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E; . .,1'f:.:.ic - ',f':z , .-:i : T:Yi-,-t. - ,,.• - ; . .., .',-s,'i,''.':,';t:.«l.s!i•,;4'":',l:._':::i:::.:','''.;:).:',-:..':i.•''2'ji;-'.....,t,::,'-'_!'-''''.:,-i'.,',:,:;-,',•.....,-.'''_- • r, ENE KEE EMI =ME MIMI r / . . NEM NENE EM2I NONE =ME ,~~t ; i J. •,. ~~4R l EOM MEE 1;', IMMENE =MEM WINE - • gs . .• - ,;,,,,„,, . _..,..,..„. tt , n -1. nip Mann Tin W-oitt4 L. lIARPLA, TDITOR ANL' PROSULTOR. UR GI Tc h EDAY MORNING, MARCII. 143, 1847. brattiansTioxs. 1!3=M;IIIIM=O Or ALLIOIITSIT COMM, . FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, 1110Ititts LONGsTB.ET,II,- . OF MOICTOOMFAY 00171trIr. . • 4 frosperity of rittsburb. - , I I'4e - unexampled prosperity of the "liirtningham" yArtierica, is a sure indication, thattl Manufac: pout atal - Mechanicaliinterests of Pennsylvania, have not .been injuriously affected by the repeil of the Tariff of 1842, and the substitution of the Tati'lf:of iB4O, in its place. All - our ennitfacturere, us well' as the commun ty, generally, are profitably engaged in their busi ness, whilst scarcely a Knanuthottirer h able to fill the.onlers daily pressing on him for" goodsr'sinti such hue been the case for months past, notwith standing the cry of ruin! rnin! rsia7 raised by the Whigs; immediately before and after the repeal of the Tariff of 1642. The whigs then said.that ruin us inevitable, that every manufacturing establish- ;nent.in Pennsylvpiis would he forced to stop work, discbarge their hands and dose up. Seven months have now rolled round, , since the adoption of the Tariff of 1846,' and ruin has not yet come down upon our manufacturers; nor is there the least symptoms that it will. • But ruin has, come'oit the whigprophes. The manufactu rer is doing well, the ~ rnechanic and laborer are doing well, the merchant is doing well, the com- mercial interest is doing well—the amount of freight and travel is unbounded—and the farmer, whose , inteiest has always been %tilde subservient to the Manufacturer, by the whigs, is .reaping a most bountiful harvest, notwithstanding the- de. sanction of the "home market,:'. %%Via it was Said could eat 'up all the surplus products in the country.. . • The quetion with the whips now is, what shall we do for thunder? The operation -of the Tani of 1840, has belied all our prophesies, as much so as the election of Harrison In 1810, did our pro mises of "'two noxians a'day and . Roast Beef." The organ of the Mexican wh,igs, together with the •Gazette, Journal and Telegraph, are trying their skill on the war question, and Occasionally giving Mr. Clay awl . others . a dig fur rating for a tea and coffee tax. They have_ nothing to say may about the Tariff of - 1648,and the restoration' . . of the Tariff . of 18 . 4. • The truth is; these Mexican Editors, are like a certain Prophet, Who after many. year! Of deep itudA gieat research and lirmisente calculations, prophesied lhe'tlestruction- of the earth' op a cer tain day, to the great ,consternation and. alarm of old women and. children Nifel‘l tbe - Slay came, and great was the rejoicing an a . ongtt the faithful• theirProphefs propbecy was about to.be Hat-the sun rose and set on that day as usual, and 4there Was no end of time." The Prophet re-ex *Mined his calculations, made other observations iturdiscovered that he had mode an error of some inonfltsf and again he fixed the day for the final des-I traction of all things earthly., 'That day came and I went as the others, and great was the mortification of his believers, who, if they had possessed the•pow sr, Would doubtless have produced the result, merely for' the purpose of fulfilling the prophecy , of their leader,' After this iecond, failare, the Prophet - quietly , said to hiifollowers: my brethren, I have ,Made a false prophesy, owing to some mis ' take an my ealculatione, but yod may rely upon it the:day will most assuredly come." . • Now the . Whigs prophesied a great deal, particu larly 'about the ruin of the country, and it would not surprise any body but themselves if their pre , dietions should sometimes prove correct Men viliek are conatantlY guessingat results, must ne cessarily sometimes bit, because they guess every way, and iflhere is any result at all, 'they mutt - occasionally be on the right Bide. It should, however, be noticei,that in view of the present prosperity of the country, the Whig prophets, kind souls, have agreed to postpone their ruin ' thunder until some time in the fall of 1848. They expect by that time a wind fall of some kind, either a triumph of their party in Mexico, un der Generals Corwin and Webster, or a famine iu otwown country. One of these must take place or they will be rained themselves. • Proclainiing their Alms before Men! 'The Telegraph of yesterday contains the follow ing brilliant effusion from its. editor's pen : • Our Governor.—At a meeting, in Eellefonte, for the•rellef of the starving Irish, Gen. JAMES lavry, . our next . Governor, contribUted three hundred bar. rib: of flour. Contrast this noble generosity with the conduct or the Tories in Congress, by which a Bill 'offered by a Whig Senator, giving 500,000 to the, relief of the starving Irish, was killed in the Blouse. That is decidedly the coolest thing of the - kind we have come acrois for many days. It may be all true that the Tax-on-Tea-and-Coffee-Candidate for Governor did contribute 300 barrels of dour for the relief of the poor of Ireland; but is that isola ted'act of charity to be used by himself and his political friends for the purpose of catching votes atthe next gubernatorial election? The good book says we should not prOclaim our alms before men, Mar let one hand know what the other doeth; but - such is not the course pursuedby our opponents's"... Gen. Livia is said to be a very wealthy man, and that wealth has been chiefly accumulated through • the aid of the protective tariff laws passed by Con gress. For some imaginary service he has render ed his party, he is nominated as their candidate fbr Governor. Out of his princely fortune he gives one drop to