The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 17, 1846, Image 3

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    ~ {
Fpxxvrrei FOfl octonzn.
Lorenz, 4 N, tell, - W. W. Wallace
i?repared and. corrected every drtornooni
, .
Wilmington, Dawson, Liverpool.
Harlem, Hazlett, Cincinnati.'
Island. Packet,-Worley, WheelinV
• Consul,•BOwinan, Brownsville. .
Louis MLane, Bennett, , BroWnsville.
Oneota, Gorden, Beaver.` -
Clipper No: 2, Crooks, Cincinnati.
New England, Page, Cincinnati:
Defiance, Devol, Cincinnati. ,
Avihranktop, Dawson f -Steubenville.
Allegheny, Gray;'Cincinnati. - -
Schniillriil, Andrew s, CinCinnati.
Alert, Gregg, Nashville.
Oneota, Gordon, Beaver.... • -
Lotiis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
• Consul, llowinan,
• Miclugan,.Boies, Beaver. ,
Liverpool Per str Wilmington; 1040 bbls flour
50Thgq,bcan, 1 sck
IVheeling—Pr str Island Paiketi 930 bbls flour,
16 1=8 . 2 trunks mdze, 1 pckge, 3 'sks feathers, 18
pcks buffalo robes, 50 bbls pork, 1 sck rags, 3. bills
saddle tries, 3 cks glass ware, 21 bxs do, 1 fraMe,
2 Nils window blinds, 2 carboys vitro!, 6 bxs rodzc,
1 WI maPs, 42 bbls apples:
Monongahela linprovantnt---Prstr Consul; 16 bxs.
3 bales erates, 90 kgs nails, 56 bars iron,
329 bz.s glass, 256 bbls 'Hour, r?i tons, 60 empty
bbls, 1.50 bxs glass. ;
g:?The regular 11. S. mail- passenger steatner
Ittes.senger, Ca-pt. LINFORD,' leaves for Cineinnai
this morning.
0:1- The' - splendid U. S. mail pa.sseger pack! ,
Hibernia, Capt. EIS/TEES LTER, Wilt depart for Cin
Marital at 10 o'dt:sok to-Morrow.
UThe fast running passenger Steamer Califor
ilia, Capt. Hunter, will leave for Cincinnati totlajr
co-The U 6.. Mail passenger packet, Captain
Srorz, leaves tar Cincinnati on Monday morning.
gn Skies of N. Y. and Baltimore tanned sole
eJiGoe./I..lleatber,'M stare and for sale by
183 Liberty at. i .
'l"annerls' Oil. •
1 1 2 Il s t a t. l l , 3 y est brown Oil, juvecei; . .ell ls t i t . p for!.
ocll2-Imclltw 183 Liberty at.
"1 5O Spanish and Missouri Hides - in store and
1 , tit/ for sate by • W. BRYANT,
octl2-Imdgm 183 Liberty st. ;
- Sheep Skins. '
- 9 /111 . Sheepskins, Bark,,Ta.nned, for gale by
183 Liberty se.
Mordeco Leather, - and Bindings.
TUST received, a large stock of Morocco, Binding's
and Linings, and Lace Leather, for! sal e by
No: 1,82 Liberty st.
octlg.-:l4Ki&w .
A+LEXANDER & DAY, take great pleasure in in
forming the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and the
s. - ourrieg iding country,
.that they have just received -a
— 7)
''''' - landid stock of sew Fail Goods, of almotft every
escription a large portion of which having been
_ - toughtatit:ction, at a great sacrifice,\and from the
. "Importers and ;manufacturers at unprecedentedly
liw prices, enables them to offer, great indUcemets
to Cash buyers; therwould, therefore; respectfully
' • invite them to call and examine :their stock, being
, confident . that thej_ will be pleased with the goods
a ndpricei.. • '
<Mr stock 'of Ladies , dress goods is very superior
and cannot be eurpassed,c onsuning in part of
SupeeSktin striped Cashmere, Ombre shaded, do.;
Splendid Figured, do. in great variety; California
and Clermont Plaids; Gala Pi aids; Cl sella; Plain and
figured and Satin striped Mouslin do Lemnos; Super
French and Scotch Gingharar new style Embroider;
ed do; splendid Cashmere anri ' do Lime robes; Ameri
can(French and English Chintzes ofthe latest styles,
-We have a very handsome assortment:of_ Silks',
such as super Black and Blue Black, Fled and strip
s- cd Silks; Super Plain and Figured changeable; do.;
Ombre Shaded and Changeable Striped; do.; Plain,
Black and Bine Black Satins; Wide India. do; Plain
Black and Blue Black ' Silks,, of extra' quality and
width, suitable for Mantillas, &c. &e.
Di this department we can ' offer great bargains,
from Auction sales of importers in New yolk and
Philadeliihia„ among Which are splendid Terkeiri
- §hivrts; Super Cashmere, do.; Embroidered 'parker-
IT, Jo.; Piaui 'Mid Embroidered' Thibut, do; Super
heavy Ottoman Silk, do.; Splendid' India Silk, _do.;
Extrallernani, do.; Heavy French.Ctipe, dn.- Plain
and,Embroidered Cloth, do.;. Plain, Fig'd . and Ern
broidered De Laines, do.; Splendid French Brocha,
do. all wool; Brocba and Cashmere Long. Shawls,
and an immense variety of different descriptions of
Fall and Winter Shawls; many of them will be sold
at half the cost of importation.
.-Embraced in our stock of these are Super French
West of England, and American Cloths, of almos
every color—lleary Tuteed Cloths; .Beaver and Pilo
Cloths for over -coats; Super Black Cassirneres; Fan
cy Striped, do, in great variety, &c. &c.
Extra American Premium• Blankets; Super Whit
ing, do; Heavy Twilled, do; Rose, do; and a num
ber of other makes of extra quality.
New style . Ombre Shaded Cloakings; Handsome
Plaid, do; Heavy Gala do. for do.
- A very lergexissortment of Alpacas and Merinos'
of every quality .and price. French Merinos and
Bombazines, both Black and colored.
ALSO, Cassinette; Red, White and Yellow Flan=
=ls; Tickings; Checks!Diapers; Brown and. Bleach
ed Table Linein. Sheetings; Table Cloths; Canton
Flannels; heavy. Gloves; Silk' and Linen lidkfs.j
Scarfs; Stocks; Collars,.&c. &c., all of which we are
selling much lower"' than we have ever before been
enabled to do.
