The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 17, 1846, Image 4

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li.elinnee - Portnbie Boat Line.
. _.
M 1 . 846. ' , a -- r-
OR' transporting good between Pittsburgh and the
-, Eastern cities without transhipping. This old ,
established hue (being the oldestportable boat line on
the canal) is now Prepared to receive produce and
merchandise for shipping either East or West. The
bdata by this line are commanded by skilful, expe
rienced- and sober captains, and provided with good
crows. Boats and cargoes are transferred from and
to canal 'and and railroad, saving all removal and separa
o'n of goods. Trips made in as short - tirtio, and
goods carried on as fair terms-as any other line.,
Thankful- for, and reshpetfullz soliciting a continu- '
;ince of the very liberal and growing patronage here
bestowed upon this line,,we with. confidence
annul , those merchants disposed to favor us, that their
businesii shall be done to theif -entire satisfaction.
. Goods carried by us; consigned - to either of- our '
houses, will be shipped to their destination free of
charge for shiPping, storage or 'advance of charges.
' Asive hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchants
may depend upon their goods always being forwarded
without delay, upon good - boats' and at the lowest
rates or freight -, '
Produce consigned to our hotise at Philadelphia for
sale, Will be sold on liberal terms, and advances made
- either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. - .
. . . 'JOHN MeFADEN & Co., Perin st.,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.,'
r. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co.; 249 and 251,
- aprlo-thn , Market at., Philadelphia.
- .
Pittsburgh Portable Boat Liste,
7 !HEM 1846. -Lejk..lll- - t
, OR the transportation of freight . ffietween Pitts
7 bargh and the -Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania
- mprovaments and Baltimore and Susquehanna rail
The Proprietors of this old Otaldished line, having
completed their arrangements, are prepared to for
ward goods to and from-the -East (on the opening of
the canal navigation,) orv / as reasonable terms as any
other responsible line,/and are determined that no
care or attention on their part shall be wanting to se
cure a.Continuancetif that patronage so liberally be
stowed-upon themTurseveral years past.
.. . The decided*ccess of the portable boat system,
lio manifest in i the regularity and despatch experienced
'-Zia the delivery - of goods, the absence of all risk of
delay, lirealtne or other damage, incident to the old
system, ycliere goodslave to be hurriedly transhipped
three Woes on the way, and the merchantable order
in which .produce has been avowedly delivered by
them has induced the proprietors to increase their
stack , 'Considerably this season. Their extensive
warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other
line,) affords them facilities to conduct their business
1- - with- despatch; and to shippers the convenience of
. free storage, if 9equired, until their, arrangements are
' completewhile their long experience iu the carry-,
ing trade, it is presumed, will be sufficient guarantee
to their patrons and the public that they will succes; - -
fully.exart themselves togive general satisfaction.
, . Produce.-received forwarded, steamboat charges
paid, and bills liding transmitted free of charge. for
commission,advancing or storage, and all communi
cations to the following agents promptly attended to:
. Cor. Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh.
. .
' . 27S Market street, Philadelphia.
- • O'CONNORS 4. , ; co.,
ateirpl-y North st., Biltimord.
VlL!ighturi`a Tru.nsport at Lou L tux
. .
li }2 a * tui•
w . •
(31DINPUCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping principles,
though 'not claiming to be the only line that is so
conducted., The proprietors of this old established
• iine put their stock in the most complete order,
\ and are thoroughly prepared to forward produce and
merchandize to' and from the Eastern cities on the
opening of navigation.„
We trust that our long experience in the carrying
business,and zealous attention to the intemsts of cus
tomers,. will secure to us, a continuance and increase
Of - the-patronage heretofore bestowed on 'Bingliam's
- Oar-arrangements will enable us to carry freight
with the utmostdespatch; and our prices shall always
be as low as' the lowest charged by other responsible
.`• Produce and merchandise will be received and for
warded east and-Nest without any chdrge for ad verti.
aingistoragc orcommission. . •
. Bills of lading forwarded, and .every direction
promptly attended to.
Address, or 1V I. BINGO-AM,
Canal Basin, con Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittsb'g,
- ' No. 276 Market st.,Thilalelphia,
N 0.122 North Howard st., Baltimore,
aprlol. No. 10 West et., New York
Independent Portable Boat Line
• 7. 1
1816.. •
OR the transportation of produce and merchan
-X- disc to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore and
Philadelphia; o:rwithout transhipping... Goods con
signed to our care, wW be f,3rwarded w.iiiout delay,
at the lowest' current rates; Bills of Lading trans
mitted` and all instructions prmupti.i, attended to,
free Tram any extra charge for storage or Commis
sion. Address
- C. A. MeANtl - LTY Ex Co.,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.:
. . ROSE, MERRILL is. Co.,
• .• Smith's Wharf, Baltimore.
jy23 - ' • Broad 'Bt., Philadelpliia.
.IPlekis•?rth's Way Frfight Line.
1846 -,-ii,t...,
• - L ., XCLCSIVELY for the tranipoxtation of way'
• ..U4 freight betvi•ecti Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns- j
ttinAHollidaysburgli, Watef Street, and all_ inter
in tate places.
ne boat leaves the Warehouse of C: A. McAnui
t. , f 4 CO., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and
• Shippers. can always depend on hying their goods
fori , arded without delay and on, accommodating
-, terms.
' • . We respectfully solicit your patronage.
.LlPickworth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Paris and
ra'cifte. '
T. IL, Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine.
' John iller of cars on Portage Rail Bead. 1
J. PICKWORTH,CanaI - Basin,,Johnstown,
JOHN MILLER, 4 ' 6 Hollidaysburgh,
C. A. APANULTY 6: CO, 66 Pittsburgh.
TO BALTIMORE, in 32 hours—fare $lO.
TO PHILADELPHIA in 40 hours—fare $l2.
ONLY 73 M I LES szaousel
d'" l . U. S. MAIL.
The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation
already attained by this pleasant passenger Route,
has induced the Post Master General, to 'place the
New York and . Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, up
on it. -'
The "superior and swift steamers CONSUL and
LOUIS M'LANE, leaves tike Monongahela Wharf
probisely at S o'clock every morning, and at 6 ot
c.l6ck every everting, except Sundays. Splendid
Coacites await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans
port Passengers and Mail, only '73 miles to the Rail
Road at Cumberland.
-The preparations on this route are ample, and the
connections complete, so thatilisappointment or de
lays will be unknown upon it.
By our tickets, passengers can delay atCumberland
or at Baltimore, daring their pleasure, and continue
their jonrney_oither . by steamboat or cars to Phila
,Office in the "St. Charles Hotel," Wood st. Pitts
burgh. J. ME.SKIIIIEN,
j 213 1 - . ' A_getit.
1 0 : 1ftlx Ward Livo*y Stable.
74 THE subscriber, having bought out the
well known Livery Stable kept .ht C. B.
Doty, in the ffifth Ward, respectfully tnfonns his
friends and the public generally, that he will keep at
all times a stock of the best description of riding
horses, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in short
everything required in his line of business.
