The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 22, 1847, Image 2
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'• '' . -;.;::',' ~7: ;:'' ' , .7' 1 ;,::in;,..,,,:5r,..;"'::%5: ,•‘..,; , 'K '...:1111;„ ~,,,,-;* Q,f:ll, I.T"-,,-'.7.,.. ;-,'l'. :I.r '''..;'-'*',- '. 1 . : - .Mitik: .1 '^ ' ':._ 1 :.' •-' -r jZk''...::',2..'4 l ' - 7 :'" - ,' ' At,,t„-k"- ;,',l^'4 - ~ t' •-, -' ...'--.' -:.. . - , ;-' .... ,',. 4 , .::4 -;-1-::.,-.: - .r ~~'.. „'.: • =MN MEN ~ , , =ES .~;~ ..i~ 4 -1 4.* • tA, ', Z7 7 : ) • , . MEN =MIES lEEE ~~'; ~• ~.. :,. =IN •••• 7 +1:4% ~~ ~'.1... *".S MUMI _ :. :~' MEM ~.... .. MESE . , ..„ ';.- .':kt `':'•...` NEM e ~'"' r EOM `," • =ME f. . • • • f ' 4 :~l.: -~~~~ =ZOE MFZM _ <, IVSb t f VSNO EDITOIL A.II6IDiV.II, 1.• ' ;•••• • 1 , 4 T TEIBITILOIO • MONDAY MORNING, AI •ARO ' 1a47 `. DEMLoca writ) - - FOR GOVERNOR - - =" _ * S FItA.NCIS R. HUNK, orALLEGILE.TY C01114i7. at 0/tIZIS 0111.6 *V Ili • .or --Konsoiczartvacritry. - ' 'CANAL. coiztvroles OFFrcr,,,t, 4 , :h March I 8 a 7_ ftrbats,ele • 419,240 s. A toils iyea' c-sollec7 mina of Imiactiinglor lioaica. . be -See' it by ' advertisement in th is that the bureau of construction !at :Washing , :too, advertise foriroo entirely of AMOtictil man.. Sifaitstre r free from, adatixtureuf fareign.", : , This win afford a fine opportunity for our Itun'Men to • make ksa:kr *tie sum out of Urre:l4, The litidem of • the : federal Part3rhaieasserted on;a thousand different occasions that the Derma, erotic party pattieularly the ralsinistriittOri at 'Washington, ate opposed to encouraging dometitic itoluSiry. The fact which vvihaviignoted - ohoie, will atone," falsity of the, charge:. --it shenits that therelilevcry disposition on the;part • of theDetnistratic Administmtion - iit do all it can eonsiitently to encourage and advance the interests of the American loin Nana facturer. This is right. Bat will it iatiriTy leaders of. thi :appoaitionl We can scarcely hope it will; for fazdt-budingis *" their voCatiion.;..llSid the bureau ot ,Ntasningion allovred -the matter.tobe oped to all, and received ,+•• proposatifroni the :-,Ediglish as well as the Ameri " rerot, mestereihirer of iron, the , federal 'politicians would have saiseika most tddecuur howl, and 'talked /arge4y about the ininstieedorie bathe iron men of thiscootstry.: But . . ts different. The adver tisement expressly: states that the'chtin cable iron ' -- 'varist be entirely of AMerican Manufacture, of the best . quality, free , from admistuieof_ foreign iron." Will** enemies of the adurinistratiOni be good 7-:ailasial to notice'this faCi see. „ The Washington anion of the ISth inst. says: . 4 Letting from - Com._ Stockton, dated . at San Fran cisco; October Ist, and at San Diego, November 23d, IS4G, have been received at the Nary Depart -meat The officers and crews of the squadron were in :6ne , health and spirits. The:Mexican officers in the territory, with one or two exceptions, having violated their oaths, and - again taken up arms against the United States, had succeeded in possessing themselves of the City of - the. Angels, and one or two other places, bonlering on Sonora, which had been previously captured by the Americans. Upon receiving intelligence, how ' ever, of the insurrection, - CorMStockton adopted the most prompt and vigorous measures far the .recovery of the places thus taken, and his efforts, which bad already been in_ pixt successful, prom .ised to be completely so: The License Question We live made no efforts to gather the returns of the township elections held last Friday, think ing that our country friends would feel tutficient interest in the result to for Ward them to us. We baie only received the votes on the license ivies tion from a kw districts as 'follows: YOTID rs rayon or larstssr—Pitt, Jefferson. Paltissin, Aostarr LICZNSE—Lower St. Clair and Rob inson: al.:James Watson Webb, of the New York Courier and Enquirer, spent the greater part'of the winter at Wishingtow city, boring the. President for an appointment in the Army. Although the editor of alederai paper,. he was, during, his stay ity-Washington, - constantly' engaged. in writing home :letters in defence of the war, and lauding the President to the skies. But the President did "toikseer proper. to _ give Wr, Webb the appointment fieidinght after and-that gentleman returnedalis appointed to New York. - Ile forthwith.commene. eid - silmaing' and villifying , the President in the most outrageous, manner conceivable. The public be ing-niade.acquainted with these facts, wilt know what estimate to place upon Webb's crazy ebulli tions. • • ELECTION.. -Jared W. WII llama Dem., is elected Goveirtor, by a majority of about 1000. The Seuate will be Democratic in the:proP6rtion of about 2 to 1., and in the House there Will be 'a Democratic majority of about 18. Twit:Democrats (Peaslee and Johnson) are erect ed to. Congress; in the other two districts there w.irt no choice.. cast year the Legislature was anti-Democratic, end elected a Whig Governor, tfteitltibitring bein no choice by the people. The present Democratic majority over Whig, cm the gitrientatc!rial vote, is neatly or quite 10,000. I--Garisits Labia Door.—The April number ecititains every - attraction for the ladies. Fashions, Croclietting, "A Course of Reading," and should 14 welcomed by them as warmly as April Itself.. '." Gravity and . Gaiety," and '• Life on `:; T he Rio Gran - de," which adorn the little pages, are , bath excellent engravings, and there is some tol erable poetry'. ,Among the artites worthy of at tention, we-notice-one of Mrs: Tinlet's picturesque sketches—the l e indle.ys, by Mrs. Kirkland ; and No. VII. of . '" Our Artists," who're author, though atairinienons, gives evidence of a skilful pea and a philosophical - mina. a ' . messages "Anong the e to the ladies we would particularly reconunend,that included under the. article-of 4. Health and Beauty . " as Kell deserving .. "..,: lb: atientron of, every '" one 'who would preserve •. . , , , "o:YOur exchenge,pappre contain a rumor, on the, authority'of Dr. —amen, that the Emperor of Prusia will grant a constitution to his people, on the anniversary of the birth of Erederick, the Great, and-that a Cangresswill be called immedi ately thereafter. , This Eniperoi has been prom- Ling to the.saixte eireut for a long series of years, so that hot few put any faith in his • pledges on that subject. Lis,t" ltltyloarrox.—.k' letter from Detroit tbereis httle doubt but that nevi gatioicwill be open to BufFalu the first week in Ea, laiae Neirtaii was a 'poet, as well as a ruattietuatic!aa and: phildoplier.' 