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'• -,Wthr,f,,l - *... • VV „;k5..„ ';' , 4" • 4 . 65 ;0 - 0;.• ~;-. • 4.-r; 7- - • .. .V4-_; %, • .-, • A • - • : • • • • -2. , 1 .4± I,- _-•• • 111 MEM - '-',i--,-.'-,'...-,-;:,.:,,i,...:,,'„;.;.„ I , 1 kx , ..,, Ny,'"'.l.:.,'-'40?;:1,; -, :,;-.1, • „frill* - ~v444000,ra- • .',,,- , k '',- - ‘ .'' --",- ' ',7 - .:,_'1= 4 ., , ; ._. , - - ;..7'..!:- , •' ,,, '•.- -, -,, ,fin' ; : ~.;~~ f~.: i~ w: -1 "tI1cOtto ritribnigh PeilfiCable Bond . .. N . . . ~ I,l '--1: . v-1846 --tat - 41 9 4 - - 1 - 1 4 .011. the transportation of freight between Pitts ; .. ,Jt: - .tiurgh-and the Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania i ,- - improvements and Baltimore and Susquehanna tail toad ANULTY fa Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, " • Jj23, PICKWORTII, Canal -Plain, Johnstown, MILLEiti C. WA...NULTY & Co., " Pittsburgh. .Tite.Grart.Spoed Reg-alai(' y and high R.:potation already attained by this pleasant - passenger Ilmite, titie intlaccA.the Post Master General, to place the New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, up -r-.l.2lierinipe-rior and swift steamers CONSUL and 101:71S leaves the :Monongahela Wharf precisely at 8 o'clock every morning, and at 6 flock . .every evening . , evcept Sundays. Splendid - Colchea await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Mail, only 73 miles to the Rail road at Cumberland. "'The preparations on this route arc ample, and the • . Connections complete, so that disappointment or I/o kra be unknown upon it. tint tickets, passengers can delay at Curnber or at Baltimore; during their pleasure, and con ' .ittnni their journey either by steamboat or cars to . . Office in the "St. Charles Hotel," Wood at. b1arf.. 13 ;,7 • • J. MESKIMEN, . . ;101: _ Agent. EMI ",, , 1 . , MEE FRANKLIN 11 - 017 . 81 G, No. 105 Chtenut Street, Philadelphia. • IPHIS establishment, since it passed into the hands of the subscriber, in Tune last, has been 'thoroughly refitted, and is now in:Complete Order, for the accommodation orthe travelling Public. _ Since the change of proprietors, numerous addi • 4141ine and improvements have been made, and it is " tipw' be 'eyed to possess all the requisite appoint. mental find conveniences which belong to afirst claw - ARR. IVea BATHING ROOMS; new Ladies-and Gentle. inettIe,'PIPINARIES; a splendid new Bar Rodin; 'lle*Tirlora and new Furniture, have been added to alPir itojithin the, past six months, and the undersigned, ' eatieful for the very liberal patronage which has thee far been ettended to him in his new vocation,, ~.,,ssurgectfallf solicits ita continuance, which be pledg !,:eifamaelf it shall be his untiring aim to deserve. , I 7, rer.4.POST COACII, belonging to the "FRANK '. ! . 4111,7! will.be, in attendance at the several Deptits, 'and' Stekijiboat Landings, to convey passengers to ':ihtll6o4; for 25 emote each, including baggagfhl ,•' T- K. 'MINOR, oiNew York, Proprietor, 1;is.:111, - $ANtms . 00:c. of Pbilad. - FirEvitAx, of Bostort,s - 48.stst ants. Philadelphia,,February 1, 18.17 , MiSC= TAAPFE & O'CONNER, k 'CM% Perm - and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. T110111:1S BORBItIOGE, . . ' - . • - MS-Market st., Philadelphia • O'CONNORS & C 0.,! MIMI. . ' - Vorth st., Baltimore T i•astar cirt a I L Potable Boat Line, nosm, MERRILL & Co., Smith's Raltiznore, MEARS, RAYNOR & Co., Broad st., Philadelphia. Plcktcorth•a Way Freight Lino 1846, xcLusivE,Ly fur the transportation of ; :way 4 - ficighebetween Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Jaen tpwn,.llollidayshurgh, Water street, and all interme diate places. One boat leaves the Wareholle of C. A. McAnul t-y-At. Co.; Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and Shippers can always depend en having their goods forwarded without delay and on accommodating termqr. , We reapectfelly solicit your patronage. rnornirmns. Pickavorth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Paris 'and Pacific. Plunes of boat•, Push and Exoine. .7John Miller of cars on Port-age Rail Road. DIONONGAREL ROUTE, r.• • - VIA BROWNSVILLE. -• TO BALTEsiong, in 3.1. hnurs--Tare $lO. ' TO PHILADELPHIA in 40 hours—flue $l2. • car ovt.T 73 xttr_s STAGING ! LT. S. MAIL. TO ARMS! TO ARMS!! , . THREATENED Invasion of , Wcstenn Pennsylvania. by Col. Swift, with 10,000 men, notwithstanding which, J. M. White will con tinike to sell Clothing cheaper than any has heretofore biton offered in the Western country, having the larglat establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty stud i firth sts. lie is now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the greatest variety of cloths, passiineres...vestings, and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been oilvired in this market, to which all can have the—Right of Way. Observe the corner, No. 10, Liberty and Sixth ets. J. M. WHITE, • •mar2s Proprietor. ,1,.„.. Jones Illation -Chemical Soap. /I ', : ERSONS, to purchasing this, must always ask - ..--.for4ONgs's ITALIAIV CHEMICAL SOAP; and, per aps,a-smany have been cheated with counterfeits .will-be too-much discouraged to try the genuine, we -atarteisuch, Try this once—you will not regret it; , - - -hat; always see that the name al'. Joan is on the 'wrapper. -Priceilo cents a cake. • For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, corner °Mood and Laverty streets, 'the only place in Pittsburgh . where . thp -Genuine can be obtained; ALL crroiat AIR COVZITERFEIT. jan22. UMW EMUS mgr - --lcArpf., f + tt t tttau £tnt.' Countryanren: HARNDRN-111•00.'t XMIGRATION• OFFICE. „ . .171F.-Stabiteriber:- having now 4.AS ,• ihe,scgia Agency in the west for ..thaabove•Motute, is prepared to send or bript - nnt.paiptengers on the most liberal terma, and with thogreatest comfort and despatch, as they have the best vessels sailing every week, (built expressly.lor and will invariably give passages secured on thie.side the water, theprefer once of berths,' and will - attend to passengerehig gage on landing through the• Custom Reese free of expense, and will also forward them to their friends in any part of the united States, thus protceting - the emigrant: from-all the wrongs and 1,6=1(6am-frauds which they have heretofore had imposed uponthem. Messrs. Hamden & Co.y are also the Agents for tho Royal Mail Steamers. . • . RemitianCeis by drifts at sight—to any amount -payable"ln any part of 'England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, Application to the subscriber perionally or by fetter (post paid,) win meet with every atten tion.. Dace . , Third etreot, one door west of Wood : ROBINSON, dec24-d&w3na,.. ,L'aropean'4- Goteral 4gent. Irsipsoottys . beitersik - Enatirtation:Dinee. Aft.REMITTANCES and passag •to and - fromiGESAT - Dirk.