A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he
is confident that no stock in the city will be superior
to his.. •
. His terms will be moderate. His stable is on Lib
erty. street, a •few doors above the - canal bridge,
where he respectfully solicits a share of public pa
in-He is also presided with an elegant 'Hearse,
which will be famished when , required. oct2s-if
Hats: Hats:
SPRING rASHION.—Just received by
express froin New York; the Spring Style '--
of Hats. Allihose in want of a neat superior Ha
are respectfully invited to call. S. MOORE,
N 0.93 Wood st., 3 doors below Diamond Alley.
maill-wp •
, .
5 .•
, , •
`7»,£"4,7% :
.• " :
. .
‘.l'o.ii - 04ti.a.i. i ..i..g,iii...6.:'...
TapseotVe General Ernigrattion °Mee:
• •
.At'S 'REMITTANCESAnd- passag to
lazialvo, by W.& J. T. Tapscott
V. South street, corner ofMaiden Lane, New York
and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. .
The subscribers having accepted the agency o
the above house, are now prepared to make arrang
- meats apon the most liberal terms .with those desi
roue, of paying the passage of their Mends from th
old Country, and flatter theinehelr'S their characte
and long standing in businessT7rill-give ample as
surance that all their arrange Tents will be carrie.
out faithfully
Messrs: W. &.1. T. TopscOtt, are long and favora
bly known for the.,smpeOr accommodatio.
and . Lining qualities. oP their Packet Ships. Th..
ERPQOD, and SIpT/ONS, two of which leave east
'Port. monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th an.
from Liverpool / the 6th and 11th, in addition- -
they have arrangements with the St.. George an.
Union. Lineiof Liverpool Packets toinsure a depar
titre from,Liverptiol,every fiv edays being thus timer
mined, i their facilities shall keep pace with their in
creasing patronage, while Mr. W. Tapscott's cons tan
perisOnal sunerintendance of the business in Liver
pod] is an additional security that the comfort an.
accommodation of the passengers i"
will be partic
'ltaly attended to._
The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enga
ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg
and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take
charge of and forward passengers immediately o
their landing, without a chance of disappointment o
delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pas
sagerom any tea port iu Great Britain or Ireland to
this City; the nature of the business they arc engage.
in giving them facilities for carrying passengers s.
tar inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if tie
cessary,)• forward passengers further West by th •
best mode of conveyance, without any addition'
charges fur their trouble. Where persons sent for
decline coming out, the amount paid for passage wil
be refunded in full.
The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at
sight, for any amount payable at .the principal Cities
and 1 Towns in England,-.lreland, Sootland and
Wales; thus affording a sate - and expeditious mode of
Iternitting funds to those Countries, which persons
requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to
avail themselves of.
Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt•
ly attended to
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
nattr27A&wy. Pittsbtirgh, Pa
1 8 4 6 v s:y.
i BL-IIx7ELY .011TCHEL. grids.
110, 1 MUTT MICES to, and Passage to and' from
Great Britain and reland, by the Black Thtll, or
old Line of Lirerpool Packets. Sailing from. New
York and Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every
month. And by first class American Ships [Sailing
Persons sending to the "Old Country" for their
friends; can make the necessary arrangements with
the 4 nbscribers and have them brought out in any of
the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line
of Liverpool Packets; (sailing •from Liverpool on the ,
Ist and 16th oftvery mouth,) also by first class ships,
sailing from that port^weekly, which our Agents,
Messrs. James D. Roche & Co., there will send out
without delar.
Should tin. sent for not corne.out the money will
he refunded without any deduction.
The "Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packd
ets,? , comprise the following magnificent ships, and
will sail front Liverpool on their regular appointe
dasj,„ as follows
Fidiiilia, .Clot ist Jan, Ist May. 14 Sept
P utiop
, .., lath " lath " 16th -
Ne York, • .Ast Feb: lst June, . Ist Oct.
American, lath " 16th " 16th "
Yorkshire, • . Ist Mar. Ist July. Ist Nov
Cambridge, 16th ~, 16th " lath Dec
Os.r,ord, .. Ist April. 14 Aug. Ist "
Montezuma, 16th " 16th " lath ".
l Auticc.--it. is well *known, that the Black Ball is
the very best conveyance for persons to get-out their
fiiends, and as other passenger agents advertineto
bring out passengers by that Line, the public arc re- 1
spectfully notified by tire owners that 110 passenger
agcMts, but Roche, Brothers & Co., and
Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out
pailsengers by that Line.
We have nt all times for the Drafts at Sight for anv
ainount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub
lin', Also on Messrs. Presnottt, Grote, Ames & Co.,
Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or
any charge, whatever, in all the principal towns
throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Apply to, or address, if by Letter, (post paid.)
No. 35, FultoristreetNew York.
• (Next door to the Fulton Bank.
No. 75 &Min street, Liverpool. , BLAKELY &MITCHEL,
inyl4 Penn street, and Smithfield et.
H.Tsnit-tat.ces to Eitgland,..lrcland, Scot.
land and Wales.
IiERSONS desirous of remitting money to any o
_LT the above countries, can do so through the soh.
sefibers on the :nest easy terms. We arc prepared
to Issue - drafts for any amount over ..el,OO sterling.—
Remittances made thronuir our loose any dot belnre
23,1 of May, will be received in Ireland, by the
20th of June.
1 BLAKELY f. 4. AIITCHEL, Pittsburgh,
I, Agents for Rocie , Bro's &
unt.i New York
Paper Warehouse
Tut; undersigned having bought the paper ware
house and wall paper manufactory, late of
liddship 6: Browne, have entered into a co-partner
sldp, under the name and style of Hill & brosyne, for
the purpose of carrying on the business in all its va
riettes,-,:•They will have always on hand a complete
of their own manufacture, and their stock still be
unproved and enlarged with periodical additions
Goo the best French factories:7
; Agents for the well-known Clinton. Paper Mill,
§ieubemille, front Which they will he constantly
supplied with WRITING, - WRAPPING, PRINT.-
ING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, &c.; all of which
they offer wholessie and retail, at their store, No.
37 Wood street, Idway between Fourth and Dia
m'ond Alley, wli re country merchants and' dealers
to invited to
cr.o. G. BROWNE,
lje:l9 7 tl6:n
Drngg, Draige,
Al N 0.2. Commercial Roc, Liberty street, "Dig Got-
den Mortar" once snore.
Tr AYS & ROCKWAY, thanqul for the liberal pa- i
ju tronagc, which they have heretofore received)
and wishing to merit an increased share of public pa-'
timing°, would respectfully call-the attention of the
public to our stock of goods which we arc now re
ceivim, for the. fall trade. Among which may be
found-in quantities to suit purchasers, the following
articl eu. .
Ithuebard Root, Liquorice Root,
Flour Sulphur, . 'do. Ball,
Gum Arabic, Refined Borax,
Cal'd Magnesia, Sal Soda,
Carl) Magnesia, Spanish Brown,
Gum Aloes, • Guns Copal,
Cream Tarter, - Roll Brimstone,
Calomel, White Chalk,
Sup Carb Sodai: - - Ext. Logwood,
EpsoroSalts, ••• - • - _:-. Chip - d- do.
