The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 12, 1847, Image 4

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Pittsburgh Portable Boat Line,
. .
1310 R, the transportation of frsight between Pitts
"' _burgh and the Atlantic cities,armding tranship
ments off the way, asd the consequent risk of delay,
damage, breakage . aud seperation of goods.
nURSRIDGE Mtakqt St., Philadelphia.
TaArre St o',Conttun, nor, Penn and Wayne Sts.,
„ . .
o'Conseas..-& Co., Nortly street, Baltimore.
}V.,& J. T...T.iesairrr, 75 South street, Nee/York.
Encouraged by increased business, the Proprie
tors have added to and extended their arrangeH
rnents dnring the winter, and are now prepared
forniard freight - with \regularitY and dispatch ? unsur
passed by any other Eine. - '.Their long experience as
Carriers, the palpable superiority of the Partible Boat
system, and the ..great capacity and - couvenicice of.
the LVarehodses-at caah end of the tine, are peculi
•arly calculated to enable the Proprietors to fulfil
their Ci@geinents and 'accominodate their custom-
era, and confidently olTcring the past. as 'a' gunrantee
for the future, they respectfully solicita,contirmance
of that patronage, which' they now gratefully ack
nowledge: • ' •
All censign nests to Tantre & O'Connor will be re
ceived and forwarded, Stearn Boat Fharges paid, and
ills of: Lading - transitiitted:freo of any charge for
Commission, advancing or Storage: Having ricLinter
eat directly or indirectly in Steam Boats the interest
of the'Consignors must necessarily be their primary
ohjectie shipping-West; and'thcy pledge themselves
to forward all Goods consigned to them promptly,
and on the moseadvantageous terms to the owners.
Plekvirortli's Way • Frelght Lime.
rXeI..I.SIVELY for the transportation of . way
j` . 4 freight between .Pittsbargh, Blairsville, Johns
town!, Ilidlidaysburgh, Water street, and all interme
diate places.
One boat leaveS the Warehouse of C. A. MCAnul
tji & Co.; Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and
Shippers'can always - depend on having their goods
forwarded without delay and at fair rates.
This Linn was formed for' the special accommo
dation of the wirbusiiiess, and the proprietors re
spectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage.
JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh.
It. H. CANAN, Johnstown.' Agents
, C. A. McAN'ULT Y EcCo.,Pittegh.
J. J. McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Raga
toy 4.Stnith, Pittsburgh. mars
Independent Portable Boat Line,
_ ttlr- Without Transhipment.
Goods consigned - to our care will he forwarded
wahout delay, at the lowest current rates. Bills of
I..adin4 transmitted, and all instrucions prompt; at
tended to, free front any extra charge fur storage or
commission. Address, or apply to -
C. A. Me% NULTY &
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
Having a.very large and commodious warehouse,
we are preparedto receive (in addition to freight fur
shipment) a large amount of Produce,.&c., on Stor
age at low rates.
marS C. McANULTY & CO.
Dion.ougakiela. It °tate,
Time to Baltimore 12 hours.
- Tinto to .. ....40
73 sr s raouvo.)
rilirr: Splendid and fiat running steamers Consul,
Louis 51-Lane and Swatara, have commenced
.king ileuhle daily trips. One boat Wail leave the
• Motiorizaliela whilst every morning precisely at S o'-
clock - ....-P.assengers by the morning line will arrive
; iu litltimere. neat evening in time for the Philadel
phiii-:Nitill Boats or Rail Road cars. The evening
BeptCwill leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except
;Passengers by Ibis boat will lodge on
hoard, iitemnfortable, state rooms. Leave Browns
ville next morning at o'clock; cross the mountains
in day lied; Slip 'and lodge in Cumberland. Thus
aioiding night travel altogether. The preparations
on this route are ample, and the connection cutu
lete; Si) that disappointments or delays will be u
kit - own upOn. it.
Passengers can stop on the route and resume their
+testi again. at pleasuic,a:nd have choice of Road
or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Coaches chartered to parties to travel as they de
sire,. . .
Selcare your tickets at the office, Dlenougahela
liouse or St. Charles lintel.
febl7-y S. ATESIUMEN.
Ellaighniaa's .Trinsportaiton Line,
saiii=2 1846
ON.UUCTED o, 7trict Sabbath-keeping princi
()plea athough not claiming to be the only line that
is so - con ducted. The proprietors of this old estab
hilted line have pot their stock iu the most complete
order, and are:thoroughly prepared to forward pin
duce and merchadize to and from the Eastern cities
un the opening of navigation..,
We trust that our long esperience in the carrying
business, and zealous attention to the interests of cus
tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase
of the patronage heretofore bestowed on .13ingliam's
Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight
with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall al
ways he as the lowest charged' by other responsible
Produce-and merchandize will he received and for
warded oast and. west without any charge for adver
tising, storage or commission.
Ilas of fading forwarded and every direction
promptly attended to.
Address, or apply to WM. BINGHAM,
Canal Basin, cor. Liberty and Wayne sta., Pittsh , g,
No. 236 Market•st., Philadelphia.
No. 122 North Howard at., Baltimore,
ap rlo-y No. 10 West at., New York.
John M. Townsend,
r• ket sheet, three doors above Third street, Pitts,
burgh; will . have. constantly on hand a- well selected
assortment of the best and liesh est Yled;eineg, which
he will sell on the most reastinable tertea. P.i:.
clans sending orders will be promptly ;:ttend,d to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upiiti
.• Physicians' prescriptions frill he accurately nod
neatly prepared fruin thd best inatervils,:a any hour
of the day or night.
Also, for sale, a .large stock of fresh and good
erfutnery • dee 30d
Henry W. Winton's,
(successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at
the . old.stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield.
• TIDE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Henry W. Williams, Esq., anarmyself, in the prac
tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on
the.26th tilt., and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by. Henry W . : Williams, whom Finest cheer
fully recommend to all for whom 1 hnve the .hOner
to u o hichies,, as a gentleman every way worthy al
(heir conlide
' 'Steel Pile Rano fuci oxy.
rinfr. - sttlibet•lbeis having enlareed their establish
." - mina toe the manefacitire I,f . Steel and Files—
.; on the comer of O'Hs.ra and Liberty streets, Filth
Ward, Pittshurah—are prepared to furnish tiles of
iyeey deseriptint, of the best quality; and being de
termined to make 'Uhl' interest of consumers to pur
chase files from the in- r -respec trolly inyite. tho patron
- age Mallw,ho use the article.
martii-y J. ANKRIDI S CO.
JinnUlm and F11;111115.
.VCCOUWILI'AENTS of every description on hand
Itt: and constantly receiving: fresh applies. Guns,
Vistols.,-PoWder,. Shot, Flasks, Belts, Game Bags,
Drinking Clips,- Fishing •Parkle.—A large
awl complete assortment, for- wholesale -or -retail,
-consisting in part or Jointed-And-Cann Hods, Hooks
of every. variety, Silk, Grass, Linen,Cotton and Txout
Swivels, Snoods, Floats, Sinkers. dm.
J(1111%1 W. BLAI lt, 120 Wood et.
c ron.A.G E
w, , A.Tlig if Low.rrin
- - -
31igurrillec otitpaltics.