Tailors, Clothiers, and Country . Merchants are
especially invited to examine our stock of French
Clothi, Cassimeres and Peelings, as we are prepared
ton!' Goods - to those who buy to sell again, as low
as they can be bought in the regular,way in the East-i
ern Cities., and - by havine buyer resident in the
east, attendant upon the Auctions; we have rare Fa
cilities for procuring new and desirable Goods, at the,
lowest possible prices; we are regularly receiving
'new Goods every few days through : the year.
°eta 75 Market st.; N.W. cor. °idle Diajnond.
• •
A -T the junction of Ferry and Liberty, adjoining'
Ktnkaid's Plough Factory, where he cytitines
to manufacture the beat article made in'Pi sburgh ,
or - Allegheny, without fear of contradietio , which
will be sold at the lowest possible rates for cash.
Also, VENITIAN SHUTTERS, Stationary and
.B:1 1- My Venitian Blinds are always kept for sale
H. RYAN, on Fifth street. -- ac -ly
Blakely and Mitchell,
Offices on Penn and Smithfield #a. •
. •
GENTS for the Ma-Black Ball Line of Liver
=pool and New York Packets.
Remittances made as usual to England, ..
3cotland and Wales, in sums of one pound sterling
-and upwirda—payahle in any town of-importance
in Great Britain and Ireland.
Persons wishing to send for their friends can have
them, brought out by the above splendid line, on the
15th and 16th of any month. jy7
j„ the Progreis of Nations, in Productive Industry Civilizaiion Population, and Wealth ; _ illustrated by
statistics- Of Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures,
Commerce ; Revenues, Banking, Internal Improve
ments, Mortality, Emigration and Population; by'
Ezra C. Seaman.
A few copies of the above work for sale by
corner ofislarket and 3d ste
-,,A.::''.'W‘;'.:i.;•7P':..l' . ';'.;;:'l';4:' , 4 l ' , i'-: , i. , - !.',.-;'. -. .. 1 , - ;.:'.;; !,"';. ',,, ~ r ,
' 7 i : ? .. ;`iC...!,''.!• : .1. -.. ''''• : 1 2 , ',.;.': : : . :' .: 1.1 i ', t .' ; ,';: ; '.. - - - ‘' 4!:;; -,1 . ''.': . l -3;',','f,.',':i!'.
~ ~~~~.
Virriitoo Conarrr.--Returns, as far as heard
froth, in Venango:county, gives the Democratic
ticket:a large . majority.
So:essays , Cousxv.—The majority for Stewart;
(whig,) for Congress, is said -to be about-800,
and we learn that Edey, (dem.) is elected to the
legislature, over his federal opponent
s i
CAlusari.--Cambna alone sends us ; had-nevm
l'ilageehark has lost his election....
ejected hya small majority. So says
:the Pittsburgh American, a federal paper, and the
returns'of course; must be - good for our side. •
CLittrow.Courirri appears to hare done biully.
They haie huinbiigged the people n.t
of the Tariff tip thiwetio lade. All will be right.
Cll/WFOHD cousrr, the federal papers say, has
elected FAI9SEI:LY, fed., to the legislature; and gi
lien Power 'a majority over Foster. So much fo r
the "Erie Extension Canal."
Btrm,4—Whig ticket elected, by an average
majority of about.2oo. -
INDIANA has elected the Whig ticket by 0 or
First District—Lewis C. Nevin, native, re-elect
ed to Congress.
Third District—Chas. Brown, dem., elected.
Second District---..reseph R. Ingersoll, Whig, re
Fourth District.---Charles J. Ingersoll, dem., re
electid. '
In the District -composed of Delaware and
Montgomery counties, Freedly, Whig,, is elected.
Anaxs ASD - roux COUNTIM—In the congres
sional district composed of Adams and,York coun
ties, Dr. Ness, the Independent candidate for Con
gress is elected over David Rankin, democrat, by
a majority e of about 500. \The whigs had no reg
ular nominated candidate, but took up Dr. Ness.—
His majority in Adams courity,is 685. The Whig
majority in the borough of Yiirk is 511—the re
mainder of the county not heard from.
vIES, the democratic candidate for Mayor has
been elected by 106 majority over A. R. LEN-an
ise, the whip candidate. The Democrats have al
so a majority of two in the first branch of the
city Council.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer of Wednesday even
ing says: "So far, the returns look chee'ing to "the .
Democracy. if other portions of the State have
done as will as the Reserve, Ohio is safe, and the
Whigs have got- what they deserved, a Palo Alto
In Ci•rAttoo• COUNT; so fak o as heard from,
the whiga have sustained a loss of 300 since the
Governor's election in 1 544. The whig majority
then was 890—it now cannot exceed GOO.
LAKE.—Four townships heard from show an
increased majority for the whigs of 24 votes, since
LottAix.—Demoeratic legislative and county
ticket said to be elected by a small majority.
llctioN.--T'nrce townships give Bebb, for Gov
ernor, ;bout 300 majorityabout nsual.
Muss.moax.-:-Could be any thing else but fed
oral; but the majority has been reduced to 700.--
Frirorniix, which has-always been federal, has
wheeled round, and given our old friend Medary a
majo ity for Congress. Excellent!
OLD COLMIDIA.NA is as firmly democratic
ever. Todd's majority about 650.
STADE. and WAINE, by reason of treachery, have
defeated the regular democratic nominees,' and
have elected the independent Colt s ers, Shame up
on them. ;
Bericn bas given Col. Todd a majority o
CHAMPAIGN, 200 maj. for Bebb.
CLARK, gives 1050 maj. for Babb.
DELAWARE, has given Bebb 450 maj
FAIRFIELD, Tod's majority is 850.
anzzies, majority for Bebb 1170.
HAxriTob-, the Gibralter of the Ohio Dernocra
racy has given Tod 200 majority. Great, grand and
Loo AN, 500 maj. for Bebb.
MADISON, 500 " "
blinrox, 100 maj. for Tod.
MIAXA, 671 maj. for. Bebb.
' Mos - rocorsar, 00 maj. for Bgbb. has given Bebb a majority of ISO;
had that.;-850 maj. for Bebb.
Porta-Ariz.—Majority for Babb only 7 votes—
being a democratic gain of _lOO.
Su'ratrr.—Bebb's majority reported at 704.
Tnumnurt...--Tod's majority is reported at 07,
again of 182 over '44.
Hoss.-50(.1. i 4 4.
SIIELBT.-125 maj. for Tod.
