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DAVIS, AUCTIONEER. tourn-EAST column rev WOOD 'AND PIFTII STILE*. N:Monday morning the 2Sth inst., at 10 o'clock, O at ; the Commercial sales Rooms, car. of Wq,(4l and'sth ate:, Will be sold, an extensive aisortment 'of staple ,and fancy Dry. Goods, embracing the stock of • a 'retail country store: AX 2* o'elock, P. 5I;; a large assortment of new mid second hand-Household and Kitchen Furniture, among which are: hair seat mahogany sofas; mahoga ny:dressing bureaus, fancy and-common chairs, ta bles, -bedsteads, looking glasses, mantel clocks, Anther beds, bedding, carpeting, window blinds,&c. Alan, A quantity of Groceriet, Queensivare, Glass ware, Shovels, grass Scythes; Matches, wrapping Paper, Patent blacking; cooking Stoves; Etc. ,a 0 At 8 , o"clock,-Px M., a quantity of deasonabl e ready - made Clothingia handsome assortment of fine Shirts with linen hasenns and ,collais ; Boots, , Shoes, Hats, Caps; Umbrellas, Parasols; Musical' instruments, new and - second hand. Watches, Pocket Pistols, Fancy-Waiters; Gorman Fancy Goods, fine Cutlery, Exc. , - (American copy.) gi Old Gidp. r - _ TLI,IJSTRATED Life of General Winfield Scott, Coratnandur-in-Chief of the Army in Illexido;' luatiatcd by forty engrayingn. For sale by , je2s • LUKE LOOMIS; Agi; ViT_ASHINGTON and. his Generals, by J. T. Head y loy, author of Napoleon and his Marshals, the Sacred Mountains, etc., in two volumes. For sale,by • . .0025) Lux.sLcomzs , Agt. IDIVOUGii AND READY !—The Life of Gentifal Taylor, ihe Hero of Okee Chobee, Palo Alio, Reaacett. do la PalmayMonterey, and , Buena Vista, with ninnerousillustrative anecdotes and entbellinit, giants: . *or sale by: • ' LUKE LOOMIS, Ar, • Metall° Frame Pianos. A SPLENDID_ assottmont of Rosewood und.Ma hogany action Pianos, with metalic frame;ins tioWted and for sala ' at F. BLUME'S. 1025 : 112 Wood St., 2.1 door above sth. L SO, taco splebdid Rosewood Pianos, with Cole- Inan's celebrated lEolian attachment, finisliod in the moat moaern style, and for sale at ) . e23 ' F. BLUME'S, ILI Wood sL. *Eobiitch.urgcd Volunteers and Regulars. FLF undersigned has been furnished.by an oti-te rienced and . responsible agency .. in Washington city, with the necessary forms and instructions for procuring Bounty Land Warrants, Treasrry Scrip, Pensions, .Sc. : He, is also authorized to purchase Ilbanty Land, Warrants, for cash ; at a liberal advaner above the Geserntnent commutation. It. MORRSIW, • Alderman, sth Buret , Pittsburgh • Old Rye Whiskey. 00 BBLS. Old Monongahela; (eight lots, some Si.4o very fine and Dillon store and lorsale by JACOB WEAVER, '.l je24 . 16 Market st., cor. From. A.B.BE'sale of valuable new and second hand _IA Books, in every department of Literature, com prising Theology, History, Travels awl Voyagcs,t,o etryt Fiction, 4-w, many of which are London adi tions, at Auction, BY JAMES APE:ENNA, Mill be sold by Catalogue, at the Auction IRooms, No 114 Wood si., three doors from sth, on Saturday ,evening neat, June 25th, at early gas light, a laege and valuable collection of Books, suitable fur 4th of July presents. Also, 1 GobrPatent Lever Watch, Gold Pens, &c. je24 JAMES M'KENNA, Auct'r. lEEE =I ISINI nig hand, a good . supply of purple and yellow Aj carpet chain; Is 9, tszlff, 9112.'10112 and 10x14 uindow sash and glass to suit, whey wanted,. 2bo wooden:bowls, assorted sizes•, Louisville lune. ISAAC 'HARRIS, Agent 4. Com. , 2 Merchant, Firth, near Wood et: Valuable Real Estate for Stile. ma beautiful property, situate near Manches - 1 ter, directly opposite the residence of James All liergn4l, Es 4„ ft-hating, 313 feet on ObigLane, and eztending back 300 feet to Sheffield street, with House and improvements. It will be sold together ur divided. Also, a Lot Of g,round, elegibly situated in Irwin t street, between-Penn street and the Allegheny giv er, 61 feet 5 inches in front, by 110.reet in depth to a 20 feet alley. , Persons wiOing to make investments, are inform cd' that portions of that fine property in Allegheny end Manchester; owned by a Company in Philadel phia, will be otfered in the market as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made, and of which duo notice 'wit' be given. . Apply to GFA)..IIGE P.P.F.ED, jc23-illm 94 Wood st. = - 11T-ANTi:D- , -Tlaces for a number of Laboring VY men and lloys,—and for scieral gales men— book keepers and agents; and for several colored men and wombn ; boys and girls; cchool masters supplied with places; cooks-, ebatDbernaa;tll and uursea furnished. Please appli at. • . . ISA4C - HAIIRIS' Agancy je23-4 , .aandlntel ,oilice, sth, near Wood ei t, - Pr;Sifters - or Pickle Jars. 1 10 Wine oZGla S t oressciva f ; JACOBrtojarssb v an l A E da l lid l f . or n sate at O jel2 i 6 ManrS et st. cos. Font. Orinn FEET.tianeal,) afloat and for sale, "ikrix-C l / 4 - 1 myl.s L. WILMA.IITII. T ARD OIL-11 Barrels No 1; just received and for sale by 33: ,FAIINESTOCK 4- CO.,' jelS corner of First and Wood S•et. 1 - 1 . „ XTRACT Lft(lWChlß—'so cases Sanford's Oust _ID received and for sale by B. A. FAIIIiESTOCK . &C 0.,. jelS cor of First and Wood sirs. Lour. SULPHUR.: 1000 lbs.; iliat rec'd and for sale by 13. A. FAIINESTOCK 4r C 0..; jelS corner oftirst Wood etc. , ',. rrHE Gentlemen of the Bar, lvho borrowed the following volumes rront.the Clerk's Office of th Circuit Court of the United States, will please rctur thorn, viz : 7th Sergeant 3d Wheaton , and 7th Peters'.Circuit Court Benorta. Offl Harrison'sl NK Columbia inks Blacki; Blhe, Scarlet; a superior article; in bottles of all sizes. Bird's Black Ink. Per - Sale by H. B. BOSWORTH & Co.; jelß MEE Gold . mi cas. 120 G0! . ..p PENS, selected of the hest brands, and 'handsomest patterns, of holders a,nd .cases. 