keep his fellow beluga from death by star ' vation. He immediately proclaims his charity on qta house tops, and endeavors to use that act for the - purpose of covering a multitude of. political sins. We have no fault,to find with Gen. Invis by reason of this contribution—other men gave as . well as he, according to their -means; but we khow of no other perion who is turning his char _ ity to political accourft., We do not know the amo int contributed to the relief of Ireland by Governor Sauna., neither•shall we inquire. He Mei , have given a dollar or a thousand dollars. He is a poor man; but we believe his heart is as rich es it is honest and pure. For every dollar given by Gov. Saexs, Gen. - I - stele is able to give five hun dred dollars. Those who know the means of both men, will not doubt this. to the defeat of the $500,000 appropriation ' bill in Congress, 'we shall enter into - nci 'Enntro- ...versy with editcns ,i ha. are devoid of candor as they-ere of -political honesty. That measure had , nothing to, do with party ,politiis. Those who 01 ii c *,the'passage of the bill for the relief of Ire. land v dona so solely - on account of its unconstitm tionality, and they did not think it justifiable to - • the oaths they had taken to support the Constitution of the United Stites. The editor-of ... . 1 , i.'.• . !.: . ••••••' . I'L.I-!.'.4'" ' MEE e: "I . • .''',..‘; 'i'''','. : T. - ,7.,, , , ' ; ' ,.7' 7 .' , •,.:,''i'; • -•,•••• - GOVER,bIOA, .. - '' - -i..' , " . ..-.." -- ''' ' ~- -,:' ' )::::: 'A'.' ..-•:'.1t:'" -... • - =Me ~~ --..=r._~_ v~~.~.j....._~.._. the Telegraph IS If Very learned-man. • His politi, cal astiftenesti•-is only excelled by his s tirofound le gal acquirements. .HOw, ivili he be so good as to answer these questions categorically: Congress the constitutional power to pass an act ap - proPriating $500,000 for the relief of the . poor of Ireirincf? - ' If yea, in• what pail of the Constitution can the'clatia, be found granting that rower? If no such authority /El given by the Constitu tion, would it he right for Congress to pass the bill alludedlol . • If the act would be unconstitutional, is it honest for federal eilifora to endeavor to make political capital out of its defeat? NP\ Do - you think people give you credit for being ' an honest political editor? Correspink4esice . vf the'Morning Polk Metter • Hannisannon, March 1?.. In the Senate the act ieleasing book accounts IrOiri-tmcatioMpassed second .reading. The act permitting trticorfaiiiitionS:Ofr - the city ..andeounty ofk.Pbiladelphia ana:Allegbenylci sub . scribe stock to the Pennsylvania . Railinad, came up in cornmittee'iof the Whole. 111c..Gibbonsfinished his speech commenced on yesterday, and was fol lowed* Mr.; Crabb who spoke at some length in favor• of the hill. The amendment of Mr. John son was lost by one rote. Mr. Crabb fhen offered an amendment to come in as a proviso, that no certificate of, loan shall be issued of any amount lesi than one hundred dollars, which was agrecil to and the bill passed through committee of the whole. Mr. I%l' Abe offered a resolution that the time fixed for the Udjournmetit of the Legislature be ex tended to the tilst, inst., which was suffered to lay '• The art abolishing the Mayor's Cont, di the city of Lantaster, passed on final reading. The supplement to the act incorporating the Pittsburgti and R.dlroad Company, passed through committee of the whole. In the afternoon session of the Bourse, an ,at tempt was-made to pass the act incorporating the Merchants and People's Transportation Company by a majority of tWo thirds, but It fortunately failed, the democratic members sustaining the veto of the Governor. The bill erecting the new county of Sullivan 'passed finally; also the act incorporating the bo rough of Reading into a city. The afterhoon session in the Senate was devoted entirely to the consideration of private bills. The Hon. James Buchanan is here at present on a visit. He is stopping at Buehler's. and will re. main until Monday next. Ile looks remarkably ',well, and is as lively and cheerful as if but yet in the spring time of life. He spends a couple of hours every day in the Capital, and is as a matter of course,the centre of attraction. The,llon.. Simon Cameron is also a regular vi. - ter.in the house. As a private roan I like him very much. Mr. Wilmot bus alto been here' for several days. KARL. &Dolor Benton. The follpwring is the eorresporidence between Col. Benton and President Polk: We noticed the declinarioo of Col. B. already. The correspond. ence will enlighten our readers as to the motives. NG TON CITY, MaTCII 10. 1817 Sin :'Please to receive,' as a mark of my spect, a copy of the following letters, which es . plain the Circumstances under which I decline to accept the appointment of major general in the army. Respectfully. sir, Your obedient .servant, TtioNiAs H. 13F.NTON. of the U. S. 'Senate. To the iilon. Mr W AEU INGTON FITT, March 6, 1547 eta: Without fivaiting for the formality of being presented; with the commission of maior general in the army of the United States, I think it right, to inform you at once that thy acceptance, or re fusal, of thathigh appointment will depend en. tirely t.pian public and national considerations, at which yciu. yourself, will be the judge. Person ally. I can have no wish for this: office ; but it you believe that I can be of service to the, country, I am willing to forego all private consiaerations— separate myself from my family, under painful circumstances; resign my place in the Senate, which isao dear to me—and proceed immediately to the theatre of war. My only stipulation would be for the powers which I deem necessary to suc cess; and these would be both military and dila°. matic—the command* the army, and authority to sign Preliminaries of peace, based upon terms previously approved by you. I beg you to believe, sir, that nothing selfish, or peronal, dictates this proposed stipulation. These is no such thing in it. It proceeds from a thor ough conviction that, with a subordinate com mand. I Could do no good in the army