Pireand Iftenranco.
riIHE InSurance Company'of North . America, of
Philadelphia, thipugh its duly authorized Agent,.
the subscriber, offersite make permanent and limited
Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity,
and on.shipMents by the canal and rivers. ._
A rthurli. Coffin, Pies , t. Samuel Brooks, ,
Alex. ' Charles Taylor,
Snmuel W. Jones, Saniuel W. Smith,
Edward Smith, Arnbrese White,
John A..BroWri, I Jacob M. Thomas,
John White, John R. Neff,
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood
Wm. Welsh, - Henry D. Sherraid,See'y.
This is the oldest insurance Cointrhy in the Uni
ted States T having be4n chartered in 1794. Its char
' perpetual, and !from its high standing, lone
experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of
an extra hazardous character, it may be considered
as offering ample security to the public.
At Counting itoomi of Atwood, Jones & Co. ! Wa
ter and Front streets, pittsbersh. oct23-y.
The ru Innurn.nce Company
rIHARTER PE/tr ;THAL. $400,000 paid in of
(ice 1631 Chesnth st., north side, near Filth.—
Take Insurance, eithdr permanent or limited, against
foes pt damage by fire, on property and effects of
every description, inlto wn or country, on the most
reasonable terms. Applications, made either per
sonally al' by letters, will be promptly attended to.
I C. -N. BANCKER, ['rest.
C. Li. BANCHEIL, Seb'y.
fhailes.N. Backer Jacob It.• Smith,
ThOntas Hart, George W. ftichardS,
Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias—lyagner, Adoiniii E. Boric',
Samuel Nino, David S. Brown.
W ARRIcu MARTIN Agent, RI the Exchange Office
of Warrick Martin, 4 !Co., coruer . of Third and Mar
ket streets.
Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents
Pittfiburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding coun
try. Nu marine or island navigation risks taken.
Philadelphia—Cbartcr perpetual—Capital 500,-
000 paid its. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut
.street—Win. Davidson, Preeti Frederick Fraley,
Seey. This old and isvell established Company con
tinues to insure. Runnings, Merchandize, Furniture,
and Property, not of lan extra hazardous character,
against loss or narnagc by Fire.
Applications for Infturances in Pittsburgh and its
neighborhood will IM received, and risks taken
either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora
terms, by • IGEO. COCHRAN, Agent,
dec24 ! No. 26, Wood street.
Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual
Safety Inswance!rosapany of Philadelphia.
FIRE RISKS upon phtildings and Merchandize of
every description o and Marine Risks upon bulls
or cargoes of veasels;tahen upon the most favorable
Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on
Water st., near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. B. King
.& Pinn'ey invite the confidence and
patronage of their friends and community at large to
the Delaware M. S. Itisuranee Company, as an insti
tution among the moot flourishing in Philadelphia—
as hawing a large paid fin capital, which, by the oper
ation or its charter.tis constatttly increasing—as
yielding to each person insured his dne share of the
profits of the COMllay, without Hi vol sing him in
any responsi b ility Nvlotevpr, beyond the premium
actually paid in by hi and therethre as possessing.
the Mutual principle" 'ail vested of every obnoxious
feature, and in as moot attractive form. nor I-tr
itgeney of the Ftiaultlio Pure Insurance
Nomplini .( Philadelphia.
N. E. corner of Thin( ttszt H'nod streets, Pittsburgh.
r E assets tit th: cOmpany ou the lirbt of Janna
i. ry, 1845, as publiilied in conforinity with an art
of the Pennsylvania Logislature, Isere
Bonds and Morti.iages,i eG0n,615 97
Real Estate, at nom-. ; Itni,lB;l7 77
Temporary Loans, S:oinks and Cash,... 207,499 72
_Making tots! or $909,4tv41
A Grains! certain assUrance that all lUSSCA will he
promptly met, and giving entire Security to all who
obtain poltcu•s Irvin tins Company. Risks taken at
as lotc rates as are cosistent
net S W All KICK NI A ItTIN , Agent.
TUST rece;%ed at tiw ildblistort of the subscriber
1,1 iosth street, near ISlarket
Maleria 31“ tin, ' pint, by Saninel Halineman,
translated and eihtud by Charles Jni.tis Hempel, M
D., 4 ‘ols.
Hrsrtinaies Acute (It:leases, by Dr. Hempel, vel, I.
liomceopatitie Domelitic Medicine, by J. Lo,
enlarged and improvedi, by A. J. II all, M. D.
laisrg New Manti4l, ivol. I. No. I and 3.
lienurs Domestic Physician.
A Manual oll)onteatie Cookery, for the rise of per
sons who arc under HoMeopatlite treatment.
llonninghausen's Tberapietic Pocket book for
botntepathista, by Dr. Okie.
Aabneinan's Clarronci Disennen, val 5.
Together with MealCule Chests orddrerent nix,s
and pnces. (apl6) VICTOR SCRIBA.
TO AlOl4 ! TO' A ItIVISI !
• TIIREA '-ti En invasion of Western
Pennsylvania by Col. Swift, with 10;00
men,' notwithstirailing bie - h, J. M. White will con . -
tinue to sell clothing chea . per than any has heretofore
been offered in the Western country, haring the
largest establishment in the city,' rt (ruing on Liberty
and Sixth eta. Ile is now prepared to show to his
numerous patrons tire] greatest variety of cloths,
caustic eres vesting's, and clothing of all descriptions,
suitable for the approaching season, that has ever
been offered in this market, to which all can have
the Right of Way. Observr the corner, No. 161,
Liberty and Sixth ate. ' .1. M. marl, Tui/or,
mar2ii Proprietor.
T r
- ral- SPRING STYLE. ....v!, _
z. 1 4....:
.. 161 4- • HATS AiVEI CAPS.
THE subscriber world inform his customers and
the public, that 'he has receiver direct from
New York. the latest nd most approved style. Cl
Huts and Caps for sprbg and summer wear. Ile
is also daily manutactliring Hats and Caps of all
descriptions. and he pledges himself to furnish his
customers with an article , that, for neatness, dura
bility and cheapness; cannot be surpassed.
Western :Merehantsi are invited to call and ex
amine his stock, as helfeels confident of being able
to ',blase both in quality and price. '
G. W. 6 LiktiSGOW, 102 Wood st.,
Third-door below Diivis' Com. Auction Rooths.
N. B.—Persons preferring a Pittsburgh manulac•
lured Hat to Eastern Hats with Pittsburgh names
May rely on gettivg, the same by calling as above.
rpar6.4.l3m G. W. 6
r ADIES AND GgriTLF.;mEN, whii design per
lAchasing Venitian Blinds, or wish to get their old
Blinds renewed and made better than when new,
will please take liblice!that Andrew White is now
permanently sitnated dri tho corner of Wood and
4th litft. SIIQW room iiii!the second flOor riflgr. Ken
, nedys rpl,,did Looking Glass and variety store;
eau ance on 4th st. Alt
.orders thank fully received
and promptly attended te. Please call and see be
rure purciimiing elsewhere. . marl 3
Bowel Complaint. •
ET;ROM Dr. M. L. KN'APP, of Chicago, 111., Pro- .
fessur of Alateria IBudica in the Lniversity of
Laporte, Indiana.
Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir :I—You ask me what proofs I
meet with of the eflicaCy of your Carntinitire. I
can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine
for Bowel Comp!aints Olet has given so much satis
ffietion, and toy patienni F4i spec ly and perfect re
lief :If, thiu. Whellever introduced into a family, it
becomes a standing remedy for thosmailments, and
is called ler again and again, which I think a pretty
good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. In the
Sununer Complqinl of children 1 1 1. has frequently ap
peared to snatch the little victims, as it were, from
the grave. "It saved the life of my child, and of
such and such a child," I have repeatedly' heard said.
In dykeniric Miections of Mults,l have time and again
seen it act like a charm, and give permanent relief
in a few hours, 1 may say in a few - minutes. In fine
it is a valuable mediciiii, and no family should be
without it..-Ilepectfull..
M. I . KNAPP. M. D.
's C. P. CROSBY, LOuisYlile,
From the Rev. CIIARI.
Ky., and lateot-New Y
• llr.:D.layCe—Dear sip
that•the medicine made l
mer Complaints has print
my family. My wife hai
liable to a most distressim
but by the ;Ise of JAYNE - F.
twe seasons,, the "attack
course of two or three ti
Iron, when attacked with
immediately by this ntj
medicine *mired watt gi
facial to bureau nature.
glint . to in form ,voit
lby you for Bowel and Sunk
cd singularly efficacious in
for years been extremely
ig dysentery in hot weather;
Iliss been obviated in the
!lours. I Wave known Chit
j. a violent Diarrhea_, cured
tdieine. 1 consider your,
;feaf..skill, :Ind highly bone
.espectfully, your ‘?
p. TROSI; E.
lAA 1; 3 i
For sale in 'Pittstoirgii
72 Fourth street nest W
~ .~
poREIGN: .
A 1
""-Y . 4
TIIE aubacribers are prepared to forward money
to all. parts of England, Ireland,ScOtland and
Wales, with despatch, and at theloweat rates.
No. 142, Liberty at.
• John Black & Co,
NiTri9LEsnitGroceri,Produce and Commis-
Sion!' Merchants;'• and -dealers in Pittsburgh
Manufactures, No.• 166 Liberty street, opposite 61h,
Pittsburgh. • may 12
irr Liberal advances made on consignments.
'John P. Perry,
Late qj the firm of ilfalcorm,Leech . 4- C 0.,)
i~THOLESALE GROCER, Commission and Flour
Merchant, dealer in all kinds uf Country Pro
dues, copper, tin, tin plates, tiuners l tools y l ~, ice,
lead, Russia sheet iron, iron And nails, d,
dye stldfs, cotton ;Yarns, salt,. &c.,and, Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally, corner oLiberty and Ir
win streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal, advances, in
Cash or Goods, made on consignments of Produce,
&n. maylS-tf
ESPECTFULLY auks, the patronage 'of his
It, friends. He feels warranted that he can give
satisfaction to all who may purchase of, him. His
establishment is on 51. , Kelvrs plan of Lots, sth
Ward. mar3l-ly
Fifth Ward Livery Stable.
/ 7 -4 0 4 1 TifE subscriber, having bought out tne well
knowti . Livery Stable . kept by C. 13. Doty, in
the Fifth Ward, respectfully itifoims his friends and
the public generally, that he will keep at all times a
stock of the hest description of riding horses, bug
gies, carriages of all kinds, and in short'everything
required in his lino of business.
A cpusiderable portion of his stock is new,and he
is confident no stock in the city will be Superior to
His terms will be moderate. His stable is on Lib
erty st.; a few door s above the canhl bridge, where
he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
rr He is also provided with an elegabi Hearse,
which will be furnished when required. oct2s-t
TTAVING sold out my establishment to Doctor
William F. • Irwin, I cheerfully recommend
him to all my fernier friends and customers.
The undersigned having bought nut the store M
Edgar Thorn, cor4r of Penn and Hand streets, so
licits a share of the drug and medicine custom of the
city and surrounding country. A general assortment
of all the most valuable Medicines, Perftimery,
.Soaps, Fancy Articles, ilrnshes and Combarill al
ways be kept on hand. Physician's prescriptions ac
curately compounded. The store will be open at all
hours of the day and night.
{ corner. of Penn and Hand its.
2 Street, Pittsburgh.
C ONTINUES to transact a general Commission
business, especially in the purchase and sale of
A inerWa ti manufactures and produce, and i rewecci y
mg and forwarden'g floods consigned to his care. An
agent Mr the maneliicturers he will be constantly
supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh
innnufheture at the lowrit wholesale prices.
Orders snit consignments arc respectfully solicited.
M . wit ITF: has just receis ed at his hugs
CP establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth
streets, a Splendid assortment cu TWEEDS fot
summer; llisn,'S superior lot of. French Satin VES.'
TINOS, all of which he is ready to make up in
the latest fashion and on the most reasonable Teruo
as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 Liberty
and Sixth streets.
my 14 J. M. WHITE, Tai4yr, Proprietor.
ox. M. MCDONALD, 1.1,11 mu! Brau
1 '
j,--.7 Fou,Lder, First street, near Illarket, is
;,',, r,% prepared to make Brass Ca=sings and
'ill "... Brass works generally on the most
..5..17-- 7 ;:z reasonable terms and shortest notice.
... I St . lie invites machinists and all thow
using brass works to give him a call, as he is de
termined to do all work its his line very low.
may 5:27- I y
I{HODES SCALCORN, (late of New York city,); No. 27, Fifth st., between . Wood and Market,
M.tnufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spices, Catsnps,
&c., will open during the present week a large
assortment of articles in their line, N. Isich they will
nliolesole in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern
Ailiolesale prices. All articles sold by thentwat ran
fed. Merchants intending to go east v.-mad-do well
to call before leaving tho city. They may be found
at tle it warehouse, No. 27, Fifth st., in Ryan's
ing. ttop7
For Coughs, Colds Asthma, and Consumption!
Trill.: great anil only remedy for Colds, Coughs,
BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated
Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and introduced in
to the United States under the immediate superin
tendence of the inventor.
The extraordinary success of.this medicine, in the
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent in soliciting for treatment the wooer rossintv
CASES that can be found in the community—cases
that seek relief in vain from any of the common
remedies of the day, and have been given up by the
most distinguished Physicians as CoPFIRMF.D AND IN
CURABLE. The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and
will cure the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no
quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of
known and established efficacy.
Every family in the United States should be sup
plied with Huchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not
only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of
the climate; but to be used as a preventive medicine
in all cases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain
in the Side and Chest, Irritation and Soreness of the
Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty .of Breathing,. Hectic
Fever, Night Sweats, Emadiation and General De
bility, Asthma, Influenza, !looping Cough and Croup.
Kr Sold in large bottles, at $1 per bottle, with
full directions for the restoration of Health.
Pamphlets, containing a trios& of English and A
merican certificates, nod other evidences, showing
the unequalled merits of the great English Remedy,
may be obtained of the Agents, gratituously.
DAvio F. Bum:a-Er,. sole Agent for the United
States, 119 Court street, Boston.
T. W. Dvorr & Seim, General Wholesale Agents,
No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia.
For Sale by B. A. FABNESTOCK & Co., corner
of Wood and Front streets. may 7
the Stock of the above Company, residing in or near
this city, are requested to pay the following instal
ments to Joshua Hannah, Agent for the Company,
10 per cont. on or before the 15th June next.
