The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 26, 1847, Image 1
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': . 4)11./. bliegtiOni .....:40 :50 i Oacogoiitli, ...,4i:011 Vivo • do.. ..-tt 73 : Two do. '':6 00 tlifildit s 3 1 ! . ~,..,1,46.111i5ee do, • ..7.00 . .owirslieldr,..: - -. . i,1•604 jour .do, • .: 4 6zoo Virti , ido.-.. -.....- .... 8.00443 x .do,: „:" •.. 10 OD Tbreado. 't,.....:::400 I,fike yeas, , to 00 ••• '• -' :Irositi:Adverilminieuts, . ''' ` Caidittilitikt,,- T .Qt rizsitroz. --- - 1 -,On. ' ' . • two Squarei. - 4/1-,Pioni4t ~.;:; , .:016, OW o . lx months, ' 020'00 .oi3e:yil'i., ' , - -„....2 . 0 00 ;One year, . 50.90 Liageradvertitengents in proportion. irrCA i of four lines, FIVE DOLLARS a year.-- -A. W. Paster, !.'Cowrie'sTTORNEY AND . COUNSELLOR AT LIAO; ••Office 'in .'Cowrie ' s Building, Fourth . strelia,, •it oVe - • ' ::.• 'l&"Culleetioire and other Professional' busitienti 'wooded to in Butler and'Mereer Conntiek. 418ter-• . . ;40.sepk:u.skoz, 4 *TORSEY . • kr. 'LAW, Pittsburgh, Ps.; :bail riciiiitiutuit4 this practice anis profession, in hia eire%No••7;;O:skets,s.tilif..3ollldings,- Grant itriict, .l bLi aliareiOti by -r. J. ltighth; Ind f; :t itriety, y.'aci. • '• jaa2.Bmtaii , fit • TTORNEY , AT-L.A.),V 4 -othoc•ist Stuart)/ Aurad. "."1.. Wire, Fourth it., above Wood.' junel9-tbe7 THOMAS . DX. 31LAUSIIIALL i ; . . . . A Trompx..4l' sheet. . • Soseipikt:/tritiblalln, • • - A TTOIINENAT LA.Kiniticlija *elite' build ing, oa 4th st.; betwucta, W.ncid and Outityfiehl sinams. Al I.lllatik *Ago:ikon, TTOR:4"Zrif LAW. and Solicitor hieficincery. Otfideiti Ilexes neer bitilding; lath • •• augll, --"'Phistglibtiff - dbAkt•Knight, !4:63I9iEXS . 'tame removed to tiro . lg. S. blagriiv . , ou Fotuth et., ouu wAr truidglierry Alloy; • • ap:ti-y . NtlladsDoauellri AuutTTORNTAMAND COUNSELWAS AT LAW, Pittsbingbat. - • Oacir op Fourth wt., ilbUireu lifiiild• ari Gnat: - ' istrl4-r • - SatotivO, si . • T : TOICNNT AT -LAW, oifi4Ta the building on aim aticailF of Fourth and Smitialeid Sttclk . . nue 1-y ninto4ow, LDF.R.MAN, once tiofl6 'aide a Fifth strcei 'se;i 10-d ' t: l 4 :Jtilitlevoye ,; ATTOUNitirAf L d.VI office. Smithfield street, Waimea Fonrth street and Dinrsond ailler,.ey pos.te Mr. Geor.Weyinan's tobacco nasentorY. aplGs • . -: . . Jpiriei,Cwllas~ 6T•TORNEY; AT .LAW.i.olipe is tAiLehambers • A#Cellpisii by. Alderman 141.41isten.eaffillb wow Wood.aud Smithfield. • I:et:mire F. GFlllmurc,. . ' ..t._.I"I"OIINKTAT ; LAW, Office in .firood'i bait joL:ings, 7 1th st.,.oioiro Wood, PAtsburgb; . • C.Orisaado Loomis, = ' TTORNEIrLii'W; cotlieiVourtkii;atien, S 7 1 4' Removal.• : • A IBEELE:Chas'reinoved his commissio triad fur -211,-; wiedingNtsilless his satisr , yirelinuso on thlia.SysetoiOSily opp . oskse Ass itnuirjana, • L I . 7 . ssa),3o-y - ~gro)in itit..nrurraM, ; ATTORNIMAT.,LAW, hating returned 'fish* Jna.Eltropean tout luta office-on .the tiotth eatteornct of Fourth end Smithfield sus. Par - sons harm; had businessand papers in the hands . Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will- call on the above, as all the urtnettled twainess of Mr. X.iagston ti.A4 Legg loftia tkis 11=42. mars. 7 claw M. LAW Coin. missiauci to' tate the'pecioralid ackeowledso• meat ofdem:e, lease's, COntraiti; dipicaltes vicitins. 'to to recorded orlai.tho'Staketreil Kentuck.y.;-lidieuia Teauesseiel; Etuart's Fourth tOarl2-y , : • JtimesL - Vrially 1 1 vs , " - • ' TTORNEY, COUNSELLOR-AND NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa.,. having resigned-the - officis f acrctary P. Nay. and k'ire. Ins. Co., Nyillattend 44- .to collections and business .connected_ With navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate.. -Bu. Ainess haunt, 9 A. M. to 9, P. M., „fiffice, 310. , ,1, Atuartbi buildings, (No. 8 9, st.,) second, door past Of Wood street. . fob3„y .Plll4ws4l C. Wilson; ATTORNgy CQUNSFLI.OII :AT LAW, 7 Fradc . % . Y.C4a.ago_,c.sq!4tY; Pew/0;a," ittoo i44o:i 41) U' lus odons ,the isk i Wurep, Clamp' an4J4spiess.p. 3 4; iiitk7.l. 'To . ' • • .1 st kton as . c • • • *Biarpriy; • u: 'John Diglcti" on: Ai1ex...,"C.."..0nt. •.. °' e; Ohio. juy23-y, :.• Jethwil.Parklaasosa, ' I,DETtlvlAll,"Pilth A Wird*, Penn street, between L 'Walnut and _o , llma• 'watts, where he ;nay ha .ound at all times. 'Thane* having houses or other jroperty to eell or rent, Can have the same punetn- Ally attended to; debts collected, and 'all the duties ef anAlderman will receive prompt attention. Aketn Holmes & eon, • 1:10 0 101KERS and dealers in •Foreign and Domestic Jjll Dills of tich.ange, certificates of deposit, back Dotes And .specie. :Drafts and notes collected, and ecnittannei made so my part of. the United States, tie. 55 Market street. Jatr7-y '• ".47,0asistes 6c Stockton, p6OIr.SiLLER.S, PRINTERS AND PAPER -14 - -Nn. 114 Market street. .. serilo Victor Ber/bi, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND. • BINDER, No. 115 Wood street, three doors beler - Fillk, Pittsburgh, • ' : . rjORNEE Fint.a4. Ferry stream, Fißsimigir, cirlockif hinges and „bolts, tOlMace, Diller, mill and ..iimber ,iefeyou .hearrici acreirs ror rollint mills. &e. •,' raral.4ll •W in: A.:Wares • ENT/ST,' has resiored • tolhe *lime' Of WS tot ti'laftrresidinde id P4i#l.4rieVt.wo d ooisbtrdi , - SEVE II - 816 . • t ;CAVA s e 0 barn' :srizaTi• -arrialusEniv.: Joint FARREN, PROPINETOI4 aor24 I ransmicu. . .. .rr ..,i;; `s~ )....~l'x f ~. ~`. .. fErowaugtile.. .IFaxilik.slo . 4.9"sa WorAr t l t , tivOla v aiasiuiii4tniet:orwon •aud Fisnkse. se 10-y • • .; . Jahloanlt.rais.l • = it,DItiti44IOISOORMERCH/LNIF •Canf! l B4sial;SektMutii;Pat A - PA 11 0. 1 544 41 **,,.• • • EtOla i t tditertuiSliiiihXol4;xido, '4 _4 6 L 1 9 : iNi•vittliTiii ibyterrasi, Ow. aa • . ' . . . • . attriyirottobitstfuoi; " • '" ViDitWAILDING . ditO3IIIBSION IdERCHAVO, at0..26 Wood it., Pittsburgh.: • ; :atts.27.-r S. 130SWORTLI:Si 43 Market street, H , post .door to Third street, are Pie 'palling a pen and esti:mice assortMent of Blitiks and Station ery; which they will sell,.:wholetiale sat retal, at the lowest piices.• - • ••• , ap23-y. * , ' Bobtasite • z . T El. , Attetteey.; has cesnoved his office. to 414 Tio• .!lepts.l gacßE '302;11.A.M.; (prime 014 Penn. street, bitiieen Irwin and Baud ate., Pittsburgh, Pa. t conunisanone Will bb itomptly attended tu. tnar3-y /paella .aia . iii ; rm;peor l yareliouse. LOOMS,4gent; tiafil ialkei;Vihniiii'aller and -Lirboolt binde[,.lie.A.,.Wved.atieet,..Pluebargh.