The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 28, 1846, Image 1
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'',.l. ‘: ' ;!:, 14 '''4.ll. • p' , 1• , 4%, ~ • -; - , r ,.., -NJ 7,1 - g...f,. 4 , ~, ..z r, , r..14 i i, 4,, i, ~ ~i., . .,.:. 7 4. . ' ...- 4:,''.":e- 4-A-:-, ;,,:- --- , -,-, , ~; ~s, Kt?. - .„.,. , ~. ~ -. ~,,, ---- - ,'-" ..L. ; --• -1 -- ' - 7 . ,- 1 `,....% ,t 4 4 - rt , 4 -:" -7 ...' '';' '!.,Ji''':"'''':r '' ,l ;I.' ',..:'l', ' . o" 1- "4 t ..,..,.„ 1.—„,. ,'..',,, ,••.-., * 1-.; 4 ....-:,, , t ; • - , •• - .;, • , .. 2,,, ... ',.-..,.; ,:, ..t --.-,,, ',.; :;• -••,'''',.'_;' -.'''... t tr.., • , !,, "f•-'- l' 1 :''',l,. ...' 1--.., ` , -,, ;; ; '-,h,t4 ``-''; ' ` ' 4-.7',.: , :','. -.3 , 4K:.1 , _;•1 PROPOSALS' FOR' INDIAN. GOODS.. SEALED ;PROPOSALS will be received at the kJ .o4fice.of the Commisaioner, ot Indian Affairs', IVashingtonicity, D. C., until_ 10 o'clock, on Sat. tfrday the . l4th day of November next,fdr furnish: ingih ' e following goods in the .qualitities'annexed; or thereabouti, for the use of the Indians, and delir erable at tlte following places, viz: ...., . At New- York. BLANKETS. 1390 pairs ,3.point white . Alackinic blaitkets, .te measure 60 by 72 'inches, and weigh 8 . , . , pounds 1930 pairs 2f -point white Mackinac blankets, to 1 -. measure 54 by 66, inches, and , weigh G. pounds'- c 396 pairs 2=point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 42 by 56 intlies, and weigh 54:, pourids , 1 340 pairs If-point white Mackinac blankets, 161 „ measure au by 30 Inches, and Weigh 4.1 pounds ~ , 310 pairs 1-point white 'Macitinac blankets, to, measure 32 by -16 inches, and Weigh 34 , 1 pounds , 219 pairs apoint varlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 ty 72 inches, and Weigh 'S pounds , .. 200 pairs - 2f-point scarlet Mackinac blankets to measure 54 by 66 inches, and :weigh 6 .pounds 55 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds . • ' 230 pairs -- ,3 point gentiuella - blue Mackinac blankets, to measure GO by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds 240 iiairs 2f-point gentinella blue Mackinac : blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. ~ - . : DRY GOODS. 1060 yards blue, fancy and graYlist cloth ' 350 : do scarlet ito do ' 225 A do grass green do- do 2030 do blue saved list do 790 do scarlet do : dti 100 do green do do' . 30 pounds worsted yarn, three-fold S 8 dozen cotton flag hantlkerchiefs liAl do Madras do 76 do black silk do ' ' ' 1 1:r In 8-4 coital, shawls - '23 do d-1 do • I , 30 do 4-4 do 16030 yards eilico,.domestic . * 1000 do !do English and French 1.•.:00 do bleached cotton shirting 3000 4'do unbleached do 3500 du '; do cotton sheeting ; 4300 do domestic cheeks, stripes and plaids 100 dozen - woolen socks • 7300 yards plaid linsey . - . 1000 do llannels,.assorted boo shirts, 'flannel r 15 do calico 3 I ' I 37 pounds linen thread 260 do cotton 'do 20 'do sewing silk '• • ' 350 pieces libands,;assorted :i - ' 375 yards bedticking , I 500 yards Satinetts, assorted - I 400 do Kentucky jeans , 7 gross worsted .gartering , ' , , HARDWARE, 840 pounds brifss kettles , . 765 do ' tin kettles . ;I I - 40 nests japanned kettles (S in a nest), 76 dozen butcher knives • 4000 gull-flints. . 1 At St. Loots, Missouri. BLANKETS. 1020 pairs 3-pOint white Mackinac blankets, to ,measure 60 by 72 inches. and Weigh 43 pounds 707 pairs 24-point white Mackinac blankets, to measuio 54 by 66 inches; and weigh 6 pounds 417 pairs 2-point white Mackinac blankets;' to ; measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh 54 pounds 390 pairs 1 f -point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 30 by 30 inches, and weigh 44 pounds ' 130 pairs 1-point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 34 pounds .., 134 pairs- 3point' scarlet Makinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 poumrs 100 pairs 21-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds ...„........., ..,E . iegai educa-1 144 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets to measure 00 by 72 inches, and weigh S pounds come tilou- 'non, and to prepare thep.,.)...,.. .._,.... . 150 pairs 3-point gentinell a blue Mackinac blan• !---2. I 1 V 1, ”--- ''' - • • ~ ~,,,,,..‘„, na v ing , on the firs , day I sa ! ios oi various sizes: si. 1it,...,;::.. --. 7..:...,.. kets, to measure 60 by 72 inchei, and John Dret...t....... --....... ....0 rw.tAttY,l ' weigh! S pounds Co pairs §4-point gentinella blue Mackinac ~., ~ , .. : ,.... : „,,,, i ,,,.,.. r. ,...„-,.. 4 .,-.... , 4 .4 -_tile Pittshomb - Thy - i. - .. - 1.7_ blankets, to measure 31 by 06 inches, and weigh 6 pounds - DRY GOODS: • 600 yards blue strouds 500 do scarlet do 't. 1300 do blue, fancy, and gray list cloth ;2i7 do green do do ' 372 do "scarlet , do . - dfs 2750 do blue saved list --: do 350 do green do do 020 do i scarlet' 'do do 485 pounds worsted yarn 3 fold 63 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs 40 do Madras do . . 06 do black silk do 40 do 6-4 cotton shawls ' 20 do 6-4 do du ' ; 20 do 4-4 do do - 10000 yards domestic calico 2000 do English and French do 2230 do bleached cotton shirting 6000 do unbleached do do 4000 do do do sheeting 1500 do domestic checks, stripes, and plaids 309 dozen woolen socks 1300 yards plaid hussy • . 3400 do flannels, assorted , 450 flannel shirts _ . . 500 calico do . . 85 pounds' linen thread - 0 74 do ,cottdh do 36 do sewing silk 20 gross worsted gartering 300 pieces ribands, assorted ' . , 100 gross fancy and clay pipes , • 50 pounds,vertnilion. • ' ' HARDWARE. -1300 pounds brass kettles . zo nests japanned kettles, S in a nest 460 tin kettles 25 gross square awlS • 7000 fishhooks 1 - 25 dozen fish lines 25000 needles, assorted 100 dozen combs, assorted 10 do scissors 14000 gun flints , 10 gross gun worths 200 &nen butchers' knives . . . - ' AXES. . . , ..___________ 05 dozen half-axes; tO weigh 3f pounds hat they again oc.cupy their dld suirf ati No.. * t e h d e l rd ex7e d n- i 25 dozen axes, to weigh front . 5 to 5+ pounds 83,;rewa.ehuse.rrlrceio:thosva:'iynnr:da:dr..:e:Cptoea:. 1 c e ontantly on hand an extensive i ental..Sata ne4:rolots2ibne d d t hdo o eet vi s L6 lye WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE 'and will Itave glazed and plain PAPER 11 ANGINg$,,: ^ Aliiiti and 6 q a tyr t u t hatchets, squaw , to weigh)l pounds taNxth2ptl°a weighc. e we where poundsm a n ufac tu r - York or Philadelphia as may be required, without additional.expense. ' Imitation Borders of the latest style;44itintesti,hand. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, itte. some patteras for paperfng halls, parlbas-atdehairt. , There will, also be required, to be delivered in tiers. , ltew York at the-same tithe, the following agricul They matitifacture, and-hare on hand italltimes, ..,, BPrOnnntientga'nld,tii il n l g e ' rt e S tt on r i ' L— Vra al P ro in f g W a ti d ch T th era e P y i 'o P ff e ;r l- - r '' l tilral implements: f le on the most ' d ' ms arid td ' *. ' 200 axes, toi, weigh from 4.1 to 5} pounds 200 half-axes, to weigh 3f pounds :Lig the invite th:l=ia ltig ' ter ' 'anti 7 feet "h A e L7O-- Y Blank Books of all kndsn f ri: chan q t rz -- ' 1100 8 c w ro •ce s d s. i e n ti g t h s oe aw s s , , d 4 it f re B nt fee si t zt a s mi 4 of . ” its, Scheel &mks, &e., always" on hand and foj- east length 75 dtawirig knives, 12 litchis in lerigth , as above; ''s' 9o , . :,, , i, ' ' , ......, , ,rra,tx*aa..4‘ , . m---- - ",--•=-.,-..........-,,..5.0.--gii,,..14101W414°' Ilm . . :gr trit i l ,r ,4* , :tikgiNiki t ii,Z..i,W,3"-i7,4 1 44,,,e,„1.,.. , eii%ti,6,; -,i-',1•4-,114,;.•,,i-- • .4.1...-.,4,1.••,--4J:-Z.42Y.'.21•,,Ce.-.1,;-,-,i„,:i6-;4•,';',•E„,,,44.-,,At•-•51,b , . 1 % , .t . .7,. , •4-.: -, • , -;:t , ..., •., .•-• - - -4 , .r- , -P , %4 , --(•_44 , - -;-t. , --' - ' -'• ''''''. • - -,-.♦ . . : a. • .[. . ~---,._ - i .1 r '-r ;,'., .'' ,',' , '-' ''', '' - - , i . '''.4" - ' ''' ' - ' •-.., -• . 1 . - ' . 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Y1:444.414:4A,:vV•i?'.44'4 „.friVrAf!;:r..'ll*.f - • • -,<Pr010.e.,ie1gtv,4•462,h7 , -4?---1%,544-4' *lWc"ir.tZ-ik":;.4` P , " • i-t:#44.1; ..44:fibififitr - % , '`. • ' 4.17,1:01"eit-,.i•0ger14:4" % , 14 4;1.14V jkV.ry.s%e:t-* ' i 4•4 ej,1.1:4;a15A1471141 4,4 4tt'isri 4 %, ger- • • ' • t • - • . - • cr. s i f . ' .o l % EBBE •-• maw MIME meNiqm VOL. IL-NO. 85. Tratits:Five'dollars a year, - payable in advance. Sixrdolints will invariably be required if not paid within the ' , ear." Single copies, TWO ctivrs—for sale at the counter of the Office, and by News Boys. TIEVERELY DIAFFACTIIRES Ia publishmint the same office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO. DOLLARS a year, in advance; sin gle copies, BEL curs.. PER SQUARE OF T One insertion, Two do, . Three do, One week, Two do, Thrett do, One Square Six month, 815 00 One year, .. .. 20 00 * Larger advertisements h gcr Camps of four lines. P. C. Shannon. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greensburg, Westmore land cetnity, Pa., will practice in tbe West moreland, Indiana and Cambria courts. decBl ...... Wlllnhorti TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery ,t 1 Office in Bares new building, Yittlt street, be ween Wood and Smithfield. augll ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the residence of IL S. Magraw, on Fourth st., ono door from Cherry Alley. • • ap2l-Y, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth st., between Smithfield and Grant. marl4-y A TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the building on 1 - 1_ the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield novll-y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, office North side - 4. Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. Collections made on reasonable erne. dec4- R. Morrow, ALDERMAN, of fi ce north side of Fif th street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. seplo-y Andrew Burke, ATTOANEY AT LW, office, Smithfield street between Fourth Street and Diamond Alley, op [matte Mr. Gco. Weyman's tobacco mauuthetory. aplG-y ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers occupied by Alderman M'Alasters, on Filth st., between Woodwind Smithfield. aplS-y 111 , Candless & ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, office on Fourth street, opposite IL Sc R. 11. Patterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. , seplo-y A TTORNEVS AT LAW, Fotirth'street between Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv ery stable. ap7-y GeorgeV. A TTORNEY AT LAW, 011ie() in Breed's build A ings, 4th st., above Wood, Phtshurgh, Pa. sep:2-dly C. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth st., aboim Smithfield. julyl-y ABEELEN has removed his commission and for sA, warding business from the Canal BUsin to his new warehouse on Third street, neariLopposite the Post Office. may-30-y Iticharil Cowan,/ ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build ings, Fourth st., above Wood. :junel9-dwy ATTORNEY AT LAW, taving returned front his European tour has :taken an office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield ets. Per 'sons having had business'and papers in the hands of Samuel Kingston, Esq:, deceased, will call on the above, as all the unsettled business of Mr: Kinglton has been loft in his hands. mars- • TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh,' Pa. Com ji to take the proof and acknowledge meet of deeds, leases, contracts, dcposites of other writings to be recorded or used in the States of .Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Office No. SO, ;Stuart's buildings, Fourth street. mari2-y ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the cdficeot ecretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co. ; will attend spe• eially to collections and business connected with navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu siness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No 1, Stuart's buildings, (No. 80, Fourth st.,) second door! east of Wood street. feb34 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Franklin, 'Penang° county, Penna., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col lections made,in Warren, Clarion anal Jefferson co.'s. REFER TO J. A. Stockton & Co. Murphy, Wilson & Co. John Bigler, Hon. James Kinnear, Hon. Alex. Ill'Calmout, Hon. James Wilson, Steubenville. ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he may be found at all times. Those haring houses or other property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended to; debts collected, and all -the, duties of an Alderman will receive prompt attention. •, oct:27-y I) ANKERS and dealers in Foreign and_ Domestic Bills of Exchange certificates of deposit, bank notes and specie. - Drafts and notes collected, and remittances made to any part of the United States, No. 55 Market street. ' jan7-y Johnston & Stockton, BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER MA KERS, No. 114 Market street. ' sep 113-2/ • Scrlba &. Scheibler, BOOKSELLERS; STATIONERS AND BINDERS, No. 115 Wood street., three doors below Fifth, Pittsburgh, Pa. • -jan7-y James Peitterso Jr., CORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts, tobacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen screws for rolling mills, &c. • seplft-y , _ Wrn. A. Ward, rtIENTIST-, has removed to the place. of his for mer residence in Penn street, two doors below Irwin. ap 181 . . B. E. Constable, , DEALER in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, S 3 Market street, Pittsburgh. i notlo-y Edgar Thorn's TARUG and Family Medicine Store, corner ol jut Penn and Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy 'lounged. Medi ty or night. r: ~ R 4 •rt :,A4c.: 5 ,' 4 ., P.'t • - •,-.: ..',X ,^ 4 I. % . 