The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 16, 1847, Image 1
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Txt:tygEux thevestoe oifice,.tm, a double medium sheet, at TWQ DOLIAXLS a. year, in advance; aln glacepbaly 'Perms of One jniter,t!on,, . $0 5# 'TWO itei• ''' 075 Tfiteede, • 100 One week, .1 50 Two' dcf,. .c-3 00 'Dueled*, , 4 -00. Yearly Ad ettalummr. `• Ong-Square. Six-month,; ' $l5 00. One - year, 20:00 Lakger advertieenxents i in ! (Louis of fourline ITTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT , LAW, ;offine -in LoirrieYs Building, Fourth street, *hove Smithfield. ..litrCtilleacions and other , protessirixial business 'attended to in Butler and beferceriCiintitica4 • - - . - - . .A-.TTORNET AT. LAW, Pittsbaris, Pa., has resumed the.practice .of his profession, in his office, No: 7,,BakewelPs Buildings ' Grant street, occupied 'during-his absence . by 3 tn . Bigha, and J: Christy''Esq: - • jan2B-dawly Richard Cowan, TTaiI.STY: AT . LAW, oitte'e in Stuart's Fourth - at., above Wood. jur♦el9-dwy TUOMAS 3.IC:IIIA.RSIIALL, 77011.iNET AT-LAW—Office, Loivrio , a ingi,z-Fintrth.atteel. jan7-iy Joseph 4C: TTORNEY AT LAW, mime in Wallace , " build l joiL "ing, on 4th st.., between Wood and .Smithfield •treeL: •-• _ IS-y -1 1111:21AEL.DAN • - •W.• Shannon,. - - A TTORNEYS and Coinagelinia at- Lew. Office onYourth otreet„ between Wood aml Smithfield, ' anti nearly-oppositaine Dlayor , s.olfice. noc6-y ,t •WHlikm DlNtlahon, VTTORNEY ax ' LAW and Solicitor in Chancery: jolL.OfAce in Barr's : new building, Fifth street, bo uteen•Virsiod and Smithfield. -- -angll . Ititgraw 211 2 1rmfght,. - ' - k-rrow s zEys AT LAW; Office removed to the - Venidenee of IL S. Mignivv, on Fourth St., one door ftom.Cherry Alle , - Walls & Donnelly; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, :. :Pateliurgh, Pa. Wane on Fourth st.,.betteeen uitthfield and Grant. • marl4-v Edmund. Snowden, AN EY AT LAW, office in the building on tife NOrth East corner of Foth*autrSmitlitiehl `weeds, . , , Et....llorrow, LDZILVIAIst, once 'north side of 'Fifth ..street, 145141.: Wood 'and Smithfield, Pict:l6ll4th, Anclrew Bt rice, A,ILTTQRNEY AT LAW, office Smithfield street, .: between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op.. Weynoues tobacco nianuffictory. utpl6-y ' - Jamea Callas AT1 4 0101 . 1.7 AT JAW, office in thi chambers occupied by Alderman AP/tasters, on Fifth It., betweeti Wood and Staitlifield, aplSl & ,TTDRNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW It 4slrice on"Foszth sittet, opposite R. & R. Ii Patterson's Livery Raw., Pittihnr.h. • se .10- . Forward & Swartzwelder, A ; TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth, street bet* en Wood and Sutithield, opposite Patters Aires UV ery stable._ ap7i ,: ~. ~ ,- ...' , •-• • George -F. GlGlmore, A-- TTORNEY, AT LAW, Office in Breed , * build nga ' 4th at.,, above Wood, Pittsburgh`, 'Pa. sep2-dly. . . • • - :•• - C. oriandocoomig, A TTORNET AT LAW, of fi ce Fourth at . ; above 1-I„.Sukithrteld. julyl-y ABERL . removed . his commilition andfor ,, Warding bulginess from the Canal Basin to his aew warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the Post-Office. " may3o:y , . John W. Barren, TwnisEy AT LAW, having returned from hhiEuropean tour 'has taken an office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield ats. Per sons having had busineis and papers in the hands . o Samuel , Kingatair, Eng., deceased, will call on the above, as all.tbe unsettled business of Mr. Kingston has been left is his hands. mars-y . - Charles M. Hays, .TTORNEY. AT 'LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corn -1-1; miati.lster to take the proof and acknowledge ment of.deeds,, teases, contracts, tleposites or other writings, to be, recorded or used in the States of Keritucki, Indiana and. Tennessee. Office No. 80, StUart's buildings, Fourth street. _ marl2y . . James S. Craft, ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa, haying, resigned the office o ecretary P. Nay. and. Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe cially to ccillections and business connected with , nasigation,insurance, aceounte and real estate. Bu tiness hours; 9 -A. M, to. Q, M. - Office, No. 1, Stuart's buildings, (No. 80, POurth• st„) second doo east of Wood street. " feb3-y Edcrtro C. Wilson - , A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AFianklin,yenaiigo county; Penna.„ will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col ecti ons made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s. • , .• ' REFER TO J. A.Stockton kb, Co. Murphy,Wilson & Co. Pittsburgh. Jahn . Hon:'James Kinnear, lion. Alex. MiCOlinont, Rranklin: Hon. James Wilson, Steubenvi e John At. Par.kliascon, AtDERMAN, Fifth,. Ward, Penn street s between Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he May be ouridnt all times.' Those having hOuseti, or other - aroperty to sell orrent, can have the same 'manta illy tktiended tor debts: collected, and nll the duties .11' I an Alderman will receive prompt attention. • - liVnolixtes & Son, JANKERS and dealers - in Foreigaand Domestic Dills of Exchange, certificates of deposit; bank notes add-specie. Difts arid notes collected, and made .to any part of ,the Unite44.States; Ne.:66,garket street jan7-y Johnston' At. St6ektOrt, • OORSELIXRS, PRINTERS AND PAPER 141A _LP :KERS,.No. 114 Miirket'stredt. " • soplo-3,J • s3,orlim, B O OR,SELEER; - STATIONER 'AND BINDER, r NV.. 11, 6 'W od street, three doors belo w Pittabargh; jan7-y antes Patteritax!, Jr,p CORNEinPRNER . 4 First and .Ferry streets, ,1 5 itisburgh, R Pa., niannfacturer of locks, hinges, and holm, tehaece, , "fulter; mill . and tiinber sc.rein • hon Sen tcrwis fouroijing. Ike. - 'Replo-y . . Wm a Ward,: . . - DENTIST, has removed ,to the place of ItIS inar restdenceiti.Penn street, two di:oral:slow -•-- - " aplB-y 31 .csinrso d ux s i i i , 4. , OVID TIEA.tiEII. in Loom Findings, eathraiingall the Waits of Hand and'Powertoonillknufachire in all branches. Also: Looking Glass Plates, Clocks,', frames., Glass ? Pictures and Variety Goods. noslB-y -„ I • • AND EDITED BY - . N. ik . " corner of Wood and Fifth, Sts Lizmrs 'Oa LEES One month,_: - TWO. do, Three do, FOur: de, Six . dO„ One 0134. •rtisemintit7 4TIVLEAMiiiE I 0- Two Square/. Six .months,- s2o 00 One year,;;. 