2 dozen Bagley's patent estensioll pen holder and penal,just receiml and for sale a t the . lowestyriccs, at 01l Pen Head acatters, Corner of 4th and Market streets. je 10 W. W. WILSON. Medical and Surgical Office,. Health is the charm of life, without it &li. Love, letters, friends, all, all, are unerijoyed 1111 ME gi Particular attention 'to the ,reatnaentand investigation of the followingAisea, nes: REM All diseases arising from Impuritiesof the Blood, scrofula, syphilis, seminal weekness, impotency, salt rheum, diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism, piles, palsev. Dr. Brown has much - pleasure in announcing to; 'the public, that he is in possession of the latest in 'formation. and improvement in the treatment of secondary sYptalapPraetised at the Paris Lock Hos pital. The modern t esearches on syphilis, i ts complications and consequences, and the improved n 14,8 of practice which have been made known ,to the public Ibut resentley, and to those chiefly who make this branch of Mectic,ine, their particii • tar study and.practise. Many new and valuable remedies havehcen late introduced, whichsecurei the patientbeing mer curialized out of existence Strangers are apprised that Doctor Brown has been educated in ;every branch of medicine, and regularly admitted td. practise, and that he now confines himself to the study and practice of this particular branch,togeth er with all ilikeases of a private or delicate nature, incident to the human frame. No cure, no pay. WM =MI ME Recent eases are relieved in a sbortrime, with out interruption, from business. 1 1 - - Letters from a distance, asking advice. must con tain a fee, or they wilt not be attended to. iy:j4i,)ffice on biamond Alley, a Few door's from 'Wood street,_ . towards _the market. Consultations , . li !tl y confidential. my-1 2-d&wy Carpct Chain, etc . 8=21321 43 Market at. DOCTOR BROWN, a regularly educated physi- - clan from the eastern cit: ies, - would respectfully an• npunce, to the citiiens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity, that he can be consulted privately and, confidentially, -every day and evening at bia office on Diamond Alley,. a few doors from Wood street EU MEE , Why wllll yon.pe.sicti.s MARION C. HOUSE; S. C., April 10th, 1.247-. 'FIR. D. JAY NES—Dear Sir - It-was some time j before the peopla here Weald 'try yeAr Medi cines, but alter they found otit tFiOit real rirtues, I sold out yoUr EXPECTORANT and ALT EIIATIVE directly, and .cauld.hate soldseveral:it:Zen Move or each since they gore ant. YourSANATIVEFIIIS Ire rising very high iri the estimation of thC people, and I shall.ht out of them In a feW days. Sevcral persons here speak well of the HAIR 'TONIC.— There is a yitun,g man le this neighborhood, who' has been reduced to his bed by Scorfula; his physician told me that he must die; I told him.that I-thought that JAVNi'S ALTEIL.VIIVE would help him. Ile said, "all the medicines in the world would not save him:" I think, said I, Doctor, if you are done with him, I will try him. His reply was, "Wyatt can cure him the medicine is worth a. fortune." I,sont the sick man a bottle of your Alterative, which he took, and in one month was able to visit his neigh bors. The trietlieiee, however, gave out berate he was 'eutirely well. , I wish you, therefore, td send me morn as soon as possible .. I also gave the Alter ativein • a case of Cancer, with great success. In short, although I thought very little ofyour artieles -at first, I now think, like I heard an old Methotlist Preacher bay the other clay. publicly, that- year's Were the .g best medicines in the world." Respectfully, yours, JOHN Ib'MILLAN, P, 114. For sale at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street. je l 5 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY.- -NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—ScaIed pro. posals' will be received Until W NESDAY, July 10,-in the Borough of Oarrisburg, and until WEDNESDAY, July 2J, its the city of plus burgh, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of the lEn gineers, for the grading and masonry upon fißcen miles of the Pennsylvania Railroad, extending West from Harrisburg, and fifteen miles of said Itailfrad extending East from Pittsbttrgh. The trading include very heavy wort, and the amount of prison ry, including the Piers of Abutments of the Bridge across the Susquehanna, three-fourths of a mike in length, will be unusually large. Plans and specifi cations of the wrisk can be seen at the Engineer's, office in each place, for ien days previous td Owl time appointed for receiving the bids. Any further information can lie had upon application to the Chief of Associate Engineers S. V. ASERSICE; President. jelS-tjy-22 WILLIAM A. HILL DATMEAS, EXCHANGE lINGILEMS, AND DEALERS 111 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DF,POSIT, BANK NOTES, AND SPEC! IL, No. 64 Wood st., one door above Fo:rrth, East side, Pittsburgh, Pa. etURRF,NT Funds received on clOriait, and le,ctions made on all the Cities throughout the United States. Sight checks on Baltimore, Philadel phia, New York, Boston and Cincinnati, constintq for sale in sums to suit purchasers. The paper of the Kentucky, Indiana,: . and Virginia Banks bought and sold on the most favor able terms.