- . • rakint.orve A:leaned Blacking, 'arid aoldinilalleaale'niid re tail, Smithfield at., between-Sistb sad Wegiu alley. • • oet2l-y. ANUFACTUREIi of Lard Oil and dealer in near Market, S. W. . niar24-y. onsgAsP.4 ol . l f 4 r• !E : Iwo 4* , W. UAILKAN CColeman. ItsUmaM,e, - Int S im . %) sig .o r r ib . CM . e . f e ll iti de g a s ier a u n i: 111 Axles. A. eetels":trieseihige .ot every deicriptulat, ruanufactury oeSt. Clair:street, warehouse, 43 Wood. issersts..6P plunge St. Charier . . ja0231 A t iFLYA.Ntqli tkbraE. "manu fa cture and keep anitstaliAy Aka 'ldnd;nut, moulded and plain Flint Orsaihratielit altits Jirieticir.; at their warehouse center of ga t clset, And Water .streett, Pittshingh. Our warit iontiOusi fiill operation, and we aK coustantly adding xi, our .tuck, vuables us to till triers with prottiptness. Purchasers aro respAci ently solie:itost to call and. examine prices and tuna. ATANUFACTUIttiIt or Iscannurraix TEETH, Siiiithfiol4 strata, two doors below Follt Meet Pittsburei, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment at Plato and -Pivot teeth, or a variety or shade*, is simple Plate, tlolarsand Ilisituspidatoes. Ginn teeth, ticrew Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to 'nnlirOetitimis supplied with all articles in the pna *motion. All ardent from abroad must be accoutpan inlba the cask. fri'Platinit al virkyi!..on Naiad. novls-y OFFICE on Penn st., 4ppolitti D. Leech & CoNe., packet:hue office.:oEstisisuiirs fu i-7 tot:tusk It.. to B.o.•ciqck P., M. • . . Dr. Dani 4 211 , 11 e al. n'FFICg on Stdithteld,' t6rce doors tiom Sixth st:, 1„,/ Pitbsipurgh. it.ettLy UWE. No. 77. Smithr.44 oltott, near %Zak 14., a 114211 • • - i 15515 Ur sical Ipsulunents, No. 112 Wood street, tear • lovro.r ECT/F7INGPIST/LL1:11t, and wholesale deal -1:116 er in Foreign and Dionestie Wines and Liquors, Vo. 114 Liberty Matt, and .53 Lhasuond Alley, htla burgh. Pa: . , . IleisihAtters, . .• . • 1 . SURGEON DENT/STOLO. Liberty-streeti aefew doorsbelow St... Clair st. • '' •4-'' .' Ogiliii..iik Snowden. § UCCERSORS TO AVERY, Ot.; DEN & Co., whose - • iide 'aid:Titan . druggists, and inanuFActurcra u. Vi Ito - lad; ked lead anti . Nth:age, curue: of Wood 'Aid gitiiiisi eta. , Pittsburgh, P. itovl3-y .........•. • • • •Mart4tt rinattit. • LESSORS to Irvine 4t i4l artip, wholesale* gto. cerl;-prudosu and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittitburgb manufactured articles, No. 56, Wood vuest,•Pittsburet,Ta. • apS4 Jollai.M.C/oskeya, ► CLOTHIER, Liberty aL, bourses L...fiistb area sod .Vialika Apey,soutb riiW. . • ira,ssie4s, n.ssturc, J . 1:91017g1CM. S. APCI4ikrAIA & • . . . , . AIrifOLESALE GROCERS, Commiesta t i g er _ VV. :ollaisiii;aid 'dealers ip,Protlace eon Pipibliuo bLuaisfac**, No. 04 Li6eriy street, Pittsburgh. ..*uaawar. fb IeSUILGUr• • • '••.• • ' . .CISF.I4 7 * & VrUOLES4I,I; Gnockuts and Coinntiiii;oiaMe'r eliantoi Sixth 'strnet, between Wood and Liberty; Piitsburtiti, Pa. ' • ' dcc a=y \N rli. l77 4 O 6 l h t i r er i iaerf T7 edt°the etefV„aiTtrdstsbve C. H. Kay, where:he: iirprtpared •to do every description of Ruling and •Biading ' • • dec2-y J, 11I'Collleter, TtrliOtltgiaLE ead retail dealer fat Tdbacco, . ;min; and Segue, No. betwean WOlid suid.lita!kat its., Yitubu, b. [oct2S-ly. WILL/JOU. • • • • ' 71103. XELLEB. J. D. Williams & Co. wnoLmAt.e. acid mtail. grocers, Forwarding and commission inerchanM, isid dealers iu cenntry produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast 'coiner of Wood and Fifth streets. Rep. 8. . lITIKILLSALE and retail Grocer and•deater Ulf ;:.Voreign and Domestic Wines and Liguori, Poreiitrula Domestic Fruit; Nuts, Ire., No. lit) Water Lambert & S Ittpton, virlioL g s• ALE GROCERS, FORWARDING & el V . Commission .t.lerchanus, dealers in produce antiVit./burgh manuructqrcs, Nos.. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, l'a. fcb2-y • • • J.. J. APR evitt y -urruw..EsApE 4}1t0C,F;41.8„: dealers inproduce V V .• an aPittsbar g li• tiaanufiettrres generally, No. 224 Liberty , oppositelti latest, Pittsburgh. ap2S-y . John H. Me llor, TITIICLESALE and retail dealer' in Music and Mu ics4 Instritments, Piano Fortes, School Books and.litationery,lio- 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. • . •• • • • janl-y _ • IFIHOLESALLI OItOCEFtSI importers of tirl plate and quconoware,luid-dealers id copper and Pittabwre..manufactured articles, Non. 112 and 114 2nd KU .I...itn;ean Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-nl4-y WHOLESALE GROCERS AND. COMMISSION 'VP -Merchants N0..1; Comdercial Now, Liberty stied: Pittsburgh. ' . 4P-/ . E • DENTIST, Officn . and residence in - St. Clair: 44 few doors .below Lib= . • ..:. .• •erty • near...the Exchanct 'erin,rll-v UTLER and Surgical Instrument Mannfricturei4 C J4O Wood street, two doors from* V'ugio al: ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always ou hand an cstensissi accoipueut of f•uxitical . and Dental instruments, Sanicerr, Tailsareylisttern , , Hair Dressers' and Tan. ners , .Patrrir Shears. Saddlers , 'fools, Trusses, are. . , xi k sAikila A ' II,O4I S I PO • - •ZP z0R562 4 9,414C1LY AND WATER STWISJ ... , •7".......;i4Api t iz t Go; PA. • STEVilate, Proprietors. . • • MEM Mllintl EVEZI *am! Book Store. /4.- . Wklivart DI. C. Eitel', • Fltiat 01.10 If. multi Jahtivis rnftkely, Alderialtn Geol7ge Watt. J. I%rysir, e=n:=E=l 49h4 scot. & John ••iST Icy • • 7 . : 0 - • 6 3 4 ;.:! : ; , .7: Franklin Houser Foimr.tiesitreet, I Between. Slid Meld and Gran! Streett,"Pittssburgh tHIiISTL N . sctilakitTz, Proprietor, respect,: dilly ['arms "hie friends itud the public genesal ly, that he will open thoabiavaaplentild }lease-on the let bt,artmxL:": • • The • id - miser:being new, and finished. in Nita most commodflithi - and 'entrietileitt'manner; anti having it furnished with the introit and most bentifalstyle.,of furniture; flatters himself that he will be able to ac conimodats his frienda and the travelling public, in a manner not-inferior to any similar establishment in tricieity. As the Ilcince Is sitsatod noar-the Court House, it= rangeiroints havibeen made to serve up meals at any hour in the day, this will be greet convenience to those who are in attendance it churl . ~.,-..-. . . SPIlw BTILE. - dgib 4 .A.T. -Ali. "c•A.Rs, -•11pAllb . . - .. - 1 11.11 E subscriber tfchild.inform his customers and Wis. Lan g -ton Hotels ' . •:L. the public; Ihittr has received . direct freiu - 1 - A1%1E.4 AIISISTRONG, Proprietor;' Corner of St. , se* York, the 1244, d most. approved' ityie . of t o; . Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the Mamie- .Hats and 'Caps for stltfir and summer wear. lie t begs le"e to . t' e l Lttrn ' hi° rn °4l p ateilli tiumk.l va - bralso dailtmantitactinirig Htits'and 'Caps of all 'is friends sad the public for paid acme, and 'hopes, discriptioni; and be Pledges himself to furnish his by attention ' 'to merit a continuation Of Owir patron age,i Tha.lioeise in:pleasantly sitnatttd sear Alla Ex- customers with an art de that, 'for neatness, dun_. change; it has accommodations fur travelers, and a amity and __cheapness; rian 41 , 6.. 1. 