.~'"~r ~ pfd'. ~. _ • - - "-, t • •••• . ‘ .l • %"- : , , ME AMW.A ..., •', , 1, N.„ . .. , ', / , ~ . ...^. ' l.t .. -`,,:,.. ~,',' i :,,, ' l .. tt :, 41114';:t }\ -.t sl ' t . i '' :,,• ig ' „ C .. . 4 01."? I‘ . '''' ' 6 " te.•,,;.; -..4',..: `..i, L'2..k- F .r ,, , , ,. s• -., , ',.. '.. ,;I: VZ`t• '...'s ''', - r.:c --: T ',....!, ¢« ' t -4.' el J ' : cr I s c , ~; 0 • 1..., ' :1 :,. ~,,, e 1, , , i • , i, 0 ' . q 1 `S ' X '''''.. .....‘ 4' ; t '-'' t 4 ;I , i ..: ' ',, e - 4.- t. , „ -, r f 4 • _'', - - •., i i . , 5.,,! „ 5,, ,ate`' . a. J., ,ss, :' Iv -; , V..', t,-,,_ , .; ; ''Pa a 1 . • :,...."' o rs,_:' , ,„,;, 1 -4.lransportation Pius. Pittpirai4h POrtible 13o4_Line t . 84 • F OR the tra.nsportatian of freighthatwean burgh and the Atlantic aities, avoiding tranship inents ou t the.way, and the,consequenfrisk of delay, damage; breakage and separation orgoods; . BUREIRWGIE Cu,a 278 Market st., Philadelphia. Ta,arce&.o , Poreson, uor. Penn and Wayne sta., Pittsburgh'._ .&G,F.NTS: .j , CP.Cotrnotts & Co., North 'street, Baltimore. , W. & J.T:TAescorr,ls South 'Ateet, New York. • Encouraged by increased business, the 'Proprie (era 'hayes. ailed to' and,' extended!.their .arrange- Manta during the winter, and are sow prepared to forward freight' with regularity and 'dispatch, unser passed. by any other. Line. Their long experience as Carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat system, and the great capacity aroli Convenience of the Warehouses at eaoli, end of the Line; are peculi arly calculated to enable the Proprietors to 'fulfil their engagements and accommodate their custom ers, and confidently offering the past as a guarantee for the futurt, they resiectfully solicit a continuance of : 'that patronage which 'they now; gratefully ack nowledge. All consign rents to Taaffe & O;COnnor will be re ceived and, forwarded, Steam Boat charges paid, and Bills of Lading transmitted free of !any charge for COmrainXion, advancingeir Storage. (laving no inter est directly or indirectly in Steam Bimts the interest of the Consignors must necessarily be their primary • objectiia shipping Westi and they pledge themselves to forward all Goods consigned to ;them promptly, and on the most advantageous terms to the owners. Marl-tf • ? ±;r t°~ !t;-,;':- L 1',4 ,. ;..'.' - .- .; (.-"`,.! •:',-f:.-r;i:7, ,, :-.;ri...• t..:.!;, -:..!-::; i.' , ;! , .'!::::‘. - •..', :',.•.!1',•:,'':',..!:.1,::':4 SEMEiII BEE :',.. - :.1 . i ,, ,,!•. , ,: , ...;; - :-.:, , ,..,..:.-.;..;--. •,-7,... , --4.• . -- • - - . - pA7 Altl/111{I‘ • A- `••-•, XCLUSIVELY fui, the transportation Of-gay 4 ./ freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, Hollidaysburgh,Water street; and all interme diate, places. • One boSt leaves the Warehouse of C. A. McAnul ty Sr. Co.; Pittsburgh, overplay (except Sundays) and Shippers can always depend' on hiving their goods forwarded without delay and at fair rates. This Lino was formed for the special accommo dation of the way business, and the Troprietori re spectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. i' w I 1/61 +.r , ..;. _~ WISE !'fi . l.;.'-}.. 4 7' , , - I ( . ‘ , EEO ERNE :<.~~,~~ MB JOHN MILLER, Hollidaynburgh. R. H. CANAN, Johnstown. A4ents A C. .McANULTY & Co.,Pitts'gh. --. } REFERENCES. ' • J. J. McDevitt, Johnßarkor, Robert Moore, Daga tap 4•Smith, Pittsburgh. ~. math BE MEM OEM $ • 0•.• t i gj 'rAS gla . EMI NM FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND .MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA A.NDIBALTIMORE. EWEN «.4. ,- Goods consigned to; our care Will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all instruc _ions promptly at tended to, free from any extra.charge fur storage or commission. Address . , or apply to, .: - ,'-.'':;!:::!1.'.. , ...;)•'.-:'Z EMU MEN Having a very large, and commodious warehouse, we are prepared to receive (in addition to freight for shipment) a large amount of Prothice, &c., on Stor age at low rates. mays . .C. A. MCANULTY & CO. M =I NZ : • . . '1847.,1 IMIN BROWNSVLLE AND CUAIBERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND, , PRILADELPHIA. Time to Baltimore 32 hours. Time to Philadelphia 40 lioure. lortLy73'ini.to STAGING.] 1M M IMO =ME ":f.~ ::' j.: Timm Splendid and fast running steamers Consul, Louis M'Lane and Swatara ' li'ave commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave' the Monongahela wharf every morning precisely at 8 &- clock.* PaSsengers-by,the morning: line will arrive in Baltimore next evening in time for the Philadel phia Mail 'Boats or Rail Road cars. The evening Boat will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except Sundays. Passengers by this boat will lodge on board, in comfortable:state rooms. ")..eave Browns ville next morning at 6 o'clock; cross the mountains in daylight; sup and lodge in CuMberland. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations on this route are ample, and the 'Connection com plete; so that diSappointments or delays will be un known upon it. , 1 • Passengers can stop on the routeand resume their seats again at pleasnie z and have cheice of Rail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. MEI = .~'~is ~~ ~ i - t i~ ._ r. ~. 1111 = ,: • MEM 1846. Aou TE : on 'StrictSabbath-keeping ng princi ples,tougataimnntGbetheoalylnethat is so conducted. The proprietors.6l this old estahJ lisped line have put their stock in the most complete order; and-are thoroughly preparedlo forward pi o duce and merchadize to and from the Eastern cities un the opening of navigation. We trust that our long experience in the carrying business, and zealous attention to the interests aces tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase of the patronage heretofore bestowbdon , Ilinghatn 3 s j ire. Our arrangements will enable as to carry freight with the -utmost despatch; aia - &-our; prices shall al ways be as the lu wist,charged by - other responsible lines. Produce and merchandise will bereceived and for warded east and west without any charge for adver tising storage occominission. , Bills ' of lading forwarded and every direction promptly attended to. Address, or apply to WMA3INGIIAM, Canal Basin, co r. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pi ttsb , g, I.IIIsiGIiAMS, DOCK 4 , STRATTON,, - No. 276 Market st, Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent, N 0.122 North Howard st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, No.lo Westut., New York. =Ea • •I'l =I = L*4-, " ; r • - ‘.; NEE NAME ME MEE aprlO-y MEE MS =AU BEE =1 MEM E T is ~ ~ .. ... ~. t:-.. 1: 4 k BE THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 4 2.6 th ult., and the business will . hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for .whom 1 have the honor to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of !heir confidstlce. -I y WALTER. H LOWRIE ~ -.x MEE MEE , - . ._.. - "Y r 'i , it , ..;.,' , .:F : -.1-' '. 4 l .-,,.,,.! -t ..A-i -, : ,, - 2 . ":'::-'.:•-•'-'_;'''.:-.'i:.,..;.;-. f' It 4% *- ; st 2 , 't 0,3 • C r - = ; - 44,7,7 TILL continues in bitiold business of man ufactur ing Wagons, Carts, Ways, ::Timber Mbeels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, whore he keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any amount of work, by the best of workmen and good materials, and at prices to suit 'the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requested -tu give bins a call? beforo purchasing I t elsewhere. ap7-y 4 :• • ''l" -fi Ln ,s••-e ERIN =ZEES FlektrortliPt Way Freight Line. Proprietors JOHN PICKWORTH, JOHN MILLER, DAN'L. 11. BATINFIS;, 12.0BHitr WOODS, WILLIAM FULTI'. Independent Portable Boat Line, tr . Without Transhipment C. A. McANULTY & CO., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh STORAGE SUMMER ARRAINIGEDINNTS. .11IonongFihola Aolate, Coaches chartered to parties to-navel as they de sire. Secure your tickets at the office, Monongahela House, or St. Charles 'ltotel. lebl7-y MESKIMEN.' Btngham•a Ti•ansportnOon Line, John Di. Townsend, T . RUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Afar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and fresheseMedicines, which ho will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi- Mims sending orders will, be proinptly attended to, and supplied with articles they May rely upon as genuine. Physicians , prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good erfuniery deat! lienry WV. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the old standiFourth street, above Smithfield. -davlB Steel and ,File Mearkupsctory. MHE subscribers haNin& enlarged their 'establish tnent for the manufacture of Steel-and Files— on the corner of O'Hara and Liberty streets, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh—are prepared 'to furnish files of every description, of the best quality; and being de termined to make it the interest ofaonsumers to pur chase files from them--respectfullYinvite the patron age of all who use the,article. rnarl6-y , J. .A..NICRIM 11c--CO. William :McKee OM ; .t..e!tt . .ci . r4li . o,ii-::,0i.0 - ,,... , ''..., : TPH.F. subteritiers axe- prepared :to forward money: parts'of England:, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with despatch, and at the loweat!ratee. • SAMUEL McCLURKAN fr. Co., fehl2' N0.:143, Liberty et. Tapsoott , e - Genereq, EpAigatll4i °Mc!. tiIsoREMITTANCES and paesag to and front GAZAT BILITAW AND lar.tazin, by W,& J. T. TaPSCIStt 75 South street, currier ofMaiden Lane; New York; and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the abbve housei are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most liberal terms with tbose desi rous 'of paying the passage of their friendi from the old Country, and flatter themeselves their character and long standing in business • will give ample as surance that all their arrangemcnte will be carried Out faithfully. Messrs. W. & I. T. Tapscott, arc long and firma- .1. E.Tapscott,.._ ag ana bly known for the superior class, accbmmodation nd - sailing qPnlities of their Packet ships. The QUEEN, or TUE WEST, 'SHERIDAN, ROCHES TER, G ARRICK, HOTTINGUEII, ROSCIUS, LIV ERPOOL, and. SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, From New York the '2lst and 26th and from Liverpoolthe 6th and 11th, in addition to.which they have arrangements with the St. IGeor.e and' Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure Zdepar ture from Liverpool, every fly edays being thus miter mined, their facilities shall keep pace With their in creasing patronage, while. Mr. W. Tapsitt's constant personal superintendence of the busin se in Liver pool is an additional security that the comfort and acecommodation of the passengers will be particu larly attended to. • al'` lvely The subscribcra being (as usual)'exteneively enga ged in the Transportation Business' between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge of and forward passengers imrnediately 'on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay; and are therefore prepared to contract for pas sage from any sea port in Great Britain er Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged id gi.ing them facilities for carrying passengers so tar inland not otherwise attainable, an will, (if en qessary,) forward. passengers. further 'est by the best mode of conveyance vvithoutrany additional charges for their trouble. Where perions sent for decline coming out, the amount paid foripassage will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES. I The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at sight, Ibr any amount payable at the , principal Cities and Towns in England, Ireland, Sbotland and Wales; thus affording a safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to those Countries, v‘lhich persons requiring such facilities ; will find it their interest to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt- Iy,..attendcd to. TAAFFE & O'CoNNOR '''' , ...Fonvarding and Commission Merchants, mar27a&wy. ' Pittsbutgh, Pa. CLOTIIINGI , ,CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING ! I ! The Three itli , ,Doors vs. The Western , 1 1 World 1! I 4 ..1 • , 150,000 WELL SELECTED GM LENTS STOW made and ready to li - e•Rffered on the most AA liberal terms to ury.old eusturners and the pub. I lie in general. The Proprietor of thiithr famed and extensive establishment has now, afier- returnitig from the Eastern cities ' at much trouble and elltp . nse, just completed his fall and winter arrangements.to supply his thousands of customers with one of tlie most desirable stocks ofClothing that Iras ever been 1 offeredln this or any other market westofthe Moan tains. For neatness in style and`work anship, com bined with the very low price which they will be sold for, must certainly render the oil ur , ivalled Three Big Doors one of the greatest itractions of the western country. It is gratifying o, me to be able to announce to my numerous fri ads at home and abroad, that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which I have made to meet the many calls in my line, it is with difficulty I can keep time with the constant rush that is made on this popular establish ment. It is a well established fact, that my sales are eight or ten times larger than any other house in the trade, and this being the case on the amount sold, I can afford to sell at much less profit than others could j , possibly thi ik of doing if they wished to cover con tingent exp nees. I intend to make alelean sweep of all my aesent stork before the beginning of next year; coming to this conclusion; I will make it the interest of every man, who wants a !cheap winter suit, to call and purchase at the Three Big Doors. octa2l-tiFzw • JOAN 11l,c1.0SKF.Y. --- . Veutttan Blinds. _ _ A U:ESTERVBLT, the old an d well known 11_,. N enitian Blind Maker, formerly of Second and Fourth sts., takes this method to intrn his many friends of the fact that hie Factory is n w in full op eration on St. Clair et., near the old Allegheny Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of various colors and qualities, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, from twenty-cents up to snit customers. N. B. If required, Blinds will be pdt up so, that in case otalarrn hi fire, or otheswise,lthey may be removed without the aid of a screw-dr ver, and' with the same facility that any other piec of furniture can be removed, and'withOut any extra expense. je2l.d&wy. D. A. CAIHRRON, MANUFACTURER OF HOLLOW WARE AND PLATFORM SCALES, AND CASTINGS IN GENERAL. ESPECTFULLY asks the patr i onage of his friends. Ho feels warranted that he can give satisfictinn to all who may purchiselof him. Ilia establishment is on I±.Plielvps pla of Lots, Oth Ward. Fifth Ward Livery Stitble. WATHE subscriber, having bought out tne well known Livery Stable kept-bylC. 13. Doty, in the Fifth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he will keep at all times a stock of the Best description of riding horses, bug-, gies, carriages of all kinds, and in shOrt everything required in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock ;knew, and he is confident no stock in the city will lirb superior to! his. I . • IP ! His terms will be moderate. His stable is on Lib..! erty st., a few doors above the canal bridge, whero! he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage.! CHARLES COLEMAN. 