= ~:,;.', %,' _ KM Why U-111. you be; Sick Msatto,7t. April lgth, 18-17. Es° D.JA.YNES—Dear Sir : wa.sl'soine time Ifelbrethe people Were would try your Medi cines, but alter they-found out their real' virtues, 1 sold out your EXPECTORANT and ALTERATIVE directlY, tuid could have sold several doien more of each since they - gave out. YourSANATIVE PILLS are Aisingxery high in the estimation of-the people, and I shall be out of them in a few dayia. Several persons herd speak well of the HAM:TONIC.— There is a young man in this neighborhood, who has been. reduced to his bed by Scorfula; his physician told Inc that he must 'diet I told him that I thought that'Jthrin's .Arrnantv.r. would help . him. _lle said, "all the medicines in the world , would not „earchini:" I think ! said I, Docter, Wyatt are done withhim, I will try him. Ills reply was, you cart cure - him the medicine is worth-a fortune." I sent the sick man a bottle of your Alterative, which he took, and in one month was-able to visit his neigh bom. The - medicine, however, gave ea before he way entirely well. I wish you, therefore, to-send me more as soon as poisible. I also gaVe the Alter= ative-in a ease of Cancer, with great Success. In Short, although I thought very little of your articles at first, I now think, like I heard an -ohl, - Methodist Preacher say, the other day, publicly;4hat your's were the-“lest: medicines m the.world.” • Respectfully, yours JOHN M'MILLAN, P. M. ,FOr-sale at the' PERIN TEA STORE;', 72 Fourth street. jels EDI ; : 1 . : % %;,f . 1 1 ”: 't s • tlrlb +4 • ' • ~ , .•..,,t* .W% • r, ,"! =-: 1 " " r.:4 ' r' 3,2,1 ~• 41 , ,r,1•!0';‘,* " , k4.' V;i.4.t.'S SODED-EMT CORNER OF WOOD AND. FIFTH STREETS. ON Thursday morning the 17th inst., at 10 o'clock, wilt be sold, an extensive rt .assonient of frekh and seasonable European and Domestic Dry Goods, • At 2 o'clock, P. One substantial Second hand Barouch with falling top, suited for one °rpm - horses; a handsome assortment of Queensware; a quantity of Grocerips, shovels, bed cords, Matches, half Spanish segars, Spanish Indigo, No.' 3 Mackerel, band boxes, &c. a large assortment of new and second hand household furniture, among which are: 1 hair scat tnahogany sofa, dressing and common bureaus, fancy and common chairs, high and low post bed steads, tables, work and wash stands, window blinds, feather . beds, carpeting, looking glasies, mantel clocksT superior mantel lamps, cooking stoves,l kitchen furniture, window frames,' doors, window I sash, &c. • At 8 o'clock, P. M., Fine table and pocket Cutle ry, Hardware; new and second hand' Watches, Um brellas, Parasols, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Whips, fine shirts, With linen bosoms and cobra. an assort-' meat of seasonable ready made Clothing; Dry Goods; Musical instruments, &c. jels • ‘••• • 4 ' t; `,* t 3 2 ' ; • r .f Arnegnalted Attraction! ANDREWS' EAGLE ICE CREAM SALOON. , RUNDREDS.DEPAIIT EACH EVENING, un-1 able to gain admission. The pyoprietor of this fashionable and favorite resort, ever anxious to please his.numerouspatrons has the pleasure to an nounce that, in addition to his present company, viz: Messys. Kneass;lllurphy and Huntley, - lie has erect ed an engament with the talented vocalist and pianist MISS HILL, from the New York and Phila delphia concerts, who will appear eaeli:evening in a series of songs, duetts, &c., in conjunction with the Harmonists. Pregraimxiechanged nightly. Admis sion 14 cents. Persona wishing to hi:4 served with ice'Cream, will please leave theiy orders at the door., jel4 AiA _ 4"tom • 4. • A i t..;t4t 4 . V 411, 1$:'• cop,pErt AND IRON FOR T 1 AE NAVY t NAVY DEPARTMENT, Bureau - of Construction, Equipment, and Repair, 7th June, 1847. EALED PROPOSALS, endorsed " Proposals for 10 copper," or "Proposals for Iron," as the case Indy be, will be received at this Bureau until 3 clock, P. M., -of the 20th inst., for furnishing and de-1 livering at the respective navy-yards : near Ports-1 mouth, New - Hampshire; Charlestown, Massachu-1 setts; Brooklyn, New York ; Philadelphia, Pennsyl vania; Washington, District of Columbia; and Gos I J - port, Virginia, such quantities of cold rolled bolt and, sheet copper, not exceeding ope hundred thou-1 san pounds of each at any ono navy-yard ; and of round, flat, and square iron as may bO, ordered by the respective commandants or navy agents, or by this Buretu;during the liscal.year ending 30th Juno, 1818. MINI ' 1 ' „ MEM MI ME ;, i :. ~;. Any quantity not exceding five thotisand pounds of copper, orten tons of iron, to be delivered within ten days after the order shall be received; and one day will be allowed for every additional thousand pounds of copper or additional tons of iron that may be ordered. It is to be distinctly understood, how ever, that persons who may contract are not to have any claim of privilege,to furnish any greater quanti ty of copper or iron than may be expressly ordered. It is to be understood, also, that tvhezi persons reside at other places than those near which they may engage to furnish articles, they will be required to appoint and duly authorise some,person at or near the place of delivery,,to receive 'and act upon the requisitions or,orders which may be. made; and, in case the person whecontracts, or Ids agent, shall neglect or fail to comply with the requisitions or or ders he may receive for articles under his contract in proper time, or of proper quality,' the officers or agents of the navy shall be authorized to purchase the same, and the contractor shall be liable for any excess of cost over the contract price:: . Separate .proposals must be made for each navy yard, and for the copper and for the iron, and the / price asked per pound must be the same for the bolt! and sheet copper, and for the round, flat, and square Iron, that the different offers may be correctly com pared. Bonds, with two approved sureties is one-half the estimated amount of the respective contracts, `will be required,_ and ten pezcent. in addition' will be withheld from the amount of each paSrment to be made, as collateral security for the due and faithful performance of the respective contracts', which will, on no account, be paid until the contracts ate coin plied with in all respects. After deducting ten per cent., payment will bd made by the United States within thirty days after bills duly certtfied and ap proved,ishall be presented to the navy agent. , The department reserves to itself the privilege of rejecting offers made by persons who' have hereto-) fore failed to complete contracts, if it should deem it advisable for the public interests. Every offer must be accompanied, as directed in the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service, approved the 10th of August, 1846, by a written guaranty, signed by one 0 r more respon sible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake .that the bidder or bidders will, if his,Or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within five days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the sup plies proposed. No proposal will beconsidered un less accompanied by such guaranty. Junel4-3tawthoth Mil ME IMMO .