2 4 .7i....i t -N. t 4. ~,, „3 , :, ,, • i - .I,,T* . 6%- -, : - • ,. .o‘, - ; - ..v , ...1.4• -~.:,-.. ''::,-•4 ~.m- . ~ ~ ~.i iii, vie- 0.44.*1 445,4 4. 1 5 i6....A . 't . ''). . 'es. t . IMMIII ' , i'f' , i_ s i : O . : -. : l ' l ._'''-''•ii ,. ',.' , . , .' - ‘.;,i7 - . --., ',' - ‘,',-', ..,,,„:i•,,-4.,4-,;,).•;:i•l!'*'‘r,t-..' • • - • z .~- ~'.tM~ '.~:s 3:= ;: ~~:,-~; t. -- ;.'1".:..!:',..4 - • . ::.; 1i , ': MS= , r , ~ ~..,.,. , „„ ~.,..,.... ...r. ~.....,,„.::•_,.,,,;•,,-,•.:...2-::.::,.••_,;-,;.-f.-,•-...,-.,-,•::::-'.••.•:4'-:[.:,-;,-•-:-.-..}'::•-.:=_•'...:.:.';,'••••;,-'•••'•-•,----,•••,=.•-•,' • - - • - • --- .4iiittz.,:„' 1 ::'''''.:,';,..;:',.1,.:. -- -, . . . ;-• , I-. . - • .• 1 . . - , I ; .' '',-•( ;,, ; - ;.••I • .- - 5-, I-" - • •. : . • • .. ,•... . . . ..... . .... _ .... . .... .... ...._ .. ~ .• . ; _ _, .... . , • -; •- • •••••A-, - ' - 4 -, -, . ~ i ;..: ..' 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'/ '':' .' / / - 1 ..1 .1.3 : •- • •:: -•—. - • • • --, ! ••!!! !, -!= —.,”- ~:›. . ~, _ : 0 s•: ; -. ;• . ii . . ',... [i.- il 4"..;;11,,,, , -- - , 7 -;:••' •', . . ; . • . .. . ;.-.•• -0 - .A• . - ; • - . ---• 1 --. i 1.11111.1.411 ED - AND EDITED' BY ...L. HARPER,. . N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Sts d-rertisiflg, Torms of $0 50 0 75 1 00 1 50 3 00 4 00 One month, Two Three do, Four do, I Six - do, One year, eitisements, ,Yearly Adv . . CHANGEABLE E=C! Two Squares. Six months, . $2O 00 One .year, 3O 00 in proportimi. t, - rivr. DOLLARS a year.. .11Iagraw 1117.1inig1t, & - Donnelly,, Edmund Snowden, Hamilton Bruce, James Callan, Forwaird .Sr. Swartzwelder, Removal John W. Burrell, Charles DI. Ilays, James S. Craft, Edwin C. Wilson, } Pittsburgh Franklin. , Ohio. juy23-y John A. Parkinsoia; N. Holmes J. Son, Work,. !.r or iron and ye Fourth at. MERCHANTS mar3dy. eet, nest doer • inne6 , - - '''''''-i'!"':, , '-±•f-';' , :' , •':k:i•-• - :' , ' ,. .'f'i'.. -1- °: : :"it -: ..: . .;.''7l: *€ '.;;-,,,':..,''.• '...,•.i,;i:-:•-•;::-'.','.:I.,!.,. George Coclkian, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 26 Wood st., Pittsburgh. n0v.27-y - -- New Boo& Store. TT. S. BOSWORTII & Co., No. 43 Markbt street, rj_,, next door to Third street, are just opening a new and extensive assort rent Books and Station ery, which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the lowest prices. - apt -y SAS ITEL C. HILL. CEO. G. BROWNE, HILL & BROWNE, (SUCCESSORS TO yOLDSIIIP AND DROWN - CO IMPORTERS and Manufacturers of Wall Paper and General Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood re et, Pittsburgh. jeQO • T - $5 00 G 00 700 8 00 10 00 • 15 oo Win. O'Hara Robinson, LATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his o ffi ce to No. 8 St. Clair st. sept4-y L. Wilniarthp LUMBER. MERCHANT, office on Penn street, between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. All commissions will be promptly attended to. mar4-y School Book and Paper Warehouse. LUKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. mar2B.y Pilkinton'a Unrivalled Blacking, yrANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and re x tail, Smithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin alley. 0ct2.1-y ATANUFACTURER of Lard Oil and dealer in ILL Star Candles, Fifth street, near Market, S. W. side. mar24-y COLEMAN. JOHN F. JENNINGS. JAS. W. lIA/LHAN • Coleman, Mailman Ot. Co., ATANUFACTURERS of Carriage Springs and Axles,.. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in coach trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street,•warehouse, 43 Wood street, op posite St. Charles Hotel. jan23-y Flint Glass Establishment. Ar L co N n - s A ta N n -y t,, fk o LED n h.n L d l f.' . cut manufacture moulded and anti keep', plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.— Our works continue in full operation, and we are constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers arc respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sepl6-y Otto ATANUFACTURER or Isconnunrintr TEETH, Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment Of Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety orshatles, as simple Plate, Molars and niscuspidatoes; Gum teeth. Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blOcks made to order; Dentisti supplied with all articles in the pro fession. All orders from aiiroad 'mist be accompan ied by the cash. Platina always on hand. . novl3-y James Blakely,/Alderman. OFFICE on Penn st.,. opPosite D. Leech. & Co's., packet line office. Office hours front 7 o'clock 'A., M., to S o'clock P., M. , Dr. D!!aulel 31,Meal OFFICE onSmithfield, three doors from'Sistla st., Pittsburgh. declo..r Dr. George Wott,. OFFICE, pfn. 77 Sinithfield street, near Sixth Ft.. Pittsburgh. . attg2l-y . • F. Blame, - a. r. STERETT. JACOB WEAVER T . ) LASO FORTE manufacturer and dealer in MO - STERETT & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in sieal Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, fear • Foreign Wows. and Liquors, corner of Market FiW nov l9 -Y and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. Itrferencrs—W & Co., Henry F. Schwep pc, Win. F.ichbaum, B. Weaver. Their stock has been selected with great care, and consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar ket, to whiCh they would respectfully call attention and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises the following in casks and bottles: Wines—Maderias, Sherries, Lishons, Teneriffes, Ports, Malagas Calabrias. Liquors—Brandies, Gins, Rums, and Whiskies. aug2s Sallies Miller. p&INTER, Fifth, near Market et., Military flags, Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel houses, and limy painting of every description neat ly executed at the shortest notice. jy27-d6m J. Crawford, M. D. ESPTCTFULLY tenders his services to the citi zens of Pittsburgh 'and vicinity. Office, St Chtir street, opposite the Eschange Hotel. septl9-d3m• RECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Ailey, Pitt.