- - , . The highest premium paid for Foreign and Allieri can Gold and Silver coins. Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany‘,l and France procured, &c. murltl daAy =I KitmitErt & itAnn, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROK EILS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BILLS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFCATES OF DEposrrt, BANK NOTES, AND co.N. Corner of Third and Wood as., directly opposite the Sc. Charles Hotel. mr2s For rent, VERY commodious tw•o story brick dwUlling Bowan, on Third, below Ferry street. `Pos session given on Ist olJuly next. Appiv to jeQ2 JA_MF iNbvy. T r k,'l.- ) 5 hall chests T. U. Tea a " " imperial do. • .. 8 " 6 , Gunpowder do. 82 Catty bones Y. U. do. 43 44 4 , Superior Yll do. 32 Boxes Souchong do. (i 9 "2d Superior YII do. ; Just received and iur sale by jell _ . .. .... .. c•o n LIACOTHE SOAP.-200 boar, Chillicothe A.:) soap. Just received rind for sale by jel.N N11LLE:11 & ItICkETS()N. NT 0. SI:GAIt-63 Sugar; in 'Store, . and fur rale by je2l & RICK.I-11*66N. - 4 HAVANA SUGAR— - 60 Hoses Havana rsvown s" r a SO white %6 in store, and for sale by jr.el MILLER & r -4 Ct/2;031Y CiDEII-12. barrels, re j received anil for sale tire je3l T.l IL.LiE.II. Lc RICKETSON. B' rincy Hoek Cologne Botties. 11 .1);17.. assorted colours. Also, 12 duz.,,,dark, lar. , e size flocks, just received and for sale by JACOB W Et. VER,, lo' Market st., cor. Front a. 6113 IVINES A t'iD (I.IM JACOB IV EA V ER, 16 Marltetst., ''_l' . , corner of Front, Is now rec e iving 1.,Vat::: : 04: and offers for .saic at inducing pri-1 „„ ( 1 . W.. 4 ).,-,....7....4 4 r.: ces, the following CUCTISIve variety of WINES AND LIQUORS, selected by himself, as Mrmerly, for the finn of STlln.m7 Sr. Cp., M the Eastern Cities, from first hands: 1 Leger Free_, Cognac and Clgimpagne Brandies. ' J J. Divan Cantillon, old 1 1 .1? glory, Rastaut. Channu!,cr, Pelcvoison, A. Scignett, Otari, Du- i pay & Co., and poet Ctuilbati & Co., Vintages of 183:2—embracing all the Rochelle and Bordcans. Ila cots, in half Pipes, quarters, and octaveir,lor by! retail. Holland Gin'—piste, Weesp Anchor, Crosageys, Medors Swa.and Hour Glass bra/KU, new mild old importations. Rwas—New England, St. Croix, Antigua and Ja mamas, some ver.y superior. Whiskeys—()ld Scotch and Irish, Monongahela Rye, Bourbon Co. Corn. !lines—Madeiras, Teneriffes . , Lisbons, Sherries, Illalag,ns, Ports, Red Wi.geit, White Wines, Muscats, Clarets, Chninpagnes, hocks, and sauter nes, in Cases, India /Ails., Qr. Casks, Inds., Demi johp or Bottle. ,inne3 .tontectlonery (Late Canal Boat House.) RDOSSET, has just opened a splendid assort „, meat of Conl`ectionery, cortrisung of Candies, Nuts, and other refreshments; lie has furnished fine Saloon, where visitors can be furnished with rich leb crearn,...&c. The public are respectfully invited .to give him a-calf, as lie will he happy to afford them every entertainment: Fifth NVard, near Canal Basin. jc2l Rail Road I.4,ettingoerTo - Contractors. SEALED •PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad Company, in Wellsville, until aO o'clock, A. M. of the 27th day of •July, 1842. for the grading; bridging and preparing fur the superstructure of thnt portion nfthe line between Wellsville and M'Quilli ens mill, twenty miles. a brand; " Does . the most celebrated, just received as imported. Tho above were purchased upon Ship Board be foie landing, by myself in NOw- . ). orb, lately, ,ana are offered NVliolesalc and Retail, by ' JACOB WEAVER, Wino Store, jns .16 Market et., car Front. SAltDIN±:S—d casts Sardines, in tins and hal tins, just received and.fur sale by .r;-,;„ jet „JACOB WEAVER. 'CaMr rout ar 8 — .141111q!, Bbis. Lovring's Crushed and Pulverised, jus 1 O received and fur sale by theybl er.retai I, by jns -.- JACOB WEAKER. -- ____,....- ALT. 500 bble Aftelsbeny, No, reef' mil for sale 0 by . JNO..F.PZARY, je3 . J.iberty and:lrwin ate. BACON: 2700 lbs prime Sitles reed and for sale by je3 AO. F. PERRY. ERRIAq: 75 Pali. for sale by " Ad [ Acic.p:-F.1.: .po Bble..No.p,(lrgei) - - 1. , OP 114 . .bb4••• do.; je3 Foroiiii by__ ;RIO. F. PERRY. PRIED APPLEiand — PEACHF.S, in store and for sale by jc3' , JNO. F. PERRY. IMOTHY SEED: MO bush in store and for said T by je3 JNO. P. PERRY. BUCKETS and TUBS: 25 doz. for salo.by je.3 JNO. F. PERRY CARSINFITTS AND FLANNELS.—OnikaseCas sinOtss one cane Red Flannels, for sale lo#'lly - . 4)t.271 • " ,W..CQQATIAN, .Wqco:4t.• Z=E 1121 Pcach Brandy Wlalte Havana Sugar. JACOB WEAVER Brown Stout, otc •: , -.i„.,..