The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 05, 1847, Image 3

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LocAL maT.TEnti.
Tax yosT Ori,u.s:;.--Th estapliehrilent. : lll be
closed-todayafter. ten ecioi:k, A. M.
Tud CrueusWe never before Witnessed such
a massed' humatift, , eings in a pavilion, as we look
e.l upon oh Bartqvlay. We understand that the
doors were clUSeditipon iindieds-'-perhaps thous
ands—,before the'igrand entree. The ladies' side
presented a very b:eautitul appearance. This alone
was worth the price. of adinission. The peiform
ancesgavethe atqfence satisfaction. MTar-i
. - land was to us, i'ltheleature of the shbw." We
doubt w.ltlier heija excelled by any one now in
tix7stence.. That performance on the wire was
. g-eat. •
There will be fOur .Perfonnances this day and
evening. Youhrand old Will have ample oppor
tunity of attending. • - ' - s.l=The kethabil'e Diviiion of the
Sons of Temperance, of Freeport. Armstrongroun
ty; Pa., - celebrated the anniversary of American
Independence,on Saturday, the 3d instant, in their
village, in as appropriate friaimer. They were
visited by a large' number of the Members of the
Order from Pittsburgh, Kittanning, Butler, Leech
burgh, Birmingham, Temperanteville. and Other
places. They were eloquently and. appropriately
addressed by . N. P. Fetterman, of Beaver. Every
thing went off in good style, bud nothing happen-
nil to mantle prolpeet and universal happiness of
those in!ereged. lWe will give a more full and
tengthened notice; so soon as the necessary infor
tnation can be arranged.
Rarassrixtari.—Great peparations have been
Ittatle for those who can and will ationl to indulge
in ice creams, raspberries and cream, beverages,
&c., &c. Hunker / Fifth street, has branched out
, extensiveli, and will be"ahle and willing to do a
great htisinees ; and we know that his friends have
a disposition to patronize him. Benno::, who keeps
the coolest and most pleasaut rooms in the city, has
prepared for the reception of his friends, who will
receive - a kind greeting.. Then there is Andrews;
he has said what he intends to do, and will fulfill
..his promises to the letter. i There are others—al
most too numerous to z mention—who have claims
and deserve suecess, and We doubt not will win it
too. Mr. Dossal, who bin a new establishment
in the Filih ward; serves up most delicioue refresh
ments in.'s well furnished saloon. The good peo
pie of his neighborhood will not pass his door.
Pri.rnurNo.—.A.Man called at Christy's Hotel,
St. Clair street, on Saturday, and asked for lodg
ing's; Stating that he wished to leave early in the
morning, and paid his bill. When morning came,
he was among the missing ; but left a bundle of
old clothes, which he disdained to carry with him.-
The boarders on feeling into their pockets, found
them minus of several sums of money,, which in
the . aggregate .amounted to about $l2O. The
thief cannat be described by any one in the house ;
ao that he will/probably escape justice.
CLAIRVITAXCk * :--This afternoon, Mr. Loomis
will exhibit the Odeon, the wonderful experi
ments in Raman :Magnetism, which have gained
for. him so much notoriety throughout the country.
Iniorder that all may have an opportunity of see
ing for themselves, he has put the price of admis
st4 at I:2i cents, which will not more than cove:
Tnt MILITIIIi will not be out to-day. Reason
Those who had spunk went to Mexico ; those who
are at home have; heard too much about "holiday
soldiers.!' _ On thC nest Fourth we . hope to see the
Grays, the Blues_and the Greens out in their full
strength, with officers and privates all alive and
in the ranks, as when they left us. We dare say
that they are all :celebrating the Day in grand
style in the enemy's country—perhaps in the flans
of the Montezuma.
(0. :The Jev. Mr. Winane will lectuie on Anti.
Slavery, this. afteinoon, at . 3 o'clock, in the Wes
leyan meeting house,comerof Middle Alley, south
of the North Common, and west of Federal street,
Allegheny city; immediatelk after which an Anti.
Slavery Society will be formed.
. .
TrxeLE on lio',v.on , = Wd are informed that a
Charter for BouquctTempli of Honor, No. 41," of
the Order of the Sons of Temperance, has been
0 granted to a number of persons w•ho are desirmis
of uniting still firmer their fraternal relations.
it will be regulirli instajled in a few days, of
whiehixe will give due notice.
HOWITT ' S JOl:llNl7...—We are indebted to our
friend Fleming, for thlt great English work. A
perusal gives one hoc of those ":good days co
ming," to which: so many noble spitjts rspire.—
We think those progressive pulalieations. of the Old
world, should be more extensively read in this
country. What Democrat does not feel an Interest
in the evidence of social and political improve
ment; which such works as the above afford us?
OTER •cu TERNINEIL—The case of Mill;r,
for Burglary, was, ended on, Friday night. , The
Court received die verdict of the Jury, about o"I
clock, on that night. It was-.- T rof ,Guiliy. lle
Will probably besentenced on theother indictment
this week. .
Court adjourned till tomorrow morning,
AnnrvEn —Lieut. Ankrim, Chas. Glenn and
Hambright. of the First Pennsylvania Regiment
rias.—There was a light somewhere on Satur
day night, which caused an alarm.
c 0- There was a small conflagration in the Cir
cus on Saturday', night. A fellow put a lighted
cigar into his coat packer, which came near taking
off his own clothes; but was extinguished only
With the loss of his.coat tail.
, Goon.—There were only two customers in the
lo(k up on yesterday morning!
WILI4.IIM. A. 111.1. L. &
No. 64 Wood at., one door above Fourth, East side,
Fittsbur oh, Pa.
(/OURRENT Funds received on deposit, and col
made on all the Cities throughout the
United States. Sight checks on Baltimore, Philadeir
phia-, New York; Boston and Cincinnati, constantly
for sale in sums to suit purehasere,
so 'The paper of,the Ohio, Xentucky, Indiana, and
Virginia Banks bought and sold on the most favor
able ;Mini. ,
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ameri
emaGold and Silver coin.
'Exchango on:England, Ireland, Germany, and
France .procered, &e. marliO-dawy
(10138:S Series of Readeis, N,211. 1, 2,3, 4 and 5.
Ecieqic • " " " 1,2, 3, 4 and 5.
Sinders , " 1,2, 3 and 4.
Rnierton's " " I, 2, 3 and 4.
Eclectic, - Einerson's, Smith's, and Coleman's
Mitchell's, Rulers, Smith's and - Goodrich's Ge
ographiee, &c.
The above valuable Bookaitdgether with a large
assortment of Classical works, for sale very low, at
Wholesale and Retail. . ,
jyl • -I Market, between 3d and Chefs.
, '4 , e la
Eiehool Booka.l
, e ,
Extra Sale of Dry:poods, &cd
rk N T usday evening the oth inst. at 10 o ' clock,
at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood
and 'Fifth streets, will bo sold a large assortment of
fresh and seasonable staple anti fancy _Dry floods,
&c. embracing the stock of an extensive retail store
from an adjoining county.