WARREN.-1022 maj. for Bebb.
azy-The above returns embrace nearly all the
strong federal counties in Ohio, and we are of the
opinion that they are altogether favorable for the
Democ'racy. We are _ inclined to the belief that
Tod will be elected governor; as the North-wee.
em counties, yet to be heard frorri, will give him
a sweeping majority.
Sewickley, Pa.
REV. I. E. NEVIN, A. M., Principal.
r( HE \VINT • t SESSION will commence on Mon
.l day, Nov. 2 1846.
Books and Statiiibary furnished, when requested,
at Pittsburgh bookstaVres.
TERMS —Board ing, ition in English branches,
Fuel; Lights, &c., per session of five months, s6s—
half pay able in advance. Instruction in French,
$lO per session; Drawing and Painting, $10; Music,
(Piano,) $l6.
$5 extra will be charged for , the Winter when fire
is required in sleeping room. ' •
For further particulars see circulars at Messrs. J.
Irwin & Son's, No. 11 Water st., or at T. IL Nevin &
C 0.% No. 126 Liberty at. • 0ct.9.112w.
James Blakely, Alderman.
O FFICE on Penn et., opposite D. Leech 8.
packet line office. Office hours from 7 o'clock
to 8 o'clock P.; M.
Classical- and Commercial Boarding School for
- . - -
; op, on the -Beaver, Road, fourteen miles from
Pittsburgh. • ,
Rev. Josaph S. Travellt, A. Ai, Principal.
THE WINTER SESSION will commence on
Monday, Notember-24, 1846.
nazis—Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Fuel, Lights,
Bte. per session of five months, 675—one-half paya
ble in advance; the balance at the close of the ses-
Books and Stationary furnished, when requested,
at the expense of the pupil. ALL CLOTHING .TO
BE DISTINCTLY MARKED. Pupils furnish their
own towels. It is very desirable that all should be
present on the first day ofthe session.
REFER TO Dr. Jos. P. Gamin, Hon. Charles Shaler,
Gen. J. K. Moorhead,
irr For further particulars enquire of the Princi
pal, at the Academy, or of Messrs. John Irwin Sr
Son, No. 11, Water street, Pittsburgh. oct9-d2w
_splendid,: new 'an light drought
passenger eteamer N S EIgATOR, Capt.
will.leave tor the above and all intermedi
ate ports, regularly. For fre.iglit\er' passage' apply
on board. • _ ' septblm
For Cincinnati.
'\ •
The• new light draught paCket steam
er.CALIFORNIA, Captain Hunter, will
cave for the above and-all intermediate ions this
day, regularly. '
For freight or passage apply, on board, or to
- W.BUTLER & BRO., Second st.
, .
The California was built expressly for the above
trade, and-will Intike her trips regularly during the
season. i - augls
THE new and light draught passenger
steamer. . W R. 1.?, Capt. BAKER,
wi eave for tho abOve and all, intermediate ports
regularly. The Western. draws but 12 inches, and
was built expressly y.o,r:un . in the trade during the
low water season. .
For freight or- passage; hiving superior aecommo
dations,•apply on board. • --kW
For Loatiavilicßegular Packet.
!The new and aplendio l.assenger stenna
er,TONNALEUKAr Capt. J. IL Moody,
t; 111 1'r min:, the trade, from Pittsburgh to Louisv
- ille
during the season of 1846. -
The Tonnaleulia was built expressly for the trade
and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
Porfreight or passage apply on board.
'' • ' vox. Cincinnati. - •
The well-known fast running- steamer
CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, will run
as a regular Packet; leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, the
same day. -Returning, she will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday, at JO, A. M. -
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
FORSYTH & Co., Agents,
No. 30; Water street.
For CincinnOtt and lyoulirille.
~, The new and splendid' passenger ateam
er C 0 LOMB! A, O'NEAL, Master, will
eave for the above and intermediate ports, regulzu,
For freight or.paisage apply on board, or to
jel ' D. WILICLNS, Agent
Por Saint Louis... Regular Packet.
its Theuew and splendid paasengersteam
er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, will run in .
. e tra e from Pittsburgh to St. Louie, during the
season or 1846.
The Brunette was built expressly for the trade
and is elegantly fotilvkin every respect.
For freight or passage apply on hoard. apl4
For Cincinnati and St. Louis —,
The passenger steamer PALESTINE,
--,` Capt. Williams, will leave for the above
an a Intermediate ports regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board. je9.
Tuesday Everting Packet.
The now.arrd splendid passenger steam
boat DECLARATION, Capt. lrorhees,
wilrun as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening
at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaration offers superior accommodations
to passengers. For -freight or passage apply on
board. jet
L IM. The regular mail ant passenger steam°,
ks"ff- MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stone, will run
as a reguiar Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 10, A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10,
A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The Monongahela was built expressly for this
trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and su
perior accommodations. mar 31
ff •re THE regular mail and pasenger steam
er UNIO.&, Captain Maclean, will run as
a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Ciucin
nati, leaving this port every Monday„at 6 o'clock,
P. if. Returning she will leave Cincinnati eery
Thitmlay at 6 P. 1‘1. 4
The Union was built expressly for this trade,
and ;fronls every accommodation.
For freight or passage apply on baud. mayt,
..... TII F. regular mail and passenger steam-
Le ,
. er HIBERNIA, Capt. John Klinefelter,
wi I run as a rep far. packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. o f the same day.—
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M. For freight or psasage apply on board.
The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade,
end offers to the passengers every comfort and su
perior accommodations. apl
THE regular mail and plasengarsteam
, NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. B. Page,
will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10
A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day.—
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday
at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The New England was built expressly fur this trade
end offers to the passengers every comfort and supe
rior accommodations. mar 26
e • THE new U.S. Mail steamer ACADIA,
M. E. Lucas, Master, will run' as a rcgu
at.passon,,er packet between Pittsburgh and the
above pert during the season of 19.16, leasing every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Acadia is new and'has superior accommoda
tions. For freight or passage apply on board, or to
P, y TILT: regula;tiieil and passenger steam
er CLIPPER Nb. 2, Captain Crooks, will
run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the sago° day. Returning
site will leave Cincinnati every Mondayat 10 o'clok,
A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for this trade
cnd offers to her passengers every comfort and Sc.