30 00 n propiortiint; rtvz , wWwilr a lear A. W. Fo a 4osepla. Removal. ~;'3: hz; ~ ,, ~ 17 r~ ~h, MEM Brown An oville Joiklakta Ixon.,Worka. EDwD, HUGHES manufacturer of iron nada, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth at. • eeplo-y , - 16. A.,.lll.VAnulty UMW ARD.I.NG & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Camil .litain,.Pittaburgh, " mar34l • 2la><tin Litre, IDAMILY GROCER, 6tnithrteld street, next doer the Fifth Presbyterlait Chureb. , june6 • • George Cochran, VC/RIVARD:I:NG &: 'COMMISSION - MERCHANT No _26 Wood -at., Pittabnigh. nov27-y tbang, ItOok Stare. Tr' 5. BOSWORTH & Co., N0.,43 Market street, most ddor to Third street,.are-just o pening a new and exte,nsiin assortment of Books an d Station ery, whitlithe4 'dill eUI wholeiale.and retal, at the lowest prices,. • : aptls-y Its 00 B'oo 7-00 800 10:00 15 00 Wm, croitura. RobLuvon, , T ATE U. S. Attofiley; Heti removed hie of fi ce to j_j. No. 8 St. Clair eft eept.4-y, L. - • :j" UMBER MERCHANT; - bifiae . on Penn street, e commissions between nw and Hand ' sits, ' Pittsburgh, Pa. willAlbe promptly attended to. marl-y /School Book aikd UKE LOOMIS, Agent, publishei; bookseller and j bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, mar2B-y • . Pilklnton4 trnrivaned Blacking,. AiIf...kNUF.A.CTITRED and sold wholesalt cud re m tail, Sinithfield at, between Sixth and rwgin oct2*-3, - 11.1: - C. EFl.en li/rANUFACTURP.R of Lard Oil and dealer in L ai StarCandlen, Filth street, near Market, S. W. .onar24-y COLF.MAN. .101 IN F. JETZIMTC.S. JAS. W. ILLILIII2.Ii. Mailman Co., ivrAictrrACtURERS of Carriage Springs and ni Axles, A. IL, and:Spring steel, and dealers in coach trimmings of very description, manufactory on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, rip. posits St. Charles Hotel. jan23l Plint Glass Eatribliehment . . . "t i if ULVANY & LEDLIE manufacture and keep constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, t their warehouse cbraer.of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.— OUr works continue in full operation, and we are cionstantly.ailding to oar stock, which enables us to fill onlers with promptness. Purchlsorstwo respect fdlly.solicited to call and examine prices and terms. seplfi-y _ Otto Kuntz, TANI/FACTURES. or Lszonsupyrstz TEETH, J.,u Smithfield street, two doors below Filth street Pittsburgh,, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment of Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety" of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and Iliscuspidatoes, Gum teeth, Stirew Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to order Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fAsion. All orders from abroad must be accompan lett by the cash. 91"Platina always on.hand. ' - James .11. lake I A.ldermark, OFFICE on Penn at., uppoaite D. 'Leech g Co's., picketline offiCe. Office hours from = o'clock A to P. o , cloCk. P., M. Daniel OFFICE of t Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st., Pittsburgh. deelo-v Dr. George Watt, O FFICE ;No. 77 Sinititfie ; Pittaburgh~, ,141. Street s near Sixth st., - 4115121,Y • P. Blume, - lANO FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Mu - p sical Instruments, NO. 112 Wood street, near PIA& nov39- J. Bryar o ECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal ur in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No: 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamonii,they, tts btuzb, • 172/-3' Hugh Arters, VRGVAN DENTIST, I IS Liberty street, a few 1.3 , i100rs below St. Glair st., Pittsburgh. ap2B-y i Ogden 6t: Snowden, OCCESSOILS TO AVERY, OGDF.N . &Co., whole- Utale and retail druggists, and- manufacturers of white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood and Second its., Pittsburgh, Pa. nov 13-y - - - Martin & snails, SUCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro- Cers, produce and commission inchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactiired articles, No. 56, Wood street., Pittsburgh, Pa. • Jahn Itl , Closkey, AND CLOTHIER, Liberty et., between Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south aide. eeplo-y sPectotx.sitt, 0. it, FLtitINCI, 3. KIRKPATRICK. S. & Co. uI.IOLESALR GROCERS, Commission Mer chants; add dealera in Produce and Pittsburgh Marnifectured No. 142 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. . deo3-y 30131 t CAtSpig. CAMSII .. I artIOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Mer- VY . chants; Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty, Pittibuigh, Pa. deco- GLENN, Bookbirider, has removed to the corner of Wood and Third its, above C. H. Kay, where he is prepared to do every description of Ruling and Binding. de L • J. 31. , C 011 tater, WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Tobacco Snuff, and Segara, No. 25, Fifth St., betsreei Wooda.nd Market sts., Pittsburgh. fact2S-Iy. I. D. ii-ILLTANS. TliO.S. MILLER. J. D. Williams do Co. WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding ; and 'commission merchants, and dealers in country produce and Pittsburgh Mantititetures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Filth streets. sep,iB. • P. C. Martin, AVllpoLreEigS.nkLaEndanidl Domestic Wines il iGroeerand and d ealer Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. GO Water street.. • seps-y Lambert & Stsiptoa, V 11 C O o L m E m S i . s t si L o li n GROCERS, , nts, d F e Ot e l r V s il n R Dplrlyju produce and Pitisburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb2y -J. dz. . -J. dr, J. 111 , Dey IIOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce ti.nd Pittsburgh. manufactures generally, No. 229 Liberty, oppcisite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2B-y John M. Mellor, 11171i0L.SALE and retail dealei: in Music and • Y.Y Musical instruments, Piano Fortes, School Books rind Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh... janl-y • - Janiee Park, Jir.; & Co., VTIOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate queenaware, and dealers in copper and Pittsburyes niantdietured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd at, !tweenWood and Smithfield ate. jal4-n 14-y . - John Scott rik.. Do., XVIRILESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION -.V V Merchatite; No. 7- Commercial - Row, L iberty Street, Pittsburgh... • • al9-y Dr. Win. JI. Wright, Vim,-...11 D Office and residence in .. ENtIST P . 7 - ;-;: , • St. - afew dOors below Lib erty, near the Sic4nce Hotel. - • -John Cart wright..- •. IITTLER and Surgical Inatru input... Manufacturer, • No. 140 Wow atreet, two.doora from;Ni•.irgin al ley, Pittsinirgh, on hand: pa .extensive assoitisnent or SurgiCal npd -Dental instruments, Bank ers'i Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dresserit'Uxid Tan-, new Pulsar Sboars: Siddlers' Tools Trusses,- SEVEN BIG ".- C 1; OT)Er'I s '4. NO. s.l.Nra-,sTREET, NEAR JOHN FARREN, PROPRIETOR, nov24 rdrrsztraon. ;.. MEll ...,„ , .: - . , .. ,- ,..7: ,: 7: sF:- '„' . 1,t':.,..r,:r.:- . :., : , ..:' .. : •:,'-'.,''::',.,:..!.-..i..t.-:'.--,•-:: ~ .‘:., -: - .: , . ., : .i,,, ,, , , :- . :, : .-..::::.,i.....!- , ,:;.;‘,.•. : i.-- 1 .:;:f,,,;::q'.:--,:,- , '.'!,: ''..-:;f;::,.:V:.'j'4.',=..-A-.':;::..-ti:.!.:',i,:-.=,c:i;,,1.,:,',..?:.. S. J. Wioviani M2EME . ‘!';'•:.'• ',* ,- • • 1.. 'I- • ' -i' ', :• •• :s!. -•,• ''. l l.'' '," , :z ": ,','•• ..,• 7 .--, •,....•;,.(,•' .i:', • -i''J • .' • '" '.' • FA'•,‘':; • .t::4;. •• '•; • i • j' •• , - . • 1,;.....-,1-,"7,:1?".'',i. , ?; ~, ' :„. „,,,,- ~ - ..:-;." ‘i'.;:':.,''....,..'.1:'..f•q•Vi•.1• •;-'.,,:::',''.'rt-'..4:,•.f.k. • ..' '' '-' ' '' ' '' l '.. •''. ''-•••''''''',l.-.•-•,..•'',i'..,t,..:.)'.=" '~a. r!c ~.. ~:u. b w ~.`, ` ''•CtKf.,y • Franklin House, Fonrt33 . street, . ' Between Smithfield and Grant _strata, l'i,t4shurgh subscriherhavirig4isposed of his Bookstore CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, :respect- to Pittsburgh„ to. Messrs. Elliott and English, Wk.) fully informs his fiends an l the_puldia7general- would secOmmand,tlitini, to the patronage of his for ly, that he will open the above eplendtd 'house on truer custoiners. - RO. 011 T. CARTER. theist day of May next. ' I Pirrsntatatt, OCtaber:4 9 l4 1.846: • The House being new, and-finished in she most ' - commodious and convenient manner; and-having it furnished with the newest and most - beutiful style of furniture; flatters-himself that he, will he able to ac commodate his friends and the tiavoiling public, in a manner not inferior. to any similar establishment in the city. As the }louse is situated near the Court }lenge, ar . rangemento have been made to serve up meals at any hour in. the day, this will . be , great convenience' to those who are in attendance at court. it:lrßefro'shments of all kill& can be had dere taken by the week or day. - • . lnr - Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. 141 AVailitnoorti Hotel , • ' JAMES ARMSTRONO,•Proprietor . ,,Corriet of St. Clair and Penn strata, Pittsburgh, the proprie tor hogs leave to return his most grateful thanks to his friends and the publicifor past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit rkcoetinuation,of their patron age., The Wouiseisplealantly.situated near the'Ex change; it has accommOdations for trafelers, and a large room - for . public meetings, dinner or supper pay ties. Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the shortest malice, with the choicest the Mariset will af ford, Oysters and Oyster Soup; alas r Fresh Shell Oysters, received every day during the season. - The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are, regularly filed in the istablishment, P. S. A Hot Lunch served tip every day at 11 , A. M . ap IS-y. • Canal * Boat llonie. By R. DOSS ETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to their advantage to patronize him. Parsons travelling cast or wept will find this house a convenient loca tion—it is within ono hundred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. Every information given to Iron 'Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Home brewed ale can at ail times be had at the bar. novlO-v nurrit. District motel. TSAAC MURDOCK. thruway of the Union Idotel 1 on Water street, having been burnt out, has built a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of travelers, at the corner of. Second and Smithfield streets, which will bti known as the Duna District Hotel: He is now prepared to offer every accommodation. and every comfort to the traveler, at_ very moderate charges. Ile is provided with ample and convenientstabling. . Exchange Hotel, CORNER OF PENN AND ST. EL,A.IR STS., AL LEN DROWN, Picomurroa.--Terms 81,00 per Iday. Thee, ndersignecl, furtnerlyirr,the _Merchants Hotel, corner of Wood and Thiritatietiiii, has leased this superior establishment, and furnished it itumw throughout, with new beds, new bedditur had new Rankine. • Great care has been talc en to fill hii cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and a baugage wagon are provided for the use of , his guests, 41 1 / 1 1 a Porter will be in,attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex perience of the Undersigned in this business, assures him that his earnest purpose to satisl• all who call, cannot be unsuccessful. He feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors a condbrtablo and cleanly abode, liberal entertaitiment, and a hearty Welcome, at a nrsderate expense.. ALLEN DROWN. ap3-dtf • New 'Druz Metre. iJOHN - Dr:-.NlkkitGAN i :' TI Iqt-sate and Retail lmtegiii7 No:Vl : WaalWeft:so fiird - &CU at Diamond Alley, Pittshurgh.—The subscriber has just receirell from - the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting, of Drugs of ail kinds, Dye Stults, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wih all such article as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, abet has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a call. ntytLy. . . C o-PartnorrlLlp. ILLIAM COLEMAN haring, on the first day IV January, ist., associated with him Hallman and Joh n F. Jennings, under the Caine and stylenT Coleman, Heilman & co., will now have in creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered sacs, American Blister and Spring Steel. &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, iv merit a continuance to the new firm the facers so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair at. =.—warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite' the St. Charles I Hotel, where can he found a good assiirtment of j Springs,. Axles, A. B„ and Spring Steel, and Coabh Trimmings of every description, together with iron,! Nails and Pittsburgh inanutivetured articles. highest price paid fir scrap iron. jan2'.2 _'ulton, "DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and commenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church ' steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pound; cast from patterns of the most approved roudels, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A.F. is the sole a g ent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The hoses and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3- G. W. Diddle, Dentist. 11AS removed to No. 109 Smith : .. 4;- • field at., where he will perform all 'T ylp ii ? ' Operations on the Teeth satisfac , k x !..,,,t torily. N. B.—Having lately made one . i . :*"`„S a . f or, the greatest improvements in / i.-1,1:- fla re ° r c e t F l ' i s e " p a „ t b i l l iv " , h ever tis a rb e e a e r i e i appeared bbre . 4:4.; to extract teeth with such ease as to astonish all those who have availed themselves of his services. Pittsburgbanly 24,1846-1 y .., . _ _ . GENTLEMEN LOOK AT Tills ! STAR CLOTHING STORE. No. 70 Wood st., Sign of the Gold, n Star, Pittsburgh. ANCKER S. MAYER, DAVE on band an extensive and complete assort r mentor Fashionable and extra made New York Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as pos sible before the first of January, we are determined to offer such "bargains , as will enable us to effect our object. S. P. ANCKER, nov24-y A. A. MAYER. ifeirvirilit int s, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW (successor to Lowrie & Office a the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the pram tice_ofthe lawz, was dissolved by mutual consent on the :26ttrult., and the business will hereafter be cop 72 tinned by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer:. fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidgrice. da9lB-ly WALTER H LOWRIE Lawns i Lawne It QED. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot offine Lawns which will he sold at the very low price of 18/ cents per yard, persons who want a good article, at a low price, would do well to call soon. Also on hand a good stock of Ninsook muslins for Ladies Dresses very cheap at lel3 No. 106 Market Street. • . - Planes. ASPLENDID assortment of Mahogany and Rose wood Pianos, just ftnihhed. These instrument are well made of the latest paterna and best mated. ale and will besold low, for cash by F. BLUME. NO. 112 WOod st. 2d door above sth. N. 11. Those who are in want of a good instrument are respectfully' invited to call and examine these be 7 fore purchasing elsewhere, as they cannot be by anylni the ectunti7;•,and Vvill be sold' lower than any brought from the east, One elegaht Rose wood Piano with Coleman's Patent ./Eolian attach ment for sale by F. SLIME. ~~ ~~. MEE -.