At 2 &meek, P. M., 25 bushels good qual4 dried
peaches; 30 reams medium and crown wrapping,pa
per; .15 doz coal and. Dovenshire shovels;
2a nests
band boxes, 5 in a nest; Y. H. tea; rice; 3 bbls No
3 mackerel; tobacco; sugar; Indigo;,3o gross Match
es; 6 boxes fire crackers, grass 'scythes, glassware,
qtieensware, tinware, &c. A general assortment of
new and 'lacono hand househuldTurniture, choking
stoves, carpeting, mantel clocks, transparent window
blinds, &c.
ti :o'clock, P. M., a quantity of ready made
coitta, pantaloons, fancy vests, fine shirts, with linen
bosoma and cellars,. fancy print and check ! 'shirts,
oil cloth coats and jackets, new and second hand
watches, fine cutlery,} hardware, boots, shoes, um-
brellas, parasols, fancy good? &c.
No. 10 IVest side of St. Clair Sired bctweeri Penn
and the Bridge. ,
ir ELS. DUFF has made arrangements,during her
.I.u. late visit to New York for receiving at all
times the latest London and Paris fashions, o( every
article in the Millinery business. The latesti styles
dress caps, silk bonnets, caps, cardinals, cull's, col
lars, &c. on hand and made to order, by the best
hands; bonnets cleaned and trimmed. A choice
selection of rich cap and bonnet ribbons lately re
ceived. jy2-tf
Positive Sale
Of Fine Choice Wines and Liquors, to pay Freight
and Charges at Auction.
AT the Auction Rooms, No. 114 Wood sit, three
doors from sth, on Friday next, Ja'y Pth, at
10 WeloCk, in the forenoon, will be suld poldtively
without.auy reserve whatever to the highest and best
bidder, on account of whom it may concern; to pay
freight and other charges, unless redeemed at or be
fore ihenbove specified hour; those interested will
please talalS notice of this advertisement, his: 1 quar
ter cask Old Cognise, Pale Champaign Drandy a su
perior article, 1 quarter cask Laf,yette Branity azu
perior article, 1 pipe old Wcesp Strawberry 1 ulland
Gin, 2 quarter casks Port Wine, 2 do do Madeira do,
the above wines and liquors are pronounced) by the
best of judges to be of superior quality, and there
is every reason to believe they came direct f um the
Custom House of New York.—Terms cash pa funds.
jy2 JAM ES ICI' F.NN A, A ct• r.
Spauldling , a Mammoth Ch - cnat
SION, on its arrival on Friday morni g July
24.1, headed by Kendall's Brass Band, mounted on 15
nobly caparisoned steeds, through Allegheny. city,
across the upper bridge, down Penn at. to the Ex
change, up St. Clair to Liberty, down Lihertyl to Wa
ter, up Water to Market, up Market to liberty,
down Wood to Water, vp Water to Smithfield, up
Smithfield to Liberty, up Liberty to Wayne; down
Wayne to Penn, and up Penn to the yard in front of
the American ote], where the LEV I ATitAN PA
VILION will be erected, with tears or uNr.kriAir.u.-
ED coteowr von 4,000 PERSONS, arid with arrange-,
ments that will preclude any attempt at disdrder io
its vicinity.
. . .
Characteristic performances will be given on Sa
turday and Tuesdayafternotins, at 24 P. M., fur juve
niles and females.
PENDENCE DAY, July sth, commencing precise')
at 10 A. at., Ir. ?1., 4r. st. ano t P.M. beefs open
half an hour previously.
;The Manager has the pleasure or annriuncing
that since the appearance or his bills and ad lert,se
ments in this city, there has been added to his already
overwhelming company, Muses Lipman, the 72 nom
mersett man, and H. Needlam, who are so endeeetly
calculated to elicit the talent of such a nuirierous
j_ 3 Pipes H. Gin ;
. .
1 Puncheon Jamaica. Spirits;
1 do Scotch Whnikey, warrantell pure;
For sale by P. C. mmuniN.
iY2 cor of Smithfield and Front
Wings in Wood and Glass.
Or. Cooks Wines, Vintages from 1825 tp IS7I
I ei 40 doz. Bottles do., consisting of the folio••
log Brands:
S. S. Madeira;
L. M. do;
S. M. do. and other Brands;
Pemartin l'ale Sherry, a 3upenur article ;
" Brown "
" Golden "
Boneao Port, much sought Sir in Europe;
M. " Otfiey, Weeper & Forts:stet ;
Treble Grape do., Brands of Oporto;
Pure Juice do. ••
Also, Teneritr, Lisbon, Fayal, dry andl sweet
Malaga, Haut Sauterne, and White and Ited
Persons may rely on getting a pure article, a* they
arc direct from the hands of the Importer, arid from
under the Custom Heinle Locks in New York,
For sale in quantities to suit, by
P. C. MART&,
cor of Smithfield and Froxit sta.
.caret Wine, &c.
MIDS. Claret Wine, a tine article; •
ti 24 dot. Bottles do. do; . . .
Claret Wine, &c
8 Baskets Cbautpaigne; (crown brand ;)
50 daz Playing Cards;
5 don titotigliton Bitters;
5 Peppermint
O,OOA Georg, consisCng of Regalia'', Condoms,
Principes, Dos Amegos, Silva, Esen la:Palana,
and Panetnllas, warranted imported Segars„
For sale by P. C. 31.11iTTN,
iY2 car of Smillatield 'and Front sts.
I - 11[AB Ci 1 - 16 Is Crab Cider, a Operior
ariicle, for sale- P. C. BURT N,
. cor otSmithfield and Frotit sta.
TTONES: 100 Boxes, contaiairg a to ill./ lbs.
White Holley, for sale by
P. C. is.
• •
AITIFITE BEAKS: i.O Bnb.lmls small while Army
IA Beans; for sale by
Large and Positive Sale
(Of the latest and most beautiful patterns,).
" Oa a liberal Credit for certain amon/qs.
CO Thursday, July Bth, 1847, at half
J clock, A. id., will positively be sold, without
reserve, at the Forwarding Warehouse of ;Messrs.
WALLIKGFORD & CO., Liberty al., above Wayne,
sear the Canal Baran, on a liberal Credit, for certain
sums which will be made known at the time of sale.
the largest and most beltuttful assorted lot Of China
and goeensware ever offered at public sale, in the
city, comprising in part the following, viz :
Blue Canton ware floWing blue and dark blue, print
ed various patterns.
' Light blue, and white . Granite, tea,dinner, breakfast
and chamber setts.
Blue edge dishes and [dales, different sizes and
8118 ~e9.
1 white French China dinner nett, ned envell,ed
es, French China cupsand saucers, giltand white.
Painted China, cups and saucers and plates.
Bouillon spring Granite dishes, tea and breakfast
setts, with a great variety of common pitchers,
bowls and plates, Brittania tea setts, French and
Geemati ornaments, etc. etc.
Wholesale and retail dealers are, incited, and they
will find it to their advantage to attend to the above
sale, as the agent is determined to close :the Lot
without any reservatiou whatever, to the highest
and best bidders. 'rho articles can be seen any
time previous to sale.
jyl-td JAMES WE:ENNA, Auct'r.
European find American Agency
THE European Agent has again arrived in Ameri
ea, and will leave Pittsburgh at the usual time,
in September, and sail from New York the at ofOc
tober next, on a TWENTY riser TOUR., through Eng
land, Ireland, Scotland, &c., returning to America
in 1838. .Money remittances for large or small sums,
promptly made to all parte of Great Britain and Ire
land; legacies, debts, rents, real estate, and claims
collected and recovered; copies of wills, deeds and
documents procured.; searches of all kinds made,
&c. The references • heretofore published with in
numerable others, can he given. Apply personally,
or address, (post paid - ,)
H. KEENAN, Agent and
Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Pittihurgli.