-p..!M!,t.X l r.l'i GEO:, NY:. :DIERCHANPS . Improved Compound Fluid Extract . of SariaParilla, Tri, OR removing diseases oF-thc blood, arising from L' an abuso of Mercury, Chionje„ and cdustitu tonal cliseaggs,'Sitch as, Scrofula, ffing2Sßvil,'See enditry V capreal,Ulceratlon, and Corm= eons o^ the throat, P9SO cheeks, lips, ears, a n d oth er Parts or tite,..lml.k. ...Rimples or Pustules on the face; scaly patches and eruptions of the Skim' Hiles, Scurvy, unclother . Scorbutic affections, Rheu matic affections, White swelling, pains in lhe bones and joints, fever sores, obstinate, pld Sores of all kind s, Scald held; Salt Rheum, Ringworms, and oth er diseases arising from an impure state et tbe blood, also, habitual Costiveness, Piles, Chronic affection of the Liver, Lungs, And Chest, pain in the stomach and s id es , n i g ht sweats, &c. This remedy is prepared in vacuo, from tne choicest selected materials, the ac tive properties of which arc extracted by an improv ed process without beat. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by FmingsTOCli: Sr. CO., Corner Ist & Wpoil Sta., and corner all f Wood sta. jel2 Positive Sale of Valuable Real Estiite . ON Wednesday evening the 23rd inst. atB o'clock, Atthe Commercial Sales Boom, corner of. Wood and Filth streets, will bp gold cot. large and very de-, sirable three story brick dwelling hqtlso yith sive two story back building, Bath geese, Ice House, two story Brick . Stable, Carriage liouse, 3r.n.. Situat ed on Water street below Ferry street, at present oc cupied by the subscriber: the lot is 30 feet 61 inches wido by }6O feet deep, extending from Water to Front Street. Title indisputable. Tfltlll.9 $),00 0 C 431) $::„000 payable in one year, residue in 6ve years, with interest, payable semi an nually. Also, that nplpnclid building lot of ground, having a frout'of Thirty feet on Duquesne way, between Pitt and Ilay streets, adjoining pmllerty of George W. Jackson, and extending back 1,50 feet. Terms, asne hot" cash, residue payable in one year, with interest, to ho secured by note and mortgage. j 516 JOHN P: DAVIS, Auctioneer. Fine Pooltet Cutlery, R OGERS' Congress Knives ; " 1, 2 and 3 blade dot Westenhohns' pen Knives, assorted ; Rogers; of a superior quality; Straps and Honest Table Cutlery, in setts of 0l pieces, and also in dozens, of the best quality ; Steel Key Rings; Keys, Ite.; " Tweezers ; Clasps, fec. W. W. WILSON, nor 4th and Market st. m2oy Ncir Music. m OO NBEAWS Sea from Heaven descending, Rehbook, When Sorrow Binds in Gloom thy Brow, " r would we had not met again,” r.‘ Farewell song, - f' 'Tho' to other Lands I wander, Hunizeth Say, wilt thou ever think of me 7 My Forest Harp, . • Captive Greek 441, My Normandy, Songs of the Old Dominion, Arc the links that bound us broken I'm saddest when I sing, Geneveive, Waltz, Mary, Saxe Weimar, Magnet:a, Adelia, Mary's Variations, Brilliant Polonaise Brattleborough Waltz quick step, Snow drop, q Hewitt. Topaz C,rand, Hunter. Sentimental or Rose. Waltz, Vjelick. Viennoise Children's Bernice. Valle Brillient, La Perle, (Wu:tr..) Amer, Waltz. Mimeo. Matamoros Grand March, W. C. Peters. Agamaili Turkish Step. Klegances Quadrille Duette, by Herz. Set of qaadrille, , " Derinttrnent Cracorinne - Favorite" ." For sale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, jeS 61 Wor,il St., Pittsburgh. CI Gallop., el noston and oiela g orlc Plnpos c Tour; li. MELLOR, No. SI, Wood street . , has tfi on hand and fo• sale, at mato/NMl:trees prices, one elegzat Rosewoodl , iano Forte, with grand :te non, and ;rou (Tame, made by Cutcur..co, of Bos ton. One splendid Illahn . p.r.y Piano Fcrte, six and a hall or taves„, made by & Co., New York. Gold 'Watches and Sliver Ware. 1" - UST evened a larpe additional stock- of Indies: and gentlemen's Gold and Silver 'Patent Lever I.Vatelie4, of the latest and bent pattern?, and war ranted, at the loivest prices. Alan, Silver Table, Tea, and Le.sert Spices, tcantif&il,Lired and for sale by W. W. WILSON, jelo Corner of 4th and Market streets. Chippewa nicking Co. 911.1 E Stockholders of the Chippewa Mining Cern " pony are hereby notified that an instalment of 23 cents pe: share is sequiredko,be paid, on or be fore the lot of Jnly 'lra. jell JAMES MAY, Treasurer. Satprior ,Cnt Tobacco. 3.7) BoxF,s fine cut 'loony Dew Wowing Tobacco; a7O ~ Bird Eye Smoking do. S " Fine do. do. For salo• very . low : to - clomp. consignment, by 41E0. aieffltAN, je :10 No. 26 Wood st. i;h4ttipciguk Winer. 9 ,c BASK KTS Clianipagne - Wines, consisting of, kl Key, Cron F3ow, Tri Colq, Crown, Ducal.. Grape, Bollingeurs, Anchor, the celebrated P. A. Mut= & Co.'s Anchor, Mutnan's and ' 4 Cock, and Crown" brands. These Wines are superior, being obtained direct from the import ers. Persons may rely upon not getting Newark Cider, when they buy these Vines from me. Just receiving and ti,r sale by basket or bottle, by jes JACOB W KAY ER. DEE=I CASES qty. Chateau Margaux, 1 doz. each. 'wt./ 16 .