-=~". , . THE SUBSCRIBERSIeving parchieed the Book store of Mr Robert Carter Will cnittibue tho busi ness. at the old stand. - ,The,i will at all timeahave on hand a large supplyof Theological,ClassiCal and School Books.--Also, Writifigi Letter and Wrappipg Paper, Slates, etc. Western Merchants making purchase] the city, are invited to call, examine our stock, andmscertain .. our prices before purchasing. eli ewhero.. - ELEIIaTT-,&. ENGLISH, het. 3d and 4th. Orapistentitiliair . MRBIRENTF.I4 . IVie Maker, 'e ghcn Citlti iix4aars from the `44:f , oppotfte, the `Collector's ,wishes - t, inform the pub_ rat she his just commenced Or'il'alnehte-F Hair business, u a very superior stock; rc , from the Eastern. cities and . /ttyl she is .prepared to fill -den at the shortest notice, a a manner- that cannot be led' by any similar teanufac- L..-. She has on hand and intends keeping, a large as sortment of Ornamental 'Nair Work, such as Ladies , Wigs,Bands, Braids, Carla Necklaces; Guards, Bracelets, Finger Ringei, Gentlemens , Wigs, Tanpries, Scratches, &ca. Mrs. R. has been for mi ty years engaged in the business in France and the;, United States, and from her long and exoCriencepthe feels confident in being • allwho• • able to give eatistaction to will lavortler with their patronage. Het prices -are more liberal than have been offered ini'this city heretofore. mar 17-Iy. 4.5. lIeDONALD, .1341 :and Brass 1.--,..,- Founder, riist street; near Market, is •----. , . t...i„ ii. prepared ta Make 13rass.CaStings and At* Brais works generally on the most --R-7--la. reasonable - terms and shortelt notice, —4O C4 He invites 'machinists and , alr thoci. —6. 1 using brass works to givt him a call, as: he is de- termined 'to do all work in his line A ery low. may 271 y _ ..oandreth's Warroisted Garden Seeds, D IRECT FROM PIiILADF,LPHIA. Each paper bears the label and warranty of DAVID Lart ria mt. For sale by F. L. - SNOWDEN, N 0.29 Water et., at the stand formerly occupied by Gen. A. Derry. Extract from the "Report of theNisiting Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani mously adopted and ordered to lie printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS, "These extensive grounds- are on Federal street,. near the, Arsenal. • . • The earliest collec tion' of Camellias was made here. Some of those now in possession of those distinguished nurserymen are ten feet high. •• • • The selection of , oncrn-trovsz PLItifTS is valualde and extettsive. "The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup plying every part of the Union, a • detail of which would occupy too much of our spttee,yro therefore , content ourselves with stating that the stOck is very . 1 largo, and in every stage of.growth, consisting ol FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, EVER—' GREENS, SHRUBS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with 1 a collection of herbacceoUN plants, fruit trees, of the bast kind and most healthpconditipn, large beds of, seeding apples, pears, pluais,-&c., es stocks for bud ding and grafting; a planiiyery superior to that of working upon suckers, which carry with them into the graft all the diseases elite parent stock. * * ..G.tzinctrr Sams of this nest quality have been scattered over the courtnyfrom these grounds and rosy Theeeed.'eetektelvi, meat of those llortieultUrists is ono of the most ex- tensivo in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain -1 ed from year to year.-- "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of; the plaids of the sane family, they have established another nursery at a !unable distance, so that ilegene ration cat:not take -place, and which ' secures to the purchaser a %genuine uncle.' Knowing thus the age, quality and process of culture of every,plant, the supply from their ground's is recommended with - great confidence." `,,,* Since the date of the 'Report' from which the above is extracted, the entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias cm ',braces all the liner kinds, and consists of some thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable plants, both tender and hardyi ,frult trees, Sc. The Seed Gardens alone corer fifty acres, and the whole is, as it has been fur more than bait a century, under the successive inahugetnent of father and son, the most prominent in America. • r:r. Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from whom catalogue s may be received eratis. rnar9-y James Howard a Co, • N AVE the pleasure to announce to their friends that they again occupy Their old stand at No. S 3, Wood street, where they have opened an exten sive WALL PAPER WAREIMUSL, and will have contently on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation ilorders of the latest style; and most band- - some patterns for papering halls, parlors and Cham bers. They mitnufacfure,nnti7ltave on hand at all times, Printing, I ,Vrtting, Letter, Wrapping and Ten Paper, Bonnet and Yullers Boards—all of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms, and to which they invite the attention of merchants anti others. ALSO--Blank Books ofall kindwand the best qual ity, School Books, &c., always on hand and for sale as above. ang 25 -- Copartnership. Trim: subscribers have this day enteretr into Co partnership, in the namo'of Friend, Rhey & Co., or the purpose or transacting a general 'Grocery and Commission business, and have taken the house oc cupied by lg. It, Rho) , & C 0.,. No. 67 Water street, where they will be pleased to receive the patronage ofthe friends of the late firm. P. F. FRIEND, GEO. MIEN, JAS. WOOD. Pittsburgh, November 9.5, 1546-dec2 Pittsborgh and Conneßutile Hull Road Company. NT mu: is hereby given, that in pursuance of a 111 resolution or the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad Company, authorizing an increase of the capital ofsaid Company, and directing an additional subscription, books will he opened fur receiving additional subscription to the stock of the Company, at the Wilco of Wm. Larimer, jr., in 4th street, between :Market and Wood streets, L'ittsburgh, on Friday the 4th day ofSeptember. The books will remain open from 9 A.M. until 3 o'clock P,AI. of said day; and ruin clay to day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite number of shares be subscribed, or until otherwise ordered. By order of the Directors. sep2 IVIII. ROBINSON, Jr. Presq. I 'Allegheny Cemetery. DERSONS desirous of purchasing lota in this JU Cemetery aro referred for information to the Superintendent on the grounds or to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn and dand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLET, dec 11 Superintendent. John M. Townsend, I DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi- Jail/Wending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely .upon as genuine. Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and neatly 'prepared from the hest materials, at. anyhour of the day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good erfurnery dee 30d REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Jeuza BLAHELY, :cam J. sarcnix, Alderman, Attorney at Law. BLAKELY & m..T.TcntL, CONTINUE to attend to the selling and renting of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. Having, determined to devote a large portion of their time to this branch of husineis, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the public;:from the - faCility they possess and the experi-. ence they have (the'Senlor partner having been en gaged in the Real Eitate Agency for near 20 - years;) they - believe that they will give general Satisfaction: Office on Penn St., near the D. S. Hotel, and Smith field st., between Diamond Alley and Fifth street. j 7 1252111 i !•~*• ~ • ,- ,~ Y .°_, .' J ~'._... _ ;~ - ~' k .:.:.;.; 1 - )O1 THIVS'City Ditglierrian Thirtati Pittsbargb,Pa., and 141 r. Porter respectfully announces that he has at conaiderable expense fitted,,_, en ar ranged light for Degueireotyiling purposes. His long experience in thia'artilias enabled hiria to overcome thany of the objeciioni too'nomnton,to pictures taken by this ntethed:' • ' • - Porteris aWare tliat: the impression hair gone abroakoicisitt.O 7 the . niany failures to produce geed pictures;) thlitalear and distinct Daguerreotypes can not be made in Pittsbargh, His experiments, how evei., since he has opened his Gallery, 'idly warrant him in saying that as good pictUres can beim* here as elsewhere. Ladies and gentlemen aro invited: ca - ""11 and ex amine specimens. ' - Instructions given, ails} rattOnientii and maferiais furnished upon reasonable terms. Ail orders from country operatorti promptly attend ed to. • .n0v254.f Write'r I - MITE subscriber has. received on consignment a. 1. few of Oliver Evan's celebrated Water Filters,' manufactured in. Philadelphia, such as are now gen-. orally used in the Eastern cities. They arewarran ted to purify, Pump, River, or Rain Water, cleansl ing it, of all Mineral, Animal, Yegetable er,other un. 7 wholesome matter—rendering it equal to the - finest Spring water, otherwise on iltilure, (if Ind as direc ted) the price paid will lie ietundod... The, subscriber, having been npPointed - agent for the sale of the - above, will receive orders and flattish them at manufacturers prices. - GEO.. COCHRAN, Novl4 ... . •. - No 26 Wood st. , PITTSBURCII CUR AND" CABINET WAREHOUSE. 82,' ree sburg. , Pitt lit rptlE subscribers would respectfully, return their thanks to their friends and the public„,kor the, very liberal patronage bestewetl eihee thCcommence meat of the new firin, and wuiddcainestly solicit a continuance` of the same! They vvould - tespecthilliinvite those who 'Want to purehase.'anYthltfg in • the furniture or Chair line, to give them it call- and examine their extensive Stock new on hand, consisting of some of the mostaplen did Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture. Flattered by the very exten sive patronage received in their liusiness, they have, at considerable expense, made arrangements in New York, by which they will have-the latest Eastern and French patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing home industry, and finding in - their own city what they formerly would obtain onlyinthe East. Raring adopted the principle of striall profiti and quick sales, they will be able to sell at-as low rates as-any of the establishments in the Eastern Cities. . ' ncirl9-y ROBERTS ft KANE. - New Hat stud cap Store. C-ITS. H. POULSON, (late of the- firmat Poulson & Gill,) having opened, his ;new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door .to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei lViu,,,,,frotrt the Eastern cities a very` large assortment ot hats and caps of every description, warranteddescription, to be made in the best manner and of the best materials. 'Otter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Sealette, I Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps. . Also, a line assortment of ladies, furs, snch as Lynx Fitch, Genet and Coney . and Tippets and fur trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country mcraliants will please call aid examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. 11. - PoULSON. N. B. The Fall Fashion for Hats and Caps receiv ed. !IeF27Y• aloney 'Wanted In exchange for Mats and Cape. publi th subscrib h er •:umreceiultl -infcrrut e . et c at he as ved his fall stock, of Caps, all of which, have been principally ] made to his order, and as his purchases has been ! mdde on the cash system, he ,is enabled to sell his i stock of flats and Caps at unusually lo,w prices for cash. , His stock does not consist of the cuttings of: Eastern houses, but are all a fresh manufactured: article. Neither is his establishment replenished' with the old stock from eastern markets. The j Proprietor being a hatter and Cap manufacturer,; by trade, as Wen as profession, he is also daily mitn.i ulacturing Hats and Caps or all descriptions, and for their neatness and durability, cannot be sur passed. All of which he offers at wholesale and s retail, and at such prices as cannot fail to please the purchaser. GLASSG, No. 102, Wood street, third dhor belo . w John W D. Da cis, Commercial Motion Rooms. _8911.12. SHOES, SHOES; SHOES. NEW FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY. Cheaper than E r Fa', at FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD'S, new. 'Boot Shne and Trunk Store, No. 156 Lib erty street, nearly opposite the head of Wood street. F. & IL would respectfully announce that they have in store and are receiving their FALL . AND WIN TER SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c., consisting of upwards of five huhdred packages of all kinds and qualities for Ladies; Gentlemen, Misses i Boys, youths' and childrens' wear. These goods have been manufactured to our:order and expressly for the Pittsburgh market—all of which we are deter !mined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our facilities in purchasing goods we are enabled so to do. We would solicit an examination of,otir stock by all in want of goods in ourline, either at wholesale or retail, as we feel confident we shall be enabled to please, both in regard t.) quality and prices. The most of our goods are from manuflicturing es tablishments with which we are Connected. We shall continue to reecive weekly from those !louses G - esh and dasirable goods, made exprhssly for our slier. FO,CLANSBEE tz HAYWARD., No. ISG Liberty street. William Ilickee. . TILL continues in his old business of manufactur Sing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on li'illh street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in the Shortest notice, tiny amount of work, by the best of workinen sod good materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged ih the Santa Fe trade •and Furnace men, are reiptcsted to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. all7-.Y Fall and Winter Goods. T K. LOGAN has just received the balance of his . fall and winter stock of Dry Goods, at