%2X lion.abwilay:Vtat . . T. Tapscott • . • 15 South street,cornerolMaidettLane, New York 4 and 96 Watorlociroad-Literpool. The utbscrihers having. accepted the agency of ,The above house, are now prepared to make arrange ! •ntentsMpota the Most liberal terms with these desi rous of paying the passage of their friends from the old Country, and' flatter themeselves their character and long standing in 'business wilitire ample as= surance that all arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott, arc long and favora bly known for the superior class accommodation nd qualities of their Pa cket .Ships. The QUEEN Or wl 7 ..sT, SIIERWAN, ROCIIES TER, GARRICK, 1101.11NGUga, Roscals, Li V-. ERPOOL; 'and SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the Slit and 26th and from Liverpool the Bth and 11th, in addition to which they have arrangements with the St. George and I Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar ture front Liverpool, every fir edays being thus eater mined, their facilities shall keep pace %rah their in creasing patronage, while Mr. W. 'fapacott'a constant personal sunenotendance of the 'business in Liver pool is an additional security that the comfort and acccommodation of the passengers will he particu larly attended to. The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enga ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities. are thereby enabled to take charge of and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pan 'rage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged in gi.ing them facilities for carrying passengers so tar inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ne cessary,) forward passengers further West by the best mode of converaude without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES. The subscribers are also prepared to givr drafts at sight, far any amount payable at the principal Cities and Towns in England,. Ireland,' Scotland and Wales; thus affordin,,o a safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to' those Countries, wlizeh persons requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt lv attended to. TAAFFE rPCONNOR Forwarding and Commislion Merchants, thar`27dSzwy. Pi ttsta ruh, Pa CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! cLortuNG!!! The Three Big Doors vs. The 'Western 150,000 WELL SELECTED GA BM EN - rs - made and ready to be offered on the most IN liberal ternis to my old customers and the pub lic in general. The Proprietor of this far famed and extensive establishment has now, after returning from the Eastern cities, at much trouble and expense, just completed his tall and Winter arrangements to supple his thbusands of customers with one of 'the most desirable stocks of Clothing that has ever been ntfered in this or any other market west of the moun tains. For neatness in style and workmanship, com bined w.th the very low price e h,eli they will be sold for, must certainly render the old unrivalled Three Big Doors one of the greatest attractions oi the western country. It is gratifying to me to be able to announce to my numerous friends at home and abroad, that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which I have made to meet the many calls in my line, it is with difficulty I can keep time with the constant rush that is made on this popular establish ment. It is a well established fact, that my sales are eight or ten times larger than any other house in the trade, and this being the case on the amount sold, I can afford to sell at much less profit than others could possibly think of doing if they wished to cover con tingent expenses. i intend to thake a clean sweep of all my present stock before the beginning of next year; coming` to this conclusion, I will make it the interest of every man, who wants a cheap winter suit, to tali and purchase at the Three Big Doers. oett;:1-d.kw pulls; itt•Ct.rielsrcV. WESTEIIVELT, the old and well known AL. Venal:in Itlind Maker, formerly of Second and Fourth sta., takes this method to inform his many friends of the - tact that his Factory is now• in lull op eration on St. Clair st., near the old Allegheny Bridge, where a constant,supply of Blinds of various colors and qualities, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers. N. B. If required, Blinds will be put up so, that in cue of alarm by fire; or otheswise, they may lie removed without the aid of a screw-driver, and with the same facility that any other piece of furniture can he removed, and without any extra expense. real-d&wy. SPRING FISHION.—Just received git express from New York, the Spring Style °Mats. All those in want of a neat superior Hats arc respectfully invited to call. S. MOORE, No. 93 Wood et., 3 doors below niamond Alley. marli-wp General Commission Business, With a Receiving 4- Forwarding House, at FRANK LIN, Fertangn county, Penn., BY NICKLIN & BRYDF.N. INlRlijiakdiSo:titYoputEliNofhaliie"„gcriulccebenkse'rainadloetrapt.ttleide thereonew commodious and substantial Wae r house, thWabove busmen will be attended to prompt, and correctly if possible, by us. Our friends and the public will please remember us when they have any consignments to make to or from this point. Franklin,Oct. 24, 1846. td&wGin PITTSBURGH HOSPITAL. TTIIDER THE CHARGE OF THE SISTERS OF U MERCY.—Drs. ADDISON, GAZZAN, BRIM" and McSICAL, General Attending Physicians; Dr. WES. Immtao, Physician fur the Germans.—The Institution is now open for the reception of patients. RECEIVING DAYS—Tuesdays and Fridays, from to 10 o'clock, A. M. Cases of accidents can be re ceived at any time. CHAIIGES—Three dollars a week in the general ward; five dollars with a private room. Medical at tendance is included in these charges; payments to lie made two weeks in advance. Any physician can send patients to the Hospital, and continue to attend them there, and any patient can engage any physician he chooses. In these cases the Institut:on will not be responsible for the physi nian's fees; each person will settle with such physi cians. Leeching is an extra charge. As many free patients will be received as th,means ofthe Institution will permit. Persons with contagi ous diseases will not be received until accommoda tions can lie prepared sufficiently ample to prevent any danger that the other inmates would incur. All the physicians will attend twice a week to visit the Hospital, and will depute one of their number to attend the sick in the meantime. Advice will be given gratittiously to out-door pa tients on Thursdays and Pridars at 10, A. M. Pecuniary arrangements will lie attended to by committee of the Brotherhood Of St. Josephs, which for the present consists of James Blakely, Esq., James May, John S. Cosgrave,Jolm Coyle and Arthur Tiernan. jans-tf Blakely and Mitchell, Offices on Penn and . Smithfield stir. `GENTS for the Old Black Ball Line of Liver pool and New York Packets. Remittances made as usual to England, Ireland, 'Scotland and Wales, in sums of one pound sterling Ind upwards—payable in any town of importance in Great Britain and Ireland. Persons wishing to send for their friends can have them brought out by the above splendid line, on the lfith and 16th of-any month. i 97 0 IX Acres ofgronnd, with Dwelling House, Stahl e. 1.3 Garden, Fruit trees,•schrubbery, &c. in the 7th Ward of this city., near the residence of J. D. lltlahon, F. , ‘q. Also, a two story frame dwelling House, No. S 7. Smithfield street above GO st., adjoining the pioperty of Martin Lytle. Apply to JOHN D. DAVIS, cor Wood and sth ats. EIZEIMI2M3 For Rent, ~ltgura~~t- t~am~n~ . ttc~~. ' • Fire rirlFrE 4 lnsurindi , cAPini of 'North Inverlen; 'or Philadelphid„throughitiOnly thinited - Ageit, l the subscriber, offers to,ninke permanentarld limited Insuraitce on property, in this city and He vicinity; 1 and on shipments by - the canal and event. DIRECTORS: Arthur G.CoMn;Presn. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, ' Charles Taylor, Samuel .W. Jones, Samuel W; Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, , • John White, John R. Nell; Thonias P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, • Henry D. Sherrard,Srey. This is the oldest Insurance Company - in the Uni ted States,having been chartered in 1794. • Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding.all risks of an extra - hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample secterity to the public. MOSES ATWOOD. At Coniting' Beam of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. ' '".oet23-y; The Pra214.104_ Etre D Ensuranoepompany . Or ritiLAIALPHIA. - CIIIARTER.PERPETUAL. $400,000 paid in of flee 1631-,Cfiettnyt.st.; north side, near Fah.— Take Insumtice,oiihetperthanent or limited, against loss or damage by firei on property and -effects of every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms." Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCRER, Prest. C. G. BANCKER, Seey. - -DIRECTORS: Charles N. Baneker, Jacob. R. Smith, Thomas Hatt, George AV. Richards, Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adoiphi E. Bone, Samuel Grant, • David S. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WARRICK MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, ,SCo., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in PittslntrgNAllegheny and the surrounding coun try. No ntannp.or Wand navigation risks taken. aug4-ly NATIONAL FIRE; AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. 'VMS well known and respectable company is pre pared through their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to make insurance of every kind connected with risks of transportation and inland navigation; to insure against loss or damage by fire, Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description of personal property on the most favorable terms. Applications for Insurance attended to without de lay at Bat office, No. 31 Water and 62 Front sta., by SPIRIsZGER HARBAUGH Ag't. At an Election hell at the of in N. V.; May 2tli, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, viz: Joseph W -Savage, Stephen Holt, John Browner, John McChain, William G. IVard, Wm. W. Campbell, John Newhouse, Jacob Miller, William S. Slocum; Marcus Spring, John F.l%fackie, Joseph S. Lake, John J. Herrick. And at a subsequent meeting of the Board, JO SEPH \V. SAVAGE. Esq., was unanimously re-elec ted President for the ensuing year. WM. JAMES BOGGS, u 4-1 y. Secretary. Insurance. • MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of ±l_ Philadelphia—Charter perpttnal—Cnpitnl6oo,- OM paid in: Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Pres't; Frederick Fraley, Secy. Thin old and well established Company con tinues to insure Dui'dings, Merchandise, Furniture, and Property, trot of an extra hazardous character-, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dec. 24 No. 26, Wood street. JOSIAH ICI:g0. ' I. F/SSZT, JA KING & PIN EYE ig , nts at Pitlxburgh, for the ne/aercre Mutual Srfety hisuranre Compin of Philadelphia. Illtk, RISKS upon Buildings and' Merekandize of every description, and Marine Riots upcin - nutte or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most rarorabie term a. Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes; on Water st., near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an itisti tution among the most tlourivhing in Philadelphia— as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper ation of as charter, is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his due share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious Nature, and in tts most attractive form. nov Agency of the Franklin Fire ineurattee Company of Vlilladelpitta. N. E. corner of Third and IFt'od streets, Pittsburgh. r pliE assets of dr: company no the first of Jamu -1 ry, ISI3, ns published in conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were - Bonds and Mortgages, It GC !I 0 .13 I 5 93 Heal Estate. at cost, • 100,967 Femporar) Loans, Stocks and Cash, 207,499 '72 Malting a total of $909,683 4.2 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met, and giving entire security to all who obtain poilctes from this Company. Risks taken.at as low rates as are consistent with security. net S WAIIRICK MARTIN, Agent Allen Kramer, pCIIANGE. BROKER, corner or Wood and Sti .1 .. 1 streets. Gold, slicer and current bank notes bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities fur wile. Drafts, notes and trills collected. REFERENCES. Wrrl. Bell & Co., John D. I)avis, 1 F. Lnrenxe, . J. Painter & Co., Pittsburgh, Ps. Joseph Wnodwell, James May, - Alex. Bronson & CD w- John H. Brown & Co., Philadelphia. James :WC:andless,Cincinnati, 0. J. R. Al'Donald, St. Louie, Mo. W. H. Pope, Pren't bank of Ky., Louisville, To IliOnseholdero. I - CERTIFY that I have had two beds renovated 1 . in Kelly's Steam Renovator, and I must acknow ledge that the process brings the feathers to a more buoyant and pure state than when new. With the greatest pleasure I recommend it to the public. nov2o-tf MARTIN LYTLE. I~HOURS & ALCORN, (late of New York city,) , No. 27, Filth st., between Wood and Market, Manutacturersof Mustard, Ground Spices, Catsup., &c., .&c., will open during the present week a large assortment of articles in their line, which they will wholesale in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran ted. Merchants intending to go east would.do well to call before leaving the city. They may Bib found at th it warehouse, No. 27, Fifth et., in Ryan'sbuild ing. sep7 • New Maude. ON the Charge, to the memory of Ringgold; The May Queen; Parlor Quadrilles; The last sweet chime; The home that I love; 0! would I were a boy again; Le souvenir waltz, by H. Kieber; Origin of the harp; Oakland Gallopade, by Rhoback; Love Not; Old Granite State; I have come from a happy land; Orphan ballad singers, by Russell; Old share my cottage; Woodman! spare that tree; Camp Glee, by Leder: dedicated to the New Ynrk Guards , Glee Club; The Vocal Beauties of the favorite Opera of the "Love Donazette;. Four Songs from the Opera II Puritani, by Bel lini; Duette for two flutes, by Berbignier & Kanffner; Rin Grande Quick. March: dedicated to teneral Taylor; Wag's Juvenile Pianoforte Preceptor; Just received and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood st. Splendid Goods INT W. WILSON, corner of 4th and Market et., V . now oilers for sale at regular Eastern prices, cheap for cash, a large and well selected stock of every article in his line of business, consisting in' part of fine Gold and Silver Watches; rich Jewelry „t• latest patterns; Silver Table and Tea Spoons and' Forks; 'Fable Cutlery and Tea Ware; Solar Lard Lamps, for every purpose; Military GOCiflB . &c. &C. KT Watch and Clock repairing executed in the best manner. de c 29. : .r .',ltbita.L . :.! -. '. - ,.:' The Press, 111Leatoall -Faculty and thou. sands who have need.... Stmnela Compound' ' ' • Syrup If 4 . 