The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 18, 1847, Image 1
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FOR' THE; ; co-- Enni:rila ) warehouse } H 1-t Git Smithfield rte above tuter o F t. o u rr i r et t a t e . o d 1 .fiillZO' *- sop 10-y ! musra.Tana AAD EDITED ..:•' .L. • H A R P ER, N.'W. corner of Wood and Fifth Sts. dollars a year, payable in advance. 811- dollars, will invariably be required it not paid the year.' „Single copies, Two cnwris—Xor sale at the counter of Office, and by News Boys. _ _ ygg WEEKLY BIBBCDRY AND MANUFACTURER ett.a Ale.aame office, on a double medal= t ' isimet4.4 3 TWO..pOLLA4S . a year; in advance; till. o....eitpith civic . • . Viiiaeot RC& SQUABS 01' .TT/r/ Ose•hisetttion, $0 60 Two %do, 0 73 TtroolOs' - 1.00 Oaelietlt, • 1 30 TiroiSo r • 300 Tifiesdit, 400 Yearly Adv, "CRAXICITJUILZ thee Sparc Sit emith, ink 00 eel jars SO- 00 iter airerimentalte . ' Ign WrOilier .of Ant Beet TTOD.NEY AND ICOI734BELLOII. AT LAW, a)triee iri Lowrie'' Thulding, Fourth 'street, above.Finithtieldi r Collections and other professional business attended to itaßutlerand Mercer Counties.. acw- . . ' • Jriseph Ji[ssoz, - A TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa., has „AL fesnmel the practice of his profession, in his ifice,-No. 7, BakeWSll:l Buildings; Grint street, iiccnpied dsring his absence*by T. J. Bigham, and Christy, 'Esq. jon2S-dawly • • 11.11ohard Cowan, ?lb AMY AT . LAW, office in Stuart'. build- Minis, Fourth at; above Wood. juool9,dwy ' ' TROIKAS III: MARSHALL,, • 4. TTORNEY laWr-O ffi cp,'Lowtiei - Build- IV ass, Yotuth.strest. j3n7-1 ' Joseph C. Wlitibbin AA . I . ToIt.NEY AT LAW, o ffi ce in W;ditinea bud d. tug, on 4th et., between Wood and Smithfield 'Mete. - rov D 11.AGLIAN Magehan & Shainuon, Airt • ' o.rtys sand Counsellors at Law; Office on Fourth street, bet Ween Wood and Smithfield, 10.1 neatly opposite the Mayor's office. nov6-y William ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery OlfiCo in Bares new building, Fifth street, be moon, WOod and Smithfield. augll ' •. Magraw &. IPECval,ght, • . A TTOTtI ; CEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the residence of if. S. Magmw, on Fourth it:, one deur from Chew, Alley. ap2l-y - : :: .. .. WM* & Doinielly, A TTORNEYS AND. COUNSELLORS AT LAW, :: Pittsburgh, Pi. OfSce on Fourth st.,.between ti and Grua. marl4-y - .Edmund Snowden, diTTORNEY AT LAW, o ffi ce in the building. on the North East corner of Fourth undSmithtlerd *roots. norll-y . , Morrow, ..A LIER:%IIN, office north side of Fifth Street, Jietipest Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • ; •i Andrew. Burke, , Ari'ORNICY AT. LAW, office Smithfield street .Mateittirisielaurth street and Diamond Alle*,.o. potter-MN Gen. We/mares tobaccomanufactory. apl6l - - .• • • James Canner, AT LAW, office in the chambers Alderman iirman 111 , Masten, on Fifth et., V.Z *l 4 between Wood and Smithfield. 'aplS-y ILVlCandleio &. 111 , Clure. AAttTI'ORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW • oa Fourth street; opposite It. te R. e r rson 7 s Livery Stible, Pittsburgh. seplo-1 Forward & SwartzlvelOer, TTORNEYS AT. LAW, Fourth street between Wootland Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv ery stable.. ap7-y • j George F.Gmore, A ; ETORNgY AT LAW, Office in Breed's build A inge, 4th at., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep2-dly • - - . C. Orlando Loomis, TTOR.I4EY AT LAW, office Fourth.a., above Smith4eld. julyl- Removal. -EEELEN has removed his commission and for . Warding business from the Canal Basin to his new - Arare!maso on Third street, nearly opposite the cosi Mike. A may3o-y • • John W. Burrell, AA .TTORNEY AT LAW, Riving returned.front "fiis European tour has taken an office on' the rarth east corner of Fourth and Smithfield st.s. Per sons having !Md. business and papers in the hands a SiMuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on -the above, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston has been left in his hands. ' mars-y . • Charles M. Hays, ATTORNY.Y AT LAW, PittsbOrgh, Pa. CUM ntillll.lll6rr to take the proof and acknowledge. snout of deeds leases, contracts, deposites or other writings,-to S.; recorded or used in the States of kefitucky, Indiana and -Tennessee. Office No. SO, Mart's buildings, Fourth street. marl 2-3, ' James S. Craft, 'I'TORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, Pitisburrih, Pa, having resigned the office o ecretary P. Nay.'and Fire Ins. Co., will attend sj:ie inially to - Collections and business connected with navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Du siness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. 1, -Stuart:: buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.,) second door Beast of Wood. itreet. , fob3-y .:Edurtts C. Wilson, ..A TTORNEir AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW _AL:Franklin; Venango county, Penna., will attem iironmay to'all business entrusted to his eare..—eol .zeetions made in .Warren, Clarion and Jeffers on co.,s /LET= TO . J. A. Stockton . BrCo. - Murphy, Wilson & Co. .1 Pittsburgh. :John Bigler, " . Hon.: James Kinnear, . . Frahklin. Hon. 11.1ex. , 11PC.ilmont, • Hon. Janfes Wilson, Steubenvjle . , Ohio. juy23-y John A. Parkinson, XT . /ERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between ;jot_ Wilma and o , llarit streets, where he may be. 'oundikall tithes. Those having houses or other properTYto sell. or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended to'; debts collected, and all the duties Iran Alderman will receive prompt attention, ciet.27-y _ Sr. Holmes & Son, ANKERS and dealers in Foreign and .Domeitic Bills of Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank . t ooteis and lipecie. Drafts and notes collected, and emittances made to any part of the United States, !Niv.-‘65 Market Street. jan7-y ‘" 4 ' Jolinston dr, Stockton, iIrOKSEDLRES, PRINTERS AND PAPER MA.. 'KERS, No, 114 Market street. sep 10-y Victor Scribe., 111110DOKSELLER, STATIONER AND *. BINDER, Au - N 0.116 Wood street, .three dOors below Fifth, fittibargh, Pa. - • ' jan7-y Jame• Patterson, Jr., CORNER of - First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, I,j Pa., manufileturer °flocks, hinges and bolts, 10bite* fuller, _and tiMber screws, howler' •crews for inning mills, iqe. - sepia.), DENTIST, ham removed to the place of his-for k! Ater reaidetkeiti Pcin'atreet,lwo doors bolow ' SEVEN RIG DOORS CLOTHING STORE, . 4Var:SSLY.T.If STREET, .Im4R LIBERTY. JOHN FARREN, PROPRIETOR, nov24 7 - rirratniCS, • 't ' • g: ,-• ';..,:.:.7.:•:' , .:::' , ::- -, .... '.:.,,,r..,:.:!-!..-.2.-! ilvarOsing, One month, Two do, Throe do, .lonr do, Siz do, • foe year, eetisessetats, 88 00 6 00 7 00 B`oo iroo 16 00 13=1 Two Squares. Six months, $2O 00 pae year ,. 