1)::r He is also provided with an elegant Hoarse, which will be furnished when required. oct2s-tf NOTICE. HAVING sold out my establishment to Doctor William F. Irwin, I cheerfully recommend him to all my former friends and customers. • EDGAR THORN. The undersigned having bought oit the store of Edgar Thorn, corner of Penn and Iland Streets, so licits a share of the drug and medicine custom of the city and surroundin g country. A general assortment ofall the most valua ble Medicines, Perfumery, Oils, Soaps, Fancy Articles, Brushes and Combs will al ways be kept on hand. Physician's proseriptions ac curately compounded. The store will be open at all hours of the day and night. WILLIAM dec2.B corner of Penn and Hand sts. George Coehran,i COMMISSION AND FORWARDING .111FIRCIIANT, No. 26 Wood Sired, Pittsburgh. CONTINUES to transact a general Commission business, especially in the purchase and'Sale of American manulhctures and produce t and in receiv ing and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. As agent for the manufacturers he will; be constantly supplied with the principal articlesi of Pittsburgh manufacture at the lowest wholesall prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. M. WHITE has just received at his large Elf establishment, fronting, on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of 'PWEEDS for summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin VES TINGS, all of which he is ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 Liberty and Sixth streets. myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tai/or i , Proprietor. It McDONALD, Bell and Brass 'I _ Founder, First street, near Market, is • 7,, prepared •to make Bras Castings and + 3 '': I , ` • Brass works generally on the most ,- ~ _:-/ ~...,-,:, reasonable terms and shortest notice. -" , t ' He invites machinists and all thoep using brass works, to give him a call, as he is de termined to do all work in his line very low. may 27-___ly , ___ RHODES Br, ALCORN, (late o(Nbw York city,) No. 27; Fifth st., bet Ween Wood and Market, Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spices, Catsup, &c., &c., will open during-the present week a large assortment of articles in. their line, Which they will wholesole in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold b'r them warran ted. Merchants intending to go east would do well to call before leaving the city. They may be found at thtir warehouse, No. 27, Fifth st., in Ryan's build ing. eep7 ' - ii=2=2 FOREIGN • •41.1.; WENITTANCt. °24' rravin , s Drug Storti, Can't be Beat! - • =SC=E 3iiontiinte : i..f,.opip' . oii . -:.‘-' , - ` .Fire -and id arlite'lztlear' an - cc. THE Instimnce. - Company of North'America, of - Philadelphia, throughlts duly , authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and iiinited Insurance on property, in this city, and its vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and riveri. • DIRECTORS. .. • Arthur G. Coffin, Preset: Samuel Brooks, -- Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, --, • SainuelV. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, • Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, . John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wni. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard; Sec?y. This, is Ake oldest Insurance Company in the Uni .tcd States, having been chartered in 1794. Its char ter is . perpetual, and from ita high standing, long experience, ample means , and avoiding all risks of all extra hazarderus character, it may be considered" as offering ample security to the public. - MOSES ATWOOD. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa, ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. oct23-y: The Franklin Fire Insuranee'pozapany OF IMILATIRLPHIA: HARTER PERPETUAL. $400,000 paid in o O f-' fice 1631 Chesnut at., north side, near Fifth.— Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against lOss or damage by Bre, on property and ,effects of every description, in gown or . country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCKER, Prest. C. G. BANCKER, Sec'y.' DIRECTORS: Charles N. Bancker, Jacob It. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Belie, ' Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WARRICK MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, f Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. . • Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents. in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding coun try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. aug4-ly NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. THIS well known and respectable company is pre pared through their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to make insurance of every kind connected with risks of transportation and inland navization;lo insure against loss or damage by fire,. Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and -every description of personal property on the most favorable terms. Applications for Insurance attended to without de lay at the office, No. 31 Water and 62 , Front sta., by SPIRNGER HARBAUGH Ag't. At an Election held at the 'oince in. N. Y.; May 2th, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, viz Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Holt, John Browner, John MeChain, William G. Ward, Wm. W. Campbell, John licyvhousef Jacob Miller, William S. Slocutni Marcus Spring, John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, John J. Ilerrieti.. And at a subsequent meeting the Board, JO SEPH W. SAVAGE, Esq., was unanimously re-elec ted President for the ensuing year. WM. JAMES BOGGS, au 44,y. Secretary. . Iniurance. • AMERICAN - EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ofi Philadel ph iiiharter perpetualr—Capital 500,-1 000 paid in. Office in'Philadelphia, No. 7 .. 2 Walnut strect—Wm. Davidson, Preert- :Frederick Fraley, 1, Seey. This old and well esbiblishedCompany con tinues to insure Buildings, hlorchimilize, Furniture, and Property, not of an extra hazarbits character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks talon either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dec 24 No. 26, Wood street. • JOSIAII rumrs, 311. KING & FINNEY, Agents at Pittiburgh, for the Delaware Mutual sifcty Insurance Company of Philadelphia. lItE RISKS upon Iluading,s aniMorchandize of every description,and Marine isks upon bulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon thil most favorable terms. Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on Water at., near Market street, 'Pittsburgh. ' • , N. D. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an insti tution among the moat flourishing in Philadelphia— as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper ation of its charter, is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured hiS dne share of the profits of the. Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid' in by him; and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious Mature, and in its most attractive form. nov l-tf Agency of the Franklin Flee Insurance Company of Philadelphia. N. E. corner of 17tird and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. rpHE assets of the company on the first of Janus ". ry, 1815, as published in conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Bonds and Mortgages, Real Estate,.at nasty.. Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash,... 207,4:4:1 72 Making a total or 5909,683 42 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met, and giving entir' security to all who obtain policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with secnrity. oct 8 WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. Homoepathie Books. T U$T received at the Bookstore of the subscriber 0 in sth street, near Market : ' Mater& Medici; porn , by Samuel Ilahneman, translated and edited by harles Julius Hempel, M. D., 4 vols. Hartman's' Acute diseases, by Dr. Hempel, vol, 1. Hommopathic Domestic Medicine, by J. Lowrie, enlarged and improved, by A. J. Hall, M. D. labr's New Manual, vol. I. No. I and 3. Hering's Domestic Physician. A Manual of Domestic Cookery, for the use of per sons who are under Homeopathic treatment. Bonuinghausen's Therapmic Pocket book for homcepathists, by Dr. Ohio. Aabneman's Chronic Diseases, vol 5... Together with Medicine Clients of different sizes and prices. (apl6) VICTOR SCRIBA. TO ARMS ! TO ARMS ! ! 4 THREATENED Invasion of Western '• Pennsylvania by Col. Swill, with 10,000 men, notwithstanding which, J. M. White will'coi tinue to sell clothing cheaper than any has hMetotbre been offered in the Western country, haying the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth sts. Ile is •now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the greatest variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season that has ever been offered in this market, to wide' all can have the Right of Way. Observe the corner, No. 107, Liberty and Sixth sts. J. M. WHITE, Tailor, marilb Proprietor. Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam IN the winter of 1832 and 1833, I was seized with spitting of blood, which continued with occasion. al relief till spring. 1 consulted several eminent physicians and took much medicine, but the relief obtained was transient. In the spring I com menced taking the Vegetable Pulmonary Balsain.— At this time I was much reduced. The day before I commenced with the Balsam, I raiiied about a half a pint of blood, was oppressed with great hoarseness soda bad cough. I commenced taking the Balsam thinking if this failed I should resort to medicine no further. But it did not disappoint my expectation. All the unfavorable symptoms were iinmediately're lieved, the cough cured, and I have not been troub led with spitting , of blood since. lam now about to resume my trade, (that of a rope maker,) which I had given up without any expectation of returning to it. Roxbury, Mass. WM. GODFRES. Sold wholesale and retail by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., corner of 6th and Wood and Wood and First streets. may 1 JONES> Genuine Italian Chemical Soap, for soft ening the skin, eradicating all eruptions and pimples, healing chapped hands or cracked flesh; for dispelling freckles, sunburn, tan and blotched skin, and producing a fine healthful . /outhful clean ness. Price 371 cents per cake. Pe, genuine ar ticle is for sale by B. A. FAHNE3TOCK & CO., coiner First and Wood and Wood and 6th sts. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, 20 kegs Plug Tobacco; 5 " Ladiek Twist,do; 10 " Va. , " , do; 10 " Cav'd, Is Ludip, do; store and for sale by .1. & J. M 7 DEVITT, leap 20 222 Liberty et. AN, 'l/4 WEN = VALUABLE VEGETABLE REMEDY. DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF 7i.VILD CHERRY, The ,• Original and Genuine Prep aratio' ! Coughs, tolds, Asthmaißronehitis,'Liver Complaint, Spitting.. Blood, Difficultrof, Breathing, Pain in 'the Side 'mad Breast, Pal - pitation of the.lleart s - enia,Cioup, brokenton-: stitutiOn, Sore Tiffinit, Nervous Debility, & all diseases] ' of Throat, Breast, and Lungs; Oe most effectual and ' speedy cureever known flit' any of the above diseases its • , . . - DR. SWIIYNE:S CO POUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. =LIE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE PREPARATION ! MORE HOME TESTIMONY.. , PHILADELPHIA, January 2508 , 17. Dr;, Strayne—Dear Sir:: In justice to yourself and. a duty I owe to suffering humanity, I cheerfully give My testimony, and declare to the world the most astonishing effects, and the great cure your COM POUND SYRUP OF WILD GHERRY,pertormed on nth, under the- most unfavorable 'circumstances. I was taken with a violent Cough, SpittingTlood, se vere Pains in the Side and Breast, which seemed to break dbwn and enfeeble my constitution so that my physician thought my case beyond the power of med icine, and: my friends all . gave me up to die; tint thanks to you and the effeetii of your great discovery, I now feel myself, a well man, and raised from a mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as I have been for years, and shall be pleased to give any information respecting my case, by 'calling at my residence, Mechanic street, third door below ,George street, Northern Liberties. JACOB PAINTER. igrThe only safeguard against imposition is to see that my signature is on each bottle. DR. H. SWAYNE. Corner of EIGHTH and RACE sm. Philada. ASTHMA OF 11 YEARS , STANDING permanent ly cured try DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIIERRY, after all, other remedies had failed. CumnvrrArt, Feb. 19, 1847. Da. SWAY:ft: This may certify that eleven years ago last Fall, I was troubled with the Phthisc which increased, upon MO in defiance of all the remedies I could hear of, until the year 1539 '4O, when I was obliged to leave my Native New England, for a mild er clime, which had the effect to mitigate - my suffer ing,s'for three or four years, after which the disease increased until laat winter, my sufferings Were in tense, almost beyond endurance, being obliged to set up night after night, from inability to sleep in bed. Last Fall I felt the symptoms earlier than usu al in the_season, but hearing that Dn. SWAYNE'S COMPOOND SYBVP OF WILD CHERRY, was a sover eign remedy for Diseases of the Lungs, I immediately commenced its use, and the result was almost im mediate relief. Forlim last six weeks I have not felt the leastsymptoms of the Asthma, and feel-con fident that I am well ofit, and that I have been cured by the above named medicine. outs respectfully, J. W. K.NrcEIT .Walnut street between 3d and 4th. But beware the base impostors who would desecrate this tree, By their Paragoric cures and rhyming ribaldry; Beware of him who buys the right to tamper with your health; Who adds "Wild Cherry" to his name by treachery and stealth; Who bottles paregoric, and then calls it, through deceit, The "Balsam of Wild Cherry!" Oh! beware of such a cheat! If you would shun ads venal craft, be healthy and be blest, Take "Dr. Swayne'e \Vild Cherry," the original and best. Read the most remarkable cure ever recorded! Dr. Swayue--Dear Sir: I feel called by a scuso of', . duty I owe to suffering humanity, to acknowledge my grateful thanks for the wonderful effects of your 'Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry on me, after suffer iormznth after month with the most afflicting ofall diseases,,Consumption. The first symptoms were of a very heavy cold which settled on my lungs, which gradually. grew worse, with profuse night sweats, a hacking Cough, spitting blood, with great debility: My Constitute - I - Limo:lied broken down, and nervous system very intie'hipaireil. I went to Philadelphia, was treated there by,physicians Of the highest standing, but received no - benefit whatever timm theta, but gradually grew worse, until,my phy sicians, 'as Well as myself, gave up all hope-sof re covery, ,and I felt like one who is about to . firms, througit The Valley of the - Shadow of Death— At this "awful juncture" I heard of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, of which I purchased sin bottles, which ham happy to say entirely cured me, and I ,am now drijoying better health than I ever have be fore in mY life. Physicians who witnessed my case are highly recommending it in similar cases, and I wish you to make this public, so that all may know where to procure a remedy at once which will reach their disease before tampering with the many "quack nostrums" with which tho country is flooded. My residence is at 45 Ann street, where I should be happy to have the above substantiated by a personal interview. ALBERT A. ROSS, • Be not deceived by the many spurious and worth less preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders, but see that the signature of Dr. Swayne is on each bottle, which is the only guar antee against imposition. ..