20 ~ ~ as u ~ Ist July
20 c, r 45 t h
By order of the Company: 11. O'REILLY,
Contractor for the continuation of said Line.
junet-d3t and on June 13, 19, 15, 28, 29, 30, and
July 13, 19, and 15.
7 . *:'- 1 : f I A
' ls
NortheastE S T A 11
,—..,'~ f , ' 1
V-, , Il L i .- 4 I i ner of Fifth and Market sts.;
.._ . ; )....4. .. Old only institution in the
city in which Gentlemen can acquire such a know
ledge of Book keeping as will enable them to apply
it immediately to practice. Persons desiring it can
have any number of references. Several new testi
monials of the coinpleteisuecess of Pupils in steam
boat 1300 k keeping, have been recently received,
and may be inspected by visitors. Hours of business
during summer '2 to 4 and BtoloP. M. junel
Tl - 1 P. undersigned, having tiled his petition to the
Court of Common Pleas or mieghoorcoinity,
for his discharge under the Insolvent Laws of this .
Commonwealth, and the Court having appointed the
third Monday or June. for hearing the same; you
are hereby notified to attend and make objection, if
any you have, why I should not he discharged.
junel-d3w JONATHAN STUBB,S, Laborer.
MOORE, has just received from New, IV
0. York the Summer Style for HATS, con- eqii'
FRENCH CASSUNERE HATS, with Ventilators. Those
in want of a beautiful light Hat are respectfully invt call at , • No. 75 Wood et.,.
ma2B-y ,_ 7 - 3d door above Fourth.
To Prtuters. ,
A FRP l Sll,noppi:y'orJohnson'n Superior Printing
kph 4 t reeoii•err ;intl. for sale 'at the office
or the PittatotV : o}l . l9Orning Post' ',` IiA4PEII4:-
IN-watt's Drug Store.
GeOrge Cochran.
Great IP;tiglisli enstaly
Summer Fashion for
~µ ,~
Great Reniedy of the Age!
The "Great Remedy for
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty
of Breathing, Pain in the Side and
Breast, Palpitation of the Heart,
Influenza, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore
Throat, 'Nerv
ous Debility,
All diseases of Throat, Breast, and
Lunge; the most effectual and
speedy cure ever known
for any of the above
diseases is
bR. S IV.d YNE'S
Rend the Testimony.
St. Louis, Sept. 7th, 18-16.
Dn. E. EAsrEsur & have been
afflicted for about three years with a pulmonary com
plaint, which has baffled the skill of several of the
most eminent physicians of our country. At times
my cough was very severe, pain in my side and
breast, and great difficulty in breathing. In this way
1 continued to suffer, until life beciuneahnost a bur.
den. At length I saw your advertisement of DR.
S .VAYNE , S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and
was persuaded by a friend of mine to make a trial of
it, and I purchased. a bottle of you. I am happy to
iaform you that one bottle has effected a perfect cure,
and that I am now in the enjoyment of good health.
make this statement in the form of a certificate,
that others who may he afflicted with such diseasCs
may know where to find a valuable medicine. YoU
can use this testimony in commendation of Dr.
Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry as you
think best. Yours, with respect,
ONE Wenn OF.CAUTION.—Since the introduction',
of my article to the public, there have a number of '
unprincipled individuals got up nostrums, which i
they assert contain Wild cherry; some are called
44 Balsams," 44 Bitters," and even ,4 Syrup.of Wild
Cherry," but mine is the original and only genuine
preparation ever introduced to the public, which
can be proved by the public records of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania. The only safeguard against
imposition is to see that my signature is on each
bottle. flit. H. Stwirrrn,
Corner °Might!! and Race streets, Philada.
50,000 Deaths by Consumption
Would perhaps be a small estimate for the ravages of
this dreadful disease in a single year; then add •th
fearful catalogue of those cut by loflamation of
the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs, Influen
za, Bronchitis, and other diseases of the Lungs and
And ,the list would present an on ppalling proof of,
the fatality of these two classes of diseases. But it
is important to know that nearly all of this dread
waste of human life might have been prevented by
a timely use of DE. SW A YNE'S COMPOUND SY
This medicine has now been before the public
some eight years, and is the original preparation
from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its reputation as a rem
edy for Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, and Consumption
of . the Lungs based entirely uptin its intrinsicuserits,
owes but little to inflated newspaper puffs. Those
who give it a trial, being benefitted by it, recom
mend it to their neighbors, and thus gradually and
surely has itgained an enviable reputation and worked
i a way into general use. One bottle never fails to
cure n recent Cough or Cold, while with strict anen
t ons to the directions that accompany each bottle,
its use in Pulmonary diseases of long standing and
of the most alarming character, has always given re
lief, and in very many instances has effected cum
plete and permanent mires'.
Beware of the worthier , ' Dilsorn4.," , 6 Bitters,"
Syrup's," 4.r., as they contain none of the virtues
.01 the "Nitta! preparation.
The iorTinal and only) genuine article is prepared
by DR. SWIt.NE, corner of Eighth and Race strectsi
Philadelphia, and for sale by agents in all parts of
the United States, and some parts of Europe.
Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE, N. W. corner of
E ..flith and Race strectk, Philadelphia, and for sale
by respectable Druggists in nearly all the principal
towns in the United Staten.
For sale trhoirside at d Retail, by WM. T r iiOßN,
53 Market street: L. Jt ris; LS, IhO Liberty street, anti
OGDEN & sNt rW DEN, corner of Wood and sta.,
50LE AGE. 17115 Fat PITTSIJURO/1, PA. jy lo
The Most Astounding Discovery
A BLESS I ! , 4! ! A MIRACLE! ! A WONDER !! !
To cure Erupt ions and Disfigurements of the Skin,
rtmples, Freckles, SunLurn, Sall Maim, Scurvy,
Sore Heads, 4-r.
louß years ago last August, the capital of France
was astonished in consequence of a discovery
made by an Italian Chemist. Many doubted—it seem
, eJ pfrnost an impossibility that any thing made by
the hands of man, could have such singular powers
-as that claimed by AVTONIO' VESPRINI i'or his inven
tion. Many classed h u m and his invention ns a hum
bug, (and, alas! many foolish persons without trying,
do the same now;) at length, after testing it in the
hospitals, the Medical Society of Paris, (the hest
chemists in the World) delivered the following report
to Signor Yesprini :
t. We have now minutely and carefully examined
thesingular invention of Vesprini. We have analyz
ed its component parts—we have used it in several
uase,, and we hesitate not to pronounce it (The
Malian Chemical Soap) as a great blessing, and a
truly wonderfhl remedy for any cutaneous eruption
it disfigurement of the skin. Its inventor we con
sider the true philanthropist of suffering, mankind.
(Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY, Pres.,'
Then comes the report of the "Societe de 1 7 Insti
Lute," of scientific experiments:
, "We are astounded," exclaims the aged president,
"at this singular preparation—Vesprini's Italian
Chemical Soap! Whore, indeed, will science stop!
Here .we have a preparation made in the form of a
beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actual
practice, to cure every cutaneous eruption, every
disfigurement of, and even discolored skin ! Where
will its magic and singular power cease P .The Ne
gro, the Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and
the Red Man ofthe West, are alike under the in
tluence of its extraordinary powers of clearing yel
low or discolored skin, and make it white and beau
tiful, and of changing the color ofdark, or black, or
brown skin." (Hero se era! persons were brought
Ibrward by the president, who had used it, in proof
of his assertions.)