14 'Clin ..M n, all. centUr in pro npuntinxit one of the beet remedies -ever invented, for the cure of all Y.'; irZC • CIONSUMPTIVESBuWiitit a>•litvostriosr.—The Wild Cherry Tree- in i l ages of the world, and in all countries whereit hsktiown, betharnong civil ised as Well as savage. nations amtliiliesi la justly celebrated forits wonderful -medicidal quslities— This; combined with Sneer other valuable Vegeta ble extracts, and preparth , by 'a skillhl physician, who poesesseftlie , adVahtsges of the experience end practice of Ids priifessicin of nearly a- queiter of a century, must be a 'valuable itcnitisititin to those who are laboring undeeriny of the dangerous diseases of the Lungs so common weer climate. Such a prepa ration is Dr. Swaynei Coinpound Syrup of Wild Cherry, prepared by 'himself it his labartory in Phil= adelphin. or Philadelphia, has net.nor neverhas had any thinglo do with - any preparation of Wild Cherry, butthere Wag one got up in-Philadel phia and rho name of Wider attachal, the right of ,which was sold out to abbie "merchants in the West. If you would get the genuine 'article, the only one prepared by a regular physician, see that the signs cure of Dr. SWayne,'ofPliihuPa., is on'each bottle. More /Time Tostinteny. Pttii.atmuurta,'Sept. 28, 1846. Dr: IL Szeayne:—Dear Sir—Raving seen the "as- tonishing cure" perrormed on Mr. Thomas by your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, I was induced to try it on Myself. I was taken With a violent cough, spitting,of blood, shortness of breathing, together with violent attacks of Asthma. I overdone myself from exertion which I was not able to, perform, which prostrated my system to a great extent. I 6113- menced the use of your Compound Syrup-of Wild''. Ch.‘riv, together with your Patmet efllarsaparilltr, and Tar Pills, which gave me almost immediate re-; lief, and I am glad to give my testimitiny to . alf WhO may be afflicted in a similar way. lam ftO:lV able - to resume-my daily labor. It would dowel' to. See that' the signature ot Dr. IL SIVAYNE is on each bottle , .of Wild Cherry. My residence is in Thirteenth street: two doors from the center' of Willow, where-I shall be glad to have an interview with all sirnilarlyaftlic. ted. t WM. A— WALTON.. Letter from the Rev: R. Jackson. Formerly Pastor of the -First Pitohytot . ian 'Chttrcli, New York Cnitlx,NATt, Feb. 15, 1846 Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir—Pirmitme to take the - lib.: erty of writing to you at thiezirne, to express appro. , l Nation, and recommend to the attention of heads of families and to others yank valnibliMedicineyour Compound Syrup of Wild . Cherry., rn my 'travels or I late, I haze seen in a great manyinstantes, tlie won, dorful effects of,your medicine in relieiing children of very,. obstinate complaints, such as coughing; wheezing, choking with the phlegm; asthmatic at tacks, &c. I shotild not have written-this-letter; however, at present, although I have felt it my duty to add My testimony to it for genie time,:had it not been for a late instance where the medicine above alluded to was instrumental in restoring to perfect health an only child , w hose case was almost hopeless, in a family of my acquaintance. ' [thank heaven said a doting mother,from-theny child is saved fro-th; jaws of death.' Beyond all doubt, Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. I am certain I have witncseed mere than one hundred cases where it has been at tendcd.with complete.suceess. 1 have used it myself in en obstinate attack of the, Bronchitis, in which it provekeffectual in an exceedingly short time, enn aidering the severity of the case. I can recommend it in the fullest confulence of its superior virtues. I would advise that no family should be without it; it is very pleasant, and always beneficial; worth double and often ten times its price. The public are assur ed there is Co quackery about it. _ Reader! are you sofrering trent a cold or disease; orthe lungs? Try this remedy! you will not, perhaps, regret it. It will arrest all those disagreeable symp toms which stoke so much terror to the mind, and rmlong your days; beware-of all - preparations pur porting to contain Wild Cherry, except that bearing the signature of Dr. fl. Swayne, on the outside wrap per oFthe bottle as they arepoite likely destitute or the article from which they borrow a name. Prepares! only by Dm SyrsvNE, whose epee fuss been remored to the N. E. Corner of Eighth and Aare Streets, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail in Pittsburgh at proprie tors prices, by WM. TI(1)111%, 53 Market it.; pcxtrtr Strowetn, corner of Wood and 2d sts.; I. J0:47.5, ISO Liberty at. Also. sold lty J. Mitchell, Allegheny City, nnyd, Carus & Co. Butler Wearer & lienaeriron, Mercer; Norman Cacender , ' ldeadviile; J. 11. Burton & Co., Eri.; 151•Kunsir & Denis & Son. Columbus; NI iller, Brownsville; Marsh, Wheeling, Va.; T. 11.11inman, Cincinnsti, Ohio; Dr. E. Easterly & Co.„ St. Louis; J. S. Morris & Co.; Louisville; By.; Andrew Oliver St. Co., New Orleanv, and by agents generally.. deel.ll mcdie at and SArglea/ Officio. Ilealilt la the -charm of life, without it gold. Lose, letters; friends, a11,.a11, are unenjnyed DOCTOR - BROWN, a igularly educated phyzi, ian from the easMit would respectfully z.n tounce, to the citizens of 'ittsinirgh, Allegheny and icinity, that he can he :omnlteil privately and evivy day and evening at his office an Diamond Allay, a few lours from Wood street Dr. drown gives his partintlar att ention to the teattnent and investigation Of the following disear 6CS All diseasesarising from 'lmpuritiesof the Blood. scrofula, syphilis, seminal weekne,is, impotency, salt rheum,disemies of theeye and ear,rlieunaatisrn, piles, palecy. Dr. Brow% has much pleasure M announcing to the public, that he is in possession -of the latest in formation and improveMent in the treatment of secondary syphils, practised at the Paris Lock l t os. pital. The modern researches on syphilis, its complications and consequences, and the improved modes of practice which: lia.ve.heen made known to the public but recentley, and to those chiefly who make this branch of Medicine, their particu lar study and practise. Many new and valuable remedies havelicen late ly introdncetl, whichsecures the patient being mer curialized out ofesistence Strangers are apprised that Doctor Brawn has been educated in every branch of medicine, and regularly admitted .to practise, and that he pow confines himself to the study and practice of this particularbranch,togeth er with all diseases of a. private or delieate