7! li t t%su.rp To as c se a d; .. , __ ex . . large roan:icor public meetings; dinner or supper:per- W tern Me el ts a In led ll . su d amine his stock; as he feels confident of be ing able Refreshments always:ready, or prepared on the to please both in quallti and price. shorteit notice, with'the choicest tl so ie loc Nia u r o ,.; ? t r u w: ill in a e f s .... l :. :ied Hat G. pr. GLAssGOw, 102 Wood at, ford- Grater. stud -o .fetek . 8"P, also -81 " h. S hill '''-Thirtl door below Dacia ' Coln. Anction Rooms. Oysters, received every"daydunag the.season.. The ..,... greatest care has been taken in the 111-. B—Persons prelaring a•Pittsburgh manuthc• and liquors. A. 'variety of newspaperi are "regularly , . . . • to I.: ''. tein * l . 3 il w e i !. b . P : 2 l _ l l bi l r .gb . nlin e s .. L ..- . inernaiy on getting Mom to Rin, as ab o ve. G W. G. tiled in the establishment, P. S. A Hot Lunch served up c 4ary day at,11,..L. ';'. taaso4l3as " ""! ""."." ' . ' . M. " • ap 181. - • - ••- • ..• • 1:el - Refreshments of all kinds can be bad, Boar .dera taken by the weak or day. itC . PLunch eery da at 11 oscloc!c, A. M. ap3o BY A. DOSS iaT, Fenn street, Pittahargh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on the-Btost reasonable tonne. Straagors will tlnd-it to their advantage to patronize him. Dersons travailing east or west will hod thilehouse a convenient loca tion—it ia within OEB hi/wired yards of the canal basin, and conieniont to the forwarding houses. inforniaLion given to Iron AlantUitctiucrs in rancbes of the imsinets. Hikno brewed ale can at all lima bit_had ifert); bar. . no rlOl. ISAAC MURDOCH, formerly of the Union noted uu Water street, baring been burnt out, Lista:tit a new and handsome house express!), for the accom utodauottof 'travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which Will be known sr the littrot District Motel. lie ii new prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler, 4!try modulate charges, lie provided' sikth amp le ited:ceuvenieut ambling. ' ' • dectlNy CORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR ST.S., LEN DROWN, Plitotntrrimi—Termi 611,tril per day. Thee adersigned, formerly of the bleichams Hotel, corner-of M'ocril earl Third streets, has /eased this auperior establishment, and furnished it anew . throughout, with new lieds.liew heildiuu and /UM' furniture. Oreat care has.beera taken to till bia mil ler with the clinic:eat viands. A handsome omnibus .2 . 11{1 a baggage 'wagon are' provided for the lice of hie guests - , and a Porter will be in atteurisuce at all hours to rucet the demands of the traveller. This long es pericuce of the undersigned intkis business, assures him that his calmest purpesr t to ail who tan, cannot be uuinecessiiil. llti feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors* comfortable and cleanly abOdc, til.cry7 eutertaimuent, and a hearty we!coutet, at a moderate espeurie. ALLEN BROWN. ap3..dif i • Now Drugstore. JOHN D. AIORGA'N, Whul.ruk and Retail I W . bruggistiNo. '.l3i Wood street. one door South l '''''''ffil": - .44knir Pit tithur,lft.::--the'rielsciiber • has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the above stand, a Hill assortment of article. in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varuislu:s, Chemicals; ee., together wih all such articles as are usually kept fur sale at a tholesale And retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, and has heel] selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a Call. turf.ll. \VILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day January, inst., associated with him Jas. W. Mittman and John F. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman Sa co., will now have in ereiutad far-attics for manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, Sze., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, th merit a continuance to the new firm the thsurs so lib erally beetowed upcin him. Factory on St. Clair et. —warehouse 43 Wood, at. opposite the SL Charles Hotel, where can be found a good assertment of Springs„AvJes, A. 11., and Spring Steel, and . Coach Trionningsmf every description, together with iron, N.ids and Pittsburghinanufactured articles.. KrThe . 'higheat price paltrier scrap von.jane2 DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt mad commepted business at kis old stand, No. 70 Spaoud a Iwo:tie/1 Market and Ferry streets, where be will.l4e pleased to sea Ms old customers and feiecids. . . . Church,sterunboat, and bells Of every size, from SO to 10,000 pounds, cast frnm patterns of.ttle most approved models; and tvazzauted to be of tle best tuatlrials. allmeral WtiterFsiiipa, Counters, Railieg, &e. together with every variety of Brest if re iptired, tamed and lanistied in the neatest manner. A. F. is the 3ole ageat for RetikiiPr AV,i-Attraction 4fetra!, so jontlycelebrated for the reduction of Ilric titan in machinery. Tim buzeifted composition Comm he had or him at all tunes. n0v,13-y Gt. tiXr P. )4411P, DFig e4t, HAS reniovcd to No. 102 Smith field ex., where he will pe;forgi all 5- j operationsx,s/ Fho ZecW sgi4fac ,, torily. B:4'--liaying lately toads ono % . of the-greatest improvements in forcepsxhat lass ever s pwarcii be fore the poblie, lie has Leen able -1 to extract teeth with'. such ease v- as to astonish all those who have availed themselves of his services. Pittsbur‘th Julv 24 1846-ly GENILEMEN LOOK AT THIS cbGrrxiwa Nu. 70 Woad st., Sign 41" the Gal* n Star, Pittsburgh ANCKILR. & MAYER, TT AVE on hand an extensive and complete assort mentorFaahionable and extra Made New York Eiothing,whith cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the thy. Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as pos sible before the first of January, we are determined to offer sueliNbariairis': , as will ,entible us to effect our object. • 8. P. ANEKER. 4 novitt-y A. A. MAYER. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the old stand, Fourth street, oboe Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existin g be tw ec n Henry W. Williams ' Esq., and myself; in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the - nth alt. and the busineAS willhercifter be Con tinued by liehry W. Williams, whom I most chkor q fully recommend to all for-whom- I have the :holt& to do btu/Mess, as a gentleman every way worthy Of their confidince. ' WALTER l LOWRIE. ° EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of fine Lawns Ur .i'vliich•willbe aold at the veil IOW price',of ISt cents per yard, persona Who want a good article, at a price, would do well to call soon. Also on hand _wood stock of Naosook,mitalins for Ladies Dresses very cheap at len .. • No. 106 Nfarliet street. ASPLENDlEtnesortmenterhAthegany and Rose. wood Pianos, just finiehed. • These instrument. are well tnadn : of theltileatianterne and best materi als and will be sold low for , eaah by , F. BLUME, ' - AVi.:llg - wisod:at. 2d door above Oth. N, IL.:Theaearaoaxe in waist or agooll instrument are respectfully caned call 11 4 calming thqfjPiNi ro'iepnrohOtmr ellowhern:, they,minnOllM eieet led : hY; teMiatry.,4llo.4srill- be !Mid, lo*e'r than softronklii. Trona ihe eist: 'One elegant Adele mond Piano wilki Coleman's Patina - Aolien attach ment for sale hy BM= ' ',6 ''' , ,q: ',7 4' =RI Mil Pirt.s.prv:iww. , .V.Rip*N'',.listo;vll.:.,2o:::l•B.47:: Caual Boat Mousy. Porn!. District. HoteL Ega!s &No la 0(04 .Co-NArtnership w. Put *t Henry W. Williams, „119.W01*i.. i,511.371/2:111 /it Pianow. • - . E AAA L Fa'A. L . 