Mr. K. will be absent from Pittsburgh on business
during the greSter part of August. JAMES .MAY will
attend to all his business in his absence. Jyl
Newly Invented Patent Week Spring
FOR the, immediate relief antrpermanerit2cure of
Hernia and Rupture. (Suited to all sizes)—
The superior claims of this Truss consist in the com
parative ease with which it may be worn. The pad
of wood being neatly balanced on springs4ields to
the pressure of any part ofit, and thoroughly adapts
itself let any movement made by the wearer. It can
be woyri without intermissicM, until a cure iS effected.
The substribers -have made arrangements for the
manufactire of these valuable Trusses, in a superior
style, in Philadelphia, nail: have them now fur sale
aftheir otriceiNo:l7; Smithfield street, near Sixth,
Pittsburgh; GEORGE W4TT.
f D.ltl . AUTTArAN.
A T McKenna's auction rooms, No. 114 Wood st.
AL third door from btu, commencing this evening,
Thursday, July Ist, at early gas light, and continuing
Friday and Saturday evening at the same hour,a large
an:l extensive assortment olMisCollaneona and The
ological Books . , u great Mut of which are scarce and
valnahle. Also, a lot of toys, puzzles and amusing
'games. Gold Pons. 1 Gold Patent Lever Watch.
A MAN who called himself John Gardner. came
, the Livery stable of the subscriber, on Front
street; on Wedziesday morning last, June 23d, and
hired a horse and saddle for half a day, stating that
be Wished to ride nut a few milesbeyond East Liberty
and that he would return by the middle of the day.
Since then I have not heard of the man,or the horse,
and must conclude that Gardner does not intend to
act .be part of an honest man. The horse is a brown
bay, about 12 years old, and a natural nicker. I will
pay $3O to any person who will return said horse to
me in good order. (je3o-3t) JAMES READY
AVING made arrangements with the most ex
jj tensive Importing House in New York, some
time back, for Inv supply of pure Wines and Liquors,
and who are the sole agents of the following houses'
in Europe and 'the Island of Madeira of" Otard,
Dupuy & Co." "Ilennekrsy," "Sazrac," "J. J. Du
puy &Co." and " A. Seignette Brandies; " Clilcy , ,
%Veber & Forrcuter's of Oporto," Ferrester,lNeber
4. Miley or Xeres,l' "Eyrnington &Co" of Madeira,
"Cruse & Ifirshilold's Claret, " Jacquisson-&
Champaigne Wines." They have kindly consented
for me to use their name if necessary to show that 1
have received and am receiving a large supply of the
above Brands of Wines anci Liquors, w h ich I arn
prepared to sell in a pule state to those who want,
at fair prices. Thankful to my friends and the pub.
' he for past favors, I hope to meet a continuance of
I their patronage by strict attention to business.
1Y I corner of Smithfield and Front sts.
New Literary Depot.
S. CALDWELL would respectfully inform
the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that
he has taken a room on the second floor of the Post
Office building, Third street, and has constantly oil
hand and liir sale a-complete assortment ofchoap pup
lications, music, lithographs, &c.
Ilaving connection with publishers in the eastern
cities and prompt and efficient agents, W. S. C. will
he able to furnish c istomers with new books, magi.
7.lhes &c... as soon as published.
'Flee reading community are invited to call and ex
jy at
y~ :1.5 Fourth 6treet.
The Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of
the civilization of the Incas, by Wro. 11. Prescott.
corresponding meiotic- -fthe French institute of the
Ito. al Academy of lost,m y at Madrid.
Flarpeis• New York Cl:ts. Ilot.k, arraored a. a
reafbag fbr scb , ,ola, by JRUSECI, PrUf,ahOr
Of EIOCtIt/On.
The Sketch Bdok of Fashion, by Mrs. Ct P. Gore,
anther of 800 days of Charles It, Mothers rqd Laugt:-
ter ParVenni.
Boy's Summer Book, descriptive of the season sce
nery. rural life and Country amuse:omits, by Thomas
Millar, author of Rural Sketches, &c.
Pictoral history of England, No 13.
The above books are just recoiled, and for s Ile at
MORS L'S Literary Depot, SS Fourth at.
) ) Juiy I, 15..17.
President and Managers of the "Company
for erecting a Bridge over the Allegheny River,
opposite Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny,"
have this day declared a dividend of one donut and
•eventy•live cents, on each share of the capital
"stock of said Company, standing in the name of In.
di, duals. not of the prelim et the last ars months,
which will to: paid to stockholders, or their legal
representatives, on or after tits nth inst.'
je2dlw&ult JOHN lIAILPER, Treasurer.
Vegrtable Pulmonary Balsam.
Vor.cloq, Scrt talus:a IS, 1814.
child r v birh
which t r.:h from
nued to gnrw• worse ha its
tear Pall), when she was 411 years OW. Al this 4mr•
we had given her over- I had written to my friends
thct I thought she could not recur er. She bad taken
various medicines under the direct/ono( a phys.cian,
tin great benefit. Having heard that the Vege
table ri1,t11..113/) Bdlsain had been r:coninienaltal in
anothercase bi a distinguished physician of Boston,
1 visa induced to purchase a bottle. The good et - -
frets were immediate on wring it. tier recovery
was speedy. and I attribute the preservation of her
life to the use of this valuable rreparation.
Sold I.Vholexalc and Retail, by
R. A FAIiNEsTocK so co.,
corner or Ist and Wood, alio cot Wood and rich ests
A TRUE descrypon of the Lake Superior
_LI try, rte ltiver , , Coasts, Barn,
Harbor., lolanda,
and Commerce, Ns* h Ha) field's Chart: ...Also, a. mi
nute account of the Copper Mines and working
Compantem, with a map of the Mineral region., Etc.
&c. By John R. St. lore.
FL: . sale by 11. , 5.BbSWORTIf Ist Cn.,
je3o 43 Market st
THE Art or Painting;
Junius' Letters;
Philosophy of Unbelief;
Stilling on Fanaticism ;
Ilar Dialogues;
?Memoirs of 'Madame Lafarge;
Maben's Field Fortifications;
11. BOSWORTH & Co.;
je3o 43 Market ot.
N nt Ice.
Fr 11 F. Stockholders of the Fanner e Deposit Bank
of Pittsburgh, inland ;:.king application to the
next Legislature Mr such alteration of their charter
as will give them Banking privileges; or, i."deemed
expedient, will ask to he incorporated as a now .
Bank. Ily order of the Board nt Directors.
je.3o-lawfim TIBIMPSON BELL, Cashier.
P. C. ?A All:TIV
XT ()TICE—The Stocklrolders of the Pittsburgh
111 and Allegheny-Bridge Co., for erecting a Bridge
over the Allegheny riser, from the end of Iland at.,
are hereby notified that the annual election f , r
President; ten Managers, Treasurer and Secretary,
will be held on the first Monday in July next, at the
Company's rooms, north end of the Bridge, at 2 o'
clock, P. Al. WM. hittltlllSON, President,
jel9 P. /2 A. 13. Co.
For rent,
VERYcommodious two idory brick dwelling
11 . house, on Thad, below Ferry street. run
sersion given on Ist or July next. Apply to
L.alret Improvement.
BEDSTKADS of different kinds with Gazzarn's
iron !latent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse of
angi. T. B. YOUNG Fr. Co, Band street.
Conkling'w Improved Lnrd 011.