$600,615 93 100,9137 77 Prepared only by DR.SWAYNX, N.W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by respectable Druggists in nearly all the principal towns in the United States. For Bale Inateed* and Retail, by WM. THORN, '53 Market atreet; L. JONES, 180 Liberty street, and OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner of Mood and 2d ots., BOLE AGENTS FOR rrnsmiton, PA. mar 22 Tho Most Astounding Discovery A BLESSING ! A MIRACLE'! I A WONDER !! ! To cure Eruptions and Di.vflguremetita of the Skin, Pimples, Freeftles . , Sunburn, Salt Rheunt, Scurvy, Sore Reaeis,4-f.4-c. v ere. FOUR years ago last August, the capital of France ;vas astonished in consequence of a discovery made by an Italian Chemist. Many doubted—it seem-. ed almost an impossibility that any thing made by the hands of man, could have such singular powers as that claimed by Anrronto Visrntrii for his inven tion. Many classed him and his invention as a hum bug, (rind, alas! many foolish persons without trying, do the same now;) at length, tiller testing it in the hospitals, the Medical Society, of Paris, (the best chemists in the world) delivered the following report to Signor. V esprini " We have now minutely and carefully examined the singdlar invention of Vesprini. We have analyz ed its component parts—we havd , used it in several cases, and we hesitate not to pronounce it (The Italian Chemical Soap) as a great blessing, and a truly wonderful remedy for any cutaneous eruption or. disfigurement of the skin. Its inventor we con sider the true philanthropist of suffering mankind. (Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY, Pres." Then comes the report of the "Societe do l'lnsti tote," of scientific experiments: "We are astounded," exclaims the aged president, "at this singular preparation—Yespripi's Italian Chemical Soap! Where, indeed, Will science stop! Here we hare a preparation made in the form of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous eruption, every disfigurement or, and even discolored skin ! Where will its magic and singular power cease t The Ne gro, the - Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man of the Far West, arcane under the in fluence of its extraordinary powers of clearing yel low or discolored skin, and make it white and beau tiful, and - of changing the color of dark, or black, or brown skin" (Here se 'era! persons were brought forward by the president, who bad Used it r in proof of his assertions.) READ THIS! F 2014 WM INOENToIt HIMSELF TO TIIE PRESEPT In consideration of the sum of $3600, I Dave di vulged to Ala. T. JONES, residing in the City of New York, N. A., the whole process of manufacturing, together with a statement of the ingredients compos ing my Italian Chemical Soap. He is to manufac ture it for sale in the United States only, and to have the privilege of naming it "Jones's Italian Chemical Soap." Witness, Henry J. Holdswortk. (Signed) ANTONIO VESPRINI. There are probably few persons of intelligence, who, after reading the above, will doubt the quali ties of Jonts , s Italian Chemical Soap, in curing Eruptions, Disfigurements, Freckles, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erisypelas, Sun-burn, Moryhew, Tan, Ye!- low or Brown Skin, &c. Should there be such per sons, perhaps the following recommendations, as well as hundreds from others, may convince them. Rtf - For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pitts burgh where the GENUINE CAN be obtained; ALL OTHERS ARE. COUNTERFEIT. jan2s To Printers. AFRESH supply of.folinson , s Superior Printing Ink. Jug received and for sale at the office of tho Pittsburgh Morning Post. L. HARPER. 1c ncal, To the . Sfeli and Afflicted Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cigars, 45 Ann street, N. Y =X! Paris, Nov 4, 1840 :--,,,--;,..',„:„?..,.,76,-Ab.,*,,4,0,g-sz-rok,"Pc.X6.I.:XA4V4-17.0..--.47..7girr!r-V- -,r.r..'—',,F5r44-4-atti ~~~cD~cnl: 7 ilf ' A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE -FOR. RHEUMATISM - AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS.': "What though the causes may not be explained; Since their ejects are duly ascertained, Let not delusion, prejudice,- or pride, Induce mankind to set the'means aside; Means which, dm , simple, are by Heaven design] To alleviate the ills of human kind." ' DR: CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS ANDIVIAG- NETIC FLUID. ?THIS remarkable invention, which has received the-universal approbation of the medical profes sion of Great Britain, comprises an entirely now ap plication ofGalvanism, as a remedial agent, by means of which the ordinary 'Galvanic Batteries, Electric and Magnetic Machines, Ere., are entirely dispensed with, and the mysterious power of Galvinism applied without any of the objections which are inseparable from the general mode now in use. - The strong dos es, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanism is ap plied by the Machines, has been-pronounced, after a fair and impartial trial, to be decidedly injurious, and it was to remedy this radical defect that this new ap plication was projected, which, after unceasing toil, and perseverance, has been brought to its present state of perfection. The Galvanic Rings answer all the purposes of the most expensive Machines, and in many other respects are more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired effect. The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recommended in all disorders which arise from an enfeebled and 'unhealthy state of the nervous or vital system, and these com plaints are among the most painful and universal to which we are subject. Theyarise, without exception, from one simple cause—a derangement of the-Nerv ous System—and it was in these cases that other 'remedies' having so often failed, a new agent was greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, has been found in the proper and judicious applicatiop of Galvanism. The GalvaniC Rings have been used with entire success in all cases of RhzuxArum, acute or chronic, applying to the head, face or limbs, Gout, Tic-Dolo rcus, Toothache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous Sick . Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Patsy, Epilepsy,' Fits, Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, Apoplexy, Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head, pain in the Chest and Side, General Debility, Deficien cy of Nervous and Physical Energy, and on NERV OUS DISORDERS. In cases ofeonfirmed Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the diges tive organs, they have been found equally successful. Their extraordinary effects upon the systemmust be witness be believed, and as a certain preventive foe the preceding complaints they are equally recom mended. The Rings are of different prices, being made of all sizes, and of various ornamental patterns, and can be worn by the most delicate female without the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation is rather agreeable than otherwise. The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bends, Garteri, Necklaces, .Sc.. In some cases of a very severe character, and of long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic Rings is not sufficient to arrest the progress of disease and ultimately restore health. The improved modi fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, &c., entire ly remedies this objeCtion; any degree f power that is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect will fail to be permanently relieved. These articles are adapted to the waists, arms, vvrists,limba, ancles, or any part of the body,• with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bene fit in cases of Bronchitis:or .affections of the throat generally; also incases of Nervous Deafness; and with almost uniform success as a preventive:for Apo plexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints. Chrisile's Dlagnetto Vlula is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and all their modificationi. This composithin has been pronounced by the French Chemists to be one of the most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It is believed to possess the remarkable power of ren dering, the nerves sensit ire to galvanic action by this means causing a.concentration of the influence, at the seat of disease, thus giving rapid and permanent re lief. No other composition in cheinistry is known to produce the same effect, or to, impart . a similar pro pc rty to the neriiitiS - system, by means Oran outward local, application. The Magnetic Fluid contains noth ing capable of the slightest injury; its application is agreealdnd it is as harmless in its action ai it is beneficial in ifs - results. Full explanations and direc tions accompany ii. - -Tie cornbine&inventions are in every way perfectly haimiessj they are sold at prices within the reach of all and'The discoverer only re quests a fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy , -.. and permanent benefit. Christie's-Galvanic Strengthentrig,,Plas ters. These articles term another valuable