on the contrary, that my, presence there would be impro.: kilier and Mischievous; for I am known, from my' public speeches, to disapprove theplans, both of the !late; and of the present commander—(tlle defensive policy of one, and the San Juan of Ulua attack of the other)—and this beino ' known. my presence would operate as an implied censure on the tWo generals, and might make me. in spite of myself, the nucleus of discontent and insubor dination. The command of the army. therefore, is the only military position which I could bold iu it. Authority to conclude a peace, or at least to sign the pteliminaries of peace. I deem highly es sential to success, as it would enable the cornman der-in-chief to take instant advantage of all pass• itig events, military or political, to close the war. Furnished with these powers, I am willing to make the sacrifices, and to incur the responsibilities of this high command: but I lease it to you, sir, for your free and final decision ; considering it 'as national question, and a new one, on which there is no commitment, on either side,- anything that has passed. Whatever may be the decision, my thanks and gratitude will not be the less to you for your un-, solicited nomination of me to this high appoint ment, nor to the Senate fur its instant and unani mous confirmation of it, nor the Ilouse of Repre sentatives for its three times virtual election of me! to be the commander-in chief of the army in Mexico', Respectfully, sir, Your friend and fellow citizen, THOMAS H. BEN lON To TOL rIIESID.LNT WAIMINGTON CITY., March 9, 1847 Sln : I have given to your' letter of the oth in stant, the consideration which its importance de mands.. In tendering to you the appointment of major general in the army, I earnestly desired that the country should hate the advantage of your conceded ability and military knowledge, your in. timate ;acquaintance with the :Mexican character, and your familiarity with their language and pó litical condition. ImMediately after your nomination as major general had been unanimously confirmed y the Senitte,!l carefully examined the question,-kvbeth erl poSsessed to designate you—a junior major general—tQ the chief command of the army in the field. The result of thi§ examination is, Farr constrained to say, a settled conviction on my Mind, that such powers has not been conferred up on me 'by the existing laws. am fully sensible of the exalted patriotism which could alone hen induced you to make the personal sacrifices to %%Mich you would le subject ed, in assuming even the chief command or the ar my in Mexico; and / duly appreciate 'the 'reasons yon hive assigned, and which may, I'fear, prevent you frdm accepting your appointment idt major • - . -t • --------74 " , :tv -14, -4* - 0„-k,. , -- .z;4o* -,, ,, , ..‘.. -4 %.4.,- . + • , i '--s--,---,---,:-.7-4•;.,r;:ft.".4747.7,7i*,-,11.i--7,7-.:~:,,Y.ti.417-4iir-:,„;:Af;.'4.w.7-.f:tvg*--4.4 ','-,''. ,-;:::-• _ .., .i'.. .......; .: '' " , r. , .• .- - ....:-.;,:.., - , - ; '::l,"',:i;:J .. i4' - ..'J . 1' , ... , 1:. -, , ....',i-,!.:1...,-45-,,•,,_.'_,..:.7;,1-4.': <-<,_: ,'-[ F . . ... . .. ~ ...., • .. ,„,.._•• . ...'i: ... , ' . ."' - ' ,- , , ,.-y , t-; - , ff•.,--,':.-. ,:-.,.. ' !, '•: -. ... , .' 1 .':. , .. ,. ...•':••••••::.',",; - :::- .;:.S.`Ci.4'.:;;''; - .i.:.; , ',', , ; , ;; . . , .:•:';:fj.''' , ..- ...... .. „..., ,W7M general: Kiin further, reflection, such your decision, I shall learn it Witlisleep regret. l am, sir, with high coniideration, very respect- fully, your obedient servadt, • 4 - ; To Major oeaerat tskoimi Pr.rrroy, Nash ingtoil City )Vilutrscioz, Tczatiar.Estixa, March V, 18+7, , . . , Sin::" of this-day's. date is just re ceivedi and seeing no reason for further reflection,l arid' Wishing to avoid all delay in officering thei army, I have written a note , to the.adjutent gen- mil to be delivered at his office in the Morning, declining to accept the appointment of major gen eral in the army, so kindly .offered to me'by,you, and so honorably confirmed by the Senate. - I have the honor to bh, sir, with great 'respect, your friend-and fellow citizen, THOMAS. ff. BENTON. To rat PIIEBIDENT. O:7.We are the progressive party.—Post. 'Yes, pro-gressiug bad -wards though, crab lash on:---Telegraph. The•editor of the Telegraph was three daps and four mights in labor with-the above'piixious bant ling, and now that it isliorn, there is not.a-woiii of troth in it. - - Upon what measure or principle have the dern ocrets dabbed? LOCAL MATTERS. 'DISTRICT COURT.--MAnce 25, TS:I7. ' DEPOBE JODOE I.IIWICTE. Edward Jones vs John Clark. Assault and bat tery. Mahon for plaintiff; Shaler for defendant. Verdict for plaint/la-W. A jury was empannelled in the case of Eiline stork vsCity of Pittsbrfigh; and 'some - progress made in the testimony. It wilt be resumed and firotahly go to the jury to-day. WALL PAPER. The manufacture of MPH Paper is 'carried on I very extensively in HUT:city at present. Welast ' week, by invitation, acceMpanied our friend SA*. Vat C. lIILL, of the firM,of Hill & Browne, to via. it their Wall Paper manufactory, :situated in the Fifth - Ward, near the. Caritil,:and fronting Leech's [ warehouse. They occupy - the large building for merly known as Peppard's steam mill, four stories high, where they emply some 1:1.or 14 perms in their line of business. On the first floor they have .1, small steam engine in operation, where the pa , per undergoes a steaming and glazing process, pre paratory to its being - printed. In this story also. the lisiuirl coloring is prepared. On the second 1 floor a number[of Men and boys ore employed in printing. This room is really well worthy of a I visit from the curious who have leisure. Impres• sious are thrown off nearly as fast as newspaper im pressions are made in.a printing office, and much in the same manner. For every color there is a distinct pattern. The patterns are beautifully en : graved on blocks of ,svoed. The third story is principally occupied as a drying room, and in the I Ifourth the wide paper for window blinds is prepa red. The Warehouse of - Messrs. HILL & 811-OWSEi ' 1 is on Wood ptreaVbefwveci Fourth and Diamond' alley, where those who may not find time to ' visit the manufactory, can ace • tl4 rich and splendid varieties of wall paper manufactured by them. The ueautiful wall paper in the Mononga hela House, which attracts the attention of all I those who visit that grand establishment; was pro I cured from Messrs. Hitt & Bautvxn. and in fact'. we are told the most of it was manufactured by these gentlemen. M'e take great pleasure in ic• commending Messrs 11. & B. to the patronage of oar friends abroad who may come to the city to re make purchases. . Theatre.