7 BARRELS Winter Lard (hi, just received from
the manufacturers and fur sale at Cincinnati prices
wholesale and retail, by FRS. SELLERS,
dec2S No. 17 Liberty at.
No. 42 Diamond Alley, over former Saloon.
r fiE above place will be open for the season, this
evening, June 4th, where our unrivalled ICI
CREAMS, Confectionary, Cakes, &c. 4.c., can al-
ways be obtained
Free Concerts every evening' this week, at the
Wood st., by,lllcarttv,&/117PiTLEY.
A FUN ER AL Simmorq,nocasioned by the death
of the Rev. Robert Dunlop, A. M., pastor of
the Second Presbyterian Church, March' 28th, 1847,
on the Sabbath morning following hie decease. To
which is preficd an address, delivered ni same place,
at his interment, March 23d : by Rev. E. P. Swill,
D. D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Alle
gheny, with an appendix. For sale by
my 24 LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.
IItURSI.TANT to adjournment, the splendid pro
perty Jacob Vogdee On the hill, iu the Bth
Ward, Pittburgh, overlooking the Monongahela
being two large lots of ground,- with a fine
brick dwelling house on one, as fully described in
the original advertisement, will be exposed to sale,
at the premises, on Monday the sth day of July,
1547, at 4 COCIOCk ; P. M
• jy2-3t
WIIOLE 4 - nd half Bbla. 0. M. IL Whiskey,
disullea.ui 1937.
60 •
- -
20 dozen Betties, do. In; •
23 Inds and Bbls Old Tennessee Peath!Brandy,
distilled in 1540, with a large Supply'of Common'
Gin, Brandy, Rectified Whiskey, etc. Br.c.i for sale
in quantities to suit, by , P. G. MARTIN, •
jy2 cor or Smithfield and — Front ett.
The Cmtque■t of Peru
Lake Sayertor
Engle Branch Saloon,
AtiJaurned Sheriff', Salo
Domestic Liquors
Manager.— JOHN N. SMITH.
Agent.— H.
The Largest and Grandest in the World
200 ! Persons and Horses I
The most Brilliant Misdeal Festival and Concert !
Equestrian, Gymnastic and Dramatic
Entertainments, of the Highest Order
The Costumes and Paraphernalia of Clat-
03 Iluprib. Spirited. Well Trained
33 Carriages of Isteoaretrable
40 Seth of Ilararss of Trasr
seradesst Spleisslonr .
seating ti OD Persons with unparalleled
Brilliantly Illuminated by 330 Powerful Reflec
If as been profusely lavisifed, and the service of
Of acknowledged Taste and Irgenuity, kept in
constant requisition for Five Months, In designing
and Executing the Appurtenances. and Properties
of this Gigantic Scheme, in a style of Dispreee.
dented Magnificence, resulting in the most exquis
ite Mechanical Gems, and the most gratifying
chef d'ceuvres of Amcrlcan Ska
I 5 Picked Musicians, In Lustrous Uniforms.
of a celebrity in both Ilemapherce to which no other
band aspires. led by the IMMORTAL EDWARD
KENDALL, whose fameta% the failC3r, L a
te,LEn, has penetrated every- circle to which music'
h at access, at once rye, Milt to the pure and adno'
ruble annisenicau of the Monster Circus, whether in
leading the tatsixaszia EXTENDID moans lON in
the C0N2,303 111101,1)=. 1 / 1 iBU LO Oa or
awakening the ecilol, of the streets white erdnynD
031 Ib k 11.12211 CATALmortz..4 . CIZZZa or
rphoii;,• the performance udo
not the leapt attractive feature In which will be the
never to he forrtten
33 Widely Celebrated Lady and Gen.
Heinen A Trinity,
at the anne of their profession, the most numerous
and talented troupe of performers ere: concentrated
in one cicte, els: Mews C. J. Rogers, W. W.
Nichols. J. W . , tnith, J. McFarland, John Shltulle,
Victor Piquet, J. Backwwal, Baldwin, R.
Rosititer, DRII thrums, Dicker.son, Bandan
na Brown, Nam. Jolaiwni, G. 0. Knapp, Alex. Rock
well, Jos. Wiley. T. Sparks, Mr. Russel, J. Adams,
P. Everts, M. Wayne. 0. 'Thompson, T. Wheeler
IC 11 - tight, ik.e. AC. blasters Marcy, Walters and
Pirtuct.-11teadetnee Thontpiott, Rockwell, Everts, I
Knapp, IVayue, Etonte, Wright, Dein - nitre, Ac. ice
The long favorite clown G. 0. KNAPP, and that
brilliant Meteor in the orbit n: the Hippodrome,
prot.ouneed by aechignalion,. by the !COMA ate
e of Great Itraisti, at the LONDON OPERA
HOUSE, to he the dotes of &hens; in the (ace of the
competition of the enktunitliens.of Europe. -In this_
stupendous preUeet, ,the sante rigid idler to pure"
taste and refinement dial it so strikingly "played in
the chaste and ticauttMl outfit, anti escritiatily
hovel and interesting feats. Will he peculiarly oh
servei in the mirth of the coma-diem
Fur the Programme of the Concert, Synopsis of the
Prrionnancei and Drumativ Perwere of the Divert
ailments, Ballets, entreedies, Painomimies, iLtn use
Patnphient and Descriptive meets.
Adasallialoss to tbo nrlsoto, only 23 Cents.
This Company stall have the honor of performing In
Pimburgh on
Jrtv sth and tith—Pura DAvs Ormr.
Irr Doors open all o'clock ; Performance to corn
mem c 1 P. 11.
'lliere tool he a grand perrormanee on Satur
day and Tuesday afternoons, at to 3 o'clock, fur
falmties and th ose who cannot attend in the evening.
_ ()n monday, the diet performance will be giv
en at 10 o'clock, :I.M.
ter Th., nuinfiauy Mdl alvo verfnnu in Erie, an
Thursday, Jinn tldth, W a teriard 225th, Mead v ille
Greenville 2titit, Mercer 211th, Nee. castle, 30th,
and Harmon , Thursday July I. jeelaf td.yv It
St. gilled A.: monde;
Burrs " '•
I Bale F'doe•tt
b •• ;
I F: Walt 11: ; ,,:
salt 14y J. . INILLIANIS &
j4:10 10 woad at
Corner of Third end Wood rte., ihreetly opliosite the
St. Charles Hotel.
js JACOI3 WEAVER, It; Marketut.,
- 11.111 ,, 1 . corner of Front, to now- receiving
nit ce and offers for sale at inducing per .
• "&•-- cra, the foliou log extensive variety .
of WINES AND LIQUORS, selected by himself,
as formerly, for the film of STERETT El. CO., in the
Eastern Cities, from first lambi :
Leger Frere, Cognac and Champagne Brandies.
J .1. Dupity, Cut:Winn, old ritriglory, Raptaut.
Channuyer, Peietoisun, A. Seignette, Otird CF uy
S: Co. and Pinot Carillon &Co., Vintages of 1h33 to
1816—embramng u;; the Ritebelle and Bordeaux fla
vors, in hall' Pipes, quarters and Octaves, or by
Holland Gins—Fish, \V crop Anchor, Croon Keys,
Metiers Senn and Ilona Gloss ',rondo, nee" and old
‘mportation N.
Rums—New Englund, St. Croix, Antigua and
some very superior.
Whiskeys—Old Scotch and Irish, Monongahela
Rye, Bourbon Cu. Corn.