nature, incident to the human frnme. No cure, no pay.. Recent cases are relieved in a short time, with out interruption frombusiness. C'Otfice on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street, towards the market. Consultations strictly confidential. myl2-d&-wy Dr. Eanarniers Lung -Jelly. IWOULDspeak an hoitest and conscientious word of ad-vice to those of you who are ant too wise to reason, and who can appreciate and distinguish be tween the cruel and dishonest puffing of the day, (in reference to pulrionary dileases,) and the following straight-forward- statement, •by one who would not offer a misrepresentation to you; where life and death are so dearly concerned as in any of the dis eases or ailments which. lead to Consumption. lean assure you that-the remedy here offered, has given a heavenly relief, and often effected a perma nent cure, when every tither remedy has failed. • It is pleasant, indeed, beautiful to taste; and fur those who are weak,languidi add emaciaied, form an agreeable article of food, as it is in the form of a beautiful, flavored balsamic jelly. It can, there fore, in - tenth and honor, be offered to all those afflic ted with Bronchitis, Asthma, Obstinate or Common Coughs and Colds, spitting of Blood, Bleeding of the Lump, Whooping-cough, Croup,..Llficully of Breath-, tag, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, First Stages of .Con sumption, and all olhar . Pulmonary and Liver Com plaints. It is known as Dlt. EMANUEL'S BAL SAMIC LUNG AND COUGH JELLY. " The materials of this Jelly are purely vegetal)] and balsamic, and are the invention of an eminent physician, from which the proprietor has purchased the recipe. 'lt is certainly worth its weight in gold, but is put at a price to be within the reach of rich.Or poor. Sold by WM. JACKSON, at his Boot & Shoe atom, No. 89 Liberty.atreet, head of Wood at., Pittsburgh. Price 80 cents and $1 per bottle. ' decb MZ=l JM. WHITE - has just received at his large establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a - splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superiorlot of French Satin YES TINOS, all of which he is ready to. make up in the latest fashion and oil the most reasonable terms as usual: Observe the corner, No IG7 Liberty and Sixth streets. myl4. I. M. - WHITE, Taitot,Troprietor. =ME -MAT E'S • • _ • •) • • wand- 7-% . . A ''''' PERMANENT c.G.RE FOR - -. AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. "What though the causes may not. bweiplailted, 'Since theh' eivis afeduly aseertained; Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride, Induce mankind to set the Means aside; Means - which, tha 9 MisPlei are Hedien design'd To alleviate the ills rifhtiman kindtvr 0n„0413.15 - rrEos".GthIVAI4IC AND Vg.T.W . FLp`ni. ISrernarkable inveritiOn).. which has. received ; the universal apPreliation ofthemeilleal.pro&s., Bioll of Great Brinun, coniprftits.an.entirelynew•dp plication ofG alvan ion!, as "a rglntdiaLagiWibYlneanW of Which the 'Ordinary.lailvanit latteriesrifiectrie and Magnetic Mirebiner,-Acr,are..entirely_dispensed with, and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied. without. any of the objections wind:in - re-Inseparable from the general mode now in Us& ,-Thestrongrfos; es, and irregular intervalay'in which Galvanisin isap. plied by the Machines, has been:pronounced, after a lair and impartial trial; be,demdedtp.injurionsi.and! it was to remetry.ibiaradiealAefeettliatthia'new apz plication was projected; Whiih;after_linceasing toil, and perseverance, - bil beenlbrongbt.to its.present State ofperfeetion: - `Tlio 7 •Gciftrunic Rings.answer all the purposes of the' Most ni - pennive _Machines, and in many otlir respects are more cafe and teriain accomplishing the desired effect. • The .I:intermit Rings used - in. connection with the Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recommended in all .:crLsortiers width arisef rom an enfeebted dnd urtheri/lhff slateof Cho nervous .dr vital system, and these, corn= plaints. are among themost painful and universal to .whichlve arc subject.l They arise, without exception; from .one simple -cause- 1 -.2. derangement or the Nerv.: - ous System,--and it. was in these ,cases that other 'remedies , hiving NI often failed, a new agent was greatly needed, which it is confidently, believed, 111.71 been 'found in the proper and judicious application of Galvanism. The Galvanic Rings bare' been used with entire success, in all eases of Raistatevrtsx, acute or eltroriie, applying to thehead, face or limbs, Gout, Tic.:l4lo- rm.!, Teetkarke; Dro tills, - Vertigo, . Nett:our Skk fleadache,.,l:adigestio Paralysis, Palsy, 'epilepsy; Fits, Grump,. Palpitations of the TlVart, Apoplexy, d Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints Lumbago, Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of thellead, pain in the. Chest : a n d Side, General Debility, cy of Nervous and - Physkal Energy, and all.N E11.V. , GUS DISORDERS. In cases ofcontinned Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement - of the diges tive organs, they have been found equally successful. Their extruordinarreffeigs upon the system must he witnessed to be beliered i lnd as a certain preventive fur the preceding-comriltantsthey are equally recent: mended. '.The - Rings are of different prices; being made ofall sizes, and of various ornamental patterns, and can be worn by the most delicate female without the slightest inconvenience. In fact, Abe sensation I is rather agreeable than otherwise. I The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets,' Bands, - Barters,. Necklaces, dae. In angle cases of a very severe' character, and of lung standing, the perter asipplied by the Galvanic itings'is net sufficient to arrest the progress of ditsmse ankultimately restore health. The improved modi fication' in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets; Sc., entire ly remedies this objeCtion; any degree cif power that is required can readily be ebtained ond no camplaint ‘viticii, the mysterious: agent of Galvanism can effect will full to be permanently relieved. These artielea are adapted to the witistsierms, wrists,ligibs, uncles, or any part of the body, 'with perfect,couvenience. The Galvanic Xeekbeces are used with:treater belle. fit in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat generally; also in cases of Nervous . Deafness- ' and with almost uniform success age preventive for Apo plexy, Epileptic Fits,'end similar complaints. R. JtilLviSON, a D. is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and all their modificationii. This composition has been pronounced by -the Fren'ch Chemists to ire one orate most extraordinary diiicoverici oftuodern silence. It is believed to possesti, the remarkable power'of ',tering the nercessanirit . ire to galranicirction by this means causing a coricentratiop of the influence, at the seat of discase,thue giving r'vpid and permanent re lief. No other composition in chemistry is known to produce the same effect, or to impart a similar pro perty to the, nervous stem, by means of an outward local application. The filagnede Fluid contains not capable of the slightest injury; its application it agreeable, and it is as harmless in its action as it is beneficial in its results. F.llll-explanatious and direr: tions accompany it. The:combined inventions are in every way perfectly harmless; they are sold at prices within the reach of all And the discoverer only re quests.% fair trial as a test of their surprising efficacy and permanent benefit. Chrtstte's Galyahte !Strengthening Plas- These articles form another valuable application of the mysterious influence off-Ws-an:sm. They are do important adjunct io the, genuine Galvanic Rings and their modifications, acting ,upon the same princi.: ple, tnithaving the advantage of more local applica. bon. They are rotifi,devitly recommended as valu able addition in the speedy cute oflthenmatism,aeute or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a posi tive remedy in cases of Pain and Weakness in the Chest or -Back, Painin the Side, in.eliver-alic Affections, and in Weakness or Oppression of the:Pulmonary Or gans. In Spinal Criciplaints their effects are of the most decided' character, arid they have ellen, been used with complete success. They are also of the greatest advantage in. Pains and]. Weakness of the ilrcast,a tut ore highlyrecommendod for many of those complaints to which *mai es aro esipecially liable. As an effectual means for strengthening the system when debilitatekwith disease or othefeauses; ns. a„certain aid in Constitutional •Weaknera; as. a Preventive at Colds; aflifin all alfeetiotie of the. Chest, generally, the Galvanic Strengthening Plastdr will he found rot great and permanentndvantage. : ,!In a row Words; it embraces all the virtues of the best tonic preparation, with the important tolititiow of the galvanic influence, I which is 'neither impaired nor eliminated, while the I action continues. These articles will be found entire.. ly free fiorn those objections which are a constant I source •f complaint' with the ordinary plasters in common use. Dig- The great:celebrity and success or these arti cles bave caused thorn to be counterfeited by enprin cipled - persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. Cams= has but one authorised agent in each city of the Union. The oulyagent in Pittsburgh, W. W. WILSON. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMO?iIALS, Of the highest and most respectable character, are constantly received,; regarding the extraordinary value and success oftho above articles. It is holier etlilitit in the city of New York alone, upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period'of less thawa year, have been entirely relieved of the must painful chronic disorders; some of which have completely baffled all former efforts of medical art indeed many of the first physicians of this city, who disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine, constantly recommend this application in their p9e tice, and . with the exception 'of thifse who are too prejudiced to give it a trial, ,the invention has re ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent among the American ,Faculty.f Dr. Christie is at all times ready and.most: happy to.give every fficilitfto physicians, And all irrterested,Tor testing the truth of his assertions and the etEcacy of his discovery. Only agency in Pittsburgh; corner of 4th and Market street. 6ctl4-d 1 y At No. 2. Commercial Row, Liberty street,"Big Gol den Mortar" once more. AYS & ROCK WAY,.thank ful for the liberal II tronage, which. they have heretofore received and wishing to merit an increased share of public pa tronage, would respectfully call the attention of the public to our stock of goods which we are now re ceiving for the fall trade. Among which may be found in quantities to suit purchasers, the following articles. Rhuebard Root,, - Liquorice Root, }lour Sulphur, . do. Ball, Refined Borax, Gum Arabic,. Cl'd Mirmesia - Sal Soda, Curb Magnesia, ' Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, Gum'Copal, Cream Tarter, Roll Brimstone, Calomel, White Chalk;, Sup Carb Soda, Ext. Logwood, Epsom Salts, • Chip'd do. Glauber -do. Madder, Tartaric Acid, ' Yellow Ochre, Gum Se.hromony, Chrome Yellow, Bal Copavia, do Gfeen, Salt Petre, ' • Rose Pink.' Together with a general assortnient of Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Dye Woods, &c., &c., all of which will be sold as low as at any other house in the city. sf•pl9 . . STE WART'S Daily Register, for tho use of fami lies and persons of business, for 1847. For sale by H..S. BOSWORTH & CO., trec2l 43 Mirket et. .-> ...~^ir~:.. -~.~..5„-.~.,. .:...«..,.~ ..~.-~.rs~,rt ^L^gym MWM==M Attircit. ChslialehC Magnetic Fluid CAUTION Drugs', Drugs, Drugs, CONP.OI.I,3I'D taTEMEWO'n'r Aviv; arAlt , safe and-coriehi tare forecineureptian-of the-Lunge; Spitting oflllood,Coeirlie,Colde,^Aetbake, .;.Pain in the Side, .D,ronel2itie, ; ; Who__opt . ng' Cough, • Pn2mOrk9ry, Affectioiup, E.A.R.whst the ,Celebiateo.l:4-.ltichatds says f ,..a ~Physician of Morethin yeain'standing. lie that in the aim of Mr. Charles Wade, that resorted -- to every means • within his nowlecige; for the treatment orCcmstireptieni with. outtlieslightestberiefit, he permitted him to use :Dla Bevis , Liverwort and Tar, trtsphich he-was neater: ' , ea to Verfeethealth. •! - - (ffigned) WiII..7.,RICItARD; aid Its 14r•-Please get a painplidet and seethiunertiffieate in full CONSUMPTION AND MOST. Dig:Tll:E pi rir COUGH CDRRD: - Mrs. Ann Cliildev; Who resides on Stlirftreet (fledlth side)alleorsWest offfinith rit.;Cin o:,certifleir.-;...- - Thar ithe was''so far -tone with. Consumption, tended witlia most distressing. Cough, ni.ta be'on the very brink ofth'e graire, . and, although under the care'f an able Professor, she had given up.sdi hopes of race - very but was rescued by the. Use iirDr.Rogero Livertviirt and Tar; one half bottle Which broke the Con.li entirely up ANN - CI:HIDES. VIOLENT CObfal, PAIN AND _SPITTING !OF.. ' BLOOD-CURED - - Mr. Finch, John street, Letween 4th and Sth sts.; Cin., 0.; staterifiat lid - was afflicted 'with violent Cough; murk pain Mid 'Continual 'Spitting of Blood, I and, although under the care of ae-.excellent !Physi , Man; was daily becoining worse; but,was • happfly cured by Dr.'-Rogers , - Liverwort sed . .,Tar, Which stopped the blooding, removed, ,the _pain, broke up : the Cough immediately, and haled the Lungs per•- - -; feetly Sound. tffigned.l JUSTICE FINCH.. From the iton. Judge, Wu. Sulam, of Cincinnati: 11e 'states that he is ivell:ircipiainted with Finch; and that his statements are entitled to full eiiri fidenec; also, that he can frilly corrobtiriteivliat bas been slid with regard to thireinedicine, having . used it himself with the most decided benefit. De CCII - it valuable. - (Signed,) Iti IF LlAitf BIJRKE. Call on the Agents and see thiticertifipate in full. DISTBESSING COUGII AND THE LAST STAGES. OF CONSUMPTION CURED.