30 00 :.InlTonien'' M/r• Dou4Jui:t.Ye!k! EIECIMEECIM ' Otto Kuutri A NITFACTUR ER or Irconourrtotr.TEETll, 11 smithliew street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always ou band a full assortment of Plate and Pivot !teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple•Phite, Molars and Discuspidatoes, Gum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth; tke. Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists st,plied with all articles in the pro fession. All orders from abroad must be accouipan• led by the cash. [Cr Plitina always on hand _ . _ Jamey Illalcely,. Alderman. OFFICE on rim St., oppsitc D. Leech & 'P picket line oilice. thine hours from 7 Wel:oak ►, M., to S o'clock P., M. CAFFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth rt., kor Pittsburgh; deeltl-r • Dr: George Watt, OFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth et., ....Pittsburgh.dui:2ll 10. Ulume, p114.1C0 FORTE! tnanufacturer and dealer in Ma vital Instrotqtitx, Nu. 112 Wuod street; near novl9-x J. 13ry see, T j • ECTIFYLNG DiSTILLER, a wl wholesa/e deal er in Foreign int! Dpmestic Wines and Liquors, Igo. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley. Pitts burgh, Pa. Arters - , Q . I.IRGEON DENTIST, lIS Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair at.', Pittsburgh. ap2S-y Ogden & Snowden, S UCCESSORS TO AVERY, OGDEN & Co., whole whiteld retail il az7d rumgistn, and anufacturers of lead, red lead litharge,„ corner of Wood and Second Sts., PiOshurgh, Pa. non , • Mat tin ez. Smith, SUCCESSORS to Ovine & Martin, wholesale gro cers, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 58, Wood street ) Pittsburgh, Joh* M'Closkey, AILOR AND. CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between T Sixth street and , Virgin Alley, south side. seplo-y a. svctualcazr, C. Ir. FLEHITICri J. KIRKPATRICK' S. I.l , clu.rkan & co. A~HOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Mer chants, and drillers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 142 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. dec 3-y JOHN CARSON. t . I. Irx..te/Gur. Cnrsoi & 1 1 VIEnight, WHOLESALE GEOCERS and Commission Mer chants, Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty, Pittsburgh, pa. dec 4-y 3 c f nr e n e L r E o N f rCI toi,dok,bniTfirihri,;dria.steretanboovveed C. the ii Kay, where he is prepared to do every description ofltuling and Binding. • dec..2-y - J. -11 I , CollIsier, FFOLESALE and retail dealer in Tobacco, Y Snuff, and Segitrs, No. 25, Fifth at., between Wood and Market sta.; Pittsburgh. [dct23-Iy. T. D. 'WILLIAMS .7. D. Williams & Co. WHOLESALE and retail grocers Forwarding and cominissirM merchants, and dealers in country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast corner! of Wood and Fifth streets. sep. 8. P. (1.. Martin, NTH ' EOLF,SALE a6d, retail Grocer and dealer in V Foreign and Pomestic Wines and Liquors, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, Sic., No. 60 Water street.. Laml.reo. & Shipton, AIIOLESALE CiItOCERS, 'FORWARDING & YV Commission Morcbants, dealers in prMluce and Pittsburgh manufa4tures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 1 .1 , Devitt, NUji,ML:ESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce Irr' Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224 Litterty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2B-y John TurpOLSALE and' retail dealer in Music and VV ?Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School Books knd Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. \ janl-y James Park, Jr. t & Co., ITI.IOLESALE GIVICERS, importers of tin plate and quecnawaie ? and dealers in copper and Pittsburg', naanufacturetl articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd at., L gases Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-nl4-y John seatt d Co., irlf r ) e LE c iS m A n tE:Rfi o. z e to ß n B m A er N cli , COMM ISSION iib street, Pittsburgh. al9- Dr. Wright, DENTIST, Office and residence in St; Clair St., a few doors below Lib marl 1-y' . erty, neat' the EichanCe John Cartwright. • CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, j No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. AlWays,on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Bankers', Tailors',HattOre, Hair Dressers' and Tan ners• 24- ' Patent Shears, Sadtllers! Tools, Trusses, &c. je ' • - 11ITTSBURGIr M ,VO kegs Plug Tobac 5. Ladies' Tw -. 44 ' , • 10 " CaVil, Is L la store and for sale by - -apVl ,;, ''7.-•••,•"•4,..-4,.. 4 •'•i.- 1.".••:,,r,e , 77 • .;- ••1.. :: •'-7,7 ,4--, ..-7:-: - :': - .4. 4 ; - . ••:.: •q• - ::::',.'!": , :-. ,'".-,.. y,,,•...3,0;:;!:-.7.,.::.._:. , ~ .'k, -- i .. ..:. - r,.i.":1:;•.t...i , -;:„." , ..,‘::: -. . :4ii-il,-4-.'-9---'.,,-,:',..:, NIVEIN • • C. A. AVA.nulty & FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Cana& Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. mar3dy • , aLliellfa Lytle ) • tuiux,-.paocEfi, Smithfield street, next doe F to the rtfUiPresbyterian Church. june6 °comp Co<Thian, *7 FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCUANT No. 26 Wood et, Pittsburgh. übv27-y ; New,pook store. ric S. BOSWORTN - Sr. Co., No. 43 Ma et street, AUIL,, neat door to Third street, are jail opeuiug a new and extensive assortment of Booki and Station ery, which they will sell, wholesale did retal, at the lowest prices; ap25.1 Win. 0 1 Wars Ittobittsoil, • • T ATE U.S. Aftoinehlas removed his of to 1 . 1 NO. 3 SGICIaif et. sopt4-y --. . .'.L.1V1.1 • th, , T UMBER . . ItERC • _LI between Irwin anti/Hand stn.; Pidsburgb,ra. All commitekois will beirotriptly attended •- School Book sad Paper Ward LUKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, boorseller and bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pitaburgh, toar2B-y !• . . . • • • PlMlnflow's ilnelvalled inIIFACTIJIIED and sold wholesale and re tail, Smi f L6eld sL, between Sixth and Virgin oct2l-y M. C. E . •• .dey, . i it ilb o .a f ix L e n e nt t n O ca iri z tl i t a d rk d o e t al s e . r r n side. inar24-y Wit. COLEMAN. JOILIT 7. JENNINGS. JAS. W. MAILMAN. Coloinan, Alailmam& .51. Co., .A. AB Axles, C . TU a E u ri a . S . p o r f ing Carrir an Sjoi d n e t ier. in Spring, and coach trunmingi of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street, warehouse, 13 Wood street, op posite St. Charles Hotel.jan23-v ----- Flint Gloss Establishment. lt TULVANY LEDLIE manafactiac and keep , J.Tj constantly on hand cut, mould. and plain Flint Glassware ill all its varieties, at their warehouse I corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.— Our works continue in full operation, and we arc constantly our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purchaser. are respect fullysolicited to call and esamine prices and terms. sepl6-v Dr. Daniel 31,Dleal ' FACTORED TOBACCO, at, do; do; ' mPao; • - M'DEV;TT, - 22.2 I,Aberty at 4, it' t 4,1 ,'~~ ~ • .- , ..,,:,..:,-.-,? : :,•.---._:,:,.:'. ; •L"..---:.i.':.....). ~ -.. _ ... . - -.....- :;, "':, ,- ttri;,' , A.: 1i f'",:ilk-i,.,,,:.