No. S 3, Wood st., consisting in part of super French and West of England Broad.CiothS and Cassimeres, Sat- Litmus from 25 to 75 cents per yard, Welch Flannels, red and white Flannels, twilled red and green Flan nels, plaid and plain Linseys, &b. Mackinac . and Whitney Idankets,Woollen Shirts and Drawers, Corn forts, Mitts and Gloves. Terkeri; Thibet and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes of the latest styles; Twilled and Manchester Ginghams; Irish Linen, Tablt Linen, Counterpanes, Scotch Diapers, Checks, &c. Also an assortment of Dress Goods, consisting of Gala and ,California Plaids, haired Cashmere, and Robes;•Mous. de Laine, barred and figored; black s and fancy Silk Cravats,' all of which he will sell wholesale and retail, as low for cash as any otherhouse in the city. Select School. WM., MOODY respectfully announces to his old trisnds that he in tends opening a Select School in this City, on_ the first .Monday Of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyteriantintreh: max2l-tf James, Cavanagh, TorAs JUST received from New york, a large ad. dition to his stock of goods; such as doublp bake' Gtinskßevolvers with six barrel's; singlebarrel Pistols; table and pocket Cutlery; Razors, Scissors, Spoons, &CT Gold and Silver Pencils; Diamond Pointed Gcild Pens; Gold Bracelets; Breast Pins; Rings; Shirt Studs and Crosses,. Bead Bags; Silk and Velvet Pencil; Steel Beads; Accordeorie 13, .10 and 12 plain semitone iniaidi, - usimil,Bozei4 Toys and Fancy Goods of' every description. N0..61, Market Simpson's Row, between Third and Fourth sts. octB Eagle 'Salooa—M7tiod THE PROPRIETOR of thiti well known establish •ment respectfully annorraces, that he Continues to supply at the Shortest notice, and'in the best style, Balls, Partici,- Families ancf,Weddings, with-Fancy Cake, Ice Creams, Jellies, Pyramide, &to. &c., 'Managers ofeontemplatetl_ . Balle are invited" yo . see his arrangpmetiTS for suppers:, at such entertaiitmenbr. In his large saloon he is able to'beat alniost any num= ber of persons at once. The terms in all departments of his business, he assures the public-will be reasonable. lan22 b i; "j 1.. The celebrated Italian Remedy - . 7 Fitt THE CURE OF t HRONIC.'DISEASES. . . ISLIZONPS SICILIAN SYRUP OR 7 HYGIENE K.,, 4,'ROPICAL Discovered by Dr. Mancini of Italy in the year 1845, and in trodueedinto -the U. States early in 1846. Tills, unrivalled - niedicinercir the radical cure of Chronic diseaseshawspreadth oughobt Europe with the most unequalled 'speed)and triumphant sue- - cess, effecting this most astonishing cures everdcnown or recorded in the annals of Medical Hintory. I)Binee it introduction into the United,States it-hag.,equally sustained thehiglirepidation it so justly,)received in. the . Emit; Curing- here as it has done there; the most inveteMteand longstanding diseases with which the hainear - fatally are afflicted: The Physicians of - Eu-- ippe and Atnerica Om fir is - they'hiye becoine ac opalnied with its-mode: of operation} together with: the thousands who have been restored to-health by , its:superior, efficacy with one united yoke -proclaim lit to.ho the most perfect remedial agent ever offered to suffering humanity.,. ..11 is now an established fact "that ConeuMytzon maybe, can be;ancl lutebeen cured by Dr. 11fozonPsi Sicfilan SyrtiPOr-TropicallFfygiene.. r- ' Thisls the only Medicine that bas ever been "dis 'covered that+aeachievid a'cure'where this Chad "gained a settled' and permanent hold upon the system. For the truth of this assertion, we have .the certificates of some of the mod eminent Physi- . 'Claus of Europe and Amerierr,•expressly. declaring that they have prescribed it in hundreds of instances where the patients were considered beyond ati hope °tree - every, and, tiitheir astonishment, has effected the Most speedy and perfect cures... No one lv who unacquainted with its action` can imagine the-Won derfel stiecesit that atteadsthe adininistration of this .medicine in every variety of chronic disease;pnr: ficularly Consumption, Scrofula-or kingtrevili Asth casearepOrted in pamphlets cireOlars) Cancers, Liver 'Complaints,.Costive ) ness unit Indigestion'Sore and.-Intlitmml Throat, Dropaies; Chronic Inflarnatien of the Kidneys, Grael, Great Debility and Iratilfflity - of the `nervous "system, - Spinal affections, Paralysis, Chronic 'Diarrahcen. - .Pain in the - breast and ,side, Coughs„Colds, Chronic Rheurrintism,Didease; ht the Stomach and Bowels, inward weaknees and falling down of the womb, and all the'ehronie diseases pe culiar to females in their. various relations in life. This mectiaina is prepared only by `Dr. Martini him- Self, and is composed entirely of veghtibletrtaterfals. containing the extract of 42 of the moet rare Tropl , cal plants but few of which areknoweto the Medi cal Profession generally. ' ''• It has so far surpassed every other inedicifie - evcr offered to the world ih cradicatinziliseaie,. 'that it - has not only enlisted many .of the - most talented medical men in the world in its favor but what is mere extraordinary- the government' where. it was discovered "Has made it . aa:offenee i punishable with death to allcznpl counterfeiting it or making sale. of any eparirms article purporting - :to"be the same or representing it to be eenuine„ And this' Govern-) ment has also made w liberal provision for 4 the pro- 1 tection of it here. To the afflicted we say let done ) dispaib, though you may have bebn given up by your Physician andconsidered by your-friends as beyond all hope, try a bottle of this-,medicine and you may rely upon the fact, that if you have physi cal strength enough left to endure its action, you will flint - certain and speedy ielier, forthis has been the case in thousands or inmances,in proof of which. , we can produce certificates from individnals of the most respebtatile character both -of E urope - and:America. This medicine will he -offered for Sale only at the -seats of each county *wine to the sin-ill amount.yet lmperted -and-;the anxiety of the proprietor do place, this valuable remedy within the Teach of all throughout the United States Flays) & Brockway, Druggists, NO. 2-Coinmercial Row, Liberty street, wholesale and retail Agentsfor Allegheny county. Sold also . brit. E. Spitfire, No 57 Wood et. :' ' dee29419i1-, , Took and 'Job Print in g Ogler. N. W. or WOOD iiitorirrit rritrss., -' THE proprietor of the Morning Po'it 'and - Mer cury rend Manty'nelurcr reepectfully informs hi, friends and the patrons of theie papers, that he hat a large and well ehoen assortment of , - JOB TYPE, AND ALL OTHER AIATE.RIALS Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that ie is prepared to execute' ..• ' LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERT DZSCREPTION., BOOkS . , - Bills of Lading, Circulars, - ParoplileM, lid! Heads, . Cards Handbills, Blank' Checks, Hat Tips. All kinds of Blanks, Stage,' Steamboat- -and-Canal Boat Bills with appropriate cuts, printed on the short est notice and most reasonable terms. He respectfully ash's `the patronage of his friends, and the public in general, in - this branch of his busi ness. tsept 2.2) L. HARPER. S'PLENDID STOCK OF . • . NEW , PA..LL .6001111 S• LEX ANDER & DAY, take great pleasure in tbrming the inbabitaids of .Pittsbuighaitd. the surrounding country, that they have just received a splendid stock of New. Fall Goods; or altruist 'every description, a large portion or which having been bou g ht at Auction, at a great sacrifice, and from the Importers and manufacturers at unprecedentedly: low prices, enables them to offer great inducemets to Cash buyers; they would, therefore,. respectfully invite them to call and examine their stock,'being confident that they will be pleased with. the gobris and pricer. •L4DIES' DRESS - COODS, Our stock of Ladies' dress goods itiyery Sinierini and cannot be surpassed; centistieg in rim. of . ' Super Satin striped Cashmere, Ombra shaded, do.; 1 Splendid Figured, do, in great satiety; California and Clermont Plaids; Gala Plaids; Chusans; Plain and figured and Satin striped Mouslin de Laines;,Stiper French and Scotch Ginglimns— new style Embroider ed do; splendid Cashinere and Laine robis; Ameri can, - French and English Chintzes of the latest sqles &e. &c. ILKSt SILKS!! We have a rer S y handsome assortment of Silks, such as super Black and Blue Black, Fig'd and strip- ed Silks; Super Plain and Figured ehangeable,:do.; Ombre Shaded and Changeable. Striped, do.; Plain, Black and Blue Black Satins; Wide India. do; Plain Black and Blue ,Black Silks of extra quality and width, suitable for mantillfs;&c. &c. SIIAIVLS! SILAWLS!!- In this department we can offer great bargainil, from Auction sales of importers in New York and Philadelphia, among which are splendid rTerkerri Shawls; Super Cashmere, do.; Embroidered Terker ri, do.; Plain and Embroidered Thibet, do; Super heavy Ottoman. Silk, do.; Splendid India Silk, do.; Extra liernani, do.; Heavy French Crapecdo.; Plain and Embroidered Cloth, do.; Plain, Fig'd. and Em broidered Be Lainee, do.; . Splendid Frenchßrocho, do. all wool; Brocha and Cashthera Long Shawls,, and an immense variety of different descriptions of Fall and Winter Shawls, many of theta will be sold at half the cost of importation.. • CLOTIIS AND CASSDIERES.- , Embraced in our stock of these are Super French, West of England, and American Cloths,-.or almost every cohn—lleaVy Tweed Cloths; Bearer, and 'Pilot Cloths for over-coats; Super Black. Cassimeres;Fan cy Striped ; do. in great variety., &c. BL.4NERTS! BLAAKETS!! Xxtra American Premium Blankets; per Whit- ing, do; Heavy Twilfed, do; Rose, do; Su and a num-1 ber of other makes of extra quality. •' - • • LADIES , . CLOAKINGS. New style Ombre Shaded Cloakings; Handsome Plaid, do; Heavy Gala do. for do. ALPACAS AND MERINOS. . . A very large assortment of Alpacas and Merinos, of every quality and price. French Merinos and Bombazines, both - Black and 'Colored: - ALSO, Cassinetts;-Red; White and Yellow Flan-: eels; Tickings; Cheeks, Diapers; Brown add Bleach:. ectTabie• Linens.- Sheeting,. Table . Cloths; Canton Flannels; heavy Gloves; and Linen - .lLikfs.;• Smirfs; Stocks; Collars, &c., all We are selling much lower ihan we have over before been enabled to do. Tailors, Clothiers, and - Country' Merchnnts are especially invited to examine our stock - of Fzeizah 'Cloths,.Cassimeres and Testings, as we are - prepared to sell Goods to these who•bny te sell again, as loth as_they'can be bought in the reguldr way in the East ern Cities. and- by having a buyer. - resident -in the east, attendant upon the Auctions; we. have rare fa. •cilities for procuring new and desirableGoOda, at the lowest possible prices; we are regularly receiving new Goods every:few days through the year. '' • : ALEXANDER -DAY, oct6 75 Market et4l , Elhic cor of the Diardond. filegarst Sagami)l: Jr UST received from New York, a large quantity cif 'Havanna end PrinciPe - Segare af - the , most popular and ant Prior brands 'now in vie. - Map, az i' excellent article of ebeWing;Tobaeco and _several bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobaceo fat'. sale. B. E. WINCHESTER, No. 50, Third street, two doors from the Post Office. mar). MIS= ' ; • :" • - i-‘4‘ - , , OEM MEM ERNIE , COLL - EGE- - OF REAtaill kt.:51014/Litfil airifet, butilintr r .Ifeirr..T.ssiek::) . T1R...a.-.c. v.AUG4INOS.V,EGE.TARLE LITAION4 MY-tRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT T0R1847:7-."1 lhaatz,- SAW, I CONQUZIXED, ?is 11108t.aftptatiCIAO, ' 1 . • .' the case with this article. Disease has ever yrahle4 to its most marvellous medicinal power'. Wherever .it has gime, and South America, England, CatttLrii and the United StaleiChuve'proved the truth citing statement, the above anothtion in'a strong and Pithr sentence, tallathe whole atory. Invalids,, ciple open. which you are cured may not be known . to you, bet the result oft trial of the article is.stdis... factory; you are restored; and the secret of the eUtar . remains with the proprietor. The Medicine fir 'a compound 002 distinct vegetable tigenCies; each in, dividual root hiss its own peculiar, exclusive., medi cinal prope r ty; - con fl i c ting with no other &compound —each root makes its own cure—and as a perfect combination, when taken into the larger:4B. does the work „Which ititTußr.;.when herlawir sots first established, intended it should do—P UR rF I.E 4; STRENGTHENS,. AND RESTORES the -broken down,. debilitated constitution. Dnoesv, in, all its characters, will be corhpletely , eradicated from tibia system by ittrusd. She parnialeilliifagenta , hands, for free eireulation—they treat upon all disci; sat and show•testiMony of cures: GnAvFt., and all corn plaints or' the. urinary organs, form alto the. cause of great suffering , and VAuutt'S Ltruoteramaielias acquired no small celebrity over the country, by the cures it has ivied°. in this distressing ulass of afilie tions. "So famed, it seems, is, this medicine r that it . has thtis attracted the notice of one of Our.Mc.dlCal publications. In the November N0..1 . 840, orttiirt "Bulfalo . ..loornal and Monthly -Review of Medical and Surgimil Science," in on artieleUpon caladotfar diseases, and ...solvents," the writer, after noticing the fact that the English government once ptirelulatut a secret remedy, and also.noticing the inurchruic.iu . 