—On Saturday et ening there was a very good pit; boxes fair, considering all things. The Honey Moon was well performed. Last evening the Stranger, albeit it is what they call a worn out piece, drew a respectable house. The Independents have been engaged by Mana ger Porter to keep order, and they are determined to do it. Any person whn wants to be carried out in less time titan it takes him to get. in, has only to make a little noise any evening he may deem suitable. ocr A child was " found missmr4" one day 'last week by a good mather . up town. The hell was brought into requisition, the dreadful notes of which stirred up the sympathy of the neighbor hood, while the lady:hersell chimed in most fran tically. This lasted for some time—say an hour —when the poor little dear was seen emerging from beneath a bed where it had been tight asleep -All's well that ends well." Lertures ort Physiology.—Prof. Morrill comtnen ces a course of lectures on next Friday evening, in Pluto Hall, oil Physiology. This gentleman has been lecturing before large audiences in Alle gheny city, and has there' ained much popularity. We do not doubt his success on this side of the Last night Mr. qidilon delivertil the last Lecture of the Course, to a ‘ery beautiful audi ence. Mr. G. is much delighted with his reception in this city; and so far as we can judge. our citi zens are mightily pleased with him. He has made many warm friends here during his shun stay among ua pA man named Scott; a countryman, we arc told, was taken from the street in the Fifth Wald. un Sunday night, while laboring tinder that dread ful malady, mania potu. He was will dressed: and was in possession of a con,iderable stun o: money. Ile has been sent to his lanidy. a E y. The people of Allegeny city have PCITICit stratcd against the law authorizing the bridge company to extend the abutment of the bridge far !her into the river, so that Durpitione Way may run over said abutment. They say it will injure many of the property holders on both sides. Thal Rarv.-r=Six persons who were engaged in the row on Saturday night were yesterday in jail The constables were in hut pursuit of another it is hoped that those who join in sprees to the in jury of persons and property may be' ininished for their misdieds. —Four of the above individuals have since been released on bait. a3•The Viennoise children remain at the Park for another week, and then depart for the South and West.--Bait. Rep. Are they engaged for Pittsburgh? Will Mana ger Porter enlighten us? azy. We saw our friend Richardson; the Coronor, the other day. He looked very grim, and com plained of hard times in his line of business. We are sorry that we cannot wish him better luck. Lot for a Hospital wnntcd.—The committe will receive propoials until the Ist of April for the sale of a lot for the Hospital. Property holders are re ferred to the advertisement: cc? Mlle Rachel is having a tragedy. written for her, by Mans. Ponsard, on the story of 4 Lot's Wife." It will be a salty affair. We bad snow yesteiday morning, but never a sleigh. 'The day was cold. pjThe German Dramatic company performed again last evening to an excelleßt audience. , '' . i , ,:t - .4 .4F.;' .. . Z . 1 •• • , ,-: . ,;:,- ,,, •f :i j,..., :;.',4-.t. ro!4-f tivJo:t4:rivi,Plreke9:l,Trz.l.9 BY ELECTIP M;£9IaPH Wasitirtyroa,..Msnca 15,_1847. .Monday l 3 o'clock PAIL We have nothing South of Augilstsi ' Cel Cuiptujelis, who received the appointment Of.Major , Gepiral- with 'Cohjfontoti, has;: also de• CO-At the conclusion of the Lecture delivered I a by Dr. H. E. Mon onFihjSiolpgy and Anatomy, i in the Lecture room-`of Pressly's Church, on Saturday evening last,theaudinnee. present, com posed or ladies and_ gentleman, organized them selves into ; a -meelindbyerillin6i -liev./.Dr. Elliott to the chair, quill appointing H. P. Schwartz. Sec- retary. When the folloseing preamble and . resolutions! offered by T. H. itrCOnriel, Esg., were. titianimou . ly adopted. ' . -, • - ' ' IV/areas.: We have listened' with-gratification and much profit to Dr: MdriiiPs'ecritiSe of popular Lectures - on. the Anatomy and PhySiolOgy r of lhe human body, therefore, .; . . Brsoierd; That., we tender to him our sincere thanks not Only for the intellectual entertainment afforded, but. for the. benefit done to the cause of science and humanity, .biliesing that the general (Hs-sett - titration of correct information upon 'the structure and 'physiological laws of our frame,. so " fearfully and wonderfully made," will tend 0ct... 4 son . greatly the amount of human Suffering;ao de-1 lis'er the community from the fleptqations„ on life 1 I and purse by empysics who often 'arc pOssessed of less information on these toPiCs 'than may be: ac quired by any one.who attentively listent to Dr. Blorrilla 'course. itcso?etrd. Thai We 'ClieerfollY commend Dr. Mor-1 rill to the kind 'attention of every community he may visit, as a gentleman, ancloquent and accen. plisbed lecturer. .I , . It was, on motion, &wired, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be ceinmunicated to Dr. Morrill, and that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the newspapers of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. u , . 