‘ ~ ME = • 4 :1 444 . n , 4 1 : 1;4'4 ME En/ MEOW. 1111 ME NEE .. .., , DE MI M EMI _ 4 1 +. '„* ;:'ffir 7, r 7 • rt • `•••• +2. "`" ‘ 5. • r," '•••••,z , , h F c.• •1•1 - 1,e '4.;" • •'%•00 ;vs 4 \ • " 41:,r!i 4 tg`l k. ":"V"••• .1" ( ,,,e;',101k,•W," ' E 2 I= Auction Sale• • BY JOHN D. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER The round iron not less than three-sixteenths of an inch, nor more than four •inches in diameter. The flat iron to be not less than three-sixteenths of an iiscb,nor more than three inches squarp. Both the copper and iron must be of the best quality, free from flaws, ragged ends or edges, cracks, or other defects, and must 'be true to the sizes which may be entered; and •tri be subject to such test and inspection as may be directed, and in id] respects to satisfaction of the commandants of the respective navy-yards, or it will not be re ceived. Stockholders' log. OFFICE OF THE. ALLEGHENY BRIDGE Co.,} Pittsburgh, June 1547. A MEETING of the Stockholders,of the Compa ny for erecting a Bridge over the Allegheny, will be holden is the Toll House, on Saturday, the 19th inst., at 3 o'clock, P. M., for a special purpose. jel.2-td , JOHN HARPER, Treasurer. N ancy noels Cologne Bottles. 1 DOZ. assorted .colours. A 150,112 doz., dark. large size .Ilocks, Post received and for sale by JACOB WEAVER, 16 Market st.,.cor. Front st. UM WIRES AND Lit/irons. ,1 ) IL -7 _ - 4., JACOB WEAVEK; 16 Market st., .Fl . l}l= •14, corner of Front, is ` now receiving . 1), , .-, ..- - _ - ,=4 and offers for sale at inducing pri - -,_---- ----==-,-,-• - ces, the following extensive variety of WINES AND LIQUORS, selected by himself, as formerly; fOrlhe firm of SrEarrT & Co., in the Eastern Cities, from first hands : . 1 .. Leg'er Frere, Cognac and Champagne Brandies. .1 . •::.1. Dupuy, Castillon, old Magloiy, Rastant. ' Channuyer,- Pelevoison, A. Seignett, Otard, Du puy & Co., and Pinot Casillon & intageis of 1832—embracing, all the Rochelle and Co., ilordeaut fla vors, in half Pipes, quarters, and octaves, or• by retail. . . • Holland Gina—Fish, Weesp Anchor, Cross Keys, Meders Swan and Hour Glass brands, new and old impgartion a. , Rd — New A —New England; St. Croix, ntiktra and 3a maicas, some very superior. • Whiskeys—Old Scotch and Irish, Monongahela Rye,4lourbon Co: Corn. ~, Wines—Madeiros, Teneriffes,sbons, Sherries, Sicilysi-Mahrgas, Ports, Red Wines; White Wines, Muscats, Clarets, Champagnes, flocks, and ,Sauter nes, in Cases, India Bbls., Qr. Casks, Rbds., Demi . *ohn or Bottle. • jun e. 3 Pres4ve or Pickle Jars. 1 DOZ Glass quart Jars, on bad and for sale at the Wine Store of JACOB NEAVER, jel2 • - ' 16 Market st. nor. Front. ' 'Tkpciber g , 20nil FEET (Lineal,) alloafind , for sale, 1 .-PLF mylo L. iWIL2+.I.ARTH • v•-,•- , 41,4,04'4 „ - • t`r- • e , " 11, 5 • ' ' ' z' ". , , , . . - ‘. • EOM At sh eny , Poor liotsse Lots. rundersigned CoMmittee of :.the Guardians et l. Poor, offer at private Bile, on extended credit, idiom 80 choice Lots, in the First Ward, Allegheny city, i 1 feet in front, by .130 feet deep as shown do a plot of the same to be seen at the office of the Guardians, in n room adjoining ,the Mayor's called, ou fourth street, being the lots laid out on the uld Poor House property, in Allegheny city.. For terms of Sale apply to Boman, at the office of the Guardians, or to any one of the aubscribers. (Copy of the original.) . • Harm M'CRACE.EN, ROBERT WRAY, G. ALBREE, JOHN ROSS. jel4-d3m Ayr ORE NEW BOOKS at MORSE'S; 85 Fourth in. streets A History of Rome, from the earliest times to the death of Commodus, A. D.. 192; by L. Schmitz, F. R. S. E. Rector of the High School of Edinburgh. The Life of Edmund Kean. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets ; with illustrations. Marian: or. a Young Main's Fortune by Mrs. S. C. Hall, author o''Buccannirsketches of Irish Char acter, etc. The Inheritance:.ti Novel. by Miss S. Ferrier, au thor. of Destiny, Marriage, etc. Marriage: a Navel by Miss S. Ferrier. Just re. calved and for sale at MORSE'S Literary Depot, 85 Fourth street. jel2 GEO. W. MERCHANT'S Improved Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, FOR removing diseases of the blood, arising from an abuse of Mercury, Chronic, and constitu tional diseases, such as Scrofula, King's Evil, Sec , ondary Syphilis, or Venereal, Ulceration, and Corro sions o^ the throat, nose cheeks, lips, ears, and oth , er parts of the body. Pimples or Pustules on the face; scaly patches and other eruptions of the skin; Biles, Scurvy, and other Scorbutic affections, Rheu matic affections; White swelling, pains in the bones and joints, fever sores, obstinate old sores of all' kinds, Scald held, Salt Rhe'uni, Ringworms, and oth er, diseases arising from an impure state of the blond, also, habitual Costiveness, Piles, Chronic affection of the Liver, Lungs, and Chest, pain in the stomach and sides, night sweats, &c. This remedy is prepared in', vaeuo, from tne choicest selected materials, the ac tive properties of which are extracted by an-improv ed proc.ss- withont heat. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., Corner Ist & Wend sts., and corner 6th & Wood sts. jold A House, or part of i House, for Rent. A SPLENDID HOUSE, situated in a pleasant part of the city, will be rented immediately. The whole or a part of i, will be rented, as it may suit. For further particulars inquire at this office. - jimell.4ll w Gold Pens GULPI2O . PENS, ,i j elected of the host brands, and handsomost-patterns, of holders and cases. Als-±;2 dozen Baulers patent extension pen holder and penci just received and for sale at the lowest prices, at (,old Pen [dead Quarters, Corner of 4th and Market streets. jo 10 \V. W. 'WILSON. Gold Watches suid Silver 'Ware. TUST opened a large additional stuck of ladies' CI and gentlemen's 'Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches, of the latest and hestpatterns, and war ranted,,at the lowest prices. Also, Silver Table, Tea, and Desert Spoons, manufactured and for sale by W. W. WILSON, jelo Corner of 9th and Market streets. Chippewa Alining Co. 9111 E Stockholders of the Chippewa Mining Com pany are hereby notified that an instalment ot 2 cents pa: share is required to be paid, on or be fore the Ist of July next. jell JAMES MAY, Treasurer. Superior Cut Tobncco 33BOXES fine cut Honey Dem; Chewing Tobacco; 70 " 'Bird Eye Smoking do. S " Fine - do. do. For sale very low; to close a consignment, by GEO. COCIIII AN , je 10 No. 26 Wood st. T EAs : 90 catty Boxes prime Green; 5 " Extra Fine ; For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., .010 110 Wood st. 25 Bbls. large No 3 'Mackerel ; o o. I do; . 51 " " 1 do; 10 Kitts "" 2 do; 10 Boxes : Scaled Herring ; For sale by 'l.lk WILLIAMS & Co., jclo . 110 IVood NUTS: 2 Bbls Skelled Almonds; 5 Boxes I Bale Filoeit4; El 4 ' Almorins; 1 E Walnuts 1 " Cream Nuts; For sale by J. . WILLIAMS & Co., Jet° 110 Wood st. SOAP: 30 boxes C13.