The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 15, 1847, Image 1
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In C . r, . Villion, ' ~,,: i ..:irr .(3 10 . 4''F.Y '1 1,741:) COUNSLLOII,, AT . LAW, 4'. -- ,A„,.1" ;Aria "Vaitatigo county, Penna,.vaLl attend ----'-' p Qmptl i _y a - i ':fi 'ness entrusted to Ins care—col ": - titcy t:..- ttsnlad o a ti ll in . N 4l ;, t arien,ClarionandJeftersanco. , s. ° - TLETZIL To_: 1 A. S r uickton Br, .. . - ' Murphy. WVilaori. .Co• tttsbarth 40. ha .1341ir, ,_. ._ , . Him. James IC.inneir, . Fx , anktil. 11c m Galmont, 11. • - - .•, • . 1 :.:0 1 n... 4jex ' JautcrtiVi IsVn,Steulan.n73.l,e, Oluo.PY 23_ Y , . EOM MIN= MWHE . .. . ; t t . ;If I.)tlx.r". - -''-:',.: ,. . - '.', - .. , --5:'.': 3 :: , .':7:' ,,, ,•.: , , _ _ . 5 ..,.. . • .... - - -- ,-' --.- -',-- =- .--'. ...1- - ----- -• . •--.lq ,- •: -• -.'2.F: - ,. -,:-.,---:.- - ..- • ..... -.•-- - - ' --- --,--,:r., '''' -.- ; -..-..: - - .-,-- •-' ' - -::: .-, - .. - 1! '• , .'.--:- . 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E . ]':'.0-"N0_.,..,:0:18 - , , C'runciatip. AND EDITED '!IY. mAßviart, •• I • ISn ir.'cortie? . :Of Wood and Fifth. •St.s.;. Miliaria year, payable in2Eilvance. Si: dollars will iiivariatily be required if not paid vtithia the : . .` Single copies, Two cc:en—for tale , at the . ebenter of the Office, anikby Diews•Boys. , 14111 , , I'4 ; 4 tjagßailA NINITAtIITE . Is .pnblishedatthe ann . : to offieop on a double-tne4iiim sheet, at-TWO-DOLLARS year, in advance; sin e° copies, six cEsrs.-. ' . "---,. --TtrlllB Aar ertisingt - _ • - 1 /r.ll - 011,17A111; o . * TiV,ELVT. LlNefil Oli LES!. ' • 0069tiii4i11411; . $0 50 One month, - • - $5: 00. Two - do, • - -, :0 , 75 Two'`. do, 6 00 Three de, ... . 1 - 00 Three do, - ,7 7 0; . • One weeit,.. - l.: 50 lour do, -; . - ~ 8,100 Two - -do, : 3_oo I six _ do, -- ... 10 - 00 Tbxentict, ' -' ' - -:- 4:00 • Crio year, ' -• 15 00 Yearly iitir'rertlnement.i - • • - , . . ~. ~-;_•-•• --• •_ .- cnanatant..s. ' at r.t.r.xsttar...."' . r. c 1 fl• On e- Square. ' . ' - - Two Squares. . • Six month, $l5 00 Six months, •• •• ;5.30,130 One Year, , - '.., . 0 cd One year,, 30'00 . .. . , Lartei advertisements in .proportion. , -, - • .7.;,,,i):Y.fgaans - or Tour. lines, - Tryn DOLLATS a,year. _ •A W .F.cister, '' . A TTolllffrr AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, Lthyries' Building-, Fourth sheet, 4ibeVe!Stulthficld: , • lerfCollectiona and '.other professional business atten.Oil to in Dutter and Mercer Counties. - •• I • • - ;Joseph. IC.nox., , •-• TTOR'NE - YIAT LAW, Pittsbirs , ,b., ~ b as nik;l 'the iiritetice: or his profession, in-his oilii'e~ Nom. li-IhkewelPs 'landings Grant street, .114nptea4tiruni hin absence by T. and J. Chrisiy, . janitS-ilawlT. la,tougiriLeowan, - A . TTQIINEY - -AT LAW, office in Stuart's kalif roeitb st ! , above Wooa. juziol9-4levy THOMAS A TTOttNEY' LAW—Office, - Lorriie's -Bn id -1-1.; lets, Fourth street.- j;tn7-ly Joseph C. 34 , .}E.Abbtri, _A TTOftil EV AT . LAW, offie in - Wallicess A on 4th - et., bettretn Wood arid Sinithfield IlibititL DAle ii.t.OLIIAZ! . & Shannon, S . . i;.nd CoMisellots 'af TA;r: Office on Fourth street, betoMenWood and Smithfield, and neirlv oiiposite the INlas•Oes itcri6-y . _ A TTORNEY. , ../ LAW and Solicitor in Chancery. Office in Bare* new building; Fifth street, be :Amen Winia and Smithfield. , angl 1 Itingrrisv & 11.1. 9 1Culitlxi, A..-TTORNE.YS AT, LAW, Office .retnored to the 1 - 1_ residence of 11. S. 141 4 agtalv t 6ii,Fourtit,st.;one door front .Cheru...4llu. . ap2l-y • " Doniae AuntTT . OttN EY§ AND COUNS.f.LLORS AT LAW, Pittibutgb, Pa.. Came on "Fourth it., between bliel4.aint Grant._ . tniil4-y • - . -Barnum/ anowd.env:-.7 TTOILNE.Y I,A.Wkoffice in thetruililing on ;LIZ ilieliorth 'Diet corner of Fourth scrid.Sinititileld - - - - , 'V.. .7Lorrolv, LDEII:I%IAN, office north side of Fifth street... b_tweenWood.and Smithfield, Pittaburgh.• Astaire - iv Burke, . - ,TIORIS'EY,AT __LAW, office, Sinithfield street, betweieFourth street antflhamoncl Alleyvep pomte Mr. Geo. Wepaanis tobacco manufactery. aP*,Y;-. • 'James Csaikao-: -TTOBNTI( AT LAW, office the chambers ottenj7ii.d' bkAlderman 11.1•Masteres oit Filth st., between-Wood arid Smithfield.' . aplB.l ii;bsaxiallesig • Or, 'ffi,CTure. ATTOICNTE:tS - AND COUINTSELLOitS AT LAW, offica. on Fourth street, apposite IL S. 8.. EL Patterson 4 Livery Stibltr, Pittiburgh. . Itepl 0-y "Fiirsvtrea 'Sitarizireldert , . :,, AITTQILtibIY,§ AT LAW, Focirth etreet between 'Wood and Snlitldjeld, opposite Patterson's tie ..... • etystable. , - . . aP 7- 1 - ,-• • Glietirge•F.oilizoiore, • • ,I"rOI2,NEY:"A'T LAW, .01iice in Brned,4 build 'Sign; above:Wontl, Pittsbargh,•Px.' C. Arliudel . oamtr~ - . • gTTORNEY AT LA W , office Foartti st.;• , above ~.Smithfield. Jttlyi-y B-BBLE ni N=has removed hircontitision and for -A• 4 a . ;..warding business from the Canal Basin to his new warehouse on Third street; nearly oppOsite the Post Odic*. may3o-y . -'- - -. ' "'tibia W. flittreiti- - A - `I7I9II.NEY AT , LAW, -haring returned .from.from his European tour hau , taken an office on the noit -ir east corner of Fourth and Smithfieldgds. -Per -. Charles Di.-Ilays; ATTORNEY .AT LAW; Pittsburgh, ra.,. C;un tonssi3ner-to take.the proof and acknowledge inent-Of deeds,' leases-, contracts, deposites or other 'writings; to-be - recorded or used in the-States - of Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee: 'Office No.Bo, Smut's buildings, Foarth street. tnarl2y ,J,a,ates : S. Gran,— , I"rOji:NE'l, COUNSELLOR_ AND NOTARY,' Pittsfitirih, Pa. , ; having resigned' die office of' • .curetttry, P. Nam,' and 'Fire Ins. Co., willattend spe dialry to collections and business connected with navigation.; insurance, 'accounts and real trate. Bit iciness hours, 9' A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. fiituatt 2 sbuildings, (No. SO,. Fourth st.,) 'second door Past of Wood street. - - feb3-y ha'A. patJilUiob, ALDialthiAl , e, Fifili..Warii, Penn stieet between . f , . ' -.Walnut and 0 , 1-tara streets, where ' ho. may be ourtd,nt all times. Those baving.bouses or, other ,7rOpsr,rtf to sell or rent, can have the same -rtnntal idlrattended tm.debrive,olletted, and all the'duties ; rst7ati Alderman willconeiv,opTompt actpntiOit. _.:; ,0 t .*.i^ .. : - : 14,- , 'N. '• • ' - • ' 10rA KgllS and'd`eatere.'in ••Foreign , nnd DoMestic Bills .ot.Exeivuige,reortifteatetee_depOgit, bank Ilotbe :and. Diaftif 'c and -notes oltented - , and :etnittanees made to - any - ,part , of .the; United" Stales, Market street. ' - - 4ohnsiton . '10)11V . OOKSELLERS; PRINTERSANIi PAPER MA . - JUNI. Ne..;'l.l4:l4 . larket strebt. sep Vlicor . OORSEI.LER, STATIONER AND DINDER, N0.:115.W00d. street,ihree doois below Fifth, Pittsburgh;Pa. -" Jan7-y . ~ James Patt erson, Jr., .„ toc6ilN - iii...o(Firse and 'Perry streets, Pittsburgh, Pil-i:manttfacturer of locks, and bolts; *aate4 fuller, - mill and timber screws, housen screws for rolling mills, kc -- ..