10110 W hig is "The grain is' sod ibeloweis -are hi* =dm" ifiSli'etiitszyWitiont is confined" to Ids bed brindigrOciticitti ESSE MIMI ~ 77...:'-''.- . ,.:i", ' Fri the ?sift ~:~;:. - :~;,: r '`~...r -,-....:. :0.;.....:',t.-'-.. The jellti We luisten'AA4bilhie"our readers tie new - regulations whisk have 'been adopted by the Post master'Geesral, under ii'llassed at the close of She liitlsessimi of Of:Mires: They embraco_a variety of near:and interesting provisions, which might to be thdritighly understood by the pTspie thenisilves,'ls well'as•by the,Fioitmasters. This attention ',of this last and -important class of oft. I cers throughout the country is specially invited to otions of the Post Office Departmrnt for the ,tnforcanent of the acts of Congress of the Ist, 2d, and ' Marcn, 1847. 1. Allldrintly postmaster: are aufhoriied to send all 'tree through. t he: mails,letters and ipackagesl not weighing inter 'two- ,ources, which they may have occasion to write or Send, Meting fo the bit , sinus ofitheir offices or of the Post Office Depart.' mee t mnforsing thereon Apaist office ,business,' and signing,_their.,Parpea thereto. And...those whose compensation did not exceed tur - the year ending the. 31.411 of Jure,, ONG, may also send- free, through, the: aui, fetters written by themselves; - and receive free an-'written -communications, on their own - private ;business, not weighing over. bne hallonni-e. ' 2. 211slobits Congras anti Dihkge n rs foam Tyr ritorieir may send ',and' receive free, through ',the frden thirty,dayi before the cominencemeut a each Congress,. until the meenos of Abe next I Congres4, letters and packages. not, exceeding two ounces in teeight.-and public documonte not ex teeding ;three- pounds in-.weight. Public doem ' mews. are ;bate printed by the ruder of either houses of Congress,"and publications or bo"oks pro , aired •orcpuichase.l - by C'oitgress, or either house for, the Mietflbesitembers. I:the same privilege allowed., to members of C.oogrees , is vxtended Seccelery of the Smote. and;the Clerk of Ike Homy of Rertlentatires during their , olfteisl terms, which terminate with the.elec i tion of their successors. 4. The privilege of the in Presidtnt is enlarti nate action took. place in the .streets,' involving a Seri, sotharlte ma,' send, and receive free , Public I heavy lose to-the Mel-terms, before the Americans docurrients; during his tafficial rerna. i again commenced their retrograde movement., 5... Peksons entillid to the Privilege of frnitkieg 1 Before retiring from Saltillo, Gen. Taylor destroy shOuld eaidorie on oil lettersor packages weighing I e d all the public stores which be wan unable to under two ounces, t Free,' and, sign the tame, de- i ta k e with him. Re then eonthused„hiamtreetto signstin* the office they fill; and .ell public derail the pass of Ilinconadrei, ;Vshen he was again at- i 1 tricots- which exceed two ounces in weight should, tacked, but succeeded in beit ‘ ing Oil" the.enemy. be tlesignated.bY writing the words...public doeu , t He r e a ll roamed, am t.l et t era , h eave hi , . Onci. in j merits'` en them, and signing them ofßrialY nel . .Morderey, and lie , would be -safe; but. his ability shove. 'The character of public documents issued ito accomplish such a movement was -altogeiber I frOm.the public Office* in lite elt.) , of Washington, on,; prolilematical. as the Mexican troops were swartuH and directed to .persons authorized to receive them mg in every direction." free; . . . ' . mayspecifying : , - I ee, be designated I y a stamp the The Flag learns from atwitter Source that CM.; otgce from which they issue and the words • publici 3lorgan" has abandoned Seralro Sifter destroying documents' or such oilier evidence of their charac• such of the public Stores ai be sifutunable to take, ter as may be agreed upon between them and the w i t h hi m. c om i cti ra tincumc .,, that it fine, of isooi postinaster of the city of Washington. Any doc 1 -m ex i cana were between Nionterey Mad Camargo. ! urnent folded and sealed, not having such evidence' Eight. thousand .were in the neighborhood of Vic-, l o f its character on the envelope, will be remitted un i t ,. ;• . . i. , the , , . . , uy l os:nye/mg postmaster, upon satisfactory Captain Lamer reports that an -express bad sr. evidence-that it is a piilatie document, tranamissu i rived at Brazos utr the evening of the 4th instant ble free : throtigh the mailsto the person addressed- t with the news that a Mexican force bad passed' u. All letters and packages from and to the ; the- Rio Grande, and marched by 3latamoras on beads of departments , or the other public officers; the opposite aide of the rker. Although he cote' who wire entitled to the franking priellege priori versed w i t h the express r id er , h e wii , una bl e to to the passage of theact of the 3d of March, 1545. ;curt anything as to the probable ounder of the : relatin,,• 4 to the business of their respective offices. enemy, Or who commanded them. will be delivered to the persons addressed, without 1 .. A m er c h a nt in Eamkrgo writing to a friend ill any charge of postage, as an appropriation has; this plare under date of the ..t'itti rage, that an ex been made by Congress for their payment. :kill guess hail just tirirvert from Monterey with incur letters and packages Issuing from the departments. , that i„ n t h at there was e i, ,t,,,, hg at !.., :i t t ili o . Th e should 'be marked ou the envelope 'official bUsl• I Mexicans had taken Moran, capturui; a large tress,' and signed by the heads ut the department - Y.lstain or wagons and lt.ti men. A large tit:nibs , ' or, under their ihrection. by their chief clerks, trod, of mules were also taken. 'Captain M Cullvell by the other officers who were entitled to the frank' 1 was in c ommt,d a the i,„,st. ing prieilege I-riot to the act of I krs,, designating i .. 'Li g ht th ou sand Nlextean cavalry were on this their official capacity Eat stub OinrClS hate not iside of the Mountains. and things in general were the right to send or reccise, free, their mit ate let. i tuned upsete ds,„ii.,, tern or papers. 