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Bix,-1-slolcarl 'liar ri,isii-VAtbil•requited:if not pa id wi#34.0,./ • __., i. Single ocoo;1; i49-et.ftb,-401. eale -at tht counter of •Lhopfficei:Ord•by,,Nowall?ya.:— • ... • -. • '.; ligili 'ilia? , TB V 1 . AO. MASITIMEIV: I. iiiiblitimi attlio•iliame-office4. on a t loublemediun k sheor•TWO-DOLLAIIS a . year, in.advastoepdo.f ' ter 'am' es.trri• -- •• , ti l l:1 6 . 1 . 1 -1z -;.u:.--L4,--,''4.4--.-----'`---- -.:, -• .11 : • - •-• : •-* , 4:5 - .-411:00",olf Adv:orttaing;-, 'LI " - ..i 'rrsrsiettos or wzriiio Lumig-Oz•Lxis; .. 040 insettlii, - -to 50 °lie month; -,55 00 Two "d 0; 7: • • •,,_ 'Tiro .. do, z -, Three d 0; - "-` ''" . "'l QO,• .• One :Week', st 60, 'F4016110; .--• 8 90 Twoil'dbrw•l -,:,- a9O 64 '4104..&*:: IQ 00 0r6a40.i• - .... . • .4,00, xoie -fear,z•j - ',,,,:-: -45-90 • ." Nearly - lextviioiiiiii*AW,•%--'," vtlAw6t, t ,'S''#IVIPOINI.I.,: -•4g Two:10 01 . Eti t1100;-, ,'' OW 001 8 Sizmouths,- -,,,.2,112090.1 9p9,,,yeari' •-• , 20 O 0 .oite-year,.. ~ , . 30 pOi ;;; vor 141iiii4ti*oetittin proportion: • - itr Oti•ipi.cif:fouiliii el, TrvrAlOtt.Ass a' icor , v. ititrf . _;;; : T l 6ui ti ce, ' • = , Irl an i kil "" ° ty, e North Ride At. -... ' ' '14 . 6/tliVitS - la 144 ," . ..,' °,, - ',l cmirgtobisto, A i s,b twcon kb 0 0 44 1 '. -- • 1 -Pitte;ragititra.,t:- Co%lCctione rnade.,oo reas on le MEE DEM acsase iinaKAS 4, ... . ap,gookar, ghapno!ai rI'ORNRYg end Cosinsallqii TAW. 'Cede ton Vouriti v.reet, betive9P.W.EA t l- o.§ thrkel4 indtrietari opporite • lissnltintirshon, ' - - • ertiNtr- 1-1.1..LAW-AtidSoliditer in_Chate?”7. Offiee in Raiite -Yitth street, be. been Woridund Stnittifield." -.4t1111 'nage sem dc. 9i.133..x4ght.:, - .4- - IA.TTORNEYS AT.LAW, Qifice 'remold to the reaideitee of H. - S. *agratiihn Fourth et . one oor from Cherry ~9...112 • ip2.1.1 Vitas 416-11:11ona lolly,: • . li:rrORNESS Miti-001INSELLPRS AT SAW, - Pittsburgh, Pa. Mee on Fourth it:, between buutlifivid an Grant. - . --, - ' - - ntarl-t-y • lEColmrandl iihlio*detki. AC-TTOUNNT AT LAW, office in the building on the North 'East corner of Fourth and Smithfield .. . uocll-y • U. Ricorrow, X/MERMAN. 014erc north side of : Fifth street - between Wood andEatuthfield, Pittsburgh. • .5e;)10-Y Andrew- Burke, TTORNEN'AT LAW, office, Southfield street,, between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op-ry teisite-Mi:Geo. Weyinaq's tobacco manufactory, ipl6-y .. .. . James c elltn, A.TFORNEY AT LAW, of fi ce in the chambers • 'ecCupied by Alderman -Wiilasters, on Fifth •between•Wocid and Smith fi eld- aplS-y _ .--.-______ ' ' .. • ' • DlOCaindHese & pi , Clitare. ...ALTTORZNIEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, . office on Fourth street, opposite• R. & R. H. Rattansou,s Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. sepla-y .. 7. i '•'• '. Forward dz. Swartzweldor, 1 A TFORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson 's li -y v ibrrita.ble. George '1 7 .• G Meagre, ATTORNEY AT LAW , Officein firend's build • ingsi dtti st., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. stp2edfy Orlando Loomis, • . • ..,S,TTORNEY 4T LAW, office Fourth st., above , Smithfield.. Removal. A MIELE! has removed his commission and for- his , 15.; warding business from the Canal Basin ko new warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the 'Post 'Office. tnay3o-y A- gteliard c0vv4744 TTORNLY AT ' ; tW,. office in.Stuirt,c build dugs, Fourth et., ove Wood. junel.9-de-y L A W ,retur ned' A ---"'"aNE'rjr.°4h.7'l3ra—s--.talcea an otfi rn ee ed on fr l n i gnr° nt ;' 9r ourth and Smithfield sta. Pe o - f sonsi'aßt.a°i."r of business and Lana havot; h4basti.t Opers in the 'hands of Sam-el, 11ing_sten, Letitoodd.ateoeyoeessa; srofillivieral..El tog iavnt:ai the . unse haa been_le4inivis on ston niars-y hands. ------_—__—_ • Charles U. Ilayss TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com missi3ner to take the proof and acknowledge eat ot deeds, leues, contracts, deposites or other writings tw be recorded or used. in the States o etrtuckn,ludiau and Tennessee. Office. No. SO, Stuart's truildings, Fourth street. marl2..y . Jame*. S. crer.O., . TTORNEY, COUNSEI,I,OII AND NOTARY, jolLL:Pittsburgh, Pa.," basing resigned the office o .ecopiy. P. Nev.' and Fire Ins. Co. ; will attend sp.e ciallf to collections and business connected with aat. . laistirance, accciunts and real estate. Bu siness hours, 9 A.._ M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. I, !Stnart,,slynildings, (No. 90, Fourth at.,)-sewn d door ,e4stAf -.Wood street. feb3-y _ . - • icavvin. c. w noon, A .TTORNEY -AND ;COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, 1 A11: -Franklin, Venange eckinty, Penna., will attend iiroincitly to all business entrusted to his care—col -1 ettions-made in Warren , Chuio u and Jefferson-c.o.'s. 1 J:A.. Stockton & Co. - NlUrphy, Wilsen 3z. Co. " ' Pittsburgh. '• • John Bigler, - • - • ' - ' .:Hon; Inning Hituteari Hon.-Ales. IWCalmont, - Franklin. Hon. James Wilson, Steubenvi le,.Ohio. juy23-y aohn A: Parkinson., _ LDERMAN, Fifth Wird, Penn street, between Walnut anti °lifers. streets, where he may be found'at all ,times. Those having houees. or other •liropertito sell or rent, can have the same pinctu ally attended to; debts collected, and all the duties • oran'Alderrann Avill receive prompt attention. oct2l-y ,15.11.01me5& Son, itifETAS and,dealers in Foreign and Domestic Eills - of Exchange, certificates of deposit; bank note.s.ancl-sPeciq. I)rafts and notes colleetetl, and remittances made to any part of the UnitedStates 7-y , Nl' hiarkot street. • jan ~Johnston* Stockton, BOOKSELLER PRINTERS AND PAPER MA VERB, No. Market street: imp 10-y1 Sertim Seheibier,- _ STATIONERS AND BINDERS, I .'s'lQO.lls Wood street, throe doors below , F an7-yifth, Pittsburgh, Pa.;___ • - • Joules Patterson, Jr., CONER of First and 'Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, vjytc, nianitfactairer of locks, binges -find bolts, .inbiece Alter,. mill and timber screws, bousen 'Septum mills ace , • • 4 Wm. A.:Ward, ENTIST, has removed to the plac doors below e his for 'me r Penn street, two TA - . aplBl • Edgar-Thorsen, • TIS.U.G., and Family Alelicine' Stnre, corner o , JJ , Penn and Ilan& attenth:Rittsbagh, Pa., Phy ayciane preacriptionsaccurntelycomponnded. Medi , citles can be had at.all hours of the day 9r 'night. . ...-... jan2.1.1 . , , _. • 'Brosvnl v lle'Juniata :limn Works. 