- ' - - s_ePlo-3' EATIST~ has rem ove d t o `the I'l " w htc. or his tor p 6 doors iviidedte. in-Penn , ,!r!et, bcLow •• SgYtNPK. , DOORS• : •-• IIO.SSIJIiTIf•STREET'I NEAR. ititelTY.' JOHN r,i11.11114, PROlsitignkti ftav24 y rrrTsrellon. . - IRE Jrtniatn. iron 'Worket 7BWAttlar liaGnES manalacturer'of moil and _LA I •nails; warehouse; Staitkfieht above Fourth et. aePIO'Y • r _ C. F 4 ort*ARDINd & NtER . CIIANTS i . mar3ily 011LYIGni*Eli; -street, next door U to slue "Milli Presbyterian Church. itille6 .. Aeitige Coslirgiu, ' FORWARDINC Bt. COMMISSION .141ERCIIANT • 4 No. 26 Wocid 4t. Pittsburgh. tu t , . nov27-y 'S,IIPSWORTIt & Co:, No.' 43 Market street, lA., next doot".WThird street, are just opening a newand estenstre arsoruneut of Books aiul Station ery, Whiekthey *aria ) wholesale and 'octal; at the lowest'priees, . dp'2s;y - _ . ; Wirt. AllUirtrit ii.obtandm, T ATE U. S. Attorney, !tau removed Me offing- to Li No. 8 StVelMr st. nept.l4 T UMBER MRRCHANT; office on Penn street, L between,ll4ain. and lland sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. 41_11 commissions will be lifoinptly attended to. marl-y School.. noolit; LUKE LOOMIS,, Agent; publisher; bookseller and bookbinder,' No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. mar,l9..y , Pakintoioa,Vitrivallta L tnil r , smithdCid st. r between- Sixth and Virgin • •octl.l-y brtittill or Laid - 'Oll and darer ih At St: i t CLllesi Fifth street, Veal' Market, S. \V. side.' ' mar24-y WM. COLEMAN. )MIN F,'..I.MONINGS. JAS. W. IiALLX-tb" C.olentsui s Ilallmen & AiriNI3FACTURERS of Carriage Spring and I.ll_ Axles, A-13.,,and spring steel, and dealers in coach iiiinmings, of every description, manufactory on-St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op. ',Oahe St. Charles - ja0.23-.7, AIVLV LEDLIF. manufacture end keep constantly on hand' cut; Moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all varieties, at their warehouse -corner of Market', and Water streets, Pittsburgh.--. Our" Works continua in-full operation, and we are constantly addinki to our stock, which snahles us to fill orders with promptness. Plirchasers are respect fully solicited to Calk and examine prices and terms. sepl6-y . • .Otto AIrANUFACTDIIF.II OF Iscoitnerrtate. TP.P.TII, 111_ SmithfielTstreet, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on .Land "a full assortment of Plate and Pivot, teeth, of a - variety of shades, as simple Plate, 'Molars and Ilisedipidatees, Gum teeth, Screw l'ivot teeth, tic. Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession. All orddrs from abroad must be accompan ied by the cash.. I °*o6 - • Matins always on hand. d'nimea Alderman OFFICE on 'Penn st., opposite D. Leech & Co's., packetline - c4ce. Office hours from 7 o'clock A., M.; to, 8 o'clock P., M OFFICE ort Smithfield, three door' from Sixth st., Pittsburgh. deelo-:- (AFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth Ft., kfi Pitts , aur,2l-y F. Blume, 1 1 1 0 co PORTE - tnanni.teturer and dealer in Mu -glen! - litstranientn, No. 11.2 Wood street, near norl9-v o • 3. 13c3-nr, REP . /IV - YIN q.-DISTILLF:II, and whole.falp 'Orin Foreigii hod Dorne*tie Wines ansl Liquors; So. 114 Liberty to and 43 Diamond Ailey. Pitta burgbt iY2I-y C.II.IAGP,fIST trE,ThIST, 119 T.thr.rty street, a few ►cloortubolow St. Clair st., Pittslou'rgh. sp2.-t-y Ogden .&.• Snowden, CfeCCESS.OILS, R OGDEN & Co., whol e -0 sale and ret.til druggists, and manufacturers of white, lead, red.lead and kithargo, corner of Wood and Second sts_..,,P,4tslinnty, I. , norl3-y lICCESSORS to Tryine'& Martin, wholesale gro -0 Cep., prodiree , aild - Cotiitaissioh merchants, aria dealers in Pittshorigh inannfrictizred krticles, No. 56, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. - apS-y Sohn.ll'Cloalcey* TSIVITt AND CLOTIIIED, Liberty at:, between Sixth street-and Virgin Alley eolith side. septp-y - • X. FLEMING . , J. tunnrarntcri.. `3l-Klitixrkiiin. it- Co.: WHOLESALE GROCERS, Conunitisinn Mer `` V „char' toi,anil Id caters in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 14:1 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. dec3i ' ..rorat . c.Xitacis. S. ieglorrelit. Carson WHOLESA GltOCZES'asci CommiSiien 11fer chantty: Sixth' street, - b tween Wood and LibertyiPittsbargh, Pa. dee 4-y ATTSf. GLENN, Bookbinder, has rernoved to the - V, eariter of Wood and Third sts, above 11. Kay; where he is prepared to do every description ot.nling and 'Binding. deOry. ITHOLASALE and retail 'dealer in Tobacco, IV V Snuff, and 13 egara ; No. 25, Fifth's% between Wood and Marketsts., Pittsbutgl2. , toct2S-Iy. 1. D. 17711:LIAAIS.. • . THOS. NILLER. J. D.' WlDlantx & 'Co. ItrIfOLESALIII and retail grocers, Forwarding .and continh • aston tnerehants.-,and dealers in eountrrproduce and-Pittsburgh Mantibaeturce.' No. 110, Northeast corner or Wood and Fifth streets. ,11[77troLF.sALE, and retail ,Grocer and dealer in VV. Foreign, and Doi:nestle Wines .and Liquors, Foreign.arol poureetic Fruit,l4uts,&-e.,N0,.(i0 Water ,atreet.• trepsl Wll c O o L m ES . A ss i i . o r. .? 4. ll. c O r Z i lt, d F e 43 . g. ,, ‘ , V . S. ii ll i DING & produce and Pittsburgli ntatinfaCturei;Nos. 133:tad 135 Wood atrect, Pittsburgll(P. ' rrb`-'-v ..„_____...... _, ..Y. & J. 31 , 11eVitt, ~ ... wLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manuractures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. TITIIDLE Z SAL, and retail dealer in Music and ',Music;4l. luittromenta, Piano Fortes, School Books .and Stati . tinnry, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts janl-y ,Irei.paißii Park, Jr., It, CO., Vcr.lloLi'sA,l.EiGltOcliftS, importers of tin plate 'and-queensware, and dealers in copper, and -Pittsburg'% minuttietared artidles, Nos. 112 'and 114 2ndat4yiiiilsettyhotl and Smithfield sts : ja 14-n 14-y ".;.Tolsn'Soott tt. 6 0.. .W HOLESALE GROCERS AND C O MMISSION . . . . - .. - *Meichinii, No': 7 "Canamorcial Row,. Libroftv ~ stied, Pittsbuigh: i' •. _ •-' ' al9-y Dr. lirm. M. Wright . , ‘z7 l1 -1r .DEN ST; Office and resitlenee'in at., a fe* - doom; belbiv Lib 'arty; near the R aer. xcharice Hl - marll-y • John thset.w.rtgpit, ' riIITLFM and, Surgical Instrument Manu6sturer, No.,,l4o.Woodstreet, two doors front Virgin al. ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand .n 0 ,egtonpire assortirtent of Surgicaland Dental instrumen ts, Bankers', Tallors 4 ,pattfiis4, }}air Drussers l and Tan nersl PatPat.Sliesia. , Saddlers. Tools, tettsseir; . TBITTSOU,ROFT ' I 4ANUFA.CTUttED" ,T,ORACCO; itege(thq Tobac'c'o;n • - "--- ' - Ladide - Twilit; dd.; ID 11. .tea 14 dci; ce Cava, Is inuip,.do; - lestiireinllbt sale by,J. & J. of°DEiilT h, ap2O 222 Liberty at. MM=EIIIII .. i fArtlni~yilcf -New 16:polt Store: ',L..wllniartl►: faint Glass .Estatillshment. Dr: Daniel h 1 ,31 evil. Dr. George Walt, Hugh ArterN, Martin a, Smith, PPColliater, P.C. litartitt, Lamitert & Shipton, John 11. Mollori :. _._~: T. _. .~.._.~_.__ kUMMI Pi:iinkliitlEibviiieiVicilith'stire:et; A ' ‘;' Bettrien- Smithfield and Grant Sireets; Pittobut* if - ilitusTLA-N SClDlEHTZp,'Proprietor, respect ' fully informs his friietide and the public gen&all splendid Itonse on Iv; that o will open the above' ' the let day Or May neat ; ; ; TI o Pious -b noo,,arid firusrle ,st e .. nin m comod lona and convenient manner;. and , haying: it ' furnished with the newest and most befitiful style- of furniture; tatters himselrthat he will be able do 'ac commodate his friends and the trayeiting.public, in a manner not inferior to any similar estapliahrO - nr k t in r. - eke -city, As floe House is situated near tbeCtiritt raegements have been made to serve pptareals at any hoer the . diy;thic will be great" convenience to those who are ii, attendance at court.: Refrealiments or all kinds can beThaid. Dear tiers taken by the neck or day.