Paris, Nov 4, 1840.
In consideration of the sum of $3600, I have di
vulged to 111 n. T. Jones, residing in the City of New
York, N. - A., the n•hole process of manufacturing,
together with a statement ofthe ingredients centime.
ing my Italian Chemical Soap. He is to manufac
lure It (,r sale in the United States only, and to have
the privilege of naming it "'Jones's Italian Chemical
Witness, Henry J. Holdsworth.
There are probably few persons of intelligence,
who, after reading the above, will doubt the quali
ties of Jones's Italian Chionical Soap, in curing
Eruptions, Disfigurements, Freckles, Salt Rheum,
Scurvy, Erisypelas, Sun-burn, Idoryhew, Tan, Yel
low or Drown Skin, &c. Should there be such per
sons, perhaps the following recorrimendations, as
well as hundreds from others, may convince them.
irr For sale by-W. JACK SON,ligent, corner of
Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pitts
burgh where the GENONE CAN' be obtained; A LL
I tiaL__---)3
JACOB WEAVER,I6 Marketst.,
Corner of Front, is now receiving
and offers for side at inducing pri
ces, the following extensive variety
Of WINES AND LIQUORS,. selected by himself;
as formerly, for the firm of STEnErr & Co., in the
Eastern Cities, from first hands:
Leger Frere, Cognac and Champagne Brandies.
J. .1. Bum., Castillon, old Maglory, Rastaut.
Channuser, Pelevoison, A. Seignette, Otani DIIFIIy
& Co. and Fillet Casillon & Co., Vintages of 1832 to
1846 —embracing all the Rochelle and 'Bordeaux fla.
vors, in half Pipes, quarters and octaves, or by
Holland Gins—Fish, Weesp Anchor, Cross Keys,
Meders Swan and Your Glass brands, now and old
Rums—New England, St...Crois, Antigua and Ja
vriaicas, some very superior.
Whiskcys—Old Scotch and Isish, Monongahela
Rye, Bourbon Co. Corn.
Vincs—Madeirae, Teneriffes, Lisbons, Sherries,
Sicilys, Malagas, Ports, Rod Wines, White Wines,
Muscats, Clarets,Champagnes, Hocks, and ianter
nes, in Cases, Idia Bids., Qr. Casks, lihds.,,Denii ,
jobs or Bottle. june3
Latest Improvement.
EDSTEADS of different kinds with Gazzam's
jj iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse of
th.;g!. T. B. YOUNG .S.F, Co,, lland street.
4flc ical.
ff - A - 14A1
o ' l l\
"What though the causes may not be explained,
Since their effects are duly' ascertained,
Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride,
Induce mankind to set the means aside;,
Means which, OW - simple, are by Heaven desiguid
To alienate the ills of human kind? , ' - .
MID'S remarkable invention, which has received
the universal Approbation of the medical profes
sion of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new ap
plication of Galvanism, as a remedial agent, by means
of whkls : the ordinary Galvanic:Batteries, Electric
and Magnetie;Machines, Bte, are entirely` dispensed
with, and the mysterious power of GalVanism applied
without any of the objections which are inseparable
from the general 114 e now in use, The strong dos
] es, Mid irregular infErials, in which Galiaisisrm is ap
plied by the Machines, has been pronounced, after a
fair and impartial trial, to be decidedly injurious, and
it was to remedy this radical defect that this new up
: plication was projectedovhich, aller, unceasing toil,
and perseverance, -has been brought .to ] its present:
state ofperfection. The Galvanic Rings answer all
the purposes of the most expensive Machines, and
in many other respects are more] safe and 'certain in
accomplishing the desired effect. •
The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the
Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recommended in all
disorders which arisefrom an enfeebled and unhealthy
stale of the nervous or vital system, and these corn
: plaints are among the most palatal and universal to
which we are subject. They arise, without exception,
] from one simple cause---a derangement of the Nerv
ous System—and
,it was in these cases that , other
'remedies' having so often failed, a new agent was
greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, has
been found in the proper and judicious application
of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire
success in all cases of RHEUMATISM, acute or chronic,
applying to the head, face or limbs, Gout, Tic-Dolo.
raiz, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo Nervous Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis; Airy, Epilepsy,
Fits,Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, • Apoplexy,
Stilness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago,
Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head,
pain in the Chest and Side, General Debility,Deficien
cy of Nervous and Physical . Energy, andel: NERV
OUS DISORDERS. In cases ofconlir m ed Dyspepsia,
which is simply a nervous derangement of the diges
tive organs, they have been found equally successful.
Their extraordinary effects - upon the system must be
witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive
for the preceding complaints they are equallyrecom
mended. The Rings are of different prices, being
made ofall sizes, and of various ornamental patterns,
and can be worn by the most delicate female without
the slightest inconvenience. In fact,' the sensation)
is rather agreeable than otherwise.
The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets,- Bands,
Garters, Necklaces, &c.
In lime cases of a very severe character, and of
long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic
Rings is net sufficient to arrest the progress ofdisease
and ultimately restore health. The improved modi,
fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, &c., entire
ly remedies this objection; any degree of power that
is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint
which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect
will fail to be permanently relieved. These articles
are adapted to the waists, arms, wrists,limbs, ancles,
or any part of the body, with perfect convenience.
The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bene
fit in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat
generally; also in cases of Nervous Deafness; and
with almost uniform success as a preventive for Apo-
piety, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints.
Christie's Magnetic pluld
is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and
all their modifications. This composition has been
pronounced bythe French Chemists to ne one ofthe
most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It
is believed to possess the remarkable power of ren
dering the nerves sensitive to galvanic action by this
means causing a concentration of the influence, at the
seat of disease, thus giving, rapid and permanent re
lief. No other composition in chemistry is known to
produce the same effect, or to impart a similar pr&
pony to the nervous system, by means of an outward
local application. The Magnetic Fluid contains noth
ing capable of the slightest injury; its application is'
agreeable, sod IL is as harmless in its action as it is
beneficial in its results. Full explanations and direc
tions accompany it. The combined inventions are in
every way perfectly harmless; thCy are sold at prices
within the reach of all and the discoverer only re
quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy
and permanent benefit. •
Christie's Galvanic Strengthening Plea-'' ,
These articles term another valuable application
of the mysterious influence Of Galvanism. They are
an important adjunct to the genuine GalvaniC Rings
and their modifications, acting upon the same panel
plc, but having the advantage of more local applicasl
tins. They are confidently recommended as a valu
able addition in the speedy cure efßheumatismMeute
or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a posi
tive remedy in cases of Pain and Weakness in the
Chest or Back, Pain in the Side, in Asmatic Affections,
and in Weakness or Oppression of the Pulmonary Or,
gans. In Spinal Complaints - their effects are of the
most decided character, and they have often been
used with complete success. They are also of the
greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness of
Breast,and are highly recommended for many of those
complaints to which fernalesere eepecially liable. As
•an effectual means for strengthening the system when
debilitated with disease or other causes; as a certain
aid in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive of
Colds, and in all affections of the Chest, generally,
the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be fount] pt and permanent advantage, In a few words; it -
embraces all the virtueisof the best tonic preparation,
with the important addition of the galvanic influence,
which is neither impaired nor exhausted, while the
action continues. These articles will be found entire
ly free from those objections which are a constant
source of complaint with the ordinary plasters,in
common use
• igr The great celebrity and success of these arti
cles have caused them to be counterfeited by i.nprin
cipled persons. To provide against imposition, Dr.