!rises--Maden as, Ts nerities, Lisbons, Sherries,
Sicilys, Malagas, Ports, Red Wines, White Wines,
Mmirats, Clarets, Champagnes, flocks, and ilauter
m in Cases, India Mils., Qr. Casks, Inds., Demi
john or Bottle. June 3
NOW Co4fect lonery.
(Late Canal Boat Hauie.)
nossEr, has just opened a splendid aniort
tnent of Confectioners, =mining - efCandies,
Nuts ' and other refreshments. He hau furnished a
fine Saloon, where visitors can he furnished with
rich Ice create, et.c. The public are respectfully
invited to give him a call, as he will be happy to
afford them every entertainment.
Filth Ward, near Canal Basin. je2l
nail Itond Lett Ing--'ro Contractors.
I.,)EA LED PROPOSALS will be received at the
office of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad
Company, in Wellsville, Olno ' until 10 o'clock, A.
ht. o f 0 0 27th a n y of Ju1y:,1847, for the grading,
bridging and preparing for the superstructureof that
portion ofthe line between Wellsville and l\Pgiiilk
ens mill, twenty miles. Plans and specifications
may be examined at the office ofthe Company at any
time from the 17th to the 27th July. Contracts will
he let to the lowest bidders. A further letting cif
that portion of the line from I\l>Quilken>s mill, cross
ing the Sandy and Beaver Canal, and extending to
the New Lisbon and - Canton road in the direction of'
ClevelandTWill take place early in Septeinber.
By order of the Board 'of Directors, •
A. G. CATLETT, Seey.
Wellsville, June 15, 1847.—Wells. Pat. joiod4w
HUGH Ali REA.DY f—The Life of General R y'rayl or, the hero of Okee Chobee, Palo Alto,
Resacca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena
with numerous illustrative anecdotes and nmbellish.
merits.. Far sale by ;- • ' txi
104' " LUKE LOOMIS, Agt.
ANOTili largn lot of summer shawls, hat•jus
been received at A. A. MASON'S, 62 Marks
urret, comprising 2 snore cartons of those rich sew
.ng siik shawls. j.!2.9
NITIIITE Havanna Supr i
40 boxes superior White Havanna sugar, jos
received and rut saie. by • •
rABLE SALT: 10 easels Table Salt; just rcc'd
and fur :talc by
f _
INSEED . OII..: 34 Barrsla Linseed 'Oil ; just re
ceived and for sale by
- -
I[7, XTRACT LOGWOOD-40 cases Sanford's; iSsi
received and for inln by
cor or Fir); and Wood vs.
a 0 1 1: 13 I4S uLpii u : 1000 lbs.; just reed and for
je3o corner of First and Wood sta.
BACON -10 Casks Shies; for sale by
66 Wcud st.
Harrison's Columbia Ink ; Black, Bltte, Red ;
Scarlet ; h superior article, jn 40v.1p4 of all sizes.
Bird•s Black Ink. For sale by
43 Market et.
pA. WIIISKEY-275 barrels (Proof,) for aßle
jc29 16 Market st., cor. Front.
r 1 11.1\I A N %VINES—A
. great variety or White
Xiang in glum and wood, for sale at thn Wine
je2B 16 Market st., cor. Front.
Akio, a very superior art ole of German White
Wine, in draught, for sale at an udusually low price.
FRE ,NCI I WINES—Of even' description„ price
and quality : Bordcaux,.Marseilles,' Muscats,
put up in France, Clarets, &:c., borne eighty varieties,
, or sale in original packagers, or otherwisti; at the
Wine Store of
CANDLES -10 boxes Star ;
10 Sterine;
Sperm; •
110 Wood greet ,
For 5 . 410 by
FI RUIT-30 Drum Stoyrea Wigs;
*2 barrels Zante Currants;
10 boxes M. R. liaisins ;
For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.,
je.29 110 Wood street
r ENNANT'S CLAIGOW ALE: Jdst received
sod for sale by the bottle or dozen, by
jrl 16 Market at., c.'4r Front.
4 Boxes LoarSugat—smnll loaves;
ravanl, white, on consignment, and will
bu sold lOW, to close. For sale by
lt; Nbirkct et. cor Front.
SA.ILLAN ES—An imported article; for sale by the
came, (Barn, tutor half tin; at reduced prices, by
iY 1 16 Market st. cur Front:
ALAD OM: 10 Baskets*-Arigdor , a &Caine,
0 stoppers—a late importation, for sale by basket
or bottle, by J ACOB KAN'
jc I • 16 Nttrket st., cor of Front.
tues,lLtrittorib, and Liquors In Glaga,
CIF cry variety and price. Foreign and Moms
tic, for vale by JACOB W It:AVER,
IYI 16 Market et., cor Front.
Letter, Writ tug, avid Blank Rooks.
LARGE assortment of Lytle: and Writing Pa
per and Blank Books, frill and halt' bound, of
all sacs, fur sale at the Bookstore of
+ I Market at. bet 31 and 4th.
vl5ll-1.5 K.tte ertra 2.10. 2 l'qaclarel ;
10 boxes Scaled flernez;
For *ale J. D. WII.LIAAIS Ec CO.,
jr 110 Wood etreet.-
SUGAR --2 Barrels double refined pulverizO ;
I " " pulvenzed ;
1 case loaf;
13 barrels u:oiled 3
1 trercs star ;
10 laa 3 33lllrasii ;
3 barrels clarAled ;
fo hogsheads N. O.
For salt by J. D. WILLIA:MS &
110 Wood street,
1 70 P PENS, selected of the hest brands,
and handsomest rattan's, of holders and
cases. A 2 dozer Iloirl 7's patent . eztensinn pen
holder and peneijun: received and for sale at the
lowest prices. at e.old Pen !lead Quarters,
Cornet of 4th and Market streets.
j.. I 0 W. W. IVILsox.
01 every description, price and quality: Bor
deaux, Marseilles, Muscats, put up in France, Clar
ets, 4c., some - eighty varieties, for sale in original
packages or otherwise, at the Wine Store of
No. G'Mark et at., ere* Frout-
More Non Good•
A. MASON 62 111arket street, has just re
s cuts : pieces r ich rem:t- •na, ° O
French Printed Cambric, i 5 pa. new 'styles Ging.
hams, 25 pa. Linea . Ciughams. 7 caeca of Parasols
nod Parasoletts ; also, Shawls, Cravats, Gloves,
Hosiery, Summer stun, &c. je2s
Dry Peaches.
JBUSH bILS Dry Peaches; fur sale low,to close
40 tunfognment, by
No. 5-'6 Wood at.
Lanni-Ina Segars.
Lanorma Segars, a prime article,
/ just received and for sale cheaper
than a any other establishment in the city, by
j v2.3* No. §5, Fifth st., bet. Wand and Market.
AI - AIIOGANY and Rosewood Veneers and Chair
111 plank, a large assortraent, received and for
sale ntF. BLUM F.'S,.
jas . 112 Wood at.
. .
HERRING: n barrels No 1,; herring, for sale
123 5S Wood et.
11EA.—I3 half chests Y. 11. Tea
5 " " Imperial do.
8 " " Gunpowder do.
62 Catty boxes Y. ff. do.
48 " " Superior YII do.
32 Boxes Souchong do.
69 "2d Superior Yti do.