•Glatther do. Madder,
Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ochre, .
(;um Scammony, Chrome Yellow,
Dal Copavia, do. Green,
Salt Petre, Rose Pink.
j Together-with a general assortment of Oils, Paints,
Varnishes, Paint Brushes,...Dyd Woods, &c. &c., all
ijf which will be Sold as low as at any other house
in the city. - sepl9
1 ..Which
and Hydrau!s,
are superior to and cheaper than
' . - any in the city.
Please to call and exantitjaor yourselves.
FOURTIII gtfi - --ft.T,
. - _
ir r Hyd ramie and Pimps repaired. jani-vr6Scdy_
• - • William lacliee. •
TILL continues in bie old business of manufactur
ing Wagons, Carts, Drays,, Timber Wheel's,
Trticks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between
Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any
mount of work,•by the best of workmen and good
materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those
engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men,
are requested to give him a call before puratating
elsewhere. aP?-y
Allegheny Cemetery.
PERSONS desironsPof purchasing lots in this
Cemetery are referred for information to the
Superintendent on the grounds, or to- E. Thorn
Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts
burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHIST.ETT,
den II Sverintendant.
itsurance ,
,The prtuslain Vire Istsztrinvoi Complaisy
C H A RTER PERPETUA L. $400,000 pis'id in of
fice 163}, Chestnut at., north side, near Fifth.--
Take Insurance, either permanent orlimited, against
loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of
every description, in town or country, on the most
tealionable:terms. Applications, Made either per
blandly or by letters, will be promptly attended to.
C. N..BANCKLR, ?rest.
C. G. RANCHES, Seey.
Charles N. Bancker, • Jacob It. Smith,
Thomas Hart, George W. Richards,
Thomas J. Wharton, Morddcai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner,- • Ado)]* E. Boric,
Samuel Grant, David
Witnitcc. Mantra,Agent, at the Exchange Wide
of Warrick Martin, Co., corner of Third and Mar
ket streets.
Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country.
No marine or inland navigation risks taken.
Fire and Marine Insurance.
Insurance Company o f North America; of '
Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent,
the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited
insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity,
and on shipments by the canal and rivers.
Arthur G. Coffin, Preet. Santee! Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, •
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith,
Edward Smith, • Ambrose White, -
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,
John White, John IL Neff,
Thoinss . P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,
WM. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard, Sec'y.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni
ted States, having been chartered in 1794. Its char
ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long
experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of
an extra hazardous character, it may be considered
as offering ample security to the public.
At Counting Room Of Atwood, Jones & Co.,
ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. ect23l.
'ew T ark.
THIS well known and respectable company is pre
pared through their PITSTSBURG AGENCY, to
make insurance of every kind connected with risks
of transportation and inland navigation; to insure
against loss or damage by tire, Dwelling 'louses,
Warehouses, buildings in general, Goods, lVares,
and Merchandise; and every description of personal
property on the most favorable terms.
Applications fiir Insurance attended to without de
lay at the office, No. 31 Water and O. Front sts., by
At an Election held at the office in N. Y.; May
lath, the following named gentlemen were cliVSen
Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year,
Joseph W. Savage, Stephen 'flail,:
John Browner, John Mata:in,
William (. Ward, Wm. W. Campbell,
John Newhouse, Jacob Miller,
William S. Slocum; Marcus Spring,
John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake,
.Job J. Herrick
And at a subsequent meeting or' the rivard, JO
SF.PII W. SAVAGE, Esq., was unanimously re-elec
ted President fur the ensuing year.
au 4-1 v. • Secretary.
_Li Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Cwital
1100 paid in. (Mice in Philadelphia, No. 72 . Walnut
strget—Wm. Davidson, Pielet; Frederick Fraley,'
Seely. This old and ',veil established Compaay con
tinues to insure Buildings,' Merchandize, Furniture,
and Property, nut of an !extra hazardous character,
against loss or damage by Fire.
Applications fur Insurances in Pittsburgh and its
neighborhood will he received, and risks taken
either perpetually Grfrr !united periods, on flivera
ble terms, by GEt). COCli RAN, Agent,
dec 21 • No. 26, Wood street.
Agents al Pittsbrurgh, for the Delate-,Tre Muttia
&jell, FL:aro:cf. CD,npang of PhiLtdelphia.
IRE 1t ISIZS u!pan ItaMlings and Ztlercliamhze r I
eery description, and 111arino ILLsks upon hulls
or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable
Oftiee at the Mar eh ouse of King & Holmes, on
Water st.. near Market street, PittNburgh.
N. B. king & Finney inrate the confidence and
patronage of their friends and cotutnunity at large to
the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an insti
tution aumam . the most flourishing in Philadelphia—
as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper
ation of its charter, is constantly increasing—asi
yielding to each person insured his due share c.:f
proLts of the Company, without involri,: , in
any ro4poraability .a.hatercr, beyond" the p:e!; ,, o!
actually paid au by tail; and, ar pt, .r-•
tile Mitten; ve,tted eN cry
feature, and atiractive firni. net 1-ti.
Agency of the I•'ranklin Fire Insurance
Contitany of Philrlelph/a.
N.E. corner 'of Third and Woad streets. Pittsburgh.
asses of the ersniziativen the first of Jantrt
-1 rv. 1595, nn published iu crinforinitS• with an act
of thePeunsylvania Legislature, were "
Bonds and Mortgages,
Real Estate., at c0,t,..
T,mpurary Loans, Stockb Gush,... 207,499 72
111aking a total or
Affording certain assurance that all losses will be t
promptly met, and giving entire security to all who;
obtain policies from this Company. Risks taken at
as low rates as are consistent With security. -
oct 8 . WARRICK MARTIN, Agent.
New Ilat and trap Store.
CpS. li. POULSON, (late of the firm
1414114011 4S: having opened leis
new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the
corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei--
sing from the Eastern cities a very large assortment
of hats and caps of every description, warranted to
-be made in the hesumanner and of the best materials.
Otter, Seal, fine awl common Muskrat, Sealette,
(lair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps.
Also, a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such tie
Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Cones Muffs and Tippets
and fur trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at
eastern prices, both wholesale and retail.
Country Merahants will please call and exiinine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. Thtl Fall Fush , lin for Bats and Caps receiv
ed. , sep9.7y
Allen Kramer,
XCIIANGE BROKER, corner of Wood and
streets. Gold, silver andc.urrent hank notes
bought and sold. Sight checks vu the eastern cities
for sale. Drafts . , notes and bills collected.
