The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 11, 1847, Image 4

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ainitspoit at tiiit
'Pittbborgil Portable lloat blue'
- . 1 4 • ' 1
4 eal, 1847
FOR the transportation of fleight bet Wee n, Pitts
hurgh and the Atlantic titres, avoiding tranship
tnents on the way, and the consequent risk of tiolah,
damage, breakage and nepeTauoa of geed?.
Ileannrnan CIOII, ViS Market Bt., Philadelphia.
l'aitre.V. Veer:eon, .e.or Penn and Wayno ats.,
Pittsbuigh., -• L I
ENTSt ,"
o , Ceurrross'fir. ' CoNor th ' street, ' "-
. Co, Baltimore..
W."fir:St. T;'T 'l5 South street, New Yorli ; increased business, the ' n x - p?.pr .
tors have added to :and extended the i r. arrange
menti, Amin' thoydat&r, and are nOW prepare& to
forward freight with regularity 'and. dispatch, unser.;
passed by any other Lille. ' Thifirleng esporience as
Catie - rs',lh'd.palliahleefipertority of Ulf/ Portiable Boat
systeit;-tind"the' great' capacity and'. convenience'. of
tho Warehouses at eaali end of theTind; are peculi
, to' criatile the-,Proprietors to fulfil
their eiigagemeats ii:ed'..accoiniutidfitia their custom
era, and confidently offeiik the ',jest Os 'a guarantee
fcir the - futnre, they respectfully. selielt a continuance
of that patronage, which thex. now grat.efifilY,
nowledge. ' ' = '
All,coasiga tiertato Tatiffd Q , Connolwill tid re
ceiriod 'Sad aireib.rded,Stisins Nat `charges aid, - and'
Bills or Lididg-tra:Osnut_fed . free of 'any, chafge for
Cd'iiii6isliMi;tidfidchig or Storage. Having pointei'-,
- est directly pr indixectly:in Steam Boats him interest
of the Oansigifirniptist . neeessatiikbe'their primary
dkeetta'shipnint West; andibey pledge: l theresefies
toSOYsl*lP)Goode-consigned ; to iheM:RF O 74 . MY ,
and on the most advantageous tereati,M,thoowiiers.
. ,
- Ptolksvprmes vri3tsyt: WSW*
- v xmusw-grx. fat; the transportation of way .
,fretht bstwennPittsburgh, - ,Blnirmlie., Johns
town; H o lliday fillaigli;Kater Street, Oral all ini.eznio'
diato ' '` -
OneitdatlaCas tbrirehouse of C.
ty Coy; Pittsburgh,ovary day (nlcoptundp.y . ikand
Shippers can; always depend otilinvini'thelt goods
forwarded without delay. and at faitlates. , '
Thie.Litiw`wasf Toriaw.r.for. the- Spenial acconinoo
datiodOf the way business, and the pioprietors
speetTolly - iolicit a Idieral.share,ofpatconage. -
. ,
•,.:. 1 1 f :.,
.Toitii•Picx - worati, , soin4-311LLER., ',.,-,
, ...,.,..:,-i , .... 351'LLIAlti . 11.TJ..TY: - 1 , :
301:114.MILLi1R3 - 11.Q1lidipstr*Iv. -. ...,-,---
- 7 :: •
R. 11. CANAN,'Jcitinstoira: ,:, - Agerte.,I'r.ANULTY ti.,Co.,Pittt 4 ah.
7.7. ilotieritt, JohilParker,,•ll,ober,gqore;l3o.
Icy 4 , -Satith; Pittatiugh. :.-,... ;%. , , .. marS
Isiddliandeat.Portalale , Stmt. .Ltlne,,
- _
GciOds .cansigaed :care be.,forwarded
xrithout doiay,. aV tee loWest ourre atiatero le of
Lading transmitted; and all instrucdo43 promptly at-
teudea to, free !radii any extra chargd fur storage or
commission.: 'Address, or apply to •
C. 'A. :VGA:MiI:I7r & CO.;
• ' Canal Baslif Pittsburgh.
- .
a..Fgry . tutil,F,qmplodi6us.warchopsp,
wa'arg..Trepa.r;ed. Fecniva ,
to freight for
A large amount of Produce . ; &a., on Star=
:ad at lo)v rates.- . - -
.8113_14 41 tr‘ 6EI SITS:
• - -1847'
r ;Dl.onuu'gu'bdlo'lCoute,
• , •
- -
Tinto' ...... :472 hours.
Time to Thnailelpliia .. . .' . . : 40 : hours.
Jo - m:O3 srtsoi - 4 - 4-1- •'
• •
r unt gpleridid and 'fast running steamers Coniul,
Louis,lSPLane and Swatata,..have commenced
snaking-doable daily ttips. One s hoat: will leave the
MouougahelaWliarf cycry morning Precisely at 8 SS , :
cloile2''Passfingeta by-the utori
nno,,fine will arrive
in Baltimore' next evening in tints for the Philedel;
phia Mail Boats - or zarsql: The evening
Boat Will leave the Wharf daily of 4l:e>clock; except
Sundays. - 'Pessetigers boat will lodge on
hoard,-in comfortable`state reocris Leave Browns
ville next morning, at.fs o'clock; cross the mountains'
in day,light3..sip And ledge in Ceniberland. Thus
avoiding mighttravel pltpge,ther. ,Tha preparationsl
on this-reura, are ample, and.: the nennecnon com
plete; so that = ditsappoinfthents or delayfilvill be tin;
known upon' it:.:.'' • - - -
Passengers can atop on the route and resume.thcir
seats again at.pi calm e, aad have chtsica r Rail Road
or Spatribbat between Baltimore end
Coachea.Chartered to patties to travel as' they 416-
itiaketi at oind - Mon,oriiaheya
Ilouse t ors sj,..CharkeOlotel. ;„; ' ,• • ,• •
Intik .,
..Tiix.nsportation Line,
' ;
c 1846,
, ,
ClOisiftllCTED. , ott' strict Sabbatlf 7 keeping pried
theugh not cl•aimingto be the only line that
thicondlicted.' Tho preprietors this old estab
lished line-take their stockrin'the most complete
order, and are titoroughly preps:red to forward pto-,
duce and xnerchatlize to and from the Eastern cities
on the w oPettittg of'oavia non„
We trust th - Xt_Coir joUg experience in the ce.
liuMnossioand,scelitus.attention to,the,int.erestsoleu,i.
tomers, will secure to us.s...coMint4nenzind increase
' - of the.patat.nage.herejefoiebestoweil en 6 131 - fighU'ui , s
,• •
filtu-- -- arrm,igetnenti will enable us to carry' freight
Witli;the - AttMese.'ile,spitcli; etid••otiVpfice's shall ah
wayslA'S:tithe lowest charged bye ;other respou - Sible•
lines - . • •
-Krs'auc llactxterehabilize will bgreceived,andfOr
• :Waided:caSkeed'‘':est 'Without Sny'ehirgerur ad ver
iteiae in
Coinission. '•••1
• Dills of lading - • 're:Voided. ; and , every direction
proitiP,tly . ttended to. •., •11: • : • : •
Addreisor epply W.1:11
- Catialßasirtcer..Liberty and Wayne sts., Plttab'g,
• No' 270 Ttlfe.iiet si Philadelphia.
" - • ' • 'JAMES iibIJLON,-Agent;
'No 12E'-North 1-IO*MP et., ilalumine,r.
•'• NVILLIAM TYSON,-Agent, •
NO.IO Wes,tst:, New 'York:
, .
- - -
Joists lq.-ToitrMannar
IDittadlST ANP, APOTAECAIiY; No: 45, Mar
_ ket street, thrfie doors above• Third street"; Pitts
burgkl3erill'hhvo constantly. on hand a wellßdlected
assortment of theanst andtreshestiSfedicines, which
-tteLWilrecil on rthe most reasonable terms.:
-ciims sending orders; will be promptly ?tseedea, Co,
Acid supplied 0 /9": -17114 T': - F el Y''1'i loa. as
Phyiicipas , prescriptions hill be aecnrately an'd
,neatly prepared, (rep thq„laest...ntitarials,at any . hotir
gale, a large stock', of treib and good
•• • -, dvn 204
ntenry. Ilklarn _
, .
,tl'(successor te'_LeiVriets - Williams.) • Office at
tiamild'lttalsd,Tourthsstreetrabeye Smithfield .