• • it:lt-Lunch every day at 11 etelnek, A.N.. ..ap3o JAMES AII3ISTIU*G, Proprietor,- Corner arst. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh,-the proprie tor begi ,leiVe to return ,hia most grateful thanks to his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of, their patron age. The lionise is plcaiantly situated near the Mx change; it haa accommodations for travelers, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par ties:. '• Refreshments -always ready, or .prepared on-the shertest notice, with the choicest the Mari.ct will af tOrd. Gysters and Oyster 'Soup, alio Fresh Shell Oysters, received every daytiuring the season: The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and li3uors. A variety of newspapers are regularly Med in the establishment; P. S. A Ilot Lunch served up aeery day at 11. A. M. ap IS-y. . _ . Y H. DOSS Err; Penn street, Pittsburgh; Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find It to their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling oast or west will find this house a 'Convenient loen tion-.---it, is withi n one hundred yards of the:canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding licmiles. Every information given to Iron Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Home brewed ale cin at all times be had at- the bar noviOly Durnt District Hotel. ISAAC IVIURDOCK, formerly of the Union llotitl on Water street, hawing been burnt out, has built a new and handsome house expressly forthe accom 'mod:akin. of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will b'e known as the Burnt District lintel. Ile is now prepared to Offer every acfm . ..mModation and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges.. Ile is provided with ample and convenient stabliag. t1er.12.1 CIORNV:R OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL ~J LE HID PRO - Plitri,,a.—Terms C 1 ,00 per day. Then eider-sip:mei, formerly of the Merchants Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior cstaldislitne tit, nail fotni,/,,,,1 it anew throughout, wall new scdn, new hl-d duty and thrit!tore. Great care has been taken to G,l Lis lar with the choicest viands. A. handsome', otrirtiloo, soda baggage wagon are prov,ded for the Lint: of hie i reiciits, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the trarelltr. The long ex perience of the undersigned in this business, assure., tuna that iiis catinest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot titi;unsuccr , srful. Ile feels altogether nt lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal entc.rtainment, and a hearty welcome, j : ta , ,eicrate expense. ALLEN BROWN. • ap3-dtf ,74 JOHN I. ALORGAN, Irirderale rind I?flait 13.4 Droz.,:w ,N0.:+..; wood trcct.onedoorSouth ! Diamond Ailey, l'itisburgli.—The subscribe! has j ast, re,scive:l from the di:in:A . lm cities, arid is nom. iiperimg at the above snuid. a 101 l assortinent line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds Dye Paints' and,Varnishes, chemicals, - &r.; M'iti all suc articles as are tistialki kept for sole at a wholesale and retail drug store. Ills stock is entirely new, and has licen.selectial iyith care. Ile is confident that his articles. both ifs tti quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a call. n.y. W11;1.1 anuary, tint., ia h t a c v d i n u of GJ hint J r t 3. day l. Mailman and John 1 , ;. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in. creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American 111iiter and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers in respectfully solicited ; and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib. orally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. —.warehouse 43 Wood st. ' opposite the St. Charles Motel, where can be found a good assortment of Springs, Axles" A. 13., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every description, together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. inr The highest price paid for scrap iron. " jan22 A. Fulton, BELL AND _BRASS FOLTNDER, has rebuilt and commenced toAiness at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and 'Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and blends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved, modelle, and warranted to be of the best materials, • 'Mineral Water Pimps, Counters, Railing, tcc.A - ..e., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned'and lizitsbed in the neatest manner. A. P. i 4 the sole agent NI- Babbitt's Anti-Attiattion Metal - , so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The beim; and composition min be had of him at all times. - . • novl3-y ..... _ Oil W. Diddle, Dentist. - HAS removed to N0.i09 Sinith -I' -v. • field - Bt., where he will perform all • operatiota on the Teeth satisfac ' 4 . ii- . tinily. . 16 , 1 .. pr- N. 13.-having lately made one .- - , .e. •,,. of the greatest, improvement,' in E•l/e.1 forceps that has ever appeared be - i i fore the public, he bin been able i •i" ! to extract teeth with such ease ti • ' as to astonish all those who its vs availed themselves of hissarvices. Pittsburgh, July 24,1846-1 y GENTLEMEN LOOK AT Tills ! STAR CLOTIIING STORE: Nu. 70 Wood mt., Sign of the Golden Star, Pittsburgh. AtitiKUlt. & ' TIATIM, ITAVE on hand an ettenslve and complete assail.- .11 meat of Fashionable and extra made New York Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as pos sible before the first of January, we are determined to offer such "bargains' , as will enable us to our object. S. P. ANCKER, nnv24-y A. A. MAYER. ticury W. Williams, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (s'ueeessor to Lowrie St Williams.) Otlice at the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams ' Esq., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, wasdissolved by mutual consent on the 26th tilt., and flic busint'si will hereafter be con tinued by. Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for wheat, .I have the ,honor _ to do business, as a gentleman every Way worthy of their confidsnce. dt.ilSAv WALTER If LAWRIE . F.O. S. SWA RTZ 'had on hand :tint Of fine Lawns :which will be sold at the vorf low price of ISI cents per yard, persons who want a good article, at a low priceoKould do well to call soon. Also on hand a plod stock of Nansook muslins for ladips Diesscs very cheap at jel3 No. 406 Maiket street. . • - Pummels. ' - A.SPLV.P,MID assortment or Mahogany and Rose wood Pianos, just finialtbd. These instrument ars *ell made or the latest paterns and beat reateri -Ulf' and will be sold low for F. BLUME.. door aboidlitlt.:, N. B. Those-who are: in want of a good instruilindt are reiiMetfttlly invited to call and examimj thein be fore purchasing eleecvhere,ae they cannot be excel lcd lip 016 Pdtintiii W.1%0. doiti • lciavdi thin any brought frealhe east. One elegantliose wood Piano with Coleman's Pat6tii‘ -./F.Ohaiattaeh ment fur sale by F: BLUME: MESE -, 4) -C ); _,,.l.:.lrr_rs:j3:vgoil l im9N:pAy.,/,1A_*01::,.,i.:,..5.