Wm. Bell & Co.,
John .D. Davis,
F'. !Airco-Le,
J. Painter &
Joseph Woodwoll,
James May,
Alex. Bronson & Co.,
Johnil. Brown & Co., ,
James M'Candloss, Cincinnati, 0,
J. B. M'Donfild, St. Louis, Mo.
W. 11. Pope, Pres't Bank of Ky., Louisville,
European and American Agency. .
rrilE undersigned European Agent having again
arrived in America at the regular time, will
leave Pittsburgh, Pa.. early in September next, and
tail from New York on the first day of October, ma=
king a TIIIIITEENTO tour through England, Ireland,
Scotland, Wiles, and returning to America in May,
1847. By this agency money remittances can be
made by draß.s for large and small sums-, payable at
sight in every part of .Great Britain, Ireland, &c.;
legacies,debts, rents, real estate and-claims collect
ed and recovered; searches of all kinds made; co
pies of wills, deeds and. documents procured, and
the usual business appertaining to this Agency tran
sacted as heretofore. Innumerable references giv
en. Apply personally or adrdesspostpaid,
European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh,
Mr. J. S. May will attend to .all European busi
nessin my absence. jel9.
Gold and Silver Watches
OF the beat manufacture, both oT -England and
Geneva, in large variety and' for sale at the
loweSt prices—patterns, new and of the latest style.
Also, Diamond pointed Gold Pens 2 another large
supply, just received of the best mdse. Also, Silver
Ware, Jewel ry, Fine Table Cutlery; Spectacles, Pen
cils, Tea Ware, Lamps,: Military Goods &c.
W. W., wiLsoN,
corner of Fourth and Marketct,
lEW ORLEANS SUGAR. —2ohlida N. O. Sugar
'for 131 e, by 6020) JAMES \ MAY.
THE preceding figure If
qiven to represent the Ix-
ciSthe great evacuation
W 'the impurities„of the
ady.T- It will beneficed
tat a thick cloudy mis
meg from all points of
ie sUrface, which radi x
Wes that this perspim
in flews uninterrupted
When we are inhealth,
It ceases when we are
ick. Life cannot beim+.
xitoff from the blood and
.d disposes by this means i er
nearlyall the within us. The language of
Scripture is ajn the Mood is the Life. 7: . If it ever be
mimes impure, it may be traced directly to the atop)
page of the insensibleperspiratian. Thus we see, all
that is necessary rsLen, the blood is slit - ilea, or in
fected, hito open the pore'!, and it relieves itself from
all impurity :instantly. Its own heat and vitality are .
sufficient, with Out one particle-of medicinei except
to open the pores upon the surface. Thua we see
the folly of taking so much internal remedies. All
practioners, however; direct their efforts' to restore
the Insensible Perspiration. The Thompsonian, for
instance, steams, the Hydropatbist shrouds us in wet
blankets, the Homopathist deals out infinitissimals,
the Allopathist hien& Mud doses us with _mercury,,,
and the blustering Quack gorges' us with pills, pills,'
To give some idea of the amount of the Insensi-'
ble Perspiration, we will state that the - learned Dr.',
Lewenhock; ascertained that five-eights of all we re-
ceive into the stomach, passed offliy this means.
other words, if we eat and drink eight poundsLper
day, we evacuate five .pounds of it by the Inserarbl9) l
Perspiration. '
This is none other than the used up particles of
the blood, and ther juices giving place to the new
and fresh ones. To check this, therefore, is to 're
tain in the system five-eights of all the virulent matter
that nature * demands should leave-the body.
' By a sudden transition from heat to cold,the pores
are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease be
gins at once to develope itself. Hence, astoppage of
this flow of the juices, originates so many com
It is by stopping the pores, that overwhelms man
kind with coughs, colds, and conspmptioir: Nine
tenths of the world die from diseases induced by a
stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration.
Let me ask, now, every candid mind, what course
seems the most reasonable to pursue, to unstop the
pores, after they are closed. Would you give physic
to unstop We pores? Or would you apply something
that would do this upon the surface, where the clog
ging actually is? And yet I know of no physician
who makes any external applications to' effect it.
Under these circumstances, I present to physicians,
and to all others, McAlister's All-Healing Ointment,
or the World's Salve. It has power to restore per
spiration on the feet, on the head old sores, upon the
chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whethet
diseased slightly or severely.
It has poise: to cause all external sores, scrofulous
humors, sk. a diseases, poisonous wounds to dis
charge their putrid matter, and then heals diem.
It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue
of t waneous disorders, and restore the entire euitclt
to its healthy functions.
It is a remedy that thrbids the necessity of so many
and deleterious drugs takerninto the stomach:
It is
.a remedy that neither sickncns, gives inconvi ,
nience, or is dangerous to the intestines.
It preserves and ‘ defends the surface from all de
rangement of its flinctions. The surface is the out
let of rive-eights of bile and used op matter with
in. It is pierced with millions of openings to relieve
the intestines. Stop up iliesir;'pores, and death knocks
at your door. It is rightly termed All-hearing, for
there is scarcely a disease, external, or internal, that
mil benefit. I have used it forllie last fourteen
ye4gt ler all diseases or the chest. consumption, lie
or involving, the utmost danger end responkihility, and
I declare before Heaven and man. that not in one
single ease has it failed to benefit, alien the iiatient
was wit7ilit the reach of mortal means. •.
I hare had physicians, learned in the professiontl
hate had ministers of the Gospel, Judges on the
bench, Aldermen and Lawyers, gentlemen of the
1 highest erudition and multitudes of the poor, use it
'in eves variety of way, and there has heerrbut our
votcet out united and universal voice----Saying "Me
t Ailieter, vti'm ointment ia gond.
CONNVMPTION.—It can hardly he credited that a
'hive can have any effect span the lungs, seated as
they are within the 5 . 1.,:1.115. Hut if placed upon the
chest, it psfnetrales directly to the lungs, seperatm
the poisonous particles that are consuming them,
and expels them from the system.
I need net say that it is curing persons of consump
tion continually, although we ale toll it is foolish.
ness, I care not what is said, so leng as I can cure
several thousand persons yearly.
HEADACHE.—The Salve has cured persons 01
the. Headache of ten years standing, and who had it
regularly every week, so that vomiting often took
Deafness and Fir Ache are helped with like sue.-
3: £IN EY E JR
t OT.D FEET.—Consamption, complaint,
l• rice in the clie.ot or sale , falling ell the hair, tr u e or
Or I :her al,ay a accompanies cold feet.
The Salve will yore every crisp.
la Scroutle., Lrys:pplas, salt Rheum, Liver rem
pla.ct. Sore Eves, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Broachttis,t
Bil; ea or Sore Breast. Papa, all Chest Diseases, such
as it..tions,•oppression,P ain, also Sure Lips, Chap
pr d I lands, 'roomers, Cutaneous E.-c:•• .• , Nervous
Diseases, and of the Spine there is p: ..:• need .
icier now known so good.
BURNS.—It is the best thing in the world for •
Sumo.' (Rend the Directions around the box.)
PIMPLES ON . THE FACE—Masculine Skin gross
surface. Its first action Ix to expel all humor. It
will not cease drawing till the face is free from any
totter that may be lodged under the skin, and fre
quently breaking out to the surface. It then heals.
When there is nothing but grossness, or dull repul
sive surface, it begins to soften and soften until the
skin becomes as smooth and delicate as a childs.