— ..! Mrs. Benj. Smith, living on Ann street, Onesemare' North or the-Cincinnati Hospital, certifies-- That sire , was 110 oly *Mt the physicians eckuld.do no more fur ler. She exhibited"preciselY'theianie symptoms that her daughter did before stie died, (she having died with tho same , diienim but a ahem time previons.) arid was absolutely Strangling - . with her:cough-, when she commenced using:Dr. Engem , Compound -Syrup of. Liverwort and Tar, 'which-rail ed her as: by apiracle. . . . (Signed,)' ABIGAL, SMITH A. 1.. Scovill, Whoiesale Agent for the .Wearand South, S. E. corner of oth and Spruce. streets, Cin cinnati, Ohio. --- e D. C. Kneeland,_principal Agent fiii.Dittsburg . office on Graht et. ' one door below 243. • Also for sale by J. !Gild it. Co., corner of 4tifued wood-sts., Pittsburg h. ' ' 3-hn-11. Cassell, sth ward, PittabOrgh. • , P. Schwartz, Allegheny. • John Smith, Birtning4tun. AVLlsiniss Pll4s. ITtlft- WILSON - PILL:B, is a- remedy rpeculiarly adapted for beadach errand dyspeptic affections, aro pretty generally Itnown and esteemed in-..thin community; and, the proprietor, so . ofted as he, bag occasion to write or speak of thein, eau scarcelY re frain from, an expression of his ,gratelidacknotledk cientato his friendis for their pattonege infikiednecrs o hi m, ;its feelings arc the Warmer ibur 4,l ter.ring ho' thegirMing and. the ending"throverfalmostin jultapesition—ofao-many nostrunerand kindred fire.; paratiOne equally loud in :their :pretensions; and much more industrionaly- presented to the public; while his; preparation . noiselessly .adiancel,eren to remote places, soothing and comforting the afflieted ; and permanently grafting itself upon the. affections of new friends, thus continually widening the circle of its usefulness. Although well satisfied that;.hia medicine has, as it were,a principle of perpetuity _ in. p it, yet he is obliged to his friends fur the most sub-. stantia 'evidence of thdfflct.e.. In its-natural history, if you please,. the Wilson Pill differs from most other preparatiiinein not being originally _made for side, or with a view to pecuniary profit; while as everybody knows, thigicatest-tyrit (as d general thing) no sooner legini. to:dabble-tit drugs thin lie' casts about for siiMe,.ch#ttptfutpiiii tion,.ortnust 'get up., , :as the phrase is; tromethirig anything .that will Sell. • Often lie attempts i,t :tinder an assumed or fictitions•name, as though conscious his own were insufficient to sell IL The difference • then between the Wilson Pill. and the,preparstionsii have just indicated, would. appear to be. this:. The consciousness_ of the value of rny,pill origitrated the idea of putting them on sale formoney,.tuutat price. 'The ...consciousness of the. value of Money originates in most instances the :matey preparations haveMluded to and the PriCimosit likely, .tetake , is aIWaYS first carefully.: rioniiiciared,.and'thit pill or other preparation made an t i gradoated.to suit i .f The ' one is a mscovmsit, and Commi:from the v:Mt Arcane of Universal Nature; the other a trick or invention, and comes from snot very popular qualityOrb:vi va:PAL Nature. Reader!. the difference here is great.; In one initancetheSque attached to tho kitt: is the not . .Bui it is not probable that some' . of the many :prepare: tions haying even. Such " paternity Were .asesderitciili gdod,:lititthat possibly by this process cir'":getting up" as they call it, by puf fi ng tind;blnyting, as we Clean wheat, the* have been "" . .get up". too high be'l fore their 'specific gravity had been carerullyasOef-' Mined, and ,have 'blown of nairei to-do:Jleard.. of, with'itthet chaff -;- some lighter, cone hentei.' . • Whatever may be the re:feria/a; Mast repeat it, that lAIII most profoundly thanhfid to rity friends Tor ' their discrimination in noteonsigning ray dienovoty: to that eoutpenduoue eategOry Of "inventions that did not answer"—of‘tricks that wonntsin.:" The .Wilson Pi'taste usethl as outtrusx.remedy, and may be kept and taken, in proper doses, in fain ilies,,as a preventative .of general ill healtß, ttr ease of whatever ,name, by any member of the•fam ily,lvitheittany fear of the, consequences of expor sure in the ordinary pursuits of business. • .11:7" They may always be had in any .quautity of the proprietor, in Penn street, belovi - blarbury, and of the principal Druggists of this city andittegheny. jy22-dtrAv7in - • Dissolution citrartnership. THE Pa• tncrship existing-between-the uridernign.; ed, under the iltm . or squß.A. SCHEIDT:ER, WRS diSEOI Yea on the 3d inst., try mutual content. The books of the, concern ate in "the hackie of Mr. T Sc h r e ib n a 0 , authorized o ‘ k vi t;t o or is e . ,,,inbo Qnt it a c4B o 6,t ik t e al O r id a i ii iti cii n u 4 e o tl. Mr. Scriba; the. Bookbinding by Mr. Sobeiblii. " VICTOR SCRIM; - Dec. 25,1846. 1 ; GUSTAVUS SCIMISLER.. Bool4,!xxid .Statioitry. lIA TIN G just returned horn the Fast with amoat elegantand extensive stock: ler 'Fancy Station, ary and Books for Christmas and New 'Year's Gifts, I would call the attention of the public ;toMy store; No. 115, Wood Prices - extremely; low: Among great selection ofßooks for' old and young, I -men:. hon' . • • The 'Boudoir Annual, for 1847. " Diadem,- • " ' cc Boquet, • " hlass,Rose,c " " Amaranth, 4 . " Mayflower, _ " Forget-me , not, " " Leallets - ofMcmory " Rainbow, - " Lady's Album, ce " Sacred Monistains. " Illustrated Book_of_Christian Scenes in the Life of ChriSt, by Chriswold. The Tcirtoise Shell Kitten; for 1847. Annizalette,' Christian Blosioms, ' rc• - The Book of Nursery Rhymes. Together-with - a greatselection of Books for Child ren, Gatues, Portfolio's, &c. VICTOR SCRIBA; 115 Wipad at . , . 1..,• . :01 . 0.1 1 . - (0 . 1 .- Ifis - my.to larehasers• kitown that will pesifieelg;cticre ,„ • , • Headache, Fridiness, Rheumatism; --Msati%uria, Dispepsia, Scurry, ' Cholera Morbus, Small. Pox; ,Inundiesg :;rthrugrlh - i "quinaFir. Painain-the - dhick 3 .„7 - Wheopuig Cbagfii Inward Weakness; - onsumptip~y , l its, Palpitation ottha 'Heart; trver-CeMidnin4 Rising in the' Threat,' - . Dropsy, Asthinef . • "Itchiegs of /IMAM; Fevers of alf kinds;_ _ Female Complaints, - -Nitiktus COMPliliffai And'all otherdiseasesoriginating lkata4agogitiffi cog the blood. ci*TheY iMin cared ', Attie over 2 ; 6o opersone,Wholutverbeen.giveirasPaahoptlet lessoases,-by the Mustemineet Phyeleians.. ihr . They are patronized and meanie ended' by men of the highest distinctirm, among'whom Hon. Daild 1L gotten ' lran. HcR7 Clay, - lion. JohnQ,Adares, , non..DenielWebstei, lion. Martin Van 'Buren, Abb.' J. 6.-gitificiiini , Gen.Vinfield Scott -' Col, 11`..1k1:-M,ft, Hon. James X. Gnu, LewisCasa• IP - Their virtues are stk:infallible that Meisel, Will he returned in all case, they tonetereidaltrevii4 and satisfaction. Although but two. and a half ,Ye ars. have elapsed : since these celebrated Alla Were kit: i hired:aced - to the: public,the Sale 'Of thief itt the' Eastern and- States hat !Tar, eicee -Dr. Clickenees moat sanguine.expectatiorm . rowing Ina past year, alene, no less than 10,000 groin* of boleti lizie been Salti , the State"of New York; frioookinl Pertiniqlieniai , t,ooo.le-Mergiatui3,o,oo in New -.Ter: 5e,y,„2,0130 in Delaware, and 9,oaq in the. New England ;ieg Statesniting the ' constant ' Cruployinent eielitsive of prinninfazid , • engravers.