• " St. Julien Medoc, 1 " Chateau IPLeoville, 1 " " Lafite,l doz. each very fine 10 " " Family use, 1& 2 " extra. Also 10 }lds. St. Julien, and 3 do. white Wine, all jest receiving, and fur wholesale or jes JACOB VirEA,F.R. Pittsburgh and Commllsville Railroad Company. MAY 31, 18.17. BOOKS for receiving additional 'subscriptions to the stock of thp Pittsburgh and Connelliville ltadrOad Co., will be opened arthe office of the Corn- - pony, in tins city, on Tuesday, the Bth day of June, at. 10 A. nt., and continue open from day to day until the Ist ofJuly. Books will also be open on the sane day and for the same time, at the other following ptaces, aiz: at McKeesport under the direction of Hugh Rowland and F. Muse—at West Newton under the direction, ofJohn C. Plumber and James Gardner—at donnells- - vile under the direction of Henry Blackstone and Henry Walker—at CiiMberlind finder the direction ofJno. Hay and Sani'l. Calhoun. june2 J. CAROTHERS; ,Sch,y. Nov York Boot and Shoe Store No. 122, Wood st., Pittsburgh, .S. DALZELL has on hand, and 1a. 14 21 constanilimanufactiiiing to order, 1 o' the following named articles: Gentlemen's„ Fine Dress llOots and Shoes, of the latest fashion, nt remarkably low prices. Fine Dress Beats at 35,00, such as is usually sold inothor stores at $6,00. A good plain well made calf Goot at $4,00. All other kinds of work equally low. Also a giicsl and full assortment of Ladies', Misses' an d Chidren's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Half Gaiters , and Slippers, of the most stiltstrintial kind_tothe yen finest‘lress shoe. S. D. being a praotital Shoe-maker. attends -to the manufacturing of his owia work! and has it done in the most substantial manner, yet neat style ;, and having adopted the motto of small profits and quick returns, will nell as low as the lowest. (nia2ll-d3m Itezolttaudtes t,o .uttte Old _Country: MONEY sent to all parts of 'England, Ireland Scotland, and Wales, in stints of ..E1 and up wards, to suit purchasers. ALLEN KRAMER,Exchangatrok - cr. m.9-wl &dim - corner of 3d and Wood sts. A Dollnr Book for Fifty Cents. UDUCATION, founded on the nature of man:. by J. G. Spurzheim, M. D.; with an Appe:iidilf by S. R. Wells. To say that this is the best work of that Master Mind. is.bet to reitorate ,the unani mous testimony of all who have read it. if discus • sea the lawi of Hereditary De Slot. ,Fdtmation of the Sexes, the Conditioncif-Wonten,,the difference of Natural Endowment,.m. To parents, in con ducting the education of .their children, it will be found most valuable- also,to young people of both Sexes: as it treats of ;ell culture,both mentally, and physically.—Amtricrpi'Jahrenological Journal. Atninstsalpable:troaties from the pen of one who was more intimately acquainted with human nature than ally Other individual.—New York Mirror. It is worth its weight in Gold.--Evining Gazette. This work may be ordered,and received by return mail. The money may be enclosed in a-letter and directed t o FOWLER tx WELLS, . .je2s 531 ) . Sasiau 32;ct'St • SIMEI CiiiCINNAT/"R - A°KETS• • THE flail•nrid-Tassnger Steamer 15... 44G 41iWTON; Capt. G. - MARIN; will run au a ro'giilar - priOket .Plllstairgtz and Ciriannati; etcTier Shndiy, at 10 clock, ./L - .14; • . 2!".. • . The lenac NM4 , ton Was brill the spritip, otpressly - for tho trade; and eifers to passengerb every comfort and superior accommOdptiopp. fetil3 . . The regular rnailand pa4eexerltexpaer MONONGAHELA, Capt.Stonp, will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cirtein . nati,letivilig this port &ell Monday at 10, A . M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the sumo day. " Return ing,, dill leave binpinnati every Thursday, at 1 , 0; A. M. Per frpighfor pasaaoe , applynn board. The Moiinnelittla Was built expressly for this trade, and of ers to the passengers comfort, and . su perior accommodations.. • mar 31 18,17 Tuostittiy Packet. - 1.817 The regular mail and passenger steam- er HIBEIRNIA, No. 2, Capt. J. Kurtz- FELTER ' will run as a regular packet between Pitts burgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tues day at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at- , 10 P.. M. of the same day. Returning, sha'svill leave Cincinnati ev ery Friday at 10 A. ill. For freight or paspagoap= ply on board. it:rifhe , Hibernia Nu. 2, was built expressly for the trade, and offers to the passengers every: COM , fort and superior accommodations. jar12,J847 • • 11337. IVOLPFsiIftY rixoUPtt -4 841 THE NEW ENGLAND, Nc. 2, Capt 6. Dr,sw. will. loye• Pittsburgh every, Wednes ny morning. at lO o , ploelt; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 1.1:1 r. aulicingipnral eve ' &cloak, A. M. •feb2o Saturday at 10 1817. TIIIB.II.SDAY PACIC.W.F. 1.847. . . . Tug WISCONPIN, Capt.R. J. aItACE, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning A 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 P.M.; and Piri?iffititi 4017 Sunday at 10 o'clock, A., My. . . - -, febl9 - SATURDAY RACK - RT. The regular mail and pgssenger• steamer MESSENGER, Capt. Linford, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsbprgh, cipcinnati, leaving this port evpry Sitnrday at 10, 4..14 and Wheeling at 10, P. 41" the same day. Returning, she will lcaye Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 o'ctk A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Messenger Walilmilt expressly for this trade, and ollers to h,or passengers eyer:y comfort and ac commodation- , THDA.sp,c.y F'AEKET. rliFttip TIIE Pew U:s.lylailsteaiw AEADIA, -.