application' of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They are an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings and theirmodifications, acting upon the same princi ple, but having the advantage of more local applica tion. They are confidently recommended us a valu able addition in the speedy cure ofßheumatism,acute or chronic; in alnervous complaints and as a posi tive remedy in 4tses of Pain and Weakness in the Chest or Back, Pain in the Side, in .4smatic Affeetions, and in Weakness or Oppression of the Pulmonary Or gans. In Spinal Complaints their effects are of the most decided character, and they have often been used with complete success. They are also of the greatest advantage in Pains and. Weakness of the Breastiand are highly recommended for many of those complaints to which femalesare especially liable: As an effectual means for strengthening the system when debilitated with disease or other causes; as a certain aid in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive of Colds, and in all affections of the Chest, generally, 1 the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be found ot great and permanent advantage. In a few wordd; it embraces all the virtues of tile best tonic preparation, with the important addition of the galvanic influence, which is neither impaired nor exhausted, while the action continues. These articles will be found entire ly free from those objections which are a constant source of complaint with the ordinary plasters in common use. CAUTION Ditr The great celebrity and success of these arti cles have caused them to be counterfeited by cnprin eipled persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. Ctttitsrts has but one authorized.agent in each city or the Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh, W. W. WILSON CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS, Of the highest and most respectable character, are constantly received, regarding the extraordinary value and success ol'the above articles. It is believ ed that in the city of New York alone, upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the moatpainful chronic disorders, some of which have completely baffled all former fforts of medical art. indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine, constantly recommend this application in their prac tice, and with the exception of those who are too prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent among the American ?acuity. Dr. Christie is at all times ready and most happy to give every facility to physicians, and all interested, for testing the truth el his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery. Only; agency in Pittsburgh, corner of '4th and Market street. octl4-dly Jone , s Willem Chemical Soap. PERSONS, in twanging this, must always ask for JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAI'; and, per haps, as many have been cheated with counterfeits will be too much discouraged to try the genuino,.we say - to such, Try this once—you will not regrotil; but always see that the name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Price 50 cents a cake. For sal e'by W. JACKSON, Agent, comer of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh where the Genuine can be obtained; ALL online ARE COUNTERFEIT.jan22 • Jones's Coral !lair .Restorative. HEREBY certify that my hair was falling out in I immense quantities daily, and was turning gray, , and that since I have used Jones's Coral Hair Resto rative, it has entirely ceased falling—iti growing fast, and has a fine dark look. Before I used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, I combed out handfuls of hair daily. ,, W. TOMPKINS,92 King st. N. Y. For sale by W. Jackson, Agent, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, the only place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE CAN be obtained. jan22 To my Clients. MYtiP.AErgNE., PARTNER, i M at r tet i f tu u s a i: ness and I recommend them to the patronage of my friends. I am authorized to state that they will re ceive the counsel and assistance of the Hon. R. Bid dle, Office 2d story ofSurkes Buildings, 4th street, between Wood and Market. jan6=ly SAMUEL W. BLACK. slltb - ical. - . . Sprains, Strains, Pains of thr Breast and- Side; and diseases of the Spine,..: .- t, _. (11311T..1) add - effectually relieved by thelise of Na kj turosowirßeniedy,,thb AMERICAN OIL; ob tained from a well in Kentlicky, 185 feet below the. Etiiihls surface. A'lady ikKentucky was cured of a Spinal Disease, which hid. confined. her to her bed for many weeks completely helpless, by the use of this remedy, after variousother remedies had been tried in vain. Read thelollOwing testftrinniat. .. , . .. - ' -- - - PITTSBUIIGH August 22,1846. , /Oar. This is to certify, that we have used the AMEBI- C/al ou. for the Whooping cough among our children, by giVing them from 20 drops to'a small tea spOcin full at night; which always enabled them to rest well through the night; I also applied it to.one of_ the children that go t her arm -burnt, the child ceased crying by the time the arm was - dressed -and boend up. 'I also was afflicted with a pain in my aide ; and breast, and. have been so for 16 years., I commenced using the Oil .by taking a teaspoonful twice a day, and in 2 or 3 days using the Oil havb been veryninch relieved, Sand do 'believe that it 'is the'best family medicine J have ever seen—one of my neighbors used it at my request for a sprained Miele, which ie lieved her, in a few - minutes; we !laic also used the Oil for a strained joint in our own family; which gave ease in very short time. We live !an the east side ofPenn st., 3 doors south'ot . Walnut. ram now as well as ever was in my life. MARGARET A:. Sold wholesale and retail by Wm. Jacksn; nt his Boot and Shoe store and Patent Medicine Ware house; 89, Liberty street, bead of Wood street, Pitts . burgh. Price. 50 cents and 11 per bottle. Wm: Jackson being. the.exclusive :Agent for Western Pennsylvania, NONE IS GENUINE but whit is sold by mid on. ins appointed agents.., B. A pamphlet containingample.directions, &c., with the Names and Addresses of the propiie tors and principal Agents is enveloPed in the-wrap per of each bottle. aug 23 feb 15-dBr.w6in Mittria ..94EAXG9llP-' = •... o• 1-•: . c2 i* , 4it WESTERN REAV YOUIC,", COLLEGE O:F...IIEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, New Y ork. 11 R. G. C. VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE LITHON TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR 1.347.—"1 CASE, I Raw, I CON QUERED2 I ' 122 most enaphatically the case with this article. Disease has ever yielded to its most marvellous medicinal power. Wherever it has gone, and South America;England, Canada, and the United States have proved the truth of this statement, the above quotation in a strong and pithy sentence, tells the whole story. Invalids, the prin ciple upon which you are cured may not be knewis to you, but the resultof a trial of the article is, satis 7 factory; you are restored; and the-secret of the cure remains with the proprietor. The Medicine is ,a. compound of 22 distinct vegetable hiencies; eachth dividual root has its own peculiar, exclesive, cinal property, conflicting With no other compound —each root makes its own ,cure—and as a perfect combination, when taken into the system, it-does the work which rrs.runa, when her laws were .first established, intended it should do—PII RIF I E S., STRENGTHENS, AND RESTORES the brokerr down, debilitated constitution. Ithoisv, in all its characters, will be 'completely eradicated from system by its use. See pamplets ha agents' - hands, for free circulation..