-.).547.;:_ atihinston • Hotel, Canal Boat Bowie tiutel, New Drug Stare rtuq•.hip. ==U=2=3 . ~~' r fir FfE subscriber hnying ilisppted of,t4:s Bookst or e ll_ in Pittsburgh, Lo Mcesrs.. and English, would recommend them tolheputrridagViif his for ntercustonters•. c : Pinsnuaou,.ocfigiet , THE SUBSCRlBERS , huviug , purchaied the Book.: itore of Mr Robert Carter, will continue the busi ness at the old stand..., They will aealUimes.haie oh hand a large supply of School Books—AhhaPVirriting, EetteVaiiiiyrapping Paper, Slated, etc.' -' Westerii MerebantiOn, in the 'city, are, invited to call, examine our stock, met-rutty our'prices heroic Purehaaing Cliewheie. No. 56,1larkeLet. het td, and 4th. Orn aauental. AtaikK iuxfr MRS. RENTER', Wig Maker, AllegheAy City, eis• doors from the Aqueduct, opposite Os "Collator's Offire,'wisliesjo inform the pub lic: that abodias just commenced the praainerital ups business,• and hits a very s supeiior stock, re ceived.frourtb Easterd cities anti Parisq.aml she, in prepared to fill the shortest notice, ed' in 'it manner that cannot be :11;4: 1 1: n y eft an ke y e .a r i i n; g ila: a m larg anu a la a : mortment of Ornamen:Citiliiii - Smell as Ladies' tiands, t N eckhees Guards. f'N Bracel, Flpger &e , .;Geu.tie-guenS , Wigs, Tanpries, Mrs. A. has been foe Many years engaged in the business in France and the' United Statcs,tuntl from her long and eaperience,she feels confirlefi't in being, able to nice satisfaction to ail . who 'will lhvor het with their patronage! lier prices are rani°. liberal than have been offered in this city heretofore. mar 17-ly . ....2 I M. McDONALD, Bull . a nd _limn Foamier. First street, -near Market, is .-,1. prepared to nrake-.Brosei.Castini4and 4 1: fleas works generally, on the most _ -i...--:-e...- .reasereable terms end s orte..t notice. .1 - le invites machinists mad .all - those using brass work to give him a ca 11054109 4 0- [ermined to (1.0 . all work. in his line v_er3ilw o. " may :2j-ly ' - ' • e , e -.t. . Landre td's IV arrant ed Gardfpc eltds, "I'''t I RECT FROM Pdfdr.ADELPITIA. 1,4 e t.papc.r I_,/ bears the label and warranty or : D.trit , . i. 41 1 .. Dnern. For sate by Y. L. SNOWI)LIN ; N0.2:9 Water st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry. Ir.:street feout the 'Report of theVisiting.Counnit:re' of the l'enasyttania 'Horticultural Societ,y,.ue.ani tnously adopt4d and ordered to be printed. !- • L.l.\ I),RE. 111=S .t'iII.R.SE.RIE. Aiii),GA:RDEN.§: ''Thane ext...tnt , ive,,grhuntla it on Feileral gtreet, iv:ar the Ars ,, hal. The- eadiesteolic.,C tion or Csmelli:Ls war, made heie. Sinne tfi - use now in povsession or those distittnished ntirlserynien nre Inn feet ' •. •.-' The selection or 4.28.11 E- Iltsrst PLANTS iS valuable aAtl extenrive. " Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup cvery .past of the Voion, a dukti4,ol ohieb womd occupy too touch of mu - s NoOV.4*.. .Th erc fe Hitt statiM; that the itisory.-ka.Tery :arge, and in 011:t7 t'itage Or growth FOREST ANII CRNAMFNTAL GREENS, Si Itl: ls, VINES \tils CREEPERS, with a collection of herbacceena Omni, fruit trees Of the bent kind and most bealthymnadition,largn beds of seethrig apples, pears, plums, as mocks for bud ding and gratlingt,o, plait Nery superior to that .sf workl'ig upon sockete, which carry them auto the graft al t the , lISCASets or the faretit stock- • "(;),ADI:Z.; Sir a of the finest [!,slaty haVe been scattered over 'the the:e grounds, and may alwava he depended open. 'the geed establish mcnt of ;Lev: One of the most ex tensive in the I'Meniimi its reputation in ed from year to year. "To obviate the chalice of tr.istere of the farir,ti of the plants of the 'while Camilv, they have estatiliilied acethernnrsnt • vata.44,ibitt , Atatanee,s:n thdt tiegene ration cannot, take place, and which secures to the purchaser a 'genuine . Knowing thus the ago, quality and process of culture ot every plant, the supply Crum their grounds is recoutinended With great contidence." 'S • „ lime the date of the <llPriaie.friirri which 'the above is exu - aeted, the ehre c,,talilishment has Veen greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em braces all the finer kinds, and consists of sonic thou: .ands orgrari , Jui xizew; so likewise with Roves, and other desirable. plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c. • The Semi Ganiens alone cover" Eißy_acres, and the whole is, as it has been for more thin hull a century, under the sueeisinkie management of father and son, the most prominent in itinerien. ;cc - orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, friun whom catalognos may he received'gratis. SEAL : E T 417'Ci C JAMES BLAKELY', Alderman, 13 A. R. El. Yll E.L, - riONTINDE-to-atteiol-ttptile.eelling and rimting j of Real Estate in the City of Pittabur,gli and vi cinity. Having. determined to devote a large portion of their time to this branch of business, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the public, from the ihnility they posses?.,nilil the experi ehee they ha'l'e (the Senior partner having been en gAged in the Real Estate Agency fur near 20 yeats,) they belisve that they will give leneral satisfaction: Office on f', near the U. lintel. and Smith field Bt., between Diamond Ailey and Filth street, IVltoirsate Shoe Store. 11. CIiIOS & 'Co., are 'now reei vine their . 2 spring supplies, consisting of ode of ' the largest; cheapest and bestassort !neat of .11ootS,and Shoes that ; they base ever been able to bring .t , o this market. Mao, Ladies' and .11iises , Vlorentiltrald; and straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with: a splendid assortment of Palm. Leaf Hats, Men's and lloy , s summer Caps. Also, a - large lot of NeW York TarinectSole Leather, all of which haying been purchased at the lowest rates, anti selected with' great °care fur the western trade, will be sold at a map advance ebtrieeort and charges. All increhatits Ni'iSilillit to plltelifeie will trod it to their interest to call and exarnitte their stock beihre fitireliasiiig elsewhere. niar27-tf .71040 s HAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends that they again occupy their old stand nt No. b 3, Wood streei, Where they haVe,niiCiied an exten sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have contantly on hainlin extensive assortment of Satin glazcermd plain PAPER 11 ANGINGS; Velvet and Imitation (lorders of the latest stylet and roost hand. sonic patterns for papering IMES ) parlors and cham bers. They Manntlicture, mid have on. Mind at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping anti Tea raper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all of which they °fret for EMI , on the most actommoda ‘ ting, forma, and to which they invite the attention of iiterehatito and ~theri,. lioolcs orall kinds and the best qual ity, School Books, &c., always on hand and Tot , sale as above. aug3s Oopartnerdhip. r 11IE stllwcribers have this . day entered into Co partnemhip, in the name of Friend, Riley & Co., for the.purpose of transacting a general:Grocery and Commission bilenness, and have taken the house oc cupied by M. D. Rimy & Co., Ne. 57 Water street, where they will he pleased to receive the patronage of the friends. of the late firnt. P; F. F 1111 1 ,711, CLEO Kill( JAS. WOOD. Pittshiir L, niveniber `..