-. M. E. Lucas, ignp.r, will run as a regu ar passenger packet between Pittalihrgh and the above port during the season of 1846, leaving every Thursday at 10 o'clock-A.M. The Acadia is ne,p' and has superior accommoda tions. Fpr fipiglil or k 4, fisepge amply op Ward, or to - c 'EWSIN JONES, Agent. Strong t 4 lionnett. 11c,intt. ror CI ra - elliipatt 444 Leutoville. 1_ The new and spl 61(0 passenger C 0 -L UMBI. Ai 0 1 N - eAL, Master, ,will cave for the above and inteptedi4idpoit6 replier; Bishop. Rmhbook Pnr 1 . /Tight or passage apply on board, or to v. VJILKINB , Agent _ , For Cincinnati and St. Lents .., The passepger steamer. PALESTINE, ~1 , ---,,, • qi W :above Capt. liliainS, will leas for . above and a I intermediate ports regularly. For freighter passage apply on board. je9. Tuesday EN:MU:Ig Packet. , _ The new and splendid passenger steam boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorbees will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaviog this port every Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Friday evening at 3 o'clock. The ,Duclaration curers superior accommodations to passengers. For freight or .papsme apply on board. jel ► a The well known 'fast running steamer CAAIBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, vvill.run as a regular Packet,Jeaving every Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clocki-and Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning., she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10,-A. M. • For freight or passdge apply on hoard, or to FORSYTH & Co.. Agents, ap 16 No. 30, Water street. For Wheellag.ryitedrilar 'Packet. Arr. 'l4 Tam splendid:fight draught steamer trt,.bl DOMINION,„S. Tnaster,will run as a u ar Pricket between anti Wheel: ing; leaving Pittslyurgh fur Wheeling every Monday; Weditsetisy and Friday, at 3 o'clock, P. ItL; and lea.v ing Wheeling for Piteiburgh every Tuesday, Thera day and Saturday, tan o'clock, 4. M. For freight orpasSage apply on hoard. nova \ 1 pestt is a ant settled i IV s i e th I s at T i t a v l n s u a l fl it s ithlise long since., were it not fur the raid e been s , 1:40.t I have but re cently 'opened ont, ,, my large and splendid stock, in the large and pleasant .toria Room, in.thc Mo nongahela House, Smithfield street, where I am selling 'Hats and Capi of every description, as cheap as they can he rxrehuned west of the Mountains. I have on Milud of Beebe & toatafs make, fine, Fash ionable Beaver, Pith, and iv atria WO.. Also, Rus sia, Cassimere, and Cony Hats, of various shapes and different qualities, and' all ' cheap as dirt,' at the prices 1 ask for them. If there be any, who, previ ous to my arrival in town, were halting bet Ween two opinions, let then- come to me, and they may here lieved from the difficulty of deciding, by adopting a I third, " so better as all fteo. je22.dliv D. W. MTALLAM: TE INDEX Volume of SILLIMAN'S Journal of Science and Arts, comprising references to 49 volumes of the first seriih embracing a period of 28 years, viz: from 181.9 to J34S—is now just completed, and a few N,o.is for gale by the under"- signed. " We may confidently believe tkst this Index vol ume will' prove useful not only to those who tnay possess the whole series, but t2n.ail Olio arc connec ted in any way with the Arts and Scierke.es, for what ever the department, the reader is directed by it to, the various memoirs that have been PUblished in the Journal on the. stqect that interests him, whether relating to the progress of Science, to details of facts in the different departments cif knowledge, or to the various resources of this and other countrilis; With such a guide the entire . copie d of the ork in public Libraries, or in those of individual's, become avail able." Complete setts of the entire series of 43 volumes, furnished at !lie prices,. §`l,oo 00 Index Volume 16 do., 3 00. Subscriptions received of the new pr serolid leries and No.'s delivered free of postage for per an num, by the Agent for ISitt.stiurph. my 24 W. W. WILSON, 57 Market - 41. CLOTHING! .CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING ! I I The Three Fag Doors 'ho :Western World.rS I 150,000 WEIL'SEI..F...tTED.,GARMENTS XTOW made and ready to be offered on the most 1.11 liberal terms to ply oldeustomers and the pub- he in generid. The ,Proprietor Of this far famed and extensive esinlilihnient has pow, After returning from the Easte TSl i es at iztalt troubfEana expense; just completed his fall ' and wtpter arrangements to supply his thousands of customers with one of the most desirable stook.s,V:Clotbing titat has ever been offered in this,or any ether market west of the moun tains. For neatness in ,s,ty Le, and workmanship, com bined with the very law price whikh they will be sold for must certainly tender the old unrivalled Three lii . g r Doritn onaof the greatest attractions of the western Counify. It is griitifytag. CO Me to be able to announce to to mnumerous..