Clinistin 'has but one authorized agent in each city of
the Union. The only ageitt In Pittsburgh,
Of the highest and most respectable character, are
constantly received, regarding the extraordinary
value and success ofthe above articles. It is believ
ed that in the city of New York alone, upwards
EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period ofi
less than a year, have been entirely relieved Or the
most painful chronic disorders, some of which have
completely baffled all former efforts of medical art.
indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who
disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine,
constantly recommend this application in their
tic°, and with the exception of those who are too
prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re
ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent
among the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all
times ready and i most happy to give every facility to
physicians, and all interested, for testing the truth ol
his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery.
Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of 4th and
Market street. ' octl4-dly
Jone' Italian chemical Roars
PERSONS, in Turchatlinirt — Vit
hap, as ninny have been C}l
will be tocirnuch discoura_
say to such, Try this onciy. • ;
but always see that. the name.'of T. JOIN lo e
wrapper. Price 50 cents a cake.
For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, collier 'of Wood
and Liberty streets; Me only place in
where the Genuine can be obtained; ALL OT/lERS
Jones's Coral Hair Restorative.
T HEREBY certify that my hair was falling•out in
immense quantities daily;and was turning gray,
and that since I have used Jones's Coral Hair-Resto
rative, it has entirely ceased fullingis growing
fast, and has a fiae dark look. Before I used Jones's
Coral Hair Restorative, I combed out haidlids of
hair daily."
TOMPIIINS,92. King et. N. Y.
For sale by W. Agent, .corner of Weed
and Liberty stieetic iha only place in Pittsburgh
where the GENUINE CAN be obtained. . 'jan22
To' nig Clients.
Min' PARTNER, Mr. Liggett, and Wm. E..Aus-
In. tin,Esq.. will attend to my unfinished 11Ri
!less, an 13
I recommend them to the patronage belly.
friends. -I am authorized to state that they will. re
dceive the . &umet and assistance of the Hon.
hte . Mite 2d story ofßurkc's Buildings,4thstteet,.
etween Wood and Market.
jan6-ly SAMUEL W. BLACK.
•. - .
• •
. , ,
Alloical. •
• • VicEM X GsgYr
WESTERN rimy . Volk*
CE. . •
1107 Maiss:ltieet, "fortes *:
jj..TarriIeADVERtIST-MENT FOR 1847.-;—“I!
Camn,•ll.4* Citittlolitittl" is most emPbaticallt
'Ditease psis ever yielded
to its oi.tistrirrelloniiiiedicinal power. W herever
it has gone, and South America, England, Canada,'
and the United States have proved the truth of this'
statement, the albovoquotation . io a.strong and pithy
iientieeei tells the ilieleatitry.'ivlnvalid 4, the prin-
Ciple uponwhich.yOn areScirmir may not be knotiii
toyou, re-Olt:60i frial.of the article is satis,
Ctelogiyeitare restored ; antrthe secret of the cure
remains with' the propriety. Medicine. is a
cOntrienintiefil diatitiet !vegetable ligericies; each in
.dividaalretit medi
cinal property,":eMitlicting. With no other compound
- . - oitelVroOt Mahe*. its own .care—and as a perfect
combinatirin, :whin 'taken into. the System, it does,
the work whit% rentitte, 'When her -laws were first .
established; isitendedirlhould's!
AND rgsgortEr 'Elie broken
down, debilitenrconstittition. 'Dlopits,' in all 'its!
characterit t will be coMpleteliiredicated front the
system by its use': See' pet npleni:in agents , hands,
for free cueulatien—!they -treat':uPon, all 'arc:asks,.
and Show testimoliYofeureS. .Citivit, and all com
plalati of the urinary organs ' . forth also the cause
of great lettering; and Vauottl Lyrae:cram= has
alnuired no small pelehrlty riser the country, by the
'Caren it has made' in this 'distressing, elmsof 'antic!
thins. - .to 'firmed; it:seethe, is *kik mediciae, that it
! hai thus attracted tlie'n . picci . of One or our:Medical
publications. In-the Nove mberNO. 1846, - of' the
, tßuftalo Journal 'arid Monthly RevieW pl Medical
and Surgical •Seience, 3, in in article ispen calculous
ildisettifo, - and Violventi,” Oa ;Writer, titter nefiCing
the Ilict Coglah governMent . oitenPurehased
a secret *remedy, and also :noticing the purOltase is
1802 ) of a secretlenietly,.bv the I.egislature erNew
York, thils pays tribitte to the thtneorthe Medicine:
a%Vhy do not our' Representatives - Senate and
Aaiembly convened, enlighten and odissoliet the
suffering thousands of this notinti.Y; by tho purchase
of Vanglees Vegetuble.Litheititriptic, than.which no
solventsince the days of Alchemy hats p'ossessed one
'minim fame PI Reader, here is eperiodicil of high`
standing, aeknowledged throughout:a large Section
of this country,. to be one'of the bes't conducted jour
nals or the kind in 'GM United . States...exchanging
with the scientific Works of 18itriipe. to our. certain
knowledge; edited by Auitiii Flint;ill. D„ and con
tributed to by nien or tile higlmst professional abili
ty, thus stopping aside to notieen , secretremetly."
You trill at once understand no unknown and worth
less nostrum, could thus ctort a:ton:meet trinn so
high a quarter—and coesequently, unlessitdirectly
conflicted with the practice of .faculty; - it must
!laic been its ereat "fable” which hall'edirsed it to
receive this passing ned.• Inctiztr•dgreases, weak
ness of the bad: 171" r tpl'?!ej iltegaltuf,'painial and
suppressed Mensluration, Plour Albus; and the en
tire complicated train o: * evils which folloW a disor
dered system, are at , once relieved . Ik-the 'medicine . .
Send fur pamphlets from Agents, arid' you find
evidence of cho value *Me Litlinatrtpli . c ti a •O pn t
forth. As a remedy fur the irrtgularibes•of the
male system, it hits in (be compound wit h
has been resorted %din 'the north of F i ukiipe Fur cen
turies—as a sure cure lirr this "cenipiainti'and• a re-
Storer of the health ofihe Livia
CO.IirLA JAI:M.OIa. .81410E5 OrzrAßnitr!.&e.' are
instantly relieved. - 'Peophi•Of the Wrest :will fi nd it
' the only remedy. itt the4e.Minipluilits;
TER AND 'there is' no' tfinetlY it; and'rtil .
calomel or canine rotas antrart of this miiture:
No injury will result in its Cie ittid aeiii•WPrePer
ties are umnilboted in the uselifii sin g le Sitoabottle;
Fon Fr.vER Arie Acre, Ditious Distorderitdake.ife .
other Alrdieine. ituttrn.vrssn, Gorr, And *Wei
the action of this merließte upon the' - Blood; will
change the disease—which originatel in the blOcid
— and a healthy result will
: 1'0110W: DR ".
mots-rimy, &c., yield in few days use (Willis flerP:-.
eine. Inflairrinorion or me LCSGS. COCRII; Cori
strarkrioN also, has ever found' "'reit?: • SCROFpr.A,
ElysiPELAs, 1 , 11.E7, for.amed Ekes—all canted' by
pure blood---will lied this article the remedy. The
system, completely muted upon by the Lwent.y.rro
difroreut properties :Witte mu:tore, is jellified and
resTored--as u parthil et:re will cot follow. The
train or CoMMOII complaint:, Palpitation of Me
Heart,•Skls Headache, Debility; 4.c., are all the re
sult of some derangeinont o? the.system, and the
GREAT RESTORER will, do its work. The - Promises
set forth in the advertisement ; arc based upon the
proof of what it has done in the past- four years.
