ije2sl =LUKE LOOMIS & Agt. - 131LourcI5L,Paua: 1000 lbs.pjai;ar.c'd- aiid.foi jr,•=!•:l3,alp by ..' B. A .. FAB,NEsTogic 4. etz.,::: je3o: 'coincrofiiret . . in VMM=4%MI LittMu' _~;-: LSI -New toufeeCionery. (Late Cangq, 8aa1...41131f se NSF.ED. OIL 9+lla/reds. Linseed Oil ;, just re 'ceived and for sale by ; • ' . MILLER 8....R1C0.E.T5PD7 - lARLE SALT: 10 Cases Table Salt; just reed. aid fur sale by . . . • • 1029 ' MILLER. 4.ItICXETSOII; ACCiN--I5 Caelss §'idilu'.fOr y FLSINCLAIR, _ 56W d at, iT atl