The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 30, 1847, Image 1
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Sioglacopie!, exicti - 43 - E eels at.the.connter -o(..ltitntedineiand.b9Velicari o 7 B . • AWE 111111S - 11010111Y AND MINUFACHR AVilublikatid* , the samV-offitt,Alin eii:Vit7 . 7o DOLLARS 10 - Yikui advance; • till'Arg"s" ' • -: °- Tk re e„:4 o , ,, oo • Ctrie .!;week s 116 0 -T44l'.°d.itx , 3 .01) 4 00 cu:L74E-U.IL:z, t'elnt Square; , 'SirrisTintlii, :71: $l5 00 i)iiirleai; - • - •"20 00 jAxihr ailvertisements of fotirlines, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR - AT LAW . , .11,..f.)ffints in- Lotrcie's Building, Fourth street, ntboyn • . _ rlitr Ctill'fetintiS and' other 'professional business itteriddil in in Balm; Sod Mercer Counties. "dectvy ',C. - .. - TTOkt!"7 - EY - 'AT LAW,. Pilistiargh, Pa:, has _M resumed tho-practice.of his profession - , in his Bakestell's Buildings, • Grant street, 2V..auting.his absence by T. - J.:: Bigtiam, and - 42,-."Esq„ , . - ,jan2S-dawly .13.1o . hnind, ArgOlNtlit,,Y AT LAW,' office . in Stilait'e bo Id= ..m..44. 4 0,-Fo r h . 4 ., above Wood. , junel9-divy .‘"OO.DrAS 11. MARSHALL, r t .4 ttAW --Office, Lowrie's Build litS; Bliurlllt Street.' - jan77y arealliat V. 111.M..iblain, . TORNR Y AT A.A.M, ofWee in Wallace's b nil d ,Zl4ingi nn , 4th between Wood and. Smithfield streetn,;. , • . • - nor IS-y. tiakThir.L:rhtfirMAGlEHAS. • P. !C. - .1113M1N07, ItEnytealkinza Skala:Wort, , TIORIiIdYS• and-Centre dims :atl.n.w...l,olfiee „411„3enyfitirthntreet, between, Vitoodemd Smithfield, ad egiy..opppeite,the gayminiobsce.- novSl • Virt ltrlttithoni Ik'TTOTINEY- AT LAW and Solicitor inthnnetry. _IL Office in B - Ireelievr building, Fifth street, be. • ikanuiSitoodlnd SmithfieiL. • - • • '• . augl . )31. , Knig4t; ,;!rPti!..itYS I.AW, Office ninioi'ed to the ,cesidenca of li. - s:Ma g raw, on ,goiirth ' it: one . ap2.l-y. C Dozwenii, ATi'ORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Pittsbloth, Pa. Office on Fonrtb et., between mall - field and Grant. -'ttarl4-y dninad *Lowden, 41k,-'.lTalitiEr BT=LASVtbfticc in thihoilding on ther North East corner of:Fourth amiSmithtiold streets. '. . • - • • novil-y • -- Itiorros*, Sttltlt'stA.N, 'olSce north Side or , Fifth 'Street between Mr ()tut acid Smithfield, Pittsburgh. ' Burke, . TTORNEY AT LAW, office,Smithfiefirsircet ' betweva Fourth street awl ianion.d Alley, op. posite Mr. Geo: Wayinaii% -- riiNtit-XT LAW, assabers oCeupied,by.Alderoran .NPAio:stersieou Fifth st., n;Woo!:i. and riplS-y tlNcAndless•lt Er.9clure. • yy XitteTTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,I ..plEce4:l4l Fou r th street, opposite 41.: - Ik. 8.. 11. teeiVii•ty gwartsw.elder, -1 k.,Troidth'S AT LAW, Fourth street bOtween jote-Virtiii4Vatitilthithfield, opposite Patterson's lir elytitftbril;,:-....' • ,aO-3" " - , ,• --;:ie;ecirge. i'...oiLionore ItTTOILITIX AT LAW, Otßeerin ilteed2clattild . ings, 4th st.; above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep24l.y :1-:.i• :: ..••;;.,--,--'ib.-01i.ii:viao.,LopziadiA), . , , . ATTORNIMAT_VAW, o!*cel'ocirth at., above ~._ Smittifield. —...". . ulyl-y .A 13 gMiliatrinove4 his commission aml, for- ISA: Wardintbusiness from' the Canal BasiCto his nose-searelionse on. Third streetinearly opposite the vl , 7--,Askuf Vic. ilairrell, - • VW/ANSI AT -.1...A.V., having returned, from , - hisT.urtoperartour-has -taken an °toe° on the no ' iliitiConci'of Fourth nand-Smithfield sts. :Per 1,3115 110:441.1aVIIII'lliVIS'aita paperi in thii-hfitida ci 6amitel'lfingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the likatt:eg RS til,the,unslttl,e.d,basiness of Mr. Kingston] itatebeen left in his hands. . nuirEo-y I ____.------ I,'• ,laharlefo DL Hays, • ' • . piT'llißligir :AT. LA.W, Pittsburgh,' Pa. `Corn-t' missiannr td take the proof, and- osite acknoorwled other ment - of deeds, leases, contracts, dep the States - of s writhsts,l'Aill'be : recorded 'or used in Relit:inky, Indiana and. Tennessee. °Tice . Alo. SO, Saiirt,stnildins, Foorth street. SO, - ' J ame ft ...,v, tames .. ra p A TItORNEY; COUNSELLOR . AND NOTARY, .a.T.Pittahurgh, Pa., haying resigned. the office of ocretary.F.Nay. and Fire Ins. Co : , will attend spy elan,: td.,collections and b`usiness connected with navigatinn;lnsurance, account&and real eirtate. BC pines+, hours, 9 'Af:' M.. to 9 P. M. .o,lTice, No. BL, Smart's :buildings, (No,. 90,., 4 c.iirtli 5t...,) tiecondddor . .eakt: lit yireeilatide.t.:. . . ' . . feb9;y, ~,;.-,_, --_-, -, ILdwt_ci C. 'Wilson, ' t ji - TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT l-attAend LW, Franklin, VenangO County, Penna., wil ifrotaptriM.,:tilf inisineas einrusted to Inif care—col ,ecti onn#-•e* in Itarren,Clirion and 3 erertion A. HEFLS TO 1 Pittsbiug .. , Stockton & Co.' - • . • bturphy,,Wilson.-&- C 0.,; - , - h. John Bigler; :,;: : ' : : :- '• „li. .o,l'Jatnes-itillllear., Franklin: - - --lion...Alex.„WC alinont, Hon. James Wilson ,Stettirtly e, Ohio. ju,y2.3-y . -___-_-------,---, 4--,,---, __ __---,_ —_ - --L------------------ , John; A,Pap ra lainao, ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, hetvret,„ - Walnut and "O'Hara streets, where - hp may be Ttiose hayie; houses or Sheri prkertY'fo'aeli or rent, can have the same punetu-1 Ally Wended_ to; debta„eorteeted, arid ' all =the' dutiee of .astAlderman will receive prompt attention. , 0 et27;y—...----- - . ----• .. , , --. _ - Balmer ar,'Soes BANItMS dealein in "foreign and Domestic or Eseltange certificates of deposit; bank notrrßn specie/Dilifta.and notes 'collected, and entittances raade4to any part of the United -States, Nit.o6,lifitrket street, . • . jaa-y _ aohn,toii Stoclicton, ' - Ivir,P,S AND PAPEA MA- No. 114 Mirket'strdpt. aep 10.x' tpOOESELDER, STATIONER AND:-: BENDER, 1.) No. 115 Wood street, three dOors below-Fifth, Pittsbo - -. • jan7-y James Pattersortc Jr., First and Ferry streeta, Pittsburgh ? Pa., manufacturer of locks kingel and-bolts, ~screwßsq, lotmills, utinsos tobacco,, earn, „and; .0.11;er screnrs, Eheouiso.en ; ; no: it. IN -- - - TIENTIST, has removed to'Oieiplace of 'his for- El pox residence in Pent(street, - two doors p low low •• - - SEVEN_MG-_DOORS lyQ STREET, rir AR LP4l l2 lt •v !z - 101ifi'l? MOVEN ;146")PlidETOR, • paygtt 7 ,-;':!; Z‘, •_- - 41 xt '- .- -.- -...........,"... .: .* ''''',.'“-•-. -; ' _.._ ~ , ..•- ' 7-. ',' .- '7- - " , -..i- t. 77 •: ..,..,.:,- -..-.,-;•••'''''V.,,7-7,,2„, , ,,!rr-17",,,,,,*•,::::• , ,,.. f5...,71.--• - ' , Av v. ± ..v- , *.r...1.:,.;.,....,...40-•,KF.,,.77.% 0zrxf0 ,,,. ..rter ,, mr. , , , , ,,,,,,, v. , :. --, :p. 1, .. 07 ^.., 14 te' 21 4: -,,.. . , . , - --,, , , ; , • , 4 , A ,,,,, , , ; , - , % ,-,, 1 r, ..•0 ,4-, .! , -7-" , ="lt - ': , . - 7 , :. , 0rf. 1 1m - vA",' , - 1-7 •I'r'"?! , ;• - i•'-'• 4 -- ,, z- , - ,,, ''' , ' ~. .., . ~ , ...••• •••••••-- - ~- .., ---- - --,7- , -- , ,,-:- -.7. ••,--,-..-,--‘, . . r„.....t...,------------ , - . , • .... • • • • . :„,-,... - •:..-• •,....., ,:-..•;:. J.. ~,• ; ••••• , t ,,,• ,•.,-._„: - i _-- • --".