aommodation. mar 23
• p i The regularmail and passenger steamer
CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the tame day.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The Circassian was built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort andvac
eommodation. mar 23
i _ffr",,ki t , The regular mail and passenger steamer
...T.4...." .. MESSENGER, Capt. Linford, will run as
a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati,
leasing,this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and
Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning,
she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10
etclk A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
IThe Messenger was built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 113
c A o N n 'D ier W ol l 3F lT„G an
. 11. 1 ? i 0 a D rk IS e , t
; I ; streets. This isthe only es
-Ijjlll 1111 I tablishment in western Pen
sylvania where the theory and practice of Book keep
ing can be acquired in such a manner as to enable
the learner to apply it at once to business. In ad
dition to his usual course of instruction in Double
Entry Book-keeping, he has prepared for the use
of mechanics and others who are not willing to in
cur the time and expense necessary for acquiring
the science upon tn., Double Entry principle, a com
plete course of instruction upon SINGLE EICTRY Boos-
KEEPING. A comfortable private iarlor is fitted up
for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship or Book
keeping. Ladies' Class, 2t04,P. M. Gentlemen's
Class, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and 7 to 9 P. u. octl
SELLERS , LIVER PlLLS.—These celebrated
pills claim public confidence not only on account
of what the proprietor may say about them, but on
account of the good resulting titim their use. Road
the following statement from a citizen of Dinning
ham r
Britsturctr.tra, June 24th, 1846.
Ma. R. E. SELLEAS:—.I take this opportunity of
testifying in favor of your invalnable medicine. A
bout two years ago I was taken down with a.-severe
inflamatlon of the liver, and was so reduced by night
sweatband other effects of this dreadful disease, that
my life was despaired of. After other means hkd
failed, I was advised by my physician to try your
Liver Pills, and I must say that after taking one box
. ahalf,l have been restored to reasonable health,
which I enjoy at this time. I therefore take pleasure
in recommending them to others afflicted with dis
ease of the liver. Yours respectfully,
These Pills stand unegtialed by any_ edicine
known for the curo'of liver complaint, and ay be
had of the proprietor, FL E. SELLERS, 51 Wo • d
Pittabbrgh. se
For Clitollmsttl
For Cinoinntiti:
.111 R. DITI'VE4
No Cure No Pay.
S •
EALED PROPOSALS.wiII be received at the
office of the; Commissioner"-.of Indian Affair;
Washington cifyi D. C., until "10 o'clock, on Sat
urday, the I.4th dat of November next, for furnish
ing the following goods in the quantities annexed,
or thereabouts, fo r the use of the Indians; and deliv
erable at the following places, via:
At New Yorke
1290 pairs 3-point ,white Mackinac blankets, fu
. measure 60 by 72 inches, and- weigh 8
- pounds -, . .•': :. -
930 pairs 24-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66- inches, and weigh 6
pourds - -
396 pairs 2-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh 5*
- 340 pairs 14-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh 41-
310 pairs 1-point white MaCkinac blankets,' to
measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 31
pounds, -
219. pairs 3-point scatietMaekinac blankets, to
- • measure 6Q by 72 inches, and weigh 8
200 pairs 24-point scarlet Mackinac blankets to
measure 54 by 'O6 ,
inches and weigh 8
pounds ' . •
56 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to
, measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh: l B
290 pairs 3-point gentinella blue Mackinac
blankets; to measure 00 by 72 inches, and
weigh 8 pounds
240 pairs 24 -point gentinella blue. Mackinac
blankets, to mrasure 54 by fibinches, and
weigh 6 pounds.
1060 yards blue, fancy and gray list cloth
350 do scarlet do do
225 do grass green do do •
2050 do blue saved list do
790 do scarlet'`do do
100 do green do do .
50 pounds worsted yarn, three-fold
88 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs
100 T'do Madras do
76 do black silk • do
4Q Ido 8-4,eottc.,n shawls .
2 o 6-41 do
3 do 4-41 do '
18050 yards calico, domestic
1000 do dO English and French '
1200 do bleached cotton shirting
3000 do unbleached do
3500 do, :do cotton sheeting
4300 do domestic checks, stripes and plaids
100 dozen wollen socks g
7300 yards plaid linsey
1000 do flannels, assorted
1600 shirts, flannel z--
125 do calico
97 pounds linen thread
280 do cotton do
20 do sewing silk
350 pieces ribands, assorted
975 yards bedticking
500 yards satinetts, assorted
400 do Kentucky
7 gross worsted gartering
840 pounds brass kettles
785 do tin kettles
40 nests japanned kettles (8 in a nest)
78-dozen butcher knives
14000 gun-flints.
At St. Louis, Missouri
1020 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure, GO by 72 inches, and weigh
797 pairs *point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 6
417 pairs 2-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 42 by 36 in - ales, and weigh a
300 pairs 'll l ,-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh 41
430 pairs 1-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 31
pounds .
134 pairs 3 point scarlet Makinac blankets, to
measure GO 72 - inches, and xi eigh S
100 pairs 24. point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure 04 by 06 inches, and weigh -6
148 -pairs 3.point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure CO by 72 inches, and weigh 8
150 pairs 3-point gentinella blue Mackinac blan
kets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and
weigh 8 pounds
75 pairs 2i-point gentinella blue Mackinac
blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and
weigh 6 pounds
600 yards blue strouds
500 do scarlet do
1500 do blue, fancy, and gray list cloth
017 do green do do
372 do .scarlet do do
2750 do blue saved list do
350 do green do do
do scarlet do do
485 pounds worsted yarn 3 fold
68 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs
90 do Madras do
65 do black silk do
40 do 8.4 cotton shawls
20 do 6-4 do do
20 do 9.4 do do
10000 yards domestic calico
2000 do English and French do
2230 do bleached cottomshirting '
6000 do unbleached do du
4000 do do do sheeting
1500 do domestic checks, stripes, and plaids .
300 dozen woolen socks
1800 yards plaid linsey
3400 do flannels, assorted
450 flannel shirts
500 calico do
85 pounds linen thread
74 do cotton do
36 do sewing silk
20 gross worsted gartering
300 pieces ribauds, assorted
100 gross fancy and clay pipes
50 pounds vermilion. A
1300 pounds brass kettles,
50 nests japanned kettles, 8 in a nest
460 tin kettles
25 gross square awls
7000 fishhooks
25 dozen fish lines
23000 / needles, assorted
100 dozen combs, assorted
10 as scissors
14000 gun flints
10 gross gun storms
200 dozen butchers' knives
25 dozen uses, to weigh from 5 to'34- pounds
05 dozen half•axes, to Weigh 3i pounds
12 do squaw axe; to weigh 3 pounds
45 do hatchets, to weigh pounds •
To be delivered at the place where manufactur
ed, or in the city of New York or Philadelphia as
may be required, without additional expense.