1802, of a secret remedy, by, the Legislature or New . VOrk,thee.pays tribute_ to the-five of the bledjciee: . "Why do not our Representatives in. Senate ani.l Aisembly convened, enlighten and '.'elisiolve>. the suffering theeiltnds of this country, by the purchase of Vaughti,a ti de Lithrintriptic, 'than Which id • solvent since the days of Alchemy has possessed ono half the fame!" Reader, here is a periodical Of high standing, 'acknowledged throughout a large section - ofthis•country to be one of the best conducted jour , nals of the kind to the United States. exchanging with the scientific works of Europe to our certaitt 'knowledge, editc.4hy Austin 'lint, M. D., tributed to by nieji of the highi* proleiiiolial Abilli tyi, thus stepping aside te - uotice a "sestetfernede You will at once understand no unknown find worth-. less•nostrum, could thus extort a comment tromp, so high a quarter—and coiscquently, unless it direetlY . coutlicted.with the_ practice of the faculty,•it"xitett iliave been its great !tfame , DIJICII has receive this passisx.z e d..K. rary ac, , e fith ._ l i ale.r.s . qf the bar and spine, irregular, ' I_, undi jsuiptessed Ala:tura:ion, Flour _Virus, on- Itire complicated train *of evils which follheltiVii*: t. dereirsystem, are at once relieved by thh - rila jaine : Send for pamphlets from Agents,and 'you will.tna evidence of the value of the Lithontriptic theie . put forth. ;As a remedy for the irregularities of the' fe - - ; male system, it has in the compound a "root" uliictP ;has been resorted to in the north of Europe for cola lturier—msia sure cure for this - coinplaiot, .and..o.rk I.atorer of.4b,y health of the entire systipiir:,.. .Coarrt_trfer, Jam:voice, Iltuors DISEASES, &c„ ..ata. instantly relieved. People of the West vill'inri it 1 ! ritemay remedy in these c , ornplaints, as - anti ru%-fru.... vtu AND Awl:. There is no remedy like it, and no calomel or quinine forms any part of this mixture; No injury will result in its use, and its active proper.. ties aro manifested i n•the use of a single 30 ox bottle: Feu FEVF.D AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders; trikevra other lifedkine. IiIIEENATI&D, Goer, wi 1 I.finl•reli:f: Phe action of this medicine upon the Blood,. wilt - change the discase--which onginatcs in the bloOd i —ond a healthy result will follow. Irsezesx4; Xi-- 'liners -non &c. r yield in a•few days use oftMs Medi), eine. inflammation or nix Lyrics. Cocair,'Cini;-;.' sone-rum also, has over found relicf. lAS Smote:V.l-k ERYSIPEL, Prts.s, In fl amed Eyes—all caused 6j,inx-j -; pare bleod--wilt.fincl this„article the remedy. Thin system, completely acted imon. by the twenty-twa different properties ofthe mixture, is purified and. ' 'festered—as a partial 'cure will. not follow:. Thk train or common - complaints, Palpitation:of tha,' Heart, Sick !lei:lade, _Debility; itc..., are all Abe r e._ suit of some, derangement of the system; and the GurAT.lttirostan will do 'its worki •Thc premhtW set 'forth in the advertisement,- are based open ifie - ' proof of what it has done in *the, past four rents The written testimony of 1000 Agents, in Canidoir the United States, England and South Americana. the possession of the .proprietor—and he seen-. by all intercsted--is a sufficient demenstratiort Abet% !it is the best Megleine eucr” offered to the World.. Get the pamphlet, sod' tudy the prinCiple rii there.' !leici down, of the•method of Cure. Put up In 30-0 z....- bottles; at 82; 12 Ch. do ate' each—thelargerhole" ing 6 oz:more than two small bottles. -Look gut unit • not get in . ipoe'd iipoii. Every bottle has .w.Youglrii,i'• Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture". blown open the glass, the terit ten signature of "G. C. VA ugh'? an the. directions, and 'G: C. Vaughn,llutfale,, .siampfd .oe 1 the Car 1:." None other are genuine. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, had sold at the Principal Otfice,, 207 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesabb and retail.. No attention given to lettefi, i mlesapost . paid- - -er" - der: from regularly constituted Agent: enqt:vii e on . paid letters, or ;verbal commun icationstiolicithittita ' vice, promptly attended to gristles. .. ... - ....• , ()dices devoted exclectivoly to the sale ottlii; arti cle-132 Nassau it., New York city; 20d, Salem, Mass.;and by the principal Druggistii.thrirugh.. - out the United States and Canada, as advertlied in.. the papers. ~. , - - . „. .. Agents in this city-- • , - - .. . ' Rays & Brockway;.Wholesale SO Iteliil Alienti : j , ' . No. 2, Commercial Ron-, Liheity esreet,.Pittiburgh. - Also, R. E. Sellere,b7 Wood street: John Mitaelli ' Federal street, Allegheayeity;John.BarelaY, Betivert."." John Smith;Bridertater— - Jan3o-d&vrly • :rabbi D. Davie,. • • ' • ' AUCTIONEER iIt.COMMISSiON.MEItCHAR'r Coreer. of Wood and Fifth streets,•l!ittsburgh'• isready to receivetherchandize of every dOscriptio • necousigenient for public or private saki and frciat long eaperience, in the above busines; finiters himself ir that he' will be ithia to k i ie.entiresatisf.action 'to all whin may favor him with their . patronage: • • Regular sales on Mondrijeand -Thursdays of DO Goods and Fancy articles; kt 10 O'clock; A hr . • Of groceries,. Pittsburgh. !manufactured'articles, new and second hind fiirnittrre, lite., et twiiio'cleek. P. M. . - Sales ever) evening at earlylasi•llghL • Fifth Ward Livery Stable. • TIIF. subscriber, having bought out the weir . th e Firth Ward, respectfully informs 'di fricadannd:' the public generallY, that be will keep at ritliiineam : • stock of the hest description of riding horses, btits‘i gies, carriages of .111 kinds, .apd _lambed everything •" his line Of ..• • A considerable 15_611.6. 0 his is confident no Bieck in the city will berguyerier lo his', • • ••: • • • Hie tenne will*, moderate: - ,Buratable ie OW Lib , ` erty Bt., a few dpoes abore the canal 'bridge; whet& he respectfUlly solicits a Share of publie:pationageo CHARLES.COLEMAN. (.J'iLo is also pips - Weil with tin' elegant Hearse s which will be furnished when required,., 0Ct25414 Wholdeate Shoe Store. . - • - - - •• , . 111.CHILDS. It Co:, are now roceisiiitiltelir - .spiing supplies,. consisting .of one 'tif:' • tbe largest, cheapcstand best assort- ...., .'.' . ' went of Boots; and, lioca that ,they have aregi &bear able ,to bring to this market. Also,. Ladieo of Minna' Flcirence Braid, and Straw Sonnets, iif the ... latest stjlei together With a a'picadid assortment of.. Pald Leal •Ilats, Men's and Borg summer .Crips." , Alsc4 a large lot of Nets. Yeik•Tanned Sole .f.:cithetr.,; all of which having beeix piirchased at the lowest rates; and selected with grdat care for the western ' t rade, will be dold at a aural! adiancii above &mind' .* charges: All, merchants wishing to purchase wlll7‘ find it to their . intexest tft call and examine their iniclf , • before purchasing clads:hem., , niar27-tf .:•::. .... , - r . • , lITTSBURGIi MAIMPACTUR.E.6 T0k4.101'44,..!;,...: 20 kegs Plug TObaeco; ' ' • . . -...- • • F.' . 5 . ~. Ladies , Ttviat;-da; , - ..:•'- -• i 0 ..g Va: .. do; , 10 'i Ctiv'd,:ls Lump, do; a store and for sale by 3:Bi J. 80..D57j - lit, all2o 222 Libeittal s • 11.11 IN . L " IMEIMEN _x,.. :' :: a-` MiMMA - ~.F • ~... -; ~.J. ~s RUE , :•.;•:: `"ki: -. ..; . ; , •••• ~.`'•tiQ,.:7...:.:••'zF..; , ......,.;.,...•.;.;::1,..,-...(4,-..,..:::,_,.4,74,...'.. •• .'' • • ••••••••• .•,.i!-•,,,,•:',.-:•,),-,,A, '.;.. - '..' . ...• •,. . , ,4.!;:;...:1: : :.. ......-)'-....!.r .x ,-i'v,,:,:.!.i.-4•4"4,i. ,' ' -''' • ' .. :,:.; , i. , i', 7 •.-.:•••i.; ~. :.: ... : . : :` )..:; ; -1 :•, 2 ' , .. -- ;',;:7' : :',: , ::: . f.1 . 4.t.''.., ....P. r .:; 1 %-:•.:.5t. . '' .."'.:;i!,l. Y ,Z . lr, 1. 1 , .''. 4 . ;it 1,.;' , ... ~: ;,. i'...:.:7'7,'::.... ;;,-...:::,-: • 1 ,. .!, , ,: ypuf.,., ...7%.1.,..;%-•••; ':,if• 4 .",,';'; i 1 •'•'';‘'::!:11.•*:;fit0)1. '. c . f.: : ' ' .- ': ::*. t i . ::'•:' , :ii ., t; '. ,- .' . ''' ; '. - ."l+Z.• . :1 ' - - •' •-' :!' • • '''. .i. : :. ••:'.:• . ::?.1" , -;A: - .. ::::•:•:: ' ; '• : •:: . ,- fl :.:: ;' ..; . : ::';:: 1 ' . 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