Just received ind fur sale by
je2l ' MILLER ¢• RicKETsoN
CSOAP.-2.00 boxes Chillicothe
Soap. Just received Clnd for sale by
je.2.l__ .
by 63 hhds. N. O. Sugar, in store,
tit) Boxes Havana Brown Suisr
30 ~ Wh.te ~ ~
in store, and for sale by
Tl, commy CE.At MEW-12 barrels, just re
1J received and for sale by
V aney Hock Cologne nattier..
11 DOZ. assorted - colours. -Alen, 1 doz., dark,
largo size Hocks, just received and !,wale by
16 Market st., cor. Front et.
Jay's Morning and Evening Exercises;
Ablicitt's Way to do Good ;
" Young Christian; , 1
'4 Corner Stone;
The Eternal ; .
Barnes' Notes; •'. '. :' '
The Grent'C'onliaisaioa i
" Great Tea Cher, '•• ' '
Also, a fine istortaient of Theological, Literary,
and Miscellaneous Booka, at '
H. S. BOSWORTH & C 0.%
7,... • 43 Market it;
ALSO, two elegant Rosewood PMnes,.With Cole=
man's patent Olean attachment; lo* fOttalt,
at (apr2l) F. BLUtik'S 112 Wood et;
AP.D, 100 kegs, No. 1, Lird on consignment;,
j_.4 And for sale by Y. SELLERS.
sey4.4. No. 17, Liberty street
INGHAMS—Jusr received, one 'cast, chpiFe
lior styles and new Ginghame; else; a large varikty
of Shawls ; for Bate low at 62. Market st. •
.. f'.... _ tv .. "i.. v. ~. y~..
16 Market et. cor. Front
Y''' • NOTICE -TO: CONTRADTORS:qeated pro
posals will -:reci;i veil 4.inti %WE DN E. S - D'A
July 15, in the Ilurungh of_llarrisbarg> , 'and nntil
WEU idSDAYr,.JuIy 2:4 :the 'City 'MI Pit*
airgh, at 10 e4loek, A. Ai., at. the office of the Erpi
pricers, fin. tfie'jratliiit. and inastinipup , M fiftoen
miles of the PenusylVania Railioad, th.tunding West
from Harrisbuii; and fifteen' Miletf"drsaid Railroad
extending Easrftern 'Pittsburgh. ditiditig will
include very heavy work, and the amount of mason
ry, including the Pierslof Abutments of therlfralgs ,
acrosa.tho Susquebatma,.three-fourths of a mile in
length, will be unusually large. Plans and spclaik
cations'of the work can be-seen at the Engineer's
office in each place, for ten days previous to the
time appointed thr receiving tbe, bids. Any further
information cud be had oP99:aEilicatiou the Chief
of-Associate Engineers
CumNER sTuFvs--jteceiveo LLia day, at 52
lilatket street, an extensive asimriroent of Dar -
hroons, Tweede, Fr.encli'CasshuereP De jrriv;
tures, Linemi i Cuttc•nadcs, CufdbcotMgs,
Sze. Ste.
my 29 A. A. MASON...
J P o lLitN . G a , n rl d ce o t z st i rl n e r t n : f ITlL d e o c z e
talk Gloves, 32 doz. Lisle Threza 4.lloves'; 12 dozen
light and dark Kid do., 13 doz. Cot. do.; 'also; 20
doz. White Cotton:Bose, 9 doz. Black 12 doien
Colored do., 21 doz. White and Mizell, I Hose, Open
Worked do., Brown and Ptincy.:doi.
. , 4. A. MASON . . .
1111 entlenon.uf the Bar, who borrowed the
fullowingyoluree:: from the,Clerk.'n plftce of th
Circuit Court ofthe tfoitr.4 State, Will please retur
them, viz: 711:Seteot & n'aule, 3d Wheatune
and 7th PetereCireuit Court .IteDorts. jel7-d
falnable Meal Estate for Sale.
THAT beautiful property, situate uear Munches
ter, directly opposire the residence of James
Anderson, Eisq„ frpoting-3-15 feet on Ohio Lane, and
difq , back :MO lbet to Sheffield street, ,with
House and ituprovegiclit#. It will be sold tnetlier
.).r divided. . . .
Also, a Lot aground, elegibly situated in Irwin
street, between Penn street and the Riv
er, 64 feet 5 inches in front, by 110 feet in depth,,to
;20 feet alley: .
Persons wishing to make trot/etlaterite, are,inform
ed that portions athat fine, itref!esey in Allegheny
.Manchester, owned by, a Company in:Thiladel
phin, will be offered in the taiartet sa soon as the
necessary arrangements can „he Made, and of which
due notice will be given.
Apply to GEORGE BREED; .
94 Wood at.
Greoies and Wagon IJoies at,Auctlon.
(AN Monday aliernopn, the 223 th inst., tit 2 o'clock,
j at the Coatmercial Auction Rooms, corner of
Wood and sth" eta., will be told,
42 Grates, assorted sizes;
;,COO lbs. IVag,on 130ae6, do ;
oven and boiler, and sundry other instings.
JOHN . D. DANIS, Auct7r.
(American copy,)
Fine rocker Cutlery,
D OGERS , Congress Knives;
" 1, 2 and 3 blade ;
Wostenliolnis' Pen Knives, assorted ;
Rogers' at a superior quality;
Straps and Bones; •
Table Cuderv, in setts of 61 pieces, and also in
dozens '
of the - best quality ;
Steel Key Rings; Keys, Ike.;
"- Tweezers, Clasps, &c.
cur 4th and Market st.
New 11I11i c.
IN I OONDEAM'S Soti from Heaven descending,
When Sorrow Binds in Gloom thy Brow,
I would we had not met again,V It
Farewell song,
'The; to other Lands I wander, Doniteat
Say, wilt thou ever think of toe I s;
My Forest Harp,
Captive Greek Girl,
My Normandy,
Songs of the Old Dominion;
Are the links that bound us broken
Pin saddest when I sing,
Geneveive, Waltz,
Saxe Weimar,
Mary's Variations,
Srilliapt Polonaise,
Brattlehomugh Waltz and.nui.ek4tell, -
Snow drdp,
Topaz Grand, t; Punter.
Sentimental or Rose Waltz, Vieli,clt.
VicanoiaeChildrenrs Derides.-
VillSe Brillient, La Perle, (Waltz.)
Amer, Waltz. Nimmo.
Matarnoras Grand March, ' W. C. Peters.
Agantam''l'urkiall Step.
Elegance, Quadrille Dnego, by Herz.
Set of Quadrille, .4a
Derintisment Cracovinno Faioriteitt ;
For sale by JOHN H. MELLOR',
81 Wood at, ~Pittsburgh.
Botton and gets li<irk Pianos.
JOIIN 11. AIELLO No. 13,1, Wood street, has
on band and Ai- sale, at manufacturer's prices,
one, elegn ausewCMT Piano Forte, with grand ac
tion, and Irori frame, Made by CIIICZEREIG, of Bos
One splendid Mahn. :.y Piano Fcrte, six and a
ball' octaves, made by Gal• & Co., New York.
Gold NV tde hes and 'Bl*ver: NV arc.
T usT c l amed n larg , additional stock of
t/ and gentlemen's Gold and Silver Patent Lover
Watches, of the latest and beat
Al ptitterria x and.war,
ranted, at the lowest prices. so, Silver Table,
Tea, and C'e . :test Spoons, mandfacturcd and for sale
by• W. W. WILSON, •
jell) Corner of 4th and Market streets.
Superior Cut Vobacep. ,
3 9 BOXES fine cut Honey Dew Chewing T o
c..) 70 " Bird Eye Smoking do._
S Fine - do .