(11 No. 1; 3 " Castile; 100 lbs. Hyde's Palm. For sale by jelo J. D. WILLIAMS & Co. COFFEE :40 Bags ?rune ; 10 " I,,gnayra 19 " Old Gov. Java • 1 " Mochai:Tor sale by jelo J. D. WILLIAMS'S‘Co., 110 Wood Ft T oBA cco: 15 Boxes prime ss; 10 . 4 , . 4, 12's & 16's ; 5 " S's & l's ; 15 Kegs No 6 Twist; 20 " Pittsburgh Cavendish; For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., , jelo 110 Wood st. _ . Letter and Cop Paper at Private Sale. JUST -received on consignment , and for sale-tow, 40 Reams super lidenl'ost Paper, Turkey Mills; 30 " Bishor's Letter Paper; 60 " Lawrence & Co:'s Letter Paper; 32 41 Cap JOHN D: DAVIS, jelo-1w ! Corner Wood and sth stir. Scar's American Renovating Pills. FOR Severa. months past, I have been much [milli- led with a bilious habit, attended with an Mac-1 tine and costive state of the bowels, add rheumatic affections; I bar° made use of the Medicated !Vapor Bath, and variour tends of Medicine, without Occeiv ing any benefit. Seeing Sear's A. 11. V. Rencitating Pills advertised, I was induced from the recommen dations attached to them. to make trial of them. In a few days they afforded me great reliefl and in the short time In whica I have taken them, 4 have ex perienced more benefi!. &ern them than I have re ceived from ,an 3 medicine. Their operation has been natural, easy, and effectual. Others of my family have been indisposed, and have used them; and received.no.di benefit. 1 can with with confi dence recommend them to individuals and families, as a safe and effectual medicine, in ail cases in which the stomach and bowers are disordered. A. 'WATSON, 209 Henry-at., New York. For sale by lt. A. FAHNESTOCK 4- Co., jab cor First and Wood, and Wood and oth ats. sALTER'S Ginseng Panacea; a largo supply con stantly on hand and fur sale by 13. A. FAIINESTOCK & Co., jes eon tut and Wood and Wood and 6th sts. SUGAR; 10 casks Lovering's double refined Loaf Sugar ; 10 barrels 66 pulverised . 6 do; 1:5 boxes mute Havanna Sugar ; • Just ree'd ana for sale by• 'n3 DIILLRR & RICK ETSON. PEPPER ¢ ALSPICE—IO Bags Sumatra Pepper; 5 " Alspice ; Jubt received and for sale by 'n3 MILLER &. RICKETSON. OILS -1000 Gallons Bleachea Sperm Oil ; 120 " Natural color 44 do ; 1800 " " " Whale Oil; 1400 " Bleached ' 6 do; 200 " Tanner's Oil, Strait's do; 5 Barrels Lard " 22 . Linseed 4 , Just received and for sale by O n g MILLER ts RICKETSON. SPIRITS OF TUNPEN PINE: 15 Barrels Spts. TUrPentine ; just received in good order, and or sale by 'n3 :'MILLER RICKETSON. TOBACCO: 32 Boxes 6% 8 7 8 and 16's, api & f Lumps; 13 " 5 , 8 and his, Ping Just received and•for sale by • . jn3 AtILLER & RICKETSON. SALAD OIL—IS Baskets B'crdeaux Sallnd Oil •TO " pints Marseilles " " Just reed and for sale't y jn3 MILLER & RICRETSON. Boston and 'Bets York Pianos. JOHN H. MELLOR, No. 81, Wood Street,. has on hand and for sale, at manufacturer's prices, one elegant Rosewood Piano Forte, with grand ac tion, and Iron frame, made by Curczczurro, of Bos ton. , . , . Ono :epleridid MahogOy Piano Forte, six and a half octaves, made by Gab & Co., New York. mv27 .. .., . ..... —... ~ , .... . ... ... . , . , . .. .. . ..... .. . , , ~ • ... . .. . —, _ . , ~_ , ..,.. ....y ~,, -.• :. ,-,., •.. : s ~, -. :. - : -....., ~.% . , - - .: 1 _• - ...;! . .4t...%•41.3P,r, , 5.417Wg.r4; ." ' '''' :'-',''''''' ,-., 4,,, r ,-,; 4 7, t,Tk'i , M , - . 7Z.M 1, —.::-"."•* , Q. .'".- , t' , ..."'".'' - . , . M ME GREAT ITALIAN REMEDY Priu:ApELrusi:, April 26, 1546 Being afflicted for snme Syearrovith that most distieAng disease, the 'asthma, and for the last 3 years iintch of the tune confined to my room, and at several - different times_ inSr life was des. paired. Of; I cencluded.to obtaii r i some of Ma zoni's Sicilian Syrup, wlitch-was recommended to me by -a fiend from New York. who stated that it heid cured some; of the most inveterate cases known to the. Medical profession. Suffice it 'to say, that, -after using the above mediciße l'or, About 4 weeks, T.'was entirely relieved, and I believe radi cally cured. Yours with respect, OLIVER Wi . OWEN, No 175 Bertram s Philad'a. Hays &Brockway, Wholesale and 'Retail Agents; see advertisement. a reb22 CIMISTIE . 24 Galvanic Remedies for all kinds of nervous affections they have been used with entire success in all cases of Rheumatism, acute or chro nic, applying to the head, face or limbs; gout, tic dolereux, bronchitis, vertigo, nervous or sick head ache, indigestion, paralysis, palsy, , epilepsy, fits, cOnvulsions, cramp, palpitation of the heart, neu ralgia, general debility, &c. In cases of dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the di gestive organs—they have been found equally suc cessful. These applications are in the form of Rings and Magnetic Fluid, Bands, Bracelets, Belts, &c. y See advertisement tor further particulars on the outside of this sheet. For sale at the only agency, :37 Market street. trjrlVnoorrso Comm.—Messrs Editors—l ob served some time ago a communication over the signature for"A Parent," stating thAt Dr. Jayne's Indian Expectorant had been the moans of saving the lives of three of his children, who were suffer ing severely with whooping cough; and having,but a short time before, lost one of thy children by that dreadful complaint, and having another, and my only child, suffering the greatest agony with the same disease, and in hourly eipectation of its death, I was induced to purchase a bottle of it,and commenced using it according, to the directions and to the surprise of all it began to mend in fif teen minutes after we commenced using it, and the child has now completely recovered. I have no acquaintance with Pr. Jayne, but I hereby return him a husband's and a father's grateful acknowledgments. J. L. SIMPKINS. Philadelphia, April 22d, 1846. Jayne's Hair Tonic.—We commend to the atten tion of those desirous of restoring their hair or im proving its beauty, to thit elegan't preparation We hear it every where . highly spoken of, and es pecially by all who have Ma& use' of it, as greatly efficacious in stimulating the growth of the hair, and preventing and curing many affections of tbe skin. Its virtues are amply and suffieiently proi , ed.—N. Y. Sun. For sale in Pimhurgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 FOURTH street, near Wood—and at the Drug Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal ctreet i Allegheny City. marl WILLIAJI A. HILL & Co., BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, AXD DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGES CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BANK 'NOTES, AND SPECIE, No. 64 Wood st., one door Thore Fourth, East side, Pittsburgh, Pa. ['CURRENT' Funds received on deposit, and col lections made on all the Cities throughout the United States. Sight checks on Baltimore, Philadel phia, New York, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for sale in sums to suit purchasers. Tho paper of the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Virginia Banks bought and sold un the must floor able terms. The . higheat premium paid for Foreign and Ameri can Gold and Silver coins. . . Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany, and Prance procured, &c. mar wy ~t7,471.r Reruatances to Europe, - • r, r-- "", - -1-, AND PASSAGE 1110)1 eilkb, LIVERPOOL, LONDON, and the varion. Ports .f IRELAND, to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. rirtilE undersigned, Agent fur Messrs. ROCHE, BRO'S. & Co., is remitting money's' to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, at the rate of Fire Dollars to the £1 sterling. Drafts issued for any amount drawn direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin, and on Messrs Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, London, payable on presentation at any Bank in the United Kingdom free of discount or any charge whatever. Those desirous of remitting, or sending for their friends will please apply to the sub scribe.t, at his office on Penn street, 4 doors above the Colial basin. .lA.NI ES BLAKELY. Persons at a distance wishing, information will re ceive in ansrver by return mad, by directing (post paid) as above. Refer to the Rankers, Merchants, and Manufac turers of Pittsburgh and vicinity. apl7 iawtf Jayne's Carminative Balsam, IS a-pleasant, certain, safe and effectual remedy for Dysentery, Diarrlima, or Looseness,Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, Cholic, Griping Pains, Sour Sternlieb, Sick and Nervous Ileadach, Heart burn, Waterbrash, Pain or sickness of the Stomach, Vomiting, Spitting up of Fond after Eating, and also where it passes through the body unchanged, Want of Appetite, Restlessness and Inability to Sleep, Wind in the Stomach and bowels, Hysterics, Cramp, Nervous Tremors and Twitchings, Sea Sickness, Faintings, Melancholy anti Lowness of Spirits, fret ting and crying of Infantl, and for all Bowel Affec tions and Nervous Diseases. This is one of the most efficient, pleasant and safe compositions ever offered to the public fur the cure of the various derangements of the stomach and boWels, and the only article worthy of the least confidence for curing Cholera Infanlum or Summer Complaint; and in all the above diseases it really acts liky charm. All pe sons arc requested to try it, for withoutex oeption, it is one of the most valuable:family medi 7 eines ever yet discovered. Hundred's! nartlion sands, of certificates have been received from', phy sicians, Clergymen, and families of the first respec tability, bearing the strongest testimony in its favor, tun numerous to publish. For sale at the Xekin Tea Store, 72. Fourth Street. may2l-d&sv _ Wool. THE highest price in cash' paid for the different grades of clean washed Won, free from bursi Wool sacks and burlaps on hand and for sale low, by MURPHY & LEE, Old Wool warehouse, cor. Liberty st. and my 24-4 w 3in o Cecil's alley. iron City Hotel. It i S r . 0 i t: A C T i y R cboent ween t l o v k o e o n d p a t n h d e Alarket streets, where they wil hotel, Fifth l be glad to entertain their customers and the public ru general. ina6-dawtr DIACHINR. CARDS, LOOM FINDINGS, &c. M. Cummins, No. 120 Liberty st., 6 doors below St. Clair street. ESSRS. James Smith & Co.'s Machine Card 11 Agency Manufacturer's Finding Establish ment, and dealer in Clocks, Looking Glass Plates, Frames, Glass, Variety Goods, &c. nov. IS—lch23llftw - - - - P Jargh and Cannellav ills Railroad , Company. MAY 31, 1847. DOOR'S for receiving additional subscriptions' to JD the stock of the Pittsbntgh anti Conoellaville Railroad Co., will be opened at the office of the Com pany, in this city, on Tuesday, the Bth day of June, at 10 A. at., and continue open from day to day until the let of July. Books will also be open on the same day and for the same time, at the other following places, via: at McKeesport under the direction of Hugh Rowland and F. Muse—at West Newton under the direction ofJohn C. Plumber and James aardner—at Connells vine under the direction of Henry Blackstone and Henry Walker—at Cumberland under the direction of Jim. Hay and Sam'l. Calhoun. june2 J. CARO'T'HERS, Sec'y. New York Hoot and Shoe Store. No. 122, Wopd at:, Pittsburgh. jS. DALZELL has on hand, and is constantly manufacturing to order, the following named articles: Gentlemen's Fine Dress Boots and Shoes, of the latest fashion, at remarkably low prices. Fine Dress Boots at $15,00, such as ie usually sold in other stores at, $6,00. A good plain well made calf Boot at $4,00. I All other kinds of work equally low. Also, a good and eull assortment of Ladies', Misses' i muiChildren's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Buskins and Slippers, of the most substantial kind to the very finest dress shoe. S. D. being a practical shoe-maker. attends to the manufacturing of his own workf- and has it done in the most substantial manner, yet neat style; and having adopted the motto of small profits and quick returns, will sell as low as the lowest. intao6-d3m - SZE STEW MACKEREL:`SO.IinIs. large No. 3 Mack- IA del, of this yetiris Citchiug, Just reedited and for sale by . , _ jett BIILEEn & lIICICETSnN. FISH : . . _. _ . Ni tilils.,largeNo. 3 Mackerel or IS4G; SO rc . No. I Herring; IO *. No. I Shad; In store and for sale by jeS MILLER & RIGKETRON. CLARET AND WHITE WINE: 8 hhds. Claret Wine; • 5 " . Haut Sautends Wine; In store and for sale by jeB ' MILLER & FLICKETSON TTONEY: 100 small boxes superior Honey, in I — l combs, put up for family use, just received and fin sale by P. C. MARTIN, 'ell car of Smithfield and Front els. GREEN APPLES : 40 Mils. Green Apples; warranted in good order, for aale by 010 P. C. MARTIN I - EANS : 50 Bushels small white Army Beans; [jclo3 _ for sale by P. C. MARTIN. TJIQUORS : Choice old "Otard," " Seignetts," Pinet Castilion and J. P. Dupuy 4- Co.'s," Bran dies warranted pure rom under Custom House locks in Casks and Boni____ s, of different vintages and col ors, for sale by , [jelo] P. C. MARTIN. _ WINES : choice old Wines, consisting of "Ron-. coa," " London Market," - and other Ports ; "S. S." "Simington," and "London Market" Ma. deiras; Pale Sherry, Lisbon, dry and sweet Malaga Wines, warranted pure, in casks and bottles. For sale by Ilell3] • P. C. MA.RTIN. _ 1 .-- I LD RYE WHISKEY : choice old Rye Whiskey, k.." for salir in quantities to Suit, by 'el° P. C. MARTIN. IDEACH BRANDY: Old Peach Brandy, for sale E in _quantities to suit, by jelo P. C. MARTIN. Flutinpagno Wino• ZZBASKETS Champagne Wines, consisting of Key, Cross Bow, Tri Color, Crown, Ducal Grape, Bollingeurs, Anchor, the celebrated P. A. Mumm & C 0213 Anchor, .51unim , s Sil'cry, Heidsick, and " Cock and Cro?vn " brands .. These \Vines arc superior, being obtained direct from the import ers. Persons may rely upon riot getting Newark Cider, when they buy these Wines from me. Just receiving and fur sale by basket or bottle, by jes JACOB NVEAV ER. Claret Wince. 