'MUSS manufacturer .' naIZYWA-10.5.niactiirer: of iron and ils, warehonse,Sniithfield aborts et. seplo-y C . •lii4ol l C*l ll- 0 0t%C04 rtanVirpI.ri__.!rIMMISSIONKE4G,WANTS • ,Rittablt; Fa. ' • rnar3d Dlortlio ..IffilY OMER.; Edoigifiel4 st.fpt, nest ulee C door to the' fifth Bolbyteriair,C George C 'flran, • 'IDORWARDIfit it,tODIMISSTON NEW:IA.I4T 2.0 Wood 4. 4 fittaborgh. ..,,,..-:.:.,..-f- ~ ~--...: •,_ 15 . - :i::' ,. ..;Z; :1:?:;;".-;;:;--. ~.~,; - ~~ ,~~ _ T+a. -. a.. ..E~ .. ~ , ,- , 4.:1,- ; •i;`: .'..--f:4,..-:.:;.:,:..;', ' ,_, ~,,,!" - - Iftv BoOYSiiii. . i----iFt'raulvlin Tioitne,Voiitlx7ntireeti , ' ._ • . ~•. .„ ~ j e li e form his . it AjllO - SWCatlff 'fir; C;):.,:!;iii: 43 -Mailiqt.sircet,l Dewier& Siriitkftela elixi,'-.9reet 8(104 Pi_t;ts, s . h,segh ,r - f ('(1 friends subscriber \ r•Tlfertvioorto•Third Street;e-jiist opening-a• ' riIIBISTIAN SCHMBATZ,:i"rorietor, respect- I_L fri en a s and the Feted general, that' his new :new and extensive assortritentinf Books and Sta ti on - 1,/ fully informs his !Heeds eta ihe public geeeral- '; Factory is now comp and with a large addition ory, which tl!ey'l!'Plilen, wholeiale- and sefaii st the ly, that he will open the.above splendid House on !to his inachinry, he is prepared to make considera loweiit peice, ap2y the Ist day:of May nexi. •fl - C`''' • i n quantities of a superier,-, article of Lard Oil, - -- - - The House "Gettig liewi'and finished in she most which he is determined to sell cheap, fully apprecia c2mmodious, aud convenient manger; and having it ling the old proverb, that "e • nimble ;sixpence is furnished witlithe newest and most beutiful style of worth -more than a slow Shilling.ti • He) foils conpi furuituie; fl atters e n d s a n d that he Will be able to ac- dent that consumers would find it to their. adventage commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a :gpievcett.h.uilmlyaincvailtel adntdoeexxnatc:el'hoirstlsizcipuulcieiolrvets:l,Tifth mannep not inferior to any similar establishment in Woolen manufacturera, Machinists anil others, are the city. . As thp House is situated•near the court lionsq, ar- street, near Maiket, opposite Hunkeed Confection the ha ,,, e b epo made to : ser ve up m e a ls a v any ary store, and Messrs. Simile] - 11 , Clui•ken & Co., hour in the daY, this will'be greet convenience to Liberty street. ' F ,F) M. C' EDEY, those who are in attendance at court. Pittsburge 14ird Oil Manufacturer. -`-ii:tleitefresluneuts et all kinds can be had. ,- Boar- A superior !veiny of Star C,andleu.ui •ay, „ han d, ders taken by tbo *el* or day.' ) of assorted sizes. • • ---------- ,__ , 1 mar24- y 0-Lunch every day at 11 &Clock, A't VI. ap3o. , . • SAMUEL C. HILL. • - GEO. O. EILOWNE, 11/11L - BP - BILO WNEi (BIICCESSOES 0 ~HOLDSIIIP AND saoarrre,) MPORTERS and. olauufaeturers. of Wall Paper Geserol Pu.per Warehouse, -No. S 7 -Wood elst, Pittsburgh, • e`2o; . • ..41mn:onimirs Robinson, T. Alt tr. S. Attorney, hiut removed hisoffint4-y e to No, St. Clair it. sep • • Wilaskerth, o#tee on Penn "UUMBER -InfteffArri - bepsien Hand ote.y.Pittabonsh; Pa. Alliinataiiialcairwili be prbiaptly attended to. Wort.), nAnk &rehouse. gohooi cit° M3B,' i.Q.Jl4,'Ns7,o'cidativet; ha naj UrytiviMed -I,llaelau:d, I Asl4 AQTUTMD arid' sold w holesale "and re- Vs% Sinittifteld- beiween:Bistb and Virgi4 • 11,3141 JFiCTI/REIL ' of. Lard . 1 ; ;. h.l• and dealer in . • 3tar..Carldlea,-Fiftlx.atzett, near Wa c: intAltrr . titi:ectxxsiSit totitti.. sr sixties. ssf.'es'; tisiteiSn. iostiemen,llissilmstis .Ib•Co., . , .ASUF.PCTURERS of Ca nags Spring! and 111. Aides, A. lii, and spiting' steel, and .dea factory lers in coach:trimmiers _of _every .description, manu • on,St.ranit -street,,wateltouse, 43 Wood street, op posite- St. Choler Hotel. jaii23-y Vitut Oiliss Ititf.blishineut. . . . - IL Ar - v &i.l:ol.lti. manufacttire' and keep in U e L onalnility on hand , cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware i n all its.vnrieties, at their warehouse corner or Muriel and Water streets, Pittsburgh, Our works continue in full opemtion, and we are constantly adding to our stock ; which. enables us to fill orders with proniptness., Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. seplfi-y ___. -'''---.--- otto irtttott., frANUTACTURE.I2 or Incoanurrtatt Smithfield street„ two doors below Fifth street iittsburgh,,Pli. Always On baud a full asshurtmades, ent as Plato and Pivot teeth, of a variety of s simple Plate, Molars andßiscusdatblocoes, ks made to Gum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, fir,c. Teeth a pi nd order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro- Ebasion, AO Orders from abroad must be accompam ied by the cash. Ittr Platin a always on hand. James Blakely, lkiderannu. OFFICE on' Peon fists opposite D. Leech & CO's., packet line office. Office hours from 7 o'clock A.,1q., to 8 o'clock P., M. --- - Dr. Dftutel. ',Warta. ft EVICF. on Smithfield, throe doors from.Sderlo-v 'sixth-st., ki Pittsburgh. . --------------- Dr. George 'Watt, OFFICE; No. '77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st., Pittsburgh. ' sug',;l-y - PIANO FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Mu -1 sical Instruments, No. 11 . 2 Wodd street, near Fifth , stre et, tear James Miller' IDAINTER, Fifth, near Marketst-i Military flags, Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel _L houses, and fancy painting of every description neat- ly executed at the shortest notice. jy2l-d6in -- -- -- -- -- J. Crawford, M. D• RESPTCTFULLY tenders his services to the citi xens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Office, St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange dote', septl9-d3m J. Bryar, irrECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53" Diamond Alley, Pats. burgh, Pa. IY2I-Y ling)). Arterg, QIJAGEON DENTIST, lIS Liberty street, a few 0 doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2S-y • ` , 4t;...V..'!.. ; . .. , _,, . ~,,., ~, • t . : , ' ',,,,.,••:4.4,,'.,- j . ." F~ ~~~ 4 _ c 2f ~ - .J =:,. • • .(:' , ..1' , ;.•', -,, , , :1.- .. ,,, -, : , ; ,, .-. ,, :,:,1,,:::::', '7. .:-...1.. ":".: Ogden & Sno' e SUCCESSORS TO ANERY,OODEN &fo., whol sale and and retail druggists, and manucturers of white lead, red load and litharge, corner of Wood and Second sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. not 13-y rilartin-& Smith, StfCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro cers, produce and commission merchants, and dealers . in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 56, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y Job.u.lll.4o.loskey , TAILOR Min CLOTIIIE.R, Liberty st., between Sixth street and Virgin Alley,soutb side. seplo-y J. 111 , Golll.ter, WHOLF.SALE and retail dealer in Tobacco, Snuff, und Segars, No. 2.5, Fifth st., between .od and Market sts., Pittsburgh. (oct2S-ly . I. D. WILLIAMS. J. D. 