WORMS.—If parents knew how fatal most medi
cines were to children taken inwardly, they would
be slow to resort to them. Especially "mercurial
lozenges" called "medicated lozenges," "count.
fug,es'l pills, &c. The truth is, no one can tell,
variably whenworms arc present. Now let me say
to parents that this Snae will alWays tell if a child
has worms. It will drive every vestige of theta n
ts ay. (Read the directions around the box.)
There is probably no medicine on the face of the
earth nt once so sure and so safe hi the expulsion of
4;00,G15 93
100,967 77
'emus. ••
TOlLlirt—Although I have said little abolit, it as
a hair restorative vet I «ill stake it against the w . orldt
They may bring their tier and near, and mine will
restore thin hair tiro cases to their one.
OLI) som.:s.__That soma Sores are an outlet tti
the iinpuritioa of the eiyatem, is, because they cannot'
pass otr through the natural chamois of the Insensi
ble Perapiratien. If Eillelr'erifes are healed up the
impurities Must Mile some other outlet, or it will en
danger life. This salve will always provide for
such emergencies. a
RH ECM AT ISAL—It removes almost immediately
the intlamination and swelling, when • the pain 01
(10111"6 . 0 ceases.
all case's of fever, the difficult• lies
in the porcd being locked up, KU that the heat and
perspiration cannot pass off. if the least moisture
,could lie started the ennui has passed and the danger
over. The All-Ifealing Ointment will in all cases or
fevers almost ierstantly unlock the skin and bring forth
the perspiration.
SCALD Ili AD.—We have cured cases that actu
ally defied every thing known" as well nahe ability
or fifteen or twenty doctors. - One man told us he
had spent 6500 on his children without any benefit,
when a few boxes of the ointment cnred them.
'CORNS.—Occasidnal use of the Ointment will al
ways keep corns from4rowing. People need never
be troubled with them ifiihey will use
Pittsburgh, Pa
AS A FAMILY MEDICINE—No man can meas
ure its value. -So long as the stars roll along 'over
the Ileavens-,—so long as min treads the earth, sub
ject to all infimities of the flesh—so long as disease
and sickness is known-,-just so long will this good
Ointment be used and esteeteed. When man ceas
es from off the earth, then the demand will cease,
and not till then. JAMES MFALISTER & Co.
Sole proprietors of the above Medicine. Price 25
cents per box.
CAUTION.—As the All-Healing Ointment has
been greatly counterfeited, we have given this Cau
tion to the public that "no Ointment wili be genuine
unless the names of James McAlister, or James Mc-
Alister 4- Co., are wntrrorir with a PEN upon EVERY
label." Now we hereby offer a reward of 850 to
be, paid on conviction in any of the constituted
courts of the United State's, for any individual coun
terfeiting our name and Ointment.
corner of Liberty and St. Clair ate. are the whole
sale agents, and L. Wilcox, jr., corner Market st. and
the Diamond; Hays & Brockway, (Druggists No 2,
Commercial Row, Liberty st.; J. Camel, corner of
Walnut and Penn streets., sth ward; and sold at the
Bookstore in Smithfield 5t.,.3d door from Second st;
and in Allegheny city by H P. Schwartz, and J. Sar
gent, and G. Smith (Druggist) Birminzham; and
D. Negley, East Liberty; IL Rowland, MdCeiisport;
Samuel Walker; Elizabeth; J. Alexander & son, Mo
nongahela City; N.B. Bowman & Co.; J. T.Rogers,
Brownsville, Pai : -Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater; and
Jolla Barclay, Beater mar 20.
. _
. •
Cryre follows Care
Coughs, Cold 8, Astbni a, Bronchitis; Liver Complaint,
Spitting ,Slood, Difficulty of Dreathing, Pain in
the Side and Breast, Palpitation ofthe Heart, -
'nt:tense, Croup, Broken Constitution,
Sore Throat, Nervous, Debility,
and all diseases of Throat,
Breast awl Lungs, I the .'
most effectual and
speedy cure ever'
. , known for I
any' of I
' above diseases
'A -Truly Wonderful. Cure!
Dr. Elwell= Dear Sir-In Octoberlast, while en
gaged with Mr. Joeeph Smith, in a saw mill, near
Waynesburg, I was attacked within cough, from be
ing exposed at night, which gradually inereased;at
tended with spitting of blood and a severe pain in the
breast, lose of appetite, fever, &e. &c., which was
scareely supportable. I had a family who were
wholly dependent on my exertions for support, yet
was obliged to leave my Businessland return home.
I was then attended by several Pllysicians, both still
grew worse, until my medical atten dants gave me up
as incurable. , Subsequently, my wife observing in
one of the public prints, an advertisement of Dr.
Swaynes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, procur
ed me one bottle from Francis APChire, your agent
in Lewistown, which relieved me.] I continued until
I bad taken five bottles. lam now able to return to
my work , again. I write this to offer you my sincere
thanks, and you are at liberty to make it known, so
that if any human being is suffering as I have been,
he may have recourse to your invaluable medicine.
Lewistown, Del.
CONSUMPTION, which has baffled the skill of
eminent Medical practi.ioners, where invalids have
been given up hopeless, by having recourse to, and
persevering in, this unequalled remedy, have been
radically cured. There ire nOw l in the hands of the',
proprietor numerous certificate* of cures, which
would astonish credulity itself were they made
known to the world. To those who are' afflicted
with any of the above discases, l we say, give this
medicines fair trial; you will then be convinced this
is no miserable compound,, but a safe and powerful
remedy, and that its curative powers stand alone and
equalled by none.
-- Dr. Swayne's Syrup' is 'the only true and genuine
article of Wild Cherry before the public, and we
would say to the afflicted, alwayS look for the writ
ten signature ofDr. SWAY:4; on each bottle before
your purchase. Beware, and be 'not deceived !.
Some persons may tell that some other prepa
ration is as good. heed them dot. One trial of the
genuine Dr. Swayne's Syrup of wild Cherry will Con
vince you that it is the most valuable medicine dis
- ' -inn-demand for
From the increasing-demand fer the abo.. le,
Druggists, Merchants, and deal'ers' generally, will
find it to their advantage to have a full supply of this.
valuable medicine. Remember to.enquire for DR.
RY, as there have been some individuals with the
assumed names of physicians Making great effor.s
to push a spurious article into the rnarlt.ct under a
fictitious name.
The (original and only) genuine article is only pre
pared)37 DR. SWAYNE, N. W. eorner_of Eighth
and Race streets, Philadelphia.
Let the advice he repeated, do not neglect a slight
rough; if you do, you may have occasion to regret it.
Why run any riskt Delay has, and may again lead
to serious conseqnences.
IMPURITY or THE lILOOD.—An excellent
Spring Medicine. Dr. MAYNE'S COMPOUND
These great purgative and purifying Pills are cele
brated for the cure of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache,
Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, ißlotches or Pimples.
on-the face, or any disease where a,purgative or puri
fying medicine is required. These pills neither gripe,
produce nausea, or any other finpleasaut sensation,
and as a Sprin t ; :Medicine for purifying the blood and
cleansing the body of disease, they are unsurpassed
by an v medicine ever yet introduced to the public.
lie:Mantlflictured and sold, Wholesale and retail,
by the sole proprietor, Dr. SWAYNFI & SONS, N.