•-•_,". -•„tv ~ . 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':'' : ' -..-."--.'....''' -' '.. ---1 ' . .. I, ,l: : , :, .:'''''''- - !: 4. -i . ::', - .._: . ," . ..,.t: - ...' ' Z'' , . -- '..:. : " ..- . , `-'- --- . , ":• - •::"g!i_i" -. ;',:' r..,..''..---..,'..-',:.::,. -,...„;:,..;,-_-,-.:.--,:,,,,....,' ~,,,...,,:,....:__,,.,...; , 1t,A „,- ; . -:,:, ,: , _,,,,' . - • dverthlpig, Ono month, Tim do, . 'Three - do,- Four 'do, Shi - do, - - One year, • itilements, AT rmantrar., Two - Squares. • Six. montls; . $2OOO One year; 30 00 .ro.ortion. rrvE nota.Ais a-yectr. A. W. Posta, Josep;i: - Knot REMISE `:-%~~ . ,f.': ,. ..•;!.475 - ':!•: - .'''..:•: - MEM f'..:1,',-•,.; , :, - ,:' : ';l. - ,,,, -; -:: - ,•1;.::::"• ':,',.!.:-..:'-!.,..'i,.."4,;'-',,:rri:.'.r--' Brovrzurs , l4l6 mai EDFV.A.RD HUGHES ;71;11;16i,vitFehour-, snuti .:0 • .100RWAitinfiG'SCCONIUM ICITACiLIISTS. Conal'll44l4-PitiAblirghl xtitir3dy . . EOiliLy GROCER, s r hii iireet, next door to the ; Fifth Preabyterlurch• .juneq' Get - . okg e ,c an, VORWARDING Si combSION MERCHANT 17 , No, 26 Wood et.: • 13) 1 . nav2l-9 sew: ItottiltoYe• IDir 'S.:BOSWItiRTIT 8 4 A 4 N0;'49 -Market street, I - 1 • neat deerto 'rhipleet, - are just opening-a nevrankeitetonve anor t z tt of Books-and Station ,Frii*hich they {yin 3 44iolesale and retal,nt the lowest Pliees,t. • . 1 ,=i ardr.)-y 65 oo 6-DO 7.'00 8 00 10 00 lb 00 - - oulai Robinson, • • LATE. U. S. Attoroeiak !wooled Igo loirmo to NO. 8 Si. Clair•qt• '!• gePt4l ' "L.lll l nt between. Penn ouc r 4 UMBEP wi -77 HaHandL , "4 stn Pittsburgh; All commissions bromptly attended io.'sn ,School 0604 aAioapig , War olionsc. LIKE LOOMIS, Agfiniblisher,bodkticlier and boidr,bindgi NO •'Wood street Pittsburgh::" mir2S. . t PAlkli4on , a Ur gvalle4 i t ,rAztuFAcTUREVad sold . wholesale'and j,vii :tin Smithfield sbeiweeaVirgin . 0ct2,1,y 111. Edgy, dealer; irANUFACTUREftrLard. OH and. a ; in XIX Star Cendle.s, l• it liens. Merlins, S. W. , : ; - intsi-244 COLLIZA*.•:JOHX:ip ifNINGS. 4.0111. vr.ituashat - - Co!.enian,-lELlokan & Co., Springs and 131 4 Axles, A. 11., artdiring steel, and dealer's in coach trimmings . of-ery ilesdription;niataufactory on St. Clair street, warotise, 43' Wood . street, op=. posit° St. ' Charles - I . Flint-Glaws'AteibllshigtenC; VOLVANYLEDI?, manuilicturc , and-keeli tjL- co nstantly on hanieut, • moulded.tdul plain -Flint Glassware in all its Irieties, at their 'tsarchalise corner of Markcl,:nrill_titex, stresz . Xittsbuigh Our worki continue i t t operatiorg,arid Ntie ire constantly adding te our kick, which cnahles tist to till orders withpromptne4 .' Purchasers are' resOcct4 fully solicited, to call andlsamitic prices and terms. • - . 'Otto Inntzi • - - 11 - ANUFACTLTRERoi tricoaritikrzatekEETlf, 1,1 Smithfield street/Aro doors below Fifth street Pittsbargh,.Pa.. Al way at hand a full asso4toont- or Plate : tad- Pivot teedh , if a _wariaty of.ishahiea., rile Plate; lit °lam* hininpidatots, Gum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, Ace... Teeth. and blocksjruallo to order; Dentista 'suppliedadtkaii _articles itt the pre fession.. AU orders froniabroad must be stoompan ied by the cash. iCS). Platina always -oir-liatf. Jitril.eft Blaice* Ilderninu: 41DE on Penn st.:llMsite D. Leech 8: Co', n. iiacketline office. Afice hours from 7 o'clock LOS O'elCick P., !tr., pr: Daniel PIMA? al. . . . FFICE on Einithfidld;fire dooeffromlSixt-hlst:, Pittshargli;:' - ' decl.o.l .pr. I intrrlca, - No. n sinitbdeta •=treet; near Slith pitUbjugh. . 7. • ' T.:*.441.n, i. )l. lAN° 'FORTE znanufatturer and dealnala M -- sical Instianenti, N W 01 - 112 odtl steel ear', ear „er in Fcifeign antl Ponsninic Wines aud,wq n om; No. 114 Liberty stater., sad 53 Dintnonii Pitts buralt, Pu. - , . O,URGEON DENT/ST, ..118,Liberty street; a fen- doors below St:. Clair at:.,Attsburgh. ap2S.y - - Algdenrg , Srarretiert„ ciOCCESSORS TO AVERYODEN &Co., whole. intle - nitit retail draggiataitnd manufacturers of white . lead, red lead and:lithege, corner•of Wood and Second • n0v13.4 John C °Ley, ITIAILOR AND CLOTIIIEJt;';Diesty st., between Aieth street and Virgin tilnoionth , . seplo-f - - - . . ..., __ I. BeCLURILLI!, CI. H. fi1a.t., ,, ... J. KIWI:PATRICK. ' • ' ' ' ''' s: iiitc,birkfin ::`C o ; ' • ' bßOCtitScrnumi„imi l'iler- W i c i ?'L LS t's.,AnUdd'aierairi Pmcearid Oittolititili. Manufactirea; NO. I:l2:Libert 3 , Oct, Pittsburgh. dec 3—y Jowl c..ABSCPS, -,. . ' , •4. At'SiNIGHT. ' Carson & .1114‘ 11 415, VIfOLE-SALE.GROCERS atkttamisiion Mar chaats,' Saar - etre - et,' bfeen , IST,oOd and - - 'Pittsburgh, Pa.' . .Ilee 4-y Bonkbitidor, reniotlad to, the 1' IN conier of. Wood and Thins, ahote C... 11. Kay,, , Pritere he is prepared-to dtery description °Muting and Binding. dec2-y J.. • A - 17 1 10 Litsi1LE aad ,retail .-11,, in Tobacco, Yit Snug, and Segars, No. 2441 at., between Wood and gniket sts., Pittsbargb. J. D. WILUADS. ' tHOV.IDLLER . •retail r • xtriloaisALE. 'end }I orafarding yv aii4 commission -inetet haul:II - dialers in country produce arid Pittsburgh Mgcturee. No. 110, Northeasl corner of Wood artib s :,ti c et s . ' G. martin, wITOLESALF. and retail Grockl dealer. in '-FOreigria'nd Dotriestie Foreign and Domestic Fruit; Nuts, tit ? , k i w at i4 street.' ' 1 • . Lamabort &. Eihiptarl AV I SG°CR GRO CE RS - , Commission Merchant s, ,Produce and Pittsburgh manufacturea,os.l3l. 5 w oo d Street,'PittsbUrgh, feb2-y J & J. ItitDevitt NITIIOLESALt dealt produce VTT, Pittsburgh manufactuiesiv ~ l c.. 224 T.iberty., opppsite 11 ,7 . street, Pittsl John Mellor, • WIIOLE.SALk and deale,k_ js '' in and. *V-' Musical liiitrumenhs,Piano Books' and - Stitilandry, No. 122 Wood, pi n t: r‘ I bur e" . -----Y •;:Jsmer Pork, Jr.; QCs ROLESA.T.X.'dILOCERS, lug:11115 p l an VlLs:tucedi ;ware,. and dealere.kk i . and Pittsburg' , mahhfactured articles; rfos.d-1 1 4 2nd at.; I.3tween Wood and Smithfield str,l4_ , r----- • .., ~ • John Stott - &. Co.. • AIErBOLESALE GROCERS ANA' qioN yy - Merchants, Ng:. 7 Cotnnierclal is er ,, et.reet,•Pittaturglt.•, - 1 . Itt. '; -' ..': : ..''. , DirlX Ire. at. Ny r iitt o • ~ • f-m ) OFINTIS'I', Office!and bin 1 I - Si_ Clnif 4 1 / 4 , fat... , Aocirciin. erty, near the Exultance . 1.• ....n--:f „... 1 _ - .1"64n boxitsvrig4t. . . . . . . ~ - CUTLER 'and Surgical luatrupent 14ta ir :. • NO, 140 Virciod street, two . dttra'fro z 4:: ley;PittsbUrgh; Pa.: .Always on hand , : ,'... n assortment or 'Surgical and Dental itt.._ Bankers') Tidlore,,HatterfP;Rair Oregam-IA: note , Patent neat's. Saddlers, Tools,'Trua I t _______ ..... ~.. ... TILV4GINIA— KO N E . c P , C (3l ° 7 E ll Or ?EltitY :AND WA#R 71 IT 5.1117.2 0 rP* . • g AvalE,tkort.M k rojirle febte-dfiti i • PEED:S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot °rune Lawniii il Jr, which will be' sold at tho veil low price of 18.1 , - , • , . . 