'Williams & Co. AIiTHOLESALF. and retail grocers, Forwarding Nv and commission merchants, and dealers In country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets. sep. 8 P. C. Martin, I:IOLFSALF. and retail Grocer and dealer in WForeign and Domestic Wines and tiquore, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, Ito., No. GO sWeatery street- p - Lambert & 51fttpts_ WHOLESALE GROCERS, F(IA.RDING & V Commission Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fetal • John Scott & Co., Will,.olLcy.:94.f.'iltsllis‘G.,,ltE;CcEoßmSmA.NereflialeptoM, WIN ll L S i ' bertt • street, Pittsburgh, al9-y J. & J. Dlnpovitt, IVHOLVISAIX GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 1 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. aplS-y John I[l.. Plcnor, WHOLESALE. and retail dealer in Music and Vl' Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School Books and Stationery, No. In Wood street, Pitts b Janl-y burgh. James Park, Jr., & Co., VITHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate yy and queensware, and dealers in copper and Pittsburgh manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd st,, between Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-nl4-y Select School. tiVM. "MOODY respectfully announces to his old friends that he intends opening a Select School in this city, on the first hfonday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l4 Dr. Win. 31. Wright, fiiMIDENTIST, Office and residence in St. Clair st., a few doors below Lib , arty, near the Exehance Hotel. John Cartwright. CUTLER and Suttical Instrument Manufacturer, No. 140 Weed street, two doors from Virgin al ley; Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical .and Dental instruments, Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dressers', and Tan ners' PateritSlteate, Saddlers' ToolsYrrusses, Sze, je24 Henry W. Hama, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the old stasid&YotiAstreet, above Smithfield. TIAE.PAILTNERSIIIP heretofore existing between --- ._ —_ Amoy:W.:Wlllituns, Esq., and myself, in the prat- - Lawns tif pm/ ns t t tine of thrulter,,w,as thssolved by mutual consent on Arl_EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of fine Lawns the ~2601 ult., any -the busiiess will hereafter Jbe con- 'Ur which will be sold at the very low price of 181 ;Wear W.-WilfremS, whom 3:most cheer-1, cents per yard, persons who want s good toticl, at a Itilly,reoomfmstel.thileLtOt.4lFlhh 1 haveOio holler 1 low price, would do well to call soon. . toodO.businesil, all IVi e ntlenten erery.way worthy ot Also on hand a good stock of Ptansook ronslins for gieir eonfidSitce. tie Ladies Dresses very-cheap - at sopl&-ly . WALTER II LOWRIE jel NO. 106 Market Street. - -.-'- • • - W ashita tuts Hotels. '. TAMES AIthISTII.OTiG, Proprietor, Corner of St. sl Clair and Penp streets,_ Pittsburgh, the proprie-, torbegrt leave,to rotors hnt Mast zratefid thanhs to .his friends abd the public, for past favors, and ; hopes, by attention, to Ineritn onninuatiorx of their patron age. The bouts* is pleasantly - idtuited near the Ex change; it has accaudtkodatiorrs-far traveler, and a par large rOomfpr pablke:rtteetiegs, dinner pc supper ... `• • • , ... ties. _ ____. .. RC4SShlnentEl 'always ready,•,or .prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest flarliet ll af ford. . Gysters and Oyster Soup-,,'also Fresh Shell Ofeters; received every daiduribg the season.: The greatest care has been -taken in the selection of wince and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the establiihment , P. S. A llottunch se/redcap eiety.daya at 11, A. IS-y. . . . Carlini ,florst: licittscs , r- Erly R.. DOSSETT,Penn atieet, Pittslmrghz Penna. AM i' Boarding and' lodging,•by the day ,Oreek;.on the mostreasOnatAe termer Strangers Will find it to their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling east or west will find this house a convenient leen,- tiou—it is within one hundred yards of the ciu. 14, basin, find convenient to the forwarding holises, - : - • • - i Every information given to Iron ItlanufaCturetiim all branches of the business. Ilomerbrewed ale can at all times be h ad n a t 10h.- e y ba. • • -.--- —Lafayette Itcfrectory . NOs.6l7nd63Noodstgeunter Lynd's Atc tio..ore.ihes,aabghav,eitdupi,e above place in superior style, and they feel assured will give comfort and satisfaction to all who may visit them. Arrangements have been made to have a conste supply of Fresh Oysters, which will he served up to visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of the choicest kinds rdways on hand. Their liar is filled with the best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas tello, Principe anti Havanna Cigars of superior qual ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto is, every luxury in its season. PricesN & moderate. OGDE GIBSON. novlol HUTU' District Mitch ISAAC MURDOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel \ on Water street, having been burnt out, hasbuilt a new and handsome house expressly for the on aceont- and modation of travelers, at the corner of Secd Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt District Hotel. \ lie is now prepared to oiler every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges. lie is provided with ample and conv tlecl2 en y t stabling. INTSTIETT• JACOO WEAVER TERETT & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in 0 Foreign Wines and Liquors, corner of Market and Front streets, Pittsburgh.„Pa. lieferences—W in .11 °lmes & Co., Henry F. Scherer , - pe, Wm. Eichhaiim, B. Weaver. Their stock has been selected with great care,and consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar ket, to which they would. respectfully call attention and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises the following in casks and bottles: Wines--Matlerias, Sherries, Lishons, Tenerilres, Ports, MalagasCalabrias. Liguors—Brandies,Gns, Rums, and Whiskies. ann. Exchange Hotel, CORNER OF PEI AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL 'LEN BROWN, PROPILICTUIL.--Terms $l,OO per day. Thee ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior establislunent, and furnished it anew throughout, with, new beds, new bedding and new furniture.. Great care has been taken to fill his cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon arc provided for the use of his guests, and a Porter will lie in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller.. The long ex perience of the undersigned in this business, assures him that his casnest purpose. to satisfy all who call, cannot be unsuccessful. He feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and Lienßty welcome, at a moderate expense. ALE ROWN. ap3-dtf C o -Partnership. WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day 1` January, inst., associated with him Jas. W. Ilailinan and John F. Jennings, under tho name e and style of Coleman, tialintan Si co., will now hav Springs, in- creased fileilities for manufacturing Steel lhaminercd axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully .solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on the St. Clair at. _warehouse 43 Wood at., opposite St. Charles Betel, where can he found a good assortment of Springs, Axles, A. B.,and Spring Stel, and Coach Trimmings of every escription, together withlio, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. IrJ'llie highest price paid for scrap iron. janT2 TIUOS. 11.111. A. Fulton, - DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and I cominenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the must approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters,Railing,"&e. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, ten - ma'am! finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Btibbitt,s Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be bad of him at all times. no id 13-y Wtlllam Kee. STILL continues in his old business of manufactur ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in the shortest notice; any amount of work, by" the best of workmen and good materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requested to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere ap7-y ff== - - • .ns :~+ I==i2 G. W. Diddle, Dentist. DAS removed to N 0.109 Rmith- V,, tilt i field st., where he will perform all operations on the Teeth satisfac torily. N. D.—Having lately made one ~ • 'sk ^ of the greatest improvements in / 7 ! forceps that has ever appAred be fore the public, he has been able to extract teeth with such ease ••• as to astonish all those who have . availed themselves of his services. Pittsburgh, July 2-1, 1846-ly --- • GEORGE BAILEY, 5 U PLUM DER A X D MANTIFIC;UMER OF Pumps and Hydikiknia, 'Which are superior to and t heapei than _ 1 any in the city. 11 — Please to call and examine for yourselves. t FOURTH. STREET, i ' BETWEEN SMITHFIELD AND CHERRY ALLEY' -hydrants and Pumps repaired. janl-w6B,rdy Ornsimental Hair "%Foils. 11 S.. RENTER.; Wig Maker, 4ilegitenkC4N, six 'Oars frost the. •duct,:ispposite the Collector's , wishes to infoim the pb lat /iie has just commenced OrnaMental' business, Oery superior stock, re mitfirn the Eastern 'citiesrind • 'ttmEnhe - is prepared to fill ttlintint the shortest notice, in a,. - inanner ',that cannot be lied by any sfinilar manufac:. She ha . intenei keeping,a.,large sortment of Ornamental - liiik.Vork,litielt Bands; Guards, Bracelets, Finger Rings; &..& `Gentlemen's*" Wigs, I Tanpries,Scratches, &c. Mrs. R . has been for manylyears engaged in the business in France and the United - States, and from her long and.esperience,shefeels confidebt in being able to give satisfaction who. Will. . favor her with their p a tronage..lies Rice* arc more libeial than have been offered in thcity heretofore. mar 17-ly VIEINITIAN B.14.810.10i:ACI`Oli ANDREW WiliTE>S , .. .- . VENITLAN ELLYB..F.AFTORY. 1 -i . TITT STREET 3 21ETWEEN T . Pir AXD I.II3EILTY, t T the junction of Ferry,,lind .i..iber ee dj aotinuesining ii_ Kinitaid , s Plough Factory, where he to manufacture the best article made in Pittsburgh or Allegheny, without fear of,:ecottratlietion, which will be sold at the lowest possible rates for cash. Also, V ENITIAN SIIIITTEItr, Stationary and Revolving. cg.r My Venitian Blinds are alivays kept for sale uy 11. 11. Itv.aN, on Fifth Street.' oetl,ly ~ aaM: .McDONALI, Bell sad Brass . ' Foladcr, First etre totetir Market, is prepared to Make Brass Castings end works.generally on the most =,•••••••• reasonable terms,*id shortest notice. lie invites machinists and all thoo:P - . 0 using brass works to give him i a call, as he is de. *ermined to do all work iu 14s line very low. may 27.1 y • „ • - Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds, DIRECT FROM PHILADOPHIA. Each paper bears the label and war4inv of Davin LAN DRETH. For sale by F. L. SNOW DILN , No. 29 Water et., at the Stand formerly occuliicd by Geo. A. Berry. Extract front the 'Report of Bad Visiting . Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani mously adopted and ordered So be printed. LAN Diu:Tips NCRSERIEfI AND GARDENS. "Then° extensive grounds .tire on Federal street, near the Arsenal. * 5 * *I • The earliest collec tion of Camellias was made liere. Some of thfise now in possession of those diOingiiitihed nurseryrnen are ten feet high. 5 4 `. •L' i* The selection of GREtri-nouvE. rl.A.Frs is vahnkble and extensive. • • "rho . INNtSerieS are very Vtir reedy managed, Min plying every part of the ljniiin, a detail of which would occupy too much of unr space, we therefore content ourselves with stating that the stock is very large, and in every stage of growth, consisting of FOREST AND URNAMENTAP TREES, EY ER— (-IRE EN S,SII Re BS, YIN ES AND CREEPERS, with a collection of herbacceous Plants, fruit trees of the best kit.' and most healthy cimilition, large beds of :seeding apples, pears, pltunsi &e., as stocks for bud ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that of working upon suckers, whiCh carry with them into the graft all the diseases of thle, parent stock. 5 • " SEEDS of the finest qthility have been scattered over the country tlmmthese grounds, and may alwayslbe depended upnn. The seed establish ment of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex tensive in Lie Union, and its reputation is well sustain ed from year to Year. "To obviate the chance of mixture of The farina of I the plants of the same fam4v, they have eatablished 1 1 another nursery at a suitable aiatance,so that degene ration cannot take place, and which secures to the purchaser a 'genuine artigic.' Knowing thus the age, quality and process cif culture of every plant, the supply from their grourds is recommended with great confidence." ** Since the date of the 'Report" front which the ab0, ,,, e is extracted, the entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em braces all the, finer kinds, fi nd consists of some thou sands of various sizes; S Uikewise with Roses, fr and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; uit or trees, &c. The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the whole is, as it has been fo more than hall a century, iriment of father and son, under the successive man g the most prominent in An erica. -Orders received b. F. L. sziownEN, from whom catalogues may beireceiyed gratis. mar9-y A. 461tril. 'run subscriber begs licsive respectfully to return' 1,. his grateful acknowlegements for the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon limit for years past, and par ticularly to those who sr} generously patronized hint since his mi sfortune by tihe late tire. Ilavingiconsid . crably enlarged his bnsi tea by associating with Win. B. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a continuance of former favols to the new firm; of Roberts & Kane, and In; trusfs that by prompt atten tion to business they will give general satisfaction. M. KANE, Jr. 11. rP4OVAI... The subscribers wo Id respectfully inform their friends and the publi that they have removed to their new warehouse o Third between Market and Wood streets, south el a, whero they truslsby strict attention to business, to merit a share of public pa tronage. They solicit( attention to their extencasire, ve stock ou hand, which lias been got up with great in the latest style and Most substantial manner, con sisting in part of the following articles, viz: Mahogany Wardrbes, Dress ng Bureaus, ic Book Case and Secretaries, ii Secti la Back Sofas, " ' Plane do., " • Divans, " Otto Tans, " Viet ria Chairs, ccFrel•li do, 6' Plait do, " Centre Tables, (6 Card do, cf purnaus of every description, " End Tables, Marble Top Pier do, " Centre do, " Sufi do, sc Dressing Bureaus, " Wiish Stands, Mahogany Werk Stands, llat Racks " Bobking Chairs, '6 Sling do, " sic Stools, " A m Chairs, Frirneli Bedsteads, " tiers" Trays. Mahogany, eherFy and poplar bedsteads, warrant. ed proof against bogs, and superior to any now offer ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs, of the best quality.,and a new style of arm _chair with spring seat, well inlapted for offices or societies, with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. We have at considrable •espense iutroduced into our new factory On Front street, a steam engine with machinery, at which will prices. enable us to sell, wholesale end retail, reduced The attention Of Western Merchants, and persons moving West, islinvited to our new and extensive establishment: iWestern Cabinetmakers are also re uested to give us. a call, as they will find they can q purchase from us.for less than they can. manufac-, tore. Orders frOin a distance will receive •prompt attention, and the furniture will be barefully.pac.ked. Steamboats and hotels furnished ankle shortest no tee and on finlarablei terms. B.OIIEATS tir;;KANE., N. B. all its branches attended to. Mar-101' : • *- , _-_-- 7 :7. -- -, 7 :! - , 1 ------7.. ~. 4 , .',.- 4 1 .. ..Firx.. '/0 :'/ - '/ A ./* • ..".(f A.. , .• .-• ; - %,.4. 1, t ‘ ,./2, , , \.,, . ..'" 'il7 , ', ),/, •.., ; . /.;" .: t. 4; ~.' • ' l',',, ''.C , . • • . I A .::: : - .4 .!:.- a' ::. 0 . 0 :-:-. l p -- •. r P- , , - ' -. - - '....V,::- ., ''','l'/ , : -. - . . o'.. - 1/ ,':- •:: '`,". ::: 0 ,r- - - _PA 'A.: '':.' . 0 . . - :-... , .'' - 0 - - ''w • ' 4.,,''. ~? - .. - „t7„ ‘,/,.. • -•• * . ~, y \, ~ w..-•• ,e,..- •, ../ .--i. . - • 14 1 1.04t) 4 BER ,-, New Hat and 'Cup Store. , DB----"—OPOSALS Dioa INDIAN' GOODS. 1 6,0 au s ,ours, in equal proportionsof 1. incts, Aciis.ii.pouLsoi, (late of the firm ~ . .- 1 .-,. \ g EALED P R °ll()Sil / 4 ' LS will be Tee-erred at tbe . - andi-inch - Poulson gr. Gillo having opene d hi s 4s - 1 , -7 office of tbe ComMissiouer 01 Indian AfFairss 150 lb. brass kettrei: ..alicci,t .0. . 4 zes- new store at N 0.73, Wood street, next door to the, Washington city, I), C., , until 10 o'clock, on'Sat- The sum of $1;000 to Vc .. expeml . z ed-in it: d e alicitrili , corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei. urday, the 14th day of Nosember ne...t ! for furnish. articles. and the tmantity will be Thereat or,dt s ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment ing the following goods in the quanytie_s annexed, minished to meet that sum. As no sample is Saks of hats and caps of every description , warranted' to I or thereabouts, for the places of the lnnians, end (lefty- cshibited of them, it !Duet be uadfxstood r/iat theta_rf, be made in the, best manner and of the best mitteruils.• ' to be of the best ,nud it y - . Otter, Seal, .use and common Muskrat, Sealeite, \ erable at the folloAt Fesv wing ,v cc .. AT k 0 ' '` - •'' sss"2-s Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps. i The followino arrriculturat implements, deb - setts 1 BLANKETS. Also a lino assortment of ladies, furs, such, as . able at New Yo'rkt ' s Lynx, 'Fitch, Genet and Coney Muffs and Tippels 1200 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets, to vr , . 180 axes, to eigh from 4i to 4 pounds, and thr trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at -' measure GO, by e , 72 inches, and weigh S iso half to weig h 4 pouo d s eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and_ retail ! gonads - . 1000 eedins . hoes n i gh sizes Country merchants will please call and examme stock before tirchasin , elsewhere. - ' 930 pairs 2i -point white 'Mackinac blankets, to 75 ii „ g10 .1.,1,, 5e p l oug h s , w i t h s l o ps, iot a cas t .. , my a • P 6 CHAS. IL POULSON. measure 54 by GO inches, and weigh 6 . :,, IA boatels ;ran Isom.s .• N. B. The Fall for Hats and caps reeeiv- ~, pounds chain to be G. feet 4 itiellesin lerigth,smd 27y 096 pairs 2-point white Mackinac blankets , to measure 42-by 50 inches, and weigh 5} ,to weigh notless thaii3l'ponnds ' pounds 55-log-chains,each chain to weigh 25 Pound% 310 patio lieas l u i- re po 3 i o n t by wli s i t o e IS i n i c a h c e lt s i , nnbl v, a , r e ik i gehtli,4l; 8 50 best No. 0 Whittrnore cotton cards s r 20 csoss-eut saws, -1 feet in length _ • - pounds 2O do do 6 feet in length 310 pairs I-point white Mackinac blankets, to 100 "singlocuto cross-cot saw files A me s 32 by 40 inches, and weigh 31 130 halu i_ sa „, o f goo d quality 120 hand saw files pounds - „ - 219 gaus s 3-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to 7 5 d rass i n g-knii,es, 12 inches in length meaure'6o by 72 inches, and weigh 8 sgo "t ,t_' screw augurs, in equal propos; Pounds ' time , . of "9,:inch," "1-incli:' and " f finch." 