25 CASES qts. Chateau Margaux, 1 doz. each. 16 " " St. Julien riledoc, I " 10 " " Chateau D'Leoville, 1 " " • " Lafite,l doz. each very fine 10 " " Family use,l &2 " extra. Also 10 lifids. St. Julien, and do. white Wine, all just receiving, and for wholesale or retail. jes JACOB WEAVER. A NCHOVIES—A len , cases only, to introduce, 4- 1 fur sali3 by the dozen or jar. jes JACOB WEAVER. Salad 0111. n BASKETS Fresh Salad Oil ; a desirable brand O and in good order, just received and for sale by basket or bottle. jns Brown Stout; etc. Q FBAs. Brown Stout! ti 3 « London Porter; 3 ' 4 Scotch Ale, Tennant's brand; 2 t& it Dor's it it the most celebrated, just received as imported The above were purchased noon Sbip Board be fore landing, by myself in New York, lately, and are offered Wholesale and Retail, by JACOB WEAVER, Wine Store, job 16 Market et., eor Front. A RDIN ES-6 cases Sardines, in tins and halt 0 tins, just, received and for sale by jes JACOB WEAVER. Table anti Bar Sugars 1 "I!.Lovring's Crushed and Pulverised, just received and for sale by the Rh!. or retail, by jns i JACOB WEAVER. iA LT: 500 Ws Allegiieny, No, rpc , il and for sa!e by ' JNO. B. PERM', je3 • Liberty and Irwin sta. lI3Ty 2100 lbs prime Sides, recd sod for sale sliy je3 .JNO. F. PERRY. TT ERRING: '75 bbls No I Balt. for sale by .11 je3 350. F. PERRY. AI ACKEREL-: 50 Bbln. N 0.3 .; (large;) IGO Half bbls. do.; je3 Foranle by JNO. F. PERRY. DRIED'APPLL'S and PEACHES, in atore ilnd for s 3 I e by j 133 NO F. PEKRY. riIIMOTIIY SEED: 500 buith in store, and for sale by ' jc3 JNO. F. PERRY'. - 1 - 3 MEETS and TUBSi 25. , 10x. for Sale by je3 Pio. F. PERRY. AT USLINS AND BARAGES--Opened this day, lat 62 Market street, a new and desirable assort ment of Printed Muslics and Barages. iny29 A. A. MASON. LTNIME.II STUFFS—Received this day, at 52 0 Market street, an extensive assortment of Oam hroons, Tweeds, French Cassitneres, Denims, Mix tures, Linens, Cottonades, Drillings, Cords, CUatings, &c. &c. tny29 A. A. MASON. n_INGIIAMC--Just received, one case choice styles and arw Gingham; also, a large vatiety of Shawls; fur sale low at 62 Market st. my 29 A. A. MASON. BACON -16 Casks Sides; fi.r sale by SMITH 81. SIKLAIR, G 6 %Vox! it.. OOFFEEI-450 Bags Prime Rio Cogne ; just re ceived and for sale by SMITH & SINCLAIR, Jul , 56 Wood at. TARCII-25 .Boxes Lawron's Starch ; for sale 0 by SMITH & SINCLAIR, jn4 56 Wood et. FRESH TEAS-10 half chests Imperial; 10 catty boxes ‘, 6 oalechists Gunpowder, fine; 10 catty boxes Just rec'd and GO sale by je3 SMITH dt SINCLAIR, 36 Wood at. I~ICt — 2O tierces of a very superior quality-, for sale by je4 SMITH & SINCLAIR. FrOBACCO—bO Bones Pound Lump Lynchburgh Tobacco ; • 83 a s's " do Just received on consignment, and for sale by L S. WATERMAN, tny2s No. 31, Water, and 62, Front et. X) ACON-5000 lbe Bacon, assorted, in store and for sale by L. S. WATERMAN, my2s No. 31, Water, and 62 Front sts. FLAXSEED-40 Bags Flaxseed / in store and for sale by L. S. WATERMAN, iny2s No. 31, Water, and 62 Front street. OLL BUTTER-5 Bbls Roll Butter,. just re ceived and for sale by L. S. WATERMAN, my2s No. 31, Water, and 62 Front 'ate. S CORCHINGS—rI6 Capita Scorchings, a prime an tick, in stcre and for sale by L. S. WATERMAN. No. 31, Water, and 62 Front sta. ME DRIED APPLES-400 Bushels Dried Apples; just received, in store and for sale by L. S. WATERMAN, my2s 1 4 1°,31 Water, and ea Front ste. _ _ ptActics-120 Bldg Dtied Peaches) 75 Sacks " In store and for sale by L. S. WATERMAN / my2B N 0.31 Water, and 62 Front ate WHITE BEANS-20 Obis small White Deans ; in store andtfor sale by L. S. WATERMAN, my 2.5 No. SI Water, and 62 Front eta. WINDOW SASH, 3000 Lights 8:10, just received and tor sale; a 2' L. WILMARTII. Scythe Sziathe 50 DOZEN just received and for Bale low by GEORGE COCHRAN, may 11 No. 26 Wood street LARD OIL-4 bbls. just reed and for sale at the lovrost cash price by `k HAYS lb BROCKWAY, No. 2, Commercial Row, Liberty et. mall LEMON SYRUP—Very fine, just mod and for sale by HAI S. & BROCKWAY, No. 2, Commercial Row, Liberty at. EFINED CAMPHOR-1 bbl. for Bale very low, 1.1., by HAYS & BROCKWAY, mall No. 2, Commercial Itow, Liberty et. MACARONI-1 case for sale very low by HAYS & BROCKWAY, 10517 No. 2, Commercial Row; Liberty et RY• Dry slides, just received and for sale by . (rnyls2) JAMES MAY. 9 4 0 LDS SQUILLS—Jest received and for sale Uy B. A. FAIINESTOCK. &CO., may 1 corner of First and , Wood sts.: 3 . 6 ( - ) ALOES—Just i . ef i ii . w i tfi r n o d e co c r l r c l7 ) by cor offirsi and IVood sts. lIIED 29 BOXES Ext.: Logwood; just received and for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & co., mayl cur of First and Wood sts. A (1 LBS. Pow'd. Pumice Stone; just received 2 and for sale by 13. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.I cur of First and Wood eta. mavl STANDS Burgundy Pitch; just received and for 5 sale: by B. A. FAHNESTOCK 4- CO., a. 30 corner ofFirst and Wood sta. 6 BAGS Ginger Root; just recd and for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., cor of First and Wood sta. BALES Velvet Bottle Corks; just received and 5 for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCE.gt CO., g s ap3o corner of First and Wood ste. ap29 fIXEGS Refined Salt Petrel just received and for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK ¢ CO., opal corner of First and Wood at. JUST received and Fir sale low-2 bbls. Smith's best quality New York Coach Varnish. Also, I qr. bbl. Leather Varnish, for sale by feb2o 11013ERTS & KARI, 82, 34 st. BBLS. Copal Furniture Varnish, Nos. 1 and 2, Zr Smith's New York make, on hand and for sale by the gal. or bbl., by ROBERTS & KANE, feb2o No. 82, 3d et. ALARGE lot of Mahogany Plank and Veneers, for sale by ROBERTS & KANE, feb2o _ No. 62, 9d st, 3000 FEET best quality Rosewood, on hand and for sale by ROBERTS & KANE, No. 82, 3d st. feb2o Q 1 7 Bales Tennessee Cotton, reed per steamer "American." and for sale by mar 27 FRIEND, RHEY 8:Co. 57 Water st. 6500 Lbs Bacon, (hog round,) recived and for sale by FRIEND, RHEY & CO., No. 57 Water et. mar 27 N. 0. Sugar. 100 111161 " e N aig g lr , l f t o Ht sa Y le Bt b t : O., 53 Water street, mar 27 M APLE SUGAR— L l z3s o l o ß o E lb ß ye ik ed s tAld vr fo o rVe by feb4 133 andl3s Woodst. FISII-85 bble No . 3 Large Maelerel; 10 hfbbls do do; JACOB WEAVER pRODUCE-6 blils and 5 kegs Lard; b do Roll Butter; 3 do Cloverseed; 500 His Feathers; 4 bbls White Beans; 30 pairs Woollen Socks; Received and for sale by LAMBERT & SHIPTON, 133 and 135 Wood at, lIIM STATIONERY. --Just opening, a large and spina did assortment of French, English and Ameri can Stationery, which we invite. the public to call and eramine. - JOIINSTGN if: STOCKTON, oct29 Stationers, Market st. STATIONERY FOR LADIES. Papeteries, Port-folios, Note Paper of all kinds, Note Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Motto Seals, Writ ing Stands, and Floral Wafers, Spangled Sealing - Was, Embossed-edged Letter-paper, Card Cases, Visiting Cards, Pocket Books, Ivory Tablets, Note Clips, &c. &c. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON% deal corner of Market and Third sts. fl OLD PENS —Bagley's celebrated ever pointed 1,31 - Gold Peas; just received and for sale atredured rates, by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 0ct2.9 Booksellers; Market st. 50 BBLS. Pitch; .50 " Rosin; 160 Boxes Tobacco, various sixes; - - 10,000 Seed leaf Cigars; - On consignment and will be sold low fur Cash, or exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by seps TAAFFI-I & O,CONICOR. Idltent. Imprinveznent. ) EDSTEADS of ditrereut kinds with Gazzanes iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now in use, fur sale low at the furniture warehouse of angl. T. B. YOUNG & Co, Hand street. Conk lag's Improved Lard OIL 74BARRELS Winter Lard Oil, just received from the manufacturers and for sale at Cincinnati prices wholesale and retail, by FRS. SELLERS, deci'S No. 17 Liberty st. S undries. rfZ Tierces fresh Rice; ei 14 Mils, Conklins improved Lard 10,0(10 lbs. Bacon, Shoulders. 'On hand and for sale by F. SELLERS. scp4.l. No. 17, Liberty street. LARD, 100 kegs, No. 1, Lard on consignment; And for sale by F. SELLERS. sep24. No. 17, Liberty atteet. SPLENDID assortment of Itoseerobd and ka it hogany Pianos of the latest patterns,just finish ed and for sale at F. BLITME , S, apr2l. No 112 Wobd et_ A LSO, two elegant Rosewood Pianos, with Colo man's patentiEolcan attachment, low for cash, at (aprfl) F. BLUME'S, 112 Wood et. Dlnnhre Forks. g DOZEN 4 prong Manure Forks; 0/ 10 3 7, 4, ,o of sup:lib:lr quality, just received and foi sale by GEO. COCHRANi may 13 No. 26 Wood st. M OONBEAM'S Soft from Heaven dese it eting i,. When Sorrow Binds in Gloom thy Brio*, " " I would we had not met again," It Farewell song, w 'no' to other Lands I wander, Donizeth. Say, Wilt thou ever think of Me t - w My Forest Harp, Strong. Captive Greek Girl, w My Normandy, Bennett. Songs of the Old Dominion, Hewitt. '! Are the links that bound us broken t, I'm saddest when I sing, Bishop. 1 Genevelve, Waltz, Itohbook. ' Mary, 44. Saxe Weimari er ft Magnolia, Gallop., " Adelia, w it Mary's Variations, rr Brilliant Polonaise, ~ Brattleborough Waltz and quick step, Snow drop, cc Hewitt. Topaz Grand, cc limiter. Sentimental or Rose Waltz. 1 ielielr. Vierininse Children's Dernies. ' False Brillient, La Perle, (Walla.) Amer, Waltz. ?Chown. Matamoros Grand March, W. C. Peters, Agawam Turkish Step. Elegances Quadrille Duettoi by Herz. Set of Quadrille, w I{ Derintisment CraeoVinne Favorite " " For sale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, jeS 81 Wood St., Pittsburgh. -- - -- rpILE INDEX Volume of SILLIMANiS Journal of Science and' Arts, comprising references to 49 volumes of the first series, embracing a period of 98 years, viz: from 1818 to 1846—is now just completed, and a few No.'s for sale by the under signed. " We' may confidently believe that this Index vol atile will prove useful not only to those who may possess the whole series, but to all who are connec ted in any way with the Arts and Sciences, for what ever the department, the reader is directed by it to, the various memoirs that have been published in the Journal on the subject that interests him, whether'. relating to the progress of Science, to .details of facts in the different departments ofknowledge, or to the various resources of this and other countries; with such a guide the entire copies of the work in public Libraries; or in those of individuals, become avail able." Complete setts of the entire series of 49 volumes; furnished at the publisher's prices, $lOO 00 Index Volume to do.; ' 3 00 Subscriptions received of the new or second series and No.'s delivered free of postage , for $5 per so w/111,1)y the Agent for Pittsburgh. r „ y 2; W. W. WILSON; 57 Market at. IDOPLAR BOARDS, well seasoned and for sale py 1 tnov L. WILMARTH. ME ~- 137/123 Bacon. 6 do No 1 do do; 15 bbls Nos 1 and 2 do; 6 do No 1 Salmon; 25 do do Herrings; , 6 drums Codfish; for sale by LAN SHIPTON, 133 and 135 Wood at. 131132132 New Dingle . ME ''•••'•:''': . ;. , ''fi:'''i,.''''''t.', , ;;' ,- .i':' ,- - 1: - : .•„ , 7 ,.. ",::.'.' , -..._i'' , v .-,, : . ' . ';. , : ,- .#.; . ;i.7 - ;;::: ,• i:',' ,,i '. :-, •:'. -: : t . :. : -, • ,:-, ::; 7 .... : ; -- . , _.7:.': 1 : , ;;•i -,- ,: „,, . ,„ : , w. , :t .-.. ; ,• : , . - ;_ ,- ; ,,,.,. . i.. . ,,, ...,: . ±. ,::, .: .,„, : , ; ...; V ; :' ' '',',:.'.•-'.'''.:43?''..4:'*,t:-'4;t,Z,tt0.!.:M.,-'A'-!.iV..:',k."..4'•,,V,4!,M,;,74.c.04.;,,,•.:,-$-,W;.f.i,74...,-,ii.,4-,.:;.,..i•-,-, = BA.NSERS AND E C HANG - B R.O EELS, DEALERS IN-FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BILLS, BILLS DE EXCIIAIi I ,CERTII CATES OF DEPOSITS, BANK NOTES, AND COIN. Corner of Third ail d' Wood as., !lireWy opposite the St. Cherlea Hotel.rov . 2S . . . Sum mere ntaltiot for-Hala. MOORE -has just received from New; /7/ . York - the Summer-Style for HATS; con- - c•Nt slating of WIIITE, BEATEI:I 3 PEAIg. and ,- WRITE' FRENCH CasslmEnz HAT% with Ventilators.' Those i t n want .of a keantifol light Hat are respeothilly jaw.; ted to call at - No. 75,W00d at„ ina29-y - '3d ddoraoove-Fourth. AFIRST rate second olass Fire Engine, that will throw two aide streams and a gallery strearo, with pipes and everything ready for service.. She will bo sold low. For further partioulSrei inquire of WM. GORMAN,.. . . . . APA hIS fiETTY, Cur:m(om • } GEO; WILSON, ma6-tf Bugle BranellA. Salooa4' . No. 42 Diamond Alley, over form e r Saloon. T H E above Ace will be open for the Beason, this evening, Jane 4th, where our unrivalled IC.P. CREAMS, .Confectionary, cakes, • Fzo. 4.c.„ canal-: ways be obtained. ANDREWS, -Free Concerts every evening this week, at the Eagle, Wood st,, by Kszass,lll.tinsstv,&Duarnv.v. une4i . A FUNERAL SERMON, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Robert. Dunlop; A . M. Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Marsh Ath, IS4I, on the Sabbath morning following his'decease. To winch is preSed en addreas, delivered in same place, at his interment, Match by Ref: E. P—Swift, D. D,, Pastor of the First Presbytenan Chetah, Alle- - ghany, with an appendli. For sale by ' my 24 LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.'. 111 HE undersigned, having filed his petition to the ,1 . Court of Csmmon Pleas of Allegheny County r for his discharge under the Insolvent Laws of this I Commonwealth, and the Court having.appointed the third Monday of June, for hearing the same.; iiett are hereby notified to attend and make objsctiou, if any you have, why I should not be discharged.. :I junel-d3w. . JONATHAN STUBBS, Laborer, 1 FOUR LOTS—Bounded by Penn, Libotty and Hay each lot having .14 ft. front, and extending back 110: ft. Two of thorn are Corner-lots, and the position of the whole property Is one of the most ad vantageous in the city. For Bather information ap ply to M. SWARTZWELDER, Fourth at , - nov3-tf bet.