11cleet- ' Se - hoot , ." -. i centsper yard, persona whowant a good article, at a Vu., : mool)Y, piipeetfadlystrn,oraleex tow price, would do *ell to call 500 n.".. ,friettdithatiliiiiititnda opening a Sole . Also on hatpin gOtid steer of Iklansook muslins for in thiircityyrarthis first Monday of April rie adustamakieb,-*cyittiBrip:7o,L; • ) basep?orttpftheTlArdpreoltorittirChuroh. l e l3 • . . No. 106 Market street. !•,-::::-;',•%:::,.;`...‘: ...i . ....,, ',. ;-'..`''.--.,' ' , -. , •':,15 - 1., -..,, , - tr ! .. :i --- • : : : :-• ' '''',' ;-:::,.. =EI EM;M :~ :- . 'MONO-MO-A.II7IMA. not; Eiz, -"On thi corner -of; Waterr and S'inithfieid street' 1 --_ "ti •,' , iirkt,, , -- , -• .: ;' 'or ' 'Of -iron , iiid .Ovii Fitliiith,art4-•., = PITI'SpURGII;Pa - . - • • • Yr undersigned Proptibtors'of the' in. , : Must announce to the :PUblici. that:the House is 'open for tho receptidn . of -Visitors: _:They tre.Conscious aiming spared-no' expense. in ;fitting out the Establishtnent in. such 0. style . as ; to.rendor arery . oomfort to. the Guests., they.hopO by C.on attention,to . busiaiss to merit the pa 'acorn& solibeiall7 'heistoviosr odthe.latti MOnopp_ hell mars `:z - • „ JAMES - OROSSAN & !gaplugton, Motet,, • . EANIP-AlevlST,llo;CG„Piottrio.or, Corner' of St. Clair find Penn aireets; . ; pitoiburglf,' the- proprie tor begs leaie'io retain 'ln most Kratithl . thanks bt. his Mends and the politic - Tor past favors, and hopes, by attention, , to merit a continuation of their:patron age. Therhouise is pleasantly situated near, the. Ea change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large room thrpublic meetings,dinnor or sdpper par ties. - Refreshments always ready,_ or prepared eir the ishofteit Mitier; With-the choicest the Market will nt.. ford. Gysters and.••• Oyster Soup} also Fresh Shell •Oiaters,receiyed every day during the season. The' greatest care lkis been taken in the selection of wines' and liquoiir. A•variety of newspapers are regularly 41 0 4 ia I . II P establisNuent, • , . P. S. A llot Lunch served up Feery day at 11, A. OBINIEB-OP PENN AND ST. bLAIII. STS., AL- CI :LEN lIROWTT, Paoeatraota Term $l,OO per day.; . _Theo' mcferiigne4l; thrmorly df-thrilderchants Hotel, eryner,of,Wood.and Third streets,ibasleased this:superior establishment, and fu ini : shed' it anew thritughotit, -with, eeld lieds new beadityr mid how furniture. Great care has been talon-to fill his cel lar'with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and'a baggage wagon.are-provided for the'lise of ibis girests,,and,a. Porter will bikini Attendance et nll hours to meerihri'ileraanile of the traveller. , The leng ex perienceef the-undersigned in this business; assures him that his easnest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be - iinsucteskthl. He feels altogether at lib erty. to.premise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, Liberal entertainment , and a hearty welcome at a moderato expense. ALLEN BRO WN. ap3-iltf District ystvid . 211DICDDCk, fonberly or the Union Hotel 1_ on iVater street, hating been inirnt out, liaibuilt a new and handsontelipufeespfessly fur the °scout rn6datied of tiavelers;•itt the corner of Second and Stnithfield.streets„.which will be known as the Vadat District Hotel. . . . - - . . . Ile lir now prepared to offer every accommodatimi and every comfort. to the tray ley at very moderate rdiarges. lie is provided wititample and convenient 1 stabling. decl24 BY DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburih, Penna. .Bciattlitg and - lodging, by the 44 ur weekrun the irnostimunniableionns. iltrangurs will runt it to their advantage te patronize him. Persons travelling east or we,st, wilt and this house a convenient Aapa lion,--it is, within. pen hundred .yatds of the canal hasitt,.azid convenient to the forwarding houses.. Every ir.fermation given to Ire I'danucturers all branches of the business. t tempi 5-y Nemo brewia ale can at. all tittehi ie 'had at the . . bar. nuvlo-y Between SmitAlleht and Grant Streets, Pittssburgh 111111STLAN SCHMERTZ., Proprietor, respect fatly inforine his friends and the public general that he will open the above splendid. Howie on the list day of May next.. The The louse being new, and - finished in alto most commodious -and convenient manner; and having it furnished with the. newest and most bentrfularylo -of furniture; flatters himself. that lie will be able to ac commodate his friends and the travelling public; in a manner not inferior to any similar establishtnent in ,tue city. nom Tiltnn annrWift t)e - Vteit etniveriterteelo those who are in attendance at court. fitritelreshments of all kinds Can be had. Boar ders taken by - the week or day. _Crit - Ltineli every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. sp3o trIIE PROPRIETaII. of this well known establish , meet respectfully.announces, that he continues to supply at the shortest notice, and in the best style, Balls, Parties, Families and Weddings, with Fancy Cake, lee Creams, Jellies; Pyramids, & c. k.c. Managers of contemplated halls ace:invited to see his arra mrements for suppers, at entertatuts. In his latiteialoon he is able to Seat almost au um ber oEperesasu at once. The terms in all departments . of hie iwsiness, he assures the public will be reasonable. jan22 . . ltrew_rsiraig store.- JOHN D. MORGAN, 11 , 71kcsale and Rrtai! Drnixie, No. 93 , 3 Wood strett, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh,—The subscriber has just receitcd from the,Easternrities, and is now opening at the above stand, a (UR assortment of articles in his lice , consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Painti and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wih ail such articles as are , usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug , store. His stock is entirely neiv, and has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both 'auto quality and price, will please such as tray fa vor him( with a call: • rtlytAy. WILLIAAI COI-8.711MS having, on Bic first day Janfiary • Inst. ; iissociated7Witif4tim Jas. W. flailmaut and John F. Jennings; tinder the name and style of Coleman, Badman & riliw have in creased facilities for manufacturing• Steel Springs, hammered axes, 'American Blister and. Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of „dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to 1.110,11 CW Arm the farina so lib erally bestowed - upon hiM. Factory oifSt. Clair st. —warehouse 43 Wood at. opposite the St. Charles Hotel, where can be four:d a good dsiartment of Springs,: Atleailirit:,'and Spring-Steel, - and 'Coach Trimmings,of everplescription, together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured artinlea. icT'The highest Price, jralo, for scrap iron. . jan22 D FELLANDI4RASS FOUNDER, has rcbui]t an( B- commenced tnisiness _at . hip old eland , No. 70 Second, beisreen Ilarket and Ferry streets, where he pleased see his old customers and, friends. , , . Church, steamboat , and belle ; of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pOunas,,east from patterns of the most approired sanders, and warranted to he of the beet rnaterials.. , , • : Mineral Water : Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together .with every variety pf Brass Castings, if 're quired, turne!land ,finished in the neatest manner: A. F. is the sOleCigeht for liabbiltis Anti-Attraclion - Metaiscejustly ; celePrated for the reduction -offric tion in tuacitinery: - The hiixes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3-1 HAS removed to N 0.109 Smith field st., where he will perform all operations on the Teeth sn„tisfac tarily. . N. B.