W. corner Race and Eighth streets, Phila'a.
The only agents in Pittsburgli . for the sale of the
genuine medicine arc, Wm. Thorn, &3 Market st.;
Ogden &.Snowden, corner of Nyoad and 2d st., and.
S. Jones, ISO Liberty st.", where' it can - be obtain
ed genuine, wholesale and retail, at proprietent
prices. Sold by John Mitchell, Allegheny city; E.
B. Hinman, Cincinnati; Dr. Me,goffin, Mercer; J. H.
Burton t Co., Erie; J. S. Morris:lE Co., Louisville;
Dr. E. Easterly it Co., St. Lois Andrew Oliver & I
Co., New Orleans; Denig & SOn; Columbus; Boyd,
Carus & Co., Butler; Mackenzie & Haskell, Cleve
land; Dr. Baker, Wheelinz, 'Va.- Wm. It. Wood,,
Maysville, By.: ' .BrewnSville; Dr. IL Camp
bell & Co., Uniontown; ll. E. Jiihnson, Cumherland;
J. M. Sharp. Daytdrit and by agents in all parts of!
the United States sep 18
13°w EL OR SLIMM --
confidently recommend and could refer to him
, dreds of our citizens wbo have, used
as a certain, safe and effectual emedy for Dysentry,
Diarhcen, or Looseness, Choler Morbus, SUMMER
COMPLAINT, Colic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach,
Sick and Nervous Headache, Heartburn, Su.
This is one of.the must ef f icient, pleasant, and
safe compositions over offereilito the public for the
cure of the various derangements of the motion
and DOWIL4I, and the only article worthy of the least
confidence for curing CHOLERA INFANTUM or
SUMMER COMPLALVT; and in all the above dis.
cases it really acts likt a charm.
From the Rev. Asa Shinn, of the Pro Want Method-
The undersigned having been , afflicted during the
past winter with a disease in the stomach, sometimes.
Orodcing severe pain in the stoMach for ten or twelve
hours without intermission, and having tried various
remedies with little effect, wad furnished with a bet-i
tie of Dr. JAYNE . B CARMINITIit. BALSAM. This he,
used according to the directions, and found invaria
bly that this medicine -caused the pain to.abate in
hree or four minutes, and in fifteen or twenty min,
taco eve* uneasy sensation tiras entirely quieted.
The rneditdize was afterwards rased whenever indica
tions of the approach of pain were perceived, and
the pain was thereby prevented: lie continued to
use the medicine every evening, and sometimes in the
morning, and in a few weeks health' was so far re
F.stored, that the sufferer was relieved fronin„ , targe
amount of oppressive pain. From experience,tliere
lore, he can confidently recommend Dr. D. Jayne's
l',Carminative Balsam, as a saltitary medicine for dis-
Cas s es of the stomach and bonfels. .A.
Allegheny city, July 10th,
Fo s ti s sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72, Fourth street, near Wood.
Pricd„.2.s and .50 cents per bottle. jelB-d&vir
Ole who in pleasure's !downy arms
Nc'crlost.hishealth, of youthful charms,
A hero liVes, and justly can
Exclaim--"In ti'man!"
DURING -A TRIAL of a number of years, Dr.
Thompson's PILLS have been found an inval
uable remedy in cases of indigestion, biliouS com
plaints, for derangements of tile digestive organs and
obstructions, a sluggish action of the liver and bow
els, which occasion more or less the following'symp
terns, viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity, head-ache,
sickness, spasiC'and flatulent listention of the stom
ach and bowels ' drowsiness :and dimness of sight,
an uncomfortable sensation ezperienced at the pit of
the stomach soon after eating, with a feeling of weight
or oppression, appetite impaired , breathing difficult,
tenderness about the 'region Of -the liver, bowels ir
regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor
and depression of spirit's. Price 25 cents per box.
Prepared by tlit solo proprietor,
corner Hand and Penn sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Also sold by all the principal druggists in the city-.
je 23
13 'which stand unequalled by any Medicine
known for the cure of Liver.complaint, and other
diseases arising from a deranged state of the Liver.
This! medicine has been in ipublic use for about 8
years, and has -acquired a a•eputation for • curing
the liver Complaint which bas never been equalled
by any remedy heretofore "offered to the.,publio.
As an Anti-bilious ' or Purgative Pill, they are un
surueskd and.should be used of the corn
mori pills of the day. Ghie them a trial and the
truth will appear. Prepare& and sold by.
' 57 Mood ereet.
' 20 kegs Plug Tobaceo;l _
• ‘..5 " Ladies' Twist,ldo; '-
10 " Va. . " !do
-10 " Cav'd, Is Lump, do; • '
In store and for sale by J. & J..rIDEVITT,
ai:120: ,:- • . , 22,2 Liberty et.
~.--:' i
TAR better is it to cure the toothache ia one min
ute,u by using Wheeler's Teaberry . Teeth Wash,
than to suffer the aching; also to cure soreness of the
gums; cure softness of the gums, stop bleeding of
the gums, and, always keep the, teeth, gums and
mouth pleasant, and in the best state of health:
Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TEABERRY
TOOTH WASH to the public, it is the painful duty of
the proprietor, 'to state that this article, which is the
original, and only genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash, has
been imitated by numerous Teaberry.Tooth Washes,
Teaberry Tooth Pastes, rinds variety of articles - with
the name. 2'eaberry-annexecl to them, when, in fact,',
this. article is the first that ever bore the name of',
Tesberry, and is the only one which possesses the
real virtue of the plant,and established all the celeb
rity for it, which induced others to make use of its
name, though they never did presentits intrinsic vir
tues to thepublic. As evidence that it is the first
preparation of Teaberry.for the Taeth, the copy of
the certified' records of the United States District
Court is published... - • -
ctr-tr,, - Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to
4. 4. wit: Be it, rethembered,- That on the
second day of February, Anno Domini,
~ , i' . j 0 :.• one thousand eight hdreft land forty
. '` ., ; ' un
t-Tii two ,
Of the said District, bath del:it:sited in this Office the
Title of a .Book, the title of which is in the words
following, to wit: • . .
The right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in con
formity with the Act of Congress; entitled "Air Act
to amend the several Acts respecting Copy Rights,"
Clerk of the Dist. Court.
1842; Feb. 21. Copy deposited. - •
The above Copy Right. for the Wrapper
. of the
Bottle, showhig.the Title of the Article- lan
guage, and'granted this legal form, will prove this
to be the OrginaI.TEABERRY TOOTH WASH, and
all ; others are but imitations, which has gone out pf
use wherever the Genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash is
sold. Then, remember, none is' genuine but :
Certificates of the .11.fagistrales of the City of Phila
Having made use of yohr much celebrated Tea
berry Tooth Wash, I feel convinced that it is the
best article I have ever known, and hereby warmly
recommend its use to the public in general, as a
pleasant and efficacious article' for preserving-the
Teeth and Gums. ROBERT E. JOHNSTON.
For a number of years my Teeth and Gums were
`se much out of order as to prevent me from eating
with any pleasure, and, caused much pain. - Having
heard of Wheeler's Teaberrz Tooth Wash,,l do cer
tify that I tried one battle ot it, and in less than two
weeks my teeth and Gums were sound avi4 good;
believe that the use. of it would be an advantage to
many others. J. BRAZER.
Certifilates'cf Illenzbers of the Philadelphia Bar. -
having used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash and
powder, I have found them to possess cleansing and
purifying properties, and while they whiten .=and
beautify the Teeth, they have a Veneficial effect upon
the Gums, by impaitineft+k them free and healthful
action. F. A. ItAYNOLD.
I have used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash; and
its effects upon my Teeth - and'Guins has given to me
a high opinion or its merits. I cheerfully recom
mend it to the general use. li. R. 101EASS.
15Iv daughter has used. Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wasli (and powder) and has ?mind its effects to be
cleansing and purification of the. Gums, and a sweet
ening of the mouth., I have no hesitation in recom
mending it as the most beneficial preparation for the
Teeth I have ever seen.
Certificates of Ladies and Gen!lemen of Philadelphia.
"It is with gratitude that I send the fpllotving cer
tificate, hoping thattnany who suffer *ill be led by
a perusal of it, to obtain Wheeler's. Teaberry Tooth
Wash, which article I used, and it has effectually
cured tooth-ache, soreness of the gums, removed
scurf from my tettlf, and I fully believe has entirely
arrested all decay of them. I trust that all -who suf
fer, having either of the 'same species of complaint,
will as soon as possible use Wheeler's Teabeyry
Tooth Wash, that they may be relieved.
"Owing to having taken cold, but mostly in conse
quenCeof the, add of a paint used in coloring prints,
my Teeth became very much injured, giving excru
ciating pain at intervals for between two and three
years. Wheeler's Teiberry Tooth Wash was used,
- and has entirely cured them, which in certificate
form I send, that those who wish a perfect remedy
for painfhl teeth, and also desire a • pleasant Tooth
wash,r - may with confidence try Wheeler's Teaberry
Tooth Wash. MARY A TAYLOR.
"Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth, Wash" having re
moved scurf and cured Rory iie - s§ of the gums, which
had troubled me for two years, it is my belielthat it
is a highly useful article, and that it is advisible to
those who'suffer with the Teeth and Gums to make
use of it. MARY SULLIVAN.
"Your Tcaberry Tooth Wash mired the tooth-ache
and also soreacss of the gums in my family, and I
send you this certificate, that those who -sufferwith
tooth-ache or soreness of the pima, may know that
it is a remedy for them, and a very -pleasant Tooth
W. Wheeler. No. 148, Catharine street.
"Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash" - having cured
soreetv: of the gums, and effectually stopped bleed.
ins of the gums, I deem it a debt of gratitude for the
relief which it afforded me, and a duty owed to my:
fellow beings, to say, that it is my firm conviction,
that those who will use Wheeler's Teaberry -Tooth
Wash, for the Teeth and Gums, will find that it is an
important article. THOMAS J. M'CURDY,
No. 298, Caliewhill at.
' .
From much severe affliction of myself, and others
of my family, with decayed Teeth and•_sore Gums,
and the many respectable testimonial it highly in favor
was induced so giie it a trial, after which my family
used it, and I rejoice to say that it did perform a
thorough and effectual cure for all, and is the best
article that I ever knew of. I would recommend its
use to those who may be suffering.
W. Wheeler. Nu. 127, Market street.-
Many more testimonials are existing approving of
"Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash." .
Sold at WM: JACKSON'S Store, No. 89 Liberty
street, Pittsburgh, head of-Wood street.
Principal Office, No. 86 Chesnut st.,
ap 97-4.11 y
M. McDONALD, Bell and Brass
.....', - 7.. Founder, First street, near Market; is
, '-: prepared to make Brass Casting's and
Brass works generally on the most
, 4 . ,..,1 4 . --." -: : . ; :4_ reasonable terms and shortest notice.
- He invites machinists and all. tho.d ,
using„brass works to give him a call, As he is de
termined to do all Work in his line very low.
may 27-ly -
T e 3 IC. LOGAN, has removed to No 83, Wood
street, one door below Diamond Allev, to the
store lately occupied by Clark Sz - Cameron, where lie
has opened a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Store,
and having just returned from the Eastern Cities • is
opening a new and well selected, stock of Goods,
consisting of French, English - and American clOths,
(all colors,) a great variety of new styleCassimeres
and Satinetts; Cashmaretts, (a new style) .Oregon
Cassirriere, a good stock of summer . cloths of all
kinds; late -style Vesting g; * also, a great variety of
Lawns and Ginghains; Pyramidical Graduates and
other fancy patterns; a variety of printi 6 to 26 cents
per yard; a very superior lot of white gocids, consist
' ing of India Linen, liiinask Plaid, Striped Cambric;
Victoria Lawn, stxiped and plain Mull; Swiss Lace
and barred Muslin; figured and plain Bobinots; black
and blue black Silks; plain, figured and striped; a
large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached brown
Muslins; table Diaper; Marseilles: Counterpanes,
(large size;) Moreen; a good supply of Umbrellas,
Parasols, Parasoletts and, Sunshades; a very, large as
sortment of men, women,,and, cliddren , s Ho . siery; a
very fine article of Lisle Thread Hose and Gloves,
and many other artielea not enumerated. He, would
respectfully invite his former customers and the
generally, to an examination .of his stock, to
which he expects to make additions regularly. ,
ap4-y .
Pittaiurgh and Itoad
NOTICE is hereby given, that" iu pursuance. of a
r&olutioir of the Stockholders of the Pittaburgh
and Connellaville ftailroad Compimy, authorizing an
increase of the capital of said Company, and directing
an additional subscription, books will be. opened for
receiving additional subscription to the, stock of the
Company, at the (Ace of Wm.larimer, Ir., in 4th
street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh,
on Friday the 4th day of Sepfember. The books will
remain open from 9 A.M.until 3 o'clock P.M. of said
day; and from day to day (Sundays excepted) until
the requisite number of shares be subscribe& or until
otherwise ordered. By order of the Directors:.,
sep3 • %VM. ROBINSON,Jr. Presn.'
,~ _ _
~-~, ~:
Preserve the Teeth.
Just received,- a splendid assortment of Spring and
.. and Summer goods, • , .
Unsurpassed for quantity, quality, or •
Style. The Proprietor - of this establishment v..
Takes great pleastire in informingbi3 friends and tho.
public prepared to
Ia general, that he is now prepared to fill all order:
Numerous customers may favor Lim with. Strangers
'Travelers would do well, in visiting the -
Iron City, to call and examine his:extensive and well
Made stock of readyniade clothing. Ile has a coin•
oleic assortment r
English cloth, to *hich 'he would invite attention,
' also, . - -
French cloths of every color and , quality, rvieL he is
Offering at a'very small advance on eastern prices. -
Remember at this store youttionot raked two prices,
being '
Convinced that small- profits and quick sales is the
hist way to secure onstom. :
Haying in his employ the..bestworkmen, he can Isar-
Every artielemade at his establishment to fit well,
And to be Of.the best materials; he would again in.