1 7. All marspapers transmitted ihrorigh the mail- I ' will be hereafter rated with postage, except rec, change paters between the publishers of / le i , s p a . pens, and those franked hy persons enjoying Ile priviiege- and contractors may take newspapers out of 'the mails, for sale or distribution. among subscribers S. Tranrient nerrypepers, or those not sent firm, the office of publication to sulecribere h an d-b i lls or circular letters pittited or Isthregraphed, not ex cresting one sheet in size, will p,,y 3 cents. upon delivery at the office and bethie they ate put iii the mails, and all sorb will be charge.) by deputy post masters as prepaid matter in the way bills and upon their.accounts of marls sent, and .tamped or marked - paid,' nub the name of the office cram which; sent. Transient newspapers. handbills, or circulars, j cannot be received flee by deputy postmasters un der their privilege. .11 such should be addiessea ; to them, it is their duty to return them to the crud er ruder a new cover. charged with letter postage If deposited in a post office unsealed, addretawd to deputy, postmasters or others, they will not ut any case be forwarded by mail without pie payment of the postage. If ssi-aled they will be rated with let ter postage. and tervvarded in the mails. 10..1Letters addressed to different persons cannot be enclosed in the %meetly elope or package under a penalty of tell dollars, unless addreue to loseign countries. .114 Letters, newspapers, and packages not ex ceeding one ounce in weight, addressed to any off. cer., Musician, or private in the army of the Urn. ted StUtes in Mexico, or at any post or place on i the frontier of the United States bordering no Mex. ten, will pass free in the mails. Each letter so addressed should specify after the name of the per. bon, belonging to the army.' The law will eon• I tinne in force during the is dr with Mexico, and for three months otter its termination. ; 12. Extra commissions allowed deputy post masters by the order of the nth of July, IS 15, are siiperseded by the act of the 3rl of Morel-, IS-17 13- The commissions allowed by the '24th sec tion of the uct of the ad of March, 1845, are re pealed and other rates allowed by tne• Ist section of the Ist of March, 1847; in lieu of them, as fol• 1. On the amount of letter postage, not exceed ing $lOO in any one year, 40 rent. 2. On auy anni between $lOO and $4OO in any year, 331 per cent. 3 On any sum between $4OO and $2,400 in a 30 per cent. On any sum over $2,400 in d year, 12i per cent. 5. On the amount of letters and packets recei ved for distribution at offices designated by the Postmaster General for that purpose, 7 per cent. 0:::r The term letter postage includes all postages receii . ed, except those which arise from nettspo. pers,.sent from the offices of the publishers to sub. scribers, and from pamphlets and magazines—so that all prepaid postage upon transient papers. hand bills, or circulars, printed or lithographed, will be rated as letter postage in the settlement of accoUnts of postmasters. 6.; On all sums arising from the postage on newspapers, magazines, mid pamphlets, .50 per cent. 7. As the accounts of postmasters have to be settled quarterly, and their commissions allowed for that time, the postmasters will credit them selves with 40 per cent. upon the first twenty-five dollars received in the quarter, and for any sum between twenty-five dollars and one hundred dol lars in the quarter, at the rate of 33& per cent.; and 'upon any sum between one hundred and six hundred dollars received in the quarter, 30 per centhm; and on any sum over six hundred dollars received iu the quarter ; at the rata of 123 per cent. 8. The commission accounts will be settled as heretofore, except thai the annual compensation to Which postmasters are limited, will be compti- - ted for the fiscal year commencing with the lst of, July, and ending the 30th of June, and in due pro portion for any period less than a year. 03 No other allowances can be made to post- masters except box-rents to an amount not exceed ing fe2ooo per annum, and the surplus of such re ceipts may be applied to the expenses of the office, under the'direction' of the Postmaster General. Theiernolument or box4ent account must he ac counted for regularly in the quarterly returns, and Ira. the same quarter as other prOceeds of the office. lt). Postmasters in their returns for the present quarter ending the 31st of Mardi, 1817., will ad just their accotmts -according-to the above allow . . . . C..MIISSON, Postmaster General . 7 Starell 12, .1b47. • cr3•The friends of Juan :.‘"iterry.r., the popllaz deiiiieator of Yankee charaelte4 )lave' PreBfr44 him with a vplenclid &liver cup in Naw Orleans. T . =MI - . FROM -MONO, RUMORED BATTLE. Pri'mal" l 4NW gkr 1' 3 1415 81 0 15 **(41 11 44 , _ - f.Picayune- of, the Tat brtuge, the fol TliiocliAindetella ROW iit.Wevr..-Orleanei brinileleP 2 Xtelbet - Oee, Tailor 141 been iqbleke4-. ft'A4ua. tiliefet, dtiteidowlitts-Saltillo,lo pasetif Rerieonardilit' but hit autheirity istiven for theitef stat ements but such as are confessedly founr)- - ecl upon contradictory and flying reports, it is stated thathe/ost 2,9(.4-xneni the bkzican loss serronnted to 4,000. The reporti go,so far even as to claim the victiry for the AtturriCaiii The ravens `received at fklatimiorair were inink. steratile and; otiolliefint."." It — wes" patches had-beety received from Gen. Tvtor as late as the - -Mit.' of- Fcbrriary• but this .was lie lieved to be impossible. Thecommunicationi be tween Monterey anti L'arnarge are completely cut off—eay all the emote—awl eafienlY be reePeetd by'a 'considerable force.. , Just as.the Cinderella was leaving Brazos, the Picayune's informant learned that Awe. -Mexican spies had been - taken-there. The Alatamoras Flag, of the fidinst. - , sail., that the reports of =anaction having, taken place :cterel fully credited in that .It is said, however, that; there, ave many ,sterly officers thefe,urbo are •--" , totally` incredulous in relation The Fhig says: Our tot% n has been thrown into a state of intense excitement, by the reports constaittly,arri ,ving, relative to-the perilous condition of General Taylor's division of the army. That- a' battle his 'been fought no one tan tor a moment- doubt, Mit how it 'resulted, or what danger impends en the line of the Rio Granite. , are mimters involved in. most perplexing uncertainty. We give whitaP..l pears to bethe most authentic accounts, : received hum the scat of hostilities. Gen. Teylor,while At Anna Nueva With .5;000 men was attackerdon tbe 2dd'ult., by a force, of 1,5,000 hien. Finding he could not maintain his 'position, Geri. Taylor mode good, his retreat , to .Saltillo, covering his wagon train. lime he was assailed again, and an Tl, , -:.sorer J'iotrev.r orti,ed at New Orlearn on the itlth, leoetett clays from vta Tan - ire°. Flay or atatty %Tavel* had sett for Lobar, net lite ??..Ith ult., 'with troop, and mantuona for the bomb id- men! of rtra, Cruz. Gen. Scutt ia stated to ha.r .unnoticed the loth of 31atch as