0 0 2! , • frop PRiENDB AND I'ATIIOIO. !lave disposed .1 of my Bakery, in. Diainond 1 and for the fu ; tore ,wilt reicive orderiat the , counter of the Eagle 4aJoon--for fasicy cakeilionfccOontiry, calf feetlel iy, ice Ciente.; pyrataidiand every other article' ne ceariif 'far sappers' s . Pi:titles, halls, weddings; &c. .Thelialtion ope for ice creamjon or before ;the tat day of April. Parge amount of money has been expended in ordorlo make the Eagle the afloat ,attractive and pleat/ant' of resort in the weat for the.spproaching • Pseud ofthe patrinloge . we have received wo will .endeaqi c to diners° telinuance of ' i • . . • • ANDItEWS. • - mars / ' K . , Woad st. A CARD. . . miTE subscriber baviiig disposed of his nookstore in Pittgirgh, to Alessrs. Elliott and English, would recommend thtiviju tho patronage of his tbr - mar customere. ' • • 11.014E11.T CARTER; Yu - summit; 0a015040/4; 18-IG. • ' THE SUBSCRIVEBSIiaving purchased the Book store of Mr ltobert caribr, will - coatinuu the buil nese at-the-old matud.• Xhey will tat all times hare on band a largo supply 44 - Theillogical,elassical and ja len School Book 's--ithio, U/ 4 - g, Lotter and Wrappiog Paper, Slates, is4c. •- -'- • • Western Merchants . lag purchase' in the city; urn invited to call, es: e our stock, and ascertain our !ince* biare purcb*inu eliewhere. 4:1:1,10T r & 10iGLISII, fie ti. 6 N 0.36, Market ot., bet. 3.1 and . 4th. i t . i A._ 4. ..\ 4; NALL, lied and Beast E .., Fgpintier, t street, near , Market, is - I prepare to mike Brass CAStiogs and ~ ____• . l. .. Brass war'is generally on the most - .tr. re.ti on able terms and shortest-notice.. 'llat . iie invites inlchipists and ail . lhose using brass works . to . c him a. call, as de. tcrinine.l to tln'ell suehis lice very kw. . 'taay:2:4'y ,LaradatetWe Wanottratett Uvalde's' Ileitata, rldlteCT Plated 1.10 . WE/AMU.. Each paper ij.bcans the label er warranty of Dam nimbi. For silo by Y. . S'NoWl.a..V. No. MI Water at.. at the otaad formertruccupted: by Gei, A. Derry. gatraet hem the , Repeal of the Visqitts etaneuttee of the Pettneyiranin Unrtiettatirat '+'ocicti,' usual . mown,. adopted :tad : Ordered to be printed. • LAN DUX rive, NUAVA I 44: I4.I ND 4:4•1•1111"8* "Those rtatenrave graiinds aro op Federal owlet, ueat too Arsokat, • " The e.ulteat collec tion of COoaclissa was sit' do hcre. Soule or those two utvo.fillllllioll of tin* thatitiguisist-il nurserymen aro ten fret high.' • : 1 ;• . • The selecciuo of t;octir-uoustraarrrs is - valuable and catonsire. , "Toe Nurseries are,very correctly managed, sup pl.)f pi; every - part of - tht Damn, a detail of which wotint occupy too 010elkor our space, we therefore vilimiqg COU4,ztoutvelvev oltat t hat thcstock is very i:vge, arid' in tieiy Sta $ 6t 4iowthi cobsistillg of ettltEST AND DANAAIENTAL TIfEES, EVER.- Gil i:ENS , SH RUBS, V !N ES AND_CREEPERS, wtth a collet:twit of lierbacceous plants;fruit trees .vt . the best king and must healthy condition, large beds of secd, lig apples, pears, plums, &c., as stocks for bud ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that of working upon suckers, winch carry with them into the Fran all tbediseeves of the parent stock., • • "Danoce Scots of the finest quality have been scattered over the county from these grounds, and may always be depended upon. The seed establish meet of these - liorticulturists is one of the moat es.- tenvive in the Union,and its reputation is well sustain. cd from year to year. "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of the plants of the same family, they have established anodic: nursery at a suttatile.distance,so that degene ration cannot take place, arid which secures to the purchaser a 'genuine article.' .- :Knowtrig thus the age, aprality and process of culture of every plant, the:supply limn their grounds is recommended with great couridence." ' s ' Since the date of dad 412eport , from which the above is extracted, tite entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection of Camel has ern braves all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou sands of various sixes; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c. The Seed Oardens alone cover fifty acres, and the whole is, as it fins been more than half a century, under the- succelofive management of fdther and son, the most prominent in America, Kr. Orders received by P..L. SNOWDEN, from whom r-italogues may he received gratis. toar9-y ItEiAL KSTATM. AGISNCY. JSZIKS BIAKKLY, A/der:ran, DLAICELY & T it L , CONT1:1131,:: to attend to the selling and routing of Heal .EState iu the C,ty of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. Having determined to devote a large portion of their time to this trranCh of business, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the public; from the i'acility they possess and the experi ence they have (the 'Senior partner having hoes en gaged in the iteal V.state Agency for near 20 years,) they beli;ve that they will give general satisfaction. OtTice on Penn it., near the U. S. Hotel,. and Sinith fieldstt., between Diamond Alley and Filth street. Wholesale. Shoe Store. . 11. 0111 LDS t Co., are now receiving their . spring supplies, consisting of one of the . lltrgest, cheapest and best assort inept Boots and Skoes that they have ever been able to brlng to this atarket. Also, I. 4 adies' and hlisses , Florence'Braiti, and Straw Bonnets, of the latestlityle; together uitk a splendid assurttnent of Pales Leal idats, tuld oy's summer Caps. Also, a large lot of New York TannedSOle Leather, all of Much having been purChased at - the lowest rates, and seleeted with great care for the western trade, will be geld at a small advance above cost and charges. All merchants %visiting to purchase will find it to their interest to call and esannue-their stock before porchasing . eisewhere. niar27-tf James Howard st. Co. HAVE the pleasure to anhuunce to their friends that they again occupy their .old stand at No. S 3, Wuud Street, where they have opened .an eaten sire WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have contantly on hand an extensive assortment of Satin- . glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS; Vefvet and Imitation Borders of the latest style; and trlost hand. some patterns for papering halls, prirlors'end cham bers. They manufacture, and havo - cin •harid at ;Ell times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Byards--all of which they oiler fur sale