`S; 15413-des ' Aoo'glien'y Ibeiitery, I)ERSON m S' ilbsirons of purttng lbts in this _L ceetory,,axe referred f4.' Conflation to. the Superintendent on the groundo or to Thorn, Druggist, corner. of Penn and.. Hand streets, Titts burgh.l3y order of.tho Board. J. cm s .LE - rr, don it ' ' '§iiperinte.nrlent. 111;'Tolin‘sElid,. • IItUGGIST 'AND' APOTHECARY; Ncrt.:4s, Mar ket street,; three doors above ,Mird stre.o, Pitts burgh, will hove constantly-on hand a well hOected assortment of the beet and freshest Medicines,. which he sell on:the post reasonable tetras. Physi cians Betiding 'Orders bC iiriiinptly attended to, and supplied viith , ; . ditieles 'they may- rOly 'upon - as genuine Physicians' preacriptiona 4111:. be. accurately and neatly prepared: tbrilrithit...biet materials, at any hour foi , italb; firtit;littiii' - tir fresh and'iood ercumery • dec 30d ‘ , 7,". , •"""="' ;•T)ORTF:II. , S'6it 7Ja o uerriiin Uattdry Yhil o-I•Iatl; IP.4.;,- and Vr 'alga, Baltimore; iti.rd7, . „. Mr, Porter reniietrtilli'aoO:tinites - fliathe: had at! teomaiderabre e . xpitni"e tilted aparttnenti, -and at , ganged I isht,thißriguerreotypi ng,p,typttsea. , . ',experience in . Bits art has ci t o.blett him to overcome) too by.: •' • , I"......htr.,l,?9rter:is.awarO that . the impression gone r k4tritail 'o3‘rinz' many .n. Taißires to good tettireir t i that clear tirukdistitiot . thiguittreotyttei cab not I?zoatio Ntiatiggh.: I eyer,sioco Ito:hos opened his,,Uallery t rullywarrant . that ati good:pietti;eitatt bo made Here ' Ladies and gealleinen tin call a'tninCsp - ccitnens. . - - • Instiuctions given ; ,- rtnd instrurdents and materials furnished tvoit.reasonablo terms., Ml . MI orders from country operators promptly.nttend- Cli to. niri2s:tf- fp lil iicliseilbVi'has receiVeil . on C. - nail - eminent 5- . j- few Of Olivet..Elvarrweelehrated Water Filters; .manufactured in Philadelphia, such as are now gcn , . erally . used in the Eastern citiee. The) : 'areviarran fed to purify, Pump ; RiVer; Itnin Wat6ficleans ingit of all Mineral, Aititnal, Vegetable iir.other un wholesome matter—rendering it equal to the - tinest firing-water, otherwise-on `failure; (if ised as direc ted) tha price, paid will•he reflmtled.: . -.- .The subscriber, having;b4}•nyaepointed agent- fbr the sale 'of the above, will receice - oid'arir'nitirfurnish them - at'inanufaeturers prices. • Isinvl4 No 2fl, ITTSBERGII Cliklit MI CABINET WAREHOUSE. V HE subspriber!t, wpnid .rq-SPe.ctfully return their thanks' te - tlieli frintls rin,l The public, for the very liberal'i!, s a.tiottage bestoiNeel'sinenrlie tocurnence itieat IA the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the swine. They wouldrr.spectfully invite those who want to purchase anything in :the furniture or chair line, to give them a Call and examine their extensive stock oent'o'n hand, consisting of soma of the most iplen= did Eastern. and. French_ixatterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture. Flattered by the very exten sive patronage receivid'in - their business, they have, at considerable experisb; made arrangements in Now York, by which they 'will have the latest Eastern and French )satierns forwarded 'monthly, thus gfring the citizens of Pittsburgh an tipportimity of patronizing borne indnatry,, and , ,their own, city what they formerly would DLL:daunt): iu the East. having adopted the principle (+lsmail profits and quick sales, they vvill'bc tibia to sell at ai 'low rates es any of the establishments in the Eastern Cities. ntirj9-y ° PMBERTS XANE. New flat and Cap Store. aCII.S. ii. rouLsoN, (Tice of the firma Poulson & Gill.) having •opened- Ids 1101 v atom M.N . °. 73, Wood street, noxt door to 4-he corner of Fourth, is now, inatrufactucing and Kecci vint,r front the Itastorn cities a i•eiry large assortment of. hats anil caps of every description, .iroirittiO•lis be ;wide in the .beat inannor art4o..; th/ best nu:lel - ills. Otter, Seal, fine — and econtroili ISfus•kriit, — Sealei ITaip-Seal - - Hirsh rind Ill'azed - Calis'.' • •.; rtia4. n; fine iissortme.nt of - Litties. furs, as" Lion, Fitch, Gellot and. Con e v , and Tipp9tr Arid fia . Aich he offers for sale al eastern prices for. n asli;bnue:wholesalo.vad Country _wer.,l.4a.nuv.. my stock benne imrOalaing-elgenlitre. CWAS. ff. rotYts.oN;': N. 11. The.:Fall:FoA;!*-AitH"9.4".:abl'Capii.m'ieiv ,,d feP27). sPoPs. ; , /iinonsv,KA, 4,11 , 410... , . ..,..,.. NEW 1 , 44-..0.0., - AiNtpf,feuiTLY.: - carltr.lAiiii•lYii.; , i•t'''.''' . •::.:.,:;'-: g: "Fott....ttipifig & ilxvuNviii), - ' rta.ty,.- .... .-- i Poor Shot/OA:Trunk Store, NtrO6li,ilt7 -. to g f ty. eireet;.ifearlyi Opposite, the-heturAf,, WOA a [red.' ' - - - ''',:' ._,_..4. , F. it 11. would respectfully annonece ti.eiii,.yftw- e A. in -6 tare andriaro - receiviriptbeir-'I.tfoL4NDOTNI: TEII - SUPPLY OF 1100 TS, SIIPES, TRUNKS, &e., etmsistingordpWards of the hundred packages of all kinds mud qualities for :Ladies, Gentlemen, Muses, Boys, youths' and dhildronst, wear. These goods have been manufacturedto our order, and expressly . ; for the Pit tsbOrgli market all of which we aretleter.. , mined to SELL VERY Lt./NV, as from our facilities in purchasing goods we are enabled so to de. -. VC would solicit an examination of our stock by ail in wail% of g,oods in our line,eith;ileat wholesale or I retail, as we tech confident-we shall be enabled to please, both in regard ;tO'quality and prices. Thu most of our -goods are from rnanuthefuring'es tablislunents with . .OM:li We rah connetted. We shall, continue to rec - civc writ'kly from those houses, tlesh 1 and dzsirable goods, made evpressly fiir our saler. FOLLA.NSIIIt:E. ' It: • If AY W 1R1), Nu 166 Liberty street. 1 =ME STILL continues in his old business of mantzfactur izig Wagons; Carts, Drays; Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and. S,mith . tield,*here he.keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in theihortett,Mititze, any amount of *ark; by the best of mid geed materials, and - at prices-to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and' Furnace men, are - requested to give. him a call before purchasing elsewhere. ap7-y AtiorLfat T K. LOGAN has just received the balance of his fall and winter stock or• Dry GoridS; at No. %Vend at., consisting in part of super French and West of England Broad Cloths and Cassitueres, Sat ['netts from 25 to 75 Cents per yard, Welch flannels, red and white Flannels, twilled i•ed and green Flan. ails, plaid and plain Liners, &c. Mackinac and Whitney blutakets,WoullenAirt's and Drawera,Com= forts, Mitts and Gloves. Terkeri, Thibet and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes of the latest styles;_Twilled and 'Manchester Ciiighams; Irish Linen, Table Linen, Counterpanes; Scotch Diapers, Checks, &c. Also, an assortment or Diesi Troods', consisting of Silks, Gala and California haired Cashmere, and Robes', Mons. de Lnine ; barred and figured; black and fancy Silk Cravats,• all' of width he will sell wholesale and retail', as low for cash aseny other house in the city: .nov2l-y Selevt School: announces e t c o t ' ' School in this city. on the first Monday - of April neat', in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church: rrty7l.l-t . , EAgle Saloon . --W,9od Weof. rpiIEPROPRI..TOIi of this well known establish ment-reipectfullY annottnres, that he cotitinttes to supply at the shortest notice; and in the best style, Balls, Parties, Families anit Weddings, with Fancy Calm, Ice Creams; Jellies; Pyramids, &c. &c. . Managers ofeontemplated Balls are imited to see his arrangentents for suppers, at such entertainments. In his larire silicon he is able to scat almost any num ber of persbils at - bare. The terms in all departments of his business, he assuWs the public will be reasonable. an 22 iiir. Partnership existing between the undernign ed, under the firm•of , SCRIBA 8:-.SCHET BLEB, Was dissolved on the 3d inst., by mutual . consent: The hooks of the - concein•fire in the' hand's of Mr. Sctiba, who is authoiited to 'settle - all accounts. The Bookstore continued at the old stand be Mr. Bertha; the BOokbinding by Mr. ehtibler. VICTOBBcaIBA, • Dee. 250846 tIigTAVUS scuErriLEit.