the day fat ma king the assault. afternoon, at Boston. :he Itrui,l-6 Liverpool dates to the 4th inst. Cotton—Prices hate relived, and the demand was acute. . The demands of speculators for ex ports were nightly favorable to holders. The quo tation,. are : Georgia, lair, (11.d.tiewid.; Jlobtle, rel ir';‘l.; Orleans, :id. Corn—Confidence was renewed in the trade Heavy purchases were made for Ireland. Arneri can meal was selling at I Ifii+l - 2.5. is 7tt lbs. ann.:tiro/I Flour was worth bbl. White (ben is quoted at 69.tii; 2 shillings, and Yellow at 73..i173p 4bo pounds. These was great uncertainty as to the stock on hand. No duties ' were levied and the demand closed steady, hut not urgent. i The money market was unsteady. Things.ap. i vast:lt to 1e tending ginieially towards a decline. I A new luau of 1'a000,00....i authorized by the Gov- I ernmen . ,, had been taken by the liothschilds and jtarringa, a t Lb% los. p .1.:100---Iiiii I il premium. Consuls since latest ads-ices. cillfateri. Exchequer bills 3 to 5 shillings premium. / The Grain quotations received in the despatches from Boston, are rather ambiguou s. The above, however, is the best that can be mode of them. • Some time in December last a young girl about 17 •or years of age, introthiced herself to this community by attempting to commit suicide, by banging, .he was an entire strangekand has re fused to give any account of either her name, where she is from, or what motives stie had in attempt ing to commit this awful crime. Being in a most destitute condition, she was placed in confinement, where she still remains an object of pity and Bpi!". pathy. The turnkey is under the cruel necessity ,of chaining her, to pre%ent ho? from laying vio lent hands upOn herself. t,lie is about five feet high, and has naturally a fair complexion, now sallow from long confine ment and sull'ering. Very communicative in gen• like on familiar with society, and CVIIICOS • considerable tact in conversation. Das beautiful and very regular teeth, dark brown hair, up ; proaching black, the features of her face are mil -1 form and well defined, and possesses strong traces I of her being once at least handsome—and the I general contour of her person is graceful and well' . proportioned. At one time she gave her name as Sams AL. numur, and from her description is supposed to be the same person advertised some time since in several papers by the name of Sopais NEWCAMP. Editors favorable to the cause of humanity may be instrumental, by publishing this, in restoring to her friends anti home this poor destitute wanderer. Persons writing in relation to this matter will I address their letter to Lxvt Kx.strr,Greensburgh, WestmOreland county, Pa.—Gi . Teasl.irgh Argus. ,' ~' ME= iorDR l'rota Me Journal &Ira, Sund2y Arliwal of the Ilibvraler I/ I ti 4 7, tic-I.Jc I'. M. The ITibernia was telegraphed at ;') o'clut-k this AIYSTEMOUS j'i'be wages of 114 - carpet weavers at the manufactories in Thompsonville and Taritfville,, Conn., have been lately advanced.-,-Springfirld pa- PP% So the new Tariff worked exactly as you said it would not. You said it would bring down Amer ican laborers to the condition of European p.uPer laborers. You dismissed some; of your men, if we remember right, and put down the wages of others, and . sold your carpets at auction, determined to be ruined, but you could not stay ruined. Wages would not stay down. What will the Tariff men dot if they hang themselves, the rope is sure to break, or the noose to slip; if they set their fac tories on lire, the lire Does out. They cannot ruin themseltes., do what -they will. The grass Will grow,—the sun will shine,—the people will have goods, at profitable prices. They are compelled Ito be prosperous, and there is no way to help it. I It umst be submitted to—Jura. of Coninierte. 0::1- The Cincinnati Signal is out in favor of .a public park in that city. About twicee year die citiiens of Pitt.burgh, make a noise ou the-same subject; but the " City Fathers " have closed their ears, and utterly revise_ to take any', actiort in the MEE MESSEINI >lEasai su#ad In the knit. The folloviingetittilaVy , •th eveseels in sing the squadron e _comPli r 1 Nt ` iq•]Fittk gaper, : whto} tffietal, is JIMA tc(* . iimpijse all, or nearly all of ti to- • , trmat...Fr mi:pi-I ,f of Mexico. • • Line-a1p.... - ,-Ohlq-„Captitnatriztgemin. ,74 guns. „Frigatii" l :l'utOrnrit, Raritan, Capt: .44. Sloop of War . . John Adams, C. ISl'Cluney.2o a " St.lllary"s,Capt.Smintlem. 2o. ". _ ,Albany, Capt.l3reetsti"....2Q Da t Corn Pinckney 16 4, 1111 ia war. • .Porpoise,.••••• • • . I° ` , " ‘ , ••• " Perry, Rehr: of • _I "' " Reefer,h•-•• .... . 1 a _Petrelf Lieut. Shaw ..•'l.. ‘, '-' !Tampico, Mid. 1 Nonata;Mid;Smith, :. 1 Steamer. htissiasitipi,C,Perry(rn). lo " Prineet3n, Capt. Engle..., 9 ..." Spitfire, Capt. Tamall.... 3 4 Capt. t... , 'arals 3 - • a .• • Lean, Capt. lioward... 3 - --a •-- trnion,Capt.lttchl........ - 4 . • Allegheny, Capt. Hunter__ .10" Hunter, Lieut..hl'Langhlin. •0 4 4 •• - 1 " " • Secirpion,C'rrngelow,o 4 pr, 1 a AcourgaiLt. Hunter, 1 . Store Ship. .-Relief,— ... • 6 " pppp " .• - • •• • 2 Bomb Walker,23 pr / "• &tin, Cr Van Brunt, 4 , 1 a Heck, -••••••--- - 1 " Electra, -‘.• • 1 SlooP.• • • - 1. " •Forwiftd;Cript.NOries,..... 6 - " Vital amber of gun5....3.24 114 whole number of-gims,tOrppe.ns, is three hundred and twenty-four, which think,•are amply sufficient, in' the latinilsn(pur gallant ofil• cera and tars, lo tedure the castle iel'oshort time. The bomb ketches will probohly'lte'as efficient as any of the large vessels in' the attack. Their guns ran throw shells half Art/lite 'briber than any orthose irnSait Yuen. • , . " • . OG AL. Z4-11.11“kEitti. THEATRE There' was an excellent house (in point of rum, hers} on Saturday riight. We trove: sac Addama -do better in , Virginius. The Julius of Mr. Forder was' excellent. Miss Andenmill Virginia was rather tame; we believe, however, it was her first attempt at this part, and tor a lady so young she Went through cletelly 141 e will 'yet succeed in the-tine of character to which Virginia belongs. Barney Williams in the afteipiece, brought down upon his devoted head, the appLuaie of the whole 'move. Can , s,e say more/ This cretin; Julius Ctesar, with a powerful cast People are Beginning to talk. of placing Shade trees along the pavements of our principal streets. The ideglis not ne'w hut it is zd. There arc more advantages to he ikrived inch moa n-tents than mere momentary pleaant!. We once Karl evidence that shade trees in a great degrees were conducive to the health and morals of thel pebrdt. Dot here h the use in talking to the money mongers who govern the city. about. health or morals.? Schemes for msotnel aggrandizement will meet with more cousideratbm - than any mere improvement for the benefit of society at large. —Since the above was written, we ditcovered I tlip following iu the Alleghenian Skartr eitfietas Asinitil Jo well to int -1 prove on the hint thrown not by Dr. l‘forrill, tt . los las: lecture, on Saturday evening, that ',bade trees art not only uttOrnecitil, hut are essentiany neCe3g3tV to the health of tbe citieens. 