e,e A l e mostxecOmmodating aims, and to which they invite the attention of merchaein and others. . • • ALSO—Blank Books of allkinds and the best qbal ity, School Books, :hyays ou hand 'and !'or sale as above. ' auz :25 Allegltelty:Cpmpl;cy. Ciestnous ,uf purchasing> ).9,ts in this 4. Cemetery ri,ra releried ror.inibrivatiou'to the Superintendent:,on Diu groUnds; or to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn and .Hand streets, Pitts burgh. Ihr"order of the' Board. CHISLLTT, "deo 11 Siiperiittendent: John M. .Tolinienitir iRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 95, Mar • ket street, three fo_ortat , ove Third street, Pitti trurgi.,- will-hive constantly 'on' hand a well'ielected assortment of the: best and freihestMedlcines, which he still sell On the most reasonable Physi cians .sending orderi will he pronytlpittentled and itujiplied• with articlearthey Oar .rely npoh as genuine Physicians preactiptiehswill be accurately and neatly prepsred'friim tlie hestipaterials;ht any hour 9f ihedily or night: A, iso, for sale, a large stook .of crash gull ,grtrod J,erfarniry i tlec 3.0t1 10kTiLIPS City Daguerrttrn Philo Ball; 4. Third Prttsburgh„Pa., and Franklin Build inga,lllaitirnprn, bld.:•••• •• " • Mr. Porter respectfully anneUtteee that' he has at contthirrshle expense fitted .upapestmeutri and ar.• ranged light for Daguerreotypingpbrposoe t experience in this art hannitabOd:hini taxis - tic - eine tinny of thWobeetiiiiiirtlio;ooitioille iiiiWre 61 4 ken by this metho d,. . . —' • Idr.-Poitei is aware thitVtheilliPiPtsiOg:lian g one abroad (iiwini to the many failures to produce good pictures,) that clear and distinct Daguerreotypes; can not be Made in 'Pittsburgh. 'His experiments, how eversince he has _opened his Gallery, fullpeorrint him in saying thetas good pictures cantle made here as. elsowliere. • • . Ladies and 'gentlemen are. incited to call- pad. ex . specimemi, • _ . Initructions given; and instruments aud . materiids ihroislicti upon reasonable tenon.- Ail n:tints from boon try. operators promptly attend ed to. • • • - bov2s- tr. _ . it rriflE sibsCriti r has rebel red no enbsignment a 1 few of Oliv `Evan's celebrated Wirer I'' ea, ntanufactored in hiladelphia, such as are uovAglen erally used in thertaitern Cities. They are wurrai-' ted to . purify, Pimp, HAW % or Rain Water r cleans. ing kip! all Mineral, ititiNti, Vegetable or other en whglesome matter—rendering it the finest Sprgsgtwater, otherwise ortfaillue k (lf,sised as dirov, tad) Efifilrice paid will be refunded.. . ~..,..... The .subscribev; hexing beers ilipointprijarfne Col the sale of the ab9ti, wall receive orders and Await* them At miumfaciuteisliziacs. • • - " ' • . • GEO.; COCHRAN, - • • Norl4 ' . • No 26, Wood at; . PITTSBIIIICII CHAIR ,IND . CABINET WAILEIIOIAL No. U 2, Third Street, Plttibuirgh. . TrailE subscribers . would respectfullyseturn their ; thanks to their friends and the public, .for tho very liberal patronage bestowed since th.e comm mice meet of tbe new - firm, and-would earnestly solicit a. continuance of the same. They Would respectfully invite those whe..vimni. to purchase anything in the furniiure or ettaiiliiie; to give them a call *nu examine the . ) extensive stock. now on hand, consisting of some of the most splen did Eastern and French patterns of lioscwood and Mahogany Furniture. Flattered by the very exten sive patronage received in.theii business, they have, at considerable expense; mule arrangements in New York, by which .they will have dm I atest Eastern and French patterns forwardedinunthly, thus giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing home industry, and finding in their own city wliat, therformerly would obtain ii!y in the East. Ilaving lidUptedihe principle of 'Mali puitits and quick sales,• they will bo able to sell at as tow rates as any of the establishments isigLhe Easfein Cities. • .' • • n 051.- .• ROI:MILTS' fit KANE. • CHS. H. POULSON, (late of the firm fa t, Poulson /k . Gill,)' having o'petted his ' time store at N 0.73, .Wood street, nest door to the corner of Fourth; is now mannricturing'and recei ving from - the Eastern cities a very large assortment of bats and caps of every description, Warranted to be utaile in the best manner and of the beat materials. Otter, Seal, line and common Masi:rat, Ezeidette, ifitir-Sid, Plash and Glazed Caps. fine assortment of ladies, furs, such as Lynn, Vital, Genet and IL:eney Stud a and Tippets and far trimmings, ell of which he °Mira fur sale at eastern pricea for cash, both tzliolcsale and retail. Country 'merahtiots will please call and usamine my stuck betbie parchasiiig elsewhere. • : CHAS. H. POUI.SON. • k. B. The FaH . Foshiou thr Hate sad Cape recen sepriy, • SHOES ' SHOES, stiou's. - NEW FALL AND wisTER, SUPPLY. Cheaper than Ercr, ,YOLLANSUEE , H3eot Shoe :mil Trunk Store, No. Hid erty street, nearly opposite the head of uud .trest. & U. wow,' mpt. ctAilly announce that they have in store and are receiving their FALL AND WLN TER SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c., consisting of upwards of five hundred packages ofail kinds and qualities for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys, youths' and childrens , wear. These goods have been manufactured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh of which we are deter. mined to SELL VERY LOW, as I}OIII our Meanies in purchasing goods we are enabled so to do. We would solicit an. examination of our mock by all in want of goods in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as we feel confident we be enabled to please, both in regard to quality and prices. The most of our goods are from manufacturing es tablishments with, which we are connected. We shall continue to receive weekly from those houses, fresh and dosirable goods, made expressly for our 511CIIV k'OLLANSBEE &. HAYWARD, octl'2 No. ISti Liberty street. • IV Minna McKee. STILL continues in his old business of manufactur ing Wagons, Carts, Drays,. Timber Whnels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand,' or made to' order in the shortest notice, any amount of work; by the best or workmen amid good materials, and' at prices to suit the tinted. Tho s se engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requested to give him 'a call, before purchasing elsewhere. ap7-y T It.'LOGAN has just received the balance of his fall and winter stack of 1)17 Goods, at N 0.83, Wood at., consistitig in pin. ot super French and Wesecif• England ;Mad Cloths and Cassimeres, Sat, tuietta from :Li to!iCxceeits per yard.; Welch Flannels, red'and white Flannels, twilled red and green Flan nels, plaid and plain Linseys,.&c. Mackinac and Whitney blankets,Woollen Shirts and Drawers,Com forts, Malts and Gloves. 