--they treat upon al: tliseases, and show testimony ofeures. anavEr, and all . com plaints plaints of the urinary organs, form also the cause of great suffering, and VAUarrUeLtinoNnixmC has acquired no small celebrity over the country, by the cures it has made in this distressing plass of ape tions. .So famed;it seems, is thiS medicine, that it has thus attracted the notice of one of bar Medical publications. In' the November No. 1846, of the "Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review of Medical 1 and Surgical Science," in an article upon calculons diseases, and "solvents," the writer, alter noticing the fact that the English government once purehased a secret remedy, and also noticing the- purchase in 1802, of-a secret remedy,hy the Legislature - of New York, thus pays tribute to the - fame of the Medicine: "Why do not our - .Representatives irf Senate and. Assembly convened, enlighten-, and 'dissolve' the suffering thousands ofthis country, by the -purchase of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic, than whir% no sfil ven t since the days of Alchemy has possessed one half the fame t" Reader, her - cis a periodical ofhigh standing, acknowledged throughout a'large section - of this country to be one of the best conducted jour -1111 of the kind in the United--:Statea.s-exchanging with the scientific works of Europe to our certain knowledge, edited by Austin. Flint, M. D., and con tributed to by men of the highest professional abili ty, thus stepping aside to notice a,' secret reinetly.b. Yon will at once understand no itaknoion andloorth /est-nostrum, could thus extort a coninientirrimso . high a quarter—and consequently, unless it directly, conflicted with the practice ofthe faculty, it must have been its great "fame" Which has caused it to receive this, passing nod: KIDNEY, diseasesOieta ness of the back and spire, irregular', painful and suppressed .Mensturation Flour, Atlas and-the en tire„complica ted train oeevilu Which fo ' lloW a.diser dereitsystem, are at once relievedhy the: medicine: Send forliarnnhlets froth Agents,and you Will find evidence of thesvalue of the Lithontriptie there put forth. As a remediTorthe irregularities of:the fe male system, it has in tha - Compound a "root" which has been resorted to in the nortitofEerepe for ctn.. turies—as a sure cure for this complaint 4 and a re storer of the health of the entire systein,---DriEv. COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, BILIOUS DISiASER, 112C; - " - Zife, instantly relieved. People of the West will it the only remedy in these complaints, as well as FE VER AND AGUE. There is no remedy like it, Gild 720 calomel or quinine forms any part of this mixture. No injury will result in its use, and its active proper ties are manifested in thniise of a single 30 oz bottle. Fox FEven AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders, take rio other Medicine. RtiEttnanalt, Gotrr, willfind relief. the action of this medicine upon the Blood, will change the disease—which originates in the blood —and a healthy result will follow. -DvErErstA, nicEs-rion, &c., yield in a few days nse of this Medi tine. Inflammation - or THE Ltrnos. Cotthrty, CON snsterios also, has ever found relief. Senorta.a, ERYSIPELAS, PILES, In f lamed Eyes—all caused by im pure blood—will find - this article the remedy. The system, completely acted upon by the twenty-two different properties-of the mixture; is purified and restored—as a partial cure will not follow, The train of common complaints; Palpitation of the Heart, Sick Headache, Debility; 4-c„ are all the re sult of some derangement of the system, and ;the, GREAT REsrotta frill do its work. The, promises, set forth in the advertisement, are based upon the proof of what it has doneili - the past four years. The written testimony of 1000 Agents,- in Canada; the United States, England and South •Amerina: in the possession of . the ,proprietor—and can: be-Seen by all interested—is a sufficient demonstration that it is the ~,best Medicine ever offered to the World. Get, the pamphlet, and study the principle as there laid down, of the method of cure. Put up in 30 oz. bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do:at $1 each—the larger held ing 6 oz. more than two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed upon. Every bottle, has "Vaughn's Vegetable ,Lithontriptic Mixture"' blown upon the. glass, the written signature of "G.C. Vangii" on the directions, and 'G. ,C. Vaughn, Buffalo,' stamped on the cork." None other are genuine. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sofa at the Principal Office, 207 Main street; Buffalo, at wholesale and retail. No attention given - to letters, unless post paid-.or ders from regularly constituted Agents excepted: post paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting ad vice, promptly attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale or this arti cle-132 Nassau st., New York city; 295 Essex at.; Salem, Mass.; and by the principal Druggists through out the United States and Canada, as advertised in the papers. Agents in this city— Hays & Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Agents, No. 2, Commercial Row,' Liberty streetcPittsburgh. Also, It. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; John Mitchell, Federal street, Allegheny city; John Barclay, Beaver; John Smith, Bridgewater. jart3l:4ll&wly A . UCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT LA_ Corner of Wood and Fifth streeta,Pittsburgh isready to receci.e merchandise of every description on consignment for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above basines„llatiers-hisaa-, that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to !k, who may favor him with their patronage. • • Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Goods and Fancy articles r at 104:0elock, A.M. Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured cuticles, new and second hand furniture, Stc., at two o'clock, P.M. Sales every evening at early gas-light. augl2-y Notes. ON the Upper Rid. Grande,- by Bryant R. Tilden, Jr., explored in the month of October and No vember, 1846, on boird the -11. S. str. Major Brown, commanded by Capt. Mark Sterling, of Pittsburgh, by order of .M,aj. Geo.. Patterson, IJ.. S. A., com manding the second division of Army of Occupa tion, Mexico. The above work.can be had from .the agent, G. Hubbard, corner of Marbury and Penn streets.— , Also from the Booksellers. febls7tf ~.5~ .. MEM , MIME John D. Davis, l biLal Celebiated Itimedy : icir TAB, cURE o.l7c4RONte DISEASES - .111.4ZONPS SICILIAN SYRUP OR TROPICAL, Discoveied BY pr. Mazoni of Italy its the Year 1545, ..and.introduced into the ii States-early in 1846, • • . . Tr unrivalled ' medicine for the radical cure or Chronic diseates has'spread throughout Europa with the 'Most uneaualled speed and triumphant sec=. - ---: cess, effectins the most astonishing hares ever known or recorded in the annals of Medical _History. Since its introduction into the :United Stated it has cattail* - sustained the high reputation it so justly received i in, - the East, curing- here as it had denethere, the most inveterate and longstanding diseases with which the human family _aro afflicted . The Physicians Of Eu rope arid 'America (as fai as they have become ac , quainte.d. with its mode of operaticin)" together With . ' the thousands Who have been restored to-health by its superior efficacy with one united voice proclaim it to be the most perfect remedial agent ever offered • to suffering humanity. It is now an established fact "that Consumption may be, can be . , and has been_cured by Dr.atazoni , s Sicilian Syrup or Tropical Hygiene, • Ihitiis the only medicine that has ever been dia.:. covered that has achieved-a cure where _this' disease - had gained a settled and permanent hold upon the systeni."' For the truth of this assertion, we have r - the certificates of somvief the most eminent Physi cians of Erirope. and America, expressly declaring:; that they have prescribed it in handreds of instances . - where the patients were considered beyond till hope of recovery, and, to their astonishment, haseffected - the meat speedi.and perfect Cures. No one who is unacenainted-with its action can imagine the won--- derfulsucc - ess that etteeds, the,administration of this medicine in - every variety of, chronic disease, par ticalarly Consiimption, Scrofua or kings evil, Asth ma, Plithisic, Piles, (see