1..4; pr.ifloct Pv:ire (i re=James Dav Arin, ter of Cumberland hack, was arrested end brought before Alderman Steele, for maliciously running hiw vehicle against a buggy containing a lady and gentlenran, mad thereby breaking the buggy and endangering, their lines. The agent of the Nation al Road Company agreed to pay the damages on staying all proceedings. , Thos. Jessup was brought, up on the char;.e of keeping a tippling house. He g,s - e satisfactriry evidence that he had quit Felling lignor , whereup on the charge wan withdraun. .'"-•• Mr. Gliddon's final Lecture will conte oil to.' night. We warmly recommend attendance, be cause the lecturer promises us naratirs urulream• ed of in our philosophy," no the religious notions. immortality of the soul, &c among the ancient Egyptians. These are derived from the Pupyrua• called the book of the dead," (exhibited at the Lecture,) which was the "canonical prayer book of 35041 years ago." Those who have attended' the Course will be delighted with this last lecture and those who have not will be astounded and amused, while this will be the laSt chance of see n; Mr. Gliddon's magnificent collection of Draw. ings, Paintings, Mummies, Books, &c: They likew6e made known to them [the In dians] a thousand remedies by which the thuht in veterate-diseases are alleiiated and healed and that they might cemprehecd the benefits and en joy the comforts of these medicines, they previ ously introduced among them the iltdeases which they were calculated to cure.—Krtirkrebether's New York. —AA:se:minds- us-of Lorenz; Sterling St Co., rich iroli tnannfacturers of thiii city. Some days ago they tent notices to their naitors, that their wages should be./educed. Last Friday .-We pub• lished their names as contributors to a charity hospital: . Gooq. Orr/rr.--It is but just that we, should no• tice the order that reigns in .the Theatre during these evenings, while the lio:xes, pit and gallery are full to overflowing. We attribute this to the exertions of the inder ndent Police, nil°, have been engaged by the Manager. The arrne that was performed between acts, the other evening : was promptly attended to, and , the churacters were forced to make a quick exit. Ladies may visit the Min now with safety. n'" The first brid: house ever built in Alleghe ny, was erected in MS, by Judge Davis, on the corner of Federal street and Water alley, which is now occupied by L. Mlntosh.—.4//cghr , inin. —Was not The house now occupied by Wm. Robinson, jr., at the end of the old bridge, built prior to the one referred to above? We think so. riAlre . lirive been kindly furnished With a letter from a member of the Jackson ; Blues; but it con tains nothing that would be interesting in the way of news Nuisance—That infant in the Theatre last even —Let the manager Charge double price for children under three years of age. That will abate this nuisance considerably., cCOVe had a we bit of a thunderstorm last Saturday ruoruiug, about threii; o'clock. Rather strange for Om ...season, • ' Ctqlie Sableliarniobiste, she uncleretaml, will be in ibis eity on to-in9rrow weelc.. . 0- on 74.144 y hight r -lie,:heaid the'e . eeldiog of a.fiock of dial geese as they p 4 s.sed over the-city. (C.The Gerinau Theatre open agile ,to night. • 7 U { ~~Y'~~~z-fir. a~"~+~ ti.~"'`.xu~~.-''r.~'{L~~` ....Y~. ;~1,~~ M=EMI ilYThere-wase. roirlyebtetthty id the Disunoitd, caused by some. drunken . fellow making_ an at tempt on tie ShekspetitthenseA Constable F t ebki! appeate4;4*liorCOMY'eichPt:On;,-;chti +vas too"tifindOe was put iiikOhe 14in'tui, Vilukitai. to steal ,tt .from a ataiaAn'Llbecty-striet,iest tt'!", Ifikt.was: caught in the 'net. ' The owaeF`infored his custom er that kelijilgh't have it if he would wheel himself" off; !Menne-did not attemp t; • (;I:3l'itt tpernalticillas voted in favor of granting liceflask ''l#i - sat a fine place it will be for,priblic - ' - gardeizsTluilt the proper...-astin-led front - 01 cttyftwa bealtlifilfWain D~rrrl{d~' On'Tinirsday, 18th inStarit, non* as I*i Gordon, Mr J. Kinarernecic, of .this city, to Miss IsAnaL!,e, daughier of Mr.:-Wrn. Martin, of Manchester. - , 1,-- Teas,Grocery t rreiltitud..grovisicru-Store WHOLESALE ItEtAIL; — . ' No. 111 Lutr.nrr STnErr. 8EN434.115 BOWE N would.respectfully inform% his friends,and the public .generally,-that fie has again. commenced business in -tbo aboye breaches, nest 'door,. to Lis . old stand,-where Le hopes, by, keeping a supply of good articles, Belling lost thr cash, and paying strict attention to his pat rons, to, merit o,shore Of pulaic patronage. Mr22-lut 11.1115 7 t — sr:11, anit Sptca •V'we tory. . Fifth street„bdweenlildrket add Wood. anbsctibers have constantly on - hand,Of their J_ -own 'manufacture ' (which they offer-to' Griniers and Druasists, at' Eastern wholesalc” prices: - Mustard; Gio; Pepper ; Catsup;', - + 6 Cinnamon; SYruPti " . 211 gPico. ; :Race Floer ; • Giegerl `,• Prepar Horse Radish • , Cleves ; • Nutmegs rind Roasted Ground -Ctiiretr.. inar22.3a3 - ". 'RHODES St-A1X03t1.5.;,' . TRON---90. . Tons 3 assorted, in store and for sale by I''tnar22 1.. S. WATE.RMAN, lAILS & SPIKES-450 'Keg .,- in store 'and; for :rade by L. S. WATERMAN, • mar 22 • No 3i Water and 62 Front et. ..:. TEEL—Cast; Shear, E. Ender, A. IL and. SirinThl, '„Steel; in guru awl fur sale by • rear 9.2 ' ' S. WATEIinAN... .NV ' riflOW GLASS-Is 9: .9110:.1.0:12:'.20x14 .12116: and 12x1.13.; in starts and for rate by Crros YARNS-4000 lbs. in stoic Sad fur sale by ltuar22) . L. S. WAT.ERMAN.• DATTING-40 bales Batting in store and for sale 11 by L. S. WAIREMMAN. Popular Physiology. .13110 F. MORRILL delisera Lactase span jj the general principle: of Psnsuitoor, as aFipti: oil to the prevention of Discuss, and the preservation flt Licata ; THIS EVENING, at Vit - Pclosk,.- •-• . . AT Plill.p .11.4 LL. These Lectures will be illustrated_ by numerous Lugs , `.Paiovings, Diagrams, a. heauiifek Skeletata, splendid Models, Etc:, so as to reader the various suLjects treated of, easily ultderstood. Fur the sobjecrof each Lecturri,:snd further par- , ticularS, see Programmes. - - Tickets with programmes ihr sale at the bookstores of Eay Cass Warki. - 11.4 .7ohuston - & Stocktna s and Eiliou & English, Market st.; J. L..ltead amt Literary Depo t -, Fourth st. - and-st the door of Thihi ilal-Lan the evenings or esch - Lecture: ."Admission 25 Jereulle.s - 10 dts. Front stars reistMtal for- Ladies. r the Honorable the Judges oft .e.Court °Naar- L' to St:slims of the l'eaco, in anii.for the -Conn"- ty of Aliegheny. Tim iietition of James dark. s of, Pitt .totkoghiPt in the county aforefaid,,humhly slsetsetli, That your petitioncr bath . pnssided himself with .materials for th • aeconimuidistion of trasellcrs and others, at"his dwelling house is the county albresaid,and prays that sour 'Honors will be pleased, to Front Lint n liconse to keep-a - public house of entettrontnent:- And your petitioner, as in duty. bobridi will pray. " JAMES tLARk",,-":.., We, the, subscriber*, citizens of Pitt township, do certify, that the above petitioner *or georl ro. pute for horiesty and zereperance, and is well pro vided with house room and coare.niences for the ac commodation of tratielera end others, and that said tavern is necessary._ Thomas Farrow; Gen. House, Ralph geed, Ken:. ben Tustin, Junes Tustiu,jr., PrZeds - Hultrin,laccib Wells * Thomsa M'Eain, E. D:Gazzata, R.. Palmer, Jnu. Rouse, James mr2.l-d3t* (Clirooicle copy and charge Post.) S ~0 I LIOV ELS, SPD:7.B C a n al 5t F K vt — iss 10 " Coal " .- Nos. 2 and 3; 10 42 Devonshire; 6 " Spades; ' 3 " Grain; 4 " 4 pronged' strapped, Manure Fork*, in store and for sale by L. S. WATERMAN, nutr2o No 31 Water and 62 Front at. _ B1100:%1S.--100 dcrr Corn Broomi gore and for% for saleby L. S. WATERNIAN'i ninr3o No. SI Water and 67.:Front.ias.. a - DRIED PEACHES-30 bills dried Peaches; 75 sacks; rcoid in. atone anti for pale by WATt.R.MAN o ... No 31 . 1 W a ter und.,62 Front at. O 0 kegs pure White Lead, in etore'aod I. for sale by - L. S. WATERMAN, ouir2o No 31 *ater and €2 Frani-EV. DYLI WOOD-0 lib's p Loi•oodt 5 " droand Camimutli la store and for hale by L. S.:WATERMAN, ma r2O N 0.31 Water socred Front CIOPPRIIAS-30 , 11Lils, received andsin - store, for sale by L. S. WATERMA.N, tuar2o . .• Water and 6.2 Frolic rt.' PA INTIM I.II.7CF.FTS-40tIozen }leaser buckota, in and for sate by ,WATERITA.N, No - 31 Water aril tbl Front sta. C --- LOVEII,SEED.-12. bad; a; prime b article, just received iu store, and , for sa l e L.•S. ' , WATERIIIA.N.,. No 31 Writer:and 642,FrOtita11. COFFEE. -13 Bap Rio Coffee; part iu store and for sale by, L. S. WATFIRMAN : s- No 31 Water and .62--Fioptals. TEAS --30 halfCliesta and Catties, Young, Hyson, Imperial and. Gun Powder, in store and Toisitile L. A.: WATERMAN, — • No 31 Water. and 62 Front sts,- 1 A DDE*I hbd. Ombra, ill store sod for Sae 111.. by L. S: ‘VATERMAN n a r2O No 31 Water nod 62'Froot st. Artniu4t GRA Burpers.. TL'ST recciied, further supply of Cornelius -& CP Cu., Improved AJegaact Gas Burners„,foi sale by" JNU. By 11PFADDEN Co., 85 Market a4Cr.t.- Dry Goods and 'Furniture at Au ction.' . ~ , AT - 111• K ENNA'S Auction Rooms, N0.,114 Wood at., 3,1 door from Stli, on tionday nell,llltirch 22d, at 10 o'clock, A. 111.., will be sold, large`as sortment of Dry Goods. At 2 o'clock,P. M., hiftse bold and kitclierrFurnitiitc. • 'At T irclOcluainc ev ening, a large qtfantify'ot ne.w and second band'.;ol,3 and Silver IV.atchos. ' P.-NPICENNA;. :t•;" mar2o - - • Auctioneer:." A HANDSOME. aisortmenvof Piii,uos, or . ty of styles and prices, with:the latest ituprervef, ments, and .selecte.d. bythe subseritie.r,, will be, reeeiS , i ed in a few days and offered forsaleateastern prices, Persons intending , to buy this spring are , requested, to call and examine these on their arrival before Ma king a purchase, as they may rest assured ~that the prices will below aud the quality unsurpassed in this market. JOHN 11, MELLOR., marl 9 81 Wood st. A LXRGE and splendid assortment of Mahogany and Rosewood grand action Pianos, with me: Lille frame and with all the latest improvements, which for diirability, tone and . ..touch, are warranted to be equal to . auy made in the countryAr sale lasi for cash, by F. BRUME, marlti ; No it,;.2tidoor,abovefith. ALS!),one elegant - Roaerfteod-Piano, with Cele': man's patent lEcolean aßaohnient; lote - for F. BLUME'S, NO l'lS Woof! at..., Sectoud 414314. second. !wad- Pianos of different F tonne; vale at , .1 1. ; BLI.Tfof ntarlB - • Na+ll2iVaod It =t , MEM L. S. WATERMAN, Plano F'oritei• Ell= 1121110 MEE EOM lEEE 4!-triiiipmrvirts ion. Tata powr CTRIC TELEGRAM .s 4 • (' VPrlitkeDit:PalA. MarW: :191'i -'" .c-"-Ori.Soturday 4 o'cliielt t .W • 4 r - gale flunarl elections in this city le iesilpid • • 113.04,014-1401higa, by abouethiA.Mital totittri t Lehman, the Post. Master of this city7iii lying dangerously ill, and is not expected to !fire '1". IWis!:received ' antidite?''Saltifdir eight, containing the news from the Pacific, which we omit, In order to give it in full (rota the Wash.: '`. e&Ttrareouvaiiiarfliteritreiarpet, - aatti . outioulats.iik,ll%fionlo,titio*treC4T(tVi disappoiittect ndlegtiett e eof the rekgriTitAft7 ' • ' Oar ;thit • of e- copy •"r roraJoiir4 al -extra, of yesietitay,.thel-tVar news,. pews by the_ililierl4l. PITVSEIVIZGII THE &TEE. MA 111 4°P.4:72 ".• •••••• • • • • • • etVS . I II T . . POMIL Stii.4l# lit ugeots„ • .ragirATM Dotioiso4Atitinz.-Tteircrs 75 cis; Di'ess Cittje; l 6ll4linta; ISitecuid:Bos, 371 eel Piti' - . . riii:S4LNl6.lT:ratriCT WSt OF MR. ADD Last 'llight but , twz f gr,,B4R4'EY:frt.E.tEZIAIS. ffoladay Swealkaigi*areb Will be acted Shakepeirea Tragedy; of JUL'IUB "C AI 8 A 3. ADDAMS. ... . . OXLY: ;. Mire Antony.: .. ::'• Narnue 13 rutuiw... : • INlrtii • . Aft"/ -7lPlige4l,,,Jlitsinifirirtftn Elva in IA CAtill.lJCAe " • • ". The entertaleaiie . ate-to:cancletle with . Comic ittier -1r42.1.0 ; • 'Toni Mien; (with - 'tlitit'bong . 44 l'siilabmitss,w). ...MR. WILLIAMS Mn. Furg,.% .. . ..:.• .. ......bias. Lis. • 'or Mr. AnDurs:'atid Mutate ' - • - . . . Doors opett.ut,7_o'olook, curtain will The flos office will be iaperi daily.. from..lo o'clock .A. Id., to 1, P. M., arid. trout 2 to .irdict,rp atty number of scats . maybe f' Lt is particularly reqUisteclthai l itio;pltileltetliit arms be brotaght.tqAbo Tticatts.- - • To the bleb end Annetta .• VALI.TABLE , .VEGETABLE•• at - D S ‘V - courov:cr) SYR JP.OPII , ILD iCEIEILIt °rig-ilia! arid Genuine Preporiction/.` • Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, l'a/n in tho Stile and Breast, Pal: pitation of the Inttu: enza,Croup, broken eon- . . stitation,Sote.Throat, Nervous Debibty, ..,-• • St.a.ll..diseeees • - ef.Tiaroat, Dread, and Lunge; the jioosi Wee teal and 'upeetky.ctire ever Mane:R.(or any of . . , Abe sboye-diseases je. : • . . SI4WYNE •' • • COMPOUND 'SlittrP' OV:ISII..D CDVLDI* oilue.MAT. ANYCAVIVIVE ._TEA_5100.E.,40311 MP/1' L X... Pluidaxecrinx, lanaaty 25,1E47. . - Dr. Rwayiu— Dear In justice to yourself ind a duty I owe to suffering htrinaritty, 1 cheerfully give uiy testimony,'and declare :to . the world - tho most astonishing eifccts, and the great cure your-COM POUND SYRUPOff WILD GIIKRItY-PerfOrmilifoit. ale. uuder .the most =favorable. eircomitankesi: was taken with,asiolertcough. Spitting,Bleod r so rare rains in 'the Pcltsliod :itreast.,tritieh - seemed to break down and enfeeble my constitution's° that MI physician thought my mum beyond the power of mod =tic. and my friends:ell gave me die; but thanks to you and the effeeta of your great i nod feet myself - a: well man, lad-raised from. a uttre_sicleton to . AStliesby. and. _healthy,tkrnals . itil hare been for years, .ano.shall be pleased to give a Dy. Wort:nation seapectiag . my. virtu, -*par Ili my residelteer.Mecbanic George street, t'sorthein JACOB POrißs.. only-safegnard against inapoOtion into 'Ace that toy sigeature ih each bottle.. - DR/11:4WAYSE... . Corner of EIGTITR and RACK, au. ASTHMA OF 11. YEARS , STANDING permaneet- I y cured by, Da—SIVAYNE*4 - COMPOUND STROP or WILD 'CHF.I;IIY, qftir ail othei remediet had jailed eiiwitcllAl4, Feb. 19 19417 Da. SWAYNF.: -This may. 'c'ertify that eleven yeari ago last Fall, I was trunbled•With the Phthisc whicib increased upon me it:l - defiance cif all the remediesY. -could beat of, until the.year. 1839 "40, when was obliged to letre toy-Native New Beaked, fur a mild er Clime, which had the effect to mitigate my suffer = ings for three or tour . .years, atter which the disease increased until last wititcr,.myMifferinga. were in tense, almost beyond' endtirante; being obligetrto sot up night alter night; from inability to sleep in bed. Lastlall 1 felt the symptoms earlier than nan, at in the season, but hearing that Du. 'Swat - sr:a CO3II.OUND STRZT .07 %VIM CIiEtAT, ,W. 13 a, Rover. elgu remedy for•Dromses oftlur Liengs, 1 itomediato!y• Couirncticftl its use; nod the t•stintlt. was. ahnostliti , mediaterelief. - For the last sir wdeks.l hate not felt the teat symptoms of the Asthma, and feel con fident that 1 am well ofit, and that I hate been cured by the abOte named medicine. Yours rcspectfallf,- J.:W;••Kmat-r,. • • . Walnut stieet bidireen:34l.and•Atbz,,•• Bntbeiearethe . • base irapoatitri who would diteeittiatt. • ."?lbis tree • • - • . . Ilyithekr Paregoric cures and rhyming rtbaldry; - Bettarecif_him who buys-the right to, tamper with your hekltli;`, • . , , • .. Who adds "Wild Cherry; , to hie nante by treachery `and stealth; Who bottles Paragorier p -iind then °calls it, throaglt The “Baiiratu Filterryl'?•• ! Ohl.betiare *of sitcti: a cheat! :•••.• •• • • • If you would aline Ilea tenni braft s lie,kgrallisrapd'lse. Take "Dr. 9wayne , :Wiiii * Clierrf,".tila otigimg. and best Read the most rematimble cure aver Dr. Strayne--Dear'Sirfi feel called by 'amuse of duty I owe to suffering humanity, to acknowledge my grateful tlianis for the wohderful'effectii of your Compound Syrupof Wild Cherri on me, aftexsuffer ing ruenth aßer month with the most aftlictirig ofall diseases,' CaOsumption:_ . The ttrst ayinptonis were of a very hoary cold 'which settled on my tangs, Which gradually grew worse, with profuse night sweats, a backing coagh,. spitting blow, with great .lify constitution seemed broke.h down; and nervous system 'very much impaired. L Wept to Philadelphia, was treated there by physicians *rill° highest standing, but received n o benefit whatever from them, but gradually grew worse, until my pity ' eiciaes, as well as myself, 'gave tip" all hopes,ofre covery, Ind I felt like one who is about to pass • through the Vatted af-Idle hhadow - of Denth. At this "awful juncture" I.heard 'of your Cotitpound Syrup of Wild Cherry, of which 1 purchased six botOes, which. I Allt . hppy to say entirely cured me, and I am now 'ehjoying better health than I ever have bi.- tbre in my./ife. Physicians who.witueased my case are highly recommending it in similar cases, and wish you to make this public, so that all may know where to proecire a remedy at once which will reach their 'il iimase beSore tampering with the many - unlink Ostrow'" , with which -rho country ia Hooded. My_ residence is at 43 .Ann streavwherel -should' bd happy to have the above substantiated-by a personal interview.. ALBERT ;A.-ROSS, - . • Winks:lleand Retail•Deeler in- •- • • Cigars, 45 Ann street, N.Y., Be not decitved by the many spdioui and worth less preparations oftild Cherry, ush - dred into wince by ignorant pretenders, but See that the Signature or Dr. Bwayne is on each bottle t which is the only guar antemagainst imposition. • A Prepared only by DR. S wAyity., MM.: corner o r Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia, and for ember by respectable-Druggists in nearly alt.the principal towns in the United States. For salet:WhigMats and Retail; byWM. THORN:, 53 Marlorstistet; L.•JONES,IBO Liberty street, and OGDEN - &ss.f.myvEpi,corrterof Wood and 2d sta. ' scum :War.srs wrrsuunen, mar22' nottotaii pactiont4 3tonday Morning The 22d inst., at the Com, kft mercial Sale Rootlet, ooruer-of -Wood; end ottt ittreeta:„orill be - added to' the cite Pooda, &e.; 100 gross of Fancy and plain, - .14,C0at and Vest 'Bottoms, 300 setts do do do, 43 Finelteeha,lllerino, - Woreted,Woolen r , f,F0HN11,46.14§.; Acrgt rs, =!=iMEMEI'v;IMM . . . . , 44f ' - rlisfoi itale lay• • ~ 1.9 1 tr:-.1,..ei„..: . 4 4. ' . V.V. mARTITI, • % , .....RTF Smitlitteld sad Front .o:39kb Cider. Iltda.trti.OdoiiiijarifiediTer sale by . mARTIN. 4.4 • • itrl9, 73i"of Smithfield tuid Front•its sokereL a`rittl,7 r iiintainieg 60 lbs. each, put up ex. pressly for family me; For sale by P.-C. MARTIN, ;, pornor . of finlithAelst_aos l .fcOVAlrl,. 4 I,4lid'Aptiles cud Petgaes.., Buskr 4 ,s4,l, 4 _,,ppleir i kr 50 do peacheut I. • 1 .-ReirricalolllW.l. 4 .:-2 utarlS : comer of StoithfiWiiiiirriout MIL priOckiie■ and mamas. boitei bituogos: -40 x i 60 do , Seinons to citivisitudfbr isistbr • ma n . • P. C.: -Coiner of Smithfield and drum! SiiiirsiifttiVgaitiikh.:l...;•.,-.. corner sod front W. OriailITE 4 APPLF.4Obbls: at* limn • appJeitilo:gbtid ehippitig ordil,for 132 . 1i4V . . corner of Smithffer4 and Fxoet MITRE PEACH 11.BANDY,*4 iihtt:Tresh Pesch Brandy: Jett received per from !fi t t . hville for - P; C. MAR.Tig.. Carney of dctii.h.6eld Crll..P ft.l C:APStt A. At - rice.. THE subscriber, thankful for past favespingtsfek .l. 