'Ferkeri,Thibet and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes of the latest styles; Twilled aid Manchester Ginghams; Irish Linen ' Table Linen, Counterpanes, Sdotch Diapers, Checlts, &c. Also, an assortment of•Dresi Goods, consisting of Silks, Gala and California Plaids, barred Cashmere, and Robes, Mous. do barred and figured; bladk and fancy Silk Cravats, .all of which he will sell wholesale and retail, as low fur cash as any other house in the city. uov2l-y Joint J. DI arum., Attorney at LAIC AV 0121: a y , at a e c i ti id .u s u o y p ti announces e. o t e o t his seh old ol in this city, on the first Monday of April nest, in the baseAkeut of the Tizird Presbyteriap Chuicb. 4103121-t rp HE PitOPRI ETOlt ofthis well known establish meat respectfully announces, that he citiltlnUeS to supply at the shortest notice, and in the hest style, Parties, Families and Weddingsovith Fancy Cake, Ice Creams,-Jellies, Pyramids, &c. Managers of contemplated Italia are invited to sec his arrangements for soppers,atsuch entertainments. In his large saloon be is able to seat almost any num ber ofpersons at once. The-teVetbiln all departments of his business, he assures the public will be reasonable. janai? • 1131e.01..xttou of Ppirtuerablp. PattnerslN existing between the undersign ed, under the firm of SCRUM, /3z:SCEIEIBLEIt, was dissolved on the 3d Met., by mutual consent. Tho bootwofZhe.concetti are in the hands of Mr. Scriba, who is authorized to settle all accounts. The Bookstore will be continued it the Old stand by Mr. Scriba; the . 400kbinding by Mr. Schcibler. Dec. 45, 1846 Tff A VING just returned from the East with a most elegant and 'extensive stock of Fancy Station ary-and Books for Christmas . and _New Year's Gifts, I would att e utionn.of the public to my stare„ No. 115, Wood at. Prices extremely low. Athong a great selection:of Books for old and young; i Lon ! • I The Boudoir Annual ; for 1847. 5 Diadem, , 5 . , - • . •- 'Bogue," ; • 4, AI ass Rose ; Amaranth,. .‘ , , Mayflower, « • FOrget.nie.nut, Leallkts,PfMemary , .. s , at I.xuly , s Album, The Tortoise Shell Jilt g, f0r1847. , 4.nnualette, ; ~* -Chrtv4P, 11, 8 1 0 , 1 5 9 ,1 1 2 ,-. • • ';‘-‘ ..T.lto Beek ofstfursery.ithymes. ..TOgettier tr,iili'a great selection of Books for Child 111)vGaReey Pordoklos,&c, Y:ICr011.8CRIBA, do 5 , Wood :Water Fl;tcem: Zlesi gift and Coq? Store. Fla/ ant Winter Gobds Select Sphool. Eagle .Salmow:-..i1001l Street: vicTokt scikum., GUSTAVUS SCHMILER Books Sta,t,i9nary, . _ ..oT~rt,'c. ~ _ . ,yam" 25~. _.. ~eip: Tbe.telebrated TIIE CURE 'OF . CHRONIC 71101.0At.' • yyyr,yky.g.;..L. - --= • Ziecov'ered'hy--Dr. stasontof Italy' in tlitfleef.lB4s . , ''iki - dintritiduced• into' the U. Siete' early in:1848:" . • :PHIS ianrivalleilliiediCiiie for the radical care ot Cfironic diseases has spread tti:oughviit'EnrPPe with the moat enequelled speed and triumphant suc cess, ell'ecting themostastomehing cures ever known .or recorded in the annals of .Nediegl -History. Since 'its introduciio» into the United Staten it has mipally 'sustained Ole high reputation it to justly received in the East/Curing here as it has.done•thereolie'most ins eterate and long standing diseases with-which the hninan'Amily are aftlitteff. The Physicians of E. ,rope and America (as: far as. they :hate become' ac quitinted with its mode of operationfAngr i ther with the thinisaads who have been re..nied to health by itisuperidr ofticaey with one' united voice proelaim it. to be the mostjkiffsiut- remedial agent eviir offered to suffering hutispry, It is now an established fact Ktildt tonsumplion malty be, can 6e, and hees'been - curd br-err: Skrece or IS.opienitiygiorne. This is the only medicine, that has ever been dis cover'ed that has achieved a cure Where this 'disease . -had gained a:tettled and permanent. hold Upow•the system. For the truth of this Assertion, wo have. the certificates of some of the nto.t eminent Physi cians Of ~EcirOpe and America, expressiy declaring :that theyiniye prescribedit in hundreds of instances .afrbere . the pPtienti Were considered beyond ill hope - vifiecovery, aid, to their astonishment, hat effected Itliefliost.speedy.andriserfect cures.- une who ie . upacquaintetl with its action can imagine the woe ditrful- sUccers thatatteeditheitiminikrationuf this diediciee in every variety-of chronic . due ase,•par-• tieularly Consumption, Scrofula or kings evil, Asth lita,'Prithisie,l'iles;(eee Cases rffparted in pamphlets and circulars) Cancers, Liver Complaints, Costive ness and Indigestion; Sore and Inflamed Throat, Bronchitis, Dropsics;' Chronic lotlamatiou of the Kidnsyc, Gravely Great-Debility and batibility nervous system, Spinal . affections, Paralysis, Cbrnnie "Diarrahcea; Pam in 'the • breast and side,. Couate r Colds; Chronic Rheumatism, Diseases of the Wieninh and Dowels, inward weakness. and falling thit womb, nodal! the ChrUnie. &spank 'pe euliae\to females' in 'their variouvrt.lations This medicine is prepared only by :Dr. Masoni him soli, and is coiniosed entirely of vegetable Materials containing the extracts& 42..0f thelmost rare Tropi cal plants but lievv.otwhieli are knewu.,thetmedi -ad Professiork ' generally. ' . ' ' ' _lt has an far surpassed every other medicine ever offered to the.woeld i,m::ersdicatiliz disease, that it his not Only - ,enlisted, many ul the -moat-. talented Medics! men id the world in its 'favor' but What is inore:extraordinary the government where It was discovered 'Hos, made if en oftener punishable with dee/A to atteenfitcoiosterfeiting it or making sale of any ipirrimis• . articie I purpurring- to be the seine or reprPetstint r :it to:Legenuine. Arid this Govern-, °tent has also made a liberal, e rovitiot i "pi:. the pyo tentioit of it here'. To the Uthicted vicsay'letnone. dispair„ though- you , may :have .4reeri 'given up: by sour Physician and Considered by your Crienda us beyond ail hope, try a bottle of this medicine and you'iniii rely upori the 'bet; that if past - Mice pima. A*l strength erioligh- left to endure jut action; you will find certain mind speedy relief, fur this has been the'in thousands of instanced, in proef of V. flied we can produce certificates from individonta of the roost efripectable character „Doth..of.-}lueope and AmeriCa. Thu medicine feline offpred fur sale 'only at the coun t y teats of each county' fiCving to yhe small amount .yet imported. and the ausiety-01. the pi...printer this valuable remedy wititini . tlie reach of all ihnitUglatit the United Stites.' • Hays k lirsickwiy, Druggists, No.: Cuminercial Row, Liberty erect, witotpald e. and retail Agents foe Allegheny . ff e ,E, Sellrra No' '57 Wooded. . ' ' ' gtetuk arid Job Printt n g Dace, P. V. cvnizit or *On Ali/3 ;writ I 1 30. • Is:. Foprieter of dte . .littirnhPost-sod Ater- • • • cirryenithtlitrairegt - eitrice - tr.ends and the of . them; pa.perz, tot' harta large and well choien atnortn•ent of • •JUll TVPP.,* AND ALL-OTH).III3LATEIIIALS NeIVAIWITZ/ 110 , a 40b. kxiWag Ofti.,.. an that he is to execute - isrrarasuii rtiinTrxe,:ds F.vpar DXSCRIPTION. Books, Hi lts of tailing, • Carealars. Pamphlets, Bill Beads, Cards,. liandbiile,' "' blink Checks, Hat Tips. All kinds of Illankk, Stur,,e. Sfrendoat and ;Canal Boat Bills with appropriate cuts, printed:on the iluirt, eat notice and innst reasonable • 11e respectfully iski the patronage of hiffiriende, and the k i uhlic in general, in this branch hid hai rless. . vit. 22) • L. HOPER,; IYatolie•l AV lies 4.4, 9: 14 JUST BECEILIO, this ilay.