There will also be required, to be delivered in
New Yorl.: at the same time, the following agricul
tural implements:
200 axes, to weigh from 46 to *pounds
200 half-axes, to weigh 36 pounds
1100 weeding hoes, different sizes
8 cross-cut saws, 4of 6,feet and 4of 7 feet in
75 drawing knives, 12 inches in length
60 augurs, in equal proportions of 1 inch, f inch,
and finch
150 lb. brass kettles, assorted sizes.
The sum of $lOOO is to be expended in the above
articles, and the quantity will be increased or di•
minished to meet that sum. ..fis no sample is to be
exhibited of them, it must be _understood that they are
to be of the best quality.
• The following agricultural implements, deliver
able at New York:
180 axes, to weigh from 4i to 5-} pounds
180 half-axes. to weigh 3i pounds
1000 weeding hoes, assorted sizes .7.,
- - 75 single-horse ploughs, with clevie and cast
, iron mould boards
450 pai - s trace=chains,;bright straight Enka, each
chain to be . 6 feet 4 incheS itt length, and,
to weigh not less than 3} pounds
55 kg-chains, .each chain to Weigh 25 peunds
850 'best No. 110. Whitimore cotton cards ,
20 crots-cutsaws, 7 Evil in length ' •
20 -do do 6 fe4t in length • -
100 ‘‘single-cur crosS;eutsaw'files,
150 hand:saws; of good quality
120 hand saw.files - !
75 dravvin."-knives 12 inches in length ~*
850 "quarteracrevil augurs, in equal propor..
lions of "2-inch,'? "1-inch,".and "If-inch."
900 Kquarters,". "socket-chisels,".in equal pro
portion.s of 1 and .2- inch_
75 planes, complete, equal proportions of "fore
and jack" •
The sum of $2OOO is to be expended in -The
above articles, and the ctantitl'he - :itiereased_
or diminished to meet that sum. As no sample
will be exhibited of theni, it must be undeptooci that
; they are lobe of the tat quality.
In additio'n to the above unit foregoing, !here
will'be required 660 north-West giins, :two-thirds of
which must measure SG inches in length of barrel,
and one-third 4 2 inches; to be delivered at the place
where rnamfactured or in the city of New York or
Philadelphia, as may be reqUired; samples of them
are deposited in the office of the CommisSienier of
Indian Affairs. .
There will also be required 100 Indian rifles,
more or less; but as the department has not asuit
able sample it is expected that each bidder will ac
company his bid with asan - iple'of the article he
proposes to furnish.
The above proposals may be divided •into five
parts, for each place of delivery, viz: -
Ist. Blankets.
2d. Dry Goods.
3d. Hardware, to include the agricultural imple
4th. Axes and hatchet's.
sth. Northwest gunsand rifles.
The 'lowest competent responsible bidder will
receive the whole or any part of the contract ac
cording to the above scale, the departmentte.serv
ing to itself the right to determine whether the bid
der is competent and responsible 'or not.
A schedule of the articles,with samples, may
be seen at the office of the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, in Washington. - exhibiting the amount - of
money to be expended for each article; but the de
partment reserves the right to increase or diminish
the quantity of any of the articles named, or sith.
stitute others in lieu' thereof.
The whole amount in [money to be applied to
the pin:chase of goods; will be about $83,000; of
which some $40,000 wilt be wanted on the sea
board, and the residue in the west. Goods of A
merican manufacture, all !other things being equal;
will be preferred, but as rill the sampleslrif blankets
and cloths on -hand are of foreign manufacture, it
will be necessary, when a domestic article is bid for,
that the sample of it shcluld 'accompany the bid,
to enable the department to decide whether it is of
equal quality with the sample's to be exhibited.
The party proposing to supply the articles will
make an invoice, of all the items embraced in the
above list; and•affix the prices; in dollars and cents.
'at which lie or they will furnish them, deliverable
in New York and St. Ladle respectively, oh or be
fore the fifteenth day of May next, assuming the
quantity of each article as specified in this adver
tisement, and extending the cost, making an aggre
gate of the whole invoice 'before sending it on.—
The goods will be inspeetedrat New York or St. I
Louie by an agent of the United Statesoyho will
be appointed by the depze-trilent for the purpose,
and to ascertain the confdrmity of the articles pur- I
chased with the samples exhibited, when the eon
tract shall be made, and with the' terms of the con
tract-itself, which shall contain a clause, that it
the articles are not furnished within the time pre
scribed, or if they are of insufficient quality, in the
opinion of the agent aforesaid, and if within .five
days after notice of such; insufficiency the party
shall not furnish others in lieu thereof, of the re
qtiired quality, the United States shall be autfiori
zed to purchase them of d iy thers '
and to charge any
increase of price they may; be compelled to pay
therefor to the contractor ; who shall pay the said;
difference to the United States. • 1
Bonds will be required, in the amount of the
bids, with two good sureties, the sufficiency of I
whom to be certified by a United States judge ori
district attorney, for the; faithful performance of;
the contracts. Payment will be made after the-I
contract is completed, and the delivery of the goods
at New York awl St. liouis respectively, to an '
agent of the department, upon a duplicate invoice
certified by him.
Communications to be !marked, "Proposals for
Indian goods."
The bids will be subrnitted with the following
heading, and none will be :received that are not
made in the form and :mins here prescribeE
" I (or we) propose to sl.irnish, for the service of
the Indian Department. the following goods, at the
prices affixed to them relectively. viz:
(Here insert th e list of goods.) -
"Deliverablein the city of Nevryork, or St.
Louis, on or beforethe (lay next;
and in case of the ;acceptance of his proposal, the
quantity being prescribed by the department, 1
(or we) will execute a en'otract according to this
agreement, and give satisfactory security to the
department, within ten days after the acceptance
of -this bid; and in case ofifailure to enter into such
contract, and give such seeurit)-, I (or. we) will pay
to the United States the difference between the sums
bidden by me, (or us,) [and the sum which the-
United "States may. be obliged to pay for the same
articles." 4 'll —
and every Lid dust also be accompanied
with a guarantee in the foßowing form, to be sign
ed by one or more revonSible persons, whose sutli.
ciency must be certified by some one who is known
to the' departinent, either personally or by his °fn
dal position: -
• "1 (or we) hereby guaranty that the
above bidder, will comply with the terms of the
advertisement for "Propcisals for Indian goods,"
tinted October 1, 1840, ifs the contract should be
awarded to him, and °met into bond for the execu
tion of the same within the time prescribed.