'irons Itoaccomitkodate,bis_c4lttetootcultomenr. has reduded his price to t.he lowest wtolesale prices. Ile constantly keeps on hand the largest and gest - tissorttiacid in town, of his own mutirtfiature. Any person purchasing - a cap, may hate his money refund rettuming it, if not satisfied. Those furnishing the matoriedenatiturre their eaps made to their taste at 1 or .2 hours'. notice. •- - Silb'oikclotircapsof the. very best -mtterin/i be sold for 75 cents.. •:Plush, oil, cloth, relret and Ploth. caPi of tierytleseription, constantly. on Iran& ,The moyseit. gasiaroa.that any..thing sold by Wigs will be of "the beit : gititerials and,wortim* : • nlstrimmipipo l liirim,ptimud, at reduced. . --' ces . ' • No. 3 . 5, Marlitelietsikeb.2d and 3d streets. • - •-Fire or.six-yegint . gislOOkitittnisa - m the trade,, can hese an oppprtenlty byinpplyingwrabove. TUE LARGEST' AlltialliVai‘, OF 111Z , FIJJ031.1.:.1 1 .::: A T • COOK'S Literary Depat;,l46 Ponta; serest. . • , Dufrand Blue, or the Viirfthditlitthiiiiiyabss libn:• a novel by G.. 1. Starting. : 7, .Misteriespf the ifeathai or Chateau :De PasitChilalll from the French - of Vederick Sotilio.- • • - of and 'Teuiptation and Attitefiliettil • tales Mrs. Gore. . Wonderful Adrehtures - of Copt; Roberta; Ellea Monroe, 4th part; Sequel to Life in Loulatik. '-, The. Blaek• Mend icant ; a gavel by.P.sal Wressg _= Fittbenry, or a Marriagctbl Ifigb Life. Will Watch, stale of theCciast ; a pose). Patina, or the Indian Ettehiatress.; ¢ hoietiiy4ll:: Barker. - ••• Vic ktrierleair- etat Loveliaesi. - . • C caben!*•:ciei4joiSi!Pr4sfitl4. Cbambent' Aid Veicilikeilro4l3., latint • Treatimy Oonsit. by: mfr. Baitteell. ' ' „•• • . • , The orsa-Beepera:.G4lllol,llo.o.4Mitiniguk, • 148, , Alodern Ckiridry,„ Farrago and Teague,g4l": H. Brie:kin: ridge, Esq.; second edition eincetkitiatiortedesibi ‘rith ipastrations triDarley. ' .Lady's Book fur April--Gemitifully - illindrited. .Mr-Just received and reveal° cOOK , S; Forittltstree.' modern . • •aro arcing—tstir -voila Al 4 COO . IDS' LITERittY tit?.01"; 85;it.;•• ; Moorna Cluv.aul,ror. tlitt-Itiltraouitea:of Captain . Parraga nad••Tesgtiti (Pflug's t: by H. U. , lirsckenridge, Eag4 second edithabluneel astitittbochs Lleath,...with illustrations 1 1 ,1 )4 01 sPr•:: > c • • Lady's Book for April ; beautifully illustrated., ' Knight:of Gwynnn,,part . Pictorial Ilictot*Cif Entland;l46. _ • -: ldajor Jones " Courtship; now editionititri ad*. ' tional lettere. Jack Ilinton; the Goardsixisaivitenirind chide by .Leser. , • , . Atlautio Club Book, being aketebesof.Proull sail . Verso; by Paulding, Haled:, Cox, Btiruuttert•l7'...l • Just received and, for sale at cooks c si. Mk t.: Fourth street. - ... ;'• :lassito.;•:cl • - • • Ilqoks. • LRISH Girl and other Poems, by biri:Eilis . r, Forrest•blinstrel, by Mts. %.; ; ;: : t . • • jlitlwers Ascellcumes; .• 7. • • Barnap s . Lipiniutgip( , v . mac kentie's Works; ; ; • 7 :11,'Sinoltits 7 select Viatica; IMoore , aWorl,s,• . . , I T. r S. Ankus • . I . ,YretiricitaitremerWltioretip,- Ten • ; Wirt 11.-5.:.8Q5.W.011,TH.& 11:447.1tarkovet liirA.P;OLg.o7i hiamshoS, by SchiegePo History oniteniture) - • ' Schiller's Poems and Bollado;.!itith life by Balmer. • - • Sor•sale by .11.-.O:iIIOSIVORTII,CCOV, . - "ilivititkriss 'a** DANuar3,-rarwor. -asor-Fss, • Ar).Dresiiia - FOII,I4GN AND b.Oll . Et3TIe.EKC }JANOS * .CERTISICA.TES 13 1, DttPOSIT, lIANK AiktD srkent, ••••,- •••••= . _ . . 6:1 Wood ? St:, one dcror above .Finrthirgit Pittiburet, Pa;; -. • :7 ( . 11JARg NT *tiodireceiveli on.depoenti. trod CO.-t-. leetions' made the, Cities throoghont the utatea States. Sight cheeks on Baltlinore, Phil edit. phia, New York f Boston and Cihciinati , constantly for vale in sums to suit -purchaiters: . : - The paper of the Ohio, Kentucky, Indianir; anti_ Virginia Banks bought and sold.on the most favor. , • Thelignest premilint-paid for ForoignundArnerki tan Gold and Silver coin.. c. • Exchange on Eoglruuli,i . WitniF,,: ; ;Gthiiinfli . ..lllU . ra Fnce procured; dm, -7 1 . . marlooaary' • STAft , oitristz:.wromx.,•-.. , .. WOOD cratrr,.PITTSBURaII;PA: A IiCKER.. Ec MAY-ERluase been ceinpejleakiii4 ours Pend . Tor tlie last two:wag.ta.,la/Z. consennence of then Store undergoing repainf i .4lik:4 pleasure in - annonneing to*tbe gem:pi*,OUPS; ; ;,. vre wi ll re-open on Monday, 29111" oe.:eirevr tensive stock of Spriniparia Stusuner4llothing, rior. in all ?trap eibtallY itureverattokiio.4o public.. _ • T.:-e.7 Thankful•forthe 'very liberal. patrenage we have:.••:. heretofore receited, *tato deserve s...Continuance*: we will endeavor to sell as-cheap as any other eata6-- lishment in the city. . ' :- Our stock is entirely new, all of which hallebeek recently 'made in New York, by onelctf- the largest, and most ezperienecd housesin tkateity: We vvill,. be weekly supplied; whiCkwilLgive • us the advant age-far having, at all--tinlAsilt full and fashionable. and ilikkeirliti . irlidt to t Merchants o get ti tots,. se ; eis of-handoonte c l othing; ',iseatid to give as g; call before .perobasing,aliewkeite, •as we are' mined to sell lo for cash...: , w- • - - AMMER - Itr MAYER,' ,* "•• , ...' . :Sign "Golden Star." .) - rioTlCE..ZolrpTi.kra • zatoTlatins, LID will deliver an entire nem coins:. YE ofHierelogienl Lectures, at the LIT: . TILEBANCH mi. Thursday 780 10110. . and Menday.22didatch, et Stratecra copion sly ill Inflated* splend ' eittrAonsass,Gittetunn hfustAottiAnd AsrenittiAlita, Infect-Boons, *e. &e.—The ry and chaincterisAiekck4he_ : ;. " ART. OF 441nlelinG01943i - --- • Human and Ahimal, in the , ValleT'of rationnfe - of daimul Worshiii,)tit origin and cams; the funerel dap:nail ofthe.Aneient this liS unfolded, by the Papyria knows as ,th E ne *; itiall'or (glove . OF Tur..DELD, ,9 &C. . • :Pot flintier , petticalars see Prospeetnsee grammes. - ' • Ticklers, s(ith Prospectus and Programme; for',lalie: at the ilookstoros-of Nai¢ Co.,Wood at.; Kfliorra and Johnston alpFtocktor4 Market st.; J..S. apd Cook's Depot, 4th 5t.,...1..8...b1 , Fadden.5c • Co., and Yeager'e Mark et gr.; Office, E !t charies Ifotel, and at the door of the Ltithemta Churik, on ilropago~.. fling's oteilill - Lecture: "" • `-• • Tznass-I , 43tutimiumPeTielrets 91,00( eta.; Jetvenilepersens 60 cta, for the course of three ' lectures. Single miaidasion-4dultatirt.ta; Juvenile persons 25 cents. c: . • c : x ".a .;n:4017 tb}:. &taw tt Vif feb9. • „-.. ; . ;;:s,;',I4.II4ESAA.Y. -. t. , .;_ ESE ~~l~y'_SL'.~~~Yy ,t• '~,~.:~;