Purchasers generally to give-hima call
Before purchasing in - any other place,
As hc is confident that ho cancel! them as good goods
at as
Reasonable prices as any house in this city,
Going so far as to say a little cheaper.
All his goods are new, and'-of handsome _patterns,
- purchased - - -
In the the east but a few weeks since. The subseti-.:
Now'returns' ii thanks to his friends and the public'
- in general, and.
- '•
I Solicits a continuance of their favors.
from City Clothing Store, No. 132 Liberty street.
. mar 7 - C. fiPCLOSKEY;
Three Big Doors Clothing 'Store.
N 0.15 1 0 LTLertystreet.
THE Proprietors of this old and highly popular es.
stablishment informs his friends and the public
at largo,
that a portion of his Spring and Suminei
Stock of , -
Is now prepared for their inspection, and he respdci
fully invites all who contemplate purchasing articles
in hisJine, to pay hima visit. His stock this season
is peculiarly richp,icarniaising all the latest Fashions
and Patterns,.antl all his Goods, having - been select,
cd by himself in the eastern markets, he can with
confidence recommend them to his customers as -be.
ing of the;very"best quality. His Inge.assortment of
DR - E
Is xnade'in the mostnaodern and inipioved , style, and.
the woikmansbipjcannot be excelled. -'Pants of se.
ery desaiiptien, Satin 4. Fancy Vats. Hellas' a ran
and beautiful,assortment of
To which he would call the atteruion of public as he
believes them to be 'more Beautiful and Cheaper,
Than 'anythina of the kind that has been offered
Tweed and other coats, for Summer-wear, - In
great variety and made in every style, Fashionabld
Shirts, Latest St vie of Stocks, Suspenders of every
descriptions, Han - dkerchiefs, and every other article
necessary for a Fashionable Dregs.
He has a very large and excellent assortment' - of:
Substantial Clothime, whieh - will be sold lower than
tt cad be purchased at any other place in the city—to
which he would invite the attention of workingmen
and others who - wish servicable clothing for every
day's wear. --
Having in his employ some the best Cutters and
Workmen, that the Country can produce, and being
provided with O stock of Goods, which for excel.
lence and variety cannot be equalled, he is prepar
At the shortest notice, and in a style that Cannot. be
It is ilia considered any Trouble to show- Clothing ;
and the proprietor feels confident that after an- ex
amihation of his stock, all who desire to purchape
will find it their interest to deal at his establishment.
The proprietor wouid take this opportunity to ten
der his sincere thanks to the public for the unprece
dented patronage bestowed upon his establishment,
and as the success be has Met with is an. indication
that his efforts to pleas his patrons, have not been
unavailing, : he pledges himself that nothing;shall be
omitted onhis part to secure their kindness for the
.1. S. Lowry, Merchant Tailor.
"UTOULD inform his friends and the_ public in
1/ V general, that he has removed to Wood street,
in'the S. Caavu.ra building, two &lora below the
entrance, where he is ready to execute all orders in
the neatest and most fashionable manner,having en
gaged the services of Mr. Jou-s M. Cin.m..lm.t as cut
ter, 'whose attention will be devoted to that branch
of the trade :ad pose well known ability in this par t ..
ticular having long been established in the fashion
able community of this city, in:limos the belief that
by close attention to business, he will be able to
give general satisfaction to all who may favOr him
with a call—having also made arrangements to keep
constantly' on hand a general assortment of every
thing adapted to gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths, .
Casaimeres, Vestings, Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Sus
penders,! Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertaia
ing to a gent/mama'', wardrobe, he will be ready at„
all times to supply any denrand in his line.
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and
the public, generally, that having eiitei eii into the
ahem arraugement the establishment will kruatile to
rhynish any article in the Tailoring line,with wpnao•
inality and despatch scarcely equalleby any other
in the city, and for style and workmanship nor scar
passed by any in the states.
aug22-d3m JNO. M. CAMPBELL.
TUST RECEIVED—A apleidid assortment o.
Ey Summer Cassimeres, Gingbams, and Gam
biocis;anitahle for coataand pants; a large stock of
fancy Summer fituflk; fancy Cotton Cloths, a new ar
ticle; Oregon Cassimeres; Gold Mixed Tweeds and
Berkshire; 10 dozen white shirt Linen Bosoirts and
Also, a great variety of 'fancy shirt striped Ging
ham's, &e.• a splendid assortment of Summer Cra
vats, Marseilles,- Silk, Satin and other Vesting° or
superior styles and finality; Socks, - Handkerchiefs,
Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Lisle Gloves, and all kinds
of gentlemen's wear, ready made, or got up to order
at the slrarrest notice, and at the-lowest prices, by
'Pittsburgh Clothing'Store, '
•e 3 corner of Wood and Water sts.
Can't bo
fM. WHITE has just received at his large'
establishment, fronting On Liberty. and Sixth
streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for
summer; also, a superior lot or-French Satin 'TES-
'PINGS, all of which he is ready to make -up in
the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms
as usual. Ob.serve the corner, No 167 LibertY.-
and Sixth streets:
myl4 J. M WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor.
To Aims 1 To Arm:011
NV/In /0,000 men, notwithstanding which, .J. Id..
White'sill continue to sell Clothing cheaper than
any has heretofore been offered in the western coum:-
try, having the largest establishment in the city.,
fronting on Liberty and' Sixth streets. He is now
prepared to show to his numerous patrons the great..
est variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, and
thing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching
season; that has ever been offered in thimmarket, to,
which all can have the'Right of Way. 'Observe the ;
corner, N 0.167, Liberty. and Sixth streets.
J. AL WHITE; Tailor,
Fall FanWonof-Illals•
pikt At KEEVIVS, to-morrow, Tharsday Anoka..
27th, a neat , and cheap article of Pittsburgh
manufacture can be-had at the above store, ahead of
fashionable hats imported from the East.
an 26 ?i 152 head of Wood at.,
A 'WESTERVELT, the old and well known.
Venitian Blind Mager, formerly, of Second.
and Fourth sts., takes this method to inform his many
friends of the fopt that his Factory is now in full op
oration. on St. Clair st., near the old Allegheny
Bridge, wheren constmst - supply of Blinds of various_
colors and qualities, is constantly kept on band and.
at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers
'N.B. If required, Blinds - will be put up so, thai.
in case of alarm by fire, or otheswise, they may be
' removed without the aid of a screw-driver, and with
the same facility that any other piece of furniture.
can be removed, and without any extra expense. ' - -
_Vint" Street Furniture Wtsreroexas.
MilE subscriber would most respectfully call the ,
attention of the public to his stock of - Cabinet
Ware, posse.ssing advantages over any other menu.
facturing establishment in the city. He is enabled.
to sell hlsWares at much lower prices; therefore, he
would .temind those who want good Furniture at a
fair prises not to forget the rigbt place, No. 2T, Fifth
street. " (mar 23-d tavy) H. H. RYAN
Three Big Doors,
151 Libeyty et