For sale very low, to close a consignment, by -
ti 1;0. COCH RAN',
je 10 • No. 26 Wood
Vbirtuttiagliso tiff trier' '. VI
9 ks • -- BASKETS Champagne Wiees,'consisting of :
,4,0,0 Key, Crass Bow, Tri Colnr, Crown '
Grape, Bollingeuric, Anchor, the celebrated P.A.
'qualm Bi. Co.'s Anchor, Munim , s SiDery, tteidsielt,
and •• Cock and Crown" brands, These Wines
1 .,
are superior, being n obtained direct ft,r3m the 'mport
era. Persona may rely upon' not getting 'ewatic
Cider, when they buy tht•se WitiesTroM in . Just
receiving and lot sale by basket or bottle, by :
jes JACOB 1,,V,k.:AYP...R.
.Claret Wines.: • ,!
25 CASES qts. Chateau Margaux, l ilaz.each.
1.6 " " St. Julien Meiloc ' — 1 "
10 " Chateau 1.) , Leosille, 1 • "
28 " .
•-•" Lafite,l doX.eachlexylge
10 , g <, Family use,Jextra. '
Also 10 hhds. St. Julien, arid Till,: irhita,Wine,itil
just receiving, and for iyholesale or retail.
jess 1 JaCtIfI'WEAVV.R..
New 'Work Boot and Stone, Store.
No. 122, IVood st., Piffsturgh.
4. S. DALZELL has on hard. and is
A .: constantly manufacturing •to order; 7
the following named articles: Gentlemen 3 S -
Fine Dress Boots and Shoes, of the..latest fashion, at
remarkably low prices. Fine'Dress Boots
such as is usually told in otfier";totes at $6,06:
tend Main well Boot at $4,90. Mt other
kindh of tviirlr equally Ake, a good" and Tull
assortment of LadieS7,'Oisses , , and Children's Boots,
Shoes, Gaiters, Half Gaiters, -Buskins,and Slippenyi
of the pest substantial-kind to the very finest dtess
6 40 8 .. • •' '. • • ' -* • J .l
S. b. being a practical shoc-maker. attande to the
mhaufacturing of his own.AvoFh;, t aild has it &one in
the most substantial manner, :yet neat, style; And
having, adopted ihe motto' Orrin:Lail profits and quick
returns, will sell;as }OW as the loWest. rritagti=d3m.
Renitttonevp to "the, Otd courotiit;!=
M . OZa i s i:c e t 4t a Z i t ll l p e t "Engrato4 Ireland
of 41 and up•
wards, tAmit purclmsirs. •
ALLEN IiECA:ILER,F.4c/144tgeBroker.
m4;wlYBcd I m cornm% of 3d and'Wood stn.
A. Dotter Book, for', Fifty ~ cent s.
Tl, DIJCATION, founded' on the nature of man:
Spurchnim, pt. 1).; with mrAppendir :
by $. - It-Virells. TO say tbtt this is the best work
of that ttamet but to reitarate the:anani
woes testiinohy of all whii hare read it. 'lkdiscus.
ses the fat's Iferbilitary DCSeent." Education of
the Sexes, the Condition of Women; the difference
of Naturil - ..Endowir.ent, &el - - TO parents, in con.
ducting the educalion,o& their children",- it will be
found .meet young..people cifbettli
Sexes: as it treats of sel !culture, both mentally, and
physicalry.—.:lnifici: Phi enalogicht journal. .
Atmost :minable treaties from the pen, proue yfrp4
was mole intimately acquainted wittOnanuri.natur.
ow l any other individual:=—Netri
iiiLworthitii weightiri•Gold.L-trintrig,' Gazette.
This work may, be ortleitc.l;:i.Od received by return
7bq inane) , giaitbe '•a letter and
diceeted toFOWLER &MELTS,' '
lets 139 Sasiau Street, New York.
401746*NN" . 4 'V . l #l. tat.Err:s,-
.... . - .
4 8 .0. - Pi ''lVl3 ji. 7 i,lVtiZt - .. 1 '. - .. 1 - 2 s 4 F l .
.-- ...., - . Tii El Mail. 'aiol. Passenger E.,tstrner.l,-
' ' : XA,p , NEW T UN, Cart, h. G...10,..5.011,, •
i •t,i it
• ii F rquitt a regular Packet b eto ren.3o4.6iitir 7 gh. anii,
Wisainlatiileaviif c i:Pittlburgli fyt•cry .Sre!:day t,t.10 u! . . - - -
' The leane rtb-Nt;Din wits built tliit'spritig, ezpreiilj
for the trsde, afid'effi44l (6 iiaseetiers every comfort
and superior acAioruttickl'ittiors.- . , - . • febl3
. ,
it), nu,k:r g itlar rdail &nil pauenicer stcarnei f
l t i , " -- ...,M0N(1NgAt11 . a.4 4 i1t.. stone, will Twit
s ta z
, .
ax, a rag ar Ps'cliOt bet7:l:eit,rl4,
.....s urgh ~and Ckncin.
Miti, leaving this port every id 12 , 11 141 ntlo, A.M.}
and.Wheeling . at 10, P. hr., the' iaime Asy.: . Aettirm.•
ing,she Will leave Cincinnati &cry
A. M. For freight or passage apply animal: . ;
The Monongahela , V/Els tollt, expressly for thiiii
trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and sal.
perier'accommodations, • ..
~,, i4.4,-.?/
1811, „ T . ttedgy y, : tee„lmey:' - -1844:
net regular moi l and pannenger steam: er.HIRRRICIA, NO:2, CApt.
3.. Ftlx7vi.
ttLTER a will a regular, packet between Pitts ,
burgh and Cineinnati, leaving this port every 7 . 1.11"4
day at 10 A. M., 'and Wheeling et IQ. P. M. of tht
same ddy. Returning, iho will leave Cincinnati Esp.
cry Friday at 10 .. for_ fteipt passtire
ply on board. •
EltrThe Hibernia No;: was built es,cpteifelY for, the.tride, and offers to the passengers'every.-convi
fort and superior accommodationa. jaa_12,1847
1847. Wedliexday Packet. ' 1847
S. DEAN. will leave Pittsburgh,every
Wedneeday morning, at .10 , block; Wheeling every
Wednesday evening at 10P.M.; and Gineineuitlleve
ry Saturday nt 10 o'clock, A. H. - reb2:o . l
1847. THURSDAY. PA.CHJET. • 1847#
-will lenie-Tlttakurer:evory Thuradaft
morning ,10 o;eleeli;, , ,Wheeling every Thursday
evening at
_,lO 1i../444044 Cincinnati every-Sunday
at 10 ; - • fehl9
rMro The reg ular.ipail and passenger 'mato er:
MESSENGER, Capt. Linford, run --
a regular Packet between Pittsburgh . and Cincinnati;
leaving thin part even , tatntdAy At JO, A. lefr
Wheeling'at P;M., Retileliii*i
she will leave Cincinnati every 'Tuesday, 'af,
&elk A: M. FOr freight or passage ariply on board:
The Meispriger-Was expressly for thisArtulei
and oilers to.her *passen,gers .every - comfort and. ACO
TUE pew atearner AcA4l4
rurt ae-a
P --(Achet . ibetween ritribtirgh aria tbe.:'
above post daring the seas - 0i of..lB4:4leaving eiete.