-Wood and_Smithfield. Penusylvaxain-Rsitlrossd: • JT a meeting of the RoarcriifCsinmissionerti df the Pcimsyliania Radrixad-Cfompally, held at the office of .M'CandlessandM'Clifici on the 31st.of May, 1847, it was Resolved, That the Books of subscription, to the Stock of the Pennsylvania. Railroad Company be opened at the Monongahela House in this city,.on. Monday next, 7th June, hetwci3n the bolini or 9 .and 12, A. be continued fiom day to day 'Until the 10th inst. inclusive. . . Resolved, That public notice of the ; above,-.testi lotion be given in all the daily papers. jel-dtlGin THOS.BAKEIVELL, Ch>trt. Boole Just Received, Q . CHLEG EL'S Philosophy of:History ; 0' Schlegel's Dramatic Lit rature; Roitoe's Life of Leo X. 4 Roscoe's " Lorenzo de Medici; Cox's House of Austria;' Sismondi's Literature of Edrope; Reckman's History bf Inventions; Lanai's History of Painting' Robt. Hall's MiscellaneodeeWorks; Mahan's Intellectual Phileelelfhy; Michelet's Roman RepUbli4 - ', I Todd's Kirk White; 7 - , - Margaret Percival ; The Fairy Bower; for sale by.. 1 H. S. BOSWORTH & Co., n 7 No. 43 Market at Great Bargains in ttuecusware. HERE is now offered; at the Warehouse of T WALLIN4FORD & CO., tin the Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, the balance of the stock of an extensive Queensware slote front the east, consisting of flowing blue, white granite, blue print ed, and granite sprig Tea, Dinner, and Chamber sets, with an assortment of common ware suitable for country merchants. Also, some China and Britannia Teapots. The above goods must „be closed—those who'want to purchase, will herefore do wend call noon. For Coughs, Colds Al:!lima, and Cow-mutton! T"Egreat and only remedy for Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Commurnor, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, diacovcred by the celebrated Dr. Buchan,,of London, England, and introduced in to the United States under tho immediate superin tendance of the inventor. The extraordinary success of this niedieint; in the cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the Ivo= POSSIBLE CASES that can be found' in the community—cases that seek relief in vain from any of-the common remedies of - the day, and hate been given up by the most distinguished Physicians as Man - rinjinn AND DT; cunamr. 'The Hungarian Balsam has cured; end will cure the MOST DE..d.EitiVE or CASES. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine; of', known and established efficacy. Every family in the United States should be sup plied with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine in all cases of Colda,Cqughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain 1 1 jt the Side and Chest, Irritationand Soreness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty Aaf Breathing, :Hectic Fever,Night Sweats, Emaciation and tienerif bilityAstkita, Influenza, looping Cough and Croup. irr Sold in large bottles, at .S 1 per bottle.; with full directions for the restoration of Health :- Pamphlets, containing a Mass of. English sod meriean certificates, and other evidences, showing the unequalled merits of the great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratituously. DAVID P. BRADLEE, sole Agent for the United States, 119 Court street, Boston: T. IV. DYOTT & Suns, General WhOlesale Agents; No. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia. For Sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCILIt Co., corner of Wood and Front streets. ' May 7 Jonin J. ilittehei• ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT, LAW. Office on Smithfield street, a few doors above Diamond alley. N. B.—Collections made on moderate lento: 10y26 OHIO RIVER TELEORAUII, molt PITTSDPROH, CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. Subscribers to the Stock of the above Company, residing in or near this city, are requested to pay the following instal ments-to Joshua Hannah, Agent tot the Company, viz: 10 per cent. on or before the 15th June next. 20 cc " " cc cc cc let July c 4 Y 0 44. cc a co c< ,t la t h .13y order of the Company.? H. o , llFlLtiri Contractor for the continuation of saidl.ine. junel-d3l and on Jane 13 ; 14,15, .28,20; 30; and July 13, 14, and 15. qHM± 1 .'_;,... l Le F U S st T co . „, 411n :; ner cif Fah end Market ste.; : the only . inititUtion.in the city in which Gentlemen. tan aequire stich a know ledge of Flook•keeping as ccill enable them to apply it immediately to practice. Persons desiring it can have any number of references.. Several new' testi monials of the complete success of Pupils in iteain boat Book keepingi have been recently received; and may be inspected by visitors. Hours of business during summer 2.t0 4 and'l3 to 10 P, Dl. junei SPRING SUPPLY OF ROOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &a. VOLLANSBEF. & HAY WAIIVS new Boot, Shoe, r and Trunk Store, No. 186 Liberty at. nearly posite the head of Wood at.. - • • F. 4- H. have in store and are receiving their Spring and Summer supplies of Boots, Shoes, Paint Leaf Hats, Trunks, &e., §m. consisting of the largebt and hest assortment they have ever been 'able to bring to this market: Our Mock of Goods has most ly been manufactured 'to our order and expressly for the Pittsburgh Marker. We would solicit an examination of our stook by all in Want of goods in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as we shall sell at a: small mliance above coat. Prirchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine our stFoockubettliforseDpEuErclifinug.ntAlit, . No 186 Liberty at. Bolin Leaf 7 71liots. . • • ' ft o. '7' doz. Mords and Boys? Pahn Leaf fiats, re_ 9%." ceived and foesale'very low at FOLLANSBEE Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, NO. 180 $ Liberty st. nearly- opposite the head-of Wood at.-, apr3 , RIO E COFFE-313 Bags , super Rio Coffee, Suet received andloisale by - - • ;I >ll.4n' 4 ..A.ICKETSON> EDyvAul r. EL & A.H.011 Fire Erik,lue for Sole. 'Notice to Creditors. For SOO, Great Eng:tett lientedy UK; a7a , :CIZEV. AT). PAXIX•r#V!‘ 1847 it-tr D./Vl/ PAC, 3r,.E. 1841 - , THE Mail anti Tass4riger Steamer...lS": AAC NEV,ITON'i 'Copt: -.A: G. Meson, wdi runua regular : packet Iscroveen Pittsburgh and Cindiroali leaving Pittaburghovery Sunday at 10 01., The I . 4aac Newton 171," built this splin t axpreisly 'fin' the tratte;atd offers to passengers every cornfor% and Superior accommodations. febl3 lIONDAY PACKET I Theregalar mail and psssong er steatnet MONONGAREL4, Capt. Stone, will run as a regular Packet.between Pittsburgh and Cificin nati, leaving this port every Monday at 111,'A. M. # and Wheeling at 10, P..M. r the same day. Itettirn, ing, she will lesire Cincinnati every Thursday;al.lo,; A. 31, .For freight or pampa apply on beard. The Monongahela was built expressly, for this trade, and offers to the, passengers comfort, and•fin.. , perior s accommodation. mar 31- :1817.'.Tuesday Racket ! 11847 ,, The regular mail and Passenger steam- , Ift'er FfIBERNIA; No. 2, Capt.- J. Kuivc. - FELTERi will rut as a regular packet between Pitts. burgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuns, day at 10 A. M., and Wheeling. at 10 -P. - M. of the sameday} Returning, she will leave Cinpinnati ery Friday at 10 A. AI: For freight or passaged); ply on board 'ter The Hibernia No. 2, was built :expressly 'for the trade, and offers to the passengers every 'coma fort and superior accomniodations: -janl2, 1847- 18474 Wroth:l.oBday Packet, _ - 11347 . THE_NEW ENGLAND, No 2, eapi, S.