&iendi at home and abroad, tlmt notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts whicliThave made to meet the many ca lls i n my line,,,it is with diTtetilty I an keep time with the constantiiish that is made Oil ibin popular establish ment. It is a A. 611 establitilto fact, that my sales are eight or teatimes larger than any other house in the trade, and thabeing.the Case on the atnpunt sold, I can alTord.to sell afratiCh less profit than tinkers could possibly think of' doing, if they wished to cover -con tingent expenses. I intend to make a clean sweep of all my present stock before the beginning of next year; coming to this conclusion, 1 will Make it, the. inlereat of every man, who wants a cheap winter suit, to call and . purchase at the Three BigDoots. odai-d,kw 10.1 IN MICLOSKEY. A N VESTERVELT, .the old and well known Venitian. Blind Maker, furl:0011y of Second and Fourth sts., takes this inethodxo inform..hismany friends of the fact that his•Factury is now in full op eration on St.! Clair et., near the old Allegheny ft ridge, whep a consta,nt..eite,ply,Or Blinds of various colors and dualities, is. constantly kept on, hand and: at all prices,.frofn twenty-cents up to Fal duattimers. N. 13. will be put up en; that' in case Of alax,ro .1.19-fixe,W,Ofil.M .'Re.;.the7 Ufa? be removed withoutthe aid of a aereivArivet, and with the same facility, that any otbdr piece of furniture can be .removeds and without any extra expense. • Wool 1 Woolt firHg suiii:lher will pay the highest market pr.iee J_ in cash, for All grades ed'elean ,wastiOWbbi, delivAred at his warehouse; a ft Smithfield scree? Dicannnil4i!l ausiyaarthacre.ni, VIia:LAIST ~..~.ti.. ~ -~-•~-~.~.-:yam = • ;* - MONDAY PACKET KO For Clucizinati Veal Man BUntls „ ;,,. -'x ME==SS Taisogiattto.Gigngt&l'Eitntigratloatio l2l c ei 40- ...M7pt .r. old:from- Gnekr Ditantx -Atib .I.l.Tt f i4fitc,; 75 soo; 4reet,serner oflgaiden Laato,'Nbwi r itiki and 96 Waif:Blm rpa4 LiveipoOl. - • .; Thesubscriliiirehaving,gcccptcd the agOneY 01 pFepared toinaice arrangei mentii (Ton the.. fiiosi ljbbjnl tprins witlitherse deal: roue of paying the pasiafre of their friends ffoixt old country, and ilutte• themeselves their gharactef and long standing in baslneia . surance that all their ariaggeinents will hp carried faithfully. `Vesnrs. W. &J. T. Tripseett, are aftd fnitbtd blylinoWn Str 'the 'seperivir • class,'atcbmttibdatioit nd qualities of their Pacet Shilia, Tiili ' QUEEN. or :Tr.. WEST, SHERIDAN, .11.OppEs4 TER, GARRICK, HOTTINGUF4 I ,I)PsciPqI ERPOOL;'inil SIDDONS, two of tvhiCh leave eac h Port monthly, from No* York di s c 21st and 26th and from LitmipOol tbe6th arid 11th, in additioe to rhicll they live arrahgctnentsvi ,: igi rho St:Gobi-pa and Union Lines of Liverpobl Prickety to insure a dcper; • tore (An Liverpool„every fiv edayalieilmthits (setok mined, the& fneillties shall keep pacg . yith theit creasing patronage, vebile 4t. W.Tapecjtltlsconstant personal • superinteadanbp 'Um bast:ids iii Myer: pool is an additiiiiihriseturity that the comfort aaa - acccomMtulation of Ott' Passepgits i4iJl bb pittiClll'; larlv attended to. - ' The subscribers being (as usual) 'exteriihrinly . ringiv ged in the Trafinportrition plainest VetWeeliPittibitli and*the Atlantic Citiee, are thereby enabled to take • charge of and forward passengers immediately oil their landing; without a . cluing° of disappointment or delay,and'are tlierproreprepaied to Lentraet for pa's 4 sage frotri any sea ptift.ib Great Britaib or Ireland td this City; the nature of the business they areppgagell in gking their' facilities fot'earrTing paaiterigers sd tar inlarld not otjtetwine attainable and • eesralio forward Raisong,eni further West by . best mode of bph,efEttiee. - trithobi shy ailaitiorial charges for their trouble. Where priroms kat ftli , decline miming out, tbe'ariteppi -be relurideilin full.. ' • r: ItEMITTANCES. - . The subscribers tirtralio s prb . piind to giv. dialic a . . sight, for any amount payable at the principal titre and Toizna in England, Ireland, Scotland an . . Wales;;thtli Vlbidihg abafe acid bitieditiohe Mode b ' • Remitting rupd,v to those Countries, whiCh piiibb requiring such laCilitititi, irill'fio it - a ix inter* la themservetiof. ' •- • • ' Applic - ation of by l'ettet ?Oat paid) . will lie iii(ol3o ly atteadtd ib.. ..:'' LL - TAAFFy: s tk. 9 , Coignild. - ' Ponviir4ing inar2id&mq...4 • Pittsburgh, p timmei SMOORE hae just received from New . Thlie the Summer Style Mr HATS,- swung :of WnlrE, BEATER, PnailL and Wittig Fannert ElaiS, with Vriaireffiri. .IThesti in wanCor a beautiful lisjrt Flat ariseljmhitully Mit; trd to call at NO. 75 Wood at., 3d door above Fourth: Eagle Branch If;ala . aik, No. 42 Diamond Allev, over former. Saloon. /SHE above place will be open for the season; 'thit evening, 4ette 4th, where our unrfrolfed leg CREAMS, Confeetiiipary, "Cakes, t&U..trb.; ban al-, prigs be Obtained: - ANDREWS. Free Concerts every evening. this weekilui the Ettale,.lVood at., by liSEASs,MertihT,& Ilvstr.rp. Julie., • • • • ' Ar Uh hnaLbEßblinsi,occasione4,lcy — tWigii of the Rev., Robert Dunlop, -A . p the Seeded p z esbyteTian Church, March 286, 0474 on the Sabbath moihing following his dblease. TO - which is prefied oh address, delivered in same ;' at his interment, "March 23d: by Rev. E. P. Sivifti , D. D., Pastor of the First Picsbyterion Chhicii; Aire, gheny, with an appendix. For sale by . tny24' • LURE LOOMIS, Akeitt• • gfoi ice to Credit — an. _ IBE undersigned, having filed his•petition to the • Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny . Countv fur his discharge unclfr the Ininivent Laws : of . Commonwealth, and the Cuurt Lanny appiiintefthe third Monday of June, for hearing the mine; yolk • are hereby notified to attend and make objection, if any you have, why I sbobld not be direliatAd: • juncl-riliw.. JONATHAN STHllDS,Lanoinef Books' JUst RUcctired. CHLEGEVB Philosophy . ::r. SchitgePs Dramatic Litslaturcp.: - ; • coei Life of Leo X•• ". • " - .