—Having lately made otke - of the greatest improven3ents in forceps that has everappeared be fore the public, he has been able ",to extrnct. mAtb with such ease as tonstOnisli all those who have 'availed themselves ofillatierVigell. 1/ Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-1 y . • GENTIR-14EN LOON' AT THIS t . • CLOTTITYSG -No. 70 Wood Siiit of Golden Star,Pittg6o.7lsl4., . ' . ..,tztrozociiv:4& : 11 .4 1(11 , 1 31- 1 Ty AVE' hand an extensive and co . mpleteaasort , .. mentor Fishionable, and extraintideNeW York' Clothing,which'eahnot be , equalled by any other es lablishment in the eity,„ Ouriteck, being at present very Jargemid'aiiiiiits4crredll63 Was touch as pos sible before the first 613am:1w; we are determined to offer Obargains'A as will enable, - uato.offeet our , ~ S. P. .411,iCKER, MAYt a. . : ' - , : ',; -: .z: 7 -'-',..' - : - ! . ,= , ,,- PI'IISI3URGII I ,TUESPAYI MARCII 00,'; Exchange Mote niCantal - flout trintskiits tlouce, rourth street. Eagle Saloon... Wood Street. ICl) , ..Posrtnerrhip. A. FUltou, Diddle Dentist < rrr --. a .1 n i __ ~.r..„..,5..L.....-... ,To PRIENDS-ANtrlik.. TgONS.—I - have disposed ... of my B a kery ) ;inAttamondalley, and, fin' there; tura Will receive orly Cat. the,, Ma ante!. of the.;Fiagle Seleon—for fatierciike:seitileeticieerY, calf feet jel.. ly; ice efeams,'pyririddiAud - eVery , other article ne cessary T cessary for eeppq l 6: , P. ' # 1 .' 414 " . ` 4° ' 3lllk g' s '- 4c '• The Salon Will be (loft -or ice cream , on or before the-tit day Of Apia: 'A Lige amount of money has been' expend ed inicoden*c.make.the Eugle the most attractive and, pleasant gla ce of resor!:it: to the cat for tteapiitiaaihipgsethro __ Pronct - Of the 'pattitti owe have received 'We:Will. , endeavor to tleservd4ootinuaoce efit, .. ...4. , - ?..1 ,„ . ApIAttEWS., • ~,.. .1 'o,7,;:' , ,c s e. - 1 - --- - 'Weed af. , SPRI, GITILE. --i,2,:T5,A,103 CAPS 9 1 HE iiiibsit-iher'siouldinform his cheitomets and - the Trablie,.:that'-he ••Wat'ieceived clireetlreM rgeNv , ..,Y , ork,;:the latest.fand most lapproved. style of bats and_Caps,for-,spring aud.saintner wear. He 'EllSij daily . minhfactuiio4lietiantfCaps of 0 ideserlptioner,PilnitLe pleddes hrrnselt'to furnish his tAlsharriets WiSlrane article that, •forlitatnesti,'ilara bility and che-aimeolgrannot be-surpassed:. Western IlterellaphiL tiro call. and ex amine his stock, ps he feels eOOfident of being able to' please both in 'iptiility and puce: Gi W,'CAASSGOW, 102 - WOcl:st' behitv.,Pavis' Com: Auction , Rooms: N. P.-7-Persons prlferring,a_Pittsburgh rnanul'ae turetFtlat liats with Pittsbnrgh names may rely on getting:the saMe by,ealling as abOVe. Mar64.l3ni - - - il l siiressii - Ctrir Store. • • . P0131:$07 , 1, (late of the firiti P 0141401/ Itz.Gilt,) having opened- his new ,storo-at No. 734 1 700 d .etreeti.neXt deer, tE.- the eerier of Fourth; is now titanufaCtiiiing and 'reeei ring cremate-Eastern eities'a very large assortment of hats and chps mety_description,,warranted to be made in the best manlier and of the best materials. Otter; s Seal;" fine and 'dointnOti'ltlitikiari Bair-Seal, Plush anillilared Gaps.- flue assortment of ladies,;kiltret -*unit. as 14ns, Fitch Genet and - Coney muff., and Tippeti and-the trimmings,all oltwhich•he offers for sale at eastern prices, for cashi!toth wholesale and retail. Country merahants war please call. and examine my stock - hefori4Micii4xl; elsewhere ' • CIIAS. 11, POIMSON. -- N. 8.-The Fall Fashion for litts and _Ceps receiv ed. Sao .- 1. -- rsTititer.BB;' SHOIns -- - "--- - - NEW - FALL AN-W "INTER 'SUPPLY. , t 4 Ch Ever, et 1 FOLLANSBE.&. IIAYWARD'S,.new: ' Boot Shoe and Tr uk"Sfore;Nri. ISO Lib ), erty street, neatrl opposite the head of Wood street. ' ; - .. . F. & 11. would reapeetfiely announce that they have in store and are reccivi4g their FALL AND WIN TER - SUPPLY CilT 000 IS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c., consisting of tipwards °fib e- hand red packages °rail kinds and qualities for Lathes, Gentlemen,-.lllisses, Boys, youths' and chilarens , wear: These goods have been mannfictured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh market--all orwhich we aro deter mined -to SELL VERY LOW, as front our facilities in pitrelmaintr goods wetire enabled so to do. - Wo would-solicit airi' examination or our-stock by all in want of goods in our line, either at wholesale or retail,, as we :eel confident we shall be enabled to please, loth in regard to quality and prices. . The most of our goods are from manufacturing es tablishments with which.we are connected. We shalt continue to receive weekly front those houses ' fresh and dasirable goods, made expressly for tier talk, FOLLANSBEE to HAY WARD', ectl2 - No. ISO Liberty street. . 'Wholesale Shoo Store. spring supplies„ionaisting of one of ; • . .U. CHILDS ::,'Co.,aro now receiving their - . .l.h.tbtaigbilt,All.r4frik - -"Lailies' and I Mosses' Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assbrunent of Palm Leal Ilats, Men's and lloy's summer, Cape. Ms°, a large lot of New York TannedSoleteather, all of which having been purchased at the loWest rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will bo sold at a small advance - above cost and charges. MI merchants wishing to - purchase, will find it to their interest to callandelatniste their stock belhrj, purchasing elsewhere. war27-tf PITTSBURGH CHAIR AND CABINBT 'WAREHOUSE. No, whirtr Street, Pittebttrgh. gni subscribers, would respectfully return their j_ thanks to their friends and the public, rot the vary liberal patrona ,, e bestowed since the commence meet of the new flan, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. They would respectfully invite thole who want to purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to give theta a call ;cu examine their extensive . stock tae of the now on hand, -consisting of some Wen: did' Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood And Mahogany furniture. flattered by the veriesteu. MVP patronage received in their business, they have, at considerable expense, made arrangements in New rOrk, by which they will hare the latest Eastern and french patternatorwarded - montlily, thu - s giving the eitizensof Pittsburgh an opportiinity of patronising home industry, ind finding in their own city what they formerly would obtainonly in the East: Having adapted the principle - aorta:ll profits and quick sales, they will be able to sell at as low rates as any of the estabKiihments in the Eastern Cities. warp : L . _ RIPF,RTS & KANT:. ! Henry W. Williams, A TTORIVEY AND