[s sac.)
October 1, 1846.
Commissioner of, Indian Affairs
?THE e' scriberid now receiving a large and fine
assortment of FALL AND WiNTER DAY GOODS,
recently purchased from the Manufacturers and ills
porters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets,
since the great fall in pricef, and will be sold twenty
percent cheaper than the same description of Goods
were ever before offerred in this market. All those
wanting great bargains are;tequested to call at No
65 Market street.
ALARGE and splendid assortment of rich and
magnificent SIIAWLB, just received this day
embracing all the new and desirable styles, viz: Paris
Printed Terkeri,eashinere and , Broclia, Embroidered
Black and Mode colored Silk, Fringe,Thibbet and
lEPLaine, thianelion Plaid, and Stripe Silk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
a great variety of Woollen Shawls, and will be dis
posed of at a small advance on the original cost,
;-No. 65 Market at.
c. New Dress Gingham..
WE have now on hand and' assortment of beau
tiful French and Scotch dregs Gihghams, twit.
led and plain, at remarkable low prices. Also, an
article of embroidered Gingham—very beautiful for
Messes, for sale by . ABSALOM MOMS,
sepls No. 65 Market street.
Lady's Dress
ECEIVED this day,. several packages 'of very
JR / rich new style Perstan- . —embossed Ombri, Bro-:
cado, Chamelion, Striped, Plaid and Poult de Sole,
and Black Satin, Striped Armour Dress Silks, and
will be sold cheap for Cash, by
sepl3 'ABSALOM MORRIS, N 0.65 Market et.
Six Cases New Fall Prints.
JUST RECEIVED this day, embracing all the
new and desirable styles in the market; and will
he sold at greatly reduced prices, by
sepls ABSALOM MORRIS, No. 65 Market at.
Cashmeres and De Lainds.
JUST RE,CEIVD; a beautiful assortment of new
style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corded
and plain Casbmeres and D'Lains, and for aale,by
sepls ABSALOM MORRIS, 65 Merketstreet.
RIBBONS ! „RIBBONS l—!-Reeeived at Barrows &
Turner's, 75 Sc. very handsome (new style)
'bonnet ribbons at 121 cents per yard. Mszket street,
No. 46. .
PERM 0.11.-10 bldg. winter strained Sperm Oil,
bleached, in store and for-sale by
oct 8 • MARTIN 8.. SMITH, 66 Wood at., '
TANNER'S OIL.-20 bkle. , Tanners' Oil, a very
Superior article, in ;tore and Car vale 4.!
oct 8 MARTIN 8.- SMITti, - 56 Wood a.
FISH.-30 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel (very fine)
1 , 10. •• No .3 • do.
• 15 half bbls. No. 2•
10 qr. " _llp.'2. • •
Received and for sale-by
°et. 3 MARTIN & SMITH, 06 Wood at
COFFEE.-300 bags - best Rio coffee,
10 " Old Java d 0...
Just received and for sale by ,
odd , MARTIN & 66 W.
bbls, Family Flouriust recod and fa
actlO - 170 Liberty Rt.
ItY.EIV - ANTED-200,0 bushels of Rye wanted, for
which cash will be paid by -
ANTERU WINE-10 casks Santerue Wine
0 just received on consignment and for 'sale by
.RICEIO Tierces Rice just reed and for sale by
eI.,A.RE,T-2 cads s Claret just received and for sale
I,_/ by [octsl MILLER & RICKETSON.
doz. painted bucketsjust reed and
1)111, for sale by - MILLER & RICKETSON,
octs ' No. 170, Liberty street.
' Sundries.
5 Tierces fresh Rice;
'l4 bbls ' Conklins improved Lard Oil;
10,00(116s. Bacon Shoulders. On hand and
for sale by . , F. SELLERS.
Sep24. No. 17, Liberty street.
T ARD, 100 kegs, No'. 1, Lard on consignme, •
And for sale:by F. SELLERS:.
sep24i No. 17, Liberty , street.
lIOUSEMOLLASSES.--6 bbls. Goodal a,
0 S. If. Molasses; in store and for sale by
sep23. • P. SELLERS.
T_TIDES-411 Missouri Vides, Tor sale low to close
_ILL consignment. - (Je26) JAMES MAY.
PG METAL.,-1" ton Scioto Furnacepig iron for
sale by ae267- JAMES MAY.
QUININE 100 ounces just received and for sale
by 13. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
sepll. corner of 6th and Wood ets,
rtAI4ILE SOAP-10 cases just received and for
sale by • B. A.,FALINESTOCK & CO., •
sep9 cort6th and Wood st.
REFINED LIQUORICE--100 lbe just received
and for sale by • , • -
sep9 cor.'6th and Wood eta
AND CRUCIBLES-100 nests just received and
for sale by 8., A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
sep9 ' comer 6th and Wood sts.
VENEERS. AND - VARNISIIES, °file very' best
quality, ,for sale . IL If: RYAN'S Cabinet
Ware Rooms, N 0.31 Filth street. . jyl6
Canton Rifle Barrels. „
_FURTHER supply of
_the above just receiVed
and for sale at manufacturers prices,by
sep26` GEORGE COCHRAN, 26 Wood street.
Illusqueto Netts. '
QEO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of very su
perior!white and colored Musqueto Netts
which will be sold cheat) at No. 106 Market street.
!jel3 ' •
"Y BA n p P °Aß L S—jus Mreeveda assortment of ae,and
for sale at •••
sepS No. 112 Wood street, 2nd door above 6th
Brazier's Dynasts; -
T UST received an assortment,largesitds,Braziel , s
Hand Bellows; also, Parlour and Kitchen, do.
Wholesale and Retail, JOIIN'W.' BLAIR,
5e02.0 1. 120 Wood et.
New Fantaloned Hats,
O , . .
F a very superior quality, for .sale by
seu3 corner of Wood and Fifth sui
- J. Crawford, P.1.13: -----
1110 ESPTCTFULLY tenders his services to the citi
zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, Office, St.
Clair street, opposite the Exchange Hotel,
septl.9-43m °
L titeq,'lmprorement.
EDSTEADS of different kinds with Carrara's
13 iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, for ssielow at the furniture warehouse of .
angl. ' T. li. YOUNG & Co. Hand street.
