The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 09, 1847, Image 3

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A :1
c - .OII;WER - ;44.ii.. : R.11: - :b Olf-L.
rrepaiiir tit*.corrected every Atterntioii.
-cotxirrirt soft DECV.3IIIE/1. - •
0.,t-i!iiRIZIES; Ha Danny J. 'K Devitt:
3 ,;.ip10r
• T:: - ,L,1}nsr tvazstiia Tus ea NXL
. •
Arena, Fleeson, Welizilie
-'Snatittettanna, Stewart, St. Louis. -
'Hudson; Ebert; Wheeling.
Monongahela City.
Lake Erie Hiiops; Beaver. 1
Consnl, BOwman, : Brownsville. - -
Lanier MLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Michigan, Boies, Beaver.
Anthony I , Vayne, Tiennett, New Orleans:
• . Smith, New Orleans.
Clip Per No., Crooke, Cincinnati. .!
• Hudson, Ebert, Wheeling.
• • Arena; . Fleeson, - •
Pispatch, Nelson, Mon. City.
Lake Erie; Hoops, Beaver.
--. " * LotiiiNcLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
;Conettl,'Bowinan, Brownsville.
To`my Clienti.
r PARTNER, 'Mr—Liggett, and Wm. E. Ana
1, Will attend to my unfinished biisi
nesS,andl'reconsumnd them' to the patronage of my
friends. .1 am'authorized to 'State that they will re
celqa tle 'Counsel and assistance of the Hon. E. Bid-
Office 241 - story of Burke's Buildings,./th street,
by,een Wood astd i alarket. - •
. _ .
PITY' ' OP ::tITTSBURGII,. u.--in accordance
ki - Wilhtlizql*visions of an - act of the General As
aetabli of the Cominonwealth orPeransylvania ' pro
vidingrfor-the incorporation of the city otTittsburgb,
attd of the aiapplement to said act, I, William Kerr,
Atijorg_sild city, do issue - Allis my Proclamation,
sleet:lm 4hat On the SECOND TUESDAY '
or Janu
ary, .iii : " - .11847, being the 12th day of that month,
"gm'. en of each ward of-said city," qualified
to iii .. or members of the House of Representatives
'of this - ConutionWealth; will meet together at the
i - snal places of bolding elections in their respective
wards, and - eleet by-ballot one person in each and
evert ward qualified to serve as members of the
Rouse of Representatives of this Commonwealth, to
boa . Member of the Select - Council, except the eighth
and 'ninth wards, from etch or which wards three
Persona art to be elected, qualified as aforesaid, to
btitiii,mbers of the Select Connell, one from each of
said' wards to serve'for one year, and one for live
Years,' and one - for. three years--and five persons,
cidallfied as aforesaid, in each and every ward, to he
.zoornbera of the Common Council. And that on the
Paine daj the citizens of the. said wards will, at the
places aforesaid; eleet by ballot a citizen of the said
etty,.qualified to be:elected a member ef the !louse
Of - Represeetativea of 'this Commonwealth, to' be
Maier assail city. : - ::
Given under ray haiad and seal of said city of Pitts
.' hero, this 30th day of Decababer, 1846. '
jan6-to . WILLIAM KERR, Mayor. '
Splendid Goods.
Ajr. W. WILSON, corner of , ttla and Maiket
now offers for sale atregular Easte_rn prices,
eheapfor cash. a large ind well selected stock or
every article in his line of business, consisting 'in
Part afine Gold and Silstr Watches; rich Jewelry
of latest patterns; Silver Table and Tea Spoons and
Marks; Table Cutlery and Tea Ware; Solar Lard
Limps, for every purposef Military Goilds; . &c. &c.
':Watch and Clock repairing executed in the
best manner. - - dec29
- - New Goods.
';hA.MAt3ON, 62 Market street-, haslust eeceiv
e. edlo new -packages of Dry _Goods, consisting
of Mpus de .Laina; Caahmeres, Plaids, Gingham; Al
pieces, a large lot and very cheap, many of these
TcryAesiribie blue and tirsug:prints. Also, Flannels,
Cansinetts, Jeans, Blankets, Counterpane; Checks,
and Gloves, Bleached and Brown Muslin;
(tlec3o) • A. A. MASON.
ATENT FENCE.-60 panels oal and pine rails
Jr. just reeeived-aml for sale by-
Aim 2 • L. WILMARTH, Penn et. .
Papeteries; Port-Folios, Note Paper of all kinds,
Note Envelopes, Mottet Wafers, Motto Seals, Writ
ing ,Stands, and Floral Wafers, Spangled Sealing
Wee. „Etnboised4dged :Latta-paper, Card Cases,
Vial:Bag C.luds, Pocket Books, Ivory Tablets, Note
trips, Ike:. Bic. For,sale by
. .
'IOO teams imperial ?tows, 22 by 321
'l5O "- Double Medium, 24 by 32;
.10 ••• •• 24 by 371' -
!.. 6' Extra. •• 22 by 41;
, • " 30' "- Yell: Steamboat, 20 by 24;
, •10• .; - Envelop ) 20 by 24;
.30 •• White book., 19 by 24;
" ' J. LI. MELD:111)81 Wood it:
. Ravi Rolikel4nst Received.
MEMORIAL of -Egypt, The Red Sea ' The
Wilderneu, of Sin and Paten, MonntSinai )
Jerusalem:raid other principal localities of the Holy
_Land; visited in- 1842, with brief notes of a route
: ,tinctugh France, Rome, Naples, Constantinople, and
the Dann*. by George Fish, L. Li. 8.. one vol. 12
mo. Price, $1,25
Life; n, New York) by ; .the author of "The old
-meeting House," 18mo Price (9. cts.
....Message .from God; or thoughts on religion for
1-thinking men, by Rev. John Cumming, 1),I).
have a- ,message from God unto thee." IS too.;
. price r371-.cents.
.Sketchea- of North Carolina, tistoriell and bio
graphical,-illeatrative of the prinCiples of a portion
- of the-early ,settlans, by Rev. Wm. Henry Foote.— ,
For sale at the -Bookstotea
—• .
dec S. ' - Market at. between 3d and 4tb ate
- IG IRON.-33 tohe Moutitaih Miaeokri Pig Iron,
• 'lr. Jthet recnived'and for vale by
• licni2B "` - JAMES MAY.
RODUCE--1d:Bble. Dried Peaches;
• .10 Sacks 46 .6
•-; •30 Baas Dried Apples!
..3 Bbla. Roll Butter;
. .
_•• 2 Rego. 66 66
. • • , 3 Calks Potash} .
- • • , 3 Bbls.. Beans,
• Juat received and for sale by
_ •-; .111ARTIN & SMITH,
nov26 . 51 Wood street,
• Holliday GOCiaap &O.
W. WILSON, cor. 4th' and Market st., IMs
on'hand thei finest and largest assortment of
aa Eine Gold and'Silvet Watches ' 'in every variety, ever
ffered fcir sale in this city. Jewelry of the richest
' -.and - latest patterns, in large variety. Silver -Ware,
',Tea Ware, Table Cutlery, Solar Lard Lamps and Gi
- randoles; of the best material, patterhs and work
' -torinship. Military Goods and Trimmings in general.
-"Allenis Patent Revolvers, &c. All for sale at thb
zloviest cash Rrices. •
Alcl9 - • W. W. WILSON.
tOllOlll 10 Old coantitylasen.
is tlr k , THE Subscriber hang now aL
'the 'sole Agency in the west rui
the:above House; is prepared to
send or' bring out paisengers on the most liberal
' terms; and:with the greatest comfort and deipatch,
'is they. have the • best vessels sailing every week,
(built espressly for this line,) and will invariably give
paisages, secured on this 'side the water; the prefer
ence of berths, and will attend to passengers , lug:
gageoplanding through the Custom House free of
expense, and will also forward them to their friends
:its - aily part of the United States, thus protecting the
emigrant, frem all the wrongs and vexatious frauds
which 04 hive heretgfore had imposed upon them.