• .• Roscoe'. " Lorenzo de Medihi; • Coi's liousii of Austria ; • ' . • Sisiniaili's Literature of Europe; i tteckman's History °of Inventions; • • Lahti's History of Painting; • - .• Roht.'Hall's Miscellaneous Worksi. • Mghan's Intelleetnal Philosophy . ; = Michel:era Roman Republic; . Todd's Kirk White; • Margaret Percival -' • •-': • ."'.••••_•,„, The Fairy Bower; for sale by, • • „ , H. S. 13DSWORTH Co., - No. 43 Market et: MI • .101111 J. • .. , ,k TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT , LAW • . 'Office oh Smitlifieyl sheet, a few ‘ tliDlard aboviJ"! ',- Diamond alley. .."'" ' '• ; ' N. IL—Colletti,bits iiiodeiate terms. my 26 gHIU Burn 1../.EG4A - Pll,'F'nont - Prriluros,o l l • Cirreatinsrr. inn Subsctilfers'tto;; the Stock of the above Company, tesiding'ltt ot•near', - .• this city; 'are requested to pay the folthivineinstal.. ments to Joshiaa Hannah, Agent roi the COmpany• - viz: 10 percent. on or before the 15th aunts- next: - 20 Fc cc a is is cc 15th By order of the Company: 11. 1,011,E11.1X,; -. Contractor ror the continuation of said' Line: • - junel-d3 . 1- and on June 13, 14,15;28, July 13, 14, and 15. AIR. PVIF,'F'S .-- - ~.1 „., 1 t' , :ii. - 3 ;11 1.1:17.1VN, T NTr 1 !! 7 t r- 4 erl . 'i . ...l -i, • .: :, 1 ner of Fifth and, Market sti:i7f 1,, . ~_ •.. 1 the only institution-in tlib- ,, city in which Oentlemon can abqitire such, a litiove.L,. ledge of Bonk• keeping as will enable ihkin 'ito apply: it immediately to practice. p . m-coos desiring it can have any number of referenCes. - Aveml:new teitt 4 .- menials of the coniplete success: of Pupils in steam= boat Book keeping, have linen recently received, and may be inspected by visitors: Rolm ofbusings#:. during iiumMer . 2to 4 and : B.o,lQ P. M. junel_ .. : PrfAt c.med7 For Coughs, Cal 4 Asthma, and Consumption!` T"Egreat and only. remedy . foi Colds, Coughs- -• Asthma and Consimenori; is the 1-11INGARI.Ali • BALSAM OF LIVE, dircovorpd by. the celebrated Dr. Buchan; of London. Englagd, and intredueed in•• to the United States under the immediate fiuperin tendance of theintentiir." The extraordinary success ofthis Medieiie, in the. cure or Pileinnary'diSeases, warrants the:A.o . l4=n Agent in soliciting for treatment theylAtisr PCISESLt. CASES that Can tie found in the cornintinity—cases: that seek relief in vain- frem any of the common remedies of itie day, and haiebeen given up by the most distinguished Physicians as COSETEPIED AND O' , . CURADLt. The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and ' will mire the nosy DESPERATE or CASES. it 'IS no quack nostrum, but a standard English meditino; of known and established efficacy. • • ' Every faiiily in the Uhileff•.Strites q t ß uldAevip , plied.with Buchan>s Hnngarian lalearri of Life; not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies -or the climate, but to be used as a preventiyemedicino in all cases or Cicada, Coughs,Spitting. of Blood, . in the Side ifidChest, irritation and- Soreness of the Lungs, Bvinchitis,'Difficulty.'of Breathing, Hectic Fever, Night SWeati, Emaciation and General bility, stbm a, lalluenia, Hoopittgrough and Croup: ;Cr Sold in large tiettlee; at,sl ger bottle, vith full directiorie for the restoration of Health. " .`; , At• Pamphlets ctintaining a mass - f,of English and • . merican certificates, and other evidences, showing, the unequalled merits of thegre4t:Englivh Remedy,' may be obtained of the Agerts,gratitnoesly. DAYxci Sole Agent Cie.the United States, 119 Cart street, BostOrn, ' • T. W: siNA General Wholesale Agentsi No. 132 North Second streEr, Philadelphia. For Salci . tiy il. A. FAHNESTOCK co., corner . ot : Woda Front and Fro streets. . - ' - may? . - For Sate, 117 OUR LOTS=llodnded by Penni Liberty and Hay 12: sts., each lut4iaVilSg 24 ft. front, and extending -backll.o ft: Ture.ef theta ate corner lots; and the position of the whole property is orii.pf the foost - ad, vantageous in the city. For further information rtp4 ply to M. SWARTZWELDER,Yourth.St., trov.3-tf - bet. Wood and Smithfield. - DU) COFFEE-7313 Bags . Supt ef. Rid e‘ • Elt., Just received and. for sale • in 3 ' MILLER )3s . Rt6k.iljkli , • Latest itirni)q,yelaj.nu,„ FED&2E.,41).9 of differentkinds'with dazzana , s iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now in use, for salelow at the furnitnroWarehoas. angl. - T. B. YOUNGtt'OS,- ..s:ktotiffiset, • \_ conklMO' linjwa..9:fe . lVlAntit. 4014 1 - BA.RBELB.)sfineeitird:trif; front t 4„ q!) in ai s facitnerlian a roll attiaaftinati . pFieda wh , elialeand rFiait, .Fltg; BELLER de 2V ' , ITn 177 ibertyet_ • - • - • r . - 10 0 7 ni i ,c 4 mywort,-I.bEil.'for gialiiveiy HAYS Si BROCKWAYP 4 41' mall Tyo. 2, Commetaial 4ow, . , • • _ . MEE '''':',. NZ -' t ., : . ~,.. k. '.:. Ii I! II