TIABLESL-Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ
ent patterns, If'veu want agood article cheap
call at the Furniture Warehouse of
T. 13. YOUNG & Co, •
31 hand st.
Woad Street Prilperty - tor Sale,
rpHAT desirablelot of ground at the foot of Wood
street, ocentrfed at the time 'or the great fire by
Messrs. 'icing & Holmes, is offered for sale.
1 Enquire of raugb] .1. K. .MOORHEID.
jf liHDS. N. 0. Sugar; strictly prime
4 u .25 bbls. Nos. -1 and 6 Loaf;
10 cases "Lovering's" D. R. Loaf Sugar
l 1S bbls N. O. Molasses .".
In store and fir sale by'
LAiwtrs.T & SHIPTON,
133 and 135 Wood street
rwy BAGS Green Rio, part prime;
5 Old Government Java; •
_Arriving this day and for sale by
bbls No. 3 Lary's.Mackerel;
JL 20 4 " - " 3 North .4
1p 44 41
20 4 ' Herring (Allwives)
5 No. •l Salmon; in' 'store and for
sale by [aug,2s] LAMBERT & SHIPTON..
I SEAS--12u packages Y: IL, Impl., G. P. and
Poweliong, of bate importations, arriving and
for sale by [atig:2s] LAMBERT & SHIPTON.
HAVING a very large and commodious ~wareh
ouse, we aro prepared to .receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) a large amount of Pro
duce, k.c,; on storage at low rates.,
ty9.3 -C. A. IticANULTY & CO, Canal Basin.
IWLS. Pitch;
ell/ 50 1 4
150 Dolce Tebactio, various sizes;
10,000 Seed lcaf Cigars;
;On consignment and will be sold low for Cash, or
exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures . , by
seps T.A.A.F'FE & O,CONNOR.
OBACCO.-75- large and 90 small boxes Missou.
tobacCo, of prime quality; just received. ou
consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash, of
Pittsburgh manufactures. -
august 18 TAAFFE, & O'CONNER.
PSALMS & HYMNS, for the usa of the German
Reformed Church in the U. S. of America, En
glish and Germap. For gale by
jell SCRIDA..& SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood et.
. Book, exhibiting the public and - private lire ti
the most celebrated,Medical Men of former days,
with Memoirs of eminent living London Phyaicians.
For hale by - H. S. BOSWORTH et CO.;
sepal - No. 43 Market street..
UST received from New York, a large quantity
tJ of Havanna and Principe Segars of the most
popular and surlior brands now in•use. Also, an
excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for sale.
No. 50, Third street, two doors from the Post
Office. . • may 9.
THE MEANS OF PEACE.—A Sermon delivered
in the "Third Presbyterian Church" July 12,
by ,the Rev. D- K. Riddle, and published by the re.
guest of the Congregation. For sale by
Fine Gold and Silver Watches:
EITHOSE. who wish to purchase Gold or L
ver Watches, or Jewelry, will find it to their
advantage to call on the subscriber, who is
selling all descriptions of fuse gold and silver watches
and jewelry, on as good terms as may be had in the
eastern cities. ' • -
Pine Gold and Silver English Patent Lever Wavle
" " " L'Epine Watches.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Gold Guard Chains.'
lc - 44 44 C 4 Breast Pins,
". Bracelets, Gold Pencils, and Finger Rings.
Silverware, Military Goods,Lamps, and a large va
riety of Fancy Goods. •
ll4r Watches, Clocks and - Jewelry repaired in the
best manner, and-warranted at the lowest prices.
corner Fourth and Market sta.
Sugar and Molasses.
Segaret Segars
Geneva and French
111 TO W -TO: GET'. RM-_
OF A - GO/T.RE.--Natiy
VII persons' labor under the litiOttaken .idea•thlt
Goitre (an enlargenietiVen the throat,_ producing
great deformity, and, often death fronipr . essare
the windpipe and large blood i
vensele,) is incurable.
This is a very great mistalte. This dieessu, as well,
as Scitortna, are eradicated froth the syntem by pat
pleashnt; yet powerful medicine, ,levrt..'s Atcrmut
rive. It IS as certain to azure when properly used l ,
as that the sun gives light and limit. All is vaulted
is a fair trial of its virthes, and the tumor will 'begin
to diminish:in size, and gradsrally become emallefand
smeller until it entirely disappears. Prepared at .1,10,,
8 South TIMID street, Philadelphia.
For pale in Pittsburghat the PEAR N TEA STORE . 4,
72 Fourth street,' near Wood; and idtio at the Drfig-,
Store ofd;. P. Schwartz, Federal' street, Allegheny
City. ' - sep• 23.
TiroatilNG DOUGH AND CROUP....--TO 2.4
without exception, the moat valuable 'prepartion to
use for the above diseases. It converts BOOPIN4 - .
COUGH into a mild and tractable disease, arid dor;
tens its duration more than one-half, and produeett
a -certain and speedy, recovery. From half to one
tea spoon full will certainly cure t.her'CROUP in in,-
fauts-and young children in half_ an hones time.—.
The lives of hundreds ofchildren will be saved 'au, -
busily, by keeping it always: 011 hand ready for, eve;
ry. emergency. Prepared at .110 - : - 8 3 , South Thir4,_
Street, Philadelphia. . -
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PERIN TEA.STORE,
72 FoUrth street, near_Wood,. and also at the. Drug..,
Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City, ' cep 23. 1
SOFT, FINE AND CLEAN; to make the , sap
healthy, smooth b white and fruitful, - sto that a , good
crop may springtherefrom, persons have but to ex. ,
pond thirty seven and a half cents. And, to der,
our only abject for selling the article at that price as
knowing ibto be'all we state; that when' you Ormolu
this you neyer will use.' aught else 'whether it: brt ,
erely to embelish, to dress,-beadtify, and preserve, -
to o growth, stop falling off, .and cure scrufsor
dandruffs, the JONES' CORAL HAIR - .RESTORA.
TIDE will never fail to do all this, as hundreds will
tell you with gratitude. .It dresses the hairbeautiful. -
ly, and makes red or grey /lair grow dorkifromtho
Sold at JAC'ESODPS Patent Medicine Warehouse;
89 Liberty street, head of Wood--price thirtyievez
arida half cents, fifty cents and one dollar per heaths.
At the same place issold the' Italian ChemicalSaap,
Spanish Lilly White and unrivalled allaying soap.
MHE poisonous: abet on the skino common
pared chalk is not generally known by "1s les;
how yellow rough,and unhealthy it makes the skin in
time; besides. what a corpselike, palicl look it Igis s ee
when applied. They should use a beautiful prepar
ation,parely vegetable, - which givesthe facearms or
neck, a natural life-like whitene&s, - and makes
smooth. 'lt is called Jones , Spanish Lilly White,
and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware;
house, 89 - Liberty street, headof Wood; at the Same.
place is sold Jones , Coral Hair Restorative, loshaft
Chemical Soap and unrivalled shaving soap.
jy24-0 . ,
.. . Dleilical, and . Surgical ffi,_
Oce ,
Health is the charm of life, withemlit gold,, '
Love, letters, friends, all, all, are anccjoyed.
_,IC - -..: regularly educated physi
- 7. :,,,,,.,..,,..:':','„._. - i cian from the eastern sit' 4, ,k.' - op-..., tieit., would respectfully an:
,'- ,,,- ,.t,' - '4--; 1 nuance to thmit;7Prei of
4. 7 4 ' r ee ,, ,, ,*--77 ) 4 , 7 1 Pittsburgh, ' Allegheny and -.
P , t-.5.-ff...^. vicinity, that . he can .bfi
td'.it - ;:47. 4 VPI , -,,,_ I consulted privately and
ft '‘-0 - 0;:* - 4.?„:11,, confidentially, every ,day
. V.:' evening at his office on:
:-----.440 Diamond Alley,
a street i° ,
_ _ _
towards the market.
Dr. Brown gives his particular attentioia,tothe
reatmeiit and investigation of the follovving disaa
All diseesestirislng from Impnrittegof the Blood'
scrofula, eyplalis, seminal AveekneAs, impotency,
rheum, diseases of the eye and ea!r`, 7 rheumatism,
piles, palsey„ - -
Dr. Bit:twit has Much pleasure in announcing to
the public, that he is in posse lion of the latestin-
formation and improvement in the treatmentof
secondary t , yphils, practised at the Paris Lock Hos
pital. The modem researches -on syphilis, iti;
complicationt, and consequences, and the improved
modes of practice which have been - Made known
to the public but recentley, and to those chiefly
V%-ho make thii branch of :Medicine, their Fatten-.
lar :Andy and practise.
Many new and.valuable remedies havbbeen
ly introduced, whichsecures the patieithei.tag mer
curialized out of - existence Strangers are apprised
that Doctor Brown has been educatedirt- everi
branch of medicine, and regularly - admitted -to:
practise, and that he now conmes himself to the
study and practice of this particular branch,toittli.„ -
er with all diseases of a private or delicate nature,
incident to the' human frame. No cure, no pay,
Decent cases= relieved- in a short time,: :with-."
outinterruption from business. - • -
o_7otTiee on - Jiamond Alley, a 'few doors from
Wood street, towards, the market. CVnsultatiomi
strictly cotindential. myt.2qlB.-wy,
Seourity. to Purettaseis:
•Eath box af GENI.II
0 111162 ft 4 VidiliO 1 --L
Original 1, uy
--. .arisCrAlk7ll
PILLS are the first and only. Medicine ever
knowd that will positively cure
Ileadaehe, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum, -
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,.
Drepepsia, Scurry, Chplera Morbus,
- Small Pot, Jaundice, Conghs, Quinsy,
Pains in the Back,' Whooping Cough, - 'l
Inwidd Weakness,• - Consumptinn, Fits,
-Palpitat on. or the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma, Itchings of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, 'Colds, Gout, Gravel, -
Female Complaints,- Nervous . Complaints,
A nd all other diseases originating from impurities rt
the blood.
3K) - They have cured, since their introductium,
over 2,000 persons, who haVe been given up - as hope.:
less eases, by the most eminent Physicians.
ter They are patronized and recominended by'
men of the highest distinction, among iviipm are
Hon. David R. Porter, Hon. Henry Clayi .
got John Q. Adams, . lion. Daniel - Webster,:,
Hon. Martin Van Buren, Hon. J. C. Calhong, ,
Gen. Winfield Scott,
..Col. R. M. Johnson,
Iron. James K. Polk, Ven..Lev;is Cais.
04r Their virtues are so infallible that the money
will be returned in alt cases they do not give univer
sal-satisfaction. . Although but two and a half Years
have elapsed since these celebrated . Pills were first .
introduced to the public, the sale of them. in the
Eastern anW.middle States has far exceeded Dr.
Clickener's most sanguine expectations. During this
past year, alone, no less than 10,000 grois of boxes
hate been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 in
Pennsylvania, 4,000 in Maryland, 3,000 in Nevv:
sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and9,ooo in the New England
States, requiring the constant employment of 27
hands, exclu - sive at printers and engravers. In the
same period, upwards of 200,000 copies- - of . the
"Family Doctor" havn been ordered by agents in
every section of the ccuntry.. These facts must _
show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickener'a Sugar Coat 7
ed Pills, besides being the very best medicine in the
world;are held in the highest estimation by the public.
-We might extendtlus publication to an indefin-
ite length,if we ile.emeirit expedient to publish all,
tersimonials we have received, not only from agents
but individuals and families, who have , experienced
the benficial effects of Clickener's Sugar Coated -
Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. The most .
centestible,evidence of their unprecedented success,
arc tlie - nuiriberless Imitations and Coianterfeitswhich-.
have already appeared, notwithstanding the briefpe.
riod -they have been before the public. Even some
of our staunchest pill makers have had the audacity -
to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise
the ingredients of their vile compounds, and palm
them off for the "real Simon pure." Such
. paltry,
shills cannot last long without exposing - their hideous
deformity.' Truth and honesty must inelitablypre;-
vall over rascality and deception. .
For sale iiPittsburgh .by W.M.
_JACKSON, at his
Patent Mediane.Warehouse, No, 89, Liberty
head of Wood et., Pittsburgh. Price, Mc. per box,
Dr. Clickenees principal office is 81 Barclay street,
New York.
inr Beware of an imitation. article -called= Izu
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to be patented;
as both the: pills and the pretended patent are for.,
geries, got up by a miserable quack in New
who, for the last four or five years, has glade .Ida:
living by counterfeiting popular medicines, . - -
il=r Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the origthal
inventor of Sugar Coated. Pills, and that nnthing of
the sort was ever heard tif until he introduced them
in Junefle.43. Purchasers, should,. therefore,nlways
ult for.Clickener , a Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and::.
take no other, or they will he made the victims, or
hand. Mat .CIOItN-117 scks Corn, fer sale by