--3't,o ,ic .. 'tit . , ` •,,,,-....,,,..,:-.'!4.:, ' , . ,- , ,, ,:...40.. , .: ,, A, , ..-- - 4" 'yr" .7, ,' ) ; , . -. C:'.•: - - 7'.'„,:ri": 4 `.i-t ., ' r 7, -;,. , I• .•..' - . - Yc „,.. 7:4,'-..,;l inn . -..4.:,:;.:.:.;...:.:,...,-,.-:,,,..:-.,.',..-..4-.,.....i.,,,::,:-,•.7;--.7,-4.,.4, ~,.• ~ --. ESN ir- • .!. Frani/14a House, Voniit4. . ~ '':. . ii :, ' ' - A VAUD., -: Between Smilkileld and Grant Streetf,'Pittesintiih i ryntr, subscriber ficiifiv disposed of his Bookstore rIIIII.ISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor ) reipect- '.l. In Pittsburgh; te clews. Elliott and English, ‘_./ fully inflirms his friends and the public general- would recommend the:l4lo the patronage of his . for lyoli‘t he will open the above splendid House* on met customers. - i.:l ' ' ROBERT CARTER.. OCT'? day of May next. • '''., PITTS II URC it, Ortober'"2oth, 1846. .. . ... ; The -House being new, and finished in she most . - c . _phimodioun and convenient manner; and having it , ' VIE SUBSCRIBER.Sthaving purcbaled . the Bookt I ,furnished with the newest and most beutiful style of store of Mr Robert Cotter, will continua the buil , furniture; Hatters himself that he will he able to ac- ness at the old .stand. 4 They will at, all times hare commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a on hand a large supply ilf Theological,Classical and manner not inlbrior to any similar establishment in School Books--Also, NWriting,.;,etker and Wrapiing the city. • Paper, Slates, etc. :.7 . As the House is situated near the Court Renee, at', Western Merchants making ptirchaset in the cite, ringementa litive been made to.serve up meals at ani- are invited to call, etantfine.our stOel4iinditiotttam hour in the day; this will be great convenience to our prices before l , phrchising ell ewher..`..... . 1 . - , .'. Those who are in attendance at court. ' .• HIiLIOTT & ENGLlfitli • feritefresliments of all kinds can be bad . Boar- octfiti No. 66, 14aikot st., bet. 3d and 4th. der taken by the week or day. - 0:7 - Lurieb every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. 000 Washington Hotel, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St. Clair and Penu streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par ties. d to. mat Relleshments always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the Alar;.et uill af ford. Gyet4ta and Oyster Soup, alio Fresh Shell Oysters, received everyday during the season. The greatest care liar been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly . tiled in the est a blishment, S. A Hot Lunch served up erery day at 11, A. M. ap IS-y. Cannl Boat House. El Y R. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. 1 lUD Boarding and lodging, by the day or %veer; on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling east or west will find this house a convenient loca tiou—it is within one hundred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. 1 lEvery information given to Iron Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Horne brewed ale can at all times he had at the bar. novlO-y fluent Dlistribt Hotel. I ISAAC MURDOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel on Water street, having been burnt out, has built a new and handsome house expressly for the aecotn modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt District notel. Ile is now prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges. Ile is provided with ample and conveni ent stabling Ala 5 • , xchonge Hotel, C ORNER OF PENN AM) ST, CLAIR STS., AL. LEN lIROW'N, PII O PRIETOII.—TerrIS SIAM er day. Thou istlersignecl, formerly of the Merchan p ts Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior estzstilishment, and furnished it anew I throughout, with new beds. new bedding and new furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibes and a bageage wagon arc provided far he 1140 or his guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The lung ex. perienee of the undersigned in this business, assures' him that his earnest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be unsuccessful. Ile feels altogether at lib- erly to promise Isis violas a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal entertssninent, and a hearty weiconse,; at a moderate expanse. ALLEN BROWN. ap3-dtf • IS ca- Drug Store. JOHN D. MORGAN, Incoleealt and Retail Druggist, \o.''43 Wood street, one door South lof Diarnond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has justiceeived tropri tite.t:astern cities, and is now opening at the abase stand, a full assortment ot article.; iu his line, consisting of Drags of all kinds, Dye. Stutiii, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &at,., together will all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, and has I.een selected with care. lie is confident that his articles, both as; to quality and price, will please such as may fa yin hint with a call .one„.` Since the date of the , Iteport• from which the s is extracted, the entire establishment has been rtue reship. greatly enlarged. The collecti c on amellias ern- . T January, last., 1 1 2 associated t ing, ohn him fi i r a s s t vlavv sands br l of variousth n - sixes; so T e t o f Roses,somet b a n , t d - Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name and I ether desirable plans, both tender and fiat style of Coleman, Hallman 4: co., will now have in- I trees, &.e. creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, I The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, I whole is, as it has been for more tlmn half a Century, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully i under the successive management of father and son; solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to the must prominent in America. merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib- r; Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from orally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-y —warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the St. Charles ---- Hi. otel, where can be found a good assrtment of; Li IsAL EST XT AGENCY. Springs, Axles, A. IL, and Spring Steel, and Coach JAXLS ELAKELY, IOW? J. MITMIEL; • ' Trimmings of every description, together with Iron, I 41daman ' Atfornev of Lute. Nails and Pittsburgh manuthctured articles. itnr The ACIONTINC E BLAKELY & MITCHEL, highest price paid tbr scrap iron. jan22 to attend to the selling and renting kj of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. Having determined to devote a large portion of their time to this bratich of business, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the public; from the thcility they possess and the experi ence they have (the Senior partner having been en gaged in the Real Estate Agency fur. near 20 years,) thev beiv:ve that they will give general satisfaction, Office on Penn st., neartheli. S. Hotel, and Smith , field et., between Diamond Alley and Filth street. A. Fulton, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and commenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Markst and Ferry streets, where lie will be pleased to sec his old customers and friends. Cherub, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 poundi, cast from patterns of the most approved moduli, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. • G. Diddle, Dentist. IIAS "removed to No. 109 Smith field st., where he will perform all operations on the Teeth satiathe torily. I „ f 21109. KILLER N. Lt.