Thursday at 10 o'clock • . • r l
The Acadia.- is; new and has superior accominoda4
lions. For freight. or passage apply. on hoard,,or .tri•
ap9 • . ' J. IiF.WTON JONES,,Agent. •
For Oliiotpslatti ` tetiiIIIST le,
• img • -:rhe new amppl end id inusanngerateami !
Aff or 0L TJ 14513.1 A, (I ,, Master
leave for the above and intermediate portf4,
For frei6f or Trissagn applY. on'boaYd, or tti
jel ' ' ' -D-.-IVittßlNSVAgent:
Por„Clueirtistat,l oust St. Loszis-:
The passen ger steamer PALESTINEi
Capt.: leaCe for tit° above
and all intermediate ports regululv.
Fur freight or passage appty'citiVeritiL je9. -
Tuesday V.vening Packet.
The new and apleodid.pasaenger steam-
DECLAftATION'i ,- Cdpt:
will run Asa regular packet betwooPtitahurilt and'
Cincinnati; loavleg. port, every Tiiiiday'evenif#
at 3 o'clock. Returning she. will leave Ppeinliatj
avert' Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaratioo offeis superior acct nuriodationi
to passengers. For freight or passage apply, On
board. - - - jel
v pa. CL , nctnJndtl.
_ The well knovl.n - fast ktinhittg
~ Steanier
CAMBRIA , W. Forsyth; Blister,' will run
aa a regular Packet,leaving every Wednesday morn 4
ing . at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10; P. M.; the
same day.. Returning,; she will leave .Cincitaiati
every Saturdiiy, at 10, A t . M...,„ , .
For freight or passage - apply on board, o; to
F . OIISY'TH & Co., Agents,
'Vb. 90, Water street.
For Wheelang.---ytelpol o r
I jr, Tor. splendid light draught .stearnet.,
DOMINION? S. Trczn, Master will tun '
mg; leaving Pittsburgh:fel:Wheeling every Mon ayi.
Wednsdday and Friday', n . .t - 9 ii`eleelvf%P.M.;tindleavt
ing Wheeling for i'ittsburgh every Tuesday, There;
day and Saturday, at 9 olclOck, A. M. For fieight
or .assage a .Iy, un board, . - . novs
- _
wypeelt i rOdiandß a pitbecheapeaii a quasi •
Con that would doubtletm„lieve been Settled
lent since, were it not-for The,fact, that I have but re:
costly (opened inylarge and Splendid stock;
in the large•and pleasant Store. Reiint,in the blo- •
nongahela House, Smithfield street;: Where . I ant •
selling fiats and Caps ofeCeiy'descripticia, itiebettA'
as they can be purchasedlwest of the-Mountains. ..I
have on Eland of -Beebe Costar's make; finei'Paili-•••••
ionable Beaver, Silk, and Nutria Hats. Also, Rus
sia, Cassimere, and Cony Hate; Ofvariousfhapes.ancl
different qiialitien;4nd "cheap air diri,'.at the
prices I ask, for them. :II there be as
who, preil4': ••
ous to my arrival in town; were halting between Iteo -
opinions, let them come-to me ; :and..the3 may bore , .
lieved frornithd.difficulty °Moulding - o'y adopting .a
third, 4 so better as all two."
e 22•13 . • G. 'Mt' weArzikm.
J--- -
fHE INDEX Volume cf SILLIMAXIti 7 Journs
j of
.Science and Arts, conaprising . refronees .to
49 volumes of the Aril, aeries, enib(aciirg, a period
of lllS,,years,. s , Odin to 1846--is, now:jest
coMpleted; and a few NO.'a'for sale
.14 tlin'Under;
signed. ,' •
We'mdy confidently believeihit this Index
lame will prove "useful not only to thoSe, who may ,
possess the whole series, but to ail wlioarre bistinec
ted in any way.WitbAhdArts and Sciences, fer'WhatF
ever the department, Abe readoeittAtrected , by•it„to*.
the various' memoirs that haietmen pUblifilWd irt.ltho
Journal,dn...the sulject:Thit, interests Isins, - yvbptlke
' relating to the progress of Science, to facts`
in the different "departments of knowledge, larto - ,,thci
venous' resources of this. and other 'Oonnfries; wits . l
such a gdislie die•e`iitlie - dopies of the work in ; pnM
Libraries, or ip Grosol . 3
c individuals, heimme avail
able." sj,. • , . s.'
Complete setts 4r. thiOeiitire . 3dillea'of; 49
Cornishq at the publiihefis s
prices, .! • ~, • sloo_ 00.
.440 to do
Stib'seliWons,44eei?ied of. the new or second
and 140,!s delivYred free of ;Maine :fpr p ‘ ei
num, by. the.Agenrfor Pittsburgh.
my 24 • 'W.r W. WILSON, 57 Market
Wtiott woorz
1 HE sihseritier willpdy the inghest inarieti.pride
in cash, for all grades of :Clean 'ititslaid Wool;
delivered at his warehouse, on Smithfield street,
bet Ween Dirmond AJleyran'a Fotirth street::
may2s-w2m* :WILIIA-31MatKER.
. .
To Discharged VRlVixtters eirqt,p. • alas.
Milk:•undersignedjrait:lienn thruidhe,:l an. ape
rienced and responsibtO ag,eriny : :in Washington
city,..nrith.the IlfMe,gttary-forms. add- tristruCtions - fc?.
procuring Bounty War;ritntn, Treasury Stripe
Pensions,llp is alair auth. or ised to : Di/retinae.
Bounty nd, Warm ic.s,t, at a litocrul actrunei,f
above - the Qnrcinnictit coninautation. • „
Aldetroan, , sth street Pittsburgh:'
Booics Just li.eceived.
IPHI.EGEPS Philosophy : of History ;
Si:llrgePs Draniatie Lit •rature ; ---
Roicue's Life of Leo X.;
Roscoe's . 4 ! Lorenzo de Medici;
Cot's House of A u st r ia ; .. : ,;. .
SismondPri Literature of Europe;
tlistoiyof liiiOntiens;:„;
tnnzPs Metory of PaintiOg
Robt. Hall's Miscellaneous Virtirisf
IClaban , i Intellectual' Philosophy -
MicheleVs Roman RepOOlic is
Todd's Kirk-White •
Margaret Percival ; •
The Fairy Bower; fir bale by. •
; li. S. BOSWORTII &
ju7, No. 43.Marklet st.
- Jowl. .7s
Office op: Smitizfiold attest.; a thp, floors above
Diamond alley. • . , - . •
N. 8.-Collections ngdo tin moderate tertns. .
my 26
salei ";.-1
IDOIII4..LOTS--nounded by Penn, LifOrtyOnd Hay
1: _eta., each lot having 240_, front; and extending
bark 110, ft. Twit of themax•noiner - lota,. and - th
poeition of the whohipreperti itiope Of the inMit tok
tranmgethts iti7thitcif.Y; Ii or further information.Upi
ply, to DI.I3WAftTZWEI:DERiYourtIf.O:., - .., bet. Wood and Smithfield.
10010 COFFEE-,313 Bags Spipr Rio - Cotree'i
100 • : d ust i • r6cti yea - And for ea lir ly• • ..•
AITASLIIN.GTON citvklerq?nerais,.by ,L•r„rie u d,
v y 4nittiof of Naltniena and Inn Alandtals t
Old, Sacred-Mount:lino,. etc, in Ewa Volum ea. - . Fpr
pen by (je2s) LUKE WQ3I . IS 4gl
. .
' " Y :. '