1) ..ELL101"1; .Ch'n. h. P. SCHIVAUTZ, Sec'y. 1111egherzy, March 1.15, 15.17. On *Matday morning, March 15, Avoysti, daughter of Lewis thrcnn i aled nine years. The funeral will take 'place this afternoon, .at 2 froh the residence, , Webster stfeet. Tht friends of the family are invited to attend. PiTTSIItIiGLI Tfl ATICE. MAtfAatit," STAGS 'b./AMAGER, raivATT. costs $5 ; sttrutx. Treat:Ts 75.ets. Dress Circle, tiO cents.l Second lids, 311 cents. Tit, 2 4. j 5 *Gallery, TIIIRD NIGrITOF THE SEASON Tatei,dity Evening, Disareh Will be performed the Comedy, in three acts, of the SOLDE.R'S DAUGHTER. Gov. irenrtall... Widow Chet rlva, After the Contedy; . Miss ltiatests, Lewis will dance LA CACIEIiCA To conclude with the grand Military ‘ Drama or the rrtENcu SPY. Cul. Do Conrcy if athiltle, Henri St. Alme, IlameL Carainanly.) Doors to open at GI, curtain will rise at past 7. The Baa oillee will be open daily limn 10 o'clock A. 1%1., to 1, P. Al ,and front' 2 to 5, P. 51., arbtre any number ot seats may Imo secore 1. _ POPC:LAR .PHYSIOI.OfirT. RoF. Mv.IIIIfLL wou:d: respectfully announce that he will CooirntieCe a course of Lectures op me general principles orPhysiotogy, as applied to the Prevention if Disease,' and the Preservation of Health, at Primo . 11ALL 0/1 Friday Ecrning", March ' at 71 &cluck. •Tiveite Lectures' will be illustrated by numerous large Paintings, Dingranis, a beautiful Skeleton, splendid Models, &c., sO as to render the various subjects treated of readile u tiderst uodi The Course will consist of 10 Lectures* and will be delivered on Idoniliry and Turaday,Thursday, and Friday evenings of each week. IKT - For the subjects of 4cach Lecture, and further particulars,see Programmes; TERMS for the Course—Gentlemene single Ticket, $1,1501 double ticket, (admitting a gentleman and La- , tly,) $2;50. Single admission, fur 09e evening, 25 cents; Juveniles, 10 cents. • Ttoccvs, with Program Mes for sale at theylook store oi' Kay 4- Co, Wood st; :Johnston ana Stockton, Ind Elliott & English, Market it.; J. L. Read, and.at Cook's • Literary depot, 4tli . stl and at the dour of Philo Ball, on the evenings of each Lectire. - rnarl6-dtf Chthlrenis kossey Shoes, At No. 8, Fifth Street. bert assortment df Children's , Shoee, ever I offered in the env, (of his own make,) all sizes and Colon at No. 8, Fifth street. Call and look at th.m. (marls-030 . , S. KEYS.' Spring and Finminter Shope CI AITERS and.half Gaite'rs and all kill& of Ladies jr fine ‘vork; kept i n hand and made to order Lt No. 8, 4 ifdt srreet. LatlieS ark particularly rcques ted to.call and examine his tlaiters, half Gaiters and Fancy Shoes. tmarl6-d3t) S. KEYS. E X C it IV CI ma ON NEI,' Vona, Plitimictrut A, 'and RSLTtwfolty kj ler sa:e in stuns to suit purchasers. Iit:LMKS & SON, marlG tf Eachlnge Prokers, Nu. 55 Maiket at, „ eOLLEC4IONS --- N CINCINNATI, LouieviihN ,St. Lonisi and all O acedssable points in the United States, made promptly, and upon the romest terms by N, HOLMES & SON, .1 ., 'N0.55, Market at. multi der . . glee' acrd 11,:itittfuretory. 9 , 11 E subscribers having enlarged their establish. I meet for the manullacthre or Steel and Files— on the corner of (Pliers and Liberty , . streets/Ina Ward, Pimburgli , - ,, are prepared to furnish. files or es ery descr.ptlon, oldie best quality; and bniog de tornuard to utak e it th , interest of consumers to pu ch *se ties frost, them —respectihily invite the patron age of all who use the article, marlG- J. ANKIITNI & CO. Aviusioe. • PHOPOSAT.S will be recMved until the let day or April, 1847, t it the sale ofa Lot aground, eon- Luning not less limn one and a half acres; or more than seven acres, situate not More than two miles Frail. the New Court House, and suitable for a Hos pital. proposition will contain a brieCilescrip tion of the size and location of the Lot as well us the price and terms: Proposals may bo addressed, i - mt.-paid, to the Chairman or any member ofCommittee. . - THOMAS BAKEW ELL, Chairman. committet--Jchn Graham, John lid Shoneberger, Wm. Lorimer, E. D. Gianni, T. M. Howe, E. N. Count. • marl6-dtapl - - Removal. 1:71.R. ROBERT Stil' DER; has removed his office JU to Fourth street, between %Vogul and Smithfield sta r next door to Rody Patterson's Livery Stable. W. W. Wllson, CORNER of Fourth and' Market street, has now on hand a splendid assortment of Gold and Sil ver Watches, of variouiPitterimandqualities suite, ble for all uses, and at prices as low as cau be had in New York. Also, a large and well selected stock of fine Jewelry, Silver'Wa re, Lamps, Military and Fan cy Goods. A superior stock: of Gold Pens and Pis tols. -Watch and Crock repairing done in the beet manlier, Jeo•elr made and repaired to order. mrl.s Coparliciership. TOSEPII H. HlLL,late (tithe firm of Wm.A. Hill & Co., and WM. C. CUitltY, late of Erie, Pa., have enteredinto copartnership under the name rvf Hill & Curry, the purpose oicarrying on the flanking and Exchange busines in all its brandies, at N 0.65, Wood it., three doors , below. -Fourth, where they solicit the custom of-theirfriends.and the pub iic generally. HILL, mrls-ti : WM. C. CURRY. 'flaxOsii 300 n Lbs. :Hams, eiry cures; . , 1 .../ 1,500 lbs. Shoulders ~, do;- - For sale by. - . P. C. 'MARTIN, mita • - : .11 . . . ._ .. 60.1,Y. - atcrieti . .a 4 ;,. - i . . , _• - ,."• - i - :, , f:'':::' , -,':-1 - ..i,::: . ',: -, .' , ?'..ii-i. -_...-_„ ; ..,',;i,, , ..:;:i..,...,._,, , ?; , , , 1 , . , r -!--,,(,,,,:r'.„•:-.-;..-:,,- ......j - -.„ - !.. 4 '.4 ,- ..,:v - : •:•' ,-,. 1 , ' . :::• '4,-;::::::::1:. --I'' 'Lite orrisitteiir' Ih^g REMAINING in the Pe - st Otrree at Pittsburgh, m az ah Ifi t h, 1847, -'Persoio4lling for letters Nhose names are on this List, will please any they A Aber Wt . '...-'.-' __., Allivin Thornas H-- . Adams AMY Elleti -.Alexander Samliß-„ Airiswoitli-E S', -, '. ' - - -,Alward--_ - Jani; -: • -- ' Adams Magdacens„ ~ - AlexanderA9L_. . -,-', -.-'• Adams Ann -.. , , ''.. - Antler,iii . ri William \ - Abell E.meline.: Anderson W C Aird John --,-;,'" Aniliews J M Adams Mile . Austin Richard Adams JOhn - An,gill'Jarnes B ---- - 1 " Addis-J- A:rAnde r son William , - . , Agent-Eltzabeth - rnrs r Arcs George Adams_Eliza mrs . ~ Armstrong. Elizabeth ...