- In the :same .period; :upitards, 'of iltiflillflo copies of _the . .Family - Doctor" have "bheli 'ofdered hgenti every heftiest bf the country. .These facts. =tat show, conclusitely, that Dr. Clickeners Sugar Coat ed Pills r besides being.the:xery hest medicine ie the world, are hettlin the highestetitimstion by th s public . We might extend ihis.publiiation tb' an indefin ite length; iPwe deified at expedient to publislt all .tersitnonials we have received, not (Ally from, manta: but individuals and families , who -haver experienced the benficial effects of Clickeners Sugar; Coati* we deem it unnecessary. 'The . inert Atz. contestible evidence theirimprecedented s initOssi are the nitmEihrlbsitiffritatietth tittd,.CetMteilbibtWltieh" have already appeared, notwithitanding the htierpe rind theihave betalerailiettc-pOlie: of our Irtatizicheat rill makers have had the nofdaeityr to imitate the Capsule gager, in. order to disguise the ingrediento*Cgteit vile cosgpoutidi ,P 419% them' iffrfisetlie - ‘treal 'Dimon ',Wee - Lltibtrloo7 shifts cannotJastlong. without etpuSing_theirbittatatta deformitY. Truth and hithekty - moa t inevitibl,tprei raid over rascality and deception ' ' For sale in Pittsburgh . by AVM: 'itergOrtiiii his I.Pdtent Medicine Warehouse, No. ‘O'iLihertY„.itieet. head of Wood, at., Pittsburgh. Pribe,'Od: per box.; • Dr. Clickener ' s principal Ogee if rairtikltti fte New York. , ' ' Krilewure,nf a`lr imitatioa ' liracle Cale& -lei' proledSopi. - CoateiPlifs_,;.ol4l4.4to*iiii an both . tfdi tre t 'D/OF genes, got up hy a. suiserable quick in NI,WIt wbo, for thcnlast , four 2. 0 1 . ki#l: living bbycounterfeitiog . i 3 Remeidier,Dr. C. lr.t.l4ellerleihtfOifigifuil• itivenjor Sugar' Coated Palo Una that 'nehing-ot Tart tort *as ever ' lieard unt il intouluceil`thent. is June, 1843: Pureloisere iihoOldi'thorefore,aways aekToirClicketreVe Sugar Coate&Ve.getubloPillkookt take no_ other, or they will be made Abe tictiyya of .I freed.' • - - 7 %." ',400,1944, The noire Aitovtildtot Insertivet*. A BLESSIN(;! MIRACLE ! I 'At'.oi'lliErtfr RP-cure - ErePicini tied D4,figuremmas" qf the Pimples, Preeklesi - Stesburts, Safe Rheum, Scurvy, Sors.fleadsott..(-11.&e. . -;- - M 1 A E/UR years !Lige. t;August, the Capital erPrani!.,o - Wail. astonished consequence or ardumnpid-• made by tuiltalian Chemist. Many doubted-,--it seem.' 'ed almost_ an impotatilkilitylliat' any' thing made by the, hands of 'man, laic inch- air:viler" tinivert , ae that claimed by Antonio-VEaransz - fori . 4k inven. Con._ • 'Many classed him and his invention as rt hum bitg, (and; alai! many foolish persons without trying,' do the samo now;} at length, - after' testing it in the hospitals, the ; Medical Seciety "of 'Pails', (the hPost: cheuiistain tlikworld)delivered the following r:?port tio:Signorlrespii;tl:_ " • • ticti.brive new minutely and 'catenary praininisd.' the 51421 ar i on Of Vepprini.: Wei hat, erintilye-' ed its _component prv'ts7- 7 We lave need it in nevecal' cased, and w if - hesitate net to pronotinCirsiC('rliii Imlian , Chemical ...Sol1)) as a great bleseingi- and-n truly- wonderful 'remedy - for any cutaneous - ertiptitie or diskurementitc;the'skim. Iti inventor : we con sider the troe pWabiropist...ef suffering Alankin4 , l" —(Signed) Pre." . , , Then corn Idle report. of the- 45 Soclete pinira: " We are-antoandedi"eranims th eagedpresident; ,"at thissingular.',,pro,paration--Yeaprines Chemical Sotipt.: Where, -- mdeed e will science Meg Hero we harmal preparation_ made in the I,orai.pf heautifurpieeeolsoup,whiehr.. we know_ hyetual. praCtice,to enre'esery. _cutaneous eruption! every .disfigurement of; and even - discolored skin-1 ~Mart 'will tta , magic. and singular power cease 1 The PFe 'groare Creole, the Yellow Pace of the East,wati the 2 Red Mau ofthe TarlYsatiare alikemnder the io fluenee of its extraordinary power* of clearing yel lobrdr discolored' tikin4 and ina.ke %elate and bears. Ural,. Sod ofebanting the coloi- ofdarki or browni (Here se.eral persons were biooght forw&td by, the lt, ireaiden who had used ft, in:proof of his aasetiiii - na.) - _ _ READ IRIS! - -raost THE .1210,21. plabEta 'f!tPrat faalatarf OC/fatal:PC :3, • ' Paris, NoP4;7,Dititq. coniiideratiOt.ofihe .snmxif $3600,1 Ulm &- Mil/oil tolite. T. Adam; residintis theViti - or-Pttlf Yorkvast.A.,;:the whole proceturcit.:matiriAr, big - ether with a Statementafihe iegreilikttts. , cehtpss..7: log oiy.rtaliatv Chemical Soap. HO is to-manefic tura it for salmi& thaUnited States only,tted ta hays the priiiiegt of haminkit.... , ,laner's ItalioarChemied Soap." ,••• • y Witness, henry,. palasa , arta:, (Sigaaa)'AtTl:l,lol3-*O4/11411/.' ThenY - Orkprobibly few persons er inteAllettia; who, slier .;.drunt the:above „will-dottbultetpiiili tiew or Jones's; ita li ale".Cheittical_Soap,!, hi:Luring' Eruptioiis;!Diefigerements, Freckles, 43alt:Itheusg, Scurry ; Erhaypelai; Senzburn, Moryhew , Tanifftel- OV.Brown Skin; rae. - . - Shiittlikthere be suckpet , sons; perhaps the following :reioistruendstionis;,ait well as hiindride - from others, - may einvinee 04rFor sale:by,W- JACKSON, Agent, cornerrof Wood and> I.lberty , streeb4:Theonty , place in Pitts burgh where , the , Gestrzirs. eau .be obt4i fled: °THEM'ARE. CIitTIfTERMAT. - jan.2o Real - Estate `Akcewei amid • General In.ol. ' ligenee °Mee. - 2 _ IHE Stibscrilier* hae opened at the Publication or- •ri .fico of the_Xertiirg,Telegraph,l4l6.. Third a - Real Etitate,,Ageocy_ acid• - General - Intelligence Offices:A persons can re. cord, withoalletOkitei . real estate which theiwish sell or exchaugo,. houseirte lit, Ste. 4-c. Tiger - RP real estate will r be, ozetained;:tid - ileeds of sale .or excitanße wilt executed' and all other business. connected With 'Reid Estate - Agency, will be:tranis. aetedWithpitnpteesa and fidelity: will also attend the busineisalkelinikini to a General,lntelligenee PtSce, - such as procuring sitnitions r qd persons out Of'etnployment, 84444 fainilies with rnale:tind feinale domestics, The fees will in4ll espies be amalrand.no„chntitel- Will be ' - a - tade:exeept for ServiCeslicitddly:.irittideire* The sulo,cribez is permitted to referto the igglOw..• ing gentimpea of tbascity. lion; Gibited Adams, Mayor.' ' Janke Rai and 4- Co., Wooast. Atterasy, at ,Law. 1,: Rutledge , NNToodst.. Ignet-InTi49-Matimad , • W. J. Rolsard 4- Co., Wood at. Cook, Fourth .st. L. Editor of Pont. 1, Whitney4t Porter Editors of Chronicle , :: White ; fc Harris, .Editors of Gazette: J. Horton'Foster, Editor of Dispatch:: ' P. F. 7,loylan,publishtte-Ciettilic.. ' • IL Demers ' htdcß 7„ • f , • ' L. A. CLAM ' - Denn,*!!!.Plieta, da • fi Aipiwortlrai GrAck 31.440; • - - • - . Gnec4 Minora; ~ • R9man.Anticiuitios; _ • . Anibon's Virgil, linrace, ftc4 preek.Gramiiuirs; Sniiiktfe'Cid4rO, &a ..:P.0.; 10. sale feble _ 11. S. BC ,a00.41:B.,8; ca.; gmirketii;:. ,~v:..«.t: MIE