. .
lq/E:bAftTNAßSfirg4cii'tofplli existingbotw Oen
/Aqikr.YAV--Wiliin*._.24ll;,:llll,l'..4oif; ,tl;e.PraP
-I..tigolor,4liLe lsor, , :was-aisso4vid: pautuplZoUsent.• on
2¢t1.1 ult., and therbiisinetv wjllleretiftet be coil
!: must chee;r
-7(nlVx.OccallmOncl for whom rfittid
s tiie hOilor
, do ImininenN gentleman everpway
tat* coofkdtuce.,
daylB-ly f-..:Vir-ALTF.11:11" LONVIIIY.;
Stiel and . Pile nanotact
Z.s.ttbieriberi haviei enlarged their establish.
meat for the itiantifactlire of Steel and riles
otithe corner of O'Hara and Liberty, strets, Fißh
Wara,Pittsburgh ,are prepaied to faritidi" files of
or.ever] deseiiptieu, the best eitialify and - beiadt,le
tertamedlo make it the:interest of consumers to par
thaiLMfil es froth thent-r:resieetthliy invite the patron
-4.e of all Ivho , • •
mirl6l . 3'. AIsOCRIBI' & CO. '
linnllag and ..Elshing.
CCOUTREMENTSA , of eve4.description onlarid
11: and cotataitly4iceiving fresh supplies. Guns,
.Pistials;•Poivilei; Shot, Flasks dielts,^Gune , Bags,
Drinki t og.:Cupa,-46 .! ,,tic• ': Fis hi ng - Takk:7,i7i large
did complete assortniCrt,:foriliolCkle di retail,
consisting iripart of .Tdiuted andd - Cana Hodi Hdoks
orevery vaiiety;Sllk,GiaiscLitken,Cotton.44 Troup
•„Liies, Swivels, Snoods; Floati;Siakers,
mal7 j JOHN W. BLAIR 120 Wood st.
• -
`7", '
.:.:'_., - gtiOlit..4.itt'ci.ti:jilgo..l -''''','
r;t l Ha subscribers are -prepared to •faro:aid money,
to All `parte of En& nd lioland,Seethuid. and
Witles, - Nritli despatch, and at the lotiestrates.....• -7 .
. -No. 14.2,.
•Tsipsecttt , ti.Geksestal_ *stiterat.tenk Office.
REMITT ACES and` pgssag to ~i t•
and , from,GJICAT •BIUTAIN /1,14 P •
. Uzistint by-W. &J.T.Tapacott - •
75 South. streeticorner efhlanien Lane, Neiv
and•••o6.,Waterleo road Liverpool. .• •
Thelsubseribers haYiPg teCOP•teil the aSP 91
the abbr . ° house, ale now prepared to Makearrangc-S., '
menu, upon the, most liberal terms with thtide-dem
rtius of paying the passage Of, their-friendo from the
old:Conntry; and flatter tkemeselves their character' .
and long standing in - hairiness'-wilt give ample as
surance that all-their' arrangements mill 'lie - carried
out faithfully. ; • -- -- • • • ;
_ Messrs. W. &J. T. Tapseott,nre long and favora
bly known for-the • - supertor. class, necanunodation
nil sailing qualities of .their Padket Ships..., The
ERPOOL, and SIDDONS, wo of which leave each
Port monthly, from New York- the 2lst and f lkth and 1
from Liverpool the:6thand,l I th.,in additioti to which
they have arrangements •with the St. George • and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure:a depar
tare from Liverpool, every'fiv edays being.thus deter
Mined, their facilities shall keep pace. with theirin-1
Inressingiatibriage - ,while - bir.W.Tapscolt 7 S'conatant
personal- ectielintendance of the business in Liver
peel is an additional security tlukt the coMfOrt and
acecomiiiodatichi'of the - passengers will be-particu
larly attended to. • •:q
The Subscribers - being usual) extensively - mtge.,
ged in the Transportation ldusinessbetWebtiVittsburg ,
and I,hecAtlantic Cities - . are thereby r .ellabled to take
charge , ofand' forward, passengers iminediately on
their laeding - , Without archarkee of disappointment or
delay, and,re therefore prepared tit •contractfor pas
sage froManyL sea port in Great - Britain or Iteland•to
:this City; fie nature of the linginent they art engaged
-in gi,ing thern.-•faiilitiee carrying passengers so
far inland•not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ne
cessary,) forward,_,passengers farther . West., by the
best mode:or oonyoyax ! co without any additional
charges for their trouble. ' 'White _pOrsonsient' for
decline miming out, thOinnount paid forpassage will
bb retuitled-in full.
The subscribers d-re also prepared to give3lrafts at
sight, for any amount payable at the principal Cities
and Towns - in—England,.. , _ Ireland, Scotland and
Wales; thlis affording a safe and expeditious Ert'ode of
Remitting fundetto those t.ountries,.‘vhich_persons
equiringauch facilities, will find it their interest
avail themselves of.
Application {if by letter postpaid) will he prompt
iy attended to.
Forwarding and Conuriiiision AlirCkrants,
mar27dfawy. . 1 • , . Pittaborgh, Pa.
. _
The Three Big Boors,rs.; The Western
• World 111
llaoAlt made and ready to. be offered on-the most
IN liberal tern's - to - toy old customers and the pub.;
bigeneral: Thei-Proprietor of this far thmed and
extensive establishment has noiv, after returning
fro nt the Eastern cities, at much trouble sell exp e.n se,
iusteompletedliiir tall and winter arrangements to
thensflOdia with -olio of- the
most desirable stocks of Cliithifigithat has; ever. been
ei any other market West of the mourn-
Fiarteain ivorkmatiship, com
liine-rd-with.-the'very low" price which they - wilLbe
sold* for; must certainly render ;the - old 'unrivalled
Three Big Doors one of the greatest attractions to
the_ vestern. eiinti-Y.' It- is' gratifying to me to be
able-to Mineutice to nay nerriercius friends at home,
and abroad; that notwithstanding the extraordinary
efforts Which I have Madeto meet the many calls in
my line,itis with difficulty I can keep time with the
constanttiiilf that is made On.thfs popular establish
' thent.• leis a Well established fait, that my sales are
eighter ten times larger. thau any' other house in the
trade, and this-being thecase on the amount sold, I
can afford to sell af 'Rua les.s profit than Others could
possibly think of doing if they . wlstied to 'cover con
tingetit expenses.. - I intend" to male a clean sweep
of all.mytaresent Stock before the beginning of next
year; Coining' to this conclusion: T. will make it the
interestof every tain,, who xvints a cheap %%Inter
suit; tO - call and purchase at the Three Dig Doors.
A WESTERVELT, tho old and well known
Venitian Blind -Maker, formerly Second
and Fourth' tits., takes this method to inform his many
friends of the tact that his Factory is now in full op.
eration- rin 'St. Clair st., near. the old Allegheny
Bridge, where a constant supply'of Blinds of various
colors and-qualities, is constantly kept on hand and
at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers.
N. IL ,11: required, Blinds wall be put, up so, that
in case of alarm by fire,-or othesivise, they May be,
removed without the aid of a screw-driyer,and 'with
the same facilify • that any other piece of furniture
can be removed,. and vithOut any extra expense. ;
ESPECTFULLY asks patronage of hie
friends.- He.feels -warranted that he can give
satisfaction to all who may purchase of him. His
establisruuent is on - WKelvy'S plan of Lots, Gth
' - moat-1y '
-httrh I'VaFil 14vcry StalAe.
TII E subscriber , , bought out tar well
Al knoWri Livery'Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in
the Fifth - Ward, respectfully informs his friend' and
tit° ptiblid generally, that he will keep at all times:a
steels' or the-ibest description of-riding horses, bug
carriages of all kinds, and-in-short everything
required in hislifie'erbuSincsic - - -•-- •L •
JVCtixiiiderableportion hii - stock innew, and he
is cotificlint ifo' stock in -the - city will be - sapetiot to
hie. , • e.t., .
His terms will be moderate. ;His stable is on Lib
erty at., , a few doors - atio - ve the canalbridge, where
lie respectfully' soliCits share of public patronage.
He In proirded with 'an elegant
which will" be fdrnislied when required...oct2s-tt
T ATING sold .out my establishment to Doctor
ILL AYalit.m F. Irwin,
_I cheerfully. recommend
all my conker Trien . 4B an cn§tdrtters
Thu undersigned having .bonght.out ..the store, of
Edgar-Thorn, cornet -of _Penn and Hand streets, so
licits-a tante of the drug and medi'cirie custom of thn
eity.anct surrounding country. A general assortment
of all:the most,valuable Zltedicines,.PerfOrnery,
-Sottpi,.Fancy Articles,,Bruslies and Cornba,
waymbe, kop on hand.- Physician'a prescriptions ac
curately compounded.. ,Thestorc will be open at all
hours -orate day-and night, }ti }LLIAM
F. .
cornesof Pena and .11 anti sta.
YOT./.6 ‘4l 7 Vo'd Stitet • Pittibili•i h.