Messrs. Hamden fr. Co., are ' also the Agents for
Royal Mail Steamers. •
14nattninces by 'drafts at sight—to any amount—
PXyable. in any part of England, Ireland, Scotland,
.or_Wales. Application to the subscriber personally
.or by letter (post paid,) will meet with every atten
tion. Office, Third street; one door west - of Wood
dec244lB:w3m• Etiropean 4- General Agent.
Remittances, to Ireland,
DLAKELY & MITCHEL, respectfully inform
their friends and the public generally , that on
10th inst., they will close their reinit,tances . ' for
the'l'ae.ket whiCh will leave'New York on the 16th
inst.; for Liverpool; any one desirous of remitting to
their friends• will apply immediately—Drafts issued
on.thaitoyal Banks of IRELAND; for any sum not
less than One pound sterling, and . payable in any
Banking Institution in IRELAND:4:AIso, on Messrs.
Present; Gioat, Aines & Co.', Bankers, LONDOi
payable at.any Bank in ENGLAND, SCOTLAND
or WALES. Agenbi for
Isar New:ginik.
.:'_ - ':... - ::"t, , ,.. -
''~?~ ,fir:" -
corner ofillarket and Third stn
, -
„ 7
•'t*.Z .. : 1 •! . 7:: . '.' 1.
••• , '' .. :4-',';'.i;tl-.;
_ - -
the Tirar.=-We 'are riot in die
habit of puffing patent medicines, but there is one
'which we feel it our duty to recommend to our
' Volunteers,- as a most excellent remetly,for
disorders.incideut to, a chan. , e of water, diet and
climate; we allude to J.LTNE:B7C&IIMINATITA
six, which has been tested by many of our citi
zens' and found to be all that is . clairnell for
Rev. Asa Shinn, one of the first of our clergy, in
1843 tested the medicine, and recommended itas an
unfailing remedy: for diseases of the stomach and ,
bowels, to which our Volunteers will 'be'subject
ere they reach Mexico. A bottle shoulithe alacetl
in the knapsack of every soldier,
_and Vriceis
such as to place it within the reach_ of all. Itcati,
be procurPd at the. Pekin Tea Store, Fouith street.
near Wood.---Dispatih. dec:l7
ClllllB7leli Galvanic Remedies- for all kinds of
nervous affections, they have been used with entire
success in all-cases of Rheumatism, acute or chro
nic, applying to the head, face or limbs; gout, tic
dolereux, bronchitis, vertigo, nervous or sick head
ache, indigestion; paralysis, palsy, epilepsy, fits,
convulsions, - cramp, Palpitation of the heart, nett
ralgila general debility, &c, In cases of dyspepsia,
which is simply a nervous derangement of the di
gestive organs-,-they have been found equally sue
cessful. .
These . apidications are in the form of Rings and
Magnetic Fluid,Rands, Bracelets; Belts, &e.
- 0:7. See advertisement for further particulars on
the outside of this sheet.
poi sale at the may "agency, 57 Market street
• . Important to Consionprives.---Strangel that so
many Who are afflicted with a Cough that is gradu
ally wearing them, down, and slowly but surely,
stealing them into that dreadful disease Coniunqi
tiois--That disease which carries off thousands daily
—are doing nothing, or, what is worse than noth
ing, are gorging themselves with nostrums that are
paired to the skies for cures they are said to have
effected on some foreign or unknown persons, when
hey can be positively cured by using Dr. Rogers'
compound Syrup of Liverwort and Tur, which con
tinues to make the most remarkable cures ever re
corded in•the annuals of Medicine; which is pro.
ved by reference to the vast number of certificates
from the first and must respectable citizens—such
as the Han, Judge William Burke, the wife of the
Rev. Geo. Maley; Doctor Wm. Richards; Mrs.
rani Plummer; Deviancy Ludlow, Esq., of Cincin
nati; and a great nsimber of others in this cify.—
Certificates of not only of remarkable cures of dis.
tressing Cough, but rases of Consumption positive
ly cured, after physicians of the highest standing
have given them up to die!
For sale by D. C. Kneeland, principal agent,
Grant street, one door below 2d.
See advertisement of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and
Tar, in another column. dect
Dr. Duncan 's Expectorant . . itentedy--Conentoption
can be Cured.,--,Mrs..Mary Bowers, wife of Henry
,Bowers, was for a length of time afflicted with a
"Pulmonary Complaint," which defied the united
skill of several eminent physicians. She hearing
of the "Expectorant Reined y ; " was induced to give
it a tri al. Her symptoms were those of •Phtliisis,
Pulmonalis, or Pulmonary Cuustiinptioxi i viz: a dry
hacking cough, pain in the breast and side, impair.
ed appetite and great thirst, hectic fever, and night
sweats, with much debility and weakness. She is
happy in saying that' after using three bottles of
the “Expectorant Remedy" she began to have
hopes of a,speedy recovery; her strength gradually
increased until she had used three bottles more,
when she felt entirely restored, it now being eight
months since, and no symptoms of the complaint
For sale by W. Jackson, Agent, comer of Ni'mA
and Liberty streets. jan
Dissase of the Laugs.—How very important is
it for those afflicted to procure something to arrest
the insidious destroyer, Consumption, before it
takes too deep a root and destroys life!. Have not
thousands testified to the beneficial effect of:-Dr
Duncan's. Expectorant Remedy"—a safe and cer
tain medicine, prepared expressly for the cure of
diseases of the chest.
Read the testimony of tliousanth who have been
cured by the timely use of this medicine—One
bottle is'infficient, in many cues, to test its cura
tive virtu s. 1111 y then - procrastinate from time
tb tirre e i ntil it be too late?
Dr. Ditican's Western Office, No. 150 Svcamor
street, t'fi cinnati, Ohio, where his Medicines are
sold whci/esale and, retail.
AK;Nr Directory for 1847.
TIRE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and caviler's, that
if suitably encouraged when his agents ma around
oar two cities and towni around, fur their, subscrip
tions, cards, &c. that he will as early in the spring as
possible, publish a large New Directory,.of the Mer
chants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Clergy 4- Church
es, Physicians, Attorneys at Law and Courts, Banks,
Insurance Offices, Police, and all our Householders,
&c., of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Citie.s,Manchester.
Temperance - vale, Birmingham, McKeesport, Eliza
bethtown, Wilkinsburgh, East Liberty, Sharpsburgh,
Lawrenceville, fzei &c., each under their proper
bead, and publish the cards and advertisements of
all our commercial, professional and business men
that subscribe; 4-c. litr,Ourcitizeni are respectfully
invited to subscribe when called upon, Hid such as
expect to remote oh the. first of April at make a
change in theil..6irris or.brisineas will please mention
it to our agents - when they call, orleare word at ow"-
in - Eastertrand.WesternMerehants, 4-c., can have
their cards and advertisements baser:id in a few
pages of the work on sulascribintt and paying for it
in advance, 4fe. The price of the Directory in com
mon binding, sli leither binding, $1,50-and red ino
roceo 'hound,' $2; a short card, $11; half a sheet, $3;
and a tun page $5, extra-
jans-St and InteLiaffice, No. I.l.St.tlair at.
Rural Register and-Almanac.
IA MANAC for 1947—a pork of unusual i tnerit. it
contains one hundred and forty-four Tagba octavo,
and gives full directions for the culture of vegeta
bles and flowers; a dairy . of work to be performed!
each month; directions for transplanting; grafting,
&c.; engraiings and descriptions Of select fruits; Wits
trationa of farm and gadded implements, portraits of
choice.cattlej misclellaneofis reading ? with the usual
astronomical information of an almanac &c. &c.
Just received and for sale by the subscriber, and to
be had at the bookstores generally, at the extremely
low price of 15 cents per copy.
F. L. SNOWDEN, Druggist.
declB-dtmlEn 29 Water st.