„:ik.finot i issorttient of brit quality ,E nglis h . .Zjitl.UILD and SILVER. Patent LEVE W ATC It V & • Having- imparted. these • Witeles direct from Liverpool, 1 em enabled to sell thew at reduced prices, and sa low as" thti same qualitiei can be bought for in the Eastern ,cities. :, Baring 'deter mined. by 19w prieci and a ja!te And wedhselccted assortments of Watches and other articles in toy jine, to zinnia is the interest of Western men to deal at 1, 01 , 14 , 0 I tespectfully invite attention to the largest and best selected stock of Watches eler offered in this city. W. sv: witabz4; roam • r. or itth - and Market ids. ..p::' Watch and Cluck. repairing dant in the Wax . Sacred Mitela Books roll /ALL EY JOIIST If. itI.ELL,OR., NO. SI. WOOL) ST. Beitiien 4th elreeVarci ,Dtesurrul - 211eg. . Psalmodist, b y Hastings 4 Snullairyi Carminis Sacra, by Lowell Maiuni ' T.he rsaltery, a, Mason 4- Webb • • .• The Odeon, 4. 4 -Sisson lie Welds; - Western Harp, ." Samuel Wakefield; 7 7 Evangelical Music, by fiickock 3.Fleming __ Missouri ,Harmony, Patent notes; • Masons Sacred Harp, round notes, 2tltli edition; Mason's Sacr d. 'tarp and Patcet notes; Cantos Ecclesite, by 'Barley ,4 Standbridgef • Music of the Chorch, biLmatiorWaintight;- • liingsle'es Sacred Chuif., Juvenile Music !Books: . . Mason's Juvenile !faqir, . • , The Young Choir, by Bradbury atul ftinde . Young Chirs Companion. : • ' • A late suliply of the aboVe works constantly-on hand and fur ;ale wbolesale,er retail, by • JOHN H.M.E.L,L0R,11,1 t i: Atha betwuerAtlr,andPiautoutl Mir . Sitnat I oils Famished. rir lIE euilersigned will attend to the proeuring of situations fur.young men in stores of all kinds and for every capaCity, such as clerks, saliktpan„ book-keepers, assistants, and taborets; also; fur men C) I rams . , ciriri,zr, Uarliapts., tad wagops, and men fur Claudius, and for all kinds oluirchanical Families supplied With male and female domestics, on the shortest notice. By applying at CLARK'S General Agipney.suld lutelligence Office, Nu. SO, 3d at., two doom bplowi.t . heylist.ollice. . feb.l-tf rips Clioo#s 241, , ev - 1,1 . OF TBIE•tikTESi ; SPRING STYLES, JUST REM VLD At N0..02 Markel st ~ Simpson's: Rom, bet 3d and 4th. A 4. ZiIASON begs leave to. inform the puhlie e that he is constantly receiving, and is now in receipt of a large and 'sell selected stock of rich Spring Dry Goods, amongst whichM4 be found e, I and 4-4 rich 'heavy dress ,6111ta, imperted under the new Tariff of 1847,-and will be sold num tickle's than former prices; also 23 (Ives lailica,estre'super Noritc and Badois light .colored Kid Glesee,-com-' prising eatery shade. A large lot of Alpacas and. Al-: pines, Cachtneres, Mous de Leiner, and. Ginghams, and come as low as 12e cents.; Calicoes of superior colors and style, including another entire cane of those Orange and 1)lue prints; l case Hr rich -Eng lish 'Prints at 181 cis. 'Our Stock of bleach'd and brown Muslim is cOmpiete, and . were purchased pre viouirto the great advance of cotton goods,_ which will enable•us to sell them at former prices. 'Pur chasers. will please bear in mind that we do an en tire cash business, which eeables us to self goods. from litto lik . Per cent Icss time the credit system, end they Wilrfind it to their advantage to give us a calf at No. 62; Market street. *125; • • . 1 „, • A. A. MASON: .•." • . 114 1S' i lq -4?eg e trt UST xeceivedfronbilw : York, a large quantity of Havanna and POilcipe gaffe of the moat popular and sal mior hraudi now in us e . . Also, an exctillenttiole chewing Votuticco :beveral bides:of supeficirgnba Leaf Tobacco foc safe. -B. E. WINCHESTER, No. 5.0.)11g0 str eet , . tw o tiCtttre . fro m the ?oat 9. . • .. . DIEI PRICE o .>0 'CENTS. IPoniasylyiallisTettlittialf.Coitipaiity.. T ETTERS-Patent bearing ::date the *2sith day Oi . 1.4 FabruaryA.D.:lB47, havingimen the • Governor of the Comipoowealtlenf Yennsylvallii,in pursuance or tkeprovisieps of au Act Ofiltot.l3 ettfinill . 1 Assembly of said Cotrnpunwenith rt cutillitil 7 2,•,ftitet . ... 5 to ineorpomtc the fennsy [Tani; iftillinadt.'osupenY.“- '7 , - Notice igAery&y.ems,Tlis:.Vihe - uederaieb.es_ --: : . :44 lug - a majority .ot" the ie ties corninissiOnenti here': :`:? and do hereby appoint a.inedtihgurthe solisigiiihielll - /:-,, to the Capital Stock of said I:gulp:sl4 , tuba bitittie Tuesduy, the 30th day amitol, - .;. D...igti'Ait•ten' o'clock At U., in the Hoorn or the Itodrifotlialo; . ... No. 28, Pliludelphia.Exchenge,,, iktheqtyprp . 44.. .. ~, delphia lia.vsnierte orgsnpee gait! Compairy,- a ri d then aist there tti 'efeet thirteen' Pitiiteri'oritili: .2 I filiampany agreeably ha:the kovieitOnapiiiild 'Ail. hf .• . .-,.. Assembly, .., • , - - -.! . ~ ,.. *"';5,.. [Thomas P Cope ' TNI j , ctiji" .:s.' ' ! -.!, ~.-. i ::::' I RobertTuland ' • ' Ceiligo'bUSttifitls- , ,I!". . ..; "r. , . David S Brown -. • ..- ic al Wens( -, ; .,;,..,...5-4..!;,.... •... 2 James bi]agee . "Phi)lip NI hi s eC -' .. • ~' ' • G George W T ()fund , '}fribert Flinii,',lr ,''''' !J Fisher Learning "' '' IV& lipthiei . ' ' HIL Maoris • • -.'5,T citatulati,:: • Geo AV Carpenter .. . 1 - Sphitt:EXtists;,, , .. i. 5 ., „,;gt- Ellioit Cresson ' ...'t C'thildii - -; ..• : ' Robert Allen - - ''' tildideitritiNii4.' 4 ,..l's ' = - " 5 ... 44. - Charles s Wood . - ~..: gs.lsiesitliettiet'..ssit - -1;" - titr5 - :' Hugh Campbell. . ..E AlheitoWiep-Ii•;:./.. , -: John I.llAlyere . ' •Alei'Fisll 1 . 5,-, : •,_, . v . -• .' G . liehlton - ' a' . ':};:itAiii*Xieel-il'-•‘.icz 1 0' Gideon Scull . .• ;, -. .• ...IkOi4itin ett ~ .. _4 S ltnberts . itienWW Virm - C Patterson ':- : '')ollirlitnit9i - II :it Hinchrnan ' - -A - .JLeseilicnit' , • John Welsh, Jr ,-.. . Negiailis..} Tra de... Townsend Sharpies,' ' 'Ja'pses.Watiin ' - -;-' Thomas sparks -'''' 5 '3ebilArMeLl4bli.l.'rxi! Charles llumpbreys•-•, ..-: i Itilelli ci!libe . ,M s s4 7 . 'it. James Steel • ..- litentrWltite. • ..- FibOaft. Vi..7 , :-.041 4 - 4.- - - ......_ ...