CIONTINUES ter fransice , a general' Qomtnission
business especially in the..purchases - kind sale of
America inannfactures end 'produce; in receiv
ing and forward ing Goods c9nsigned tti his care. As
'agent: for ' the - mail tifacturers he -will be' tionstantly
supplied ';with the 'principal articles et Pittsburgh
inanufacture'at'the:lewest whclesalep iCes•
Oiders and consi.nrnents arc respectthl tx solicited.
B - '41 , 1: : WHITE has received -at his large,
establishment; tonting-mi Liberty and girth
streets, a splendid assortment of 'f WEEIISL for
summer; also ; a superior lot.. of French Satin VES
TINGS, all of which he is ; Flake up in
thelatest fashion and .the most reasonable: terms
ns 'usual Observe corner, No 167 Liherty,
'and• :streets. . •
rnyl4 S. M. WHITE, Tai/or, - Proprietor.
- -
uctioNALD ; 13E11 and Broil
,Eounder,'.First street r near.Atarket, is
•:. :prepared to make Brass Castingsand
r• .11rass -works generollk on 'the most
reasonable'.terms'and shortest notice.
- invites - m'achinists'and nil thhCp
using; brass *Prks , to give hira call; as he /4 d a''do' , 411,1Kork,d):t his hne rely lo«
. 2:7-13:: -; - .• • • ;-., -
BODES 18: ALCORN, ( late ' or:New York' , city,)
No. 27; Piith St.; - betvieen Woord'and Market,
Manifliettireriftif z . Blutard, Ground Spices; . Cats . ups,.
&c., &c., will opeirdisruig.the present . weer. a.targe
4Sortinent of articles in theitline; .which they will
'WhoteSole in quantities to 'suit "dealers; at Eastern
WhOlesate prices. All articles sold by theinWarran
ted.: Merchants intending to go east .would do 'well
to chll:ll*.re leaving the - city.- they iiiarhe found
at thiir Warehouse, No. 27, Fitthit:;iillyan,dbuilll
tag. sop 7
Venttlau 131 Int i.
Arvin's D-rug.ptore.
George CoChrian,
bo Beat,l
1 - -
, .
Jipt,aance,... : ,4o,;nvinito': - I'
.014-e nxid - Mirpie Tissitraktee - . -
. „
MBE Insurane'e Company; of worth America, of
Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Aieut,
the subscriher, offers to ruakepertrianent and limited
Insurance 'on property; in-this city hnd
and on shipinents by, the canal rivers. .
Atthur.G; COB% Pres , t.,Sainno Brooks,
' Alex. Henry,, , , Charles. aylor t
Samuel W. Jones, ;Samuel W. Smith,
Edviard'Smith; . Ambrose White,
John -- .C - Broirn; , ' Jacob , M. Thomas, -
John White, •-• John:lL-Neff, -- •
Thomas P. Cope,l_ 'Richard-D. Wood, .
Wm. Welsh, '. Henry . D.sll - errard,Seey.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni
ted States, having been chartered .in 1794. Its char
ter is perpetual, and from its high' standing; long
experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of
an extra hazardous character, it may considered
as offering ample security to the •
At Counting Room of : o . .twood,,Jones & co., WEL
er and Front atreeta,titte rgh.,. oct23-y.
The Franklin Flrel Insurance Company
CIIARTER PEhPETUAL. .s4.oo,9DBpild'in of
.ficee I64Chesnutrit.;,, nortbrible, pear Fifth.—
Take Insurance, either permanent hi-Thrilled, against
loss or damage Wfire, prOpe - rty i Ad'efects of
every description, in town. or 'country, on the most
reasonable terms. Applications;• made: either per
sonally or by letters, willbe promptly.attended to.
_ . - - C..N..DANCEED,Prest.
C. G. Drammen, seek—, 4 4
Charles N. Banckeic - .Jacob P. Smith,
Thomas Hart, George W. Richards,.
' Thos..T.•Wharton, hicirdecar U.' Lewis,
Tobiak Wagner, • . • Adolphi E. Borie,
• Samuel Grant, David S. Orooto.
Weraucn MARTIN, Agent, itt the Eichange Office
of Warrick Martin,* Co., corner of Third and Mar
ket streets.
Fire. risks taken oh buildings and their contents
:in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and-the Sul-mending coun
try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken.
New York. . •
, .
rp HIS well known and respectable companyispre
paredthrough their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to
make insurance of every kind connected
,with risks
of transportation and inland navigation; to insure
against loss or damage by fire, DWelling Houses,
Warehouses Buildings in general - , Goods, Wares,
and Merchandise; and everydeseription of personal
propertron the most favorable, terms. •
Applications - for Insurance atteudcato without de ?
lay at the - office, No. 31 Water:And 62Tront sta., by .
At an Election held tat'theoffiee •in NI - Y..':hlay
2th, the following named geritlernen were chosen
ihrectora of ilia -Company, for the ensititig year,
Joseph W.Sairage, Stephen Holt, •
John Browner, John Mc-Chain,
William G. Ward, :Wei. W. Campbell,
John Newhouse, Jacob - Miller,
William S. Slocum; Marcua Spring,
John I.llitankie, ' -Joseph . S. Lake,
John J. Herrick. • • ' -
And at a subsequent meeting of the Board, JO
SEPH W, SAVAGE, Esq., was unanimously re-elec
ted President fur the ensuing year.
I !IS El'Ut• C.
Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 500,-
000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut
street—Wm. Datidson, Preii't; Frederick .Fraley,
Seey. This old and well established Company con
tinues to insure Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture,
and Property, not of an extra hazardous character,
against loss or &Linage by Fire.
Applications fur Insurances in Pittsburgh .and its
neighborhood will be received, and risks taken
either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora
ble terms, by GEO- COCHRAN, Agent,
dec 24 No. 26, Wood street.
Agents at Pittsburgh, for the, Delaware Mutual
• „tpfety Insurance Onnpany of Philadelphia.
IRE RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandize of
every description and Alarthe Risks upon hulls
or cargoes of vcssels,iaken upon the most favorable
terms. •
Office at the warehouSe of King & Holmes, on
Water et., ucar Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and
patnina6 of their friends and community at large to
the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as .an insti
tution aranng Ole . most flourishing in Philadelphia—
as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper
ation °lilts. charier, is constantly. jucreasing—as
yielding te each' irersoniusured his disc share of the
profits of the Company, ",withont involving him in
any, responsibility! whatever, beyond die premium
actually paid in by! him; and therefore as possessing
the Mutualprinciple' divested of every obnoxious
feature, and in its Most attractive form. nov 1-tf
AgeneY of the',Pranhlin' Vire Insurance
Company of Philadelphia.
IV . E. corner of Third and , Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
limp: wets of the company on the first of denim"-
j_ ry, 1845, di published in conformity with an act
of the-PMansylvania'Legislature, were
Bonds and Mortgages, $000,615 93
Real Estate, at cost, . 100,967. 77
Temporary Loans, Stocks e and Cash,... 207,499 72
, .. . . •
Making a total of 809,683 42
Afrondin;, certain assurance that all losses will be
promptly met, antl„gtving entire security to all 1V•ho
obtain pcilicies from this Company. Risks taken at
as low rates as are consistent with , seattrit. -
'net 8 • ' . ' WARRICK. MAII.TIN, Agent.
. .
rtJ4T,,rgrctred atthe.itooiletore:nr,ilie abbseriber
111 in rn.t, Arcot, near Martet • "
Aftzteria, Afedicn, pyia, by'Srri
aue ITahneman,
transtati 4 .tf and edited by Charles Juliniliemp - 61,11.
- Hartman's Acute - diseases, by . iempel, vat,
Ilotuceopathic omestie'l,letheine, by- Lowne,
enlargechand impiesed, by A. ; M. D.
labr's New hlattual, v01.,1.N0; .1 and
ileting's Domestie.Physician,.
Manual ,of Domestic pooltery,fer - Oe Ilse et per
sonswhe are under, lioincenitatiiietreatnient.'
Bohainilidasen , s Therapmtie Pocket' for
honuepaibists, by Dr. aie. I
Aahnernan's , Chronie Diseases, rol 5. '
Together With - Medicine -Chests at r different sizes
and prices. (apl6) .---;• VICTOR,SC.II.IDit,..