„ Books mid.Statlextdry:. ILTAVING just retririfod from the Eat with a Most elegant and estensiie:stook Of Fancy Statioto ary and Books fur Christmas and New Year's. Gills, I would call the attention of the public to my store, No. 115, \Vood st. Prices extremely low, _ Among a great selection of Rodlts for - old and young, I inem The Boudoir Annual, for 1847. Diadem, cc • 44 Bogner 44 44 ill iss ionet, " Amaranth, 44 . 4" MiAlo.wnri , " ' Forget-nie.not, . 4 4 teailetsof Memory it . ' " Lady's,Album, . 4 ! . TlieVortoise Shell kitten, fort 84i: Annualette, rc Christian Blossoms, it The BOok - of l'inrsery Rhymos: - - * .- Together with: i great selehtion of Booke. forthild ren, Games, Fortfblies, &c: - VICTOR SCRIBA , 115 Wood at. 7, 4% . , No. ggi :70 lard: Ei!•01,. Ptttr7burg h. 'William 3tolice. Fall and Winter Good, Dlssolutiou'ol Partixerulilp. Vita DlSEASE S 'skizti , , ntoPicAt. CEMEM Discovered by .Dr.. of Italy in the yea). 1545, ,anl,introducladlnto the U. States early in 1b46. Tili ch S rd o n n ie ri d yn is l e l F d medicine zi . ss . hai fur.--1 spread rite ~iirdiagliiaocuti Europe eprcoi withahe -most unequalled 'speed - Mt triuurphaut suc cens,,,ellev.tieg.titemost astiiiiishingeures ever knew:n , or':tepid:ad in the ann a ls of Medical lid - tory. "Since. 'di iiiinadtictifin;info the United States' it-hhs'equally suetainedthehlgh. reputation it so; justly recei veal in 1 alei,..Easti curing ttiereas it ilas done there, the most" 1 inveteridoand long standing discaies with which the hifmen- I family fire'afflicted. The Physicians-Of Eu rope and. America (as far as' they. have, be - come - ac quainted with its mode of Ofieration), together, With , the thousanclawlila Lave NePt restored to' healikbY I its superier.officacy with one united seine proclaim. lit the traißt perfect remedial agent offered tfo afifferitig,homanity. -Itis,now: an establiShed fact "that Consumptionmay bc, can be,.and hoc been 'OW. , by Dr. MazonPs Sicitidn'Syri4 or Tro;pieitt Hygiene._ -This is the rinTy'tnedicirie that had ever' been dis co*ered dratimsav,hitilred a cure where this disease had gained, a settled , and permanent hold upon the. I system. For the truth of this tiiiettioii; we have the certificaies of some of the'mosteininent , .Physi- Mane of Europe and Amerigeexpeassly. declaring. that, they have prescribed it in hundredi of instances 1 where die patienfsiverepartiidered-brlyond all hdpe _or recovery, and, to.thcir:astmidiliment, hareffected . themost speedy and p.erfect'curesi. No one who is unacquainted with its action can, imagine the'll'iiii derthlsticeess that attends theadministration of this medicine in every, variety of :chronic, disease, par tieula rly Consumption, Scrofula or kings evil, A sth ma, Plithisic, Pil faAsed `Easee reperted iii"parnphlets and. circulars). ,Canters, Liver Complaints, Costive- i ness and Indigestidn, Sore and Inflamed Throat,' I Bronchitis, Drcpsics,Cidianie • Inflaniatien of the Kidneys, Grayei, Great DefijiVil Iratildlity oil the nervous' system, . Viririal il 'ons, Paralysii, I Chronic Diarmlicea, Pain:ln.:the:breast and ide, CougimiColds,,Chronic Illicumatisp,,Dicascs Of the 1 Stomach Mid 'BoWcla, iatetrd vreaknOsi and falling 1 deed' of - the Womb; and all the chronfe diseases pa , pillar- to females in their iiripus .- rot:diens in life. This medicine is ,prepared, pill' by Dr:, Martitti n liim- - , ( self; rind is noinpeired entirelY'elf Vegetalifematerials [containing - the extract of .4 of the xdost , rite•Trepi,. cat plants lot few of which. ,nxe lf,k , AW - #.4 o thPAnnai , ': cal Profession generally: . ::::.1: -. ... - . - f...•:,' • "•'''') It has _sd far surpasmd every iitlferihiliiiingrfaiier offered to the world in 'cradientilln•4l,o,Ree4Aat, -ft' has not only. c enlisted manyol, the .ectett• - iAn*ted• Medical men in the World Da-44:fa,tre4'414... *1 1 4. 1 311t more extraordinary the , viiiereinentYviioa,i9P-Wite; i discovcreit.lilas' fikiWitiildrbtc'kett , ( death to ' attem p t corodeafee ~ "4.7tit.Wtigt_cdtii-lit, 1 big apifriotdr - tirtide r lM 1. f• -; ', L ytiqie - fhe saute lir , 7 X .,,. 1 representing" it :10:;,Oit - g - ee* - • . ''itit, ,, 1043-ithi,%•:loverti.", moot ,ilas also tinide4 - fiher4l4ol44leit;featt - alie prP , section Of .it here, .I'llt ifillitlifli icted• We _nay ie tu on e ' *-1S 4i 5 D.1..iri1.1 1 0ug‘41.-YS4 - •-•:lalktr , . h4.Ye" :lO fiiva n'i , 41.: yout.i l kityaiciatti.p4,eodsiditisa by, vane friends as', bes94- 4 4 1 . 10 .110'S I . JIt -tr. f- bode 'ols -reed itio ah s l,+ you:tifitj*ryUff 2 sll t he fire4Jhat iriOnliarri.Phyar,: ,:eal.iifileSigth'enough left. t Meritlide' its aetieS4Ou ' will'flint Ortiiin• ail& ii . *!eN , - owe r; 'rp f thia Kea - been ' the case irrtliohainids ot-laitancoft, in Proof of:Wlffch 1 Avp out,piiittimescertificzookt,crvi, inti,,idttal:4 l kti t e niost.tptipec Etule.. edam' eter, both of Curo*int , rid Ar.Lie4v l - This,sfriedicific Will be. offered. fitielfille ...milt:at:the . county seutti'dCeadla -county. owing_; t) thiejorialf-iratitat,yet .impsted Ind fha,aniiety- of 1 trt.fftr 40:0Tice this.4litablh:Ji;tliellY Within il'it. , ...eli - firall'fhionglioefilic Criitild '..(*.SCA. . . - HAY'ai / I ..F9c!;waYi ON 7iN giktg, o::2 Commercial Ititiw;liherty itrecf,-tithedislile ant' retail 'A genta for Alieglieny cotinty:. . - Sold,tltl,l,"liy7ll.',E. Sellers, No' 1 514oCiii it. ' :)'..--. ~..,' -.: --........:.., -ileti - 20-li9ri. . I Joh Pkts!tii..ilinfnia.,-7: 7 tie W. CoRYLII . Or !IXOO2I . . . T prorriet6r or tic Aforninc - ...Pcist and - hier: .. - clitp and Maaseachirer renlootrultrlTifortn.9 kia the r . 7of thofie papEtsc-041'. be hag a-10 rte Onin'.