—Having lately made one of the greatest improvements in forceps that has everappeared be fore the public, ho has been able to extract teeth with such ease as to astonish all those who have availed themselves ofhisservices. Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-Iy GENT —STLEMEN LOOK AT THIS 1 STAR CLOTIIING STORE. No. 70 Wood at., Sign of the Golet , n Star, Pittsburgh. ANCKER 6. PLAYER, HVI? A . on hand an extensive and complete assort ment of Fashionable and extra made New York Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as posL Bible betbre the first of January, we are determined to offer such "bargains' , as will enable us to ef f ect our object. S. Y. ANCKER nov24-y A. A. MA' -, • Henry 'W. Williams, ATTORN EY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the old 'stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry NV. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved-by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the business will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do busineis, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. .Laivnu i Lawns/1 QEO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot offine Lawns which will be sold at the yew low price of ISt cents per yard, persons who want a good article, at a low price, would do well to call soon. Also on hand a good stock of Nansook muslins for Ladies Dresses very cheap at jel3 No. 1 t Market street. Pianos, SPLENDID assortment ofMahogan7 and Rose- Wood Pianos, just finished. - These instrument are well made of te latest paterns and best materi als and Will be soldlow for cash by P. BLUME. No. 112 Wood at. 2d door above sth. N.'ll; Those who are in want of a good instrument are respectfully invited to call and examine these be fore purchasing elsewhere, as theY caanot be excel led by any in the country, and will be sold lower than any brought from the east.. One elegant Rose wood Piano with Colman's Patent Aolian attach ment for sale by F. BLUME. norm i.:) : ;i , r,. - j'::' - ''' ,f"':,', ....._ _„-„,•:,,., WALTER H LOWRIE EWE ~.. . ... +,.- • - - - ~.-.-...., ......... . ;.r. ~..-............,...:.. . .... .. .-;T:'...i.1.77:::::•.;.';',•:::::1. Y':;. ; Ornamenfal Hair I , Vork ' MRS. RENTER, Wig Maker, e : s:o _ Alleiheny City, slx doors froarthe 1'''5.,.., 4 . • Aqueega, opposite, the Collertor>s { A ~ Z,:' , •A. V 4 OffiC4'lY iliheD to inform the pub fet ig ril,V; li\ V- lac that she bat, just, commenced ' i t•V:: t i i x _ ',.,,. ths Ornamental Flair business, iir:„ .. 4 ); 4.-14 and has a very superior stock, re :F.l '',4 ,-, fr ceivad limn the Eastern cities and ~(2.,',:1.ii- ' Paris; and she is prepared to fill ................ i „ • ~, all utters at the shortest notice, „., and t a manner that cannot be I Y , —. : excelled by'any similar mauuthc turer in the country. 'She has on hand and Intends keeping, a large as sortment of Ornamental .fair Work, such as Ladies , Wigs thuds, Braids,. Curls, Necklaces, Guards, Bracelets, Finger Rings, Ike. Gentlemens , Wigs, 'famines, Scratches, &c. Mrs. R. has been for many years engaged, in the hisiness in France and the Gnitijil States, and from Air lung and experience, she fuels confident in behi,g able to give stiuslaciloa to all who will favor her with their patronage. liar prices are more liberal than have been offered In this city heretofore. _mar l'7-ly ______ ;co AI. AuDONALD, Bell and Brass Founder: 'first street, near Market, is prepared to make Brass Castings and r: Brass works generally on 'the most reasonable terms and shortest notice. lie invitesamachin as all those using brass works to give him callt e as he is de. ter mined to do all'wark in his line very low. may 27-ly Landreth, War*auted Guracii Seeds, D IRECT FROM PIIILADELPIIII. Each paper bears the label arid warranty of DAvtii LA:f unk:TU. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 29 Water at., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Derry. Extract tiona the 'Report of the• Visiting Committee of the Pennsylvania Ilditicultaral Society,' unani incusly adopted and ordered to be printed. LA NDR EILPS N UR:SI:111ES AND GA It DENS. "These extensive groands aro on Federal street, near the Arsenal,. • * • • The earliest collec tion of Camellias was made heo. Some of those non in possession of those distinguidied nurserymen are ten tbet high. • • • • The selection of GREEN-nowt etANTs is valuable and extensive. " Ms Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup plying every hart el . the Union, a detail of which , wouid occupy - too much of our ; space, we therefore content ou;selres with stating that the stock is very large in every stage. of growth, consisting of FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, EVERH GREENS, SHILL; RS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with a collection, of berbacceons plants, fruit trees of the best kind and roost healthy corolition,darge beds of' seeding' apples, pears, plums, Stc.-,, as stocks for bud ding and grafting; a pla4 i very superior to that of on working up suckers, ich carry with them into the grail all the diseases Mille Par,ent stock.: • "Gannets Stens of the- finest ;quality have been scattered over the country front these grounds, and may-alwas be depentied4pon. The seed establish mom of these llortieultutists is One er the most ex tensive in the I.7nion,iand abs is well sustain 'mteroni rear ye'arto veer:- • "To obviate the chance, of Mixture of the farina of the plants of the same Kintily!, they Lave established another nursery at a suitable distal:de, so that degene ration cannot take plaBe, and, which secures to the purchaser a , genutae_ article.? linowing thus the age, qiniity and przievs . of culture of every plant, the supply from their .grounds is recommended-with great confidence." Wholesale Shoe Store 11. CHILDS & Co., alp now .receiving their ) spring supplies, consisting of one of ., -4 the largest, cheapest and best assort. went of BOCA:, and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies' nod Aliases , Florence Braid,•and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of ' Palm Leal Hats, Men's and hay's siniimer Cops. Also, a. large hit of New York.TannerlSole Leather, all of which having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will be sold at a small advance above cost and charges. All merclianti wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and ciamine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. _ ar37-ti Joules How nrd d;,, Co. TjAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends that they again .occupy. their old stand at No. 83, Wood street, «•here they have opened .an exten sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have contantly on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand some patterns for papering halls, parlors and chant hers. They manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boar s-all ofwhich they otrer for salo on the most accommodatinrterme, and , to which they invite tho attention of Merchants and others. ALSO---Blank Books of all kinds and the best qual ity, School Books, &c., always.on hand and for sale as above. mfg. 25 Copartnership. THE subscribers have this day entered into Co , - partnership, in the name of Friend, Rhey & Co., for the purpose of transacting a general Grocery and Commission business, and have taken the house oc cupied by M. B. Rhey & Co., No. 57 Water street, where they will-be pleased to receive the patronage oftho friends of the late firm. P. F. FRIEND, GEO. ROOF, JAS. WOOD. 13-16-dec2 Pittsburgh, November 28, Allegheny Cemetery. DEMONS desirous of purchasing rots in this Cemetery are referred for information-to the Superintendent on the grounds or to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn and }land streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. .J.C.HISLETT, dec 11 a. Superintendent. . Johns N. Townsend, D RlT ei G s G tr l e S e T t AND AP o 6 7l o E ve Ctl A t i Y r:l ll , Bl 'b r . ee 4 i s . ,Ar s. .. burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment ofthc best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the' most reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders will be proMptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon us genuine. • - • _ . . . Physicians , prescriptions will be aecurately, and , . neatly prepared from thel best materials,at any hour of the day or night. . „ Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh, and good orfumery 'dec 30d . , ENE •' . ' '.6:!1....;_',Z7';,:.:Z,'1, ...,, -,. 4 ..'-;:':.:',':',%:1,-1' '' ,7:-,:'_":ts--•.;'.;',!.:•;;. =MEM PITTSBURGH CHM AB tABINET WAREHOUSE. No. 112, Third Street, Pittelidrgh. nrniE subscribers would respectfully return their thanks to their friends and the public, for the very liberal patronage bestowed since the commence ment of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a .continuance of the same. They would respectfully invite those who want to purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to give them a callmnd examine their extensive stock now on hand, consisting of some of the must splen- J;J. Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Ftirttiture. Flattered, by the very exten sive patronage recek? , l in their business, they have, at considerable expense, made arrangements in New York, by which they will have the latest Eastern and French patterns forwarded monthly,. thus giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing home industry, and finding in their own city what they formerly would obtain only in the 'Kral. Having adopted the principle of small k profits and quick sales, they will be able to sell at as low rates as any of the establishments in the Eastern Cities. novl9-y__ ROBERTS 3 KANE. —a, Cap Store. ~.n• 3 ens. POULSON, (late of the firm a "." Poulson & Gill,) having opened his new store at Nu. 73, Wood street, neat door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recci. ring from the Lastern cities a very large assortment of hats and caps of every description, warranted to be made in the best manner and of the best materials. Otter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Sealette; )fair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps. Also, a line assortment of ladies, furs, such as Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Coney Muffs 'and Tippets and tar trimmings, all of which he offers for sale al eastorn prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country merahants will please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. U. POULSON. N. B. The Fa Fashinn for Uwe and Cape receiv ed. sep:27y. SPOILS, SHOES, SHOES. NEW FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY. Cheaper than Ever, at jFOLLANSBEE & HA YWARD , S,,n ets r p Boot Shoe and Trunk Store, rip. IS6•Lib- I, city street, nearly opposite the head of Wood street. I. . F. & 11. would respectfully announce that they have ie store and are receiving,. their FALL AND WIN-. TER SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c.. consistingof upwards office hundred packages ofall . kinds and qualities for Ladies, Gentlemen, •Misse,s, Boys, youths , and childrens , wear. These goods have been manufactured to our order, and expressly'. for the Pittsburgh market—all of which we are deter_. mined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our facilities' in purchasingi goods we are enabled so to do. We would ;solicit an examination of our stock by all in want ofgoods in our line, either at Wholesale or retail, as we feel confident we shall be enabled to please, both in regard to quality and prices. The most of our goods are from manuliteturhig es tablishments with which we are connected. We shall continue to receive weekly from those houses, flesh and clasirable goods, made expressly for our salcT. FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, No. 186 Libcrtc William az - Ce e. S TILL continuesin his old business of manufactur Mg Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand, or made to _order in the shortest notice, any amount of worli, by the best of workmen and goad materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requested to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. up7-y Pall and Winter Goods. • JT IC LOGAN has just received the balance of his . fall and winter stock of Dry Goods, at N 0.53, Wood st., consisting in part or super French and West of England Broad Cloths and Cassimeres, Sat tin43tts from 2.5 to iii cents per vard; Welch Flannels, red and white Flannels, twilljd red and green Flan nels, plaid and plain unsays, &c. Mackinac and Whitney blank ets,Woollen Shirtsand Drawers, Com forts, Mitts and Gloves. Terkeri, Thibet and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes of We latest styles; Twilled and Manchester Ginghams; Irish - Linen, Table Linen, Counterpanes, Scotch Diapers, Checks, &c. Also, an assortment of Dress Goods, consisting of Silks, Gala and California Plaids, barred Cashmere, and Robes, Mous. de Lainc, barred and figured; black and fancy Silk Cravats,' all of which he will sell wholesale and retail, as low for cash as any other house in the city. nov2l- • SelCct School. It ITM, MOODY r;espectfully announces to his old V friends that he intendsopeniug a Select School in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar.2l-t Eagle Sa/00n....W00d Street. Ti HE PROPRIETOR ofthis well known establish ment respectfully announces, that he continues ' to supply at the shortest notice, and in the best style, Balls, Parties, Families and Weddings, with Fancy Cake, Ice Creams, Jellies, Pyramids, 8::c. &c. Managers ofeontemplated Balls are invited to see his arrangements for suppers, at such entertainments. In his large saloon he is able to seat almost any num ber ofpersons ci; once. The terms in all departments of his business, he assures the . pnblie will be reasonable. jan222 Dissolution of Partnership. FERE Partnership existing between the.undersign ed, under the firm of SCRIBA & SCIIRIBLER, was dissolved on the 3d inst., by• mutual consent. The books of the concern are in the hands of Mr. Scriba, who is authorized to settle all accounts. The Bookstore will be continued at the old stand by Mr. Scriba; the Bookbinding by Mr. Scheibler. VICTOR SCRIBA, GUSTAVUS SCLIEIBLER. Dec. 25, .1846 Books and Stationary. HAVING just returned from the East with a most elegant and extensive stock of Fancy Station ary and Books for Christmas and New Year's Gifts, I would call the attention of the public to my store, No. 115, Wood st. Priceiliatremely low. Among a great selection of Books for Old and young, I men tion • The Boudoir Annual, for 1847. w Diadem, • Boquet, - .; —ll M 358 Roee, 11 Jr Amaranth, ' 11 Mayflower, er 'r_' Forget-me.not, 11 • 11 Leaflets cfMemory " 11 RainboW, •• it " Lady's Album, - The Tortoise - Shen Kitten, for 1847. . 11 Annualette, a` Christian BinSSOrna,". The Book of , Nursery Rhymes., , Together.with'a great selection of Books for Child ren, Games, Portfolios, &c. VICTOR SCRIBA; dc2s 115 Wood at. MEMO '.•4:.i' - ;,t,''j' . , - ,-.E'.:;','",T ; ...i1;;.1' - ---*:' - :‘':;•.,:!,.',,; ~:,-.i'l: MVI 4:1 - '.:.-',,,.i ~'-.'7 ~:. '. '. MEI .s " , 11ORTEIVS City Daguerrlai: altery,Pbllo Hall, Third it., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ytankliti*Dflad in,,,,,s, Baltimore, -11cd. •'' • • Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has at considerable expense fitted up ainirtments, and raliged light for Daguerreotyping purposes. His long experience in, this art ha's enabled him to overcome many Of theobjections too common to pictures taken by this method— . • 'Mr. Pinter is aware that the impression has gone abroad (owing to the many failures to produce good pictures,) that clear and distinct Daguerreotypes can- . not be matte in .Pittsburgb. His . experiments, how ever, sinee.ho has opened his Gallery, folly warrant hhn in saying that as good pictures can made here as elsewhere. ' . . Ladies . and gentlemen ire invited tO4all and ex amine specimens. Instructions given, and instruments and materials furnished upon reasonable terms. All orders from country operators p rom p tly attend ed to- nuv26-tr Water PM ere. HE subscnber has received on consignment a T lbw of Oliver Evan's celebrated Water Filters, manufactured in Philadelphia, such as are now gen erally used in the Eastern. cities. Thoy arc warran ted to purify, Pump, River, or Rain %Voter, cleans ing, it of all Mineral, Animal, Vegetable or other un wholesome mauer—rendering it equal to the finest Spring water, otherivise on failure, (if ised as direc ted) the price paid will be refunded. The subscriber, having been appointed agent for the sale of the above, will receive orders and furnish them at manufacturers prices. GEO. COCHRAN, Novl4 . No 26, Wood at. tztimEn R=2112M4 - 1 =SEE ' . -.: . ::',;": , :7..kk , '-::= -- . - ..': -, .;,• ~--•'.-- . :‘•.,- : •, - . : :';', i '):-...:- . .:, ' ., ...;,...!. , .'- , :k.: - . -- 4, -- :P..,;- - ,- . z.•-,„... -- i . - , 4..::',‘ , ::-.''' . . . - -,.,,,:.,,•,, ,t. , ..... , :•°.••:.. fii....i'..... , , , ._. , .. 1.,.. ' ' - '. '''' ,:-''' !,','..- . 1- t:.:'-'....-,-;,'...:1":7 ;c::' ,; . SICIL/AN SYRUP OR TROPICAL ItYGIli q 4. Discovered by Dr. Maioni Ofltaly in the year 1345, and introduced into the U. States early in:1846. THIS hr unrivalled medicine for the radical cure or te c 'diseases has spread throughout Europe with, o a most unequalled speed and triumphant suc cess, effecting the moat astonishing cuierrever known or recorded in the annals of Medical . History. Shice itif introduction into the United Stateshas eqhally sustained the high reputation it so, justly received in the Emit, Owing here as it has thine there, the most inveterate ind long standing diseases with.which the human family are afflicted,- The Physicians of Eu rope and. America (as far as they. have become ac quainted with its mode of operation) nagether with the thousands who have been restored to health by its suPerior-officacy with one united:voice proclaim it to be tho.most perfect remedial agent ever offered to suffering humanity. It is now in . mitablithed fact "that Consumption maybe, cab be,anditas been cured ley Dr. AlazonPs Sicilian Syrup or Tropical Hygiene. This is the only medicine that has et, been dis covered that hair achieved a cure where this disease had gained a settled and permanent hold' Upon'the system. For the truth or - this'. assertion; we- have the certificates atonic , of the moat eminent Physi cians of Europe and America, expressly declaring that they have prescribed it ill hundreds of instances where the patients were considered beyond all hope of recovery, and, to their astonishment, hai effected , the most speedy perfectne/gs: 'No one who is unacquainted with its action can imagine the won derful success that attends the administration of this medicine in every variety of chronic disease, per. titularly Consnmptiun, Scrofula or kings evil, Asth ma, eases reported in pamphlets and circulars) Cancers, Liver Complaints,Costive. ness and lndigestinst ' Sore and Inflame' Throat, 'Bronchitis, Dropsies, Chronic. Inflamation of the Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility and Icatibility of the nervous system, Spinal affections, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrahcea, Pain in the breast and. side, • Coughs, Colds, Chronic Rheumatism, Diseatiesof the I Stomach and Bowel!, inward weakness and falling down of the wen); arid all the chronic diseases pe culiarto females in their various relations in life. This medicine is prepared only by Dr. klazoni him • self, and is composed entirely of vegetable materials 'edniztining the extract of .4.2 of the most rare Tropi cal plants but raw of which are knewn to the medi cal Profession generally. It has so flr surpassed every other medicine nvcr offered to the world in eradicating disease, That it has not only hulisted many of the most-talented medical men in tire world in its favor but what is more extraordinary the government where .it was discovered "Das made it an offence punishable with . death to attempt counterfeiting it or making sale of any spurious article purporting- to be the same or representing it to. be. genuine. And /his Govern ment has also made a liberal provision for the pro tection of it here. To the afflicted we say let none dispair, though you may have been given up by your Physician and considered by -your friends as beyond all hope, try a bottle of this mediciuu and you may rely coon the fact, that if-yon have physi cal. strength eill'ough left to endule its actim, you will find certain and speedy relief, for this has been the case in thousands of instances, in proof of which we can produce certificates from: individual', of the moat respectaole 'character both of Europe and America. This medicine will be offered, fur sale only at the county b9ts of 'each county owing to the small amount yet imported and the anxiety of . the proprietor to place this valuable remedy within the reach of all throughout'the United States. • Hays & Brockwai, Druggists, N 0.2 Commerelal row, Liberty streetovholesale and retail Agents for Allegheny county. Sold also Ly It: E. Sellers, No 57 Wood at • ' • . ' _ Book anillJob Printlna. 011ie., N. W. CORNER OF WOOD AND FliT.ll STREETS. 1 THE proprietor of the lifornin,7 Post ,and Mer eery and Illanyfaci user respectfully informs his frtends and the patrons, of these papers, that he has a large and well chosen a.saortmer.t of : JOB TYPE, AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS Necessary to a Job . Printing _Office, and that be is prepared to execute - LETTER PRESS ruiN•rinn, or:Mrrits.p=citrrzox. Boots, 'Bills of lading Circulars, Pamphlets, Dill Ifeatli, • ' Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks,- . • Hat Tips. All kinds of Blanks; Stagei• Steamhoat and Canal Boat. Bills with appropriate cuts, printed on the short est notice and most reasonable terms. lie respectfully asks the patronage of his friends, and the public in general, iu this branch of his busi ne___ss. _____isekt.22l L. HARPER: Ei JUST REC.EICED, this day a fine as n sortment of best . quality I•ltiglish g_l -1 GOLD and SILVER' Patent LEVER 'tto W A T ell ES . Ilaiing imported these Watches direct from• Liverpool, I am enabled to sell them at I reduced prices, and as low as the same finalities can be bought for in tho Eastern cities. Having deter mined, by low prices arid a large and well selected assortments of Watches and other articles in my line, to make it the interest 'of Western men to deal at home, I 1 espectfully invite attention to the largest and best selected stuck of Watches ever offered in this city. :' • W. W. WILSON,. mar 4 •.: cor 4th and Market sty.' Q Watch and Click repairing done. in the hest manner. FOE SALE EY .1011.; H. MELLOR, NO. SI WOOD ST., Althorn VA sired and Diamond Alley. THE Psalmodist, by Hastings & Brailhuryt. . Carminas Sacra, by Lowell Mason; The Psaltery, « Mason 4- Webb; ' The Odeon; Mason & Webb; ' Western Harp, Samuel Wakcileld; Evangelical Music, by Ilickock & Fleming; Missouri Harmony, Patent mates; Masons Sacred Harp, round notes, 24th edition; Itlason's Sacr id Harp and Patent notes; Cautus Eceles!m, by Darlev & Standbridge; Music of the Church, by Doctor Waintight; Kingsley's Sacred Choir. Jummile Music Books: • Mason's Jurcnilc Harp; The Young Choir, by Bradbury and Sanders;,,Chirs- Companion. A largo supply of Bin above works constantly on hand and for sale wbolesale or retail, by • • JOHN H. MELLOR, Si Wood at., betweon 9th and thansondAlley. Situations Furnished. THE undersigned will attend to the procuring of situations for young men in stores of all kinds and for every capacity, such as clerks, Salesmen, book-keepers, assistants, and laborers r also, for men on firms, driving carriages, tnd wagons, and men for families, and for all kinds ofinechanical business. Families supplied with male and female domestics, on the shortest notice. By applying at CLARK'S General Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 50, 3d st.,tsvo doors below the Post Office. feb3-tf kew OF THE LATEST 'SPRING STYLES, • JUST RECEIVED At No. 62 Market st., Simpson , s Row, bet 3d and 4th. A A. MASON begs leave to inform the public that he is constantly receiving anti is now in receipt of a large and jlt. selected , stook of rich Spring Dry Goods, amongst which may be found 1,, and 4-4 rich heavy dress Silks, imported under the sew Tariff of 1847, and will be sold at much leas than former prices; also 23 dozen ladies extra super Noritc and Badois` light colored Kid Glover, com prising every shade. A large lot of Alpacas and Al pines, Cashmeres, Moue de Baines and Ginghams, and some as low as 121 cents.;. Calicoes of superior colors and style, including another entire case of . those Orange and Blue prints; 1 case of rich Eng fish Prints at 181 eta. Oar stock of bleach'd and brown Bliislins is complete, and were purchased pre vious to the great advance cif 'cotton goods, whieh will enable us to sell them at fdruier prieec. an will please bear in mind that we do an en tire cash business, which enables us to sell, goods from 10 to 15 per cent lesithan the credit system, and they will find it to,their advantage to give us a caltat. No. 62; .4arket street. feb2s. Segars:Seg!trall . TUST received from New York, &large quantity of Havanna and Principe Biotic& the Most popular and suF erior brands mite ih Lee. Also; an• excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several bales of superior Cuba -Leaf Tobacco for sale. • B. E. WINCHESTBR, No. 50, Third 84 - F6c - two doors * frini&.. Post Office. - may% '' %,a- MEE HERM ENE Watebes I Watehes 1 i Sacred *mac -13—oales A. A. MASON =EMI .S .~_ ! ~.' 2., NINE y y tA p Gl :t o r i : n s e e ; Fm a n o T b e : T i b c y r o E e n S o a a r r incorporate t he the Patent at h A i ° ll e pDpr C o mmonwe alth , Pennsylvania Commonwealth i b n B m s l s i oy o n n r v, s tin ya o ag en f a y. agh:A‘rCthc enti tl ed ' rPatoecnoa, 2 i sB ll °Y o t h e l : d a A a p d o bn a vnat Act'el'lr ,liol6lf, hereby giren, That the undersigned ling? majority of the acting Commissioners, haie• and do hereby appoint a meeting of the ..oubscriihers to the Capital Stock of said Company to be held-Rp' Tuesduy, the 30th day of.blarel: A. DAVI, Yltftt O'clock in the Room of tlte Board - of 'Freda; No. 28, Philadelphia Exchango; in the City of dolphin, in order to organize said Company ' and then and there to elect thirteen Directors Of said Company agreeably to the provisions of said•Aot .of Assembly. - . Thomas P Copo • T M Pettit •,,‘; Robert Toland George M Stroud David S.Broyn •• IL M „: Watts • James Magee • PhYllip.M.Prjeti . • George W Tyland Itehert ' J Fisher Learning Win Mussee 7 ; II RKneass T C Rockhill •'; •••': Geo W.Ca!pentor John S Cask , :::';'• ' Elliott Cressona- ` C G Childs ••: •.•-• RObert ; Roberts Steen Charles•S Wood - C Macaiester -•, ffugh Campbell •E A,Pcituimar t : •• John B Myers . , AlezYullerton A G Ralston • Edward Sitar Gideon Scull • Archibald Wright . A S Roberts • Henry Welsh Wn,C Patterson • John M Atm:ex! • B M Dinchman ••• - A TLevris• ••• ; 'John Welsh, Jr • Nathaniel T;otter • ( Townsend Sharpie's James Martin • !Thomas Sparks • - • JohnJ McCashen 'Charles Humphreys Hugh Catherwooil - James Steel .11enry.White.. February 26, 1847.--mar 41 Op IgYVA 14 1:)- I_ S fo ° : to . e tte maoniLperson I vi c h e o rtifi . ca ill te l s r i fpo ci si :iv . • i nures in cases of CONSUMPTION or DISEASED Lungs 25 DR. ROGERS, LIVERWORT and TAR has made in this city or any other place where it has , l been introduced. 'Although it has not been putfeA lin — the city papers in EDITORIAL FORM by- this PROPR/ ETOR for the SOLE purpose of GAIN-i(is Most medicines aro without regard to their worth) !yet the dernanyl has, beerr enormous. In *e City of Dayton done, where this medicine has not-been'ack vertised to the amount of ten dollars, wo :received' nitonidr from Masan,. Ells, ClatEn & Cu to the amount of one THOUSAND BOTTLES: Atici,this too, in the summer season, when there' is'eAmptiraZ tiicly.iiteeor no demand fur medieine . of chef. acter. ruedicihe still performs CURES-tie:ies= almost inrredikic, but. as they .are here; end :are - ,:tliir own neighbors whose testimony can be had from tirelt own months, it must convince the most sceptiCal of the worth of this medicine. • Ancither lIF.MARICABLE , cure of CONSUAIN• TION. Mr. Gabriel Whitehead : of this reduced so low that ALL HIS FRIENDS, and-even. his PHYSICIANS had given him . up to . DIET l! 111 a. A. L. Scot - mt.—As oive my life *tithe oie of DR. ROGER , S.LIVERWORT and TAR E '' feel•it a duty, and shall without fear or delicaty give MY - testitnont as evidence that - others-Who may be afflic- - ited with" CONSUBIPTION• or diseased Longs may know that this medinine, is NO .111.1:h1BUG, . bat ist worth ten thousand ph) sicitins' prescriptions for tlio disease for which it is recommended. - • • 'Last summer I was taken with limost DISTRES.: SING COUGH, and.abouethe first ofJuly my Longs were so diseased that I bled in a short time cetera) quarts of blood, which. reduced me so low that all my friends . , and even my physicians thought, I - must soon DlE,avitb CONSUMPTION.. My brother,,ho ever, heard of Someof the wonderful cures made this medicine, - and produred a bottle, and before• t • had taken one nalfbottle, itseemed to godeiy seat of the disease and raised a LARGE QUANTITY • of -MATTER and PHLEGM, and my COUGH wag slopped by a charm. I have since used some Iwo or three battles, and am now able to attend to my busi- ness as well as ever. I feel very thankful to the inventor of this medicine s ' for if it had not been for some all poweiful medicine to have raised the matibr !tad phlegm, and hnalkd my lungs,'l should without doubt havet"noWbettiln"my grave. : • , • - If any one will eal,,Von moon C a tljatirie stietit . Ailf, • a smiare below Line, I will give them the partietdifi and refer them to numerous friends Who v'ailititi inn during, my sickness. ' • • • . - • Jan. 10th,1847. GABRIEL AVIIITEIIe4b.. • -STATEMENT OF DR. iL1R.45.1 COXi • I Late PROFESSOR in theSlaciranati ECLECTIC :MEDICAL COLLEGE, antrephysician Well kiwton, • who . has an extensive practice, in relation to the ease • of Miss Belt, after having been gioen.tsßto DIE with the last, stage .of CONSUMPTION, by a number able PHYSICIANS. - • . • • ' Mi. A. L. .S.aoysw. :••71loweier reluctant r have - • been to permit my name,to appear, attached to u cer tificate recommending 'Patent Afedicihrs, Negri:inn. er Catholicums; I nevertheless think it my dutyitiot only to my - patrons, but to'the 'community; and, till adlicted with diseases requiring 'Cough Medibinet to State, that inihree Nrticalar easek of incipient CON ' SLIMPTION, viz: Man •Belt, stop daughter John %;:arT of this city . orMiss Barger, sister-imlew of Mr. V. Wunder butcher,l and Mr. It. K: Co:, ( - meet • • our City Council, that Dr. RocEns' COMPOUND Siitvi, or Livr.awonv AND TAR operatkd more LIN. tire, than any remedy of a similar eliiiriCter in its operation than I hie ever need in my Ono • of the cases above; •viz: 'Miss Rely appeared to be-' laboring under the lait.stage of Scorfulou sCattiticalp,' Hon, as pronounced by• several PHYSICIANS'who were in ittendance previous to my being called to treat the dhse - She is at thispresent timein the en- joynient of as apparently good health, and fimin ap ipearance, as likely to die with any other disease;as any other young lady of this city. As ittespects.the health of the other tWo cases, all_ the, threatknieg premonitory aymptoffis 'seem' to have.stibsided frees the use ofatew bottles of theliPrup oboes:: • . • - Very respectfhlly i • •Eze. • • “."' • ntitaucoxi • . Cineinttati,•Jan. 25th, 1647. ,• ; • 15.• • . > - • Call at the•ageiats and obtain a: pamphlet • contain. ing certificates of wtintlerful cures from a great num ber ofrespketable and well knewn citizens. • - A. L. SCOVILL & Co. . Wholesale agents for. the West; cot of kth ' ,.aiid Race sts.,Cincirinati. D. C. Kneeland, principal Agenr-for Pittsburgh, office on Grant at., one dour below • • Also for sale by /. Kidd:&..Oxitorner of 4th and Wood sts.i Pittsburgh. • - John II: Cashel!, sth %milli:Pittsburgh; B. P. Schwartz, Allegheny:." John John Smith, Birminglmer VV 'E would rcepectfulll Mill the itiention °fox' „ friends to Dn. MAZO.VPS SICILLIAN 8 Yfl e . UP, .which is at present attracting so much al tst fl(i a throughout the United States. ft, was but reeintly . . !introduced to the notice of - Pittsherghers, hurtle: - (firms with which it has commenced selling; off - :: . firms the statements made in the al, al , whick are of the most astonishin il , A com mittee were appointed by the ediCal facultieeoc London and Dublin, to inceetigate.tha'rVerttoe Of the medicine, the rishlt of which clearl y ceinon t strates that there 4,e one medicine, whiChts all that it purports to be, Pamphlets containing the cotes of the-faculty as well as these oretkne of- must respectable cititeos of Ohio, can tip ktd at tir. : 4 .• . store, where the medicine , #4l - wwhotezalie - retail. HAYS B ;' , BROCKWAY, jan27 flu. 2 4 Commercial cols Liberty ta i .•-. .. ME= q • Afi r..5 A,Y71 7, ,,,, • C''''.";'l44:4cl4 4Zt:Y e.z:',7k-;..-.4ig:'- • • -2 ...p.,,••f11-,1•,..1',:_te44"?...,,,,:.•-4.--rat.l;` ...7.,0 ) ...' ~.,•;',, ki$::,;1:1--:' '..-4 ". < _ • :, - -k:,'" 0- *v. . • ' = : . '_:•-,..1:•1*,...: '---...;%:::'.;:eli4Eittitt6'. • - , +'74I2VT'Z''`.S:STAVA-iif't 4r: - At .-1, . , .. 4 14 . .5Ankcv.0t..,-- v ,0 ... , -,? ,, z,1,.- ~<:,._ 1 ,,,, t.-,.. ,% ,fo 4 :: :..-477 ' `'.- % ` A' l4 . - „,' 7 *.o. 4 .o l eitr' -' '' '',' " ,--- .;i; )- •'-',,-'.:?iri-4.-,,;VJ r, ~.,,,,,,, ~,..„......„.,,,,, , ~,.1 ~...:_, i.,. ~...,,....,_....,........,,,,„:„ f r..r : q• -, ; ,,., l.4r , '. . ; - t ,4f2„•..i i , ' k __ ,_: • ' ••' •SS',V, . ~,../..,,,-... -.„..-- k • A, • .:,'-1 , , z i.:",e 1 . 4" .'". ,• , s,f,- ) '' “. ; '' •.. 1 .).1.4 , ; -,' A- "'0 . 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