TO / ARMS} TO At tMS '
TIIREiTEN'Eb Invasion-of Western
Pennayli , ania by Col. SWifi„Vvitli 16,000,
teen, notwithstanding which, J. M. White will con
tinue to-sell Clothing-cheaper thadany bas heretofore.
been offered in "the Western- country, haying the.
largest establishment in the city,.ft outing on Liberty
and Sixth-sia.-: Re is- now prepared to show,tolaitt
numerous patrons the greatest , variety of
cassimeres, vestinis,oriel elOthing cif all deeMiptions,
tigitable ,for the - approaching , season, that lies ever
been offered in this Market, to; ivhicli Oil can have
the Right of Way:' Obiderve the -dirtier, 'No. 167,
Liberty and Bath tits. J. NJ - WHITE,- Tailer,-!
• niar2s • ' - 1. . :±L Proprietor:
A.•, , r AN 9,AR,S
MHE subscriber would inform his customers and
, L.L. 'the publi4 that he has Iseceived direct frau)
New Turk; the latest and' most - approved .style of
Hats and Caps thupring and' summer vcear. ,He
is also daily-manufacturing-Hats . and Caps , af,all
descriptions, and be'pledges,himself tp furnish his
i'ustomers with an article, that, - for neatness, dura
bility:and cheapness - -cannot: be S•urpasSed.
Western Merchants are iayited .to call,and ex
' amities ilia stock„aEi he feels.confident o'f.beiag,able
to pleaSe bothin quality:and , .
. • • G. W:GLASSGOW, 102,
, Third door beloic , Davis' dom. Auction;Rooms.
- N...13:--Tersons preferring a:,Pittsburgh manufac
tared Hrit to Eastern:Hats swith.Tittsburgh names
nidy.rely on gettieg , the same , by'callingas above.
lriar6.d3nr G. W. G,'
T ADIES ANTOOKNTLVIIK. , .who esign par.
chaking Vanitian 'Blinds, or wish to get their old
Blinds ken °Wed and :made' better than - when , new,
will please take notice that'Andrew White is now
permanently Situated .on the :cornerefiWood and
4th-sta.' - Show room on the second floopofgr. Ken=
.nedy's splendid. Looking,Class and, variety store;
entrance on 4th st. All orders, thankfully received
and ptonipily attended' to.' 'Pleage aed see'be.-
f:are pni:chasing elsewhere. - marl 3;
- - -
r. 20 kigsliliiinkbacba; I
- ' 's"‘"LatiiearVivist, UN' • •
10 '' 'Va.
ICavvd - , le , Lttrii,d'ot .
store and for sale by J. & J. M , DEVITT,
Inap 20 .222 Liberty et.
s~-:: ~~
0 tii k ; steri , and Atilat.a •
obirpottNic! SYR TP dF witn
--- - .
Vie Origiiia/ .
• ' Spitting Mobil,. DitE.C.itity of 13reathilig,
Pain in the' Silo and Breast,' Pal:.
illation. Of the'llearti - fau ,- - •
- .enzii;Cioup,broken con-;
•: stitution,Sore;Thr,oati; ; •
• • : -.Nervous ;Debility, }
• .01
13ieist, aiarLinigsi the: thoit - effectual and'
speedy cure ever known for any of
the above diseases is
Plin.Anntritik, January 2.) 1847
Dr. Suscry'rro—' -Dear Slit 'ln justice le yourself and
a duty Voixe to:suffering hemanity, I Cheerfully give
my testimony, and declare to the world the most
astoniishlng'efectsoted: the :great curer: your-. com
t:OUND SYRUP OF WILD:GIiERRY: pertermed,on
me, under the most ,unfavoralrlo. circumstances. I
Was taken with a violent liegh,:Spitting Blood,. se-
Nero Pains in the' Sidi - o.da.Breasi, which seemed to
break dims and'enfeeble my:constitution se;that My,
physician thoughtmy cue beyond the power of med
icine_and Any .friends ..alXllLeve. me pp to .dier but
thanks t o you and thoeffecp, alp tir great discovery,
I now feet myself a well y man, and rained trnal
mere 'atereten'to as fleshy healthY:a. nian asol
haVti hoea'foryears'', :and' shall' be 'pleased - to give
any. information respecting my 'Case,' bY "Call Mg at
my residente; Mechanic street,' 'third door•het oiv
Geoid° 'atreet, Northern Liberties. •?r_: - -.•
CCrThe only safeguard against imposition is to see
that rey signature is on each bottle.
Corder of EIGHTH and:RACE eta. Philade
ly cured by Litt. WAYNE'S COMPOUND STRATI'
(IF WILD CHERRY, after at', other: . remedies had
DR. SWATNE: This may certify ihat eleveri yeari
ago last Fall, ; was troubled with the Plithise 'which
increased upon the in defiance of all the remedies
could hear 'of, uittil the year 1539 . >4o,v:hen I was
obliged to leave my Native NewiEngland, for a mild.
er clime, which had the effect:to mitigate my sulier r
ings for three or Jour years, alter whiCh the disease
increased until last winter,. my sufferings were
tense, almost beyond enduranee,heing obliged to
Set up night after 'night, front inability to sleep in
bed. Last Fall I feltthesymptoms earlier than usu'
al in the season-, butilicaring that Di. SwAsnr. , i
•eign remedy for Diseasessqf tfm Lungs, liminediately
commenced its use, and the result was almost int,.
mediate relief. For the last six weeks I have not
felt the least symptoms of the Asthma, and feel con
fident.that lam well of it, and that I, have been cured
by the above named medicine.
Yours respectfully, J . W. kNIGIIT.,
Walnut itinet between and
But beware the base impostors who woulddeieciate
this tree,
By their Paragoric cures and rhyming ribaldry; •
Beware of him mini buys the right to tamper with
your health; •
Who adds "Wild Cherry" to his treachery
- and stealth;-
i Who bottles Paragoric, and then calls it, through
The "Balsam of Wild Cherry!" Oh! beivare of such
a cheat!
If you would shiin this venal craft, be healthy and be
Take "Dr. Swayne's Wild Cherry," the original
Read the most remarkable cure *ever recorded!
Dr. Ste,ayne—Dear Sir: I feel efdled by sense of
duty suffering humanity, to acknowledge
my grateful thanks for the wonderful effects of your
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry on me, atter suffer
ing month after month with the most afflicting of all
diseases, Consumption. The first syrriptoms were
ota vory.heavy cold which settled on my lungs,
which gradually' grew worse, with profuse night
sweats, a hacking cough, spitting blood, with great
debility: 'Myconstitution seemed broken down,antl.
nervous system, 'very much impaired. I west to
Philadelphia, was treated there by physicians of the
highest standing, but received no benefit whatever
from them, but gradually•grew. worse, until my phy
sicians, as well as tny , self, gave , up all hopes of re
covery and I felt Itho one who is abOut to pass
throdgh the Valley of the :shadow 'on)eatli. At this
"awful juncture" I heard of your Compound Svrtip
of - Wild Cherry', of whieli I perehased sia botlles,
which I aril happy to• say - entirely - cured me, and
am now enjoying better licalthAhan lever:have be
fore in my life. - ,Physicians who witnessed my case
are highly recommending it in similar Cat'eSs • WWI /
wish you to make this public,- so that all taliv know
where to procure a remedy at once which will reach
theii disease before tanipering with the - many "quack
nostrums" with which•the'country is floated. My
residence is at 4;1. Ann street, where I should be
happy to have the abovasubstantiated by a psrsonal
interview. ALIIEIiT A, ItOSS;
Wholesale and Itetail Dealer in
• Cigars,,4.l Atm street, N.Y.
Be not deceived by the many spurious and worth
less preparations of W.ild Cherry, ushered into notice
by ignorant pretenders, but see that the signature of
Dr. Swayne is on each bottle,which is the only guar
antee against inapositioi. '
Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE, N. W. corner of
Eighth and Dace, streets, Philadelphia ' and, for sale
by respectable Druggists in nearly all the prihcipal
towns in the United States.
Vde sale Befall, lig TliOrtN,
53 Market street; L, JONES, 180 Liberty street, and
OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner of IPood and 2d as.,
SOLE , '.710VV19 FOIL. TM/SW Rau, PA. inar22
The Most Astottoittrie Dhgeoverr.
cure 'Eruptiolik-andDisfigUremerite of the Skin,
Pimples, Freckles, Sanbutn;• Salt Rheum; ScuriT,
Sore Ileac's, - • - •.• •
"DOUR years ago lastAugrst,thecapital Of Prance
.1 3 was astonished in consequence-of a- discovery
made by an Italian Chemist. Many doubtcd—it seem
ed, almost an impossibility,that any thing made r by
Diehandkof man, could have such .singular powers
as that, claimed ,by)txxonto.VESPIIIIII for his iaveit
tion. Mani - Classed him Mid lirsinVention as a'hurn
bug, (and,. alas! many foolish persons without trying,
do the same-not li at`leagthi after testmg it in the
lies . pitals; the Medi - dal Society of Paris",-(the" best
cheniiits in the world) delivered the following report
to Signor Vesprini - ••• •
We -have yowtainutely, and carefully examined
the singular. in venticin.o We lave analyz
od,it,s,eomponent,parti---we hate:llSQd it in several
cases, and tve,.hositato. riot - to,proniiiince it (The
Cbemicar Soap', M
4` great easing, and a
truly tv'Onilcrful rerbodyTor'iu Cutaneous eruption
or disfigurement of the skin: '• Its inventor we con
sider the true philanthropist of suffering mankind.
(Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY, Pres."
Vieitcomesthe report of the ."Societe,de
tute," of ciontific experiment's t
"Wear° astounded," eiclainiSihe.nted 'President,
"at this singular •Propniatiotiu--YeSprini's Italian
Chemical Soap! Where, indeed, will bEienco stor!
liereiwe have a- prdparation-madetn:the form - of n
beautiful piece of soap, which we know:by.actual t
practice; tol cure eyery,..entrineous..erupiton t tworY:
disfigurement ctiand,everliecolored
,shint Where
will its magic and singular potterceasc 7 The Ne
gro, the Creole, the ''Yelrovi Race of the East,rand
the Red ItiattoftilD Far West, ate alike - under th6lll
fluenco dile extraordinary poweis of clearirig': - yel
low or discolored
- shin anlitrialie it white,and, beau
tiful, and of chanking the - able!' p?daA,.9r:bl,l3?k, or
brown skin." (Here so Trill perS4s'Werebrought
forward by the president, y r holidd - iiied it, in proof
of his assertions.) " - •
READ Tit rs!..
PILOP8IET0.11: - . .
...Paris,. Nov 4, 1840.
In consideration of the n Otti,of.s3ooo,..l.have di
vulged to Mn. T. Jonr.9,,reni4inglif ihe'Cily of NeW
York, N. A., the Whole preeenaof nianid4ttiring,
together with a ntatement of the ifigiedieits cerripon•
ing my Italian Chemical' Sonp'. Be' in tn Thanufae.
tare it (Ornate in the United Staten only, and to hiive
the privilege of naming it 44 .1Oners Cheinien/
Witness; Henry J. Holdswertin
(Signed) ANTPDaq
v - e mill donlit the ileali
who, after reading the abo ,
There are probably fetyrierebna or intelligence,
tie' of
3 t Freckles, Salt Rheum,
'Eruptions Disfiguremen s a , ;110
> Italian Chemicalisoap, - in - curing
,moryhevr, Taai - Tel-
Scurvy i En' c la : siS i t k i c n-b .,
low, or SieW) lo, "n7 f l i . i n ,,, secormpep!MAons i as
„, perhaps .the. e 97 . 11 4 • convince them.
41 1:11 - tiii hiindiedi tram others, y
Shonld there be seep.. per
(lmNa eVaent, corner of
Vr:For 'Side 1 ;:i, W; UACF / S h - e - hiy - platein `Pitts
and Liberty streets ; o
be obtaiedf* ;Aix
burgh where . 9,p.Gr.r Arti n
: _ . -,,,, -. jan2s
trut nrErt. •
; • " ' 'Prturthrs,'
FRESH Supply= Of Scilinsori , s Superior Printing
Jinit , receired, and lb's , sale-it the,- office
of the Pittsburgh Morning Post. L. HARPER.
T ~;
>i.%" ro . ".¢G~ q w "h.: ~ ::asr r.«",c:iesY 4-i^-, :.r.~,
CiNcndrixi,yeb: 19, 1§47
-5~..x'.~...t. , r-ter:--..,~»~':::
_a. .
i. • 17.1 1 •EvalAYI 5 4, •-- - • . •
"What though the causes may nothe
'Sinee.their fcfreepi, ate doly_apeertaineN _ ,
Let not delusion, prejudice, outride . , '•
Induce mankind to set the means aside;
Means whi t t ltot - situ ple;are by_ He dAtendesigri , d i
To alleviate th ills of tiumanltind.”,-,_
• NETIG „FLUID:: ; • -•:•• •
MINS remarkable invention,:-whielrhas received
the universal approbitioh•of the medical ptofes
sion of Great Britain, entirely new ap
plication of Galvanism, as a r eme ! fici4gel l r,4yinqans
of which the oidinary_Galvanidliatucies„Etectric
and Magnetic. Machines, -entirely:diapedaed
with, and thif itrifsterions po'weihrGalviiniarriappped
Without any of the objectioidy4iieh'aie inseparable
from the general mode nose The dieing dOs
da, and irregulai-intervals, in WhielaValvanistri is Ali
pliedby the 'Machines; hasl)eirilinatiotificediriller a
Stir and impartial trial,"to be decidedly injurious, - and
it was to remedy this radical defect that thiarietrap
plication was projected, which, after,anneasiag
and perseverance, has been -brought to its preserit
state of perfectiOn. The Galvanic jtings answer,
the purposes of the most experiiiive - Machines, And
in many-other respects aro more 'Safe - Uric' . certain:in
'accomplishing the desired effeet: - •
• The Galvanie. Rings' tis4ilin.-ecinne4tion the
disorders which arisefrom an enfeebled and unliealthy
state of the - nervous or_vital,s:ystem,Andthese com
pliipts.are arnopt the 111 - 94 painful and universal to
which ',vs. are an jeetZTlici arise,, without exception,
front one simple banln4;alernapident Of the Nerv
ous Systern='-axict - it - wieinili
'ese-•Aises''lliat other
'remedies' having so often'Tailed; n'neet agent was
greatly heeded; Which it is Cenfidently believedi has
been-found im•tliolproperarui. judicious applination
of . .. Galvanism. , .
Tbe - Galvani --i-Rinds have been used viith entire
ceecess in all c, sea ofTßlEFuraAran, acute or
.applying fo : theihead; thee or . limlo,,Oond, Tie Dplo-i
rettx., Footharlie, Verti g o, Nerdiers'Biik"]
Headache, ..Tridtkestion; PfiralyaiscPuliy;
Flits er a mic•*alpiletfienis'i l f the Hearty Apoplexy;
Stiffness of Taints, Spinal Complaints,- Lumbago,:
Neuralgia, Nervous T4mors,,llizziness of the Head,
pain in the Cheat and Side,.deneral.pebility„Deficiea
ey of Nervous and PhySie4l Energy . ; 'dad all NERV
OUS DISORDERS. In cases ofeonfirirredDispepSiii,
neivorietlerangement- - of the diges
tive organs, they have !keit:found:equally successful.
Their extraordi;ary effects upon the system must be
witnessed to,bri believiid, and Luta certain preventive
fotthe preceding emopiamts they are equally recorn 7
mended, , Thei Rings crept*, different prices,..being.
matte- of and of various ornamental patterns,
anAcatitid guru by trio most delicate female without
the'slightest - inconvenience:'''ln Tact, the . sensitirin
is rather agreeable than otheritiie. " • -
The Bracelets, Bands,
Necklaces,- ,
In some cases of yery:savere diameter, and of
long standing, theipower as applied by the Galvanic
Rings is not sufficientto arrest the progress ofdisease
find ultimately Xestoribealtli. The.improved modi
fication in the'GalVanic Belie; Bracelets, &c., entire
ly remedies thiS objection; 'day degree of power that
is required can 'readily be obtained; and no complaint
which rho mysterious ;agent of,Galvanism ,can effect
will fail to be-permanently relieved.. These articles
are adapted to the waists, arms,.wrists, limbs, Andes,
or any part of the body,
~with perfect Conieniende.
The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater belie
fit in cases of Bronchitis' or' affections of the throat
generally; also in cases, of -Nervous; Deafness. ' and
with almost uniflirrn success as a preventive for ...itpo
plexy, Epileptic" Fits, and' similar complaints,
Citriittles Magnetic Fluid .
is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and
all their modifications. This' composition has been
pronounced by; the Fren'ch Chemists to DC one of the
most extraerdinaryiliscoi - eries of Modern science. = it
is believed to possess the remarkable power bf 'rest
&ring the nerves sensitive to galvanic action by this
means causing h conce n t rati on of the influence, at the
seat of disease, thus giving rapid and permanent re
lief. No other composition in chemistry is known to
produce the same effect, or to impart a similar pre
perty,to the nervous 53 stem, by means elan outward
-local application. The Magnetic Fluid contains noth
ing capable °tithe slightest injury; its Application is
agreeable, 'and it is as harmless in its action asit is
beneficial ill its results. Full explanations and direc
tions Accompany it. The combined inventions are in
every way perfectly harmlesk; they are sold at prices
within the-rea'elt,of all and the discoverer only re
quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy
and permanent benefit.