- burgh, Pa. jy2l—y Hugh SURGEON DENTIST, 115 Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2S-y Ogden & Snowden; kj IiCCESSORS TO AVERY, (XIDEIV & Co., whole sale and retail druggists, and inanufac.turers of white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood and Second sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. novl3-y Martin & Smith, QUCCESSORS to Irvine Sr. Martin, wholesale gro , cers, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. rin, Nood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y John M'Cloakey, 'TUMOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between Sixth street and Virgin Alleyi south side. sepfo-y J. D. WILLIAMS. T I Ws. 31ILLEtt J. D. Williams & Co. WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding and commission merchants, and dealers in country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. lit), Northeast corner or Wood and Fifth streets. sep. S. P. C. Martin, -WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquiors, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. tlO Water street. seps-y L timber t & Shipton, AITIIOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING ✓?< Commission Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 133 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Feb2-r John Scott & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. al9_v J. & J. 11,Devitt, WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2B-y John n. Mellor, AITHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, Piano Forted, Schbol Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. janl-y James Park, Jr., S. Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate and queensware; and dealers in copper and Pittsburgh manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd st., between Wood and Smithfield stir. jal4-nl4-y Selict School. WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old friends that he intends opening a Select School in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l-t Dr. Wm. A& Wright, DENTIST, Office and residence in St. Clair st., a few doors helm% Lib -1111111 crty, near the Exchanco Hotel. marl l-y • John Cartwright. CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Derital instruments, Bankers', Tailors', Hatters>, Hair Dressers , and Tan ners' Patent Shears, Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, &c. j 024 . . Henry'W. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry %V. Williams, Esq., and' myself, in the prac tice-of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult. and the business will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. -.. i :: +.4 ' . t '' ',.i.:,-;,,il "AI • '4.1 t f;,* rA.4. 6 4, 1 „ • ....,•••••,'.."'• • ;• - tf..0..1 .—. :0..:A.:••••' , • SEE ~-; 7,, • .: - ..- .- - ":I'l - ';'"1-''''',:,.._ ~ i, EMEI .;.1 , .1 . :.t.. , ,:',.:: - :,_:..,. - '.i~ ~ . {., DI. C. Eden J. Bryar, WALTER II LOWRIE MEM • • „ • 5 `. • 7 .„ , • • • ;•••. • . .. . . ~ ...... ..:•:;; , 54 , .:..',..^ ; , /' , -.?.l;'i,"'r . . E=M =MOM , • .: 7 - : ;i , i.1:.i',.,--,,:-_.',:3::1,-4•:iii”,:,' 4 f. ; ~ .3 _~.: _: a:~ ..':',,,, - :...: , ; . _, - -i - i:..:: UM= PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, ,OCTOBER ,25,,1846, Franklin House, Fourth street, Between Smithfield and Grant Streets, Pittssburgh CCHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect fully informs his friends and the publia general ly, that he will open the aboie splendid House on the Ist day of May next. The Mollie being new ; and finished in - sho most commodious and convenient manner; and having it furnished with the newest and Most beutiful style ..of furniture; flatters himself that he will be able to i.e., commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a manner not inferior . to any similar establishment in, the city. • • - As the House is situated near the Court Honse, ar tangements have been made to serve up mealiknt any hour in the day, this will be great convenience to those Who are in attendance at court. • irr Refreshments of all kinds can be had ders taken by the week or day. Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. ap3o Washington Hotel, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie tor begs leave to return his most Frutefill thaliks to his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par ties. Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the Market will af ford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received every day during the season. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the estgblishinent, P. S. A llot Lunch served up everyday at 11, A. M. • ap IS-y. Canal Boat House BY It. Doss Err, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to their advantage to patronize hits. Persons travelling cast or welt will find this house a convenient loca tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. Eve.iy information given to Iron Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Ironic brcn•ed ale can at all times be had at the bar. novlo.r Lafayette Itefreetory- IkTO.S. GI and 6:1. Wood street, under Lynd's Auc -111 Lion store. The subscribers have fitted up the above place in superinr style, and they feel assured will give comfort and satisfaction to all whu may visit them. Arrangements have . heon made to have a constant supply of Fresh Oysters, wltich will be served up to visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of the choicest kinds.always on hand. Their liar is filled with the best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior qual ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto is, every luxury in its season. Prices moderate. nos - 10-y OGDEN Sr, GIBSON: Burnt District It;tel ISAAC :%1 1 / 1 1DOCK, formerly of the Union Ilotel on Water Ftrret, haying been burnt o u t, has built a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of traveler., at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which Will be known as the Burnt District I lute!. lie is now prepared to oll'er every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges. lie is provided with ample and convenient ambling. decl2-v Exchange Hotel, CORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL LEN BROWN, PriormETOß.—Terms $l,OO per day. Theo ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants Hotel, corner of,: Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior e stablishment, and furnished it anew throughout, with new beds. new bedding and neiV furniture. Great care has been taken to fill his cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon are provided liir the use of his guests, and a l'orter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex perience of the undersigned in this business, assures him that his easnest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be unsuccesstiil. Ile feels altog ether at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortabl and cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a moderate expenem ALLEN BROWN. ap3-dlf Co-Partnership. -WILLIAM COLEMAN baring, on the first day January, inst., associated with him Jas. W. Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the nammanit style or Coleman, liailman & co., will now have in creased ricilities fur manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by stria attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. —Warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the St. Charles Hotel, where can be found a good 'assortment of Springs, Axles, A. 8., and Spring Steel, and, Coach , Trimmings of every description f together with Iron,' Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. ;p - The highest price paid fur scrap iron. jan32 A. Fulton, DELL AN o D BRASS Fo mErt, has rebuilt and JUD commenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his• old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of eery size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds,lcast from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Sze. together with every variety or Brass Caetings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated for theteduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3-y G. W. Biddle, Dentist. ' HAS removed to No. 109 Smith field st., where he will perform all operations on the Teeth satisfac- V, torily. , N. IL—Having lately made one P. .1%, of the greatest improvements in / • - forceps that has ever appeared be t,fore the public, he has been able i • to extract teeth with such ease t as to astonish all those who have availed themselves Ofhis services . . Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-1 y . . William McKee STILL continues in his old business of manufactur ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on band, or made to order in the shortest notice, any amount of work, by the best of workmen and good materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requested to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. ap7-y GEORGE BAILEY, G PLUMBER AND MANEFACTURER OF 11 Pumps and Hydrants, Which are superior to and cheaper than any in the city. Please to call andexamine for yourselves. FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN SKFTIFFIELD AND CRERRY ALLEY tett - Hydrants and Pumps repaired. janl-wB&dy =l2M=lth GEO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot offine Lawns which will be sold at the very low price of 181 cents per yard, persons who want .a good article, at a low prioe,.would do well to call soon. Also on hand a good stock of Naniook muslins for Ladies Dresses very cheap at jel3 No. 106 Market street. Zli;:-.;:fit% :4'.'-:. ...j;';'e.-•-.,i4V•,;-,?; -'ir.n',. . •''''-'-:,,:?.5,,..j.,7t-!..::',.:.. -' ' e * •••• .1' ... ..:•:::',-:::„...: ),.,:.":-:::;..-:::,....,--, oVai-1&-:4-1:''' NEMO ti - :,-':.• . ,,. , .:5.;-. ,, :.:1-; , .,-!- - ::'.' - ;'.1.r. - ,. "'::.,7 - •.. - ., - ..!: ',:p..!f:i':-•:•_ .- ;•;:. 1, ',;: , .•;,t': , ;i.: - .. ,- 1;_ - ::' .:,!.,:i!';'f'.•..:'...'i,.:.:.:,:..,'.71'',.::::'.':: ,• ~ : ..._. ..,-.- ........_..,. l ' • 77 .•*t • t ;, ' - .. ' ii ., - ' ''.' - ' '::•• ' - ' -', ' - ' :, • ' - ', • .. , ':';',:;,•:'. - -f:,•• • \:•.--;.5.-:?,,j7...:::',fi,r...i. Divans, Ottomans, Victoria Chairs, French do, • Plain do, " Centre Tables, " Card do, " Bureaus of every description, End Tables, . Marble Top Pier do, " Centre do, " Sofa do, " Tresing Bureaus, " Wash Stapils, ' Mahogany Work StaWs, Dat Racks, " Rocking Chairs, " Sewing do, " Music Stools, " Arm Chairs " French Bedsteads, " Butlers' Trays. Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant ed proof against bugs; and superior to any now offer ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs, of the best quality,and a new style of arm chair with spring seat, well adapted for offices or societies ; with a variety of other-articles too numerous to mention. We have at considerable expense introduced into our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with machinery, which will enable us to sellovholesale and retail, at reduced prices. • The attention of Western Merchants, and persons. moving West, is invited to our hew and extensive establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re quested to give us a call, an they will find they can purchase from us for less than they can manufac ture. Orders from .a distance will receive prompt attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed. Steamboats and hotels furnished at the shortest no tice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS & KANE. N: B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to. marlo-y • R. & K. MEM •'. ~~~;' ; .~ ;`t' MESS . „ • ISE Lard . 011 at,a!Roduced Price THE subscriber would respectfully inform hie friends and the public in general.; that his new Factory is now completed, and with a large addition to his machinery , he is prepared to make considera ble quantities of A. superior article of Lard Oil, which he is determined-to sell cheap, fully apprecia ting the old'proverb, that 4, a 'nimble sixpence is worth more than a slew. lie -feels confi dent that consumers would find it, to ,iheir adiantage to give him a call and biatriine for' themselves. Wooleti inanufacturerti, machinists and others, are respectfully invited to examine his superior oil, Fifth street, near Market, opposite Hunker , a Confection ary store, and Messrs:' Samuel M'Clurken & Co., Liberty street. M. C: EDEY; Pittsburge Lard Oil Manufacturer. A superior quality of Star Candles, always on hand, of assorted. sizes. • mar24-y Orriameutea Hair Work MitS. RENTER , Wig Maker, s.l.lleglieny City, six doors from the Aqueduct, opposite; the Collectors Office, wishes to inform the pub lic that she has just commenced the Ornamental Hair business, and has a very superior stock, re ceived from the Eastern cities and Paris; anaahe is prepared to till all orders at the shortest notice, Lod in a manner that cannot be ixcelled by any similar nlant4c- and intends keeping, a large as sortment of Ornamental Hair Work, such es Ladies' Wigs,Bands, Braids, Curls, Necklaces,' Guards, firacletir, Finger Rings, &c. Gentle/netts' Wigs, Tanpries, Scratches, &c. Mrs. R. has been for many years engaged in the business in France and the United States, and from her long and experience, she feels confident in being able 'to give satisfaction to all who will favor , Fher with their patronage. Her prices arc more liberal than have been offered in this city heretofore. mar 17-ly VENITI.tN lII.IND FACTO ItITT ANDREW WHITE'S VENFTIAN BLIND FACTORY. PITT srlerm, PETWEEN PENN AND LIDENTO r the junction of Ferry. and Liberty, adjoining Kink aid's Plough Factory, where he continues to manufacture the best artitte made in Pittshorgh or Allegheny, without fear of Contradiction, which will he sold at the lowest possible rates for cash. Aso, S ENITI.VN SIIUTTERS, Stationary. and Revolving. Ofr fly Venitian Mimes are always kept for sale by 11.11. RA" on Vial' street. octl-ly gr... M. Mc DONALD, Bell and Brass VT... : 1 , :Z.t; Fooadre. First street. near Market. is ':- prep trei to make Brass Castings and /V"... ; 1' ' ..r. Brass works;‘ , enerally on the most ...;z7:__:. : !, reason.thle terms ' and shortest notice. -..ii&i:ii - Ile invites imichinists, aad all tlici.. using brass works to give him a call, as he is de termined to do all viork•in his line very low. may 27 . 