*l eiiideli)asitoytment. :JOI TYt AtD it r a OTEIFII" aara .a' ,l o o '*.i.iiitYla,l9 lll- afq , """/ icpreitant'l to elecuep • LET#I. PAM PAlNtAink, or mar oszcoirilO*. Book', . Jill. of Lading,:. circular", Pamphlet', Bill Head!, Carda, , • Handbill- , theck,s, hat Tips. All kind" of Ilhaks; Stage, Steamboat 'and taw! Boat Dille tr'ith aniroprOteMifelliiiiit r ed on the short est notice and most reasonable terms. Ile respectfully asks the.patronage of his friends, and the public iu general, in this branch of his busi ness. keept 221. L SPLENDID STOCK OF . • EU' PALt GOODS. A LExANI)I43t & DAY,takegreat•ploasisra in forming the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and the surrounding- country, dint• they hare just received a splendid mock of New Fall Gpodsi of altnost every description, a large portion of Ns II i havinglicen bought attirtion, at a great sacrifice, sod from the' liriportery arid manufacturers at unprecedentedly tow prices . enables then"' to offer . .great inducemets to Cash btryinsfibey:Woidd; thelefore, respectfully invite them to call and' exiniiinc their Meek, being confident Mitteltif will Impleased with the goods and priteii: ' • • • " . 4 . • : • LAMAS' , DRESS .GOODS. Our stock of Lithe' , 4Sait goodsas. very superior and cannot be surysissed;consisting in part of Super Satin stripcd.Casbmore, Umber Shaded', do:; Splendid Figured,. dd. Ti :ghat variety; California and Clermont Plaids; GalePlatdr;Chusausi Plain and figured avid satin striped .de.Laities', Super French 'and Stotch Cinglaine lei , style Embrold-ei ed do; splendid Otshenere and de Leine robes; Ameri can, French And :Chintzes of tbu latest styles, tc.&c: ' • ' • • SILKS! SZLICSH We have a fiery handsome assoitmint of Pilke, much as super Illttek end Dille Black, Fig`d and strip ed Silks; Super Plain •and. Figured changeable; do.; Ombre Shaded and. Changeable . Striped' do.; Plain, Black and Blue Mick!Sims; Wide India. do; ytion Black and Jiluc Black Silk! , of eatra quality and iridth, suitable for maritillae,lkr. &c. SHAWLS.' SIM TITS?! ' In this departinent wecan-effergrelit bargaine, from Auetion sales of imphiters hi New York am! Philadelphia, among which are splendid* Torkerti. Shawls; Super Cashmere, do.; .Embroidered • Toiler ri, do.; Main. and Embroidered Thibet, do; Super heavy Ottoman Silk, de.; Splendid. India SiLk, do 4. Extra .ilernaui;do.; Heavy French. Crape , do.; Plain and Endiroidered .Cloth, do.; .lelain, cig;•_d. and Em broidered balance, do.; Splendid Pretich • Brucha, liro . cha and Cashmere Long Shniiis; and an. immense variety of 'dap:reit gesinprions of Fall. and Winter Shawl., many of theme, all! be selil at half the cost of importation. • • .; _ . CL4:IIIS .AND CASSE:VERBS E.othr;ced to out sock tofthcse are•Se par Fronnh, West or Englatid, and Quietican : Cloths; of : Obi : post '..cver) color--7tleon• Tweed Clothe.; Beaver and Pilot Cloths rot. : over-coats; goipci s ltlack COssimeicet.Fan ' cy Stripeti; do. in groat Variety, &.e. Fee. • • •• B.I44IYRETS! DEAIf)CITS4I ratraltlitdricrin'Pronikyin Blankets; 15.06--Whit ing, do; lileary do; Itore; del aught limn bear ol'Other makes of extra quality. , • • LADLES , CLOAKINGS. Now sale QUl,hre Shaded Cloaking; liandierne Plaid, do; licorypi4o;j:Kilo. • • . . . APIA-I.:At 'AND A - v'ery large nicOniitoent of AipacßA and Mitirion, of every quelity and prien:' Frenek ilferinos' a nd Bombazines, both Black and colored. ALSO, Cas‘inette; Red, White and Ynll ow Flan nels; Tichingi;Chccke t piaperet Brown:and Bleach ed Table„Lincns.,Slitetings; ,T,nbiesqu!hei . igunton 'Flannels . ; liciyy .. (lluvcs; Stilt land Linen. .Hdkre4 Scarf's; Stock's; ecillties &c. Ike*.ellerwhich wet are selling mach lowcf:thatt toe Veer. ever.heibre been enabled to do. Tailors, Clothiers, and Country Merchants are especially insited to elttniine• out stoclemirf Freud Cloths, Castinterovetnd Vestistgs, awe are prepared in ma , Goods to those who buy to sell again, as lair as they ran fie' bought in tla. regular mitt in the East ern cities. a buyieresidept in the iast, attenuant upon the Auctions; we have rare fa cil itles for procuring, new and desirable noods,.at the uweltt 'possible triitesi we are regularly - reeming Goode" biery.few days through the year. ' • • . • ALEXANDER - 4- DAY; .oet6 9B Aforkeestelf. W eor ofthe Ditunend • • • •r " .% Seigisie tt suft:riceivedfrotii . b.lew*,A r titk, dlnrge Talintity - of . 1-fii i•aiini aiid Me:infix segiun of the most poputar and snr: skin brkeds ntive in nee. Aliso, an excellent aitiele of chewifig Xebec - co and several `bales of auperjoicuba-Leaf!roliaieo for file:. ' . ... 3. E..WilitCHErrEk.;: . .. No. 50,ThirdlitMli two ' , lairs tie office. may 9. 3.' PRICE, TWO Ctisir • Perusal-iv/inks Railroad LE'rTERS Patent bearing data the 25th• • day;.o February A:D.1847, having beertioliiiedblgfii!. --, :i Governor of the Commonwealth of Petinail,irazikayjk- - • Pursuance - of the provisions of an Act Of.the t}uteral Assembly of taid Commonwealthi, - eetitlnd-•"Akt , Rot.7:ls. to inhohiorateAlic Pennsvlcafiia RaDreadrettipsuty,p. Ria ce is hiieby given, That the utidentigetea'ntio:. "„ ing a. do of the acting CommiseiteeZe,Aeo:- and do berebylappoint a meeting:of-the: •••". •, "•• to the Capital Stock of said /04' - Tuosduy. the 80th day of. Match, A. D.lB4T,z4W''..': - ... o'clock A. M..' in Bic Room of the Board gir:rioact4‘...--, - 2j, Philadelphia Eichadgc, in the delphia, in order - to organize said Compa4i - Alsf" . then and there to elect thirteen Director, .t„ Compaity.:agreeably. to the provisions of. aitid..iteds:: Aisembly. Thornis T' Cope Rolcert,Toland 4r...••• David . S. Brown. James Magee. George NV Toland J Fishei I.eatoing ll R.Rnests Geo' irCarpentor F.lLioti.Cresson' Robert Allen • Charles S Wood Ilugh Campbell Jobe A G Ralston Gideon ' A;S , Robirta ". Wint . Piilter6cifi . .: • B M !Hochman Jolitz.Welsh,. Jr Townsend Sbarpless Thomas Sparks ' Charles II umphrcyi Joules Steel • :Svc/sr . ..poles* New G00d.514:„ . •,..--..-.: . -!!:. • . • OD TILB. LATEST SPRING -STVLES7,- ••• • - • • • • • ausr accrsrstr • At N62l l / a rket rt., Simpron's Row, belldrertaths- , , , • i t " A. MASON Gets loice to inform:1114100h, !'• 11 - 1. that he , is constantly reciivirigkeuiti ..• l'seceipt ,ot .a large and ! well Selectest.r:ktriek:o!illOs Spring Dry Gooda, which may - be - faitild'-4.-..• and •14 rich - -dress Silits• imported under the nMrTariir 1547, , and will bo sold at:muchlitrs *at Tccriner prices; also 23 doken ladies Ottro,stiper ! • ;! --•: , •.. , Siti • - proyite and Eadois light calered Glii!feiroinoin ,_ . pitsirag•crery shade. • A large lut,DrAlpiteis aAI •Cashmeres, Mous de Laines and diOgharitisi . tad:seine ai law as 121• cents.; Calicets ' ••••••••• 4olorectindstyle, including another entiie••eSse•-'of.:,•••• ''Xiscs".:i! - -43e. and Blue printi ;1- case of:rick:Eng: . !.ifilr...PrkstyrAC : l4l4-- Our steel: of blcach7d:angi'.-:',: ! : hr.tiwuAlqalian.ii . eoppl.ete..and were purdhased.pri' lions Jltti:greAV:ndrntcc. of cotton • goods; -Whjeti will en saceii'iolil,plCage•lii'ar.itiOottl•ihat we do en qn • tire eash'liusuteo;rriiiicli76ilffe's - us to sell • ti'oist 144. la or - cootioiftair tho' credit - •systiirni, iarid,-;114 - •Wal pod Ifid.titi'dikrantage to giro tus,a, call at No. 62;:lcIarktt ittoek;•; . - - ' . • r • •-; "•••••-.; .fcb2s. ' • • •-• •• • • • , ' - ... . . . • . . '. . . N TIC i.. - • , -,.''' .--. ' • - -.', "T ' 41 . 1" T lola - ':etit. my _T . ~.... .., .. ~ ant is ..:...- /- IF to .4 . ;:1 1- ' , ".1*.,(1 7 ", ' eq:4 l- - , . 11 YPtid,...-::: - ..7' • • ettino ll g 9 hun. to' all toffeeoer tritindlfriutil: .1 • .• . ... - .. • ..• ." '' v- - : ;S:: - „4'.'.".• - •, -.1.,.,., ..k . P GAA ' I / 1 0 41 . f`f:. • , ‘, 7' : . I ye , .. ••, 3 • !" . .#11..e.itt;V::‘,.....;:.•'1'..v.• ';'....