. _
OPFICE in Avery Row, sth street, above . Smith
field street, Pittsburgh.
and other instruments of writing drawn with neat
ness, legal accuracy, and despatch. Ile will also at
tend to drawing and filing MECHANIC'S LIENS, Ac
counts of Executors, Administraters, Examining
titles to Real Estate, Scar Ching Records for Liens,
, From his long eTperience and intimate acquaint
hnce with the mahner of keeping the public records{
ho eapectsto give sbtiefaction to those who-May en
iintittheir bus nests tb his care. decf6-d&w
Pittsburgh, January lst, 1846.
TIN. President and Managers of the "Company
. for erecting a Bridge over the river Allegheny,
opposite Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny,"
have this day declared a vlividend of two dollars, on
each share of the capital stock of the company, out
of the profits of the last six months, which will be
paid to stockholders, or their legal repreientatives,
on or after the 11th instant.
jan2-dtdw2t JOHN HARPER, Treasurer.
0 Yes, 0 Yes.
NTOU can always find at G. Schneck , s, °lithe cor
j_ ner of Fifth and Smithfield sti t , fresh Oysters
served up in' every style, on the shortest notice.
Also, Ground Nut Candy; Fruits, and Pastries of the
choicest kinds. Call and see. novl3-cltap
Pig Lend.
8 A PIGS Lead; just rec'd and for sale by
'JCL n 0.12 JAMES -MAY.
For fteirtr
A - BOOM in the first story of allricktlroist oil the
corner of Fifth and Union at& Apply to
ntivl7 - - JAMES MAY. '
-•- • •
I ' ,
• THE steaiatir,filtENATAteesr. C. FLEE..
SON, Master;: trilrleake 'Pittsburgh 'for
Welhiville and aR interitiediato litndings-, on 'Mon
days, Wedn esti ays, and I:rida;l7-a;At 2tileloelt, M. 4
and Welloillefor Pittiburglr -ett--Ttiesditys, Thurs
days, agil Saturdays, at 9.rogloclti;.k. M. Furifelglit
or passage apply on bondy T dead
For keeling—l. gular , Packet.
lad 'run jiplendidlight..dfaught steamer
DontliTlONis. TYLEti, Master, will-run
3ta a medlar panket,beew*en Pittsburift and Wheel
ing; leaving.Pittabt rghfol - Wlieelin*itaeryaifay,;' : -
Wednseday.andFriday s. at 3 walppk, P. 44 and tp.av
int Wheeling for , Fittsbnligh everytTueadhy, Thins
day and Saturday; at 9 o'clock, A. m; For freight
orpassige apply on board. • nova
xsor Cinketistiati. •
The well known fist running steamer
AMBRIA, W. Forsyth,Master will run
- as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P.M:, the
same day. Returning, iih'e will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10, A; M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
FORSY,TIi Ik. Co., Agents,
ap 16 N. 30, Water street.
For Cincinnati' and Louisville.
The now and splendid passenger steam
er C 0 L A, - 0 7 Thattrillaster, wil
leave for the above and intermediate porta; rogular
For freight or passag,e apply on board, or to
jet D. WILKINS, Agent.
For Cincinnati and St. Lords
" e li c i The passenger steamer PALESTINE,
Capt. Williams, will leave for the above
and a intermediate ports regularly. '
For freighter passage apply on board. je9.
Tuesday Evening Packet.
I ST* Ji„ The new and splendid passenger steam
boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhees,
will run ass. regular packet between Pittslurgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every . Tuesday evening
at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaration oilers superior accommodations
id passengers. For freight or passage apply on
board. Jet
The regular mail and passenger. steamer
MONONGAHRLA, Capt. Storm, will run
as - a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 10, A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10.
A. 14. Fur freight or passage apply on board.
The Monongahela was built expressly for this
trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and sm
perior accommodations. mar 31
I. mtg. THE regular mail and pasenger steam
UNION, Captain Macleari,Will run as
a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 6 o'clock,
P. M. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every
Thursday at G P. M.
The Union was built expressly for this trade,
and affonls every accommodation.
For freight or passage apply on bond. mayA
. THE regular mail and pussengersteam
er HII3ERNIA, Capt. John Klinefelter,
will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at 10. P. of the same day.—
Heturning, she will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M. For freight oxpsasage apply on board.
The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade,
and offers to the passengers every comfort and su
perior accommodations. apl
... La tig4 THE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA,
M. E. Lucas, Master, will run as a regn
ar packet between Pittsburgh and the
above port during the season of 1846, leaving every
Thursday at 10 o'clbek A'. M.
. .
The Acadia is n w awl has superior accommoda
tions. For freight at palsage apply on board, or to
ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent.
TIIE regular mail are pazsenger steam
er CLIPPER, We. 2, Captain Creeks, wil)
run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving, this port every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day. Returning
she will leave Cincinnati every Mondayat 10 o'clek,
M. For freight or pissage apply on board.
The Clipper N 0.,?. was built expressly for thistrade„
cnd offers to her passengers every comfort and as.
aommodation- mar 23
The regularmail and passenger steamer
CIRCASt4AN, sapt. laaac Bennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every 'Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the aame day.
Returning, she will leave Cincintiati every Tuesday,
at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply onboard.
The Circassian ayes built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
The regular mail aud passenger steamer
MESSENGER, Capt. Linford, will run as
a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.
leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and
Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning,
she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at hp
o'clk A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The Messenger was bthlt expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
Dissolution of Partnership.
pHE Partnership existing between the undersign
ed,'. under the firm of SCRIBA & SCHERMER,
was dissolved on the 30, inst., by mutual consent.
The books of the concern are in the hands of Mr.
Scriba, who is authorized to settle all accounts.
The Bookstore will he continued at the old stand by
Mr. Scriba; the Bookbinding by Mr. Scheiblcr.
Dec: 25,1846
Books anti Stationary
lAVING just returned from the East with amok
elegant and extensive stock of Fancy Station
ary and Books for Christmas and New Year's
I would call the attention of the public to my store,
No. 115,,,,W0nd et. Pricey extremely low. Among
a greatsalectiou of Books for old a n d young; I men
tion If/
Thoenbudoir Annual, fur 1847.
" Diadem,
" Boquet,
" tbss Rose,
Amaranth, i +
" Mayflower,
" Forgot-me not, "
Leaflets ofMemory "
" Rainbow, "
" Lady's Album, "
" Sacred Monntains.
Illustrated Book at' Christian Ballads.
Scenes in the Life of Christ, by Chriswold.
The Tortoise Shell Kitten, for 1847.
Christian Blossoms, . cr
' Thin. Book of Nursery Rhymes.
Together with a great selection of Books for Child
ren, Games, Portfolios, lie. VICTOR SCRIBA,
deb' • 115 Wood st.
11 CO.—W. & D. RINEHART, No. 33 Hand at.,
fake pleasure in announcing to the public that they,
have just, introduced a new and delteimis ankle of
fine CHEWING TOBACCO, which they can recom
mend to custom - 6:a as mild, pleasanii finely flaveiredi
and entirely free from adulteration. They have also
'hi' hand a very fine lot (if - CAI:M(SI4I of the very
best quality. decl4
Ohio River 2 t elograph,
. Pittsburgh to , Louisville through Wheel
ing, Columbus end ;Cincinnati.
The subscribers were appointed a Committee to
distribute 200 shares of 00 each of the stock of said
Company, to the citizens of Pittsburgh and 'vicinity,
(that being the proportion allotted to this city by the
Company.) As all feel an interest in this importabt
improvement, and it is believed to be the best stock
ever offered the community; in ;ander to give a more
general extent, the Committee deem it proper to con
fine tiro subscription to two shares for uric week from
Books" fez' subscription at the Coticriing Room of
lianna & Waterman, Water at.
TOBACCO. -75 large and 90 small boxes Mason.
ri tobacco, of prime quality,jtist received on
consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash, of
Pittsburgh In'amifacturea.