cases reported in pamphlets and circulars) .Cancers, Liver Complaints, - Costive- • ness and Indigestion, Sore and Inflamed Throat, ' Bronchitis, Dropsies, - "Chronic Intimation of the Kidneys, Grarl; Great Debility and Iratibility of the -nervous system, Spinal affections; Paralysis, Chronic Diarralima, Pain. in the .breast and side, Coughs, Colds, Chronic Rheumatism, Diseases of the Stomabh and Bowels, inward' weakness and falling . down rif the womb, and all the chronic ,diserises pe culiar to females in. their various relations in life. This Medicine is'prepared only by. Dr. Mazoni him- serf; and, is composed entirely of vegetable materials containing the extract 01,42 of the most rare Tropi- cal plants but few of which -aie known to the" medi cal Prefession generally, - It has so far surpassed every other, medicine ever offered to the world in eradicating disease, that if has not only enlisted many, of the ,most talented medical men in the world in its favor but what is - more extraordinary the government where 'it was diScovCred tiles made it an offence punishable with death to attempt counterfeiting. it or making sale or any spurious article purporting.: to be the same or , representing it to, be genuine. And Govern thent haa" also Made a liberal provision for the pro tection of it here. To the afilicted vire , say let none dispaii, though you_ may have been given up by ' your 'Physician and considered by your, friends as; beyond all hope, try a bottle of this. medicine and' you may rely upon the fact, that. if, you have physi--. : . cal strength enough left to endure ; its action, you will find certain and speedy- relief, for this has been the-case in thousands of instances,..in proof of which. - we can produce;certificates from;; individuals of the -- most reppectablu character Thoth of Europe and 'America. -This ;medicine will be .offered'for" "Salo only at the csiunty shuts of each county owing to the small amount yet imported. and the anxiety of the prorieter to place this valuable remedy within the reach of all throughoutthe United States. . • ' Hays &..Brockway,. Druggists, N0..2 Commercial - Row, Liberty street,wholesale and retail Agents for . Allegheny county._ Sold also by It. E. Sellers, No 57 Wood sb. „ , - , - dec9.9-d9m. .' Diedical and Surgical ; Office. - . Health is the charm of life, without it gold. Love, lettera, Cridntla, all, all, asetinenjoyed. ... • .„.. . DOCTOR BROWN, a' 1 " . .. ;. 7„..T . • regularly educated physi .2:4,-:rtt's: cian from the eastern cit- , ~,,,..„ . ies,wouldrespectfu ly an c* ,Tif-'-f 4 -1- 4 a.'..4 1 ,-- - r" - .2 .pounce, to the citizens of .-- n - . 0-4- int b b All It " d 7 1 , .• va:" . f ,... i s urg , eg eny an . glit',4--, 'mt. -,, . vicinity, that. he can be 01--.1,...... 4 V . comulted privately, and, -- -,14,.., ' conffidentially, every day " „lr, L‘' and evenin at his office ,1 - , ,nn Diamond Allay, a rev: . -- , doors .from Wood street ()Wards the market. - . Dr. Brown gives his partieule.r attention to, the reatmentand in%:estication of the following . All diseases arising from IraPuritiesof the Blood; scrofula, syphilis, seminal 'u ethos impoteney, salt rheum, diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism, piles,palsey. . - , • - Dr. Brown has much . pleasure. in announcing to the public, that he is in, possession of the latest in-, formation • and improvement in the treatment of secondary sypluls, practised at the Paris Lock llos: - pita'. The modern,researches on syphilis, _its complications andconsequences„ - and the improved Modes eV. practice'-which'liaie been made kmown to the ptitlic but recentley, and to those chiefly NVhO make this branch of Medicine, their portico lar study and practise. • *. Many new and yaluable'remedies havebeen latel introduced, whichsecures the patientbeing curializeil but of exiitence Strangers are apprised that Doctor Brown has. heen educated'in every branch -"of medicine, and regularly Miniitteff to practise, and that he now confines . limself to . the I study andpractice of this particular branch,togeth er withmll,diseases of u private or delicate nature incident to thehunianfrnme. NO cure, no Ray. 'Recent cases are relieved is a short time, with ontinterruption from business. - - - - Letters from a distance, askitiglulyice, must-con. tain a fee, or they wilt not be attendeitto oj'Otlice on Diamond Alley, a feiv doors from Wood street, towardsthe market consultations strictly confidential. myl2-d&wy. Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds,- TAIREO FROM PHILADELPHIA. Each . aper beard the - label , and warranty Of DAVID te.llll - Per sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 29 Water , et., at the stand - formerly occupied by Geo. A. Derry. :Extract from the 'Report of the'Visiting . Committee of the Pennsylvania Ilortfcultural Society,' unafik • mously adopted and ordered -to be printed, LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS. “These extensivq-,,krounds are on Federal street, near the Arsenal. * * * The earliest collec-, tion of Camellias was made here. Some of those now in possession of, those distinguished nurserymen - are ten feet high. * .* * The selection 0. catittf-norsk pLatrrs is valuable and extensive. "The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup.. plying ; every part of the Union r u detail of which. would occupy too much of our space, we therefore' . content ourselves with-stating that the stock is very large,: and in' every stage of groWth, consisting of FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL' TREES, EVER-- O.REENS, SHRUBS; VINES AND CREEPERS; with a collectiori of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the best kind and most healthy condition, large beds ok seeding apples, pears, plums, km., as stocks for bud— ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that o. working upon slackers, which carry with theminto the grail all the diseases of the' parent stock.' 4 >--*- - "GARDEN SiEns of the finest - quality have been scattered over the country from these grounds,Una may always be depended upon. The seed establish— ment of these Horticulturists is' one, of the 'nest ex— tensive in the Union; and ififreputation is well sustain— ed from year to year: . - - "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina ok the plants of the same family, they have established. another nursery at a suitable distance,ao that degene— ration cannot take place, and, which secures to the purchaser. a 'genuine article. , Knowing Altus the age, quality and process of culture, of every plant, the supply from their grounds ioreconunended with great contidened.” . - *: Since the date of, the 'Report' from which the above is extracted, the entire establishment has been. greatly, enlarged. The collection of Camellias-em— braces;all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou— sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and. other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit Imes &c - The Seed Gardens alone cover .fiity acres, and the "whole is, as it has been fur mrsre-c.rian half a century,. under the successive management of father and SOn, the most pProminent in America. . .-fier orders received by F. -L. SNOWDlati, from. , n• hone catalogues may be received gratis. - -mar9-3x A LARGE and splendid' assortment of Mahogany and Rosewood grand action Pianos, with me talic frame and with all, the ,latest improvements, which for dirabilityitone and touch, are warranted to be equal 'to any made in the country, for sale low for cash, by _ F. BLUME; marlB '' No ILI Wood st, 2d,door above sth. Homoeopathic' Medicines and Bookaw TUST received 'a fresh - supply of Homceopathim t) Medicine Chests, heraceopathic Coffee, Sugar or milk; and a late collection ei thelatest publications on..Homreopathy, at the Bookstore of VICTOR SCRIBA, aplo et. between-Wood and Market sts: !!-7 . ,' - ‘';- - t4.a5,z'. - i,=.',',3z,t , : , - - t'n7 , :,•;,T7:.W'Z'C.,?.*:-...'.7.'T:i.---.:•••,::::::::',-:,--.]:-;":':':,:.:-'.:•.,'.:i-.:::': ME UM 51 i 1 1 Ptanoy. I , OE