- DEAN. will leave Pittsburgh every: kli nea ay.niorning at .10 o'clock, Wheeling every. Wednesday evening at IQ P.M.; and Ciacinnatl.eve-, ry Saturday at 10 o'clock, A. M. - feb2o 1647. THURSDAY *PAOICET. , THE WISCONSIN, CaFit.lt..l. GnACt, ' , Aril 1 - leave Pittsburgh_ every Thursday mar:nag:it lq o'clock; Wheeling every. Thursday evening at.lo P. and Cincinnati every Stinday at 10 ci , clock,'/i. AT. , febl9 SATURDAY PAcKET. l i t - - ' The regular mail and passengerstearner MESSENGER, Capt. Linford, will run as. . a rep as Picket between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port : every Setuida:y at 10, A. M., and , : Wheeling at 10, P.M., the same day: 'Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every -Tuesday, at : 10.._ o , clk A. M..- For freight or 'passage apply on board. _ The Messenger was built expressly for this trade, and oilers to her passengers every, comfort and ac- : . , commo&Stion. . . - - . ' ' mar 23 THURSDAY PACKET THE new U. &Mail stearner ACADIA, 1. E. Lucas; Master, will run as a regu. 11iiger packet between. Pittsburgli and the above pied during the season of 1846, leaving every Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M. The Acadia is new and has superior acconunods. dolt. For freight or passage apply on board,"or •to ia .9 J. NEWTON JONES - Agent • "- : - „Tr tu .Trot pctimatt ant! Loniss e. c The new and splendid passenger steam. er C 0 Ltl MEI A, 07Nr.u:, , Tilaster, will tea)* tbr the above and intermediate porter regular. Poi freight or passage apply on board, or to - el D. WILKINS, Agent. For Cinoihnati and St. Louis The passenger steamer' PALESTINF., Williamsovili leave far the above and, all intermediate ports regularly. For freight or passage apply on board Tuesday Evening Packet. - . The new and splendid passeriger,stemns • boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhees, • run as a regular packet •between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening at 3 chlock.• Returning she wit/ leave Cincinnati every Friday evening at 3 ,o , cloek. - . The. Declaration offers superior ,accornmodatilrEl to passengers. For freight or passage apT:Y on board.. , • - jei Vor ditre• „ The well known fast running iteamer ••-f•l''' • CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, will - ran as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn. ing at 10 o>clock - , and Wheeling, et : 10, P M , the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10, A, M. For height =or 'passage apply - on board, or. ttl FORSYTH & Co., Agents, - No. 30, Water street. ap 16 For Witecting.s-.Regular P4els.et,4 THE splendid light draught steatnet • DOMINION, S. Trven,:Master, will red as a regular. packet between Pittsburgh and Wheeh ing; leavingPhtshurgh fof Wheeling everylffoodnt. Wecleseday 'Eitel Friday, at 3 o'clock, P. and Teas?, ing Wheeling for Pittsburgh every Tuesday, 'Theis; darand Saturday, at 9 o'clodk, A. M. For freight or .assage a .1. on board. . noffrf. iVew 1100148,-Juit liecelvett- ME4IR ofth e Life ofthe Rev. Charles Sitnei , ° 11: 8 A.,tvith a Seledtion front his writings and correspondence : Edited -by the Rei..Williant Ca4s, M. A.; Fellow and. Senior Dean of,Trinity College, and Minister ofTrittity Chnreli, Cambridge; rho American edition,- edited by. the-Rt. Rev. Chas. P. hi'llvaine, Bishop of the Prot. EpisceparChtuch in the diocese of Ohio. • • . Ilistory of the Presbyterian Church in the State of' Kentucky ; with 'a preliminary /ketch of the Mitch. es in the valley of Virginia; by the Retr. Robert Da. vidson, D. D. . Essays; Theological and Miseellaneons, reprinted, from the Princeton Review, second series, incleding the contributicihs of the , late Rev: •Albettl3. Dodd,' Ale:lander on Isaiah, two vols.; first On the earli er proacies ; 'second on the latter prophesies„sold separately. ' A choice system eri - heology, on the basin et thtt ShOiter Catechism,• by Alexander' Smith Patterson; M. A., author of a "History of the Church," with an introduction, by Duncan M*Farlatnis D. D.; from the fourth Edinburgh edified: • I ' - Memoir of Miss Mary Jand Graham i by the Ravi Charles 13ridgea, M. A. I The above; with a genefial supply of works in all deparunents ofliterature, fOr sale by' - • ELLIOTT & EV/GLIM:If 355 . Market st., bet gd .d Fourth atei• A Fresh Arrival Ne/sr tiooits: . T M0R51.7. 7 5; 85_ Fonrth streei. °mom' a Narrative of Adventures in the South Sea- by'Herman Melville; author Of Typee. . - Typee: a Peep at Polynesian Life; by 11. Melville, Zaneni; by Sir E. L. Btilwer, author or" Night and Morning o 4, Rienzi,' 4 g pellianip etc. New supply. ' • • - • • A Year of BonsoLitiOn;. by Mrs. Butler, (late Fan 3 ny Kemble.) ' • ReniarkablE events in the'Anierican History; by 3. Frost, L. L. D. • :. The Irish Sketch Book; by M. A.:Fitmarsh, nutlet of Yellowplusb Correspandence,eic. Mexico as it was and u it, is; by Brantz Mayer, The Beautiful Widow: - a novel; by. T. S. Arthur, anthor - of , ‘Sweethearts and. Wives," etc: , LittelPs Living Age,N0.166, Mind, among the Spindles. Murry , s Museum fOrJunii, . • -`Float's Merchant's Magatine ibr June. Horticulturist for June: Just-received'and fhf sale at MORSE'S Literary Depot, 85 Fourth areet. • jell/ A New 'Variety Atore. . subscriber has °petted a new Variety and Faucystqte,-ou the earner of Peen and St.. streets, 'opposite the Exeliaugetintel: may2t3.4121n . 3.A.MES CAVANAGH.. _ . ~ohid'kt! . . . • (Late of the firm elf elfitiolmi Leech 4- C 0.,)" X‘THOLESALE GROCER; Commission'and Floor V V Merchant; dealer in all kinds ef Country Pro duce, c:oppei, tin, tin plates, tinnerso. toots, nine, lead, Russia sheet iron, .won 'and nails, white lead; dye stufs, cotton yarns, salts &c., and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, corner of Liberty and li, win streets, PittsbUrgh; Pa. Liberal advances, in Cash or Goode, made,on consignments of Produce, &c.....- . • . maylB-tf ! Shafficestiear'Gardemz. THIS beautiful place of resort having been:greatly repaired, the proprietor is now ready to receive. nuaitur,ats, lay the day, week, or, inont.h. His. ac, compodations ate good, and hinpaoes- arvirm: xn • 4--tf S;ISteCL.F.L4AND, ur.wai R'CULLGUGR erg.: .'...... :Joh& Dino': & co., • . • • :urtgor..r.sALE Grocers, Produce and Cantata, '' . .vv.. ition.ilderehants, and dealers in . Pittaborgt maiiirsattrea:, Nol6B tiborty street, appoints 6 th , , • , Pittatittriti. . . ' ma-"; .. §:r Libel-4 adtanoss made on consign...7o.4y:. Painting. _ . _ aot.sz aid SIGN PAANVIRG.and . of all kinds, Gra;uung Oak, MahOgany,Satin; Rase arid hlaple. Itpitationic.r all kinds* , Marble:. Oiderilett at the sbo . p. Orthe Geld.atteet, the Pitt.shntgh , Foundiyioi-Oyf t . Federal 'street, opposite Btackstech7oyactrityi , 4lle... gbeoy tity,, will: be dese, at erge#,,,tvitois sf rig.!,,, , ir the Ehortest aatia. • • op. Wita! MISSEII,PITV . . je9, sorra BL.A.CII. ME