COUNSELLOR—AT LAW, (vaenesaor to Lowrie &.'Williunia.) OfTee at the old stand, Fourth erect; above Smithfield.' THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore ciisting between Henry W. Williams, Esq.; and myself, in ,the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by. mutual' 'consent on the and the business will hereafter be con— tinn trearY WI. Williams, whom I most cheer . - fnlly recommend to ail for whom I have the bout)/ to do 1),1)9113f.S8, as a gentleman every way worthy of their etinfidtnee. sh.vtg-ly WALTER, II I.OWRIE I.l34lo.reth's Warrauted Garilt;il : TAIRECT FitOM PHILADELPHIA. Each paper j_f bears the label and 'warranty of DAVID LAM anent:, 'Tor sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.29 Water et., at the stand formerly ocespi,e,il by qco.4.l3erry. Extract from the 'Report or the Visiting Cohnnittee of the Pennsydrania liorticulteral Society,' ithm3l - adopted and ordered to bo printed. LANDREM'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS. oThese extensive grounds dre.ett Federal - street, near the Arnenal. • * • The , earliest c.ollee. tion or Coinelliis was ,inade . Imre. SOMe of those now in pessession of those distinguished nitmerymen are tune feet' high. ••• **,. Tho_aeleetion:9f user-noes PLANTS is valuable and extensive. • "Tina NM - scrims are, very' correctly Managed , !nip plying vyery part of the Union, a deed) of ivhielt , would eccupy too much of our, space, wo therefore cantent ourselves with idatieg..that the stock' is very large, And in ,every stage of growth, consisting ,of I , OItEST AND OItNANIFINTA.EVII.I:ES,IEVEW.: GREENg, - SHRUBS, V INES .A.ND eItEEPERS, with a collection of berbacceoui pinata, fruit trees of the best kind and must healthy condition, large beds of seeding apples, pears, plums, Bt.c., as stockerfor bud, ding and: graditig; a plan very . cyperief to that, of w Orking' upon suckers, "which carry xvith them into the graft all-,the diseases of the parent Meek; .P "GW4N over of the finest_ quality have . been scattered the country fromtile,se gronntle,lbitd . I may always be depended upon. The'tieed establish ment of these - Horticul turista, one of tho tensive in the Union, aud its reputation is well sustain ed froth year to year. 'II "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina Of the plants of the Immo falklilYi they have established another nursery at's suitable ilistance, SO that tlegnne ration cannottake plar,e,iind which securge to the pareltaier , geeitine article/ Xi - towing 'thus the age, quality and process .of culture el every plant, the supply from their grow:ids is recommended with great conlidencii." Since the ,date of the *Report' from ,which the above is expected, the entire establishment lies been gtifatly'enler`ed. The 'collection Of . Camelliii braces all the finer kinds; and,conaisteof eomothoti-- sands of various sizes;-so likewise ,with Roses, and other desirable plants,liothender'and hardiT fruit • The Seed Gardins:alone cover fifty acres, Midttie whole is, as it has - been . ' feruicireihan 'half a ceittury 'ander the s ec.den - sivotianwenteitt of . father , itu eon, the tarisrpromineitt in Amenta. • ::.t* • 0;:r. Orders received 'by r...L.. - SNOWDF4Ni.firan whom catalogues may berecetved gratis, ' mar9-y. EMMA fwetory} Ridge ROtti*,tle:4442.4.lite` I'ol4oo* T found tliaigreittait Ili_ varlet . * OfT9ans ani).tieaUtiftd,Patierna fot• Fgoit lidurancivta thq.11.14q+5 4 ; 4 11 .1i .1 .9 , ;.W.llich4e .- V , Lion of theretier?-want creisOipyfo44- itior,qaca4 ally for cii!'tri s ptcrieni , VoirartiCulaily The princ i pal part:of afirtbeckandainne. &Allege, at. Laurel iiil4:llengtnertjUnd-Ather.haVitfr nted teries und...coantyoffhihtilnlphiC!lviao have beepWhiellY- eAtOlleP,43 were executed nt this manufactory.- ' A large Ware-Room is connected with thereniati-• who're kept eon stands on hand a ,lirge stock Qf ready-made Jam Raturrcs, Icon SnrTchs, - litii* CHAIRS; new style plain dndiir namentantton Gam, with an extensive asSertment of !,r - PcnTg, PppEsr.u.s, Inorr,Aanons, 4.c. Also, in great varie ty, ; W rough; and Cast Iron Oast, duitabl a for - Railings, and other purposes. The subscriber:would also state that in hie Pattern .and-Designing Department he has employed some of the hest talent in the country, iklioie . whole utter tien-iiiileverei4-to the liticiness-orining altogether one ofthe inost complete andsystematic establish merits or the kind in.the Union.i itnßEkr WOOD, Proprietor Ridge Read, above Ruiteetvoed - St. Phipsdetplafo,: March 12,380-dOruei. 11 iE ft7S City,,Dagueriiati"Galiery, Kirf) 404 Third st., Plitstnirgh,4'a.,And Franklin Butril 7 ings,'Daltitnrore, hid, Mr. Porter respectfully announces Viet he has at considerable oxpenso fliff4 lip!epttntentx, and Ar ranged light for Dagucrrcotyping purposes. _ • !l experience in - this art has enabled him to overcome deny of the objections too common to pictures taken by this method, • - •. ' hfr, P r inter is aware Mat the impression has gone abroad (Owing to theinany falltires-to *ditch geed piqtyren,) that clear-and dtstjnct Daguerreotypes can. not be made in Plitshurgh, fljs . experiments, how everay w ; 'since he has opened his Gallery, larrant him in saying that as - good pietures can he made here as .elsewhere. „ , - . • , • Ladiei and gentlemen nie In,rited to pall and ex nroinespeeltnens.' • -- • Instructionigiven, and instruments and, materials furnished upon reasonable ternis. Alf orders from country r oyerateriproMptly attend ed to. • tiov2s-tf '''' ..,...... . M. IieDON4O tell and press ithilitilt. Pilit . street; near,Market, is ,? . ,ff t . .prepared- m to'ake Brass Castings and 4,7 -.' . -bass woes generally on ythe most ~..ri,,. reasonable terms,ind shortest notice, ' He invites Maehiniits and alf'tlinee using hrassitvOrkste give hint a" call, as he is•de lermined to 510 allvvork• in his line very low, • . - - may 2.7-ly ' ' • lii LL dc. _BRO . W NEB Suoceisos to lioldatifp dr , BrPiTuPp 4 " UFACTURE "A I fP i 2 /P aR I T AS Or PAPER lIANdINGS, • Turd-. #lrtct., rrlidEineren sing demand for Ainerioart pper indireed'iheMto tory, and their facititielifereturingilfencivi equal to . any ' in the eantristk;ertins: Raping adopted the eastern scale of priceeiiiiey. take' plearinre in in viting their friends and exanfroci their stock, which ia now larger thanlit any fernier period, and may be found as thllows French, American, Satin; fliazed and Common -;Paperliangiugs; gold, Velvet and Imitation .ItOrdera-, Landscapes, ,Statutea and Firetboard , Printa; Curtain Paper, yard wide, plain green and fig'd; Transparent Window Shades.; . Writing, Printing and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet Hoards, ' mar9-d3m W4t.L G 1. 14 .( A E D , Pitc,t6 trifoßtitOlt FtLArrAr,',.. • • • , f _Firlernsl lA* • rpIIEY will be sold form:sit, at I e•it tirretrlira • can be purchased in Philadelphia or New Ytirk, TIIOSE having houses to paiier enn orgies buy ing ,tp sell again, will lied a better article of WALJ.. P- PER; for less IVIONEIY thaillniii been ever eller, ed in this market before. Call at the Wall Paper Store of • J. SiIIDLE, feb22-:at Smithfield et., Pittsburgh. - : 'Window Etitnial Paper, ab' INCHES WIDE. 100 l k'l of great variety of Paz - ma, ns, 2lt easternprces . To be had by dozen or einglh piece, of the Wail Paper Store of • ! 3. SIIIDLE, - feb22-2nt • Smithffeld et., Pittrinirgh, Jimmies Howard.: CO: NAVE the .pleasure to announce to their:friends - that they again occupy their old stand at No. 83, Wood street, where they ,have opened an 'exten sive WALL PAPER NVAItEIIOISS F.l, and will have contandy on hand an extensive aussartment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER lIANCINGS,, Velvet and Imitation llorders of the latest Mylei and most hand.. some patterns for paperinhalls, petiole anircham- Ttrey manufacture. and have-on hand at all times; Printing, Writing, Le"tter, Wrapping and 'Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller'a Boardio--all 4f.which they.offet for sale on the most, accommodating terms, and .te which they invite .the attention of merchants' and others. ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the beat qual ity, School Books., &c., liltv4Y4 >ll hand •and for sale as abnv.e. ' auk 245 Book and Job" . l"4llprig °Cleo, K. W . :.'OO . 7IIYER. OF WOOD ARV . VITTII STREETS . . ~ T HE proprietor of the Mornipg; Post and filer• and Manufacturer respectliilly informs hie &ends and the patrons of these papers,.,that he Las a large and well chosen . ass'ortment of. JON TYPE, AND ALL OTDERMATi.:RIALS Neseasary to a .Job Priatitig.44lice,--and that. he prepaied 'td execute _ .• Lurrics rams paterrrit, O f RkEEtV DZSCRIPTION. Books, • . Biilaof Lad i ng, - Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, - . • Cards, Handbills, Blank Cheeks, All kinds or Blanks, Stage, t sumboal mud Canc . ,/ Boat L'itls 'with appropriate cutsorinted on the short ealnn ic, rind most reasohable,tering: Ile respectfully asks tlie ptitidnnge ofshis friends, and the . publie in general, it this lirtinch of his busi ness. t setit 22). i L. HARPER. , . . . . . . Tiir. subsEriber having disposed , of his Iloolottore in Viitahurgh, to Messrs. Elliottl awl:English, would recommend thorn to the titronage or his for incroustomers. . -RO ERT CARTER. Prrrsuuttotti October. 20th, 1346. THE SOIIS.C . I2IIIERS having Purchased the Book store of AI; Robert carter, will continuo the buel. nnss at..the ,stand. -They tyill - at all times have no Ifintl, large supply of Thneliiigical,Cliasicat, and School . Writing; Letter and Wrapping 'liner, Shags; etc„ Western Merchants. making paAchaieti lit the city, are invited to call; etamine our,stock; wed uncertain our prices heroic purchasing elte‘there. . . - ELLIOTT & ENGLISH - ,• . . 56, Marknkst„.4 _het: ad and 4th. • 7 William' STILL continues in his old business of rnanufactur ; ' ing:4.Yttions, Cake, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fillh'etreet, between Wood and 4:1441d,w1.30rp bet.k.eepe-c.catstaatlypn hand,,or:mad.e. or d er in the:Oltortest noticn,,anf amount work, by the,basi oi: . ;WOrknien gad good materials, 'and at prices to putt .the titme.'Tiaose engaged n tbeSantaTO' tridel,Onil Furnace men, are requested; to give bim a =4l :tiaroKe purnbuitring elsewhere. ; ap7-y . . ,1 0 0,11 avail Winitni Goods.- '1" 14: LOGAN ha? jot inceived_iiie balance of his tl/ • fall'and' winter:mock of, Dry Goode, t'a N0.,113, Wood;st., consisting in part of super French and West of England Broad pri t lis and Casein - Mies; Sat, tinettitrorn 25 to 'Theenta "per yard, Welch Flannels; red and. white Flannels, twilled [red and - green Man acle, Plaid and - plain Mackinac and Whitney blankete,Woollen Shirts and Drawer., Com, forts Mitts and Glovee. Terkeri, Thibetelstl,Wool eir,Shawhit_Calicona of the latest.,styles; Twilled and, Manchester. Gingliams,-. ,IrisliLinen, -Table Linen, Counterpane; Scotch "Mermen .Checker Also; eival#rtniciit of Dress Goods;'consisting of Silks, Gala''lind'Ciiiifornia - baned - Ctiehminee, 'end Rabat; .Mons: de Laitia, - barred and .figured;black and.'.firtf6y.Silk:.C t raiittn i s all keirllehiele4itr: , emit Wholesale and veteil,swlow..lbe Catili,:as an* nth: haute .the ' •'t nev2l'-v ~~ 4 ~ t BEEN in=l MIME A C - - - is m ik c. 4,0,13 -C. A* S Whiileitrile,:iiiicesh:,' • tylEtkeithiscriberitliankfo. fAr-pastiairbrs and de sirorts to accommodate htsburnOronicusiomors, ban - l'odtCeallio#Trc i etP thi , lo*;eet*htiliiale prices. Itte:itionitanitlyfiteetis 'on, - hazid- the ,ItttOt and best .gsiorttnetit im.ttniritir 01, ityrri ntartitfature. Any purclinaftgivcapinialtiiivehis-rnotte?'refund edbliitietarnirteir,Vitti,t gatinux This ff irt furnishing the tnateriabs nen:have Ahetr*lpti 1 1, 1 4 . i t 14 their taste Ael.ciilhoureatotiee:,' • 413 c oil mlcthcaps of the very best meterials will lie sold for ,75 cents. Plush, oil cloth, velvet, mid . elnth capoi orevery description;MinitMitlilie hand. ,The Vublial may rest a r.surca .04 nny.,thip g. sold by him will be of the best materials: and werknitan , .. ahlp - -„Captrirnroinga, always on httud,at 'retina:Ea prices: • . - A.lwtpi, -.. No: 30,11Tarket between 2d and 3d streets. Firo . or - sia . ficMag 'kirk iviehtili to, learn the trade, can hava au oiipertunity by applyiag as: above.' EnSf3 I3.►ZAT AND A.137,1Z.11r - . 1100.$1;7.S t.1.i51) .- CARIII.9.OES FOIIHIRE 404. • . . . Ir__TXVING dissolved partnership with his brother; ju, the undersigned now' informs-t)ie pnblic Jand his friends that he is prepared to furnish at his newly erected and extensive establiklipient on Fourth qlreef, Wood !Jones and and'Carriager i O.for'htre,• er all _ether branches co n nCgted „with big-line-0 basin 0211 ! -,' . 1 ' His horsee, whether 1 . 0 . saddle harn e ss arti of the finest descriptierii‘-6r they'fiaveliecii selected and.purchased with "gregteare atid: expOxise purpose. • His, - . • ' : , %Vhich:are of eVery doieriptiOrtlWOnew,;- 2 Costly, , Mid have the mast modern improvernentF.7 In short the 4ubscriber ilatters,himaelf that . lJa, , yours, ativaFtF r s AND cannsaorl . will be' found:rdiexeeptionablei - andarelet at realinitz able - -,rates. • ALSO • „ FFe in'folirpreiiared to receive: by the day, week:, or year;! and DrOVers aria dealers who 14ywistLto dispose.octheir.novhesprgqvinigos, e an be aceindynedite.d.,.oAlie.i!oygil....kceplfClS4l , staiiiiiikaidebOit;3r:tye porgose.; , /C: t4 / 4 #• 14: - La. Can beieTt on commission_ f0r;5a1e,,,.91, - 91)..terage... lioribeie‘‘vtitNiWeitbef linebut or-011- ip now able to-give colnidete satisfaction:.. , . PATTEId.SQII. ...„ firsv Gootisi: NfTv qoods tt. , OF TII4 , 4,ATEST-SPIIINO.STYLES, • rosy- -no:come AI Ng! 3-4/ . .arkil Si:PPP*s-Row, bet ad h I A A. MASON begs leave-to inform the public A is constantly receiving, and is now in receipt of a. large and well selected stock' of - rick I Soring Dry. Goode, amongst which may,be...found and 4-4 rich: heavy iress Silks, imported under:' the' new Tariff will be sold - at tench leie thamformer prices i,also 23 doziin ladieSeltra super Diorite and Badois light colnred Kid Oh/VOlf, cum priiing every shade. A large lot 'Of Alpacas and Al pines, Cashmeres, pious de Laintit.and Ginghams, and some as low as 121 cents.; Calicoes of superior colors and style, including another entire cave of the'e(range. and Slue prints t - l' case - of rieh-E:ng lish Prints at 131 cm. Our stock of bleach , d and brown coinpletcoand werepurelmaed pre- ViOUS to th e great advanco.Cf.eatton `goods, which will enable us to sell theta at former ,prices, Rur-" chaseit will please bear in mind that-we - do an en tire cash le/sines-a, Which enables us to- sell-goods I from.lo to 14 per cent less than:the credit tiptoe), and they will find it to their advantage to -- aioe us a - call at N0... ‘ 62, Market_ street, feb2s, neneral Raul Els‘*te [)tea ' * 4l. / .e.l3.Ce 2 f itrtHM4S i ,4;crilber,,,j.i..,.bai A Register will be kept in which persona can re- Cord, wittiout Charge, real estate which they Wish to :cell or exchange,- houses to-let; Ike. 4.c.: Titles to real estate will be examined, 2.11C1 deeds pf sale or exchange will be .executed and all other huffiness connected with* Real - Estate Agency, wilt be trims.: acted with promptnesS and fidelity. Ile Will also attend to all business belongin,K to a General Intelligence Me.: such as procuring xitnations for persona out of emloyment, supplying families with male and female domestics, -• The foes will in all case's arnallatid Co•charges' will be made except for services loudly repdered. ••• ThoPubscriber ivermitted to reier to the follow ing gentlemen of this city. • lion. Gabriel Adams, Mayor. James Howard 4- Co.; Wood s s!. • C../1. M. Smithi Attorney at:Law.- J. Autle4go, •Wood•st-'1 A.• - • • James Irwin, Irwin, Diamond alloy.•,• ; W. J. Deward Wood st., • - J. W. Cook, Firurth It. • s , • ; • L. Harper; nag; • Whitney & Porter,,Editors of Chronicle: White & Harris, Editors' _ .1. Ilerron Folder, Editor of Disp4tch: .P. F. Boylan, Publisher It.. 11. R. 84*C.43., Fourth st: . , . . Wright r.Bryitii, t reb3:p'. T.,;;A:" , . . ' ' Situst one- D'urtitsh!cd. firiliE undersigned will attend to the procuring - ot jj situations Per young men in Mores of all kinds 'and for every capacity, • such as clerks, salesmen, book-keepers, assistants, and laborers, siSo, for men on farnis;„ driving, carrhiges, ;laid wagims ; and Men' for families; imdfiar ill kinds of mechanical linsiness. Families Supplied Rich Male feniate - demesties, on the stiortest'netice. ' aptilyitg, at CLARpS 'General Agenci st., two doors below the Post Office. feb3.4l. Di NODES & ALCORN; dote of New York city,) No. 27, Fifth at., beiWeen Wood:and Market, Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground .Sp ices; Catsupa, &c., &c., will open during tim.present week a largo oisortmeni of orticlos in their line, which . they will Nitholesole io quantities to Omit. &colors, at Eastern; Wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warTan tTd. Merchants intending togn east would do Well to call before leiving the citY'. They may be"fotind at tht it warehonse, No. 27, Fifth St., in Ryan's build_ ing~s. • r. ' sera, <Copnrtu ersldp. TlLEscribers have this day entered into Co o.s partnership; iii the name of Fricrid,'lthey ec Co;, Ihr the purpose a transacting a genetal'Oroccryand Commission besiiess, rind talcon'thii house copied by 4.'ll.inherti Co., ni.:57 Water:street, where they will be.please4 to receivelhe . patronage of the friends of the Ikte_tirea.. X'. F.; , JAS.WOOD. - Fit.totirgh, tot ember 2S, 1546:i1ec2 Watches! s.ylratches-t 0 •-• JUST RECEICED, this am!, n fine assortment of best quality English - GOLD and SILVER Patent LEVER;Vriv , . W A 'CHES. tisving' imported theie Watches direct from Liveipool, X am guabled•to sell them at. reduced prices,,and aitlort as the same qualities can be bought for in the .Eastern 'Wising, deter mined; by tow prices and a large and well selected assortments of Watches and otherFticles'in my line, to• make it the interest of 'Western men to deal at home,' toopteetfully invite attention - to de - largest en& beat selected stock of Watches trier offered - 1 thi~osty,: - ; yr. WI WILSON;,-- mar 4• •-• .e,orith and, Markerste: 0;:r. W atch and 'Clock repa iring dorm in theitent Notice to Contractore: Orrtei , er.xlimlllotreucmict.S.-NAVVIATION CO Pittsburgh, March 3d,-1847.: "" 11bRopo9ltj„.'S will be received - at this - office up to, 3 ,criclock, P. M., on Monday thb eth day at April next, for 'the constructiOn of an additional cut stone. Look; at Aare 1,.t0 be fifty-six by two hun dred and fifty feet in the chamber. - PropOsal23 will state the price for Cash ' paYments, also, tor payments' in Certificates of the erimpany payable,eight y ‘ eare after'date-with interest. antispecificitions ofthe work will Le sithe'effice ten days previous to. the• dotting, and inforMatiOn respecting the sante, will be oillectll, Sjlianifio Lothrop, Esq., Engineer. - PROPOSALS will also bereceited att thtsaine iitne and pluee,.,.for loaning the Company - 1 . 591ty - Wind - dollars, upon' the , betide. or , eertifie4tep alb're- • 3. Mookllll.2l.lX , Prettltrc ' (Gazette and Journil Copy,) rrt pRICRAWOCAORNIIiter• -' • To ,the lito!i,!lmti.'ll l 9/4ftell W - - VAAB4Ve • `irEGEItIBLEIIiir i gr CO- 0 _tS .e . •' ' BIi'OV,FitFIRVE, C ir :Fi r /1 0 . 441 / 1 1 4fit, .. 491eONtual amid 9iclrine •Pra.arationt„„ n „,,, Conglis,COlcir;Aithina,itraciiitis,'Llyirti ,, iiiir, 41pitaiii-BlOodiiiiiiinid' trintruMblaeq . " • 4 . 11 - • ~ Pain -in: theJlide'and Ihemstit-Palit: In, ', pitatioiV of the fleart, . i, ,-i- i it , : f • enia,trodp:biolieffecui, stitutiati,SoreThroat s - - 1 " , -. 1 " . ;,-..14 . : 3 • • lierrolle,Detliiills.4. ~..... 3 's.,4st - .9c all diseases,,,,,,,, , „.,.. ~ 1 : foriiicoat; "'" ' " 14 ' -* • Breast, and.Ludgmthe.suost,effectual 'V e's r - • , . . , sPegli =M ien " ; 01 1 n I . " aslY 0( 1' >,.1.t7 f, ~...:•I ? in4bnie akeuil, is. .- .. d , ,;4.„ ... „li e. 5if ,.. 3.0 . 4 ... e :..,,- 4 ,.... .... CEMPOtII.I6 4 31(217P or ititlitlitiiitt l , . . Tilt onibithi'LlinPaßthiiiiililAillifizee" - . - MORE . Ilo3l2 ; •TPATlbitYl4 l r: ; ' 2n ' 3l ' . : rwrtarctowitiJiiiitiatyleit BYO:" , Dr. SwaynA—Dear Sin I,l:.iiigticp.,tortiositsfeii4 1. duty , I owe to suffering latunapity, l,'clre'rfullyifila my testimony, and declareto-"the world the•anbit astonishing offetts, and the great, cure' your,COIRL FOUND SYRUP OF, WILD GIiFIRRY performed: l i me, under the m o s t unfaVorabli circumstances. ' was , takett with a ' violerit Cimgh,'tpitting Blood; sere Pains in the Side end Breast, which seenwi4tra breakdown and , enfeeble my.cconetonuort ac,„thatusy ph l yaltian thought 'my cage beyond the'pawer'ofialtd rerno, and ' mY'lfriends i all 'late me diet Intl thanks to you and the effectsif your gyea„!,dismaye,ry, I'now, feel niyself:a weir man, and raised from a 11140' 41tficttittrias Iliish • Y'inid healthy it In - AY ... aril hase,beiti for. 7erouotiskl..shall , be, pleaseidlugiii any information. respecting , my ease, by calltago Mriesidence, blehlairi street, third 'door'lleldW George street,"-Northriberties.; -L.a:: .... is-s•s,C -'' •.• i....: ' .:.i •,r...; .7 . I .4Ix , L.LPAV/Pits:3 •-5 1110 n o oily iiitfei ti safeguard against imposition Islip sae that my signature is on each •butili:',' - • '''• ' '''"'w . - L/4t, it. SWig g YNE. „ - . 'Cale' ebf EitaiTliiiiiititeEreiLP 'ula. ; ASTHMA OF : II,YEAIIMB,TANDING.permegIihtt , - ly cured b y ' DIA. SWAY#F..I co.ll?optursylwx OP - wn. clir.iltitr} g oer- al/ r tirer' !Soria& Tali ailed...-, 4.... , 7s:A :.1%. --, -:- :;. r e ;.; . 4 f44:ts sal ... ~ ..„Cwcrartart, Eck. 10,0 4 tmd \ Trii:ViiiarztEr This may Fortifydiet eleven yaps sgolitatWall, PivagifoubletrWie - IliiiPlithisi- , sAfa increased upon mein ste6anee of all the.remisdiesa could hear„nf, until , theyear.lB39 ~ 4 11, whot,X,W_sA obliged tb leave mylintite New'Ungland;for a iroW er clime, which ha& the Ulbet tiamulgatelnytittlgra inga for three dr . /our yeare,alter . which the dyrearsa hiereaired until lase winter„'MY. Bl4 u en.g? were in tense, almost beyond enduratlesybeing •nblige4iitir sot up night aßet oight,• from inability do,aleert,in bed. Last Fall I felt the pymptoms earlier thariAiu-, al in the season, but'henting” that Dar SardiFisei ICoutmtnvo Staur or . Www Curtner/•was - I.'•iioseit , eign - comedy for Daiwa, qjthe.poz,gs,.llmmeOiaWi l ,commenced Its use, and tire iesult was ilnimit Rit z , Imediate relief. For the last six 'weeks4 Ail? nert felt the least symptoms of thti,lauhma,inodlfeeletcwit ddent that I am well ofit, and that' bajclre?ruptr i ll the'abate named medicine. '' ' - = - Yours respectfully;: :. • •.' ',1.. - .WI Ring* se-f , Walnut ftreetbilwet 3 a 44 crl444‘, Rut ben are the base impostors whp-wouldfl, By their Paragoirc cures and% riiyMirtg - libifer ttit Beware of him who buys the rigijitl,to. pliapP4 044 your Who•adds ~ W ild eherikw r Giiidtine'lli thieltili t i and stealth; •-•., '.: , -;r. , ...:-.1 t - r!tta•wors Who bottles Pamgorip, and then ;,ltinvasllis . . • .... . . .. deceit, .. The <dltalsam of Wild Cherrylt; Oh! beivisle - ofirolir a cheat! - - • ,:- ' •::s 4 . 5..10 If you Scould sh un s this venal crall i litheititiry_suiri he -.bleat; • • • • . • .• ...7 • • Take w•Dr...Sw e. . _ • : • A. A. -,AIASON • ' , ...*rve"7 ead the Rest reetarkehle.euctrkylrgentimit ti. . o , • r . ;L: .44 , 41.ttel called • ifuTT.Triri t sg my grateful than.ker for,the wzmiletful.effeetWorfilnat4 Compountr Syrup o f Wild Cherry .on oftsr staffer:; . ing'monthnftet month-with the Most afilielnig — cirafj diseases, Conatimption. -The tint 7 symptoms`iv - iM* of a. very fteaty cold which settled : sinmy lingrii whieh gradually grew 'worse, thins, pighr„ sweats, a Backing cough, spittrng trlned;'Wfth debility; Alyerinalitminiriestned biokenderwhotlid nervous system very Ruch impaired. wetetAts,, Philadelphia,:was treated IticiW by"•physiciana ot,thri highest standing, but received rild - BetiefitiVh - siel* from them„bit gradually grew:warms, until en,yiptlit 'Miens, as well as myself, gave up all hopes afre c r covery i and I felt •hke•time who Is 'abont td through the Valley of the shadow of Death.r....Alablir "awful juncture'? I heard of your compineuftinep of Wild' Cherry, of . which I purchased 'Ai bottlesi, which I happy to say enurelreureal6eNhdl.4 am.tnew .en i joying. better healtt than totithalrejni io foie in my ire: - Physicians who witnelosed ,. my gaso.;- ;ire highly recommending it' in - simflar easett;•abliA • wish you : to rnake•this pnblic,•sp tbatielLtnarltguils where to p rocure a remedy at,oncnwhiph svilln,a4ll l theiedisease beftire tainpering With the waiving" with - which -the- ao tm try. if Ridded .u." residence is at 45 Aim street, where L ahoolidibirs7! happy trii•have the aboid Substantiated by a petienal, interview. .ALBER'I' A: - ROSS;'."'""' Wh,olesitle and Retailißealdr, • .I'7 . Cigars, 45 Ann street, N.Y. Be not deceirddbithittiany'spuriouigi and irOrtif; Ie aS preparations of Wild Cherry ushered' into notice"' by ignorant pretendera, but sop :that tbosignnlnto of T. Dr. Swayne is oil each b'Otals,lyhip.' [ogee against iinposition: •r• ''' • ' Prepared only by . DR.B,WAINE;N:W:anenitaidDI Eighth and Race streets;piladelphia by reapectable Druggists tinetudy..all ‘ptincapad towns in the United Suttee; • • • ; • : Om!: .For sale Iyhaletycle and Relail,l7lVAL.TAQiiffili 63 Mailiet street; L. JONES; ISO Lthirty strnet „anti OGDEN .& SNOW DEN ;corner of TP ood awl Xarni. j i* SOLE A GENTS . FOE PrTTSNE4.O.IIi, t brnr t wt 1)111)RIfilifill AccOurrtAtvra IN81%;:q Tuw.F.,, N. E. eornetoryfith and frlnrlietata. The only , Institiite in the city ' .44 21,0' a thorough and. atematie-.counse of instruction - 4as., be obtained in mercantile and steamboor.Ap kEtPIND. Writing Claeaei - day' aid evetung at the usual hours. Mif hails few•itiiir*Siiiiro*.t to devote to assisting in arrol44ll.U4rOtrabt's:LOoo steamer's Books, in any case of .ifficulty,..ll,o a 4k °fleshless 10 to 12, and 2-to . day Chaise's:" 'Even-. Mg, d0..7 to N. • . • • • u. • TO THE subscriber •kendurs.jliS 04110:111 *rp edittgentt Itopublic fur, their patronage in times past, and olickta a C . OnAinirancioftiriccinr; dud prolosin. , ca to merit the pa* . Cloysielling-adigooduLisr . .Ibelibtrir at as fir orable,prices,.and keepilg i ap, soittnent. Aehool boa's; riccounf'bOoks andiil k 'of paperO is t 6 be found; iii ,, Pittslitlreaorjr few leading afilf446ll . or._, ACIWAIV,Pe ,e4tersipos :759 reams e?Pr*..Iu.IPZ, pager,. different qoaditio• 200 ' " — PbAt• " *".' 300 1 , :. crown B:miediUMmerirOligimpeei .120 gross bcinnet. boards, A ouperior..2.llloM, T . Am . l:l3ll3noks aiid Ledierre," bound, -2', . s • Tqrs long and breed; ruillo• • tap. Day Books-and. 1,00311A5-fuktonuAd4il44o, 9 ana 10 qre long and bi,oadi alio; Detn7 Ledgers andlonritni4ll:fo Medium- • • " • s . dO ft lined for „records,. 5,t0 q, Cp Hooke ft lined, 2 JO'S qrsfull 1;44 SCHOOL' abbirt.. .EnlectiC series,.coMplete;• Cobb's • do , •#... • new anal ohl' i cdicisitc:t • Einerson's. do' " . • • - • • Sandie§ - to• • :Elonientary ,Spellent, United Staites Spell* az Froseli G oodrich's. ptt - ; "•01P.1.J.d. History, hoge•and school ' • Ohlare Htintingdoem. m id; s 401ted1 . 4 Geottsif4and• Atra,s4 . . , . • dfney•a, Parley'R andMitatiThsFilmyr '..Montes Gedgimphy;Qirartti , -; • '" '" " • Mitchell's Geographical Hniideirt, . English,Reader and Introduntelyate together with generittagikiirltitdo irsibigTo" . and Hymn :Books., , . 4.10t0, constantly on: hand, ertaon'a Manufacture, direr Pitt eiZce Arlie!" an Soli,Printingi • •PskPitmr ink ofPreitekinier,..7 ufactirelAtnei ant pomninn;nll',Ot 001 W" will sold atrliuidiiater-nriciaire:l l . • • 10041007.y01ia1 . eash;.orinereharidieeal , ivaptiritirmvillbwry)7_l l, l9l . highest market prmenirattitherboottsed"Psi ._. house of L.UKK4,0010% - lifißeP. -4 Drw. mar 18 No. 89, Wood thrft,P,ii!tlho,nit 1!■11 ozza; .:!--..--• . 7 . - -. 4•;‘..!',-,:".;•;i: =SO e- ,O AIWP - f S-L.• Ot t r+rGci .::: a. ' ..z EZS=I j.iicr; 'a !MEI ar./4 y 3.P:a,cr 11 . 4