-,..' Alexande4Elizabetlirms Aind David ' . _ Allison noch ... , , Arlmyer Peter Algeo Robert , Ashworth Mary Alexander.B W ' Austin WE- . . _2' Alvonl G. G Atkinson- Henry Balsley Samuel Boyle Owen . Bailey RObert Boyd - John,C _ Bailey 'Jane ' 2 13othner Martha A BackensiLE' ,' Bereland Mary Ann Bailey' Mary Ann mrs 'Bond A . Barton Samuel' Bonner William . Barclay Andrew W Boyle,Williams Barnett Charles- . Bosh BF Barrick I.eonard • Brown Thomas' A Bassett mr - Brown Joseph - . • • Batighm6n Jonah Brown Samuel Baw EI. w • : Bron Johti-A , ..,.. Barber Adam ' Brown Sarah' Jane Bardlay lt George - ' .13toWn William i Barns aria Brown Henry . Barclay l William Brown Jobri A Bauman Reuben F BroWn Themas Doctor Barclayl E - .11ryint William - • Beall Charles S . Brawdy 'Josiah M Beni Hugh Bradley Emiline E Beck Simpson Bradshaw John ~ Beach Allred Brawily Josiah 31 - Beans A. J ' , Brady Hugh Beck Illizaileth Bruskeur intrepid 31 Beau m . r Bryan W F Mabee Elizabeth Bracken James 13etran Mary Ann mrs 13raufr Alfred Blessing . - Jacob Brooks Ellen W Blaktly Robert F Bramble, Blake& Co' Blake Henry D Brindell Marion Birch Thomas S Bryant William Ihirckatoarine Briggs John Blythe 1) G Bucher Milton Blabchard Israel - Burris Andrew Blevinl Alfred Bisznon Lewis Black:Vary E 1' Burgans airs . Black jessee _Barton Isaac • black , Jon_ , . Butler J H Berard Robert Butler Charles $ 13onnell William - Burbage lessee Bollinghouser George Byers James Botsford SamUel N Burgaw Mary Aim Dowerjl A Rev Byrue...l3' I t Donner William . . ... S. Potertit. - NV. M. Fostra Mn. PORTED. Mns. Lnwts Ma. £O.-rm Lr.wis j -;: 'f ;... { 1 - Galtroun Thomas Collins 3 L Callan James Collins Sarah H Cable William Collier ED Calhorn John Connelly E - G S trila Cassia ay Thomas , ComelUs W 1-1 5 Carmen Elizabeth Cook Maria - L miss Carr Robert f Conner Ann Canic i ron David A _ Conner James ~ Cava4agli John - Couley'ThoinasS Camp Henry Conrtney henry - Cameran L 0 2 Conner... James Caibers Sarah CenviverJOhn- CarriPbell Sarah A - Coyle Nancy - CamPbell R 2 Covenheven E Anti 2 Cumlibell and Hughes . Cook Charles - CamPliall Cyrut - - CoirtneY Newton Chen .1 3. John - - , Corns George Cher y Thomal •. , . rook Joseph - ' Char Jane mrs Corey J 2 Clark John F .. . . Conily 'Charles. Clark Ilann-;la Crawford Jelin Cil rn eri S • -- Crauer F B Coe rane John 2 ' Cranston Alexander Cooper Daniel II - ;:ranston Williatti Cooper \Vot , Crandall Theodore Collhis Thomas. .Craig G Robert Colter James -Crosby Pearson •. . Coll us Charles Crawford Coll4ss Mary - Crisoell Wll . • ColiLer Frederick Curran William Cohort jun - Joseph 2 Cummins Henry . Cummins Samuel ' ---- - Day Margaret Jane Drinouthoo Michael Day W S 2 Donaghoo Patrick Dalin Edwin Donaghoo Wm Davyaon Siinpsori Dougherty. James. - Dann lluldahJ miss Dom:eel). Gracey • Dailis Lewis Dougherty Wallet' Dav is. Harvey • - Donovan Robert DaNti's zliadraCh DonghertY Grace 'Day.iS Sarah Doialin , Stephen Debra Brission . Douglass John Deaver Alex . andet Donovan Abigal Devlin Mary Elizabeth Donovan Michael Del'ian Geor g e -M - 2 Dobbins Elizi W r Dean Sanniel Capt Dtak.e NI - alibi:it Deng Frederick' Dfavoe Peter 1 . Denniion - BarelayAr ' Drake Jacob , . .. DeisWM Dugan Margaret De mis W P . Durborald Mary. 'nut DeVol T Capt Dunn T B Deiax P S Duilseth James Di il ged a y Jacob - Dungan - A bap il - Di Mr Darborow A I Dingee C A W Dunlop George Di icon Julia A Donn J B - - Dickson Julia A - Dyer-William - I.4vine James , Diirmin Charles" 0-lon John Duke Milton E , Ers i ken Wiliam Elliott Joseph . . Eaituis Nancy Elder Basel T Eckman Henry . Espy Willliam _ Lbersoll Abraham Evans , Joseph Fa{ton William Evans Anna 1 F Fai t. rbuni William , ' Forsyth & Baket Fp l uecit Isabella irks FOrsyth & Dane= Ferguson Margaret Ford Thomas Fe guson S H Foster.jolin - E Fe-guson Samuel Found J uhn Samuel Flantiegan'Jony miss French Sarah - Field G G Ilery - Friedle Joseph Fitzpatrick Joseph Freeman Nancy FiSher F A Frithey F A Fliiiiiiegan John . Frances Mary ,A Flinn 1-.A.vard - Fuller W U. Vtisier John _ Gallagher'Thomas Gotschell John G } tge Hiram Godin Lewis Galbraith Martha G o ff J o h n Getty -J J - • Golf Milton B Glinlener Thomas Gould J Gitr&ner George sea Grazier Jane Gliereit David Gregg James Olchrist R C Green Wm W H Gratis t-enica Gilchrist C R Green James Gillespy Thomas Grant John Gibson Thomas Gracy James Gibson Wm Green Matthew Gilchrist John '.'irouxer Alotolena miss Gibson Allred A , Green Isaac T Gillespy Lucy Grant James A Gillis mrs Gregg James J Lieut Glenn Wm GraCam E C Glenn Harriett Graham Catharine Glenn Timothy Gray'Daniel Glass George • Guthrie 1 H Hall Sarah Ann . Herriott James Haney John Ileisson Arin Halstead James _Herron mrs. C Hammond 'William llerroy Ford • . Heimann Sainuel Herr Anna mrs Harmer Daniel Henly Catharine Halerocker Joseph Hearte Adam Hampton John - Herron James E Harnes J W Herbst Capt Harrey Elizabeth Trips' Hill Robert - Hammett H W Hickey John Haney Henry B Ilill John' Hague Hague Richard Ilisoi" Amanda miss Bane} John Ilippert George Hart rhosS Capt 2 Higgens James C : Ham G'en 11 2 Eines Elizabeth ' Hartley George, 2 Hill Jake ,' Harman Nancy-- Huffman Andrew Harden James , 2 Holmes James P Harrison Elizabeth - -Hoag Charlotte E - Hershman John T - ' Hoek Simon Hern , eAl:llll ' Tfailbr John' • - :1' , ... , ,•&54: , . - ,' . 1..% , :1.::i.. :':',„';'.::--fe...k-,;:::'..f.:,:t.-1,: =NNE , I MID ' o star anny -,.... --' lit.l4o7:Titiztwpstur . 2 Hoge Mr litivile Otis' ''• • ' Howard Emily iHarrtsorl J G.:... . Hessler Ann ;Harris Geo* ; .. Horn Joseph klarriscni Charleg Horn Leiter M". HitreeTiniet '-', Hunter William flissleteJatries Hultz John • •,iiislett Ambrol c Hughes Thomas . Histein :la— .