Christie's Galvanic St.rengthening
These articles Corm another valuable application
of the mysterifins influence of Galvanism. They are
an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings
and their modifications, acting upon the 13a1/1C princi.
ple,but haviug the advantage of more local applica
tion. They are confidentlyreeommended as a valu'-
able addition in the Speedy cure ofllheuniatism,acute
or chronlerin all nervous complaints; and' s a posi
tive !remedy:4k cases 'of Pain and Weakness 'in the
Chest or Bs cki Pain in the Side, in Asmatic iljrections, fireakirese si Oppression of the Pulmonary Or
gans: In Spinal Complaints' theireffects.are of the
most ilecidcdS;haracter„. mid they have often been
uN with cortiplete Success. They are also of the
gratest advantage in Pains ,anid 'Weakness of the
Breast,and itre highly recorumeudecl for many of those
complaints tewhich femal ei are especially liable. As
au effectirat eiiiiS for etien gthening,thesystcra when
debilitited with diSease r
or 'other causes; as a Certain
aid in'Constifutional Weakness; as a Preventive of
Colds, and in 101 l affections of the Chest,; generally,
the Galvanic ptrangtheniiigykr4er will. be fbund of
groat au o -p,errnanerit advantage; ..-I,n a few words; it
embraces all the virtues of the best tonic preparation,
with the important additiori o,t.g
thealvanic ihflu once,
e;liich. fa neither impaired"tror exhausted, while: the
aciinn contiaiiearTlieSe articles Will befoufftl'entire
ly free- Ciotti ilieSe-tilfectlims which area constant
source' of complaint with - the ordinary - plaiters in
common naafi: - . -
_. '.. ' , ",„ , .• , . .1. ,
3l'-fir The great celebrity - And-Success-of these arti
cles havecau#ed be counterfeited bY.tmpria
cipled persona. -To iprovideagainst imposition,. Dr.
CILRMIE 11E16 1)11S one authorized agent iamach,city of
the Union.. .The only agent in Pittsburgh,
, . W.. W. IVILSO.N - .:
Of the liighait and most respectable chatactet,nre
constantly rceiveil,: teith-ding the extraordinary.
vithic and success Of the 'above articles.'` It is Beller
- erf that iii the city 'of Neiv Ycik alone, upwards of
EIGHT THOUSAND' PERSONS -. daring a period of
lesallinth a'Yettr,disse been ,entirely.-reliereduf the
mostpainfulichronic• disorders, some of.„ - which have
completely hafiledall Ramet efforts of medical art.
indeed party of thefirstphysicians of ihis city,,who
'disapprove of the Galranic.and 'Magnetic Machine,
constantly, recommend this application in theit prac
tice--;and with 0;k - exception of those, NVIso are too
prejudiced tb give it a trial; the invention' has re.,
&lye& curabirdociS rfariar'-irith ' , the racist- intelligent
among the American Faculty. Dr.-Christie is at all
times r,cluly - hnd must every facility to
physicians, and all interested', for teating the truth of
hiaassertioniz and,-the,eflicacy of his discovery:
agency Vin. Pittsburgh, .earner. - of, - 4th and
Market street.. - •
~ .Tianc"tyltalthu Chemtcal Soap;
EILSON,S . ;in - purchasing -this, must - nlways ahlt
.for'.Totrii ,; had, per
.hape.fas mar y have..been cheeted with, coueterfeits
will be toominoh discourage„d to. try the genuine, fee
.gayto.such,yry this once 7 —you not regret it
but, always gee that the name 0f1"...10z.F..eis on the
wrg.pper. .Price 50 . cents 'a e.ake
'For sale by•WiJACKSol4,:tigebt, cotner iIfIVOOd
and Liberty streets, the only place ' in Pittiburgb
where the Genuine-can` be'.; obtained; ALL .OTHEIt9
COUNTirtfErr. :r.- - Jan 22 .
Jon44 , H .
IHEREBY certify that my hair yas, alling,out in
.immense.quantitiea anst , wair:turning gray,
and that Mnee rhayo tufed.Joimais'Coral Rai; Resto
ratiVe`;"it-liaa entirely` r aeabed' growing
fast, and ,has a fine'darkl&k:' 'Before Inseagones>a
Coral Hair' Restorative, rcomldd'Totti handfuls of
hair daily:l- a
W.-TOMPKINS,92 King st.N. Y. ,
For sale tiy,W..Jacksen, Agent,- corner of Wood .
and Liberty streets; the only, ptace in. Pittsburgh
where the GENUINE CAN be obtained: jan.22
To iny Clients. .
RTNER, Mr. Liggett; and Wm. E.-Aue
p.sq., will atterd to - my. tinfiniehed_tmei
; recommend them to the patronage ,of my
dam aothorized-toAttitei.tbakthey. will re.
bunsel and assistance of ;he Bid
e 2d story of norke*Bl:4lpliiigi . o4t street,
' cod and Mgliet, •
In tin,
nese, and I
ceive the c
dle. Offic
. .
• .' ;
%'.04. 1 : 4L-.',.!;..•: . .t -
Sprains, Strains, retina of-the lireaat: and
-.:•„„ ! Sidayaltd,cliseascit ol" , the Spina"
CPRj? and effectually rolieYed. by the use[OfNi
turei owinßeniedy,the AMERICAN Olt; ob
tained-from a well iu_Huntimlii, 186 feet belabr the
y.arWif sbrfaee. - A ladlin`HentuckY was eured'cif
a Spinaf•Diseakeliviiieh lied confined her ta7Ner bed
for many
_weekg completely helpless, by theenSe of
this Yeine6; after . varmita 'other reinedies.bad been'
•,Read thelollowieff
Prrrssunort, August 22,7- 1846.
!nisi*? to'certify; that i, ' ba.Ve • used • the•Asizar-
Orc , for the whooping cough amp P g. our children,
by giving, them from .29 ,ilKops to asmall tea_-spoon
'full atnight, which always enabled there to restr
through the, _night; also applied' it to' one of the
'children,-drat got her arm burnt; 'the child ceased
Crying by"the'titne'OrOarriCiiaii dressed and bbund
I up. - so- w aleitiliete - d 'with - a:pain. in my side and
breast, and haiebden so Tot' 16 yeale.-.I commenced
using taking a 'teaspoonful, twice .a day,
and in,2 or 3 daye using-the-_Oil_havo been very much',
relieved,: and -do believe best famili
medicine ..thaye ,ever:seen—One of my, neighbors_
Used it at
in, y request foie siirairied - ancle; which re ,
libied her in a` feW — inibutes; wnfia.vo blso used, - the
Oil for astrained joint in our own family ;whiCh"gaib'
ease in a iery - shoff thee.' We-live-on the east'side
Of Pentist4'3 dents- south-ot 'Walnut.: lam now , as
; Sold Wholesale and retail by , Win. Jachan, at his
Boat ,and Ono ; ntere..ariti Patent ,MedicineWare 7
house, 89, Liberty street,hend - of Wood street; Pitts;
bbrili, PAO: 59 s:Cittil and. $1 ' per'bottle:
Jackson beinethe 'exclusive 'Agent - -fo`r 'WeStern
Pennsylvania, _NONE IS •GENOENW - bat ‘Vhat
sold by ins appointed agentli. •.' • ' •
N. B. ,"A: , •Paraphlet containing ample-directions,
with".the:Namds and Addresses.of _the propriei
tors and principal Ageirts is enveloped in the wrap
per ef cacti b0tt1e.:.;.,.';
* r :
- • •'‘ •• • i 3. 19-651 w:
wzsTr.nrir , g 0 glr.
0.9r...i: ; . ; . gq..-.9 . p. , 11A-ALTfi,
••20 7 111444-strre:Ls fr
nultior ?V ^ York.
CASIZ,./ SAw y I CONACE.R. 6;" most
the case with DiSease has ever yielded
to its meat marvetlons medicinal -power. Wherever
'What) gone, .nncl South America, England, Canada;
and the. United States. have proved the truth of this
statement, the above quotation in a strong and pithy
sentence, tells the whole story: • Invalids, the prin.,
-eiple opon.which you are cured may not. be known'
to yon, but the melt of a trial, of the 'article is
factory; Ten ate mitered; and tire secret of the acre
remains with 'the' proprietor. The Medicine- is d
comps:rind cif 22 distinct - vegetal:le - agencies; each in:
di vidual toot luntits OCVD 'etc! usive,
cinal property, conflicting with no other compound
—each root makes its own cure—and as a perfect
Combination, When taken into the system, it deed
the work which n•srunx, when.her laws were - fret
established, intended it should - de--P II It IF lES,.
down, debilitated constitution... Dnoesv, its
characters, completely. eradicated from the
system by its use. See pen:pieta. in hands,
for free citeulation—they trat.,npon all diseases,
and show testimony, ofcures. GnAvct.„ and all
or the nr::ruiry organs, forte also_ ihe cause
.great suffering, and Vsurin's Lrrizotcrturric'has
acquired no small' celebrity - over„:by the
cures it has made in this distressing class of afflic
tions. So famsd, it seems, is this medicine, that it
has thus attracted the notice of one of oar Medical
publications. .1n .the November No. 1846, of. the
"Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review of Medical
and Surgical Science," in an article upon calculous
diseases, and "solvents," the writer, after noticing
the tact that the E.nglish govarninent once purchased
a secret remedy, and also noticing the purchase in
ISO 2, of aaccret - rernedy;'by the Legislature of New
York; thus pays tribute to the franc of the Medicine:
"Why do not our . Representatives in Senate and
Assembly 'convened, enlighten.: and .ffisiolve , the
suffering thousandsef this country, by the purchase
of. Vaughn>s Vegetable Lithontriptic, than which no
solvent since the days of Alchemy has , possessed one
half the fania .Iteader' here is a periodical ofhigh'
standing, acknowledged throughout a lerge 'section
of this country to be one of the best'cOnductedjour
nale of the kind in the United States. exchanging ,
with the scientific works ofyurope- to our cffitain
knowledge, edited by Austin Flint, M. D.; end:con
tributed to by men of the highest prolessional.abili- .
ty, thus stepping aside to notipea"scciet remedy."
'You will at once understand no unknown and worth
less nostrum, could thus extort a comment hem so
high a quarter—and consequently; unless it directly.
conflicted with the practice of the faCulty, it must
have been its great "fame" which has caused - it to
receive this- passing 'nod. KIDNEY diseases,. weak
ness of the back and spine, irregidarr,- painful and.
suppressed Mensturation _Flour fl thus, and. tho en
: tire complicated train of which follow.a disor
tiered system, are at once relieved by the medieine.
Send for pamphlets froth Agents; and you will find
evidence of the value: of the Lithontriptic thcie put
ffirth. Asa remedy for the IrregulAitiei of the fe
, tnalesystern, it has in the Compound a "rofit" which
has been resorted to in thenorth. of Europe for cen
turies--as it sure cure fur this complaint] and a-re
storer, of the, health of ihe.. entire system. Lasso
instantly relieved. People of the,West will find it
the only reinedy in these complaints, as well at. FE
TER AND AGUE. There' Mr TIO remedy like it, and-no
calomel or quinine -forms-any part' of-this. mixture.
• No injury will result in its use and its active proper.
• tics inc - Manifested in the ' usc Ora single 30 oz bottle.
FOR FEVER AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders, take'na
other Medicine.. RHEUMATISM, r,willfind relief.
fhe action of thii medicine upon the •Blood, will
change 'the disease—which ori.inates in the blood
—and a healthpresult will follow. • Dvsrrests,
DIGESTION, lec„ yield in-a few.days usC of this Medi
cine. Inflanunation or THE Luxes. COUGH, Con
summon also, hal ever found retie'. Sotornia,,,lrllbuned Eyes—all caused by im
pure blood—will fend this article tharemedy. The
system, completely acted upon by the twenty-two
different properden .of the mixture, is purified and
restored—as a partial. cure :will not follow. The
train of con-neon: !complaints, Palpitation of' the
Heart, Sick Headache, Debility; 4-r., are all tho re
sult of some derangement of the system, and the
GREAT RESTORER will do its ererk. The prorinses
set forth in the advertisement, are based upoO the
*what it has done in the past flier yearsi',
The written testimeny'of 1000 Agents, in. Canada,
'the UnitediStatas,.England and South -America, in
the possession of the.proprietor—and can ,be scan
by all interested—is a sufficient ,lemonstration that
it is the -best Medicine .scer 4rered to the :World.
Get the pamphlet, and studj , the jiriliciple as' there
laid.down, of the method of cure. Put up in 30 as;
beitlia;at $2; I 2' oz. do at'S I Caelthalarger hold
ing G oz. more than two small bottles: • Look out and
not get , Intposed wort. Every bottle•hai "Vatighn's
Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture"
.blown•tipon the
glass; the.written signature of•OG.C.Vaugn" on:the
directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn, lintrale, , stamped on
the cork." None . other.are genuine. Prepared by
Dr. G..C.!youghtt, 'and sold at the Principal Office,
207 Mein street,. Buffalo, at %ffilelasile and retail.
fienitentiOntiten to letters, iinleis 'post paid:-.:on;
ders. from regularly constituted Agints *Wed: post
paid letters, orVerbal coliunindeatiens soliciting ad
vibe, promptly attended to gratis.
Offices devoted exclusively to the:l.4o4W this llTti.
cle-.5132 Nassau st., New. York city; ap Essex st..
Sal em, Dim.. a nd.try,the principal -Dre gg i sis tb tough
out the -I.ltift;.4 qtatel and Canada as adirattised
the papers : . ~ • .• • •
Agents in this ctfy' . ;"' '•• .
Haye.tefflroCkivOy; Wholesale and Retail' Agents,
No. 2, Cadmercielltder, , Libetty street; Pittsburgh.
'Also, -R. E: Sellers, 57W00d street; Xotui
Fed drat Street; Allegheny city; John Barclay, Heaver;
John Smith,•llridgewater. • • Jall4o-418.40/...;
terfolk,z.t.Eit.:Bt. , COI6I.ISSION:ST,ERciIAIqT
Corner'of Wood Inil:F . 4lli - siieefs;-Pittsburgh
isready to receivelneichindize of every description
on.consignment for.public or private sale, and'
itong - iiipefienad ObOve - bitsineth; flatters himself
thathe .Will bee - able to giv'e,entirit satiafactlon:to , all
who may favor him:AVIV' their.patronage.:, - , ,
Regular sales on Mondayeand Thursdays of Dry
Goods and'Fancty , articles, at 10 o'clock, A.
, .0f ; grocerleS,Pittsburgh manufactured articles;new and second hand furnitureitk6. - at o'clock,
Sakti every evening at'iqrly augl2...y
ON the Upperßio Grande, by-,l3ryant R. Tilden,
IL/ Jr., explored-in the month:Dl October and No
vember, 1846, on timid the.:Z.• S.:str..Majorßrown,
commanded by Capt. Mark Steriin , r,ofTittsturgli,
by 'order-ref - Maj. , Geo. Patterson, 71./, A. ; com
manding the second, division:sof-Army of Occupd ;
Bon; Mexico
;The from _the:agent,
litibbiarrV , vorner of Marbury,and Penn::streets.
Also from tliejlotailbilers.: ,;:: :Jebl,s-tf
-• eClelima*Vtl
FOIC.THE enAoNic* . iii§gASP,g;
Discoverer] by Dr. Matofilioritakr.ilit:thir.y . ,ar.lB4s,." ..
and introduced inte.tha,U. States in 1848.
unrivallccl,m . edicine,•for the, radical cure of
Chronic spread throughout Europo
witliihe stune4ualltitt spced•and triumphant suc
cess; effecting themest astonishing cures ever known-,
or recordettin,tlie annalsaf Medical Ilistoryt . Bina.
lteintroductioninto the United States it has equally , ..
sustained thc.high reputation it so justly received , in .,
the East;curilg,ficre as it has deo:Lc:Piero, theinost
inveterate auditing itanding'iliaeases with which thO
human family aro afflicted: The PhYsicians orEn- '•
:rope and America (as - far as they , Imre become ac
quainted Ivith its mode of operation) together.with
the thousandeWho hain heen restored to health,by
its superior ollicaey'with one united voice proclaim .
it to be tha most perfect remedial agent ever offered
'to suffering huthanity. It is now an establisliedTact
"that Consumption' may be, can be, and has been cured
by Dr. Mazoni , s Sicilian Syrup or Tropical Hygiene.
This is the only - medicine that haecver been dig"
covered that has achieved a cure where this disease
had gained a settled and permanent hold upon the
system. For the truth of this assertion, we have
the certificates.orsome. of theinat eminent Physi , 4
cians of Europe and America; expeesily declaring
that they have prescribed - it in hundreds of instances'
where the patients were considered beyond all hope
of recovery, and, to their'astonisheient, has effected. _
the most speedy and perfect mites.- No one who is' -
unacquainted with•its action can imagine the won- -
derful success that attends tbc adminiatration of this. every . variety of ,Ohronic. disease, par
ticularly. Consumption, Scrofula or kings eill,,Asth,,
ma, Phthilic;Piles; face cases reported in pamphlets'
and circulars) - Cancers', Lira. Complaints, Cathie" •
ness and Indigestion,Sore' and inflamed Threats ,
Bronchitis, Dropsies, s Chionic Infilunation ef ,
Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility end; hatibility- of
the nervous 'syatent, Spinal affections, Painlyeirf-
Chronic Diarraluta,:Paart: in.. breast :and eider ,
Coughs, Colds, Chronic Rheumatism, Diseases of the' r
Stomach and newels,. inward wealinese,andfalliiag
down of the:Womb, andall theZrOnic. diseases
culiar to females in - their variods - relations in life,
This medicine iv Prepared only by, fir. - blitzeni him
self, and is composed entirely of-vegetable materials
. containing the extract of . 4.2 ofthe most-rare Tropi
•eal"plants but Tevi. of which are knovin to lam medi-''
Profession :generally., ,• ' .