- , . Stewing 'i,TosuL Rettfr.nli,.lfAer,e9-ti; , Ridge koad,criniee-Rhtlenu'od stel6.l l 4ll4),ph# radhitigiiatiet .1 - k . variety of Plans and twathtirul.Pattek6ll/60.114 . tt,t1.434! ip the whjekifteAto !ion urthose in want orguy . illy for Cenitilaries, is pa rticularl'y, rnSatell; -The principal .pait.or the:handsome Railiga at Lauri! HUI, hfunprnent, and other celebrAted•Cenle r teries in die eity arid Viniiity•ni • , ii•ch have been so _highly.. patolit, try:' the pubile l k-cia were esecuted at thisitivienractery. . • .1- A large Warr,Roont is c ....... ... the espih:i • likionenti *litre keptcuintUintli 'on latiwi a /11401_ stock ot.ready-tnetie Inch 'RAMINGSj .t,lakitertAi r • INN! SETTE Xt,.laon Cita t no:4 . sCile . - pittitt:Ailit}t4l . , • ' nainentallitoN 6Atia, with an'tilweiunve assOtlgent oftaus Pors,.Pßes•Fm.s leo* Allgoas, - .141%IAZO); in great v.driety t Wrong:lit and Moir* merrps . , suitable tur_ltailines o. and other y,.tyrAci,..--, • • Th 6 scdiscriber alw , ;tate pkika and'.l)esignjog.pepturtmeot be hat the best taloutFbe hole 491.14 . r*, emit ig•tleyOtaa to • bolu, - eiranitittg - altOsetititir.; . :,;:,; one or the moStcoinplele and isyt.tetnittih CiktaFtliec pettyl4efthe kinditytho lig irat,:: •• - i<,. ILtllikatT ‘VP O -o.t a . i g %- `_ ! fo: Ridge Road; abisre RettonwitnitS Philadelphia, Nara. 1547,d6110 .... " • • - ..-:-. DI ©N .Cl - hl - 044k*E GA' 1 1 45 VS $; -.j'4 •-• td 'O4 the etOter ef Wa'iii. find' ~Vii,i ilfalit tirretik-re: ~-; i!‘ ••1.-- .... PIT TS BUltg,ll, Pa -•- .:> - ;.-" , :t..' , '.• ;--:,- 11HE, titateraigaed Proprietors of rile MOstottossnrc • 1. 1.... A. Ilex.w. armuunce tu, the, Public,',,titaCTl:kus -, ':•-•:" house is open'fur the receptinct Of Viiitora..Thai . .. .-„:.,: ... •ue,conscious,eftsaving Nisreqi,nd expewati in fittinir . .• : 1 4 the Eet.shimatacat in snch rt... style as to renchyt: ....7. , ifery colorer; ;o thif Guest-2. , ties_ hope by: eel; -.. ; : . - :i !taut care'tad sttentipti-td filminess to merit tim'pe . .!...1.:.... • lihkrally .besttiwed on the lete..9l.onobga. : •rf..."-,.. vela mars - .:-. ••• •. ' JAMES eß(.)e s J AN & SON. ..... . 1if470 1 84.1;1.4 'JAMBES .i.h.T.CAItRIAGE-4 - FOR 111REJ ..--,4 • Aolkr r attersoss, _ • .., 7 . : . .. ET AVING dissolved partnurphip . with Lid brother # ,41,L the undersigned no w informs thePO..lre end .. . . . . • . • ~ the triends that he is prepared .to furnish at his bawl/ ereetetland.catemitg eltabliohnieut att.' .... fourth sqActi bep..yen rlypiti and otitlfuid, Horses and..Carria,ies fur hire, and, liar ell oda , ttranaheitiao i ttimewf, with his hue of huaitiFl , 4,-;.,, • 'His horses; Wised : lo :ttirmatidle, ur harne ss rate :of ihe finest clefaiiptibti, it Itieiy Love, e. beCheitected sod purchased 0440 . i4iipe tbi VA, • purpose. His - . '. - - ••. '.`lsd gig sko ji b ' • Which are of every ilesciiptiou . iue neve;',o4.4yi!uid have the -poet, teothio • in abuts the eubscrilearfietkm:himmitAtittithitti. : • • ARMES, .5.1:14C1,141 , A iffi will be fuund uncepti.,943l.ocAina settatlefigbp" 'able • W.f. • # Wilt fully' p*pare4 so Newt*. it.eirt AL A4r 1 by the (lay; reek; or, year; 'intl )kittperti4iiir4 who may wish io dispose of ilieirlineteiNtotafti . . ; can .be ancontmodated,' Lithe . hi wall ikfp i jat. stabling and &bens tor theiimrpolte.' t, - : ~atat , ...,...R.: C R..13.171:4441r• . , . • Can be left, en commtsviva'ror sale, or on storage. - I , or.thbqe *hi) wish oitliiitto buy, hire or sell ie ,4d•: give xolopletisocitisiiietbia;';: ..• •.• ti6rno • flerrP,S. • • - • . • .HzLL • a. : atitoW,Wie - t • lioliiship s it.. Unready, „• . . • ..11ANUFACINILLILS - • • ;PAPER :11.dtd1;;V.G8,,.. " • • t. t ii:;..-,.e1.; iiig increasing demand for American . Pdpe . : 1s • induced Ittem tajtrilarge and itnpiore itbal4lP, • • - tory, and their fanilitieiribr - sidnaraetarOg.o4 , 7llo equal to - the .eaoerii 'eider; . Bartel( Ethipvit the . eastern scale. of pricea,ihey taiie piousness:M6•P . lilting, their fkienda - and •• *intake - their stock, iSlichii4tow I .flthe:tWan RINI,: foram,: POO:. • , amt. *lay ke thttild tw thliowas : * ri • •... French, Anerican,:o4 . o and c., 5 30 1 4........• . • ' Gajlil,-Velvet and Imitation ,Ilopiddrit ':•" • L: Landicapes . , &tattoos and fire board Prtritit . ;( !ct. .. Curtain ?as t er, ynid iehtc, plain green . aud „Transparent Windbmi Shades. 4• :-" 1 "•• Printing...lnd . Wrapping..Papprs[f •-• • llonnet,Boardi, 4-e. • Jusi9-difsl7:" • . . PXPAt*, GLAZ KU. MID UNGLAZ : *tity from 'Me &felt •• •• •• • • • preach 'Seu:rtplet:•• • 15,000. !tress: sret(ttso . as.c*F.t) will he surd, .can be purctinsed in "1 1 161,11elpIng ' . THOSE baying houses to peer' /mu irructe hey:- ing tees)! sgain, will And s'lietter article.of Watts PAPER, fur toss •AlONLY ; thria has been Ater ofirip e:4l thin tuart,eCbecup . ,....4ll at the Waikpapaf. Store . of e ' • • •, ful):12-2m st. l ,Pitt.OHlo.; . wind.** spita , '••• •';!. • • • -30. 1 200'. PlEClfs'of;greot •%'-ariety 0fT,9:1 . 41s at 'eastern pricei. • • • • ' To be had by .10.F.eli toreieigle the. Paper *ore - ' • . , 5et . 1,41 . 640 et.i icopEs ALCULIgi,.(IOCot Yerk.,ettrj No. 'riff befweep potl:And gaiter" Maitilkottisfra,pr Mustard; Qrotind Spise!l,.CatsuPf, • c., 4111 olley 'during theprea,ent week aflame . . Assortpient of articles in their rtrie, which limey 5r114.. wholciote ip qitantktiee to snit dealeitt'itt kaateiii . wholesale priers. 4.llstrsiclia.fold ted. Merchants intending tu go.airtieettirdp'*ell to call hefere lettring the city. Oiy . .inay he • fennd th. it warehousa,No, V, sl4i.4.AttalLyttmshnildr ng.. enia.7 CopartnOXlllllk• ' • - T R, sobscribers have .this • diy entered .into Cct totrtne4hii, in Uzi namenfFrtind,ltheil.c. , :Co. - , (hr . the pnrpose . t geners.l.434,e4 and Commission bufiness, an44ays ukiii %fie-house eer Copied by M. It:tthey.&,., .tio . ..olilater street, - ‘vhere they will he plesieeti to rec eive the patronage 'Mewls of thy litt.u.44P , FR I END " ' ;7A.BI;''WOOD. , , pitt f k vi k, tip:ember. 28, 4840c2 . • DlTTs4u.witi itiANUFE4TURED toui.Wco 20 kegs,Pjug rr . obar..F.o; • • ."Ladies Twistolo • • AO ; " " " • 10 • " CaVa;Js Litmp, do; 1..t0 27 ! i tf t .'siile by J. r. 222 Libtaly'.4. UNE MEM -• ", t • • - '47r , •rr ;; ,~ ~-- •y~ t _ - .7, j , : 1 • • ' • '‘‘.. - . . . - ' • • 1:‘4'4,77.,:. .i'i: '/ -- ~,, '• ..-. ;e•X ' ;' r r ~7tti: . pi`s .. .s;:fir4•••• MEM • , •"'.:e• • • 40. ;;;:~,_ .~, .~~ •~i, ~ Ni •-• •' • • • • -'•••• •• ".., • : 1, . =MI MEI ' . • Pcs.' , =ll2 _ ' -:_.• .- : ' :,./ ..,. ' ~.2._i.,.2,-.,- •- z . • ' ' ...-. ' . ' •,, -F . , - ...: * , ' , , '.• ,• ..-..)+ '' • ' ' L' . -,-,...4, ••• ~_, -._ .--- :~ v .- .i '• ' 7-..-• =MI :..::::...;,.:,...... '::4..-:.!_:i', • -f' ..• •'-.. ,.. i.:7,,. .J.:41: .. :,..!:::•,. ... - i....' - ;. -:,.., .:.. -....;4!.... , i f ; . . ::::'.....-..:•'-':::. :::;,*.):::.::, f::..... <'r~; ~ 4:fa •: , ...q%F": :1::',- . 4 . . ."`•.,,,,,•-*N - * I. ::._!..:::.......; : ::,. . , : i . :. h 7 ;; 1 : ..... 1 ::: ': ...t ; :. .04,-..i... - 14. ' -; 4"..i. Irk% ~•;...• ,Z 1,A'441;!44.4;/ ... I TV? , ~,e q.l.• '‘. (A. 1 , : ::Ci t .. ! A : S:lii..;.4^it:'4 •••:1.C.:4i1:: ... , : 1 .. i. :1 ... ;:: ' ';'..........:;t,:t.."''''' ..*; MEN ...< ; - • - , • . : • p• ...Ire , - • "-•• ••• : - - • . 1 7. • ••- ‘4 , - • =OE • 4 MINI ''i i - "•7.1. - ';...:' :f.i";:':..!:::,.. BEE