- Hussey GSi C Hyatt Eli -. Busier David E Huller Rineholt .Hunter Robert• - Hutchison Thomas Hutchison John Hushes Robert Haus& Peter Hastings Mury Hawk Maria L Hatton-Daniel Hay John Hay. Ephraim Herrittoftle Amos Irwin /ernes Irwin Ann Irwin John .A Irwin Ann R. Irb Joseph. B Irwin MT IrwittNathaniel • Inglea John • Ingram J P Irwin F • Israel John • 'Jackson Joseph - . - Johnson Lewis Jackson Charles Johnson David Jonah John . I Johnsion A Parker Jovnn Charles Jones David Jennings Richhid Jones Martha. Jenkins 'Miry . Jones Joseph Jeffries 'Margaret miss Jones David 0 Johnson• David R • "Jones Miry Ann Johnson Mary' • Jones Evan W' • Johnson 'Davis Jones David U Kennedy Rrtn. ' Kerr Samuel Keller Joseph..W Kerr Sarah Miss Kahler Rebecca Knigh George W Kettler Joseph Knox Matthew X Kelly Hugh Kussick Moses Kelly John , c 7, Kisser Henry Kerr WC- Klinefelter John . Kelley Webster - 2 .Knoic Catharine Kerr D F . Kimberlin Joseph Kincaid btarpret.miss Kunkle Wm Klaussen Charles! 2 Kurtz George F Lombardes Mary LittliJane miss Sand 8 IH . F.mra Lindsey Robert • La Orange Jacob C' Lightner J W Lambie Annie um Liuhart Solomon Lamborn George Luckett Elizabeth Latshaw James 11 Long Geogre Landes Joseph, Lyod Reece Laumere Riabirt Lockhart John Laille Charles 2 Long J Henry Luce Z C Lyons George Lewis Samuel 'C Long Robert G Leonard James H- . Long Alexander Levy 1) C. Lompieloho P • Leaper Edward • Lockhart Robert Lewis Edward'. 2 .. Lynch Matt' inns Leonard' Samacl ong Hugh B Lewis Wll ; Lowry Joseph S Lincolm H mix • • Lynch Thames Lipton Robert • • - :Logan Archibald Lister Peter . • ", Lloyd John Little E Maltarit .: ' Logan N J Lillie John 11 ... ..• ;;. Mackey Wm. . Morry Jacob 13 Mathew Martha A miss Miller Rebecca R Macky Wm Moorhead James Mann. Maiy Morton Rachel mrs Mace" . IMosgrore Robert Wartha tr..Wocia • Morey George • Mattbewsifingh if Morris Andrew- Macklin IA T •Alorre-Joha • Masterson Patrick Moore W Margins Sartruel Morrison Jessee Macky Thotnii tlorrischt \s ilkam Morriion Ma'rlatt Gideon .MorrOviLoilisa T Marks Wm Den • .5 . 1 orb Son • • Sannfci Motley Edwin!' . John ' biolloy JOlni - • ' Along-1)10mi .Moyers Samuel." Morgan fargafet• Maley Paniet . • ' Morgan G C • .• Nlonrue Margaret Morris F . ; M Bride Isabe.ll* P 'Arra/land Lenii Tilmnas. • . Fatima' :Reheat • NI Cawley John Farland John • 'M'Anutty John . ..111'HeeWO . }['Bride A :1111:GairP : Itl'Mleir Ann Irliettry'Keney, Affee Owen • /11'.Ginnis•Wna Jl Clelland Ellen Jane . 111"Ginly 1l• Ktralland John :„ 11'Clelland Mary: • ..14•Ffarlantl,Levi -• Satlinel • 14:Graw•William X , .M'Cullough tilTsrlantl Joseph AI ClellanctJathei SEGfecir'W, . Joseph;.,:3l Cidlougli 211.16wn Jamei Me.ullOugh,JatiseS.: si‘tcaki P M'Clusky Alaniis ' 2 '24lllwitine David . . - M*Closky Ann • 11 lnryre,Williatb- Itl'Cash•Jansei, MVO • M'Cleei Ellis p 2 IttlintHort.H . • Al'Elary . . • it! kee Da id - • . 31*Clintokk Robert - hi - Keever Robert Al•Candless Mr „ Kimsey .lames - M'Curty Elzaver Al*Kee Jeremiah M - Carrun'Cliarles Al'Kee Robert M'Carte'S David 11"KeiLidia tniii M'Cutl Henry ittliargite Robert R • Dl'Clure Andrew M Crumb. ibrs W Ttiomus KLean M•Cut. bl . 4aine Alexander M'Ciibly A Mture William - ereartniek John .M•Lure Bohai B Al Ciinaughiy Hannah 'M lisown Mary 11 Cuteheou Mary A IWWilllatis Robert James 1)r 141*Veif I-1 ;Samuel Xl:leafy David M'Pbilleny EdWard at Donald Owen . KRoberts Jane At Donald Me ' • 1‘11"littl! Patrick ill'Dermott John' • Mllastifs )1 miss 11 Downey J • ' Vans Marshall Nebhull E . •Newton Thomas Neels Anit Neviton Nevi.myer godfrey NellJuttnAll •Johni Dr . • O'lloneratt,J Oakes Sar..th Jane Orandnrff F II O'Brien J T Patton Patrick Palmer Paltrier Robert Palmier Richard ' Page 'Vincent ' Patton W Paine Charles.,. Patterson F:veline W Parker Vt iltiam Patterson James • Patterson j G Patterson Mary Patterson John Pearson Jessee Penn William Penner Jeremiah S Pecco Agnes. Pennytnan W A. Quigley George Quick John Rat!gan Peter - • Ray Wm Ramsay David 0 Re. Irwin W Rea James Ramsay Abdill Ramaley J Rafferty B Rea James Reams Solomon Rynall Airgustus Reece Evan 1 - Reader Abraham - Rei'snyder W Rhoades E P ' Relgin John Retio Soloman' Rhodes James Reno Alfred D Aces. John . }~.~. .- MHO - itichewm - _ Reed 7LJ' • Reed wit gichardidn F I Richardson Hugh Reiter Jaeoh. • I Richards Lewis Rnnay John A Robinson W V Robinson James `. Robertson John as Rogers-John Rumsey B C t:. Ricbanls Wm -2 •' St Clair Elisisho . th miss Splome Wm Salt W Speer Win Sands Jamis V Stafford Fnmeis A Sands John • Stark Henry 4 Sands Caroline mrs Stets Thomas ' SandersOn Mary J miss-Steen: Margaret ' Scott Nancy,W miss •Sterling Wm H • ScottJ P ,• Stewart Samuek Scott W ' 'Stewart Susan • , Seatt Janiai'S'• ' 'Stewart 'Ramat/in' Scanlan Maurice . Stmirart John - Scully P Stewart Anna M Secbrist Adam - Smith cnr (Penn st) Sedlir Joseph - Smith Thomas N SeevEmantrel smith W • , •' , • Seiger Ann miss Smith Wm •, Seitz Christian Smith Jesse . Sewell John • Smith James ••'• '2 ' , •L • Sheaffer Emanuel ' - Smith George W Shallemide Loniia Smith Joseph') Shannon James . Smith A C - Sharp Thomas Smith Mary . Jana .mrs 400 ! • • - Shaw John - Snell Stephen D -r; ' , -- • Shaw Thomas Snodgrass James Dr • • . K w- • Shay Henry Snodgrass Jane miss Sheridan Wm or James Snodgrass Win • Sheckles mrs - • Snively Henry' Sheet° Lewis •Silyder mr (lint keeper).- Shelby Rachael. Eolomon Charles A - Shelor Peter - Sowers Wm• . • - '1 • •, ;*. • • Shire Abraham Spratt David • : : ,t• Shimp George Stephenson miss • Shipinard George . Stephenson Abraham ; Shoup Bridget miss , Stilley John B Simpson Jitues T Stillsy.lohn. • •-!* Sirwell Richard Jr Stiff A • g • Sipe Lydia mrs . Stockwell John W . ~„.; Skeen Wm - 2 Stone Win W „ - Skinner Louisa mrs Strong E D 2 Slacker Margaret mrs - StricklandJanals W 1 • list t Smithson George P Strader Ahoy K " • • • • Smithers John Sutton Hannah• .. ie.. ' Sparks James L Suitor Margaret ' • • • • Spencer Israel -- "; ' Swan Charles • • .1 , • -• Talley P C Rains - • Thompion Mary Crain Taylor 'Eliza" , ' Thompson'C miss • Taylor John C' , Ttizall John • ' Taylor Demist; • Tierny Catlin A 070 . . Taylor John- •. Tata E B . 2' Taylor MitfAint miss Townsend Eber Tharpe George.' Townsend E A Thayer Nancy' tnri s • - Tripolett Jackson Thomas John Tucker James Thompson Jane:min Tueker Sarah miss Thompson. James M DrTurtier Obadiah J Thompson Elizabeth mt. - Corner Ruth • - U . Upproaiawaiabeth "roni T Van Nicholls •Vidubillasos Vatlact!ift.loceph 2 V**. wickisli • • -.