- The written testimony or. woo . .1 4 , 00ti, in Canada,
the United States, I , mgland and Suitth America, in
the posiessiew of the proprietor—and can be seen
interested--iieß SUPOCreill demonstration that
it is the best lifedfebie 4i , er" °pied to the World.
Get GM pamphlet, and fifthly the principle as there
lair; doWn, to the method °retire. Putt upin
bottles, rt $2; 12 ea.tio at $1 eaCit—thelargbr hold
ing ti oz. more than Iwo shtall bottles.: Lookout - and
not get hapoard upon. .Every bottle hal “Vaughn's
Vegetable Lithontriptic: Mixture:: blown upon -tie
glass, the written siguature of "G.C. Vaug,n ,, on the
directions, and •G. C. Vaueltn,.thilfitio, , •staraped on
the cork.” None other are genuine:. - Prepared by
Dr. G. C. Vaughn, rind .sold at the. Principal Office,
i 207 Main street. Bnilido, at wholesale and retail' I
No attention given to - letters. unless post paid—or
ders fr:IM regularly constituted Agents excepted: post !
!paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting esti;
vice, promptly attended to gratis.
Offices devoted eiclubivolv to the sal; of this.arti-i
clel3ll. Nassau et., New York city; dO5 Essex sit. I
Salem, Masoginti by the princirli Druguists through!!
out the United States and Canada, as adscrtiycd in
the papers. ..
AgentiAß this city—
St Brockway , Wholeiale and.Ret ail Agents,
No. 2, Commercial Ito N, .Liberty street, Pittsburgh.)
Alen, It. E. Sellers, ir7 Wink! street; John 3l itchetl,
Federal street, AJleg,hany city; John Barclay, Beaver;
John Smith, Bridgewater. jan3o-d&wly
Spralta s. Strains.PaillS Of t lie tti•east - aaid
Sidr. rind itt..easeu of tire r lrtnel t
URED and eir , :cialally relieved by the utle.ofNa
kj titre's ow:. Iltimeily, the AM EfIICAN OIL; ob
tained kern a well in Kentucky, l'zki :bet - below the
Earth's sariire. A lady in Eenteekr_was.eured of
a Spinal Disearie, tonthicalher toiler bed
tier many weeks thence of
thin remedy, alter various other remedies hid been
tried in vain. Read the following testimonial.
• Prrrsattiiten, August 5.;:1546
This is to certify, dim we have ued the Amara - -
Ou. for the whooping cough amongsn children ;
by giving them Rom 2.6 drops to a small .teaapition
full at night, which always enabled them to spst welt
through the night; I also applied itsto one. of the
children that got her arm burst, , tlic child ceased
crying by the tune the arm ' W:I.2 dreuted and bound
up. - 1
also was afflicted Avit%i a pain in my:side and
breast, and have been so tier Id sears. I commenced
using the Oil bytakiing• trit - speonfril 'twice a: day,
and in 2 or 2 days tritlVZ the Oil have been very much
'relieved, end do Wier:: that it is the best -family
am,dicing I have ever seen—o , le oinlyt - neighbors
used it at my terms( ibr anclerwttieirse
tiered her in a few minutes; .we vt , 'also used;the
Oil for a strained jointin oar own gave
ease in a very short tiiina. e on the.east.side
of Penn'st., 3 doors south at 'Walnut. am how as
well as ever I, was in ruy'll:e.
i it ABET A-. SMITH. -
Sold wholedale and retail by.lV.m. Jacksn ; at his
Boot and Shoe store and Patent, Medicine Ware
house, 59; Liberty street, head of Wood sheet,
burgh. Price coins and $l. per bottle. Wm.
Jackson being the eseiusive -Agent: for Western
Pennsylvania. NONE IS- GENUINE but' What le
sold by tan ow ins appointed agents.- . - - •
N. B. A pamphlet containing - ample.directions,
&c., with the Na es and 'Addresses of the proprie
tors and principal Agents i 3 enveloped intim wrap
per of each bottle. - aug 15-d&W6m.
Remittances, -Elustoperr -
LIVERPOOL, LQZcinoN; - and the various Ports it
BRO , S. tk Co., is remitting money's to L'nglancl,l
.rintlE undersigned,. Agent for :111cssrs..
I Ireland, Scotland. and 'Wales, at the rate of - Fite
I Ddllars to . the 1.71 sterlinc. Drafts maned for 'any
amount drawn director the Royal-Bank of Ireland,
Dublin, and on Alessrs Pre Cott ; (Irate ! Arnes 4, - ; CO.,
Bankers, London, payable on presentation at any.
Bank in the United Kingdnm free - of ilisconnt or any
I charge whatever.• Those desirohs oi-rentitting, -or
sending ibr their friends 1.111 plrase apply to the.sub-,
scriber, at ids office Oil Penn street, 4: doors athive
the Canal Bashi. JAMES •BLAKELY.
Penon a at a distatice wiShing n ihfortuatio
ceive In answer by return snail, .by:diTectin (post
pair) as ahQye.,
Refer to the 'Bankers, Meicliaritk, andManufaa:
furers'ofPittshurgh and vjoir.itir::.a I 7 daivll
. j
..) OUGH'AND REAbYt- , -I'he'Liro of Getieral
iiti Taylor, the Hero °Mee ChOhtte, ?ale Alto,
Hesaeca 'de la Palma, Monterey,:and 'Buena 'Vista,
'with numerous illustrative aneettoteaand embellish
ments. Fur sale by
je2l LUKE Ar•t.
. • -
e _
The celebrated Itallateltataildr
Discovered by Dr. Mazeni of Italy lathe year 1845,
and introduced into the U.SV i etPan.l Wl•
THIS unrivalled medicine Tor e radical cure'ot
Chronic diseasesshCm spread throughout Europe
with the most unequalled speed and triumphant sue
eels, effecting the moat astonishing cures ever known
or recorded in the annals of Medical History. 'since
its introduction into the United States it has equally
sustained the high' reputation it se Justly received in
the East, curing 'here edit has donC there, the most.
inveterateandiong standing diseases with which the
human family are afflicted. , The Physicians' of Eu.
rope and America (as 'far as they have become' at:.
quainted with its 'mode 'of operation) together with
the thousands who have been restored to health by
its superior efficacy with one united voice proclaim
it to be the most perfect remedial agent ever offered
to suffering humanity. It is now an established fact
"Mat Consumption may be, can be, andhas been cured
by Dr.Mazoni , s Sicilian Syrup or Tropical Hygiene.
This is the only Medicine that has over been die: ,
covered that has achieved a care where this diseasci
had gained a settled and permanent hold upon the'
system. For the truth of this assertion, we havei
the certificates of some of the most eminent Physi ,
clans of Europe and America, expressly declarino
thnt they have prescribed it in hundreds of instanced'
where the patients were considered beyond all hope
ofrecovery, and, to their astonishment, has effected
the moat speedy and perfect Carpi. No one who ii
unacquainted with its 'action can imagine the wont
derful success that attends the administration of thii
inMiicine in every variety of chronie disease, par
ticularly Consumption, Scrofula br - kingff evil; Asth
ma, Plithisic, Piles, (see cases reported in pamphlets
and circular's) Cancers, Liver Complaints, Costive.;
nese! 'and Indigestion, Sore and Inflamed Throati
Bronchitis, Drbpsies, Chronic Inflamation of . this'
Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility and iratibility of
the nervous system, Spinal 'affections, Paralysis;
Chronic Diarraluna, Pain in • the breast and side;
Coughs, Colds, Chronic Itheumatismi•Diseases of thrf
Stomach and Bowels, inward weakness and falling"
down of the womb, and all the Claidnic diseasea per
cellar to females in their various 'relations in life;
This medicine is prepared only by Dr. Mazoni him:
self, and is composed entirely of vegetable materiali
containing the extract of 42 of the most rare Tropi=
cal plants but few of which are known to the mediz
cal Profession generally. . .
It has so far Btu:passed every other medicine evert
Offered-to the world in eradicating disease, that' it
has not only enlisted many of the most talented
medical men in the world_ in its favor but what is
more extraonlinary the government where it wad
discovered, , c/las made it an offence punithable'tcith
death tctattempt counterfeiting it or making sale of
any spurious article purporting to be the same or
representing it to be genuine. • And this Govern.:
meat has also made a liberal provision for the prod
tection of it here. To the afilicted we say let none
diapair, though you may 'have been 'given up by
your Physician and considered by your friends as
beyond all hope, try a bottle of this medicine and
you• may rely upon the fact, that if you have . physi:.
cal strength enough left to endure its action, you
will find certain and speedy relief, for this has been
the case in thousands of instances, in proof of which
we can produce certificates from individuals. of the
most respectable character both of Europe and
America. This medicine will be offered for sale
only at the 'county seats of each county owing to
the small amount yet imported and the anxiety of
the proprietor to place 'this valuable remedy within
the reach of all thrOughout the United States.
=Hays & Brockway, Druggists, No. 2 Commercial
Row, Liberty street, wholesale and retail Agents o •
Allegheny county. Sold also by R. E. Sellers No
57 Wood st. dec2S-d9d.
Medical and Su rgical •
Health is the charm oflife, without it gold.
Love letters' fi iends, all, all, are-unenjoyed. '
!g,tdarly educated physi-:
ian from the eastern cit
lei, would
munce, to the"citizens of
'ittsbargh, Allegheny and'
iicinity, that he can be'
comulted_ privately.and
confidentially, every day
and evening at his office
)n Diamond Alley, a few;
loors from Wood street:
gi. particular attention to the
reatmeutand investigation of the following clima
All diseasesitrising from Impnritiesof tbe Blood,
scrofula, syphilis, seminal vveekness, impotency,
salt rheum, diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism,
Dr. Brown bias much pleasure,in announcing to
the public, that be is in possession of the latest in
formation and improvement sin the 'treatment of
secondary sypluls, practised at the Paris Lock Hood
pital.2 The modern researches on syphilis, its
complications and consequences, and the improved
Modes of practice which have been made- known
to the public but recentley, and to those chiefly
who make this branch of Medicine, their prirticu
lar study and 'practise. , ,
• Many new and valuable remedies baiebeezi late.
ly introduced, whichsecures ihe patientbeintiner
curialized out cif-existence Strangers are tippised
that Doctor
,Brown has s been educated in: - stterjr..
branch of medicine, and regularly admitted" to.
_practise, and that he now confines himself fo
study andpractice of this particular branch,togeth
er with all diseases of a private or delicate nature,:
incident to the human frame.. Np cure, no pay.
Recent cases are relieved in
.a abort titne, with--
outintemiption from business. . . .
Letters from a distance, asking advice. must' on
tain a fee, or they will not be attended to.
(a.olfice on Diamond Alley, a few doors from
Wood street, towards the market. Consultations
rictly - confidential myl2-d&wy
- - .Landretttle,Warranted Garden Seesd,
11 bears the libel arid' Warranty; of
Darin. _ For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN; N0:29 Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo, A. Berry-
Extract from the 'Report of the Visiting. Committee .
of the - Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' lineal--
mously adopted and ordered to be printed..
'‘These extensive grounds are on Fedend:street s ,
near the'Arsenal. *- * "The earliest collec
tion - of Camellias was - Made here.' Some of`those'
now in possession of those distinguished nurserymen=
are ten• feet high. "..*. * • .* The ;election o.
GREEN-not:sr r.tarrrs is ialuableand extensive.' -
"The Nurseries are very correctly managed; sup
plying every-part,` of the Union, a detail of which.
would • occopy, too much of oar space, we therefore
content ourselves with stating that theater& is very
large, and in every stage of growth,, consisting-.of
a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees - of the
best kind. and most healthy condition, tae beds oil
. . .
seeding apples, pears, plums, &c., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a' plan very superior to that a.
working upon cockers, which carry with them into'
the graft all the diseases of the parent stock.
,* *
"'Garman 'Barns of the Snest quality have beert-'
- Scattered over the country from these grounds, ands
may always be-depended upon. - The seed establish--
meat of these 'foram/in:mists is one of the most - ex..-
Collehre in the Union, and its reputation well sustain- •
, _
ed from year to year:
- "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina 'at r
theplarits of the same family, tiny have established ,
anotthher nursery at a suitable di s Mice, so that degene
ratien cannot take ..tilace, and . which - secures to the -
purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thuc
age, quality and, process of culture of every plant„
the supply from their grounds is recommended witfn
great confidence?' - - ,
-*** Since the date of the 'Report= from Willa% the
above is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias' em.t.
braces all the liner - kinds, and consists of some thou
*fiends-of 'various sizes; so likewise .with Roseir, and
either 'desirable plants, both .tender and hardy, fruit.
The Secd Gardens alone cove.filly acres, and the
wiwle ie, as it 14E1 been fur more than hdefieeninry,
- ander the successive management of fhther and' on,
the most promineakiu America
Orders received by F. SNONYDEN, from
wham catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-y
ALARGE and splendid aseortment of Mahogany
and Rogewood grand action Pianos,' with -nictalic . -
framo 'and with au, the latest.inaßoverecntti,
which fOr durability, tone and toticb„ are, warranted-i
to be ogee' to any madiin the country for safe •IoW
for cLidi, by - - - F, BLUME,
• marlB ' No - 112 Wood'et, 2d door ribeiri 6th.
tittle Nedlolucoitnd B ^
liaincieopa •
J UST received a freer supply, of , noix,, x(ww ,
Medicine Cheste,hemieopathic Coffee Sugar or .
on sad a large eollection of the latealpablicgione.
lioatmepatliy, at the frookstore of • ,
ti le'rOft SC A;
ap 10 Eifth st. betarccei Winid xid Afaiket ,
_ .
• • ' '