It has so far surpassed every other medicine ever
:Offered to .-the wald eradicatingdisease,..that it -•
;ha not pnli . .enlisted many ... of . the ..most .talented
'medical men is the ivory in,lta favor - but what is
More extraordinary the invernnicnt where 'it was
discovered made it an ;Fence inintstable with _
death to' attenipt countirfeiting it or making sate or , '
;any spurious article purporting: to be We. earns of
ripresentin& it_ tos be ,ffenuine. And this Govern.: '
meat has also.mad i c a liberal provision for. the proc . .:
tection of-it hero ..Jothe afflicted we say let norte,.`i
doughdispair,. yotk may have ,been..givenotp; .
s your Physician.and..Considered• by ,your. friends as,,.
'beyond. all hope;try ti. [Mille of thiS niedietne,„lunt
you may.rely upenthe fie,' that if you haye,ii.hysi.'
.eacktrength•eiiough 'left to 'endure its action; .
will•find certain and ijieedY reliefifer this lairibeen • •
the casehttlibutiarida'of - insta aces ) in proof of which
wecan produce certificates,from individuals of the..
most respecraole ...character both of .'Europo and - .
America:. This ; meilichie will be offered for sale
only at the county scampi' each county,. owing to
the smal' amount yet imported and the anxiety of
the proprietor to place this valuable remedy *idlo.
the reach of all throughout the United States.: •
Hays St Brockway, Druggiate, No. 2 Corniiiselst
Row, Liberty stieet;w/ioleaxle and retail Agents for
A Iltglieny county.: %Sold. alai brit; :E. Sellers; No, '
- 67-Wood at. . ' dec29-d9m.
t[Fdf ctil Arid
fealthiti . ilic . cliairn of li re,
. .
Love; leiiers;friends; all, 'a)l; . gre unenjoyed
. . .. . . ,7.1 7 , DOCTOR:MOWN, a
2 .1 ~- - ' - . 4 \ re.iularly educated h - ' -
-, :z . . .'=._ P Yo . '
. .' • ..,,,.,.4,g..„_ . cian.from the eastern cit.
....,4 t 7e, , ..›.....- ' lei, would respeatfulty .an
-AleVi..-i• ... notince to the ciiiiini f
' 4.4 )
z.:1:3:..x,.....?..c,,,,,T ._. 1 . „.. . 11, 0
4 , ....0:i .,, , i - -4•1±.,.. , y . rzttsburgh, Allegheny , and . s
' trg7.iit - ' . . - vieinity,. that he caik.ll6. l '
:v.: vii...a . ... : • conEuited privaigii;:ind, -
%ttAl4 /- ,... coniii . aentiaily, every : day. :
fr 3 Z: -- ; ,4 and;Si:ening at his offia
. . ‘,.. . • • 4,, on Diamond Alley, a few
... ~ - doors atom: Wood street
Pr. 131 . -ciivn •giveilds paitienlnr nttention to the
,refitment and investigation of the 'following disea
All Ziseasesarising; from Imnuritiesof the Blood,
scrofula, syphilis, seminal, weekness. impotency,
salt rhetun, diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism,
piles, paliey; . '
Dr.. Brown has much pleasure in announcing to
the public, that he is in possession of the latest in-
formation and, improvement in the treatment of
second ary syphils,practised at the Paris Lack-Hos.,
pital. The modem' researches on, syphilii, its
complications - anti consequences, and the improved'
modek of practice which have been made known
to the:public but recentley,' and to . those chiefly
who make this branch of MediEine, their particu
lar study and practise..
Many new and valuable remedies havebeen late i
ly introduced, whichsecut•es the patientbeing ner:
eurialized out of existence Strangers are apprised
that Doctor Brawn. has • been every
branch of medicine, and regularly admitted, to
practise, and that he•now eonfiries .himeelf : to the
study andpractice of this partieularbranch,-togeth
er with all diseases of a private or delicate nature,
incident' to the human frnme. No cure r
Recent cases are relieved in:a short tirrie, • with•:
out interruption from business. ,
• Letters from a distance, asking advice..tonst con;
tain a fee, or they will not be attendedlo.
cO-015ce on Diamond Alley, a few doors from .
wood street, towards : the • market..: Consultations
strictly confidential::.: ^::: • •
Landreth's . GiVidiss Seeds,'
IjIRECT*FROM•I 2 IMit DELPHIA. Eacb 'paps!.
bears the 'Tata .warranty DAvro - -.LAff:.
DIIET/i. For sale by F..ti SNOWDEN,'NO. 29 Water
et., af the ibrmerWiaccupied by Geri. AA.lerry.
Eztract from. the 'Report of 'the Visiting -Commi Slug
of, the .Pennsylvania Horticultural SPoicAlY-4 4 cliki•
-mous!) , ailopted and cirderedbabs
_rclhcSe extettsive,greunds .are on rederal.strcet;
nearthOkArsenal. • ! , 7 ..!, `.The • eathest collec
den. of Camellias made Some., of" these
rieWin possession Of those distingufshednurepritden .
are ten . .feat high. • ' The' itelecifion'e.'
'canme-izotitth'itarirs is Valuable arid eitensive. -7
' "Thu Nurseries Me: very tOrrectly'rnallageiviniPi
every• pfirt; -of the.Uniani.ti detail.° :which
would. occupy thalmuch,of our spice) tie therefore
content ourselves with stating that the stock is sexy
large, and in evefy stage.. of growth,consisting '
a collection or li erbacceotis 'pl ants; ftnirtrees of the
hest kind and attest-healthy condition, large 'beds of
seeding' oppleti;.pema, plums, Ate, as ritocksfor bed
ding. antlgraitiegt - 'n .phin .very ; superior-to thatss.
working upon; suckersovhielt
; carry, with th em inth
the gran : 4o4c diseases or the parent stock.
• ‘!(.44ttimv•Sr.i.Airt'of:the finest, quality : have heen
scattered Over the country from these grenade, and
May ihrt4ebe deperided need. "The seed establish
meat of these Horticulturists is . one of the most ex
tensive in the Uniem'and its reputation is well sustain
ed from year to year. ,
SISVT° 0 twist° the chance of mixture ef the farina or
;she plants of. the .earne family,thOy : have 'established.
.44mbef nurs ery at a suitable:distance, eothatdeginc
*Pll cannot alfd ! Which - secures to' the.
ParehatOr a :.igenuine .
Knowing • thus , thee
age, nudlity and -*precede ,of cultitre 'ofeveri'plant,
tho supply tram - thdir 'grounds Is'retommended with
great confidence." . ^ •
v.* Since the:date ef. the%Re:Oort! from which th e:
above is est:Meted, the 'entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged.; The collection of Camellias em
bracesmll the finer kinds, and consists of tome thou
sands of various sizest.'so likewise with Roses,'and
other desirahle , :plants,both, tender . and hardy; fruit
trees, &c. ' ,
TheSeedGaidens alone dove ' fifty acres, and the
whole s, twit has been for morothan half a century,
under the successive Management of father and son,
the most proulinent in Ilmenca. • • •
Mt- Orders received , by F. L. SNOWDEN, from
nbo=vatalegties mayilissepeived gratis. mar9-y
A LARGE-abd oplehdid assortment ondahogany
and Rosewood giand eetion Pianos; with me
talic frame indtwith all thei latest improvements !
which'for durability, tone and teach, are:wartanted'
to be equal to!ttny made in Xbe country, for sale OW
for easb, by . F. guyyd.E, - •
marlB, 2d door above Eltb.
''Honioeihiifaii64(l,4idtatutia- anq flooki.
TUST rebeio.4l: a. fresh *.tmpp . ly of . Honanopatbk
abliiclne"Cheate; bentawpathin CoffieliY R4a . t'd
milk; andalrirge collectioa aliEotatalt•pabillwsnita
tin I/ ontinapath jr r at. thaßookslore
.4 •
AP/9 st; , bFovAphlv.Rodpolcattlevins.
" - • •