1 y Landers li'li %tin i'riantedi 'CliiideiiiSeeia, DIRECT FROM PHILADELPHIA. Each paper bears the label and warranty' of DAvto Lev- Dam:. Fur sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, No: 2P Water St., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry. Extract from the .Report of the Visiting Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani mously- adopted and ordered to be printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS. "These extensive grounds are on Federal street, I near the Arsenal. • • • • The earliest collec rim' of Camellias was made here. Some. of those now 41 possession of those distinguished nurserymen I are ten feet high. " • • • The seNction og Gar.e.-v-iroese TLANTS it Valuable and extensive. "Thu Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup plying every part of the Union, a detail of which would occupy too much of our space, we therefore content ourselves with stating that the stock is very large, and in every stage of growth, consisting of FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL. TREES, EVER— oREENs, SHRUBS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with a collection of berbacceous plants, fruit trees of the best kind and most healthy condition, largo beds of i seeding apples, pears, plums, Ese., as stocks for bud dim, and grafting; a plan very superior to that en l working upon suckers, which carry with them into' the grail all the diseases of the parent stock. • ' "GARDEN SEEDS of the finest quality have been scattered over the. country from these grounds, and may always be depended upon. The seed establish ment of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex tensive in the Union, and its reputation is Well !attain- • ed from year to year. "To obviate, the chance of mixture Of the farina of the plants of the same family, they have established another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene ration cannot take place, and which secures to the purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the age, quality and process of culture of every plant, the supply from their grounds is recommended with great confidence." .* Since the date of the 'Report' from which the above is atracted, the entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable planß, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c. The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the whole is, as it has been for more than halra century, under the successive management of father and son, the most prominent in America. VT Orders received by F, L. SNOWDEN, from whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-v 1013320 rpuE subscriber begs leave respectfully to return his gratetid acknowlegcments for the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon him for years past, and par ticularly to those who so generously patronized him since his mildi,rtune by the late lire. Having consid erably enlarged his !Amines by associating with Wm. B. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a continuance of thrmer favors to the new firth of Roberts & Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten tion to business they will give general satisfaction. M. 'KANE, Jr. REMOVAL The subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removeil to their new warehouse on Third between Market and Wood streets, south side, where they truselby strict attention to business, to merit a share of public pa tronage. They-solicit attention to their extensive stock on hand, which has been getup with great care, in the, latest style and most substantial manner, con sisting in part of the following articles, viz: Mahogany Wardrobes, Dressing Bureaus, et Book Case and Secretaries, Section Back &Aim, if Plane' do,, NEEMM ... '',..;:;:f::1;1 ' ..:::,.f .' ,..: ::"..:'•: . i ,.. ct' . ::'..-'::,,•,- \; .':' ,. ' ;-!- J 4, Yi.::' , ' , : , '.:: .- ':4 - .-:.,:-:':. ~ ~,• •,,,,,,,,-- -_ :;~_: • , - • Now Hat anti Cap Stara'. MIS. H. POULSON, (late of the firm 'Poulson & having opened his new store at No. 73, Wood: street, next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and Tecei ving frem the Eastern cities a very Jorge assortment of hats and caps of every description, warranted to be made in the best manner and of the best materials. Otter, Sdll, fine and common Muskrat, Sealette, Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps. Also, a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such as Lynx ' Fitch, Genet and Coney Muffs and Tippets and - ft! r trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at eastern.prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country merchants will please call and examine my 'stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' - CHAS. H. POULSON. N.,13y The Fall Fashinn for Hats and Caps receiv ed: sep27y. Money Wanted. In exchange for Hata and Caps. 4 subscriber would inform the public that lie has received his fall stock of Cap's, all of which have been 'principally made to his, order, and as his purchases has been made on the;cash system, he is enabled to sell his stock. of Hats and Caps at unusually lbw prices for cash. his stbek does not - consist of the cuttings of Eastern houses, but aro' all a fresh manufactured article.] 'Neither is his establishment replenished with the :old stock from eastern markets; The Proprietor being a hatter l and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as tsf elf as profes4ion, he is also daily man ufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, and for their realness and tlitrability, cannot be Aur passed.- All of which he Offers at wholesuln and retail, and at leach prices; as cannot fail to please the purchaser: • W. CLASSGOW, No. 162, Wo(id street, third door below John D. Da via, Commercial Auction Rooms. septo. Fait Fashion or Hats. At Kr.: F. vll.'B, to-morrow; Thursday Augu;t 4 :7th, a seat and cheap article of Pittsburgh manufacture can be hail at the above store, ahead of tlishionable hats imported from the East. KEEVIL & CO., : .. N o 152 head of Wooll st. 'BENI. ESTATE AGElteli. .TANIM ELAKFILIi, JOHN 3. AUTCHEL, A /*nth:7, Aflornry at Law. BI,A IC L MI`t'CHEL, iONTINCE to attend to the sellingand renting C of Real FUtato in the City of Pittsburgh tvid vi cinity. Having determined to devote a large portion td - their tune to; this branch of business, they - with confidence solieir a share of the patronage of the public; from the facility they.p,searand the experi ence they have (the Senior partner having been en gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 years,) they believe that they will give general satisfaction. Office on Penn et.. near the.l.T. S. Hotel, and Smith 11,11d st.; between Diamond Alley and Filth street. j.V7 .., 12 cartoons of - rich Bonnet Rib-J bons; Velvet and Bonnet Silk 4 French and. AtuerH can Flowers, in great variety; Braid and Straw, Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment or gentlemen's wear, such as Cravats, Shirts, 'under Shirts and Drawers; Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, all of which will be sold at a small advance over New York cost. \V. H. GARRAItD, sept 16 79 Market street. Vallytwkilty Law SphooL rpm: FALL SESSION of this department of the, j_ Western University, will commence in the net, University Building, on the FIRST :MONDAY OF SEP- r FEEDER next, and 'tire SPRING SESSION of 1847,1 will commence on the FIRST MONDAY OF FEBRUARY 1 following. This institution having so far recovered from the effects of the great tire of April last year, as to have the DOW building nearly completed with increased accommodations for all its departments, it is hoped that the Law School will be found to present increas ed Facilities and attractions to those who desire to pursue a regular and thorough course of legal educa tion, and to prepare themselves creditably for ad mittance to the bar. There will be daily recitations by the classes nn assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace, within a two years course, all the principal and most im portant branches of the la7w. Occasional lectures on law and equity, will also be delivered as part of the course. Tim Moor COURT, designed for assisting students in acquiring knowledge and readiness in the prac tice of the law will be resumed as soon as the num tier of students will justify. The degree of BACUE- Lon or LANs' will; be conferred on students of the accordilig the rules usual in such institu tions. Any. further information that may be required can readily be obtained on application to the Professor, WA LTF.II 1!. Low nr E, who has , his office on 4th above Smithfield street; Pittsburgh. Trams—Seventy-live dollars a year, or thirty-sev en and a half dollars a session. aitg6 dam Pittsburgh and Connellsrille Rail Road Company. NTOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a resolution of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad Company, authorizing an increase of the capital of said Company, and directing an additional subscription, books will be opened for receiving additional , subscription to the stock of the Company, at the alike of Wm. Lorimer, Jr., in 4th street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, on Friday the 9th day of September. The books will remain open from 'fit A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said day; and from day to day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite number of shares be subscrited, or until otherwise ordered. By order of the Directors. sep2 WM. ROBINSON; Jr. Pres't: ~,J UST IN TIME FOR CHEAP BARGAINS:. Just received, a splendid assortment. of Spring and and Summergoods, Unsurpassed for.quantity, quality or Style. The Proprietor of this establishment Likes great pleasure in informing his friends and the public In general, that he is now prepared to fill all order, that his Numerous customers may favor hits with. Strangers and _Travelers would do well, in visiting the Iron City, to call and examine his extenkive and well Made stock of ready made clothing. Ire has a corn. plete assortment of English cloth, to whiCh ho would invite attention, also,' French cloths of every color anduality, with he is Offering at a very small advance o)f eastern prices. Remember at this store you are not asked two prices, being Convinced that small profits and quick sales is tlm best way to secure custom. Having in his employ the kest,h9 can war e rant Every article made atlas establishment to fit well,; And to be of the best materials; lie would again In. site ' Purchasers generally to give him a call Before purchasing in tutyrother place, As he is confident that he an sell them as good goods at as Reasonable prices as any house in this city, Going so far as to say a little cheaper. All his gOods are new; and of handsome patterns, purchased In the the cast but a few weeks since. The subscri . her . Now returns his thanks to his friends and the public in general, and Solicits a continuance of their favors: Iron City Clothing Store, 1ir0.132 Liberty street: mar 7 C. IVPCLOSKEY. .-.: • .. : , . :; . ,7,...,. y.i,..1 . - : , .......' : - .';[3,•',, ! , ,. '.f+1':;.;"';;;.'j:7..,.-.. lIM =II .1. - - 5 ' =MI 1 - ,~y ~ ',i l Y , :'-'•i'1 ., i...':•:,'...'j =EMS MEE VICESTS ALL GOODS AT THE NEW YORK STORK. 10 Cases-rich Ril op ds; French toil English Cash icres,and Moos. to Laines ; Gala ; Lohrain lain French (oak Cloths; tinted and plaid loakings; a frill ssortment of 'reach Broche, tinted Cashmere Ik. and colored 'hibot, plain and h r o LAMS, plain ank 'il'd Gingharns,' ,crinos,.Al paean Id plain . i 4. de lines; plain, tilk of rich colored An Acrostic i'.-.: ,-, ;. , . . ... '.-4..,,';:i.::.'..3t.-:•'4.::•'.f:.',;'::'!'.•:-'''i:;.-':' ,'-\:.-...'::;,..-.',..!:', =EN =NM - :" , -;;: - .. ,-1 7 , !.H . :';'.' - ; -, . ' . i.tii,', _.. ... --. . MEI - -- . - --- - - • - 4 ~Y _ ~~. iniffM MEM ~~ ~ 1:.: )...::', - ;:•;•::,' ; ',:: ,, ,...,...,; . .....,...'.....: ! • r :• , ..7,........ r - ! ..-. ....r ...... ' , -'::!-..';',• P' ; ''' - " . ."• -,•:- . • •• • ....-..:. . • 7?: 1 ; . ;: ; i.; : .. - . 1, :;,....'- , .1:, ' 'r:"..• i i, :. ' - : 1- .•r , ', 1 ; : . fr,,, •i5i,7:;:it . ;'., , ,•..t:::' -; :- . 1::,::.ft z, : , :,:Y: = .-';; . -_1:- , i(::: : '.7•: ; ~4 ..:._, , :i. . ., ' ,., ,, ..:, ' fE:':.13f.t':•. ; 1,•:1!:-:,:- : :: : 1!. -• :. : ';', ; :;7:.,, - -- ~',..,if..:-±:,til]•,-.L.:::-,,-,.'::,';1.:!•-,..•., . ....._ . ..,., 4:::,,-;.,:••.;;t:..,.,-,:i.4.-:',',-'A-i::-! 'I';:;j!:',:::E' ''' ' "' - ''''''''' . :':'• . %:',..:), , i.: .. ,7i-.';- - - .....,. :; . i . .• - ; -. ..',r.:,','.'• - ,. s_ ~` OMR : . ... . . ~.,..,.., _.. #:-!'l'.. I:'.'-"'C'--•.'-'.;.:',-.';'...-iFt-';'.-..: ,;.: e .; '2 . •• , ISM MERE MEI ; , .'.• -, '')A:.!;',.''J":.:•::.:, ..4.7,.7.1,-.,..i -',•;-,M34.,..,";i. - : ", : 1y,.: - _, , , , !. , .!. - ..;‘:,.. , ;,:'. - ,-:-..:,2.,;', I ‘. - : - :• . ' . . ; :': . 'N:'... - :'-.'4.' - 1 - ,'i ,. ~';-::?,1;..;..:_•':::',:i::..',...'..1:..,.i..:1;.• '''. ','.-....';",•-?:;'1L.);1.!-:;-..:,-,i':'.`-,%1`: FNMA •;. -.,,ii-•;..-;L;:;..!.'.;.':'[.:;:::-k'-:- '..-.i..1 - . , ',,,J!,3i..-.,r,;!,..;::..i.:11.:-7ii-;. TWO 00 augur; in equal proportions f 1 , and finch .. ~ . , 150 lb. brass kettles; assorted sizes. The'sum of sl`ooo is to he expanded articles; and the quantity will, be-iriert rninished to•rneet that stud, , itis?