- Blacksmith's Bellows
FOR sale - by the subscriber, agent for the Mann
&either. GEO. COCHRAN,
tioi , 24 • - No. 2$ WZod st.
vv !Welts; ode cue Red Flannels, for7erale low by
oct24 GEO..COCHRAN, 26 Wood et.
- ' I,
. . ..........-
„ • J. •
ettattem„,ot f;f6ititri L )(
„wean, arttetra
Pittsburgh .13anks. State•Bk:addßnitehei. •
Philadelphia Dante'. •..(fat Cincinnati Banks:.::"4. 4 •
Germantown:..... ,REI Circleiille Litivience):,
Chester county - - Rat Columbuef Baia:
Dela Ware county pat Xenia ; • •• • • • z • ••-: ! .4
MonigOnieryi County. :psi Massillon] . l
Northumberland C 0... par Sandusky.::. ....:'4
Col: Bankti Bridge CO . par G eztuga '' . ...
Reading . .. . . - .par Norwalk ' • ” • t
_ . v • •
Lancaster p N% Li s bon r,eti •
D o ylestown • par Wooster . f
Easton . '" 'par Marietta 4. . . ; ....'..4
Backe county..... .. par Chill ieothe ....
Pottsville ; .. . . ••: Cleveland - ' g
Washington i. . •••• . 4:llSciota-.;4.
Brownsville :. Lancaster.
York •" . Namiltoti',
Chambersburg ; .. : . I I: .g Canton J.
Gettysburg • - 1 Urbane.:`.
.Middletown a Granville'.
Carlisle . 1 • • rutin:us.
Harrisburg • ;.• .... • • • State Bk4nd•Bmnchei 45
Harrisdale 1 Bank of 1113nois .70
Lebanon. • stlerttdA2r.
Lewistown 1 Wirer Raisin: • ' 70
Wyoming - • • Insitranee Company . I; .5
Erie State Bank 5
West Branch -1 Oakland County 10
Waynesburg .4 Farm and Mech bank .10
St. Clair .75
Susquehanna County
Lehigh County '1 . MISSOVH./.
U. States flank 2 8 State Batik I
Relief Notes • ..TerrrflaiSEE.
City and. County,Scrip.,i• 4.ll , banki ,
Slate Bk and branches.:4 F; ; XCIIANGE •
State Scrip g . New York.... tprem4 I
gENT,c,y. ..
All Banks I Baltimore .
VIRGINIA. vart/r: or coral.
Eastern Banks . ..... . .4 !Amer. Geld, (pram) ...
Wheeling....., `;} Old do. do. ...5
Branches • Guineas. 's - 500
Beck at Morgontown • Sovereigns.... _ .. . ..83
stmtriann. Frederickders 80
Baltimore City pal Ten Thalers ..... ...7 80
Country Banks ;Ten Guilders.. 3 00
NEW vonn. , .. 4 25
City Banks paiiNapoleons • 3 80
Country Banks 4;Doubl non, Spanish.. 16 00
NEW ENGLAND . WO. Patribt 15 50
All solvent banks .11Dticats • 2 1.5
rip ENNESSER PEA NUTS, A sina/1 kit, very au
j perior, just receited and for sale by
56 Wood st.
- I.7RESII ROLL BUTTER-1i Rtirielii, neatly put
_ll2 up, for sale by -o MARTIN; & SMITH, ,
decls 56 Wood street.
AA. MASON, 62 Market st., offers fur sale an
~ extensive assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Vestings and Tailors , Trimmings._ : _.
A •
A. MASON, 62 Market st., has 'received an
. other lot of New Goods; comprisi ng 12 pee.
Cotton and Silk Warp.Alpaccaer 111 pee. red, white
and yellow Flannels; 10 pea. Jail; raised Citssinett;
20 pee. KentuckyJeann Canton Firitinels; Tickings;
Striped Cheeks, &c. dcl
A. MASON. 62,4 Market et., liar on hand an
extensive assorttnent of Shawls, comprising
more of those splendid Brocha, also Casmere worst
ed and other Shawls. den I
20 MATS CASSIA in store au& for sale by
BAYS & -11110CKWAY,
No. 4 Commercial Row, Liberty at.
1 CASE CARS MAGKESIA•for sale by
dec 3 • RAYS & PROCK WAY
2 CASKS - CA.1.;1) 11ACNESIA for. sale tic
dec 3 • • HAYS DROCKWAY.
A MILS. New lecTra and Pittsburgh Varnisbea, on
hand and for sale low by . . .
lilAtiv - rs AND OILS, a general niaOrtinent ale ay-a
on band and br ogle by
10. 2 Commercial !tor., Liberty at.
AP k t . 'l..p.7r .
i bt e i IG
s.,reen Apples, of different
P. E:MAITTIS, 60 Water at
CGA.P. CURED HA3IS-12,000 superior Sugar
, Cured liaais,sprime artiebe,teir
ner2o P. C. MiCILTIINI, 60 Water it.
ORANGYS--1000 prime - Havana Oranges, for
vale by nov2o P.C. MARTIN, 60 Water st.
Dressed Flooring
209000 FEET firat rate, at Beck's Planing
Mac)ane, fur sale:
novIS. Penn at.;between Hasid and Irwin St.
P OPLAR BOAlinS, ircll seasoned and for talt; by
tnorlS.) ' L. ,WILMARTIL
elTierces fresh Rice:
14 bbls, Conklins imp - roved Lard Oil;
10,('00 lbs. Bacon, Shoulderri. On 'hanil and
for Pale by 1.. SELLERS.
sep24. 1 , 4).17, y street.
LAim, 100 keg!, No. 1, Lard ori consignment;
And for sale by F.; SELLERS.
sep24. No. 17,iLibertv *trent.
SLIGA R 11017 S E MOL LASSES:-43 bid ii..Goodals,s
S. If. Molasses, in FLOM and for sale by
sep23. ' F. SELLERS.
Mnsqueto 1 tte.
ri El). S. SWARTZ has on hands lot of very au
perior white and colored 'Museum.° Netts
which will be mold cheat, at No. )06.Matket street.
Latest Improvement.
EDSTEADS of different kinds with Gazzain , s
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, for sale low - artlfe fhrniture!warchouse of
ant. T. B. YOUNG & Co, Hand street
ryiA ES--Pie r, Centre and Card Tables of differ
ent patterns. Ifivou want a good article cheap
call at the Furniture Warehouse of
T. B. YOUNG & Co,
Je 31 trend at.
Wood Street Property; for situ!.
THAT desirabletot of ground atithe foot of Wood
street, occupied at the time or Om great tire by
hiessrli, King Holmes; is offered for ante.
Enquire of ja.ugii] J. K.! hiOQRIIF.ADr
Storagie. i
T MING a vary large O.IIA comniodions ware-
II house, we are prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) nlarge amount of Pro
duce, &c. on storage at low rates.
jy23 C. A. McANULTY &CO, Canal Basin.
I \ EAS-120 packnges Y. H., !rnpl., G. P. and
Powchong, of late importations, arriving and
for sale by (aug2s) LAMBERT & MINTON.,
300 BAGS Gmen Rio, part prime;
54 , Old Government Java;
Arriving this day and for sale by,
411111511150 bbls No. 3 Lary's Mackerel;
20 44 4 , 3 North
TO o i 4 1 14
20 Herring (AllsviVes)
5 No. I Salnien•, in store and for
sale y [aug2s] LAMBERT & Silt nos..
Hagnr, and Molasses
AA IMPS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime
2 bids. Nos. 4 and 6 Loaf;
10 cases “Lovering's".D.: R. laf Sugut
118 bblo.N. 0: Molasses;
In store and . for sate by
aug2s. 133 end .133 Wood street
lIRLS. Pitch: -
e../V 50 4 4 Ito Sin;
150 Boxes Tobacco, various iiiesi
10,000 Seed Icaf Cigars . ;
On consignment and will be sold lOW for easli, or
exchanged fdr Ifittsbutib thaodfaciores, by
seps TAAFFE Sr. 0 CONNoIt.
beet:4 and °bocci:ale. ,
5 BOXES Baker's and FeIN COCoa;
5 et Broma;
2 " " Cocoa Faste;
5 . " • Norfolk Chricolate;
5 ." Oakes ro
1 case French Chocolate, espressly for eating.
For sale by WILLIAMS deCO.,
dec2.s 110 Wood st
-F RESH, FRI: bxs. M.& &Rains,
500 lbs. Smyrna ,
100 le Sgllana, " • •
000 " Zatite Curranbp .;
200 n, liordOux Prunes; -
100 ai Genoa Citronf
44 " Lemon 41..,Oranize Peel.
En store paid Air sale b' k Co.,
dc24 . , _ _llO Wood at
, ALC 4 .7 4lB 4et!!4744l:je4ltiti Uinta en
Prt4difig figure 1t
iten to reliregtmt the Is
tsatimi EERSPABA : Iit; Na
it] the great ivathatior
Jr the,iMpuritiee of the
iody. It will beimtlema
that a tkiek
times from all point; et.
the surface, Which , WWI.
•tatete thit this perapira-,
ion flOwituninterrupted
ty. when we are inhealth,
but comma when we are
ick, Life cannot beads;
- n off from the blvod.and
other in ic es of the, body,and disposes by thts means,oi
nearly* the, impurities within us, The language of
Scripture is in the Blood is the'Life.”. If it ever be
tomes impure, it way be traced directly ' to the stop
page of the insert's` ibleperspiration. Thus we see, afi
that is necessary when:-the blood is stagnant, or in
fected, is to open the pores; and it relieves itself from
all impurity initdrdly. Its„own heat and vitality are
sufficient, without one partiele of medielhe, ajrcept
to open the Pores upon the surface., Thus we see
the folly of taking-so much internal remedies. 411
Ifraetieners, however.., direct. their efrerts to restore
the Insensible Perspiration: The Tliorupsonian; for
instance, steams, the Hydropathist shrouds .114 in Wet
blankets, the floniopathist deals tint infinitissimals.
the Allepathist bleeds"and' doses ifs with mercury;
aid the blustering Quack gorges us with pills,' pills:
. :45
To give some idea of the amount of tha Insenst-'
I ble Perspiration, we still 'state that the learned Dr:
.Lewenliocki . ascertained that fiveCeights of all we re•
ceive into the totnticli; passed °lrby this means. In
other .words; if AVC cat and drink eight pounds per
illy, we evahiiatc .4 : fife pounds of it by the Insensible
Perspiration. .
, This is none otherthan the used up pirticies of
the blood, and ther juices giving place to the new
and fresh ones. To check this, tll4.efore; is to re-
Mitt in the system live-eights of all the virulent matter
that nature demands should leave- the holy.
IJpa sudden transition front heat to cold, tlitporet
are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and dinincebtS
gins at once to develope itself. Hence, a
this-:flow of the juices, originates' -so many 'con=
It is by stopping the pores, that overwhelins man
kind with coughs, colds, and consumption. Niur
tenths of the world die from diseases induced by a
stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration.
Let use ask, now, every candid mind, whateourse
seems the must reasonable to 'pursue, to'unstoithe
pores, after they are dosed. Would you give physic
to unstop the pores'? Or would you apply something
that would do Min' upon the surface, where the clog
ging actually, is? .'And yet know of no . physic:l.m
who makes any external applications to, effect' it.
[lnner these circumstances, I present to physicians,
and to all others,llcAlistees Ointnient,
or the World's Saler. lt has " pother to restore per
spiration on the feet; on the head old sores;
upon thr
chest, in short,: upon any part of the body, whethet
diseased slightly or severely. ' 7
It haspower to cause all external sores, scrofilloui
humors, .skin diseases, poisonous wounds, :to dig
charge tlieirputrid matter, and then heals them.
It is a remedy that sweeps MT the whole catalogiu
of cutaneous disorders, and restore the entire cuitch
to its healthy functions.
It is a remedy that forbids the necessity as° man
and deleterious drugs taken into the stomach. *
It is a remedy that nefther sieknerts, giVes inconve
nience, or isilangdous to the intestines.
It !next:ryes and delimds the Surlitee from all
rangeoldit of its functions.. The sitrfkce is the °Ore
let of n rthe bile and used up Matter with j
in. It is pierced with millions of openbigs to relievej
the intnitinei. Stop up these poreS, and death knock' '
at your dour. ,It is rightly. terma for
there is:scarcely a disease; external or internal, that .
it will not benefit. I have used it for the list fourteen
years for all diseases of the chest, consumption, liv
er involving the utmost danger and responsibility,and
I declare before Heaven and man. that not in one ,
single case has it failed to benefit, when , the patient j
was within the reach of mortal means.
I have had physicians, learned in the profession; I
have had minioters of the Gospel, Judges un the
bench, Aldermen and. Lawyers, gentlemen of the
highest erudition and mull limits of the poor, use it
in every variety of way, and there has been but one
voice—one united and universal voice—saying "M-
A.llister, your Ointment is good*
CUNSUSIPTIO.N.—It can hardly be credited that a
salve can Imre any effect upon the-lungs seated as
they are within the system. lint if placed upon the
chest, it penetrates directly . to the:lungs, seperates.
the . poisonous particles that' are - consuming them,
and expels them from the systein.
I need not sav that it is coring persons of consiintp
tion continually, although we are told it is foolish,
pese . ,l care not what. is p;i4, 150.10 fig an 1 can cure
several thousand porsonsl , carly.
HEADACIIE.—The Salve has cured persons of
the Hcadaehe of ten rears standing, and who had it
regularly every seek, so that vomiting often took
Deafness and Ear Ache are helped with like sec
COLD FEET.--Consumption, Liver complaint,
pains in the chest or side, falling off the hair, one or
the other always accompanies cold feet.'
The Salve will cure every case.
• In Scrouna, Erysipplas, salt Rheum, Liver com
plaint Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat Bronchitis,
Broken Or Sore Breast, Piles, all Chest Diseases, such
as Asthma, Oppres-aion,P ain, also Sore Lips, Chap
ped Hands, Tumours, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous
Diseases, and of the Spine there is probably no med
icine now known so good.
BURNS.-It is the best thing in the world l'or
'Burns. (Itcd the Directions around thelhix.)
PIMPLES ON THE FACE—Masculine Skin gross
surface. Ita first action is to expel all humor. 11
will not cease 'drawing till the thee is free from any
matter that may be lodged under the skin, and frie
cluentiv hrenking out to the surther. It then hears
When thereit nothing but grossness, or dull repul
sive surface, it begins to soften and--soften until the
skin becomes as smooth and delicate as h childs.
WORMS.—If parents knew how fatal most medi
cines were to children taken inwardly, ;they would
be slow to resort to them. Especially "mercurial
lozenges" called —Medicated lozenges," iivermi
ages"' pills, Sze. The troth is, no one can tell, in
variably when corms arc present. Now let me sny
to parents that this Salve will always tell if a child
has worms.- It \NI drive every vestige ef them a.
way. (Read the directions around the box.)
Theie is probably no medicine on thus face of the
earth at once so sure and so safe in the expulsion of
TOILKT,--Although I have said little about it as
a hair restorative yet 1 will stake it against the worlds
They may bring their Oils far and.near, Mid mine will
restore the hair two cases to - their one. ,
OLD SORES.-That some Sores are an, outlet to
the impurities of um system, is, becausathey cannot
pass off through the!natural channels of the Insensi
ble Perspiration. If such sores are healed up the
impurities must hard some other outlet, or it will en
danger life. This !salve will always provide for
sneb emergencies. !
removes almost immediately
the inflammation and swelling, when the pain. of
course ceases.
FEVERS.—In all cases of fever, tlua didiculty lies
- in the pores being locked up, so that the heat and
pitspiration cannot pass off. If the leasi moisture
could be started the crisis has passed and the danger
over. The All-sealing Ointment Will-in all cases of
fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and bring forth
the perspiration.) -
SCALD HEAD.—We have cured cases that acts
ally defied every thing known, as well as the ability
of :fifteen or twenty doctors. One man_told us he
hail spent $5OO on his children without any benefit,
when a few bbxes of the - ointment cured Diem.
CORDS.:----Oceasional use of the Ointment will id:
ways keep corns from grdwing: People need never
be ;troubled with thi-in if they will use
AS A FAMILY,SIF - DICINE.—No nfanean meas
ure ffo long as the stars roll along over
Ildavens-rso long :Fs man treads the earth, sub
lent- to all iefirnities of the tresh-- so him; as disease
and sickness is known :just so, long will this wind
Ointment be used and esteemed. When nian ceas
es from Mr the earth, then the .deinitid will ceaUer,
and not till then. JAMES NIcAI ISTEf & Co:
_ - -
prOprietoro of the 'Price 25
cents per box;
the All-Heeling Qintinent has
been greatly counierfthted;we have giver! this Cad
fion to the public.that "no Ointmetit wili be genuine
unless the iiaiticS of James McAlister, or James Mc-
Alister 4- ed. - , are wiiirrart With a PEN uritin EVERY
label" Now we herchy offer - a reward of $5O . to
beVpaid. on Conviction ivt itnr. of the constituted
courts otthe United Stntesjor any individthil. - eonti ,
terfciting our name and Ointment,
AGENTS IN .PIT'I`SBURGH--Brann & Reiter,
corner of Liberty and St. Clair ate: are the whole
sale agents, and L. Wilcox rjr., corner Market stand
the Diamond; Hays Jx. Brockway; (Druggists No 2,
Cammercial Row; Liberty et.; J. H. Cassel; corner of
Walnut and Penn streets., Oth ward; and sold at the
BOokstare in Smithfield at.; 341 door lid& Second at;
and in Allegheny city by R P. S'ehwartz; and ..L. Sar
gent; and by J. (1.• Smith (Druggist) Birmingham; and
D. Negley; East Liberty; IT.lRoWlands Mcßeee)tart;
Samuel Walker, Elizabeth; 3. Alexander & Son, Mo
nongahela City; N.B. Bowman leCo.c L'T. Rogers,
Brownsville, Pa;-:Dr,, S. Smith s Bridgewater; and
John Barday, Beaier a. ar 20.
Sirot. :
50 ifLEGS Shot, assorted Noe.; for sale 6 7
nosi2 JAMES MAY,
: ` -
a :<
--`' " - ` irietriati oltpi ..
1101 1:1 ;iii0 : 5 1 r 41-!4,11, d - f l e —C ola E " l,4o " l gtl4eWt" The c
tO . _ Twonil` 1 Inn R TETE-::CM l °Fl i f i r tp ° ilia,.
I A 11" „F I Mt. I cheerfully Recommend Milzaz yr s alcimm ,
h im to W elnry rn th nn ' er m t r i em i t 0 1 ,,hiM i to mem , .- ,sv -
.. ,
~_-_, : '-,,..- Ity,6W, , ,, on l id ` , i n ' , 4ld i ties -
DDAIt TI!OR- %. . Dnarovered by Dr. 4uAzd°4 ' ' a. -het ! '
4 . ."...
' . . ' '-'--
I and introduced into the tr: fftateil yt
Irwinla Drug Store. , -i r 1,18 „„, , s i nid oei jib for thb,*,tileit,
.. ild . T i ; ,a /i r e i n h n o d r in;if otti n nT sA etr bitir g ingbOught Out 't , ,Ltsi fito_r_e i, o,fi , r — ttronie . - l aise a 8
ealail i l i t e tu t t b: mg o i y my,
~. r_ .
cou : 4neildlntililif. ' l:l:natte • cusd -7reet°l:3:rll7-e ; o lsoll u th a t or hc o ") otin t ff t ulnn:q ln u ol ed' nnt s "ni' b fii * ;teb t r sto ' e l ita j l _ fi tt. E4- • --;
WY- n , genera n05 .....„ nunt ,,,,, e ii n .; or - recorded In the annals of,MealOok , - -,..i. 1
viSffafi the knost 41klanbli- Medicines ; Perfam ` l, s*.^.,,"' its introduction into the United States it has , b , gitatt__
._.,„ -1
a yi u lie F k u e n p u t y ci Ar mli t an iul tr ' I ,}l tt r yl li te c ia s n U, : d pr C e u stlpt s ini n eirui athtLinetd, ctinnziLe-bglghtierergriiititoinimiit,:teil;.o.7,tb.",..l:7oll:,
_inaeterate and long standing ihrearies,lutterntah.,l.-,
curate") , eorniounded. The store will be open at ar .
hours of the day and bight. ,
l,tlLLIAlkt F. IRWIN, butricul filmily arcnisicted. .-The,,,t,hrdegmlio.,,
~' of Penn and !landau'. i,.
' i ci ,„"
„ and Amer i ca 0, g rar as t4ey .. 21 , % . 0 iv* lo n .
ter] iith its mode of bkration)lotetlltt in/
the thousands who have been fOrtOtoiltb
iut superior ocast.with 011 - Wlunited'ifOiCel PUlGlabli
it ffi to he the most perfect, rete r ediategent everoffered
to suffering humanity.!/tifmorno. ("ottani= ,
"Mat e'en:sorption , rno.yll , ql;and4ai fitien. `.
by Dr..llfazoni's Sicilian, or Tropleafifirgierlik.
This is the only tuedieiroi at hair e!erkonll. -.—
covered that has achieved 4 pOto W„here, , tl.4ltflillealln
had gained a settled andipermanent hn . , io Ida! p0,4 - this T
system. For the truth of this assertn ? WO WI 4.
the eertificates of eome or the most etailietitthrt., ,
, cians of Europe and America , expreaaly 9.-.. ..
' f i
that they have prescribed it in hundreds Onataneen , ,
I where the patients vierusonaidered beyond all hops
lorrecovery„ and w to their astonishment, boa effected •
` the most speedy and perfect cures. ico one who it
unacquainted with its action can imagine the
derful success that atteeds,ilie administration of eat ,
medicine in every variety of 'ehronic disease,par.
ticulrly Consumption, Scrofula or kings evil, 4.01.... ,
ma, Phthisic,Piles, ( rec en settreptitied ill painphleisi
and circulars) Cancers, Liver Complaints Costive
ness and . Indigestion, Sore and Inflamed Throat,
Bronchitis, Dropsies, Chrenic Inflamation of the-
Ridnes, Gravel, Great Debility and Initibllity ot
the nervous systeni tVinal affections, Paralysis,
Ch'ronie Diarrahrea, Frau in the breast and aide,
Coughs, Colds, Chronic Rheumatism, Ifireasta of the
StomaCh and Dowels, inward 'weakness and falling
i . . .
down of the womb and all the chronic diseases lie - -
reflex to feinales in their various relations-in life.
This medicine is prepared only by Dr. litatoni hires ;
I self„ and sa . colnposed entirely of I egetable triaterftli',
containing the extract of 42 of tbe,moiit to ry . e e l%
cal plants but few of which aro known th
cal Prcifeeiion generally.' . .
me. .
ii, 6 -'
It has so far aurpassed every other dmin ait
offered to the world in eradicating climate, that ft
has not only enlister] many of the, knelt talented ,
medical men in the world in its favbr bet what it
more extraordinary 'the government where • it wit . s
discovered 44 1 fas blade it an offence punithablis torth
4 0 e n d st /I; :pur
i to at ous temp att t c i o c ut
z : pu t l i rv eit b i t n i f mg it ori to ina be ken th ' e g sa sate m,
or e
rllm eriting it 10 be genuine. And Vitt - Govern.
went has also made a liberal provision for the pro..
teetiori of it here. To the afilieteil we sat let Ilona
despair; though yob may have been given up by
• lillyeician abd censidered by yell friends as
beyo r nd all 'ope; try a bottle of this medicine and .
you may rely upon the feet; that if f oil have phial.
cal strength enough left to endure itli action, you
will find certain and speedy relief s , torlbbaas Ilan
1 the case in thons
c a e n r il t so c t:• t i e ns . tati
frain iiv
proofCes, n i d n idnala rti,
o wtu t ch
we can produce
'most respectable
hrth ofE ., uror a th"
Amance. Thistnedicineiiibeofreed otm
uliYutthua Z tYibatufea : hcuultO : iugta
thermall:a:ouryet in;ort.and ;h:anietyot
thcpopritrtopiadethlB,dhbiesemedywith.m ,
the teach of all througholit the tithed States:
ert if ic u iTt u ri lk et, il a r 'r u e ck tl u ie .aY, ,,Z•li N d b lesti t e u a tu n lu d e r r e um tail i - n A u g w erita L f l o l2l ;".
Allegheny county. fitc29.d9xt.
. .
and Market sts. Persons desiring to completd a
cpurse of ineirtleffon in Meicantile or Steamboat
the Opening of the
. 111111 k 1( n ,", :t i-Ig;rittrge biiiipess,will do welt'
I , to join the class immediate.
1 1 I /n ordek to ensure the
most prompt attendanFe upon every meinhei . of his
classes, Mr. Dal' hp.l engaged magiAO:me of Mr.
D. McAllister,ae eperieneed teaeher. • , Classes for
Penmanship and Mercantile Calculations, as usual.
Mr. D. can devote a few hoirs each day
. to Posting
Merchant's Books. Prolciiional assistance' given in
any case of difficulty ys th.tooksoraccOunts. Hour's
lof business 10 to ig A. 2to 4, and 7to 9,P. M.
jan2 • - •
Holiday Presents.
QCENES in the Life of the Savioriby the Poets ling
Seenes in the Lives of the Apostles, illustrated.:
Book of Christian Ballads.' . , -
The Illuminated Gems of Sacred Poetry, splendidly
illustrated. - • • t •
Sketches of Irish Character, by Mr. S. C. - Wall..
The Snow Flake, ti gift forinniscence and Beauty.
Portraiti of the residents.
The Rollo Books, in setts. - .
The Jonas , S S.
The Every Day Book.
The Parlor •
The Leisure Hour Book.
The Young Man's Eirening Rook:
The Surnmer Day. Book. • -' •
Also ajnrgo assortment of finely bound Mine!.
lauenus Wbrks.
"dec24 For sale by LUKE LOOMIS, Ag'L -1
For Present . .Aoßiinaisi fOr 1847.
TE Boudoir Annual; a Chfittnias; New Year and
Birth day present. • „ , .
The Opal; a Gift for the Holiclafk, eaited by John
Reeve, with illustrations by S. G. Chapinan.
The Amaranth; or token of remembrance.
Friendship's offering; • a Christmas, New tetra and.
Birth day present. ,
The Rose ofShartni: a religious souvenir; edited
byipss S. C. g.dgarton. •
e Rift of Friendship, •a token of remembrance.
he Rose: of affection's; Gift.: • --
The Moss Rose": edited by'S. G. Goodrich.
The Hyacinth; or affection's-Gift.
Christmas Blossoms and New Year's Wreath;•'
Also,U fine assortment of xicsks, e.legsiz3tly liuuud
in Turkey Morocco and silk, suitable for presents—
Episcopal Prayer Books, Pocket Bibles &c:'
A large assortment of Juvenile BOoks.
For sale at Me . Bookstore of
liarkeLst., 3d and 4th - 13 1:- or r ks - 'tor the
A T EOOK'S Lrr EAARY DEPOT; b:143 l'ourth
street. . - • • -
The Leaflets ofMemory •for 1547.
The Floral Offering "
. The Evergreen .• •
Thu London Keepsake "
The London Ileaih's Book of Beatity for 1147. •
The London Bible Gallery "
The Diadem ' ' •
The Boudoir Annual " •
The May Flower_ - • • rt.!
The Bose of flaxen •
The Rose - • .
The Gift of Friendship . de
The Fountain (reniperance Annual) " --
The Friendship's Offering "
The Hyacinth' • ".
ChiLle '.
llarolde, Illustrated{ • • -
11ryant's Poenis, • "
Southey's works, "
Moore's " )‘.
" -41 •
Byron, Cowper, Tasso, allton,'S.cott, Ritins and
Amelia's Poems; all illustrated and bt atitiftilly bound,
and suitable for a Holiday Gift. "
The Youth's nook of Nature; Mastermari Ready;
Moral Taleiq' Tales of Many. Loads; -
Parley's Bible Stories;_ Boy's Own Book!
Clara's Amusement; YoungStudentt • • • "-•
Boy's Manuel; PopalarTaleS;
Little Lessons for Little' Learners;
Fireside Story Book; Clever - Sthries;
lialiday Tales; Rhymes fear the Nurser;
Krim; Eringle'S Rare Show; My Own Story;
Very Little Tales; Prize Story Book;
Mary ifirritt's Prose and Verse Book;
Puss in -Boots; Child's Favorite;
' Life and Perambulationa of a Mouse; -
Lucy.and Arthur; Old• Oak Trre; The BraCelets;
Bay's First Book; Rhymes and Jingles;
Girl's Manuel; Chiles Delight; Bob the Squirrel;
Ceorge's Jaurneyrßbbitnion Cruioe; ' -
Juvenile Sketches; BlOssonis, of Morality;
Child's Own Story Book; Lazy Lawrence;
Alice Franklin; Comic Nursery Talcs;
Parley's picture Book; Toy Books, &c., lke.
• Also, a great variety of Appleton's Edition ofJU - .-
venile Works not mentioned' here, entitled "Library
for My Voting Countrymen." . Call at COOK'S, ,S 5
Fourth 4t.,1 rind you can be suited. de.24
New Music.
lAN the Charge, to the memory of Rieggoldi
The May Queeh; Parlor Quadrilles;
The hist-sweet chime; .!s= ) .
The home that I love; •
• 0! .would I were a boy again;
Le souvenir waltz, by li. Metier;
Origin of the harp;
Oakland Gallopade, by Rhobacl;
Love Not; Old Granite State;
- I have come from a happy land;
Orphanballud singers, by Russell; - •
Oh!. share my cottage;
Woodman, spare that tree;
Dublin waltzes, by.l.a Britzky;
Camp Glee, by Loder. dedicated 11A1 New
York Guards'
,Glee Club;
The 'Vocal Beauties 'of the lkvdrlie Opera of the
"Love Spell,” by Donazette;
Faur. Slings from the Opera Il Pui tatli,.ljy
Duetts fey two flutes, by Berbignier S.: Kauffner;
Rio Grande Quick March: dedicated to Gelietal
Willirs 'juvenile Pianolafte Preceptor;
Just received and for sale by , •
decl4 JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood it.
For the Mondavi. '
Friendship's Offeringi
The Opal; •
The Christian Reepsakei
The Hyacinth;
The Voet's Gallery . of Beantyi
The Germs of Beauty; -
The Ladies Scrap Book;. '
The Laurel , -
Religious Sthirinier, by 7.lrs. Sigourneyt
The Diadems ,
The Gering of Nature, by Mrs. Embury; •
Fin - de - lila Illustration of Moore;'.
The Gilt;
The Ladies Book of Poetry.acrd Flowersi.
Oracles from thePoetin .
Sentiineribi of Flrewers, by .i. Andreirt, L'OnVon
4 Illustrated editions of the Poets; - - - •
A largo assortment of Book for Children.
For sale tiy IL S. BOSWORTH Er. CO.,
dect2 - No 43 Market Ist„
fiIOLD PENd4—Baglera celebrated over pointed
NJI Gold Pette;lnat reqeited and for gale at reduced
Cate', by .. - .. JOHNSTON STOCKT, 9N, •
oct29 ' Bookeillersi Market at.
STAT/ONKRY:22.Iust, opening, a large and splen
did assortment of French, English and Ameri
can Stationery, which we invite.the public to call
and exarrtine. - JOHNSTON* STOCKTON,
oct29 - Statiopers,.lgarket st.
Brazier's 'Bellows.
TI.TST teceiveill assortment,largesises,Brazie:hr
U Bina Bellows- also, Parlour and Kitchell -do.
Wholesale and Axis% - JOHN W. .131.A1A,
deel6. 120 Wood at.
Cheap Testicles plinds
rtAN he bad at ANDREW *HITE'S Blind Fac
to'ry; itt the rem of Joseph Lowriwi cabinet
Warerocom. Ladiee wishing to get Blinds Wiliplease
call HiL Ryan's Warerooni, - Fifth st., near the
Exchange Bank, where I will be in attendance, and
do not. please you both in price and , quality, I
will-forNt myireputation as a blind maker. dc24
Coakley's , * Improved Lard OIL
RARREIS Winter Lard Oil, just received from
the manufacturers and for sale at Cincinnati prices
.wholessle andreteil f by ':.FRS. SELLRas,
dec29 ; No. 17Libertgait.
:Z1..i,' , 2':' . .:
••• •-•- •••••••• •
.•••• • • •.... .
• • . . .
. .
• .....
. • •..„.•,
Nein Books..
T CODE>S 85 Fourth street:*Tollovring sr*,
received and for kilts!
Tile Dogt by Wte.iYonitt; Miffed; Oath addititmli
by IR. S. Lewis; M. D. •
Rory O'Moore; a National " Romancer by MUMMA
Vneyclopbdia Americana, supplententary yeltimet,.
!.iy• fleuryi.V.etbakej a Popular Dictionary Artily:
ticienceiiLitkrature,Ristory, Politica and Biography, -
Vol. 14. - , • 3
I f oriddb World of Fashion—Gbde_ri r4rint—Ordy
Dollar perann., delivered here fig) of postage.
Magazines for Deeember.
.itnnuals tdr,the.Hnlidays.
Mammoth !!dither Jonathan: .•
Lucretia; or.the Children of the Night; tire* Novel;
by Dula- er-.A. further supply. • ,
Life' drAd,11461 7 -13 . one rolunte-nliants edition.
BlackVroodli Lai:heat, illapazine-lltapnitt—Ahaty
One Dollorper annuitr,,free of postarter , dec24- -
Plttientirglit nottiltai. - •
1.1:113tIt. TIIE CAltk. Or 771 T. SiSTERS
- - .
Dr.'s Addison, Gaexam, Bruce, andPfii'Afeul,.
• -
• •
RRANGEMENTS are now completedfot opts-, ; _
ing this institution on or about the first of .lattut :
ary, 184.1. -ite'Commodations for twenty patients
hate been ordered! if the &retributions now being;
solicitell from the citizens warrant it, accommoda
tions vrtll be prepared for forty.. Donations foithis
purpose can- be given to the CelleCting Committee,
or sent to the. Sisters of M ercy; Penn street, at to
any Of the .folloseingraines _May, A. Tienzan;
James 'Blakely, John Coyle, I; S.; Emigrate Com.
mitteM dec:4-Ink
For Sage He Rent,
THREE story Mick House , situate in the vii.
4 lage of East Liberty, di miles front the city; it
has about ; acre of ground attached, a good Garden;it is air excellent stand for a Tavern, having a goo
frame stable, a large shed for Carriagetrand Ten
Pin alley; several good fruit trees and a pump of es
cellent wdtor on the place. The House ia urge and.
in giibd Condition, having been toecupitd as a dwel-
Hag for some time by Mr. Jamey Burnside: Itwill
be sold or rented low on teagonable tests. •
Persend desirous of farther information will pleats
call lad'. D. Davis. CommercialAuttitin Rooms, cor
ner °Wood add 6th sts. dee.l7-tf
FOUR LOTS—Bounded by Penn, Liberty and Hay
r sts4 eneli Jot having. 24 ft. front, and extending
backl,to R. Two of them are corner lots, and the
position of the whole property
_is one of the moat ad
vantagiona in the city. For thither information ap
ply to M. SWARTZWELDER, Fourth at.,
nov3-if. *odd nnti Smithfield.
TKE biiel dwelling house = and grounda mi . '. the
Butler Road; opposite the Allegheny Cemetery
adjoining rhe property of Mr. Mowry, now. occupied
by Mr. Peterson. Also, the Rope walk and machine
ry, formerly occupied bySriiith & Guthrie, For mak
ing,ropcs for the - inclined planes on the Allegheny
mountaits: For tertni apply re
b7o. 26 Wood -st.
WOULDspeak an Reheat and conscientious word
J. of eddies to those of yea! who are not too wise. to
reatiM, and who eait-,appreciate and distinguish-In
tweeri the cruel and puffing liShonest of thie:day, tie
reference diseases,)and.the following
.stmight-forward - staiement, by one who would not
offer a misrepresentation to you, where life .and -
death are so dearly 'concerned as in any of the die ,
eases or ailments which lead to Consumption.
lean assure you that the remedy here offered, has
given a heavenly relief, and often effected a perms
nent cure, when every other remedy has failed. It
is pleasant; indeed, beautiful to, taste; and for those
who are weakclanguid, and emaciatd, it will lbrnv
an agreeable article of food, as it is in the form of a
beautifolt flavored. balsamic jelly.
.It can, there ,
Rife, iih truth and honor, be offered to allthose
toil with Bronchitis, Asthma,' Obstinate or Caginion
coughs end Colds, spitting of Blood, Bleeding of the
ungsjVhooping-cough, Croup, Difficulty g} Breath-
ing, Sore' Throat,'Hoarseness, First Stager,qf
sumption, and ail other Pulmonary and Liver Com
plaints. It is knoWit ac flit, EMANVEVS' DAL
The materials of this' Jelly are purely vegetable
and balsamic, and' are the invention of an eminent .
physician, from which the proprietor bait purclutaed
the recipe. Kis certainly worth its weight in gold,
but is putat a price to bo within the reach of rich or
- . . - JACKSON, at his Boot & Shoe store,
No. SO Liberty street, head of Wood et, Fittelttneh.
Price r ? o cents and $1 per bottle. . , decs
TONES'S Soap is'a wonderful, wonderful Soap,
tp For it makes every pimple and tkeeldwelope—
I t makes flesh they's chapp , d, that's diseased or that",
tender s , •
Tho' the wind blow as bleak as in March 6r Decay:L
-b-61.f - -
Smooth, healihy and soft--elear, lovely and 'Shit*,
As the snow on. the ; bills of a clear winters night,
Jones's Soap is really and truly a perfect and DOTTY
failing cure for any akin disease, making diacolored
skie clear and healthy. 'Sold at the American Ugh,
82 Chatham st., and by the only Agolit . for Fittaburgh.
W. Jackson, 89 Liberty street, head ilf Wood street.
Where also may be had genuine, 7onee - celebrated,
Coral Hair Restorative--Spanish Whlte-,,Ambirr
Tooth . Paste, and Moorish Hair 'Dye,'
'STEW DISCOVERY—By which all Stories_ and
IA Pipes, or Grates, may be kept*
.11114 - irith a 4
beautiful a polish as a coach body wittl-antisplica:
tine a year: Sold only in Pittsburghihylir;Jeasop.
Na. 89 Libertst.fieadof Wood
-Intvit supply ?fslohnsonte goPeriiii Netting
Ink. , . Test received and for i.tif etas._
of e"Pittebergh Morning Post, deCiT
For RCittp
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