-..... •;.:_'•--• ''.::A , ',l*•, ,••*'!' . • ', ' • ''•:.•rtltitte• Dititippeo)atti - -.2.-. •;•••...• • ~.0 .' • ,, ,t.-... -4••:•r-..:%-••.:144.,..ver-,..:,' • •• • The ut4rersigne fravttg,:. VICIIII S ' ,- „vol.: 4 Edgar Thorn, cerneT4Tt Tetin-lailiand.stw:.,:-,2.,,, licit. i'illire eS.tho drn,vandmethitlpgistuste.iinTftlii", ....,,,..,...: 4 city ahirsartiiinditig coujiii-v:-. ttllettral asserthtetti- - '_ .. 4 .."•'- orall the inelit'inliiabre2Medinine s trYi•Oilti.: - , (•:, 1 . Soaps, Fanny Artieles, Brushes aitiy - tiCialiabs, - wilr al- .; ....q".„ ways by kept on hind.: PhysiciaiihilliteiseripthfihiA•Co.,,, , ' • '''.. curately.leroMpeolicd. • The store tvilli?e liiplii 4411 .. . - :' , •-it hOurs.ofiltiOty and night. • ~- ~5.....: ...!,:...r . ..,!..,;• .: .2,- . ••••7-• - WILLIAM Fl 4, ef - --- .• ;""' .: .. 7 corner ofPentlitt ' ,i t tili .: - • ) : :- ..-7-4 . .. . , ,__.„.L.4,•.-,-s‘‘l.2-.:4, V...ollitty. antE i rairnehlpO.hrliori: :- . ' •'. , :"!..t, InItEATISE Ty the dales of Count] and Thrt ,, F,... -..-. - tan DUNLO; t/illaers in Penr:sylvsn'!a.. Hy 4ildggt . . I -.;• , • Past lit—Containing the duties:of etailitiytt • -••••.`Z . ... i tnissioneri, Assessors and Collectors of rizeri;" • iiilC . :'• f . -. • modes of assessing and collecting the. taxies. .•,:, ~ .I . ''''... 'living purchased from the publishers the ba1:5p0e', , ,.., , ,/t, of the edition of the above useful publientioi lar• •••••;;'• ~... reiruced price, lam enabled so sell _them;-,at ii-,tai1ia . ..... .!... over half the original price. This book 'shbuld..tiT. 4 1 in the bands of every prep'cl-tr holder in the, pt)th in o. 7 .4. - - enwealth. For sale at the 1)o . ok and Paktlivitye- ..:.;.,2 4 ..• House of LUKE LOOMIS, A gent;'' , -% , 1. • :-...., felt,.. SD Wbotl ht.' - '.•''''. ''''' . ..........__„. Cheap Veniefela . llllitOlts; -.. ... ~' - • d - lAIS' be had at ANDREW'WIHTFeS,IIIitid - • ; k_,) tory, in the Tear' dr Joseph i owrkil- C mat- -- ::'4'...4 • Warertlum... Ladies wishibg 're get ili indi 414'0. Mien • :r -. !. ',...:- call nt H. H. Ryan's Warn:porn, Fillh• i;tl-,..n,ettizikki•-•'.,,,.---...i. 4" Exchange Bank, where I hill be in attendate,-"Asr- . !.-. 1 ':..4 if .I do .net please yob both in- price and iplab",lT.;l ',•'"'i;.'''' will forfeit my reputation as 'a blind maker . --v•ste.24l ' - -,.•;':.'..",; ~. • Sabred Wiest., itooki ''•••*':'!" 74. •• - JOHN H. MELLOIt, NU. SI 1 4f4btr.8rP.i'. lieltreers .4th-stliet and Dianuind Alley, THE Psalmodist; b3r:Hastinga R Bradbym CarminasSaera, by Lowell Masez; The Psaltery, .4 Mason Webb) f . The Odeon, • Mason & Webb; • Western:Harp, Samuel Wakefield;' Evangelical Music, by Hichock & Missouri 'Harmony, Patent notes . ; • blasons Sacred Harp, round mites, ,Ilth mason's Sacr m Harp and Patent Cautus.Ecelesue, by Darloy.&,Staiidbridget...:4- Music or the Church, by Doctor . Kingsley's Sacred Choir. - Juvenile Music Books: . .•• : • hlason's Juvenile harp; _ • The Young Choir; by Eindlitiry ainisunkri4: 1 - ciung Chits Companion. " A large supply of the above wortitobstartiiit*,, hand Ind for Bele 'wholesale or retail, by . • . IJOIII4 .I/..ME,1,L0R; $I WOOd:it.4,:" ...-Lciwee,u 4th aiid.Diamond4o474. WE:vtolittl iispettlitlly. WM the nuention.efAer - ' . -- , 3 $,,, .. 4 friends to blt: XLVIi4.II'S SICILLI.A.N. fillt. , ' , ..zr , . ,4 1 LfP;.wliMh is at'present attracting so much aftenifen.,l. : : :41'„' • throughout -- the United... Stair's. ft Wall bot.rabOaCk: 7 - .' - i: 'int:reduced to ilie„..notic,Rf Pittshurglieis, hitt .ila. - :••-• •':,- ,rttiridity with which It: hie commenced sellinit4bi :firths the statements made in this pamplets, niadriot . which are of the most astoniahing nitture, lt.betp4 4 ' mittee wet° appointed by the Mertieril faegltibir,bot ... London. and huldin, to investigate' the prepiiiibe .... of the medicine, the result of which elna.rfr detiinitl strafes that there. is one mediCine, which ts,*ll tat . it purports to be. Pumpliletn 'Containing . the ceititk-. W 'cotes or4hp cheeky is Well an those' Or hoiheiivihti, —, most respectable eitiimii of Ohio; bait be :.had dttibi`• attire, Mi hero the Medicine, is . sold wholesslir.atiti retail. • - itAys st DROCICAVAYa'r! janffi- . No. lfy Commercial Row . , Libitsty ite.:l - ninkely and zaltibelli .fires on Pihn ' . GEIITS-fiii-the Old BLick . or miop,-, -a.- MIA itAtjliew Yeik l'ackeja:- • Il•ne.litl4doeit Amide as whoa! to. Englano, at -1W...1'4164in0ne frottnd atetlitlg ind'npAid . i—lhi . jrlble in any town of-nitittitiittitit. to Grq4.l3nOin and Ireland. - • .1 3 ertionsyrialikig.te,aend fur their friend)! can, have - :limn, brought Out-by theOfidireiplendid line, on itte 16th and 16th of any thiiiiht. • • TT AVING a "Cry Idrgetuid contmodious wares imuie;ave ere prepared to reeeite (in addl. Lion to fruiglttftiCiliipoteutyalatic amount :otitis. duce, &c. on atpSyre at low rates. • • -: jy23 • C:. Jr, - McANULTY-Eit CO, CORI Basin. -- • tll7ard Li r.gir7 Stoat ATilt Subseisibsi,invipg bought out the.well 'known Liver table kept by C. It. Dory; in the liith Ward, respectfully informs his friends nail - the public generalli, that be will keep At all titilCl • stock:ef the - best description of riding home; bug gies'earriagei *tall kifids, and in phortarerything - required in his line:of busigew. 4,considerable•porticie orlfis stalk is sew, and lig is confident no plonk in the el will be k aperior In . • Hie tnrms.willpe rnodenta. Ma qable Is onLib. arty st., a few daaro above the canal haidge, where horespectflilly seliniti a share or- pablipatraissiii, cH,5.111.46 COIOOI4/C.: , irrlie is also provided with an elegant which will be furnished when rerrited, cost,aoi ..,.;r:.. *yt3, '•:7;.i•-iz,,l}.: T Irt Pettit Georgo•hl Stioud II NI Watts . • Phillip I%lPrlett :"3-111 ...•`• Robert Jr Wm Hauer ••' T CRockhill. • 1: ,lohnl Cash' V' "' ••-•:r•• C GOhilds • s; :34 '•••• "•"•••/, honerts•Steett 'll blarial _esirtn .4 ••••.4 A . ' AlCFallertott. ••• • ••••••?F' Edward Sites . • '-)•••-'" • • • • •:,:••• - Archibald '•'••• Henry Welsh • 'John M Alsroort•• • '•••••',••••-••`•* AuJ -Lewis% ..! ria Omelet Trettiii , -: James Martih •••_. John J McCashed • • Hugh Cathetwood • • ;.,11C1I ry AVldte. • Pebtuhry u;, SEEM MIEM 1 4,4 ••••• • 71Aa, • •• .•-•• ••"-• •••• • • 1,147-1 ; • 1.4.7'et . •• • - • -.--,-$ . ~ .: • '.. '.•-• • •- s , -• ;,, ..,•44.,- , ..,..:' , -', , r - • ~,. .., , . • - ;:,, -:. 1 ,4 -_ _ , ,- ';'.:-..,;,.- - • - ' . , -.'-'. .. '7'.:',-- .-• ~ '.. ~', --, • -• -•-=" 1 "-', - • i . ,... -: `,.. :;': .' _":",....,.• ..:ii.'7.,•,' ',„ ', --- ,=....:.:i 9' f..,.$ '1.7-- d !lt . ''"';..'<',•.-‘ I. -•''''' .e::::.--, ;`` ,', • .. . •;,'-..,),:,-,,,,,, ..;„, : ~-, , ".•:;"-'•---•••••=14; !I • ....-.4.,:,,,,......,,,4'.,-_,____-•••••••• T PIWIEi ;. 4 .trn..c4i3 • • IffOIN .. • • • • . • -1110 • ••-•;.- ' l / 4 `0 , 4 • w. • 4 • jer."74.=! EWE ISEN z., - + t7' .r ) 0 1. t _'.~'~'. ~~1 _'~ -„, • • , ....'.1. : • . i. : .:.1.:: . '..i:: . 1 . ,:,.: - ,. .. , ,. : . • •' c , ' • . • - ' . s • a.. 4Jf., c•ya - r t., . : ESN MIII -•,:;; ! . .T C,l.' ,;':%::'. r . l • ;-, •*'•`. " 'r:."' . 4;! . : . '!•' 7 ' ; -; . . J AI ~ ~'. ~'-`i EMU ..~, • • , ' 5:- - ,-•-• .1 4. : 4, •,' . , z i .xz,- y . • -' , • . , MEE ":. :";:,.4"2-1:,:.‘,....,:-:•-: