The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 10, 1846, Image 3
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' . .7.:" • I ' ;'•V i• - - - : -:' -, - ~.`l ‘. , ... •7` "-:,.---A,11:414‘1;' .-"::;`-',*,-.. ,:"''',-= ; ' ,, ,, , ' ,4 ;"-.."_.L' ' '-* , ' 1 - ' ' _ ', • ' 1 1 , 1 ti ' -", ''.3 ,',_ -I : -- ' -..- .. 1 : -,1 ‘/,;,- , ' II , ',, • ' ,:.i - 1 ' - . ~ t . l',l , :;P:t.- , , , 1 i. . • ' "-,..,:i, , --, 1., t • ~ : t = ..,, ~,- ~;i‘- -, -, • - ? z Ok t , wwir - A • ; • 3, 1 '4 4 %.t; • - . q l XVZ, rvzstir * - • - • - ' Okift MEE , --1if4 .1- 1141114Wr-ALA4;OU'r: •I NP-08, 1 1" SI .BY' RIVVIC4t. *TnedingPer str Dominion; 100 bbls flour, B. A. Sampson; 15 pima sundries, H. M'Culloug; 3t3 Sirs seed, R. Dalzell & Co; 1 box' mdze, H. 141% cullUttg; 120' Ws -flour, Robertson & Repert; crates, Park &Harms; 4 boxes maze, D: A. Greer. • 26,Peks in:omits, J. a. Floyd. &erbrnrille—Per ate Wilmington; 87 bbls flour, "E;"P. Kerr; 48 bbls flour, B. A. Sampson & Co; 2 stoves, I bid sugar, James Datzell4ll92 bbls flour, H. Graff; 51 bbls flour, 4 bbl flaxseed, S. SPClurk en & Coq 18 Me paper, Hill &Brown; 1 keel boat in tow with . firej brick and clay. Zorsis—.Per str Waverly . , 74 sks rags, 5 sks feather; B. Murry; 1 bbl potatoes, H. Graff, 35 bbs ashes, Lorenz &Sterling; 7 boxes mdze, Whitmore & Wolf; 3 sks feather; 2 bales sheepskins„Bagai ley & Smith, , I Per atr Schuylkill-172 pigs lend,, M. Allen; 9 bbls, 1 ck serap iron, 470 pigs lead, Lion, Shoe; & Co; 8 kgs:l ck, 1 lot sundries, J: W. Le.dley; 26 eke rage, 1 bps, 2 sirs rags, F: Plunkett; 8 bales • rags, George Cochran; 31 bbls molasses, Lewis Hutchinson; 35,sks dried fruit, Butler & Co.; `9B sks feathers, A. Gordo; 26 ski feathers, James May; 15 Jl boxes tobacco, 4 hhds; sugar; Robert son & Repert, 5 hhds 'sugar, W. B. Holmes 5 Marls ,Sugar,,Robertson & Co; 12 sks feathers, Graff. 12 bales sundries;" W. Greer; 14 birds tobac co; 1 - box do, 2 bbls cement, A. Gordon, 224 pigs lead, W. Porter & Son; 5 hhds, 2 &axes tobacco, E. Hurd; 16 bbls molasses, 2 hhds, 20 bbls sugar, C. • • ': -0 . • 4- • ' , A • i .- ~:4 ; X2l• `'%14 1 :. PITTSBURGIABOARD:OrTRADE. couirro Robertecni, It. :Woods, W. A. Hill Priiti - irlidAnid eerie - ate& 'every Afternoon. PORT 'OF PILTTSBITRGII. S rum 6 man/ wATEIt lit Tin cataarst. ARRIVED. -, • Schnilkill, Andrews, St. Louis. • Dominion; Tiler, Wheeling. Hibernia, Rlinefelter, Cincinnati. Lake Hoops, Beaver. Consul,lk:wman, BrOwnsville. Louis ltPLane, Bennett, Brownsville. VlDespatch, Nelson, Mon. City. Michigan, Boles, Beaver. DEPARTED. Monongahela, Stone, Cincinnati. Hudson, Ebbert, Dominion, Tyler; Wheeling. . ' Finapeier, Runhr,,Stenbenville. Cimaissian, Itentietf, St. Louis. Dispatch l Nelson, _Mon. City. Lake Erie,- Hoops, Beaver. Louis McLaaae, Bennett, BrownaVille. CMtsul, Bownian, Brownsville. Aliclugan, Boles, Beaver. „ • ' ' 11.1hrbr . Oj'lliesplendid fast running U S. Mail and passengeiatnamer Hibernia,- Capt. Kr.razratTsa, liar* for. Chicinnati at 10 o'clock , this morning. The St. Louis Union of Noy. 2nd, says: The Mtn ind reports the Schuylkill aground at the foot of- Liberty Island. The steamer Mail reports the North Alabama sgiound: at Rola. Per str,Anthnny Wayne; 22 boles leaf tobacco 35 hds tobaeco, Clarke & Thaw; .6 boxes tobacco, H. Graff; 1 . 7 tons pig metal, 31. Leech & Co. ,::Cincinnati—Per str Hiberuia, 99 sks peaches, 4 Hea;'l9 tons dried peaches, Poindexter & Co; I.lbbls apples! , Moigan; 16 bbls Sweet potatoes;ll lotinniries. I , ":Ironongakda Improvement—Per str Consul; 'I boi, indze, Fahnestbelt & Cc:o; 4 ski wool; Barke:r; 3 bales mdse., ! Forsythe & Co; 75 has glass, ino ("Al nin;11:14 bbls floar,/3arbridge; Wilson & Co, hisi Sit -box'nuite, hiofte; 1 lot militias, D. Glilllos; 4 bbls norm. T. Richey; 2 bags potatoes, 2his.nuSs, F. ;Fridley. 'Jamas -Cavanagh. AS JUST received from Sew York, a large ad dition to his stock of goods; such as 'double barrel Guns; Itevolverre with as barrels- atingle barrel Kato* table 'and pocket Cutlery; S..siors, Scissors, Spoons A c.; Gold and Silver Pencils; Diamond Pointed Gold, Pens; Gold Bracelets; Breast Pins; Dints; Sbirt Studs end:Crosses; Bead Saga; Silk and Velvet Purses' Steel Beads, AccOrdetnia 5, 10 and 12 plain semitone inlaid; Musical ißoxes; Toys and Fancy Goodsof every description,: No. 61, Marketwt., Simpson's Row, between Third and Fourth sta. i octfl • Dr. Jackson's PM Nmbrocation. READ the following, from the editorial columns of Alexander, Weekly Messenger. " Forrro Lasr—A Sute 'Cure Jot the Piles Y - and Chemists hare long been anxious to discover a medicine that would cure one of the most troublesome :diseases, the Piles. Sucdeas bas at fait been the result. Dr JACKSON'S PILE EM BROCATION not duly stops all bleeding, allays pain and inflammation, subdues that intolerable itch ing, but effectually cure!, like a charm, and in a very short time, persons whose lives have been ren dered miserable far yearii. Obly a few from the - great uumber cf certificates will be pubbstied. Read the flallowing: 14LES ! PILES ! ! ru,Es!! I PUILA.DLLPHIA, Muth 10, 1E45,1 Western Hotel. f Dn. Jacraorr—Sir. I think there are few diseases more common and troublesome than the Piles, and during the last fifteen years- I have sobered fiom them very much, causing pain, bleeding, and immo derate itching; 1 used all the various remedies, bat without relief, until I got a: bottle of year embroca tion, from Dr. Jayne, No. 8 South Third street, which has completely cured me in three weeks! . Yours, truly, • : 8.44. PLIMPTON. . For male in•Pittaburgh at the PEKIN TEA. STORE, 72 Fourth street ) near Wood. ! oct26-dikw BEWARE OF THAT COUGH, for coughing de notes irritation in the throat or lungs, which is the immediate precursor of Inflammation Abscess, Bronchitis, Asthma, sprains If Blood, Consumption and Death. Now, there is no need of coughing at all, for instirs's Eacrecroantrr will immediately re hese the Cough subdue the Inflammation, cleanse the pings and Throat from all inflicting or obstruct. ing matter,.snd etTect a speedy cure. Forsaletn Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street, near Wood. oct24-dhsw Gesaeral Cesiumtauten Business, With.a Receiving* Forwarding House, at FRANK. Venango county, Penn., BY NICKI4N & BRYDEN. AIR. JAR. BRYDEN baring purchased a lot at the .151_ landing, (mouth of French Creek,) and erected thereon a new commodious and substantial ware house, the above business will be attended to prompt, and correctly, if pouible, by me. Our friends and the public will please remember us when they hale . any consignments to make to or from this point. Franklin, Oct. 24, l 846: [il&tv6ut Great Reduction. -MR. KENNEDY begs leave 'respectfully to i n fain' the public that the next quarter of his Young tidies , School, will commence on Monday, Novem ber 16th, when, at the suggestion of several' of his friends, he has determined to reduce his terms to $lO per quarter. Penn st., 6th door below Pitt. octN-d3w! BAGLEY , S, Patent. Extension Pen Holder and Pencils.—This is the most compact, complete, convenient and useful pocket companion. ever offer ed to the public. Tho multiplicity of its usefulness And the smallness of its size renders it a perfect Nahum in Parse." In the abort space of 21 inches is contained a Gold Pen, Pencil, and a reserve of leads, and by one motion slides either the pen or Pencil out, and extends the holder to six inches, which is butlit tie more than half the length when shut up, of the common pea holder, but when extended is one fourth longer. The above useful article just received from _ the nianufticturer, and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers oct29 and Stationers, Market st. MONONOAAMLY-A ROUTE. . CO.*NON OF BOOR. ON and after Monday, the 2d day of - November, the steamboats CONSUL AND LOUIS M' LANE, will commence their single trips, leaving daily at 3 o'clock, P. M. `oet2B JOHN Acwr : : .,-..... , ...M1101441 401/4010.4 1 ANaissig,O 4 racies. : -. ~. N. w. - colurza,or WOOD . ADD Writ fitlterO. RE proprietor of the Morning Post and , Met easy owl Maniefacturef reepectftqlyinfornis hi /I I'er nds - and % the patrons of these papers, That lie has a large and well chosen assortment of t - .4011 TYPE, AND ALL OTHER MATERIALt Receisail to a Job Printing Oifice, i and "that„ he - is prepared to execute 1 • ' . ' I.zrrna rims raterriNcr, or ZVDRY nlescuurrson. • • • . Books,'Bills of Lading, . . Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads; C a id a , i 1 • ' Handbills, Blank Checks, - , p-, 4 Tipir: All kinds of Blanks , Stage, Steamboat and /Ca Boat Bills aria appropriate cut, printed on the ' shot est notice - and most reasonable terms. 1 - ; . He respeegfilly asks the. patronage pf his friend , and the public in general, in this braneh of his hust , ness.. 18CPt .22 ) - , Li HARPER. - , 1 A. MASON; 62 Market it., opens this laming A L . a large lot of French and Aniericaa . bros . 4 cloths, plain and fancy cassimeres, liird an !plain beaver cloths, vestings of every vdriety, covet,, 5 hdkfs, cravats, undershirts rand drawers. & c . nov: i , • AISINS-100 boxes fresh MolagAlunch liAisin JR, jest rec , d and for sale by ___._ ET nov4 . MILLER & RICK§(IN; 0, W . P.M . '. ,ALAGA Casl9 swe ► Malaga Wine, just reed and for *ale by nov4 . MILLER . & RICKET•FIDN. OAP- ,, 200 boxes Chi!'loath° Soap, just rebid • d 0 for sal% by MILLER &RI.GRETRON,I • oct4 . No. 170, Libdrty . OLD P NB--Baglers celebrated'ever Dnint d G Gold Pens, just received and f 4 sale aS p r i edu ed rates, by JOHNSTON & STOCKT N, oct29 Booksellers,lelarkCt et S. TATIONERY.—Jiist opening; a l large and splen did assortment of French; En lish and Ameri can Stationery, which we invite the publiejto c 6.11 and examine. JOHNSTON & S OCKTON; oct29 - Station ow, Market sti LOUR-40bble. Fatally Flouri:ust reed had for F sale by . 141.11.T.E11,&'.11,..1CIEETSpiN, octlo .09.1.lbery IVYE WANTED-4000 bushels or Eye wtinted,lfor which cash will be paid by octs . MILLER - fk IRICKETSOIi. i Q ANTERUE WINE-l 0 casks Sauterne Wine, 0 just received on consignment a d:for sale by ! octs MILLER lir RICKETSOIf . eILARET-2 casks Claret just re eived and for ki by [actb] ; MILLER & RICKF4SO , 1 1 SPLENDID STOCK OF 1 , NEW FALL 0 , 0k3D5.1, A LEXANDER & DAY, take great pleature in in- AL, forming the inhabitants of Pittsburgh lantil the surrounding country, that they haVe - just received a splendid stock of New, Fall Goods, of almeft et.ory description a large portion of which having been _bought &auction, at a great sacrifice, and korai the Importers and manufacturers at ! unprecedentiedly low prices, enables them to offer great iiiducemets to Cash buyers; they would, therefore, respectfully invite them to call and examine their stook, being confident that they will be pleased, with the goods and prices. I. I I I LADIES , IDRESS G O ODS. i I Our stock •of Ladies' dress goods is very auperior and cannot be surpassed, consisting in part of v. Super. Satin striped Cashmere, Ombre shaded. do.; Splendid Figured, do, in greatriety; prilifiarnie and Clermont Plaids; Gala Plaids; husans;lPlain; and figured and Satin striped IViouslin do Laines; Super French and Scotch GMT/hams- ne wstyle }...lnvider ed do; splendid Cashmere mi d Lain° rot4st Areeri. can French and English Chintzes 'lithe latast styles, &c:&t. f i 'srwisi SILKS!! 1 We hare a very Milldam!: asSortment of liiilk l , uch as superßlack and Blue Black; Fig' d and imp - Silks; Super Plain and Figured changeable,' do.; I mbre Shaded and Changeable Striped, di..; Main, Black and Blue Blank,Satins Wide India, do; Plain Black and Blue Black Silks, of Ora quality and width, suitable fur mantillas: Ike. &c. 1 1 SHAWLS! SHAH , ZE!!! 1 , In this department we can oilhr great bargains, from Auction sales or importers in New', York and Philadelphia, amougl which are Iszlendid: Teikerri Shawls; Super Cashmere, do.- Embroidered Tel/ker.. ri, do.; Plain and Embroid ered Thibet, go; !apes heavy Ottoman Silk, jde.; Splendid India' Si l k , do.; Extra llernani, do.; Heavy French-Crape, do.; , lain and Embroidered Cl th, do.; Plain, Fig'.. an IP Em broidered Be Laines, aoq ,Sylindfd 'Fren4 B octal, do. all wool; Broch and Caabiriere Lot: Shawls, and an immense rat sty of, diffeeent des cri pt io ns of Fall and Winter Shawls , many or them ill be sold , at half the cost of importation._ L 1 1 ' I CLOTHS AND CASSEUERES Embraced in our stock of them! are Sager Fmnalt Weat oF England, arid Amer'ict44 Cloth,, .' nlnoie: s 4 e very color—Heavy Tweed Cl e ~ Beaver and Pilot Cloths for overcoati; Super Ma ' ' Casa" eyes; Fan cy Striped, do. in great veriety,lke. Ike.' I '. BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! 1 ' Extra American Premium Blankets; Super Whit ing, do; Heavy . Twilled, do; Rnse, do; and a num ber of ther males or, extra qua LAD/ES' CLOAK GS. New style Gmbre Shaded CI akingiq 1 Handsome Plaidpio; Heary Galt. An fordo. I ' ALF WHOM." A very large of every quail 'AI aces and M Tinos, , ranch Merin and Bomha--inar;:b , co tired. ALSO, Cass lute and Yellow Fine: nels; Tickinge; :fa; Browntild leaeb ed Tabto Line , Table Clo m; Canton Flannels; heat t d Liien Htlkfs.; Scarfs; Stocks .c., all of which '.e arc selling Much IL ha e ever uefere been enabled to do. , 1 Tailors, Clothiers, and Coon especially invited to, examine o Cloths, Cassimera card ratings, to sell Goods to flit who buy t 6s they ton i.e houg/ in the resat ern Cities. and by having a buj east, attendant upoirtbe Auction cilities for procuring new' and do lowest possible prices; we are new Goode every law daye throt • I ALEXA oct6 75 Marketat.; N. W. c New Book JUST RECEIVED --Lerrr. Minor, by Mn. L. C. A.I essay on the prospects of the 11 to them, by Rev, 11. Schneider by Rev. E. Heinsr,:A. M. Pub , Getelius, Chninbersburgh, 1846 jell BCRII#A. SCHEIB! 1 Sig JtIST received from New of Havanna andriVrinci popular and eat erlsetrands r excellent article Of chewing bales of superinrPuba Leaf', , B. E. 14 No. 50, Third street ; tirci- Office. • • ' soupol afido . :Statiopeir y , Bilialkinooks.! ; ; . ate. etp.. JOIIN H.' LOR, No. ` SI, Wood street, be •tween Diaino'nd Alley and 4th street, respectful ly iuvites the attention of Country Merchants and other., to Ms ettinsive stock' of , ' School Books, Writing and Letter Papers, Bonnet Boards, Wrapping Papers, Blank Books, German and American Slates, Family and 'Pocket Bibles, Sacred Music Books, Almanacs, English awl Heiman, and German English', all of which will be cold at the lowest Cash p rides , for Cub ;or Raga. I its' Cash' paid for Rags. I . • Bc" , Dress Ghighti WE have now on hand &NU assortment of beau. tiful Freqch aad Scotch dresaGiligliame, twil led and plain at rcioarkabld low pi . lttea.j Also, an article of 'entbreidered Ginghain—very btautifol for Dresses, for sale by ABSALOM .510/I.IIIS, sepls : I No. 65 Market street. 'trainable U . PRAM'S Mental Philoi Stewart's . " rr Plutarch's Wes; I Biographical bictionarie . ; Aikin's British Poet , si 8 large Role s 'Democracy in America,2 i al! . Jefferson's Works, 4 vol* Hannah Movie's Works, 19:ools1 j . Milton's Prose. ." gti • I Milton's Poetical " 1 " • Piescows Conquest of Mexico, Ilyolm. Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, 9 vole; For sale by . H. S. BOSWORTH & Co., oct3l I ; 43 Market at. • School B swamps ; Smith's Kirkhisolo, Smithlit ativ Cobtetsahisdrietso, EJemet • Eclectitii: Boadisrg Sanders , ! Ariduneties, liligebrair, t and Loon: C( Books, ike. .00t81 H. :.!Boolloll.' AA..MASON, will o . lot of Calicoes, on new style; . also; 18 ps. of iaccas; 388 bra. linen tabl • ask do; Sioteli aad Rosa; nor§ , • .! • • t I 4P' r-11911sis91,ig . . _ alai', V ako t..-. 1 „ ,: ... lag Tar. oidondid -104 iiiiiiight Wainer Dommion;8:1 - ....., Mditer, ill run as a regular p4kot bdtween PitteburgbaAd IWheel. int; leaving Pittsburgh for Wheeling every Monday, Wednied ayind Vriday, at 3 . 0 1 c10r.14p.).Ki.,!i1d leav ing _Wheeling - fol. PittaluityitiferilrutiodayNThams.. dityrandgaturday, at 9 o'clock; A. lid::: For freight 6 . r Passage apply on Youth --. ; : , 1. :jibv6 ~ „ • **or Ossiesiinsitt., it ac il i The new light draught packet steam. er CALIFORNIA, 4aptain 1 - liinthr; will eaver e alMve and all intermediate Oita this da regularly: I I'or freight nr passage apply - oil:board, ioi W. BUTLER - Sr ~1340.1Seednd st. The California Was expredslY'for the above trade, and will make her trips regularly during the Mason. - ', nugl,s • tear Zonistr:llle..Regillai 1 , , !a0 etiTT ; The now and splendity•asieng ; r smam-; TpNPTALEIIfICA, C pt. 4. IC Moody, :Irttr i n the trade from Pittsburgh to L during the season of 1846. The TonnalcO4tyas built eaprelmly for e trade„ and is elegantly furnished in every respect.l Forfreight or. paksage apply on bciard. j n;iy22; •rsir ottietunati. j! !..Li ar ai p;: . The well known fast) running steamer CA..IIBRIA, W. Forsyth, Mastery will ruts ra=r Picker, eaving every Wednesday morn-, ing et 10 o'eleek; and Wheeling, atJ l lO, the same day. Riturnlng, she Willi leave eiricitinati every Saturday, at 10,A. P.T. For freight or passage apply 0n , ,,b0a d, or to FORSYTH &ICo., Ag;ents, No. 30, WatO strt,et. i'or Olocbarietti .and .1 The new and splendid. passenger steam er CO DU bi B I A; O'NEAL, Mater, will leave for the above and intorrnediale'poitd, regular krt,t or height Or passage apply on btiard, hr to jet D. WI.LBINS Agent. For Stitnt Lonts..Ke utsr Parket. OBitte T l i i l l e igl w g' a rVE 'P , l ja u p d r P P O a r s r s y e , x t b ffi s lu e n u t le trade from Pittsburgh to St LOilis, 'luring the season of 1848: The Brimette was built eiptettily for the trade s and is elegantly foetid in every respect. For freight or passage apply on board For, Cincinnati and, St. Loni• 41, The passenger steamer PALESTINE, Capt. Williams, will leave for, thnabove an luterntediate ports regularly;' For freighter passage apply on board. i ;, re9.• The new and splendid passenger steam hdat DECLARATION, Capt. Vcfrhees, wit ran ash regular packet bettieen Pittburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tees ay evening at '3 o'clock. Returning she Will leave! CinCinnati every Friday' evening at 3 WeloCk. The Declaration offers supeCior accotnrn abohs btooard. passengers. 'For freight or passage apply l on je MONDAY PACKET. 'he regular maikand passetige r steamer MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stone, will run arra regular Packet between Pittsburgh .and Cincin nati, leaving ibis port every Monday at 10, A.M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the; same day. Return ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10, Al M. :For freight or passage apply on hoard. The Monongahela was built espres'ily for this trade, and Offers to the passengers comfort, in,il su perior accOmmodations. mar 31 MONDAY PACKET. THE regular mail 'and pasenger steam 4r UNION, Captain Maclean!, will run as arre,Wacket between Pitlthburgh !and Cincin nazi, leaving this port every Monday at 6 O'clock, RM. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tbursday ; at 6 P. M. , ! The Union was built expreSsly for this trade, and alronh , every accommodation. For freight Or passage appl . l.- on borTd. mar) T11k: regular mad and passlen ger steam er lIIDEIt.NIA, Capt. John. Klinefelter, vet run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A: M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. of the saute day.— Retunting, she will leave Cincinnati every Friday at 10 A. M. For freight or psasage apply on board. . The Ilibernia wa! both expressly for the trade, and offers!to the passengers every comfort and su perior accommodations. apl WEDNESDAY PACKET. THE regular Mail and i passenger steam irg er NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. B. Page, f vn run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cineinuati,learing this port o+ery Wedneaday at 10 A. M., and, Wheeling at 10 P. M. the: same day.— Hewn:ill:4, lake *ill leave Cincinnati eirery Saturday at 10 A. g. Per freight or pUtage apply on board. The Ne rie England was built for this trade sad offer* to the passengers every comfort and supe. tior accoMmodations. . - ' , mu 26 THURSDAY PACKET. THE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA, M. E. Lucas, Master, will run as a regu ar passengOr packet between Pittsburgh and the above port during the season of 184:3, leaving every Thursday at 10 &clock A. M. The .ticadra is new and has superior accommoda tions. For freiot or pinrige ;Tidy on hoard, or to 0.0 J. NEWTON JONF-q, AEat. 1 , 1 . 1:11)Ak• PACKET. THE reunlar mail and passenger steam cr CLIPPER N 0.2, Captain Crooks, will tun as a regulai packet between Cincinnati and Pitts burgh, ltlaving this port every Friday, at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 I'. M. the same day. Returning she mill leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 o'clok, A. AI. For freight or patialgo apply en board. The Clipper No. 2 was builtexpressly fur thistrade, end offers to her passengers every cdmfort and an. aornrandation. mar 23 SATURDAY PACKET. , The regulnrmail and passenger steamer CIRCASSIAN, Capt. idalC }Sennett, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, toning this port ,CYCTV Saturday, at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at loi P. ' the same day. Returning, shei will leave Cincinnati very Tuesday, at 10 f A. M. Per freight or nassage pply on board. The Ciroassian was built expressly for this trade, and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac commodation. mar 23 mom IlsooslA, Milt Schneider, with *ti eathen and Of duty and nit intr daUdo. tithed byJtc . Semin . For sato by .ER, 113 Wood.ut ,r.ii t I . ork, altltige unntity . Sigarin of the most win use. ,11so, an ObaccO.antt several obacco for sale. WIN CIIESTEIt i 'oars from the Post , I • ibaY9. SATURDAY PACKET. , The regular mail and passenger steamer - • MESSENGER; Capt. Linford, run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving thicport every Saturday at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 o'clk A. M. For freight or passage;apply on board. The Messenger was built expressly for this trade, and otters to her passengers every comfort and ac commodation, mar 23 MITE subscriber , will receive fresh Oysters daily J_ from Baltimore, which he will serve up in all the different styles, at the Franklin lintel, Fourth at., between Snxithfield and Grant. octl3 . C. SCHMERTZ THE subscriber is now receiving a large and fine assortnient of FALL. AND Witrrrat Div Goons, recently purchased from the manufacturers and im porters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets, since the great fall in prices, and will be sold twenty pet cent cheaper than the same description of Goods were ever before oirerred in this market. All those wanting great bargains are requested to call at.lsio. 65 Market street. sepls ABSALOM MORRIS. A LARGE and splendid assortment rifrich and magnificeitt SHAWLS, just received this day embracingall the new and desirable styles,,viz: Paris Printed Terkeri,Cashmere and Ilrocha, Embroidered Black and Mode colored Silk, Fringe, Thibbet and D'Laine, Chamelion Plaid, and Striped Silk, Merino, and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with a great variety of Woollen Shawls, and will be dis posed of at a small advance on :the original cost, by ABSALOM MORRIS, sepls Tito. 65 Market at. RECEIVED this day, several. packages of very rich new stye Persian—embossed Ombri, Bro cade, Chamclion, Striped, Plaid and Poult de Soie, and Black Satin, Striped Armour Dress Silks, and will be sold cheap for Cash, by sepl3 ABSALOM MORRIS, N 0.65 Market at. graphics; • 11111114 and otnay►: G bd BrovrOs G .4tary and U. Spellers 1. Histories, Greek For tale )1) , 11:& Coi, 43 Market at. JUST RECEIVED this day s embracing all the new and desirable styles in the market; and will be sold at krestly reduced prices, by sepls. AIISALOM MORRIS, No. 65 Market at. on this;cao case Bluo iI and; cott covers c la 4pq..ltio, to • P0.'02 mg a large nd Orange, n warp At- Q lot dam -Wings, aco. arket at. Cashmeres and De Lainea. JUST RECRIVD, a beautiful assortment.of new style }saris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corded and plain Cashmeres and Maine and for sale by aepl* ,ABSI4I,ObI MORRIS, HIS Atarket Street. ~~: , ~i~':.~ - a.~.~t ' C'.~ , ..»4..'pry+Sr:HsuSc?'~"'C , iiti".rt '`, ?'~~.~tift~.:r'l~~.w~'n`r ; '~,~~ "- Lei;+;'. , x=" ^ ^'~?~,.~'~'£~:}'s'f,~.- ~-~::..<- ~~'=~ zz?~ ~ + :.,_.a.3w - ;a~.f.~"~.~'+^~'r'~t~''-r. , ~; ~;:,k:~:. - : 1?F`,~; j .- ;14, ...7.: . • q: {,..0` . t•fi . ''44 H A:: .' • ‘. l' . ..Zit*. • 4 „:? ; ••••:kif.::''. ~Z :4i' 2: 4 ... • • 4:.•1: 1 1 , , ir‘ e ft{ ' .$ 1 ,4 '• . P r 7: , :4 , ',f' .;.' 2t .----.' ii=2l CiSTGINN ATI PAC KET4I• TUI DAY PACKET Fresh Oysteie. brEW FELL OCVOD.I3: BRAWLS, snAwLs I Lady's Dress Saks. Nix Cases New Fall Prints. .... . .... . . ~, . ..., ~.... ...: .;: :•-. 4 . ..; ',..',•.,.';,:,,,'.4.-..,,,:,...,:,,,,•,;•.--1.,... 1; , z , - MIMI ==M -, ; ; -•- , _ ' ' I I " I. ; ; • I , ; I ; • ; ; . . aaif ' • , KKILLIck,Tei. SICK] - Long Lifellott# „Qom) wax. 71:ALLI R. - n*l , En, respecidljt advertises, that he P. has !opened the. '3 ' ii,EALTH'Dkpar AND4VALID'S RE,TREAT, On Smith elet,lieitiveen Till and-4th streets, Pitts buigh, Pa.', where he will Wholesale and Retail, GENUINE' VALUABLE BPULAIL MEDICINES, for the relief and pernatutM cure or all curable dis eases. Care will be takenl procure the'most valu able popular remedies the to be had in the Uni ted States; such especiallps are Aye from memo - rial and injurious Isere 44a . We are determined that'our .establiahment slit be what its name im ports-'--a d briesitory of valude re medics for the sick; a'reekrt where the Invalidif every clasio may come or send it good : faith, angel a gen:nine and valu able Medicine. By honestand by keeping'excellent preparaticins We hop& to lve the 'confidence of all who are so. unfortunate alto need medicine. We Satter ouMelVes that pump' enormous doctor-bill, and many( a valuable day:ill be saved by calling in time 'at obr Health Depot Ansorigl then good rem4es already, received, we have 'two l most valuebleraedicines well worthy a place in every family's tiedicino4dielf. They are much prized where thedume bOervused, and are now for the first time ()flied in.'Western Pennsylva nia. We, fear notto intrfluce then tD acguainta.nce with the intelligent disebning invalid.' If they but give them an honest,triil, the result will be our mu tual advarage. One ottlieae medicine 4 is -Dr: Soul's Oriental Sovereign Bdn Piila;)a general family remedy; gelid for sudtert bilious attacks, and for feveis, Mill cure the aate and feirer;good for long standing.dyspepsia andhabitual costiveness, and 'es pecially for nervous Ability, and for all diseases arising from; a diseasedliver, disorders of the stem-' ach, and impurities of tie blood. I Upon need medi eine, give them a trial.: Price 25 emits per box o 31 pills.. The other medicine which we refer is Tousey's Unirerstel Oihtment, a most excellent external reme dy for all kinds of inflamed sores, bruises, piles, and especially for burns,fro!en limbs , &c. It speedily removes pain, aid has cured severe scalds and bruises without leaving a Scar!, Every family should have such a medicne always on hand—par ticularly where there are ihildren; and every person whose business necessarily exposes them to the ac cidents 'of fire, would do IVO to keep it always by them in some convenient ?lace; where they may use it when needed, at a moulent , s warning. Price, as cents per box. Circulars ping More till discriptions of these valuable remesles to be laid gratis at the Health Depot, the only ?lace lin Pittsburgh where these medicines are sold. We base many other rideable remedies, a few o which•we will name: Dr. Uplam's Pilt Electsary,, an internal remedy. No medicine for this dinette has more friends among the intelligent. Price 1114,10 pei package. Dr. Duchan's Ifungariat Batiam et Life, the great English remedy for ConsumptioM, and all diseases o the lungs. Probably no ofedicine in Europe or Arne, rica ha's so many reliable testiMonials from the most scientific and distinguished men in the world, as this. Most remarkable cures have been performed by it in many hopeless cases, both in England and America. Price, $l,OO per bottle. Pamphlets gratis. Dr. Wilson's Tonic Cathartic and Anti-Dyspeptic Sick Head-ache Pills. This medicine is above sus picion in the estimation of many of the Most Intelli gent persons and families iu,this city and vicinity. Price, 50 cents per box. Daily's Magical Pain Estrada. Three sizes, 25,50, $1 per box. Salter's tlinseng Panacea, a popular medicine for lung diseases, 50 cents per bottle. Setters' Imperial Cough Syrup. Some call it the best in use. 25 cents per bottle. Goehring's Catarrh and Cough Candy. Ey Come per paper. Dr. Fisk's Sugar Coated regstabk Ertfael Never before offered in this ecr.nmunity. Designed expressly to purify the blood. 25 cents per box. 'Bristol's ConUisle Sarsaparilla. Diglily ,recom mended by many. $1 per bottle: Barthaliek's Mothers' Relief. Prepared expressly for iMetbers. One bottle of it to be useda few weeks previous to confinement. Recommended by many, intelligent physicians. Put up in' huge bottles, $2,50 each. Pamphlets gratis. Dr. Br - Lanes Worm Specific. It has very many warm friends. 25 cents per , bottle. Sellers' rermijuge. Pronoented by many the best in are. 25 cents per bottle, tic. 411 these valu able articles are free from mercurial ingredients. Other good remedies on the stay, and are expected soon. lg:r REMEMBER, the plaie where you can buy these and other good medicines is at the 11E1ILTEI DEPOT, Smithfield, between 3d Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Ps. -Roofs fling Bone sad Sprrin Care is very eelkbrit ted in lousy parts of New York State, for Sparing, Witolgal ls, Thoroughpin, Splints sad Curb in horses. 60 cents per bottle. Roof's Founder Ointment is used also forfounder• ed, Hoof-bound, Split-hoofed horses; also Pot Galls, Cuts, Kicks, riickings, Dockings, Cracked Heels, &c. 50 cents per box. Sold only at the HEALTH DEPOT, Smithfield, between 3d and 4th tits., Pitteburgb, Pa. novieelarry 10„ . TATE BOOR OF PENNFYISAM A—Containing 10 an account of the Geography, History, Govern ment, and Resources, and noted citizens of the State; with; a map of the State andlof each County; for the use hf Schools, by Thomas o.llllithowsit. The above described honk may with the utmost propriety be recommended to the attention of Direc tors of Public. Schools, and to Tear in general. The nether in his preface states, " A hook calculated to impart to our youth a full and accurate knowledge of their own State, has longlmen deemed necessary. Whether this will supply the want, esperienco atone can determine. The counties are not treated in al phabetical order, but in classes, according to their ! form of surface, productions, and historical relations. To carry out the design, a small state map, in addi tion to the several county maps, has been construct• ed, with the classes of counties marked upon it." For sale by the dal. and retail at the Book and Paper Warehouse of LURE LfKihilS, Agent. Rep 30 No. S 9 Wood at. Pittsburgh. MR. DIIFFM I 01111114_ 1 1 . 1 1 ,101 c A o S rn D er '" o ' rp rr iflran, ' l l riark is ei l I IRRIKI vania where persons can obtain such instruction in Mercantile and Steamboat Book-keeping, as will en-i able them,- without further assistance, to take charge of books. Those who have a doubt of this fact, can have any number of references at Mr. D.'s Rooms. Specifications and directions for opening books in the , most complicated and extensive business, preparing books for the reception of new partners, pr for the retiring of old ones, ibrnished upon reasonable terms. Hours of business: 10 to 12, A. to 4, aid 7to 9, P. M. Ladies' apartment open, 2t04,P. M. oct3l SIIOES, SHOES, MOE& NEW FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY. Cheaper than Evei-, at FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD'S, new Boot Shoe and Trunk Store,'Ne. 186 Lib erty street; nearly opposite the bead of Wood street. F. & H. would respectfully announce that theyhave in store and are receiving their FALL AND WIN TER SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c., consisting of upwards of five hundred packages ofall kinds -and qualities for Ladies, Gentleinen, Misses, Boys, youths , and childrens' wear: These goods have been manufactured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh market--all of which we are deter mined to SELL VERY LOW, as front our facilitiei in purchasing goods we arc enabled se to do. Wo would solicit an examination of our stock by all in 'Mat ofgoods in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as we feel confident we shall be enabled to please, both in regard to quality and prices. The most of our goods are from manufachiring tablishments with which we are connected. We shall continue to receive weekly front those houses, fresh and desirable goods, made expressly for our sales. FOLLANSBEE. & HAYWARD, No. 186 Liberty street. To GEitIIAN PARMERS. 890 ACRES of Farming Lind, near St. Mary's settlement in Elk County. It adjoins the lands of Bensinger & Co., who are the founders of that settlement. To a few German Farmers, wish , . ing to emigrate to that sectibn where they can enjoy all the adVantages of a new settlement, and where the ordinances of the Catholic religion are daily ad ministered, these Lands afford the same comfort and facilities as other lands, that cost twice or three times as much. St. Mary's settlement now lumbers about 2500 souls, and is increasing rapidly. Should a sufficient number unite and purchase the whole tract, an exchange will be made for other property near Pittsburgh. For further particulars apply to L. WILMARTH, Penn streety octl7-tf Ot to V. SCRIBAL Wood street. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED TOBACCO; 1 20 kegs Plug Tobacco; 5 4 6 Ladies' Twist, do; 10 44 Va. 44 d o; 10 Cav4(l, la Lump, do; In store and for sale by J. tr. .L *DEVITT, ap 20 222 Liberty et. • FATI:IERS—di sacks prime - fcathcrii jnat .rec'd and for eale by nov4 JAMES MAY. Care that. Morse; Just Published. , , - - mraOrmAar AGIBISCT. KEENAN I European Agent, now on Ms twe ;, :kilt trip ) in Europe, will in hia ableitce from Pittsburgh continue to transact all business connect ed with Ids profession, through .hia Agent, .Jas TILLY, Merchant. Remittances of money made to all parts of England,lralaud, Scotland and the continent of Europe.. Collections ollegacies, debts, inheritable property and claims! searohea Made, copies of deeds and documents procured, thc. 414 r Apply to or address (post paid JAMES MAY, Merchant, Water street, Pittsburgh. , „oct6 GEO. W. SMITH Co. & Coy BREWERS, MALSTRES AND HOP ;DEALERS, PITTSBURGH OD POINT BREWBRIBS. - Corner Barkers . Alley and Penn st, and foot of PPR st. Pittsburgh, Pa. , . GEO. W. SMITH, Brewer, Malater; and Hop Dealer, Proprietor of the Pittsburgh Brewery, having taken a long leis() of the old and well, known Point )3rewery, formerly in the occupancy of 0. P. Shims, has associated' with him in the business Mr: M. B. Brown. The business of the Point establish ments will be hereafter conducted under the name and' style of GEO. W. SMITH & Co. They v.lll - continue to have a constant supply of the best bottling Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, X and XX draught Ale, Barley and Rye Malta of the best quali ty and Eastern and Western Hops of every' uality. • octal-1m VALUABLE_ ILEAL ESTAIE• THE Subscriber offers for sale on accommodating terms, the following very Valuable Real Estate, the greater part of which is situated in tho , city of Pittsburgh : A LOT OF GROUND on Fourth Street, between Market and Wood Streets, containing 29 feet or there abouts in front, and extending in depth 85 feet, being the same lot formerly occupied by the Police Office, and nearly oppositelhe Merchants and Matactur er,s Bank. , A LOT OF GROUND on Third Street, nearly op posite the Post Of having a front 0f66 1-3 feet and extending back 80 feet. This lot will admit of being divided into three lots, having each a front of about twenty-two feet,, which will be done for the accom modation of purchasers. • FIVE LOTS OF GROUND on Marketltrect, com mencing on the south east corner of Second and Mar ket Streets and extending aofithwardly on Market Street, each 20 feet, with a depth of 60 feet. The corner Lot is probably the most eligible lot of any now offered for sale in the city. - . A LOT ON PENN STREET on which is erected a Three Story Brick Dwelling Haase, the third dwel ling house from the - corner of Water and Penn sts. The House is well finished and now in the occupancy of Air. Shiletto as a boarding house. A LOT OF GROUND in Kensington, running one he aidred feet on theriver, with an average breadth of sixty feet, formerly occupied by a Brewery, destroy ed by the late fire. This Lot is subject to a-small ground rent. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Kiskiminetaa township, Itinistrong dounty",nontaining four hundred and fißy-six acres, and 151_ perches, with allowance of six per cent. on which are erected Two Large Frame Barn's and two Cabin Houses. Upon the tract, there am 175 Acres cleared, 25 of which are in mea dow, and a numberliof Fruit . Trees planted theinon. This tract in princip ally upland of the very best des cription, and is intuited in a. highly flourishing neigh borhood and is altogether one of the finest tracts of land in the western country. . The attention of Ger man Farmers is particularly called ta it. All the above property belongs to the Trustees of the Bank of the United States, whci are disposed to sell it upon_ terms highly favorable to purchasers. The Subscriber also offers for sale LOT No 50, on the plan of lots laid out by Cook and Cassat i on Holmes Hill. A HOUSE AND LOT yin Hay Street, between Penn Street and the River. House three stories high with a basement, having a front of feet, and extending back feet, and is replete with every convenience, and is a ell adapted to a small family, and is now in the occupancy of Mr. Yeager. Apply at my Office in Fourth Strut between Mar. ket and Wood Streets. oct3l-dim Fashionable Dress Making. "11, r V. It. SMITH, baring secured the services ltl of a fashionable blantumalter from one of the moat c ate nvi s e establishments o f the kind in Philadel phia, is now prepared to execute all orders in the various brantlies et Manufacturing.- During a recent visit to the Eastern cities, she has procured all the latest and moat fashionable dress and cloak patterns, together with a variety of trimmings, and has made arrangements by which she will receive monthly the latent and moat approved style of dress, &c. Six seamstresses will receive constant employment al liberal wages; also, a number of girls will be taken as apprentices, if application be made soon at her residence in Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant streets. oct3l.dlm Pall Opening of Fashionable Millinery. MRS. A. LEECH, No. 9, Fifth st., 4 doors from Market, has a beautiful assortment of new and faihionable Bonnets, selected from some of the most fashionable houses in New York. Also ri beati. lid assortment of Flowers, Feathers, Ladies' Caps, Head Dresses, Pach . Ribons, and a handsome article of Evening Dress Pattern* Children's Bonnets, Roods, Velvet Caps, and a variety of other article*. She respectfully invites the attention of the ladies of Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities. oct2l-411m - For Cough., Colds, ao. IVLSIONAItir or Expectorant Salaam, pries 25 j cents per bottle. Ginseng Panacea, price 50 centa per bottle. Sellers' Imperial Cough Syrup, 23 cts. per bottle. Swaync's Syrup of Wild Cherry, $l,OO " Shenc'ats Palmonie Syrup, $l,OO ♦Filters' Balsam or Wild Cherry $l,OO To be had at TIIORS'S DRUG STORE, oct27 dor. Hand and Penn sts. 111I10iNIPSON'S VEGETABLE PURGATIVE X PILLS, warranted to pleate. Try them. Pre pared and sold by E. THORN, ' ,oct:27 cor. Hand and Penn eta. --- Deng Store and Fixtures for Sale. rr HR subscriber, owing . to ill health, is desirous of quitting his present business, and offers his stock of Drugs, Medicines, PerfUmery and fixtures for sale. The stock is well selected, and perfectly fresh. His prescription business wilt compare with any establishment in the city. For further particu lars, enquire (if by mail, to bepost paid,) of EOGAR. THORN. octlG cor. Penn and Hand sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. SKIN AND COMPLEXION, at this (and, I. indeed, every other) season, is often repulsive in appearance, caused, in eight cases out often, by the atmosphere; and what persona suppose disease of the blood, is simply a disease of the skin. If some of the thousands who take purgative medicine, pills, and useless Sarsaparilla, were to use on their skin a softening and clearing balm, that opens the pores, whitens the skin; and causes ahealthy perspi ration, that, be the skin never so disfigured, unheal thy, or diseased with pimples or freckles, sunburn, tan and morphew, the true and genuine JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never fails V, cure and dispel them, and to make the skin clear hnd lovely. It acts so mildly and soothingly can the skin, that physicians use it on ladies and infants, in old cases of scurvy,crysipelas; salt rheum, sore bead, ringworni, and it (mind, the genuine Jonea , soap) has often effected a cure when every other remedy failed. his indeed a blessed remedy. Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse; 89 Liberty street, yiend of Wood—et the same place is sold the Moorish Hair Dye, Coral Hair" Restora. tire, and Spanish Lily Whith. PRINCIPAL Orrice—Sign of thn Anlerican Eagle, 82 Chatham street; New York. T" poisonous effect on the akin of common pre pared chalk io not generally known by ladies; how yellow rough and unhealthy it makes the skin in time; besides. what a corpselike, palid look it gives when applied. They should use a beautiful prepar ation, purely vegetable, which gives the face arms or neck, a natural life-like whiteness, and makes it smooth. It is called Jones Spanish Lilly White, and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware house, 89 Liberty street, headof Wood; at the same plaee is sold tones' Coral Hair Restorative, Italian Chemical Soap and unrivalled shaving soap.. jy24-tf OLD WINES & LIQCORS--consisting of Port Wine; Madeira Wine; Malaga dci; Rhenish do;—in half and quarter pipes; and on draught warranted pure; Pale Brandy, of different brands; Dark do, Holland Gin, fine flavor; Peach Brandy, 8 years old; Apple do 4 do _ do; Old Rye Whiskey, 8 and 11 years old, Part of the above Liquors from under Custom House Lock, for sale in quantities to suit by P. C. MARTIN, 60 Water st. Brick House and Lot for Sale, Or in Exchange for Nails or Window °last We are authorized to offer for sale, or in exchange fbr Window Glass or Nails; a well finiihed and sub stantial two story brick house and lot, 19 feet fiord by 100 feet deep, situated on the Allegheny river above the Glass House. It will be sold at a reason ble price, title unexceptionable. Apply to BLAKELY dr. MITCHEL, asp. 17. Beal Estate Agents. EMEIIEMM=IN= :'; S Brandy . 4ka (*a 3 cir. citar4, ;Duripi,ice.,brend dark 1_ pale barirlPel.l. fluffily, Bordeaux.. I tin ,- g 44 4.. 2,Pipes Gitii . S)van imand. Tait received and for siiiBidvy bt • ' oct 30 - - :: . JAMES MAY- 4111 Bbls. , Caster Oil, ' • +QV For sale low to c.lose consiglietefit:. 0r.t30 'JAMES MAY "VINE GOLD 'AND SILVER. WATCHES,—An .12 additional supplireceived and-fin. wale at very low price% W. W. WILSON, Oct 31i ' cor. 9th and Market sta. GOLD PENS.—.It large and very superior assort, pion; of the best brands, and for sale at eastern prices. W. W. WILSON, oct3o . , isor..4th and. Market aft. LAMPS - A" dIRARDOL - ES, for parlor, 'stud'', factory and steamboat use, of .Cornelins fe - Co's manufacture,Calculated for lard, lard-oil, &c. La test patternrec , d; W. WILSON, oct 30 ; cor. 4th and Market sts. GO' ry, silver and steel spectacles in eve . Cariety, and furnished with the best glasses. All ages accurately suited. (Kr Scotch pebble and perifocal glassesittpt by - W. W. WIT-PON, oct So, ~ car, 4th and Market sta. R 13511. FRUIT, 95,,80xeit M.R. Raisins, 2,5 ti • 15 " Malaga Figs: 5 Rigs ' " Grapes. • .9 lib's. Nate Currents, Receivisd and ibr sate by - J. D. WILLIAMS, & Co.) , 110 Wood street oct 31 riIOBACCIN 20 Boxes, assorted, fl 6 5a Ss 12s antll6 Lump. . 10 Kets; No. 6, Twist, 10 ‘;, Pgb.Plug and Cavendish, Por sale by oot 31 J. D; WILLIAMS, & Co, 110•Wood,Jt.. - 16115.11-20 bhlw. large No. 3 Mackerelj 5 c; SE_ St 1 if 10k El •I-1 if 1 " Mess " 1 " 10 " Labrador Herring; . 5 i " No. l Shad; in store and lei sile by J. D. WILLLOIS &Co., 110 WoQd iit. SUGAR, 2 Mids. Priine N. O. Sugar, 2 Roxes Doable Refined Loaf, 10 Bbls. Loaf and Clarified, For sale 14 clot 31 J. D. WILLIAMS, dr CO, /I 0 Woosi at M OLASSF.SI bb a ls.f s ' u h g il a ad ri th er i c a Steam; 10 ". F. Orleans; For sale by oct3l J. D. WILLIAMS &Co., 110 Wood m. conteettoweraf Wropptrig,Papers. 41K Reams Cap Glazed, Blue, Yellow, Orange, t 1 Green and Purple, just received, and for sale by, JOHN It. MELLOR, oeV.I SI Wood Street. SAPES', SHOVELS, iStc.. . 20 doz. Spades; . le, 50 4i Coat Canal. and Grain,Shosels; , .... , .„, 20 - 1, Mattocks and Picks; on hand and for s a te at manufacturer's prices by . . act 24 GEO. LOCH ';= ,26 Wood et, CIASSINETTS AND FLANN LE.—One case Cas sinetts; One case Red Flannels, fox sale low by oet24 GEO. COCHRAN, 26 Wood st. Leather: 3250 Sides of N. Y: and Baltimore lardlod solo leather, hi store andfor sale by ",'W. BRYANT, IS3 Liberty et. Twisnerts 112Bbls. best. brown Oil, just received and for sale by W. BRYANT, octl2-Irodk - w 183 Liberty st. CHARLES SILALER 1750 Spanish and Missouri Hides in store and for sale by W. BRYANT, . oetl2.lmdisve lB3 Liberty st. , 00 Sheep ikins,l3ark Tann;i i , for TR Ve octl2-Imd&w 183 Liberty at. Morocco Leather, and. Bindings. TUST received, a large stock of Morocco, Bindings ti and Linings, and Lade Leather, for sale by -. WALTER BRYANTi No. 183 Liberty at. Ssistdries. - • 5 Tierces flesh Rice; 14 bbls, Conklino improved Lad Oil; 1 0,000 lbs. Bacon, Shoulders. On hand and for sale by . F. SELLERS. sep24. • No. 17, Liberty street., LARD, 100 kegs, ,No. 1; Lard on consignmen4 And for sale by F. SELLF.R.S.. sep24. - No'. 17, Liberty street. QVGAR HOUSE MOLLASSES.-6 bble. ,; Molasses, in store and for sale by pePP; Netts. GEO. S. SWARTZ has on hand it lot of tery au perior white and colored Musqueto Nett which will be sold chea'y at No. 106 Market street. jel3 I)SALMS & HYMNS, for the nee of the German Reformed Church in the 11. S. of America, En, shah and German. For fell . scninA. SCHETULER, 115 Wood et.. . Latest ImpsOsement. BEDSTEADS of different ;kinds 'with Gaziani , a iron patent fasteninp, superior to anything now in use, for sale low at the furniture warehtihan of angl. YOUNGaIk Co, Rand street: TABLES—Pier, Centre and Card Tables of 4iflir ent . paiterns. If you want a good article cheap call at the Furniture Warehouse of T. B. YOUNG ar. Co; je6 31 Hand et... Wood Street Property rot- Sale. TIIAT deiirabtokut nr ground it the foot of Vilibd street, occupiednt the time of the great Sri! by Messrs. King & Holmes, is Offered for salm Enquire of faugn] J. MOORIIEAP.. AWING a itery large and eornatiodfous *are.: house; we are prepared to receive (in addi tion to freight for shipment) a large arnount of Pro duce, 81u; on storage at low rates. 1y23 C. A. ItfcANULTY & . CO; Canal Basin. r pEAS--120 packages Y. H., Impl., G. P. and Powchong, of late importations, arriving' and for sale by [aug2s] LAMBERT & SI:UPTON,. Voireci (In BAGS Green Rio, part 3k../V 34 , Old Governnient Jtvai Arriving this day and for sale by. ang2s. LAMBERT & SRIPTO* bbts No. 3 Lary's - Mar.kerel; 20 " " 3 North " 10 " " 1. " , 20 « Herring (Allivii , es) 5 " No. .1 Salmon; in atone and for sale by (aug2s] LAMBERT 'St SHIPTQN. Caster 0 `ANA-30 bushels wiles quality, for sale by oct3l J. D. WILLIAMS Ec Co., 110 Wood it. Sheep Shine. oetl2-Imdltrm Storage. Bust ill Die t• • A 5 HHDS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime 25 bbls. Nbs. 4 and 6 Loaf; 10 cases "Layering's" D. R. Loaf Saga 118 bbls N. 0. Molasses; In store and far salt by LAMBERT & SHIPTON, ang2s, 133 arid 135 Wood street 50 BBLS. Pitch; 50 g , Rosin; 150 Boxes Tobacco; TaliMl sizes; 10,000 sea leaf Cigars; On consignment tied will be sold low for Cash, or exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by seps TAAFFE & O,CONNOB. TOBACCO. -71. large and 90 small boxes Missou. ri tobacco, of, prime quality, just received on consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash, or Pittsburgh manufactures. august 18 ez. °TOWER. For Cosh Only. jWO second hand Pianos, in good order, for isle very low, at F. 81,1J.11.F.75, oct2l No 112 Wood st.; -2d door above s th . A oHOeATtVpiE7r AND BOARDS-Jus!ireceive:ietiu3erL!"ea°e,c a rot sale at =Me==:g: illakely and initehen, Olices on Penn and Smithfield ids. AGENTS for the ()Id Black Ball Line of Liver pool and New York Packets...- i emittances rnade as usual to England', Ireland, 3eotland and Wales, in MIMS of ono pouid sterling snd.upWards--payable in any town of, iraportance in Groat Britain rind - Ireland. . -, . . ' • Persons wishing to sand for their friends can have theni-brought out tig the lihove splendid line, on the 1. 51 4a0 160 of any raQi4qlr • ,-1:',',:7..,:'.'.,':..,,'- ~,!';',,:',!.".•.-fi.%-: ~; i•'..,'.:4-',. .. :::-'.:-- ,;-1-.1.,.:;:;.:'..:..!'',..:7-.:'•,' - MEE •••••40141.",8UGA Aim) /ILLS buslgn ALL Ix* ibca of OItINIIINIE IL CO 'a' 4. it. H ers 'lig!! Ws 11, -iv -411, / .' ' urtif Rai cam ‘r , sunny or Claft's u 131.. of Ile Mallet nowt tar du smithera CLlatilEA'S SUGAR COATED VEGET;LBO.} PILLS are. the first -.and only Medicine known that will poritive/y cure - Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Itheurn. Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, WOTMO, • Diepepeia,Scurvys CholeraMorbus, Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsir. Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough, Idwitrd Weakness; Consumption, Fits, Talpitatilittof the Heart, Liver Complaint, - - Riling in the Throat, Erysipelas; Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, Itching" of, the Skin, Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout,Gravel, Female Complaints, Nervous Complaimta, And all other diseases originating frogiimpurities of the blood. 04r They have cured, elnii3 their introduction s orer2;000 persons,who have been given up as hope, less cases, by the , most eminent Physicians. D They are patronized and recommended bp. men of the highest distinction, among whom - • Hon. David K. Porter, Hon. Henry Clay, ~.., . lion. John Q. Adams, . Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon. Martin Van Buren, Icon. J. - C. Calhoun, - Gen.. Winfield Seott; Col: It. M. Johnson,. Hon. James K. Polk; Gen. Lewis Coss. Their virtues are so infallible that the money will be returped in all cases they do not give waiver.. sal satisfaction. Although but two and a half year; have elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first introduced to the public, the sale of them in the Eastern and middle States has far exceeded Dr, Clickener's most sanguine expectations. During.the past year, alone, no less than 10,000 grime of boxes: have been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 in Permaylvania; 4,000 in Maryland, 3,000 in New Jet* sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New England States, requiring the constant employment of 27 1 hands exclusive ot printers and engraters. In dm same perm , upwards of 200,000 copies of the "Family Doctor" have been ordered by agents in every_ section of the. Country. These facts must show c,oncluaively, that Dr, Clickener's Sugar Coat" ed Pills, besides being the very best medleine in the . world, are held in the higliestestimation by the Public, We might extend this publiCatioa to an ,indefinS . ito length, if we deemed 'it expedient to publish - all' tersimonials we have received, not only from agent", but individuals and families, who have experienced the benficial effects of Clickener's Sugar Coated Pills, but 'we deem it unnecessary, The most bri, contestible.evidence of their unpreeedented success; are ithe Immberleeslinitaticins and Counterfeits have already appeared, notwithstanding the. brief pe,' hod they bare been before the public. EVen some of our staunchest pill Makers have had thb audacity, to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise; - the ingredients 'of their vile Compounds, and pelm . them off for the "real Simon pure: , Such paltry' shifts cannot last long without exposing their hideous deformity. Truth and honesty must inevitably pr* vail over rascality and deception. For ears lii Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, at hit , Patent Meditine iVarehouse, No: 59, Liberty street,- head of Wood st.; Vitisburgh. Price, 25c. per hex, Dr. Clickeners principal Office is 81 Barclay street; New York. fer Beware of an imitation article called 3m. proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to be patented, as both the pills and the pretended patent are for., genies, got up by a miserable quack in Noiv York,' • who, for the Met four or five years, has inane , his living by counterfeiting popular medicines. Cry. Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the original inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of until be introduced them in June, 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always ' ask for Clickeners Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no other, or they will be made the victims of a. fraud. • oct Superior Building Lots for Sale ih the 1 .. Fifth Ward. :Lots, fronting on Penn street, opposite' the T IGHT , ' mansion of Dr. Shoenberger, the obrner on Mama street, 221 feet by 100,j the others 20 feet each by 100, all extending to Spring Allep Five Lots fronting on Libertistreet, at and adjoin. ingTactory street, each 20 feet 11140 deep to Quin. cy street, opposjte the new CatholicChnith, on these are erected tassel' &eine baildings. Title indisputable and a liberal extension of, pay, merit to suit purchasers. They will be sold to close the concern. Apply to Michael Allehi or .Lewin. Hutchison; at their warehouses, or _to siasies , S:, Craft, Esq., at his' office, SO Fnurth street. Iylr A variety of Cotton Machinery,-vii:—Cards,; . Throstles, Mules, gro., still'on hand for sale-on Sexy reasonable terms; and time, on large Beim octi9-d3rn . • , • - New Drug Stara - • Id JOHN D. MORGAN, Wl.isiesak and Rdail iff Druggist, No. 93} Wood street, one door South: of Diamond Alley, Pittiburgb.-41e subscriber has just received fromthe Eastern cities, and is.nnw opening at the amore stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting ofDrugs of all kilads,. Dye Stuffs, Paiiifs and Varnishes, Chemicals, tec., togither ivih all such article's as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store, His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with care. He is confident that hiS articles, both MS to quality - and price, will pl4Lase such as may ih vor him with a call. ; - my9-y. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45,-Mar ket street, three doors above Third strett,-Pilts burgh; will . have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he-will sell on the most reasdriable terms.. 'Phyla-. clans sending orders will be promptly attended to, supplied with 'articles they may rely uppl as genuine. Physicians'prescriptions will be :accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day .or nightQ . Also, for Sale, a large stoik of fresh and' gtied eifinriery j • dec 30d. - CLOTHING I CUITHING !I CLOTHING! !..! The Three Big . Poore vs. The World T t - 150,000 WELL SELECTED G2I.IOIENTS.' NOW made and ready to be offered on the most,' liberal terrns . to ray old customers and the pule- heir general'. Thu Proprietor of this far fained and extensive establishment has .now, after retnrping from the Eastern cities; at. much troubloa rid expense,: just completed his .fall and winter arrangements tu, supply his thausanda of oustomere with one of-the most desirable itruC kdofClothing that has everbeen. offcred in this or any otherniXrket west of the moun tains. For neatness in style and work manship,"Com-. bined with. the very low price which they will be Sold for, must eertainly render the old unrivalled., Three Dig DporS one. of the greatest. attractions of the Western,comitiy. It gratifying - to me." to be: able to'arineerice to my numerous friends at hom.d, find abroad, that notwithstanding the extraordina9r„ efforts which I have made to meet the many calla My line; it is with difficulty I can keep time with the e , b.onstant lush that is made on this popular establiali, meet. It lie well established fact, that my sales are, eight or tell tilnee larger than' any other house in the trade, and this being the case on the amount seld, I Can afford til sell at much less profit than others could possibly think of doing if they wished to coo er tingent expenses. I intend to make a clean sweoP,: Of all My present stock before the beginning, Of next lean coming to this conclusion, I will make it the : interest'of every man, who wants a cheap wintee- Suit, to call and purchase at the Three big Doors. oct2l-der.w SOHNIirPCLOSXEY, , . . . . A °A#Pt - THE . subscriber haripg ditiposeil of his Bookstore( 4. in Pittsburgh, to bileisys. Priott and Entish % world rwiroroona Oeu, to pstronago of his for, nrercustdiners.. ;41 . 518ERT. CAWKER- t PrrngstrAilp, Octitte 20th, 1846, THE SUBSCRIBERS having purchased the Saekitl store of. Mi .Itobert carter,' will continue the ; , at the old stand. They will at all times have.' on band a large supply of Theological, Classical an& school Boast ,5.„,„4.150, Writing, Letter and. Wrapping• Paper, Slates etc. - - Western Merchants making purchases in the city, are incited to call, examine our stoa, and ascertain our prices before purchasing elsewhere. ..- ELLIOTT & ENGLISH; No. 66, Market mt., bet. 3d and 4th. To RENDER THE HUMAN HAIR SILKY * SOFT, FINE AND CLEAN; to make the scalp. healthy, smooth, white and fruitful, so that a good . crop may spring therefrom, persons .have but to at- ' pend thirty seven end a half cents. And, rcider, our only object for gelling the article at that price, is knowing it to be all we state, that when you once try this you never will use aught else, whether it be - merely to embeliah, tit dress, beautify, and preserrei to force growth, stop falling off, and cure ecroGior ilandniffg, the JONES , CORAL lIALR RESTORA TIVE will never fail to do all this, as liqn . dre 6 *al' tell jou with gratitude. It dresses the liairbeautifhl. ly, and makes red or grey hair grow darkfrons to roots. • - - F. BLIJAEF.S. Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Virarchonac. 89 Liberty strget, head of Wood—priOe thirty saes:: and a half feats, fifty cents'and one dollar per iicttlti`.. At the same:place is sold the Italian Changes/Eh:4N' Spaniels Lilly White and enriyalld .._ ~ ~ . .. — SeowxltY to rom:.basorit I==2" John M. Townsend, l' - '.:'';'::'.' , : 7- .'!'.''; , = l •l' , ": , '.l'':: : ::'.', l. .,'-'-' , FIN MEE • •(• '• - yt. ;-'" . t , - , ' • . • EMIIM N.,- • r • :•••••,1.: ~- . • ..,-•'. ;t:+ is: 2 ,' - • i4F; '-. k' ~iti s ~_'l'.. ..... .. . .--;:.•-...: -_*7 ..,... .. ~..• • • J' ~~~~', ..~y.. .~ ; , ,F f . " ~: _~ , :_~~ . .. ~ ~. • • "• • - _.-.;.._ Milli _ ' ~y-; HEM 117M1 ~.~~~ MEE MEM 12311 =IV ` £~~',t ~+ • r? MEI `,,,,,,- , , • , Men EOM { ''r. '.l ~ wim f m y: ~ ;'r; ; , 7;- V.: , • :4' :•t•-• ~4: "~ ~: _~ < ` l"~• :~:.~ Hr~: ~~' ~ ~.`.i c. t,,'!17.-: . i-' , .t --I'':-'. ~'`~. , *F . .: :.:::,.::.;i:.i.,,,.-‘,:::•'.-7.4,:,"-.-t,.-':: .r - •