200 pairs 2 , 1 1 -point scarlet Mackinac blankets to "9,..'"0 oquatAers," "socket-chisels, - in equal pres measure 54 by GO inches,', and wei g h 8 i 'portions of li- G i j il l ,s. i in ch pounds .- . 75 planes, complete, equitYproportions of "fogs 55 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to measure 6U by i 2 inches, and weigh 8 1 and jack" The sum of S2OQO is to be expended in the -, , pounds ' abOve articles, and the quantity will be "increasett 290 pairs 3-point gentinella blue Mackinac or dirrlinished to meet- that sum As no 'sample . blankets, to measure GO by '7 2 inches, and wilt be exhibited of them, it must s sun derspodom weigh 8 1 / 4 Tiounds , they are to be of the best quality, , 240 pairs 23-phint gentinella blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and In addition to the above and foregoing, there weigh 6 pounds. will be required 660 northwest guns, two-of.. 's DRY GOODS. which rand measure 36 inches in, length of barrel, 1060 yards bldesfansy and gray list cloth and one-third 42 inches; .to be delivered at the place 330 do scarlet do do where minalfactured or to the city of New York os 223 do grass green `do do Philadelphia, as may be required; samples of thein 0 650 do blue saved list. do are deposited in the office of tht,,Cornrnissioner Of 7 0 0 do scarlet - do do Iddian Affairs. - 100 do green do do I There will also be required 100 Indian rifles, the ~ 50 pounds worsted yarn, three-fold More or less; but as department has not saint s SS dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs able same it is expected that each bidder will ac f 100 do Madras do company his bid with a sample of the article bil '76 do black silk - do Proposes to furnish: _ ' , The above proposals may he divided into five 40 do 8-4. cotton shawls 23 do 6-1 do . parts, foseach place of delivery, viz: 30 do 4-4 do - 1 Ist. Blankets. . 1800 yards calico domestic " ! 2d. Dry Goods. 1000 do do 'English and French 1 3d. Hardware, to include the agricultural ironies 1200 do, bleached cotton shirting 3000 do uableached do 4th. Axes and hatchets. 3500 do do cotton sheeting sth. Northwest guns and rifles. 4300 do 'domestic checks, stripes and plaids The lowest competent responsible bidder WA 190 dozen wollen socks receive the whole or any part of the contract a 6, 7300. yards plaid. Linsey cording, to the above scale, the department mem 10Uu do flannels, assorted tng to itself the right to determine whether the hid, ' der is eompetent and responsible or pot. 1600 shirtsc'llanitel ' - - 125. m •,chlico , A schedule of the articles, with samples, may 1)7 poundalmen thread '' be seen at the office of the Commissioner of Indian, 280 do cotton do , , Affairs in Washinston. exhibiting the amount of , . - 20 do sewing stlk money to be expended-for cash article; bitt . the di r 1 . . ... 350 pieces ribands, assolted , pArtinent reserves the 'right to increase or monnisit 975 yards beilticking • ' the quantity of any of the artistes named, or sub yanls satinctts, assorted ! stitute others in lieu thereof. s - toodo Kentucky jeans The whole amount in money to be applied ho '7 gross worsted gartering , the purchase °floods, wilt be about /43'" 000; of HARDWARE. which some $40,000 will be wanted on the a- S. 10 pounds-brass kettles board, and the residue in the west. GocT . cd - 18.5 do tin kettles amnesia manufacture, all other things being , u , 40 nests japanned kettles (S in a test) will be preferred but as all the samplesofldest s „ 76 'ale(' butcher`knives and cloths on hand are ef foreign mapufacture, i will be necessary, when a domestic article is bid for, 11000 gun-flints. Missouri. that the sample of it should accompany the bid, At St. Louis, BLANKETS. to enable the department to decide whether it issof equal, quality with the samples to be exhibited. 1020 pairs 3-point white 'Mackinac blankets, to Ihe party proposing to supply-the articles will measure GU liy 72 inches. and weigh S mske an invoice of all the items embraced in the - 'pounds - above list, and affix the prices, in dollars and cents, 7 0 7 patrs 2i point white Mackina . c. blankets to 6 at which he or they will furnish them,sleliveratde measure 54 by o nG inches, and weigh ' in New York and St. Louis respectively,- on or ;he pounds = fore the fifteenth day of May next; assurninglie quantity of each article as specified in this silver -417 pairs 2-point white Mackinac blankets,' -to measure 42 by 50 inches, and weigh 5I tisement, and extending the cost, making an aggie. poundsate of the whole invoice before sending it on.• 300 pairs li-point white Mackinac blankets, to The goods will be inspected at New York or St. measure 30 by 30 inches, and weigh 4.1 Louis, by an agent of the United Statesswhe will. Poundsbe appointed by the department for the puspose, 430 pairs 1-point white Mackinac •blankets, to and to ascertain the conformity of the articles par- measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 3} chased with the samples exhibited, when the con pounds tract shall, be made, and with the terms of the con -1:34 pairs 3 poirit scarlet Aral:inns blankets, to 6 ‘,. tract itself, which shall contain I clause, that if the articles are not Furnished within the time pre measure GU hy 72 inches, and an weis , weig- - Pounds scribed, or if they amof insullicient quality, in the opinion of the agentitforesaid, and if sratisin five 100 pairs 2point scaslet Mackinac blankets, to days after notice of such insufficiency the easty ss measure 34 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 roundsshall not furnish others in lieu thereof, of the re • 118 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to quired quality, the United States shall be antheri measure 130 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 zed to purchase them of ethers, and to charge any poundsincrease of price they may be compelled to Tray 150 pairs 3-Twilit gentinel la blue Mackinac blan -40 therefor to the contractor, who shall pay the said kets, to measure GO by 72 inches, difference to the United -States. weigh 8 pounds Roads will he