-itorsai exhibited of them, if emit beitoultraf42ol4 to be of the big quality, .' ALSO; , 1 . • The'following agricultural =gems , ' able at New York:: ! '-- t• ' 1 180 axes, to weighfrom '4i to si poi 180 half-axes, to; weigh 3} pounds 1000 weeding hoes, assorted sizes i .1 7 t 75 single-horse :Ploughs, with clew iron mould.boards -'450 pairs trace-chains, bright straight links, each chain to- be' 0 feet 4.-inches in length, and to weigh not less than,3+ pounds 55 log:chains, each chain to weigh 25 Potindli, 550 best No. 10 Whittmore cotton cards 20 cross-cut saws, 7 feet in length 20 do deli 0 feet in length 100-" single-cut,"e-cut," cross-cat saw files • :., ' 150 hand•kaws, of good quality . 120 hand saw files ' 75 drawing-knives, 12 inches in length . 850 ' , quarters" screw augurs, in equal , propos'. thins of - , 2-inch," l -1-inrh," andiuli-inch."„ 1100 "quarters; "socket-chisels," ' in equal -pro, portions of li. 1 and 4 inch ~I 75 planes, complete, equal proportion • .. and jack" . • -{ The sum of 82000 is to be expend above artielee, and the quantity will WI or diminished tb meet that Stith. AS i will be exhibited of them, it mast it midi' they are to be of the hest quality. . 1 - ! GUNS. I In addition to the above and forego} will be required 660 north-west guns, t.w, which must measure 30 inches in length) and one-third - 43 inches; to be delivered a where manufactured or in the city of Nei'? Philadelphia, as may be required; sample are deposited in the office of the Commit Indian Affairs. ' I There will als6 be required 100 Ind more or less; but as the department has i able sample it is expected that each bidd company his bid with a sample of the I. proposes to furnish. . The above proposals may , be l divided parts, for each place of delivery; viz: , Ist. Blankets. ' 2d. D • Goods • ' r) : • ' • 3d. Hard Ware, to include the agribUltur, ibents. ". 4th Axei and hatehets. sth. Northwest guns and rides. The lowest competent responsible bidd receive the whole or any part of the, tonti cordingto the abbve scale, the department ing to itself the.right to determine - whether'. der is competent and responsible or not. A schedule of the articles, with sainpl be seen at the office of the Commiesioner o f Affairs, in Washington, exhibiting. the am money to be expended for each article; but, 'partmentteierves the right to increase or di I the quantity of any of the articles' named , 1 !stitute others in lieu , thereof - i ] }i The whole atilbiiitt in mone y to be - ap t l ied: the purchase of goods, will be about $B5, 00; 'of ;which some $lO,OOO will be wanted on the sea - , t board, and the res i d ue in the west.. Goods of. A , imerican manufacture, all other things being equal, twill be preferred, but as all the'simples of blankets and cloths on hand ale of foreign manufacture, it 'will be necessary, when a dorriestic article is bid fbr, that the sample of it shoidd accoltiPany the . Hi, to enable the department to decide whetherlit is 'of equal quality with the samples to be exhibited. The party proposing to supply the articles will 1 make an invoice of all the items embraced in the above list, and affix the prices, in dollars and cents, ,at which he or they Will furnish them, deliverable in New York and .St.: Louis respectively, mil or be fore the fifteenth day of May next; assuming the quantity of each article as. specified in this aaer tisement; and extending the cost, making an aggre gate of the whole invoite.bef ore . sending it on. The goods will be inspected at New York i or St. 'Louis by an agent of the United States, who will 'be appointed by the department for the perpose, land 'to ascertain the Conformity of the articles pur chased with the samples exhibited; when the con tract shall be mailE i and with the terms of the con tract itself, which shall contain a tlause, that if the articles are not furnished within the time pre icribed, or if they arc of instiffiCient (futility, in the opinion of the agent aforesaid, and,,if with)] five days after notice of such insufficiency the 'party shall not furnish others in lieu , thereof, of;he re quired quality, the United States shall be atitheri zed to purchase them of otheri ' and, to charge any increase of price they may he compelled to pay therefor to the contractor, who shall pay the said difference to the United States. r ~ Bonds will be reqhired, in the amount Of the bids, with two good sureties, the stillitieney of whom to be certified by a United States judge. or district attorney; for; the faithful p.erformance of the contracts. Paynrient will be made after the Contract is completed, and the delivery of th'dgoolis at New York and St. Louis respectively, Ito! an agent of the department; upon a duplitate invoice Certified by hint : I , ,I Commiudeations to be marked, a Proposals Ifor Indian goods." ; I The bids will be stibinitted With the following' heading; and none Ns - ill be received that are not made in the form anditerms here prescribedf. "1 (or we) propose to furnish, for the service of the Indian Department. the following goods' at the twices affixed to them respectively. viz: (Here insert the list of goods.)' "Deliverable in the city of New York or St. Louis, on or before the -•- .-iday of . --1 next; land in case of the acceptance of his proposal, the quantity being prescribed by the .department .I (or we) will execute '.a clrtract , aceording po this agreement, and ~, ,i vef'safisfactoty securityito the department, within teu days after the acceptance of, this ; bid; and in taifi of failure to enter into such contract, and give such security 4 (or we) dill pay to the United States the didcrence between the sums bidden by me, (or us,)7and the sum. whichithe United States may be obliged to pay for the same articles." Each and every bid must also be accompanied with a guarantee in the following form, tobe sign ed by one or more responsible persons f whose suffi ciency must be certific'hy some onewho is known to the department, eitb r personally or by , his of& dal position: LLL "I (or 10) hereby guaranty that ----, the above bidder, will comply with the tetras of the advertlsement for .Proposals for Indian goods," dated October 1, IS4ti, if the contract should he awarded to him, and•enter into bond for the execug tiou of the same within the time prescribed. OEIE. I ] [SEAL.) Wait DAP/MT-HE:4f,, Urzicz INDIAN! Arr.uns, October 1,1, • Ccithmithsioner of Indian oct7-3tawtl.4nov. . :• ;tf: ::::-'-,.ic , ,.'!: , .; , • .- .';:",.:? , , , '.: . ';: - .-.''._'1..•.-;,,i',:!'0•1,-.',,:i'.•''.-•,.,:: ~ :..::- _ '..11 . i',: i ...'' - . - •'.''1::!. , :!•,:::. , :'7,- -- ,''''.:' . - , :! - :, -, . : 1 ; .... • .: ....... ,- -..i.. - ::.•='`. -, ! 1 -:7' - _=:, - ,'. ~... ~. ~„..,..,... . . t .. 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