• • w - Molloy Mary • Alulherron'Johil• 'Murdock Matthew MuHuntley Timothy. Mulholland fatriet Myter Samuel • *lurily Murphy Denuii . M! •. • • Nelson Nathaniel Newton Charles Nichols Wm 'North James Nuby Moses Nieholi Henderson Nothing a•F 0 • ()rr James 04:roma Eelwiird ()Leary Jeremiah. Olney. Otns 013yrne: klichiel • Petcrifon Jana ..Peters Charles 'Penn iiirn . es Peterson Alin -Pinkerton air Phillips Wli Pinney John Pickett Alecbart 2 Phillips William Plaviey Joseph. 2 Phillips Mary E Potter Samuel Pop! Isaac . P Priee Harman Porter John Poorman•llugh W Quin Patrick Ring B I . Richey Robert P Riddle . W Richardson J • Richey.J Rendfust Henry : RieturAlson James Righter Clinton Richards Mary miss ..Itobbieties B Man Capt ••Roue W. W • - Renate RotrAhielia • .Roherts Charlotte tosi•Wre Roberts Eian Rev Rotob aeries-4r. ' Ross Serape! W MEESE . . Walker p9' • Woodburn & Stoops • • , Worley Mary E mu Walker Jos - eph B Wciods Charles • Wade James S Woods Robert Wanderly George ' Woods jamas • Ward Constance Wright Joseph::•_ . L... 7 Wardlarines S - Writer Mary . . V Rabecca _ Wynn Josiah : • ' Watt John . Wynn Major Watt David . Wynn`Henry .3 Watson 3lir , ery Wessell Mary mist' .4 Watson 9FI Wharton James - - Watson Josiah -Wherry A Waiymen G W.. White Walter R Weaver Jacob . -.Whiglaum G Weed Grman Whitfield lieory;" Weitzel! Jacob. G ..-Whitaker A M • Welsh Livingston Whitaker James, jr.:. Welshlhomas Whitasall .1 M Walls J.. T - ‘Vhitson N. H Welli John • : .WiTlinihs Thoitias Williamson. F.', . Williams liples Maria Wise. Philip . :-• . Ana Williaatsoh 1>; . •P Williams .Isaac . • Winfitirian F D' 2 4 :>;• ,- Wible Jolts , p#sei Wiley Wiley Jaines.. ,s Wilson Williartison Datid • • . Wilson Zachens • Wiley 31aiibs mini }.. ;'Wilson J . Wightsmui.l.R:mrit • Wilson Sarah B. *sr 19iekershans Inset • . 'Wilson Henry • Willey Win I • . ry 'Wilson Thomas Woad' 3atipti.S ' .Wooley Cm:4olol3re Wolle;t•Cagiarini. min Tairiell-Diiid . Young Young John • ' Young Robert A 2 Yobug IV 1 1 4 - Young,Jacnei ci 2 Young Martbi.,... Yoting ' I: • Zei,gler George W 4 HILIL.L .111ROVVRE, Sat to, Hoislaxiip Browns. atatsorecTuasais stab 'Neon:tat PAPER HANGINGS; No. 131 Wood Street. MBE inereariitig demand for American Paper has „L induced them to enlarge arid improve their Fac tory, and their facilities for manufacturing.are now equal to any in the eastern cities. Having adopted 'the eastern scale orprices, they take pleasure in m ilting their friends and dealers to examine their • itock f which is nowlirgertban :tarty former pelted, sad may be found as rollows French, American, Satin,. Glazed and Commas Paper Hangings; Gold, Veliet and tinitation Borders; Landscapes, Statutes and Fire-board Prints;. Curtain Paper, paid wide, plain green and frgod; Transparent Window Shades; . . Writing, Printing and Wrapping Paper, . . i t Bonnet Boards, 4.c. . . mar9-43m More gn. Coliq Pure Cog. Brandy; " Pale French do; " Rochelle do; ". H. Gin - dor Jamaica Spirits; 6" Scotch Whiskey; &c. &c. The a•,ove ligmrs are warranted . .pure in whole, half rind qunter pipes, part an tap, for sale in quaint.. tics to suit purchasers, by . 0 onsestio Liquors. • Old Peach ,Brandy; Doestic Brandy: W " • Rye m dske3; • . 'acetified Whiskey,. Domesiic Gin;. • Raw • . do. . • In whole and. hair' Bbls., and in quantities to nil purchasers, by , P. C. IitIART/Ns • ' marl 3 • cor of Smithßeld awl Front sts, Green Apples• 1 nn BARRELS Itomanite Apples, is good obi?. VA/ ping order; 39 Boxesdol 12 Ilb :ig - it do; 12 Abbe splendid • Newton Pipins, for sale by P.C. MARTIN, • car of Smithfield and Front stir.- • • .S. 0. 4Q Ws N. 0. Sugar, jolt reeeived and for tale by, marl 3 MILLER. & RICKETSON. CORN JACIN ` 7 OO Corn Jacks, for sale by marl 3 - MILLER ft RICICETSON. lITHITE FISH-70 le. in store and for wale bir V V znarl3 • bIILT.ER 4 RICKET§ON. 3iAII'ICERE Barrel s L— jn S tore No: 3 and ib 3, Large; safe by • marl 3 - " MILLER RICKETSON. PICKLED VERRING.;-30 Barrels Piiskled:Her ring or slorsirso i in storeand - lorlsaie by innrl3 .MILLER lICRICKETSON: - QUGAR-3-1 Made. prime N. D. Sugar, reeetrid p per steamer ,4 Northern Light' , end for lalts FRIEND, RIMY &Co,. 67 Water_ street,' • O. MOLASSES-90 Ws. Plantation Malay, Na aes, per streamer 4 . 4 Northern Light PI en 4 fer sale by . . • FRIEND, RHEY*to., inarl3.. fir Water greet, For Salt, • - ' THE light draunht steamer AttEtta; good running order. rilhe carries ahuut 100 tons, has good Hull and Engines, new boilers, comfortable plain cent:, and is well adapted for Towing. 'Shemin be sold at s low price, and ray sociable il terme far goc4 paper, . Apply. to .4wrar . • r A C. MEIBBIN, P. M; i!Eii Maderii Wine; Sherry do; Pnrt. ' do; Lisbon do; Malign dO; P. C. MARTIN ' graithGeki and Pront Mi. • :<'! #& ••• • • NKTf I 4 .-4 7 .4".!":" .";•, .4•.:=;"•144:z;;:Z.A -• • •V-1,?kz!!",-A-.,", •• ' . 4 • . ; I -4 tf•:: - • , • _:yj • • ~;.. • c . • ; • • . • I • t. , • • •, I :.[- •••• t - • . , . . or" ~' ~- 2;',f! - ,.:•.`....:.: ,- - , .:•il". .;.::.;.-;''..:''':''::. ;A: ~;:: ~. ~ '' .: . . -72 . t , 4 MINI .: ~:.~ ~ a~~ ~ • • -'1 0 ~t: .". f: ':- • • • `b•c : - .0.1....k t ,:' • , .7-- , ..A: I. t1 74 •••r• - z, 5 -;2114'',:-:‘ _ • ; ~,,, ..i , ..., . . II •-:. •-'' ' , :,' ' -- ' ';. - .T. ..s: ;•-' -',. --?-. , E t . , ,• ,„ „, •• , • , : , •.' i •-.l:', 411er t i . , ' ..: : , : ....,_,-: ',..,, , ,,, , ..,..,..- . fT .., ' , A;i : : : :-. ' -- - : •-.2 . -.: IA ~.4::: .. ., -,/ :Y..; : t . - .. •,- A , : ',lb - 4 • '.. - " i ' A ', 1•;.V7 . ' `. ` , ': ) .;,:.: 4•' .; •• , •,_-', - I c' •1% 1 -;•.., • : , fr , -, j 4 “.„ I rr l , ' ' ' '.. : . . t ' 3, . ''' ...f.i, , . , A 5. -•; ii: , . 7 - '',..,..,..... - ' ? - ' • ';,‘ :,` ir, ' - ... - „•.,,-:- ~ , , :x • • .... 1- -- .'. ~-.;.-, . ' -t.-‘,.. , -.,. .- 4-2.•-, , ,- . , --_,, 4 4 ., i ir , - r %\\?. .A- '- . , , :1-, , f/:, . r z,.:W. 1- ' ,---* in't l ''' r' - oe.F.'%:j . %. `v - .! : A « 4':!' "r•-, L . ..• •t: V- 4 t,#• ',.. 3... -. ...4,1- - ,4 , . • -- it __vv,:, ~. 7 4' - _ • ' ' ' ~ ;s:^_ - 2 • • .', 72.f . . . . , - • • •••:r • "io.;-..1:1e.;:. } . ' `.^ ~1 .