required, in the amount of, the 75 pairs 2i -point gentinella blue Mackinac bids, with two good sureties, the sufficiency- of blankets, to measure 54 by 60 inches, and V% horn to be certified by a United States iunge,or weigh 6 pounds district attorney, for the faithful performance_ of 1)11'Y GOODS. the contracts. Payment Will be made after-the 600 yants blue strouds centrac,tis completed, and the delivery of the good& '5Ol/ do scarlet do at New. York and St. Louis respectively, to ma 1500 do blue. fancy, and gray list cloth agent of the department, upon a duplicate invoice 217 do green do do . certified by him. 372d0 scarlet do do communications -to be marked, "Proposals for 2750 do blue saved list ,do 350 do gieen do do" Indian goods." The bids will be sibmitted with the folkiwing 820 do, scarlet do do , 4 heading, and none wall be received Hist are:not 4b5 pounds worsted yarn 3 fold made in_the form arid terms here- prescribed: „ GSdozen cotton flea handkerchiefs 40 •do Maass do "1 (or we) propose to furnish, for the service of the Indian Department, the following goods, at the 66 de black silk do . i, , prices affixed to them respectively, viz: 40 do 8-4 cotton shawls (Here insert the list of goods.) 20 do 64 do do `i Deliverable in the pity of . NeW York, or,,,St -20 do 4-1 do- do - ney• 10000 yards domestic calico 2000 do English and French do 2230 do bleached cotton shirting 6000 do unbleached do do 4000 do do do sheeting 1500 do domestiochecks, stripes, and plaids 300 dozen woolen socks , 1800 yards plaid linsey • 3100 do flannels, assorted • 450 flannel 'shirts ' 500 calico do • 85 pounds linen thread 71 do cotton do 313 do sewing silk 20 gross worsted gartering b 300 pieces ribands, assorted• 100 gross fancy and, clay pipes 50 pounds vermilion. HARDWARE. 1300 pounds brass kettles ' S in a nest to nests japanned kettles, 40 tin kettles 23 gross square awls 7000 fishhooks 25 dozen fish lines 25000 needles, assorted 100 dozen combs, assorted - It/ do scissors 14000 gun flints 10 gross gun worms 1 200 dozen butchers' knives • AXES. ; 25 dozen axes to weigh from 5 to 5; pounds 93 dozen half-axes, to weigh 3 pounds 12 do - aqua* axes, to weigh 3 pounds 45 do hatchets, to weigh li pounds To be delivered at the place where manufactur ed, or •in the city, of. New York or Philadelphia as may be required, without additional expense. AGRICULTIfftAL IMPLEMENTS, &c. There will also bp required, to be delivered in New York, at the same time, the following agricul tura). implements: , ~ 200 axes, towel& from 411 to 54 pdurals 200 half-axes, to weigh 3i pounds 1100 weeding hoes, differenfsizeg cross-cut saves,4 cif 6 feetllll4 4of 7 feet ip 8- length 'p thawing IcsilYPai 44,,itIOn'iltignfl4 Blosiey Caps. ' TNY s ths iber Would inform the .r public that he has received his fall , - ;stock of Caps, all of which have been principally made to his order, and as his purchases has been made on the cash system, lie is enabled to tell his stock of Hats and Claps at unusually low prices for ;cash. His stock does notconsist of the cuttings of Eastern houses, bid are all a fresh manufactured ; article..' Neither is his establishmeiat repletlislied bvith the old stock from :eastern markets. The Proprietor being a hatter and Cap manufaCturer, hy *trade, as well as profeasion, he is also dail} mgn niacin:ring Hats and Caps of all descriptions, and for their neatness and ,thirability, cannot he sur passed. All of which he offers at wholesale and retail, and at such prices ,-as cannot fail to please the purchaser. • • `. G. W. GLASSGOW, No. 102, Wood . - street, third door below John.D. Da vie Comuier ( cial: Auction Rooms; septl2. rtzam -,E'ST'ATE.. AGENCY. teams sweitimir, • ' 3911$ MITMEL, AideTo l 7 l , ' Attorney at ',Late. BLANZDY intoNT.INAF.I.O* the. selling and' renting of. Reaatitatein the ,City 'of pittsburgh and einiti.llaVing determined to devote a large portion of their time to 'axis branCh of business, they with confidence solicit a iihare of the Patronage of the public; from the facility they possess and the experi ence they have (the Senior partner having been en gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 2:0 years,) they believe that thiy will give general satisfaction. Office OP Penn st., near the li. S. Hotel, and Smith. field st., between Diamond Alley and Fißhistreet. iv 7 . I CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! I CLOTHING !!! The Three Big Doors vs. The Western World!! I 150,000 WELL SF.LECTED GARMENTS NOW made and ready to be offered on the most liberal tennis to my old customers and the pub lic in general. The Proprietor of this far famed and extensive establishment .has now, after ! : returning from the Eastern cities, at much trouble and expense, just completed his Winter . arran4ements to 'supply his thousands of customers with i?rie_ of the' ' :nest desirable stocks Of Clothing_that has ever been', offered in this.or: any 4ier market weitofthe moon= tains. For neatness inltyle and werknaanship,com - ; billed !with the very low price which theylwill be ;sold fir, must certainly render the old unrivalled 1 Three Big Doors one of the greatest attrattions n the westerncountry. It is gratifying to me to be able to announce to my numerous friends at home , and abroad, that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which I have madeto meet the Marry calls in in Idle, it is with ditliculty I can keep time with the; constant rush that-is made on this popular establi arcsh meat. It is a well established fact, that my sales eightor ten times larger than any other ; ouse in the trade, and this being the ease on, the onward sold, I can aftbrd 1.0 Sell a t much lois profit thattlotheritt con possibly think of doing if:they wished to cover tingent expenses. I intend to male a leieitir sweep of 'ill my. present stock before the beginning of next year; coining to this conclusion, I will mike it the interest of every in-an, who wants a cheap winter suit, to call and purchase at the Three Doors. oetn-ilStav s JOHN MtLOSKEY. University Law School. r UE FALL SESSION of this department of the Western University, will commence in the new UniVersity Building, on the FIRST MONDAY OF SEP TT.F.CEII next, and the SPRING SESSION of 1547 ; will commence on the FIRST Met DAY:OF FEISRWARS This institution having so far recovered from the effects of the great fire of April last year, as to have the new building nearly completed with increased accommodations for all its departments, it is hoped that the Law School will be found to Present increas ed facilities and attractions those who desire to pursue a regular and thorough to course , of legal educa tion, and to prepare themselves creditably for ad mittance to the bar. There will he daily recitations by', the classes on assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace, within a two years course, all the principdl and most im portant branches of the law. Occasional lectures on law and equity, will also be deliVered as part of the course. •!he Moor Counr, designed for assisting students in acquiring knowledge and readiness in the prat-' lice of the law will be resumed as soon as the num her or students will justify. 'rho degree of Ill Acta: con Or LAW will be conferred on!Students of the institution, according the rules usual in such institu- thins. Auv further information that mayAie required can readily be obtained on application to the Professor, W A LTKR LOWRIF., who has his office on 4th above Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. ras—Seventy-five dollars a year, or thirty-oev m - en and a half dollars a session. aug6-d3in Pittsburgh and eouuellsville litroud Company. Nr,uric F. is hereby given, that in pursuance of a resolution of the Stockholders of thb Pittshbrgh and Connellsville Railroad Company, authoriting an increase of the capital ofsaid Company, and difecting an additional subscription, books 4611 be opened for receiving additional subscription to the stock of tire Company, at the office elf Rim. Barimer, jr., in 4th street, between Market slid Wood Streets, Pittsburgh on Friday tho 4th day ofßeptendffir. The books will remain open from 9 A. 14. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said day; and from day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite number of shares be subscribed, or until otherwise ordered. By order of the Directors. sep2 WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Pres't. An Aerospe. "JUST IN TIME FOR CHEAP BARGAINS'. Just received, a splendid assortment of Spring and and Sunnier goods, Unsurpassed for quantity, qualßy or Style. The Proprietor of this eatablisloneot Takes great pleasure in informing his friends and the public In general, that he is now prepared to fill all order. that his Numerous customers may favor him with. Strangers and Travelers would do well, in visiting the Iron City, to call and examine his extensive and well Made stock of ready made clothing. He has a com plete assortment of English cloth, to which he would invite attention, . also, French cloths of every color and quality, wich he is Offering at a very small advance on eastern prices. Remember -at this store vou arc not asked two prices, being " Convinced that small profits*nd quick sales is the best way to secure custom. Having in his employ the best workmen, he can war .. -.~, :,~ _ y A: rant • Every article Made at his establishment to fit wall, And to be of the best 'materials; he would again tn. vito Purchasers generally to give "him a call Before purchasing in any other place, I As he is confident that he carr sell them as s good goods • at as Reasonabl prices as any house in this city, Going so fa e r as to say a little cheaper. All his goods WC new, and: of handsome patternsi purchased lln the the east but a few tvaeks since. The subec,ri . bar NOW returns his thanks to his friends and the public in general; and Solicits a c ontinuance of their favors. Iron City Clothing Store; Ku. 132 Liberty etrees -mar 7 C. M'CLOSKEY., Allegtieni!cemetery . P 1 ERSONS. desironn of, purchasing lots in 'this Cetrietet7 are referred for -information tothe g Superintendent on the grounds, or to . Thorn, Dritggist; earner of Penn and Hand . streets, Pitts, burgh:. By orderof die Road. J. CHISLETT, deg 11 PlipgiAti3 Aden , . I!!=Ei3IZZI ~j' -_"I~~~: ~. ". : ca . , • • , , ,--!‘ Elifi ?•• • . ME!!t==l . . Louis, on or before the -day of next; • and in case of the acceptance of his proposal,.the , quantity being prescribed by the departmerd,,,l (or we) will execute a contract according to Allis , agreement, and give_ satisfactory security to, the. department,. within, ten days after the acceptance: . of this bid; and in case or -failure. tO cuter contract, and give such security;, I (or we) will Pay • to the United States the difference between the sums •!... • bidden by me, (or us,) and the sum wttiah the United States may be obliged to ptii for the same • articles." Each and every bid must also be accompriail • • with a guarantee in the following form, to besigo ed by one or more responsible persons, whose ufllt • ciency must be certified by,some one who is known • to the department, either personally or by bia of% alai position: • • • I (or we) hereby guaranty that wit above bidder, will comply with the terms af the advertisement for "Proposals for Indian goods," dated October 1, 1546, if the contract should be awarded to him, and enter into bond for the exec tion of the same within the time prescribed. (east-) ---- - - James 'Howard & Co. .jaiVE the pleasure to announce to their friends that they again occupy their old stand At. No, 3, Wood street, where they have opened an eatery sive WALL PAPER WAREMOUSEiand will: hive contantly on hand an ostensive assortment of Satin. glazed and plain PAPER NANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation'llorders of the latest style; and most hand. some patterns fur phpering halls, parlors and•ebants • ~. i- • ...:'....; -:.- 1 :.:,.,.•:... •-..-.; • . - ... ) . . • • . . ..,•,;4:-. ~., .• "...,..,..u.i.,- 4 .--t ,, --.... 1 .22.: --- - ... em. - , ....A. I===M DRPAiITMENT, OrEICE INDIAN AFTAIIIII, October 1,184 Ci. W. MEDILL, Commissioner of Indian Afairs, oct7-3tawtl-Inov. burs. t all • They manufacture, and have ort, _an a_ tunes, Printing, Writing; Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all of nhicli the ) affnr for sale on the most accommodating 'ternie,,and ivhich they' invite..the attention of merchants and othene, . ALSO.-:-Blank Books of all kinds and the best quite - ity, School 0045, eq.c., always on hull and 1 . 44 ads na }hare. • : • • SS I ~ .~ ~ ERNE aMitil :'_:;!....,•4 , Ng .. ': . ~`~ ` ~~ fi:l , l ......, Mail Y. ~...-1.1. _ ...:-.,:..4,'..). -,-;.-_, • -:-'•:"..,, ,•'*".`,.r.,,.• ,'"; .."'..•• '-;;..' - ..? .—:'‘- -... r : :: ;---;.::.;,: . .`‘,,. -...-.:•'1,-.,::".,: "; , 4".' ~.. : :-......,.....:.,,,i,-..-3...: ~...- • '''' ...,- . ~,:-:"...;,...,. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers